seamusobrien · 4 years
location: Astoria city streets when: Monday, night status: closed | @tuaharjuna​
After talking with Atlas and subsequently turning into him, he set out for home. On foot despite the on and off bad weather. He had an umbrella and he didn’t want to chance getting a ride and changing into the driver. So, it was off to his humble abode to hide away from the world until the moon stopped being an asshole to shapeshifters. The one thing he could be thankful for, was Atlas’ form felt much more comfortable than Miles or Clary’s were. Not that the other two weren’t lovely people with good form, but it was vastly different from his. To be fair, so was Atlas’ but it wasn’t as different. Seamus wanted to, nearly needed to just go home and get numb again, forget any of this happened. Then he could wait out the time it took to shift back in a blissful state and deal with the rest later. He lit up a smoke and checked the street sign before taking a left to continue his walk toward home.
“For the love of all things unholy, don’t touch me!” He said when he turned the corner to see someone coming toward him. Seamus probably made the phrase a bit more dramatic than it needed to be. It was just a person walking down the street. He couldn’t even make out who it was. Sea was just stressed to the max and exhausted. It had been a very long day.
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kaidemir · 4 years
set: november 30th, monday morning availability: closed | @choileon​
It was fairly early and Kai was still working out his new sleep schedule. However, he was sure to be up specifically that morning because he’d made an appointment to see a potential apartment. Later that week he had a meeting with Astoria Broadcasting, which he hoped to show them his past work and get a position. If not, he had enough money to cover a decent amount of time while he looked for something else. Freelance was also an option, but that wasn’t growing any roots in his mind. The man desperately wanted to start this new chapter in his life. 
He held out the scrap of paper he wrote the address on and made his way to the apartment. It seemed like a nice building, he was excited to see the inside. Excited. That was strange to feel about an apartment. Maybe it was a good thing he waited so long to take this path in his life. The smallest things that were new and unexplored, were also the simplest things to so many others. It brought him some joy to contemplate that as he did each thing. He knocked on the door and waited for the person on the other side to answer.
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laurelgavaris · 4 years
set: november 29th, sometime late in the afternoon location: in front of sol’s studio availability: closed | @derrickbelmont​
She had been by the neighborhood over the morning, continue in Hearthstone Bay for lunch, and before she’d head back to her place, knowing she had yet to prepare herself for later that night and the coven meeting, Laurel decided that it would cause no harm to make her way to the Studio prior calling an Uber to get her back home since she didn’t drive herself this time. Thankfully, the consequences of the previous night were no longer pounding over her chest, causing the head priestess to regret every drink which had been within her system. But, then, the universe was far from being in her favor. She was actually close to the Studio when it started to rain again, and she knew it was a matter of time until it’d get worse... again.
Running, she couldn’t properly see anyone in front of her, until she finally felt her body colliding against someone else’s, causing her to hold against him so none of them would end up falling due to the slippery material against  their feet by the sidewalk. Her light eyes moved up, acknowledging it was Derrick, trying to clear the incessant raindrops touching her  face. “I’m so sorry.” It was the first time she was seeing him after the previous full moon. How ironic that they were really close to the following  one. “Are you okay? I’m heading inside, I don’t think the weather is going to get any better. It’s been hailing for days now. Do you want to come in?” Her tone was fighting against the sound of the heavy rain surrounding them, but it was for the better if both of them were secure.
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topher-romijn · 4 years
Location: the mall @astoriastarter
Topher hadn’t changed in a long time, using their ability only when they felt like it was strictly necessary. Over the course of their years since figuring out they had the same ability as their mom, they must’ve changed only four times a year, when the situation called for it. A way of escape, a way of protecting themselves from others. 
Their mom had used it to earn money, and while she was amazing at it, a skill that Topher had always envied, it had also gotten her killed. It made Topher very aware of the fact that if they had enough control over it, that would never be them. They could avoid the worst if they stayed away from using the faces of others. It didn’t take away being observant however, silent and studious of the appearances of others. Even if they didn’t use it, shifting shape was still something they were aware they could do. So if they honed their skill of observing, they could change their own shape quickly enough.
Going to the store with Rowan was supposed to be a fun outing, the two of them getting some stuff they absolutely didn’t need, paying as little money as possible by getting all the discounts. 
It wasn’t supposed to be terror inducing. 
Topher wasn’t sure what part of their body was responsible for the sudden change, the complete change, but it was jarring and scary. Just a single touch and no observation necessary, their body changed on its own. 
Changed and became this manly shape that clung to them heavily, pressed itself on their own body like a virus. They felt warm and awkward, kicking away from the person who had forced this change upon them, crying out in surprise, throwing their shoppings to the floor. 
It felt invasive, terrifying, their body wasn’t their own anymore, because they tried to change back, tried to force their tinier frame back through the bulky male form they had borrowed, but no matter how hard they pushed, it stayed on them. It stayed and kept pressing them down. 
Topher never cried, but the tears found their way to their cheek regardless, more out of frustration than sadness. Frustration and fright. They didn’t want this shape. Pushing away from the people, Topher ran down the aisle, trying to find a place to hide, eventually hiding out under a row of clothing, feeling even more frustrated because their new bigger shape didn’t allow for perfect camouflage, long legs sticking out. This was stupid, this needed to stop. They brushed the tears away, angry at the large hand, angry at the beard. They tried to will their body, a constant battle with a wall that gave no way. 
They heard sound nearby, trying breathlessly to pull their legs back in.
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myth01s · 4 years
Duplicate || Tuah & Elias
Out of the things that could happen, Tuah certainly didn’t expect this. He was seeing duplicates everywhere, sometimes triplets or quadruplets when a shapeshifter happened to be in a crowd. It didn’t help if one was fully covered either, since their ability had always been able to mirror the person they shapeshift in down to the very atom, if they’re skilled. It was entertaining to watch it unfold, though not so much when he was involved. He couldn’t blame the shapeshifters either once he learnt that they had no control over their own power. He had to wonder, however, if this had something to do with the full moon; strange things always happened during these times of the month, after all. He couldn’t be sure since there was no news that officially address the issue, though there had been reports of similar sighting throughout Astoria.
Tuah was careful not to bump into people, wanting to minimise the effect as much as he could. He didn’t want to deal with another him again for the day. He planned to head back to his home, or perhaps visit one of his friends to check on them. Tried as he might, however, he still bumped into someone as he turned to a corner, letting out a loud yelp (he’d deny this afterwards) and quickly taking a step back. “Sorry, sorry,” he quickly apologised before realising who it was. “Elias,” Tuah sighed in relief, before furrowing his brows as he looked at the witch curiously. ���You are Elias, yes? Not someone who looks exactly like him?”
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chrisgarris · 4 years
location: coffee spells (hearthstone bay) time: 4:30 p.m., sunday
Chris knew he wanted coffee. It wasn’t often that he felt a pull towards the bitter drink. He fancied anything sugared and fast. Redbull stocked their tour van whenever they did manage to make it out of Los Angeles. On set, he’d pose a Coconut flavored Redbull to pull him over. He insisted the extra caffeine applied normally to his wolf genes. Perhaps, he craved something out of the ordinary because of the special night. He would need to seek shelter soon, hoping to tame his transformation with a pack if one would take him in. Despite his time in Astoria, he hadn’t explored the packs in town. He liked the idea of a lone wolf until he had to face the consequences of a full moon. 
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Chris glanced over towards a person waiting beside him. He pointed towards a barista.   ❝   How many shots of espresso do you think she’s taken behind the bar? I’m saying at least eight with how her hand’s shaking.  ❞   He looked back at her, watching her move as her thick curls bounced in sink with the rush. She looked like she was preparing his drink.   ❝   I know it’s a shit idea to get coffee so late, but hey, what’s a little edging for the moon gods?  ❞ 
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hyunjinb · 4 years
location: ATC
when: probably around noon-ish?; november 29th
status: closed | @jameshorton​
               — When Hyunjin and his business partners had stepped into ATC that day, they weren’t expecting their morning to end up getting so complicated. Or at least, Jin wasn’t. They had gone there to talk to a potential business client, who would be there for the event hosted by some big shot investors and well, apparently, the mayor himself was supposed to give a speech at any given time. At some point between their arrival and their meeting with said potential client, Jin stepped away to go wash his face in the restroom, and upon noticing there was someone already there and they didn’t look like they were doing very well, he hesitated getting inside.
“Sorry, I didn’t know----you alright, mate?”
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minmoon-ji · 4 years
location: leon’s apartment status: closed | @choileon
If she hadn't promised Leon she'd help him with his moving, MJ would've just stayed home. The last thing she thought would happen that morning was shifting into Santiago after having kissing him. And while it wasn't the worst thing in the world, it was still weird looking in the mirror and not seeing her own face. That and she didn't shapeshift much in general. Sighing as she approached Leon's door, she knocked rather than letting herself in--she didn't exactly want to freak out her friend. There was a deep frown on her face when he answered. "This full moons sucks. Also I'm not Santi--It's MJ--so please get your jokes out of the way now since I was this close," she held her finger barely apart, "to not coming to help because this is just all weird."
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seamusobrien · 4 years
location: Zoey’s House when: 5am, Tuesday status: closed | @zomartinez​
The plan had originally been to go home, maybe smoke some weed, and go to sleep till he changed back into his normal self. Then stick inside till the news said it was safe for shapeshifters to go back outside without randomly turning into anything they touched that was alive. He did go home and had a small nap after a very healthy cry session on his bathroom floor. When he woke up and looked in the mirror, he nearly scared himself when he saw Atlas still staring back at him. That panicked reminder sent him searching for something stronger than marijuana in pill bottles filled with small unmarked plastic bags and washing it down with tequila, the only alcohol left in his house. It was usually his last choice, it always led to him doing something reckless or having a mental breakdown. There was rarely an in between.
After a couple hours in the bliss of feeling nothing, he was disturbed by a jolt hitting what seemed like all of his nerve endings at the same time. He looked down at his bare arms and chest to spot a sheen of sweat covering his tattoos. Seamus did a double take and pulled himself off his floor to double check the mirror. This time it was his face staring back at him and it was a relief to see. Without thinking twice, looking around his lonely apartment, he pulled on his shoes and grabbed the half full bottle before walking out the door. He didn’t want to be alone or in his loft. Earlier he’d sent Pouncival out to catch mice or have a good ol’ cat time outside so he didn’t accidentally touch them and turn into a cat. This meant he had to go find something else to do in the streets of Astoria at night. 
His feet eventually led him straight to one of his two safety nests in Astoria. A person that had been a beacon in their life since he was a teenager running away from a foster home that hardly noticed he was gone. Zoey and her father had always been kind to him. Gave him warmth and love, something he needed more than he knew after experiencing it. Seamus stumbled to the door, unaware that it was nearly five in the morning. Still, he knocked on the door with his free hand. “Zoey, Zoey, Zoey have a drink with me, it's Seamus.” He knocked over and over until he finally saw her. “Don’t touch me though or we’ll be twins and it’s not as groovy as it sounds.”
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kaidemir · 4 years
location: Kaleidoscope when: Monday, late night status: closed | @oldatlas
It had been a strange day for Kai, the morning spent with his god son he all but thought had disappeared without wanting to see him ever again. Not that he could blame the boy, he hadn’t had the best life and Kai wasn’t able to shelter him from that. At the time, Kai did not lead the best life either. It had been a day of good things, seeing him was good but also it was a day of reflection and after he left Leon’s apartment he wandered. His feet led him to what looked like an average night club with a flair. Intrigued, he moved to explore further and possibly get a drink or two. A nice red wine or maybe something stronger with a nice smokey taste. As he was entering, he noticed a familiar face exiting. “Atlas?” But it was no use, he had bolted away before he could stop him and Kai shrugged. He entered the club and stopped for a moment to look around. It reminded him distinctly of France and some of the places he’d been there. 
He moved toward the bar but paused when he saw the face he’d just encountered leaving and made a double take. Kai moved toward the taller man so he wasn’t shouting across a room. “Atlas?” He asked, knowing something was wrong with the moon and shapeshifting from the night before after encountering Charlie. Though he was fairly certain it had been Atlas Montgomery, Bashiano’s longtime close friend he’d approached. While they had never been on bad terms to his knowledge, he wondered for a brief moment if his presence would be welcomed with the other. The same as he’d felt approaching Bash, but with less feeling and history. Again, it was just very nice to see a familiar face amongst the chaos that his journey had been the past few decades getting to Astoria. If he was in a bolder mood, he’d likely hug him. But, the uncertainty had him restrained. “Um, hey, hi, it’s been awhile. How are you? I could have swore I saw you leaving when I came in.” Kai motioned to the door he’d just entered.
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laurelgavaris · 4 years
set: november 28th, saturday night location: blackout availability: closed | @mscarleighaortiz​
Uncertain of how the following night would be, Laurel decided that there was no harm at spending a Saturday night out with a friend. Aside from the constant hail being offered out there and cold temperature, Blackout was still warm, mostly due to the amount of people inside the establishment. Her forearm was resting against the counter while waiting for her drink and Carly’s, later finding the spot they had been for a while before heading back to the dancing floor.
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“Here it is,” she offered one of the drinks to Carleigha, a smile taking place after her words.  “To a girl’s night out and to a better full moon night tomorrow,” motioning her drink slightly up the clinked against the woman’s drink before taking a sip and enjoying the alcohol burning her throat. For one night she wasn’t a head priestess, and she wouldn’t worry about anything other than being entertained. “They’ve been playing great songs tonight, part of myself might head back to that dance floor and never leave it until the night is over,” she chuckled.
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seamusobrien · 4 years
location: Kaleidoscope when: Monday, night status: closed | @oldatlas​
This was weird, like really weird. Even for Seamus, this many strange occurrences didn’t even happen to him. Not unless he was doing them to himself on purpose but that wasn’t the case here and was beside the point. “Atlas! Dad! Whatever!” They shouted from half across the club when he spotted him. To be fair, they hadn’t seen Atlas in the club for a while, he’d been busy or something. They had expected to be explaining this to Percy but with the full moon the night before maybe she had been busy or something. Either way, they were glad it was Atlas because it seemed it may be easier to explain the situation to them and not get fired for needing to get out of there as soon as shapeshiterly possible. They needed to go home to their supply and lock themselves inside with it until whatever this was, passed. 
Carleigha’s voice certainly wasn’t as loud and annoying as theirs. Probably why people liked her so much, when they thought about it. They ran across the floor, moving past people and careful not to bump into anyone so their borrowed appearance wouldn’t get blamed for being rude or clumsy. Once they caught up with them, they caught their breath with their hands on their knees. “Okay, Atlas, this is super duper big serious. I need to leave, like I can’t, look at me!” They shrieked the words motioning to themselves. “This is the second time I’ve randomly turned into someone in the past day and this is not okay. Seamus O’Brien is not okay. I need to go find a doctor, a special shapeshifter doctor or lock myself in a room or something because I cannot deal with whatever is going on.” He sighed dramatically and did his best to flash his boss his best puppy dog eyes with what he had to work with.
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seamusobrien · 4 years
location: Kaleidoscope when: Monday, evening status: closed | @laurelgavaris​
“Laurel! Laur! Hey so weird question, have you possibly heard anything about like a spell put on shapeshifters or anything?” Seamus asked the question casually to his lovely acquaintance as if he wasn’t already shifted into her friend Carly, still wearing his clothes he’d come to work in. He all but abandoned the bar, letting one of the other bartenders know that it was an obvious emergency and he needed to go figure out what was wrong with him. He did have to admit it was kind of hot to change into a woman this time. The voice was his favorite part. He would be tempted to go explore all the changes except for two things. One, consent is sexy, and Carleigha hadn’t agreed to borrow him her likeness so he wasn’t about to violate her privacy like that. Second, he was freaking the heck out and he was about to scream. This was the second person in twenty-four hours he’d randomly turned into. 
“By the way, it’s Seamus, it may not look like your average Sea, but trust me.” They explained it all with his hands, making large gestures as if that was going to help prove it all. “Anyways, this is the second time I randomly switched into someone else and it’s been super duper fast, which isn’t normal and of people I don’t know well enough to be this accurate. I’m freakin’ out man. You know people, heard anything? Hmmmmm? Please tell me you heard something.” He clapped his hands together in a praying motion toward her with a pleading expression. 
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seamusobrien · 4 years
location: Kaleidoscope
when: Monday, evening
status: closed | @mscarleighaortiz
It had taken far too long for him to switch back to his normal self after the run in with Miles at Lyons’ Pub the night before. Seamus almost had to call in for his shift at Kaleidoscope but luckily, for everyone, he was back to his normal handsome self and made it right on time to clock in for the night. He also made the conscious decision to stay sober for his shift. Normally he’d at least pop an edible to get in the groove for any day. The random transformations into one Miles Easton while he was just trying to get some fried potatoes messed with him, though. He didn’t want that to happen at work, he really liked his job and he loved Kaleidoscope. The whole aesthetic of the place kept his muse grooving.
He got things ready behind the bar for the night and looked at his phone while he waited for people to come in. Once the show was getting closer to start time, business started picking up and Seamus was thriving again. He really liked it when it got busy and he got to talk to all the people. Faces old and new were coming up to the bar. So far nothing weird had happened and the show was about to begin. He slid to the end of the bar to say hello to the woman he recognized as one of the owner’s friends. “Hey! What is up, gorgeous? Need somethin’ to drink m’lady?” He grinned and waited for her response.
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seamusobrien · 4 years
location: Lyons’ Pub
when: Sunday, late afternoon
status: closed | @miles-easton
It was a good day, Seamus had woke up at the crack of noon to a very hungry and needy ginger named Pouncival digging their claws into his chest. After feeding them and starting the day off finishing off the rest of his substance supply. There was only one pill left and it wasn’t even the good kind. This meant they needed to go out much quicker than his normal pace. In quick fashion, he changed out of last night’s clothes while he had a conversation with his cat. Showering was not an option so in lieu of that he pulled on some clean-ish clothes from the floor and doused himself in cologne or perfume. They couldn’t tell what bottle they grabbed but it smelled fantastic and that was all that mattered.
First, before anything, he needed to get food. There was never anything but cat food and condiments at his place. While he thought about it, he remembered Lyons’ was showing the futbol game and he wouldn’t mind catching at least a few minutes of it while he waited for a heaping box of fried potatoes. He entered the pub and put his order in with the front hostess, eyes glued on the screen. They made their way up to the counter to reach over for his drink and bumped into the man already standing ahead of him. “Oh! Oh, ouch, bad vibe.” He went to apologize to Miles when he recognized him, but was thrown off by the ripping pain usually associated with a transformation going through his body. But, that wasn’t right. He didn’t do that, why would he do that? And how was it so fast? He worked his face while he tried to figure out what happened and looked back over to the now same height witch he’d just touched. Then to the ground where a shed of skin sat. 
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“Uh, so this awkward...” He grimaced a grin at him. “Anyway you did some weird witchy thing for funsies and made this, well.....” he motioned to himself, well theirself. “Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiles, you’re gorgeous and all, babe, you really are but I don’t want this.” He whined and pouted, his feet shuffling like a teenager that just got told ‘no’. 
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laurelgavaris · 4 years
set: november 28th, saturday afternoon location: ama - museum of art availability: closed | @kaidemir​
Mornings at the studio over Saturdays caused Laurel to be swamped by work, going through routines with her students and appreciating all the effort they were putting into every movement for performance they’d go through by the end of the year. Heading back home and taking a long shower, watching a comfort movie while eating. Small actions throughout her day that gave her a good start for that weekend, knowing pretty well that soon everything could be different. Full moons would often cause drastic shifts in her days, and she couldn’t help but worry about what would happen next, what Beaver Moon would offer her. So, instead of allowing her thoughts to consume her. Laurel grabbed her car keys, and drove herself out of her apartment heading to the museum, since the witch heard about a new exhibition there. She’d treat the Saturday prior to the full moon’s peak as a common day for herself.
Parking her car somewhat close to the entrance, Laurel was ready to leave and attempted to focus on big striders that would lead her inside the museum, when she noticed a familia figure. Or maybe she was just imagining him. It had been so long, how could it possibly be? Yet, she moved outside of the car and caused her tone to be louder than usual: “Kai?”
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