#( c; carleigha. )
topher-romijn · 4 years
Location: Astoria Library @mscarleighaortiz​
Topher snuck into the library planning their usual, just finding a quiet corner where they could hide out, even though they now were getting their life in the order and didn’t actually have to hide out anywhere. They were doing a great job though keeping in touch with their former life. It scared them now as well, had lost some of its comfort, yet they already felt nostalgic for it. Wanted to hold onto some of it, which included sitting in a corner in the library without actually reading a book, just hugging their backpack to their chest and going through some of the books. 
They sat down against one of the bookcases, rummaging through their backpack, taking a moment to look at the photograph Laurel got them, then taking out the book with the autograph from Charlie, and lastly settling on a sketchbook where they had been doodling in for the past year or so. They looked up when they heard movement nearby, instantly recognising the person looking down on they. “Hi,” they said to Carleigha. 
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seamusobrien · 4 years
location: Kaleidoscope
when: Monday, evening
status: closed | @mscarleighaortiz
It had taken far too long for him to switch back to his normal self after the run in with Miles at Lyons’ Pub the night before. Seamus almost had to call in for his shift at Kaleidoscope but luckily, for everyone, he was back to his normal handsome self and made it right on time to clock in for the night. He also made the conscious decision to stay sober for his shift. Normally he’d at least pop an edible to get in the groove for any day. The random transformations into one Miles Easton while he was just trying to get some fried potatoes messed with him, though. He didn’t want that to happen at work, he really liked his job and he loved Kaleidoscope. The whole aesthetic of the place kept his muse grooving.
He got things ready behind the bar for the night and looked at his phone while he waited for people to come in. Once the show was getting closer to start time, business started picking up and Seamus was thriving again. He really liked it when it got busy and he got to talk to all the people. Faces old and new were coming up to the bar. So far nothing weird had happened and the show was about to begin. He slid to the end of the bar to say hello to the woman he recognized as one of the owner’s friends. “Hey! What is up, gorgeous? Need somethin’ to drink m’lady?” He grinned and waited for her response.
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laurelgavaris · 4 years
set: november 28th, saturday night location: blackout availability: closed | @mscarleighaortiz​
Uncertain of how the following night would be, Laurel decided that there was no harm at spending a Saturday night out with a friend. Aside from the constant hail being offered out there and cold temperature, Blackout was still warm, mostly due to the amount of people inside the establishment. Her forearm was resting against the counter while waiting for her drink and Carly’s, later finding the spot they had been for a while before heading back to the dancing floor.
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“Here it is,” she offered one of the drinks to Carleigha, a smile taking place after her words.  “To a girl’s night out and to a better full moon night tomorrow,” motioning her drink slightly up the clinked against the woman’s drink before taking a sip and enjoying the alcohol burning her throat. For one night she wasn’t a head priestess, and she wouldn’t worry about anything other than being entertained. “They’ve been playing great songs tonight, part of myself might head back to that dance floor and never leave it until the night is over,” she chuckled.
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gunnarlev · 4 years
for @mscarleighaortiz​
Gunn was finally getting around to cleaning out his apartment, there were still things left out from when he was in school. He'd always say he would get to it eventually, but got distracted easily. Well, the time came where he could no longer ignore the mess of books and papers piling around his office space and living room. He shuffled through some papers and began to toss things into the waste bin, he would move one pile of papers and books from one side of the room to the other until he realized that he should just start with the bigger things. The books that he had checked out from the library and probably way past due. He grabbed them quickly and headed over to the library to return them.
The man pushed the door open with his shoulder as he carried the books on human anatomy and other things. He walked up to the counter where the librarian should have been but saw no one in sight, they must be on break, he thought to himself. Gunn placed the books on the table and waited for someone to notice him.
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ripleyreginaross · 6 years
Ripley sat down and looked at Carly with a grin on her face. “So, I have some news that you’re going to be pretty excited about.” She was practically beaming because she already had a good idea about how Carly would react. It was nice to finally be able to bear some good and positive news to people that she cared about. It seemed like not too long ago she was just a messenger of awkward despair. 
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nixshepard · 7 years
“Oh hey girl. I just cut up some onions and like totally killed my eyes. I’m all good. Have a great night okay sweet dreams bye.”
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confortaleza · 2 years
BANE RIVIERE ( HE/HIM ) is a CISMAN , FORTY FIVE year old ANCIENT HISTORY PROFESSOR who has been living in Moorbrooke for 8 MONTHS. They were born on JANUARY 15 and right now, they are currently residing in ELMSETT GREEN. It has been said that they look suspiciously like MICHIEL HUISMAN and if they had to choose a song to describe themselves, they would choose SABOR A MI by EYDIE GORME. ( cielo, 25, mst, she/her 
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b a s i c  i n f o 
full name : bane riviere sexual orientation : heterosexual bisexual  occupation: archaeologist ancient history professor +passionate + ambitious + practical - judgemental - pretentious  - relentless
h i s t o r y  s u m m a r y 
had a good childhood and a knack for traveling and finding lost treasure. became a treasure hunter for a while, then an archeologist, and then, finally a teacher. moved to moorbrooke after he found out that he has a kid here from a fliing he has in his early 20′s. he wants to build a relationship with his kid, while trying to get used to the idea that he has to settle down and learn to love something other than his career
h i s t o r y 
work in progress
w a n t e d  c o n n e c t i o n s 
CHAMOMILE - a neighbor who’s balcony is right next or in front of his. they both happened the same time.  awkward hellos slowly turn to small talk turn to “wanna come over for some coffee or something?” ( limited to elmsett green residents. ) taken by Carleigha CHAI - someone who can add a little of spice back to his life. bane is a creature of habit and as much as he would love to go crazy! go stupid! he never actually manages to take the leap. he has it in him though. he just needs that extra push HIBISCUS - someone who for whatever reason, bane cant help but worry about. acts like a total mother hen and maybe they give him advice on how to connect with his kid ( someone younger than him. maybe a student? )  LAVENDER - judgmental glances aside, bane is a ridiculously good listener so i imagine there might be someone in his life who just goes on full on rants while they are with him and even though he acts uninterested he is very invested in this person’s life lol  PEPPERMINT - he goes to coffee shops a lot. maybe he as a favorite one. maybe it’s  cus the coffee is good or the ambience is to his taste. or maybe cus he thinks the barista is kinda cute? either way he goes there at least once a day and 
some extras
- drinks an insane amounts of coffee and tea.  - used to get drunk to have fun but now he does it to relax? sick - his bad boy energy might have dwindled  over the past years but he still has some of that tall dark handsome allure. or so he likes to think - a bit or a hoarder but an organized one. His office is full of random trinkets he had accumulated over the years and his desk of full of scattered paper work but if you were to ask him for a specific paper he would know exactly where it is. - loves spicy food but he can’t tolerate it very well - does a lot of exercise! Runs every morning and goes to the gym right after work - cant watch any historical movie or show without being a total jackass  about the what was historically correct for those times - did some real indiana jones shit when he was younger. he’s suffered a couple of injury’s over the years. most healed, some left scars, and a couple still bug him to this day. 
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