#astrology and Tarot
tarotwithavi · 1 year
North node and what you're here for
North node represents your destiny, what your here for and your spiritual purpose.
For entertainment purpose only.
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North node in 1st house : you're here to find yourself. You might have a hard time understanding yourself and might not know basic things about yourself. Like when you were born etc. You're here to serve a spiritual purpose and help other find themselves as well as yourself.
North node in 2nd house : you're here to find wealth and prosperity and this doesn't always mean material wealth or material abundance. You're here to find the true meaning behind wealth and here to make your own meaning of wealth orwhat you think real wealth is.
North node in 3rd house : you are here to learn how to communicate your thoughts and feelings. You might have neglected your thoughts and didn't communicate well in your past life or even in your younger days. You're also here to help other express themselves too.
North node in 4th house : You're here to find your soul family too and to clear the debt you guys have together. Most females with this placement became house wife and males look after their family most of the time. It can also mean that your main focus is going to be family. Or creating a home environment is important for you.
North node in 5th house : you are here to express authentic self. You might have had to life under constant pressure of what you should be Or you should do in your past life. You might have been a royal in your past life. So to say you are here to be what you want to be .
North node in 6th house : you are here to provide service and be helpful to people . You might have been to secretive or might have been seriously ill in your past life. So as a result of that you're here to provide help to people. You might work as a social worker too.
North node in 7th house : you are here to learn about relationships and partnership. You might been too much independent or you didn't have much relations with people or simply didn't care to carry them. So as a result you are here to learn about relationship with others.
North node in 8th house : in your past life you might abused your power or you were abused by someone powerful, so to balance that out , you are here to learn about power and transform yourself. You are here to learn how powerful you are and learn to use that power.
North node in 9th house : you are here to find beauty of life and your own philosophy of life. You might like to write poems or songs yourself. You might even question what's real and what's not. This placement can also make you not believe in God.
North node in 10th house : you are here for fame and to make name for yourself! In your past lives you might have been too much involved with your family that you didn't have a name yourself or no identity so to say. You might even be know for your family and not yourself.
North node in 11th house : you are here to be a part of the community that makes changes for the best of humanity. In you past lives you might have neglected you responsibilities as a member of society. So to balance things out, in this life you will help humanity/society to became better.
North node in 12th house : you are here to be humble and let go of your ego. One of the main lessons of your life would be to not let your ego get to you. In your past life you might have been egoistic. And we all know we gotta balance things. You are also here to reconnect with spirituality.
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saylessastrology · 1 year
Astrology Observations - Natal Placements
Pisces/Pisces Venus are some of the most dedicated lovers in the zodiac, sometimes to a fault
Taurus Mars may move slower than other signs but once they are activated their determination is unmatched! They are in it for the long hall
Scorpios are extremely protective of their emotions and secrets. Don’t try to get to know a scorpio dominant person too quickly or you will be left out i the cold
Capricorns don’t play about their money! They are the entrepreneurs and bosses of the zodiac. Every Capricorn I have met had this go getter side hustle energy! If they want something they will work to get it
Gemini’s love compliments almost as much as Leo’s do. They go out of their way to educate and enlighten others with the massive amount of information. However if this information is not reciprocated or received with gratitude, Gemini will feel insecure and fall back,
Ex: playing your friend a new artist you found and them not liking the song lol
ALL LIBRAS/LIBRA RISINGS ARE ATTRACTIVE! I don’t understand the science behind this but it’s true! They have a natural glow about themselves that makes them easy on the eyes.
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adorastarot · 1 year
A message from BTS for you - Mini reading
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Hii everyone and welcome to my second PAC reading! Today we are asking for a message from BTS for you <3 I hope that this PAC reading will help you understand the present better and help move towards the future that you want to manifest!
How to choose a pile: Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Ask the universe if there is a message that you need to hear right now. You may either hear a number or be drawn to a pack once you open your eyes! If the message doesn't resonate then it may not be for you.
♡ Want a personal reading? Check out my Ko-fi
Pile 1
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2 of cups, king of wands, the hanged man, knight of wands, 7 of pentacles
Jin & Namjoon are stepping up for this message, the colours are red, orange and yellow. The energy feels very vibrant but calm?! They’re not excited per se, they just want to be present today and help light a fire in you. 
“Slow down when it comes to romance, not every frog will turn into a prince charming (not everyone can be as handsome as me *wink* - Jin) You may be trying too hard right now to find your other half, might be giving chance after chance to people who aren’t worthy of you. You have to take a break, otherwise, you will end up sacrificing the most important things to you - love, integrity, passion and stability in exchange for the desire that lasts a couple of days. Time is not running out, people sometimes are not what you expect them to be. You will find your soulmate one day, but you have to be ok with your own journey first. Do you love yourself? Even just a bit, even if it’s just some days.  What kind of life are you creating? You have put so much work into this - not sit back and enjoy the things that you have achieved. For some of you - what’s the worst that can happen if you stop looking for love? What if you never get married, but find the love of your life tomorrow? Would you be ok with this?
Pile 2
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The devil, 8 of swords, knight of cups, 4 of swords, 9 of pentacles
Jimin and Hoseok are coming forward for this one and Yoongi wants to be present but is choosing to stay in the background. The energy of this reading is a bit more…closed off. Associated colours are black, dark blue, royal blue, deep grey.
“The only thing stopping you right now is yourself. You are stopping yourself from achieving greatness but do you even realise you are doing it? Why are you scared? I have your back, we are all here for you so just give it a try. What’s the worst that can happen? You may need to work on attachment and codependent relationships in your life. It’s time to choose heart over wisdom. Be free?! Free yourself of everything that is holding you down. Be careful with those around you - your support group. The people around you can either build you up or knock you down so please make sure that you0 have people around you that deserve to have you around. Even if at times you feel alone, I am here.” You know that video of Jimin saying something like - there is someone here in the city of Seoul who understands you? That’s the image that is coming through, that is what Jimin is wearing and the way he is sat during this message. “Sleep, make sure you sleep better and take the time to relax, enjoy life a little bit more”
Pile 3
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Death, knight of pentacles, 2 of swords, 5 of cups, queen of wands
Ok so Taehuyng wants to take this one by himself ahaha his energy right now is very…beige ahahaha that’s the energy of this reading, very pastel-y colours, pastel yellow, pastel blue, pastel purple. He is sat down ready to talk with his face leaning on one hand.
“This is different, right? Did you expect something like this? Oh the amount of change you have been going through this year. You are like a phoenix rising from the ashes. You can’t remember the person that you were in 2022 can you? That’s ok. Take it slowly, baby steps, one step at a time. Let the sadness in your heart become the art of life, let it become your inspiration as you move forward and discover your true self. Be sad, cry if you have to, but at times remember to cry out of happiness too! Try to have those moments of so much happiness that you can’t help but let it all out.  You are a force to be reckoned with. Take your time and feel every single emotion as the clock won’t go back and you won’t be able to experience the same thing twice.
Sending all the love your way <3
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soaringwide · 4 months
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Astrological Associations of the Tarot Major and Minor Arcana - Cheat Sheet
As someone who dabbles in astrology (and lightly in planetary magic), I recently decided to include the astrological correspondence of the Golden Dawn for the tarot in my practice and I found it to be an amazing additional information in some cases.
For example, when you need an idea of timing, or when you need to define a person and their ''vibe'', or add a layer to the meaning of the cards. Particularly useful for Court cards which are notoriously hard to understand.
This is merely a list of correspondences or association and will not go into detail about the whys, because there are many different opinions on this depending on the author and time period. So this is just a synthesized version of what I personally use. I also need to point out that I use the RWS tarot mostly, not Thoth (although it was my first deck and I really need to get back to it at some point). So if you want to dive deeper, please visit the forum thread that has interesting discussions. For Minor Arcana, here from Biddy Tarot. For the Court cards specifically, here is what I found.
Note for the Court Cards: Pages are just their element in the most youthful/undeveloped form. The other Courts have two signs, that's because they rule the last 2 thirds of the signs + the first third of the next sign. It's a bit hard to wrap your head around but it adds necessary depth to their meaning.
It's cross-posted on my blog, with the addition of a visual I made as a reference you can download or print. Also on Pinterest and Instagram.
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The Fool - Uranus The Magician - Mercury The High Priestess - Moon The Empress - Venus The Emperor - Aries The Hierophant - Taurus The Lovers - Gemini The Chariot - Cancer Strength - Leo The Hermit - Virgo Wheel of Fortune - Jupiter Justice - Libra The Hanged Man - Neptune Death - Scorpio Temperance - Sagittarius The Devil - Capricorn The Tower - Mars The Star - Aquarius The Moon - Pisces The Sun - Sun Judgement - Pluto The World - Saturn
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Ace: Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius II: Mars in Aries III: Sun in Aries IV: Venus in Aries V: Saturn in Leo VI: Jupiter in Leo VII: Mars in Leo VIII: Mercury in Sagittarius IX: Moon in Sagittarius X: Saturn in Sagittarius Page: Fire Knight: Sagittarius + Scorpio Queen: Aries + Pisces King: Leo + Cancer
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Ace: Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces II: Venus in Cancer III: Mercury in Cancer IV: Moon in Cancer V: Mars in Scorpio VI: Sun in Scorpio VII: Venus in Scorpio VIII: Saturn in Pisces IX: Jupiter in Pisces X: Mars in Pisces Page: Water Knight: Scorpio + Aquarius Queen: Cancer + Gemini King: Pisces + Libra
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Ace: Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius II: Moon in Libra III: Saturn in Libra IV: Jupiter in Libra V: Venus in Aquarius VI: Mercury in Aquarius VII: Moon in Aquarius VIII: Jupiter in Gemini IX: Mars in Gemini X: Sun in Gemini Page: Air Knight: Aquarius + Taurus Queen: Libra + Virgo King: Gemini + Capricorn
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Ace: Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn II: Jupiter in Capricorn III: Mars in Capricorn IV: Sun in Capricorn V: Mercury in Taurus VI: Moon in Taurus VII: Saturn in Taurus VIII: Sun in Virgo IX: Venus in Virgo X: Mercury in Virgo Page: Earth Knight: Taurus + Leo Queen: Capricorn + Sagittarius King: Virgo + Aries
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ghostlyferrettarot · 1 month
what's ur opinion about 13th zodiac sign?
Hello! I personally dont see Ophiuchus as another zodiac signs, although i understand those who does!
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lightningwildflower · 2 years
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nexusofsorcery · 10 months
Master the Art of Reading Tarot Cards: How To Guide
Welcome to the mystical world of tarot cards, where the art of divination meets self-discovery. Whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned practitioner, learning how to read tarot cards can bring clarity, insight, and personal growth. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the basics of tarot, choosing and caring for your deck, cleansing and charging your cards, getting to know tarot…
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sacredsyns · 1 year
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New Moon at 22° Virgo 8:40p Central
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moongazinghare1111 · 1 year
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🦀Some Chariot cards to close out Cancer Season🦀
Success, ambition, hard work, determination, direction, willpower, victory, a physical journey, action, control, focus, overcoming obstacles, self discipline, control, drive, confidence
Lack of control, forcefulness, inability to start, lack of direction, aggression, obstacles, coercion, procrastination, opposition, powerlessness
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tarotlogy · 2 years
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(Please Note, The Personality Profiles Below, and attached, are Based on the Archetypal Zodiac Types for Tarot Reading Purposes. Most People have a mix of several Zodiac Signs based on Their Astrological Birth Chart and are not solely one Sign.)
      Ruled by the Planets Venus, Mercury and Saturn the Earth Signs are the most down to earth Signs of the Zodiac. They are practical, hard-working, methodical, reliable, determined and renowned for their stability.  They are lovers of nature, animals, and are strong environmentalists.  Earth is the domain of the material world, and those governed by it will want to enjoy all that it yields, especially money, and all the benefits that come with having plenty of it.   Without the Earth Signs around, nothing would get finished, built, produced or maintained. Fine detail would be overlooked and quality under-valued. The Earth SIgns are renowned for their love of luxury, music and art even if they are sometimes seen by others as dull and serious.
Taurus – Warm, loving, sensuous and good-looking. They are hard workers, extremely committed to whatever they do and to their family. They like the good things that money can buy.  Luxury, comfort, good food and wine are a must. They are nature and animal lovers. They have a tendency to be possessive, and sometimes overly so.
Virgo – Critical, analytical, intelligent and prudish. They are excellent at expressing themselves and communicating their needs. They have a tendency to be cleanaholics and overly fussy. Highly critical of all around them, they can readily turn this trait in on themselves too. They are often their own worst critics and can have a very low opinion of themselves.
Capricorn – ambitious, determined, single-minded and materialistic. They are committed to their partners, but may appear more married to their career. Family often gets neglected in favour of work. They take little time out for fun and are extremely cautious where money is concerned. They are driven by the need for financial security.
The Four Earth Signs in the Tarot are represented by The Pentacles, except for Virgo which is represented by the Queen of Swords:
Taurus – The King of Pentacles, Four of Pentacles
Virgo – The Queen of Swords(could be represented by any other Court Card if the profile description fits), The Hermit
Capricorn – The Knight of Pentacles, The Devil
The Queen of Pentacles although not listed above for the three Earth Signs, can represent any of the Earth Signs, although is typically associated with Libra.  The Page of Pentacles can represent any of the Earth Signs too but if the person is over the age of 22 years, they are bound to be showing signs of immaturity. They may also be feeling young at heart.  The Page can also be a representation of their childhood.
Remember that these are just guidelines and the Pentacle Court Cards can represent any of the other 12 Zodiac Signs, but the person represented will definitely be displaying personality traits or aspects of the Earth Element.  Once the profile fits, regardless of the person being a Gemini or an Arien, they will obviously have a lot of Earth in their personality make-up.  This display of Earth may be transient or fixed.
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(Please Note, The Personality Profile Below is Based on the Archetypal Taurus for Tarot Reading Purposes. Most People have a mix of several Zodiac Signs based on Their Astrological Birth Chart and are not solely one Sign.)
Ruling Planet – Venus
Duality or Gender – Feminine
Triplicity or Element – Earth
Quadruplicity or Quality – Fixed
Body Areas – Neck, throat and thyroid gland
Stone – Emerald
Colours – Pale blue, green or pink
Tarot Correspondences – Heirophant, King of Pentacles, Knight or Four of Pentacles
Taureans have an obsession with having things, not just any things, but rather expensive and luxurious things. They are born with a need to own and possess. This need to own and possess sometimes includes people.  They also have a deep desire for stability and security, both physically and financially, and will go to unbelievable lengths to secure it.  For the Taurean, security generally means financial security and once they have plenty of money, they generally feel happy and balanced. They will however, work very hard for what they earn. Generally the Taurean will set out a well thought out, long-term career and life plan when quite young. They will slowly and methodically, work their way towards it, keeping their goal firmly in sight and their focus un-wavered.
Taureans love to surround themselves with all the wonderful things money can buy, as this makes them feel safe and secure. However, there will be no squandering of money. Taureans do have a reputation for holding onto money and looking after it well, be it in investments, secure long-established savings plans or pensions. They will certainly have planned well for their future and will not be caught without a substantial life assurance, pension plan and medical insurance cover. They are natural house-keepers and are born with a budget they stick rigidly too.
Some may view the Taurean as being overly materialistic, but it is just their way of feeling safe and secure. Remember, they are prepared to put in the hard work and effort that is required to establish financial security. They rarely look for hand-outs from friends or family as they like to rely on their own resources.
Taureans are extremely reliable and dependable. Then will turn up when they say they will, and if they say they will do something for you, you don’t have to have any doubts as to it getting done.  Diligent, methodical and thorough, they will spend as long as it takes to complete the task. In fact, it’s often those tedious long drawn out tasks that are gladly handed over to Taureans by their fellow Zodiac Signs, who find them dreadfully boring to deal with. Taureans  however, can play things too safe, and generally want a guarantee of a particular outcome before they venture into it. Anything that has a risk element attached to it will be avoided at all costs. As a rule, Taureans don’t like taking any sort of risk or gamble. This trait although admirable, may find them getting set in their ways and very stubborn.  Creatures of habit and rituals, they are not fans of spontaneity. They may miss out on some wonderful opportunities as a result.
Taureans are loyal to their friends and can be very charming. They are also renowned as being the most beautiful Sign in the Zodiac.  They are often good-looking and have great bodies. They do however, love good food and good wine so need to work hard to maintain their weight. It can easily pile on when the Taurean is looking the other way. However, they tend to have a healthy respect for what they put into their bodies, and being a strong Earthy Sign, enjoy vegetables, fruit and organic foods.
Taurus is ruled by sensual and loving Venus, so when it comes to affairs of the heart they can be extremely romantic, and with their natural charm and good looks, will never be short of admirers. When they do get attached, they have no problem parting with some of their hoarded cash on expensive dining out, holidays in luxury hotels and extravagant presents. When it comes to love, Taureans really do not have a problem spending.
Their strong sensuality will make them excellent lovers, as well as being caring and considerate. However, once a relationship has been established it can turn sour very fast if possessiveness is allowed in the door. You see Taureans will consider their partner to be one of their possessions or belongings. He is my man, she is my woman for example.  They can watch their partner closely and won’t take too well to other men/women stopping to have a casual chat with their partner. So much more will be read into it, and dark clouds can rapidly appear. Generally peace-loving and slow to anger, the ‘bull in the china shop’ can appear if pushed too far. Thunderous rows and accusations can follow.
When their partner announces or hints at the fact that they are unhappy, the Taurean will often be confused.  They can place possessions ahead of people.  As a result,  they can believe they are fulfilling their role as a caring partner by providing a luxurious home and all the trappings that go with it. Their things, make them happy, but they may not understand why the same is not true for their partner. Being their true old stubborn self,  they may be reluctant to address problems within the relationship.
When Taureans do eventually settle down it will be with a partner who shares their appreciation of the good things in life. The settled Taurean enjoys the comfort and emotional stability of family life, and all the routine and traditions that go with it. However, the Taurean preoccupation with making money can have them working 24/7 which will leave them precious little time for family. They generally don’t understand why the family may not be happy with this set up. This is because they generally do not view their work as a necessary evil that has to be got out-of-the-way so that bills can get paid. They rather enjoy being in work. They are not clock watchers so hours can disappear quite quickly while they are beavering away.
The Taurean parent will shower their partner and kids with the best of everything. Their house will be amazing and beautifully decorated. Even the animals, which are so beloved by Taureans will live in the lap of luxury. The Taurean parent must remember that money is not everything, and certainly cannot buy happiness. Their natural tendency of playing it safe can overspill into their children’s upbringing  by keep their kids on a short leash.
Taureans do love the outdoors and will expect their kids to get plenty of fresh air, but will steer them well clear of any activities that may be risk related. They have to remember that not all their children will share their cautious nature. They must let them get on with life in their own way every now and then. This advice also applies to their partner who may have problems with their Taurean being so sensible and predictable all the time.  Not everyone likes to play it safe, well not all the time anyway, so the Taurean will have to learn to deal with these occasions as they arise.
When it comes to career, Taureans are the committed plodders who work carefully and relentlessly. They have a very firm and fixed idea of what they want to be or do, and will work steadily towards this for as long as it takes. They know exactly what they want from life.
Taureans can can get set in their ways and be too conventional. They need a lot of motivation to change their deep-set traditional ways. This makes them excellent for working in large firms which have a well-established traditional feel to them. Their love of money will have them seeking careers in banking or accountancy where everything is methodical and detailed. Unlike a lot of the other Signs, they thrive on the routine of a 9 to 5 job that is predictable and stable. They can be found working in the same organisation from youth until retirement.
For the Taurean who decides to go into business and establish their own empire, they will have to make sure that it is  as risk free as possible, and will spend forever carefully planning the whole thing down to the last paper clip. Taureans due to their hard-working and committed nature, will be very good at running their own business. They have great patience when it comes to business and understand that millions will not be made overnight. They will take no short cuts, and will not be lured by any ‘get rich quick schemes’ that may be offered to them. They understand that it is hard work and commitment that makes for success.
Their tendency to be too conventional, traditional and especially un-adventurous could have them not moving their business forward with the times, not installing the latest up-to-date equipment or software.  They need someone working with them who will motivate them in these areas, otherwise excellent business opportunities may slip through their fingers because of the risk element involved.
Taureans generally do well working in careers involving luxury or beauty. They make excellent beauticians and make-up artists. They can be found working in designer clothes departments and anywhere where expensive, luxurious items are sold. Due to their methodical and traditional approach to work, careers such as accountancy, architecture and engineering will suit perfectly. Their love of nature and the land will find them involved in horticulture, agriculture and running well maintained farms or equestrian centres.
Taureans can appear dull and boring to many, regardless of their good looks. They may appear un-adventurous and way too conventional. However, if you do manage to get stuck sitting beside one at a dinner party you will soon find them extremely interesting and not boring at all. They often have a strong sense of humour, bordering or wicked or dark at times. They are one of the most musical of the Zodiac and make excellent musicians and singers.
Taureans love of good food and good wine can have them excessing in these area. If not kept in check, they can become overweight quite easily. They just love their food. Even the Taurean child will send back a well licked-clean plate from the dinner table. Predisposed to a sweet tooth, this can wreak havoc on the naturally, great Taurean body. Their extremely sensual nature makes for an expensive chocolate lover. Taureans have a tendency to a slow metabolism, which needs encouragement through exercise.  Regardless of eating healthy they can often suffer from sluggish systems and constipation.  They do love the outdoors but not necessarily power walking or running. They prefer a leisurely stroll, when they can take in their beautiful surroundings. They can walk for miles like this but it won’t do much for speeding up the metabolism. They also like horse-riding, and because of their patience and methodical approach can excel in dressage where focused concentration and skill is essential.
They are naturally good dancers, so joining a dance class would be ideal. Unlike a lot of the other signs, they won’t bore too easily at the gym and enjoy following a program with repetitive work outs. Taurus governs the neck, throat and thyroid. Taureans can be prone to imbalances of the thyroid gland, so should be on the look out for sudden weight loss or gain, as it may be connected.  Regular check-ups are advisable.  Sore throats and swollen glands are common.
When the Taurean retires, they do love their hobbies and will often seek past-times that would bore the pants off the other Signs. Anything that is methodical or detailed can be very appealing.  Intricate jigsaws with thousands of minuscule pieces would be ideal. Because of their love of nature, Taureans will be quite happy tending to their garden or developing an organic vegetable patch. Their love of animals will have them spending considerable time with their pets; walking, grooming etc. They love their luxurious comfortable home, but will have no problem letting their cats or dogs sprawl all over the expensive couch or bedspread.
Because of their natural flair for music, joining a musical or operatic society is a strong possibility. Their love of cookery can have them  taking up cordon bleu cookery classes. Wine appreciation societies or clubs is another interesting area for them. Taureans can be good with their hands so Pottery classes or sculpting can be very rewarding. Older Taureans are also drawn to golf.
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(Please Note, The Personality Profile Below is Based on the Archetypal Virgo for Tarot Reading Purposes. Most People have a mix of several Zodiac Signs based on Their Astrological Birth Chart and are not solely one Sign.)
Ruling Planet – Mercury
Duality or Gender – Feminine
Triplicity or Element – Earth
Quadruplicity or Quality – Mutable
Body Areas – Nervous System, Stomach, Intestines. Pancreas
Stone –  Sardonyx
Colour –  Brown, dark grey, navy blue
Tarot Correspondences  – Hermit, Queen of Swords
Virgoans are traditionally associated with been introverted, analytical and critical. They have a tendency to be perfectionists; fussy about everything, and hygiene and tidy freaks. They need a healthy balance of the other Elements in their birth chart to counteract such intensity.
Virgoans are extremely intelligent but often lack confidence in themselves.  Down to earth and extremely practical, they are sticklers for detail, especially minor detail. Yes, everything needs to be just so.  This can drive those around the perfectionist Virgoan, insane. Everything is approached with caution, and the Virgoan needs to be assured that everything is in order and in place, before proceeding. This can cause unnecessary delays and may very well result in missed opportunities. They really need to loosen up a bit, and even act recklessly once in a while.
Their intense need to analyse everything spills over into every area of their life.  Anyone who spends enough time with a Virgoan will be aware of their tendency to criticise everything and everybody around them.  They can become overly argumentative when driving a point home, sometimes alienating people in the process.
Virgoans, quite happily and readily turn their critical and analytical tendencies inwards, and are often the hardest  on themselves. Being their own worst critic they will run themselves down quite easily. They set such high standards for themselves, it can be difficult living up to them.  They often withdraw from trying out new things with the instant belief they will not be able to do it, or are not good enough.
When it comes to romance, a prospective partner will have to spell out their intentions quite clearly for the Virgoan rarely believes that anyone would fall for them in the first place.
Romance can indeed be a difficult area for them, as they are not the greatest of flirts, haven’t a clue about romance or emotions, and can get up in a heap about sex. Lets just say, they are not quite the Casanovas of the Zodiac. Their fellow Zodiac Signs would be aghast by their often old-fashioned, religious and puritanical attitudes towards sex. This type of Virgoan will need a very determined and patient partner to draw them out of this mind-set, if they want to ignite a few sparks in the bedroom. Their hyper-critical nature will have them analysing either their performance or their partner’s which can be quite insulting.
Clean Freaks and hygiene fanatics, The Virgoan house will be spotless, have a place for everything, and everything in its place. If they are not careful they can create a very sterile and clinical environment where family and friends find it impossible to relax.  The Virgoan will have the vacuum cleaner out 24/7, antiseptic wipes for everything, and a pair of rubber gloves for each room. They will put a clean house before everything, and will not take too kindly to their partner suggesting a roll in the bed once it has been made. In fact during sex the Virgoan is often more concerned about the mess in the bedroom rather than what’s going on between the sheets.  Open the hot press or any cupboard in the house and you will see perfectly folded clothes, neatly stacked tins, and not a bit of fluff or dust in sight. How do they do it? However, once the Virgoan settles into a relationship they generally do not stray. They can however, drive their partner mad by going overboard every time the toilet seat is left up, the toothpaste tube squeezed from the middle, or a coat is thrown casually over the end of the stairs.
You will never find the family of a Virgoan parent slouched in front of the television.  They believe that each moment should be spent doing practical things. They need to switch off every now and again and just chill out on the couch, even if it does mean crumpling up the cushions.  Listening to some music, or reading a bit of light fiction would do wonders for their tensed up nature.  However, if any of the family have a problem, it will be to the Virgoan parent they run to. Their natural analytic and intelligent mind will have the situation sorted in no time.  In fact Virgoans are very good at expressing themselves, and rarely let issues build up and get explosive. They do have a tendency to get argumentative though at times when debating or forcing an issue home.
The Virgo parent can find it hard to understand that their children aren’t as frenzied about things as they are.  Watching their kids lounge in front of a television or play for hours on playstation/xbox will drive them to distraction. They need to watch their tendency to be hyper-critical of their offspring, and not set such high standards for them. They can easily ruin their child’s confidence with cutting comments.
Not wanting to sit for a minute, the Virgoan parent will fill their children’s spare time with as much activity as possible. It will be the Virgoan child, or child of a Virgoan Parent who will arrive daily to school with neat school books, meticulous writing, homework handed in on time and sporting a perfectly groomed, scrubbed squeaky-clean appearance.
Virgoans are extreme hard workers, but generally not very ambitious. They will give the best years of their life working diligently for the same company with precious little thanks or reward. They probably don’t think they deserve it anyway. The Virgoan woman who chooses to stay at home to rear kids, can often become a slave to all.  With little sense of self-worth she can believe her family define who she is.  The Virgoan woman can however, easily combine maintaining both a career and family.  She will give her all, 300% in work and come home each evening to completely clean the house from top to bottom, while cooking a meal for the kids and meticulously going over their homework. If this tendency is not checked, there may be precious little time left for herself, hobbies or socialising.
When it comes to career, Virgoans tend to play it safe and will steer clear of anything that is considered risky.  Job security is very important and they can get quite concerned if they think their work is not good enough. Therefore there is a tendency to overdo things in work. They love anything were detail is concerned and have very high standards. They make excellent planners, personal assistants, secretaries etc. and can be relied on to smooth the path for their busy and important boss.  Their constant fear of losing their job, makes them fiercely loyal to whoever they work for, and though not naturally ambitious, can work their way to the top, just by the very fact they have stuck it out for so long.
Virgoans make excellent teachers with their attention to detail and natural intelligence, but students can find them harsh and cold if they become overly critical about their work.  Like their fellow Earth Signs, they have a deep love of nature and animals. The cat is strongly associated with Virgo. A career in agriculture, farming, landscaping etc will be highly enjoyable and rewarding. Their natural tendency to be cleanaholics can have them drawn to health and safety.  Alternative medicine or holistic therapies can also be attractive.
When it comes to health it is very easy to guess that nervous tension would be high on the list for causing problems of all sorts. Virgo governs the stomach, so when stress and tension kick in, it usually manifests in an upset tummy or a headache. Virgo also governs the pancreas, so they need to be on the alert for any signs of diabetes. Virgoans have high levels of nervous energy.  They need to learn to channel it positively, or neutralise it.  Ulcers can be the result of excessive stress and worry. Their challenge is to worry less about things that really aren’t worth worrying about, get plenty of physical exercise, and preferably outdoors if possible. Power walking, jogging, cycling, hiking are preferable to a gym set up.  Gardening can be very unwinding and relaxing. Virgoans also make excellent gymnasts and ballet dancers.  Food wise, Virgoans find wholefoods and vegetables very satisfying.  Many become vegetarians.
The older Virgoan tends to mellow slightly with age and will spend more time pursuing leisure activities and hobbies. Their hobbies need to be both mentally and physically stimulating to counteract their natural tendency to stress over things. Golf will be perfect as well as gardening, but they can become quite obsessive.  Virgoans are either great or useless gardeners, with very little in between. Those who excel in this area definitely have a green finger, and once they see the results of their hard work paying off, it will give their confidence a great boost. On the other hand, the less successful Virgoan gardener can give the kiss of death to any plant they touch.
Like their fellow sign Taurus, they are generally good with their hands so sewing, embroidery, pottery or wood carving can be worthwhile pursuits. The older Virgoan will eventually put the vacuum cleaner aside for long enough to sit down and  thoroughly enjoy stimulating their intellect with tons of reading.
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(Please Note, The Personality Profile Below is Based on the Archetypal Capricorn for Tarot Reading Purposes. Most People have a mix of several Zodiac Signs based on Their Astrological Birth Chart and are not solely one Sign.)
Ruling Planet – Saturn
Duality or Gender – Feminine
Triplicity or Element – Earth
Quadruplicity or Quality – Cardinal
Body Areas –  Bones,  Knees, Skin, Teeth
Stones – Amethyst, turquoise
Colours – Black, dark brown, dark green, grey
Tarot Correspondences – Devil, Knight of Pentacles
Capricorns have the reputation of being severe, stubborn, dreadfully ambitious, and either very self-confident or not confident at all. To others they can often be viewed as terribly dull, boring and no fun to be around.  They are seriously ambitious and can be one-tracked where this is concerned. The Capricorn personality has a tendency to be extremely materialistic and generally this is what drives them in every aspect of life. They can become workaholics who rarely have time for silly frivolity.
Capricorns like to be successful, and will stop at nothing to achieve this.  However, not every Capricorn exhibits the same sense of self-confidence and ability, but that does not mean that the Capricorn lacking in these vital qualities will also lack in ambition. They are as ambitious and materialistic as their fellow self-confident Capricorns, but use a different approach in getting to the top. They will often look to acquire success by sneakily slipping in the backdoor or off the back of others. We will look more at this negative trait a bit later.
When it comes to affairs of the heart, the poor old Capricorn is not up there in the romantic league at all. Capricorns tend to think carefully before getting involved. They will weigh up the pros and cons, and examine their emotions constantly to see how they really feel about a certain person. They have an innate fear of rejection and will sometimes need to be coaxed into a relationship. Unlike most of the other signs where romance is concerned, there will be no lavish displays of extravagant gestures or splashing out on expensive restaurants or holidays. The Capricorn in love will be very cautious where money is concerned, and unless their partner feels the same about senseless waste, they may very well believe they are with a stingy miser.  Capricorns just don’t like throwing their money around, and will carefully guard what they have earned or own. They have to remember in relationships that sharing is important, and even the married Capricorn can still regard his or her money as their own, and feel resentful having to spend on family occasions or outings.
Capricorns are the type to have their own personal bank or savings account which no one is privy to. If their partner is staying at home to raise children, well he or she will have to come with hand out, and give a bloody good reason as to why they want x amount of money. It will be the Capricorn who battles continuously through the divorce courts over settlements and maintenance arrangements. It is the Capricorn personality who is all for prenuptial contracts, that is unless he or she is marrying into money. That of course is a very different story.
The Capricorn , like his fellow Earth sign Virgo, may not be a riot in bed, and emotions and affection may only appear in small doses. However, when they do fall in love and find a suitable partner they tend to make a long-term commitment out of it. If they do put some work into lightening up, expressing their emotions more freely, and being more easy-going about money and work, well believe it or not there often is a great sense of humour and fun buried deep down.
With regards to the Capricorn being ambitiously motivated in every area of their life,  the Negative Capricorn can be found to marry for money or status. Their single-minded attitude to career, or the material side of life, will compensate for any lack of love or intimacy in the relationship. This can cause terrible unhappiness or loneliness for the partner in the relationship. The having and getting side of the Negative Capricorn will be blinkered to any unhappiness they may be causing. It is the Negative Capricorn who will have methodically and systematically wheedled his way into the affections of the boss’s daughter.  It is the Negative Capricorn who will become palsy-walsy with her dad, to ensure promotion and extra benefits, whether earned or not.
Nothing really changes that much when the Capricorn has a family except that they do seem to spend a bit more, and their offspring will be regularly showered with expensive gifts. The Capricorn takes the family quite seriously, but the presents and gifts are generally to offset the fact that they are very rarely around. Their obsession with work and money will leave them very little time for family pleasures. The Capricorn parent’s argument here is, that it is they, the family, he/she is working so hard to support and provide for.  The Capricorn parent will work extremely hard to provide a secure financial future and good education for their kids. The children of a Capricorn parent may often feel lacking in physical affection though.  As they grow, they can feel a sense of disconnection with their Capricorn parent regardless of the fabulous house they live in, or the private school they are attending.
Capricorns as parents can be extremely heavy-handed with their children and way too rigid. They do expect the best of their children and will put a lot of pressure on them to succeed. Capricorn personalities as we know, have difficulty in expressing their emotions and will find it hard to tell either their partner or children how much they love them, which is a shame. They need to find time for play, casual chat and a bit of a laugh with their family.  Capricorns do have a great sense of humour when they let go. A few hugs here and there will go a long way. Unless they try to bridge the gap early on, they may find their children are strangers to them when they grow up.
Where career is concerned the Capricorn is very ambitious and will have no problem starting at the bottom of the ladder, keeping their head down and carefully and cautiously make their way to the top. They epitomise the extremely successful business man who began with nothing, but now runs a massive empire. Where material wealth and possessions are concerned, enough is never enough with the ambitious Capricorn. They will work all the hours god gave them, and happily sacrifice free time and leisurely pursuits, in favour of achieving their goal.
Not known for taking risks, they will carefully examine every aspect or proposal before moving on it. They really need a guarantee that no losses will be incurred. They have no problem going out on their own, and  are very responsible and diligent where business matters are concerned. They prefer running their own shop than sharing with anyone else, for they can be very single-minded and unbending. Capricorns make excellent, managing directors, chairpersons, property managers,  heads of major empires, and also excel in politics. The self-made man or woman is the typical Capricorn.
Capricorn governs the bones, so health wise they do have a tendency for injuries or weakness in these areas.  Exercise is important to keep bones strong and joints supple. Walking or jogging is an  excellent way of staying fit and keeping the body moving. Stiffening of the joints may set in as the Capricorn ages, so it is important to maintain suppleness for as long as possible.
The teeth and skin also come under the Capricorn body areas, so regular visits to the dentist and plenty of moisturiser and sun factor are a must. Capricorns like their Fellow Earth Signs do love the outdoors and prefer the cold to the heat. They make great athletes, enjoy mountain climbing, and of course the social-climbing aspects of golf. Their desire for cooler temperatures will have them throwing windows open even in the depths of winter. The heating will be used sparingly which will be very uncomfortable for those who have to live or work with them. They do have a tendency to develop rheumatism as they get older, so all that cold in the bones is not the best thing at all.
Capricorns don’t take too kindly to retirement and will dread the day when they are forced to give up, or hand over the reins to someone else. They never had any time for pursuing leisure activities when they were younger, so why should they now? Any leisure or social activities that they were involved in usually had a work connection of some sort, such as golf with the boss or important clients. They have a habit of attending parties, concerts, race meetings or social events purely for status, who they might meet, or who of importance might see them in attendance. There does tend to be a hidden agenda to all their activities.
If any do eventually get around to just doing for the sake of doing and personal enjoyment, they may very well be found pottering around the garden, hill walking, pottery, wood carving etc. Capricorn is also strongly associated with music, so opera and concert going are possibilities.  Even the act of simply listening to music or learning to play an instrument will be enjoyable. For the Capricorn who gets less mobile with age, reading can be a great source of entertainment.
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sayariastrology · 20 days
these affirmations are for virgo season, virgo placements, virgo new & full moons, mercury retrogrades, and anytime you want or need them.
suggested rituals: do meditations for the root, solar plexus, and throat chakras
engage with cinnamon or lavender (add cinnamon in coffee or tea, diffuse lavender essential oil)
prepare a nourishing meal that's easily digestible
work with these journal prompts:
what does a healthy self resemble to me and how can I initiate that? what feels within my capacity to give at this time (in relationships, at work/service, with family...)
where in my life feels chaotic / what's the first step in bringing order to the situation?
where can I loosen my grip in life and allow energy to flow more freely and without judgment?
make a list of goals you want to see manifest in the next 6 months with a focus on health, service, home, and stability. 
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
Random things about your future lover
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Pictures do not belong to me they belong to their respective owners.
Note : this is a general reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterlist ✦ paid services ✦ offer
To book a personal reading with me please DM me.
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Might be a virgo sun/moon/rising
Might know from childhood , they will give you nostalgia
Acts a kid around you but is mature around others.
Is a bad liar and doesn't know how to hide their emotions
Knows a lot of things, very knowledgeable
Is an introvert but has a lot of friends
Likes to keep their personal life a secret, doesn't like interference
Very rich and abundant
Likes helping people , could be into humanitarian work
Could meet them online or through a friend
have been cheated on in the past or had a bad ending of a relationship.
Has a nice smile. Or they can't see when they smile
Could have small cat eyes
Blue / completely black eyes
Is like a puppy to you but a wolf to others
Might like insects or might study about them.
Likes spoiling you with gifts
Might be a dancer or liked dancing
Might be born in may or june , these months could be important.
Walks very fast
Has a sad resting face or could look sad when they aren't
Only has soft spot for you.
Might like blue color or the ocean
Might have tanned/dark skin
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Might be a Taurus, Leo or Sagittarius sun/moon/rising.
Might have a raspy voice
Can meet them after a long wait or when you will be waiting for something
Doesn't like being told what to do
Does opposite of what they're told to
Might be a foreigner or from a different background
Had curly hair
ld fashioned boy, will offer to pay for your things
Very famous among people, might be popular
Has a nice body, does exercise.
Doesn't lack anything in life
Might be a painter or artist
You both can have same interests
Will pull your let and tease you
Would like to have playful arguments with you
Love language can be soft bullying
Might have green eyes or wears contacts
Might like to color their hair
Might have a slightly curved downturned nose
Might be from South Asia
Might wear gold or platinum jewelry
Has nice hands and fingers
Might have a connection with Egypt
Might be born in August or meet them in August
Likes birds
Could have long black hair
A great debaters, loves messing with people's minds
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Might have more feminine energy.
I'm getting two things : could be a family person or could have a hard time with their family.
Likes buying expensive things
Has a hard time taking side or making a choice
Likes to listen to others opinions and thoughts
Might have high IQ
Is into tarot and astrology or could even do tarot
Will challenge you into games
Might like chess or maths
Might wear white a lot or white could be their favorite color.
Could have pearl/moonstone as birth stone
Have been through lots of struggles in their life
Might have a hard time around new people.
Might born at night
Has a very unique and creative mind.
Might like roses or give you flowers as gifts
Has a protective mother or guardian
Could resemble 🙈 emoji when shy
Might have 3 siblings or could be a middle child.
Their mother a great importance in their life could be both negative and positive.
Could have a white pet animal.
Their mother could have done most of the parenting. Or could be a single mother.
People always come to them for help, they might have a hard time saying no.
Might have two best friends.
That's all! GOODBYE 👋
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saylessastrology · 1 year
💫1 Card Love Tarot Messages for All Signs💫
*Check Sun, Moon, & Venus*
Aries - Queen of Swords
Message: Try not to be too judgmental with new love interests, stepping outside your usual type could surprise you.
Taurus - The Hanged Man
Message: Let down your wall and allow love to flow in. Being optimistic will give you a new perspective to dating and love.
Gemini - The Wheel of Fortune
Message: Luck, abundance, and good karma coming your way in love! A positive turning point
Cancer - 7 of Cups
Message: if you don’t already you are about to have plenty of options in love. Be extra cautious when weeding out the snakes from the fairytales
Leo - 9 of Pentacles
Message: You may meet your next lover at work or they will be some who really enjoys spoiling you financially. Your sense of value will increase.
Virgo - 3 of Swords (Reversed)
Message: Release negative self talk and focus on healing from past hurts in love. Spirit is asking you to put your heart into recovery mode so you can move on to the love you deserve.
Libra - Knight of Pentacles
Message: Spirit is asking you to focus on other things and let love come to you. You will be rewarded for taking your mind off love and using your spare time productively so the universe can handle the rest.
Scorpio - Death
You have or are finally closing a love chapter in your life to make way for new beautiful beginnings. You’re being transformed and shaped to be ready to enter a new love phase.
Sagittarius - The Empress
Message: Spirit wants you to know luck and love is on your side so REALX. Walk in your queen/king confidence when dating and interacting with others and you will surely turn a few heads. Also big pregnancy energy,
Capricorn - Page of Wands (Reversed)
Message: You are holding yourself back from receiving love. Stop procrastinating and give yourself the grace to crave affection because you deserve it.
Aquarius - The Devil (Reversed)
Message: Release the limiting beliefs you have attached to love and trusting others. You may feel detached from the idea of love but having faith will restore you from the dark thoughts you’ve been having towards love.
Pisces - Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)
Message: Pamper and spend a little time on some self care. This could be a message to enjoy your alone time at home while you still can. When love comes around knocking you may find yourself wishing you had more time to yourself.
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greenenoughgrass · 9 months
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Not that I expect to get any bites here, but let's see!
Divination peeps who are interested in reading more in-depth and have been studying for a bit already: this class is for you.
⭐ "Tarot is a tool for self-awareness, personal growth, and spiritual exploration. It is a way of accessing the wisdom of our own unconscious minds, and of using that wisdom to make informed decisions about our lives. Tarot can help us to understand our patterns of behavior, our relationships with others, and our place in the world. It can also help us to connect with our own inner strength and resilience."
- Rachel Pollack, A Walk through the Forest of Souls: A Tarot Journey to Spiritual Awakening
☘️ Course objective: This container is intended to deepen one’s Tarot practice by learning about reading rituals, numerological and astrological correspondences in the Major Arcana, reversals, creating spreads, interpreting intuitive nudges, spiritual hygiene, and mixed cartomancy. Time for guided practice will be allotted throughout the course to give participants a chance to foster experiential knowledge and develop a better understanding of how their psychic senses speak to them. Completion of this course assures students professional competence that can be relied on when reading for oneself and others.
We'll be meeting via Google Meet from 7-9p CST on Monday evenings starting on January 8th, 2024. Let me know if you're interested and I'll email the syllabus!
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sxorpiomooon · 3 months
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fishnapple · 24 days
Random observation about "Lucky colours"
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Wearing the colours associated with the Sign of each house in your chart will bring more luck to the matters of that house. The following is my personal observations about each house.
The colours of 1st house sign: people notice you more and comment on your appearance more, boost of confidence, high contrast look (the colours seem to make your features stand out)
The colours of 2nd & 7th house sign: look pleasing/harmonious on you, people are nicer towards you, good for going on dates or attract someone, good for meetings involving contracts, exchange, going to the bank
The colours of 3rd & 9th house sign: you feel more adventurous and more carefree, sometimes more impatient, good for exams/ tests, could have some delays or difficulties in traffic though
The colours of 4th house sign: look naturally good on your skin, match your features, comforting, peaceful, great to wear at home
The colours of 5th house sign: feel more exciting, fun, exuberant, boost of vitality, could be the colour you wore a lot when you were a kid
The colours of 6th house sign: increase or decrease of vitality and health, I usually avoid the colours of this house, they feel unlucky to me
The colours of 8th house sign: pretty similar to the effect of 1st house, but people seem to be more bold or in some case, rude when interact with you, I think these colours should be worn in a more private settings, could make you feel heavy and not in a great mood
The colours of 10th house sign: people take you more seriously, you look more professional, could bring some delays or heavy moods
The colours of 11th house sign: lucky colours, things go more smoothly, especially in public places or social medias, great when you need to do a presentation
The colours of 12th house sign: peaceful, great for travelling, also like the 4th house, these colours usually match the colours of your features, they blend and make a soft/ low contrast look
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Colours of each sign (just a few examples)
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