#at least theres a lot of laugh reacts
cyborg-corvidae · 2 months
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bnha various x reader
general fluff headcanons, some tagalog! i am filo myself so i tried to make this as accurate and appreciative as possible, a few mentions of filipino toxicity and generational trauma
a/n: i’m SOOOOO EXCITED for this one 😭😭 currently packing for bulacan right now to visit my mom <33
a/n: yes i am distracting myself with the new chapter by writing about some light headcanons
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- TEACH HIM HOW TO MANO!! he definitely saw ur younger cousins do it at a party and then he tried doing it and accidentally kissed ur grandmas hand but he’s more than happy to learn for you <3
- is such a nerd when it comes to learning about your culture and language,, as a young hero he knows how important it is to learn basics from other languages so he can help everyone! but it becomes especially important when its with you
- his accent is terrible at first 😭 BUT HE LEARNSS
- will call you mahal <3
- one time he randomly facetimes you and just stutters may gusto ako sa iyo
- loves the food your titas and lola make SO much, i can see him really liking pork adobo or lumpia
- your titas always pack him SO MUCH extra food whenever he’s leaving your house and baby boy is so grateful he doesn’t even know how to react 😭
- is absolutely shocked with all the gatherings you have. like theres at least 3 groups of relatives in the house, a colossal amount of delicious food and a whole classroom of kids running around and screaming
- let him play with the kids at the party! he’s great with little cousins and it warms your heart when they call him kuya izu
- overall, loves you for who even more for your roots. just wait till the you guys have the huge filipino wedding
- i’m gonna be honest… he’s kind of an ass at first 😭
- like, he doesn’t really understand a lot of the things that are normal to you. but its important to you, and thats enough for him to wanna learn
- ask him to pronounce pasko, paksiw or nakakapagpabagabag but he WILL rage when you laugh at his accent ITS SO FUNNY THO
- high key judges you for running on filipino time.. 5 minutes late to everything but BRIGHT AND EARLY for anything airport related
- you have so many relatives he has to learn the names for, sometimes you can’t even remember them all- but he does and treats them with the utmost respect <3
- bakugou’s a good cook but he only gets better after you teach him the sacred secrets… and when i say the finger technique GET YOUR DIRTY MINDS OUTTA HERE
- basically its a way to measure rice perfectly. he sees you doing it and thinks ur absolutely insane for just sticking ur finger inside the rice pot, absolutely LASER focused, but after you explain he does it too
- the rice comes out perfect <3
- also loves the food your titas and lolas make, but he likes yours the most. i can see him really liking sisig because of the spice
- much like midoriya, he definitely tries to learn some of your language, but unlike the other he doesn’t tell you that
- one day he’ll just remind you that he loves you, mahal na mahal kita <3 and ur just there FLABBERGASTED.
- i strongly hc shouto knows a few languages already, so he’s MORE than willing to learn yours
- already knows mano, and what to call your relatives
- his biggest goal is to be able to call your dad tito and be close with him, and it makes you *so* happy
- but he also really understands filipino toxicity, how you can be ridiculed for the smallest things, constant shamed for just existing.. he’s been there </3
- he sees the way your relatives, mostly the men, will push down their feelings and think that they’re so strong! when really they’re just continuing the same cycles of generational trauma and abuse
- so he’s so quick to validate your feelings, especially when it comes to family issues, like i said he’s been there too ♥️
- he definitely wasn’t used to not eating with chopsticks, but after seeing its a norm for your family and culture he’s very appreciative of it <3
- listen… i know you have at least one manny pacquiao shirt… he has no idea who tf that is at first but he does a lot of googling for you 😭
- HELPS IN THE KITCHEN! winning the approval or your titos and titas, lolo’s and lolas is SO important to him
- i can see him being really into pancit bihon, especially after knowing the significance it has on birthdays and other holidays after learning it grants you longer life he makes the noodles as LONGG as possible so u can stay with him <3
- GET HIM TO DO KARAOKE AT PARTIES oh god forgive his pronunciation 😭 kunin lang ang mga baterya sa kanyang mic
- overall, loves you so so much and loves every part about you <3
- for ppl who responded to my post a while back! sorry if you wanted bsd i’ll write that version too lol 😭 MAHAL KO KAYO <3
@raccoonkaz @ladylapize @strayruway @yumiruhisu @hungergameswho
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pumpkinsy0 · 21 days
Okay I can’t explain why but The Curtis Brother’s I do read as white. (But like with every outsiders character I literally love ANY Ethnicity Hc you throw at them.) That being said I think that The Curtis brother’s have been luckier in certain areas as compared to some of the other greasers,especially given the time.But I don’t think they necessarily realize that growing up, but specifically Darrel.
Ponyboy hangs out with Curly a lot so he isn’t aloof to how Curly is treated by others. He picks up on the small micro aggressions and how he often gets off easier than Curly does, especially at school. Same goes when he’s with Johnny and Dally. It’s something he knows is there but doesn’t quite have the words to explain it. Sodapop I think understands that he has it easier because he gets that he fulfills the all American boy look. He notices this when first starting to work at the DX and how the customers react to him versus how they react to Steve. He knows exactly why they do that too. And Sodapop hates that this is the case but gets he can’t exactly change it. So he makes up for it by trying to distract Steve or making him feel better.
For Darrel..he’s not WILLFULLY ignorant it’s just that he’s had a busy life. Even before he took on his role as guardian, he was always busy with football,school, even Soc Parties. Then after his parents died, he got even more busy.I don’t think he’s quite processed what some of the other greasers go through.
I don’t think it fully clicks when he’s with Two-Bit one day. The two decided to go out shopping at the fancy grocery store, since Darry wanted to go big for Pony’s graduation party. Two-Bit is acting like usual and goofing off, in the process of trying to make Darry laugh.At one point though a nearby lady spies Two and automatically mistakes him for the help. Two-Bit being use to this simply smiles and politely tells her that he’s a customer there. Darry finds that weird at first but then things take a turn when one of the employee starts to follow Two-Bit around the store. Darrel is puzzled by all this and asks Two-Bit about it.Two-Bit shrugs and tells him it’s not a big deal because this thing always happens. It’s not until he says that does it click for Darry. When it does he also starts to get why Two-Bit acts the way he does. Why he often smiles and laughs during a tense situation, or why he doesn’t try to fight back during an argument. Because that’s his way of surviving.For Two-Bit this is just an everyday occurrence in his life, and something that he’s learned to accept long ago. It doesn’t change the fact that Darry is mad on his behalf and most definitely goes back to the same store later to chew out said employee.
((In part based off of me and my own siblings personal experience grocery shopping at one of the more ritzier places. And also because Mexican Irish Two-Bit lives in my head rent free…take with this what you will. Also sorry if it’s long…))
nono i get what u mean!!! and dont apologize for sending long ask i am very nosey and must know what ppl think all the time, i love long asks!!!!
and ur so right, i see the curtis’ as white americans, but boy oh boy am i a sucker for my black curtis bros and anons arab curtis or any curtis bros, like i said, multiverse goin on in my head here!!!
but ik what u mean!!! its not like theyre WILLFULLY ignorant, hell i dont even think theyre fully ignorant period, its just, they dont live it and nobody around them rlly talks about it much (to them at least, mostly bc they feel like they wouldnt get it, which tbh, they wouldnt) and of course its the 60s theyve heard of the racial tensions but theres only so much they can do about it in their own lives???? i hope i explained that well and yknow what i mean😭
bc i hc my shepards to be immigrants from a pretty much fully black place, they never rlly had to deal w the racism that was going on in america, so when they moved here and they started getting attached w all these labels, plus that language barrier, it was hard for them to really understand a lot of the things, so for a couple years, the shepard family wasnt really known and were just barely scrapping by
as individual ppl, i dont think ALL the shepards r actually respected, only tim is!!but even then before that he wasnt, he couldnt rlly speak english so he was also just tossed to the side at sone point, maybe even laughed at
angela is fetishized and while she can use that to her advantage, at the end of the day, she as a regular human being isnt taken seriously and respected unless she basically demands it
and w curly, part of the reason WHY hes not taken seriously is bc hes not given the light of day bc hes seen as “not smart”, part of the reason why hes seen as not smart and not given the opportunity to prove himself is bc he is black
NOW when it comes to papercut and this issue, like u said, i do think the curtis, just dont exactly grasp it, but the shepards do, mainly angela and tim, they understand that how they look impacts what they can and cant do, and curly understands it too, but to a lesser degree, he just wants to be and doesnt want to care, but he doesnt realize that he cant rlly AFFORD to do that, bc it could mean life or death for him, couple that w pony not getting it as well, and thats where i think part of the weariness about this couple comes from!!! this is also partially y i demand more tim and angela being protective of curly☝🏽🤓
but at some point, i do believe that pony would try to use the privilege he has to try and help curly from getting into some shit
i could probably explain all this WAY better and more in depth and have more ideas but then id b writing an essay so, i wont bc im LAZY, BUT ANON??? this is SO real
i hope i explained everything well lmao im not rereading this
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haemosexuality · 1 year
im rewatching she-ra and naturally im gonna want to write about it a lot. starting by breaking down the catradora conflict origin story scene from s01e02 the sword part 2
people have said this before but the most important thing to keep in mind here is how different their understanding of whats going on is. theyre both approaching this with completely different views and so they misunderstand what the other means.
Adora: There's no time. We have to put a stop this.
Catra: What? Why?
Adora: Because this is a civilian town. Look around! These aren't insurgents. They're innocent people.
Catra: Yeah, sure. Innocent people who kidnapped a Horde officer. Now come on, let's get you back to the Fright Zone. Shadow Weaver is freaking out. [laughing] It'd be funny if she weren't such a terrible person.
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so immediately theres two things i wanna say about this part, about how catra reacts to stuff. first off, something we learn about catra throughout the whole show and especially in the portal-alternative-reality, is that shes big on Pretending Nothing Is Wrong. whenever shes feeling upset or angry about something, she will start joking around and acting like shes just totally super chill guys, dw ("Ugh, whatever. It's not like I even care. I just wanna get out of this dump at some point before I dieee of boredom). Shes acting like that in this scene. Adora was missing for hours, shadow weaver was breathing down her neck and threatening her, she was already worried adora might have left at this point. she cant let adora know how worried she was tho, so shes all jokes and fast paced conversation. To Adora, tho, it just looks like catra doesnt care, like she doesnt understand the gravity of the situation.
and the other thing is that honestly? I dont think catra does care. about the town, i mean. i think catra was ready for war in a way adora never was. theyre both seeing combat for the first time here, and adora hates it. training for war is completely different than being in the battlefield, and adora couldnt handle it. face to face with it she couldnt tolerate seeing people suffering and dying, houses being burned down, a whole village destroyed. when the horde brainwashed adora into thinking they were only doing the necessary to save etheria, she completely and fully believed it, and when faced with the reality of the horde she immediately realized how wrong that was. Catra, tho, could not care less. she never believed in what the horde said, she knew full well what the horde did, so this isnt a surprise for her. and i do think shes naturally a bit sadistic, or at least growing up among the violence of the horde made her so. either way, shes seeing battle here for the first time and shes completely fine with it. doesnt even spare it all a second glance. why would she care about these people she never met if the most important thing in the world is right here in front of her? (i think even if adora hadnt left that night and went into the battlefield as a force captain, she wouldve ended up deserting. she cant stand seeing people suffer and she cant stand not saving them. shes too good, too selfless for that. catra isnt.) (also she is so ready to kill at all times. she loves violence. i once saw someone say how shadow weaver thought adora was the "cutthroat, ruthless warrior" when that was actually catra and they were totally right)
adora is also trying something futile here, she doesnt need to explain to catra that the horde is bad and hurts innocent ppl because catra has known that all her life
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Adora: Catra, no. I can't go back. Not until the Horde leaves this town alone. You have to help me.
Catra: What are you saying?
Adora: I’m saying, this is wrong. They've been lying to us, manipulating us. Hordak, Shadow Weaver, all of them.
Catra: Duh! Did ya just figure that out? Manipulation is Shadow Weaver's whole thing. She's been messing with our heads since we were kids.
(the captions in the pics are slightly wrong, nvm that.) everything i said before. adora just realized all of this, while catra has always known, probably because the abuse adora suffered was more manipulation-and-brainwashing, while shadow weaver always made clear to catra that she didnt give a shit about her, so she suffered physical abuse with little attempt to convince her this was fine.
the "what are you saying?" is one of the things that show how different their perspective is. adora is talking about going against the horde and helping the town, while catra immediately gets more personal. what do you mean? are you saying that you might leave the horde? leave me?
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Adora: How could you possibly be okay with that?
adora means, how could you be ok with the horde lying about its actions, and killing innocent people? how could you be ok with the horde raising us to do the same? and catra hears, how could you be ok with shadow weaver and hordak abusing us?
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Catra: Because, it doesn't matter what they do. The two of us look out for each other. And soon we'll be calling the shots. Now come on, can we go home already?
catra replies: because, i love you. because you have my back and i have yours. because nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other, remember? and soon enough, we'll be powerful enough that they cant hurt us anymore. Adora hears, because i dont care about these people dying, the only thing thats important is you and i. and anyways, soon its gonna be Us killing them, isnt that good? lets go back home to the evil murder place.
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Adora: I'm not going home, Catra. I can't. Not after everything I've seen. Come with me. You don't have to go back there. We can fix this.
adora says: im starting to realize now how wrong i was about everything. we're not the good guys, and i cant stand for that. i cant stand around and watch people get hurt. i cant stand around and watch you get hurt. lets leave, together, and have a better life, please. lets do the right thing.
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Catra: Are you kidding? You've known these people for, what, a couple of hours? And now you're just gonna throw everything away for them?
catra hears, shes willing to leave me. after everything i did for her, all that i took, all of these years of us being together, she would still leave me. she would break our promise. she would leave me behind.
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and then she straight up electrocutes adora. ok
she says it was a reflex, but i dont know if i believe her. i dont think she likes hurting adora (not physically. not by this point, anyways), but i do think that shes the type to lash out when upset and immediately regret it, then feel guily about it. which just makes her more upset. :(
Catra: Oh, man. That was a lot stronger than I thought. Are you okay?
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Adora: Why are you doing this?
Catra: Because you left me! And if I don't bring you back, Shadow Weaver’s gonna have my head. So, enough with your weird little identity crisis and let's go home already. Or do I need to zap you again?
thats the last time they talk. adora gets teleported away by glimmer, and when they see each other again, its clear that they both made their choice.
the moment adora showed catra she was willing to leave her, there was no coming back for them. because catra would never get over that. she'd spend all her life in that hellscape, putting up with abuse and bullying and probably so much more we dont get to see, because of the promise adora made her. and, in her eyes, adora was ready to leave her on the first opportunity that came up. that hurt. that broke her. and that released something really ugly inside of her.
cue in 2,5 years of homoerotic rivalry and trauma. ok post over if you read this i hope you liked it <3 bye
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sugar-omi · 1 year
i love your baxter posts sm i think you capture his character So well its wonderful fhdkfh theres a lot of talk about baxter and an mc that date and break up in step 3, but what if when baxter asks mc out, they want to say yes but state that they dont think itd be a good idea since he's only staying for the summer? They're very aware that he will be gone once summer ends and they don't want to get even closer with him just to have it end. Im curious what baxter would think, having an mc that fully accepts the fact that he's going to leave their life for good when he leaves Sunset Bird. Just a thought i've had for a little while!
ok im ngl its probably very ooc but i can also see it still being very true to his character bc i think that (especially if you date baxter in step 3 (n marry cove)) baxter regrets letting you go and no matter if you date or not, and he imagines what life could've been like if he didn't cut you off at the end of summer. ANYWAY I HOPE YOU LIKE IT <333 this hurt to write but fuck it made my brain tingle n i always end up writing the most delicious angst
tags : Angst (with/without happy ending), step 3 & 4 scenarios, baxter yearns for reader, option for baxter to have a big crush on you, multiple choice dialogue, requited love, unrequited love
(there's 2 options, one where you and baxter date, and another where you marry cove but baxter having feelings for you is up to you but is most preferred/implied)
synopsis : you reject baxter. how does he react?
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he's grateful you're so aware, it makes it easier for when he does leave.
but as he gets to know you better over the summer, baxter starts to crush on you hard, and now he's very conflicted...
on one hand, he's glad you didn't date. he couldn't bear the idea of having to reject you, especially if you asked him to come back or keep seeing you.
but on the other, he sees the way you slide up to cove and tease him, the way you slot your hands together with Miranda and pull her into a dance under the sprinklers...
no matter how he feels, he accepts it easily, and he laughs off your rejection and even thanks you for your understanding, and it's like nothing ever happened.
but sometimes he thinks about what if. like when you fingers touch, or you're laughing, and that mischievous sparkle comes to your eyes and he wonders about what it'd be like if he could kiss that expression off your have and trade it for a flustered one.. but you both know it's nothing he can allow to continue outside of this one and only summer in sunset bird.
and even though he's glad you are so willing to let him go when the summer ends, baxter regrets not being able to let him be someone important, or at least be a common staple in someones life besides being the weird-monochrome-neighbor renting a condo for the summer.
he ends up hurting himself this way, and when he's staring the the ceiling of his temporary home he has regrets.
but in the morning he lets himself fall to the sidelines and tries to make himself a blurry figure in the memories of that summer...
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when you meet again and start dating, he's glad you rejected him then. he doesn't think his 19 year old self could have handled pulling away from you. your affection is so tender, you're very gentle with him but firm in how much you love him. and one night he thanks you for rejecting him, and he feels high with the way your laugh shakes his head laying on your chest. "it would've filled me with double the regret to break up with you if we did..."
when you meet again, and he sees how you are with cove while planning your wedding, baxter sees why cove is so clingy with you. you look at him with tender eyes, and you grip his hand in excitement when you have your final session. even he's teary-eyed while you exchange vows, it moves him. but when the final chair is packed up and when baxter walks into his dark apartment. no one is waiting on the couch. no one is creeping down the hall with a sleepy call of his name... he wants what you have with cove. + maybe he even wants that with you.
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
How would the other 1B students react if Itsuka Kendo's Quirk started to cause problems with her heart? (Loosely inspired by some headcanons I came up with.)
Not proofread we die like men
If kendous quirk were to mess with her heart I would think it would be due to how much blood it would have to pump to her hands to keep them working when she makes them big which would obviously take a toll on her heart (especially after extensive usage)
Awase - he tries to stay nonchalant about the whole thing but its painfully obvious that hes worried about kendo.
Sen - he knows that kendo doesn't want to be treated differently because of her hearts health but he cant help but do little things for her every now and then.
Kamakiri - I think he would be the only person to fully treat kendo the way he always has ykyk. It may sound a little bitchy but sometimes the best thing you can do for someone whos health is declining is pretend they are fine.
Kuroiro - by far one of the most worried but he shows it the least. He just kinda hangs around whenever someone is talking about kendos condition and he spends the rest of the day thinking about ways to help her.
Kendo - when kendou initially found out that her chest pains were due to her quirk she hid it from her classmates for a long time. She didnt want them to treat her differently or view her as weak for her condition.
Kodai - she stays silent about the whole ordeal but she does a bunch of little thing for her to remind her she cares and is worried (like getting her snacks and writing notes for her and such)
Komori - she knows that theres not much she can do to help so she instead makes sure kendo stays in the loop for all of the latest drama. (Specifically when kendo is on hospital leave for a few days)
Shiozaki - prays everyday for the health of her friend but she also does a lot of research and tries to find things that would help her out. (Like making her specific foods that help with pain and blood flow and whatnat)
Shishida - if she ever needs to miss class for a hospital visit or whatever he will bring her any class work she missed and help her through it. He also makes tea for them to drink during their little study sessions (if thats what they would be called idk)
Shoda - he does his best to take on all (or almost all) of kendos usual class representative duties just to make her life easier. Hes really concerned about her health too but hes one of the students that just kinda stands to the side.
Pony - shes very worried about kendos health and she does her best to make sure kendo isnt over working herself. She makes sure to spend time with kendo and helps her with lots of little things <3
Tsubaraba - bro took 'laughter is the best medicine' to heart. He spends all day making sure kendo is happy and laughing to the point where someone needs to drag him away so she can catch her breath. <3
Tetsutetsu - dude starts walking on glass when kendos around after he found out. Hes so scared that mentioning it would upset her (and that wouldent be manly) but at the same time he want to know the details!
Tokage - she helps kendo with training without letting her overwork her quirk, she tries her best to find ways for kendo to continue training without hurting herself <3
Manga - any time she has to get hospitalized due to her heart issues manga will draw a picture for her everyday until shes up and running again.
Honenuki - he spends a lot of time researching different foods that help with pains and blood flow so he can start making her herbal lunches and such :>
Bondo - hes another one of the students that stays to the side and just silently worries. He does little things that makes her day a little easier and has even made her some snacks every now and then
Monoma - he tries to not let it show but he cares about everyone in the hero course (including class A) a lot. So when he found out about kendos heart problems he intentionally put up a front to make it seem like he didnt care but he does everything for her to make her life easier ykyk
Reiko - kendos health and safety is her priority from here on out. She tries to support kendo and understand her struggles. Most of all she just listens to kendo when shes ranting <3
Rin - he tries to help her as much as he can. He helps with both small, insignificant thing and some bigger things. He tries his best to help ease her own worries without letting his worry for her show (since he doesn't wanna stress her out)
Idk why but I always get a mini heart attack when I open my notifications and I see one person went through and liked over half of my posts. (Like a good mini heart attack lol) <3 ilyily
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illfoandillfie · 9 months
trying to dom Lucy for the first time but it’s really hard until finally Lucy takes over for you and it’s so much easier to just do as she says
Blurb Advent 2023: Day 23
oooo this is a v interesting prompt and i hope i did it justice!
Warnings: sub!Lucy, dom!Reader, but also references to the other way around, finger sucking, oral sex, sex toys (strapon)
You don’t really know what came over you. One minute Lucy had you pinned to the bed, straddling your pelvis while she kissed you, the next you’d rolled the both of you over so that Lucy was under you. Every time you remembered it, you wondered how you’d done it. And Lucy seemed just as surprised. You’d apologised and quickly gone back to following her orders, finished how you’d started only with her strap pressed into you. But now she was handing you a cup of tea and saying you should talk about what happened and you weren’t sure what to say or how to explain it.  
“I guess,” you finally admitted after a solid quarter of an hour dancing around the topic, “I have kind of thought about it recently. Being in charge I mean. Like what you do where you give me directions and call me a good girl and all of that. I s’pose I am a bit curious what it’s like from the other side.”  “I had no idea baby,” she cooed sweetly, “I’m happy to give it a try if you want to. I just really didn’t realise it was something you’d be into.”  “Well I don’t know how into I will be because I’ve never done it before, but I think I’d like to try.”  She laughed a little and leant in to give you a quick kiss, “Well lets try it then. Maybe later this week. That’ll give you a few days to think about how you'll handle me.”  “What do you mean?”  “Well have you thought about what you want to do to me? Are we talking as much as spanking? Or tying me up? That might make it easier to control me but it can also be a little harder because theres a lot of safety stuff to keep in mind.”  “Do you usually plan things out?”  She thought for a moment, “No, I tend to wing it unless I’m very horny about seeing you in a particular way. But because it’s new for you, it might make it a bit easier to have at least some idea of what’s going to happen.”  “Hmmm, yeah. Well, maybe nothing too hard for now. I’ll just give you orders and be bossy and not worry about restraints or spanking or anything like that.”  “That sounds like a good plan. Have a think about some of the things I do to you and see if you like the idea of doing them to me.” She gave your hand a squeeze, “This will be fun.”  Lucy being so on board made you feel much better and you nodded in agreement.  
Lucy wore her cutest lingerie for the occasion. It felt kind of strange to see her in so little whilst you remained fully clothed, but you had a greater understanding of why Lucy enjoyed doing the same thing to you.   “So, how do you want me?” she asked.  “I want you to kneel. Um, here.” you pointed to the ground at your feet. You’d decided that you’d start by explaining a few things to her, make her anticipate what was to come and maybe see how she reacted to some of your ideas. You’d thought long and hard about the sorts of things you could request from her, the sorts of things she liked doing to you. There were a few possibilities, but you’d decided to keep things fairly simple. You’d make her get you off first, probably with her mouth. Then you’d tell her to fetch the strap she liked to fuck you with so that you could fuck her for a change. There were some vague ideas about degrading her and maybe a little spank or two if she didn’t obey properly, but nothing set in stone.   "You don’t sound very sure.”  “I am sure. Kneel.”  Lucy obediently settled on her knees, looking up at you expectantly. It made you feel nervous but you tried not to show it. She was right, you had to seem sure about your commands if she was going to be able to follow them. Feeling a bit silly, you reached out to stroke her hair, letting the strands run through your fingers as you composed yourself and contemplated how to start. It occurred to you that when Lucy made you kneel with the intention of receiving oral, she’d tease you a bit by putting her fingers in your mouth, making you drool. So you let your fingers run down Lucy’s cheek towards her lips. The problem was, she didn’t open her mouth. You’d been conditioned to stick out your tongue whenever she pulled the same move.   “Open up,” you said, trying to sound in control, “Show me your tongue.” 
The clear direction was all it took for Lucy to do it and you breathed a sigh of relief as you rubbed your fingers up and down her tongue.   “I’ve got a couple of things I want to do with you, um, whore.”  It seemed like Lucy was trying not to smile but you ignored her as you continued, though you suddenly felt ridiculous stroking her tongue so drew your hand back, wiping her saliva off on your pants.   “First you’re going to use your mouth to get me off.”  “You want me to eat you out?”  “Yes, but uh, not yet.”  “But mistress you know I love your cunt. You taste so good.”  That made you flustered and blushy, the way she made you feel when she bossed you around. You shushed her but followed it with, “Not yet, but uh, good w-whore.”  Lucy smiled, pleased with herself.  “After I’ve cum, then I’ll fuck you with the strap on.” She looked at you expectantly and you remembered that she’d usually threaten you a little bit so you added, “but you’ll only cum too if you’d been a good girl and pleased me.”  “Yes mistress. But-” she cut herself off, “Sorry, I shouldn’t interrupt.”  “But what?”  “No, it’s nothing.”  “Well, no, I want to know, tell me.”  “Well I was just going to say fucking someone isn’t as easy as it seems. It can be really tiring and hard, especially if you’re not used to it. But I’m sure you already knew that.”  “Oh, yeah. I knew that.” you were starting to second guess your plan but you figured there were work arounds, “If I get too tired, you can ride it instead.”  “Good idea, mistress!”  “Thank you,” you felt very pleased at her praise, until you remembered she was meant to be listening to you. “But, that’s later’s problem. Right now you’re going to lick my – lick me.”  Lucy bit her cheek but a small laugh still escaped from how bad you were at saying things like pussy or cunt unless she forced you too, but she did her best to play along, “Yes mistress, can I now?”  “Yes, go on. Show me what a good girl you are.” 
She nodded and tugged you a step closer by the belt loops on your pants. Looking up at you she undid your fly and pused your pants down, only breaking eye contact when she leaned forward to kiss you through your underwear.   You couldn’t help but moan as you felt her tongue wetting your knickers.  “Oh I love hearing you mistress.”  So you moaned more as she mouthed at you and eventually pulled your underwear down too. She pressed her lips to you in a series of soft kisses along your slit, her fingers following to part your folds and tease you more. As you got wetter she hummed against you, trailing her tongue up to your clit for a few seconds before you sat back to watch how her fingers disappeared into you.  She was working on fitting a third finger when you realised she wouldn’t be fucking you so you didn’t need to be stretched and technically she’d stopped using her mouth and so wasn’t doing what you’d said. So you told her to stop. But you wanted to whine when she removed her hand because it really did feel good and you loved how she fucked you, so you told her to keep going.   “Which is it mistress? What do you want?”  “Fingers, please.”  You groaned happily as you felt three of her digits filling you and a second later her warm breath against your clit.     It didn’t take long at all for Lucy to make you cum. She moaned as you did, and worked you through it, with a, “Good job baby, such a good girl.”  The orgasm distracted you so that you didn’t catch it immediately but she continued to praise you between gentle licks to clean you up and it dawned on you that she wasn’t acting very submissive.   “Hey, I’m in charge here.”   “Sorry mistress, I forgot.”  “Well I’ll have to remind you,” you felt very proud of such a powerful line, “Go and bring me the strap.”  Lucy nodded obediently and hurried to get everything out of the cupboard, handing it to you with a chirpy, “Here you go mistress.”  It dangled from your hands, complicated confusing. You’d seen Lucy put it on before but weren’t quite sure where to begin yourself. Turning it in your hands, you tried to work out which bits your legs went through, but it was hard to focus when Lucy was speaking again.   “Mistress, I’m a little nervous about taking your cock.”  “How come?”  “Well I’m a little out of practice. It’s been ages since I took more than a couple of fingers. So you’ll have to get me really really wet and ready first and then probably you’ll have to fuck me more slowly to start before I can handle anything more. But I’m already very wet from eating you out so I’m sure it’ll be very easy for you to get me ready.”  “Oh, um. Uh, what do you mean?”  “Well, I’m not used to being fucked so you’ll have to finger me a lot first. Get me taking at least three fingers really well before I could handle your cock without it hurting.”  “Well I don’t want to hurt you.”  “I know mistress, you’re so sweet to me.” 
“Well lets start with this,” you jangled the strap, “help me get this on.”  “Of course mistress. It can be a little tricky but we just have to get it adjusted so it stays on you properly and then you’ll be able to finger me for a while and get me really drippy wet and then you’ll be able to fuck me for as long as you want until your legs start to hurt and if you’re not ready to stop then I can fuck myself on your cock for you.”  “Good girl,” you said, though hearing her lay everything out made it seem really hard. Your hand was sure to cramp from how much she’d need to be fingered and you weren’t sure your muscles were really cut out for how much effort fucking her would be. And that wasn’t even getting into how confusing the strap was to put on and how careful you’d have to be to keep Lucy safe and really you were already wet and ready and it would probably just be a lot easier to let her fuck you.   “Wait stop.” you caught Lucy’s arm before she could fasten the harness around you and your voice came out as a whine, “this is too hard.”  “What do you mean mistress?”  “Being in charge is too tricky. There’s so much to remember and I don’t understand how this thing goes on and I don’t want to hurt you by accident and it’s too hard. I was wrong. I don’t want to be in charge. I like when you tell me what to do and I like making you happy and you’re so so good at it and so smart to remember all the safety stuff and everything else.”  “Aww, my poor sweet girl. So you want me to do it for you?”  “Please.” 
She hummed as if she were thinking it over, “Well, okay. But I need you to tell me what you want.”  “Please be my mistress. Please be in charge. You can do whatever you want to me, just please tell me what to do again.”  Lucy smiled triumphantly, “good girl. Now hands and knees on the bed. Might as well use my cock since it’s out.” 
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sapphic-sir · 5 months
Ok so heyy I dmed you about this beforehand so yk what I'm doing. I just need to ramble and I think it would be neat to have a lil audience cause I'm silly like that :)
So I'm in a bit of an interesting situation, I have this close friend of mine. Well call them cherry for the sake of anonymity. I've been talking to cherry for a lil while now and we're moots on here (Which is why I'm in your ask box cause I cannot publicly say anything without this lil shit knowing 💀) we've also been flirting heavily, it's gone from casual flirty remarks to phone sex a lot quicker than I had expected, and while I'm not complaining, I'm just getting worried my polyamorus ass is gonna fall for them.
Its reasonable, however there's like a handful of complications that would come along with me actually falling for them. The biggest one being it's very long distance... As in two different countries long distance. Also idk how cherry would react to this shit considering we've only really been talking for like four, maybe five weeks. Which I know, someone's gonna laugh, but like in all fairness in my current relationship (almost 3 years now) we got together within two weeks of knowing eachother. I fall fast and hard, this is so painful guys-
However cherry's so wonderful, they're such a sweetheart, so fucking kind to me and they're already friends with my lover/they're also kinda flirty with my lover. It's cute imo. So in reality, theres no problem with me being into them and being a lil romantic, I'm just worried I'm gonna fall in love.
Anyway, questions? Comments? Concerns?
- 💫
hiii !! heehee drama. ok let me liveblog as I read through this :3
we love an ask box confession!! cherry is immediately interesting to me, I'm intrigued. (go on /silly). I LOVE a good flirty phone sex type relationship. falling for someone.... the real struggle
you can NOT come into MY ask box complaining about "oh we're in two different countries" I've fallen for people who live on a different continent in a different timezone whose first language isn't english. at least twice. maybe three times. but anyway, falling hard and fast is the wooooorst. if u knew all the details about my situation w/ the girl I'm in love with... yeah, yikes
I'm glad cherry is wonderful and amazing to you and your partner alike. I feel like falling in love isn't as big of a deal as you're making it out to be despite the distance; if you want it to work, and they want it to work, it'll work. that's my stance on it
best of luck my good friend, keep me posted cause I'm nosy :3
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bagofspoons · 2 years
holy SHIT y’all the hiatus is over w a long ass session to start us off. i passed out so hard post session but now. i have things to say abt peoples characters and im going to say them. plus an added pronoun check for my own memory. this is a long post so ill pop it all under da cut. tldr at the end 2
i LIKE THEM. i like them. i was very eyes emoji at their intro and im rly excited to see a druid. i have a feelin that theres a lot more 2 alastrelle than meets the eye but im not rly sure what. we got an insight check that he seems to know more than hes letting on... but like. idk. i have a feelin that theyre more like... they know stuff but not in a malicious way? mayb im bein 2 optimistic and alastrelle is just waiting 2 absolutely decimate every1. they DID heal ma’el tho so like... i think they do not want this. they seem kind. i want 2 know more.
CADILLAC | R-D 2.04 (pronouns unknown - seems to vary)
everybody is so mean 2 me image. r-d is rly. look. i love them but i also hate them. he’s so fuckin funny but also.... gestures broadly at the last hour of the session. she seems 2 b tha only character built 4 outright combat. at least from what weve seen. it seems like a lot of the others went 4 classes that cld offer support (from my limited knowledge of the classes themselves plus dnd) whereas cadillac built (literally) a beast. she seems really cool and had some rly amazing moments first session. designated antagonist im super interested to see how every1 is going 2 interact w the person who drew 1st blood!! also tha character we got the most backstory 4 session 1. kinda dont blame it for the murders but. i dont want any pcs to die T_T
NOX | DOCTOR (PALL’OR) REMAEDI (he/him, okay with they)
HE’S COOL... the outfit is very wizardly but we know hes a cleric. am i right when i look at the ref art and see that hes purple. he is purple. he also shotgunned an unmentioned vial (WHY DID NO 1 ASK ABOUT THAT AUAUEUEGEUGH) and the rice and meat. chuggin ig. seems like... cautious? mayb suspicious but remarkably chill. well. i say chill. again. gestures at the last hour or so of the session. LUV the weapon design. would luv 2 see it do some more damage (see “r-d is built for combat” above. terrifyink). i want 2 know more abt his eyepatch and stitches and general deal. do we think hes an unethical doctor guys. would he kill u for like. fun.
CERIN | EIWN (she/her)
pretty lady. fllushed emoji. i love her design a lot its rly cool. i assumed she was druid bc of it but idk if pep would have allowed class double ups? plus cerin is bein v secretive... possibly monk? eye dee kay im rly just guessin at this point. shes so funny 2 the bit w the shelter being her height and alastrelle tryin 2 fix it secretly was great. i dont have much 2 say abt her yet but i think she will turn out to b EXTREMELY interesting. i kno 4 a fact cerin will say smth and then the dash will explode w how much we love eiwn.
RIVER | MA’EL(VAR) (he/him)
IS HE NORMAL??? squints. i dunno... intro was. suspicious. i did like him tryin 2 explain stuff to r-d that was kinda funny. he seems to b like... relatively level headed? i struggled to get a read on his personality except like... suspicious of others but wants 2 cooperate. clearly doesnt want 2 b here el oh el. HE DID ALMOST DIE 2 TIMES WITH NO IDEA WHAT WAS HAPPENING EL EM AY OH. i wonder how hes gonna react to that.
PEP | MIYM (she/her, okay with they)
MIYM MY FUCKIN BELOVED. kenku AND a bard? plus card themed LDFKJ. alto WISHES he could. the resume made me laugh sm and she generally just seems so nice... i like that she’s immediately forming more positive relationships w tha others... probably intentional on pep’s part as a filler character for the pair offs. i was wondering why they were getting such an outright dmpc and was wondering if she was gonna get killed early... i was real newvous. its cool tho. i like her a lot. very glad miym explained the whole premise 2. thank u from da audience i was a little like WHAT THE HELL. but in a good way
TL;DR - I LIKE THEM ALL. i think theres a LOT of things we havent touched (obvs. it was 1 session) but a lot of seeds and references to things wer made i think. also it looks like we got a lot of elves lol. im generally just rly excited 2 see them play again and having consensual and established pvp will make things VERY interesting. i wonder what the symbols on the like... bracelets/necklaces are 4. and what happens when someone dies.... do they both go to zero/make death saves? i guess we will see....
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syrupspinner · 3 months
I beat genital jousting
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I'll let you know if I ever build up the courage to ask a group of people to help me with the multiplayer achievements
so. penises am I right. I think I speak for everyone when I say it's just an inherently stupid part of the body. I think if you showed an adult a penis for the first time they'd react with fleeting amusement, just seeing it flop around and change shape
fun fact, I'm usually the designated penis explainer to virgins. before I came out I was always the only boy in a female friend group (now I'm just the only penis'd one) so I always ended up roped into situations where I had to explain my genitals to giggling drunk girls, at their excited insistence. their first question was always how our balls don't get crushed when we walk with our legs together, where I explained that the penis is mostly in front of the body instead of right between the legs like a vagina is, so they usually just rest above the thighs
oh my god I haven't talked about video games in almost 3 minutes! Genital Jousting is just okay
I want you to close your eyes and imagine a penis. it's wearing a silly outfit, like a suit or a jumpsuit with long flailing arms. it's writhing on the ground like a water hose you let go of, only instead of water its farts. it also has an anus for penis sex.
did you laugh? buy the game. you'll get a giggly afternoon
theres something that can easily be considered a problem with comedy games like this. y'know the kind, like Jazzpunk and Dr. Langekov. they're short, so they're not very substantial, but you can't really correct for that because then the games humour will just start to grate and stop being funny. seriously, imagine if Octodad or Soda Drinker Pro had 30hr+ campaign modes, and think about the stone-dead neutrality that would be on your face in the endgame.
but unlike other short games, with maybe the exception of puzzle games like Superliminal and Manifold Garden, it doesn't have a lot of replayability. sure, it can still be entertaining, but a joke will never be as funny as the first time you heard it
but it doesn't need to be long or replayable, because it's funny. and yeah, the campaign was funny enough
but it's kinda unfair to say this game isn't replayable, because there's the multiplayer mode. I struggle to imagine a situation other than a queer polycule where playing penis soccer doesn't secretly make everyone kinda uncomfortable, but a niche audience is still an audience. in highschool, I was friends with the kinda people who had that picture book with the hole in the middle, where you stick your penis through and it's an elephant trunk or something equally silly. the only problem is that jokes aren't usually sexy, at least if they need a whole setup like that, so you're usually flaccid by page four. I guess you could watch porn, but that seems a little impersonal given the-
right. video game. 
in my experience, the multiplayer mode is decent fun if you're at that kinda party, and it's up to you to make the judgement call of if the present company can handle it. "let's play the penis game" is a dangerous sentence to your coworkers. I think the amount of time they expect you to put in is a little extreme though, I don't think many people filled the Penis Milk Tank all the way naturally. yeah, that's uh, how you unlock things in this game. it's like a battle pass, but more verile. 
so basically, it's a quick silly romp through pen island. personally, I though $9 Canadian was worth the chuckles - it wasn't laugh-out-loud funny, but dick jokes aren't my thing anyway. Besides, I've paid more than that for a burger. I shouldntve, but it's a comfort food and we were at a new restaurant, I was justified.
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crlsmmr · 3 years
how would the main 4 react to finding out their fem! s/o has a lot of female admirers
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characters. kenny mccormick, eric cartman, stan marsh, kyle broflovski
warnings. none
note. is this an excuse to write jealous main four? yes. /hj
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jealous jealous jealous jealous jeal— STAN knows you'll never leave him for your admirers, and you reassure him that you wont all the time!
and he gets that youre attractive and loveable and stuff but like.. why you? why cant it be someone other than his s/o? he trusts you not to leave him though, but he'll be jealous anyway
hes the most jealous of all of them, its like him getting jealous of wendy being with gregory of yardale that one episode all over again
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im sorry, ill continue the headcanons
CARTMAN is second on the jealous chart.
when he figures out you've got a lot of admirers he gets all pouty and a lot meaner (i'd say he'd threaten to k1ll h1ms3lf but i feel like thats a bit over the top)
hes jealous because, one. he wants admirers >:(. and two. youre his s/o! it should be illegal for someone other than him to admire you!! (/j)
he knows you'll never leave him, he believes you wont at least. just reassure him that you wont pls
but when you do reassure him, he'll just be like " i know 🙄🙄 "
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KYLE loves you, but oh my god please reassure him that you arent gonna leave him for your admirers.
but he thinks its pretty cool that you have admirers!!
hes also kind of in the middle of immediately getting jealous and super chill about it. he wouldnt mind at all, though! you're cool and attractive, and have a great personality so he understood why you'd have admirers.
he'll most definitely mention your admirers in an arguement cause hes pissed and insecure. he'll say some shit like ' well if youre so fucking pissed off then go cheat on me with one of your admirers! '
you better stop the arguement and reassure him that you wont do that smh my head.
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KENNY is literally the only chill one here, he doesnt mind if you have admirers! he trusts you a lot!!
hes probably one of your admirers too (in secret and hes also not a girl), thats probably how you two ended up together.
he sometimes reads the letters you get from admirers, but is just really chill about reading them.
overall, he doesnt mind if you have admirers. he knows you wont leave him and sometimes jokes about your admirers to you sometimes
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(i am once again lazy to think of a joke)
note. i dont know/forgot what an admirer is and im assuming that its like people writing letters to you cause you admire you
i hope that was okay!!
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I want this to be a short request but how would crushing!companions react to sole who holds their hand whenever they get scared and it slowly turns into a habit for them to always hold onto his hand?
omg this is literally so cute, bye. 🥺💗 i hope you enjoy, anon.
to keep it short, i’ll just write their reactions to when sole holds their hand and i will put ‘companions react to sole holding their hand as a habit’ in a separate post! <3
it’s nothing new in his life— he’s experienced his fair share of people holding onto him during stressful and terrifying situations, so it’s something he’s used to. however, sole is an exception in this case. it’s been quite a while since he’s caught feelings for his companion, so it’s different in certain situations with them.
when they first get startled and hold his hand, he tenses up, his mind going completely blank as they wrap their fingers around his palm. though millions of people have done the same action to him in the past, this one feels different and he swears it makes him feel emotions he’s never truly felt before. before he can question what their intentions were, he noticed how they drew closer to him, eyes frantically scanning their surroundings and he realizes that there may have been an uncomfortable presence around.
so danse slowly takes a breath and squeezes their hand in return, looking down at them with red cheeks and a nervous expression. “you’re safe, don’t worry. if there appears to be any threat within our vacinity, i will neutralize it as best as i can.” when they look at him with a relieved smile, he feels his heart swell with emotions he’s never felt in his lifetime. he doesn’t dare to let go until sole feels safe enough to do so and even when they do, he fights the urge to take their hand in his once more.
instead, he impatiently waits for the next time he has the chance to hold their hand in his again, already excited though he refuses to admit it.
deacons not a very affection man nor has he received any affection from any other individual besides his late other half. To say this situation was terrifying for him was an understatement. he’s probably already dreading the fact that he has an unavoidable crush for his companion, not wanting to deal with that type of stress no longer.
the first time his crush rushes to hold his hand out of fear of their surroundings, he immediately pulls away out of habit and stares at them with a lump in his throat, words scrambled and refusing to leave his mouth for a moment. “i-, uh-“
with a mortified expression, sole waves it off with a flush on their face and an embarrassed tone, “shit i’m sorry. it’s just a habit, please don’t mind me.” they slowly distance themselves away from him and deacon quickly gets his act together, inwardly panicking that he may have hurt their feelings unintentionally. “no, it’s fine. i just- uh.” they tilt their head with a confused expression and instead of explaining himself, he lets out a soft apology and awkwardly goes on his way to save him the embarrassment. when he thinks about it later, he feels a pang of guilt hit him and realizes he may have been too harsh, so he tries to make an exception.
next time around, when sole does accidentally jump to grab his hand, it takes him a moment to calm himself down but does gather the courage to return the gesture. he would notice the surprised expression on soles face, and even though he’s internally losing it, he musters up the same shit eating smile he always has and cracks a joke; “charmer, i know it’s hard to stay away from me, but you could at least try.” when sole doesn’t respond and sends him a confused expression, he gives them a small smile and tugs their hand, “that’s okay though, i don’t mind. good ol’ deeks will scare the monsters away.”
when sole lets out a small chuckle, he feels himself grow agitated and immediately whips around to hide the blush on his face as he drags sole along with him. “we better get going if we wanna get outta this scary place. yknow, before you jump out of your shoes.”
he’s very to himself in most situations and values his personal space just as much as most people do in the commonwealth. he believes in a personal bubble and really enforces that idea, respecting his own personal space as well as others. however in this case, mac is probably just as scared as sole is, though he may be a lot better at hiding it.
when sole does grab his hand, he doesn’t give attention to it at first due to him being scared as well but when he does notice them showing signs of fear, he tries to reassure them, even though he’s flustered at the sudden contact. with a deep breath, he sucks in his negative emotions and decides to step up to bring comfort to them.
“hey, you okay?” when sole doesn’t respond, he just pulls them closer and squeezes their hand gently to grab their attention. when they do look at him, he smiles awkwardly, a inevitable blush dusting his cheeks. “earth to sole?”
when they explain their habit of doing so, he tries to lighten the mood by telling stories about his life in the capital wasteland and how he felt during his time at little lamplight, letting them know that he had similar fears and still continues to have them despite him experiencing the wasteland for years.
soon enough, their hands naturally find home in each other as they both continue exchanging similar experiences they’ve had, laughter filling the silence that sole feared just moments back.
hancocks a very touchy man and people do show him quite a lot of affection, so just like danse, he’s used to the constant attention others show him, only this time, the perspective is a little different. he enjoys it far more than other companions and doesn’t mind when they rush to hold his hand, though it catches him off guard.
for a moment, he processes the events occurring but once he does, he lets out a soft smile and a chuckles under his breath. he wants to let out a flirtatious comment or two, but fights the urge and instead, soothes their fear instead of embarrassing them.
“don’t worry, sunshine. you know i wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.” he’d rub his thumb against their knuckles and smiles when he sees the tenseness in their body melt away. “in fact..”
when he lets go of their hand, he sees the panic grow on their face and lets out a small chuckle. with a swift movement, he gently throws his arm over their shoulder and pulls them closer, rubbing their arm reassuringly.
“.. this might be a little more comforting. no matter what happens, i’ll always be ready to protect you this way. don’t you agree?” when they chuckle and nod at his suggestion, he pulls them closer to his body, whispering loud enough for them to hear.
“ ‘m always here for you, sunshine. you don’t ever have to be scared, especially with me around. don’t ever feel like you have to hide it from me.” sole lets out a small hum before leaning into his touch, trusting every word that left his mouth.
Nick Valentine:
nick is very understanding with a situation like this and doesn’t mind it one bit. though he does get a bit flustered, he tries to play out the scenario in a way where they won’t feel embarrassed about the events occurring. he’s aware that everyone has their fair share of fears, no matter how tough you play out to be.
“things can get pretty scary around here, i know.” when he smiles down at them, they feel a sense of ease and relax into his touch instead of having the urge to pull away. “waking up 200 years later in a completely different life will do that to you.”
sole would sigh and hold his hand tighter, their voice barely a whisper as their cheeks flush with embarrassment. “i wonder how you do it sometimes.”
nick lets out a small laugh at their reaction. “it wasn’t always like this, sweetheart. i was just as scared as you, maybe even worse.” sole looks at him with curiosity as he continues on, “theres always something new everyday but soon you’ll learn how to adapt to it.”
“you think so?”
“i know so.” his words are full of reassurance and comfort, allowing sole to let go of any negative feelings that filled their chest.
“good thing i have the best companion in the wasteland to guide me around this hellhole.” sole puts it out as a joke, but knows a part of it was the truth that she was wholeheartedly grateful for.
he proceeded to rub his thumb on their knuckles, feeling a sense of happiness in their comment, “i’ll do my best to meet your expectations, partner.”
poor boy. he’d be a blushing mess if sole were to ever do something as simple as this. if they were to dart to grab his hand, even out of fear, he’d stutter in confusion, obviously flustered at the idea of them latching onto him. “w-what are you d-doing?”
his body would immediately freeze upon contact, stopping in his tracks despite the possibility of getting attacked at any given moment. when he catches the terror in their expression, he’s reminded that the general has their weak points too. so instead of questioning their actions any further, he tries to reassure them despite his pounding heart.
“did you wanna turn around? we can always find another route. we could even send a team of minutemen to do this for us.” when sole shakes their hand and swallows the lump in their throat, preston lets out a soft sigh and smiles at them softly.
“just leaving the suggestion out there, general. say the word and we’ll turn right back around.” sole would shake their head, their stubbornness peeking through the look of fear twisting on their face. “it’s fine. i can’t be selfish and let it get to me.”
preston would feel his heart swell at their sacrifice and the determination that they held, despite the odds going against them. gently, he squeezed their hand and looked down at them, seeing the curious expression on their face. “if that’s the case, just know i’m confident that nothing will tear you down. i have your back every step of the way,” he pauses for a moment, rubbing the nape of his neck nervously with a dorky smile, “even if it mean- uh -holding my hand. i’d be more than happy to.”
after a few moments of silence, sole processed his words and smiled at him in response, returning the squeeze. “thank you, preston.”
sturges is aware he isn’t the strongest man in the commonwealth nor does he have the ability to protect sole in most situations. however, if he had a choice, he would do the best he could and he knows that sole is aware of his intentions. yet, when they yelp with fear and lunge to him, taking his hand in theirs, he realizes that maybe he isn’t as weak as he sought out to be.
“you holding up ‘lright, sweetheart?” when they notice their actions, their expression slowly twists into a terrified one and they attempt to retrieve their hand as quickly as they can. sturges doesn’t stop them from doing so and instead just laughs heartily and offers his hand to them despite their reaction.
“i’m fine with it, yknow. i wasn’t complainin’ or anything, just wanted to check if you’re okay.” sole hesitates for a moment, eyes flickering from his hand to his face before replying. “are you sure it’s okay? it just gave me a little scare, you don’t have to-“
before they could continue, he moves closer, taking their hand in his with a light blush on his cheeks and a reassuring smile plastered on his face. “it’s the least i can do for you.” his actions are more than enough to reassure sole and they nod, accepting his offer. “thank you, sturges.”
he doesn’t like crushes— gage is so used to the habit of a one night stand and constant hook ups that he absolutely forgets how loving someone feels like. as sole grips his hand in fear, he chokes up for a good second and immediately gets himself together, retreating his hand and glaring at them.
“the fuck you think you’re doing?” despite his tough demeanor, his voice becomes slightly shaky and a small tinge of pink dusts his cheek. this doesn’t go unnoticed at first, but sole knows they’re too distracted to point it out.
they would apologize with an embarrassed expression and he’d avert his eyes elsewhere before continuing on; “yer the damn overboss, some stupid shit like this shouldn’t scare you. you gotta be tougher than that if yer gonna survive in this world.”
he doesn’t realize the words that leave his mouth until his eyes fall on sole, who’s clearly embarrassed and overwhelmed with the situation and immediately feels a tinge of guilt. with a quiet groan, he slows down and averts his eyes elsewhere, waiting for them to pick up the pace. when sole lets out a confused hum, he forces the words to leave his mouth.
“hurry up and get in front of me, why don’t ya’? yer acting like i’d let the overboss get hurt on my watch.”
they would pause for a moment at his words but feel a sense of reassurance knowing that gage had their back, despite his attitude towards them. “okay.” sole would smile at him softly and he’d scoff, fighting the blush threatening to creep up on his face. this stupid love bullshit was doing nothing but holding him back.
“yeah, yeah. lets get a move on before i leave ya out here to get eaten.”
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Listen, how would the Resident Evil lords react if their s/o wears glasses with a really friggin high prescription, and accidentally breaks them. Which would result in going blind for a while or using duck tape to try and fix them. I did this but my new glasses came in so we good 😌
-bean anon
My glasses have such a weird prescription cause my eyes are vastly different from eachother
RE8 Lords x Reader
Alcina Dimitrescu
She's a sweetheart about it, either leading you around when you need it, or ordering the girls to help you out.
She just enjoys the chance to take care of you.
She will pay for your new glasses if they arent covered. No you do not get to argue with this.
If you try to fix them with duck tape, theres a lot of long suffering sighs whenever she sees them.
Its not exactly the most elegant solution, but at least you're not blind.
Donna Beneviento
She'll do her best to put your glasses back together in a way that's less bulky than duck tape
In the mean while, there will be dolls around you to help you navigate if you need them.
Donna herself has no depth perception on her own, so some of the dolls are used to helping people not run into walls.
You're glasses will be fixed and functional soon, and useable while you wait for a new pair
Salvatore Moreau
I feel I've seen a post somewhere saying that Moreau probably has bad eyesight specifically in one of his eyes, but I dont remember where I saw it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Anyways, either way, he does his best to help you whole your glasses are broken.
He isn't really able to fix them well, but he is very caring and does his best to keep you from tripping over anything or etc while you wait for your new glasses.
He is sad that you cant really watch movies with him until your glasses are fixed though
Karl Heisenberg
He makes fun of you for being almost blind without your glasses.
He does not help you for the first day and a half, he just watches you struggle and teases you.
When you find some ducktape and put your glasses back together he laughs harder than he has in years, but also you're able to see well enough to smack him for it.
He'll fix them properly for you after hes had his fun though, and he wouldnt upset you too much.
Hes a dick, but he cares about you
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Make Me | 🔞 | JJK x Reader
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Pairing:Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Romance, Lowkey kinda crack, Smut, slight angst
Wordcount: 3.4k (its pretty short since I plan on giving you guys random smut-shots for this, so a lot of the scenes didn't make it into this one.)
Tags/warnings: Playful teasing, swearing, name calling, slight hair pulling, smut, usage of toys (remote controlled), slight angst, they be fighting a lil, it's a pretty low-carb meal really, very lightweight, okay I don't think there's anything else to say
Summary: Jungkook and you; a couple that's not only connected under the name of lovers- but best friends and enemies as well.
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  Jungkook is absolutely in love with you.
That may be hard to believe, considering the two of you currently fighting on the couch over the last bite of your burger. You're not play-fighting like cutesy couples either, no; you're both acting as if starvation was the only alternative.
Its really not; there's plenty other takeout still on the table.
"I paid for this shit you ungrateful bitch!" He laughs out as you stuff the bite into your mouth, hands high in triumph. "I can't believe you sometimes." He mumbles, watching you chew and swallow before he attacks again. He's careful with you, although it might not seem that way. Jungkook wouldn't dare to injure you in any way, always getting apologetic every time he accidentally bruises your skin. He pins your arms on the couch, predatory eyes staring at you as you raise your eyebrows.
"What'cha gonna do about it?" You challenge, and he groans out as he lets you go.
"Fuck you!" He says, and you laugh out loud. "Don't make me fucking pop a boner- I don't wanna eat cold french fries!" He whines while reaching for said food item, and you shrug as you reach for the pack of chicken nuggets, opening a tiny tub of sauce. "I can't believe you." He chuckles, unable to hold up his facade of being upset about all of it.
He really isn't.
Everyone of his friends thinks its weird- the relationship you two had. He himself however always felt like he had won the jackpot with you; he had a hot girlfriend he didn't have to change anything for. There was no need to be all romantic and cheesy and make himself into someone he wasn't. Being gentle was no requirement with you; you were his absolute best friend, and also lover at the same time.
He had it all with you.
Hard to believe, but Jungkook had been very realistic about it with you. Of course it had been exciting when you two had hooked up for the first time- but the more he got to know you, the more he fell in love with your honest nature and loving personality. You were passionate about your art, never let someone talk down on you, always spoke your mind. You were a challenge, a tiger waiting to be tamed, and Jungkook was as ready as he had ever been to try and do just that. Because right now you were young, you were wild, and one day, you'll have lived all of your dreams. Somewhere deep down, he already imagines it. Sometimes. The way he'll buy a house for you two, how he'll marry you and knock you up to make his family complete.
But for now, you were simply two young lovers in the moment.
Theres a drop of sauce on the top of your breast, and you don't even notice the way Jungkook stares as you wipe it off with your finger, licking it clean like second nature. He's furrowing his brows as he throws his head back, pure agony in his voice as he growls out. "God what is it now?" You playfully complain, last bite of your food gone in your mouth as you look at him with amusement. "Don't tell me you're still hard." You say.
"Fuck off, it's your fault!" He laughs out, unable to quite conceal how funny the entire situation seems to him as well. "Can't you sit on my dick while I finish my food?" He whines, pouting expression thrown your way as you give him a look that says more than you could with words. "Okay yeah saying that out loud makes it sound weird." He mumbles, speeding up his speed as he finishes his food. He swallows after a moment, leaning back on the couch as he gives himself a moment to settle. Maybe he'll come down on his own.
But then again, as he looks at you, he has to remember what his mother always told him.
'don't let the food get cold'
And its your laughter in his ears that makes him smile as he crawls over you, pulling your shirt over your head as he decides no; he doesn't want to wait.
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"Jungkookie, LOOK!" You exclaim as he walks inside your studio, watching as you were petting a massive dog. Maybe a great dane? Mastiff? It didn't matter at all- because you were so happy his attention wasn't on the animal next to you at all. "He's so cute, aren't you?" You say, squishing the dogs head a little. Jungkook laughs.
"Please don't tell me you want a dog now." He says, and you look at him with large eyes. "No, please, we can barely take care of ourselves right now!" He laughs. "Bring it up again when you can walk stairs without stumbling." He teases, and you stare daggers at him.
"At least I'm not scared of the fucking microwave." You mumble, as you stand up, the customer absolutely entertained by the two of you. Jungkook slaps your butt as an answer to your teasing, making you squeal scandalized. "Jungkook! That's public indecency!" You exclaim, and Jungkook laughs as he sits down on a chair in the waiting lounge you're standing in.
"If that's true I gladly get arrested." He says, and you roll your eyes as you say your goodbyes to the customer and his very lovable pet, getting your stuff to walk over to him. "Good to go?" He asks, and you nod, walking out next to him as you spot his car outside- or rather, the small van his company provided him. You have had your suspicions already as he was still wearing his work attire- this sight now spoke out clearly what you were fearing.
"Jungkook no-" You whine, and he sighs, silently telling you were right. "You promised no more overtime!" You said. "We were supposed to have a nice weekend!" You say, genuinely upset, and he can see it; the look in your eyes is pure disappointment, brows scrunched up as your shoulder slump down. "You promised." You mumble, as he opens the passenger door for you, letting you get inside the car.
"I'm sorry, but Tae called in sick and they asked who could take his shift." He explained as he drove home, well knowing that this was no excuse for you. But instead of voicing that out like you usually did, you were silent.
He did not like that.
"I'm really sorry." He says again, but you're still not answering him. "Baby?" He tries, but you're looking out the window, not sparing him even a glance. He knows he fucks up sometimes, but this is entirely new territory for him. Never had he had to deal with you genuinely upset with him, at least not to this extend- because at the moment it seemed as if you were ready to open that door at the next red light and walk right away from him.
The thought alone made him shudder- and not in a good way.
He tries again, but this time you speak; voice quiet, serious, and way too formal for him to feel comfortable with. "Just bring me home Jungkook." The way you say his name makes him bite the inside of his cheek. He's now upset at himself as well. He knew how much you had been looking forward to a shared weekend together. He should've not said anything when they asked who could take over the shift.
And as he came to a stop in front of your shared apartment, it only got worse. Because for the first time, you just got out of his car, closing the door, and went into the apartment complex.
You didn't give him his kiss to the cheek like you did every time- even when you were mad.
You didn't say goodbye.
You didn't even look back.
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"I don't want you gone all the time." You whine out as you hold onto him, his hands on your back as he helps you stay where you are on his lap, your head in his neck as you breath heavily. "I need you." You say, and its one of the rare moments you're open like that. He's eating it up, drinking it in, as he holds you, palms all over your bare skin while you move lazily.
"I know, I'm sorry, I really am." He breathes out, placing kisses to your shoulder, helping you rock on his cock so you won't have to do all the work. "I need you too, I really do, I'm sorry." He mumbles, slipping out of you for a moment before he lays you flat on the bed, guiding his length back inside you as he looms over your body, kissing your skin as if he's worshipping you, as if he can't get close enough to you, his hands holding onto your middle as he keeps you stable while he pushes into you slowly.
"Faster-" You beg him, but he shakes his head, not picking up his pace at all as you whine. "Kookie please-" You say, and he shakes his head again.
"No, we got time." He argues back, and you open your eyes at that, looking to the side. "What is it?" He asks.
"We don't." You say. "You have to get up early tomorrow." You say, and Jungkook shakes his head, making you roll your eyes for a moment as you want to continue- but he shuts you up with a well practiced hand on your clit, your body reacting instantly as your toes curl up. "Jungkook-"
"I don't." He says, gritting his teeth as he finally picks up his pace. "I took time off." He breathes out. "Told them I need the weekend." His hand is eager to have you come undone underneath him as your legs move, heels digging into the small of his back as you snake them around his body the best you can considering the size difference. "Told them I got my girlfriend at home, and guess what?" He asks, and you mewl at his antics. "No one's gonna call me up. Phone's on airplane mode." You're suddenly frantic, hands gripping the bedsheets underneath you as he doesn't let up, smiles into your neck as he bites and sucks his marks. "They can fuck off while I fuck you." He whispers, and you suddenly snap, back arching as you come, his violent thrusting making you sob dryly, fingers reaching for his arms as you dig them into his inked skin.
That's your art underneath his skin, safely tucked away to be guarded from time. That's your ink on his body, your way of making him yours. And this, the way he mouths and nibbles and bites and kisses- that's his way of making you his.
He slips out, desperately rutting into his own hand as he cums onto your lower belly, his release staining the sheets below.
But it doesn't matter in that moment.
He gladly cleans up afterwards.
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"Would you ever wanna live in New Zealand?" You ask him, as he makes sure not to burn any of the food on the grill.
It's your yearly holiday trip, this time in the cold of new Zealand, a camping van your home for the two weeks you'd decided to travel the country. "I mean, why not?" He tells you, turning a piece of meat over, before he looks at you sitting next to him, all bundled up in his way too large puffer jacket. It's already large on him- so it almost swallows you whole. But it also awakens something inside him, seeing you wear his clothes like that. He feels protective, weirdly so.
"Hmhm." You say. "The people seem nice here." You say, and then you rest your head against his shoulder, making him smile as his arm wraps around you- a movement almost instinctual at this point. "But I don't know, won't we miss home?" You wonder, and Jungkook shrugs.
"I don't really need a home as long as you're with me." He says, speaking it out loud without thinking as you suddenly detach from him. He looks at you, worried he might've said something too much, but you look at him so.. he can't describe it. Your lips are on his in the next second, before you go to the van to retrieve some paper plates.
"Oh my god, that was-" You say, balancing cutlery in your arm. "-The most romantic fucking thing you've ever said!" You say, putting everything onto the camping table as he chuckles. "No, I mean it. That was so movie-worthy!" You say. "I feel like I'm in a K-Drama!" You exclaim, and he laughs.
"They don't swear that much in K-Dramas." He corrects you playfully, but still smiles. "But yeah I get you. Sometimes I feel like this isn't real too. Too good to be true and all that." He says, and you suddenly squeal, making him look at you.
"Stop!" You say, before you hug him tightly.
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You're looking through clothing items when you suddenly feel it.
The sudden buzzing right inside you, making your foot studder in its step as you try to conceil your reaction as best as you can. You can feel your thighs clenching, muscles contracting as the feeling of the bullet vibrator. And one look towards Jungkook sitting on a chair in front of the dressing stalls makes you want to punch him right in his pretty face.
He's got his hand inside his sweater pocket, smirking slightly at your struggle as he doesn't seem to care who's sitting next to him- or who could see you and connect the dots. He likes things like that; the slight thrill of getting caught and the literall proof that you had given him all control making him feel absolute bliss.
You're more concerned about the fact that you're about to cum.
Right inside this fucking store.
You shoot him daggers, and he simply has the audacity to smile, shrugging his arms as if he's got no idea what you mean. He tones it down a little, turning it off for now when he felt like he'd tortured you enough; stripping you of your orgasm as well. You want to whine out, complain, but you simply but the clothes back where they belong, walking up to him. "Oh? Nothing caught your eye baby?" He asks innocently, and you simply smile, shaking your head. "Alright." He says, getting up to walk out with you.
And its inside the car after he had parked in a secluded spot on a scarcely lit parking lot that he turns the device on again. "I have to say.." He starts, watching you squirm in the passenger seat, hands instantly clenching into fists as your legs squeeze together. "I'm not mad anymore I almost paid a hundred bucks for this thing." He tells you. "Feels good baby?" He asks, and you nod- but its not enough for Jungkook. "I can't hear you." He tells you, and you have to cut yourself off to not moan out loud.
"I-t.. ah- feels good.." You somehow get out, squirming and slowly growing desperate as he keeps the setting low- too low for you to actually cum. He's enjoying the show for a moment, until he reaches underneath his drivers' seat, fumbling around before the seat rolls back, making more room. You know what's going to happen next. "Can I-?" You start, and he nods, helping you safely onto his lap.
"You look so pretty like this." He praises, hands underneath your clothing as he gently fondles your breasts- enjoying the fact you've decided to skip the bra today. "Hm?" He humms against your skin, before he leans back, switching onto the highest setting. He doesn't even need to touch himself to get off, he knows that already; the sight in front of you enough to get him going. You're erratic at this point, Hips rutting into nothing as you hold your hands awkwardly in front of your mouth. Jungkook reaches out, letting you hold onto him, and he feels weirdly loving at the sight of you holding onto him so desperately. "Oh?" He suddenly asks, noticing you stutter. "Cum baby. Come on." He urges, and you want to tell him its too much, too much, but then you suddenly cum, and he tones it down a little, letting you ride it out as you clumsily fondle him over his jeans- only a few movements enough for him however to come undone inside his pants. "Shh, you're good, good job, good girl." He humms out, letting you rest against his chest for a moment, closing his eyes as he enjoys the moment with you.
He's really not mad about the hundred bucks anymore.
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One thing Jungkook had come to live with was the fact that you loved everything cute.
You collected anything pink and soft and cute, plushies being his go-to present because he knew that would always be a bullseye-shot with you. They're all over the place, but Jungkook doesn't mind. Even though he can't understand the appeal of some of them, he himself understands the appeal of collecting things. And he's also not one to judge- having accepted you with every piece and habit you have.
That doesn't mean he doesn't tease you for it.
"Why's the rat wearing old granny clothes?"jungkook snorts, jumping over the back of the couch to sit next to you, who is currently trying to sew a hole on your melody plush toy shut.
"Shut up, Melody isn't a rat!" You mumble, making Jungkook chuckle as he eats his popsicle, watching you work. He really likes how delicate your hands are; they fit nicely in his hands whenever he holds them. Yours get cold a lot- and he likes giving you some warmth whenever he can.
Anything for you.
"I think its a rat." He tells you, giggling boyishly when you throw your head back, groaning. He gets up to walk into the kitchen to throw the wooden stick of his treat away, as he hears you.
"Well detective melody thinks you're a little bitch." You retort. And only seconds later, jungkook is behind you, looking over your shoulder to check if its clear- he doesn't want you to hurt yourself with the needle. Once he's made sure, he grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling it back so you're looking at him upside down.
"You wanna say that again sweetheart?" He growls out, and your sparkling eyes shout mischievously at him from below.
He loves the powerplay.
But this time you decide to ge cute, holding the stuffed toy into his face as you giggle. "Its melodys words, not mine!" You argue, and he laughs, before he pushes the toy aside, pressing a kiss to your nose before he walks back into the kitchen again. "Although I can't argue with whats been said-" you start, and Jungkook shouts from the kitchen as you laugh.
"I wasn't a little bitch last night when I was balls deep in-" he starts, and you scream over his words, scandalized.
"Jungkook, not when melody is listening!"
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"So.." Jimin started, looking at your hand. "You wanna explain that expensive ass thing?" He asks, before he slaps the table. "Don't tell me its real!" He asks, eyes wide as you laugh.
"Why, you wanna steal n' sell?" You challenge, and he shakes his head, now a little more serious.
"No, I just wondered. He popped the question or not?" He asks, and you can't help the grin that spreads onto your cheeks. But before any of you can answer, the man in question walks inside, having heard the conversation.
"I did, and that means you can fuck off Park." He challenges, roughly pushing the elder away with a hand on his head, making everyone laugh at their antics. "How's my fiance doing?" He asks. "Still walking like a newborn babydeer?" He teases, and you smack his head with a printout you had rolled up. "Ow, you literally told me to go hard, don't be mad now!" He says, before running away from your red-faced form, chasing him with the printouts around the studio.
Yeah, some things never change.
And that's ok.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. Don't try reposting on AO3 or your mom's facebook. I got eyes everywhere.
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shoezuki · 4 years
ok so like i been Thinkin a lot on that stream techno had today and i may be Thinkin Too Much cuz i was doing psychology while watching but im going to say Words Now
the entire idea and Plot of tommy going from only interacting/being manipulated by dream to only interacting with techno is a Lot. theres a lot here. and i am feasting like a fucking king on the potential of it and what this could all Mean
I think we’re building up the idea of how techno and dream differ and how they house both similarities and extreme differences in their ideals. 
So if we considered how Tommy’s arcs have changed theres a very, VERY clear juxtaposition between the exile arc to.... raccoon arc? whatever the fuck is goin on
Tommy Was manipulated, isolated, and gaslit by dream. that was the only guy he really had interacted with and that was Intentional entirely. Its very obvious this will have and currently has an affect on tommy. 
Now, he’s with technoblade. theres a lot of shit that can be read in this simply as considered right now. I feel we’re clearly supposed to at least somehow compare dream and technoblade because their positions are somewhat similar concerning how they are interacting with tommy. 
Tommy can only really interact with techno, only techno really has the ability to see him (although ranboo, ghostbur, and phil could see him but theres obvious difficulties in their case), and how tommy regards technoblade is.... complicated. like how he regards dream at the moment.
but theres some really, really important and clear differences in this that i think will show a lot about techno’s character and what’s to come
first of all, there’s a question of why techno is seemingly ‘letting’ tommy live with him. No joke, i’ve discussed this a LOT in the technocord and it’s made me realize it from a different perspective since many of those people in there are from Before techno joined the smp.
so, there’s no clear ‘rational’ reason why techno would benefit from teaming with tommy. there’s some arguments that could be made; tommy’s position with people and especially tubbo, using tommy as a bargaining chip with dream, and something else i cant remember. but the technocord hardcore ppl feel tommy is a liability in the long term. techno doesn’t really have much to gain beyond a distraction. the idea of using tommy in order to convince him he’s getting the disks and then to destroy lmanberg is kinda.... its jus more trouble to techno. In fact, it wouldve been defendable for techno to kick him out; he stole his stuff, and we saw how he reacted to his cows being killed, his previous base being pillaged. You’d have thought techno wouldve been angrier.
but like. that aside. there’s little reason for techno to open up to tommy. and thats the point.
there’s no necessity on techno’s part. he doesnt need tommy. he could kick him out easily. but he won’t. 
I imagine technoblade sees the trauma and hardship tommy went through and he sympathizes with him. Its been made clear that techno doesnt know the full extent of what happened, but he doesnt need to. he knows enough. 
Now, back to the happenings of the last stream,
it wasnt plot heavy at all. (mostly because techno’s fuckign glasses are held together with SCOTCH TAPE the guy couldnt even fucking use ducttape i hate that) but there were a Few interesting things, including the Plot Stream a bit;
the ‘box’ techno made with the idea of hiding tommy from dream. (perhaps a joke but it still shows something i feel)
how he’s been giving tommy a Lot of stuff. he hasnt Genuinely been upset at his golden apples being taken; in fact, techno gave him more food in protest of him eating all the gapples instead of.... demanding them back
went mining in the nether with the intention of getting tommy better stuff
he replaced the log he accidentally stripped. extremely funny considering he got the wrong type of wood but he tried
expending more resources on tommy with invisibility potions so that he wasnt in danger of being seen
Repeatedly would assure tommy that dream Is Not His Friend.
at the idea of tommy being ‘banned’ from the nether and being attacked in lmanberg, techno laughed at the idea of him being ‘attacked’ and killed even when tommy worried that he’d die for the Last Time
implicated that techno WOULD defend him. and the idea of someone killing Either him or tommy was funny because of that
okay so slight comparison to dream; techno is instead GIVING tommy resources instead of blowing them up, he’s obviously intent on protecting him in some way, and he assures tommy that dream is No Good (rather than how dream was telling tommy no one cared about him)
But there’s one instance that was really, really important to me
the control room had a very bad impact on tommy. most likely a panic attack (the shaking, heavy breathing, scattered speech/thought is something i know so intimately lmao) and techno’s reaction to it was extremely interesting. 
first, techno said he was ‘freaking out for no reason’ which could be a) techno is horrific at emotions and vulnerability lmao and b) to Him, it Is nothing. he has no clue what tommy had been through. 
He repeatedly asked what was wrong. what had happened in that room. He pressed Slightly. but as soon as tommy said he didnt want to talk about that, techno instantly backed off and said its alright. specifically, he said:
“It’s fine, no one recovers in a day tommy. Healing is a long process, it’s fine.”
that shit hit me like a freight train. Mostly i didnt expect anything to come from this stream like that but FUCK LMAO.
The biggest thing is, i think technoblade is going to help tommy heal from the dream shit and get back on his feet. 
but also, even though im not entirely sure i need to see more, tommy will get techno to be more caring. We know philza is the only one techno is really close to, and ghostbur as well. both of which either weren’t involved in betraying techno, or doesnt remember it. i see it pointed out that techno is going at tubbo and his government rather than dream, but i think it makes sense. 
dream technically hasnt challenged techno’s ideals or what he wants; while tubbo stole from him, used him as a weapon, and reinstated a government despite everything techno was saying. 
Tommy took part in betraying him, thats without a doubt. but tommy was also screwed over by the government in place. so techno empathizes with him. maybe they dont fully trust each other, but thats a work in progress. and it will progress to technoblade trusting tommy despite their past, and realizing that dream is in a position of power over Everyone. 
tl:dr: tommy is going to heal with techno’s help and full come to terms with/realize what dream did to him, and techno is going to realize he CAN trust people and that dream has been the one pulling the strings all along
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albedoswifehusband · 3 years
Hello, can I request, how would Ningguang, Beidou, Jean, and Lisa (separately) react to if their Magic S/O as a romantic gesture, blew giant magic soap bubble around them, putting them and S/O inside a bubble, to drift through the skies and telling them to relax and enjoy the bubble ride? Eventually they land awkwardly, as when the bubble popped, they accidentally lands on S/O
-Shes put off at first because she wasn't expecting this. Theres a moment of protest because she has things to do, but then she relaxes because it looks so cool.
-she enjoys being high up and this is a nice break from everyday life for her.
-i think she chuckles and gives her s/o a kiss before getting up after landing on them
-She thinks it's cool as hell. She's excited by this opportunity. There's just some regular conversation during the whole ride though.
-she laughs heartily when she lands on them and helps pull them to their feet asap.
-she's the least willing to have this happen, but she does enjoy being in the air a lot so she does relax and enjoy it after a moment.
-she's worried and checking if her s/o is okay after she lands on them.
-shes having so much fun with this. It's such a welcome break.
-absolutely trying to make her s/o flustered on purpose when she lands on them. She tries not to go too far though and gets up soon and just teases them with her words after.
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