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horizontitanium · 6 months ago
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At Horizon Titanium, we believe in the importance of accurate testing for medical-grade titanium. We're sharing essential insights on the correct testing methods and standards to ensure the highest quality.
Need more information? We're here to help—just reach out to us at [email protected]
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biosteel-ju · 5 years ago
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• Septum & Philtrum Piercings • Je ne vous avais pas partagé non plus cette photo ! Le septum est cicatrisé depuis longtemps et on y a installé ce bijou en titane. Et le médusa est fraîchement percé avec ce bijou orné d'un cabochon de turquoise synthétique serti clos. Voilà voilà 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 #bleucarbonebiosteel #piercing #freehandpiercing #internallythreaded #titanium #astmf136 #youdeserveit #legitbodyjewelry #lifestyle #septum #philtrum #turquoise #stacked (à Bleu Carbone BioSteel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FlCP3IYST/?igshid=1fxruu5kkpnp7
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bleanpiercing-blog · 6 years ago
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I can still sling a blade ya know 😉 Did this a few weeks ago @rudestudios with bits from @industrialstrengthuk and anodised by the lovely @holes_eden #bleanpiercing #chain #industrialpiercing #chainindustrial #scaffold #custompiercing #safepiercinguk #industrialstrenghtuk #ISUK #isjewellery #legitbodyjewellery #anodizedtitanium #astmf136 #titanium #bodyjewellery #customscaffoldpiercing #chaingang #ukpiercer #bodypiercer #bodypiercing #piercing #proffesionalpiercing (at Rude Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpg-uPuANPS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14zk5zx92ya69
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ozirescursed · 6 years ago
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Heart #titanio #astmf136 #daithpiercing (em Porto Amazonas Paraná) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsyQwPDFsNZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1myf6orveddzx
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sicbodyart-blog · 8 years ago
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Circular barbell de @inariorganics con unos preciosos tops de ambar natural de Industrial Strength. #piercing #piercer #bodypiercing #piercingespaña #titanium #roscainterna #ambar #amber #industrialstrength #astmf136 #naturalstone #prongset #piercingchiclana #piercingcadiz #chiclana #cadiz #sicbodyart (en BLACK MAGIC Tattoo)
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piercingarts · 8 years ago
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Para hoy, desde Santa Fé al mundo entero, este hermoso nostril con opalos, ejecutado por mi en @wentruarttemuco con @biometaljewelry 💎 Me encuentran de vuelta en @painfamilystudio desde el 15/05 con todo, vuelvo con energías renovadas y novedades increíbles para mis clientes, el crew y el estudio se renuevan. Para citas: [email protected] ✌🏽️👽🏴 #piercingarts #painfamilystudio #piercingartsontour #piercinestilodevida #piercers #bodypiercing #nostril #nosepiercing #opals #finejewelry #astmf136 #providencia #santiago #scl #chile (en Pain Family Studio Tattoo & Piercing)
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cottoncrowpiercing · 8 years ago
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Fresh Medusa piercing
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horizontitanium · 7 months ago
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The properties of metals are determined by their metallurgy, and for applications such as medical use, these properties must be optimized. To achieve this, international standards specify the required microstructure. Two key standards for medical titanium materials are ASTM F136 and ISO 5832-3.
ISO 5832-3 defines microstructure classes with specific alpha and beta morphologies and phase distributions, detailed through micrographs. In contrast, ASTM F136 outlines microstructure requirements without specifying exact classes or providing micrographs, thus omitting precise details on alpha and beta phase distributions.
To illustrate this, consider the example of the color blue. ASTM F136 broadly accepts any shade of blue for medical applications. However, ISO 5832-3 specifies exact color codes, categorizing shades from Class Sr. No. A1 to A9, and thus sets rigorous microstructure requirements for medical grades. ASTM F136 lacks this level of detail and does not categorize shades of blue, merely stating that any blue is acceptable for medical use.
Therefore, adhering to the ISO 5832-3 standard is crucial for ensuring the precise microstructure requirements in Titanium materials needed for medical device manufacturing.
To know more about the importance of microstructure in titanium materials for medical applications, write us at [email protected]
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toya-bodyart · 3 years ago
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❌ @lamujerbarbudatattoo ❌ @xmadrid_ ❌ #verticalphiltrum realizado a free hand con joyería de titanio grado implante de rosca interna con top de ópalo azul de la casa @inariorganics . Realizado con técnica aséptica y aguja #katananeedles .@kiwamiuk ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ✴️ #madrid #xmadrid #toyabodyart #madridpiercing #piercinginstagram #piercinglabio #titaniopiercing #roscainterna #astmf136 #safepiercing #proudandhonest #professionalpiercing #aseptictechnique #opalo #opalpiercing #beauty (en La Mujer Barbuda) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXdsUmzAblT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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biosteel-ju · 5 years ago
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• vertical bridge • Voici un bridge vertical réalisé sur Audrey avec des disques titane anodisés "Bronze" Bijou flat barre que jai légèrement ajusté à la main pour que les accessoires viennent épouser parfaitement la zone . Qu'en pensez vous ? #bleucarbonebiosteel #piercing #bronze #vertical #bridge #anodizingisawesome #freehandpiercing #titanium #astmf136 (à Bleu Carbone BioSteel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2XUj-XIYvE/?igshid=fhwpch7a1xuy
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bleanpiercing-blog · 8 years ago
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Fresh septum on Graham :) Cheers mate! 16g CBB from @qualitibodyjewellery Give us a call @toothandtiger for all your piercing needs 😁 #bleanpiercing #toothandtiger #septum #septumpiercing #titanium #astmf136 #legitbodyjewellery #safepiercinguk #safepiercing #bodypiercer #bodypiercing #piercer #piercing #bodyjewellery #qualitibodyjewellery #ukpiercer #westyorkshire #yorkshire #wakefield #huddersfield #leeds #uk (at Tooth and Tiger Tattoo Collective)
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compraco · 5 years ago
Chapas de Aço - Grande Estoque e variedade de material. Confira! #chapadeaço #chapaaçocarbono #metalmecanica #metalmeccanica #astm #astmf136 #astma #aço #açocarbono #mineração #papelecelulose #petroquimica #açoestrutural https://www.instagram.com/p/B_3BW5OnQxZ/?igshid=12c38l1z5u3hl
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mubodyarts · 7 years ago
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Derniers jours pour profiter de l’offre piercing avant fêtes à @mubodyarts, qui a permis à notre chère cliente @massive_gal de repartir avec un double ornement @neometaljewelry percé par @lepoinconneurdeslilas ! ✨ #mubodyarts #mustardcity #dijonpiercing #piercingdijon #piercing #dijon #piercedladies #astmf136 #implantgrade #nostril #doublenostril #nostrilpiercing #neometal #neocult #safepiercing #bodypiercingjewelry #igersdijon #dijonville #modifiedunicorns (at MU)
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Holy Crap we have been moving so many pieces from our @invictus_bodyjewelry displays! We have another giant order coming in any day! Theres still lots to choose from as well as other awesome gear we got in stock! Tuesdays through Saturday noon to 730pm. 801.266.2030 #invictuslove #implantgradetitanium #highpolish #invictus #invictusjewelry #beautifuljewelry #slc #millcreekutah #murrayutah #titaniumjewelry #ti-6al-4veli #astmf136 #slcpiercing #utahpoercer #julielindsey #houseofinktattoosaltlakecity (at House of Ink Tattoo & Piercing) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw8MQ_Lnwzf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=57yiwtmimt68
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sicbodyart-blog · 8 years ago
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Fresh lobe con labret de @inariorganics anodizado en verde. #piercing #piercer #bodypiercing #inariorganics #titanium #roscainterna #freshpiercing #earpiercing #anodizedjewelry #green #astmf136 #bodyjewelry #finejewelry #piercingcadiz #piercingchiclana #cadiz #chiclana #sicbodyart (en BLACK MAGIC Tattoo)
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piercingarts · 8 years ago
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Para la tarde de hoy, este septum cicatrizado, ejecutado por mi en @painfamilystudio Las Urbinas con @biometaljewelry 💎 Citas desde el 15/05 directo al mail de la tienda: [email protected] Saludos desde #santafé ché!🇦🇷✌🏽️👽🏴 #piercingarts #piercingartsontour #painfamilystudio #pfspiercing #bodypiercing #septum #finejewelry #zircon #swaroski #astmf136 #titanium #chile #scl #santiago #providencia (en House Piercing)
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