#astrid contrary
univemma · 2 years
I have my problems with the hidden world, like many others. And i just want to gather all my thoughts in one place here because i feel like many agree that the ending itself isnt the problem, but how they did it. For me, personally, they ruined it with the reactions to the dragons leaving. Specifically, the reactions of the dragons.
First, we have Meatlug, who in the past has been shown thay merely HEARING FISHLEGS' VOICE causes her to become overwhelmed with excitement. (RTTE S2E9)
And yet here, she looks like this:
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Like?? Not even a frown when she's leaving Fishlegs, who is clearly her favourite person in the world (literally watch ANY HTTYD media and this is made abundantly clear).
Moving on, we have Barf and Belch. Now it can be said that the twins and their dragon don't really have as many emotional dragon-rider moments as the others, but it is still clear that Barf and Belch love their riders. Except here:
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The twins look DEVASTATED, meanwhile they (sorry belch is cropped here I couldnt get a ss with both in it) hardly look sad. Barf at least looks a little upset but still, its borderline.
And moving on, to perhaps what angers me the most, Snotlout & Hookfang. These two are easily my fav dragon-rider duo/team, and for many reasons.
Very quickly, allow me to take you back to RTTE S1E13, in which Hookfang goes out of his way to protect "Girl-Hookfang" and her eggs from a Titanwing Monsterous Nightmare when she sends out what Hiccup describes as a "distress signal".
When Snotlout tells Hookfang to choose between him and the dragon, he ultimately chooses defending her. But at the prospect of leaving Snotlout, he looks LIKE THIS:
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He looked MISERABLE and even made sad little dragon noises (idk how to describe them im sorry). So,
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And Hookfang hardly even looks at him, just kinda gives him a sideways glance. Like
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HELLO???! And ONE OF THESE had a lower budget as a TV show AND a lower quality model (which, unrelated, ive seen some people really dislike but I think the show models are great!)
The only one to act somewhat appropriately is Toothless, who warbles and makes his little dragon noises at Hiccup, almost talking with him, they have their big heartfelt moment and their cute hug before he leaves. Because of course they get it, its Hiccup and Toothless.
And yeah i get it that clearly the dragons are sick and tired of hunters and therefore understand the need to leave. But they dont even look sad! Breaks my heart because after three movies, two tv shows and all the specials of the dragons and riders bonding and caring for each other and they don't even get a heartfelt goodbye.
And let us not forget that Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins, who have been riders since the FIRST MOVIE, and main characters in their own right for years, don't even get a GOODBYE LINE?? LIKE LITERALLY, Astrid and Valka? Absolutely, they deserve it. Gobber? Sure, he hasn't known grump nearly as long but he's been a relevant and important main character as long as the kids. And Eret-
Now, I love Eret. He's cool. He's great. Love a hunter turned rider.
And again thats not me shitting on Eret getting one, its on the others NOT
And this isnt even beginning to mention Valka and Cloudjumper do not START ME on their TWENTY YEAR FRIENDSHIP AND BOND BEING TORN APART IN A ONE MINUTE GOODBYE.
Anyways on a lighter note, the parallel with Hiccup removing his hand from Toothless in a reverse of the first time they touched all those years ago always gets me emotional. My fav part about the ending.
And that's pretty much all I like about it LMAOO
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agueforts · 12 days
also in scourger au essek can get bitchier back. this is a separate post bc my liking of them is about bren first and foremost. it's just that also sometimes essek is actually about bren. you understand
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 3 months
I can only share my interest in Aegon to you, so I’ll just drop this here. (Dw, contrary to what I say next, this is not a request. Just desperation.)
Broski, I NEED reader wife who’s scared of heights and dragons but Aegon gets her to ride with him just cuz he feels like it. (My hand is probably 1/3 smaller than one of their teeth. I believe Anyone sane should be scared sh’tless while seeing a dragon. 💀)
I ONLY READ ONE FIC WHERE THEY FLY ON A DRAGON! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY AEMOND FICS OF THISS??? HELP ME FIND MORE CUZ I NEED TO HAVE A RIDE ON A DRAGONNNNN. Imagine the refreshing air and scenery. (I personally imagine the beautiful pink/orange clouds from Httyd when Hiccup and Astrid fly together for the first time)😭⚰️
Also, about the death threats, you handled it well. Really, when everyone finds out you like a hated character, it’s like they are trying to get you to sign your own death sentence. Anyway, keep doing you. You write exceptionally 🤭🫶 ily
pairing: Prince Aegon ii Targaryen x Lady-in-waiting! Reader prompt: Aegon kidnaps you to ride on dragonback, it does not go well. word count: 1, 000+ words
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You had been very very firm when it came to dragon's. You were no Targaryen nor held a drop of Valyrian blood in your veins. Sure, you like to gawk at them in art. The dozen paintings, stained glass windows, and books that filled the Red Keep were enough. You would never dare to go near one in real life. Dragon’s were not natural. To ride one, to tame one, it was not natural. A lot of the things that the Targaryen’s did were not natural. 
So when you started as Helaena's Lady-in-waiting, you did everything you could to politely refuse to be near them. Need to go to the Dragonpits? The carriage was nice and comfy, no need to leave it. When Helaena offered to fly with her? Suddenly you grew ill with a cough. Helaena accepted, understanding your fears. She offered kind words and an open invitation should you ever change your mind on the matter.
Aegon was, as always, different. The word 'no'  just could not connect in that tiny little brain of his. He took it as a challenge. He would jest about kidnapping you and taking you flying. You laughed and told him you'd push him out of a window if he dared to do it. 
Of course, he had tried once with a look a little too serious on his face. After waddling away, clutching his groin from your hard kick, he learned that it would not be easy to get you on dragonback. You’d fight back. You would be a challenge, he liked that a lot.
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Kicking and screaming at the top of your lungs, you did everything you could think of to get free of Aegon's hold. Clawing at his arms wrapped around your waist, he dragged you along to the Dragonpits, the dragon keeper's onlooking in confusion and mild horror. You could give less of a shit if they thought you mad. There was no way in the Seven Hells that you were going on a flight with Aegon. You'd rather kiss the King's rotten lips than to go flying.
"No! Put me down, you drunken oaf!" You shout, thrashing against him.
"I am going to kick you so hard you'd never be able to get it up again, Aegon! Put me down!" You bellow, yanking at his hair.
"Not a chance, we are going flying." Aegon brushes off your threats, "You will enjoy it. Tis' delightful."
Letting out a loud scream into his ear, he did not falter, running off of pure spite and stubbornness. It would have been admirable, if it was not for the fact he was dragging you along to go flying. Yanking hard on his hair, he yelps loudly, though his grip does not falter. Gods damn it, why did he have to be strong? Sensing that fighting would not help you, you tried another way.
"Please, please, Aegon." You beg, "I'll give up my desserts for a whole moon. Just let me go."
"Tempting." He chuckles, a smirk on his face.
"Please, Aegon. I do not wish to fly." You beg, on the verge of tears.
"I fly all the time. Once I even did it drunk, tis' nothing dangerous." He scoffs, rolling his eyes. 
Shaking your head frantically as his grip tightens, he drags you into the dark cave, the stench of dragon thick in the air. The few torchlights in the cave illuminated enough to see his dragon, Sunfyre, burrowing into his rocky nest. Feeling tears of fear bubbling up, you go deadly silent, losing your voice. This was your worst dream come true. Face to face with a dragon. Holding back the whimper in your throat, Aegon presses a kiss onto your temple, refusing to let you go.
“He won’t harm you. He’s used to your scent.” Aegon whispers into your ear, “I brought him one of your dresses to smell.”
“Let me go.” You whimper out, voice full of pure terror. 
“Come on, you’re already here. Let’s just go for a quick flight.” Aegon argues, shaking his head dismissively. 
Slowly letting go of your waist, you go to bolt for the cave exit, only to be swept back up into Aegon’s arms. He carried you like a toddler who had a habit of running away. Letting out a loud cry as he refused to put you back down, he wags his finger mockingly, a half amused look on his face. Hearing Sunfyre stir in his nest, you try more desperately to get away, the rumbling of the dragon echoing loudly in the cave. 
“No, no, no.” He scolds, “Bad Y/n. No running away.”
“Put me down! I want to go back to the Red Keep!” 
“No, if I have to attend Court, then you cannot escape this.” He suggests, “Consider this your duty.”
“Fuck duty. Put me down, Aegon!” You sob, bottom lip wobbling. 
“Ooh, so now we do not care about duty, hm?” He mocks, shaking his head with a smirk.
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Pressing a gentle kiss onto your temple, he carried you closer and closer to Sunfyre, until the two of you were right in the dragon’s face. Feeling your grip tighten on him, he slowly smiles at the feeling, like see you so unlike yourself. This had to be the first time he had seen you act so improper and anxious. It was refreshing, amazing, and amusing all at the same time. 
Smiling bright as Sunfyre stirs away, the golden dragon huffs at the two of you, his two large green eyes staring back. Puffing his chest out in pride, he hoped the sight of his dragon would impress you and make you swoon. His dragon always got compliments. Looking down at your face, there was not an ounce of admiration or awe or anything positive, only terror. 
“He’s pretty is he not?” He gloats proudly, “You know, they say he is the prettiest dragon to have ever been hatched.”
“If I survive this, I am going to kill you.” You whisper out, face pale.
“Stop speaking as if you are going to die. Sunfyre would not dare to attack, not whilst I am here.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“I’ve seen your dragon, can we leave now. I want to go back to the Red Keep, Aegon.” You whimper, tears bubbling up in your eyes.
"No. Don't you dare." He argues, "Don't you dare do the whole crying trick on me. I am not foolish like Helaena and can be swayed."
Watching as you sniffle and whimper, his grip tightens on you, not wanting to give up just yet. Seeing the big puppy dog eyes you give him, he grits his teeth, tensing up. He falter's for a moment. He was always sucker for those big puppy dog eyes of yours. You knew how to make him crumble.
"No, no, no, don't give me that look." He tries to resist.
"Please, Aegon."
"No. Stop that." He shakes his head, "Stop that right now. I demand you stop that."
"I..I want to go home, Aegon. Please, take me home." You beg, sniffling.
Letting out an exasperated groan at you begging and pleading to go home, he begrudgingly agrees to it, knowing that it would be no fun if you cried the entire time. Scowling like a child who had its toy taken away, he loosens his grip on you, putting you back down onto your feet. One day he’d get you on dragonback. Sadly, just not today.
"Aegon, please, I want to go home." You whimper, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks.
“Fine, fine, stop crying.” He grumbles, “But next time, we are going to actually get on the dragon.”
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
burn your life down | chef luca x fem!reader | chapter nine
summary: you catch up with an old friend and luca makes you dinner.
warnings: fluff, eventual angst not use of y/n, conversations about divorce, slow burn, baby, second person pov, swearing, danish inaccuracies, very little connection to the storyline of the bear.
word count: 3.3k
listen to: the official 'burn your life down' playlist (songs mentioned in chapter are in this playlist!)
a/n: i've always pictured mathilde & jesper as the chalamet siblings AND astrid is in fact played by rina sawayama i don't make the rules (i do). thank you for all comments, reblogs, and screaming at me because we are all obsessed. seriously, it's an honor and i'm just so excited that you all are just as excited as me. let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist.
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chapter eight | masterlist | chapter ten
You spend your first Sunday afternoon without Luca, for the first time in a few weeks, deep cleaning your home. Between your new relationship and your work at the restaurant, you’d found yourself falling behind on chores. But he’d worked the late shift last night, filling in for a cook who called out, which is how you’d ended up with a night and morning of divine alone time. 
With your headphones on, it’s easy to multitask, simultaneously folding clothes while you catch up with your friend, formerly-sister-in-law, over the phone. 
“Anyways, work’s kept me so damn busy that I’ve barely had a moment in my own home but… we are all doing quite alright over here,” she explains, after detailing her travels all across Europe. 
Being a buyer for Nordstrom UK keeps her on the road, or rather, in the sky, at a frequent rate. 
“Well I’m glad you called. It’s good to hear from you. And It’s really good to catch up, Astrid,” you say, smiling to yourself as you finish folding a pile of t-shirts. 
“Well, just because you and Joe didn’t work out doesn’t change anything. You’re still my sister,” she replies, with a small laugh. “We’re family, regardless of the fact that he couldn’t keep a good thing around.”
“Astrid! You know it wasn’t like that,” you protest, though you know it’s all in jest.
“I know,” she sighs, and you can practically hear her rolling her eyes from all the way to England. “Selfishly, I’m just feeling a bit contrary about it, is all. But enough about me. How are you? How’s everything at the restaurant?”
“It’s been great. I… can’t believe that I have a restaurant,” you answer as you shake your head in disbelief.
“God, I’ve gotta get out there soon. I haven’t stopped thinking about that lumache from my last visit – what was it – last November? Yeah, it’s been too long,” Astrid recalls lightheartedly. 
“Yeah, it really has. Just let me know. You know I’m always up for hosting you,” you agree, hopeful that she’ll come visit soon. 
“Besides work, what else’s new? And don’t tell me you’re still just burying yourself in the restaurant because I don’t want to hear it,” she asks, a curious tone in her voice as she segways from work to 
“Well um…” you trail off, treading lightly over the delicate subject. 
The thing you want to tell her about is Luca, because he is what’s new in your life. His presence in your life is evident – it’s in the pair of sweatpants he tossed in with your laundry that you’re folding now, the spare toothbrush you ‘lent’ him that sits right next to yours, and the way that thinking of him makes your heart race. 
You don’t want to lie to her… but you’re also not sure what the etiquette is either. 
It’s not like this is included in the divorcee handbook you never got in the first place. 
“I’m… sort of seeing someone,” you admit, hesitantly. 
“What?!” she gasps, instantly giddy with excitement. “Yeah, we uh…” you hesitate, testing the waters since she seems excited about it. “We’ve been dating for about a month now, maybe.”
“Shut up! That’s mega! How’d you meet? Tell me everything,” she gushes. 
“Well, he actually came into the restaurant. Kind of became a regular and uh…” you explain, and she can hear the smile in your voice as you do. “He’s great. You’ll love this story, actually. He’s also a chef – a pastry chef. One night after coming in, he left a box of croissants for my staff and a handwritten note inviting me to come to the restaurant he works at. It was very….”
“Romantic. Wow…” Astrid adds, too excited for you as she listens. “And a bold move. Knows what he wants. I like him already.”
“Yeah, he’s… he’s really incredible. I swear. He has the patience of a saint, especially as I’ve uh… you know, I’ve been trying to figure this whole… dating after you end your marriage kinda thing,” you continue, chuckling in response to the awkwardness of it all. 
“We were friends actually, for a while. Just friends, which, I know you’ll yell at me about when you see what he looks like. But I think it was good for us, for me, really – to be friends first.”
“Well, now you have to send me a picture,” she requests, even more intrigued as you fiddle with your phone, pulling up a photo you took of Luca the other day. 
You wait a beat. Then another, seeing that the photo has been delivered as Astrid shrieks in your ear. 
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me, mate?!” she practically screams. 
“I know,” you squeal. 
“You are absolutely unbelievable,” she shakes her head, staring at the gorgeous blonde on her screen. “How did you not jump right into bed?!”
“Trust me,” you reply, the room suddenly feeling 5 degrees hotter. “After we agreed to start seeing each other, we didn’t wait very long.”
”Sounds like you have a boyfriend,” Astrid comments smugly, as she waits for your reaction. You have expect yourself to panic, but you don’t as you the words tumble out of your mouth. 
“I… it does sound that way, doesn’t it?” you ask her, your voice soft as you reply. 
“Absolutely, my darling,” Astrid replies, before changing the subject. “Okay, so how’s the sex?!”
“Astrid!” you protest with a laugh. “Do you really want to-?”
“Of fucking bloody course I do! Now spill!” she demands. 
You pause, grinning as your cheeks blush. 
“It’s fucking incredible,” you admit, eliciting a giggle from your friend. 
“Shit, babe,” she sighs, contently. “I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks,” you say back, because you’re pretty damn happy too. “Astrid, will you keep this between us? It’s just that it’s all still so new and….” 
You pause. 
“I just don’t want Joe to hear it from anyone but me.” 
“Of course,” she replies, compassionately, in deep understanding.
“What else are sisters for?”
You showed up to Luca’s flat uncertain of what to expect, but then he’d pulled you into his home and kissed you like you’d been on his mind all day – and in his defense, you really had. 
“Why don’t you come over Sunday night, then? Let me cook you dinner for a change,” he had suggested as you were figuring out your schedules for the week. 
“You sure you’ll be up for that after working overtime this week?” you’d asked in response. 
“I’ll be alright, love,” he’d answered, like he had unlimited energy when it came to you. 
And even though you’d asked him if you should bring dessert – only to be met with a cheeky comment about you being dessert – you showed up anyway with a matcha basque cheesecake in hand and a deli container filled with a yuzu scented whipped cream to top it with. 
So this is how you find yourself perched on top of Luca’s kitchen island countertop, after having watched his exceptional knife skills for the last thirty. You spend your evening snacking on sliced sourdough bread you’re not sure how he had the time to make, and sip on your glass of red wine while watching him prepare a coq au vin. You swear you’ve got hearts in your eyes when you look at him, watching his muscular, inked forearms flex with how he grips his chef’s knife. As music plays softly in the background, a playlist you can only imagine is the entirety of Luca’s music library put on shuffle, you busy yourself, refilling your wine glass for your second glass of the night. 
“Want another, babe?” you ask him, noticing that he’s on his way to empty as well. 
“Sure. Thank you, my love,” he replies, scooping a handful of chopped carrots up from his cutting board with a bench scraper, depositing them into a small bowl. You watch as Luca picks up his glass of wine and makes his way over to you. 
He hands you the glass, then places a gentle kiss against your lips, a smile spreading across his lips. Luca takes a few steps away so that you can fill his glass again, making a few swift movements to turn the heat down on the gas burner. 
“How was your day?” he asks, while still moving around his kitchen. 
You fill him in on your productive day of chores and catching up with an old friend while Luca listens, busy with removing the pieces of chicken out from the heavy, enameled, cast-iron pot and onto a plate. By the time Luca’s added hot oil to the pot, followed by the chopped carrots and peeled, halved cipollini onions, you’ve caught him up on the long version of Jesper’s latest love-life updates, since he and Claudio have now decided to make it official. 
“So you used to make this with your mom?” you ask curiously, changing the subject as you watch Luca scrape the browned bits off the bottom of the pot. 
He nods in response, stealing a glance your way, his lips turned up into a half smile. 
“Yeah. Most coq au vins can take up to three to four hours, but my mum didn’t have the time,” Luca explains, as you watch him remove the pieces of chicken from out of the heavy, enameled, cast-iron pot and onto a plate. “But it was important for her… to cook for me… to share that ritual with me when she could.” 
The sound of the wine and cognac mixture hitting the hot pan sizzles throughout Luca’s home, your nose filling with the smell of deglazed caramelized bits. 
“And I spent a lot of time as a kid watching the cooking channel, so while we didn’t exactly spend all Sunday cooking a classic French coq au vin, Jamie Oliver’s did the job quite well,” Luca recalls, sharing a piece of his relationship with food with you. 
“Well, it smells incredible,” you say, as he approaches you once more, this time with a full glass of wine in your hands, ready for him. 
As Luca leans in again, the way he kisses you is much more languid, slow, like time is limitless. You breathe him in, completely enamored with the man that’s kissing you, and before anything too wild can happen, he pulls away, leaving you wanting more. Luca smirks, and you swear he knows the effect he has on you. He presses a quick peck to your lips this time, before taking the glass of wine from your hands and heading back to his post in front of the stovetop. 
“This all goes back in,” he continues, using tongs to add the chicken and pancetta bits back into the simmering pot. “Then we braise it in the oven for about… thirty, forty minutes maybe.” 
You raise your glass of wine to your lips, taking a quick sip of the beaujolais you’re using both for the coq au vin and to unwind, listening as the song changes in the background, instantly recognizing the drum pattern. The corners of your lips turn up into a smile as you close your eyes, enjoying the familiarity of the song as you say:
“God, I love this song.”
Luca smiles, “It’s a classic. Great song.” 
Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream, she said
The one that makes me laugh, she said
Threw her arms around my neck
“You know, I saw them when I was in my early 20s. It was just me and a bunch of somebody’s dads,” you grin, in reference to The Cure. 
Luca chuckles at your comment, before asking, “Did you really?” 
“Yes. And when they came out on stage, smoke machine and all, I wept because it was the fulfillment of a childhood dream – to see them. I… was a bit of an angsty teen,” you answer, raising your wine glass to your lips once more. 
“Think we all had an angsty phase, more or less. Mine was less pining to The Cure and more stirrin’ up trouble,” Luca admits, lightheartedly. 
“Again, and I’m holding you to it. You promised me pictures,” you remind him with aplomb. 
“I did, yeah,” he chuckles, shyly, with a sigh of resignation. 
You focus on enjoying one of your favorite songs and sipping on your glass of wine, as you watch Luca put the enameled cast-iron plot, full of the ready-to-braise coq au vin, into the oven. 
Comfortable silences between you and Luca have become more frequent. There are days that all you want to do is stay up till the early hours of the morning talking and kissing and fucking, and there are others that you love leaning into the quiet intimacy that seems to be developing between you. It’s almost as if you’ve forgotten what this feels like – the excitement of something new where you’re learning so much about each other and everything feels like the first time. 
It’s thrilling and it’s also safe. 
Luca makes you feel safe, and you can’t imagine doing this with anyone else but him. 
For a first time relationship, post-divorce, you really hit the jackpot, you think to yourself. 
Luca continues moving around the kitchen, drinking his wine in between clean up tasks, as if he’s at work, hell bent on keeping his station clean. He’s much better than you are at that, you observe, as he does a few dishes that he’s used up, instead of leaving them in the sink for tomorrow. 
As he dries his hands on a dish towel, the song changes, and the opening notes of Beyonce’s Love On Top begin playing. You smile as you hear the undeniable: 
Bring the beat in!
“Alright, mate. Hear me out,” Luca proposes, spinning around with excitement. “And I don’t say this lightly. But this. This is one of the greatest songs of all time.” 
“I-I’m sorry,” you giggle as you watch Luca dance to the song in his kitchen with a smoothness that’s somehow simultaneously a little silly. 
“What? You don’t agree?” he asks, shooting you a look as he ball changes towards you, earning another laugh from you. 
“No, I do. I love this song,” you grin from ear to ear. “I’m just so tickled by the fact that you love this song.”
“It’s Beyonce,” he defends, in his best ‘well-duh’ kind of tone, gesturing wildly. “C’mon. Let’s dance.” 
“Wh-,” you begin to say, before Luca’s practically pulling you off of the counter to join him. “Luca!!”
But he’s not having any of your protests as he wraps his arms around you. You hang onto him, holding him close as he leads you in a silly uptempo kind of dance, spinning and turning you with him in a way that has you in a fit of giggles. The two of you stumble from his kitchen into the living space area as you move together, embracing how goofy and ridiculous you both feel. 
Luca sings along softly, something you get a better listen to as soon as he’s pulling you close to him. 
“What the fuck!” you practically shriek, your jaw practically on the floor. 
“Hmm?” he hums in response, unphased by your outburst. 
“You’re unfuckingreal,” you balk, as you listen to him hum along to the Beyonce song. “I mean. You-, like, you look like this, you’re great in bed, and you have a nice singing voice? How-, how’s a girl ever supposed to stand a chance?” 
He chuckles, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear, sending chills down your spine as he coos, teasingly, “I’m great in the sack, hmm?” 
Your heart skips a beat as you pull back, just enough to look into the eyes of your lover as you say, “Oh fuck off.”
He laughs again, this time, leaving a soft kiss against your ear, hugging you closer to him as you slow your dance down as the song begins to end. There’s a pause between this and the next song, providing the perfect opportunity for Luca to answer your earlier question. 
“You weren’t,” Luca replies, his voice quiet but sure. Supposed to stand a chance, he means. “I think we were supposed to meet. Supposed to be here.”
Supposed to fall in love. 
He leans down to kiss you as the next song begins, transitioning into a much bluesier sound. The crooning sounds of Etta James blast from Luca’s living room speakers, as you smile into the kiss. You groan, your heart aching in the best way as kiss him to:
I want a Sunday kind of love
A love to last past Saturday night
And I'd like to know it's more than love at first sight
And I want a Sunday kind of love, oh yeah, yeah
“My God. I think tonight’s shuffle is proof that you may just have the most versatile taste in music history,” you mumble, pulling away for a moment from the kiss. 
As you open your eyes, Luca’s just admiring you, an awestruck look on his face that steals your breath. No longer able to deflect with humor or anything else really, you lay your head on his chest, settling into the soft swaying motion of the dance that you and Luca have fallen into. Your arms go around his neck once more as Luca holds you close to him, making a mental note to remember this forever. 
“How did you know?” you ask Luca, softly. 
“What’s that, love?” he asks back. 
“You said that you thought we might be good at this. At… at an ‘us.’ When we talked about starting to see each other,” you begin, choosing your words carefully, underscored by the violins of the song. 
Luca takes a deep breath admitting that, “I didn’t.” 
“What do you mean?” you ask, looking up at him, your eyes full of adoration for the man that’s captured your heart.
“Babe, I-,” he starts, letting out a small laugh. “I knew we got on well. And that I liked you. And I thought… if we got on this well as friends and you felt the same, that we could give it a go. See what happens.” He takes a beat, choosing his words, before continuing with: 
“But, my love, I can’t predict the future. It could work out in the long run, it could not. But I wanted-, I want to see how far we can take it.”
You take a deep breath, because this conversation is deep-breath worthy. 
Notorious for wanting to read the last page of a book first, you know he’s right, that you can’t predict the future, and you, now just as much as he does, would like to see how far this could go. 
“Yeah it-, that makes complete sense,” you stammer, feeling incredibly vulnerable all of a sudden. You rest your head against his chest again, settling back into your slow sway to the beat. 
Like clockwork, the song ends, something a little more upbeat trickling in through the speakers. You and Luca remain in each others’ arms, content to stay here forever. You’re amazed at his confidence, at his fearlessness to take a chance on love, and you think to yourself, he might be teaching you some of that too. 
“Let’s take a trip together,” Luca suggests, the low resonance of his voice cutting through the quiet. “Maybe end of the month or something. An end of summer trip.” He chuckles, a hand coming up to stroke your hair as you enjoy the way his voice vibrates in his chest. 
“Fuck it. I could care less if we make it in time for the end of summer. Let’s just get out of the city together.” 
“That sounds spectacular,” you answer. 
And it’s there, in Luca’s arms after a dance party for two, that you think to yourself, you couldn’t be happier.
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archerlullaby · 9 months
Hello friends! It’s been a long while since I posted, but here’s a piece based off of @kikker-oma ‘s incredible whumptober art! Go check it out!
Sky is tired. So tired. Tired of walking, tired of how his lungs burn when the forest grows thick, tired of how his callouses tore after the fifth time he raised it in battle today. Tired of—
“Pick up your feet Sky. By what Wild says, we won’t make it to Necluda if we keep going at this pace.”
Warriors pats him on the back and moves ahead of him without even so much as a glance. Sky closes his eyes in agitation but sighs his annoyance away. You’re the peacemaker. The peacemaker is calm. The peacemaker smiles. You don’t get upset with your brothers, especially when they’re just trying to help. “Sky! What’d I tell you? Hurry it up!” Warriors’s voice breaks through his calming mantra and Sky grits his teeth.
“Yes! Coming!” He picks up his feet, catching up with the group with a wheeze he hides in his sleeve.
The sun grows hot, and though the surface world of Wild’s land is beautiful, it seems to have a personal vendetta against Sky’s lungs. Having spent most of his life up in the Skyloft where the airborne irritants are few, this forest full of different flowers, trees, and grasses is a far throw from what his lungs are used to. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t take long until he feels that oh-so familiar band tightening around his chest. He focuses his breaths, trying to ignore the urge to cough, to yawn, to do anything to get more air in his chest so that the group doesn’t catch on.
“If you’re having trouble breathing, Sky, you should loosen your sailcloth. It likely doesn’t help being tied around your neck like that,” Warriors says, shooting him a backwards glance as if to say “I can hear you choking on the very air you breathe, dumbass.” Sky smiles thinly and tugs at the knot, loosening it slightly. Obviously that wasn’t what he meant. Warriors is just trying to help, as always, Sky chides himself.
“Right as always, Captain. Thank you.”
“Hmmm,” Warriors replies, giving Sky a quick once-over with a raised brow before turning forward again. Sky grits his teeth, hanging back away from the group to gather his thoughts and squash the buzz of annoyance that has once again invaded his headspace.
Master, I detect a rise in blood pressure and slight emotional instability. I suggest you take a break.
Fi’s voice echoes in his head and, unlike the usual calming affect her voice has, it only serves to muddle his thoughts.
“Now’s not the time, Fi,” Sky mutters.
On the contrary, master. There is a high probability of both your physical and mental health deteriorating further if you do not rest soon.
Sky merely groans inwardly and puts his focus into making one foot go in front of the other, which would be a relatively easy task had Warriors not fallen back to walk astride him.
“Sky, I think we need to work a little on proper hand care. A warrior is only as effective with a blade as his hands are capable of holding it, and I can tell that yours are hurting,” Warriors chides gently. The buzzing in Sky’s head gets louder.
“I’ll keep that in mind, thanks,” he replies stiffly. Warriors huffs.
“You’re not taking me seriously.”
“Now is not a good time, Wars.”
“Well, forgive me for trying to help you!” Warriors throws his hands in the air dramatically. “Listen. I’m just worried about you. I can tell you’re in pain, and I have a lot of experience with—”
Sky stops in his tracks, allowing the group to move ahead, leaving him alone with the other man. The annoyance that has been simmering all day suddenly ignites into something hotter. “Oh, and I don’t have experience?” He says, his voice low. Warriors looks at him with surprise, then rolls his eyes.
“Goddesses, Sky, don’t be ridiculous, you know that’s not what I meant. What’s with you?”
“What’s with me? What’s with you?”
Warriors opens his mouth to retort but Time’s voice rings out from ahead.
“It’s a dangerous place to fall behind!” Time says, the warning clear. Warriors gives one last look at Sky before turning on his heel and stalking back towards the group. Sky knew it was foolish to get in a fight over something so meaningless, but he was just so damn exhausted. He put a shaky hand to his chest and took a too-shallow breath. Can’t think straight. Can’t breathe right. Apparently I can't even take care of myself, according to Mr. High and Mighty, Sky thinks bitterly.
When he finally gathers himself enough to continue walking, the group is far enough ahead to where he can’t discern who is talking. Unease shoots through him and he begins to jog to catch up, but doubles over in a fit of coughing in just a few measly steps. When it finally subsides, he wipes the spittle from the edges of his mouth with one hand, his other supporting himself on his knee. With a groan of exasperation, he tries to blink away the spots in his vision
Master, behind—
Sky looks up blearily to see Wild sprinting at him with a familiar glint in his eye just in time for a spear to imbed itself into the ground less than six inches from his boot. He has the right sense to throw himself to the side just as a Lizalfos’s tail sweeps the air right where his legs were a moment ago. Still recovering from his coughing fit, he wheezes as his hand reaches for the Master Sword, easily pulling the blade from the sheathe but not without throwing him off balance as he backpeddles away from the long reach of the monster’s spear. He lands on his back on the forest floor, bringing the sword up to defend himself best he could as the Lizalfos jumps on top of him.
Before it could complete its attack, a blur of royal blue body slams the creature off of him, both figures tumbling to ground with a thud. Twilight is not far behind, pulling Wild up with a single hand as the duo faces off with the creature. A hand tugs Sky up to his feet.
“Are you injured?” Time’s steady voice cuts through the air. Sky merely shakes his head, turning to help Twilight and Wild, but finds that the two have already dealt the final blow. Wild flicks his sword expertly to clean his blade, a grin on his face as Twilight glowers at him.
“Seriously? You have almost every weapon in the books and yet you still choose to tackle it?” Twilight baps Wild upside the head before chuckling. “Black-blooded too? You’re a maniac.”
Sky shoots Wild a shaky smile.
“Thanks, champ. I was in a bad way,” he says quietly. Wild merely shrugs.
“Sure thing. Also, we should keep moving. Where there’s one, there’s more,” he replies, before pointing and walking back to the path. “We’re only about an hour out. We can get to a safe part of the woods before the sun sets.”
The group follows Wild and Sky falls into line, acutely aware of how Warriors has not said a single word through the entire ordeal. The adrenaline wears off, leaving Sky feeling worse than he was before.
Just as Wild promised, they reach a clearing just as the sun touches the horizon. With a groan, Wind drops his pack and flops onto the ground.
“Ughh! My feet are falling off!” Wind exclaims, voice muffled by the grass. Sky watches as Warriors approaches the youngest and laughs, squatting beside the boy and ruffling his hair.
“Oh, come on, sailor! You could’ve asked me to carry you! Or we could have slowed it down a bit!” Warriors grins down at Wind.
Outrage. Slowed down a bit? Anger shoots through Sky as he hears Warriors continue to talk to Wind. Where was that sympathy when I couldn’t breathe? When he knew I was struggling?
Master, your heart rate has jumped to 115 beats per minute, an increase of 64.23 percent from two minutes ago. Sitting down would be a logical course of action.
“Yes. Yep. Sitting down, thanks Fi,” Sky makes out through gritted teeth. Taking off his armor and setting the Master Sword aside, he does his best to breathe. Rolling up his sleeves, he basks in the cooling air. He sits with eyes closed, face towards the darkening forest, listening to the sounds of the coming night, the crickets chirping, the frogs croaking. All is well. All is well and you are calm. You are the peacemaker…
“—Do not believe he should take watch tonight. I am not confident in his line of thinking right now,” Warriors’s voice cut through Sky’s meditation. Sky’s eyes snap open as he tunes in to what was clearly supposed to be a private conversation. Not confident?
“Can you check on him?”
“Time, I don’t think that’s a good idea. He clearly wants to be alone, and to be honest, I don’t feel like holding a conversation with him right now.”
“Don’t, Time. He’s been off all day, and there are already tensions between us. And with that stunt he pulled earlier? I already told him once to catch up. His lackadaisical actions could’ve gotten people hurt, or worse. Something has to change. I’m trying to figure out what to do with him.”
Sky heard Time say something in return, but the anger that had clouded his mind blocked it out. He rose slowly, turning towards the two with rage written across his face. Time notices him first and places a hand on Warriors’s shoulder.
“What to do with me?” He hisses, stalking towards Warriors.
“Sky—” Warriors starts, tugging out of Time’s grasp.
“What to do with me?” Sky stops nearly chest-to-chest with the other man. “What am I? A child?”
“No, Sky, that’s not—”
“Or maybe I’m one of your soldiers that you can command? Is that it, Captain?”
Warriors’s gaze darkens. “Well then, maybe, if it would help you get your head out of the clouds, perhaps it would be best to start thinking like the knight you are, Skyloftian,” he replies.
Sky was breathing hard, his wheezing starting to come back. Fi chimes from where he left her, but he ignores her warning. “You have been on my ass all day! There is no doing anything right with you is there? Because you’re always so perfect!”
“I’ve been helping you all day, because you clearly need it! Maybe you should use that head of yours to listen!”
“I don’t need your help!” Sky’s voice has risen, drawing attention from the others. Time merely stands aside with crossed arms, electing to let the two men settle their differences. “I don’t need you to tell me how fast to walk, I don’t need you to tell me how to take care of myself, I don’t need your two-sense on if I am capable of standing watch or not!”
“Is that so? Then explain to me how you got yourself trapped under the spear of a Lizalfos if not for you and your lack of ability to think for yourself?” Warriors spits.
Rage makes Sky’s mind go blank. He shoves the other man before gathering his tunic in his fist, pulling Warriors towards him, their faces mere inches apart. Sky could feel angry tears burning his eyes, and he was angry, so angry, and so, so tired.
“I’m getting real tired of you treating me like the village idiot, Captain!” Sky snarls.
Warriors’s hand wraps easily around Sky’s wrists, pressing bruises into the skin as he leans forward, his face red with anger. “You are way out of line, Chosen,” he snarls and yanks on Sky’s arm, which doesn’t budge. “You need to step back before I make you.”
Chosen? I’ll show you chosen, is Sky’s last conscious thought before he raises his lips in a snarl.
“Make me.”
Fi’s voice rings and reverberates in his head, but he chooses to ignore it as the hair on his neck and arm rise, the buzzing in his head deafening. He fails to see how Warriors’s eyes change from anger to fear, or how he tries to pry Sky’s fist from his tunic. He is aware of yelling, and then Warriors is ripped from his grip and a strong pair of arms is encompassing his chest. A sharp pop fills the air, then silence, and the next thing he knows he’s gazing up at a sky full of stars, something hard at his back. There is an odd energy in the air, and it smells of ozone. Ozone? Oh…oh no. Oh no, no, no, what have I done?
A voice in his ear snaps Sky out of his panic. “Time?”
“That’s me,” Time’s voice replies.
Sky scrambles off of him and turns, his hands ghosting over the other man.
“Did…did I burn you anywhere? Does your head feel okay? Oh, I’m so, so sorry!” Sky exclaims, tears springing to his eyes. Time merely chuckles from where he lays on the ground.
“I’m fine Sky. But maybe I won’t wear my armor next time you call electricity forth from your person,” he says with a wince as he sits up.
“I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay.”
“No, I really—”
“Sky.” Time stands and grabs him by the shoulders. “Don’t apologize to me. Gather yourself, and when you’re ready, go to Warriors. I believe a calm conversation would do you good. As adults.” Sky nods. Time looks at him skeptically. “And I reiterate, as adults,” he says again, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, I understand,” Sky murmurs, “Thank you.” Times nods and moves away, gesturing at the others to go about their business. Warriors is nowhere to be seen.
Sky makes his way over to his space, laying out his sleeping roll, gently refusing the food Wild brings to him (until Wild shoves it in his face with an unsettling glare), and apologizes to Fi for not heeding her warning. She chimes quietly in response, never one to hold a grudge. After several hours into the night, Sky still can’t sleep despite Fi’s gentle plea to get some rest, so he stands and searches the camp for Warriors. Legend, who is on watch, glances at Sky then simply juts his chin towards the edge of the camp, towards a large stump at the woodline. Sky smiles his thanks.
Gathering his courage, Sky walks towards the stump. On the other side, he can see the top of a blond head and a familiar blue scarf. Sky pauses just before reaching the stump.
“May I…join you?” Sky asks softly. Warriors merely gestures a spot next to him on the grass. Sky settles next to him, and they sit in silence for a while until Wars breaks it.
“So. Lightning,” he says. Sky winces inwardly.
“Oh…yeah. It’s a long story,” he replies, “And not a very happy one, unfortunately,” he adds quietly. Warriors nods understandingly. Silence again.
“It’s okay Sky.”
“I should be the one apologizing to you,” Wars finally turns and faces him, regret in his eyes. “I was insensitive. Uncaring. I knew that you were being hurt by my words and I didn’t stop.”
Sky shook his head. “I was too lost in my own emotions to see that I was losing control. I almost hurt you out of anger. I hurt Time,” he sighs, resting his head in his hands. “You’re right. Sometimes I am too undisciplined to call myself a knight.”
Warriors shoves his shoulder. “None of that. We all have our moments. Yours wouldn’t have happened had I not been such a moblin-headed idiot,” he declares. “But truly. I am so very sorry, Sky. I was on edge already from traveling in Wild’s world and I took it out on you.”
Sky nods. “Thank you. And I’m sorry as well. For almost, you know…”
“Electrocuting me?”
Sky nods again.
“Eh. I deserved it,” Warriors chuckles. A smile pulls at the edges of Sky’s mouth and they fall into a comfortable silence. Warrior’s arm falls across Sky’s shoulders and he pulls him into a hug.
“You’re still my brother. You know that?” Wars mumbles into Sky’s hair.
“And you’re mine,” Sky replies softly, melting into the embrace as tears prick at his eyes for the third time that day. “I love all of you to death,” he adds.
“Yeah, we’re pretty great, huh?” The other laughs quietly, Sky chuckling in return.
They stay like that for a long while. The night grows colder and the moon is high in the cloudless sky, the stars dancing far above the canopy of trees below. Sky feels his eyelids grow heavy, the warm embrace lulling him into sleep until Warriors nudges him to sit up.
“You should go back to your bedroll and get some real sleep. I know you’re exhausted,” he tells Sky.
“Dn wnna mve,” Sky mumbles in response.
“Try to move me again and I will strike you with lightning,” He says, cracking an eye open and glaring halfheartedly at Warriors, who laughs in response.
“Alright, alright! Sleep well, Sky,” he whispers. A beat. “And for what it’s worth, I love you too. You lot are the best family I could ever ask for.”
Sky smiles, pulling the soft fabric of the scarf over his shoulder, and falling into a dreamless sleep.
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Paul McCartney, Astrid Kirchherr, and George Harrison in Tenerife, Spring 1963.
“After breakfast, we strolled around Puerto de la Cruz. George wanted to buy some clothes and so I lead the group to a small store. Behind the counter stood a pretty, blue-eyed young girl, just George’s type. He strutted past her constantly to get her attention. 
We watched his flirtation attempts and made jokes. After George and the girl had made eye contact, he dared to speak to her. And that was where the problem began: he couldn’t speak Spanish and she didn’t speak a word of English. George tried to explain with hands and feet who he was. But her answer was merely a captivating, helpless smile. Distressed, George pulled the Beatles’ LP out of his pocket and pointed at his face. ‘Mio, Georgio. I’m one of the Beatles.’ She just giggled. ‘Los Beatles, that’s me. I’m one of them.’ George leaned over the counter, held the record even closer to her and spoke to her beseechingly. The others had by now left the store sneering. She looked around for help. ‘Beatles? Qué?’ She didn’t know who the Beatles were, had never heard of them, and shrugged repeatedly. ‘What, no one knows us here?’ said George. ‘What planet did we land on?’ In resignation, he left with me and looked back to give her one last wistful wave at the door. The others were waiting around the corner. George had to listen to their stupid jokes all day. […] At the time, I don’t think George, Paul and Ringo realized how special that moment was: that no one asked them for an autograph, no one tried to touch them, no one even gave them a second glance. On the contrary. Like George earlier at the store, they seemed irritated that no one knew them. But it would actually be the last time in their lives that they could do something normal like drink a cup of coffee at a public place without being disturbed. It was the last time someone would say, ‘Beatles? Qué?’ And they couldn’t anticipate how much they would later miss being able to move freely and do something spontaneously without some journalist crafting a false story out of it. The wheel couldn’t be turned back. No question, the Beatles wanted the fame, but in April 1963 they had no idea how high of a price they would have to pay for it.” - Klaus Voormann, translated from Warum spielst du Imagine nicht auf dem weißen Klavier, John? (2003) (x)
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moodywyrm · 1 year
Do you have hc for farmhand! Sevika that are nsfw… cause I’m a whore
only writing this because I feel so unbearably needy and sub and touch-starved I'm crying. we got the full length yoga pants, hoodie, blankets 1 and 2, and all four stuffies on deck. chubby reader as usual. @pinknightsinmymind I have another contribution baby <3
she's absolutely a pleasure/service dom, most of the time. I imagine she does like to be the sub (emi has convinced of Sub Sevika), but that takes a lot of working up to. remember, she comes to the farm pretty closed off after a terrible stint in the city. at the beginning of y'all's sexual relationship, which is her first relationship where she's really, truly cared about her partner, she just needs to be able to take care of you.
fucking insatiable when it comes to giving head. I'm talking making out with your cunt, absolutely fucking soaked and sloppy, there is slick in her hair at this point. the first time she went down on you she came untouched in her boxers. honestly didn't even know she could do that, but finally getting to taste you and have you completely at her mercy after a fucking Year of pining? yeah she didn't stand a fucking chance.
after that, takes literally any opportunity to eat you out. doesn't care if your sweaty from fieldwork, it drives her fucking crazy. also doesn't care if you're hairy, baby loves hairy pussy. I said it and I stand by it. first time she sees your pussy, she goes a little bit insane because god you've been hiding this from her? y'all wanted each other for so long and she could've been shoving her face in between your thighs for how long? she's gotta make up for lost time.
doesn't let up until you've cum at least – at the absolute minimum – three times. anything less is a damn shame. needs to have you shaking and fucked out before she even considers letting you go. same thing applies to any other sexual act.
speaking of other sexual acts. her strap. holy shit her fucking strap.
dark purple. 7 inches. girth as all hell. veiny. can be a breeding strap. attached to an expensive leather harness that Sevika takes such good care of. even got special leather cleaner for it. also must add. she didn't have this one before she got with you. specifically picked this one out with you on one of your semi-regular trips to the city, alongside a few other toys. this one's her favorite though <3 next to the black strap that also has a side that goes in her <3
when it comes to fucking you with her strap, she always has to prep you. extensively. im talking at least an hour with her mouth and fingers, getting you all ready and worked up to take her. does she know you could probably take it sooner than that? yes. does she love the ritual of getting you so unbearably worked up that you cry and scramble to hold onto her when she finally pushes in? abso-fucking-lutely.
loves literally any position to fuck you in, but has a soft spot for missionary and having you ride her. for different but similar reasons.
missionary because she loves how you look beneath her, dependent on her, how she knows she can take care of you in this position. plus being able to watch your tummy squish when she manhandles you into similar positions like a mating press is just so fucking good for her.
riding her, whether she be laying down or sitting up, because she adores seeing you use her for your pleasure. it took a second for you to feel entirely comfortable being more commanding during sex, so whenever you want to ride her, she's so incredibly proud and horny. there's just something about having you astride her, taking your pleasure with no shame, no reservations. it's fucking beautiful, and she thinks you look like a goddess every single time.
loves scissoring with you, btw. always with her on top bc that requires some strength and why does she have it if she ain't gonna use it to make her pretty girl feel good. honestly didn't really consider scissoring when she was in the city, contrary to popular belief. mainly relied on oral and strap. meeting you was a fucking Revelation.
I mean it. she almost came the Second she pressed her pussy against your sloppy, warm, wet cunt, clit still throbbing from your orgasm. she doesn't know if any sensation will ever compare. fucking loves feeling you cum right against her, leaking all over her.
as hot and dirty sex can be between you two, it's also incredibly fucking intimate. this goes back to you being the first partner Sevika ever really got with that she truly, 100% was in love with, down to her fucking bone marrow. she needs to let you know that she loves you more than anything, and sex helps her do that. there's so much hand-holding, eye contact, hushed 'I love you's, kisses pressed against necks, etc. etc. everything she does, she does for you, and she needs you to know that. will even light candles for you, fucking you And making love to you in a pink-tinted room. nothing but the best for the love of her life.
that being said. baby fucking loves to take you around the farm. doesn't care how exposed it is. behind the greenhouse? check. behind the farmhouse? check. on the porch of the farmhouse? triple check. on the grassy patch above the pond? quadruple check. she does not care where it is, she just need her woman at all times, however you'll let her have you.
sometime she'll intentionally show off while she's working the farm, knowing just how needy it gets you. can't even begin to count how many times you bringing her lemonade on a hot day turned into you on your knees, dressed rucked up enough to stuff a hand down your panties as you ate her out, her big strong hands gently holding you against her cunt.
also loves your pretty lil dresses, you only started wearing them more when y'all got married and Sevika insisted on taking over the bulk of the farm work. Lets you play the pretty lil housewife, even though you still insist on helping around the farm. Anyway the dresses: yeah she fuckign adores them. loves it when you wear the off the shoulder ones with no bra, bc then she can just yank and expose your gorgeous tits, ready and waiting for her mouth.
also just. housewife kink. I will not elaborate at this time but im 100% certain of it.
farmer sevika smut! I will warn y'all now and by warn I mean but my foot down: this au is gonna have a lot of fluff. there will be smut, sure, but im a fluff girl to my core. this is basically my stardew valley fantasy. I hope y'all will love the fluff just as much as the smut.
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overtrred28 · 3 months
Stargirl | matildas x original character fic [part eighteen]
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Words; 2.7k
Pairings; matildas team x astrid taylor (OC)
Warnings; swearing,
“Courtney come on, just tell us please?” Astrid whined as she sat on the edge of her couch with Kyra, Courtney pacing in front of them. 
“Okay fine.” Courtney sat down in the arm chair across from the couch. “I’m going on loan.” She mumbled but the other girls caught on. 
“Loan?”  Kyra questioned, letting the information process in her mind as she looked at Courtney. 
“Where? Who?” Astrid asked with furrowed brows. 
“Leicester City put in an offer before the break, they told me this morning and I accepted.” Courtney looked down at her hands as she waited for further reactions. 
“How long?” Kyra asked after a minute of silence. 
“Till the end of the WSL season.” Courtney slowly lifted her head. “And then they have the option to buy after that.” She looked between her two friends who were processing the news, both silent. 
“That’s amazing Nevvy, I’m so happy for you.” Astrid stood up and opened her arms, waiting for Courtney to join her. Courtney stood up with a smile, accepting the hug and holding onto Astrid. 
“Thank you.” Courtney spoke into Astrid’s shoulder where she placed her head, the younger girl running her hand up and down her back. The two girls almost jumped when another pair of arms wrapped around them and a small laugh came from Kyra as she joined the hug.
“When do you go?” Kyra asked softly as they pulled apart but still stood closely. 
“Well I’m still training here for the next week and a half and then I’ll leave to sign there on the 25th.” Courtney relayed what she was told this morning. 
“Shit. That’s soon.” Astrid’s smile faltered as she realised how little time they had together in Sweden.
“I know. But we’ll see each other at camp like every month.” Courtney pulled Astrid into her side. 
“Enough with the sadness.” Kyra spoke sternly while putting her finger straight up in the air, scaring Courtney and Astrid. “Just means we have to do everything together for the next week and a half until Nev leaves us to our own devices.” Kyra directed her last words to Astrid who laughed in return. 
“Oh no I didn’t think of that bit.” Courtney sighed and placed a hand on her forehead in distress, genuinely concerned with how they might actually survive without her as a middle man. 
Contrary to Cortnee’s advice from over a week ago, Astrid and Kyra had yet to speak about New Year’s, or anything that happened that night, but easily returned to their usual selves and like nothing had happened. 
Astrid was still thinking about it at least once a day, questioning whether it was something or not, whether Kyra actually remembered the kiss, and what could this mean for them? The right thing to do to resolve her constant thoughts would be to just talk to Kyra about it, or at least tell someone else. But with the return to football and the World Cup looming above them, she was choosing to ignore the reality of it and keep it hidden deep down. 
After spending as much time with Courtney before she left and eventually helping her move out, it was time for the first game back. Kyra and Astrid had both been selected for the starting 11, ready to make an impact early on in the game. It’s safe to say they did. 
During the first half the pair had linked up on the left side two times, securing two assists for Kyra and a brace for Astrid, which helped the team eventually to their 6-1 win over AIK and a terrific start to the new year. 
After Courtney had left, Kyra had the thought that maybe Astrid should move in and fill the space and so that neither of them were lonely outside of training. Astrid agreed and they began the process of moving her in and getting out of her old place. 
Even now with their closer quarters, neither had yet to mention new years eve or the Fiji trip at all, pushing those few days to the back of their minds and ignoring whatever it was that happened between them. Their relationship stayed as close to what it was before the kiss, but there seemed to be a few moments of distance between them at certain times. For the most part though, the pair had acted as they always did and caused mischief to their club teammates during training sessions and weekly team bonding activities. 
After another 4 matches with Hammarby and another 5 goals added to Astrid’s list, it was time for Astrid and Kyra to jet off home and join the Matilda’s for the first camp of the year. It felt weird going off to camp without Courtney this time, Charli also taking her own flight with Mini and Harper, leaving Kyra and Astrid on the long journey alone. And without anyone else to pester or intervene, they were getting at each other's throat every five seconds, resulting in them rocking up to camp exhausted and annoyed with one another. 
Astrid was always very happy to be back on home soil, especially when they got to play in her hometown and in front of her friends and family, it was always a special time. 
The car pulled up to the hotel and Astrid and Kyra jumped out, their social media team standing outside ready to catch them, forcing smiles onto both of their faces as if they weren’t just arguing five minutes ago about something stupid. 
They were met with the rest of the girls who had arrived from overseas standing in the lobby, all turning around as they heard Kyra and Astrid walking in the front doors. 
“Cha Cha!” Astrid dropped her baggage immediately, yelling as she ran directly towards the blonde defender, a look of fear in her eyes as she spotted the young forward racing towards her. 
“Oh no.” She whispered to herself, preparing for the impact she knew was coming. Astrid all but leaped into Charli’s arms, the girl grunting as she caught Astrid and tried to stabilise herself, stopping them from falling to the ground. 
“Oh thank god.” Astrid shook her head as she jumped down from Charli, gripping onto her shoulders with wide eyes. “It is so good to see you, I have been stuck alone with her for 2 months now!” The her she was referring to stood behind them with a dropped jaw. 
“And I have been stuck with her, it’s torture.” Kyra dramatically sighed as she moved closer to the group of girls. Astrid turned around slowly, meeting eyes with Kyra who had her arms crossed over her chest. 
“I thought you chose to move in with Kyra.” Steph spoke up, pointing her attention to Astrid. 
“Well it's cheaper and safer than living alone.” Astrid shrugged her shoulders, a smirk growing on her face as she awaited Kyra’s reaction. 
“Take that back, you love me.” Kyra ran forward, bringing her hands up to pinch Astrids cheeks causing the younger girl to swat her arms away. 
“Leave me alone!” Astrid squealed as they began fighting, laughs echoing through the lobby as the other girls watched on in confusion, no one ever understood their relationship. 
“Alright, enough you two. The rooms are ready.” Steph was the one who separated them with the help of Charli who pushed them both towards their bags and handed them their individual room keys. “Everyone has their own room this time.” Steph announced to the group who all seemed happy with that, enjoying having the space to themselves. 
After a night of rest and a fuelling breakfast where they took the time to catch up, the team were headed to the stadium for their first day of training with only 3 days until their match against Czechia. 
Training went smoothly like always, the team jumping back into their rhythm instantly and enjoying back together in the Australian sun. Kyra and Astrid paired up for drills, a disaster waiting to happen, and it clearly didn’t take long for chaos to ensue. Though they enjoy one another's company, they also have a way of getting under each other's skin quite quickly. So it wasn’t a surprise when the session was stopped because Kyra and Astrid were now on the ground practically wrestling after getting caught up in each other's feet and falling over. 
A few of the older, more responsible girls ran over and began separating them, putting them with different partners and on other sides of the pitch, in hopes of creating a more peaceful, quiet session. But they still managed to find themselves communicating, loudly, across the pitch whilst they were training and still disturbing everyone. 
“Oi, you two!” Sam’s voice caught the attention of the pair who sneakily made their way back to one another and were whispering at the back of the group before Sam spotted them. Their heads snapped up at their captain and immediately stopped the chatter, their quiet laughs drifting off. Everyone else watched with smirks as Sam began to scold them. “Stop being 5 years olds otherwise you’re not playing on Thursday.” Her threat made them both visibly swallow and start to inch further and further away from each other, avoiding eye contact to avoid laughter.
The 3 days of training had ensured the team could once again come back together like no time had passed and look like they played together each day. They had their meeting that morning, where they would have a final talk about strategies and finally reveal the starting line up, Astrid sitting up the back with her other three counterparts half listening to Tony. That was until something finally caught her attention.
“As our 10 we’re going to have Astrid,” Tony smiled when he saw the young girl's head lift up, jaw dropping slightly in surprise. “You are our central attack to help Sam as the 9.” Tony concluded and Astrid nodded, shock turning into a smile on her face. Her teammates were giving her head claps and shoulder shakes while she stared at the screen, her heart beaming at the fact she would be starting a game in her home town with all her friends and family there. 
During their pitch warm up, Kyra had pointed out Astrid’s family that were sitting by one of the corners, both girls giving them a wave when they passed during drills. Astrid couldn’t have felt better than she did right now. And unlike the last time she was set to start, there wasn’t an ounce of anxiety as redid her hair, tied her boots right to left and finally put on her jersey. 
Astrid was last in the line behind Charli and Kyra, as per the 31 painted under her last name, pushing out any nerves by talking with her mascot beside her. “What position do you play?” Astrid asked the girl beside her. 
“Forward, like you!” The girl pointed up and Astrid's eyes widened as she watched the girl realise who she was, getting even more excited to be standing next to Astrid. 
“Well that means you’re part of the cool kids club then.” Astrid smiled and put out her spare hand for a high five, the girl jumping up and to hit before jumping up and down in excitement. “Unlike Kyra and Charli.” Astrid bent down to whisper but kept it loud enough for the girls to hear her. 
“Hey!” They both exclaimed but they were cut off as the line started moving and the team began their walk out, Astrid and her mascot still giggling together. 
There was so much pride behind Astrid as she walked out on that pitch, seeing the almost full stands of Matildas supporters ready to watch what would be a very intense game. 
During the first half there were so many missed chances from both teams, right from that first touch. Just too high, too far over, a really good block. It seemed nothing was going to happen for either in the first half.
Time was almost up, 3 minutes left on the clock and Astrid was nowhere near giving up on this half. The ball had fallen to Charli who dribbled through the opposition before shooting it off to Kyra in the midfield. Kyra quickly became surrounded and needed to pass it off before she lost it. She found a gap and slipped to a more central position, eying off forwards to pass it too. Courtnee and Hayley were too far back and crowded to slip it in, Sam and Astrid being the only two with a chance of getting it in. Both strikers had their eye on the ball as Kyra kicked it into the air, ready for it no matter who it decided to fall to. It looked as if it was about to fall to Sam who was ready to head it in, so the defenders and goalie headed in her direction. 
But with a slight change of the breeze and an extra step from Kyra, the ball landed to Astrid at her chest, quickly rolling the ball down to her feet. Her proximity to the next assisted greatly as she used her right foot to tap the ball forward, slipping past the hands of Lukášová and bouncing in the back of the net. 
The crowd roared in her ears as Astrid found herself running along the edge of the pitch past the crowd, proudly taking a hold of her shirt, tapping her badge as she ran. The girls had begun to chase after Astrid who had just given them a leg up in the last 2 minutes of the game. She eventually stopped and turned around to find 9 other girls about to land on her and give her more head pats than she could have imagined. 
She was beaming as they finally returned to their positions to resume play, all still with adrenaline pumping and a final fight at the end of the half. And before she knew it, Cortnee was running towards the goal, defenders trying to catch up to her before Cortnee slid the ball towards Astrid so quickly that once again Astrid was shooting the ball into the back of the net. 
A brace within the last 3 minutes of the first half, who would have thought. To celebrate this time though Astrid ran to the corner where her family were sitting, blowing a kiss up to her parents at the edge, almost buckling forward as a whole heap of bodies piled up on her back. The girls were screaming in her ear, most prominently Kyra who was the first person on her back to no surprise, Astrid dropping her off with a bright smile before both Kyra and Charli wrap their arms around the young scorer. 
30 seconds into resuming play the ref called time and the Matildas were leaving the pitch 2-nil up and hungry for more. After time for a breath and a plan revision, the girls were back on the field, an immediate change was made with Aivi to Clare Hunt, marking her Matildas debut. 
Hayley was the one who kept the fire alive early in this half, also scoring herself a brace within the first 10 minutes, giving the crowd what they came to see. Astrid, Cortnee and Katrina played 25 minutes of this half before being subbed off for fresh legs, all happy with the impact they had made to the game. 
The game ended with 6-0 in favour of the Matildas after 2 more goals from Sam and Polks, the girls very happy with their result in front of the home crowd. After their rounds to the fans, saying hello to friends and family, and their group pitch huddle, it was time for the girls to head back to the hotel for a night of rest ahead of their prep for Spain in 3 days. 
to be continued...
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kranagok0 · 5 months
Jonas, another possible wasted character
Okay, this time I want to talk about this old man who is Astrid's neighbor.
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The first time we are given signs of his existence is by using Hilda, he arrives in Tofoten and notices that the house next door has a lot of horseshoes on the door, implying that he must be obsessed with something.
There is also this close-up of the camera that gives us the impression that there is possibly someone watching from inside the house. As if he were looking back at that little blue-haired adventurer, or as if he suspected that she was not an ordinary person.
As we already know, fairies have blue hair which is one of their main characteristics. It would not be strange to believe that he had previously had contact with a fairy or that something related to fairies had happened to him. It is possible that they took away a brother or family member of his that he appreciated, hence his obsession to prevent the same thing from happening to him.
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I mean, look at his reaction. The man is hysterical and, although it cannot be seen, scared. As soon as Hilda says she wants to know about fairies it causes Jonas to go almost crazy and start giving a lecture to Hilda which, in short, says about how they are evil and atrocious creatures.
If it weren't for Astrid, I wouldn't know what other things she would have said to Hilda, but possibly it would have been another character who would be entangled in the plot to continue Hilda's story with the fairies. If Astrid had not arrived then the man could spill more information about why the fairies were so evil and monstrous.
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Here I think that he was there to advance the plot, to give Hilda that clue she needed on how to find said fairies. Possibly not inciting the blue-haired girl to search but on the contrary to make her cease any desire to search for said fairies.It would have been incredible if they put him as the typical guy who has a sad or tragic past in relation to the disappearance of a loved one and how he had to face that for the rest of his life, living in fear and despair.
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Unfortunately, he only appears in the second episode of the third season and from then on nothing more is known about him. I would have loved to see him use anti-fairy methods. It would have been ironic that Hilda would try to use a horseshoe as a weapon and would always end up accidentally hurt by her own hand. It would be funny.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 6 months
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Hurdles in hand Holding
Summary: Written for the Hurt and Comfort Bingo.
A Modern AU. The thing about having powers is that sometimes even the simplest of things can come with hurdles.
Warnings: /
Ratings: General
Words: 640
Prompts: Accidents
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: Modern AU? Canon Viking setting? I literally weighed a list of pros and cons and even with one extra con for the Modern AU, it still got on pro on top of the Canon Viking Setting. So, here's another Modern AU.
Got inspired by watching the first X-men movie yesterday. :')
Hiccup realized long ago that his ability to generate lightning is so intimately interwoven with his emotions. It’s not unheard of, it’s actually rather natural. It’s how most figure out they have powers at all, while others need to focus and make them happen.
He, in particular, has a great many feelings and he feels them with all of him. Always has. So control is the key and it took him years just to get some semblance of it.
“OW- fucking… Thor!”
But sometimes that control slips and Astrid jumps away from him with a couple of swear words as if she has just been… Well, shocked.
Her body is tingling all over in a rather unpleasant way, her heart is racing and she stares at her hand to make sure it didn’t leave a mark. It still hurts.
“I am so sorry!” Hiccup steps away from her, immediately apologetic. They were just taking a walk in the local park at sunset when Astrid took his hand to hold and it clearly sparked something, he ended up literally shocking her. He felt the charge not even a split second before she cried out.
It’s rather devastating that something so everyday as the joy of holding hands can lead to pain, he doesn’t see Astrid accidentally setting him on fire, does he?
“Hiccup, it’s okay,” she sighs, though her fingers still tingle annoyingly, the sensation radiates all the way up to her wrist. She doesn’t blame him. As anyone with abilities can attest, anyone with dangerous abilities like theirs especially; it’s easy to use your powers, control is the hard part.
She has perfected it, as would be expected from a Hofferson. But she also understands that this aspect of having powers tends to slip Hiccup’s mind. He always has a lot going on up there, so many emotions and she knows how deeply he feels each one. It’s one of the many reasons why she loves him.
As a pyrokinetic, there is no way she can ever let her feelings get the better of her and she pushed every hint of anything other than complete neutrality down until she had almost lost the ability to feel altogether.
But Hiccup… he could try for years and still fail.
“No… No, it’s really not,” he shakes his head. Astrid watches Hiccup pull something from his back pocket and within moments both his hands are clad in dark leather gloves. Contrary to Snotlout’s opinion- who claims her boyfriend has them to be extra- it turns out leather is a poor conductor for electricity. It’s either that or full on rubber gloves and who wants to be wearing those in daily life?
Astrid can’t help the heartache. They are in the minority, there are so many people who wish they had powers like them, but none of them quite realize the troubles they can bring. The two of them can’t even go for a walk together without having some kind of a hurdle to face.
They stand in silence for a moment, a couple of passersby staring at the two of them as they walk past.
Astrid wouldn’t have even noticed them if not for the fact that she doesn’t appreciate that they’re staring at her boyfriend. She couldn’t care less about what people think of her, but when they appear to be staring at him when he’s clearly feeling bad about something and fidgeting with his gloves that are sensory unpleasant…
“Come on,” she takes a resolute step closer to Hiccup and doesn’t allow him the chance to back away before she stretches her hand out to him. They will walk, they will hold hands and they will enjoy each other’s company.
Hiccup dares an appreciative smile and accepts her hand. Because she’s right. They can still enjoy this walk and they should.
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astridhoff03 · 7 months
Pregnancy Trouble - Part 2
Her two children stood frozen in the doorway, their eyes darting around the room in alarm. “Mom, where is Dad? What’s going on?” Astrid sighed heavily and waved her children over. Zephyr took her little brother by the hand and walked with him towards their mother. A gentle smile crossed Astrid's face as she looked into her daughter's sapphire blue eyes, identical to hers but with concern reflected in them. Nuffink, her little Nuffink, hugged his sister close as he looked at his mother. “Come here,” she said, patting the blank page. Her children hopped onto the mattress next to her and each snuggled up on one side of her. She stroked both of their heads and watched reverently as they stroked her stomach with their small hands. For a moment she forgot that she was in pain, but that moment didn't last long as an unspeakably razor-sharp pain shot through her abdomen again. She gritted her teeth to suppress another pained moan. Her children weren't allowed to see how much she was suffering; she definitely didn't want to drag them along with her. Both of them were so sensitive and too small to understand what was happening to her. She didn't want to scare them. "Everything is good. Your father just went quickly to get your grandmother because I need her help for a moment.” Zephyr and Nuffink nodded. “Is there anything we can do to help you, Mom?” Zephyr asked. Astrid smiled and stroked her daughter's soft cheek. "You two, my darling, can only help me by staying here with me and just cuddling with me for a bit until your father comes back." The two nodded and cuddled even closer. Then she suddenly heard Nuffink's sniffling. "What's wrong, baby?" He rubbed his green eyes, which were sparkling with small tears. “Mommy, I’m scared for you.” She kissed his temple lovingly. “You don’t have to worry about me, Finky. I am a warrior and besides, your father is by my side and he is the bravest and most selfless man I know, he will take care of me. Everything will be okay again.” I hope, she thought. I really hope so. “Was dad always so brave?” Zephyr asked curiously. “Yes he was,” she said reverently. “When I'm fit again, I'll tell you some stories about his heroic deeds, I promise.” Zephyr and Nuffink smiled enthusiastically. With every minute that passed, Astrid felt her pain steadily increasing. Hopefully the baby was okay? She could never forgive herself if something happened to her unborn child in her womb. Astrid didn't know how much longer she could hide her grief. Hopefully Hiccup comes back soon. Then...all of a sudden she heard the front door slam open with a loud crash. Hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs and just a few moments later Hiccup appeared in the doorway with Astrid's parents. "Zephyr? Nuffink? Why are you still awake?" she heard Hiccup's voice hurrying towards her. But before either of the two children could reply, Astrid intervened. "Hiccup, darling, they were just supporting me while you were away." She gently took one of his shaking hands and squeezed it tightly. He sighed heavily, his hand slowly stopping shaking as he took the tired Nuffink in his arms and held out his hand to his daughter. "Good. Then I'll put you two night owls back to bed. “Thank you for being there for your mother while I was away,” Astrid heard him whisper. Then her father suddenly came to the edge of the bed and put a hand on his son-in-law's shoulder. “Just leave it, Hiccup. I’ll put them both to bed, you stay with Astrid,” he said gently. Hiccup handed his son to Magnus and stroked his hair lovingly as always. "Sleep well, you two." Zephyr and Nuffink gave their parents a quick wave before they went out the door with their grandfather. Hiccup knelt in front of Astrid, placed both of his hands on her stomach and leaned his forehead against hers. “How do you feel?” She moaned in pain. "Not better. On the contrary, it got worse.”
sequel follows….
(Sry for again sequelbate you guys But Tumblr Said at One point that I can’t Continue the whole Prenancy Troubles Story with this Chapter)
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oseytorvan · 1 year
I kind of like the idea of the Big Four. Four main characters with similar problems and goals. The plot focuses on platonic relationships, not romantic ones. The characters are independent of each other and equally interesting… In general, it would be cool to write something silly about the adventures of Merida, Hiccup, Rapunzel and Jack.
But I can't get rid of the feeling that Hiccup wouldn't be a full-fledged member of this company. We have Rapunzel, who has the ability to gather people around her – she made friends with a pack of robbers, arranged dances in the city and promoted the truce of Eugene and Maximus. We have Merida, which would be nice to see in a friendly relationship – "Brave" was completely focused on family ties. We have a lonely Jack who desperately wants to be part of the group – at first, Jack was rude to the Guardians only because they tried to make him a pawn in the war with the Pitch Black; when their relationship began to warm up, Jack wanted to become his own. These three have a well-prepared ground for close friendship. But what about Hiccup?
Contrary to popular belief, Hiccup's loneliness is not negative. This is not forced loneliness, like Jack or Rapunzel. Yes, he was ostracized and wanted to be accepted, but after getting what he wanted, Hiccup did not become the soul of the company. Instead of fighting for the black sheep with other Hooligans Hiccup prefers to do what he loves. Alone. Leaving Berk for costume testing and mapping, Hiccup and Toothless do not invite anyone with them (according to Dean Deblois, Astrid often traveled with them, but she does not look like a person who needs an invitation).
The Big Four can do common business be interested in similar things. They could do internships abroad together, ride motorcycles, search the Egyptian pyramids and the like. The fact is that Hiccup would prefer to do it alone (or with Toothless). Instead of participating in motorcycle racing, he enjoys speed and solitude. In the middle of the night, he has crazy ideas, and he leaves the house on tiptoe so as not to wake the others. Because he knows that they will immediately run after him.
Someone might object that Hiccup fits in well with the Viking gang (Astrid, Snotlout, twins and Fishlegs). The fact is that they have a "team" friendship rather than a "family" one. They don't really share each other's interests. They became friends not because they are similar, but because they were brought together by the struggle with the Red Death. It's not bad, it's just what it is.
I see the Big Four more disconnected than we used to think. We have Hiccup, who decided to pull off another adventure alone. We have Jack, Rapunzel and Merida who pick up on this idea. A little rivalry, if you like.
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athingofvikings · 7 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 56: Perils Of Popularity
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Chapter 56: Perils Of Popularity
Compared to the drama of dragon-dug underground canals and dragon-forged skyscrapers, the Financial Revolution in the century and a half after Hiccup Haddock's taming of dragons is generally overlooked, but is perhaps even more fundamental to an understanding of the economic structure he left behind.  Prior to the taming of dragons, bullion currency was comparatively rare; while gold and silver coins were certainly in circulation, as witnessed by the famous bride price paid for Hiccup's wife Astrid, overall, the Europan economy was cash-starved and functioned primarily on the barter economy at the lower levels.  After the taming of dragons, however, an even more scarce commodity currency entered the economy in the form of dragon scales. 
As is common knowledge, dragons shed their skins each spring; prior to domestication, they used these materials for the construction of nests for newly hatched young.  Under human auspices, however, the shedding amounted to the annual input of pure currency into the economy.  Properly treated and cured, dragon leather and dragon scales can last for decades of use before wearing out.  While the leather itself acted as a trade commodity, the single scales from hide that wasn't of sufficient quality to be made into leather were not worthless.  On the contrary, they functioned as currency, quickly displacing bullion metals as the currency material of choice. 
In this role, dragon scales offered numerous advantages, including being nearly impossible to counterfeit or debase, being easy to substantiate as genuine, and naturally removing themselves from the money supply over time as they wore out or were repurposed (such as for industrial use, decoration or even insulation).  However, even with this removal, the most productive gold or silver mine could not hope to match the net output of dragon shedding, and the resulting injection of funds into Europa's economy—spread by the effects of the Dragon Mail and the existing trade network—caused rampant inflation, averaging between 3-8% a year over the next century.  While this would cause problems to the modern developed economy, in the cash-starved environment at the time, it was an economic blessing, allowing for a rapid shift from the barter economy and feudal taxation system to a market economy and currency taxation system, giving even the peasantry access to funds with which to pay their expenses and taxes and receive payments. Increasing per-person productivity from Haddock's innovations and the agricultural impact of dragon labor pushed urbanization, as demand for labor—human and dragon alike—exceeded the available number of hands and wings for most of the next several centuries…
—The Dragon Millennium, Manna-hata University Press, Ltd. 
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enspey · 1 year
Everyone loves gingers. Everyone. I will hear nothing to the contrary. Mary is the ginger RO for @kingdoms-and-empires, the childhood best friend. Too sweet and sincere for her own good.
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See, still messing with backgrounds. I have not settled on a background that I will go back through and stick on them all.
Why do her and Lucina remind me of Disney princesses….🤔 This was not done on purpose. Astrid probably going to be just as princess looking. Which means I will need to turn up Nysthe’s crazy eyes to offset all the sweet. But she won’t be for a long while 🤭
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sarnai4 · 5 months
Equal Opportunity
A quick thought came to me the other day about Dagur. Even when he was evil, we can't say he was prejudiced. He's not someone who's going to look down on anybody for a superficial reason. Quite the contrary, he'll try to kill them just as if they're anyone else. He's not ageist since he was quick to threaten Mildew when the Berkian tried to hit the Skrill. Dagur definitely meant every word of that and was absolutely going to shove that cane up his mouth (probably up through his head too while he was at it). He's not sexist. Before he found out who Heather was, he had his Berserkers attack like they would against anyone else. He also didn't hesitate to try to ax Astrid in half or start a fight with her. Dagur obviously isn't an ableist either because he could not care less that Hiccup is an amputee. He's still alive, right? Well, not if Dagur has anything to say about it. It's almost beautiful in a messed up way😂.
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Storm - An Angel Reyes/Reader/Bishop Losa Smut Short.
I’ve had them on my mind, so now you guys get to as well!
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Words - 997
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
It streaks through you, like a hail of comets, the glitter of pleasure, light racing through you, two mouths full of indulgent hunger and filthy promise gliding over you, one settling between your legs, the other sucking at your nipples until they stand pebbled.
The crush of teeth has little pricks of pain slipping down your spine, puddling at your cunt, the heat of a tongue licking it away with a ravenous grunt. You always wanted to experience two men within your bed, so when they offered, you accepted with little thought to the contrary.
You never thought that perhaps it might be too much to withstand, but as Angel moves his mouth to yours, his kisses all hot yearning as he fucks slowly into the lubed grasp of your hand around his cock, and Bishop licks at the soaking velvet of your cunt so thoroughly, you know the touch of his mouth will never truly leave you, you feel that you may have to reconsider.  
The sound of it is filthily sultry, sucking on your clit as Angel’s teeth move back to your nipple, the bite going straight to your apex, a connection tingling from the dual stimulus, meeting in a glide of pleasure like satin being dragged over your nerves. Angel’s tongue laves over the indentations from his bite, a lick gliding up your chest and over your throat, a deep groan flowing like wine from his mouth to yours, and you drink it back, feeling his cock jerk in your hand as you grip the silky steel of him, your grasp tugging upwards, fingers teasing the head of him, slowly sliding back to the base once more.  
“Fuck,” he groans, teeth crushing against your lower lip, his reaction warming your insides further, watching dark fire dance in his beautiful eyes. “Do that again.” You oblige his shuddered request, your mouths locked, your thighs writhing against Bishop’s face, soft skin meeting the rough prickle of salt and pepper stubble as his tongue draws a delicious circle over your clit, your walls clenched hard around the thick of his fingers.  A little crook has you spasming, that nudge so precise, you’re mindless for a minute, panting against Angel’s mouth as Bishop ruins your sanity with his.
A quick trade of places leaves you bereft, before the intensity Angel kissed you with is matched as he begins to eat you thirstily, sucking on your slit until you swell against the hard beat of his tongue, Bishop moving astride your chest, a hand beneath your head raising it up, his cock pushing between your lips with soft force.
The pleasure invoked is razor edged but linen soft, your hands touring the ridges of Bishops chiselled hips and abs as he slowly pumps into the wet grip of your mouth, the pressure of your tongue perfect against the underside of his shaft. His hands wind through your hair, fisting tight, each deep groan more predatory rumble as your mouth stretches around him, your eyes meeting his as he watches himself fucking you right into your throat.  
Your cunt flutters in spasm as Angel’s tongue breeches your opening, his nose sliding over the wet bud of your clit until his licks return to it, the vibration of his moan searing through you, his hands stroking your thighs as he makes you melt over his tongue. You feel weak to your bones, both of them imposing such pleasure on you, your body host to tumbling glimmers, bliss streaking your spine as you feel Angel move, kneeling before you, his hardness meeting your folds. It sends a strong shiver through you, your hips bucking, desperate to feel him within you.
The thick head of him catches at your hole, the slick drag of him rubbing himself over your slit having you whimpering with the need to be filled, finally stretched wide when he daggers into you, sating your ache, muttering cusses at the divinity that is the wet heat of you clasped around him. It’s slow and rolling for all of a few seconds before the desire flickering through him demands greater ignition, his sparks roaring into flame as his hips gain power behind driving him into you deeply, your nails grazing Bishop’s back as you swallow his cock whole.  
Your muted moans rend sharply into the air, your body quaking as the dark lust of it sizzles through your veins, lights you up, their hardness heavy within you as they make your theirs. The hot silk of your arousal bathes Angel thickly, and you wish you could see him in all of his beauty as he fucks you, but watching the intensity of Bishop’s gaze keeps you sated, his cusses of how amazing you feel, how you’re his good girl, how well you take him adding to it.  
Such praise is mirrored by Angel, exclaiming at your wetness as his cock glides through it, his nails dug hard into your hips as the thick head of him pounds you deep, sends sparks skittering through you, pleasure spiking hard over every nerve ending inside you.  
Both of them become boundless within you, their groans a sinful orchestra, deep gritted and full bodied, hardness dragging at you with more speed as they race towards it, Angel’s thumb keeping you simmering until you bubble over with him, your body keening against his as he fucks waves of white hot into your soaking core while Bishop floods your throat.  
The aftermath is soft, Angel returning his mouth to you, pressing kisses over your hip, thumb languidly stroking through the mess of your folds, Bishop moving to your side, kissing you, his fingers stroking your clammy hair, those deft fingertips then chasing the beads of sweat that roll slowly down your breasts.  
All is still, but you know before long, their storms will rage over your body once more, and as it ebbs away, you cannot wait to feel their lightning strike you again and again.  
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