gunnarlev · 4 years
When the call from Gunn had come Riley was already up ready to start her day. As much as she complained she undeniably was a morning person - forced by the schedule she ran for years having to get up early and on the road for jobs that started as early as 7am. Today she didn’t have anything scheduled until after lunch but she had already gotten up for breakfast and a shower before the call came. Of course she said yes, knowing the others history, even if it took him some time to admit he was a werewolf; something she’d guessed long before he did, after several repair jobs included marks left by such a creature.
Having werewolf friends was never bad for business; as much as they had their things in order they often ended up breaking something at some point. Gunn just so happened to be a wolf who broke things more often than others, to the point Riley had left him a running tab to pay her back. It wasn’t necessarily his fault things broke, but one day she’d have to send him an itemized bill. But not today.
Today she reached out for the mug of coffee in Gunn’s hand as she offered him a smile in return. “When isn’t it?” She replied a little too confidently. “You’re not a bad sight either I suppose,” she added playfully, clearly more awake and energize than many were at this hour. “Okay big boy, show me the damage. What have you got in store for me this time?”
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He couldn’t help but scoff as she took the mug from his hands. Of course, he wasn’t surprised at her actions it was actually something that he was beginning to like about her. Gunn shut the door and walked back over to the kitchen where he poured another cup of coffee, “Do you have to ask?” he said as he brought the cup back up to his lips. “Bedroom, or I guess what’s left of it.” he sighed as he walked over. He stood in the doorway and gestured to the mess, the bedframe, the built in shelving unit that luckily didn’t have anything on them because of the last time this happened. “I’m starting to think I should actually talk to someone about what’s happening..” he thought out loud. 
The claw marks along the walls were getting worse, he could see the difference between each episode but he was too stubborn to do anything about it. What he needed was a pack, and his time was running out. “So, I was thinking we could clear this junk out and then we could go look for something more durable?” he asked Riley. 
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gunnarlev · 4 years
He takes a pause to consider whether he should take the other up on this offer. The thing that he is about to do is rather personal to the person that it’s involved with and Benji isn’t so sure how he would feel on such a moment being intruded upon. He decides that it wouldn’t be any harm, so long as they resolve to part ways before they’re actually at the place. “Sure.” He nods, indicating that he’d be ok with that. “You lead the way, so long as we can part ways before I’ve actually arrived. Sorry, it’s kind of something I need to do alone.”
As soon as Gunn had reconsidered his offer, the other spoke a response. He had no choice to follow through now, he looked back down at his watch and then decided that he would have more than enough time. He cleared his throat and gestured for the other to follow in his lead, “Of course, I kind of have some where to be but, this is okay.” he reassured the man. “Yeah, no worries. It’s just up a head this way but, I probably would have left you even more confused if I told you.” he laughed nervously. 
“What’s waiting for you?” he asked the other not knowing if he was overstepping. 
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gunnarlev · 4 years
Life worked in mysterious ways, Laurel was going through her phone’s gallery passing by the first pictures she took in Astoria — which she never deleted from her phone as years passed by  —, and the moment she passed by one of the first ones she had with Gunnar, the notification of his message reached her gaze. 
He had been one of the first friends she was able to get close to when she felt comfortable to open herself up to others in Astoria, they were new in the district, so it felt easier to count with someone who knew exactly what she was going through. Someone who wasn’t part of her coven.
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I’m currently feeling nostalgic, which is never a good thing is it? Meet me at Kingston’s in an hour or so, I promise I’ll be quick. 
Which meant she’d have to get up, choose an outfit, have a quick shower, change clothes, put some make up and finally meet him at the pub as she mentioned in her message. She really hoped her car wouldn’t be a nightmare the moment she left her place or else Laurel would need to text him one more time that it’d take her longer. But it didn’t. Her car worked as perfectly as it could. So, a few minutes more than an hour later, she texted him.
I’m on my way. 
Gunn placed his phone on the counter and walked away to shower and hopefully when he came back he would have a response. Laurel wasn’t one to hold things against him really, but he hoped for the best. When he came out he made a beeline for his phone, he read the reply and smiled. 
Oh no, tell me about it when we get there. I’ll see you soon.
He ran off to go change in to something that was comfortable enough but also still appropriate for the pub. Soon enough, he was out the door and headed for the pub. There was a few things that he wanted to talk to Laurel about, like maybe joining Zoey’s pack. He hadn’t really mentioned anything to either of them but, hopefully the offer still stood. Gunn also wanted her opinion on it, he knew she had her coven to fall back on but he kind of didn’t have anyone like that. Being a lone wolf sucked, especially with the Blue Moon coming fast. 
Gunn had walked into the pub and scanned the place for the brunette, when he didn’t see her he went over to the bar and ordered a drink to get started. He looked at his phone to check if there was any news from her and just like clockwork a notification popped up on his screen. He put his phone down and took a drink from his glass. 
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gunnarlev · 4 years
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gunnarlev · 4 years
             “I have been told on more than one occasion that I do tend to lose myself to my thoughts.” And worse yet, lose track of time as he would get caught up in his past mistakes or the current fascinations that called him attention. Either way, he agreed that closing up at night was a better choice for him than opening the brewery despite his affection for the daytime. It was solely due to the lack of it for many centuries that left him in awe of the way that the sun felt on his bare skin thanks to a simple ring. One of two that he wore. “Yet I do not mind the company or the distractions from work neither,” he added with a nod.
As he listened o the other and watched them slide an empty glass his way, Bash couldn’t help but share a shy smile as he placed the dirty glass into the sink and grab one of the clean ones. One drink would not be the end of the brewery or even hurt, when it was more of a passion project than anything by this point and refilled the glass with the same beer that the other had ordered earlier. “Bash.”
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“I’ve had my fair share of lost time due to a wondering mind.” he hummed a bit with a small smile stretching on his face. He looked down at the countertop and thought about his pack. The thought of joining another pack haunted him, they would have to adopt his problems. The reasons for him running away from home and he wasn’t sure that he could put other people through it. But, he also ran the risk of not surviving without one. It had already been five years, how much longer could he survive being without a pack? He was quickly pulled back to reality when the other spoke to him. “Well, I’m happy to be your distraction this evening.”
“Bash?” he said with furrowed eyebrows. The way the other spoke was as if he was from another time, it wasn’t a bad thing, it was just something he noted. “Interesting name, where are you originally from if you don’t mind me asking?” he asked Bash. 
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gunnarlev · 4 years
Zoey shrugged with a smile. “I don’t mind if you want to come back on a trial basis, there’s plenty of others that do the same,” she told him as she glanced at the board and ordered her own drink. The gym was doing well enough that she could afford to grant some leeway on those that couldn’t afford a full time membership, not to mention those that she wanted to help regardless. “There’s an afterschool program there that might take over most of the gym if you come in then so nights or early in the day might be more open to get a run in.” Or anything in the ring which was when she was there.
They stepped aside enough to give the next in line a chance to order, but her gaze was on him more than anything else ― then laughed. “One would think but the way the pups run me around, you’d think that they’re the ones in charge.” Though in a good way that she hoped that they could go and take what she gave them to be successful and safe. “If I knew how to be selfish, believe me ― I wouldn’t mind a day off but there’s too many people that count on me to be there at the gym. Or the pack.”
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He nodded, “How about this, I’ll try it for a week and if I can stick to it then I’ll consider buying a full-time membership.” Gunn really did appreciate Zoey for everything. She had really lived up to being a great alpha, which was one of the reasons that he had considered her offer. “Early mornings is probably the best for me.” he added. 
They both waited for their drinks on the sidelines to prevent any traffic jam in the line. “That just how pups are, I’m sure once they get accustomed to the changes they’ll settle in some more and hopefully they’ll mellow out.” he reassured her. She had taken on so much in so little time that he was kind of impressed by her resilience. But, it wasn’t like she had a choice in the matter either. “There’s always gonna be a reason to be busy, don’t spread yourself out too thin.” he nudged her a bit and smiled. 
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gunnarlev · 4 years
Status: Closed @gunnarlev
Where: Unknown
When: After the events of the 31st
Benji was disoriented because, for one, he was being inhabited by a spirit and two, he had no idea where he was supposed to go. Something told him “Shipping by Knight”, but that was all he knew and he had never been there before. So, here he was, wandering the streets and trying to find this place. He notices someone not too far in the distance and decides to ask them for directions. 
“Do you have any idea where Shipping by Knight is?” 
Gunn had been walking home from work and in quite a hurry. He was worried he wouldn’t get home in time to shift. There was a full moon that night and this one was different, it was a blue moon which meant there was more chaotic energy around than other moons. As he walked passed a few people he felt a tap on the shoulder and was quickly pulled from his thoughts. “Oh, yeah.” he cleared his throat. “If you’re heading in that direction, you’re going the wrong way.” he looked down at his watch and then took some time to think about how much time he had. “I have some time to spare if you would like me to take you there instead? I’m sort of bad at giving directions.” he nervously laughed.
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gunnarlev · 4 years
for @rileyinstone
When Gunn first arrived in Astoria, he feared sleeping. It wasn’t the actual act of sleeping that he was scared of, he was afraid that if he let his guard down enough he’d be taken just like his pack. He had spent so many days a wake which lead to a multitude of things happening. Stress levels were off the charts, and when he finally was able to sleep it wasn’t for long. He developed night terrors, which in his situation was a bit different from human night terrors. His wolf side had made it difficult to keep his apartment clean and in one piece. 
Gunn had gotten somewhat control of how often his terrors would come and go, but every now and then he would have an accident and tonight was one of those nights. He’d stay awake cleaning up the debris of the shattered bedframe and nightstands. He had even made it all the way to the door, I should call Riley. he thought to himself. Gunn looked for his phone among the shredded fabric that was his bed sheets. He looked at the time and realized it was pretty early in the day, so he decided to wait a few more hours before calling her. 
He waited for a decent time and called her, he didn’t really have to explain what happened. Riley had been there pretty early on and was nice enough to help him out. Gunn poured himself a cup of coffee when he heard a knock on the door, he walked over and opened to see Riley. He smiled, “It’s good to see you.”
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gunnarlev · 4 years
for @mscarleighaortiz​
Gunn was finally getting around to cleaning out his apartment, there were still things left out from when he was in school. He'd always say he would get to it eventually, but got distracted easily. Well, the time came where he could no longer ignore the mess of books and papers piling around his office space and living room. He shuffled through some papers and began to toss things into the waste bin, he would move one pile of papers and books from one side of the room to the other until he realized that he should just start with the bigger things. The books that he had checked out from the library and probably way past due. He grabbed them quickly and headed over to the library to return them.
The man pushed the door open with his shoulder as he carried the books on human anatomy and other things. He walked up to the counter where the librarian should have been but saw no one in sight, they must be on break, he thought to himself. Gunn placed the books on the table and waited for someone to notice him.
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gunnarlev · 4 years
Without thinking, he yawns, not an indication of boredom, but a sign of how desperate his need for caffeine was. It was never a good start to his morning when he was greeted with no coffee. Granted, Rogelio was still in the process of learning how to make a decent cup, most mornings it he choked down a burnt tasting mug full. Albeit, he had long since gotten past the taste of bad coffee, a history of working at a hospital made it easy for him to ignore taste with some ease. But, he still did enjoy a cup that wasn’t a chore to drink. 
“That sounds great.” He returns, angling to walk in the direction the other is headed. “I’m sorry to have been so sudden, I haven’t lived in Astoria for very long, so I don’t really know my way around all that well yet.”
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“No worries at all, “ he added as he began to walk. “You’ll come to learn that Astorian’s are pretty nice and will help out any way they can.” he laughed a bit because he could remember when he was completely lost and someone just walked up to him and asked if he was lost. “How long have you been living here?” he asked the other. “Oh, I’m Gunnar by the way. Gunn, sorry you can call me Gunn.” he shook his head. “Sorry, I’m running on fumes. I just got off work,” he nervously laughed. 
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gunnarlev · 4 years
for @laurelgavaris
Gunn hadn’t really spoken to Laurel in what seemed like forever, but really it was only a couple of weeks. Work was getting busy and he was between hospitals and never really knew where he was going to end up until he got there. But he could always send her a text letting her know what’s going on with him so, it could all be chalked up to be his fault which was alright with him. 
He had really warmed up to the idea of her becoming someone he can go to for anything. They had known each other for the same length that they’ve been in the city. Five years didn’t feel like such a long time ago but when you never spent longer than a year in one place... it really put things into perspective for Gunn. He pulled out his phone and typed out a text to send to Laurel. 
Hey, sorry I haven’t been around much lately. What are you doing? Do you want to hang? 
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gunnarlev · 4 years
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gunnarlev · 4 years
— ◈ —
“Yeah… Sorry about that,” she said, pursing her lips into a slight frown. “I’ve just been dealing with some stuff.” The cooler in front of her being a rather big indicator of exactly what she was dealing with in her life. “And I guess I’m a compartmentalizer, so…” It wasn’t as if Gunn had asked for an explanation, but Elizabeth still felt like she owed him one. Even if it was a small and vague one. 
She walked with him in the direction of her place. At least it wasn’t too far off from his place. “It has. Kind of boring, really, but I’m used to the routine of it all now. How has work been for you?” 
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Gunn shook his head and waved his hand at her, “No, it’s alright. It’s not like I’ve been the best neighbor..” he reassured her. He understood what it was like to want to keep to yourself for a while, hell he did it for five years. Never truly making a friend, just acquaintances. But, that was changing and that’s all he could hope for.
“Routines could be fun, but if you’re anything like me... you get distracted easily and then the routine goes out the window.” He laughed at himself mostly. “I work at County General now... ER nurse, it keeps things interesting.” he added. “Nothing too crazy has happened yet, but I’ll keep you posted.” he smiled a little. 
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gunnarlev · 4 years
            “It’s like you read my mind.” Zoey was already late, but if she brought coffee with her then she was more likely to be forgiven for her inability to get there on time. She tried, that was the best that she could promise while the rest of the time was solely because the pack needed her before the gym did. He held the door while she walked through, grateful the line was short as she smiled back at Gunnar. “Well you know that you can always swing by whenever, you don’t even need a membership if you just need a place to work out for a bit.” She knew better than most what it felt like when she pent up everything and didn’t have a healthy release, her life shattered to pieces when that happened and she was still living in the aftermath.
Her eyes glanced at the board of choices, as if she would choose something different, before they fell back on her company. “Don’t be sorry. The pack is good, better than it’s been in awhile after everything that happened and that’s the best that I can ask for.” Zoey on the other hand, was working hard behind the scenes to keep it that way even as she sacrificed most of her personal life to do it. “The gym is always good. Other than me being late constantly.”
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"Yeah, thanks. I just wanted to run and get back into some sort of a work out schedule now that I'm settled at work." he said as he ordered his drink. "I might take you up on that though," he said as he looked back at her with a smile. Gunn didn't want her to think that he was using her for the gym, "But, I would be happy to pay for one. If it supports you then it's a win win." he added.
Zoey had this aura about her, she always seemed to be very caring for others and that was one thing that he liked about her. She never really pushed the idea of a pack down his throat it was always an option, or more something that he could talk to her about without any sort of attachment which was nice. "I'm really glad to hear that," he nodded and looked down to the ground and then back up at her. "Aren't you the boss? You know you're allowed to give yourself a break right?" he let a small laugh out. "I admire your work ethic and I'm sure everyone at the gym does too, plus you should be a little selfish sometimes. I think you, out of all the people I know, deserve a break here and there." he smiled at her.
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gunnarlev · 4 years
           “It is one that happens too often.” The nights that Bash closed were many more than the mornings that he opened, having been missing too many times that the one that made the schedule had learned that he worked better at night. It didn’t matter the ring on his finger or the sun’s kiss to his skin, but centuries of old habits were hard to break. Bash grinned with a shake of his head. “I have always worked better at night.” And he did not mind the quiet nature that took over the entire brewery and bar when the doors were closed and the people had left. “And those that work here enjoy having their evenings off so it feels like a fair trade.”
Not to mention his need for sleep was barely anything compared to others as he watched the other for a moment before he returned to clearing the last of the glasses and seating himself behind the bar. “Can I get you another drink? I have much work left and I do not mind the company.”
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He nodded as the other spoke, the owner seemed like a nice person. Or maybe it was that he was too controlling? Either way, who was he to judge someone based on their work habits. Gunn himself was avoiding social interaction since he was so busy with school and work. “With it being so quiet, I bet you can just zone out and work until everything is done without any distractions.” he added. 
Gunn drank the rest of the liquid and pushed the glass towards the other, “As long as I’m not imposing.” he replied to the other. “My name is Gunnar by the way,” he added. “I figure, if I’m going to keep you company you should at least know my name.” he offered the other a smile. 
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gunnarlev · 4 years
Late again. Luckily there were others to open the gym when Zoey found herself never making it out the door or even have time to grab a coffee when she finally hit the streets again. A call had gone out the night before that took her from home, reminding her of the responsibilities that continued even when the gym closed as she had to rush home to shower and get ready for the work without a lick of sleep under her belt. Zoey had definitely seen better days and mornings as she rubbed at her face when she stepped out onto the street and nearly into a familiar sight. 
           “Normally I’d ask what you were running from or towards but I have a feeling that the answer would be more complicated than I’ve got time for,” she replied with an exhausted laugh. “No sleep or coffee but I have a full day of work. So you can guess how well it’s going on my end. How are you? I haven’t seen you around lately. I thought maybe you went and found yourself a new gym and I was going to get my feelings hurt by it.”
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Gunn let out a nervous laugh, if he were being honest it was because of Zoey that he decided to get back into his normal routine of running and working out. As he heard her say that, he pretty much got the hint that she was running late. He began to follow her, to make it easier on her. “Well, if you’re late you might as well come with me to grab a cup of coffee.” he smiled as he held the door open for her. “And to answer your question, I’ve not joined another gym.. Things have just been slow for me and work doesn’t really help either.” he added as they walked through the street.
“What about you? How are things at the gym? How’s the pack?” he asked a little reluctant to know the answer. “Sorry, you don’t have to answer the last question.” he said as he looked back at her. He never knew how to handle talking about werewolf things, it was strange, at least for him it was.
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gunnarlev · 4 years
With a single nod, Bash went about clearing the last of the tables as he moved the dirty dishes towards the sink behind the bar where he’d wipe them down and leave them to dry for the morning shift. There were only a few more jobs needed to be done, but he wasn’t in any hurry nor did he seek to push the other out of the bar before they were finished. He could sense a sudden need for the quiet and peaceful moments, having sought them out himself, as he made himself busy to leave the other well enough alone.
Soon enough they spoke again, this time when Bash was nearby as he turned the last of the chairs onto the tops of the table and looked back at the other. “I am in no hurry. The only one that waits on me is already asleep in the back.” Dog had long since left the business of the bar for the safety of the back office, where he would carry the duck home with him when finished. “I suppose I have worked here since I opened the place up, a few years ago?” Time moved faster than he paid attention to it as he paused for a moment. “Maybe ten.”
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Gunn was at that point of the night where he wasn’t exactly drunk but he was feeling good. There had been a lot on his mind recently, his work, home and then his other home. Germany. He missed it so much, more than he would ever admit it but, there was nothing there for him anymore and he needed to remember that so that he could move forward. His face broke into a small smile as he brought the glass to his lips to take another drink. 
His focus was back on the worker as soon as he spoke again. “Sleeping in the back of a bar huh. That sounds like a good trade off.” he let out a small laugh. His brows rose when he heard the other say he was the owner. “I didn’t know you were so involved with your business. Usually you see the owners in the early part of the day but closing?” he stated. He let the words linger for a bit and then furrowed his brow, “Not that you can’t be as involved as you’d like...” he let a sigh out and just shut his mouth. 
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