#asylum chapter 1
asylumseriesdaily · 3 months
It's time.
(Asylum, Prologue & Chapter 1)
Yeah so I wasn't gonna post today because life but I refuse to sleep yet and I'm taking my newest batch of wigglers on WigglerSim very seriously so to cope with the real horrors we're gonna turn to the fake horror.
If there's anything this book did right it's sum up my feelings on unwilling institutionalization right here. Not much to say about this prologue other than that it's one paragraph that tried and failed to set a spooky theme.
It's not a horror novel without the protagonist being inexplicably afraid of The Woods. You aren't gonna get lost in the woods, Dan. You're here to go to summer school. You're not cool enough to get lost in the woods. The only teenagers that get lost in the woods are lacrosse boys who blow their dicks off with illegal fireworks.
Dan is such a loser. The homework's not gonna fuck you dude. God I feel like a stereotypical disney movie bully but someone has to give this boy a reality check.
The school is also not going to fuck you, Dan. Quit waxing poetic about the architecture.
This feels like a fake out for a Southern Gothic novel. The Scary Forest, the church, the ridiculous amount of time spent describing the scenery. I wish I was reading the Southern Gothic novel that the author seems to wish she was writing.
Why does Dan not object more to the fact that he somehow knows the way better than the GPS?
Dan. Dan. You just paid 60 dollars for a cab ride. That's like twice the normal cost of a cab ride in 2024. And you're in 2013 where prices still make sense. You're gonna be here for the rest of the summer with probably no way of getting more money. What are you doing.
Dan. A guy holding comic books is not automatically "your people". Stop this behavior.
Dan would be right at home on 2013 Tumblr I think. He thinks nerds are an endangered species and/or oppressed. Plus he's living in an asylum studying for the next 5 weeks. He would do serious numbers.
Nothing deep for this chapter because it's literally only like 3 pages.
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kisses-from-crows · 1 year
okay hear me out, enemies to lovers / pop star x radio host au with campbell bain
i’m currently editing chapter 1 cause i’m a perfectionist, but i’m hoping to post it tonight
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darkstaria · 2 months
Yandere Batfam - Soulmate Soul Animal Au.
Chapter 5:
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 6.
Sorry for the long weight everyone! I had to binge allll of Stranger Things for a friend's future birthday event and ohhh wow I thought the episodes were gonna be 20 minutes not 40-1hr
Also I suffered a bit of writers block, it happens
But regardless, I hope you all enjoy! ^ ^
(also the taglist has migrated to the bottom of the fic because it's a bit too long now)
The office was large, sprawling walls contained by an even bigger ceiling. The faint humming of Tim’s computer provided no reassurance, nor did the soft leather of your seat. It felt as if you could sink right into it, and try to fade away. There was a faint aroma of coffee that lingered around the office, but it gave you no solace. It just reminded you of the mistakes you made, to end up here. The elephant in the room.
Tim’s smile was bright, a warm sun. You were burning.
“It’s.. nice to see you again.” You attempted, words stumbling about on your tongue. You couldn't help it, the mere presence of your soulmate sending anxiety skyrocketing down your spine. Why couldn't he just get to the point?
“I didn't really expect my company and Wayne Enterprises to be working together.” You continued, a fake smile plastered onto your face. “What a nice coincidence!”
“I hope for us to have a successful collaboration.” Tim replies, still smiling. “But enough about the companies, it's been so long since I've seen you, and I didn't have your number to text.”
You laugh in response, a pale imitation of a real laugh. You had hoped to focus on discussing the work you both had to do first, and then escape before any catch up talks were attempted. Unfortunately, it appears that Tim won't let you do any actual work before engaging with him.
Your nails dug into your knees, an attempt to stay calm. Your reply was measured.
“Oh are you sure? Surely it would be better to get work on the collaboration done first, then we’ll have all the time left to chat freely.”
“I wouldn't worry about that, really. We’ve got plenty of time together, and I wouldn't be able to work without knowing how you're doing lately. Since you didn't have the time to text, I presume you've been busy?”
“Ah, right! Yes! Yes I have been, busy that is, you know how it is with work. Endless and all that.” You were frustrated at being pushed into a lie already. Tim was in charge here and he knew it.
“Why don't you give me your number then?” His smile was perfect, as flawless as his manipulation. “That way, when you're too busy to remember to message, I can remind you.”
You frowned. Like he didn't know your number already.
Quickly remembering you had to smile, you gave him your number, watching as he slowly typed it in, then texted. Only when you showed you received his text did he relent.
The ‘meeting’ continued on from there, Tim asking about all your hobbies and passions. Time ticked on, daylight turning to evening. Any attempt from you to redirect the conversation to either himself or work was swiftly dismissed. A small part of you admired his skill, he was playing you like a doll. You knew it, but you had no option but to play along. It was like an older sibling playing pretend with the young sibling. You hated the comparison.
The attention was unnerving. Your only solace was that neither of you had soul animals present currently, which was an absolute miracle.
Actually… what if that isn't a coincidence at all? Could this too have been engineered? Was that even possible?
“So then what’s your opinion on..” The sound of Tim’s voice slammed you back to reality. You quickly focused back in, fearing losing any advantage due to a lack of attention.
Abruptly, an alarm sounded, the noise blazing a path through your eardrums. You jolted in surprise. Tim however, was barely rattled. A frown appeared on his face as he glanced at his phone.
“That was the Arkham Asylum breakout alarm. It's no longer safe to go outside.” With these words Tim got up, walking over to the door and opening it.
“What…?” You mumbled, horrified.
“Stay here.” He commanded, a firm tone in his voice. This was Red Robin. “I’m going to check on the building, don't leave, it isn't safe.”
“Wait! But.. the collaboration.. we didn't..” The words rushed out of your mouth, leaving you feeling like a fool as Tim paused for a moment, to look at you.
“Don't worry.” He smiled, the weight of it bearing down upon you. You felt small. “You can just come in tomorrow, I'm sure your company won't mind.” With the final word said, Tim closed the door, presumably rushing off to become Red Robin. The click of the door felt like a dismissal, a scolding. A reminder to stay in your place.
Once again, you were trapped.
You clenched your fists. He wanted you to stay here, in his territory. You didn't doubt that Wayne Enterprises had amazing security, probably some of the best considering the identities of the owners. This was likely the third most safe place in Gotham, with the first and second places going to Batman’s base and Wayne Manor.
But… you haven't learned anything yet. All that time spent with him and somehow he hadn't brought up that singular, obvious fact. There was no way he didn't know, not with the way he was acting. And yet, he hadn't brought it up. Why?
What was he getting out of this?
Was he hoping that if you assumed he didn't know then you could easily be monitored? Was he just gathering information before acting? Where was the rest of the vigilantes in this?
Your head was spinning, going in circles. You couldn't understand him, you couldn't understand any of them. Why choose to be vigilantes, knowing the costs that life endures? Why were you tied to them, when you were so against a fundamental part of their existence?
You couldn't understand this at all. How could this be the basis of a soulmate bond?
You were… opposites.
You felt the telltale beat of an oncoming headache. For your own sanity, you decided to fold the incoming soulmate crisis into a small cavity of your brain to panic about later.
Fact One: There was an ongoing Arkham Asylum breakout, everyone is either being attacked, hiding away or escaping the city.
Fact Two: Batman and all his partners are going to be occupied for at least several hours if not a day.
Fact Three: You were going to take advantage of this.
It was the perfect time. All your soulmates were occupied, so none of them would be able to pay any attention to you. Red Robin might know your identity, and so the other vigilantes may know as well.
That didn't need to matter. They may have the information, but information itself is useless, if they are unable to act.
Right now, any Gothamite that isn't involved with rogues is either hiding or escaping. You could join the escapes, and get out of Gotham in the rush.
You didn't have to stay here, to play the role of a caged bird. You could escape, before they even got a chance.
You had to try.
You suppressed a shaky sigh, getting up and walking to the door. You tried the door handle.
Uh oh. You tried it again, and then a few more times after that, shaking the door eventually in your desperation. Oh come on! You desperately thought to yourself. The one time you finally got the perfect chance and it's being ruined by a locked door.
Wait. You glanced at the small window in the door, the beginnings of an idea sprouting in your head. You glance over at Tim’s desk, noticing a small paper weight. You smile.
Lifting the paperweight, you judge the weight to be enough. Holding it up, you get into position to throw.
Wait.. the door has a keyhole, not a sliding chain, you realize, almost too late.
Well that would have been embarrassing.
Sadly, you place the paperweight back down. There goes that idea.
But that wasn't the only door in the office, there was another one, the one that the shouting voice left out of. You approach the door, trying the doorknob.
It opens! Giving a small laugh, you advance through the door and out into the halls of Wayne Enterprises, a jubilant smile on your face. Whoever was shouting at Tim earlier, you almost wanted to thank them.
You avoid the elevators, instead picking stairs, as you presumed they may also be in lockdown. It didn't take you too long to get down to the ground floor, since the main walking areas were now barren of people.
The ground floor had some unfortunate news to offer you though. The once wildly open doors had now been locked down and barred, an iron wall between you and freedom.
Although, maybe there was some other way, you thought, eyeing the anxious security guards patrolling the front entrance.
Pulling out of your hiding spot, you approach the guards, making to time your steps, making noise to not scare them. You really didn't want to get shot before you had even left the safety of the building.
“P-please help me!” You stuttered, trembling with tears in your eyes. The guards jolted in surprise, turning to face you. They were expecting threats from the outside, not the inside.
“I need to get home, I can't stay here.” You sobbed, the guards pausing in confusion. They didn't know what to do with you.
“What’s wrong?” A sympathetic guard asked, patting you gently on the back. You almost felt bad.
“I need to go home!” You repeated, tone frantic.
A disgruntled guard stepped up to you. “Look, no one can leave right now. Company policy. It isn't safe, there's been an Arkham breakout. Just sit tight, and whatever’s waiting for you at home will be there when you get back.”
“N-no…” You mumbled. “You don't understand.. I have.. I have a cat, waiting for me.” You glance up, watching the expressions on their faces. They seem unmoved. “A-and my child!” You cry out, realizing you needed a better lie.
“A child?” The disgruntled guard repeated, sounding a little more sympathetic, but clearly not convinced. He eyed you up and down, evidentially thinking you looked a little too young.
“They're so little, but my cat likes to take care of them and I needed the money so, so I left them at home alone today. But recently they're been figuring out how to open doors and if anything happened to them I don't know what I’d d-” Your frantic lie is cut off, the disgruntled guard laying a hand on your shoulder.
“Alright listen. None of us can escort you, we're here on the job.”
You nodded, feeling exuberation rush through you.
“But if anything happened, run right back here, alright?”
You nodded again, fighting a smile on your face. The guards unlocked the doors, watching you dash out with frowns on their tired faces.
They were obvious to the beaming smirk on yours.
Nights in Gotham are by nature a little terrifying, but they're nothing compared to an Arkham breakout night. Shadows crawled up alleyways, the smell of booze and smoke lingering in a way it never could on normal nights. The terror was so pungent in the air, you could almost taste it. It was on the tip of your tongue.
Every so often you'd hear a scream, and you'd walk a little faster. Ideally you would have committed to the stealth route, but you had wasted enough time already.
Your house was on the way to the bus station, so you could easily pop in, grab essentials, and get out. You wouldn't lie, you were nervous. Every so often you’d feel your knees lose strength, and you'd have to fight with your body to regain the strength to stand.
But at this point it was either the horror of whatever your soulmates had in store for you, or the horrors of Arkham night. You'd already picked your poison, now it was time to swallow.
You took a breath in, then out, and continued walking. You were almost there.
The streets of Gotham stretched on endlessly, a cacophony of fear.
Just a bit longer.
A gunshot sounded nearby, the noise blasting through your eardrum.
Almost there.
The hum of a van's engine rushed through the night, haunting laughter echoing through the road.
You could see your house!
You beamed, a smile lighting up your face, as you practically skipped up to the entrance. You reached into your bag to withdraw your keys.
You had just retrieved them when a crowbar smashed into your head.
Wow umh, please pray for reader guys, this is NOT going well for them. Who do you think that was?
Me writing shenanigans for this chapter:
I just really feel like reader should smash open this window, let's do it. Wait. They wouldn't have doors that work like that. so reader sadly puts the heavy object down :(
Also me: yeah so reader lies here and it's an absolute mess
Also also me: rip reader that's a lotta head trauma omg
Sorry for the lack of soul animals this chapter :(( there's a reason I swear
The next chapter is definitely gonna be a bit insane, for sure! The soul animals return then anddd in droves!
Taglist: @moonchild-artemisdaughter @jjsmeowthie @madine11-blog @xxrougefangxx @hadesnewpersephone @neerathebrightstar @mel-star636 @jaythes1mp @rosecentury @lov3vivian @gaozorous-rex-blog @victoria1676 @vrsin @silverklaus @ryukyuin @kurai-hono-blog @thisisafish123 @isawyourbrowserhistory @ain-t-no-way-bsfr @realifezompire @lunaluz432 @nickey-diano @sukiiluvs @sara0055 @alleakimlala @kdidgg @paperhermits @lavender-moony @alishii @emmbny @sirenetheblogger @fantasy-angelo @andrasia @vinnvinnvintage @nyra-42 @armystaysatnct @beyond-your-stars @starsdotalk @adeptusxia0 @jailbimbo @yandereheros @sxftiebee @i-have-three-feelings @toast-on-dandelioms @lyl-3 @sitepathos @pato-spoiler-27 @ghostdoodlen @phoenixgurl030 @problematicreblogger @sociallyakwardpanda
@imaginarydreams @zanzie @yuyuzi-ling @soriansick @f1lover4ever @kiikkey @elizzsush @raincxtter @luoyi85 @yune1337 @erikasurfer @thekingofsimps @chaosbeanuwu
If I missed anyone out im super sorry! I generally check the replies for the current chapter and messages for people that want to be tagged, so it's possible for people to slip by
Just remind me again and I'll be sure to add you! (This also goes for if I misspell you accidentally, which also happens cuz I type them all manually)
For some reason I couldnt tag anymore people until I put a random space in-between the tags, so that's apparently a thing. If anyone has any ideas why, I'm listening
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zepskies · 2 months
Series Masterlist - Lost on You
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Pairing: Soldier Boy (Ben) x F. Reader
Summary: 1983 is a big year for you. You’re finally chosen to join the ranks of Payback, led by the most (in)famous supe in the world: Soldier Boy. He’ll never admit that he’s trying his damndest to figure you out. You’ll never admit that he’s actually growing on you. But the problem with this game is deciding who's the predator, and who is prey.
Song Inspo: “Lost on You” by the Cubaneros (originally by LP)
AN: Oh, here we go! Get ready for another Boys AU. And in the immortal words of Cher, we're actually turning back time, to the '80s, no less.
Series Tags/Warnings: **18+ only! It's the world of The Boys, so angsty and messy, with morally gray and downright charcoal characters, including Soldier Boy, of course (and even the reader herself). **Smut, language, misogyny, violence, drug use, and other chapter-specific tags.
Part 1: Siren Song
Part 2: Foolish Game
Part 3: A Deal is a Deal
Part 4: Better Shape Up
Part 5: Eminence Front
Part 6: Drowned and Spellbound
Part 7: Welcome to the Jungle
Part 8: For Whom the Bell Tolls
Part 9: Free to Be You and Me
Part 10: I Need a Hero - COMING 9/27
Part 11: Heroes and Monsters
Part 12: A Fire in the Blood
Epilogue: As Good as It Gets
New chapters on Fridays!
Or become a Patreon member to read new chapters a week early!
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The Lost on You Playlist: YouTube || Spotify
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The Game Begins...
But wait! There's more:
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"Interrupt the flow, they better not dare..."
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Soldier Boy Tag List:
If you would like to follow along as I post each chapter, please follow my side blog @zepskieswrites with notifications on so you don't miss out. 💚
@spnwoman @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @adoringanakin @rizlowwritessortof @chernayawidow
@midnightmadwoman @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78
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@foxyjwls007 @iamsapphine @roseblue373 @lacilou @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like
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@jackles010378 @deans-daydream @deanwinchestersgirl87 @rachiem4-blog @just-levyy
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@stoneyggirl2 @sl33pylilbunny @spnfamily-j2 @mostlymarvelgirl @artemys-ackles
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Book 1 of The Old Testament Series by @dianawinchester03
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Season One (Complete!)
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Prologue - Enter Y/N L/N
Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot
Season 1, Episode 2 - Wendigo
Season 1, Episode 3 - Dead in Water
Season 1, Episode 4 - Phantom Traveler
Season 1, Episode 5 - Bloody Mary
Season 1, Episode 6 - Skin
Season 1, Episode 7 - Hook Man
Season 1, Episode 8 - Bugs
Season 1, Episode 9 - Home
Season 1, Episode 10 - Asylum
Season 1, Episode 11 - Scarecrow
Season 1, Episode 12 - Faith
Season 1, Episode 13 - Route 666
Season 1, Episode 14 - Nightmare
Season 1, Episode 15 - The Benders
Season 1, Episode 16 - Shadow
Season 1, Episode 17 - Hell House
Season 1, Episode 18 - Something Wicked
Season 1, Episode 19 - Provenance
Season 1, Episode 20 - Dead Man’s Blood
Season 1, Episode 21 - Salvation
Season 1, Episode 22 - Devil’s Trap
Season 1 - Gag Reel
Season Two (Ongoing)
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Season 2, Episode 1 - In My Time Of Dying
Season 2, Episode 2 - Everybody Loves A Clown
Season 2, Episode 3 - Bloodlust
Season 2, Episode 4 - Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things
Season 2, Episode 5 - Simon Said
Season 2, Episode 6 - No Exit
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Usual Suspects
Season 2, Episode 8 - Crossroad Blues
Season 2, Episode 9 - Croatoan
Season 2, Episode 10 - Hunted
Season 2, Episode 11 - Playthings
Season 2, Episode 12 - Nightshifter
Season 2, Episode 13 - Houses of the Holy
Season 2, Episode 14 - Born Under A Bad Sign
Season 2, Episode 15 - Tall Tales
Season 2, Episode 16 - Roadkill
Season 2, Episode 17 - Heart
Season 2, Episode 18 - Hollywood Babylon (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Folsom Prison Blues (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 20 - What Is and What Should Never Be (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 21 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 (coming soon)
Season 2 Gag Reel (coming soon)
Also available on:
📖; ao3
📖; wattpad
Authors Note:
I finally learnt how to do a Masterlist! Hallelujah now life will be easier for you guys. Hope you check out my book and enjoy🫶 I’ll update the list after each chapter release.
I just want to say thank you to everyone for giving my book a chance. I am very new to writing so I’m no Shakespeare lol, but I’m giving and doing my best. With all the overwhelming endless support and love I’m receiving at this very moment, it’s so much more than I can ask for and so much more than I deserve. I appreciate every single bit from the bottom of my heart🥹
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notlhecxzsa · 2 months
The Great War - Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Y/n Romanoff, a woman with a bright smile that almost hurts people to look at, the softest eyes that everyone falls for, the kindest heart that everyone adores. Trying to make life out of her family's name, but was stuck in an endless winter, with her dreams crushed by everyone. She is a real treasure in the form of a porcelain doll, but would she be, in the eyes of someone who's got it all? Natasha Romanoff, a well known CEO and billionaire all around the world, nothing could stoop in her level. Cold, ruthless and born to thrive with so much determination in her heart. Trying to prove to her family that she is nothing like them and so much better. But, as she was caught up in the middle of a raging war, she was left with no choice but to face something for the first time. Will they be able to escape the great war? Leaving with something unimaginable as they step in the daylight? Or will this be just another endless winter, only ending until one of them loses?
Natasha RomanoffxFem!Reader
Warnings: Arranged marriage, cursing, violence, emotional abuse, physical abuse, deprivation of many things as a child, G!p Natasha, (That is all for now!)
Chapter 1: The Asylum Where I Was Raised
Chapter 2: Never Be So Polite You Forget Your Power
Chapter 3: Never Wield Such Power You Forget To Be Polite
Chapter 4: I Think Your House Is Haunted
Chapter 5: Secret Garden In My Mind
Author's Note: Hi, everyone! I hope you'll enjoy this new Fanfic of mine :)) This is gonna be my first series here on tumblr, and I also might post it on my wattpad page. This won't be just 5 chapters, but I'm still unsure how many chapters it would have, I guess we'll just have to wait. Have fun reading, peeps! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Exposure Therapy Masterlist
Pairing | Jonathan Crane × reader
Summary | Your therapist tries a new method of treatment to help you overcome your fears.
Warnings | 18+, sexual content, smut, rape, non con, dub con, oral, p in v sex, fingering, fear play, crying, rape (again. I'm really emphasizing this lol), breeding, unprotected sex, involuntary admission to asylum, scarecrow’s fear toxin, I’ll add more on each chapter.
Words | So far 49.1k
Notes | This is rape. Just straight up. If you’re not going to like it, don’t read it. Final warning.
Ao3 link | <3
Main masterlist
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Pt. 7
Pt. 8
Pt. 9
Pt. 10
Pt. 11
Pt. 12
Pt. 13
Pt. 14
Pt. 15
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 9 months
List (Sorted by Characters)
list sorted by story content
fics rec 1
status update: life’s super hectic, not sure when I’ll start updating fics again (but I hope I can finish 🐬 anon’s request first)
Hello, I’m HalloHello. Thanks for reading!
This is a side blog so I can’t leave likes or follow others with this blog I’m so stupid I’m sorry :(
Simon "Ghost" Riley
New Year Fireworks + We Both Broke Our Promise (F)
Invincible (F)
My Heart Can Sleep When I'm with You (F)
Daisy Dukes - 1 2 (F)
His Only Asylum + Bring Me to Heaven (F, 18+, gore and knife)
Bed All Day (GN) (18+)
Inhale Our Sorrow, Exhale Our Future (GN)
Bedtime Story (F)
Unexpected Encounter (F)
Ghost*Reader with Scars and Hide Their Face (GN)
Smut Challenge - Neighbor!Reader (F) (18+)
Husband!Simon with Car Crash Wife!Reader (F)
Simon Got a Flu (GN)
Nine things Simon Riley Might Annoy (intentionally or not) His Shorter Partner (GN)
Sleeping (truly) with Simon (GN)
Domestic Life with Retired Husband!Simon (GN)
Simon with A Gammy Reader (GN)
Perv!Simon Riley with Yandere!Reader (GN)
It Isn’t Fate Bringing Us Together (It’s Me) - 1 2 (Dark Fiction, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat)(GN)
Palette (F)
Ex-bf!Simon Riley*F!Reader (F)
End This Repeating Dance (GN)
Silly Moments between Simon and Reader (F)
Simon Taking Care of You When You Accidentally Injured Yourself (F)
Simon Riley, Will You Marry Me? (F)
Soulmate AU - Separate Endings (GN)
How To Remember? (F)
Voicemails (F)
Your Inviting Lips (GN)(anon ask)
Remember-me-not (GN)
The Last Dance (GN)
Two-way Trap (F)
Simon Exploring Your Cute Reactions (GN)(evil 🐼 anon)
Simon Loves Your Chubby and Adorable Face (GN)(🦈 anon)
A Day of A Cute (and Silly) Couple (GN)(req)
Hey, how are you? (F)
Grim Reaper!Ghost*Reader That’s Always Alone (GN)
Shower with Simon Riley (GN)(anon req)
Watch You From Afar (GN)
Till It Blooms Again (F)(🐬anon)
John “Soap” MacTavish
Smut Challenge - Neighbor!Reader (F) (18+)
Regret Devouring Me (GN)
John Price
How To Remember? (F)
The True Me (GN)
Watch You From Afar (GN)
Spider Webs - 1 2 3 bonus chapter 1 (F) (18+)
His Only Asylum (F, 18+, gore and knife)
NSFW Alphabet (F, 18+)
Vampire AU Headcanons (GN)
Cat Café AU Headcanons 1 2 (GN)
Cat Reader Headcanons (GN)
In Pairs - Price Soap Gaz Ghost (GN)
What Makes You Unique (GN)
Cream Puffs (GN)
Sweet Flavor of Your Lips (F)
Vampire AU Headcanons (GN)
Cat Café AU Headcanons 1 2 (GN)
Cat Reader Headcanons (GN)
Wild Pets - 1 1.5 (F)
Tf141 with a Fragile Reader (GN)
Tf141 with a Reader Who Sucks at Baking but Wants to Bake Them a Valentine’s Day Dessert (F)
Tf141 with gap moe (contradictory-characteristic cuteness) reader (GN)
Melt Down The Snow (GN) (🦈 anon)
Some Thoughts about Demon!TF141 (GN)
More About Demon!TF141 (F) (18+) (anon req)
Demon!TF141 but Reader Becomes Demon Too (F) (anon req)
No Tolerance!! + It's Nice To Come Back Home (F) (🦈 Anon)
TF141 men seeing you wearing face chain for party (F) (🦈 Anon)
TF141*Reader Angst in Few Sentences (GN)
Always By Your Side (GN)
TF141*Reader Fluff in Few Sentences (GN)
Not Dying Alone (GN)
Counting Down To Heaven (GN)
Each Other’s Shelter (F)
TF141 with A Reader That Can Fall Asleep Anywhere and Anytime (GN)
Spine Chill (GN)
Mafia!Tf141*F!Reader ch1 ch2 ch3
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girlystories · 11 months
L'appel du vide (The call of the void)
— pairings: Henry Bowers + Patrick Hockstetter x female/daughter of a cop/new student reader
Summary: after your parents divorce (because your mom is kinda crazy) you move to your dads hometown, back to Derry, and your cousin richie. Additional warnings: refrences of past child abuse Words: 4.1k
next chapter here
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Chapter 1: Back to Derry
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑 slowed down as it stopped at a gas station. The driver's door opened, which caused [Name] to wake up. She raised her head, which was earlier rested on her palm. She blinked her eyes, trying to make out what her father was saying to her. 
"I said, do you want me to get you anything?", he repeated, his hand on the door as he slouched and his head under the car, waiting for her answer. 
"Uh," she slurred her words, yawning as she stretched her arms, a satisfying feeling passing through her body to wake her up while the sun was making it difficult for her to think of what to say. "Just some water please."
Her father gave her a thumbsup before turning around. 
"On second thought, I'm kinda hungry. Can I have a sandwich?", she called out from the rolled down window. 
Her father made his way inside, as [Name] shifted in her seat, her arms laying comfortable under her head. She sighed as she stared out the window, not focusing on anything in particular, yet caughting a glimpse of a man filling his car. 
She and her father we're making their way to Derry, Maine, back to their relatives. Despite feeling excited to see her cousin again, she didn't really approve on moving so suddenly. She would miss her friends, her school – heck, even the grumpy teachers and lousy neighbours. 
There was no way of changing her dad's mind, however, since he was so eager to start a new life. She couldn't blame him, though. She and the poor guy couldn't handle the decrease in her mother's sanity any longer. She only grew worse day by day, and it was final once she laid hands on her. Her eyes were unrecognizable, wide and furiously red, as she had her fingers wrapped around [Name]'s throat, squeezing it tight with demise. 
Luckily, she was shoved back and restrained by her father, who later called the police on her and she was taken into court when found out she was abusing drugs, finally filling a divorce and in the end she was send to an asylum. 
This made [Name] wonder if that woman even loved her in the first place. As she thought about it more overtime, she recalled the times her mother gave her the cold shoulder, or the nasty remarks she hissed – tasting like venom on her tensed dry lips. The glaring looks she gave her, feeling like piercing needles ready to strike. 
[Name] instantly wiped some tears that were forming on her eyes, placing a smile on her face as her dad made his way back, bringing with him the stuff he bought. 
He closed the door as he sat on the driver's seat, holding the bag for [Name] to take. "As you ordered, madam. Sandwich and a bottle of water," he teased. 
She chuckled. "Oh, why thank you, kind sir," she said before taking a big bite of the chicken sandwich. "Man, I'm so hungry."
"Well, you should've prepared some food from home for the ride," he said, taking a cigarette out of his new pack, placing it on his lips, and turning the engine back on – which roared back alive, going backwards and on the road back to Derry. "I told you in the morning but you ignored me." 
She rolled her eyes, not in the mood for bickering at the moment, instead changing the question. "So like, you gonna be working as a cop at Derry now?" 
"Policeman, not a cop, [Name]. And yes, I've taken care of it on the phone," his eyes were focused on the road, taking a turn. "A guy of mine was kind enough to brag about my services back home."
[Name] hummed, not particularly interested in listening to the conversation, instead taking a moment to appreciate her hunger decreasing, savoring the chicken in contrast with the sauce and the variety of spices. 
She looked out the window, trees passing as they were now driving through the dirt road. The wind blew through her hair, a breeze filling the car. 
Her father remained silent for a moment and he sighed. "Listen, sweetheart, I know it's hard for you moving away and all but I'm sure you'll have a great time there and settle down nicely," he smiled as he recalled memories of his hometown. "Besides, you'll catch up with little Richie again." 
"Well, I'm sure he's not little anymore. How many years has it been? Like five, six?", she tried to count, licking her fingers in doing so. "How old is that little prick now anyway?"
"[Name], watch your language please," her father said and she giggled in response. "I think he's about thirteen or twelve. Three years younger than you." 
"I'm sixteen, dad." 
"Thirteen then." 
"Oh my god, dad. Did you really not remember the age of your own daughter?" 
He lifted his fingers holding the lighted cigarette off the wheel in defense. "No, I didn't forget your age, honey. I'm just, really tired at the moment." 
She shook her head in disbelief. "Yeah, right."
"I mean it." 
"Whatever you say can't save you now, dad." 
He chuckled. "Really now?"
"Yes," she replied blankly, now finishing her sandwich. 
   Finally arriving, she took out one of her earplugs and pausing her music, raised her head to look around her new "home". Crippled narrow roads filled with puddles, with short trees that looked hardly standing by the constant floods and hurricanes. She almost cringed at the almost rundown looking buildings. 
What eased her nerves were the stores here and there, them being: Brew & Chew Café, Doughy Delights Pizzeria, and Smile N’ Delight. Her eyes also caught a glimpse of the arcade, and she was sure Richie would probably spend his time there, playing aimlessly like his life depended on it. Not like she planned on going there, but still. It proved the existence that people lived there and it wasn't as deserted as it seemed. 
"Are we there?" 
"Sure are," he answered, searching for his sisters house. He smiled, "nothing has changed a bit."
"We haven't been gone that much for anything to change. I mean who even comes here anymore?"
Her father ignored her remark, taking a turn and slowing down as they reached that all familiar house [Name] hang out to when she was younger. They came to a stop and he got out of the car, while [Name] did the same, yet not so eager. 
"Wentworth! How long has it been?", her father said as the front door opened, her uncle grabbing his palm and patting him on the back. 
"You tell me," her uncle replied. "You were the one who decided to move out." 
He chuckled. "Well, [Mother Name] wouldn't stop pressuring me and all. You know how she was." 
This made [Name]'s aunt's smile fade, feeling somehow remorseful. "Ah, I'm so sorry about that, [Father Name]... We couldn't believe it when you told us all about it on the phone," her eyes looked at [Name], making her smile widely, her eyes wrinkling at the sides as they widened. She exclaimed and she walked over to her with raised arms, squeezing her cheeks which made [Name] groan slightly. Yet she didn't mind it much, always appreciating her aunt's weird ways of affection. 
"Little [Name]! Ah, I can't believe how much you've grown. You're basically a lady now!", she noted, placing her palms on her shoulders and taking a better look at her, taking her time to "fix" her shirt and hair. 
[Name] chuckled awkwardly, not knowing how to respond. "Hey, missed you too, Aunt Maggie. Uh, is Richie home?" 
"Oh, yes," she turned around, "Richie, get your ass here!"
After a few annoyed grumbles, a boy with dark hair came down the stairs. [Name] noted his increase in height and glasses who seemed to be thicker than how she remembered, making his eyes appear way bigger. He still had a couple of freckles drawn on his slighty chubby cheeks – even though he had a relatively slim figure. She threw an arm over his shoulder, snickering at his annoyance and trying to get off her hold.
"How's my little blabbermouth been?", she remarked and forced him into a hug. He groaned in response, mostly by the nickname but returning the hug happily. 
"You haven't changed a bit, asswipe," he replied with the same tone. Still, his grip tightened around her. "You were still missed, though. As much as I hate to admit it." 
That made her smile, and she let go of him, "Aw," she cooed. "I'm flattered, but it's very much expected," she replied proudly. 
"Ha ha," Richie stated, his tone linked full of sarcasm. "Just make sure you stay this time," he scoffed, "I remember when you had to leave last time you were crying your eyes out. Your nose was full of snot and stuff. Gross." 
[Name] narrowed her eyes, raising her brow. "That's not true. I don't ever recall that happening."
"Well, I do," he rolled his wide eyes behind his thick square glasses, smirking. "Right, mom?" 
"Huh? What did you say, sweetie?", she asked, not listening to him in the slightest, too absorbed in the conversation with her husband and brother. 
"Nevermind," Richie rumbled. "Say, you wanna join me and my friends? Oh – I forgot to mention – remember Bill? Well, we are now in a group with two other guys and we call ourselves The Losers Club, and it's freaking awesome!" 
[Name] couldn't help but laugh. "The Losers Club? That sounds... pretty lame." 
"That's the point, genius," he rolled his eyes again. "The thing is, you gotta join us, we always have so much fun and stuff." 
"Maybe another time, kiddo. I'm pretty tired and I gotta start unpacking and I need get ready for school tomorrow. I've missed enough as it is."
Richie groaned. "Fineee. But you will come with us one day, I'm telling you." 
[Name] ruffled his hair. "Okay okay, I get it!" 
"Augh! Not the hair, man! Not cool", he tried to push her hand away, but to no avail as she wrapped an arm around his neck and continued in forcefully ruining his curly locks. 
   The next day [Name] was woken up but her father, completely ignoring her alarm clock at 6:30 am. She groaned and placed a pillow over her head, trying to block out her father's cheery but annoying voice through the kitchen. 
She had to get up, though, when her father made his way into her bedroom and forcefully throwing the covers off her – much to her dismay. She raised her upper body, holding her weight with her elbows. Her eyes were puffy and red, a trail of drool beginning from her bottom lip and ending at her chin. A sight Richie would definitely make fun of, but he was in the same spot, as her dad did the same, but instead chose to grab Richie and spin him around, just like the way parents played with their month-old babies. 
Richie – fully confused, and instead of cheering like a baby would – almost shrieked, his legs swaying back and forth, looking for a sturdy ground to balance himself and his arms trying to get a tight grip on his uncle. Without wearing his glasses, he wasn't able to see clearly, screaming: "What the hell is going on?!" 
[Name]'s dad, not reducing his speed in the slightest, continued, "Wake up, big guy! You're gonna miss school!" 
Richie, steadying his breath, replied, "Okay okay, I get it! Just get me down! For the love of—" 
Just as he requested, his uncle complied, a satisfied smile on his features. He slapped his nephew's back lightly. "Come to the kitchen quick. I've prepared breakfast." 
[Name] still in her bed – but not daring to lay back down, (in fear of her dad shaking her awake again) stared blankly at the wall, ignoring the commotion from Richie's room completely. She rubbed her half closed eyes, and dragged herself out of bed, choosing a simple and convenient outfit for the day, since her stuff and wardrobe hadn't been delivered in their new home fully yet. She grabbed her almost empty backpack, which contained only her pencil case and a couple of notebooks, and she slowly made her way to the kitchen, dropping on her seat feeling like a zombie. She tried to rest her heavy head on her palm, yet it fell on the table sharply. 
"Ah ah," her father scolded. "Wake up, sweetie. It's your first day today." 
She groaned in response. 
"I'll give you a ride to school, so eat quick. I have work to get to," he explained further, flipping an egg from the pan. 
"I'm sorry but how can you be so excited so early in the morning, uncle? I mean, no offense," Richie asked from the table, rubbing his glasses with his shirt. He turned to [Name], "is he always like this?" 
She grabbed a toast from the table, which was applied with butter smoothly, and took a bite, her eyes still half closed. "Yes."
   After a quick – and not so satisfying breakfast, Mr. [Last Name] gave the both a ride and went to work. For the first time Richie wasn't late. A rare occurance, mainly because he took ages to get ready but also because both his parents weren't able to drive him to school because of work. 
"Well, I guess I'll see you later, asswipe," Richie held up his palm for a high-five. [Name] looked at him unfazed, almost rolling her eyes, clearly not in the mood so early in the morning. Still, she didn't leave him hanging and groaned under her breath. 
"Remember, don't steal food from the cafeteria."
"Don't you mean, don't do drugs – or something?" 
[Name] walked pass him, pushing her body on the school's front entrance. "Whate—", before she could finish, she felt a heavy force colliding against her. She yelped in response, being shoved backwards.
The person groaned in annoyance, also surprised by the sudden force. "What the fu—", the voice suddenly paused. [Name] took a moment to study the person. He was tall, his blonde hair messily styled in a mullet. His blue eyes were staring back at her, also studying her. His seemengly muscular built wasn't as apparent under his t-shirt which was being covered under his denim jacket, his sleeves being pushed high above his elbows. It was more of a fashion choice than an affect to keep warm in the cold weather of October. 
She didn't know how long they kept eye contact, but it came to a stop as his features furrowed, pursing his lips. He shoved pass her, his shoulder bumping into hers while he mumbled under his breath: "Get outta my way." 
She scoffed in response, raising a brow and walking into the halls, Richie following quickly behind her. "Oh my god," he gasped. 
"What?", she questioned, looking around for the principal's office. 
"You just ran into Henry Bowers!", he explained. 
"I didn't ran into him. More like he bumped into me." 
He quickly shook his head. "That's not the point, dumbass," he walked in front of her, making her stop in her tracks to get her attention. "The point is that he and his lovely little friends have been making our lives hell for how many years now. I'm honestly surprised he didn't murder you just now."
"He what?", [Name] asked, her eyes finally widening since this morning. 
"Yeah," Richie said, beginning to walk again with her by his side, passing the other students in the halls as they chatted among themselves. "They're all complete psychos."
"How did you say his name was? Henry Bowers, was it?", she asked and slowed down when she noticed the principal's office in the corner. "Where have I heard of it before?" 
"Man, I don't know. But I'm telling you. Just don't make him mad. Ever." 
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it, big guy," she said, shifting her backpack as the school bell rang. She made herself a new goal for the year. 
Richie raised a brow. "What do you mean? I don't like that look," he noted. 
"Just, go to class, okay? I'll see you guys later," she shoved him softly, and he stumbled a bit, glancing back at her with a bit of worry, but made his way to class. 
She didn't know how and why that guy seemed so familiar to her, but she didn't care either. No one is allowed to make fun of her cousin. No one. Except maybe her, but they were family. It's understandable. But him? Who did he think he is? 
She decided to keep an eye on him and his stupid mullet. 
[Name] was about to knock the open door but stopped when she saw a lanky guy staring at the principal blankly, his mind wandering off and not paying the slightest attention to him. The principal sighed, his hand waved towards the door, dismissing him as he finished, "that's about it. If you and Bowers get send here one more time, I'll have to take drasting measures. You'll get a pass this time. Mainly because it's your first time, Hockstetter. Now get your ass to class." 
The guy in question – Hockstetter, as he was mentioned – fixed his posture at the statement, the corners of his mouth forming into a smile. He left without question, his grey-green eyes meeting [Name]'s as he walked pass the door, twinkling with curiosity. She swore she saw him lick his bottom lip just as he left. 
"And make sure Bowers actually goes to class this time!", the principal shouted and [Name] wondered if his orders even reached the guy's ears. 
So this guy is one Richie's bullies, [Name] noted. 
She decided to keep that in mind later as she walked inside. The principal held the bridge of his nose, sighing. When he noticed her, he grasped his hands together as he tried to recall her name. He remained with only parted lips as he failed in figuring out who she was. 
"Hello, Mr – uh," she trailed off, trying to remember his name that her dad mentioned on the ride. "Mr. Corbin, I'm the new student. I think my father spoke to you on the phone." 
His features softened, bringing a hand on his grey and combed hair. "Ah, yes! Mr. [Last Name], I believe. Yes, I've got your schedule prepared right here," he said, rolling back with his chair and opening his drawer, taking out a paper and handing it to [Name]. "It was pretty much a hassle trying to sort your lessons, since you arrived a bit later, but eventually we managed."
She whispered a soft "Sorry" in response. 
"How very nice for us to welcome a new student. I hope you like it here. Ah, did you move here recently, miss [Last Name]?" 
She quickly skimmed over her schedule, and looked back at Mr. Corbin. "Yes. Yesterday actually."
"I see," he replied, fixing his mustache. "Well, I hope you settle down nicely. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some work to finish," he rolled on his chair forward, placing his hands together once again. "If you need any help, don't be afraid to come to my office."
[Name] smiled at him. "Thank you so much, Mr. Corbin," she said and walked out, looking over her schedule. She hummed, feeling not so glum about it, only groaning when she saw she had to chose an extracurricular, but also hoping there were good options to chose from at the very least. She noticed a note, written roughly with a pen; locker: 74. 
She made her own inner note to check it out later. 
Now, she hurried herself to her first period, being World History. It took her while to find the class, and she was sure she'd get some nagging from the teacher. She hesitantly knocked on the door and slowly opened it. Peeking over the gap, she noticed all the students attention being on her. She stepped inside, clearing her throat. 
"Sorry I'm late, Mr –", she looked at her schedule, "Mr. Okley." 
Mr. Okley stopped writing on the board, turning his focus on her. "It's okay, I suppose," his voice indicated his boredom which were proved by his uninterested expression. "You're the new student, yes?"
She nodded. "Yes, my name is [Name] [Last Name]."
His face brightened, his blank expression being replaced by a small smile. "Ah, [Last Name]? I know your father. We used to be classmates together. Really funny fellow, I tell you," he chuckled. "Make sure to tell him I say hi, alright?" 
[Name] smiled, trying to ignore people's stares. "I will."
"We're on page forty-three. You can take a seat over there," he pointed at an empty seat next to the window. 
"I don't have a book."
"Right," he hummed, looking around his desk for a spare book. "I can't seem to find one right now. Just sit next to Victor for now and come by my office later."
The guy in question raised his head from his palm, being shaken out of his thoughts. [Name] dragged a chair and sat next to him, who scooted to the side to make some some space for the both. 
She held her hands close, feeling awkward by the closeness between them. But she tried her best to ignore it, taking notes when she thought was necessary. 
As she wrote, her pall pen started leaving less and less ink. She pressed harder, but the pen refused to work, as if it suddenly decided to go against her. 
"Shit," she cursed under her breath. She turned to Victor, who had his undoubted attention on Mr. Okley who explained about the Rise of Rome. 
"Do you have an extra pen?"
His attention was disturbed again. He shifted in his seat, blinking like he was just woken up. "Oh, yeah," he searched his bag and held one for her. 
"Thanks," she took it, smiling warmly at him. 
"So, why the sudden change or schools?", he asked. 
"Oh, you know. The usual reasons," she wrote on her notebook, testing if it worked. It was an obvious attempt of her deflecting the question. 
Victor didn't attemt to pressure her in saying anymore, turning his attention back at the lesson. 
The bell rang indicating the end of the lesson. All the students gathered their things, chatting among themselves as they made their way outside. 
Just as [Name] was about to do the same Mr. Okley called her. 
"Wait here for a moment, I'll go and fetch your book, alright?"
With that she waited, watching the classroom becoming less and less crowded. Her mind started wondering along, when she was being shoved forward. Her shoulder bumping with an all too familiar muscular one, snickering as he made his way towards Victor. Two others followed, passing her like she was nonexistent. 
Her face soured. 
Henry and Hockstetter loud vocals filled the room, shooting at Victor about who knows what. [Name] was unable to identify the other figure. He was the most noticeable large one of the group. 
With the realization that Victor was in their little group, it made the girl's disappointment more visible. 
Mr. Okley came back, holding a thick book. "This is it," he opened it, flipping through the pages. "We've covered all of these. Make sure to study them until next week. We'll be having an exam on Monday."
She scrunched her nose, which didn't go unnoticed. 
"Now now, it's not too much," he chuckled at her reaction. "It has very vague information and it's pretty easy to grasp. I'm sure you can do it."
She wasn't convinced and he continued. "If it's too much for you, then I'll guess I could give you an extra week."
He winked. "Just don't tell anyone," he waved his hands. "Now, run along!"
She chuckled and scooted over the door, but stopped when she remembered something. She glanced over at her classmate by the window, being surrounded by the mullet asshole and the creepy lanky guy – and the guy she couldn't recognize. He was frowning at his friends, telling them to "shut up" while they joked around. 
She sighed under her breath and turned her heel, walking over to him. She looked to the ground, avoiding their gazes as she came closer. 
"You, uh, forgot your pen," she held it out for him, only locking eyes with his as he stopped his bickering. Their laughs also came to a stop, observing her from head to toe. 
He took it, and before he could answer she swung around, storming out of the classroom. Her chest was bounding and her breath was shaky. 
She meet the Bower Gang on her first day and managed to survive.
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370 notes · View notes
underground-secret · 1 year
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The Hunter and the Witch ~ Dean Winchester x fem! reader
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Description: y/n l/n (aka reader) has known the Winchesters ever since they helped her family start anew, away from a town that hated them for being witches. Or more specifically for y/n being a witch and accidentally causing mayhem. So when Dean comes knocking at her door asking for help she obviously complies, even if it means being stuck on the road with the man she’s secretly in love with.
Or it’s basically just y/n following the adventures of Supernatural
warnings: cannon violence, most likely poor representation of witch craft, everything written is fiction and should not be taken seriously
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Season 1
Chapter 1: The Woman in White
Chapter 1~ Continuation
Chapter 2: Wendigo
Chapter 3: Dead In the Water
Chapter 4: Phantom Traveler
Chapter 4.5: Can you Promise Me?
Chapter 5: Bloody Mary
Chapter 6: Skin
Chapter 6.5: You’re not him
Chapter 7: Hook Man
Chapter 7.5: A fool in love
Chapter 8: Home
Chapter 8.5: Reunion
Chapter 9: Asylum
Chapter 10: Scarecrow
Chapter 10.5: Rest
Chapter 11: Faith
Chapter 12: Route 666
Chapter 13: Nightmare
Chapter 13.5: Words mean more at night
Chapter 14: The Benders
Chapter 15: Shadow
602 notes · View notes
hatchetno1 · 1 month
sage forest mental institution.
chapter 1: pilot word count: 2.5k note: yes this is a rewrite. i am sorry. also on AO3. here is the link.
Working in Wing F, evaluation and quarantine, allows for you to observe a whole slew of mental disorders. Some make sense to you, and would as well to the layman. Some simply do not, and the shit-grade doctors at Sage Fores are apparently as stupid as they seem and dropped the fuck to be given between the cracks of drainage.
Three new patients come in, along with a cold gust of wind.
The transport officer, Jeremy, offers you his greetings once again.
“’Sup, lil’ bro?” To him, gender is irrelevant, and so is age. You’re not even sure how much older he is than you, or if he is at all, but you’d gotten used to the term of affection long ago.
“Nothing much, Jeremy. Thanks for bringing them in. Need a snack?” You offer, knowing the man to have an endless pit for a stomach.
“Aw shit, you know I do.” So you toss him a pack of three Oreos. The only thing stronger than the man’s lactose intolerance is apparently his love for the cookies.
Four other officers—they have to be new, you’d never seen any of their faces before—bring the new patients to be evaluated into the building, distributing them into their cells.
One patient with light brown hair and baby blues, still in prisoner’s clothes, speaks up. “May I be placed next to him?” His hands, cuffed, weakly gesture to the bearded man next to him.
And with a sharp wham he’s beaten into the ground. Jeremy, still with Oreos in his mouth, is startled.
Something tugs at your gut.
“Who the fuck gave you the right to touch my patient?” You snap, not recognizing the volume and ferocity of your own voice.
The nameless officer, his face now burned into your mind’s eye, opens his mouth, only to stutter.
Jeremy’s hand shoots out between both of you and places his back to his subordinate. You vaguely register the third patient—the one with a shaggy brown mop of hair—help up the one who spoke.
“I’m sorry. He didn’t mean it,” defends Jeremy half-heartedly. You know this guy well enough to figure out that he’s just defending a newbie on the job.
“Not your fault, Jeremy,” you mutter. “But keep him on a leash or something. I don’t care if he beats other prisoners or something, but,” you step closer to look the new officer in the eye, his own orbs glazed over with a hint of fear and remorse, “remember that my job is hard enough as it is. I now have to treat a wound and whatever trauma that person suffered from you.”
The new officer gulps. “S-sorry.”
“Hm.” You keep your response curt so as to avoid any words that might let him think what he did was marginally okay.
You turn back to get a good look at your poor patient. “Sorry about that. What’s your name?” You always preferred asking your patients directly instead of referring to a document serving only to persecute them.
“Brian Thomas,” he croaks out, but not before his eyes flit to your nametag. “I’m fine, I was just caught off guard.”
“I’ll still have to send you to medical later,” you say apologetically. “Here, as an apology.” You pull another pack of Oreos out of your pocket.
The man smiles weakly at you, accepting the cookies. “Thank you.”
This batch of new patients seems to be rather well-behaved and rational, instead of the violent type you get most of the time. They are, after all, being sent to an asylum for the criminally insane.
After Jeremy and his subordinates are gone, you settle your patients in with the help of Andrea, a nurse from another wing. In this godforsaken asylum, you believe only her to have a good heart. She was the one who helped you get settled in with this job when you’d first entered 8 months ago.
And as Brian Thomas had wished, you placed him and his pal next to each other. You note that the three of them seem close, which might make your job easier. If you can’t coax something out of one of them, there are two others to try it on.
“It’s only two weeks, and if you’re lucky, maybe just one,” you had told the three men, who all provided you with no noteworthy reactions.
No meds were needed at this point in quarantine, unless the doctor determined that they were in need of it, which was usually in the later stages of quarantine, and usually signified their release into the main asylum.
Administrative work is a blur as always. All work in this gloomy building is to you, and every day is a dissociative fog to you until you get to visit your own patients in their rooms.
The first one you visit is the one whom Brian had requested to be put next to, and you did indeed place them in adjacent cells. His dossier carries the name “Timothy Wright”.
You knock on the door respectfully— a thing you do for your patients in hopes they don’t lose the sense that they’re still a person. This asylum is no cozy home, but if you don’t try to make it one for them, they’ll probably lose their minds.
No response comes from within the room. You take it as an absence of objection to your intrusion, and enter.
“Hey, man.” You include a deliberate casualness in your tone, hoping it’ll help set the man at ease.
The cell includes a simple bathroom cubicle in the corner, complete with a sink and a mirror right next to it. The floor is tiled and the bedframe crickety. On the rare occasion that a patient invites you to sit on the bed with them, you find that the mattress can barely be classified as decent.
Timothy sits on the bed, his attention now captured by you. “Hey.”
You allow a calculated amount of silence between you and him, allowing for him to speak his mind. He does.
“You still got some of those Oreos?” He asks.
This question is not unexpected. “Yeah.” And you toss him a packet from your coat’s pocket.
He catches it with ease. “You, uh…just keep those in your pocket?”
You can recall a patient or two who’s asked you that question before, so you take it as an opportunity to explain. “Sometimes we give these out to patients who’re well-behaved as a reward.” You pause, choosing your words carefully to balance both honesty and a sense of warmth. “But honestly I don’t like that we only give it as a reward. It’s like you’re dogs to be rewarded. Just don’t tell anyone else that I simply give out Oreos.”
You say this as if damn near half the asylum patients don’t already know you for your free Oreos, though they’re all bribed with a free Oreo pack pass to keep it a secret from the asylum. The rest of the staff, save for Andrea, just think you’re nice and happen to give the treats for every single good deed the patients carry out. Though, you’re still careful, lest a single glance at your wing’s stash of sundry Oreos betray you. So you make it a point to buy them from the convenience store outside your home with your own pay, and replenish the stock every day, making sure the stash seems untouched.
Timothy simply nods in understanding, opening the pack to pop a cookie into his mouth whole. Next up is something you don’t expect.
“Want one?” He holds the open pack to you.
“Uh.” Then you laugh. “Why not?” You make sure not to reject, placing yourself on the same level as him. That is to say, lacking a stash of Oreos. Pulling an Oreo out of the packet in his hand, you pop it into your mouth too.
“Thanks, man,” you say through a mouthful of Oreo. After you swallow, you ask his name.
“You can just call me Tim.” You note that even he prefers the shorter version of his name.
“Alright, Tim. If you ever need me, just call me. Okay?”
He provides a simple nod in response, then offers an “okay” in return.
You nod. Everything in his room is in order, and he seems to require no more than just that simple check-in.
The door closes.
The next to visit on your list is Brian, who sits on the bed, an ice pack pressed to his cheek with Andrea crouched by his side. She notices your presence, gets up and whispers to you.
“I’ll leave you to it, hun.” She knows you don’t like your patients surrounded by more than one nurse or doctor if necessary, so you thank her silently and turn to face your patient once your colleague is gone.
Brian’s swelling seems to already have gone down, with the darkness of the bruise already fading to a dark green. “You heal quite fast,” you remark.
Straightening up, you hold a hand out to him. “I’m Y/N, a nurse here.” He grabs your hand and shakes it firmly with a slight smile on the good side of his face. “I’m Brian Thomas.” You chuckle. “Yes, I have your dossier here,” you joke, albeit a lame, half-assed one.
“Hey, I’m sorry about what happened earlier,” you begin. “Usually, those guys don’t touch my patients ‘cause they know what happens if they do—I’ll sock them right back— but it seems these ones were new. I’ll see what I can do about it, disciplinary actions or getting them barred from here or something.”
Brian smiles, letting out a huff of a laugh through his nose. “No need. I can see why they act like that. In prison…sometimes it’s necessary.” When that doesn’t seem to reassure you, he adds, “I’ve been through a lot worse. Trust me. It’s okay.”
You’re not reassured, not in the slightest bit. But years of experience with patients have taught you to go along with them. Forcing them in your own direction would do no good for either of you.
“If you say so,” is what your mouth and brain collectively settle on. “Doesn’t mean you should be treated like that, though. Any staff touches you, let me know.” You smile a little at the following thought, “Everyone knows not to touch the patients in my wing.”
That’s not to say you’re the head of the wing. You feel a little ick, even, at claiming that this is “your wing”. But seeing as patients leave the wing happy or even a little better than before, you think it’s fine.
“Are you three friends…?” You ask.
Brian replies. “Tim and I are. The third one, Toby, is new to, uh… us.”
Something tells you not to press it.
“Right then. That reminds me, I’ve gotta get around to Toby. Uh…,” You refer to the third one’s dossier. “Is calling him Toby okay, or should I be calling him Tobias?”
Brian’s eyes darken. “Don’t ever call him Tobias.”
So you enter Toby’s room, and make a mental note to never call him Tobias, because he could be dangerous if you do so.
I didn’t expect us to find the one so soon.
You enter Toby’s room and make a mental note to never call him Tobias, because he could be dangerous if you do so.
But it seems otherwise to you.
What sticks out to you, more of a concern than even his potentially murderous behavior upon being called his real name, is the bandage on his cheek. While Toby was indeed quiet at first, especially on your first visit, with small, retracted body language, knees pulled to his chin and short, quiet responses, he quickly warmed up.
After countless “yes, no, maybe, I don’t know”s, you insert an innocent, “You can call me any time for anything you need,” and his eyes light up. You think that perhaps he’s just lonely, and anticipate a lot of calls from him. 
And you’re right to do so, with him calling you for every little thing.
Every. Little. Thing.
“Y/N, I can’t tie the robe at the back…,” whines Toby as he half-heartedly reaches and grabs at the ribbon behind his back. 
“Okay,” you laugh, and reach out to tie it for him. And then, gently, he grasps your hand, perhaps to guide it to the ribbon. You’re not allowed to touch patients. But for him, for just this once, maybe you’ll let him. 
But he turns around to face you, brown eyes unreadable. 
“You really mean it, right? That I can call you for anything?”
You’re caught off guard by the whole thing. “Uh…,” You laugh nervously. “Yeah. Yes.” Before you’re about to blabber on in nervousness about why and how he should, he grins, eyes brightening a little.
“Great! I’ll see you later.”
He does, in fact, see you later.
To put it lightly, Toby calls you a lot. To put it bluntly, he calls you for a lot of stupid shit.
“Y/N,” he’d whine, dragging out the syllables of your name, “I’m bored!” So you give him a book. Then, you play a board game with him. Finally, you attempt to teach him biology, which a man his age should really not be marveling at, given the rudimentariness of the content you rattle off.
“Y/N,” he’d whine again, “I’m hungry!” And you’d tease, “You just had lunch, Toby.” 
“But I’m hungryyyyy!” He’d exclaim. “I get hungry easily. And I’m hungry now.”
You begrudgingly pull out a pack of Oreos from your pocket.
And now, it’s the 64th time, at the end of two weeks, and most likely the last time he’ll get to call on you like this. Though you’d usually begrudgingly heed his call and head over with a slight drag in your steps, you decide that today, now, you may as well entertain his silly little questions for the last time.
And so you knock on the door and enter upon his “Come in!”, bracing yourself for whatever nonsensical request he might make. 
A nonsensical request he makes indeed. “Y/N,” he mumbles, fidgeting with his hands. “Can you…uh… turn around for a moment?”
Never turn your back to a patient, not when they’re criminally insane. But today, now, your guard is down, and your brain somehow forgets that you might land yourself in danger.
You laugh, dismissing his silly request as “just a Toby thing”, and twirl around, only exposing your back for a moment. 
One second is all it takes. You only turn 180 degrees, barely a completion of your round.
You hit the floor with a thud.
note: sorry for all the page breaks. i promise it'll get better soon.
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ailithnight · 2 years
*Whoops. Forgot to title and link previous chapters. Fight me, I just woke up.
A King in Arkham
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
"Tim. Tim you have to get me copies of this footage." Tim is not surprised by the request. In fact, the 'Sure' is already on his tongue when he pauses, a thought creeping into his head, seeded by the notification Tim really hopes Jason isn't paying attention to in the bottom corner of the computer.
"One condition."
"Fuck you, I knew you'd want something. What? You want my cookies? Coffee? For Red Hood to go on camera singing praises for Red Robin? I'll fuckin do it. Just send me the god damn clips."
"Nope, nope, and tempting, but no."
"Name your price, Replacement. I'll pay it."
"Swear you aren't going to go rush in and extract the kid until we're done investigating him."
"What!? Fuck that! I told you was pulling him out next chance I get!" Tim lets himself groan in annoyance.
"Look, anyone that could do that-" Tim gestures to the part of the screen where they'd pulled up The Joker's medical reports following the incidents, showing pictures and descriptions of just how thoroughly Daniel had beat his ass 3 weeks in a row, "without getting so much as a scratch or fucking bruise in return, has got something going on. There may well be a reason they sent him to Arkham!"
Jason's eyes narrow at Tim as he all but growls, "No reason is good enough to put-"
"A fifteen year old in Arkham. I fucking know that, Hood. But we still need to know exactly who we're dealing with when we get him out. What his deal is. If his dangerous. What the hell was so wrong with him that someone thought it was a good idea to stick him in there to begin with."
"He could get hurt while we're sitting on our asses trying to satisfy fuckin Bat paranoia!"
"He took down the Joker! Clearly he can take care of himself."
"Then who has been hurting him!?"
"Maybe him fucking self!" Tim knew he was pushing it. The green growing stronger in Jason's eyes was proof. But he needed to buy them some time before Jason made thing exponentially harder by storming the castle. Still, now he needed to calm Jason down before he went into a full rage. So Tim held up his hands placatingly.
"A few days, Jay. Just give us a few more days. I'm already almost through the Arkham reports, and there are only a handful from Chicago and Oracle is probably going to announce any minute now that she got through the communications blackout around his home town. We just need a bit more time to sort out intel so that we actually know how to help him once we get him out."
Finally, after a tense 34 seconds, green fades back into blue and Jason let's out a heavy sigh.
"Fine. But I get to tell the Bat about Daniel's discipline slips. Wanna see his fuckin face when I do."
"Deal." Tim hurriedly puts a comm in as Jason watches with narrowed eyes.
Red Robin. Ready to fill me in?
Not yet, you're about to be busy. I isolated a pattern earlier. Exactly 15 minutes before the locks malfunction, there's been a strange power surge. Always written off. But the surge doesn't seem to be coming from the grid. And like I said, exactly 15 minutes later is when the locks malfunction.
Jason huffs as he catches on. Apparently he hadn't thought to question why Tim was so desperate to buy time before.
Robin responds, since he's on stakeout with Bruce. Mostly because Bruce won't let him watch the asylum alone. Much as the kid hates it, the rest of the family agrees. It's only a matter of time before someone in max security manages to take advantage of theses malfunctions. So far Croc is the only one who had, though thankfully he's not one to start shit on his own. But with Joker, Scarecrow, and TwoFace all inside; any one of them, or god forbid all three, could make for a real bad situation.
Tt. So you can tell before a malfunction happens.
Think so. Last power surge was 8 minutes ago.
And you are only telling us now, why Drake?
Cause he spent those 8 convincing me not to go get our kid out yet.
6 minutes. See if you can stop things before they start.
I'm not far out. Want me to join you?
Tt. I doubt we'll need your assistance, Signal. We shall be done before you get here.
No wait. Signal, head in. See if you can get a read on 26B.
You think he might be meta?
Jason glares at Tim betrayed.
"I wanted to see his fuckin face."
Tim just waves him off.
"They need to know. You tell them or I do."
Jason scowls, but relents.
He put the Joker in the infirmary on his 1st, 7th, and 15th days there. All 3 times took no damage himself. Feral child had to be pulled off and still didn't stop struggling till the clown was out of sight.
All 3 assaults followed by panic attacks, though whether about the Joker himself or what Daniel had done to him, we don't know yet.
The comms were silent for a moment.
A 15 year old...
Did what you've never had the balls to old man.
...I've fought the Joker.
Daniel hits first.
I will admit, it is impressive that he can take the Joker down alone. Perhaps he will make for a worthy brother after all.
4 minutes.
We're moving in. Thank you Red Robin, Hood.
The fuck are you thanking me for?
For helping. And giving us time to work this out.
ETA 7 minutes out. Be with you shortly.
The advanced warning proved invaluable for Batman and Robin. After alerting the chief of security of their supposed pattern, he had guards already in motion when the doors swung open. Batman took a perch to watch for max security escapees while Robin assisted the guards in keeping inmates corralled. Many didn't even bother to leave their designated areas, having already seen the Bats in the building.
No sign of any max security inmates. Normally, Batman would find this concerning. And while he did file it away to ponder later why no one from max security ever seemed to make it out of that wing, for today he counted the blessing that he would not have to try to keep Robin safe while dealing with someone like the Joker.
Batman tracked motion through the crowds, watching as a black mop of hair moved, seemingly otherwise unnoticed, through the sea of people. He thought to move in to direct the person back towards where people were being herded to, but the small figure merely walked towards the B wing and entered one of the far cells. That gave Bruce a sneaking suspicion of which patient that was. He moved to get a closer look as Signal swooped in.
"Where is he?"
"I believe he just went into his cell. This way." Batman led Signal to the cell he'd seen that tiny person enter. It was indeed 26B and there was indeed a small, too small, frail looking boy lying on the bed there. A red blotch had appeared under his left eye even though Bruce was certain there had been no injury there as the boy had crossed the hall.
Signal froze beside him, breath stuttering. The boy briefly glanced at them through the corner of his eye, mouth twitching into a brief frown. Then his eyes turned back to the ceiling and his face smoothed out. Bruce couldn't help but reach out.
"Hello." The boy said nothing. Signal opened and closed his mouth, seeming to try to say something, but unable to get words out. Batman wondered what he must be seeing. "You seem hurt. Do you need help?" Eyes flickered back to him and away just as quickly.
"Nothing you can help with Mr. Batman." And oh, how Bruce hated the kid's voice. So quiet and so so hollow. Bruce's mind flashed to his children, imagining any them speaking with such emptiness. His heart clenched, wondering what could have happened to this boy to have snuffed the life out of him so young.
Duke found his voice again, just as the doors buzzed and swung shut again.
"What are you?" Bruce frowned, looking at his latest. Who was looking, as Bruce tracked his gaze, not at Daniel but at the space just above him. Daniel himself seemed to take interest all of a sudden, breaking away his upward gaze to roll his head and look at them. Confusion plain on his face, the first hint of life shining dimly in his eyes.
"Signal? Signal, what do you see?" Batman asked. Robin materialized beside them. The daytime hero stepped forward, then back, light sparking and fizzling around his fingertips.
"There's something in there with him."
Daniel looked back up, where Signal still had his gazed trained on something Batman couldn't see. Even Robin seemed confused, though he no doubt trusted Signal's meta sight.
"Don't worry," Daniel murmured, "S'just a ghost. She can't hurt you."
This 'ghost' seemed unhappy either with the teen's words or this turn of events. Daniel's head snapped back to the side again, causing Batman and Signal to wince while Robin watched stoically. 4 red scratches appeared on Daniel's right cheek, as though he had been backhanded by someone with clawlike nails. A light chill brushed through him and Signal tensed, then relaxed, his gaze finally turning from the emptiness above Daniel to the boy himself. Batman took that as a sign that the... entity, was gone.
Daniel did not react to the obvious abuse from an invisible assailant. He mechanically turned his head back, once more dead and glazed eyes returning to the cracks in the ceiling of his cell. "You should go now. The guards will come around soon to make sure I'm still here."
Bruce wanted so badly to say 'Don't worry, we'll get you out of here.' But Batman was more restrained than that. He would get the child out. But he would have a plan first. For now, Bruce placed a hand each on the shoulders of Duke and Damien, guiding them away. Only when they were back outside did Bruce let them go. Only when they were perched on a rooftop half a block away did Batman pause.
"Robin, report."
"No escaped inmates and no sign of any from maximum security."
"Good. Signal, any information on what you saw in there." Duke rubbed at his eyes.
"A ghost, I guess? I don't know. It was weird. She didn't really have an aura. It was more like, an absence of aura. Like she was a black hole, drawing all the light in."
Even behind the domino, Bruce could tell Damien rolled his eyes.
"And what of the patient, Thomas? Was he not the one you were sent to look at?" Batman bit back the reprimand for codenames, more interested in Signal's response. Signal seemed to think for a moment, then shook his head.
"He definitely had a pretty distinct aura. It... felt powerful. But it looked weak. Dim. When the ghost... struck him, it flared up a bit, but died back down almost instantly. I... I get the feeling he was holding it back. Almost like he was afraid of it. Of himself."
"Hnn. Good job Signal. Robin. You two are welcome to head back to the cave. I'll take the rest of this Arkham shift."
At that moment, the comms crackled to life.
Actually B, you may want to come in, also. Arkham should be fine. And I found why they sent the kid there.
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conceiteddemon · 9 months
There were some little inconsistencies in the first Tide and Bone chapter that I’ve been gnawing on but I think I’ve pieced together the Maw’s plan that makes everything make sense with the new context given to us in the asylum directors letters.
Parts of the break in mission seemed too…smooth? It was bothering me that there was a screaming beast transformation followed by a murder/resurrection in the backyard and that none of the guards, who were explicitly stated to be on high alert and had timed periods of feigned casualness drilled into them, didn’t go check on All of that. And maybe guards who work for greyslate have seen/heard their inmates do some weird shit and have learned to look the other way as long as it happens within the bounds of the sanatorium, fine, but in the middle of the night? In the backyard?? It seemed pretty sus to me before I realized
The Maw and the Serious Man had set up a Candela investigator honeypot
Here are the facts:
1. Sarkas’ escape from the sanitarium went oddly smooth, RIGHT after he witnessed some magic bullshit go on. It went so suspiciously that Rajan theorized that he might have been let out.
2. Sarkas had no proof of what he saw other than his word. According to Matt, a lot of Candela cases turn out to be ‘a drunk guy’ or ‘neophyte woman making big deal out of nothing’ or ‘mob hysteria’, so when Sarkas, who was previously in an insane asylum and had a background as a distrusted OUP, came to Candela with nothing but his word, it seems set up to appear as Baby’s First Investigation. Nekari and Cosmo, who are both old hat, heard about this assignment and thought it seemed ‘routine’. A little parting gift walkabout for an incredibly old man.
3. The Maw seems to mainly prey on the vulnerable. It took Rajan’s sister as a child thrall, and attempted to take him as well. This is speculation but if the Serious Man knew Raj’s mother well enough to stroll around with her, then it’s likely that she was involved with the Occult. Combine that with greyslate being a place where they put OUPs out to pasture, and her line about the circle having her ‘favorite flavors’, it seems like her preferred thralls are those who have had bleed exposure before. Investigators are both strong and vulnerable, and would make great thralls because they haven’t been ‘used up’ like the inmates were.
4. The director’s letters stated that the Maw needed stronger thralls as the current ones burned out too quickly.
So we’ve got the perfect setup to nab a few grade-A thralls, people who are in a line of work where disappearances happen regularly, are susceptible to the Bleed, come with a host of issues to feed upon but aren’t ‘greyed out’ yet like the inmates are. It seems like the perfect plan! Nab a circle, get strong thralls to get digging, set up some misdirection on where the group disappeared to once they are brainwashed and you know more about them.
Unfortunately for them, Cosmo rolled up with a guy who knew EXACTLY what he was fighting and had a chestful of locusts, a monster woman to engage the enemy monster woman in a kaiju battle, a backup triage lady since the first triage lady was preoccupied monster battling, and another dude with a personal vendetta who literally physically cannot die.
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zepskies · 4 months
Series Masterlist - Every Second Counts
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Pairing: Russell Shaw x F. Reader
Summary: One date with your best friend’s brother leaves you wanting more, even though his questionable job and vagabond lifestyle make you want to guard your heart. When your brother falls into trouble, however, Russell is the first one you trust to help you find him. 
Song Inspo: "Machine" by Amber Run
AN: Here we are! The continuation series of A Line and a Half. Think of that story as a prologue, if you will. Because this road's about to get bumpy...
Series Tags/Warnings: (**18+ only!) Eventual smut, mentions of drug addiction, PSTD, blood and violence, hurt/comfort, and plenty of feels.
Prologue: A Line and a Half
Part 1: Permission Granted
Part 2: Family Reunion
Part 3: Timer Starts Now
Part 4: Mountain Man
Part 5: Damn Worth It
Series Complete
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Chapter 1 - Security breach
Note: My very own addition to Arkhamverse fics. The chapters would only loosely follow each other, so consider them to be more standalone ficlets. The reader is Catwoman's sidekick/adopted family with a bit of a background of her own. Special thanks to @thinkingofausername for discussing this fic with me. Adding @heavysighing-dreamyeyes and @deimks post-posting.
Warnings: mentions of abuse and torture
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You stalked through the dark and eerie corridors of Arkham Asylum. Weeks you have waited for this opportunity. After weeks of preparations, intel gathering and scratched furniture you’re finally here. You waited long for the perfect night, and it came today. The Arkham staff was busy locking Joker away and preening in front of Batman. They won’t even notice a small intervention. Funny, usually people would give everything to get out of Arkham Asylum. Not you though. There was someone locked away in the endless halls of the psych ward that you need to get out.
How could Selina be so careless?? Getting caught by Batman is one thing, but to get locked away in Arkham when usually she would outsmart the cops long before that would happen. Either she’s getting sloppy, or there’s more to it than meets the eye. More than worried though, you’re offended that she’s keeping things from you.
You were thieves, sure. Lying, stealing, conniving bitches… but you always had each other's backs. Ever since she found you curled up in a wet cardboard box in one of the nameless alleyways of Gotham City. The thought of her keeping things from you had you feeling uneasy.
You slinked through the vent into the much nicer corridor than the rest of the hallowed rooms in Arkham. This was a hallway leading to the director’s office. technically, you should have taken a different route through the ventilation system, but there was something you needed to take first. You’re sure Sel would more than appreciate this.
With the cameras momentarily disabled, you needed to be quick but as you walked through the corridor you heard voices getting closer. Quick as a wink, you leaped onto the ceiling, claws holding onto the wooden pilaster. You hoped the guards were stupid enough to not look up, you don’t have much time to play with them today.
Thankfully, the men armed with rifles stalked through the corridor pretty briskly, almost as if in a hurry.
Once the coast was clear, you dropped down onto the red carpet and looked around once more. Your tiny fleshlight dancing on the glass showcases.
You smiled in triumph once you found what you were looking for. The headpiece, the glasses, the gloves. All places are carefully arranged like a museum exhibit.
“Oh, a pressure-sensitive iron mantle, whatever shall I do?” You whispered to yourself dramatically before drawing a quick circle in the glass with your claws. You quickly watched the newly made glass disc as it fell out and started stuffing Selina’s belongings in your bag. Your pointy ears were perked for any upcoming sounds of danger but the place grew eerily quiet.
A shiver went down your spine. Something’s off. You couldn’t tell what but it was like a quiet before the storm.
Just as you were to hop on the ventilation bus once more you heard a voice through the speakers, and you’re as hell not one of the directors.
“Ladies and maniacs, I apologize for this interruption in your regular entertainment…”
Ah, fuck.
What seemed at first like the best night at infiltrating Arkham soon chose to be the worst. The asylum was on fire. There was no better way to say it. Joker took over the place and soon there were madmen everywhere. To your dismay, the shitstain also took over the security gates.
You kept running through the dark halls full of ingrates of the asylum and SWAT members, you weren’t particularly thrilled with meeting either of those. You sidestepped the bodies, trying to not ponder too much about the slaughterhouse you found yourself in.
Finally, you enter the Decontamination room, holding cells should be closed now. You hear some yelling as the room fills with prisoners.
“Oh, we’re gonna have with you, kitty cat.” One of them gives you a slimy sneer.
You smirk, “Oh, so do I.”
They all run up to you expecting and easy fight. Soon the room fills with their wails as your claws slice their flesh to ribbons. A well-aimed kick to the chest of one sends you flying onto the head of another. You use his head as a lever from which you kick everyone standing close. You bounce back off of him and let on your feet with grace. You straighten up hands raised but they’re all lying down. How disappointing…
A shadow passed over you and you recognize the bat-shaped cape. Shit, hopefully, he didn’t see you there. Relfexivelly you roll over to the next sliding door. The deeper you progress into the asylum the more you encounter green glowing graffiti of smiling faces.
Ugh. This is bad.
Thankfully she’s not in Extreme Isolation. Let’s see… section B2…section B2…
Your ears pick up on the sound of quiet, ragged breathing. All night, you heard the blasting of sirens, the thudding of boots, and maddened shouting. This is a new one. You keep listening to the stranger's stumbling steps, accompanied by strange shuffling. He must be leaning up against the wall.
You lower your head and raise your hands in a fighting posture, whoever it is they better not try anything funny. You hear them stumble, followed by a loud thud, then a small pathetic whine. You roll your eyes and round the corner. Whoever it is, they are more likely to threaten rats scuttling around than you, you just quickly knock them up and head to…
The moment your eyes lay on the stranger splayed on the floor, your stomach churns. It’s a man, rather small and frail one if you had to guess by the way the asylum uniform hangs on his body. A mop of matted, black hair sits on top of his head. Whatever skin you can see is either red or purple. You tentatively step closer, almost scared of what horrible things will closer proximity give you. At the sound of your heel clicking against the iron flooring, the stranger shakily pulls his head up, one blood-soaked eye staring at you in horror. He starts writhing uncontrollably, probably trying to shuffle away from you, but his body is so brutalized that all he can do is fumble in place.
“Hey…hey…calm down.” The soothing edge to your tone surprises even you, but it's hard to be intimidating when the man is so beaten up he might as well be a corpse.
Your words do not make him settle down, if anything, they agitate him even further. His movements get more erratic a quiet sobs that almost sound like a ‘no’ fall from his mouth.
You sigh. I don’t have time for this.
Nevertheless, you crouch in front of him, carefully placing your hands under his armpits to at least sit him against the wall. He tries to fight you, but there is no strength behind it. When you hold him so close, you note how bony he truly is.
“What the hell happened to you??” You mumble more to yourself than him, because at this point, you gave up hope of any conversation with him.
You grasp his chin, angling his face to get a good look at him. You try to keep your cool as you look upon a black eye so swollen you doubt he can see something, a broken nose, split lip, and sunken, bloodied mouth.
Your stomach lurches and you have to look away for a second, but then only draws your attention to the scarred arm desperately pawing at you. You notice a bloodied fingertip and upon closer inspection, you realize that this man’s nails were ripped off.
You have to squeeze your eyes for a moment, doing your hardest not to throw up or run away. You’ve seen your fair share of violence as Gotham’s criminal, but you’ve never encountered such blatant brutality.
The man’s ragged breaths bring you back to the present. Without further thinking, you put down the small backpack you brought with you and start pulling out the first aid essentials. You brought those for Selina, in case she’s roughened up from Gotham’s inmates, but whatever state she’s in, you doubt it’s as bad as this guy.
He’s mostly calm when you start wiping off the blood. No, not calm, unresponsive. He’s whole body is slack and he’s looking miles away, as if he’s mentally in a different place. Considering the naked fear in his eyes, it’s probably not a good place.
But you can’t do anything about that. You’re not a trained therapist. Hell, you’re not a trained medic, but here you are, wasting away precious resources on someone you don’t even know. Maybe he even won’t survive this night.
Yet, you continue. You find the reason behind his fall. His ankle is badly twisted. Thankfully you have experience with this type of injury.
“Uh, hey… your ankle is broken. I have to set it back. It’s uh…gonna hurt bad.” You shrug hopelessly because there’s no point in lying to him. Still, he doesn’t respond. You carefully lift his foot and place it against your thigh. You firmly grasp his ankle in one hand and his instep in the other and as quickly as you can, you twist. The bone falls back with a pop and he chokes out a painful wail. He tries to, at least. His scratched throat won’t allow more than broken wheezing. He probably wrecked his vocal cords from screaming and groaning.
You swallow bile in your throat and instead of dwelling on these thoughts, you start hauling him up. As you walk, you decide to drop this dude off somewhere safe, as safe as anywhere on Arkham island could be, and then speed off to Selina. Just a small detour. She spent two months at Arkham, she could wait another hour.
A bunch of criminals drop from the ceiling.
Or two.
Jason wasn’t sure if the girl was real, or if she was just another hallucination born from his broken mind.
This whole day could be just a dream. When the clown didn’t show up for his usual bound of torture, he assumed that the inmates of the asylum would take their turns with him. He had presented a perfect opportunity for anyone to have fun with him, with the injuries he sported from his last torture session, but the inmates he met on his way from his wing of the asylum, just passed him without even a glance. For whatever reason, that made his eyes sting with fresh tears. He’s not worthy of even that after all. Batman left him for dead, and so did Joker. What had kept him from curling up in a ball and waiting for death?
Because he waited for death for months now, and it didn’t come. Only pain pain and more pain on the top of sick games the clown played on him. He hoped that if not freedom he might as well end it on his own ends. Jason will greet the grim reaper halfway.
Instead of a skeleton with a scythe, he met a small girl with cat ears. And now said girl is throwing his barely functioning body onto a nearby hospital bed while Gotham's worst is running towards her with raised fists. Jason had to suppress the involuntary whimper that dragged its way through his throat. Too many times they walked up to him, tied to a chair, itching for a fight. This time, it wasn’t his nose getting smashed in or his head put in a swivel.
He watched as you beat up every single man who approached you, body fluid, and shoulders relaxed. Like a dancer, or a cat. One man that got too close to him got his throat garroted by your whip and thrown away like a rag doll.
A glint in the corner of his eye caught his attention. One of the prisoners feigned unconsciousness while he pulled a knife, drawn to stab you in the back while you were preoccupied with his friends. With the strength he didn’t know he had, Jason tackled the man with a yell. That surprised the ruffian enough to drop a knife, and he threw Jason to the ground like a pesky fly. Jay grunted in pain when his back hit the floor. The man stood over him but before he could do anything, a well-aimed kick pinned him to the wall beside Jason, and then he dropped to the ground.
“Nice work! We’ll make a sidekick out of you yet.”
Your voice was sweet. The amused and carefree lilt was so out of this place. No one has spoken to him like this since the Clown caught him. No one has touched him without intent to hurt him. Yet here, you are, pulling him flush to your soft body and once again walking him somewhere.
“You…real?” He looks at you through the bruising of his eye.
You adjust him against your side as you sneer down at him, “Your knight in black leather, sweetheart.”
That was the last thing Jason heard before he lost consciousness.
Carrying an injured man is fucking hard. Carrying an injured, unconscious man is even harder. You seriously considered dropping him off multiple times, but every time, you decided against it considering how much work it took to get him so far.
No good deed goes unpunished.
The network stopped working a while ago, so you had to rely on orientation signs and a few screens that still worked. You rounded the corner at the utility room. Once you make it there it should be easy. Based on what you remember from extensive studying of Arkham infrastructure, you should appear at the east of the island. You were a few feet from the door when the speakers blasted the voice of that disgusting clown. His bullshit didn’t phase you, the same can’t be said about your companion. The moment Joker’s deranged laughter reaches his ears, he completely freezes, and then starts trembling uncontrollably. It gets so intense he slips out of your grip and slides down the wall.
“Hey! No no no, not now!”
You tried to tug him up, to get him moving. But it was like his soul left his body. His breathing grew more ragged, the trembling got even worse, and a thin sheen of cold sweat coated his entire body. The man was losing control right in front of you, and you were hopeless at what to do.
Sudden frustration rose in your chest. Sel is somewhere out there, maybe hurt, definitely scared, even if she wouldn’t admit it. And you’re losing time with a man who can’t even…
Because the guy decided to lose it right under the corridor lightning, it’s the first time you see his face properly. His head lols down in defeat and that’s when you notice the letter J branded on his cheek. Fresh blood oozing from the wound, the flesh around it red and puckered. Suddenly things clicked into place. What other sick fuck would brand their name upon their victim's flesh? Several actually, at least when it comes to Gotham. But you knew only one whose name started with J. Your frustration went away.
“Listen to me… erm… what’s your name again?” No answer.
You grasp his shaking shoulders and shake him gently.
“You need to knock out of it. We’re almost out.” You try to sound as encouraging as possible, but he’s not moving or saying anything.
Instead of shaking him, you opt for taking his face in your hands.
“Look at me. Breathe.” He’s looking at you, but he doesn’t see you, eyes glazed over, bloody mouth slack-jawed.
You’re looking at this man, this boy, and wonder if he’ll ever get over the horrors he experienced in this place. If there’s even anything you can do to bring him back at this point.
Hopeless about what to do, you resort to the last thing that comes to your mind.
You kiss him.
It’s not fun, with all the blood and missing teeth, but despite it all, you notice his lips are stupidly soft and plump for an Arkham inmate.
At first, nothing happens. The shaking and labored breathing stops. You think he lost consciousness again, but when you pull away, his eyes are clear and present and he’s staring right at you.
“Now. Lets. Go.” You growl firmly as you wipe his blood from the corner of your mouth and the boy is in too much stupor to protest. He lets you take his hand and drag him towards the door.
When the cold, salty air hits your face, you almost collapse and your feet from relief. But at least one of you has to be the stable one. You take him by the shoulders and sit him on one of the concrete blocks lying around.
“Have you any idea how much time I lost because of you?!” You nagged him even as you pulled a water bottle out of your bag and pressed it to his lips.
“If you get out of here, you owe me big time.”
The guy is probably still recovering from that kiss because he was unresponsive again. At least this time you knew he was sane.
You sigh. No point standing there bitching.
“Either hide till sunrise or go to the port and sneak onto the boat. Think you can manage that? Scratch that, you don’t have any choice. I can’t coddle you anymore. I’m not here to be someone’s savior. I mean I am but not… you.”
You turn around if you take a shortcut over the buildings roofs, you should drop down to Selina’s cell unit. Hopefully, she hasn’t met Crock or Clayface on her way out.
Of course, the moment you turn away is the moment he decides to speak.
“Your… name?”
Your name? You do have one of those. The one you use as you scale rooftops and lockpick safes and break out dumb cat burglars.
With a cock of a hip and wink you blow him one last kiss.
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notlhecxzsa · 2 months
The Asylum Where I Was Raised - N.R
Summary: Born and raised inside a very privileged family clan has its pros and advantages. But, why does Y/n feel like the poorest child ever growing up? Will it ever change?
Author's Note: Here's chapter 1 of The Great War, hope you enjoy! This is 3,4k words.
Warnings: Deprivation of parental care, verbal abuse, physical abuse, violence, cursing, angst
3rd Person's POV:
"Who is that, Mama?" The small child with a fiery red hair asked her mother, who was sitting beside her on a very long table, having lunch with one of their family's closest friends.
Natalia has gotten used to these kinds of meetings and events, it was a way to keep their ties with their people stronger. At first, it was a blurry knowledge to her little mind, but as time passed by, it all came down to her, especially with her father's strong words and lessons.
The question caught the table's attention, the clattering of utensils against the plates was cut short, the ongoing conversation died down slowly as they looked towards the big backyard through the big glassy doors from the dining area of the monstrous house.
There was a pool outside, many trees and farther more is a huge vast amount of open space to do different activities. Somewhere along the scenery in front of them was a kid, a girl with two ponytails, wearing a pink princess dress and Mary Jane's shoes. If it weren't for the cute little dog and a worn out teddy bear, she would look almost utterly lonely.
"Oh my, is that Y/n? She has grown so much!" Melina, Natalia's mother, exclaimed with a shocked expression on her face, a smile forming on her face.
"It is her, yes." Phoveus, Y/n's father said with a straight tone. Natalia's ears perked up, she couldn't understand the tone the man had used, but she couldn't careless as her attention stayed on the younger girl.
Natalia is at the age of 12, already close to being a teenager. The kid could be somewhere around 7 or 8 years of age.
"Why isn't she dining with us?" Melina asked, turning her attention back to the table as they started eating again. She looked in between the two married adults, who they also claim as one of their closest friends. It has been so long since they got to see each other again, maybe that is why Natalia has forgotten about her ultimate best friend.
"Oh, well-..." Natalia looked back and averted her gaze to the woman, who she learned was Carmilla. "She already ate earlier, that kid has got a big stomach, she couldn't wait anymore for you." She watched as the woman cut into her steak while explaining. "Also, she has become a very shy girl, I bet she wouldn't even want to be here at this table." Letting out a chuckle that made Natalia's ear almost bleed with how fake it sounded.
All those years of having a very different type of education from other children, provided by her parents, had made Natalia so different from any other kids. It was also why her father had become so proud of her, of the woman she's becoming.
She is a very observant child, and it was no help to have such lessons on how to learn different people's expressions, attitudes, and actions. Turning to look back at the young girl, she saw her panting, dropping to the floor to sit beside her dog after running around with who seemed to be an invisible friend.
As she gazes at the girl, the clattering of utensils started again, along with the voices of her father and the man they were with. Her mother's voice invaded her hearing, "Do you not remember her, sweetheart?" Her mother asked, and she frowned, turning to look up at her.
She thought for a moment, too long that she forgot to answer her mother as the woman at the table got her attention before she could even come up with an answer. She couldn't seem to put a finger on it, but after the question her mother had thrown, there was a familiarity that surged through her.
Looking back at the girl, she stood up, averting her gaze to her father. "Can I go play with her, father? Please?" She asked, once again all the attention went to her.
"How about you ask her parents, Natalia?" A small lopsided smile formed on Alexei's face, motioning her head towards Carmilla and Phoveus.
She blinked and swallowed a lump in her throat, clearing her throat before she started to speak. "Can I play with your kid, Mister Y/L/N and Mrs. Y/L/N?" Alexei looked so proud, seeing her daughter fearless, not shying away like a normal child as she stood tall.
"Of course, you can darling. If anything happens, tell us quickly, alright?" Phoveus agreed, nodding her head.
Natalia thought about how he sounded like the kid might do something rude, which Natalia won't fall for, she can see with her own eyes how harmless the kid is. And, if she ever was hurt by you, she can clearly protect herself.
Natalia thought nothing of it before replying with only a nod of her head and muttering an appreciation. She turned on her heels, ready to leave before the delicious cupcake on her plate caught her attention, taking it in her hands, Natalia made her way outside.
"Tammy, no!" She heard before that cute little giggles were caught by her hearing, she almost unconsciously smiled as she looked towards the girl who was sitting down with so much curiosity in her eyes.
She saw the dog licking the girl's face, with that, freely, she let herself smile unconsciously. So cute, she thought before shaking her head to get rid of the thought.
"Lucy will go mad at me again for getting very dirty, TamTam. Let's play no more, okay?" She heard, once again, the small voice that makes her stomach churn in a good way.
"Hey..." She started, stopping just a few feet away from the girl. If I was a killer, she'd be so dead by now with how oblivious she is around her surroundings, she thought.
She saw how the girl jumped in surprised, quickly turning to look at her, clutching her teddy bear before standing up. The little poodle ran up to her, looking alerted by the new presence and somehow ready to surge to protect her owner.
Natalia only scratched its head with her one hand, looking down at it as the smile on her face grew.
"Who are you?" Natalia's attention averted once again, looking up she finally saw the girl's face clearly.
If she was cute in Natalia's mind earlier, god, right now she might be the angel that Natalia has first ever seen. With her doe eyes, small plump lips and flustered cheeks, Natalia could almost feel her heart pump so hard that it almost started to hurt.
She watched as the girl's eyes averted to the cupcake she was holding, before it was met by her own eyes again.
"I'm Natalia, you're Y/n, right? Your parents said I could play with you." Natalia explained in a very gentle manner. No, she had never talked like that to her family.
She saw how Y/n's eyes stayed on the cupcake for a while before answering. "Really?" Her high pitched voice muttered, looking up at Natalia with curiosity in her eyes.
"Yes-" Natalia was cut off when a voice came out in the middle of nowhere, a middle aged woman who seemed to be at the age of her mother, wearing a maid uniform came walking in a fast pace towards Y/n.
"Oh god, you child! How can you go out that fast- Oh look at you! You're already dirty, you just had a shower! Your mom's gonna kill, me, peanut!" The woman rambled, bending down to Y/n's level, wiping her sweaty face with a soft handkerchief.
Natalia studied her for a while, figuring that she's no harm and seemed to be the maid of the younger kid in front of her. She saw a small guilty smile formed in Y/n's face, before the dog that was by her feet surge to the woman, licking wherever its tounge can reach.
"But- but, Tammy wanted to play, Lucy!" The girl reasoned out, Natalia almost smiled with how dumb it sounded. A dog can't talk, stupid.
"Right, missy. It's Tammy's fault again, huh?" Natalia watched the banter in front of her, figuring that it's a usual event that happens from time to time.
"Oh, I see you've got someone here? Who is she, hmm?" Natalia watched the woman turned the small child around, facing her, as she put another towel on the small child's back inside the most pinkish clothes that Natalia has ever seen.
"She's my new friend!" Y/n started, and Natalia frowned. They just met and did not yet started to play together, how can she be her friend, Natalia thought, but said nothing. "Mommy and Daddy said we could play, Lutsy!" She almost chuckled hearing the lisp that was let out as she observed how Y/n's eyes gaze at the cupcake in her hand once again.
"Oh well, I hope you had fun playing with my baby." The woman smiled warmly towards Natalia and she replied with a nod, not saying anything. "You seemed to have grown so much already, Natalia. It is nice to see you again, but, sadly Y/n her has got some lessons to do. You guys can play again later, alright?" The woman rambled as she picked Y/n up, probably knowing that Y/n will fussed and ran away.
Natalia frowned, wanting to protest but the woman was already turning around. "Wait!" Natalia blurted out, looking at Y/n who was also looking at her already.
She ran up to her side, holding up the cupcake. "Do you want it?" She saw how Y/n's eyes widen along with a smile on her face before practically leaning in immediately, taking the cupcake in her hands, licking the sweet icing on top of it.
Natalia couldn't help but notice a bruise on her small arm, a cut on the other that seemed to be healing already, again, she didn't say anything, only frowning until Lucille started to talk.
"Oh, sweetheart. That's so nice of you, Y/n! What do you say?" Lucille asked the young woman in her arms with a smile plastered in her face.
"Thank tyuo..." Y/n mumbled around the cupcake, her attention only on the sweet food in her hands.
Natalia unconsciously, once again, smiled. Her heart had never felt this warm until now. "Natalia... My name's Natalia, Y/n." She said softly, looking up at the younger kid.
The kid only nodded, smiling down at Natalia with her eyes brightening.
"Well, we should get going. Promise, you guys will have more chance to play, alright?" Lucille bargained, hoping to not keep the tutor waiting.
As they walked away, Natalia kept her eyes on Y/n, with Y/n doing the same while muching the cupcake she just received from someone that made her happy for a small amount of time. Finally, she had a friend. Or, that's what her little mind thought so, having to grow up in a very secluded and be protected too much.
But, in all, for her, she had a friend to play with. She only read those in the books she was almost forced to read. Sometimes the books that Lucy will read to her before bedtime. She just hope she gets to play with Natalia the girl with a red hair more soon! She has a really pretty hair, Y/n thought.
Natalia sighed, turning around to gaze at the place that Y/n was playing on. Frowning as she saw something, before her name was called out.
With a hope in her heart to see her again soon.
"Shhh, I know, sweetheart, I know. Come on, we need to get you up to your room, your parents will be mad if they saw you here." Inside the maid's quarter is crying sixteen year old Y/n. Lucille comforted the child, her heart breaking as she hear the helpless whimpers and cries of the kid that grew up in her arms.
It's so heart shattering, and how she cried so quietly was enough to build a lump on Lucille's throat. After all those years of being treated like a prisoner in a world she did not deserve to live in, Lucille's heart warmed at the reality of how Y/n could still keep her heart and sould despite of everything.
"Can't I sleep here only for tonight, please?" Lucille's heart couldn't break more at the sound of Y/n's voice breaking, keepting it low down quiet, almost sounding like a whisper.
She cupped the younger one's bruised cheek, a cut on the side of her lips and a couple more bruises already forming on her arms.
"Darling, you know that's impossible. Remember what happened last time?"  She said softly, slipping her fingers through the soft shiny hair of Y/n.
She felt the kid nodding, another quiet sob coming out of her, followed by a whimper.
"My head hurts so much, Luce. I-I think Dada also broke my pinky." Holding up her hand, Lucille saw how it was bent slightly, finally taking notice on the black and blue color on her wrist.
"Oh baby, don't worry, I'll make it better, alright? We just need to go to your room first to clean you up, yeah?" With a nod, she helped the young woman stand up, the lack of shoes broke Lucy's heart once more.
"Here, sweetheart. Wear this." Taking out another pair of slippers, she helped her put it on, like she always did when Y/n was still a child.
"Will you sleep there with me, Lulu?" Her heart warmed at the nickname, and she smiled sadly as she guided the girl up to her room, taking notice how the kid tensed up as they reached the living room, looking for an invisible monster that might come out of nowhere.
"Baby, you know I can't..." She said softly.
"What about Tamtam?" She can feel and see how helpless the little girl looked, she wants- no, need someone to be with her. By her side.
No kid should ever feel like this, experience like this, especially coming from their parents. God, if she just had the privilege of having a family and a child of her own, she would make sure to give her all. Like what she does to Y/n right now.
"Sure, darling. Tamtam can stay with you, just not up in your bed, alright?" Lucille said, and with a nod from thw younger one, she left a comforting kiss on her head.
"Good girl, peanut."
She felt so much anger towards her bosses, she know she's not in place to feel like this. But, as Y/n grew up, it is becoming harder to just stay put and watched it all unfold in front of her.
May it be a fight between to married couple, a problem on their business or literally anything, it's always taken out on their child. God, how cruel can they be?
"Mama?... Mommy?" The sixteen year old kid called out, pushing gently and slowly the office of her mother. Excited for her mother to see how well she did in her tutoring class, while a canvas of painting on the other hand, wanting to give her mother a gift.
There was no occasion, it is one of the young woman's love language, gifting handmade gifts for everyone she loves dearly. It's one of the things that the maids in their house, along with the big bulky bodyguards who she made friends with, really adored about her. Their heart warming at the appreciation for hard work they are receiving, especially, for Lucille.
Lucille thought that no money from the child's parents could ever go beyond the gifts she was receiving from the youngling.
She heard faint noises from the inside, but she continued pushing slowly. Upon opening, she caught the view of her father, throwing things around in the air, her eyes landed on her mother who was looking so disheveled sitting on the office chair.
"You're such a fucking whore, do you know that? How many time have you fucked that bitch, huh?-" Her father's booming voice made her flinch, even with the thousands of times that she was already met by the sound, she's still not very used to it.
"Oh, stop! Don't act like you weren't fucking that secretary of yours, huh? Do you think I didn't know that?" Her mother replied, still, she went unnoticed by the both.
With her heart thumping, she bit her lips, not clearly understanding what was happening. Frowning as she stepped towards her father who was standing closely to her, holding the paper and the painting in one hand as she reached out with the other.
"Dada?..." With only two tugs of her father's shirt, she was met with a very hard push after her hand went flying away from her father's wrist.
The things she was holding cluttering on the floor as her lips wobbled.
"Hey!... don't hurt her!" She heard her mother shouted, she sounded like she was scared in Y/n's head, but she just hesitated.
"Fucking bitch, get out! The adults are talking, Y/n. Do you want to go to the black room again? Huh?" Her eyes widen with tears, before shaking her head vigorously.
"N-No..." She muttered with her voice shaking, almost coming out as a whimper. She wanted to turn around and get out, but it seemed like she was stuck from where she was standing.
"Fuck you, Phoveus! Come here, Y/n. Don't you ever come near that man again." A hand gripped her forearms, she let out a small yelped, but it was ignored as she was practically dragged outside, tears clouding her vision, no idea where they were heading before she was pushed away.
Closing her eyes, waiting for the impact of something hard, only to be met by a pair of awaiting arms whom she grown to find comfort in.
"Shhhhh, come on. I'm here, no one's gonna hurt you again, peanut. I'm here, alright? I'm not leaving."
"Tammy! No, baby, you can't eat that. That's my paint brush, you crazy dog!" Exclaiming with a smile on her face is the nineteen years old daughter of the married couple inside the Y/L/N manor.
Underneath the willow tree where all her endless summer and winter was spent, she painted different things that caught her eyes. Accompanied by her dog that had grown up a lot from the past few years.
A cast on her arm made her frown, feeling it graze on her skin in the most uncomfortable way. It is such a bother for her living, especially when she is painting. Sighing sadly, she continues painting the birds that had flown across the huge backyard they have. Humming to a random tune that would come up in her mind, a glasses that she rarely wears, perked up on her nose.
She used to have such an amazing vision, until an accident forced her to live having a spectacle. She rarely wears it, only when a familiar headache would spike through her head, along with her vision slightly blurring.
"Y/n?" She looked up, along with Tammy, who ran immediately towards the maid that was walking towards them.
"Yes, Lucy? I'm just painting here..." She said, quick to explain what she does. The woman look down on where the younger on was sitting, shaking her head, choosing to ignore the unnecessary explanation she just received.
"I know, peanut. Come inside, there are visitors that just came in, your parents want you to be with them." Lucille explained, bending down to clean up the things that was scattered on the ground, with Y/n immediately leaning in, on her knees, helping her caregiver.
"Why would they want me to be there?" She asked, her voice lacing with so much curiosity. It was not normal for her parents to want her by their side when visitors would come in.
Lucille hesitated, she was formally informed of what the future holds for the kid that grew up in her arms. Having a high position inside the manor, and being the caregiver for the child whom the parents trusted the most. "Just come inside, alright? Make sure to composed yourself and look presentable." Y/n frowned, hearing Lucille's voice with an edge lacing through it. It wasn't her usual tone, but she said nothing, only nodded as they made their way inside the mansion.
"Will you be there, Lucy?" A question that the woman had grown accustomed to.
"Of course, peanut."
Author's Note: Finally posted the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed!
Tags: @natsxwife @esposadejoyhuerta
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