#at home realizing i got this jem
mcrbrainrot · 1 year
this is fucking hilarious
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 4 months
heyyaaaaa can i pretty please request for an atticus x reader? maybe atticus grows a little liking for his new neighbor (reader) and has been inviting them over for dinner a little too often and his kids are like “you sure you don’t like them 🤔?” And atticus tries to brush it off but it’s very obvious
You never knew how much I really like you.
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Atticus Finch x Gender Neutral! Reader romantic headcanon to (small) fic Summary: Atticus's feelings were beyond noticeable, even to Jem and Scout Warnings: None Word Count: 1.4k ₊˚⊹ᰔಇ.
The first time Jem and Scout see Atticus so red in the face is when they are walking back from returning Dill to his house. Their father was standing by your fence, smiling happily as you talked about your day. His cheeks were red as he admired you. When the two got close enough, they heard him ask you to come over for dinner. You accepted it as any good new neighbor does, said your goodbyes, and went back into the home.
“You’re real red-faced, Atticus,” Scout would point out, squinting to look up at her father. Atticus looked over at them and wiped his face, not realizing how obvious it was. He picked her up carefully and walked down the sidewalk back to their home.
“It’s from the sun,” he justifies casually. They felt it was off, he was in the sun all the time, grew up in the south, and they never saw him sweat or undone. His justification made little sense to them.
Atticus spent the night helping Calpurnia set the dining room up for dinner later that night, setting the table with the fine China the kids barely saw outside of very nice holidays or very nice guests. Each moment made Scout and Jem question him more.
“They’re just a new neighbor, why do they get the good China?” Scout would ask plainly, though her tone carried an odd judgmental characteristic. Atticus shook his head and set another plate in Jem’s usual spot.
“They’re still new to the town, it’s good to show them that they’re welcome,” Atticus answered and gave the girl the forks, motioning for her to help set up too.
The dinner was spent with Atticus (a little too cheerfully by Jem’s idea) asking you questions about your life before coming to Maycomb, what you did for a living, and how you were as a person. Scout and Jem would occasionally pipe in and ask you questions, mostly having to do with how you feel about random things (things they like, the Radleys, etc.).
The dinner would end well… that’s what Jem and Scout would say if they didn’t have to go to bed before you left. While they got ready for the night, they occasionally would hear your laugh with Atticus’s, and the sound of the dishes being put away. Just before you left, they got to their bedroom window, watching you leaving the house with a smile. Atticus was probably smiling too, again, a little too red-faced for Scout and Jem to think it was nothing but the sun.
Weeks would go by and seeing you over in their home wasn’t new at some point. The two would wait, watching the corner for Atticus to come home, getting bored from it, and look around to find him talking to you. You stood by your white fence and spoke with great joy on your face, a similar expression on their father's face. They could only guess what was offered by Atticus once they saw the fine China later that night.
“Do you think adults cannot have normal adult friendships?” Atticus asked, sitting down in the living room chair, the accusations of adoration finally spilled by Scout. The sound of sizzling food in the kitchen filled the home with a warm glow, not only from the smell but also from the warm orange light. Scout stood with a blank face and shook her head.
“No,” she said aimlessly. Atticus smiled slightly at her bluntness.
“You had them over twice last week alone,” Jem chirped as he walked from the dining room. “And all the food Calpurnia keeps making for you both are very nice.”
“I treat my guests well,” Atticus stated simply, picking up his book, and opening one of the pages. “I am nothing more than a friend.”
The dinner was spent again like the weeks before, Atticus getting more comfortable with the talking points, and accepting whatever witty comment you made with a chuckle. Scout would fake a gag if a topic changed to something more romantic than she would want her father to be a part of and Calpurnia would pull her away and give her a talk about being kind to her guests. But you weren’t a guest at this point! You essentially live here!
Atticus couldn’t hate you, neither could Jem and Scout. You were kind, even if their father found you fond in a way beyond friendship, it was slightly understandable. You spent your time telling them interesting stories about your life before Maycomb, odd stories about how you’d live before the simplicity of now.
“Atticus likes them,” Jem would say, sifting through his pyjama drawer. You had arrived that night barely an hour before their usual bedtime, only giving them a small amount of time to chat and ask questions.
“I know,” said Scout honestly.
The dinners get more personal, later in the day, there is more time for you and Atticus to be alone without the children needing entertainment, allowing adult talk. Jem and Scout being gone meant he was left with you, getting your attention more to how he truly acted.
The redness of his cheeks, the smile on his face most of the dinner didn’t just get past you. You have been over so many times there wasn’t a moment when you didn’t notice those things. By the end of the dinner, you found your way to the swing on the porch.
“How do you feel about me?” You asked after several seconds of awkward silence. The night had grown quiet, the only sound was the chirps of crickets and cicadas. Atticus sat so close the warmth of your thigh was felt by his own.
“What do you mean?” Atticus asked after clearing his throat. He gently took his glasses from his face and wiped the lenses with a handkerchief. You hesitated momentarily, wondering if you were overreacting and overthinking, or if your ideas were true.
“I mean…,” you trail off, turning your eyes to your hands. “Do you like me?”
Atticus wiped the lenses of his glasses carefully, smiling slightly at the idea. “I do like you,” he admitted, looking away from his glasses for a second to look at you. “You’re very kind, a good neighbor if you will.”
You muse at his answer and shake your head. “No! I mean to have feelings for me. Do you like me like that?” You hastily specify, watching him closely. Atticus moved slowly, taking his time cleaning one of the smudges from the left lens. It was horrific how slow he was moving to answer. “I’ve seen how you look at me.”
“I am glad you can see,” Atticus jokes with a small smile, placing his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. “I have grown a fondness for you… I wouldn’t say it grew as time went on, I thought you were attractive when I first saw you.”
Your eyes stayed on him as he spoke, taking in his words silently. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you at a romantic moment, over a nice dinner or something you would have preferred. But since you asked, I might as well confess,” his words flowed out naturally, like he was in front of a jury, confessing something minute.
“Prove it,” you challenge. It was mostly a joke, very obviously too, but part of you wanted to know he wasn’t just saying those things to get your hopes up. No, Atticus wouldn’t do that. Then again, you only knew so much.
“A kiss then?” He straightened himself and sighed. “I usually wait a bit, but lord only knows how long I’ve got. I might as well kiss you before I can’t.”
Your head went from a slow to a quick nod. Yeah, that is true. Getting a kiss in wouldn’t hurt anyone, definitely not you. Your face was beyond warm and if Atticus dared to touch your face now, he might ask if you’re sick, which wouldn’t be preferred for obvious reasons. “Yeah… yeah, that will do,” you mutter with a smile.
Atticus nodded and moved until your thigh squished against his. It was very obvious he hadn’t done such a thing in a long while, he was beyond rusty with you in his hold, his hands moving from your shoulders to your upper arms. The smell of sandalwood filled your nose as he moved his glasses to his head, letting them sit carefully before leaning in just enough.
His lips were warm, thankfully. You could only hope yours were too since it seemed your spirit left your body at that moment. Atticus was just as gentle when he kissed as when he spoke, keeping it intense enough to be romantic but not too much to be something more. Your hands, almost like instinct, help his lapel, needing to keep him close.
If only he could kiss you forever.
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oldfashionedbooklove · 4 months
tell me about your favorite lm montgomery novel please <3
Okay this is SO hard because her books are amazing but I just have to admit Rilla of Ingleside is my favourite, which is saying a lot because I LOVE HER BOOKS, okay! I adore the Story Girl duology and I absolutely love the Anne series and Jane of Lantern Hill.
But Rilla. This book is a heartbreaker. And it’s so beautiful.
I don’t know if I can fully express how much is to be found in this book. I have been reading it yearly for many years, and always come away with new thoughts. As I grow older, and see more of the world, I relate and understand more, and another level of the book is discovered.
The setting—a small P.E.I. town carrying on through WWI. I’m pretty tough when it comes to war books, but I have to take breaks from this one because it is so raw and real. The agony is intense. I cannot even cry over it—my heart hurts too much for tears. This shows exactly what the Great War was for people. You sway back and forth, feeling the dread and terror. You know how it ends but you are broken anyhow. And when the end comes, you too can only rejoice softly. You feel as if you have paid part of the price yourself.
“‘We’re in a new world,’ Jem says, ‘and we’ve got to make it a better one than the old. That isn’t done yet, though some folks seem to think it ought to be. The job isn’t finished—it isn’t really begun. The old world is destroyed and we must build up the new one. It will be the task of years. I’ve seen enough of war to realize that we’ve got to make a world where wars can’t happen. We’ve given Prussianism its mortal wound but it isn’t dead yet and it isn’t confined to Germany either. It isn’t enough to drive out the old spirit—we’ve got to bring in the new.’”
The characters in this book—they are alive. Splendid Jem, brave and merry and true; Jerry, steady and dutiful; Walter, sensitive and courageous; Carl, cheerful and fearless; Shirley, honest and reliable; Nan and Di and Anne, all heart-wrung and smiling; Gertrude, tragic and grasping for hope; the Doctor, determined and self-sacrificing; Susan, simple and true—and Rilla, who starts out a silly, frivolous girl and ends a strong, mature woman. Then there are all the minor and side characters—the Merediths, Cousin Sophia, Jimsy, Ken, Irene, Whiskers-on-the-Moon & his family, Mary and the Elliotts, Norman + Ellen, and everyone else. They’re all so alive, so real, so funny and terrible and beautiful—I swear Glen St. Mary exists and all the inhabitants thereof.
The story follows the Great War, from the first days in August 1914 to the bitter Summer of 1919, where peace has come but normal will never return. As a child, this story was simply World War One—a faraway, long-ago grief and horror and agony. Now, in 2024, as a woman, I have experienced a slight taste of what the people of 1914 felt, and it has humanized the story of the War. This, more than any other book I have read, brings the War and the world of 1914-1918 to life, showing how they were people just like us. The heart is wrung by their suffering, and there is no escape, for the war must drag on for long bitter years. And the price! Walter has become the face of unknown, forgotten heroes, and Jem has become that of the scarred heroes who returned. Every November we grieve the young men who never came home, and for the ones who came home missing a part of themselves, physical or otherwise. I have wept thinking of the children of Rilla, Ken, Faith, Jem, and the others—children who fought in WWII and whose parents were forced to relive the horrible conflict of mankind.
“It has been such a dreadful week,” she wrote, “and even though it is over and we know that it was all a mistake that does not seem to do away with the bruises left by it. And yet it has in some ways been a very wonderful week and I have had some glimpses of things I never realized before—of how fine and brave people can be even in the midst of horrible suffering.”
And yet the book overflows with humour—real laugh-out-loud scenes and witty, clever banter on princes and politics. It is another aspect of the humanity—the part that cannot fully let go of laughing despite the drain. Another angle is the shrewd commentary on principalities and powers, nations and cultures, is thought-provoking, as is the remarks that show us how the war truly changed the world.
“There was a time,” she said sorrowfully, “when I did not care what happened outside of P.E. Island, and now a king cannot have a toothache in Russia or China but it worries me. It may be broadening to the mind, as the doctor said, but it is very painful to the feelings.”
But the biggest things to me is the SPIRIT of this book. The spirit of perseverance, endurance, courage, and love. Of course, man is man, and there is suspicion, contempt, and a feeling of superiority—but this is not exclusive only to Anglo-Saxons. As someone who isn’t Anglo-Saxon myself, and actually of mixed cultures, I can attest every nation is guilty of such. World War One was a battle of good vs. evil—not of man vs. man, but Idea against Idea—the idea of civilization against militarism. Perhaps not on the part of the leaders—but when one studies the writings, letters, poems, and speeches of the everyday folks caught up in the war, one sees this distinction plainly. It was not a war of European against European, Anglo-Saxon against German—it was a war between an old, terrible Idea of Prussianism (Frederick the Great, anyone?) and the Idea of Respect and Peace.
“And you will tell your children of the Idea we fought and died for—teach them it must be lived for as well as died for, else the price paid for it will have been given for nought.”
May we never forget.
A REMARK: I discovered that Rilla of Ingleside was abridged by about 4,300 words (~14 pages), so I searched for an unabridged copy. I definitely encourage you to take the extra trouble to find an *unabridged* copy. It is SO worth it! I’ve read both versions and the unabridged is so much fuller, with a great deal more humour and fun.
I just have to pick out my favourite quotes, too…
“We all come back to God in these days of soul-sifting,” said Gertrude to John Meredith. “There have been many days in the past when I didn't believe in God—not as God—only as the impersonal Great First Cause of the scientists. I believe in Him now—I have to—there's nothing else to fall back on but God—humbly, starkly, unconditionally.”
“‘Our help in ages past’—‘the same yesterday, to-day and for ever,’ said the minister gently. ‘When we forget God—He remembers us.’”
Below her [window] was a big apple-tree, a great swelling cone of rosy blossom.... Beyond Rainbow Valley there was a cloudy shore of morning with little ripples of sunrise breaking over it. The far, cold beauty of a lingering star shone above it. Why, in this world of springtime loveliness, must hearts break?
And I can’t leave without some humour:
“‘The Germans have recaptured Premysl,’ said Susan despairingly… ‘and now I suppose we will have to begin calling it by that uncivilized name again. Cousin Sophia was in when the mail came and when she heard the news she hove a sigh up from the depths of her stomach, Mrs. Dr. dear, and said, ‘Ah yes, and they will get Petrograd next I have no doubt.’ I said to her, ‘My knowledge of geography is not so profound as I wish it was but I have an idea that it is quite a walk from Premysl to Petrograd.’ Cousin Sophia sighed again and said, ‘The Grand Duke Nicholas is not the man I took him to be.’ ‘Do not let him know that,’ said I. ‘It might hurt his feelings and he has likely enough to worry him as it is.’ But you cannot cheer Cousin Sophia up, no matter how sarcastic you are, Mrs. Dr. dear. She sighed for the third time and groaned out, ‘But the Russians are retreating fast,’ and I said, ‘Well, what of it? They have plenty of room for retreating, have they not?’ But all the same, Mrs. Dr. dear, though I would never admit it to Cousin Sophia, I do not like the situation on the eastern front. [But] Grand Duke Nicholas, though he may have been a disappointment to us in some respects, knows how to run away decently and in order, and that is a very useful knowledge when Germans are chasing you. Norman Douglas declares he is just luring them on and killing ten of them to one he loses. But I am of the opinion he cannot help himself and is just doing the best he can under the circumstances, the same as the rest of us.’”
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guess who finally finished chain of thorns over a week later 🤩 my completely unorganized thoughts for the general public anyways chain of thorns spoilers ahead bros
- ghostwriter is the relationship i love them more than i love my life it's just like the cute little moments between them like when lucie was nervous before her parabatai ceremony with cordelia and he was holding her and comforting her i melted
- i honestly think james and matthews relationship was dealt with really well we know nobody is ever gonna top jem and will but i think they were written really well and them in edom together was so emotional to me
- tell me why i was so heartbroken when christopher died but i only cried when grace sent that fire message and wrote that it was created by kit 🥺lol i'll tell you why it's because we got zero real reaction about it
i wanted anna's pov as her baby brother died in her arms
i wanted cecily and gabriel seeing their sons body taken into idris and realizing what happened
where was sophie and gideon who also lost a child comforting them?!?!?
honestly i think that since christopher did die there was a lot of potential there
-i hated the love triangle and felt awful for matthew the entire time cause like didn't we all know jordelia was endgame i meannnn
literally love jordelia tho and i we'll never not think of james saying "sod that" and shooting the door open like sir 🫣also them traveling is something that is so personal to me i am in love with the idea of james and cordelia going all around the world and then taking their kids with them 😍
-after this book i feel like grace is a lost kitten and i want literally nothing more than to adopt her also did anyone else catch at the end when they said that grace doesn't talk much idk but i would like to give her a home
-the thomastair content 🤩🤩🤩 i love them so much i love that they're moving in together i love alastair with his baby brother i love eugenia saying she's gonna renounce her family if they don't accept thomas when he came out. every scene with them was a masterpiece
also alastair's personality like my boy is sassy and sarcastic and i would die for him
-i think the anna and ari's storylines progressed really well and they've come so far since we've first met them 🥺
-anyways my #1 ship matthew x sobriety came true and i could not be more thrilled
the moral of my rant here was that i really loved it and i think it's just cause im so in love with each of the characters but i loved almost every second of this book and didn't want it to end my only complaint would be how christopher's death and other potentially emotional topics (will and tessa crying when they found out the kids were stuck in london) were kind of just glossed over but overall i was in love with them all and i don't think i can accurately describe my feelings so that was my jumbled mess of thoughts
also can we talk about the fairchild twins please
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munchkin1156 · 2 years
Upon clouds we dream
Chapter One
Fake fic title by @beckyu
All characters belong to me
Lets go!
. . .
Once we wandered, down there on the earth.
Free and happy, we lived on the turf
But then came the humans, so cruel and small-minded.
And fought against us, but we were united.
But though we fought hard, it was in vain
And we ran away, very much in pain
So we fled, to the sky so high,
Where we stayed, and where we fly
But one day soon, we'll come back to finish the job,
Get rid of the humans, once and for all.
. . .
Charlie looked down at the world below. The wind whistled in his ears and his wings fluttered slightly in the open air. The avian hummed in annoyance. His sister, an osprey dreamer named Gio, would get to go down there today on a scouting mission. Lucky, she was, though she never seemed to acknowledge it. If he had been picked for the mission, he wouldn't stop bragging about it to Jem, his arch nemesis and the most annoying person Charlie had ever met. But he nor Jem hadn't been chosen. It was infuriating. His tail twitched. There weren’t any seagulls up here. That meant a storm. Not great. Wait a moment. That meant Gio couldn’t go today! So, she would have to go home! And be able to tell Charlie everything about the training, so he could prepare! Yes great!
Satisfied, he took off, soaring towards his and Gio’s house. He had been living alone for the past few days since Gio got accepted for training. It had been a bit lonely, but Charlie made up for it by training for hours. His muscles ached and his wings hurt whenever he moved them. It was going to be worth it though when they saw how strong and cool he was. There! He swooped into a dive as a small wooden cottage came into view. The cottage was made from nice mahogany wood, with moss growing over it. It sat on a plateau that stuck out above the clouds, safe from storms. Another reason why Gio should be home today. Other houses, of similar appearance, were also laid out over the flat landscape. Charlie knew every single one and every single person who lived there. He landed right by the cottage, and walked inside, face full of hope. He was not disappointed.
There, at the table, sat Gio, looking like she hadn’t slept in days. “Gio!” Charlie cried. “What happened to you!?” She looked up. “Charlie?” She said faintly. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” Charlie had the knowledge to look a little bit ashamed. “I might have been kicked out of class…” “Charlie!” Gio scolded. Then she sighed. “I don’t have the strength to be mad at you right now. I’m going to go rest.” “But what happens at training? And why do you look so tired? And- “ He was abruptly cut off by Gio. “I’ll tell you after I get some sleep. Promise.” Charlie glanced at her. She seemed to be on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion. “Mkay then. Sleep well and may Amble protect you.” She nodded and murmured something Charlie couldn’t catch before heading to her room and closing the door behind her. Well, that was that. He ate some ghero and went to his own bedroom. Gio would not wake for some time, he might as well get some sleep. He lay down on his bed, and finally realized just how tired he was. Charlie felt himself drift off. He would get answers in a couple of hours. For now, this was enough.
. . .
When Charlie woke up, he mumbled something incoherent, grouchily sat up, and looked around. His room was small, but it had a pleasant atmosphere. The walls had been painted a very light minty green, which helped calm him when he got stressed. There was a nice big window, sunlight was streaming through it, and pillows, blankets, and herbs were all over the floor. He must have slept through the storm. Then he remembered what Gio had promised, and raced out of his room, through the main area, and into Gio’s, ready to wake her up and force her to tell him everything. But when Charlie opened the door, Gio was not there. Just a note. He picked it up and began reading it. It read:
Hey Char
Now, I know I said I would tell you everything. But you were asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you up. It’s also strictly forbidden to tell anyone what we do in training, or what we learn, by order of the commander. Please don’t be mad. Anyway, my troop leader dropped by and said we were doing the mission now, and that I couldn’t be late. Again, sorry, I know you missed me, don’t try to deny it. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, so please listen to me this one time.
Don’t get into any trouble, try to stay in class, DO NOT pull any pranks, stay safe, and may Amble protect you while I’m gone.
Charlie looked up from the note. He was FURIOUS. How DARE she break her promise to him. How DARE she. He couldn’t do anything about it now. He couldn’t even disobey the note! Gio knew him too well to not work Amble into this. He would just have to wait until she came back. Then he could get the ultimate revenge.
. . .
Three weeks later
. . .
It was just a normal, boring, school day. Charlie was drawing under his desk, and trying his hardest to look like he was paying attention. A knock sounded at the door. “Come in!” Said miss Seina, in her musical voice. The door slowly creaked open, and a robin dreamer with a somber face stood in the doorway. He had a badge on his jacket, angel wings surrounded by darkness. It showed he worked at the battle training. He spoke softly as if he was afraid the world would fall apart if he spoke harder. “Is there a Charlie Gestro here?” Charlie gleefully raised his hand. This could be his big chance! He might be about to get into training! “That would be me, sir,” he said it in his polite voice like he always did when he talked to someone important. “How can I help you?” The man looked sadly at him. “Kid, your sister went on a scouting mission a couple of weeks back, right?” Charlie nodded, confused. “Well, we haven’t heard from them, and when we went to check at the last place they gave us a message, no one was there.” A sinking feeling started setting in. He felt sick. “The campsite was a mess, and there was blood on the ground, as well as human footprints.” Tears started forming in his eyes. No, no this could be right! “We think the humans got them.” Charlie’s drawing fell on the floor. It was of him and Gio, of that one time she joined in on his pranks.
“I’m sorry Charlie. Your sister is dead.”
. . .
Far away from all this and that, a voice shrouded in darkness whispered.
"You're my puppet now, little bird, and you belong to Me."
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nellie-elizabeth · 1 year
Outlander: Singapore (7x05)
Huh, interesting. A couple of significant changes I'm not sure how to feel about, but an otherwise solid episode!
Now, as a caveat, it has been a minute since I read the books, but I'm almost sure the scene with Ian meeting Emily's son goes a lot differently. For one, Ian is the one to name the kid Swiftest of Lizards, and Emily actually asks Ian to name her daughter, but he feels a connection to the older boy, and names him instead. It's left incredibly ambiguous as to whether or not this really is Ian's biological son, although later events strongly suggest this to be the case. In the show, they cast a little white kid to play Swiftest of Lizards, so it seems pretty clear we're not supposed to have any doubt. And he already has his Mohawk name, and Ian gives him an English one: Ian James. I'm... not sure how to feel about this. I liked the subtlety, the ambiguity, in the book. And I liked that Ian claimed the right to name him in the Mohawk fashion, instead of being handed the opportunity by Emily. It makes Ian's connection to his Mohawk identity stronger, that he names this child of his spirit in the tradition of one of his chosen people, instead of the people of his birth. I don't know, it just felt a little too neat and tidy, the way this played out.
Another change from the books is that I think Brianna realizes that the hazing is something they've done to the other people a little sooner? She doesn't go home and talk about how this was an act of sexism with Roger, and get his reassurance. I don't... mind that, strictly speaking, but I do think the stuff with Roger works a little better if he's not quite so perfect at atoning for his mistake of not supporting her perfectly. He's got a lot of sexist ideas that he has to work to overcome consistently.
I will say, Bree and Roger are a lot easier to like as a couple in the 1980s than they were in the past. I don't know why, exactly, but something about Sophie Skelton's acting style (she's still a weak point in the show for me) works a little better in a more contemporary setting. And gosh, Roger looks handsome with his 80's haircut and clothes, holding his daughter in his arms... I also like the sinister hints that something's going on, with the food wrappers, and Mandy seeming to see someone lurking outside.
I'm glad they kept in things like Jem talking to his grandfather in the graveyard, and Brianna wondering if her parents might be buried there at Lallybroch. She's afraid to look. And the bit about Jem speaking Gaelic at school and getting in trouble for it - it's so wild to me that things like that can happen. How evil do you have to be to actively try and stamp out language and culture like that? It's cool that we're keeping these little subplots in, when there's so much else we need to cover. Another highlight is Brianna weeping over her parents and deciding to read another letter. The device of having Claire's narration come through the form of letters to Bree and Roger works better than just the out of nowhere narration that the show has been struggling with since day one.
Meanwhile, the Hunters and William are traveling together, and they stop for the night with a couple who lures them off the road and tries to murder and rob them in the dead of night! William saves them by killing the man and incapacitating the woman, but he has complicated feelings about having killed someone for the first time. I loved that the scenes with them started with a moral debate over the merits of taking a human life. Obviously the Quakers are anti-violence, but William points out that part of what allows them their stance is that they depend on others to enact violence on their behalf. Denny used medical cadavers for his research, and they were executed criminals! How does he circle that square?
I will also say, in contrast to my thoughts last week, I was a little bit charmed by Rachel here. I thought she had decent chemistry with William, and I also thought the moment when she and Ian ran into each other was pretty sweet. I've found that when Ian gives a big smile, it makes him look young and boyish and super charming in a not-conventionally-attractive way. (The scene between Ian and Claire about his chances to father children in the future was very sweet, too.)
I was excited for Claire and Denny's team-up as surgeons at Fort Ticonderoga, it was super refreshing to have him show up and immediately respect her opinion, the same way she respected his. They work together to amputate a man's leg, but are forced to leave the injured man behind as the British approach to take the fort, meaning he'll end up a prisoner of war. Book readers know that this man has a role to play later on, so that'll be interesting to see.
Meanwhile nobody takes Jamie seriously about his worries that the British army will approach from over the water and take the high ground, and even after he tries to convince the higher-ups, they ignore him. Turns out, he was right, and the Americans are forced to flee and let the British take the fort. You should always listen to Jamie Fraser, he knows what he's talking about here! I like that we're seeing some of Jamie's tactical brilliance, but also the way he stays cool under pressure, and has learned how to keep his mouth shut when he's being disrespected. He will lead the men under his command with honor, he'll fight for what he thinks is right, but he's also got his survival, and that of his family, front of mind. It's a good balance for his character!
So there ya have it. Lots of stuff going on. I know I keep saying this over and over, but it impresses me how little they're cutting out of the books. Every time I realize we're getting a particular scene or a setup for a character to arrive, I find myself a little surprised, thinking about all the stuff that could have been cut off to make room for the main plot. There wasn't a lot of Claire in this episode compared with most of the other characters, and I think that's okay - she has plenty of time to shine later on!
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cattatonically · 9 months
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Silent Knight - Beth Bolden (Christmas Falls, book 4)
Of all the things Murphy Clark loves about Christmas Falls, there’s always been one he loves a little more than the rest:
His childhood best friend, Jem Knight.
Doesn’t matter that Jem’s barely been home in years, or that he’s busy conquering football fields instead of hanging out at Jolly Java or admiring Murphy’s carved wooden gnomes. Murphy’s always loved him anyway.
But now Jem’s finally returned to Christmas Falls to be the honorary figurehead of the biggest holiday festival in the Midwest.
Murphy’s hoping to rekindle their friendship but he didn’t count on Jem not recognizing him. Or flirting with him. Or re-igniting the hopeless crush he’s always had for his best friend.
He definitely didn’t expect for his crush to no longer be hopeless at all.
Or for both of them to realize that all they want for Christmas this year is each other.
Christmas Falls is a multi-author M/M romance series set in a small town that thrives on enough holiday charm to rival any Hallmark movie.
My Thoughts
In the 4th Christmas Falls story, we have another retired athlete rebuilding his life in his 30s. I’m not really a huge fan of this trope – or of stories about athletes or sports in general – and having it fall back-to-back with the last book was a bit much for me.
I didn’t really connect with Jem or Murphy’s story as much as I have the others. The poor communication between the two took me out of the story. And there always seemed to be something going on with one of them, while we were reading from the other’s POV, leaving rather large question marks as to what, exactly, was going on, and why our characters were reacting the way they were.
As with the other books in this series, Jem and Murphy find their happily ever after. It works out for them, eventually, and I’m glad for that. I just really don’t understand how they got there.
Maybe I missed something. Maybe I was supposed to read something between the lines that I didn’t pick up. But I felt pretty stupid not understanding things other characters in the book seemed to just pick up naturally. And that didn’t really make me feel too jolly.
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una-guanabana · 2 years
I was very young when I started to read Cassandra’s Clare Shadowhunter series, I remember I started because I saw Stephanie Meyer commented something like “Dear Edward and Jacob, I love you both but I’m spending the weekend with Jace.” That’s how I recall it 12 years ago. I don’t know if it was like that.
“Who is Jace?” I wondered.
I’m happy to share I learned English just to read this books, first I met Clary and Simon and then the Famous Jace, Alec and Isabelle. And then I kept devouring book after book, and then there was him. Then there was Will, and there was Jem and Tessa.
Suddenly I found myself reading Queen of Air and Darkness in the middle of the pandemic in 2020. Cassandra gave me a place to go when I couldn’t go anywhere. And she stills provides me shelter every time I need it. And there I realized they grew up with me and I grew up with them. What makes this books special to me is that they always showed up on the right time. To be my shelter, my sword, my home, my strength and my love. I could find myself represented or related to some characters or some of their ideas and personalities. I kept developing an overwhelming love toward all of them, worrying for them and embracing their existence on my mind with my whole heart.
Every book showed up on the right time to advise me, guide me, confort me and made me feel accompanied.
My first tattoo ever was the enkeli rune, I felt a little bit closer to be a real Shadowhunter 🗡️ I kept facing life thinking what would Will do, or Clary or Jace or Tessa, Emma, Jules… and the list goes on.
So today, 03/03 is really important to me to share with whosoever wants to read this that a day like today but on 1880 Will and Tessa got married. And I feel like I wanted to honor this because they are part of me.
So, Will thank you for showing up on the right time. Thank you for being funny, brave and lovely beyond description. Because of you I know how loving too much feels and how unique it is. I’m truthfully thankful for the bond we have, because in the endless and sleepless nights you’ve been there on the back of my mind, with all of your intense way of feeling and loving. You saved me from the same curse you thought you had, you kept me on the light, choosing love above fear. This is importar to me because in 9 days I’ll be turning 26 and I keep feeling the same as I did the first time I met you when I was 16. I love you Will, and I love you all. Gracias por ser mi compañía.
My love goes to every book, every character and every chapter which made me cry, laugh, feel brave or in love.
Thank you Cassie, all of your stories are truth. ➰
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kshira · 3 years
horrible breakup with a piece of shit boyfriend? that’s okay, mikey got you <3
tw. fem!reader, praise, cursing, good ole love makin’, possessive mikey! mentions of m!masturbation, creampie, soft dom!w/subreader!
wc. 554
an. i have no thoughts but service dom mikey
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“mikey” you breathe out, watching him climb over you on the bed, he looks you up and down, fingers clawing at your shorts and hooking a finger on the fabrics.
“what is it pretty?” he smiles, slowly pulling your shorts off noticing the sheen stain over your cunt, “he might hear us” you whimper out as mikey skims his fingers down your smooth legs before running back to your heat.
“so what? maybe he can hear how pretty you’ll sound for me” his lips brush over yours, static eyes flickering over your form once more before crashing his lips on you.
mikey moves gently but with a needy tone, hands dipping under your underwear and spreading his fingers through your folds, mikey hates how this guy has done you all these years, toying with your pitiful heart, always coming home high and smelling of anything but you.
he’d watch everything unfold, and wish he was the one holding you at meetings, receiving your pretty wrapped lunches and behind closed doors those little mewls that always sounded off.
nights were always the worst, thinking about the day when you finally realized mikey has been here this whole time, wanting to claim you as his own, pleasing you and treating you best. all that praying sure has done him some good.
but he hated how he’d fist his cock to the thought of you, perfect lips made of diamond ropes, curling into a smile whenever you greeted him—how they’d look wrapped around his cock, curvy body meant for his hands to hold while he bounces you on his dick and those eyes, fluttery lashes—what they’d look like as he made you cum over and over.
“remember what he’s done to you? all those times he’s made you cry?” mikey reminds you, finger held on your chin as he tilts your face up to him “i’m going to make you feel so good” pulling your panties off your legs with ease leaving you exposed for him.
you cling to mikey in a way you’d never done with him, mikey steadily aligns his cock with your hole, sinking into your warm cunt and he’s met with the cutest noises.
“f-feels good, feels really good” your voice is nothing but a shallow whimper, looking up to mikey as he pumps inside your hole he bends down to place a kiss on your forehead “you’re mine now.”
he washes away the agony, the deep despair of what another has done to you—mikey holds you like a precious jem, cradling your body within his arms as he rolls his hips.
cock dragging tight against your velvet walls and you feel the pool of heat gather in your stomach before dripping down to your cunt, his face buried in the crevice of your neck “cum for me, you know i only can make you cum like this.”
“wanna—i wanna see you cum for me too” you gasp out, cunt clenching to his cock and mikey shivers, his own orgasm already approaching at your honey soaked words.
“let’s cum together, okay angel?” mikey holds you tighter to his chest, lips pressed to your skin as he seeks solace in your messy hole, cock leaking his seed and your pussy creaming around him.
“sanzu really fucked up because i’m never letting you go” mikey whispers, lingering a hand down to feel the mess that connected both of your bodies.
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sandersgrey · 2 years
Obsessed with the idea of Kit being baited into thinking Rosemary's alive
I would simply love to see him slowly but surely distancing himself from the Gray-Carstairs; Mina's kidnapping has proved to him that he's putting a target on their backs, that his very presence is a threat, there's no place for him in Cirenworth if he wants them to be safe.
He's not a Carstairs, after all. They love him, but- deep down, he likely feels like a little of an intruder. It's hard to let go of that feeling of not belonging when you've never even quite belonged in your first home.
So hearing that Rosemary might be alive, just being kept prisoner... well, that solves all of his problems, doesn't it?
He wouldnt be putting her in danger. They'd be in danger together.
She's the only one who has ever chosen him first. His family. Sure, Kit never got to know her, but- she would have died for him. That counts for something.
Jem was there when she died, but how much has he said about it to Kit? After this sobh, they're just going to grow more distant. Kit would be perfectly justified in holding onto hope.
And then he realizes he was lied to.
That there is no one on Earth he shares this specific danger with. No one on Earth who only has him to worry about. No family left to go back to, no home, and no hope.
And then I want him to despair.
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cuebooks · 3 years
Ave Atque Vale
Main Character: Jem Carstairs
Series: No
Word Count: 2,706
Any questions? Ask them in the comments or in a reblog and I’ll happily answer them
Hope you enjoy!
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Art by Cassandra Jean
The white sheet had been placed over Jem. His black hair shading the top. Everyone had said their goodbyes, and all the silent brothers attended— unusual, but he was one of their own, so no one refused. The room was stiff with the weight of tears and the hollowness of sadness, but the light scattered around the room, but the brightest beam shone on Jem’s body, reminding everyone what they couldn’t forget. “We are here for the death of Ke Jian Ming— James ‘Jem’ Carstairs. One of the best of us till his peaceful end. May we follow his example and try to be the best parent, shadowhunter, and loving husband.”
Despite the ghostly echo of voices in Kit’s head, he looked up at his father’s body. He spoke a bit of faerie tongue, a prayer his parabatai taught him. He looked at Ash and saw that he spoke it too. Ever since they became parabatai, Jem treated Ash as a son— even before that. His dad treated everyone like family. That was who he was.
But it didn’t matter who was blood. Not when he found the blue eyes and black hair that Alec and Izzy’s twins carried. “Will,” he whispered, and a slight smile rested on his lips. Will and him had spoken several times over the years— Kit believed it to be that Jem still tethered him to this world; he was his other half; how could he leave that much of himself behind?
He lightly tapped Mina’s shoulder— something only her family and friends called her. To everyone else, she went by Wilhelmina, she wanted to honor Will, wanted to carry his name and memory, and she did so with grace and kindness, the same personality as her father and her mother’s heart. She wanted to let no one forget who and what her parents had done for this world. She peered at Kit, fully grown to his shoulder. And then he squeezed his mother’s hand. She looked at him kindly but with tears dripping from her chin. He wiped them away, and she offered a small smile. “Will is here, mom; he came back to help baba.”
Tessa released a heavy sob and pulled Magnus’s hand. Magnus and them had become very close over the years, and he and Tessa would stay that way. He looked at her and waited for her to speak. “Will is here.” She said and Magnus looked at Kit through tears and smiled, nodding a thank you. “And Jem is leaving,” she realized. “Jem,” she whispered. Like it was the last time she would say his name the same way.
As Tessa looked up at Magnus, he pulled the three into a hug and softly whispered, “Jem will always be here. Lighting up our hearts,” then he let go. He remained at their side— not leaving Tessa, not wanting to leave any of their broken hearts. Max and Rafael walked towards them as Alec scooped up Magnus’s hand and comforted him. His skin wrinkled with happiness and a little stress over the years as their boy’s stood with him—Max at Alec’s height and Rafael at Magnus’s.
Mina pulled on Kit’s sleeve. A practice she did since she was a child. “Kit, I can’t thank you enough.” He held her hand and smiled. Most people thought of a better place after life but Kit allowed them to do something beyond believe. Tessa turned to comfort them, at a loss for anything else to do, and tears started to blot Kit’s skin once again. Hot and thick. And finally, a hand pressed on his lower back. “I’m here, Sherlock. I’ve got you.” Kit turned into Ty and started to cry into his shoulder, as Ty kissed his forehead.
The sheet started to light up, and Jem stood looking back at it. The sheet aflame now, and all Jem felt was far away. Cold and warm, peaceful, and yet missing his home. Missing his family that stood huddled around his friends and loved ones. Around his body, that carried him from happy memory to happy memory. That carried him to Tessa. To his friends. To his daughter and son.
Jem turned slightly to see Emma and Julian’s children crying in their arms. Jace and Clary’s, standing next to them. Izzy and Simon’s holding their hands as Mark and Cristina sat with theirs. Small hands held onto one hand of Ash and Dru, and a baby nestled into Ty’s arms as he stood beside Kit. Alec stood beside Magnus, who had Tessa close, their children beside them. Ragnor and Catarina stood behind Tessa as Kit and Mina comforted each other. They were all crying, and he wanted it to stop. His heart ached to go back. To tell them he was here, that he was okay. That he wasn’t gone. But he was, his burning body reminding him of something no longer tangible. No longer his.
But Jem smiled at the love in the room, the love he had for all of them. The love they had for him. And frowned at what he was leaving behind. "I guess my cousin was right, "We're all of us alone. In the end.”” He spoke as he stood alone behind the veil of death.
"No, we are not my brother." Jem turned to those blue eyes and wished he could tell Tessa about them. She was always so sad and hard on herself when she could not remember the exact blue. And now, like the blue, his brown eyes would fade from her memory.
“Will,” he whispered out, testing it. “My Will.”
"William." Will winched at the use of his full name.
"James," he retorted. But Jem just shook his head and smiled. “My Jem, look behind you….”
And Jem did, Kit had his face turned toward him, mouthing an ‘I love you.’ Tears glistened, but he nodded, a blessing to go—a promise. And Jem knew he had to go, that his love would remain when he was long gone. He wasn’t afraid of death anymore. He hadn’t been for a while. You lose that fear when you know you don’t face it alone. And here Will was, not letting him face it alone.
"Where are we going?” Jem asked after saying an I love you back. But Will sat there, staring at the generations and his old friends. At the white, at the dancing flames. His eyes rested on Tessa for a second before she looked behind her. And Will smiled at her as she could feel him. She knew he was there; she always did. He missed her. Jem did too. But he also missed Will. He knew he had to go. He missed his family and home with Will.
While tears built in Jem’s throat Will released his. The tears stained with sadness, with a longing to be by Tessa. But Will shook himself, took a deep breath, and turned toward Jem and waved at him to come. “Jem,” he hugged him by surprise and deeply. Jem doing the same, wrinkling each other’s shirt backs with their hands. Jem had always known Will was there, tethered by him, seen by Kit, but this was different. His parabatai was in front of him. And he felt whole and empty. Over filled and not enough. Joy and sadness.
Will let go after a moment, and he turned toward a lake that had not been there before, and Jem looked behind himself, his boy, his daughter, and Tessa were replaced by a forest. He lifted a hand, waved to the forest, to his life and turned back around.
A wood raft stood at the edge of the shore, and suddenly his parabatai appeared on the other side. “You, and only you, can decide if you want to cross.” He outstretched a hand and offered a smile—his black hair ruffling in the wind.
Jem took a deep breath. “Goodbye,” Jem whispered when he looked back at the forest. And then he stepped on the light colored raft— toward Will. Across the body of water. Across the veil of death into something else. And he slowly drifted to Will. Like time wanted to give him a chance now. To stop time, to go back to the land where time was never enough. But his life was enough. He couldn’t have asked for more. For a better wife, stronger children, kinder friends— he had that and now he was returning to the person he didn’t have enough time with. No— time was not giving him a chance to go back, time was giving him a chance to move on. And he did. He outstretched a hand and the ripple of his tears hitting the water pushed him faster.
When he approached the bank, Will became brighter; everything did, the world lost a shade of blue that had been there before, and Jem had never noticed.
The blue faded and was replaced with a bright, rich yellow. He was complete now, with Will and eventually Tessa. When the sun burned out, when the world was not strong enough, he would be reunited with her-- with everyone. He was away from Tessa but never without her— just like Will. They had their time with her; now they have time with each other till they have time all together.
Jem smiled at the thought of his daughter. Jem wanted to walk into the building he stood in front of— inside to his wife, his daughter and his boy, to the house he waited so long for. Fought so hard for. But he could not. He was somewhere else now.
And the setting sun had dyed the clouds a color darker than gold. And Jem and Will stood outside the London institute, the exact one Will and Tessa renovated. And when he walked inside, the room was warm and the laughter bright. The smiles and fabric plentiful. Everyone familiar, but they were all in their mid 20’s like time froze them there.
By the fire sat Lucie and Cordelia, chittering and chatting. Alastair and Thomas were resting against each other on a settee in a conversation with Christopher, Thomas and Cyril Tanner, and Thomas's parents.
Thomas's sisters talked behind Thomas with Kamala. Grace and Jesse walking to Lucie and Cordelia. Charles, Charlotte, Gabriel, Cecily, Sona, and Henry spoke in a circle and laughed. But Elias was nowhere to be found.
The fire looked familiar to Jem. Until he remembered all the dinners in the London institute, he stood in the place he once found his parabatai and shelter in. The place where secrets were spilled, loyalties proved, disappointed looks lived, and where all of them stood now. The atmosphere was still familiar but lighter now, less tense and filled with voices, filled with love and new memories. "Now tell me all about your life, the Herondales, tell me about everything, please. I need to know how amazing my line is.” Will pulled him closer to everyone with a small chuckle, and Matthew shouted happily, “Uncle Jem!" His glass of water tipping slightly.
And everyone turned and walked to him. Alastair and Cordelia hugged him after Charlotte and Henry, who both had tears on their faces. Jeers and smiles spread through the group as they welcomed him back.
Jem moved and took a spot on the couch and couldn't help but miss his family, and yet he felt a rush of happiness to be reunited with everyone he lost. He didn't let go of Will. It had been much too long without him, and he felt happy to be whole again. Tessa was always his soul mate, but Will was his other half, and right now, Will smiled at him and let him speak. "Well, the Silent brother part I will tell eventually, but how I became me starts with a story of Fairchilds, Lightwoods, and a Herondale. And eventually Blackthorns and Carstairs. I have an amazing son— Kit, and a daughter named Wilhelmina or Mina for short.” Will smiled at him, at Jem. A name for a name. A memory of someone you didn't want to live without.
Jem told the story of his life. Memories strong, laughter abundant, and love deep. Tears of happiness and his face tired from a smile. They listened intently. They loved every story and memory painted by his words. How Clary and Jace are raising the next generation of Herondales; Ash and Dru doing the same with Fairchilds. He even noted how Drusilla thought it was ironic that she had redheads and the signature blackthorn green-blue-eyed children.
That Clary and Jace had a blond and green-eyed little boy and their little girl had gold eyes like James’s and a heart like Cordelia, how they both had the wit of Herondales; and a heart like Fairchilds. How Julian and Emma were paving the way for future Carstairs; Emma believing her daughter was ready to start training with Cortana, her birthright as a Carstairs, and how their son was learning the Violin and Piano and was just like Alastair. How Alastair's taped voice still rings through the halls and how Cordelia's life story is told like everyone else's here. That Lucie’s and Will’s books are still read and loved. How happy Mark, Cristina, and Kieran are with Cristina's and Mark's children. How Helen and Aline adopted Shadowhunter-Seelie twins that are entranced by their mom and mama running the LA institute. How Magnus was doing, which made Will happy that his wandering heart could rest and impressed him with his ever-growing influence and power. How well Alec and Izzy were leading their lightwood children. And how good of a father and person Simon was. How amazing Diego and Alec were doing as Inquisitor and Consul. How the future looked bright, even when Izzy and her son conducted exploding experiments like Christopher and how her daughters were the generation's best shadowhunters.
Jem was crying, and laughing through the stories. Everyone was; they were overjoyed with his return.
Jem continued his life story with the adventures that he had with Tessa, Magnus, Catarina, and Ragnor. He went on so many that made him smile and thought he might see Will much sooner. About how the new generations have made bigger and better efforts to make everyone equal, how downworlders and Shadowhunters were completely equal by law now, how even Vampires and Werewolves were friends. How strong and bright everyone is.
Jem remembered Maia and Lily standing next to each other, looking at Jem. He remembered his children and Tess. He loved his friends and his life, but it was time to wish them a good life and wait for them until Raziel would take them.
The past and present; happy and content. Finding peace after so long.
Jem wouldn’t forget Tess; he would wait for her like Will was, like how Will had waited for him. He would wait for his children and hear their stories. He knew it was his time, he knew he would miss the beat of life, but he missed this too. He missed everyone here.
Alastair took his hand and brought him to the piano, and sat down. Will handed him his violin and sat beside Alastair. Alastair started to play, and Will followed. Jem began to play as well— an old Welsh song Will taught him. Cordelia had already pulled Lucie off her chair and started to swirl and spin with her. When Alastair started to sing, everyone was up dancing and playing.
Jem knew he would be okay. He was happy and complete. Sad for now, but happy. He knew this is where he belonged and he relished in his family, and the memories he could make.
Will smiled at him cheekily, and Jem started to play faster, catching the signal— a signal he never forgot, and he smiled when he knew nothing changed— a leap into another song that Alastair caught before Thomas pulled him from the bench and danced with him. Making Will and Jem laugh. Will filled in and completed the song with Jem. Laughter once again flooded the room. The sun started to set outside, setting on old dawn as the windows started to be flecked with snow. Fresh and new.
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Note: sorry I couldn’t do the ‘read more tab.’ I currently don’t have a computer to do so.
Tag list: @itsjusta-j-really @magigingercal @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @cutesheepsstuff
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sassydefendorflower · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 Completionist Master Post
Day 1: You Have To Let Go Of Me
Way Down We Go - Teen Wolf 
The pack gets ambushed but of course it is Stiles who almost falls down a crevice - and of course it is Scott who keeps him from falling to his death.
Day 2: Garotte 
Dyspnea - Batman
Dick left the gala in an attempt to get some fresh air, but in the end fresh air was the last thing he got.
Day 3: Misunderstanding 
French Defense - The Queen’s Gambit 
During the French Open in Marseilles Beth unfortunately meets a chess player, who is more than just a sore loser - he is a dangerous asshole as well.
Day 4: Taken Hostage 
On My Way Home (I Got Lost) - Teen Wolf
Stiles gets taken hostage on his first trip home from college - luckily, he has a pack that's always ready to save him.
Day 5: Betrayal 
Where To Draw The Line - Batman
Bruce punched Jason - and Dick remembered his past.
Day 6: Bruises/Touch-Starved
Acid In My Veins (Poison On My Skin) - Batman
When Dick gets hit by Ivy's pollen, he knows he's in for a bad night - what he hasn't counted on, however, is the trip down memory lane Ivy forced him on.
Day 7: Blindness 
The House on Top of The Hill - Batman
Dick visits the Manor - its not quite like he remembered.
Day 8: It’s Just A Cold
il labirinto armonico - The Infernal Devices 
Jem is sure it's just a cold, and, anyway, he has a concert next week that is way more important.
Day 9: Presumed Dead
A Grief-ious Mistake - Teen Wolf
On their way to San Francisco Comic Con Kira and Stiles end up getting attacked - it is now up to their pack, their families, to deal with their grief long enough to save them.
Day 10: Hospitals 
Diary Of An Overworked Nurse - Teen Wolf
Over the years the nurses and doctors of Beacon Hills Memorials watched Stiles and Scott grow up - they saw a lot of tears, hugs, laughter, and grief.
Day 11: Dehydration 
Polydipsia - The Maze Runner
Newt, Minho and the rest are slowly dying of thirst in the middle of the Scorch. 
Day 12: Take Me Instead
Not Quite Done Yet - Batman
The Benefactor captures Jason and Bruce - in the face of Bruce's imminent death, Jason realizes some things.
Day 13: This Is Going To Suck
Broken Queen (Sacrifice Me) - The Queen’s Gambit
Margaret watches Beth through her kitchen window.
Day 14: Crush Injury
Fractured Pieces Of Light - Teen Wolf
On their way back from a date, Stiles and Malia end up in a car accident - unable to free themselves, they have to wait for help to get to them.
Day 15: Bees
Dragonfly Wings - The Raven Cycle 
They are in class, when Gansey notices the wasp.
Day 16: Aftermath/Recovery
Side-Effects Of Surviving - The Maze Runner
Thomas survives the Last City - and now he has to learn how to live with the consequences.
Day 17: Dread
Black And White Echoes Of Pain - The Queen’s Gambit 
Four months, three week, and two days before the World Chess Championship in 1972 Beth realizes that she might be pregnant.
Day 18: Doctor’s Visit
A Growing Sense Of Discomfort - Teen Wolf
Stiles gets sick after falling into a creek during a standard night out - but instead of getting better, he gets worse.
Day 19: Stabbing
A Stab In The Dark - White Collar
Neal gets stabbed on a standard forgery case - Peter has to pick up the pieces.
Day 20: Trapped Under Water
extremely low frequencies (waves dying down) - Batman
The Riddler managed to catch Dick and trap him underwater - now it is up to Bruce to race against time and save his son.
Day 21: That’s Where The Blood Is Supposed To Be
Ballistic Trauma - The Maze Runner
Newt and Thomas saved Minho's life - but at what cost?
Day 22: Demon/Possession 
Hell on Earth - Batman 
Dick and Damian meet a demon - they were never supposed to have a happy ending after all.
Day 23: Auction
Two For The Price Of One - Batman
Damian and Tim get kidnapped by human traffickers while in uniform - it isn't long before the auction begins.
Day 24: Revenge
And Beg You Never Return - Teen Wolf
Kate Argent hurts the pack - Stiles Stilinski has enough.
Day 25: Escape
Abscondence - The Maze Runner
An extended look into Thomas' head after he got shot saving Teresa from Janson.
Day 26: Gallows 
The Heavy Cloak Of Darkness (Hiding My Sorrows) - Batman
During his war against Batman Jason also tries to rid Gotham of the pest that is Two-Face - the gallows seem appropriate after what Harvey did to another Robin a long time ago.
Day 27: Vertigo
Listless Song Of Sad Vertigo - Batman
A concussion makes it so much harder for Dick to save the people he has sworn to protect.
Day 28: Nightmares
Mirror Image - Teen Wolf
One memory at a time, the Nogitsune claims more of Stiles.
Day 29: Too Weak To Move
Sad Day Lullaby - Batman
Batman!Dick has a bad mental health day - luckily he has a Robin to count on.
Day 30: Ghosts 
eclectic method of treatment introduced in independent variables - Teen Wolf
The night at the library ends differently than it did in the show, the vague feeling that something is wrong settling in Stiles' gut.
Day 31: Prisoner 
The State of California vs. Mieczysław Stilinski - Teen Wolf
The Nogitsune did a lot of bad things while it inhabited Stiles' body, and it didn't care who would be able to tie its crimes to Stiles. But the Nogitsune is gone - and Stiles is the one who has to face the consequences.
I DID IT! I am officially a completionist for the third year in a row :D @whumptober-archive
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wagner-fell · 3 years
I am still very new to this website and I don’t know how link a post but this fic is based on a post by @sandersgrey
(If someone reading this knows how to link a post please either explain it to me or link it in the comments because that post is *amazing*)
“Hmmm,” said Tessa, depositing Mina into Kit’s waiting arms and examining her buzzing phone critically. She shot a quizzical look in his direction.
Jem looked up from his novel. “What is ‘hmmm’, my love?”
Kit mimed vomiting but stopped dead in his tracks when she replied, “it’s Astrid’s mother. You remember her from parent teacher night, don’t you, my darling?” Kit swears they were being extra insufferable just to mess with him but he didn’t have the time to be annoyed when Astrid’s. Mom. Was. Calling. Tessa.
To understand why Kit was panicking as much as he was, you must know that Astrid’s mom was incredibly chill. She never got mad. The worst punishment she’d ever given her daughter was taking away her iPod for a week so she couldn’t listen to Mitski.
Was she calling about last night when Astrid, Mari and Kit threw eggs at the Shadowhunter’s that were giving Mari’s pack a hard time for no reason? No, that couldn’t be it. She’d given them the eggs.
Could the call be about the day before yesterday when Kit and Astrid got distracted doing homework and ended up snapping the coffee table clean in half while battling gladiator style with pool noodles? No, that wasn’t it. She’d just handed Astrid a twenty and told them to go to Kevin’s parents' shop and get a new one. Was she pissed because they ended up spending the money on ice cream instead? No, they ended up finding a table for free in the rubbing bin outside a fancy hotel.
Kit clutched his sister to his chest and prepared for the worst.
“Seo-yoon! What can I do for- Oh, hello Astrid!” Tessa paused briefly, presumably to listen to Astrid speak, and Kit sighed in relief.
“Kit is occupied at the moment but I can relay the message.” Another pause. “Oh don’t be frightened of me. I’m a tots rad mom. Your secret is safe with me.” Kit felt his face flush red as he heard his best friend’s laughter echo across the living room. “Okay! I’ll let him know. He has to get Mina to sleep before he can leave though. Lord knows he’s the only one who can these days.” Tessa chuckled at something Astrid said before wishing her good luck in her endeavour and ending the call.
She turned her attention back to Kit. “Astrid needs your help breaking into your teacher’s home to retrieve her cell phone.”
Kit blinked at her, dumbfounded. “You aren’t mad I’m going to go break the law?”
Because of course he was doing it. Astrid’s dad had bought it for her and he was extremely cautious about money. That was one of three things Kit knew about her dad. He was cheap, he lived in America and he loved the movie Fight Club.
Tessa ruffled Kit’s hair affectionately. “Please. I’ve raised two other Herondales. At least I know about this particular adventure beforehand.”
Mina began snoring softly and Kit handed her back to her mother. He grabbed his bag and started his journey to the door when Tessa added, “she also told me to say hi to a ‘daddy Kit’. Are you ‘daddy Kit?’”
‘Daddy Kit’ closed his eyes and wished for the sweet release of death.
“Why is Kit a daddy,” Jem asked, genuinely confused. “Aren’t I the daddy?”
Kit swung the door open so fast not even a speed rune could have aided him. But not before I heard Tessa reply, “Lily Chen certainly thinks so.”
Mrs. MacNamara clapped her hands together. “Why don’t we all go around and say a few things about ourselves?”
Kit buried his face into his hands. He’d been relieved when no other teacher had fulfilled the Disney channel stereotype of making every student introduce themselves to the new kid. But Mrs. MacNamara didn’t even seem to realize what she was doing.
All Kit’s fellow classmates groan. Expect one. Her hand shot up immediately. She was short, like smaller than Clary short. She wore a baggy pink shirt with the words ‘Queen Glimmer of Etheria’ sewed on with purple sequins and tight black jeans. Her colourful, choppy hair was in a low ponytail and she flew a few strands out of her eyes as her hand wiggled in the hair.
Mrs. MacNamara pointed at her. She stood up and smiled at Kit. “Hi. My name is Astrid. My hobbies include making my little cousin’s girl Barbies kiss, as it should be, and watching television shows where everyone is a terrible person so you can love all of them!”
“And what shows might that be?” asked Kit, already in the process of pulling out his phone and opening the Notes app.
“Grey’s Anatomy, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy again because it’s seventeen seasons as of right now. And to be fair it practically became a different show when they killed off Mark Sloan.”
“That’s enough, Miss Yang,” said Mrs. MacNamara. Astrid sat down and winked at Kit. Then she took out her phone and airdropped him a complete list of all her favorite shows, along with her number.
After Blessica’s pre-birthday birthday party, they went to Cirenworth and stayed up till four A.M. binging them.
They met outside a queer dry bar called Aries Not Welcome, the unspoken gathering place of the Merry Hoes. It was run by a poly lesbian couple in their mid-thirties. Quinn, Sydney and Aliyah may not have served alcohol but at least they were open 24/7.
“Did you bring the shit?”
Kit gave her a look. “The shit? How conclusive.”
“Shut up. You know, the shadowhunter thing.”
“The shadowhunter thing?”
“The, the, the glow stick that you draw with.”
“The glow stick that I draw wi-“ Kit closed his eyes briefly. “Do you mean a stele?”
Astrid snapped her fingers. “That’s it!” Kit shook his head in exasperation, smiling fondly. “I borrowed a torch from Quinn, let’s move.”
“Should I be worried that you know where Mr. Smith lives?” questioned Kit as he followed Astrid’s lead through the park.
“Should I be worried that your mom was fine with us breaking and entering?” she shot back playfully. Kit pushed Astrid and she fell off the path, laughing all the way.
“You called me ‘daddy’ to my mom’s face.”
She just laughed harder, slinging her arm around Kit’s shoulder. “It was over the phone, Christopher. And as I should.”
“Pffffttt. Why did you get your phone taken anyway?” She put her hands into her jumper pocket and looked at the ground. “Astrid.” She remained silent. “Astrid?”
She mumbled something under her breath. “What?” asked Kit.
Kit gasped. “I thought you were a die hard Kanej shipper,” he whispered.
“I’m a multishipper, okay?!” she replied, equally quiet.
“Does Blessica know?”
She shook her head. “And she will never find out.”
Kit saw the opportunity and he seized it. “She’ll never find out as long as you never call me daddy in front of either of my parents.”
She removed her arm from his shoulder and guided them out of the park, in the direction of the many apartments that lined this side of town. “I hate you.”
“Well, so does Mari. You're not special, Ast.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know Mari doesn’t actually hate you, right?! They’re just still in the enemy phase of your enemies-to-lovers romance. She only dislikes you because they feel something for you but they don’t know what so she interrupts it as loathing. In reality, her inner soul knows you’re hot and shmexie.”
Kit didn’t know how to process this so he just nodded and follow Astrid in silence to Mr. Smith’s house. (Plus, he was kinda glad that, according to his best friend, he had a little more time for Mari to ‘discover their true feelings’. If Kit screwed this up, he was out of countries to run off to.)
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.”
“What,” asked Kit, turning around to face Astrid and closing the drawer he was rifling through. “Did you find your phone?”
“Yeah. But I also found Blessica’s. She was Snapping Kevin. Platonic my ass. But he took the fucking trans flag out of her phone!”
Kit snatched Blessica’s phone out of her hand to examine it for herself. She was telling the truth. Where the glitter pride flag usually rested was just a clear purple case. Kit couldn’t believe his eyes.
“It’s one thing to misgender her every day.” Blessica had forced all four of the other Merry Hoes to sign a contract saying they wouldn’t do anything to harm him because of it. “But this is the last straw. You know what we have to do.” Oops.
“Yeah, but we don’t have any spray paint.”
Kit eyed Mr. Smith’s pink sofa, blue bar stool covers and white picture frames. “I think I have something better in mind.”
It would have been easier for both parties to just zip off the sofa cushions and tape them to the wall but by ripping them off in strips, they ensured he would have to buy new ones. And judging by the car he drove and the fiji water in his fridge, Mr. Smith could definitely afford it.
That reminded him, “I’ll finish up with this. Go put all his fiji water into my bag.” Astrid saluted him and ran off. “Wait.” She stopped and looked at him. “Steal all the remotes you can find.”
“How is he not awake?,” asked Astrid as they ripped the fabric of his seating from the stool.
He shrugged. “Don’t question it.” He shoved the bundle of cloth into her arms. “Glue this above the pink. I’ll handle the frames.”
“Say the magic word,” she sang.
“No. Lesbian. Come on, I thought you knew me better than that.”
Kit laughed quietly. “Can you lesbian glue this above the pink?”
She grinned at Kit. “It would be my pleasure.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello! Sorry I haven’t written anything in so long. School just restarted and it has been…a lot.
@adoravel-fenomeno @thechangeling @the-blackdale @the-wckd-powers @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @noah-herondale-lightwood @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @maxboythedog @book-dragon-not-worm @hardlymatters
Very sorry if I forgot anyone. Lmk if you want to be addEd/removEd from the tag list.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
The Shadowhunters Chronicles time travel head cannons because I have ideas but no ideas.
THL Meeting TMI
Charles coming to the future and being really conflicted on whether or not he should check old records to see if he’s council bc on one hand he’s Charles and he has a very big ego but on the other hand he also has a really big inferiority complex.
Matthew realizing that gender roles are very bent now and wearing skirts and make up and nail polish also having several piercings. Because she/they rights.
Also Matthew going to a bookstore in June and seeing the whole pride layout and just how many books there are about being LGBTQ and how explicit they are ans the wide demographics and generas and everything and just being by the way. 
Christopher realizing that there are way more elements in the periodic table now and just about micro organisms and flipping the fuck out. Like DNA was not discovered until 1980 this man would be having a field day.
We know that Alastair would watch so many Disney movies, just every musical he can get his hands on his watching. 
Also Alastair realizing that the Eiffel tower is now like one of the main things associated with Paris and everyone thinking it’s the coolest thing in the world. 
I propose the idea that Anna Lightwood would be actually be bad at hooking up with modern day women, because this one super hot lesbian would like ask for her Snapchat or something and she would have no clue what that is. 
Also Anna realizing that there are more modern day terms for gender and being able to finally identify as gender queer and maybe experimenting with pronouns. 
I don’t know why but I would love to see Cordelia in modern fashion. Or really any of them just, any of these kids going to a mall would be amazing. 
Lucie creating an AO3 account and immediately posting every single chapter of the beautiful Cordelia on there. Also her reading rpf fanfics.  
Will would later join her and make a Twitter account as well.
Kamala watching Bollywood movies. Also I feel like she get a really cool lesbian experience that she never really got and also I think she would love to know that gay marriage legalized and that there are opportunities for her to have children that don’t involve sex with a man. 
I would like to see what Matthews opinion on abortion would be because of his backstory. I feel like there’s no correct answer to this but I would like to see some ideas.
But also I would love to see Matthew meeting like future!Magnus and either thinking that he’s still the coolest person in the world or have his vision of him be crushed. Because Magnus is a father of two teenage sons, he hasn’t been an aloof party animal for a long time, he’s a full on Dad.
I think Matthew would also try to live with Magnus for a while only for it to backfire the second he comes home drunk. 
I feel like Charles and Matthew would both get arrested, Matthew would obviously try to go to a bar or get drunk or something, English law and American law are very different even today so a lot of the things Matthew enjoys doing he would be banned from but he wouldn’t realize that until it’s too late. Charles on the other hand would probably say something intolerant, because he’s Charles and it’s the 21st-century now, and piss off the wrong person and end up getting thrown out of jail cell. The real tragedy would be for the poor inmates and policeman who have to listen to these two fight until Clary can come and pick them up. 
Also Matthew getting help for the bullshit he’s been through and everyone just being openly gay please I need it.

Max and Rafe going to the past and being absolutely terrified of what’s going on and meeting Magnus from the past and trying not to have a breakdown because they’re dad doesn’t know who they are and they can’t go to him 
Mina going with Max and Rafael to the past and playing at the Hell Rule because you know she would.
Also Will knowing that she is Jem and Tessa’s daughter because she’s so beautiful just like his Tess and he knows that the only other person Tessa would love enough to have a child with would be their Jem. 
Everyone knowing that Charles is gay and in the closet because they can read this bitch very well.
And Max and Ralph trying to like keep the whole “hey there are new rules now and downworlders and Shadowhunters can share powers thing” on the down low and failing during a big fight and it being reviled with like Max using the seriph blade or some thing and then Rafe just straight up using magic and everyone’s like “Wwwhhaaaaaattt”
They were getting like serious trouble for this in Lake Charlotte with interrogate the hell out of them because wtf was that.
Magness from their present coming back to pick up the kids and seeing Will and everyone again. And Will asking how Magnus is only to realize this man has a family!!
Or even better Alec Lightwood Bane coming back to the past, through a portal, to come get his kids real quick and him seeing Past!Magnus and then flirting with him and Magnus being interested while the kids are like,”Really, this again”.
Kit going into the past and them being confusion because there are two Christophers, also how are you a Herondale?! 
Ty stealing cats. 
I would love to see how Rafe, Tavvy, Max, and Mina react to Church being alive.
Tavvy, who I have somehow not yet mentioned, getting like separation anxiety from his siblings and Ralph just hanging out with him a lot more and cheering him up and just being a good Parabatai .
Also Tavvy spoiling the entire Blackthorne line whoops. 
Also I feel like Max, Rafael, and Tavvy would very much not going to drive to the toxic masculinity of the time, and be super affectionate and nice to each other and respectful of women and it would be quite shocking for people.
Rafe would go to a ball or party and totally teach people either the Cupid shuffle or a bunch of other modern dances.
I feel like someone would make a comment about Max being half demon and a warlock, especially after they realize he can have runes. Not sure what the comment would be, but it might involve Benedick having a thing for demons and it would make everyone super uncomfortable. 
Also just the Lightwood-Banes, and Tavvy, seeing Magnus with another person and being so upset over this.  Bc their dads in love with someone else and that shit hurts.
Arguments over who’s related who and which line everyone comes from because I don’t think the modern gang would know exactly who they’re related to so the relate would be pretty open.
Everyone staying at the institute because no one would take all three of them and then Mina just tagging alone because she wants to.
I feel like Max or Rafe or maybe even Tavvy would screw up and accidentally call Will Dad or Alec and this would cause a lot of panic.
Once again a shopping montage because you never have enough clothes.
The Merry thieves and the modern squad hanging out and just having fun together would be cool. They could all go to each other’s houses or the devils tavern and drink. -Which would probably be Max and Rafe’s first time drinking bc American laws are weird and different and Rafe wouldn’t break the rules.
Or Alternatively him getting in a drinking contest with someone, Matthew, and not knowing that he’s an alcoholic until way later. He would then demand that this boy go to therapy.
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frumentariae · 3 years
i have the sudden urge to write a post about my rarepair MTL fankids, bc they’re fun little dudes and I love them very much!
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Sucuri Boa Dimarco-Kelly
b. 1985
usually goes by “boa” or “bo”
daughter of: pickles & tony dimarco
born relatively early in the career of S’n’B, and the result of tony and pickles messing around...a lot. pickles was obviously VERY freaked out when he realized he was pregnant, but too afraid to abort, and both he and tony got pretty soft when it came to thinking of having a child. she was a healthy home-birth, and born in tomahawk, at pickles parents’ house. she doesn’t really talk to that side of the family much, though. she spent her formative years being raised by tony’s mother, a successful fashion designer, but was able to see both her parents during relatively frequent visits. she’s not really widely known about, and she’s fine with that.
by the beginning of the show, she’s living in brooklyn with her grandma, and works at a record store. she’s very chill and relatively well-adjusted, and on good terms with her parents.
over the course of the series, i think she would prove to be a fun little background character, and possibly a love interest for toki? since she’s only about 3-4 years younger than him in my calculations. also seeing pickles be a protective dad (in a mostly non-toxic, just kinda whiny way).
her likes include: vintage clothes, collecting records, jazz & blues music, drawing, writing, 80s and 90s cartoons (especially jem), pineapple pizza, her pet rats
her dislikes include: most hardcore music (sorry dad), snow, driving, driving in the snow, pickles’ entire family, the beatles, beer, most vegan substitute food
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Lazarus “Lazar” Cannon Explosion
b. 1997
usually goes by “lazar”
child of: nathan explosion & magnus hammersmith
born about a year prior to magnus’ firing from dethklok. lazar’s birth only made magnus’ behavior more erratic, and raised tensions. with another mouth to feed, magnus was pushing their record writing & recording harder than ever, all while struggling with postpartum depression. his existence was part of why nathan hesitated in firing magnus in the first place, beyond his obvious musical talent.
much like nathan, he was nonverbal until the age of 5--though he is often still nonverbal, and communicates almost exclusively in sign language. he is autistic & easily overstimulated, needing a very specific diet and clothing. he also rarely makes eye contact. he was raised mostly by magnus after his firing, and they were able to stay afloat thanks to nathan’s relatively generous child support. he gets along with and is very close with magnus, who is very good at reading his needs and gets his off-beat sense of humor.
by the start of the show, lazar is only about 9 years old. he visits with nathan occasionally, though he doesn’t have a very high opinion of him. thanks to how well-adjusted nathan’s own home life is, he doesn’t usually seem to mind, and does make an effort to connect when he can.
during the events of doomstar, a ~15 year old lazar is living with one of his aunts--magnus’ sister--and doesn’t know much about the revengencers or the MMA.
his middle name was originally the name of magnus’ maternal grandmother, but nathan had it changed to cannon before his birth certificate was finalized because it sounded “cooler”
likes: his stim toys (mostly chewing and hand fidgets), chipotle, soft acrylic or cotton fabrics, model painting, warhammer, pokemon, maritime disasters, cats, most of magnus’ music, the first 2 pajama sam games
dislikes: flashing/bright lights (doesn’t often go to dethklok concerts, they’re too overstimulating), denim, artificial banana flavoring, dr mario (only because he’s bad at it), wearing his glasses, riding in airplanes, the movie jaws
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
the elf in the café chapter 1
A corpse husband story
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(I do not own this photo, nor do I know where it originated from. All credit goes to the artist.)
Summary: Never in his life, did he think going to a cafe and meeting a Harry Potter nerd could change his life. (I’m shit at summaries)
A/N: H/N means his name, being that we don’t know what his actual name is currently.
The instant smell of coffee hit him as soon as he slept in, giving the entire atmosphere a warm, welcoming feel. That would be if his heart wasn’t hammering against his chest the closer he got to ordering. His palms growing damp in his pocket the closer he gets to the front desk.
He doesn’t even realize it the line has moved until he looks up, spotting the young woman behind the desk looking at him. “Hi what can I get for you?” His heart dropped at the question, forgetting what he was going to initially order. “Uh, tea, black tea.” He stammered, hoping they wouldn’t notice his hands shaking. “Okay coming right up sir.”
His feet dragged against the hardwood flooring, trying to calm himself down as he neared the back of the cafe. ‘It’s fine, you need to go out more.’ He repeats to himself. His heart finally calming down slightly as he sits, taking a sip of the bitter drink.
“Hi there um, mind if I sit here?” His heart steamers when he hears it, instantly looking up at the person, his breath getting caught in his throat. There stood a girl, with short black hair that framed her face. Glasses perched on her nose, they looked to be nearly falling off. She wore a dark red sweater over a white button up, tucked into black high waisted jeans. “I’m terribly sorry to ask, there’s just no other seats available. I just need to get some work done is all.” She says, voice calm but a hint of worry in it. He clears his throat, finally realizing he hasn’t said a word. “Uh yeah sure.” He replies, voice slightly wavering. “Thank you so much.” She replies, setting her laptop and notebook out.
They both sat in silence, neither paying much attention to one another. But he couldn’t help his curiosity, once in a while taking a look at her. Her brows furrowed slightly, clear concentration writen on her face. Fisher goes from reading from her laptop, to writing something down on her notebook. He wondered what she could be reading, curiosity nearly making him take a look at her papers. But she was way to close for him to, knowing she’ll catch him doing so.
She sat and tried not to pay kind to him, but it was hard doing do. She could feel him once in a while look at her, it never made her feel uncomfortable, or that she should move. She just couldn’t help but notice his eyes watching her once in a while as she wrote out the rough draft of her essay.
She took a large sip of her coffee, growing tired and hoping the warm drink would wake her up. Noticing that her drink was now empty.
“Here’s your refil maim. Have a good day.” The waitress says, walking away from the table. She starts chuckling, trying to cover her mouth to stop. He watched in wonder, questions flooding his mind. Why is she laughing? Does she know the waitress?
He looks at her in question, completely perplexed as to why she’s laughing at the meeer Exchange.
She let out one last chuckle, looking him in the eyes with a smile still on her face. “I’m sorry, I’m kinda weird. And my brain likes to come up with even weirder things. When she brought my drink over, all I could think was, master has given dobby chi latte, dobby is basic white girl!” She laughs, mimicking the elf’s voice. He spits his drink out, laughed bubbling out from him. Causing her to laugh even harder.
“No but seriously, it’s so mean how confusing some of those spells are, I mean what if one kid had a wicked lisp and couldn’t say it right.” She laughed, causing him to snort. “No what’s mean is, nobody ever thought to use the episkey spell to heal Harry’s eyes.” He laughs out, causing her to throw her head back in laughter.
Both of them sat in the corner of the cafe for hours, enjoying the small bubble they’ve created between them. It was strange, he hadn’t felt this easy in years. He wasn’t scared to talk to her, wasn’t worried about how he looked or if he said the right thing. Nothing, he truly felt at ease. His heart fluttering when he watched her laugh, it wasn’t the first by any means, but the look of sheer joy writen on her face was a sight he couldn’t look away from.
She couldn’t help but watch as his head throws back in laughter. Deep rumbling laughter erupt from his lips. She couldn’t look away even if she tried. His dark brown eyes barley visible behind his lashes peaked out like jems. His smile so warm, she couldn’t help but mimic it. His curly black hair kept falling in his face, watching as he continuily kept brushing it away.
“I can’t, I can’t.” He wheezes out, hand clutching his stomach. Tears fall from his eyes as laughter choked him up. “You know, I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard, since my mom told me about the time I tried flushing out cat down the toilet.” She laughs out, causing him to double over laughing. “What!” He laughs out. “I was like 4 okay. But anyway, whenever one of my fish died, my mom always told me to flush them down the toilet. She said it was a straight shot to heaven. Well our car had asthma, and it was really bad for a while. Well, my mom came home to hear the cat screaming. She went to go find where, and found me trying to force her into the toilet and flushing her. When she asked me later that night why I did it, I said, ‘you said it’s a straight shot to heaven!’ I promise I’m not a horrible person, I was just really stupid.” She laughs out, both now red in the face.
“I did not expect my day to go like this, but I can’t complain either.” He says, causing a smile to foarm on her face. “Me neither, I’m always by myself when I come here. It’s, nice having someone to talk to.” “Yeah, it is really nice.” He says, a smile etched on his face.
“Hey, I hate to say this, but I’ve gotta get back home.” He says, his heart panging at the sad expression on her face. “Oh It’s perfectly fine, I didn’t even see how long we’ve been here.” She says, her voice not matching the look on her face. “Speaking of which, I never got your name?” She asks. “It’s H/N. Yours?” “Y/N.”
As he walks out the door, he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns around and sees her, his breath catching in his throat again. “Hey I don’t usually do this, but I had a really great time today. I was wondering if you’d maybe wanna do it again sometime?” She asks, her voice wavering and shaky. His heart fluttering again as a smile grows on his face. “I’d like that, you busy tomorrow? Same time?” He asks, smiling at the large smile on her face. “That’s perfect.” She says, a smile on her face as she walks away.
He tosses and turns in his bed, the idea of sleep long gone. He couldn’t help but think of her, how kind she was. He felt so at ease with her, feeling truly like a normal person. He wasn’t worried about anything, mind only focused on her. A smile grows on his face, wishing for the late hours to go by faster.
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