#at least i had 2 days of okay-ness
0 notes
might've cooked too hard on this. it sure is. so many worbs. [18,320 words, to be exact.]
but, i commit to my bit, and I will continue to do so because i'm a *loser* - so, welcome to the “sage looked at the c!sherb playlist and went far more bonkers than probably necessary” post. because uh. nothing i say ever stays a bit very long-
[Section One - Man. Icarus Morningstar is such a character. The most character of all time.]
-> [Icarus]
-> In my mind, this is 2 to 3 people talking to/about Icarus. The first section, up until the instrumental in the middle, being Centross. Just the whole idea of drinking, it feels very much Centross about them. (“Living beyond your years” is very reset coded - not Centross talking about them, but the rest of that section definitely feels like Centross.) The second section, up until “you put up your defenses when you leave”, is very much Fable talking about them. Just the whole idea of them falling - he would've been the one to see that - and the whole idea of him being scared of that happening again and again and *again.* The last section, following that, could be argued it's either Centross or Rae. How they both know that Icarus puts up this front, this armor, when they talk to people, when they walk around, and only really *really* drop that when they're alone or when Centross or Rae is around. (Well. There's an argument that they *don't* drop their walls completely around Centross or Rae, but this is playlist analysis, not character analysis-)
(Also the whole reset idea of Icarus dying over and over again, forgetting over and over again - falling over and over again.)
-> [Redesign Your Logo]
-> This is very much about the whole change from *just* yellow's and golds, to the yellow and purple color scheme they end up with due to the eye. It's very Midas to Icarus coded, basically. Because as a kid, they were mostly dressed up in yellows, but as time went on, and as the eye happened, and as the resets started, that *changed.* they shifted into wearing purples more often, mixing them with yellow - for all intents and purposes, redesigning the logo they had previously had. Also the whole idea of the trident changing from the trident to the Quixis symbol - cause. Yeah that's kinda Icarus’ logo. (The argument could also be made about how they become nicer with the eye and the following resets - their logo, their typical-ness of being a snarky asshole shifts into being something kind and caring and compassionate. It's Redesigned, and it's at least *partially* Midas’ doing.)
-> [Any Day Now]
-> Icarus about the wack. How they want it to stop, *think* it will stop, soon. It'll stop ‘any day now’ - it can't keep going forever, can it? (Also the pain Icarus is constantly going through - the bad, the horrible and the terrible and the suffering - it'll stop eventually, right? It can't keep going on forever - it'll stop any day now as long as they can *make it* there, make it to the point they're good and happy and it can stop. They just have to keep going and it’ll *stop.*)
-> [&]
-> Icarus’ hypocrisy. How they do things, harm, yell at, everything like that, to others - while doing the same things they're berating others for themself. How they'll do one thing, and call it fine, while criticizing that *exact* same thing. Also could be seen in a light of Fable talking about Icarus’ actions and friendships and things of that sort.
-> [Comb Attack]
-> Okay this one is. Mmm. Okay. Most of the words in here are very glitchy, very cut off from each other - something about the resets cutting off Icarus? Cutting their words off, cutting their actions off, cutting their memories off, *glitching* them.
-> [Hungover in the City of Dust]
-> Icarus’ Isolation. How their friends are constantly leaving them alone and isolated, and how they're constantly pushing people away, and how they're left running around in circles trying to catch up, trying to save themself, figure out what's wrong, figure out how to *fix it.*
-> [Mr. Backwards]
-> Icarus’ more backwards way of thinking. How they'll tell you what they *want* How they're hurting, but they're not going to tell you. How they're trying so desperately to not let people see that, seem so backward to others.
-> [Never Meant to Know]
-> Just the whole idea that there is so much about this world that Icarus cannot and should not be privy to until the correct time - how they live their life rather peacefully up to that point, not knowing, never knowing. The whole idea of the resets - and how really, truly, Icarus wasn’t supposed to know about *any* of this, how they were supposed to be *dead* and they’re not, they were genuinely *never* meant to know.
-> [Out of the Box]
-> Resets. The whole idea that Icarus has died again and again - and that whole like. Abrupt manner of the resets. How they can be doing something one moment and the next they're outside, surrounded by grass and surprised.
-> [Digital Silence]
-> Icarus siding with Fable, and really, Icarus’ actions in general - How they have to do this, regardless of what others say, and regardless of how it makes them *feel* - they *need* to do what they're doing right now; it's all a means to an end and they *need to* do it - because if they don't, things could go very wrong and very different. (Different in a bad way, of course.)
-> [Alien Blues]
-> Just kind of describing Icarus’ whole life - the pain, the bad, the terrible. The whole idea Icarus plays everything off as a joke - they *don't* let people see what really happens, and the snark and asshole attitude people give them because of that. Also maybe the whole idea of the way the things snark them sometimes after bad things, when they're repeating history in a bad way. (Also also also “I'd do anything for you, Mrs. Highness” something about how they’d do anything for Fable, *anything* - even if it meant killing their family, if it meant that he might love them; if it meant they’d be good and they’d have succeeded in something - succeeded instead of *failing.*)
-> [Under My Skin]
-> Just. Everything with being not entirely yourself. Everything about being yourself on the outside, but having someone else simmering right under your skin, telling you things, making you do things. The entire idea that Icarus isn't entirely all *themself.*
-> [Able]
-> That whole idea of Icarus not wanting to be alone in their own mind sometimes, on top of wanting to just be *fine* - on time of trying to so desperately *convince* themself that they're all entirely and completely fine. Saying it out loud so it properly sets into their mind, so it properly comes to fruition.
-> [Mirror Man]
-> That need to be *seen* by someone - anyone. That need to be heard and seen and known by someone - and the knowledge that if they don't, Icarus will make it worse for not only themself, but *everyone* else - make them live Icarus’ nightmare.
-> [Brass Goggles]
-> A) Copper duo; B) That whole idea, almost, that Icarus likes to shove down their feelings. They like to pretend the Icarus that has bad, upset emotions doesn't exist - at least, when in front of people. That whole idea that they try to present themself as someone who doesn't break down in front of others, they try not to cry and they try so desperately to keep this facade up and teach themself more as time goes on how to do so.
-> [Bleed Magic]
-> In my mind, this is very Midas talking to Icarus. Just that whole idea of Midas knowing what Icarus is like; that whole idea that Icarus is *lonely*, that no one believes them just because of how much they *lied*, and is, somehow, bleeding magic out. Literally, in the direct form of Sherbert's eye (Which was, in a way, *killing* Sherbert - not necessarily the bleeding eye, just simply the fact they didn’t become Quixis when they needed to), as well as the whole concept that due to the fact they didn't become Quixis when they should've, Midas has spent far far too much time and energy and *magic* on them. Icarus literally draining them, bleeding them, leaving them with such little control.
-> [Gold]
-> This being about how everything they touch changes no matter what they do, how they try so hard to keep if from changing - but the wack is random, Midas’ can't control it, and so it *changes,* it changes gold and bright. Everything they touch changes to gold, huh?
-> [Gold]
-> Just, I guess, that whole idea that no matter how many people leave them, or get killed around them, or anything like that, they'll come back. The idea that those people can't break like that, because Icarus has always seen them like a rock that *can't* break.
-> [creature]
-> That whole idea of how Icarus *is* Creation's child. They are creation, in a way. They push His ideals, however subconsciously, into people. He is leading their way, and will be, and this is a good thing. And Icarus pushes and pushes this idea - showing both the good parts of themself, not quite the good parts of Creation, as well as the bad more twisted parts, parts almost completely Fable's fault due to them almost being *His* ideals. (“I am creation, both haunted and holy.”) Also almost that whole idea of the resets, their body re-created and re-created over and over and *over* again. They *are* the embodiment of Creation's powers - a person remade through Him, made in His image, made to be the person *He* wants them to be. Haunted, in the idea they might as well be a ghost, and Holy simply because Fable deems them as such - deems them His favorite.
-> [Path to Isolation]
-> A) Oh my gods this song is so fucking coded what the fuck; B) The whole idea of how loss, be it of someone, or *something* - leads them down this path. Leads Icarus so often down this path of immense anger, leads them down the path of the side of the enemy. That whole idea of everything breaking, be it through their own means or someone else's. That whole idea that going down this path so often means that they're so incredibly alone, and means they can't *recognize* themself - they don't know who they've become in all this pain and hell and *bad*, they can't find it. They just keep falling apart and they don't even know when or where to begin to pick up the pieces.
-> [Bet On It]
-> Just that whole idea that Icarus wants to do the right thing, so desperately. Despite all their doubts, their disbelief, their questions about this world, they want to do the right thing - they *will* do the right thing. They need to. They've put all their effort into doing the right thing - it'd all fall apart if they didn't continue to do that.
[Section Two - Broters. also family <3]
-> [Problems]
-> Am I aware this is on the playlist because of Charles? Yes. Am I going to say this is brothers coded anyway? *absolutely.* Because it is brothers coded - something about Icarus seeing themself as bad and someone who can't be saved, while they view their brother in a significantly better light, and see him as the good one and the one who's gonna save them.
-> [Two Birds]
-> *Separation* - This is very much Icarus and Rae drifting away from each other. Icarus drifting away and leaving and hiding, while Rae continues time and time and *time* again to help them and save them and drag them back *home.*
-> [Family Line]
-> Something just about repeating history, and something about following after your parents, and something about how they'll try to change and change themself so much so they don't mirror their parents, and something about how they have to live with everything their parents have done.
-> [Call Them Brothers]
-> Separation!! Again!! The brothers are apart from each other, separated rather permanently through the resets, and, from Icarus’ point of view, they probably *can't* fix it. They can't mend themselves back together like they used to, they're broken.
-> [Brother]
-> Something about how despite being broken, despite all the separation and time lost that hangs between them, they still rely on each other. They'll still help each other no matter the cost, because, in the end, they're still brothers - they still love each other and they still *care.*
-> [Rule #4 - Fish in a Birdcage]
-> Icarus being trapped and isolated, be it through their own doings or their father's or *anyone's*, and how Rae will always be there to sooth them, help them, care for them, *love them.* He cares so desperately, and he'll do his best to take care of them, and Icarus *believes it* - that he loves them.
-> [Icarus]
-> This one feels *mostly* Rae talking to Icarus - Seeing just how far they've flown, and just how far they're willing to fall. That realization of what Icarus has become after all of this, and trying so very hard to drag Icarus back down in any way he can. The last part is Icarus to Rae, however. That try to get him to stop - that “you can't save me, Rae.” That acknowledgment, no matter when in the timeline, that Rae can't save Icarus. (Icarus has to be the one to save themself.)
-> [The Family Jewels]
-> Just that whole idea of cycles - that whole idea of just fucked their whole family is. That whole idea that this cycle of pain and suffering will continue until *they* (Icarus) stops it. Their almost snark to Rae, that idea that they only share *one* last name - Morningstar - and not both. Also that whole idea of Icarus being the favorite - that Fable conditioned them to be the “better” one, conditioned them to be like *this.* (Also just the whole idea of “jewels” - royalty. That idea, almost, of Icarus welcoming Rae to this life. This life of trying too hard, so very hard to be perfect - to be the best, to be royalty, because they have to be. And, arguably, that realization that Rae never had to live that life. That realization Rae never *had* to be the perfect one - Rae got to. Live normally, pretty much. Whereas Icarus grew up young having to be a prince and be as perfect as they could.))
-> [Sparkbird]
-> The whole idea of Icarus noticing little things, pointing them out, needing Rae to notice them. The whole idea that Icarus grew up far *far* too quickly, and Rae is almost their outlet of that - they want so desperately to make up for a) all the time they lost with the resets, and b) all the times Icarus was just an asshole to him.
-> [When the Day Met the Night]
-> Did Sherb say this was Fable, Enderian, and Isla? Yes. Am I going to say it’s brothers coded anyway? Also yes. Just the whole idea of how Rae is always there for Icarus, and how they make each other better when they’re together, and how yes, they often have their bad moments between each other, but in the end, there’s always good - in the end they always manage to find a way to have the sun shine brightly upon them, how in the end they still love and care to deeply about each other.
-> [Icarus]
-> Rae to Icarus. That whole idea that Rae can so easily see through Icarus’ front - so easily see what they're trying to hide. The idea that Rae can so easily see the danger Icarus so often leads themself to, and so often tries to deter them away from that. The whole thing of Rae so often giving Icarus an *out* - asking them questions, leading them in the right direction. (Or, at the very least, trying his hardest to do so.)
-> [I've Got You]
-> Considering this is a Zenni song, and one made for Fable specifically, it doesn't *really* need an explanation - However, just like. The whole idea that despite everything, despite all the brothers have been through and all their arguing and all their bad and terrible, Icarus and Rae still care about each other. Icarus will still keep Rae safe no matter what happens, because that's what older brothers *do*, that's what *family* does.
[Section Three - Season one, am I right or am I right-]
-> [Fine]
-> Just that whole idea at the beginning of season 1 that everything was actually *okay.* It was fine, it was okay, they were all *okay.* Nothing bad had happened yet (at least, not that they could remember), and it was all going well - and the idea that it was going to *continue* to go well. To them, nothing bad was going to happen, because why would it? It's all gone well up to this point - why would it start now?
-> [My Eyes]
-> This is very early corruption - the first part being Icarus, that slow realization of what they're falling into - bad and anger and hopelessness (almost?), and that whole idea that they're getting *worse.* The second part is Momboo - almost trying to comfort herself and Icarus, convince herself and Icarus of what they (Icarus) *really* wants - that they don't want to be bad, truly. (Regardless of their actions, and what Momboo and Co see so clearly in front of them.)
-> [If I Killed Someone for You]
-> Icarus to Momboo in early corruption. The idea of their true sense of self - or at least, the sense of self they had before - is slowly rotting away as corruption takes hold. Slowly killing the good person they were, slowly killing them, and leaving only the bad, ugly, and bloodied pieces of them. Would she still care about them, still hold their hands, if they weren't the same person she had fallen in love with?
-> Could also be viewed as Icarus to Momboo in late corruption, more towards the end, after killing Haley. How there's physically blood and gore on their hands, and would she still hold their hands knowing that that covered their hands like that.
-> [Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)]
-> Corruption. Basically Icarus to *everyone* - That snark of “am I *really* that bad?” because they know, if necessary, they can be so *so* much worse. That acknowledgment that if anyone else was in their shoes, they'd probably drop to the same lows they had - the same bad, terrible and horrible actions. (Well - they *think.* They come to know later that probably wouldn't be the case, but it's almost what they end up believing up until, really, Breaking Bonds.) Just that whole idea of their mentality during corruption - how bad they can be, and how much worse they could be, and how much someone else in their same shoes would be just as bad.
-> [Ways to Be Wicked]
-> Very Ominous Bane. Just that whole idea of there being so many ways they can just be *evil.* The whole idea of trying to convince people to join their side, to join their cause, to change the story, to be *bad.*
-> [Heathens]
-> Sherb said this is very Easton talking to Athena about Ominous Bane/Icarus, Centross, and kinda sorta Seven, and I very much agree with that. Just the whole idea of a *warning* - of how messy and chaotic and bad Ominous Bane can be. The whole idea of everything they've been through before this, be it if they remember it or not, and how it affects them still to this day. The whole concept of someone trying to warn Athena of what they're getting into, *tell them* what everyone here is like.
-> Just that whole idea of wanting to be seen as good by Enderian - almost? That whole idea of *wanting* to be her puppet, and wanting her to tell them what to do. (And that whole idea of after it, wanting to be redeemed.)
-> [Twisted]
-> Hot take - Icarus taunting people. Icarus trying to get Ominous Bane with them to help taunt people - *specifically* Athena. Just that whole idea of trying to get them to believe that, a, they're not a hero, they're not going to be - and b, this world as it is, isn't worth saving. They need to mess with it, blow stuff up, kill people, *something* to make it worth it.
-> [Ramalama (Bang Bang)]
-> Just the whole idea of Icarus and Co going around and blowing shit up. Just the snark and annoyance and bullshit they say during it, and the stuff they tell people while they're blowing stuff up - the whole *loudness* and bangs of the explosions - all of it.
-> [Secret]
-> Icarus asking Athena to keep all of this - Ominous Bane, *everything* about corruption - a secret. That loosely veiled threat of what would happen if Athena told *anyone* - what would happen to *them* if they dare spill that to others. The fact that Icarus so desperately wanted to keep corruption, keep their actions, keep Ominous Bane and Athena's involvement in it, a *secret.* (And how, in the end, they can't. Because in the end, Athena *tells* - and Athena gets hurt because of that, but they also get *saved* because of it.)
-> [Hawk in the Night]
-> Icarus to Athena - That whole idea of Athena doing good and being what Icarus wants her to be for them and Ominous Bane. That whole idea that Athena should fight against their friends, stop trying to call out to them for help, stop trying anything - and being proud when Athena would finally end up doing that, cutting ties.
-> Hot take, not in the correct spot in the playlist for this, but also Fable talking to Icarus - be it before or after the cathedral. That whole idea of Fable *wanting* Icarus to isolate themself from their friends and brother, and being pleased when they did that; as well as the whole idea of fighting your friends and family and siding with the “bad guys” and not, well, your family. (Or well, Your family family. The people who really love you. The people who’d care if you’d die. The people who want you to be there and you to be around them.)
-> [Sharks]
-> Just that whole idea of Icarus and Ominous Bane almost taunting Athena while he’s with them. The whole idea that everyone knows, that Athena thinks they can be better than everyone else (when in reality they’re just the same), and the whole idea that one day Athena will see that all she’s doing is swimming with sharks that want her gone and dead and hurt the same as everyone else.
-> Another hot take, Rae to Icarus around A Brother’s Final Stand. That whole idea that one day Icarus will realize their mistakes and missteps and wrong doings and how *Fable* is wrong, and they’ll truly realize how in too deep they are, and just how deep they’ve gone to swim with the sharks.
-> [Lies]
-> Just that whole idea of *all* the lies Icarus tells during season 1. To others, to get people on their side; to Ominous Bane to make themself look better; to *themself* to hide away they're *cracking.*
-> [We Both Reached for the Gun]
-> That whole idea of being a puppet to someone else. That whole idea of someone standing behind you, trying to control your actions and words and *everything* about you. That whole idea of corruption, being a puppet to yourself - in a weird sort of way. And that whole idea that during corruption and Ominous Bane, Centross tried so desperately to make Icarus do what *he* wanted.
-> [Wolf in Sheep's Clothing]
-> Just the whole idea of corruption. All that anger and upset and *mad* - targeted at *everyone.* Arguably, Icarus to Centross. Just that anger at how he gets to Enderian, that anger he gets to do whatever *he* wants, and they're delegated to. whatever this is. All of the arguing that happens between them - it's very season 1 prison duo.
-> [Play With Fire]
-> This is Centross and Enderian, yes; *Arguably* them almost taunting Icarus. The whole idea of them getting to do all of this, and do it *together* - while Icarus hasn't even gotten to *talk* to Enderian.
-> [Can't Stand the Rain]
-> Just that whole idea of literally not being able to stand the rain - how it's constant, how it means this just keeps going and going and *going* and they're not really getting any further than before. (Also like that whole idea of love - how there's truly no such thing as it, as long as this keeps going; as long as they’re corrupted.)
-> [Bust Your Kneecaps (Johnny Don't Leave Me)]
-> Three Strikes Three Strikes Three Strikes. This is so *incredibly* three strikes coded. Just that whole idea of Icarus taunting Athena, chasing after them and everyone else, threatening them. The way that Icarus was fully willing to hunt and kill all of them - fully willing to *go there* and hurt them like that.
-> [6up 5oh Copout (Pro / Con)]
-> This is so very prison coded. Just that whole anger at the fact they were even *put there* - the idea that people would dare misuse their trust like that to trap them. The anger of being alone and trapped and the fact no one was even *considering* letting them out. That need and what to be *out* because they were perfectly fucking *fine* - they didn't need to be trapped like this, why did they even *think* Icarus needed to be trapped like this?
-> [Murders]
-> Getting put in the prison. The idea that they go looking for something, they’re promised something and they work incredibly hard to get to that point - but in the end the prison ruins that for them. In the end, all their efforts were really worth nothing. All their efforts to see the end of this weren’t worth anything because look at where they are now. Look at where this has gotten them - trapped in a prison, panicked and alone and *hurt.*
-> [Nothing Left To Lose]
-> Loose Ends Loose Ends Loose Ends. This is so very incredibly Loose Ends coded. Just that whole idea of Icarus’ to put Centross into the prison - and their attempt at that. Then Centross almost immediately trying to put *them* back into the cell. The following argument and then Centross flying off, Icarus and Rae following. And then the whole idea of Icarus trying so *desperately* to keep him from blowing up their house - and failing because Centross just doesn't give a shit. Centross doesn't have any attachments to them anymore, they've served their purpose (his words), and he doe\snt need to keep them or their house or their anything around any longer - and so he goes through with blowing it up. He leaves Icarus alone there to pick up whatever they can.
-> [As the World Caves In]
-> The season 1 finale - just that whole idea of Centross blowing up the tree, the world literally caving in as Fable rips away yet another page. The way everyone gets ready, gathers around for the funeral of a woman none of them *really* knew, ready to mourn, but not knowing the events that would follow; they get ready for a funeral - only it’s not *only* Haley’s, but also their own. Sure they’ll come back, but the world will still cave in, and the person that sat in those seats will be long gone by the time they do.
-> Arguably also could be the season 2 reset - that whole idea of getting ready and dressing up and *armoring* up to fight Perix/The Warden and getting to that point, putting her soul into the portal frame; only to find Midas had switched Fable and Haley and it was all for nothing, and. Oh. Now the world is caving in - it’s falling apart.
-> [What if Tomorrow Comes]
-> I guess really that whole idea of hoping that Centross blowing up the tree isn't really, truly, the end of this all. That hope that tomorrow will come regardless because this can’t be the end. But also almost that doubt and unknown of if it really would come - that idea that, to them, it really seemed like they were *going* to die with no way of coming back. (And that whole idea of being proven very wrong as they wake up a few weeks later in a reset world, and slowly work to get their memories back as time goes on. That realization that tomorrow *will* come because it came once, it came tens of times before, so it’ll come again and again until they figure all of this out and stop it.)
[Section Four - Season two, why are at least a half of these about putting centross in the prison. *sherb*]
-> [New Life]
-> Just that whole idea of how since no one remembers at the beginning of the Sculk reset, they all - Icarus especially - have an opportunity to, at least until they remember properly, start anew. Icarus doesn’t remember, and for a while no one really remembers them, so they have an opportunity to have a new life; to rebuild things long since broken and make them better. Icarus doesn't have to worry about everything they did in the past if no one can remember it, meaning they get a free past to - at least, for a while, and for all intents and purposes - start a new life on a clean slate.
-> [People I Don't Like]
-> Very much Centross at the beginning of season 2 - to everyone really; though considering this *is* the Icarus playlist, it's arguably to Icarus. Just that whole idea that Centross *knows* them and everything they did and all the feelings he holds about them - and the whole idea that Icarus just. Doesn't. That whole thing of Centross trying to make himself seem good in everyone's eyes, save face and all of that - especially to Icarus. (Especially considering Icarus has/had *very* strong feelings about everything Centross did and told them and. All of that. Not that they remembered all of that at the beginning of the reset, but. Concept.)
-> [Turn The Lights Off]
-> The whole vibe at the beginning of season 2 that people shouldn't go to the end - or at least go to the end *alone* - because look at where that got people last time. Don’t go to the end because you could end up corrupted just like *they* did, and they don’t want that to happen again.
-> Part of me would also say, maybe not within this season, but also season 3 - with the end, that this could also be used in reference to the Worldport and how it’s decaying and how that’s where Quixis is and everything that happens every time Icarus goes in there.
-> You could also maybe make the argument that it’s about Purgatory and Fable - Don’t go with him, don’t go in there and subject yourself to that because you could become more of a monster than a man - more of a loyal soldier than yourself, more of a guard dog than a person. Don’t go down that hole, turn those lights off, because who knows what will happen. (Don’t side with him because you’ll become the monster you’ve always feared becoming - you’ll become the person you’ve never wanted to become.)
-> [The Devil You Know]
-> That whole idea of Icarus not remembering - but also *wanting* not to remember. Icarus has seen the way people react to them, they don't want to remember that person. Sure, right now they're not the *most* amazing person, but they can tell that they were so so much worse before - and they don't want to remember that. It's better to *just* remember the devil they are now, the person they've become, than the person - devil - they were before.
-> [What Did I Do?]
-> Very much season 2 Icarus runaway arc. Just that whole lead up if it - that idea of them wondering what they've done for months and months, and their proposal of an *arena*, and the fallout, the way they ran. That whole idea of them not knowing what they did, what they were, who they were; that whole idea of them wondering what they *did* to be looked at like *that* - what they did to be talked to like that and threatened, what they did to make their family (the only semblance of stability they had even during season 2) so *afraid* of them. (And almost the idea that they were afraid of that - afraid and scared of being viewed in such a way; that idea that this is an active fear that they have.)
-> [It's Not the Same Anymore]
-> Very much Icarus remembering - but less that immediate “*oh fuck yeah I remember!*” and more that “oh. fuck. I *remember.*” Just that whole idea of now that they remember, nothing back home, nothing within town, is going to be the same. None of it will have the same connotations to it, and none of their relationships with people will be the same - because now Icarus *knows* and now they're going to be far, *far* more cautious with their words and actions. It's not the same - and oh how they remember just how fucking *miserable* they were. Additionally, that kind of whole idea of how they should be happy, they should be happy now that they've remembered everything - they *know* now; but really, in the long term, remembering everything just makes it so so much harder to navigate *everything.* (The vibe the end of the song really gives is after all of the Prison Arc Part 2, Icarus trying to make up and make their relationships and friendships and *everything* better - fix them up and pick up broken pieces.)
-> [Could've Been Me]
-> Remembering but we're happy this time! Don't think about all of the consequences and bad feelings and *everything* that comes with remembering you're a horrible person - only focus on the fact you remembered and can now go home and definitely totally be incredibly happy with your family again! All jokes aside, that's very much the vibe this song has. Just that whole idea of Icarus being incredibly happy that they've remembered everything - that they can go *home* finally, they don't have to stay out in the middle of nowhere alone because they're terrified of hurting people. Also that whole idea of everything they want to do now that they remember and know where the line is - know what they can say that won't tow too far over a line and/or trigger someone.
-> [Brutus]
-> Oh to be Icarus Morningstar upon opening their door, post remembering, and seeing David Centross Mistvale. Just that whole anger and upset Icarus holds for Centross after they remember. That anger at what he did, at what he didn't do, at what he said and told them, the anger at what he *left them with* - and the anger that *he* got to talk to Enderian. He got to hear her and listen to her and know her, and Icarus didn't. He was her favorite, and *gods* how that made Icarus so very angry. And the whole idea of how that anger carries over - how Icarus so desperately wanted what Centross had, and didn't get it, and now that they remember they want to *make* it known just how angry they are. (And that whole idea and action of putting him in the prison.)
-> [Absinthe]
-> Very similar to Brutus - that just *anger* at Centross for all of this. That anger at everything he did and everything he said and everything about the endstone reset. And also that way they *don't* believe that front he's put him since the beginning of the reset - don't believe the “good guy” front he's tried to keep up since appearing this reset.
-> [The Main Character]
-> The whole idea that they can do this - do what they're doing to Centross, and *keep doing it* because there are worse people than them out there - there are so so much worse people than them out there, so they can do this, because, well, they’re better; they’re not bad bad like a lot of people. The idea that this is okay because of everything else.
-> [You're Not Welcome]
-> Just all of that angry Icarus holds for Centross bubbling over - this *is* the act of putting him in the prison. That need to make it known he's *not* welcome - the idea they try to convince both themself and him of that no one would care if he just disappeared. And, well. Welcome to the first of like four more detailed line by line analysis cause i'm a loser.
“Don't you know you're not welcome ‘round here?” Just that whole idea of Icarus being willing to lock him away because they fully believe, what to believe, want *him* to believe that he's not welcome - he's not welcome and therefore that makes their following actions “okay.”
“I think you should go ‘fore you cause some drama.” Almost that idea that he needs to leave - he shouldn't be here. That whole idea that he should leave before *they* do something. That whole idea that if he stays, regardless of if he does something, they’re going to *hurt him.*
“Don't you know I'm the one you should fear?” They *want* him to be afraid of them - want him fear them so they *finally* have that upper hand on him. (Want him to be afraid of them like they were afraid of him after they got out of the prison - want him to know that fear, want them to be able to get their revenge.)
“Talk to me if you've got a problem.” That whole idea that Icarus wants to be the one to deal with him - that whole thing of no one else dealing with Centross the way *Icarus* thinks he should be dealt with.
“I can't believe you used to truly scare me.” Because he *did* genuinely scare them - after they were uncorrupted they were genuinely and truly scared of him. However, like this, with the offer that Icarus can stab him, with the way he just lets himself get put into the prison, he's really not that scary. They can't believe he used to genuinely scare them when he's just. almost pitiful like this - in the prison.
“You were like a ghost story told to keep me weary. But I never listened, no, I slept good ‘til morning.” Arguably *he* was the one telling them the ‘ghost stories’ - the warnings he'd tell them, the arguments they'd get into. The way Icarus never heeded them, only pushing further and further until they tipped him (or themself) over the edge. The way Icarus would just sleep it off - because that's what they always did.
“And when our paths finally crossed, I didn't heed the warning.” Similar to that last line - Icarus didn't heed any warning. Icarus just kept pushing and pushing and pushing, arguing with Centross over and over and *over* again.
“Then push, push, push, push. Yeah, you pushed me to the edge.” Haley. Arguably, Centross was part of the reason Icarus killed her in the first place. That need to prove themself not only to Enderian, but also to Centross. That need to prove they weren't useless (weren't a *failure*), that they could be of use to Ominous Bane and weren't just *there* - that they could *do something.*
“I used to dread the thought of falling quickly” Something something resets something something. While they don't remember them or know about them at this point in time, just that whole idea of falling like that. Also, arguably, that whole idea of falling into an ideal and thought process - that idea they don't like to do that quickly, they don't like falling down a thought rabbit hole without thinking and considering it properly first. (Even though they do that so incredibly often.)
“But now I just wish that you'd send me off that ledge - So I can finally fucking take you with me” But also that whole idea that if it meant Centross was going down with them? if them falling down a thought rabbit hole, if them falling and doing something terrible, meant Centross would go down with them? If him pushing them to that point meant they'd go down *together* - two birds, one stone and all - and no one could be hurt by him again? Oh Icarus would gladly fall down. They'd gladly let themself if it meant they could kill or hurt or do *something* to him that meant they were going down together.
-> [Blood // Water]
-> Just that whole idea of Icarus being so very angry at Centross for all of this. That whole idea of there literally being blood in the water - he tried to kill all of them, and he *did* kill hundreds more. That whole idea that Icarus doesn't plan on letting him go *any* time soon - they want him so desperately to know just how what he did made them feel. (Also “you poisoned me just for another dollar in your pocket” that whole idea that he let Icarus dig themself into this hole, he argued and argued and *argued* and pushed and poisoned their mind with thoughts and words that *stuck.*)
-> [Lonely]
-> They hate each other, yes. However, What if they held hands about it? Maybe even kissed about it. Just like. That whole idea of of how during the season 2 prison arc they were really each other's *only* company. They were alone, but alone together. Yeah they hated each other - but they still *had* each other. That whole idea Icarus was *alone* - but they still had someone, regardless of how much they hated each other. (Also “Hey love, Have mercy on me, and keep me company” is very Centross to Icarus. Just that idea of wanting mercy, wanting Icarus to *stop* hurting him - but also still wanting that company because they were *alone.*)
-> [GONER]
-> They definitely still hate each other - like absolutely still hate each other. Like they are arguing and fighting and snapping at each other every fucking opportunity they get the longer Centross is in the prison - especially more towards the end, Centross is being just as snippy and antagonistic towards Icarus as they're being to him. That whole idea of Centross snipping at them - that idea of “at least he fights back when he's imprisoned.” However, arguably, they also probably kissed about it. They hate each other - but like, sometimes you have to acknowledge the other person is definitely a little kiss-able. (“You look so damn appetizing” like. *like.* so many of these lines imply they at the very *very* least kissed about it.)
-> [Forgive Me Chester]
-> Very end of season 2/the season 2 reset. Really that whole idea of seeing the 3 people you've spent your life chasing after all at once, all in the same room, all together. That idea of fighting the Warden, that whole idea of trying to get Fable out, that whole idea of trying to finally chase the bad away - chase the resets and the Warden and the anger and the bad and *all of it.*
-> Verse one is very much talking about Haley; Verse two is about Centross (prison duo the beloved); Verse three is about Rae, something about broters and their relationship being good for that bit at the end there.
-> [Rock in a God's Shoe]
-> Just that general demeanor of late season 2 - trying to figure out if Fable getting out would *actually* help (even if Icarus really really wants him back), and that whole idea of trying to figure out if he will actually be on their side or not. That worry after everything that happened with Perix that maybe he isn't. Also that idea of Fable not giving that much information, and them all trying their absolute *hardest* to figure out how to get him out. (Also that bit at the end is Icarus to Midas coded, especially with the glitchy voice, and in this essay I will-)
-> [Moonsickness]
-> Very much the season 2 reset. The annoyance at Fable, that annoyance and *anger* at Quixis. That very demeanor they have toward Quixis at the end - being done with them and being annoyed at them; them seeing themself as a failure because of *course* they fucked up the thing that was supposed to help them. They can't do anything right ever - they fuck up *everything* they touch. Also, hot take, Midas talking to Icarus and Fable (and almost the grove in general? but I feel like *mostly* Fable). and, well, I have thoughts about some of these lines, so take this silly more specific analysis. (Not *every* line, just some I picked. Because if i picked all the lines we’d be here forever.)
“Everybody knows this place is dying, as am I.” Something about Midas dying as the Worldport does - decaying and falling with their realm. Something about the season 2 reset showing the world *literally* dying, falling apart, crumbling and everyone *knowing* it.
“I might not get another chance.” Midas switching Haley and Fable - they *knew* they probably weren't going to get another chance to try and stop Fable like that. As well as the whole idea of the grove only having one chance to open the portal - they, Icarus especially as the one who *put* Perix's soul in the frame, fully thought this was their *only* opportunity to get Fable out. Obviously this is proven wrong in season 3 - but they didn't *know that.*
“I am such a fuckup, if you only knew that I am such a fuck up.” Something about Icarus seeing themself as a failure - a fuckup. They couldn't even get their father out correctly, why can't everyone just see how much of a failure they are? Why can't everyone see how much they ruin everything they touch? (And, arguably, Midas as well. That whole idea of them failing in their duties to bring Icarus when they were supposed to, leading to so so *so* many worlds decaying.)
“And I am the worst mistake that God has ever made.” Sort of that same idea as the last one - that idea of Icarus seeing themself as a failure. Only this time it's more related to their Dad than themself. He made them, they're *his* child - therefore, if they see themself *that* badly, they're the worst mistake he's ever made. They're a terrible fucking person and they're a *failure.*
“But I make lemons out of lemonade.” Wack wack wack wack. This line is so very about the wack. Something about changing things from one thing to another in a way that *shouldn't be possible.*
“In your guts you know it's all destroyed.” Okay, Midas to Fable. Something about Fable knowing that this world is dying - something about how Fable would *know* the outcome of doing all of this. He would know that Rae would figure it out one day, the cause of the resets, and it wouldn't go *well* - that his relationship with one or both of his sons would be destroyed. (Also, mayhaps, Midas to Icarus - that whole idea that the world is destroyed and their chance at getting Fable out (at least this time) is *also* destroyed.)
“None of us belong, Everything I do is wrong.” Something about everyone being pulled into the resets from different time periods, being shifted and tugged and placed into the present but not quite *belonging* there. Something about how Icarus tries their very hardest to be *good* - but so much of what they do ends up being wrong on so many levels. (But it's all they know.) Something about how Midas tries their very best to fix and fix and *fix* and they can't really - it almost always ends up *wrong.*
“And in your blood you know what's right.” Midas to Icarus - that whole idea that Icarus has Fable's blood running through their veins, that they believe that he is *right.* Even if in the moment they don't know him well, don't remember him well, they still subconsciously think what they're doing that mirrors Fable's own actions is *right.*
Could also be Midas to Fable? That might be a slippery slope to climb and explain though.
“And in your bones you know what's wrong.” Midas to Icarus - something about Icarus so often knowing, but not *acknowledging*, that what they're doing is wrong. Icarus *knows* it's wrong, deep in their bones, they really really do. (But rarely do they acknowledge that.)
Could *also* be Midas to Fable for similar reasons.
“And in your throat you know you're lying to kids” Midas to Fable - While they're not *literally* kids and children still, they are *his* kids - and he's lying to them. Fable is lying to his kids and he *knows* it, not that he'll acknowledge that ever.
“And you know nobody belongs in this hell.” Midas to Fable - Something about Fable *knowing* none of them belong in this hell of resets and everything; that he should probably just let life run its course, let it go as it *should* - but he doesn't. And he's dooming them to this hell none of them belong in. (And he knows they don't.)
“I am God's worst Mistake” Just. Icarus. Once again just that whole idea that they just think of themself as a *failure* - especially after the portal glitches. They can't keep doing this - at some point they're just. A mistake. (Arguably, could also be seen directed more at Quixis as well - the way Quixis made them like this with the eye and all.)
“And you seem happy on the knife's edge, but I just lick the blade.” Midas to Fable - That idea that Fable kind of hovers on the knife's edge, but never tips over it. He tows a line, about to tetter over. The way Midas will *gladly* tip over that line - lick the blade, on this case - they'll go down, tetter over that edge, but they sure as fuck won't do it quietly or unnoticeable.
“And I'm the worst mistake your God has ever made.” Arguably, Midas to Icarus. Fable is the reason they couldn't get to Icarus - Fable is the reason they're *like this.* And, *arguably,* Fable is kind of sort of Icarus’ God. Also just that whole idea that Fable is the reason for *so much* between Midas and Fable. And now Midas is *angry.* Mistake in this case isn't a bad thing - mistake in this case is more “Midas is about to make their anger *very* much Fable's problem - and it's his fault.”
“Invisible hand savior, fucking up your definitions even though it's life or death.” Midas to Fable - Fable is, in this case, the invisible hand. He saves Icarus every *single* reset - he *is* the savior, and he's fucking up definitions *every* time he does it. Even though it's life or death, even though Icarus absolutely *should* die, they should be dead, they're not. He's literally fucking up definitions everytime he rips a page out or edits or does *anything* to As It Is.
“Don't you think it matters when we wish our friends the best.” Midas to Fable - again. Something about Fable wishing Rae and Co good luck on figuring out what the resets were being caused by - when *he* was the one causing them. It *should* matter that he wished them luck, but it really doesn't considering he *knew.*
“Because of all this bullshit I'm not anything at all.” Midas in general really - something about how they're just trying to fix everything now, but they're not really a person anymore. They're alone and they're almost a god and they're *angry.*
“There's nothing to believe in and there won't be ‘till we fall” Okay this line goes *far* deeper into the finale and things than it should. This is Midas talking to Fable but for once they're not being an *asshole* - they're lumping themself in with him. Something about Fable dying at the end of Fable, and Midas passing their torch (metaphorically falling/dying), and the way it leaves room for new gods - new gods people will actually *like* and believe in and won't cause harm and and and. Something about Midas knowing that until both of them are gone, no one is going to properly believe for a *while.*
“I can't get the numbers right - I can't fucking count because not one goddamn thing is in it's place.” Midas to Icarus *or* Vice versa (Icarus to Midas). Something about the wack changing and altering so so *so* much neither of them are really them anymore. Nothing is like it should be, and it hasn't been for a while. The Worldport is decaying, soon Midas will be too. Icarus isn't themself - they haven't been in a *while.* The eye isn't theirs (not that they *know* that), all of the purple isn't theirs, some of their members *aren't theirs.* Nothing is in it's place and that's *really* fucking shit up.
“You fuckers know it's all built on lies” Midas to *both* Icarus and Fable. Just that whole idea of how Fable manipulates and abuses in the way he does; twisting words and fabricating truths, lies laid with the grounds of a truth, but built on things objectively very false. And in Icarus’ case - their entire life and personality is a lie. They act so very differently alone than they do around others, it's all a front. Everything they've built to this point, and *so much* of what they'll build as season 3 starts is built on lies and half truths. (And that whole idea that Midas is *angry* at them.)
“But the beast refuses to die, and so I guess well neither can I.” This line *arguably* also leans very heavily into finale territory - mostly with things we know after the fact though. Just that whole idea that Fable can't die, he refuses to - as long as he's immortal he *can't.* And if Fable is alive, and actively keeping Midas from Icarus - then Midas can't pass the torch, Midas can't *die.* Something about how Midas fully thought they were going to die upon passing the torch to Icarus. If Fable refuses to die, meaning they can't reach Icarus, then Midas *can't* die. (Because what happens then? The Worldport is left without an overseer and wack gets hundreds of times worse? *No* that can't happen. So they power through it to let Icarus see the end.)
[Section Five - You died. Deal with the consequences, Icarus. (Season 3)]
-> [Is There Anybody Here?]
-> The season 3 break my beloved honestly. That's this song in a very very loose nutshell. The season 3 break - both their time in the Worldport as well as their time here. Just that whole idea of trying to find Quixis - and then trying to find *something* that they know and can hold onto. That idea of looking for something, anything, anyone that can help them because they *don't know where they are.* That idea that they're trying to find their way back home, and are struggling because they don't know how.
-> [Maybe Man]
-> Very much that whole mentality Icarus has early season 3. That idea that they *don't* know how they are, not anymore. They're just kind of. Floating. Also that whole idea of trying to figure out who the fuck they even want to be in the first place. They don't really have a direction - they just want to be *something.* (Something that will please people, make them smile whenever Icarus passes by because they're doing *good.*)
-> [Chasing You]
-> That whole idea of how Icarus has spent the past *year* trying to bring Haley back, trying to figure out how to see her and fix their mistake - and that whole idea that now that she's back, now that Midas brought her back, Icarus doesn't know what to do. Icarus doesn't know how to act around her, what they can and cannot and should and should not say/voice, what is too far over a line and what isn't. They're really just left floating not knowing what in the *world* they should do about it.
-> [The Garden]
-> The whole idea of Icarus getting so done with and so incredibly over Quixis and the wack and the changes and *us.* The whole idea of wanting to dig them up and out and remove them completely, no matter the consequence, no matter where it would get them in the end. The whole idea of how Midas knows their name - and we have to figure it out - and the way they don’t, and the way, more often than not, we as chat snark at them and are very passive aggressive sometimes, rather than being helpful - and how they don’t like that.
-> [New Eyes]
-> Two samples Two samples Two samples. Just, Icarus about the eyes in general. The finding put that the purple eye's blood *isn't theirs*, and the following realization that if the blood isn't theirs, then the eye itself isn't theirs either. That want and that need for people - Midas - to stop changing them, to give them *their* eye back - so they can see with new ones; so they can see with the eyes that were always *supposed* to be theirs. (Also just the general idea of needing to see things through a new lens, see things better, because they're suffering and hurting and *no one* seems to see it, and how one day that fact might kill them. (And well, it does, doesn't it?))
-> Sage and their ability to be so normal got this one on the playlist. We win these.
-> [The Tornado]
-> So very Unlocked - this *is* the Unlocked song. That whole idea of them being used to the wack, being almost surprised as it just *kept getting worse*, *the wings,* the running to the bunker and the *yelling* at Midas, Fable finding them, and - arguably - the aftermath of the wings and those few streams following Unlocked where they were just trying to heal and fix and *clean* up the path they had made. (Okay yes Quixis ascension, yes, but we’re not at that part in the playlist yet - so.) And, well. Some more detailed line analysis because I’m a loser.
“It was just startin' to drizzle as I walked out the door, But I've delivered papers in the rain like that before.” Just that whole idea that the wack being weird - being worse, changing their house more than normal, changing *them* and their clothes more than normal - was okay, in their mind. What’s the worst that can happen? It’s done this before, and everything was fine for both them and others - why worry about it this time?
“3:30 in the morning, I was happy as a lark.” That idea that Icarus was so very happy to get Fable out. They were so happy and excited, because this was what they had been working to for months and years and *resets* and they had finally been able to do it. They might’ve been a little worried, but they were mostly *happy.*
“The wind was pickin' up and howlin' louder all the time.” The redstone beginning as they were all standing in front of the now open portal - the way they weren’t expecting it, the way it just kept picking up and getting *worse* no matter what they did to stop it.
“The sky churned like a cauldron and the distant thunder roared, And I knew that I was in for quite a storm.” The redstone picking up, but also the fact Fable hadn’t come out yet - and they had been waiting and waiting for the others to get him for *minutes* now and it was beginning to worry everyone outside of the portal; that idea that they *knew* something might be up - with Fable or the wack.
“A little rain never hurt no one, so I kept pressin' on.” Up to this point, the wack hadn’t hurt *anyone* - well, with the exception of Icarus themself. Sure it had hurt and changed and wacked animals and blocks and all that - but never Icarus’ friends and family. It hurt them time and time again - but they were fine after all of it (for the most part - with the exception of the many breakdowns and *the eye*), why should they worry about others getting hurt? It had never *severely* hurt them like that; so they kept going and standing there and letting it get worse upon that assumption that it *wouldn’t do that.*
“And I tried to tell myself it's always darkest before the dawn.” Just that way they were so desperately trying to convince themself that it was all okay - that the group in Purgatory *will* bring Fable out and it’ll be okay. The wack will be fine and it’ll stop and it’s just a small little bad thing before they get Fable back - that desperate way they try to convince themself it’ll be okay.
“Lightning struck an oak tree as I leapt off my bike.” The way the redstone, the *bad* just keeps getting worse and worse as time goes on. Regardless of what they do it gets worse and they can’t seem to *stop it.*
“The sirens started wailing, but there was no good place to hide.” That whole idea that Icarus really, really, *really* wanted to run - they wanted their dad and they wanted the wack to *stop* because it just kept getting worse and they really, really wanted to just run. But they knew they column’t because running would make things so so much worse - so they don’t run, they just stand there and let it keep getting *worse.*
“I knew without a doubt there was a twister touchin' down.” That idea that they *knew* it was only going to get worse and worse the longer they stood there, without a doubt, but there wasn’t anything they could *do about it* - they just had to power through whatever happens, like they always do.
“The little bit of courage I had left was almost gone.” Something about how at the beginning of Unlocked they were mostly okay - that had *some* bits of courage - but the longer no one came out of the portal and the longer all the redstone did was get bigger, and the longer they just *stood there* the more that courage just. faded.
“And then the nightmare started, it got deafeningly loud.” Momboo. The redstone getting bigger and the wack *hurting her* (hurting someone other than Icarus, for once) and the way they almost *immediately* panicked and ran (or, at least tried to) off. And then like the following moments of running and running and trying to fly and then their wings *shattering.*
“Every fiber in me screamed out, but I couldn't make a sound.” Something about how they screamed as their wings broke, but about how their panic after the fact was so very quiet. They weren't screaming - they were just hurt and in pain and weren't going well but were trying so desperately to keep it under wraps. They refused to let themself break at *any* point during the run to the bunker, refused to let themself fall apart like that. They wouldn't - they *couldn't.*
“It sounded like a freight train was draggin' me to hell.” Something about the particular way the the wings sounded when they shattered - so *loud* and overwhelming as they crystalized and as Icarus *fell.* Even louder as they shattered against their own weight and Icarus’ back. They dragged Icarus *down.* (Metaphorically dragging Icarus to hell, I suppose.)
“And this was my prayer, "Save me from this terrible nightmare"” *Icarus yelling at Midas.* This line is os Icarus yelling at Midas, both on their way and inside of the bunker. They just wanted Quixis to *stop*, to know why they just kept *doing all of this* to Icarus and their friends. -They just wanted Quixis to stop, and they just wanted someone to be there for them and save them because *gods* they hurt so very badly.
“That was when I saw my family with my eyes shut real tight.” Fable showing up at the bottom of the bunker - they literally see their family. Also something about how they just wanted this to stop - their eyes shut and the denial of the past delays creeping back up on them.
“Would they know how much I loved them if this was how I died?” *Would they?* How many times does Icarus tell their family they love them? (How many times do people tell *them* that?) Would their family know just how much Icarus loved and cared about them if Icarus died - if they died like *this* with no one around?
“No, I vowed I'd not be murdered by a monster in the sky that night.” If you think about it - this injury could’ve killed them. It didn’t - and they definitely didn't want them to - but it *could’ve.* But they wanted to so desperately survive and live and *not* let Midas’ actions get the better of them - they vowed it wouldn’t happen.
“But if I went home to heaven, at least that's where I'd belong.” Midas’ would’ve pulled them before they died (just like they did in the finale) if the injury *did* kill them - they would’ve been where they belong because they were meant to become Quixis *decades* ago; that, the worldport, Quixis, was supposed to be their home for years yet it *wasn’t* - it's where they belong but, at this moment, they’re not there.
“There was nothin' but destruction and wreckage in that town.” The mess the path and wack made; the redstone in front of the portal; *the tree.* (Their wings.) It was all a mess and destroyed and, for at least some of that - there was no fixing it. It was just destroyed and they just had to deal with that.
“And that was how I learned to live when you can run, but you can't hide.” They could run from hurting Momboo, and they could run from the wack, and they could run from their wings breaking - but they can’t *hide from it.* They have to deal with the consequences of their actions, they can’t hide from it. They have to see the tree - see their mistakes, see their bad - nearly everyday. They can run from it, sure, but they can’t *hide.*
“How to feel trapped in a tunnel but come out the other side.” They’re trapped and grounded and alone (somewhat - Fable is doing his whole “isolate his kid so they lose attachments” thing) but they come out of it, eventually. They get their wings back, they can fly again - they may have felt trapped for a time but they *made it out.*
“'Cause with all the stormy weather in the world, you learn to take life one storm at a time.” Pulling out the character analysis card - Icarus gets very focused on *one* (big) thing very easily. Their wings, they wanted to fix those - spent weeks trying to get better; Enderian talking to Rae - they were so incredibly stuck on that until they made up; And, the more obvious one from season 3 - Centross. It was a 5 month long storm - but it’s all they focused on. They take their life, especially during season 3, one big problem and thing at a time - focus on *it* and nothing else. (Because focusing on other things means acknowledging just how much you’re hurting, and they can’t do that.) And I mean, it gets Icarus through. They make it to the end going like that. It’s not healthy - but they *make it.*
“I keep hangin' on.” No matter what happens, no matter how close to death they get and no matter how much death would probably be kinder at a point, Icarus is still there. They keep hanging on - keep living and keep just, going through the motions.
-> [Birds]
-> Just that whole idea of how after Unlocked (and arguably also *during* Unlocked) Icarus just wanted to *relax.* They were done and hurting and upset and they just really, really wanted to sit, alone, with the flock. They just want to be calm and relax and not have to think about any of what just happened.
-> [Look Who's Inside Again]
-> Unlocked. Probably Midas to Icarus? Or just someone outside looking in at Icarus in the moment after their wings break. This song specifically being more about Icarus’ desperation to get to their bunker - and their feelings while inside of it. How this is just like the prison - putting themself into a box, a prison, a *room*, to keep people safe. To keep them from hurting people. They're back here again - trapped in a box with no way of getting out until someone comes to get them, yelling at the person who (for all intents and purposes) put them there. They're back here again, *inside* again.
-> The whole idea of Fable, after he gets out, beginning to isolate and cage Icarus - with the guise of keeping them safe. He’s removing them from their friends and family and leaving *him* as the only person Icarus can safely - at least in their mind - rely on.
-> I have further words about Fable and Icarus in regards to this song, and that’s really tying into the “again” aspect of this. Viewing this through the lens that this is Fable isolating Icarus, and the visions of a child shown throughout this song, then it’s not terribly hard to come to the idea that this probably isn’t the first time Fable did this - isolate and cage and manipulate - Icarus. That whole idea that his manipulation and abuse has been going on for much longer than we see on screen - this isn’t a new thing. He did this before and he’s doing it again and Icarus just has to deal with that. (Even if they don’t *know* he did this when they were a child. They don’t remember any of that aspect of themself.)
-> [Let Me Make You Proud]
-> That whole idea that yes, Icarus has failed and made mistakes and disappointed Fable - probably time and time and *time* again - but that they really, really, *really* want to make it up to him. They want to make him proud because they feel so much like a failure after everything that keeps happening - they want to make all their mistakes and missteps up to him. They want to make it up to him and they keep trying and trying and *trying* to do that. (And, arguably, failing at it rather often.)
-> [the fruits]
-> The whole idea of how Icarus wants so desperately to help Fable and all he’s doing, but the idea of how Fable can’t see that they’re not entirely them - can’t see just how much they can keep falling and repeating history and just how badly they’re doing. The whole idea that they can’t help him - they can be the person he wants them to be and the person he’s trying to make them into because they’re not entirely themself in the whole sense of them; they can’t be that if they’re not entirely themself - they can’t help him like he wants them to, and how they spiral because of that.
-> [Loser Baby]
-> Centross and Icarus. Kind of to each other. This song is. So *incredibly* drinking stream coded. Just. That realization of just how similar the two of them are, just how much they have in common, just how much they're both going through the same shitty situation. That realization that they can *rely* on eachother. The realization of how they're so so *incredibly* similar - especially in regards to Enderian and Fable - and how they're both losers, they're both having a bad bad time, but they can do it together. (Which, arguably, they’ve known for a while - but it becomes a lot clearer in the drinking stream; especially with Icarus calling Centross their best friend.)
-> [Down the River]
-> *Breaking Bonds* - This song is very Athena to Icarus. The whole idea that Icarus likes to run and hide and leave the past and everything they’ve done behind and not acknowledge it whatsoever - How they can’t do that; How even if Icarus wants to forget and leave and run, others aren’t going to do that for them - Others are still going to remember all of this and all they’ve done, and what happens to them, the grove, once Icarus leaves and decides to ignore it. What happens then? What happens to all those people you’ve hurt?
-> [Hero]
-> Centross’ death. That way Icarus just spends that immediate moment after him fading just trying to convince themself it's *okay.* They're okay and he's okay and he'll be *back* and it's okay. Them just trying to convince themself it's alright and trying so so desperately to comfort themself in this hell. Arguably, also almost their anger at Fable for killing their best friend - that immediate sharp anger and bared teeth (“I'm the hero of the story, don't need to be saved.” Just that whole idea that Centross saved them - but he shouldn't have had to. They were the *hero* of this story, no one should have to save them - and no one should have to *die* doing that if they even tried. Icarus’ whole thing is trying to save themself, figure out ways they can fix it *themself.* No one should have to die because Icarus couldn’t do that. They’re a prince, they’re supposed to be alone. People shouldn’t have to die because they weren’t.)
-> [Can't Catch Me Now]
-> Centross almost like. Taunting Fable and trying to comfort Icarus. How he's always going to be there for Icarus, he's always watching over them, even if he can't tell them and show them that physically, he is *there.* But also almost taunting Fable in regards to the fact that Fable can't catch him now; Fable will not find him no matter what he tries and attempts, he will see Centross everywhere, be reminded of him just like Icarus is, and he *will not* find him - and won't be able to bring him back.
-> [Do What You Gotta Do]
-> This that short bit after Fable kills Centross where Icarus just *yells* at Fable. That snark, that anger that Fable *did that* - and Fable's argument that he “did what he had to”, and that was *necessary*; Fable did this (killed Centross) because he had too, Icarus should hear him out. Just that whole conversation between Icarus and Fable after he kills Centross, and that whole falling out between the two of them, and that whole slow manipulation from Fable's end as the conversation continued. (Also Fable's whole “being a god” thing-)
-> [The Cave]
-> Centross to Icarus after the cathedral. How he *will* be there for them, no matter what, but also how he has other duties to attend to - but also also how he can't stick around due to the fact that Fable is currently killing every God in his sight, taking every power for himself. How Centross *wants* Icarus to know he's there for them, but also how he can't physically be there. He'll try his *hardest* to keep them alive - try his hardest to keep them going until the end.
-> [Paid in Exposure]
-> Very much Coworkers - just that whole idea of doing only what they're told and becoming, a, a coworker, and b, one of the bad guys - or the people on the stereotypically “bad” side.
-> [Natural]
-> *Also* Coworkers. That whole idea that for them to be on this side of this war they have to be assholes - they have to be cold and sharp and not care, and the whole idea that they're *good at it.* The idea that all three of them are good at that - they're almost naturals at it. They don't have to practice because they can settle into that role far, far too easily. (Also “Rather be the hunter than the prey” is incredibly Coworkers - because they all know that Fable is hunting gods and hunting people down, and they'd rather be beside him as he does that than cowering beneath his sword.)
-> [Burning Pile]
-> Just like the whole idea of wanting to put all your problems in a big pile and just light them up and on fire - kill them, get rid of them, ignore them. That whole idea of wanting to get rid of all your current problems, all the shitty stuff you’ve gone through, get rid of it all and never properly look back - you’ve burnt it, it’s gone, you don’t have to think about it anymore. (Or, that’s the dream at least. Not really what ends up happening in the end.)
-> [Can't Go Back]
-> Just that whole idea that Icarus should forgive themself - how most of this isn't really *their* fault, and how they should be learning to forgive themself for that - not blame themself for stuff that isn't their fault. (Also the whole idea that none of this is *fair* - it's not fair to them and nor fair for Fable and not fair to *anyone* in the grove.)
-> This definitely feels like Violet trying his absolute hardest to comfort Icarus the best he can even though he can’t physically be there with them in the moment (and he won’t be able to be for a while. (And even when he was able to be there for him, at the end, it wasn’t for very long.)
-> [Try To Change]
-> How Icarus just keeps trying to change, change and change and change, they're trying so incredibly hard, and it just keeps failing. The whole idea that they can’t find it in themself to change - there's safety in it, they’ve always been like this, why wouldn’t they just keep going and being like this. Why would they try - there is *no* point to it. They’re safe like this, Dad likes them like this, why would they change into something he wouldn’t?
-> [Let Us All Down]
-> Just that whole idea of how the Grove feels about Icarus working with Fable. Arguably, they all thought Icarus could be good - they gave Icarus so so *so* many chances, they didn't think that they'd go this route. They didn't think they'd be involved in Centross’ death like this and this didn't think and and and. (Also, arguably, Icarus spiraling. Just *thinking* about what people would say, what people would think, what they would *feel*, how they would react.)
-> Arguably kinda sorta maybe Two Shall Break/Two Shall Mourn for the priorly explained reasons.
-> [Lima Bean Man]
-> Icarus about Momboo. Icarus so *desperately* wants Momboo to not be dead, so desperately wants to be able to bring her back. Not necessarily telling themself she *isn't* dead, but that she *can't* be - because that means they killed another person, that means they did it *again.*
-> [Shots]
-> Icarus to. Everyone basically. They're so so *sorry* - they're breaking down crying near everyday by this point, and they just keep *killing people.* (“why do I kill everything that I love?”) and they're so so *sorry.* But also that they need everyone to know they're *in too deep* - People aren't going to be able to save them now, not through normal means. It's not going to happen - they need to let Icarus drift away because if they *don't*? More people will only get hurt.
-> While I won’t elaborate on this statement, as it speaks for itself, your friendly reminder that Icarus did not truly hate their father when they killed him - Icarus still held some sort of semblance of love for him, even at the end, even after everything, even as they stabbed that trident into his chest as he revealed he was never going to bring Centross back.
-> [Prodigal]
-> That whole idea that where Icarus is right now is all their own fault. They caused it, it's their fault, and there's nothing they can really do about it. They're alone, they've dug themself a hole and fallen down it (because that's all they do, really) and they can't get out - and it's their fault. It's all their fault - it always *is* their fault.
-> [Solitary Confinement]
-> They're alone! After Momboo, and after their conversation with Athena, they're *alone* - Confined. And they're. Okay with it, almost. They wanted to push people away, wanted to be alone, because it makes all of this so so much easier. But they *really* wish they didn't have to do it. Didn't have to push people away like that, didn't *have* to do this to everyone and themself. They do it, yes, because in the end it will benefit them to do so, but they really really don't like doing it - they're spiraling. (And really, they have been for months.)
-> a “devious read” by yours truly according to the sherbertquake56
-> [No Longer You]
-> Okay. Now. What I'm about to say *might* sound like. horribly wrong because everyone kind of looks at this and goes “oh the prophet is Haley” and to that I say. Nope. No, the prophet is Midas. This song is *Midas* talking to Icarus about their future - regardless of how this goes. Because Midas would know what would happen after they “Draw their final breath” so to speak - Midas would know. Haley wouldn't. Also, because I'm a little loser, and the fact this song *really* lends itself to this, line by line analysis.
“I see a song of past romance” Perhaps talking about Momboo? This line could be very ambiguous. Cause you could also argue Wet Birds, but I'm not sure that really *fits.* (If you wanted to go the Prison Duo route, you probably could as well.)
“I see the sacrifice of man.” This line being about Centross - Sacrificing himself to save both Icarus, as well as the rest of his family.
“I see portrayals of betrayal,” This line being about Jamie - Betraying the family they *had* for the family they *want.*
“And a brother's final stand.” This is. Just the ‘A Brother's Final Stand’ stream. Rae trying so so *so* hard to save his brother, and failing because they *just* don't *want* (don't think they need, don't think they deserve) help.
“I see you on the brink of death.” Icarus after they kill Fable. Or, really, Icarus throughout the last week-ish; throughout that they're on the brink of death, they're *dying.* (They have been for almost 5 months - but after he dies Icarus is left so much worse off because Fable isn’t around and alive to keep Quixis’ powers at bay.)
“I see you draw your final breath.” Them *jumping* - Them thinking they were going to die. Them being fully fully accepting of it.
“I see a man who gets to make it home alive.” Midas pulling Icarus into the Worldport, *alive* - telling them that they'll be able to go back home eventually.
“But it's no longer you…” But the person Icarus would become after all that time in the Worldport, after leaving it, would be starkly different to the person that entered it - that it wouldn't really be Icarus anymore. It'd be Icarus, of course, but they'd know and have been changed that they wouldn't be the Icarus they *were.*
Just. It really encompasses those last few months of Icarus’ life before becoming Quixis - those last few months of pain and desperation and *bad.*
-> [Monster]
-> The whole idea of how Icarus *will* be the monster if they have to. They'll kill and slaughter and murder and *be* the monster if it means they'll all make to end - if it means they'll get to bring everyone back, *fix* everything.
-> [No Children]
-> This is very much Icarus’ mentality at the end - about Fable and about Rae and about *everyone.* That idea that they don't want to be saved anymore, not like this. That idea that if they have to go down - they're going to take Fable with them. That idea that they just want Rae and *everyone* to give up on them - and, arguably, that idea that if *they* die, they want Fable to come down with them. Uh. Well here's another set of far more detailed line analysis <3 Not the last one either <3
“I hope that our few remaining friends give up on trying to save us.” That whole idea that Icarus doesn’t want to be saved - not like this. They don’t want to and they don't think they’re deserving of it - they fully hope that Rae gives up on trying to save them.
“I hope we come up with a fail-safe plot to piss off the dumb few that forgave us.” While they didn’t *know* it’d be fail-safe, Jamie. Because by this point there were *very* few people still trying to save and help them - and really, to their knowledge, it was *just* Rae - and to them? To those people *that* was the tipping point. For that last week they were left completely alone because they had *finally* pissed off the people trying to save them.
“I hope the fences we mended fall down beneath their own weight.” Very similarly to that previous line, during Family Reunion - arguably - Rae and Icarus had *kind of* mended their relationship. Icarus didn’t like that - Icarus really hoped that he’d just let it go. They really hoped that the weight of everything would mean their relationship, whatever Rae thought was left of it - at least, would just crumble. That Icarus wouldn’t have to hold on to him and their family anymore because holding onto it means there is *complications* and attachments and they really can't have that - not now.
“And I hope we hang on past the last exit. I hope it's already too late.” That whole idea that Icarus was in too deep - Icarus was going to hold on and stay attached to Fable until the very, very, *very* end. That whole idea that Icarus very much thought, very much hoped, that they were too far gone and it was far, *far* too late to turn back now. (Also that whole idea that
“In my life, I hope I lie. And tell everyone you were a good wife.” Okay, a, that whole idea that Icarus lies about *nearly* everything - they lie about so, so, *so* much that it’s really all they do and hope to do. B, that idea that they so desperately want to see their father as a good person - so desperately want *everyone else* to think he’s a good person; to the point that they *will* lie about it, they hope to, they hope they get the opportunity to lie about it.
“And I hope you die. I hope we both die.” *If he dies they don’t have to do this anymore.* Just that whole idea that if he dies they do not, really and truly, have to continue to do any of this. They can fully and completely leave it behind and *gods* how they really, really want to do that. Also, arguably, that whole idea that they don’t think they’re worth saving, and that whole idea that they think they fuck everything up and ruin it regardless of how much they’re trying. If they both die between now and the end, then when this is all over no one will have to get hurt anymore - their family will be *safe* and sound and they won’t have to stress about themself *or* their family *or* what their father is doing.
“I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow. I hope it bleeds all day long.” That idea that icarus thinks they’re deserving of all the hurt and pain and sorrow sent their way. All this pain and suffering and the way it’s constant - they fully, *fully* think they’re deserving of it; they fully hope it keeps happening solely to prove that point. (This is not the time or place to go on a rant - but I would like to bring up how, after Centross dies, whenever Icarus gets really injured - unless it's dire dire - they refuse to use potions on themself. And even when it *is* dire they’re almost hesitant about it.)
“Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises; we're pretty sure they're all wrong.” Rae thinking he can save Icarus, save them despite everything they’ve done and despite all they’ve been through - and Icarus thinking, *knowing*, he can’t. Regardless of what he says, Icarus knows they’re in too deep and knows that means Rae can’t save them or get through to them very easily.
“I hope the worst isn't over.” Ties back to the line before last - that idea that Icarus thinks they deserve all the pain and suffering they’re going through. It’s their fault, they deserve it, maybe they don’t really like it very much by they do understand where its coming from and they can agree with it because deep down they *know* what they’re doing is so very very wrong.
“I am drowning. There is no sign of land.” They’re falling and falling deeper into this little pit they’ve dug themself and they can’t find a hand hold to even start trying to climb themself out. They are lost and *alone* with no one there to help and they *know it.*
“You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.” That idea that if Icarus goes down - they’ll take, to try to take, Fable with them. That idea that both themself and Fable are seemingly unlovable - at least in Icarus’ eyes - and the two of them would go down hand in hand; it’ll be one of their faults and they’d drag the other down with them (Also, arguably, Icarus and Midas as well - if Icarus goes down they want to drag Midas down with them; if Midas goes down they’ll inevitably *have* to drag Icarus down with them. The two of them are so intertwined that if one goes down they’ll drag the other whether they want to or not.)
-> [Mr. Author]
-> How Icarus really just wants this to all *stop* and finish up - how it's been going on for so long and they don't know how much longer they can keep going like this. How they want to talk to the person who wrote their story like this - talk to the person that keeps *letting them do this*, want to talk to the author ruining their life.
-> [Icarus]
-> Something about Fable realizing, however small, that his actions are hurting Icarus. How Icarus is hurting and dying, and how he can't *fix it* - he's not going to be able to fix it, fix *them*, make them what he wants them to be. He can't save them in the way he wants to - they're *going* to die and gods he won't be able to stop it. Specifically right at the end, Fable's death by his own son's hands.
-> [The Bad Guy]
-> That whole idea that all Icarus wanted to do, really and truly, was *fix* everything - but that's not how it went. They went to bad places to fix things, they became the bad guy. They didn't want to be, of course - not again, not after last time - but that's what *happened.* They became the bad guy, and they're finally finally realizing it. (Only, it's really too late, because they're dying now.)
-> [In My Blood]
-> Just that whole idea that this is how Icarus is always going to be, how this is how Icarus is and there's no changing it - how it's in their blood to do this, to *be like* this - how there's no stopping it, no turning back.
-> [Daniel In The Den]
-> Really just that whole idea of Icarus killing Fable, and the following way they attempt to move on. That way Fable was killed by “the ones you think you love” - Icarus, yes, but really everyone contributed. (And, arguably, almost that bit of anger Icarus harbors toward Fable at the end - that idea he wasn't ever going to fix this; that all this pain and suffering was for *nothing.*)
[Section Six - They're. Kind of God now. Question mark. Maybe. I dunno, Icarixis is. Yeah. They're a guy. That's for sure.]
-> [Ruin]
-> They have a conversation. This is simply Midas and Icarus having a back and forth conversation about mistakes and Quixis and *all of it.* It’s very hard to summarize - so uh. Hi line by line analysis, welcome back-
“I will bring you ruin in everything I do.” Something about how no matter what Icraus does and no matter how hard they try - they ruin things. Their family, their house, their friends house, their *life.* They bring the people in their life - including Midas, and including themself - ruin and pain no matter what they do.
“It’s never my intention, but it happens all the same.” Icarus rarely means to hurt their family and friends like that - it’s rarely their intention but it *happens.* They can’t stop it happening, be it because of the wack or because they’re trying to *fix something* or or or. They never mean to hurt people - they don’t *like* hurting people - but it just keeps happening and happening and *happening.*
“It starts with love and comfort, becomes a strength of will.” Arguably, talking about their time in the three resets they remember. It started good and okay and alright and it just slowly became their goal to just *survive* - it became a strength of will to just keep going after every little thing that just kept *happening;* After all the death and harm and suffering they’d experience they had to fight to keep going.
“But all that strength made rubble of the towers we built.” Icarus keeping going like they did broke *so much.* The Worldport, Midas, Themself, *The overworld.* It all fell apart, was all unstable, because of *them* - all of that kept falling apart into rubble because of *them.* (And, arguably, also partially because of Midas.)
“Cause brick by brick, you built us and I’d fill in the cracks.” Midas helped build this world, this *life* for Icarus. They built it brick by brick - keeping Icarus from being Quixis so young gave them *this* - a family, a life, safety. Midas built it, and Icarus made it *theirs.*
“Nothing quite prepares you for when they don’t come back.” Icarus wasn't prepared for when Centross didn't come back - when it wasn't just a fluke. They weren't prepared for being *alone* and by themself for that long and they weren't prepared for him just being. Dead.
“I wish I’d done things different, I wish that I’d been brave.” Something about wishing they'd home about getting Centross back differently - not killing people, not doing any of that. Something about wanting to be braver - be braver to leave Him and side with their brother and the rest of their family and not side with the person who killed Centross and who killed so many people. Something about *wanting that.*
“I wish I’d known these stones were something I could save.” Arguably, something about wishing to have known that they could have saved Midas so much earlier - could've taken up their role *months* (*years*) ago and saved Midas so much pain and bad and suffering.
“Our mortar was your laughter.” Something about the funnier aspects of Midas changing things - it kept them together. At least for a little bit. It kept everything okay and alright - the silly-ness of it all. (Obviously that didn’t stick very long.)
“And you hurled curses at the land.” Icarus yelling and ranting and being so *angry* at Midas. That anger that Icarus just let boil simmering over whenever something bad or upsetting or just *annoying* happened.
“We didn’t talk, we made universes - out of bitten lips and broken hands.” Something about how Icarus and MIdas never talked talked - sure they had the book and their comms but they never really properly *talked.* Something about how despite that, they built things through their pain and hurt. They built friendships and lives and all of that - even without talking.
“You said, “I love you less than when it all began.”” When it first started Icraus didn’t think anything of it - wanted to know what was up with it but also wasn’t really *worried.* Icarus, at the beginning, almost thought it slightly funny. They didn’t really care what it did. But as time went on and as Midas lost more and more control and as the wack got worse and worse and as it broke more and more - the less and less Icarus liked it. It lost its novelty once it started hurting people.
“And I said fewer cause I make jokes to show how broken I really am.” Something about Midas communicating very *directly* with the wack and their comm and things as the end came closer and closer - they stopped with the messing around and the jokes and the silly changes they used to do, and they just became serious calls for help on both ends. (And beyond the direct communication - the *interfering* with things that could get Icraus hurt or killed.) Gone are the jokes and the small silly laughable changes, replaced with calls for help and calls for *something* because Midas was dying and so was the Worldport. And something about how the direct communication was a lot more spread apart in comparison to Midas’ jokes.
“And in the wreck of all we burnt, stands our piano like a wound.” Something about how in the wreck of everything Midas has done, and everything Icarus has done - The two of them still stand tall, *alive.* And something about how so does the Worldport - despite all the decay and all the things it's been through, it's still alive and it's still going and it's still holding all the worlds and it's slowly getting fixed and and and.
“I’ll play our song to see if it’s in tune.” Arguably, something about letting Icarus see to the end of their story. Letting the song play rather than stopping it far far too early - letting Icarus live and learn and seeing if they’ll make the correct choice; seeing if the song is in tune.
“And I promise to be patient.” Something about how Midas kept *going* - no matter what happened and no matter how much it seemed like Icarus was too far gone and no matter how much it seemed like Icarus wasn’t going to make the right choice, Midas persisted. They were so patient with them - waiting and waiting and *waiting* until Icarus *did it.*
“And you promise to be kind.” Something something Icarus never really wanted to hurt their family - they just wanted their best friend back something something Midas telling them that they’ll be - *knowing they will be* - a good Quixis something something to be Quixis you need to be kind and considerate and things like that something something
“”We can rest,” you say, “in the pieces of what’s left or what we’ve found.”” Guys we don’t know where Midas is, but we do know they’re *somewhere.* Something about Icarus taking up the mantle of Quixis means Midas *finally* gets a break. Midas finally gets to rest and relax after so long of not being able to and having to constantly be doing something wand watching someone - Midas can just *rest.* (Wherever that may be, we have yet to find out.)
“I wish I’d done things different, oh, I wish I’d made it right” Something about how even if Midas doesn’t regret what they did - doesn’t regret leaving Icarus to live their life, doesn’t regret keeping them from being Quixis - part of them probably wishes they had done it differently. Something about wishing so many people didn’t have to die, or their worlds decay, or or or. Something about wishing they had made it right earlier - so they didn’t have to go through nearly as much pain. (So they didn’t have to go through feeling their body decay and *rot* from the inside out.) Something about wishing that, but not regretting - not truly - how you did it in the first place.
“But we’ll burn a hundred theaters, If it means we get the wallpaper right” Something about how Midas would let the Worldport fall apart, let worlds die, let *themself* die, if it meant Icarus got to see the end of their story - if it meant Icarus got to live the whole of their life that had been written out. They’d let it all die, let so much decay and fall apart until it was even decaying *them,* if it meant Icarus didn’t have to Quixis so young (they were younger than midas), if it meant Icarus got to say goodbye.
“Nothing quite prepared me for when that piano sang again.” While we don’t know exactly what Midas has been up to fo the past 2 months since the finale - I feel like finally getting a break and *centuries* and finally passing on your title and finally being *yourself* (or, mostly yourself) again wouldn’t be something you'd prepare yourself for in years of being alone - something about not being prepared to be able to rest and be yourself again after so long of *not* being able to do those things.
“Tomorrow I’ll do things different.” Maybe a bit more Icarus than it is Midas (Mostly because there’s not much more different Midas can do, not now, not after so much time has passed) - something about knowing what happens when you wait to bring a Quixis and something about vowing to *not* do that and put all of the Sherbs through that for a second time. Something about vowing to be different than the person you look so much alike. (Something about vowing to be different than Fable.)
“Tomorrow I’ll be brave.” This one is Midas - something about finally being brave enough to pass on the title of Quixis to Icarus, finally being able to let it go - give it up. (Even if it was just the end of Icarus’ story - even if it was the only logical time to pull them and pass it on - it was still brave. They had waited *so long.*)
-> [Icarus & Apollo]
-> Something about Midas living vicariously through Icarus. Something about Icarus showing Midas *so much* about life and their world and everything. Something about in turn Midas showing Icarus how to be Quixis, how to do this job *correctly* and not fuck it up like they did. Just that whole idea of ascension.
-> [505]
-> I guess Midas after Icarus ascends. That idea of going back home and not really knowing what awaits you. You have an idea, a concept of what might, and you're fully *prepared* for it. That idea of them *knowing* they have to leave after Icarus takes their place - or something like that.
-> [Show Yourself]
-> Icarus to Midas - How they just want to know what in the *world* Midas wants with them, and wants to do with them. Why Midas is following them, why they're changing the stuff they are, the decay, the eye - just wanting to *know*, but also very promptly ignoring Midas more often than not.
-> [Who You Are]
-> They're supposed to be Quixis!!! This is exactly who and where they're supposed to be!! This song really feels very Midas talking to Icarus - Telling them all of this as encouragement that they're going to do good, and that this is exactly where they're supposed to be, regardless.
-> [The Last Goodbye]
-> Saving the multiverse with another version of you. This is very Midas and Icarus coded - How Midas was willing to go down hand in hand with Icarus if it meant the multiverse surviving; also how Icarus was completely willing to take up the mantle of Quixis, even if it meant the people back home couldn't remember them.
-> Something about how they both think they're gonna die, Icarus and Midas - something about it.
-> [still feel.]
-> Dying over and over again, being reset over and over and *over* again, and yet. They still feel alive. Fable pulled them from the grave more times than they can count, and they still feel *alive* despite all that's happened.
-> Quixis is where they're supposed to be, Despite *jumping* they're still here, and they're still alive, and they're still *living.*
-> [Back To Black]
-> Oh so very wet birds. Something about them genuinely only saying goodbye with words - they didn't hug, didn't touch, no. Only words. Something about Ven going back to when he got pulled out, going back to Fable and all of the consequences that come with it. That whole idea Icarus isn't going to go back like that - they're going to go back to the present day and they're *going* to remember him.
-> [Spring and a Storm]
-> This one feels just very general epilogue/post finale times to me. Just everyone off doing their own thing, having fun and being happy. Reminiscing about the past *sure*, but having fun and being good all the same. (If you wanna look at it through an Icarus *specific* lens, for some added angst - Icarus watching their family and friends grow and be happy and gain things they couldn't gain before, while they're in the Worldport. Watching their family grow and get to be truly truly happy while they work on cleaning up Midas’ unintentional mess.)
-> [Ghost Song]
-> Just the whole idea of how after becoming Quixis, Icarus isn't reality seen or *known* anymore - And how they so desperately want to be. How they so desperately want to be seen and known and lived, but they can't - not for a while. How at this point they're just a ghost - changing and lurking, an entity everyone knows the name of, but not knows properly. Also almost that whole idea that they spend so much of their time watching over the Grove while their in the Worldport; changing and altering the small things so people, even if they won’t know until Icarus comes back, know they’re *there.*
-> [Introduction to the Snow]
-> Just that whole idea of now that Icarus is Quixis, they're alone. The Worldport is *empty* - no one is physically there with them, they're alone. They can't talk to anyone, no matter how much they so desperately want to. Also how this is *exactly* where they're meant to be.
-> [Today Today]
-> Just very ‘end of season 3’ coded - how upset Icarus, how much they were just *crying*, and they couldn't seem to stop regardless of how hard they tried. Also that whole idea of time going so so much slower in the Worldport, how ‘today' to Icarus must feel so so much different now. Also just that whole idea of being stuck between places, having everything to do because of everything up with the Worldport. That whole idea of so much happening in all the worlds they’re watching - there's so much to see and watch and understand and and and.
[Section Seven - Group songs, but an asterisk is attached to the first 4 because I write those pre stream and pre playlist re-organize- (sherbert please why did you do that right before stream-)]
-> [Machine]
-> The doubting of Fable's ideals, the realization of maybe they (Icarus) aren't doing the right thing by doing this, and how they don't *really* want to be a part of this anymore - how they don't want to be a part of Fable's machine, don't want to be a tool in his tool box, a means to an end.
-> The Idea that none of the people here, any of the members of the grove throughout the seasons, *want* to be a part of any of this - what to be here, want to do this, want to see any of this. The idea they don't want anymore resets - don't want anymore people to go through this, don't want to be a part of this revolving machine Fable has built for them.
-> [Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally]
-> Just that whole idea of how Icarus is just *angry* at Fable - How they're beginning to doubt him, and his ideals, and how they're just angry at the concept that he won't bring people back - that this was all for *nothing.* Also just them being so incredibly angry at *everyone.*
-> This is also very just season 1. Just the anger at Enderian and Ominous Bane and. All of season 1 and its hardships.
-> [Enemy]
-> Something about how, especially at the end, *everyone* wanted Icarus dead, gone, or both. They didn't want to be friends with Icarus, they'd been given too many chances, and no one was willing to save them anymore. How everyone wants to be, *is*, Icarus’ enemy by the end.
-> Just. The idea of everyone, at some point, being each other's enemy. At some point everyone has been on opposite sides with someone else in the grove - and that meant everyone else was going to side with *one* of them.
-> [The Search]
-> Just Icarus’ mentality right at the end, trying to find something, *anything,* that'd save or fix them, regardless of what. Searching for something they won't find, looking for something they can't see. Also their whole mentality towards Fable - anger and annoyance and *mad* - how in the end they end up killing like he almost killed them.
-> The whole idea of everyone like. Looking for something they can't find, can't get back, can't *see* - and the idea that over time they all slowly grow angry toward Fable and the resets and everything that's taken *anything* from them.
-> [Misery Fell]
-> I feel like you could argue this is either the very end of season 3 coded, or just the grove coded in general. Something about how they're constantly going through terrible terrible things - constantly having misery fall upon them.
-> [When You're an Adams]
-> How living in the grove is often a while experience - How you need to be prepared for anything, really, because you never know what's gonna happen next; never know what Gods are going to get involved or whatever people are going to go on a harming spree or or or.
-> [Ready As I'll Ever Be]
-> Either Perix fight coded, Or the Faction preparing to fight Fable. Something about getting ready for this big battle and fight, while the other side does exactly the same as that.
-> [We Don't Talk About Bruno]
-> I feel like you could argue either Enderian or Fable? The grove singing about them - respectively. Enderian mostly after season one, while the singing about Fable more now. How they probably don't really want to talk about much of that, no matter how far into the future it gets.
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The Lake
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Steven Grant x GN!Reader • Rating:  Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • MK Bingo 2024 Masterlist •
Summary: You and Steven go for a walk on a cold January day.
🌛For @moonknight-events MK Bingo Spring 2024 Event🌜
A/N: Trying to get back into the swing of acutally finishing things and posting them. Already my brain is like a) this is too difficult and b) write a part 2.
Warnings: just self indulgent fluff really, COLD, reader is wearing a beanie, references to having sex outside
Word Count: 726
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“It’s fucking freezing.” Steven laughed as you neared the lake. 
The whole landscape was grey, brown, and golden okra yellow, vegetation bleached clean by the dull winter and sharp frost. 
There were some geese, or at least birds of some sort, in the far distance. Seemingly the only other living things for miles. 
“This was your idea.” You giggle as Steven grabs hold of your arm and squeezes affectionately as he nuzzles into your freezing cheek. 
“It was, wasn’t it?” He grins and kisses your temple. “Why do you let me do these things love?”
“What, have ideas?” 
“Hmm.” He chuckles and jogs on the spot for a second, his breath coming out white and misty. “I didn’t think it would be this cold.” 
You laugh again. “You should have worn more layers.” 
He nods. Steven’s suggestion of a nice, crisp winter walk had been a good idea when you were both snuggled up indoors with the heated blanket on.
“You should have worn a hat.” His ears are painfully red, the tips a stark contrast against his dark curls. You touch his cheek with your right hand, which is currently sporting a fingerless glove over a glove, under a mitten. Your fingers were still bordering on numb. 
“I’m alright love.” He smiles, his eyes bright.
“Nah, I’m not letting you get frostbite.” You pull off your beanie and shove it on his head a little unceremoniously before he can react. You yank your hood up and pull at the drawstring quickly to try to stop any more cold air than necessary from sinking in. 
“Nooo,” he pouts a little, purposely being overly dramatic to amuse you, “now you’ll get cold.” 
“I have a hood.” You gesture to your head as if he couldn’t see the aforementioned clothing right before his eyes.
“Yes, but you’ll still get cold.” 
“That means you were cold.” 
“No.” He drags out the word, trying to sound sincere but it’s clear he’s lying. 
“You’re so silly Steven,” you smile and link your arm with his as you both carry on walking. 
“Am not.” He says playfully.
“Are too.”
“You’re silly.” 
“No, you.”
“You.” You poke him softly in the side, barely a touch. But he still reacts like you’ve electrocuted him, giggling helplessly. You grin and wait for him to calm down a little before you continue. “Besides, I can’t bite your ears if they’re frozen and fall off.”
You know that if you had said that to Marc, he would have just given you a not-so-impressed look (his speciality), and Jake would have probably tried to playfully nip at your ears then and there to prove a point, but Steven just looked thoughtful for a moment. As if he was really considering what you had said. 
“Hmmm, you think they could actually fall off in this weather?” 
You laugh again, “that’s what you gained from this conversation?” 
He grinned happily at you. “Alright, I’ll keep your hat on, but you gotta tell me if you get too cold, okay love?” 
You nod.
“I promise.” 
“Good.” Steven took hold of your hand in his and squeezed rhythmically. 
You both walked a little further down the frosty path, the earth solid and unforgiving under the soles of your boots, and came to a stop at the lake viewing point. 
Steven wrapped his arms around you as you both took in the view and natural stillness, as if the cold had frozen time itself. 
“It’s really pretty.” 
“It is…” Steven kissed your cheek, the tip of his nose was somehow even colder than your skin. “I’m still freezing my bollocks off though.” 
You snorted, breaking into a laugh at the sudden-ness, and blatantly painful honesty. “Come on,” you tug at his hand, headed back the way you came. “Let's get you indoors, I feel like a bollock falling off might be more of an issue than one of your ears.”
Steven giggled and followed, barely taking a few steps before he spoke again. “It's kinda a shame though.”
“I mean... if it was a bit warmer…”
You give him a slightly confused glance. 
“Out here, all alone, in nature…” He raised his eyebrows slightly and waggled them at you. 
“You’d definitely lose appendages to frostbite.” 
“Maybe it’s worth the risk.” 
You give him a playful shove as you both laugh. 
Thank you for reading!
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temis-de-leon · 7 months
Replaced MC AU/AU - V. 2
Characters: demon brothers, fem!MC and flirty! fem! NES (MC x NES)
Intro – gn!MC , fem!MC x male!NES (Part 1) , male!MC x male!NES (Part 1 , Part 2)
Masterlist , about the NESs
CW: rejection, abandonment, women flirt hard from my experience but this is mild i think, suggestive but also mild, lession 16 mentioned, MC is not stupid and deserves to vent, no comfort in this one folks, my favouritism is showing
A/N: Jesus Christ guys. On another note, for those who couldn't be tagged: please check if you can fix the problem! I don't mind sending you a private message, but it's easier this way :)
It was a surprise for Lucifer, somehow, seeing someone like MC so content with someone like NES. When one smiled, the other frowned; sweet and spicy; beauty and brawn. The brothers had naively thought having MC share her room was bound to cause problems, but how wrong they were.
Four months into the second year of the program, the two girls had already merged their closets, creating a unique style with their combined clothing. They’d also decided to use one of the beds for storage, sleeping together in the other. The first time that happened and all of them had to face Belphie’s resentment, Lucifer had feared for NES’s safety and even considered confining his brother in the attic again. Thankfully, and surprisingly, the younger demon had opted for the pettier option: ignoring MC altogether and treating NES like a rotten piece of furniture.
He was probably hoping for MC to feel guilty enough to completely ignore NES and come crawling back to him, but, as different as they were, both humans quickly became two peas in a pod, always walking hand in hand, shoulders brushing while exchanging secrets that no one else was allowed to hear.
Overall, the whole situation had become a recurrent topic in the brothers’ groupchat and, while Lucifer wanted to remain as nonchalant as ever, it was impossible to hide his opinions on the matter.
He wasn’t happy.
None of them were.
Mammon wanted her gone.
He wanted her gone now.
Who did she think she was, stealing MC’s attention from him and acting like she didn’t know what she was doing? Sitting next to her at every meal, massaging her scalp during movie nights and waking her up at odd hours because she liked ‘those late night talks’ in the kitchen?
What type of talks were ‘those’? MC could have them with Mammon; she didn’t need NES! She had him, after all. Her first man!
“Well, I’m her first woman then” answered NES the time they argued over who was gonna sit next to MC in class.
Who did she think she was?!
“Are you okay, Mammon? You seem upset”
And there she came, the bane of his existence, already dressed up in her RAD uniform and dragging MC by the hand. Both of them looked tired and Mammon realized with primal horror that no noise had come from the kitchen that night.
“Why are you so tired?! MC!”
Her only answer was a yawn, so NES gave herself the right to talk on her behalf; but not before handing MC some food for breakfast, of course. 
Although half of it was burnt, Mammon still hoped MC would like it.
“Oh, we were up for a long while, barely slept at all. Right, MC?”
She nodded, happy under the pampering, but her eyelids were half closed and she didn’t seem to notice she was eating her favorites. 
Mammon stared at them in shock and distraught before sparing a glance at Lucifer, who was too occupied checking his DDD and drinking his coffee to pay attention. Had he really looked at him, though, he would’ve seen a twitch in his brother’s forehead and a stillness in his eyes; he wasn’t reading at all.
“Then maybe MC and I could take a nap after class”
They all looked at Belphie, who had started to show an unusual interest in going to RAD those last few days. He was smiling like a kid in a candy store, already gawking at the idea of spending quality time with MC, or, at least, what he considered quality time.
His expression dropped, however, when MC shared a complicit glance with NES and smiled apologetically.
“I’m sorry Belphie, but I already made plans with NES”
“We’re going to Majolish” added said girl with a sly glint in her eyes “MC saw some clothes and wanted an outside opinion” 
Belphie looked downright offended, but not as much as Mammon felt. What did she mean they were going to Majolish because MC wanted an outside opinion? He was there! He was literally a model!! Hell, even Asmo would've been a better choice!
“I’ll go with you!” he announced, not asking for permission “I’m a professional, you know? You should be thankful I’m even considering wasting my time on some dumb humans!”
The youngest demon rolled his eyes, but NES’s expression briefly flickered and that was almost enough for Mammon. Beside him, at the head of the table, Lucifer sighed. 
“Do what you want, but if you end up third wheeling, that’s on you”
MC laughed, neither confirming nor denying anything. NES watched over the brim of her mug, challenging them with unsaid words.
Mammon wanted her gone.
Famine woke Beel up, like always, so he went to the kitchen, like always. It’d been MC’s turn to cook that night and he was pretty sure she’d stored some leftovers in the fridge for him. It was nice, being remembered even when she was too occupied with NES to pay them attention anymore. It brought some comfort, as well as a small smile to his face.
But much to his chagrin, the kitchen light was already turned on when he arrived, and his mood soured when he saw what was happening. Beel’s heart dropped and plummeted through his guts, deepening the black hole in his stomach. MC was leaning against the counter, creating some concoction in a bowl, while NES hugged her from behind. Both of them waved at him when he made his presence known, getting no greetings in return.
“Hi, Beel! I left food in the fridge for you!”
He wanted to be happy and thank her for the trouble, but he wasn’t able to think properly, not when NES’s face was snuggled into the fluff of MC’s hoodie, hands sneaking around her waist and disappearing under the material.
What was she doing? Should he stop her? But MC looked so cozy… not uncomfortable at all. His throat closed at the same time his stomach roared loud enough to fill the silence in the kitchen.
“Beel, are you okay?” 
“You seem upset”
MC looked worried, but NES’s words crammed his mind. She’d said the same thing to Mammon that morning wearing the same self-satisfied expression.
Ignoring his needs and his emptiness, Beel turned around and left them alone.
MC was seething. Her thoughts were a mere blurr and a sting in her throat left her unable to speak her mind the way she wanted to do it.
Was he serious?
Were they serious? Those self-righteous hypocrites! 
“We think it’s for the best, MC” spoke Lucifer like she was a child too slow to get his point.
“She’s playing with you, honey! She’ll hurt you!”
The gall. The audacity. The… ugh!
She stared at Asmo baring her teeth, never a threat to them, but a gesture so uncharacteristic of her that it was impossible not to treat the situation seriously. The common room was silent, yet MC was sure every single one of them was able to hear the violent thumping of her heart.
“We’re doing this for you”
“FOR ME?” she screeched at Belphie.
A scream would’ve made her feel better, but she guessed the high pitch got her point across good enough, her anger reaching every corner of the room. The brothers stayed silent, eyes wide open and muscles tense, waiting for her next movement. Not even when she got up from her seat and paced they spoke.
“MC, lower your voice”
Lucifer glared at her, the red in his eyes glowing dangerously. MC wanted to keep going just to spite him, begrudgingly giving up in the end. She was close to crying out of frustration and her throat hurted, so screaming would only hurt her more.
“You were the ones that insisted so much on having another human exchange student” she reminded them, stopping in front of the fireplace and basking in the warmth for some comfort, pointing to the eldest brother with clenched jaws “You said it would improve the program!”
“She’s holding you back, distracting you and using you for her own entertainment!” intervened Satan before Lucifer could speak.
“Oh, because you were so altruistic last year! Treating me with all the respect I deserved! Totally not threatening me all the time or even killing me for selfish reasons! You’d never do that to me, would you?!”
They lowered their gaze, suddenly very embarrassed, and MC felt a part of her healing. Then she saw Levi’s glassy eyes and Beel’s defeated expression. Neither Mammon nor Belphie weren’t even looking at her anymore. And she could live without Belphie’s half-hearted apologies, but not without the brothers under a pact.
“I believe this is enough, MC. Calm down and we’ll talk again in the morning”
Lucifer got up, his voice completely neutral, but his eyes pleading and desperate. He started to close the distance, but she got away, walking towards the door without breaking eye contact.
“You were so on board with this, Lucifer!”
The tears swelled in her eyes. Hot tears breaking her a little more, fuelling her anger. 
“Do you really think I’m not aware of what she’s doing? We share a room, you morons! I've lived with her more than I’ve ever lived with you!” 
There was silence again, four of them looking at her with visible pain and the other three leaning against each other.
Fuck it then.
“It’s all good and awesome when you’re the ones in favor, but when I’m the one having fun, suddenly NES has to go away?! Do you hear yourselves?! I’m so done with you thinking I owe you anything at all, let alone my fucking soul! Half of our pacts weren't even born out of friendship, so hear me out and hear me well! Get your heads out of your asses and for once in your life: LEAVE ME ALONE!”
MC walked away, closing the door at full force and leaving them behind in more ways than one.
How could they ever get over this?
Taglist: : @stfuchaase @k1-an @meggs-wonderland @kkeromenoo @va109 @marvelous-maniac @cruzerforce4256 @blarsh @marathedemonoverlord @junni-berry @arylleb @b-a-m-2006 @jonielunar @piercedddriver @cosmidaydreaming
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inmyheaddd · 4 months
Playing watergirl and fireboy (im unsure If thats name of the game but i hope u know what i mean😭) with Ravi headcanons
playing fireboy and watergirl with ravi would solve all my problems 💖 this request was so so so cute i hope i did it justice!! wc: 976 masterlist
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you and ravi’s movie night was getting slightly boring, you got to the point where you had basically watched every movie there is, and you were on a sugar high, so sleeping was out of the question.
the credits of the last movie on your watchlist started rolling. after a few moments of silence, you asked what you two should do now. 
“why don’t we play a game?” you’re lying on ravi’s chest, with his hands in your hair. you feel his words in vibrations more than you actually hear them. 
“what kind of game?” you turn and meet his eyes.
“hm,” he taps his finger on his chin in an exaggerated motion, then strokes his imaginary beard. “do you want to play fireboy and water girl?” he says with a smile on his face. he said the sentence so fast, sounding like a child asking if you have games on your phone. 
you knew what the game was as you used to play it as a child with your siblings. you always wanted to be watergirl, but you didn’t know how to play WASD keys.
you two were now sitting cross-legged next to each other in the middle of your bed, with the computer in front of you. 
“okay you know how to play, right?” he taps his fingers on his knees, his giddiness couldn't be more obvious.
“yeah, i'm the best at it.” you say 
“are you sure? i mean, you’re talking to the reigning champion of fireboy and water girl right now.”
you fake scoff and look away from him, shaking your head, "nerd.” 
“you’re nerd-er”
“that’s not even a word, it’s nerdier." you look back at him, trying to keep your “nonchalantness” in tact, but you can’t fight the smile that finds your face. you’re head over heels for him.
he shakes his head with a sigh, a faint grin on his lips too. "i love having a smart girlfriend."
"knowing the word nerdier isn't even... whatever." you think to yourself. it's alright though; you love having a ravi boyfriend. 
you started playing the game, and maybe you weren’t being the most truthful when you said you knew how to play. 
you were watergirl after 15 lengthy minutes of ravi teaching you how to use the WASD keys, and you dying in the game too many times to count. 
you were so close to finishing a level after failing so many times, and ravi was being your hype man as he always is: “yes! you’re so close you can do it,” “that’s my girl!” “you’re the bees knees”
“ravi!” you laugh out, “you’re distracting me.” you continue, dragging out the "me." you were trying to act 'annoyed' at him, but you both knew you weren’t. the day he stops his corny phrases is the day you die.
“alright, sorry.” he replies with an amused chuckle, his eyes trained on your face. he found the way you were so focused on this game entertaining to say the least. 
after a few seconds of silence and your character about to fall into the lava again, he speaks again. “you can do it! yes!” this time, in whispers that go against everything a whisper should be— quiet.  “that’s my gi-“
you retract your hands from the keyboard and place them on your lap dramatically, then turn to him with a blank stare. he slowly turns to you, matching your ‘dramatic ness’, and looks down at you with the goofiest smile plastered across his face.
you keep your composure for a total of 2 seconds before your lips start twitching upwards and you both burst out into laughter. 
every time you were about to stop laughing, you would see ravi still in tears from his own "joke." not to mention, his laugh was just so contagious.
you finally recover from your fit of laughter, only to fall into another one minutes later when playing.
“aw these characters are so cute; it’s like us in another universe.” you smile as you continue playing.   
he simply turns and looks at you with an eyebrow raised. “aren’t they siblings?” 
you both start laughing hard, and again, seeing ravi laugh just makes you laugh even harder. 
you’re practically in tears at this point, and ravi is in hysterics. it’s like a never-ending cycle of laughing at each other's laughs.
you both take deep breaths and stop laughing for a few seconds, then make eye contact. you both burst into laughter again.
“stop!” you’re so out of breath, you feel like you’ve done a whole ab workout with all the laughing you just did, “we need to- we need to finish the level,” you manage to get out in between deep breaths and giggles.
“who cares about the level?” he chuckles with a light shake of his head.
“i thought you did?” you let out a chuckle through your nose, and you and ravi are looking into each other's eyes. 
he shakes his head once once more, “hm,” followed by a shrug. “i like my watergirl better,” he mutters before moving towards you and kissing you. 
you can’t help yourself from smiling into the kiss, and then he pulls back. “can you stop smiling so i can kiss you?” he says with his eyebrows raised, with the same large smile on your face on his. “only if you stop being cute,” you respond jokingly. he was slightly taken aback—you were never the one who would make corny jokes, and make comments that sounded straight out of a 2010 rom-com. “hey! that’s my thing,” he pouts, pretending to be hurt. 
you shrug your shoulders before leaning in to kiss him again, and now he was the one smiling incessantly. you didn’t say anything though; you wanted to stay in this position forever. the computer was starting to overheat, evident from the loud noises the fan was making. but neither of you cared enough to say anything, you were too focused on the person in front of you. 
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Second Encounters - [MUTI! BLLK X F!READER]
Staring: Rin, Shidou, Sae, Niko, Kaiser, Ness, Otoya, Karasu, Reo
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, etc.
Rin was warming up for his game, it had been a few days since he last saw you
He didn’t mean to look for you in the crowd, it just ‘happened’, at least that’s what he’s been telling himself 
And he didn’t actually get excited when he saw you he was just… getting in the mood to play! Yea, that’s right… He definitely smiles on a normal basis, this isn’t anything special…
He felt like he was playing better than usual, did your look of awe motivate that… no…?
Once the game wrapped up (they won, obviously) he poked through the crowd to find you. He wasn’t too sure why, his body started moving before Rin could come up with a good excuse stop it 
But you were the one to find him instead. Maybe it was because he was so tired from playing..
He just finished chugging his bottle too, and he was about to go get some more
“Hey Rin, great game! Oh here- would you like some water?” You offered a plastic bottle that you definitelydidn’tbringjustforRin just so happened to have on you
He looked at you like you were his savour before proceeding to down it in 2 seconds
He took a second to catch his breath before thanking you “So, why are you here?”
You could only laugh “I’ve seen most your games, you’ve got a very entertaining playstyle” 
“Oh… ok.”
It was only now that you realized how this made you come off, “Going to every one of Rin Itoshi’s games? It was just to watch, no feelings behind it, right…? Yea.” You thought to yourself “I mean- it’s not like I even know him. He wouldn’t even want to be around m-”
“Do you wanna come to my game tomorrow?” Rin blurted, as he interrupted your thoughts “It’s at a larger stadium, so you need to buy tickets…”
“Oh uhm… yea!” you gave a hesitant smile, never did you expect Rin to invite you somewhere, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity! You didn’t mind spending a few bucks on tickets-
“Great. I actually already have a ticket for you… you’ll be my +1, if that’s alright with you…” he pulled out a neatly folded slip of paper with your information and barcode. 
It was a VIP ticket
You were hesitant at first “Are you sure…? Aren’t these really expensive?” 
Rin just shrugged “Yea, I don’t mind.” he placed the tickets in your hands “Just actually show up okay?”
“Yeah! Of course.” you were screaming inside “I’ll see you there!”
And with that, the boy went on his way.
Shortly after he got a call from his mother
“Rin, have you given the ticket to your brother yet?”
It’s only been a few days after you managed to get him out the house
He ended up staying the night for the first day, and you only got him out by giving him your number 
He had been texting you constantly, telling you the most random things “Omg look at this bird bro, I could lowkey swallow it whole” “HELP I PISSED SAE-SAN OFF AGAIN-” “Will you watch the new csm movie with me?” “PLEASE WATCH THE NEW CSM MOVIE WITH ME” “WATCH THE NEW MOVIE WITH ME PLEASEEE I BEG”
He would NOT shut up about watching the new csm movie, turns out, he doesn’t have any friends that watch chainsaw man… actually, you weren't sure if he had friends at at-
So you finally agreed to watch it with him in the cinema, and he was OVERJOYED 
He bought the tickets and everything
Shidou would come and pick you up in the morning, then you guys would go out to buy some snacks, and smuggle bring them into the theater
Shidou was very happy to have someone hang out with him, and you guys had a lot of fun :D 
Sae found himself going to the perfume store for the 4th time this week
It was friday
Did he really need another perfume? No. Has he already bought 12 from you this week? Yes. But Sae Itoshi still wandered the mall, making his way over to your store
“Hello, [Y/N]” he said with a nod, the greeting had become a daily routine 
But it seemed that you were preoccupied with another customer, Sae frowned
The man was almost yelling at you, talking about how useless you were, making inappropriate comments, etc.
Just when Sae walked in, the man knocked over a very expensive bottle of perfume that he requested to “look at”, when you had tried to get him to pay for damages, he just walked out!
If you had more energy, maybe you would’ve gone after him, but it had been a long day, and your shift was about to end in a few minutes anyway.
You finally noticed Sae in the store, and tried to compose yourself
“Hello, Mr.Itoshi, 4th time is it?” You said with a small laugh
“Yes. Hello.” He said as he looked at the broken bottle on the floor “How much was that?”
You sighed “$420….” You grabbed the broom and quickly cleaned it up
“Hm. Let me pay for it.” Sae said, as he pulled out a fat wad of cash
“Oh! Uhm… that’s a lot of money…” You replied, staring at the cash
Sae only shrugged, “No, not really.” He placed the stack on the counter 
You gave a weak laugh as you finished your cleaning “So, what can I help you with this time, Mr Itoshi? I think you’ve already got all our new arrivals…”
“Hm.” He looked around the store. If he was honest, he didn’t even need more perfume, the first one you gave him was perfect. And yet he still came here everyday.
A few seconds of silence passed, Sae wasn’t sure how many. But you were counting
“6…5…4…3…” you kept track in your head “2…1.”
The clock struck 6. You gave a quick bow to the man “I’m so sorry, but my shift is over now.”
You grabbed your bag quickly from behind the counter and put your jacket on
“Wait uh-” Sae hesitated “Could… I buy one perfume before you go?”
You checked your watch “I’m so sorry, I have to catch the bus” you apologized “There’s always tomorrow!” you tried to keep it positive (and make sure you have clients)
“Let me get you an Uber.” he insisted “We wouldn’t want you getting wet now would we?”
Once the Uber arrived, Sae walked you out with an umbrella 
You turned to him and gave him your thanks “And what perfume did you want to get? I’ll make sure we have it in stock tomorrow if you pass by again”
“Oh… I was wondering which one you used…”
“My perfume?”
You smiled and looked through your purse, pulling out a small bottle and handed it to him “It’s this one, I’ve had it for a while” 
He was caught off guard by the action “Really? Are you okay with me having it?” He examined your facial expression
“Yes, I insist.” you laughed lightly, “You are indirectly my main source of income too so yk-” 
Sae smiled
“Thank you” He said, a genuine look on his face “Could I get one more thing…?”
“Yea, what is it?”
“Your number”
“Niko, you should really take a break…” You said, as you watched the boy continue to train
“No. The game’s tomorrow. I need to make sure we win” The boy said stubbornly 
You could only roll your eyes at his remark “Oh come onnnn. You’ve practiced the last 100 days. We’re basically guaranteed the win.” 
You weren’t exaggerating either, it really has been 100 days. And those 100 days may have been some of your best.
Niko sighed “Alright… I suppose I could go for a break…” he put the ball away as he grabbed his belongings 
You smiled “Great! We should go out!” You said enthusiastically as you helped him pack up
“Huh? But I’m tired….”
“Ehh? Alright, let’s go to your house then, we can watch some anime to cool down.”
He smiled at your consideration, ignore his light blushing too ok?
You had been to his place quite a few times now, so you made yourself comfortable as Niko picked a show
“Hey Niko,” you said as you scooped some popcorn “How do you feel about tomorrow?”
He took a moment to think about it before replying, “To be honest… I’m really nervous.. But having you there makes me feel a bit better”
“Aww, thanks Niko” you teased
As the two of you finished setting up, you guys sat down and prepared to start watching
“Hey, Niko, we should totally watch this in theaters one day! I really need to convince you to go with me one day…”
“Oh? Alright”
“Wait really!? You’ll actually go outside!?” you turned to him eagerly 
“Sure.” Niko smiled “If we win tomorrow, I’ll take you out, it’ll be a date!”
(man was absolutely panicking inside 🤭)
Kaiser stood by Ness as he checked his phone
“They should be here any moment, I swear-” Ness reassured the annoyed blonde 
Kaiser only scoffed “They’re a waste of my time…”
“I beg your pardon??” You approached them from behind “I’m two minutes late.”
Kaiser glared at you, “Those are two minutes of my precious time.”
You rolled your eyes “Yea right, like you have anything better to do…” you turned to Ness and switched up your tone of voice “Hi Ness! It’s so good to see you again :D” 
Ness smiled “Yea…” he was scared that you and Kaiser were going to break out in a fight at any moment 
Kaiser was deeply offended by your remark, and felt the need to make a comeback, but you had already moved off the topic
“So, where do you wanna go, Ness? There are quite a few places nearby…” You checked the map on your phone
Ness only looked at the other boy, “Is there anywhere you want to go, Kaiser?”
Kaiser stared down at you “Where do you want to go?”
You did not expect that, someone like him asking for your preference? “Not gonna lie, I’m pretty hungry… I’d be down for a cafe.” you gave him a warm smile as a thanks
Kaiser looked back at Ness “Let’s go Karaoke.” 
“WHATTTT??” your jaw dropped. He asked for your opinion to choose the most tiring activity?? You glared at him. You were going to out-sing this man if it were the last thing you did.
And out-sing him you did. Kaiser only scoffed and said he wasn’t taking it seriously anyway.
After karaoke, you guys did a lot of other activities, shopping, watched a movie, laughed at babies crying, you were having so much fun that you completely forgot about your hunger. And your grudge against Kaiser. Alright, fine, you tolerated him. But you weren’t going to tell him that! He can inflate his own ego.
“Hey Liebling,” He called, using a nickname he picked for you just a few hours ago (you had to ask Ness what it meant, but Kaiser told him not too) “You still hungry?” 
If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought he genuinely cared!
“Depends….” you examined his expression to figure out his intentions 
Kaiser only laughed “Alright. Let’s go pick up some food at the Cafe.”
This was too good to be true! So you kept your guard high
Ness giggled at your expression “You know, he’s not alway a jerk, just… 95% of the time!”
“Wow, thanks Ness, so very comforting.”
When you guys arrived at the cafe, you were immediately attracted by your favourite dessert. You looked through the display to see the one piece left.
“Oh? You like that dessert?” Kaiser popped up behind you, teasing
“What? No-” you lied
“Really? Then… I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I bought the last piece~” Kaiser taunted you as he grabbed his wallet
“You wouldn’t dare” you glared at him. You could put up with him being a jerk for the most part, but your dessert? Unacceptable.
And he still bought it!!
You were outraged, literally about to fight him.
“You sure he’s not always a jerk?” You questioned Ness as you glared daggers at Kaiser
Ness rolled his eyes playfully “I think he actually quite likes you”
“Really? Is mockery his love-language?” you joked sarcastically 
“Yes, actually.”
You rolled your eyes as you looked back at the other deserts, about to chose one
Kaiser scoffed and lightly tapped the boxed snack on your shoulder “Yours.”
He glared at you “It’s for you. You're welcome.”
You took the box quickly and thanked him. Maybe Ness was right… me wasn’t always that bad…
As the day ended, you guys shared a last moment.
You gave Ness a quick hug as you were about to leave, and thanked Kaiser for the dessert 
Kaiser rolled his eyes “Do I not get a hug?”
You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but you gave him one anyway.
As you were about to pull back, Kaiser grabbed on to you,
“Next time, let’s go out together without Ness” he winked at you before departing 
Ness totally heard him say it too, but pretended like he didn’t, for the sake of his own safety ;)
Despite it being a week since he last saw you, he was thinking of you constantly. I mean, how often does he meet someone so nice and pretty?
At this point, Ness was volunteering to go to the vending machine for Kaiser, even spending his break there, just waiting to see you again
And finally, finally, his waiting paid off
You on the other hand, just wanted to get a drink
When Ness saw you again, he just starting going off about how thankful he was, and how he “didn’t deserve your grace” (the drink you bought for him was $4)
Once Ness had composed himself, he offered to buy you something in return!
And you weren’t one to deny free food, so of course you accepted 
“If you don’t mind me asking, you’re Alexis Ness right?” you asked as you opened your drink
Ness was overjoyed to hear you say his name, “Yes! Yes yes, that’s me, how’d you know?”
“I think i’ve seen some of your games, you’re the midfield for Bastard Munchen? You’re pretty good”
Ness tired so hard to contain his screaming “Really? Do you think so? I’m so honored!! Actually… I have a game tomorrow here, if it’s alright with you, can you come watch? Please? I’ll pay for tickets and everything!”
He was practically begging you, it made you question how his stricker treating him
“Oh? Yea sure, that sounds fun” you smiled
“Great! I’ll get you VIP tickets! Just for you!” he seemed so excited to have you there “But um… there’s one small problem…”
“Really? What’s wrong?”
Ness hesitated, “Well… VIPs are usually reserved for friends or family… so, you might have to be my friend…” he looked up at you, you could tell he was shaking 
“Alright, what’s wrong with that? Can we not be friends?” you laughed lightly
Ness had to take a moment to process this “You’ll… be my friend!?” his entire face shifted to a huge smile “I promise you won’t regret it! I’ll be the best friend you’ve ever had!”
You could only smile at him
“Oh? Alright, I’ll see you at the game then”
You were still mad at him for getting you something as crappy as a candle, but he offered to make it up to you… with a date-
“You really are a f-boy…” you muttered as you met up with Otoya
He laughed “What are you talking about? I’m always genuine in my relationships.”
You mentally facepalmed- why did you agree to this??
“Yea yea, say what you want… anyway, where did you want to go?” 
“I’m down for anything” he shrugged
“Alright then, I’m going shopping for a gift, because someone couldn’t get me a proper one…”
Otoya only laughed “Sorry sorry, my bad. Do you not like the candle?”
You scoffed “It’s a fine candle, but I bothered giving you such personal gifts, things that you’d actually like…sigh, why’d I bother…”
“Oh yea, I wanted to ask, how’d you know what I like?” 
“Well, some of us are actually able to observe things about people”
“So you’ve been watching me~?”
“NO!? I’m just not an ass and am aware of my classmates' likes and dislikes?”
Otoya laughed, “Aww, that’s sweet.”
You rolled your eyes “Don’t take it to heart, I know just as much about our other classmates. Because I’m a decent human being and not some play-boy.”
“Oh?” he smiled “I think I’d like to be your boyfriend~”
“So you single?”
A little note was slipped to your desk while the teacher was drawing diagrams on the board, and you unfolded it quickly
It was written in your code, and you could tell the writer was very hesitant with their pen. It took you a few seconds to decode it, “I heard you bombed your chem test?”
you glared at the paper. You didn’t fail it, you just didn’t do great… and may or may not have been told to take a re-test…
You rolled your eyes as you crumpled the paper and put it away, sending a glare at the writer
Karasu only smirked as he silently laughed, he didn’t think he’d find such fun in writing encrypted notes. Otoya had even tried to read one, but he gave up the second he looked at it.
As the bell for dismissal rang, Karasu packed his bag while keeping an eye on you
At this point, everyone else had left the room, it was just you and him. He smiled
“...What do you want?” you asked him, slightly annoyed 
He laughed, “What made you assume I want something from you?” he teased
“You keep staring at me…”
“Can I not admire your beauty?”
“...Otoya influences you too much, you smooth piece of crap.”
This only led Karasu to laugh harder “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but thanks.” 
You rolled your eyes and laughed as well “Just get to the point will you?”
“Alright. I heard you failed your chem test?”
Karasu laughed again, if his voice weren't so pretty, you would’ve been done with it by now “You know… I’m top of the the class in chemistry, I could totally tutor you”
“Really?” you looked up at him “Are you serious?”
“Yea sure, why not. Since you taught me your code, it’s only fair.”
You smiled “That’d be great, thanks Karasu!”
Reo had been following you around for the past two days, it was really starting to bother you
Even your classmates were asking about it! “Hey [Y/N], why’ve you been around Reo so often? Why is he always asking about you? Is he cheating on Nagi with you-?”
“What?? No-”
“Hi [Y/N]!” speak of the devil… Reo came by your class again as school ended. Everyone else slowly left the area “Will you play soccer with me?”
You sighed “No, Reo. I’m busy.”
“What? No you aren’t, I checked your schedule, you don’t have practice today.”
“WHAT??” you turned to him “You checked my schedule??”
“.... You’re really creepy…” You picked up your bag as you prepared to leave
“Wait wait, cmon. Just one game.” Reo followed you out the classroom “I’ll pay you.”
Now he had your attention
“Fine.” you turned to him “One game.”
Reo smiled “Great! I’ll meet you on the field in 2 minutes!”
As the two of you played, Nagi was watching from the sideline, unwilling to participate. “It’s too much of a hassle…” is what he said
The score was now 9-2, with you in the lead. You stopped, “Reo, I think you’re done…”
The purple boy was almost out of breath “No… I can keep going…”
You sighed and put the ball away anyway “Sit down and take a break, you didn’t even warm up properly…” 
Reo took his bottle and downed the whole thing, clearly exhausted
You let him catch his breath before you spoke “Good job, you’ve improved”
Usually Reo would brush off compliments as he got them quite frequently, but this meant a lot to him
He’d been practicing for the whole week, and someone noticed! He was unusually happy
“Thank you!” he said with a smile
You weren’t sure why but seeing him happy… you don’t think you’ve seen him like that before. You smiled
“You know Reo… I’m off practice for the whole week…”
“I know.”
“.... well- I could help you practice if you’d like?”
His eyes lit up “Really? Thank you so much! I promise I’ll make it up to you, I’ll buy you whatever you want!”
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Stay With Me
pairing: niklaus mikaelson x female reader
warnings: fluff, cursing, kisses, a suggestive comment
summary: you are late to a meeting but nik is being a clingy boyfriend - requested by anon
a/n: thanks for the request! this is a cute idea and whats better than a clingy klaus
song: falling for ya - grace phipps
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You were late to your meeting.
It was 2:27 pm and your meeting started at 2:15. You had tried to leave but your boyfriend refused to let you go.
"Nik, as much as I love you, I really need to go," you sigh.
"But, love, aren't I much better company than some old guys in a meeting," he pouts at you.
He walks closer to you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him.
"Of course you are, but I've already been late to so many," you laugh. This happened often. Not that you were upset because of his clingy-ness, it just led to you having a bad reputation of not being punctual.
"I get so lonely when you leave me," Nik frowns at you.
"You could always hang out with Bex, Lijah or Kol," you remind him.
"They are not you. Love, I can just compel the people at your job for you, problem solved," he grins at you.
"Hmm, I suppose you're right," you give up.
"That's my girl," he smiles at you and kisses you all over your face.
"Why do you work anyway? I have enough money so you don't have to work one day in your precious life," Nik wonders. He always spoils you, you told him he didn't have to get you anything, but he does anyway.
"It keeps me busy," you shrug.
"I can keep you busier," he smirks.
"Klaus!" you hit his shoulder with a laugh.
"Just putting it out there"
"Well, now thank you've convinced me to stay, what did you want to do?"
"I wanted to stay in bed with you and watch movies"
"Okay. But I'm choosing!"
You two get into bed and he wraps his arms around you, bringing you close to his side. He rests his head against yours as you scroll through movies on the tv.
"We are gonna watch..."
"Oh no," he sighs, having something in mind.
"The Twilight Saga!"
"For fucks sake," Nik shakes his head.
"Do you not like the movies," you frown at him.
"No- no, it's just that we have watched them at least thirty times!"
"Yes, because they are amazing, duh," you roll your eyes.
"But it's so unrealistic, vampires that sparkle," he scoffs.
"You're just mad that I made you put on glitter for Halloween"
"Do you have any idea how long that took for me to get you," he shudders at the memory.
"Oh well"
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"That was so good!" you clap your hands.
"Nik? Nikki? Klaus?" you look at him noticing he was asleep, you were surprised you didn't notice. Then again, it was like you were in a trance when you watched these films.
"Huh?" he rubs his eyes.
"You missed the movies"
"Did I? Hm, what a shame," he snaps his fingers.
"I think I finally realized why you don't like Twilight," you grin.
"Oh yeah? Why is that, love?"
"You are jealous of my obsession with Robert!"
"Absolutely am not"
"Absolutely are too!" you laugh and poke his side.
"Whatever you say"
"Exactly. I'm gonna get water," you sit up.
He quickly grabs your waist and pulls you back against him.
"No, stay with me," he whines.
"It's only going to be a minute or two"
"But you're keeping me warm"
"Put on another blanket"
"No, you are better than any blanket"
"Should I take that as a compliment?"
"Take that as whatever you want," he smiles.
"Nik, I'm actually dying of thirst"
"You can't die of thirst as a vampire," he points out.
"Sure I can, and I will if I don't drink water in the next two minutes"
You kiss his forehead and he reluctantly lets you go and get your water.
You come back with two waters and happily cuddle with him again.
"See, back in no time"
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readychilledwine · 1 year
Cassian Week Day 2 Prompt Gentle-
A/N: Cassian has My heart, but I rarely can write him as a love interest the way some people so amazingly can. When I think of Cassian, I think of my older brother. A kind, loving, and gentle person who, due to his larger size, was cast into this role of a dominating force, and Cassian embraced it. "Gentle" is my absolute favorite prompt from this week, and I had planned to keep this to myself, but I have so many little fics and drabbles already locked away that I wanted to make sure anyone else who sees Cassian as the safe big brother also had something to read.. So enjoy 💜
Warnings- implied injury and unedited (you know the best warning)
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Reader is the youngest Archeron sister, and after being made, has begged Rhysand to allow her to have combat training. Hand to hand doesn't go as planned, though, when Azriel gets asked to spar her so Cassian can watch and take notes on her progress.
Your back hit the training mat with a loud thud. All you could do was blink the shock from your system as Cassian ran over to your side separating you from Azriel. The loud cough and gasp you released as your body screamed for oxygen had you rolling to your side.
"What the fuck, Az?" Cassian was in shock. His voice was muffled to your ears as you tried to focus on calming the burning sensation in your lungs.
"She was doing so well, I just-" Azriel sighed at the look Cassian shot him, "I got caught up in thinking it was someone more experienced. I thought she could handle it." Azriel's own guilt hit you instantly as he watched you curl up on the ground. "Y/N, I am so sorry. I didn-"
"We haven't even begun to discuss what to do when someone is about to throw you or slam you down. She has only trained for a few weeks, Azriel." Cassian moved to you, kneeling on one knee at your side as your body continued to try to breathe through the pain in rushed pants. "Y/n, are you okay?" Cassian's rough hands braced your neck softly as he sat you up and leaned you against his thigh. "Arms above your head, baby. You knocked her breath straight out of her." Cassian moved you again, trying to stop you from decompressing your chest and stomach, "Next time, push your body weight the opposite way he is throwing, y/n. Do not let Azriel rag doll you." Azriel scoffed at the comment, kneeling down next to you on the other side and holding your hand in his.
Cassian pulled you in closer to him with a glare. He was softly rubbing his hand up and down your spine slowly to coach you into deep breaths. "Breathe sweetheart, you're okay. In through your nose, out through your mouth. There we go, just like that." Cassian smiled brightly at you as your breathing became more regular. "Rhys and Nesta are going to kill you." He looked at Azriel with a serious expression. "Ness already is upset we are forcing her to train. She might actually steal a knife and stab you."
Azriel sighed deeply. "That would get Nesta out of her room at least." They both watched as you cracked the smallest smile before leaning into Cassian more. "I think she's done for today. That will leave a nasty bruise. I'll have one of the twins go to the room to rub salve on it."
Cassian nodded in agreement. Your eyes met the upset ones of another male as Cassian began to speak again. "I'll carry you up to your room, y/n. Az, can you clean up here? I want to talk her through what she did well and wrong. Y/n, Please don't tell Rhys about this.."
"He already knows," you whispered softly before pointing to the doorway where your sister's husband stood. His hands were tucked into his pockets as he studied the scene before him. Anger graced his face as he took in your disheveled, messy braid of dark brown hair, your red face, and your soft pants from being unable to take a full breath yet. Cassian chuckled lowly while looking between Rhys and Azriel. "Be nice, Rhys. I asked. It was-"
"I told Cassian to train you," the high lord said sternly. "Strictly for this reason. Now I get to tell Feyre you were hurt tonight when we speak."
Azriel was the first to turn as Cassian gently picked you up, supporting your knees with one of his arms. "Let's go get you a bath, princess," he whispered gently into your ear. "They're about to fight and it might get ugly. Our dear Rhysie has some pent up anger that he does not want to admit to, and Azriel is always more than happy to fight him."
You nodded, arms going around his neck so you could tuck yourself further into his chest. "Why did he want you to train me?"
"I would never throw you this early. Soft gentle movements until you have more experience, more balance, better strength. Az didn't want to baby you. Rhysand and I did. Because. Well. You are the baby." His voice was soft as he reached the room you and Azriel had begun to share since being made.
He continued after opening the door. "Azriel felt that was unnecessary. That you were capable and babying you after you begged us to ensure you never felt helpless again was unfair."
"And he won because of the bond?" Cassian nodded to the question as he set you down on the bed and Sat beside you.
"We compromised. I told him I would train you with progress updates every two weeks where he was involved. That is why he was there today. To spar you while I watched to see what I needed to fix, what we could progress on. I will be talking to him, though. You were not ready for that level of hand to hand. He needs to be more gentle with my baby sister."
Cassian's hand continued rubbing up and down your back as he held you. "Your footing was wonderful. You have made so much progress in the past couple of weeks. Feyre would be proud." He smiled down at you, then switched to a serious face, "You had a few strikes we need to work on, and we need to teach you how to get out of a few holds again. You did very well, though. I am very happy with your progress."
You smiled against his chest. "It must be the good, gentle teacher."
Cassian hummed as he placed a kiss on your head and pulled you in for another warm hug. "Or the aggressive dedicated student."
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gloriousburden · 11 days
I agree with your take on Mobius so much! People treat him like a cinnamon roll. Which he isn't. He is a horrible person but no one wants to acknowledge that. Sylvie is terrible too, but at least people acknowledge her flaws which is something I guess. Oh, and I had watched season 2 of Loki series, and Mobius was so ooc in the first episode. Like, he randomly went from torturing and manipulating and gaslighting Loki to suddenly risking his life for Loki. It made me wanna throw up. I have never seen such a random 180° turn. Extremely ooc. And Lokius shippers eat that shit up. Like, I don't know whether you have watched Season 2 or not, but there's a scene where Mobius volunteers to do something extremely risky to save Loki. And yeah, I don't believe that crap at all. Tomorrow they might suddenly show Thanos risking his life for Loki too. I think season 2 episode 1 should have came with an OOC warning attached lol.
Have a great day! ❤️
Unfortunately, I have watched all of the series. I may talk about Lokius shippers a lot, but Sylki shippers (though there’s only like… two of them nowadays) have the same issue that Lokius shippers have. They only acknowledge the flaws of the character from the opposite ship, and not the flaws of the character they ship with Loki. Sylvie fans hate Mobius, Mobius fans hate Sylvie. There’s issues with both characters! Are you kidding me?
YES EXACTLY. He was very OOC… I guess he got some kind of “redemption”/“change of heart” or some shit behind the scenes. Why do you suddenly love Loki so much? Of course the shippers eat it up. They’d eat literal garbage if it was orange color coded with grey hair, and green color coded with black hair or played by Tom/Owen.
Nothing towards either actors BTW hope it doesn’t come off as that. I mean this towards the fans, not the actors!
It’s just… these aren’t even the same characters anymore. That’s not even Loki! And Mobius, though I have no love for him, isn’t even himself anymore. The writing is so fucking inconsistent not only with Loki, but with EVERYONE.
Yep. I do know what you’re talking about. Why so lovey dovey and knight in shining armor all of a sudden? Why would he suddenly risk his life for someone he threw into a time loop to get physically assaulted without a second thought? Oh why cause they hugged so it’s okay now? 🤦🏻‍♀️
Look, if Mobius had apologized or even acknowledged his previous behaviors, then I wouldn’t be so freaked out by the way the fandom treats him or the OOC-ness (because obviously they’re gonna let shit slide for a mediocre ship) But… NONE OF THAT HAPPENED! Think I spoke about this in one of my last posts but so many Loki “fans” TRULY believe Loki needs to be humbled. That’s why they don’t bat an eye at the abuse coming from Mobius. As well as them being eager to excuse absolutely anything in order to not ship the “straight” ship.
It’s getting really weird. Some of them want Lokius to be canon just because “Ooh gay ship” and not because they really believe Loki and Mobius go along well together and they’re opposites attract and one’s a god one’s a human and so on. Whatever tropes you can throw in there.
And Lokius fans pretending to be so much more morally superior/holier than thou for being against Sylki because of the selfcest shit… YOU EXCUSE MOBIUS VERBALLY DEMEANING LOKI AND HAVING HIM BE PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED… HOW IS THAT BETTER?! This is like the pot calling the kettle black. Like I’ve said before, If Mobius was female.. People would hate his guts! And the amount of people shipping Lokius would be so, so much lower. And they’d actually see the flaws of the show.
Hope this does not sound like me trying to defend Sylki/Sylvie in anyway, Both are HORRIBLE, bottom of the barrel, and garbage ships. Sylvie’s writing/actions are not excused just because she’s female. It’s just Lokius shippers are more prevalent, therefore more annoying to me. And for some reason, Lokius shippers tend to be a lot more immature. I think because they’re usually younger than Sylki shippers.
I understand people want representation, but there are so many ships that have been done better. You don’t need to grasp for straws just because you only now learned that Loki is bisexual!
THE THANOS POINT LOLLLLLLL EXACTLY. That cracked me up, I won’t lie. I wouldn’t be surprised if that became a thing. They’re just so desperate to ship anyone and everyone! Can we think critically about these characters/movies/series for one moment?
Thank you! You too ❤️
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useless-moss · 1 year
Since it's been a hot minute: Trans Hiccup Headcanons(with some bonus trans Astrid)
He started experimenting with more masculine clothes at around 4-5 years old and expressed an interest in using male pronouns shortly after
Stoick was always very happy and supportive of Hiccup, though this was mainly because he always wanted a son to begin with
The 'I think you brought me the wrong offspring' rant in httyd 1 was born of both the other insecurities Hiccup had about being a viking in general and also him feeling 'incorrect' and like he wasn't really a man (which, same bro)
He struggled with trying to be the perfect son for his dad for most of his life
Valka had a hunch from the minute Hiccup was born. She often made jokes about how Stoick already had a son, he'd just show himself a little later. When she saw Hiccup in httyd 2 she recognized his face and the scar and was very proud that he'd grown up to be who he is
Gobber was the one who taught Hiccup how to bind
Gobber would also physically fight any village kids and/or adults who tried to bully Hiccup for being trans, which was rare to begin with since most people were more concerned with Hiccup's lack of general viking-ness
Hicstrid t4t supremacy bitches
Speaking of Astrid, her family followed more traditional last name culture, which is why her last name is Hofferson. She high-key hates this fact but the name 'Astrid' draws attention away from it, and unless told people assume it's some classic irony that a woman would have a last name that essentially means 'Son of Hoffer'
Part of why Hiccup and Astrid get along so well is because they understand the self doubt and the internal and external struggles of being yourself while also trying to be who everyone expects you to be
Hiccup has tried to DIY his top surgery at least five or so times. He was usually stopped by Gobber, other times he managed only one small cut before backing out
Being accepted into 'the guy group' was one of the best days of his life
As mentioned in my first trans Hiccup post, Dagur got the news when they were kids and, even though he didn't fully understand, he started religiously calling Hiccup 'brother'
Dagur's tormenting was also a way to try and help Hiccup 'man up'. It didn't really work as intended, unsurprisingly
The only villains who would be mean about Hiccup being trans are Drago, Grimmel, and Johann. Johann in secret because, you know, undercover/traitor stuff yada yada 😒
Also Spitelout. Spitelout would be mean about it
Gothi knows how to make what is essentially HRT gel, which Hiccup is immensely grateful for
Okay, all I got for now. Will add more as my brain continues to just stew on this fandom.
BTW, I HC Hiccup as trans masc in the first place because I'm trans masc and he's a comfort character of mine so, like I do with all my comfort characters, I'm projecting. This includes but is not limited to the trans-ification.
It's pretty much the same thing with Astrid, but reversed
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bakery-anon · 19 days
pre 2 & 7
love 18 & 20!!!
domestic 8 & 14
wedding 2 <3
silly 6!!!!
self-ship questions <3
Pre-relationship: 2. Were you flirty before getting together?
You guys have seen how I act with you and how I act with Q…take a moment and think about the question /lh <3
I was extremely flirty, like more so than usual. One of my favorite pick up lines to use because it usually at the very least makes the other person smile is “I just put on some skittles chapstick, kiss me if you want to taste the rainbow.” Context for how this came up: I forced him to go to the park with me because I wanted to try and go mushroom hunting, unfortunately my shoes were newer so I had to stop because I was getting terrible blisters :(
Osamu all but carried me to the gazebo so I could sit down (look who’s prepared, it’s me and my mini first aid kit in my bag). So after putting bandaids on my heels he sat down next to me and I just kind of leaned against him. I had a silly idea so I pull out my skittles chapstick (yes this is real, yes I have an entire collection of chapstick flavors) and I put some on and then turn to him and say the line. He burst out laughing and it was that one smile that makes me go 🥰🥰🥰 and then he shook his head and went “Bet you won’t.”
No we did not kiss that day </3 he did kiss my forehead when he dropped me off at my apartment though so a win is a win 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Pre-relationship: 7. Were you two obvious about being in love? Did your friends try to tell you?
One thing about me is…I can’t be subtle about anything. Like, genuinely it’s so obvious when I like someone. I would find every excuse in the book to try and hold his hand and I really should have known that he liked me because every time we held hands he would bring them up to his lips and kiss the back of my hand :(((
Moral of the story, yes. We were so obvious. We’re just hopeless romantics.
I know for a fact Atsumu tried to tell me. Anytime Osamu would get on his nerves he would smile and go “Bug, wanna hear somethin’ funny?” The GLARE THAT OSAMU GAVE HIM OMG.
And Ave (ily Ave <3) tried to tell me I was being stupid. Because for as much of a hopeless romantic as I am I don’t like telling people when I have crushes </3 it was especially bad since we had classes together that we were partners in 😭😭😭
In Love: 18. Favorite romantic thing they’ve said to you?
Ooo. Okay, so he’s a sap. I think we’ve all established this <3333 but I think this would have to be from the night before he asked me out. He took me home and when he was dropping me off made a joke and then he stopped and smiled at me. I was really confused so I asked him like ???
AND HE GOES. “You have a really pretty smile. I like your little fangs.” And I’m like really insecure about my smile and my teeth so I don’t usually smile where you can see my teeth </3 but that just made it so clear to me that YUP. I WANT HIM.
In Love: 20. Favorite romantic thing you’ve said to them?
So- I was maybe a bit sleep deprived when this event took place. Maybe just a bit (def not running off of pure spite because I stayed up all night studying and doing hw…I would never do that). I hadn’t seen him all day so I wanted to see him :( so I forced him to come over and we went up to the roof and watched the stars. I think this was about a month or so into dating.
I brought all the blankets and I forced him to carry the pillows and snacks. I’m not sure how long we stayed looking at the stars but I remembered a quote I really liked and while he was trying to look at the stars I grabbed his hand and went “Apparently we’re made of stardust.” And he kind of paused but let me continue. “They say soulmates are made from the same stardust, and I would like to think we were. That we’re made from the same star.” And then I proceeded to fall asleep </3
Domestic: 8. Something that makes you look at them and go “I love you.”
Omg. It’s gonna have to be when I have a day off or it’s lunch and I go to visit him at Onigiri Miya. Esp during lunch rush. I can see him from the counter working in the kitchen and he always has a small smile on his face no matter how swamped it gets. And seeing him be so happy doing something he loves just makes me love him more you know? Like, that’s my partner. And they’re happy so I’m happy <3 :)
Domestic: 14. Bedtime routine
So by the time we get home we’re tired. It’s been a long day of cooking and standing and it’s exhausting. So we have a mandatory 1 hr nap when we get home. Where we don’t say anything and we just lay down and hold each other.
Osamu will usually be the one to cook and doesn’t want me to do anything (🙄) but sometimes if he’s really tired I’ll cook by myself or help him. He usually just tells me to make dessert because he knows that it calms me down <333 :(((
I make him do skin care with me bcs I refuse to be the only one who does it. Once he got used to it he started doing it for me when I’m too tired to get up from bed. I’ll make myself a cup of tea an hour before bed and we’ll sit in silence on the couch as I read and he talks either his friends. Once that hour is up though we’ll go to bed. :)
Wedding: 2. Who stutters through their vows and who calms them down?
I know I’ve said this somewhere and I think it was for Molly’s self-ship stuff lol. But it is me. I AM THE STUTTERER.
I hate public speaking and it just makes everything so much worse when it’s all of my friends and family and it’s a really important moment. And I was really anxious. :( but he just rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand and squeezed it three times and I was much better.
Silly: 6. Snowball Fight! Who’s winning? How did it start?
Find it here <3
Ness, I don’t know if it’s a you thing or the prompts you picked out but omg. I YAPPED. Like maybe it’s just because you give off such like <3 comforting warm energy that I can’t stop myself from yapping. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the Bugmu lore and I can’t wait to see your self-ship stuff and fawn over Suness <333
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maochira · 1 year
Blue Lock Boarding School AU [Part 2]
Part 1
Synopsis: You've had a handful of conversations with your new friend Isagi in the past few days, but there's something he's been wanting to ask you: Why aren't you part of a soccer team?
Tags: gn!reader, simply for context: Ego is the principal and also reader's father, only Isagi appears in this part but some others are mentioned!
Ever since Isagi saved you from Kaiser, you've gotten to talk to him a few times. Usually, your conversations never last longer than a few minutes, but you're happy to finally have found an actual friend at Blue Lock. Sure, Isagi mostly hangs out with his other friends - sometimes he tells you about them - and he's offered to introduce them to you multiple times, but all the experiences you've had with your fellow students so far make you a bit afraid of getting to know new people. Fortunately, that's something Isagi understands and respects completely, although he'd love to introduce you to his friends.
Today was both the worst and the last day of school for this week. Usually, Fridays are pretty okay but you had your least favourite subject and another encounter with Kaiser and Ness in the hallway today. For some reason, Kaiser still likes to push his own ego up by talking you down, but that's something you just want to push aside for now. After all, you're about to meet up with Isagi to finally spend some time together that'll last longer than the short conversations you have whenever your ways cross in the hallway.
Meeting Isagi is something you've been looking forward to the entire day. It was a somewhat spontaneous decision because you only asked him when you met for a minute or two when you entered the school building this morning. Luckily, Isagi seemed happy about the idea and offered you should meet him after his team's soccer practice.
As much as you're curious about watching his team - mainly to see Isagi's playstyle - you don't walk all the way to the field and only wait in a nearby area where you know Isagi will walk past later. The team's practices usually don't have spectators, so you'd immediately catch the players' attention, which is something you'd really like to avoid.
"(Y/N)!" Isagi's voice calls from a distance as he starts running towards you. His hair is a bit of a mess from playing soccer and he seems a little exhausted, but that doesn't hold him back from running to you as fast as he can.
"Isagi!" A smile crosses your face the moment you hear your friend's voice.
After you greet each other and have the usual "How was your day?" talk, you find a bench to sit down on together and continue talking. Just this time, because the conversation lasts longer than usual, the topics get a little more personal. Mostly on Isagi's side, though.
As the conversation continues, he starts talking about how both excited and nervous he was when he got invited to Blue Lock and how he feels at the school in general. He's about to start talking about his teammates, but that makes him remember a question that pops into his mind every so often.
"Enough about me," Isagi laughs a little, "Can I ask something about you?"
"Sure," You nod, "What do you want to know?"
"I really don't want to come across as rude but..." Isagi lets out a short somewhat nervous laugh before he asks his question. "Is there a reason why you aren't in any of the school's teams? I know that's something other students bother you with, so you don't have to answer if you don't want to."
The question catches you off guard for a moment. It's something you've been asked multiple times already, just so far it's always been in a judging or condescending way. Isagi is the first one to ask completely out of genuine interest and curiosity.
"Oh uhm... It's not that big of a deal, honestly," You shrug and look up into the sky, but the sun shines directly into your eyes so you lower your head back down. "I just don't really enjoy playing soccer."
Isagi's immediate reaction is surprise. "You don't?" He asks, sounding as if he's attempting to hide a bit of shock in his voice. "Didn't you mention you love soccer a few days ago?"
The way Isagi reacts makes you giggle a bit. "That's still true, I love soccer. Just not playing it."
"Why are you here, then?" Isagi's surprise has been replaced by more curiousity.
"It's not like I ever had any other choice, my dad decided it," You shrug, "But also, I want to be a coach someday. So uh, you know. I don't go to this school for nothing."
And now, Isagi's curiosity gets replaced by admiration. "That's so cool! I bet you'll be a great coach." The bright smile on his face is contagious, causing you to smile as well.
"I still have a long way to go, though." You let your gaze wander back up towards the sky - the sun is covered by a cloud, so looking up there isn't uncomfortable right now. "There is a lot I have a lot to learn."
"And so do I! But that's why we're here, right?" Isagi says as he looks up at the sky as well. "I know school started not that long ago, but I already learned so much."
Isagi's enthusiasm about your goal to become a coach is a huge relief. Even though you're friends, a part of you was worried he'd judge you and question what you dislike about playing soccer.
As the two of you continue talking, neither of you notices how fast time is passing by. You're at the end of another conversation topic when you realize the air has been getting colder and the sky is getting slightly darker.
"Time just flies by when you're with a friend, huh?" You ask as you get up from the bench. "But I've really got to go now. I still have to do homework and stuff, but... Thank you for spending some time with me."
"No need to thank me!" Isagi gets up from the bench as well. "But before you leave, can I ask you another question?"
"Hm?" You look back at your friend who seems a bit hesitant about what he wants to ask.
"The more time I spend with you, the more I think you'd get along with Bachira. I know I've asked if you want to meet my other friends a few times, and if you don't want to, that's okay but- I'd really love to introduce you to Bachira."
Without a second of hesitance, you know what to answer. "I'd love to as well!"
Taglist (sign-up link): @starhrtz, @kaineedstherapy12, @zyuuuu, @yerinsshi, @luvcalico, @punkhazardlaw, @truegoist, @st4rcheese, @rienniey, @vanitasbrainrot, @youngstrawberry69
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graneymar · 2 years
Can you write an imagine about baby fever? (With richarlison or ney)
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SUMMARY: above
PAIRING: Richarlison x fem!reader
My best friend just gave birth to her first child a few weeks ago - a beautiful babygirl called Liliana. I've spent every free second with Nessa and her daughter. Whenever Richarlison went to training or met his friends, I was immediately on the way to visit my two girls, bringing a couple of new shirts, toys or stuffed animals for Liliana every single time. I knew Nessa since I was like 10, so my best friend of almost 15 years having a baby actually felt like I suddenly had a child myself.
Nessa was invited to a birthday party and asked Richarlison and me to babysit. As soon as she stepped into our apartment, Richarlison took Liliana and covered her little face with hundreds of kisses, making her smile slightly. "She’s allergic to cow milk, so please make sure you only feed her that", Nessa said, handing me a pack of baby food, "And please don’t cover her with blankets without being in the room, she could pull it over her face. There’s a sleeping sack in the bag." She continued on telling us what we should be careful of, until Richarlison interrupted her. "Ness, don’t worry. It’s not the first time I'm having a baby over. Y/N is an aunt of two. We'll be okay, relax." Nessa sighed out pouting her lips, "I know, it’s just the first time leaving her with someone so long. Please call me if somethings unclear. Don’t hesitate!" Richy and I nodded and told her to have fun before she eventually left our apartment. "Let’s get the party started", Richarlison laughed.
Since Liliana was only three months old, she almost spent the whole time sleeping. She would wake up and cry every now and then, signaling she was hungry. Every time I was about to get up and prepare the food for her, Richarlison stopped me and did it instead.
"No amor, I'll do it", he insisted and jumped up once she was crying again, stopping me from getting up another time. I grabbed his hand and smiled as I looked up to him, "Let me do it at least once." He pressed his lips together. "But… no, please. She’s so adorable."
"I know she is, but you’ve been with her all day. How about you look for a movie meanwhile, hm?", I suggested. He groaned, but finally nodded and dropped himself back onto the couch, clicking through Netflix. I prepared Lilianas bottle, checked the temperature and picked her up before feeding her on my arm. Richarlison watched us with a wide grin. "What?", I chuckled when I noticed.
"Have you ever thought about getting a baby anytime soon?" My eyes widened at his question, I almost let Lilianas bottle fall in shock. That was something I didn’t expect, for sure. "Uhm, I.. uh", I stuttered, refusing to look at him while my cheeks heated up, "How soon? I mean, yes I would love to have a baby some day, but… soon?" Richy quietly laughed as he noticed how nervous I got. "I have actually been thinking about it a lot, especially after every time I see Liliana. We both obviously love kids, we do have some experience. Finances are positive", he paused for a second, "And I can't imagine a better mother for my children. I really want to grow a family with you, Y/N. I'm not saying it has to happen right away, but maybe we could… you know, just see what happens?" I got so overwhelmed by the things Richarlison was saying, I didn’t even notice Liliana was choking on her food. "Oh oh oh", Richy exclaimed, taking Liliana out of my arm and held her over his shoulder, slightly tapping her back. The way he didn’t even care about the vomit on his shirt - he simply cleared her up and continued rocking her back and forth on his arms while having a huge smile on his face. I breathed in heavily, "Let’s see what happens." He quickly turned around to look at me. The disbelief, but also the joy in his eyes was clear to see. "Really?", he asked. I nodded, nibbling on my bottom lip. "I know you'll be a great dad", I started, "And maybe I'll be a pretty good mother too." Richarlison softly pecked your lips and stroked your stomach. "Richarlison Jr. in the making", he said, making you both laugh.
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
Fanny pack AU please!!!
Find more aus from the ask game here and send them to my inbox
This got a little out of hand in length because 1) hi have you met me 2) I’m drunk and sleep deprived and also hiding at the bar again a little bit and 3) this is from my fave Pining family so I couldn’t resist. I envision this happening on a family vacation to Disney World, and is inspired by Ewan talking about bum bags in the long way series.
“What is that?” Anakin snorts very unattractively as he waives at the bag Obi-Wan had just clipped onto his waist.
“My bum bag?”
“What!?” Leia gasps
“Come again?” Anakin questioned as if he somehow misheard.
“Your WHAT?” Luke shrieks.
Obi-Wan looks between the three incredulous faces, his brow furrowed. “Bum bag?” He points to the bag slung around his waist. “A bag. That you wear. Around your bum?”
“Fanny pack?”
Obi-Wan scoffs. “You know, you shouldn’t say that some places.”
“Say what?”
“Fanny pack?”
Obi-Wan pinches his nose. “Just - trust me.” Blank faces stare back at him. He sighs heavily before elaborating, “Fanny. It means something rude.”
Luke and Leia meet each others eyes incredulously, probably planning to work it into conversation at least twice each just to test it out.
“Okay, fine, why do you feel the need to walk around with that around your waist all day? No need to cover up your delectable bum.”
“Because,” Obi-Wan rolls his eyes, “one of us needs to be prepared. How else do you plan on carrying around our room keys, park maps, band-aids, snacks, hand sanitizer, tissues -“
“You do hear yourself right?” Anakin interrupts. “This is for a few hours at the theme park, not a hike to the summit of some mountain.”
“Someone needs to be responsible for keeping track of all these things, and I don’t see how you plan to do that as you’re currently dressed,” he gestures to Anakin’s pocketless, rather tight, gym shorts.
“Backpack?”Anakin shrugs.
“You know we’re going to both end up carrying a child on our backs before the day is through, whether we like it or not.”
“See! Told you!” Luke elbows Leia triumphantly.
“Why does this bother you?” Obi-Wan asks as Anakin continues to glare at his waist.
“It just…you look…ugh,” Anakin shakes his head. “You know what - I’ll take it.”
“Just, because,” Anakin declares.
“Can we GO already?” Leia demands, “the park opens in ten minutes! We don’t have time for your, your, re-lick-u-lous-ness.”
“Fine, as you say,” Obi-Wan hands over the bag and Anakin clips it around his face, his nose scrunched up in distaste. “Adorable,” Obi-Wan kisses his nose and opens the door for everyone to head to the park.
It only lasts about five minutes. Obi-Wan puts one hand on Anakin’s waist and unzips the pouch with his other to retrieve the park map and plot their path to their first ride if the day and Anakin rips the pack off as if scalded.
“What?” Obi-Wan asks bewildered as Anakin thrusts it back at him.
“Just never mind. You wear it. I cannot handle your hands around my fanny. Especially right here, right now, around all these innocent eyes.”
“Please. Don’t say that. I’m begging you.” Obi-Wan pleads under his breath as he clips it back around his waist where it began.
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causenessus · 1 month
HELLO!! okay lowkey i feel like we talk more through your inbox than we do in dms so im just gonna start ALWAYS talking here 🙂‍↕️ idk tumblr dms just don't work or something so GOOD AFTERNOON!! I HOPE YOURE GETTING A TON OF REST NESS bc tomorrow... we have to go back... sigh. and i have picture day tomorrow so i probably need to make myself look presentable ykwim?? 😞
but like about that friend i yapped about HIGHKEY SHE IS NOT IT YOURE RIGHT!!!! i think what makes it worse is whenever she thinks theres an issue between her and me and she goes to literally everyone but me about it to try to get other people to validate her?? FUNNIEST THING EVER because usually people side w me too pls 💔 like they'll defend me, and the people usually tell me when she starts yapping about it to them so like... just wondering why she feels the need to tell everyone in the world about what i apparently did wrong ⁉️ live laugh love i suppose... AND IF YOU EVER WANNA HEAR ABOUT STUFF THAT SHES DONE TO ME I LITERALLY HAVE STORIES FOR DAYS
its been days and the try again playlist is literally the only thing pulling me through... ness im forever grateful for the existence of this playlist‼️try again isnt even finished but like NESS i would marry it if i could i think i think about it even more than love notes omf 😭 i need yn as my therapist NOWWW!!! AND ADDING ONTO THAT, TONICS LOOKS SO AMAZING SO FAR OH MY GOD?? LIKE ALL THE DETAILS AND THE GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR ARTIST PROFILES AND EVERYTHING UGHH IM SO EXCITED
okay another thing, i think i told you about a phone vault before cause like my school was really talking it up... it was the stupid pocket thing on the wall. they're out there calling it a phone vault GOODBYE 😭 anyway ive given up on paying full attention in class and have reverted back to wearing and airpod in class so i can listen to music (the SOLE reason why i have airpods is bc they were a christmas gift i dont have enough money to buy those on my own 🫡)
HELLO SAV!! AND PLEASE TALK WHEREVER U WANT!! I WILL RESPOND WHEREVER <3 and omg good luck with picture day!! 😭 literally those pics never turn out good like they PURPOSELY WANT ME TO LOOK BAD they're always like "no no!! push your hair out of your face behind your shoulder so we can really see how much of an egg you look like!!" but i'm wishing you the best of luck and that your picture turns out well 😔
and also HELLO??? I'M SO GLAD EVERYONE TAKES YOUR SIDE BC LIKE,, THAT'S JUST EMBARASSING FOR HER 😭 I HOPE SHE TAKES IT AS A SIGN AND REALIZES LIKE...maybe she's in the wrong...or maybe she should go to you and sort it out with you!! instead of just complaining about it to others!!
AND AA YAY GOOD FOR YOU!! it's def expensive but so so worth it in the end 😭😭 i remember for me (idk if every state does this!!) but i actually did my lessons when i was like 16 1/2 (for many reasons we won't get into 😔) but anyway!! in my state or at least at the drivers ed school i went to if you were that age they'd allow you to do this thing where basically they just threw all the information you'd learn over the course of the week (or however long all the drivers ed courses are) in one night crash course style!! and then u take the permit test at the end of it and then u get ur permit!! and although i felt a little behind everyone else bc i didn't start drivers ed immediately yk i was kind of glad i got it all done in one night!! and like you learn all the info and then IMMEDIATELY take a test on it so it was kind of easy!! but best of luck to u!! i hope it all goes well <3
AND AA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE THE TRY AGAIN PLAYLIST!! i always listen to it in the morning when i'm still waking up and then will switch to the tonics playlist when i'm more awake LMAOO BUT YES!! DW i think now that i've gotten tonics intros out of the way i'm gonna work on try again while trying to outline tonics!!
BUT HELLO THE "PHONE VAULT" BUT BEING THE SHOE HANGER THING?? MAN THAT IS NOT A VAULT 😭 THE WAY SCHOOLS ARE OUT HERE COMING OUT WITH THE CRAZIEST NAMES EVER JUST SO THAT IT LIKE FITS THE AESTHETIC OF THEIR SCHOOL OR WHATEVER IS CRAZY but yes!! i think my wireless earbuds were also a christmas gift or something and then during this one play during high school that was literally the bane of my existence (and also simultaneously the best play i ever did) i NOT ONLY lost my earbuds but i ALSO bit my phone on accident and then broke the screen so like...i sacrificed blood sweat and tears for that play frfr (i also bled all over the set after cutting my finger on accident so i mean it...) so i had to buy myself another pair after that bc my mom was sick of me 😭😭 but they were like an off brand pair and tbh they're better than like samsung buds!! (what i have to use bc i'm not an apple user </3) so honestly it worked out in the end!!
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Tony Stark x Female!Childhood Friend!Reader: Brightest [Ch. 17]
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Summary: [F Name] [L Name]: Tony’s Stark’s “invisible friend.” She’s invisible in all the wrong ways–at least until Tony spots her years after telling her to get out of his life. With Yinsen’s words in mind, Tony decides to pursue their lost relationship, only to find that [Name] might not be as willing as before. What Tony doesn’t know, however, is that the confusion of her life might end up the best of his.
Ratings/Warnings/Tags: M (love triangles; friends with benefits; sexual situations; non-consensual sex with a significant other (note: I will mark this specific chapter accordingly); cheating on significant other portrayed in a positive light; verbal abuse from parents and significant others; toxic relationships of several kinds; rumors of an inappropriate relationship between an older man and his son’s teenage friend; set in between Iron Man 2 and Avengers (2012); references to characters not yet established in the MCU as of time of writing)
Pairings: Tony Stark/Reader; Justin Hammer/Reader; Tony Stark/Reader/Justin Hammer; Pepper Potts/Happy Hogan; past!Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Tag List: @imaginesfire; @frostay; @downeyreads; @angelcakes12332; @sleep-i-ness; @jkknoxvilles
Master List
Chapter 17: The Prettiest Girls
Your reflection in the mirror the following morning startled you. Back and forth you paraded in front of the glass for the hour and a half or so that it had taken you to get ready to spend the rest of your day taking photographs for your gallery. You hadn't done anything major, just showered and applied makeup and put on regular clothes as usual.
Okay, so maybe you'd dressed up a little, knowing that Tony would see you briefly in this getup. Putting on your "photography costume" while still inside your parents' home was out of the question. Still, anyone who knew you—the real you, the you not gearing up for a magazine shoot for your father or prepped for another interview that would inevitably turn to questions about your sordid relationship with an older man—wouldn't call this "dressed up." You hadn't exactly donned a ball gown for the occasion; you'd simply forgone your usual no-one-important-is-seeing-me-today standard of sweatpants and a tank top.
But it wasn't your clothes or your face or your hair that startled you about the woman staring at you from the mirror. What was it? Leaning in, you examined yourself from every angle. Nothing seemed different. Your skin had the same blemishes and your forehead the same wrinkles. You even had a zit in a familiar place. On the other hand, your shoulders looked a little straighter. Something in your eyes sparkled. You weren't huddling in on yourself like you usually did before you strode out of your room to discover just what you'd done wrong with yourself this time.
What was it that your mother had accused you of yesterday? Being so happy that someone was bound to notice? Could that be it? Could the significant change in your appearance be chalked up to a sudden influx of happiness?
The blaring tone of your text alert put an end to any further musings on this subject. You leaped as though the noise were a gunshot, all thoughts of happier girls being prettier girls flying far afield. Who could be texting you so early in the morning? A quick mental run-through of the short list of people who bothered texting you at all only made you worry more. Your mother never got out of bed before eleven if she could help it. Your father wouldn't bother resuming speaking relations without being there in person to yell at you. Rhodey wasn't a texter.
You didn't need to be the genius your father wished you were to know just what you would find on that screen once you picked up the phone. Tony wanted to cancel. Of course he did. Why on earth would he want to spend time doing anything with you that didn't involve lackluster sex? Photography was your hobby, and a lousy one at that. He had better things to do with his time than help a mediocre photographer with her work. You should never have pestered him with an invitation. If he hadn't desperately wanted a shower with you, he never would have agreed to join you on today's expedition in the first place.
The dread built up higher and higher in your chest the longer you stood there staring at your phone. You forced yourself to scoop it off the table before the text alert could chime again, but you could go no further. You couldn't look. You had to. You couldn't. You would. Showing up and waiting for him for hours when he had no intention of showing up would only look more pathetic. One gulp seemed to squish your anxiety down just the notch you needed. Only after that did you peek at the screen.
Good morning, Sleeping Beauty, read the message punctuated by a sparkling heart.
Since when had Tony started calling you by the name of specific princesses? As you frowned at this text, another came in:
[Name]? Hellooooo? It's about time to get out of bed, don't you think?
Why was Tony so concerned you wouldn't make it to your prearranged meeting spot on time? You'd never been late to anything having to do with him before.
Are you sleeping? Or are you just too busy to bother talking to me again?
That was when the name above the messages finally caught your eye. Justin was the one giving you a wake-up call. You really needed to pay more attention to the little details, preferably before failing to do so gave you a heart attack. But for once, seeing your boyfriend's attempt to contact you flooded you with relief. Tony wasn't canceling on you after all!
You unlocked your phone to reply, but Justin didn't give you the time to formulate an answer.
What is it that's got you so busy these days anyway? I know your dad kicked you off the project. It's not like you've got anything important going on. Would it kill you to check in with me every once in a while? I haven't heard anything in over a week!
Had it really been that long since you called Justin? Your thumbs froze mere millimeters above the keypad as your mind whirred. No matter how hard you racked your brain—or how far down you scrolled through your recent calls list—you could find nothing to prove him wrong. So caught up in your real project (and finding new places to have sex with Tony) had you been that you'd simply stopped trying to get ahold of your actual boyfriend.
A surge of guilt washed over you from head to toe. Could there be a worse girlfriend anywhere? Sure, you were sleeping around behind Justin's back with his worst enemy, so you really didn’t have a leg to stand on to begin with—but, as your mother had pointed out, that was only a temporary dalliance! The least you could do while this was going on was to make sure your real boyfriend was doing all right from time to time!
Justin, you started to type. You're absolutely—
Hey, do you mind if we get together about an hour early?
This new text did come from Tony. It did not immediately quell your fear that he, too, found your interests too silly to indulge any longer. Your unsent apology to Justin forgotten, you quickly responded to Tony instead:
Why? Do you have something else to do? You don't have to come if you don't want to.
Nice try. You're not getting rid of me that easily, he answered, then followed up with, I just had a great idea is all.
What kind of great idea?
A great surprise idea.
I'm not sure I'm up for one of your “surprises” this early in the morning.
[Name], it's past nine. It's not that early. And anyway, it's not THAT kind of surprise this time around.
You make plans regarding other stuff?
Occasionally. Otherwise, the government would have a completely different reason to want to get their greasy paws on my armor.
Hello??? [Name]???? Justin fired off several rapid texts in succession. Are you ignoring me????
Oh, right! You'd been trying to make amends with Justin before Tony distracted you. Justin must have seen that you had read his text and wondered why you weren't rushing to explain yourself to him.
My surprise has to do with our work. If I can pick you up early, we can start exactly when you wanted to, Tony said.
Honestly, I don't understand what's gotten into you lately. It's like you've turned into someone else. What happened to my sweet little [Name]?
What had happened to Justin's sweet little [Name], you wondered. Your reflection in the mirror certainly seemed to say you'd turned into someone else. You thought you'd only made improvements, but would Justin still love you when he came back from Queens? And how could you tell him how those changes came to be made?
So are you in or are you out? Tony asked.
Your thumbs hovered in place once more. This hesitation only lasted for half a second, though, before you swapped back to your conversation with Tony and quickly typed back: I'm in.
JARVIS didn't need to alert Tony to your reply. Tony still grasped his phone in his hand when your answer to his suggestion came shooting back. You were in. A breath he didn't even realize he'd been holding escaped from his chest the moment he saw that. Every day the same scene played out as he waited for you realize what a bad choice he was—but today was not that day. Today you still wanted to speak to him.
"Yeah, I see it, JARVIS. Thanks. Hey, Pepper."
Tony slipped back inside his lab to find it completely unchanged from when he stepped out to text you minutes before. Over by the largest table in the room stood one of his closest friends, her hand on her chin as she observed the enormous holographic tower blueprint hovering mere inches from her face. Pepper looked up, however, when she heard him speak her name.
"Yes?" she asked.
Tony held up his cell phone. "Heard back from [Name]. She's agreed to meet me a little earlier than we planned this morning, so..."
"So let me guess: You want to me to fetch myself a clean toothbrush and make myself scarce before she gets here."
"Exactly. Minus the toothbrush. I think I've gone through the bulk supply you got me."
Pepper cocked her head to one side and regarded him in that way that only she could. Tony felt as though he were being x-rayed for any inappropriate motivations for skipping out on a business meeting. Then:
"All right," she said, picked up her purse off the floor, and swung it over her shoulder.
"Thanks." Tony opened the door for her before her acceptance hit him. "Wait. That's it?"
"What's it?"
"No argument? No snide remark about my behavior around women? No reminder that the board of directors is out for blood and no amount of garlic will keep them away from me?"
"Tony, you're a grown adult. You don't need me to remind you to do your homework, or wash behind your ears, or to not mix colors when you do the laundry."
"Actually, a reminder for the last one every so often probably wouldn't go amiss."
"Besides," Pepper went on, without acknowledging she'd probably seen his handful of newly-pink dress shirts waiting for ironing on her way to the lab, "we've done enough work this morning that I can let you play hooky the rest of the day. And I like [Name]. I think it's good that you're spending time with her."
"You do?"
"Well, not if my saying so makes you want to spend less time with her. What?" she added when Tony snorted.
"Nothing. She thinks I'll do whatever you say to make you happy. You think I only do the opposite of what you say to drive you crazy. I just can't please anybody, can I?"
"Why does [Name] think you always do what I tell you?"
"Probably something to do with you being so desperate for some peace and quiet that you're willing to send me all the way across the country."
"Is that what you told her? Tony, you know very well that I want you on the clean energy project in Manhattan because you're the best man for the job."
Tony shot her a knowing look.
"And it would be nice to not worry so much about what you're doing in your retirement," she allowed.
"Well, whatever the reason, [Name]'s not crazy about me moving to New York just because you think it's a good idea."
"And her opinion matters to you?"
"Of course it does. I mean," Tony did not like the little smile on Pepper's face, "not as much as how much of a hassle it's going to be to move all my armor up there without anyone noticing. [Name] and I aren't anything serious. Once we're done with our project, she'll be glad to see the back of me, and I'll be ready to sing Sinatra whenever you say the word."
"Really." She didn't allow him to get a single word out to retort. "Be that as it may, I think it's sweet that you're helping her put together a photo gallery."
"Yes, real—who told you about the photo gallery?" Tony asked.
"Rhodey told me."
"Of course he did. Guess you got all my friends in the divorce," he grumbled.
Pepper's smile widened before she leaned in and kissed Tony once on the cheek, much to his surprise. "I'm just glad you're happy, Tony."
"Me, too. I'm glad you're happy, too. You are happy. Aren't you?"
"Yes, Tony. I'm very happy." She stepped into the hallway leading to the stairs at last. "And now I'm going to leave before [Name] shows up. Maybe I'll pick up some coffee for Happy on the way to work, since I have a little extra time."
"He'd like that. Goodbye, Pepper."
"Talk to you soon, Tony."
She vanished quickly up the steps. Tony listened as the sound of her heels faded to the floor level of the house, then disappeared entirely when she exited through the front door. Pepper was gone. For the first time in what felt like ages, he didn't feel bad about her going either. But he didn't have long to think about what might be behind this change in attitude. He had a few things to put together before you arrived.
Something was wrong. You couldn't put your finger on what exactly, but nothing around you felt real. Maybe you'd fallen asleep after you got to Tony's house, and everything since had been a dream. Perhaps you'd never arrived at your destination to begin with. Could it be you'd got knocked on the head by someone suspicious of your activities before you'd even left your own home? What were the chances that you'd simply died and somehow earned a happy afterlife?
You could not have asked for a more exceptional morning. The sun shone so brightly that your surroundings disappeared into a haze on the edges. Cool but not cold, you could smell the sea salt on the breeze without its scent overpowering that of the boxes upon boxes upon boxes of sugary doughnuts sitting in the back of Tony's pickup truck stationed in the lot of your favorite photography-taking park.
(Yes, Tony's pickup truck. A modest one, too. "What?" he had asked at your obvious shock at seeing something a normal person would drive pulled from his garage. "It's my getting-out-of-town-unseen car. Rhodey went camping last week, so I asked him to take the truck and not bother cleaning it when he gave it back.")
Around this plethora of breakfast treats gathered a crowd of people. Some wore exercise gear in pristine, eye-searing colors. Plenty others wore casual outdoorsy clothes. Most, however, wore a patchwork in varying colors of fading, gray, or dirt. All of them had been coming and going since you and Tony had set up camp—a few people more than once.
Caught daydreaming instead of paying attention once more, you looked up, hot-faced, to see one such gentleman standing in front of your table. He had on multiple layers of old clothing. The moment your eyes met his, he went on without waiting for you to acknowledge him:
"You saying I have to sign one of these before I can have another doughnut?" He pointed to a stack of permission forms resting on the table next to your elbow.
"Oh, no, sir!" You couldn't scramble out of your fold-out chair fast enough. "Please, take a doughnut! If there's a picture of you here and you don't want it to be used in my art gallery, then don't sign anything. You can just point it out to me, and I'll destroy all my copies of it as soon as I get home."
The man narrowed his gray eyes at the line of photographs on your table. You held your breath. He would not be the first person to yell at you that day, nor would he likely be the last. But you would keep your word and get rid of anything he told you to, whether the subject of the picture looked like him or not. After a few seconds, he snorted and rejoined the throng around the back of Tony's truck.
"Do you even have a picture of that guy?" you heard someone behind you ask. When you looked over your shoulder, you found Tony standing there. "That's about the sixth time he's come over here to ask...and the fifteenth doughnut he's left with," Tony added as the man headed off toward the public restrooms.
"Maybe he's not sure if he wants to give me permission yet. And it's not like you didn't bring enough food for everyone, plus some."
"I don't care how much food he leaves with. It's more about his tone. You're trying to help him out, but he clearly thinks you're up to something."
"I really don't mind. He has every right to be suspicious."
"Yeah, you really look like you're into something nefarious. Money laundering via doughnuts is a crime on the rise in this city, I hear."
"He doesn't know me from Eve," you said. "He might not even know that I took his picture, if I did."
"He could still quit accusing you of bribery."
You let out an incredulous laugh. "Tony, this was all your idea."
"Which just goes to show you that even I come with duds once in a blue moon."
"Well, I think it was brilliant. We need permission to feature the photographs, and now no one goes home hungry. It doesn't matter to me if no one else agrees to let me use their image. A small gallery is better than no gallery at all."
"You only think I'm brilliant. I've blinded you with my good looks and charm."
"I don't think that's it," you said with some feeling. "This really means a lot to me. Thank you, Tony."
"Anything to make you smile, Princess."
Something about Tony's mouth looked different when he used his nickname for you that day. This you could put a finger on: It wasn't his usual sardonic smile. He just grinned, causing your heart to jump straight into your throat. You swallowed it back down at once. What were you thinking? Of course it was still sardonic! If you waited around much longer, he'd probably follow it up with a suggestion to try out car sex in a pickup. Worse still, he might figure out how easily his smile made you weak at the knees. Then he'd pack up, drive away, and ruin an otherwise perfect day.
Before any of that could happen, you moved to put the plastic table between the two of you.
"Could you man the permission slips for a few minutes?" God, you hoped your voice didn't sound as high-pitched to him as it did to you. "I need to go talk to someone really quick."
You didn't wait to hear his reply, though you thought you heard a note of confused acquiescence from his general direction as you stumbled away from the horde jostling around his vehicle.
Away from all the people and noise, you could breathe a little easier. Strange how it took longer for you to get to that point nowadays—and how much more quickly you could come down from it. You slowed from a trot to a walk as you took several deep breaths in and out. Even the air smelled wonderful that day. Above your head, the sun didn't look like it had moved a single inch since your and Tony's arrival. At least another hour of joy lay ahead of you—and more literally ahead of you along the sidewalk you stood on lay the only person other than Tony that you wanted to see.
Gladys sat on a peeling park bench and didn't look up at your approach. A flock of scraggly brown birds hopped around her feet, peeping for and pecking at the remains of the doughnut she held in one gnarled hand. She threw another handful of crumbs without bothering to look up at you. This went on for a couple of minutes before you summoned up the courage to politely clear your throat.
"Hey," you said, a little awkwardly.
"Finally remembered I exist, have you?" was Gladys's reply.
"I never forgot you." You plunked yourself down on the bench next to her. When she didn't protest, you took that as permission to stick around. "I've been running the permission table. Thanks for spreading the word, by the way. I've got about twenty signatures thanks to you."
Another few minutes passed in silence while Gladys fed the birds. You didn't speak up. Having someone to be with that didn't want to verbally spar all the time felt good...although you couldn't help sneaking looks over at Tony every handful of seconds. This your friend noticed. When you looked back at her for the sixth or so time, she had finished with the doughnut and now stared straight at you.
"What?" you asked.
"Guess I can't blame you for being distracted," she said. "That boyfriend of yours is pretty hot."
So were your cheeks after that comment. "He is not my boyfriend."
"Sure he's not. I may not be the smartest person you know, but I've seen a lot of children in love in my day."
"We are definitely not in love."
You must have said that in a convincing enough tone, because Gladys broke out into a loud laugh. "Just sex, then? I wouldn't have known you had it in you!"
"You and me both," you muttered, but this didn't put a dent in her smile.
"Good for you, [Name]. Good for you. He looks like Tony Stark, so he has to be pretty good in bed!"
"You know, I wonder if he is Tony Stark. Sure looks like him. But you'd tell me if you were dating Tony Stark. Wouldn't you?"
"I can assure you she is not dating Tony Stark."
Once more, then man in question seemed to materialize out of thin air right in front of you. Even Gladys jumped at the suddenness of his appearance.
"Not that I'm offended by the comparison. He's a handsome man." Tony caught your eye, grinned, and added, "Would Tony Stark really be slumming around handing out free doughnuts with his side piece on his day off? I think his women are usually a little higher class than that. Sonny Frisco. Good to meet you," he added as he offered Gladys his hand.
"I suppose you have a point," Gladys said, eyeing the hand suspiciously.
Tony didn't press the point. Instead, he just handed her a small stack of doughnuts he had carried over. "Saw you were low on bird food over here, so I brought you some more. [Name] tells me that's your favorite activity."
"She does?"
"Yeah. She talks about you all the time. It's a real honor to finally meet you."
Gladys looked a little confused, but her suspicion was clearly evaporating rapidly. You could only assume that Tony had the same effect on most people, even when they didn't know who they were talking to. She took the doughnuts from him as she threw an incredulous look at you. Good grief. Alias or no, he couldn't suppress his charm. If you didn't act now, someone would figure out who Sonny Frisco really was.
"You've done a lot for me, Gladys," you said. "Are you sure you won't come to the gallery opening?"
But she had already gotten up to pack her extra doughnuts into her shopping cart. That was answer enough. "I'd just cramp your style. See you around, [Name]. And you," she barked at Tony, who straightened at once. "Even if it is just sex, you hurt this girl, you won't be welcome around here anymore. I don't care how good-looking you are. Do I make myself clear?"
"Crystal, ma'am," he answered.
"Good. Thanks for the bird food."
Gladys bid you her normal farewell of a brisk nod before setting off down the path. You stood to watch her go. Though you hadn't expected Gladys to accept your invitation—she'd feel out of place, and any offer on your part to dress her up for the occasion would only offend her—you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed as you watched her go. Any aspect of your gallery that Tony hadn't provided, she had. It only seemed right for her to be there, too.
Did Tony sense your mood? He wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you closer. "She's really something, isn't she?"
"Yeah," you said. "She is."
It did not take long for Gladys to disappear from your field of vision. At least the weather would be good for her that night. After a moment or two of looking at the point at which she'd vanished, Tony kissed the side of your head and let you go.
"Ready to get back to work, Princess?" he asked.
You replied by breaking out of his grip and running back toward the table. A short respite had been all you needed. The more work you did, the better for Gladys—and the better for you. You had Tony all to yourself until your gallery was over and done with. While the day was beautiful, while he'd kiss you at random, and while you felt like you were lighting up from the inside, you wanted to keep going for as long as possible. Happiest girls were the prettiest girls, after all, and you had never felt more beautiful.
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