#at least my shading is sorta the same
sparkleface42 · 2 years
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They’re ready for Halloween! 🤪
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darkclouud9 · 10 months
wait if DARK cloud is transmasc......
does that mean LIGHT cloud is....... transfem?
cloud lore !!
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rowretro · 7 months
ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕤
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✧warnings: F-boy Sunghoon so mentions of sex ig, may be a lil suggestive, possessive hoon
❁synopsis: The campus hottie, was practically perfect, smart handsome talented and rumour has it among the girls, good in bed. The male is a fuck boy, a jerk face, never once wanted to fall in love after having his heart broken once by an unlucky bitch. Heck he believed he'd be like that forever, until he came across the new girl. Yang y/n.
✧❁PART 1/???❁✧
"Oh my god you slept with him?!" one of the girls exclaimed as the other girls had their shocked reactions too "Yeah... then he broke up with me" the girl admitted "Isn't Sunghoon a fuck boy though? girl why'd you date him he doesn't even hide the fact he doesn't love you?" another girl pointed out "It doesn't matter, at least I had a great night" the girl said shrugging as the others laughed it off.
Y/n fiddled with her phone as she waited outside the classroom, one earphone in, hidden by her hair. She's heard many crazy things about this high school, having been transferred from a school in UK where she was used to everything, to a high school in South Korea. Everything is so new there, education system, driving on the different side of the road. but she had her best friend, Danielle by her side.
"Hey it's going to be ok" the girl reassured. One thing y/n is glad about, is the fact that she's fluent in Korean so language will not be a big problem for her. She smiles at Danielle as she follows her in. The teacher asks her to introduce herself as the girl blinks, staring at the class in disbelief. Introduce? first day and she has to speak in front of all these judgemental 18 year old strangers?!
"I'm y/n..." she says, forcing a smiled, the teacher points at an empty seat which was sadly not next Danielle. Making a sad pouty face at Danielle, she sat at the seat. 17 minutes. That's how long it took "Park Sunghoon late again?!" The teacher scolded as the male scratched his head then he froze. His eyes on y/n.
The girl's jaw rested in her palm as she doodled in the margin, false lashes fluttering against her glasses, her lips stained with a rosy, nude shade. Fuck she's everything. Is this what cupid felt when he saw psyche? love at first sight like Romeo experienced with Juliet? Sunghoon was captivated.
He slammed his palm on the desk of the person beside y/n. The girl didn't even flinch and probably didn't care due to the earphone blasting Itzy in her left ear. the student sitting beside her immediately got up and went to a different seat as Sunghoon slipped into the seat beside the girl. he turned to her, tapping her shoulder. the girl paused her music turning to him.
So this is Park Sunghoon, the handsome fuckboy they say. Y/n knew he was bad news "Im Sunghoon... and you?" the male asked "Not interested" she said, turning back to do her work "Come on baby, don't be like that" he said, winking as she sighed, looking at him. She then turned back and ignored him, doodling.
"Wah you can draw- that looks so realistic gurl" he complimented as the girl groaned, slamming her head on the desk. "Park Sunghoon stop distracting the new girl and get on with your work. or you can switch spaces with Eunchae!" the teacher warned as Sunghoon groaned, picking up his pencil.
2 lessons passed by and break time rolled in, she smiled, sorta running over to Danielle with grabby hands. they jumped up and down squealing like typical girls as their fingers intertwined. "I can't believe we're finally in the same schooool!" Danielle squealed as y/n smiled. "I know right?! we can finally do typical bestie stuff get our nails done, do each other's makeup, gossip, and hang out~" y/n added with a smile.
"All of this and I don't hear boyfriend... i'm assuming it's because you have one?" Sunghoon asked with a raised eyebrow as the girl sighed "No I don't never had one and never will... I don't like the idea of putting all my trust in a guy." She said, in a slight passive aggressive manner. "Ok but I'm telling you, a pretty girl like you NEEDS to end up with a trust worthy guy like me" Sunghoon said.
Y/n gave him the 'be for real' look as she rolled her eyes, walking away with Danielle. "So stupid. He really thinks I'm going to let him get in my skirt?!" y/n scoffed, handing danielle a cherry lollipop as she sucked on her own. "Please. He can't flirt for shit, and just yesterday he had two girlfriends whom he dumped back to back." Danielle added as Y/n shook her head, disappointed. Sunghoon having over heard all this, decided it was time to stop playing girls like a gameboy, and pursue his princess.
✧❁PART 2❁✧
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evielmostdefinitely · 9 months
Do all of your young!coryo x capitol reader fics take place in the same universe, like are the stories all connected? Or are they more like one shots? Love them so much, I’ve just been curious as I read them all
all of the fics (not blurbs) are all connected :) all apart of the same universe and i've been slowly building it as i go, but:
it starts with mastermind, which is where they meet when coriolanus is still in his peacekeeper era.
jealous girl is next but further into the development of their relationship. it's when he's at university after returning. they're established and dating and shows a little insight to their dynamics.
a hazy shade of winter is when they're engaged. really, right before their wedding but the engagement. (also my first fic on here lol)
snow bride and treat me rough and scorned earth are from the honeymoon and i think they're all smut lol but newlyweds on the tour to the districts before coriolanus is sworn in as president.
watchful eye and forever winter are a pregnancy + birth angst of reader and coriolanus' son cyrene.
the rest are just sorta filler in between but these are the ones that really establish timeline, at least for me.
as for the blurbs, i think the only one that doesn't fall within this 'universe' as far as timeline is the buzzcut blurb because capitol!reader meets coriolanus in district twelve during his peacekeeper era.
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muscle-red · 3 months
* Warnings: amab body, Fae reader, Reader is referred to with I/You, etc, Yuu is a separate person, Reader kinda an OC, a long plot, slow burn, Spoilers if You haven’t read book 7.
* Word count: 1009
A/N: This has been in my head for some time. There will be smut just not in Part one. Hopefully will make more parts.
┆ Lilia Vanrouge/ General Vanrouge x Male Reader ┆Part 1
Being In the middle of the woods should’ve been a red flag as soon as you opened your eyes Cause One second, You were At NRC then the next You were at a random forest being aimed at with weapons. I mean at least you were with People.
You glanced at the group surrounding you and the people with you. Yeahhh the odds weren’t looking so well.
Silver. The boy You never really interacted with. He was sorta Hard to talk to. His face gave off the impression that he didn’t want to be disturbed. He look quite Approachable when sleeping but why would You wake up a sleeping person? You noticed he did it a lot and I mean A Lot. Maybe he had narcolepsy? You never thought much of it. I mean why would you, You never talk to the boy so it isn’t any of your business.
You then glanced at the other green haired male within your group.
What a loud mouth he was. You often catch him yelling in the hallways and seemingly having a strong harden expression on his face whenever he made eye contact with everyone in class. He was a first year so you guys had most of your classes together while the other silver haired boy was a second year. They were both in your dorm last time you checked. You would think being in the same dorm would mean you guys knew each other really well but in this case? not really.
Then finally Your eyes met the other Person in your group. Yuu. A magic less student that seemingly appeared out of thin air. No home, no family. You kinda felt bad for them. Imagine having nothing and being in a mysterious place with No Knowledge of anything. Now that was a total nightmare. They were a first year as well as you interacted with them on some occasions so you were familiar with their Situation and Arrangements. They were nice from what you can tell but the other 2 were a mystery.
You then Took your eyes off the random group that seemed to have roped you in some kinda crazy situation and finally looked at the people with masks and weapons that were obviously wanting you guys dead. They all wore different masks with seemingly different animals.
One stood up and Made way to your group. They were on the shorter side and had long black locks with red highlights. How pretty. You always liked the color red.
You couldn’t see their eyes nor face but you can tell they were studying your group’s movements.
“ HUMANS!-“ Another in a mask screeched.
He was taller than the one studying you and had a mask related to a fox due to the Snout on his mask. His sword was raised as if ready to strike us any moment where we stood however before he could, The shorter one raised his hand and turned away from our group to stare the other one down, well he tried to.
“ You fools… Take a closer look at the energy around them. They have been blessed by our people. They are not the enemy.”
His voice was deep and familiar.
“Blessed…? Who are you…?”
“However, they still raise suspicion.” He ignored Silver’s question and turned away from his comrade. He had quite a big sword compared to his small body and it Was a beautiful shade of green.
Sebek’s eye’s widen when his eyes made contact with it.
“A magical lithic…!?”
“Quiet, Human. You are not to speak.” The Black haired masked figure Said, once again shutting down Whatever we had to say.
The rest of the group with them looked down upon us and started Yelling out questions expecting us to explain every single one.
“Who are you children? Answer me.”
“Speak now if you do not wish to get hurt.”
Yuu’s cat, Grim, which you now noticed was here Started struggling and proceeded to yell out about not wanting to be eaten and you couldn’t agree more.
“W-we mean no harm. We are just students from a magic school!”
Sebek was able to Stammer out and you couldn’t be more grateful. Your voice just seemed to disappear and couldn’t say anything so for once, you were grateful for Sebek’s voice.
“We’re from Night Raven College, We have our IDs with us if you’d like to check!”
Great thinking yuu!
“Night Raven College, you say…?”
“Yes, from the Sage’s Island…”
“I’ve already said I’m not interested in a school founded by humans!, You wish to “teach” me magic when all your lot can do are childish tricks? Sending in lackeys as if the letters weren’t enough. How absurd. You really think you have anything you can teach me? Don’t look down on me, brats.”
“Ehh??? We never said anything! Where is this coming from!? “
Oh god, why did you have to say that. You couldn’t help but Facepalm in your head. Great thinking *Reader*.
“N-No, we’re-”
“I’ve got my hands full dealing with those pesky Silver Owls. I don’t have time to play your silly games.” He cut silver off once again and glared as if ready to just let his comrades kill us and move on.
“I’ll let you off just this once. Get out of here, humans.”
And with that, you guys took the opportunity to Run quite a distance away and blow off the Air that you guys so badly needed. It felt intoxicating being near strangers especially ones threatening you with weapons.
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loopscereal · 3 months
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Pero no lo hicisteee final 100 hrs have been entered
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fred by himself cause i did his shoes with everythign and the little meat texture. Why would i do that if its not mesnt to be visible? May god know cause i dont. uhh the background. yeah ok. uh Fred doesn't have to reflect Freddy in clothes or hairstyle anymore! Boys uniform! Higher, tighter pony tail! also their little jacket. Make up around their eyes, and they have gained acess to COLOR. Hes no longer restricted to shades of purple, too bad hes emo and will only branch out to red TOT. anyway yay for them. uhh uhhh also he has a new sparkle. he has a little yellowy orange sparkle in his chest, right on their tie. they didnt have that before :) new sparkle
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im glad were all miserable about how fred is on the floor but also agree that freddy looks best when hes at his worse! keep up that look, youre a natural !! bbbbuhhhh
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SUELTENME SUELTENME SUELTENME SUELTENME SUELTANME ok normal, hi pia :3 glad you noticed. im so diseased about when they swap colors in canon.... wughgh misery...
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not so fast! theyre both so fucking bad at this game! the game being existing. Fred feeds the body and like. the most basic of maintenance but they too mistreat it in their own special way <3. ANyways how does this scene change? uh. god. i feel like it adds a lot ofc content but i dont. know. thinking about camp makes my head scream... as i imagine it mutates and changed even after having drawn these. living organism....
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in my head their body "prioritizes" freddy a lot, like. IF fred is in control while freddy is sleeping, and freddy wakes up, it sorta auto-kicks fred out if they arent prepared and get caught off guard, BUT freddy isnt exctly. too present. hes not the most anchored person to his own self so if fred, can simply push him out pretty easy so long as they arent abnormally weakened, and if they were to fight for it fred will typically win. As for body auto responses, i think it does eventually kick the current pilot out, or mess things up and force them both in or both out, ("how does that work" sh sh sh dont even worry about it... <3 please.) buuuut i think it takes a long time for the body to get to that point, to the point where it does those auto responseds. Freddys gotten it pretty used to well, itself. it doesn't send out the signals that it should, or at best, not as strongly.
Okay why is Freddy all glitchy when out side and not sparkly? beeecause well. cromatic aberation occurs when a lense fails to align and focus wavelengths of color all on the same point. What the hell does that have to do with freddy? (what the hell happens int hat goddamn highschool?) uh! hes totally unfocused. in his entire self. and in his worldview, his view of strangers, of his friends, family. exc. Hes got like at least three different "lenses" he can view himself in, and at least two "good or bad" lenses he can see any given person through. IF anything is certain about him, its his instability. In idenity, in stances, in views, in beleifs, in emotions, in everything. An so, he gets the aberation efffect, cause he is !!! pulling!! apart! no focus, no stability , no alignment, no trust, no brother, no one to rely on, no money, no goals, no self esteem, no style, no shoes, no affirmation, no bitchessssssss also i have freddy at like 18 opacity (and the cromatic aberation layers are also at 1* so lets charitibly say hes at 50 total) and Fred is at like 80/85/90 on any given drawing of these, because freddy literally has less soul. uh. magic stystem or whatever freddy was emoty enough in the cup that holds his soul that he could fit a shadow, who turned into a whole ass person instead of some litttle creature...... fucked up. empty ass. anywho. enough of that miserable prick. freds got glow and sparkles cause hes got a lot of soul, hes got a lot in him, and would shine under any circumstance. stand out in some way bc hes just. like that. he is absolutly bursting at the seams with STUFF that is just not being let out. Hes curious. they wanna learn andexplre and live so fucking badly, the want to live and exist on their own terms and its so much passion and drive and will to live all bottled in this little being unable to be expresseddddd. one of these is more positive than the otherrrrr im sure theres sone negative side i missed on fred and a positive side to freddy that i missed but uh. its. 12am as i am writing and scheduling this so.....
if i had a dollar for every time i thought abt fnafhs id have 1 dollar bc i have not fucking stopped.
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kitofawriter · 3 months
So I watched the first two episodes since they’re in English now. Live reaction:
LMK Season 5 spoilers under the cut:
Fun training session! Let’s go!
Tired MK is tired. Somebody get this boy the therapy he needs!
Wukong is trying to be responsible about the monkey form at least.
“I’m compartmentalizing!” XD me too MK, me too
MAC MAC MAC!!!! Also “Bud” not in a mocking way!!!!
“This mountain’s been by home just as long as yours” I’m screaming!!!
They’re working together! (Sorta)
Wukong confirming he didn’t know about MK!
Referencing Mac’s death and resurrection!
Ominous stone crack!!
Mei!! My girl!!!
Tang continuing the tradition of shirking the hard labor. Good to see he’s still himself.
The origami!!
Even Mo gets a picture!!
MK please chill, like even 2% calmer would be a major improvement. You need to rest and get therapy.
“Sleeping with the noodles”
Dadsy give him some comfort. Also send him to therapy. Or teach him cooking.
MK backstory! Noodles! Sleepy noodles!!!! That is so cute oh my god!!
MK is a heavy boi. Also sleepy.
“I love you, son” I am not emotionally prepared for the sheer amount of MK and Pigsy fluff in the last two minutes.
Mac sleeping with the little monkeys!!! At the tree!!!
Spooky goings on. References to Monkey King getting kidnapped to the underworld perhaps??
Stop blaming the monkeys for the things they’ve been trying to stop please. That’d be great. MK needs a nap. You could’ve waited for him to sleep.
Wukong throwing shade about the underworld situation. You tell ‘em!
Smug smile. Good monkey.
Mac canonically appears in the Monkey King Ace Attorney TV show? What?
Fillet?? Fillet??? Nezha?!? “Nezhie”?!??!?
Li Jing, hey, can’t say it’s a pleasure to meet you. Maybe take some parenting classes and then we’ll talk.
Mac trying to stop the fillet!!!
MK losing it a bit at that, love the concern for Wukong! They is a family!!!
Also Nezha trying to plea for them!
Underworld jail.
Grumpy Wukong and mopey Mac, I can just feel all the angst fics being written.
MK is trying so hard to free his mentor!
“It’s tense in here.” Gee I wonder why.
Secret plan with the fur? Secret plan with the fur? The nods?!
(I think I should interject here to point out, I rarely watch things without also doing something else to distract my hands, and yet my crochet has been forgotten because I’m having so many thoughts!)
Nezha providing exposition
Tang!Wukong, glasses is a must
Painted art style my beloved it’s good to see your return!
“My father is not the enemy” I mean he’s not exactly a pillar of goodness either my dude.
“I’m a clone”
Okay the running animation bit was actually pretty nice, love the movement. I like how they’re really trying to keep close to the original style of animation even though they’re working with a totally different tool set.
Mac, are you…are you Naruto running?
Wukong keeps doing the cutest smiles. I’m gonna have to go back through and grab some many screenshots.
Wukong and Mac just…knowing exactly how to fight together with no communication when they’re actually both on the same side.
Sandy got a new truck…
…And it’s gone, poor guy
MK worried that they’re just the harbingers of chaos when they have directly caused so few of the problems they’ve faced. Like, I get it, but maybe have some perspective. You know what would help with that? Therapy.
Just don’t explain anything. It’s fine. They’ll figure it out.
MK building powers!!
Fillet use!! Mac stepping in!! Mac sacrificing himself?!?!? Oh the angst fics will be legendary!!
“He always gets away, right?” Followed by sad face?!? OH THE ANGST FICS WILL BE LEGENDARY!!!
Monkey in pagoda. This feels familiar.
I’m sensing a later “boiling rock” style episode. Or else they all get trapped in there and have to bust out (Nezha helping them escape possibly?)
That was so good! I can’t wait for the actual proper release for better audio quality and more importantly MORE EPISODES!!
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ritz-writes · 1 year
Lego Monkie Kid Spotlight AU
What if, when Macaque came back, he didn't want revenge. What if did at first, just a few fights with Wukong that he lost every time, but eventually went "whats the point in this?" and moves on? What if he went to one of the few things that still brought him comfort: Theater.
Welcome to the Macaque-Preforms-In-Musicals AU, aka Spotlight AU
Everything is exactly the same. But one day, MK drags Wukong to a musical Mei got tickets for, Heathers to be exact (cuz i say so). Mei got three, and the third was supposed to be for Tang, but he got hella sick before and couldn't go (he was VERY upset about it. poor guy) so MK convinces Wukong to tag along so the ticket didn't go to waste. Wukong is in his hoodie, all slumped in his chair, thinking this was a waste of time and maybe he could just nap until the end. And that was his plan, really. He tries to block out the noise, tries to just sleep, but then hears-
"September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary-"
And he sits up cuz he KNOWS that voice. He knows it like he knows his own. He sits up and, lo and behold, Macaque was center stage as Veronica Sawyer (also cuz i say so). Wukong is in shock. He hadn't seen Macaque in years, and now he was performing in a musical? He wasn't surprised at that, at least. He knew how much Macaque loved performing.
He just... wasn't expecting it. He also wasn't expecting to get jealous during Dead Girl Walking, or to cry during Seventeen. And when MK saw him crying, borderline sobbing, he just assumed Wukong REALLY liked the musical.
MK and Mei have no idea who the darker monkey is, of course. They just see an actor with an amazing voice and hella good skills. Wukong knows though. He hardly pays attention to the story, eyes zeroed in on Macaque alone, ears only tuned into his voice. It was weird, seeing him so close (cuz of course Mei had to get seats close to the stage) without them trying to tear each others throats out.
And when the musical came to an end, he stood with everyone else, clapping. Macaque is all smiles and sweat, bowing with his fellow cast members. His eyes go over the crowd and eventually fall onto a familiar shade of gold. He didn't flinch, he didn't react, but his smile faltered ever so slightly. And as soon as the curtain fell, he ran to his dressing room to try and breathe.
He did all of this to AVOID Wukong. He knew the king never liked the theater arts, only ever enjoying the ones Macaque were in or held. But now he was here, clapping with tears in his eyes.
When he leaves to go home, Wukong's waiting for him. He tries to talk to him, his words stuttered and awkward, but Macaque shuts it down fast.
"I don't want to hear it, Wukong," he says. "Leave me alone. I've moved on. You should to." And walks past him.
Wukong was hurt, but not surprised. He tries to honor Macaque's wishes, TRIES to leave him alone... but apparently MK thinks Wukong would LOVE to keep going to musicals with them.
He tries to say no, but can't really come up with a good excuse. I mean, he can't rlly say 'sorry kid, but my ex that i kinda sorta killed is starring in a lot of them and he still doesnt like me and asked me to leave him alone. so i cant come with you, sorry.'
So he goes, but with a better disguise. That better disguise being a different colored hoodie and sunglasses. Cuz macaque totally wont recognize him that way.
I literally came up with this last night, so I haven't worked out all the details yet. This is a shadowpeach au tho, and they do eventually make up <3
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cozymochi · 1 day
might be a long answer but how about 11 and 12 for the twst ask game!
BUT I LIKE EVERYBODY!!! 😭😭 I feel strongly but also not too strongly at the same time. I feel kinda out of place saying that since soooo many people are just raring to go on who they hate, and weirdly enough twst has been the only thing I’ve been into lately where I just… like everybody? Just bear in mind I do not dislike any of the “least favorites”, they are just not my first choice when put next to their other doormates if I HAD to choose. I’ll probably reiterate that a million times if I gotta. Mind a couple might be dead tied.
11. Favorite character from each dorm?
HEARTSLABYUL - DEUCE ♠️ tho Ace is super close. I don’t like splitting them up but Deuce has never done anything wrong ever so-
OCTAVINELLE - …JADE? Probably. 🐬 Wait… yeah.
POMEFIORE - ….EPEL and VIL are tied 🍎👑 …maybe Vil? I dunno. …But Epel-
IGNIHYDE - ORTHO 🔥I stand by Ortho so hard. Kind of a bummer he keeps getting relegated to just “Idia’s brother” or omitted all the time in fan-work when he’s so dang cool. But oh well.
DIASOMNIA - SEBEK and SILVER are tied ⚡️🗡️ I think I lean Sebek a smidge more cuz he has dumb tropes I like.
12. Least favorite character from each dorm?
HEARTSLABYUL - Cater (don’t get me wrong, I like him I enjoy him)
SAVANACLAW - …mmmmn… Leona and Jack are tied solely because Ruggie is their competition and I love Ruggie a lot. But I do really like them both, they make me happy when I see ‘em. CANT DRAW THEM THOUGH—
OCTAVINELLE - LOOK I LOVE ALL THE MER-FREAKS. But I guess maybe Floyd? But again, I love him too. Actually, maybe he and Azul are tied.
SCARABIA - Kalim ONLY by process of elimination because I love him too. BUT THERES ONLY TWO CHOICES.
POMEFIORE - Rook (No shade though, he makes me laugh)
IGNIHYDE - Idia by process of elimination. I just really love Ortho so sometimes Idia just doesn’t cross my mind. But, he’s very funny and pathetic.
DIASOMNIA - Malleus. FUNNY BECAUSE HE’S PROBABLY THE MOST DRAWN PERSON HERE LOL. I love Malleus I do, but I really REALLY love the other three thanks to what book 7 did, so I guess bro is in 4th place. Or 3rd place since Sebek and Silver share 1st place. However… we’ll see where he is by the end of Book 7 when all his lore finally gets dumped out. + whatever post 7 character centric event he’ll get to serve as something of an epilogue. (Sorta like Ortho got with Fairy Gala remix after book 6)
I hope these answers were as obnoxious and eye-straining as possible. Not doing that color shifting thing again!
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hc-werner · 1 year
The Dialectical Humanism of Big-Ass Robots: An Intro
“There’s a deep, earnest seriousness to most mecha shows (especially within the “real robot” subgenre) that implores the audience to grapple with intricate ideas and themes drawn from philosophers like Aristotle, Nietzche, and Rousseau, oftentimes complete with allegorical mouthpieces for competing ideologies.”
My high school students always lose their shit when I tell them that I, Coach Werner, also watch anime. I kinda feel bad about it. By now, I know I’ll see the excitement die from their eyes little by little as they pepper me with questions, searching for a connection with show after show after show. 
“Coach, have you seen Jojo?”
“What about DBZ or Naruto?”
“Not since before you were born.”
“Attack on Titan? Utena? Tokyo Ghoul?”
“Not yet, though they’re on my list.”
“The fuck Coach? I thought you said you watch anime!”
When I tell them I mostly watch mecha, they get confused. After I explain that mecha are the ones with jumbo-sized robots, they groan. I’ve even had one kid say that didn’t count. As a general rule, I try to not let the opinions of 15 year olds hurt my feelings; I only docked his grade a couple points. 
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Whatever my students may think, oversized anthropomorphized robots have fascinated me since I was a kid. Over the years, as I’ve revisited shows from my youth and found new mechanized, cel shaded rabbit holes to tumble down, I’ve tried to figure out what exactly was so appealing about the genre. There’s definitely a bit of wish fulfillment, a sorta kaiju-sized power fantasy, sure, but that’s not all of it. Same with intricate sci-fi world building, and of course the thrill of pew-pew dogfights and beam saber duels. But none of those alone seemed to account for the whole thing. They’re all fun set dressing, definitely worth a watch on their own but not enough, I don’t think, to capture my imagination for nearly a quarter of a century.
This series, The Dialectical Humanism of Big-Ass Robots, started off as a rambling, borderline incoherent and definitely substance enhanced diatribe that tried to explain how excited I was for the first episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury. It feels right, though, both the name and the bigger through line.
There’s a deep, earnest seriousness to most mecha shows (especially within the “real robot” subgenre) that implores the audience to grapple with intricate ideas and themes drawn from philosophers like Aristotle, Nietzche, and Rousseau, oftentimes complete with allegorical mouthpieces for competing ideologies. There’s also the slightly goofy and always physics-defying “rule of cool” concepts of the robots themselves–I mean, who doesn’t want to see a boom cannon with angel wings, or a crucified rage monster, or transforming karaoke jets?–that can easily be laughed off as a kid’s cartoon. Any foolhardy (read: hubristic and dumbasstic) attempt to try to find unifying threads within such a wide and varied genre has to address both of those tendencies. Here, friend, you will find one such foolhardy attempt. 
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Mecha anime, more than any other subgenre, has a fundamental tension summarized by two infuriatingly simultaneous, contradictory truths:
Anthropomorphized mechs bring out the best in humanity, allowing us to overcome our flaws and leap forward into a better future.
Anthropomorphized mechs feed into the worst traits of humanity, allowing us to destroy ourselves in new and technologically advanced ways.
Those two overwhelmingly common truths, when taken together, can be summarized in fancy philosophy jargon with just two words: dialectical humanism.
Dialectics is a concept pioneered (in the West, at least) by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel during the late 18th and early 19th century. There’s literally a whole field of study called “Hegelian Dialectics” that we’ll touch on from time to time, but the main thing to know is that two mutually exclusive and contradictory ideas are often both true at the same time. 
Humanism has a long, fraught history, but the most common Western interpretations stem from Enlightenment-era ideals. Essentially, humanism boils down to the belief that humankind can progress beyond its animalistic nature through a combination of empathy and rational thinking. Again, we’ll be touching on a whole slew of humanist thinkers throughout this series.
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So that’s The Dialectical Humanism of Big-Ass Robots. I feel like mecha shows–from Astro Boy to Zeta Gundam, and almost everything in between–play with this dialectic, where the mechs themselves represent humanity’s ultimate destruction and ultimate salvation simultaneously. Sometimes we struggle to survive, sometimes we overcome and thrive, and sometimes we find ourselves transformed into an ocean of pink goo.
In this series, we’ll look at:
Magical Newtype Bullshit and radical empathy
Depression, memory, and trauma, and why Shinji can’t just get in the fucking robot
The power of music (and love, hope, and propaganda) in a transforming space city
And much, much more.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go watch a Tanuki pilot a Gundam.
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homolobotomized · 9 months
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drawing like. 30 women from one piece and im not even close to done but here are a few so far :3
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i used smth i drew of ace a while ago as a sorta reference for hers bc i wanted to keep their features (nose, jaw line, eyebrows, etc.) mostly the same. i also gave her brunette roots but was kinda fighting for my life w it so if it looks stupid, well..! i also added went w more texture than i have w the other ones and im p happy w it!
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dont have a lot to say here but i used some official art as a reference for this one but changed it up a little for my convenience. i wanted a grittier (?) brush for hers to sorta match her vibes. struggled w the glasses but we persevered bc she is my beautiful wife
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i went back and forth on whether or not i wanted to draw baby 5 for this but i had this expression in mind and she seemed like a good fit for it. love u girl
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giving all three of them tooth gaps was unintentional but whaytever. i spent an unreasonable amount of time on this and it was a pain in my ass but this is by far my favorite so it was worth it i suppose ^_^
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wanted to branch out with the characters im drawing / do very minor characters and i think her design is cute so 🙌 i wanted to make her resemble kalgara at least more than she does in canon (oda yew will pay) so she got his skin tone & sorta his nose 🫡
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ikkakuuu. im really happy w this one its actually one of my favorites! i think its the combination of the brush texture & simple shading 🫶
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nottoonedin · 7 days
okay so if you're not asleep/busy Toon, may I request some Isla information? especially about her relationships w/Monica and Asuka but obviously not limited to that (also the drawings you made on the whiteboard of monisla were so cute I love them XD)
anyways i love you I hope you are doing well Toon!!! <3 <3
Heyhey Rock! Hope you're doing well too!! Thank you for giving me a reason to talk about my girl! <3
I do plan to release more info on Isla and Monica's relationship (might make a sideblog for them..🤭), so I'll talk about her relationship with Asuka! (Please let me know if you differ with my thoughts and whatnot :'D)
Firstly, I'm going to just add the things we talked about in dms about them because other people need to know about these things💪🔥🔥:
• The reason Asuka dyed his hair that specific shade of green is because it's the colour of Isla's eyes!💚(And so he wouldn't forget what colour they are.. *sobs*).
Because of this, Isla owns a necklace that has a jewel that's the same colour of Asuka's eyes (brown)!🤎Although she doesn't always wear it, she holds it very dear to her <3
• Asuka sings to himself in French, especially when he's stressed out, because Isla used to sing to him when he was little (I'm still not normal about this information, btw). I imagine Isla still does this, just not as often as she used to.. (Little sample of Isla's voice claim for reference).
• Idk if this was already obvious, but Isla's nationality is French! At least she would be.. if she wasn't in space.. like in the Modern AU? But depending on what you've decided on for Asuka's ethnicity, they could both be mixed..?
• Isla likes to use different variations of Asuka's name as a form of endearment! ('Asu,' 'Ka,' 'Suka,' 'Susu,' etc.) Asuka would probably do the same for Isla, most prominently 'Lala,' because I like to think that when they were younger, Asuka couldn't properly pronounce Isla's name, so he ended up calling her that as a substitute, and the name just sorta stuck lol. He sometimes uses other nicknames, though, like 'Izzy', 'Isa', etc. (Susu and Lala hehehehe-)
• When Isla turned 13, her Guardian deemed her old enough to accompany her to one the current ALNST Season's rounds (for s40 Isla, it would be s39 I think? I say 'I think' is because I'm not entirely sure when in the timeline s40 is goin' on..?). Mostly because her Guardian wanted her to get used to the atmosphere and how ALNST rounds play out.
Don't think too much about that last point, it is totally irrelevant to her story.. :)
Feel free to add any thoughts you have on their relationship, Rock!! Ilysmmmm💖
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pastelwhile-art · 11 months
it'd absolutely make my day too some makokuu from you (i loved that illustration of them im insane about them)
what about some domestic makokuu 👀 them spending time together at home :3 no pressure ofc
Help I know I asked for saiki k requests TWO months ago and I had a really fun idea for an illustration, but my brain is a smooth cube. so that idea stays up in the air.
For now take a really quick silly crack doodle about one of the many possibilities I think Kusuke/Makoto telling Saiki/Teruhashi would go. Spoiler alert: it’s hilariously horrible.
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(Saiki thinks they’re messing with them and Teruhashi is seething. Are they pranking them? Who knows.)
And ya know what? Beneath the cut take my redesigns of these guys and my notes for them because I made several months ago ‘cause I haven’t touched them since :(
Warning: I talk a lot.
A quick note! These designs aren’t meant to say ‘fix’ the original-they’re just for fun! Even if I think elements of mine look better, clearly the original works and are well loved. Also I’m not especially fond of these anyways JAJSJANW
Saiki doesn’t change much other than his palette is a more balanced. Also I really like designing hair, and wanted the idea that Saiki really tries to sleek it down to something very generic and unassuming, but the hairpins get stuck in the way and his hair sorta moves outwards from there. Continuing the idea that his powers make him subtly less normal. It also accidentally made him look A LOT more like his parents, oops.
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Also I drew a comparison from his canon hair to his redesign, because I didn’t think it was particularly clear until side by side.
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Also I actually gave this one a proper illustration lol.
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Teruhashi’s design was actually partly inspired by @lu-kario’s human mlp designs because they’re really good :^ She’s also pretty standard except her hair and color (which I’m not too satisfied with.)
I like the idea of the Teruhashi Siblings being a bit supernatural, so along with weird shine effects, they also get constant wind effects! Like in all the anime where they have flowing hair at just the right times even though it wasn’t windy at all before? Yeah! Except that’s more Makoto’s thing while the shine stays Kokomi’s.
Also what ethnicity are these characters now? To me they’re still Japanese, but I think people don’t ever use a range of skin tones for the same ethnicity. But really these are just fun designs I didn’t really think too hard.
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Kusuke! He was the first one I did and an absolute PAIN. He was also the reason I did this, because as much as I love Saiki K and respect the author, I just got to know what is going on with his debut clothes.
Well not like I did that much better… Kusuke is stuck with four alt palettes because I can’t decide which shade of weird yellow and purple to make his head and gown (I’ve resolved to draw his hair a different shade of yellow in every drawing.) His eyes also match Saiki with purple eyes, because I think they look better lmao.
Also, that’s his Cambridge gown he’s wearing. And fun fact-they have a great amount of rules on what color does gowns get an accent of based off what subject people are taking! I decided to not think too hard on that and just gave him a better looking gown.
And I really like the hair I gave him, the original to me just lacks a bit of anime shape style. Also his headgear is shaped like a graduation hat now lol.
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He also has a silly little doodle for what he’d look like with his lab coat. It’s not here, but I like to think he always puts a ponytail up!
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Last and also least xp, Makoto! He’s uhh about the same with the points I said with Teruhashi. Just very angular now. I swear I tried to design a better fashion for Makoto but I just ended up with the same.
I tried to style his hair how Japanese celebrities would, but I don’t know if I succeeded. His hair as I said is constantly blowing to the left lol. Also he has a hair clip now! In my head Kusuke gives him a telepathy canceller disguised as a hairclip.
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Also anyone can draw or get inspired by these designs if you wanted lol Though I don’t really like these, I still use these hairstyle for drawing them cause I think they look cool lol.
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dynamic-k · 3 months
You said Vic's birthday was shortly after he got arrested. Did Alan, Chosen, Dark and/or Second do something special to celebrate this? Did anyone do something for his birthday???
Please say yes-
Also, is Ballista still pixilated in Super Sticks??
Like- are all the mercenaries appearing like they are in canon? Primal is crayony-pencily like, Ballista is pixils, Agent has sunglasses, and Hazard is a walking bathroom sign???
I'm trying to imagine it in Super Sticks and my mind is drawing a blank.
Best wishes, because it's been less than 24 hours since I said have a great day,
No no, I said before he was arrested. While he was still running Rocket Corp.
O w O' I sorta had the idea of making a Bonus Feature at one point but... It was a pretty boring birthday as he was mostly alone and didn't tell anyone it was his birthday.
And his relationship with Primal was still rocky and Ballista was in jail and Agent and Hazard were both living elsewhere and didn't know if they should make a visit or not, though I think they would end up sending a card or something at least. They'd celebrated Vic's birthday previously, so they know it was the day which it was.
Super Sticks is definitely an ambiguous design, I'll say that much. You ever watch anime and sometimes the style randomly changes and everyone is a short chibi-like character before it goes back to the more complex normal design?
Something like that happens in Super Sticks...? Like, Second can both be seen as the young kid he is with human features like hair and ears and such, and he has a 2-inch in circumference orange circle under his left eye/above his left cheek. And he can also be seen as "orange hollowhead stick figure" and the story describes him as such.
A weird, back and forthing happens, I suppose. Call it my way of saying, everyone's fanart is lovely. U v U
Ballista is... in a similar boat, I would say. He is pixellated like in canon for the most part, and yet not at other times? I dunno, I don't think I ever had a clear picture or envisionment of him in my head before, I... just write. XD
Primal, I have a much clearer depiction of, however. Her shape is that of a tall woman with broad shoulders and long hair restrained in a ponytail. Her skin color is scribbly and moving, as in canon, and her eyes have white coupled with the same tone of brown as her skin. Hair is also the same brown, and she typically wears tan-colored attire or another brown shade though typically much lighter than herself.
HAZARD!! HE ACTUALLY IS SPECIAL in the designs regard, because he- nsnjdecrkwnevj! I made a little sketch actually- hwfkjvkewv
I- You're not allowed to see my horrible sketch right now- wjrekvnkwjenbkweacv
Okay. Compromise.
I uhh
A month or so ago, I showed my embarrassingly horrible sketch to my brother Keegan, and helped describe Hazard, and he drew me something a whole lot better. That, I'll show.
His eyes are a nice golden color, and he wears grey plaid.
There is a more human version and then a stick version.
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I consider SuperSticks!Hazard to be very muscular, easy on the eyes, and he has a certain mysterious charisma due to his lack of speaking for the most part.
I love my little artist siblings, hehe
Thank you for the ask!!
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not-souleaterpost · 6 months
opinion on gopher
Well no shade at any Gopher fans but not really positive so dont read further if you dont wanna be sad😂
To me Gopher kind of is one of the reasons for my controverial oppinion of the anime being better than the manga:
The most simple and least pretentious way of describing my thoughts and reasons is - I find him unfunny and obnoxious, while also feeling that he is a pointless charachter with wasted potential at the same time.
But to get more into detail...
When did he get introduced (if I remember correctly?): During that whole mini-arc about Maka wanting "to be an angel".
I have many problems with that part of the story, especially with how it turns Maka into some generic "tsundre kawaii girl who not so secretly likes the guy who she is bitchy too"
But I wont get too much into that, just the fact that I get the point - Gopher gets introduced as foil to her in that arc, to kinda give her a reality check of how unlikeable and childish she is acting.
But the point is, that even with the most charitable interpretation of the arc, Gopher IS just by his nature a charachter tailor-made (literally) to be obnoxious and annoying.
And unlike Excalibur, I find the way in which he is just groan-worthy and not charming and soothing (Yeah Excalibur is great, shout out to the OG)
But ok, maybe thats just bad impresions, does he improve later? Not really cause his whole gag stays this kinda creepy quasi incestious obssesion with Noah and idk, dont even wanna write about that part too much lol
But even if one just looks at it as a charachter trait with possible development, it leads nowhere, Gopher being static besides his final gag (which I admit is funny but also a bit ehh with the whole implication of what hes gonna do with 7 naked unconcious bodies...)
Still, one could say why am I'm expecting something out of a gag charachter? Just dont overthink it - maybe I wouldnt if Ohkubo didnt kinda setup a situation where it seemed there could be more to him, only to be just wasted panel time in the end:
What I mean is, the whole setup of him torturing and integoriating Kid - which seemed to be a perfect opportunity for charachter development for both of them - because they actually have some simmilarities:
Both are "created" and "reverant" to their Father-figure, both have unhealthy obssessions and both start throwing childish tantrums when things dont go their way. (also surface details like both seemingly being anime pretty boys appeiling to a specific demographic, with the dark hair and proper dress-code etc)
Yet all that didnt lead to anything - neither Gopher realised that his "master" is horrible compared to the other side, nor did it make Kid reflect about his own obssessions and how obnoxious and ridicolous he must look to others.
Neither was there anything about being sorta non human, "created" not born - but thats excusable cause that was revealed after the fact in Kids case.
Hell, still there could be even some strengthening of both sides negative traits, the tragedy of communication being impossible, but all lead just to an ok gag of Kids face being made unsymmetrical.
But also on a tangent, the whole "black wings" thing also just seems to be derivative - especially when the much stronger parallel of "angel vs demon" with black and white wings was between Maka and Crona, so yeah I think the whole obnoxious Maka and Gopher thing kinda deluded that meaning, but thats more of a pet peeve.
Still, to leave of not with just bitching, but an interesting thought, or atleast kinda funny in a stupid way (enough that I will prolly use it as filler in my iceberg videos):
So Gopher is a creation of Noah. But Noah is just one of seven other creations. Who are made by the Index, which is just a manifestation of a part of the Book of Eibon, which was written by the Wizard of the same name.
How many layers of being a tool is that?😂
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dcviated · 11 days
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relationship building :: open
@cloudpools sent: 🍺 for my muses drunk reaction around yours. ((Harima and Holly lololol
Sworn to secrecy. Give him a break. More like a gag order to hide her own devious lifestyle, that's how Harima sees it. But goddamn if he isn't a man of his word. Without his word he ain't got a whole lot else after all. Still. Seeing her mill about in casual clothes is like seeing a lion or other zoo animal standing on two feet. Who's she trying to fool??
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"Ain't foolin' me." Harima huffs, taking the glass before him and throwing it back for a hearty chug. "Guhhh.. man! The hell is with this week anyway?" The beer joins similar company in his gut, the swirl in his eyes threatening to wobble into something closer to tears. Sure, maybe she had kinda sorta saved him. But down a job (because he absolutely caught the flack and got fired) he was back to hoofing it for other labor deals.
A damn mercy is what it was, that the owners didn't blacklist him. Or put out some nasty rumors. Similarly he wasn't putting anything out on the Irish girl. Though she still didn't look very Irish to him. If she were Irish, she'd be drinking something really hard, wouldn't she? That glass is all flowery and fruity lookin. Baffling.
Not that Harima's any good at solving logical quandaries to begin with. And after having a few good glasses?
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Thunk. Thunk. Through sniffles he thumps the heavy glass mug against the counter. Biting back frustration the same as sorrows. Why's she having a good time anyway?? What's she got to be happy about??
Apparently a whole lot more than him. A proper response would to let bygones be bygones. But the whole ridiculousness of the situation (along with how it seems to dog him) keeps him stuck against it like flypaper. Kinda like how his eyes keep flitting back to her from across the bar.
There's a few good reasons to keep wearing shades... even if, right now at least, the saturation of tears and wrench of frustration decimates any attempt at looking cool with them. Barely at drinking age and he looks about the biggest loser as any old drunkard three times his age.
"Bartender! I need... another."
"Kid, I think you've had enough."
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"Youre... goddamn right... about that!!!"
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