#astro fc
clonescubed · 4 months
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And next is Astro! I felt that maybe I should keep her and her partners together when posting so expect Strike tomorrow.
Astro the Anteater is a very quiet and analytical individual, with little interest in making friends or dawdling around. She suffers from retrograde amnesia. Her inability to stay put might be the reason that she always seems to be lost, though she moves as if she knows where she has to be.
Despite her outward coldness, she does love her two partners, Gummy the Axolotl and Strike the Deer, and often accompanies one, the other, or both as they hunt their marks. Sometimes she will insert herself if they need her and her ability to manipulate light to end fights.
She is seemingly naturally nocturnal, but begrudgingly wakes up in the morning to contribute to society with sporadic naps if possible. She prefers the night because can look at the stars that she’s convinced call out to her.
She has barely changed in her design since the last time I drew her. Only some minor color and pant type changes but most obviously is a slightly different body type.
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ms-taurusvenus · 2 years
Hey! When you say he’s a double libra, do you mean libra rising as well? I’m under the impression his time of birth is unknown. Also have you ever done a full rundown of his birth chart? Your account is super cool!
Hi anon! A double *X Sign* indicates the presence of two planets (including ascendent). He has a Libra Moon and Mars, which is why I referred to him as a double Libra. He has two planets in the sign of Libra.
Unfortunately, his birth time is unknown, but I believe his rising is under a water sign. Possibly in Cancer. Based on my observations, he does exhibit characteristics of someone with their Ascendent in Cancer. He is family-oriented, friendly, and able to express himself while remaining private, laid-back, and clam. Not only that, but when you compare Mason's appearance to other celebrities with Cancer rising, such as Angelina Jolie, Paul Rudd, Adele, Troye Sivan, and many others, you'll notice that they all share similar features.
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The celebs who I mentioned who are all Cancer Risings.
His eyes are the most striking feature for me. Those with water in their big three (especially if it's their Moon or Ascendent) have watery eyes and appear to be on the verge of tears. As seen in the images above of the celebrities whose rising signs are Cancer. When comparing his features to those of the celebrities mentioned above, you can see that they all have similar features. Round eyes, watery eyes that make them look like they're about to cry, slightly crooked nose, soft jawline, small-medium sized lips, and so on.
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Another thing I've noticed is that many celebrities with major Cancer influences in their natal charts receive a lot of criticism and hate in their early careers. Angelina Jolie and Adele both faced a lot of backlash when they first started their careers. Adele, not so much, but Angelina Jolie still receives a lot of unwarranted hatred. My point is still valid. If you haven't noticed, Mason has recently received a lot of criticism, but because he is still young and developing his craft and skill, the criticism and hate will eventually fade away.
Other planets, particularly the Moon, influence an individual's appearance. His Libra Moon is responsible for his heart-shaped face. However, if one's planets have a stronger influence than the moon (e.g., someone has X moon but a stellium with Mercury, Mars, and Venus), the moon's influence on the individual's appearance will be diminished. This is unusual because the Moon + Ascendant already has a strong influence on the individual. When this occurs, only the inner planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) are affected because the outer planets are generational. This is dependent on a variety of factors. This is why it is critical to examine a person's entire chart before making conclusions about them based on their chart.
He's a Capricorn with both his Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, which accounts for his nice teeth, as Capricorn rules the teeth. Personally, I don't think his Aquarius Venus has much of an impact on his appearance. Why? Because his Moon and Ascedent have a strong influence on his chart, and he has a double influence by two signs (Capricorn and Libra).
I do plan on doing an analysis on his birth chart soon, this is just an analysis of his possible Ascendant. It's unknown at the moment when I will be posting it, as I'm starting to get busier and busier over hate course of the next 2-4 weeks and I also have a list of posts I have to get to.
Thanks for the compliment anon! It means a lot!
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
Où l'on reparle du Canada
Truc de ouf, comme dirait Simon.
Juste au moment où je ne l'attendais plus, j'ai eu un retour de la responsable du Master Musico de l'Université de Louvain. Je l'avais contactée il y a bien... 300 ans, en lui décrivant succinctement mon niveau, pour lui demander si çà lui semblait suffisant pour intégrer son Master recherche.
Et la meuf ne m'avait mais JAMAIS recontactée. J'en ai déduit 1) qu'elle avait suivi le stage "C'est tellement fun de laisser les mails sans réponse" avec Sexy et que 2) je pouvais aller mourir en enfer.
Entre temps, comme vous le savez tous-tes, il y a eu :
-- le responsable du Master Musico de Saint-Etienne, qui a essayé de me vendre le cursus de sa collègue (fail)
-- la Licence Musico à Paris 8 que j'ai essayé d'accrocher au rattrapage, sur Parcoursup (re-fail)
-- et la réponse de l'EHESS, sur laquelle je jetterai un silence contrit (fail, fail, FAIL !!!!).
Subséquemment, après un léger passage à vide temps d'adaptation
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j'ai commencé à accepter la perspective de reprendre un poste dans mon ancienne administration. J'en avais même repéré un, pile dans ma nouvelle spécialité, et je me donnais deux ans pour mettre de l'argent de côté puis finir mes études au Québec (et ne jamais remettre les pieds dans ce vieux pays qui m'a si peu aimée et à qui je l'ai si bien rendu).
C'est, bien sûr, juste à ce moment-là, comme je renonçais à l'option Louvain, que j'ai été recontactée par la Responsable, qui reprenait le fil de l'échange comme si on s'était quittées la veille. Et j'ai compris que Louvain restait LE choix à faire quand j'ai vu l'effet de son mail sur mon moral
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et quelques jours après on se parlait sur zoom, et elle m'a tellement bien vendu le truc que j'ai signé tout de suite.
Le Fun Fact arrive maintenant :
Round 1 : il y a quelques mois, quand j'ai fait mes prévisions de transits planétaires pour 2023, j'ai repéré le passage d'Uranus sur le Milieu du Ciel, en juillet-août. J'en ai déduit : "Ah, il y aura un déménagement à cette date". Comme je prévoyais déjà, à l'époque, de poursuivre en Musicologie, et qu'il y avait très peu de chances que je sois acceptée sur la région parisienne, je n'ai pas été surprise. J'ai songé que le plan poursuite d'études en province se confirmait, la preuve : même les astres le disaient.
Round 2 : quand mes projets sont partis en sucette, les uns après les autres, et qu'il est devenu patent que j'allais rester sur Paris en 2023/2024, j'ai eu un peu de mal à y croire ; Uranus passera bien sur le méridien en juillet-août, c'est un fait, et on est d'accord :
Uranus conjoint à l'axe MC/FC = changement d'orientation professionnelle + de lieu de vie
Mais j'ai fini par l'accepter en mode fataliste, Et comme quoi, il faut pas prendre l'interprétation trop au pied de la lettre, et patati et patata.
Round 3 : quand la bonne nouvelle de Louvain est arrivée et que j'ai réalisé que j'allais passer les deux prochaines années de ma vie en Belgique, j'ai éprouvé un curieux mélange de satisfaction incrédule (DONC, l'interprétation était correcte !!) et d'effroi (mais alors, c'était vraiment écrit ??!!).
=> la fille qui s'amuse à faire des prédictions astro depuis des années et qui s'aperçoit que c'est méga flippant quand on prend çà au sérieux
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Du coup, j'ai embarqué mes éphémérides et on a passé toute la soirée d'hier, avec Yéti et Astrolab, à revérifier le pas d'Uranus aux axes, ces trente dernières années, puis à établir les prévisions au natal jusqu'en 2029, pour savoir quelle sera ma meilleure année pour m'expatrier au Québec. Le tout en vidant tranquillement la bouteille de Manzana
=> et çà se confirme, je reprends doucement mais sûrement le chemin de l'alcoolisme tout court mondain. Vous croyez quand même pas qu'il n'y a pas de prix à payer pour cette vie de rêve qui est la mienne ?
Et le nombre de fois où ces deux débiles attachants se sont payés ma tête parce que je continue à utiliser des tables papier imprimées dans un livre
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sauf qu'hier, astrodienst était en rideau pour maintenance et ("AH AH !! Vous êtes bien contents que j'aie ramené mes éphémérides papier !!"), j'ai eu mon petit triomphe mesquin.
(et la pensée, cette nuit, qui m'a traversée comme un éclair de chaleur au ras de l'horizon : c'est à cause de lui que tu veux partir ?
Disons que je voulais partir depuis longtemps, et que les évènements de cette année, c'est le déclencheur. C'est comme le harcèlement au Bureau des travaux, en 2018, qui m'a poussée à quitter mon administration. Il y a un moment où tout/tous semblent conspirer pour te renvoyer le même message, du début à la fin : tu n'es pas à ta place ici. Tu n'es pas des nôtres. On n'a pas de place pour toi.
Cette année, Sexy m'a juste servi une variante un peu plus raffinée : que tu sois là ou pas, çà ne fait aucune différence. T'as pas le bon âge, pas le bon parcours et tu viens pas du bon milieu : t'existes même pas en fait).
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goshidoll · 2 years
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Reference sheets for Astro. Thinking on if I should make an updated one for him and Venus.
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pigeondrone · 1 year
Was playing an alliance raid as a sage since I'm trying to level and learn the class.
Fun fact about sage: It is the healer that is easiest to murder people with. At any time you may choose a victim to yank over to you and then teleport to someone who is in safety.
So I'm muttering in vc with my group wondering who will be my Victim as I try to learn this fun trick for future raids.
Me, to my fc leader: hey can I test something on you??? 🥺
Chat is filled with everyone going get your arms length ready get your one safety net against The Yank ready.
But my fc leader just goes "oh yeah sure :)"
My friends see me not stack with the group for what is an instant kill if not on the stacks and prepare, but my fc leader was oblivious and had already used his own teleport to safety skill.
So I learned a new healing skill today :)
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bellaplots · 8 days
✧ ━━━━ oi oi gente !! então né, to aqui de novo... hm. mais uma vez pelo mesmo motivo: procurando partners. vou deixar minha guideliness aqui para quem não me conhece dar uma olhada, mas mais especificamente, hoje tô pra panfletar alguns personagens meus que tenho em aberto, vou colocar eles embaixo do redmore. deem uma chance para os meus bebês por favor, juro que eu e eles vamos te amar eternamente. é só me chamar no chat ou deixar likezinho aqui que eu te chamo
ah! ultimo recado antes : esse é meu blog secundário, o primário é @trnzdowzrnings mas tomou shadow ban e bloqueou da tag e de receber/enviar mensagem então postando por aqui.
clicando no nome deles, você é encaminhado para a pagina do pinterest de cada um deles.
sutton astro, ela tem 24 anos, recém-formada em veterinária e também acabou de herdar a fazenda que foi dos seus avós. o fc dela sydney sweeney, mas tô aberta a mudar (bella hadid talvez?? não superei as fotos/vídeo dela andando de cavalo com o boy cowboy dela). a bio completa dela está aqui /// o plot originalmente era esse aqui mas estou aberta a ideias nesse caso também, desde que tenham essa vibe fazenda/cidade pequena americana e tals.
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makaila "mali" ackerman, tem 21 anos, é babá e o fc dela é a tyla. imigrante e a filha mais velha que tomou responsabilidades demais crescendo. você pode ler a bio completa dela aqui /// plot que tinha com ela, era que ela era contratada para ser baba da filha de um pai solteiro que também era um cantor famoso, bem watpad. ela ia morar com eles, e os dois iam se gostando e você sabe como é o resto. caso você tenha interesse na mali, a gente conversa e eu tento explicar melhor.
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leviticus "levi" rivers, 21 anos é um ex-mormon, estudante de cinema, bissexual que é encantado por viver. tipo, ele sempre vai dizer que topa fazer as coisas, e está ainda meio perdido sobre como as coisas são no mundo fora do culto que ele cresceu. o fc dele é o evan mock e a bio completa dele tá aqui /// o plot dele, era esse aqui mas acredito que podemos encaixar ele em vários plot que você quiser ele mas não gostar dessa ideia em especifico.
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nia bayers, tem 26 years old, e é social midia. ela é daquele tipo que falaria com a parede até, sabe? mas ela teve uma vida dificil, se manter positiva como ela é hoje foi bem complicado. o fc dela é a lindissima da ryan destiny e a bio completa dela tá aqui /// o plot dela é uma ideia minha inspirada nos mil livros de romance esportivo que já li dsçlkmdskkk ele aqui pra você dar uma olhada.
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notasse com clareza que sou péssima em fazer resumo dos meus personagens, mas real leiam a bio e deem uma chance porque todos foram abandonados e queria muito ter jogado com eles!!
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astroslittlewebspace · 8 months
About me
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I like music, specially R&B, Pop, Hip-Hop type music.
I play with my 3DS online a lot (I also have a Wii U, a Switch and a DSi)
FC 3DS: 2850-0892-1411 (PRETENDO ONLY)
I have interest in photography and frutiger aero / metro aesthetic, I like sunsets and oceans. It makes me feel comforted.
I post photos in my blog based in the aero aesthetic, oceancore, and helevetica aero
Make sure u go follow my fellow buddy’s blog - which is @arkix72 !
I leave below here all ways to contact me or follow me in socials (for now only TikTok and Discord)
TikTok: holduptheydontloveyou
Discord: legacy -> Astro#9251
username -> @serastry
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kalianos · 2 months
O_o well I am now mildly peeved and weirded out.
So the new patch for FFXIV dropped today. Mr.Happy makes a video going over patch notes with some in-depth about how this affects the jobs.
I listen to it and post it in my FC's discord.
Its gone? I am confused. I look around when I posted it and see that someone was saying how this should be in the Spoilers section.
...The patch notes. THE PATCH NOTES. Should be in the spoiler section.
Oh geeze I guess little timmy can't be let to know that Black Mages get Umbral soul at 32 instead of 73?
Or that the monk rotation has been changed back to the old one.
Or that Astro is now heavily competitive healer again. (yay. Already have it at 100 before I really started the MSQ)
...Just...what. I'm tired of this spoiler nonsense.
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yeoufic · 10 months
hello sasha!! i was wondering if you can help me find fcs for a duo i wanna make! the age range is around 90 - 96/7! i don’t mind if it’s males+males or females+females or co-ed!! i’m kinda still unsure where i wanna take it lolol
hello lia!! here are twelve face claim suggestions to logically form six different duos. 🕵️ if you have already decided on their concept, feel free to ask for other recommendations!!
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kim kibum  |  key   ·   shinee   ·   korean   ·   1991
kim hyuna   ·   soloist   ·   korean   ·   1992
kim jongin  |  kai   ·   exo   ·   korean   ·   1994
lee seungah  |  mijoo   ·   lovelyz   ·   korean   ·   1994
son seungwan  |  wendy   ·   red velvet   ·   korean   ·   1994
kim bora  |  sua   ·   dreamcatcher   ·   korean   ·   1994
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kim hyojong  |  dawn   ·   soloist   ·   korean   ·   1994
kang dongho  |  baekho   ·   soloist   ·   korean   ·   1995
kim mihyun  |  mimi   ·   oh my girl   ·   korean   ·   1995
hirai momo   ·   twice   ·   japanese   ·   1996
im changkyun  |  i.m   ·   monta x   ·   korean   ·   1996
lee dongmin  |  cha eunwoo   ·   astro   ·   korean   ·   1997
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forever-yng · 1 year
Small announcement, 
The recent passing of Astro’s Moonbin has hit me hard, as well as many other people. With his passing, @starsmaligned and I decided that we would retire our ship of Jeong Min and Kim Ki Jung; since Ki Jung’s fc was Moonbin. With that decision, I decided to remove Wonwoo from Min’s list of alternate face claims. 
After some deep thinking, a lot of tears, and a few depression spells; I’ve made a very difficult choice. Going forward, I will be removing Min from the rotation of available characters. I considered just switching back to Min’s original face claim of Park Seoham, but unfortunately that wouldn’t suffice.
This was not an easy decision to make. I know that Min had other ships, but I was very emotionally invested in Min and Ki Jung. Not that I mean any disrespect to any of Min’s other ships, but things were different with the two of them. 
Min’s brothers, Kang Dae and Kwan will still remain in rotation. This only affects Min. 
Thank you for understanding. 
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wannaberp · 9 months
who is an older muse face you’d all like to see? i’m thinking 90-95 face age to make them 95-97 line.
hi anon! while we don’t have a limit on fc ages, i do want to give you a heads up that this directory focuses on muses who have yet to break into the entertainment industry and therefore our muse population skews pretty young; our average age is currently 20 years old (‘03) and the oldest muse is 25 (‘98).
you’re more than welcome to rp an older faceclaim! we’d just suggest modifying your request so the faceclaim matches the muse age better; aging a 30+ year old faceclaim down to their mid-20s to interact with mostly 20-year-old muses might be a little uncomfortable for you as well all parties involved!
faceclaims around ‘97 i’d personally love to see are seventeen mingyu, astro eunwoo, apink hayoung, viviz eunha, red velvet joy, bts jungkook, and dreamcatcher handong!
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mountphoenixrp · 1 year
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Due to recent tragic events, the following character has been dropped and the FC will not be available for use in the future:
Moon Bin, ASTRO.
Rest in peace, Moon Bin.
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sakurajjam · 1 year
Especialmente para um anon muito adorável que pediu para falarmos substitutos para fcs específicos, sendo assim, selecionamos homens coreanos nessa faixa etária, esperamos ajudar aqueles que se interessarem por novos faceclaims para seus personagens, nem todos tem uma infinidade de resources, mas são ótimas opções.
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Hyunsik, BTOB 
L, Infinite 
Ken, VIXX 
Jinho, Pentagon 
Baekhyun, EXO 
Shownu, Monsta X 
J.Seph, KARD
Kwangjin, N.Flying 
Chen, EXO 
Seunghyub, N.Flying 
Chanyeol, EXO
D.O., EXO 
Sungjin, DAY6
Daeyeol, Golden Child 
Peniel, BTOB 
Aron, NU'EST
Inseong, SF9
Taemin, SHINee
Hui, Pentagon
Sungjong, Infinite
Minhyuk, Monsta X
Youngbin, SF9
Young K, DAY6
Kai, EXO
Hyungwon, Monsta X
Jinhwan, IKON
Ha Sungwoon, solo/Wanna One
Sehun, EXO
Hongseok, Pentagon
Hyojin, ONF
KB, OnlyOneOf
Wonpil, DAY6
Taeil, NCT
Cha Hoon, N.Flying
Jaehyun, N.Flying
Jaeyoon, SF9
Jinyoung, GOT7
Jooheon, Monsta X
Hansol, NewKidd
E-tion, ONF
Seungwoo, Victon
Wyatt, ONF
Song, IKON
Hwesung, N.Flying
Seungsik, Victon
Youngmin, Boyfriend
Kwangmin, Boyfriend
Taeyong, NCT
Hyuk, VIXX
Baekho, NU'EST
Dawon, SF9
Minwoo, Boyfriend
Y, Golden Child
Jinhoo, UP10TION
Dongheon, Verivery
S.Coups, Seventeen
Minhyun, NU'EST
Dowoon, DAY6
Ong Seungwoo, solo/Wanna One
Jeonghan, Seventeen
Kuhn, UP10TION
Shinwon, Pentagon
Bobby, Ikon
Joshua, Seventeen
Daehyeon, WEi
Jaehyun, NCT
DK, Seventeen
E-Chan, DKB
Taeyang, SF9
Jangjun, Golden Child
Eunwoo, ASTRO
June, IKON
Mingyu, Seventeen
Yoojung, OnlyOneOf
Jacob, The Boyz
Leedo, Oneus
Younghoon, The Boyz
Hyunjae, The Boyz
Hanse, Victon
Bang Chan, Stray Kids
Jeon Woong, AB6IX
Byungchan, Victon
Yugyeom, GOT7
Gyujin, UP10TION
Chan, A.C.E
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infinitenthq · 2 years
what fcs would you like to see for indigos leader?
i’m thinkinggg changkyun (monsta x), jaehyun (nct), mingyu, hoshi, woozi + wonwoo (svt) , bang chan (skz), seoho + leedo (oneus), jinjin + eunwoo (astro), yugyeom (got7), sangyeon, younghoon + hyunjae (tbz), kang daniel, rowoon (sf9), and donghyuk/dk (ikon). and that’s just me keeping in the age range given,, if there’s any idols around the 97-96 line age, we do allow a very limited rule to age up or down so also keep that in mind in case any of my suggestions don’t work !
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bellaplots · 25 days
✧ ━━━━ oi gente!
meu nome é bella, tenho 25 anos e esse blog aqui é dedicado pra procurar partners pra 1x1! atualmente, jogo exclusivamente pelo discord, meu tipo de plots preferidos são slice of life e romance, estou aberta a escrever tanto meninas quanto meninos, mas tenho preferencia bem grande por personagens femininos. Eu estou procurando por partners +21, que sejam ativos (!!) e de preferência para long-term plots. amo fazer mais de um ship com a mesma pessoa e criar nosso "mundinho". minha guideliness completa você pode checar clicando AQUI. embaixo do readmore, vou deixar alguns tropes que eu mais gosto, fcs que estou querendo usar ou jogar contra e alguns personagens que tenho aberto no momento também !!
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━━ fazendo esse post pelo blog secundário, já que o meu principal (que é @trnzdowzrnings) foi de arrasta e não me deixa postar na tag ou receber/mandar mensagem. caso você tenha interesse em plotarmos, você pode dar like aqui, me chamar nesse chat ou então ainda diretamente pelo discord (é trnzdowzrnings por lá tbm)
tropes !!
enemies to lovers
friends to lovers
young parents
arranged marriages/fake daiting
famous x non famous
found family
small town
always a sucker for a nanny plot.
wanted faces !!
zayn (op)
jonathan bailey
callum turner (op)
fai khadra
evan mock (op)
dylan obrien (op)
renee rapp
omar apollo
olivia rodrigo
timothée chalamet
madelyn cline
sydney sweeney
anya taylor joy
tom holland
gigi hadid
bruna marquezine
kendall jenner
open characters !!
sutton astro, 24 anos, veterinária. fc: sidney sweeny. bio completa aqui.
makaila "mali" ackerman, 21 anos, babá. fc: tyla. bio completa aqui.
wren louise bardot, 25 anos, atriz, fc: madelyn cline. bio completa aqui.
leviticus "levi" rivers, 21 anos, estudante de cinema. fc: evan mock bio completa aqui.
nia bayers, 26 years old, social midia. fc: ryan destiny. bio completa aqui.
a minha tag de plot bunnies você consegue encontrar AQUI, mas to aberta pra ideias suas ou conversarmos e criarmos algo juntos.
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biggoonie · 2 years
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Astro City: The Dark Age Book 4 #1 by Alex Ross
ASTRO CITY: THE DARK AGE BOOK 4 #1 Written by Kurt Busiek Art by Brent Anderson Cover by Alex Ross Royal Williams and his brother Charles are hot on the heels of their parents' killer, but their mission is igniting a fire that may incinerate more than they could ever imagine! It's the mid-’80s in Astro City, and not everyone's going to survive. Featuring the Green Man, the Silver Agent, Mirage, Hellhound, the Pistons of Engine, the Crazy Eights and more in the next arc of the critically acclaimed ASTRO CITY series! On sale January 27 • 1 of 4 • 32 pg, FC, $3.99 US
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