#asteria fang
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lloydart · 2 years ago
Translations for Asteria - Recollections of Eden Story
Thought it would be good to have all of these translation parts in one place!
🌸 Part One
🌸 Part Two
🌸 Part Three
🌸 Part Four
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h34vybottom · 6 months ago
Fang -> Lloyd Irving
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frayed-symphony · 2 years ago
A brief summary of Asteria - Recollections of Eden (Part Four)
So it’s been a couple of years since I did any translation work on this but with the news of Tales of Asteria shutting down I wanted to finally finish my summary of Recollections of Eden (aka the White Lions) arc.
You can start from Part One here
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Let’s finish this! The final summary;
With all three barriers surrounding Shangrace now disabled the core group head into the city and fight to the top of the tower to reach Van and Lazaris.
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As they climb the tower and break further barriers they can hear Lazaris’ voice.
The dragon monster from the shrine priestess trials appears and though they manage to injure one dragon, another shows up and blocks the path;
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In their final appearance the White Lions show up to take over the fight which allows the others to move on and confront Van and Lazaris. Farewell to these amazing outfits!
Letting the White Lions do their thing the group continues on. At the top of the tower is a ball of light and Mikleo realises its’ the same as the one he saw in the ruins which helped him regain his memories of their original world.
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Lazaris arrives and says that with the disappearance of that last ball of light this new world is complete.
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Lazaris then attacks them but Colette still struggles to understand why they must fight and why she can feel Lazaris is hurting still. (As a side note anyone who has their original memory is referred to as a ‘sinner’ in this story. I didn’t know that when I was translating previously)
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We finally get some backstory on Lazaris. Describing events in a previous Asteria arc (or possibly alluding to Radiant Mythology 3) Lazaris tells how the appearance of Kanonno (the descender) started everything. 
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How they came into existence at that time and how since then they’ve became exhausted watching how humans fought and killed each other, living creatures and even the world itself.
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We briefly fight Lazaris and it looks like the group will be overwhelmed when Colette awakens again to her power and uses it to stop everyone from becoming crystals.
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But she doesn’t want to hurt Lazaris, Colette has finally worked out that Lazaris was born as a collection of human consciousness and is not their enemy.
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She wants to work with Lazaris to return the world to its former state and make a better future. Lazaris repeatedly denies Colette’s help and that’s when the big cheese himself appears and to everyone’s surprise Van attacks Lazaris.
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The group cannot believe Van is now trying to kill Lazaris but we get a little more backstory on why the two were working together in the first place.
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Still in Van’s eyes Lazaris’ role is now over and he wants to destroy them to finally complete this new ‘perfect’ world.
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The group step in to defend Lazaris and Van tries to reason and bring them round to his way of thinking.
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Sorey and the others take responsibility as humans for how their world became and promise if things return to normal that they’ll make the world right again.
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None of them want to live in this new fake perfect world and leave their old ones behind because Van’s ultimate wish is to destroy everything and start again.
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As they prepare to fight Van, Colette once again offers Lazaris her protection and assurance that they will make the world a better place.
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We push Van back once but he comes back stronger than ever.
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However Lazaris will not be taken down and musters enough strength to fight back.
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I had a very difficult boss fight with Van to get to this point and it didn’t seem like we would be able to defeat him when Lazaris finally steps in.
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Lazaris crystallise both themself and Van, Colette and the rest of the group’s words seem to have finally won them over.
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The world starts to return to normal, all the traces of crystals disappear.
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A few of the group we haven’t seen for awhile show up and tell us the world outside is returning to normal. 
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They are sad hearing what happened but Colette knows Lazaris is still with them and watching over to make sure they keep their promise to make a better world.
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Raven asks Ludger and the others if they saw the White Lions on their way up but Ludger tells them no. It seems they have already disappeared from this world along with the crystals.
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One by one they are engulfed by a bright light and start to disappear. Everyone is worried they won’t remember these events later on and all say their goodbyes now.
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Still, despite everything they are finally returning home.
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Back in the regular world the various groups discuss what happened. It seems like only a select few people remember what happened.
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Raven explains it here but people who remembered the original world are the ones who now retain their memories of Lazaris and Van’s world.
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I didn’t see this in my reading earlier but there were some stone mouments which also appeared with Lazaris’ world. I asked @sekaiki-honey​ about this as well as why Colette had ‘the will of the world’ inside her and they said;
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Colette, Lloyd, Zelos vow to keep their promise to Lazaris and make a better world.
The end!
Thanks to everyone who read this far. I know I summarised it heavily and probably missed a lot of stuff but there’s still a couple of months til the game shuts down and I encourage you to read it yourself if you want info on a particular character’s journey or more backstory. 
I am also sorry for the poor quality of the photos and translations as well as how long this took to finish but I don’t speak Japanese or have much free time so this is the best I could do. I wanted to record the story somewhere for people who were as curious as me before the game shut down and I’m happy I could finally do that.
Thank you again!
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sakuraswordly · 2 years ago
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Source:  @toas_promo
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grievous-writes · 21 days ago
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Part Two
What happens to cherubs when they fall? There was already the damning example of God's golden Seraphim, where his fall from grace landed him upon the burning throne of Hell; to rule for all of time. A curse and, weirdly enough, a blessing. But you, a lone cherub sent on a nearly impossible quest? You landed smack dab in the middle of a courtroom in session; complete with a stunned jury and judge with burning eyes. 
Fandoms: HelluvaBoss & HazbinHotel Pairing: Female Reader / Fallen Cherub / “Asteria” x Satan Genre: SPICY Romance Rating: Mature +18
Tropes: slow burn, forbidden love, forced proximity, size difference, enemies to lovers, age gap, hurt & comfort, “Who did this to you?”, touch her and 💀
CWs: really possessive behavior, mild yandere, ALL THE SPICE, blood and gore, mentions of death, swearing, hard smut, personally RIP christianity to shreds, mild blood play, toxic people and situations, violence violence VIOLENCE, p in v, power imbalance, light dubcon, CNC (Honestly, just expect so much more down the line cause this story will develop out of control eventually!)
Notes: Reader is female (she/her), multi chapters, LONG posts and very little editing cause I HATE editing. I don’t know how to do TAGS quite yet, but let me know if you want to be notified for each update~
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ℙ𝔸ℝ𝕋 𝕀 - 𝕁𝕌𝔻𝔾𝔼𝕄𝔼ℕ𝕋 𝔽𝔸𝕃𝕃 𝕎𝕆ℝ𝔻 ℂ𝕆𝕌ℕ𝕋 - 𝟛𝟙𝟜𝟜 Story continues after the cut ...
Your mission was sealed in ancient oaths, never to be broken. Your goal set and fate was sealed. And after taking the last breath of the cleanest air in the universe … You lept. 
You fell. 
The violent sounds of an invisible storm boxed against your ear drums, and the scent of your searing holy flesh burned a horrible imprint into your own nose and throat. You could taste your own blood and muscles. Your long wings were tucked in tight as an unconscious reaction to the pain, doing their best to buffer your body against the maddening descent you faced. The world around you was set in white flame and blue lightning, a thunderous funnel of your fall from the familiar white clouds of home … and into burning pits far below. Everything hurt, everything burned! You were damned. And more so you, weren’t sure you’d survive the fall.
As you passed into the limits of light into dark, entering the solid void realm between Heaven and Hell, a new level of agony gripped your person. Something shattered in the back of your mind. And then there came a great surge; a pull.
A terrifying scream was pulled from your throat, like one scratching their nails on a slate board, and you felt all the weight of existence try to rip apart your already fracturing soul from any and all orifices it could. Iron viscera streamed from your nose and ears, then out of your mouth like an explosion of red ribbons, and you gagged on the charred, chucky fresh in your mouth. To a holy creature like yourself, a cherub born in Heaven and older than most, there was no difference between your soul and flesh; all was fair game when existence came to collect.
It took you a moment to understand those chunks in your mouth were your own gums being cut apart, making way for fangs to grow from your upper jaw. And your once blunt finger nails cracked and bleed like a lightning struck tree; and from bleeding nail beds grew out long, black talons that ripped right back at exsistance.You gagged on your blood and thrashed your tail about; as if to strike the invisible force assaulting you. It didn’t help much. 
As you continued the struggle, crashing down through the void’s bottom and bursting forth across deep red sky, you felt the final grace of Heaven ripped from your self of being; leaving open wounds on your personhood. You made it, you lived! You had officially fallen and survived … Barely. And with so many unforeseen consequences waiting on the far landscape below, you weren’t sure for how long you’d continue to live once meeting the denizens of Hell. Especially after the last time angels came to “visit”. Adam’s loss left many angelic bodies to eat and you knew the horror stories about the cannibal population. 
As you looked down to the upper layer of Hell, seeing the many buildings set in a massive pentagram, you quickly realized that there was not much space between where you breached Hell’s sky and the quickly approaching ground. And you were falling far too fast and hot to land peacefully. You were a shooting star across their crimson sky and you prayed that you landed where you were supposed to go. Your Patron assured you that, with her own incantations and connections, you would be delivered to Princess Morningstar immediately and with minimal damage. Keyword being minimal, not without. 
It occurred to you then that, if the Princess had no idea you were coming, she could be anywhere doing anything … like taking a shower. Or sleeping. Baking cookies. Or possibly in a meeting with someone important - Like her father. And then, oh hello,a random fallen cherub slams through a roof! This was going to be awkward. And dangerous. But you understood that danger was going to be a constant on this quest, no matter the outcome. 
There was a shove at your back, as if something unseen hand shifted your descent's direction, and you felt your body turn to a rather impressive looking building; set in the middle of a busy city district. It looked like a courthouse? No, a palace? Maybe a mix of the two. Either way, the architecture was intimidating and screamed authority. It could’ve also been a jail, but you had never seen one of those before. Heaven had no need for jails. Maybe a time out corner, but even those were nice and padded with soft chairs. This building was anything but soft - Complete with black spiral towers, barbed fences, and a large lava motte that encircled the estate like a fiery ring. 
Well, whatever it was, that was seemingly where Princess Morningstar was and you were incoming.You frowned and tried to twist your body to better open your wings, unsure if they would be snapped off as you tried to slow your fall. There were two things you noticed immediately about yourself in doing so. 
One: Your once short, rounded, ingenue limbs were gone - Replaced with long, thin arms and even longer legs; with fingers and toes just as lanky. You could see flexing muscles rippling under your once soft skin, and your new heavy bones felt like heavy steel rebar. You were heavy, thick, and cold. 
Two: Your once cute, round snake muzzle was cut blunt. Your face had been squashed inward, taking away your animal features and rearranging your face to be more, weirdly enough, humane. You had a nose, flared nostrils, and your mouth felt too small for all your teeth. 
Your distraction was short lived as a third sight came into view; nothing to do with your body. From below, bursting through a large, stained glass window set into one of the tall walls of the building, exploded a massive burst of fire and light. It looked like an explosion with something rocketing up from the flaming bits of the building. You squinted and saw six large, red wings flared and flapping in your direction. In all your eons of living, you had always known and remembered his wings to be gold … never red. But even in this new coat of colors you still knew who this was; his corrupted, unholy aura was as brilliant as a supernova.
There was no chance to scream out your intentions, to show you were no threat, and to the King of Hell any unknown was surely an instant threat. So, as Lucifer flew directly towards you, all you could do was hold up your arms and brace for impact. Bodies slammed, wings collided, and you felt little arms wrap deadly tight about your back and head; trapping you but also … embracing you. Both of you were sent into an out of control spiral, and in those short seconds before you both made impact with the building’s hard stone floor, your fallen souls connected. 
You blinked and were in a quiet calm space, where dim light floated about your head and your falling ceased. You took a moment to breathe and felt nothing. 
“Alright, okay, cool, two questions!” A chipper, anxious voice called out. “Who are you and what the fuck are you doing?”
You looked to your right and floating next to you, much smaller than you remember him being, was Lucifer; sharing whatever space this was with you. The man was a bit more different then you recalled, and yet some things remained the same. His yellow hair, rosy cheeks, and large eyes were familiar. But his smile had fangs, his scalarias were red, he had a long spade tail, and his halo was gone … replaced with a very large hat and fiery horns.
The Golden Seraphim was gone, and in exchange stood the flashy, ostentatious Ringleader of Hell.
You must’ve not answered his question quick enough and Lucificer glared with a harder, barely friendly smile. “You gonna fucking say something? Anything? Give an explanation?! Or should I just kick your ass right now?” 
“I-!” You stuttered, taken back by how your voice sounded in this otherworldly pocket of existence; quickly collecting yourself as best you could. “Please, d-don’t do that! I don’t wanna hurt anyone.”
“Aaaaaand you expect me to believe that?” He chuckled with a raised sharp brow. “Especially after lots of murderous angel fucks tried to kill my daughter not too long ago … Soooo-?” 
Pointing fingers wasn’t going to save you, even if Adam was rightfully to blame. Because in your inaction at the time, like many who still stood by and had to let Adam descend once more, you were in a way to blame as well. You could’ve stopped it, at least could’ve stood up at the time with Charlie and Emily. But it was only after did you act and seek out the more compassionate Seraphim. 
You had your mission now and it was your part to play in atonement. 
“Emily sent me to be a lesion, a connecting point, between with herself and Princess Morningstar.” You said truthfully, which seemed to take Lucifer by surprise. 
His smile began to sag. “Uhhh, who's that and why?”
“Emily. She’s one of the newer Seraphims that was created after … long after you fell.” You sighed. “She wants to help your daughter save sinners. The Princess’ plan worked as one of your sinners was redeemed. A snake fellow. He showed up in Heaven shortly after the remaining exorcists returned and-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Go back!” Lucifer did a rewinding motions with his wiggling fingers. “Heaven wants to help?!”
“N-No, just Emily and me.” You felt your heart ache as Lucifer deflated ever so. “There are still too many up at the top who are fearful of change, especially now with Adam permanently gone. T-They don’t know what this means. None of us do.” 
“But you still came here?”
“I did.”
“Well, shit, that’s … You,” And a cold realization shadowed over the King’s face. “Fell.” 
“I did.” A saddened half smile spread over your lips. “Emily needed a direct connection to Princess Mornmingstar. Heaven’s closed all their doors, locked every window. No messages will be able to get in or out. No calls to meet, no letters, nothing. But given what I am, what my job was before, falling was the best option for communication.”
“Yeah, sure.” Lucifer's light tone was all gone and a frown creased his expression. You knew he had barely any evidence to trust you so you weren’t hurt by his lack of distrust. It was all understandable. “How does that work then?”
“I can explain better once we leave,” You stole glances back out into the space the two of you floated in. “Wherever this is. It’s a pocket dimension?”
“Something like that.” Lucifer sighed and shook his head. “Look, I’m one to love big flashy entrances, fireworks and band music, but you could’ve at least knocked before busting through Hell’s defenses. Those wards were a pain in the ass to make. They took forever!” 
“Erm, Sorry. We weren’t sure what I’d have to fall through to get down here.” You tried to smile but you suddenly felt so very tired. Weighed down. Slowly even. It was as if your body was sinking into sand. Even your head felt heavy and your ears filled with preverbal water. 
“Oh shit, easy there!” Before you could fall over, Lucifer caught you in his thin but mighty arms. “The wards took a shit ton out of you, little lady. Even in this time bubble, you're weakened.” 
“What happens when g-go back to the real world?”
“Weeeell,” Lucifer chuckled with an apologetic smile. “We may or may not land smack-dab in the middle of my daughter’s opening statement to the leading Sins of Hell. In a full courtroom. With it broadcasting across all the rings of Hell. I barely managed to catch you in time and save the entire courtroom from blasting into a crater. Sooo, it’s not gonna be pretty!” 
“I’m s-sorry.” Your eyes began to close and your voice slurred.
He shrugged. “Eh, you can make it up to me later. Bedies, it’s Satan who's gonna be more pissed than anyone else. If there’s one thing he hates more than fallen angels … it’s when his court is interrupted. Just, hold tight-”
Even as your mind began to slip away, you managed to wrap your arms about Lusificer’s shoulders and cling to his white coat. In turn, his own hold on your body was firm and his large crimson wingspan encircled you both like a warm cocoon.
“-And get ready for a lot of ouchies. Cobblestone is fucking awful landing on.” You heard the hesitant playful tone in his voice and couldn’t help but smile.
“I think we’ve both felt worse ouchies than falling on cobblestone, Sir.” 
“Amen to that, Sister.” 
One moment everything was still, calm, and quiet. Then with a violent reminder to reality, you felt Lusificer and yourself slammed hard against a smoldering stone floor and scorching fire erupting from your impact. Splashes of lava and shards of obsession exploded out from where you both landed, followed by a shower of rocky debris that showered over you in a messy, ashy impact cloud. While you were barely conscious, with your ears ringing and your vision spotty, you could hear vague screams of horror and panic. 
Lucifer was on top of you, his wings cushioning your spine, and you could tell one of his beautiful crimson wings was broken by how it felt under your lower back. There was a snap, a crunch, and you dared not move in fear or damage that wing even further. You groaned and tried to reach over your protector; pressing your palm to his back to make sure he was breathing.You sighed of relief at feeling his take a long labored breath. 
“Ouchie.” Lucifer whined.
“Dad!” You heard Princess Morningstar’s shrilled fear as she ran over, followed by many others. 
You didn’t know any of these people, a mix of sinners and natural hellborn peoples, and you didn’t have the conscious mind to try to remember any then and there. And while Lucifer or Charlie didn’t have to trust anything you said or promised to do, that hopeful if not naive side of yourself prayed that they’d at least give you an opportunity to explain it all: About your fall, the mission, and what miracles could be achieved together.
For now, all you could do was lay limp, close your eyes, and let people drag you and Lucifer out from the very big hole you made. You could hear softer voices become distant - More than likely being Charlie and her entourage retreating with Lucifer in tow. Meanwhile, a much closer and louder debate was looming over you.
“I ain’t touchin’ it!” Someone with a nasally, deeply annoying voice shouted; the sounds of bells following behind his exclamation. “We should just fuckin’ kill it!”
“Dude, slow your fucking rolls!” A woman’s voice came next and her accent was slurred in an oddly fun manner. “They are literally passed out!”
“Fuck off, you oversized bimbo bumblebee!” The jingle bell man shouted back. “We all know what that little shit is and how much trouble they are! Fuckin’ Kill. It!” 
“Back the fuck up, Mammon!” A second maculine’s voice spoke out; licked with flames and closer to you in proximity than the first two. “We’re not doing anything until Lucifer is back, alright? So cool it!”
“AH! Eat Shit Oz!!” 
“ENOUGH!!” A fourth and final voice caught your attention in all the chaos, silencing the first three with a deep resonant growl. “I ain’t got the time nor patience to deal with you lot pulling any shit funny right now! So, listen good cause I’m only gonna be sayin’ this once.” 
The baritone figure continued, and his growl was ever present in every word; a hidden threat barely contained by a tight jaw and clenched teeth. “You’re gonna clear all these chuckle-fucks outta my courtroom, get the media under control, and make sure your fuckin’ rings don’t go into a full blown panic. We already had enough to deal with letting our little Princess have her day in court and possibly cause mass hysteria with her wild ideas.”
It was then you felt enormously thick and warm fingers slide under your body and pick you up from the ruined floor; strong, slow, and careful. Or as careful as someone who was apparently a mass of anger and nerve could be. The fingers rolled you into a warm, meaty palm and cupped your aching body against scaly skin. Everything hurt but this was marginally better then just being left to lay on the ground.
“We cannot, and will not, allow whatever this lost little angel was gonna do fuck over today any more then it already is. Asmodeus’ point stands: We wait for Lucifer’s wake.” 
There were soft agreements, with one being a bit more stubborn than the others but he too fell in line. 
“Well, get to it!” The one who spoke, who held you in his impressively large hand, chuffed. “Nothing's gonna get done if we just look at one another.” 
“Uhh, real quick?” The more feminine voice spoke up with mild concern. “You’re not gonna let them be like … naked while we wait, right? Looks like whatever they were before got burned the fuck off.”
“Oh, uhh,” And for the first time in the entire conversation, the one who was holding you sounded immediately out of his element. And you felt your body heat up with a fire that was deftly more than the burning from your shoddy landing. 
“It’s okay dude. I’ll tots have some clothes sent for them in a bit. See about getting them looked over? A doctor couldn’t hurt.”
“Right. Ahem.” He cleared his voice and turned away, and each footfall the man made vibrated your body. You dared to peek open one eye and was met with the blurry visage of a red faced demon-dragon; his head wreathed with four black horns and four yellow eyes looking over his shoulder. “There’s only one prison that can hold an angel in my entire collection. I’ll be waitin’ there.” 
And as your vision grew dark, shapes and faces losing all meaning, you barely managed in time to speak. “T-Thank … you.”
The dragon’s breath was hot as he growled again; half amused. “Don’t you go thankin’ me yet, little star. For the time being I’m your judge and jailor, and you won’t be enjoin’ that too much.”
“Quiet.” He huffed. “I ain’t in no mood to talk.” And with no fight left, you slipped into a deep rest. There were no dreams. No fire. No pain. No cold or comfort. Just sleep. Sleep. Sleep.
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WELL ... if you made it here, congratulations! You found my random author's note XD Your prize is a magic bag of beans and may or may not take you to a far away magical land~ I've never tried to plant them so your guess is a s good as mine! But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this first part/chapter into this story <3 It's gonna be a wild ride, so if you want to be tagged for the next upload, let me know in the comments!! Also, while I'm gonna be posting this story chronologically, you can still make Satan x reader requests in my DMs as well! HIT ME!! 🫘Thank you, my lovely little beans 🫘
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succubus-interactivefiction · 8 months ago
Help! I Got Isekaied as a Lamia!!
Demo Coming Soon
Waking in a strange forest on a world obviously not yours you quickly discover that you have been isekaied not once, but twice, and to top it off you find that, despite growing up thinking you are human, you are in fact a lamia and have been since the day you were born, in this world.
Now as you begin to explore the world of your birth you will find allies, discover hidden villains, and take on quests beyond anything you could have ever imagined as you slowly uncover the reason you had been sent to Earth by your birth parents and why they died to ensure your survival.
Play as a Cis or Trans woman, with full customization over your physical appearance, and your wardrobe.
Explore a strange world filled with isekai tropes.
As you journey you earn skill points and use them to learn a wide variety of skills ranging from the mundane to the fantastical.
Along the way you will meet a variety of others including your adventuring party, a beloved Queen and her court, the boisterous members of the local adventurers guild, and a demon searching for redemption.
Romance a number of women including two of your fellow adventurers, the kingdom's Queen, or a demon with a heart of gold. Includes one polyamorous triad*.
Form meaningful and lasting friendships with every RO instead of romancing them as well as many non-ROs.
Romance Options
Tatiana Luminus Asteria | Human/Angel Hybrid | Queen Age: 48 Height: 6’4” Build: Slender Eye Color: Glowing Gold Hair Color: Blonde Skin Tone: Pink Notable Features: Large wings growing from her hips Character Traits: Protective, Loving, Fierce Tropes: Age gap, Courtly love, Puppet Queen
Maple | Elf | Druid* Age: 79 Height: 6’1” Build: Slender Eye Color: Emerald Green Hair Color: Brunette Skin Tone: Tan Notable Features: Long narrow ears, ivy tattoos across body Character Traits: Shy, Intellectual, Green thumb Tropes: Airhead, Adorkable, Polytriad (Laura) Laura Argenta | Beastkin | Barbarian* Age: 23 Height: 5’6” Build: Muscular Eye Color: Yellow Hair Color: Raven black Skin Tone: Umber Notable Features: Fangs, Claws, Tail, Canine Ears Character Traits: Stoic, Quiet, Vicious Tropes: Feral lover, Monster girl, Polytriad (Maple)
Azarith | Demon | Abyssal Mage Age: ???? Height: 5’3” Build: Voluptuous Eye Color: Glowing Purple Hair Color: Snow White Skin Tone: Orchid Purple Notable Features: Extremely long, slender, spiny tail Character Traits: Flirty, Dense, Mean Tropes: Demonic lover, Sadistic, Redemption
Other Characters
Mark Argenta | Human | Knight Age: 24 Height: 6’4” Build: Muscular Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde Skin Tone: Tan Notable Features: Scar over right eye Character Traits: Protective, Caring
Daniel Argenta | Human | Rogue Age: 17 Height: 5’3” Build: Slender Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Brown Skin Tone: Mocha Notable Features: Twitchy Character Traits: Mischievous, Carefree, Always fiddling
Elmina Kayran | Elf | Elven Crown Princess (MCs Aunt) Age: 126 Height: 6’6” Build: Slender Eye Color: Pale Green Hair Color: Black Skin Tone: Pale Notable Features: Long narrow ears, Darker hair color Character Traits: Haughty, Secretly a softy
Tarros Kayran | Elf | Elven King (MCs Grandfather) Age: 787 Height: 7’1” Build: Slender Eye Color: Glowing Green Hair Color: Blonde Skin Tone: Pink Notable Features: Long narrow ears, Scarred face Character Traits: Demanding, Hateful
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dizzybunni · 4 months ago
.˚✧₊˚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚ My Stardew Valley dr 🛸
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₊˚꒰🛸꒱‧[personal info]
☾ - Name ; Asteria Nova
☾ - Age ; Twenty-one
☾ - Gender ; Agender
☾ - Pronouns ; she/they
☾ - Dob ; May 3rd, 20XX
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☾ - Crashed down onto earth after her ship swerved off of course, Asteria found herself on a small, rundown farm residing next to Pelican Town. She kept herself hidden inside the farm house for a few days, up until a purple haired girl wandered onto the property and stumbled across the alien huddled into a dusty corner.
☾ - It took another week or so before Abby could convince Asteria to leave the farm house, and another couple before she convinced them to go into town with her. And it served as a huge shock to the townspeople when Abby had dragged a pink-skinned alien into Gus’s Saloon, but despite the unease that came with her arrival, the townspeople found themselves warming up to their new neighbor soon enough.
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₊˚꒰🛸꒱‧[face claim]
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「 Asteria face claim ☆ 」
『 Traits ; horns aren’t on my eyes sockets, but rather moved up towards my forehead. Fang-like teeth. Quartz-like eye color. 』
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₊˚꒰🛸꒱‧[dr synopsis ± other]
☾ - Synopsis ; An alien who crash landed into a small town, becoming the neighboring farmer and building friendships with the townsfolk !
☾ - Farm name ± pet name ; Milky Way farm, Speckle (grey variant cat) !
☾ - Personality ; Quiet, cautious and calm, but extremely friendly !
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【 dividers by kodaswrld on tumblr !】
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redlittlefoxari · 1 year ago
To The Ends Of Faêrun : Chapter Twelve: Binding
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This series is book two of a fanfic I have already written called Astarion Epilogue: An Adventure in Making Life
Master List Here for Books One, and Two
*List includes a prequel that is essentially one-shots of their adventures over the fifty years after the battle at the end of the game*
Warnings: Blood, Sex, Violence, NSFW 18+, Smut
Summary: Tav, Astarion, and Apple all come face-to-face with the goddess Angharrad about little Apple’s binding contract and what happens if they refuse to answer the call of adventure.
Comments are always appreciated! I always think my writing is shit.
Tav and Astarion pounded their way upstairs, Apple in his arms. She cried into his chest, not fully knowing why she was in so much trouble but just knowing that she had done something wrong. Confusion and fear rattled through her while Astarion and Tav only felt fear and anger at what had been done to their child. She had been used to satisfy Angharradh’s cruel ends and get Tav to submit to the deal by forcing her child to accept.
How Anagharradh found out what Tav’s answer would be was easy enough to guess. The tattoo acted as a conduit between her and Tav. Linking them together and allowing her to listen in on anything she wanted a lot, like the eye Wyll once wore when Mizora was his patron. She had probably been listening to Astarion and Tav's whole conversation about the deal.
They cleared the top of the stairs and made their way to the master bedroom. Not stopping, they flung open the glass doors leading out into the cool night air, and Tav held out her forearm to the moonlight. There was a hum of power as the moon's light kissed her skin, and another wave of anger washed through her.
“Angharradh!” Tav screamed her name. “Come out from wherever you are hiding!” Her chest heaved as her white-hot rage took over.
In a flash of blinding light, Angharradh appeared with a coy smirk on her face. She glanced over the three of them, taking in the rage that was flowing from Astarion and Tav. Frowning at the sobbing Apple in Astarion’s arms. Her eyes locked with Tav’s as a smile appeared back on her face.
“What have you done to sweet little Asteria?” Angharradh chided. “When I saw her earlier, she was beaming with happiness; now look at her.” She motioned towards her. “She’s a sobbing mess.”
“You son of a bitch.” Astarion put down Apple and charged towards Angharradh, stopping a few steps in front of Tav. “Let her out of whatever deal you made with her! She is too young to understand what it is that you asked of her.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Angharradh let an innocent smile spread across her face. “She already signed the contract.”
Sparks danced between Astarion’s fingers as he flexed and then closed his fist tight into a fist. “If you do not let her out of the deal this instant, I will add you to my slain gods!” His eyes darkened as he bared his fangs, ready to strike.
“A vampire, Tav?” She clicked her tongue. “Such disgusting pests.”
Astraion lunged at her, fist cocked back, ready to spring forward. Angharradh rolled her eyes at his temper getting the better of him as she raised a shield. His fist hit solid air, stopping him in place as he screamed and fought the invisible force that prevented him from connecting. With a flip of her wrist, Astarion was sent flying back his body, only stopping once it made contact with Tav’s. Knocking the wind out of her. Tav caught him before he hit the ground, his body shaking with barely contained rage. She stood behind him, as Astarion crouched, trying to get a handle on the fury that ripped through him.
“And you want to make more children with such a beast.” Angharradh looked down her nose at him. “It’s a wonder how young Astaria came out such a polite little girl.”
“Daddy!” Apple ran to Astarion, pressing her face to his chest.
“I’m alright.” He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her gently against her soft white curls.
Tav moved in front of Apple and Astarion, using her body as a shield. “She’s six.” Tav ground out. “You made a deal with a six-year-old.”
“She seemed more than happy to help her mother, and after what I heard last night, I’m glad I came to her when I did.” Her eyes darkened. “Before you did something you would later come to regret.”
Apple sobbed into Astarion’s chest as Angharradh fixed Tav with a cool stare. She scoffed and rolled her eyes as she took in the sight of the three of them. Tav could feel Astarion’s rage building as Apple continued to cry against him, and the goddess looked at them with disgust.
Tav’s jaw ticked with anger. “Let my daughter out of the deal.”
“No.” She gave Tav a cruel smile. “What’s done is done; the only way out of the deal is to finish it.” Angharradh looked annoyed. “Find my daughter and bring her home.”
“And what if we refuse?” Tav grasped at something to get her out of the deal. “What stops us from staying at home where we are?”
“If my request is not fulfilled, then your daughter belongs to me.”
Tav’s blood turned to ice in her veins at the Goddess's words. “What does that mean exactly?”
Astarion picked Apple up off the ground and pulled her closer to his chest, turning away slightly from the goddess. His eyes dared her to try and take Apple away from him. Eyes full of hate and murderous intent if she so much as tried.
“I mean just that.” She sounded like she was suggesting something as simple as a change in the weather. “I will take Astaria and raise her as if she was my own.” She looked to Astarion, who was glaring at her. “She signed the contract.”
Angharradh produced a scroll that glowed just as she did and unfurled it. At the bottom of the parchment was a signature written as if a child had done it. Apple’s full legal name sprawled out on the paper. Tav felt like someone had kicked her in the stomach. As far as she could tell, this was binding, and Apple had sealed hers and their fates to the quest.
“What if we kill you?” Astarion spat. “Would that break the contract?”
“You could certainly try.” Angharradh leveled him with a challenging stare. “I wouldn’t recommend it, however, based on what just happened to you. I could still wipe you from the face of this planet like the leech you are.” Her voice dripped with venom as she produced a piece of parchment.
Tav shook with fury as she read the contract that was in front of her. Apple had signed her life away in order to fix her. Her sweet girl was just trying to help, and this Goddess had taken advantage of her to get what she wanted in the end. If they tried to break the deal, Apple would be taken away from them. Bile rose in Tav’s throat as she stared at her little girl's unsure signature.
I, Asteria Ancunin, hereby swear my life in service to this quest to find and return the Goddess Mielikki to her mother and, in doing so, reap the rewards requested of the Goddess Angharradh, queen of the Arvandor. These rewards are the ability to lift the limitations bestowed upon elven kind for my mother, Tav Ancunin. To produce new elven souls from her womb. If I fail in my duties, I will return to Arvandor with the Goddess Angharradh and serve her until my dying breath.
Astarion furiously read the contract, looking for any loopholes, cursing as he read every line. Reaching deep within his mind to pull out every scrap of knowledge he could remember about contracts and law from his time as a magistrate. From what he could tell, it was binding and could only be broken if the quest was completed or one of the two listed in the contract died in some way, shape, or form. Undiluted loathing bubbled up, filling Astarion with more rage than he had felt in recent years. Angharradh had trapped his child in a contract she didn’t fully understand, and he couldn’t help but remember when his old master, Cazador, had asked him to become one of his spawn. He, too, had omitted many details that, if he had known, Astarion would have never agreed.
“I’ll rip your throat out, witch.” Astarion took a step forward, and Tav stopped him. “What are you doing? We can’t let her do this?”
“We can’t win against her Astarion, not when it’s just the two of us.” Tav felt powerless. “We are unarmed.”
“We can certainly try!” Astarion snarled, leveling Angharradh with a look that could kill. “I’m not just going to lie down and submit.” Astarion snarled. ”I’m not giving up our child.”
“I never said we were going to!” Tav shouted back. “There's only one thing we can do, and I know you’re not going to like it, but if we want to get Apple out of this deal, it is our only option at the moment.”
“I know what you’re going to say, and you’re right. I don’t like it.” Astarion cradled the back of Apple’s head and kissed her on the side of the face.
“Astaria is going either on the quest or with me. The choice is yours.” Angharradh was starting to sound impatient. “Give me your answer.”
“Shut up!” Tav rolled her eyes and spat at her. “You will have your answer in a moment.” Tav took a few steps towards Astarion and closed the distance. “We have to.”
“I read the contract, and it’s binding.” Astarion blew out a breath in frustration.
“We’ll need Gale and at least Shadowheart.” Astarion frowned. “Wyll and Karlach are too old to go on adventures, and bringing Gale is pushing it.”
“He’s at least an archmage, so time works for him a bit differently.” Tav let out a heavy sigh. “So we have no choice.” She looked at him with desperation in her eyes. “Are we doing this?”
“Yes.” Astarion bit his bottom lip. “I guess we are.”
“I look forward to Mielikki's safe return.” Angharradh smiled.
“Fuck off.” Astarion cursed her.
“And with that, I will depart.” Angharradh bowed and then vanished.
They all stood in silence for several moments, processing what just happened. What Apple had just bound herself to? Tav started to think about what their next move would be where they would start with their search for Mielikki. While Astarion thought about all the ways he was going to kill Angharradh for what she had done. Apple just held her face against Astarion, waiting for the punishment she knew would be coming.
“Apple, you won’t be going to school for a while.” Tav broke the silence.
“How long?” Apple’s voice was horse as she spoke.
“Probably not for a few months,” Astarion answered. “And we are going to have a nice long chat about not accepting contracts from gods, goddesses, demons, or devils.”
“I know you were just trying to help, honey, but this is not how we help.” Tav walked over and patted her back. “Next time, maybe just do the dishes or show Mommy some magic.”
“Okay…” Apple pouted as all her tears had dried up.
“We’ll need a few days to gather supplies and ask the others to join us.” Astarion started to make his way back inside.
Tav followed close behind. “Right, let's finish dinner and then head over to Gale’s; we’ll need to tell him right away that Apple won’t be in school for a while anyway.”
“Why don’t you go talk to the old wizard while I finish dinner and talk to this one.” Astarion continued down the stairs.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go?” Tav looked at him with a puzzled look.
“I’m sure.” Astarion seethed. “I’m already in a foul mood, and listening to Gale prattle on is not going to help matters.” He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and placed a kiss on Tav’s lips before continuing. “It will just lead to one dead wizard.”
“I can talk to him tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow is a Monday, and he will be busy with whatever he does regarding running that school.” He cut her off. “Go now and come back as soon as you're done. We'll be here when you get back.”
“As long as you are okay with that.” She gave him a sad smile.
“Can I go with Mom to see Uncle Gale?”
“No.” Tav and Astarion spoke at the same time.
Apple shrank down as small as she could get in Astarion’s arms. This was the first time in her life that she had indeed done something that landed her in trouble, and she had no idea what for. She didn’t understand what she had done wrong, and Tav could see that in her sad eyes. She thought she had done the right thing in accepting the quest because it would help Tav.
“Listen, honey, I know you thought you were doing the right thing, but sometimes doing the right thing and what we think is right are two completely different things.” Tav patted her on the head before waiting for her to respond.
“I don’t get it.”
“Well, you’re six, so that’s understandable.” Tav gave Astarion a kiss before moving past him towards the linen closet. “I’ll be no more than an hour any longer than that, and please come and save me from Gale’s ramblings.”
“Will do, Darling.”
Astarion carried Apple towards the kitchen, stopping to watch as Tav opened the door to Waterdeep, and purple tendrils of the weave enveloped her. Drawing her in and swallowing her into the void.
“Now, my sweet Apple.” Astarion shifted his attention towards Apple. “We are going to have a long chat about all things we do not agree to without a parent present, at least until you are no longer living under my roof.”
Apple swallowed hard as Astarion started his lecture.
Tag list:
@ofmyth-andmagicart @lunaredgrave @littlekidsteve @omnia--mea-mecum-porto porto @ayselluna @myreadingmanga123 @kismet-of-the-divine @nicalysm @justlilpeaches21 @five-salty-bitters @lenarosic88 @caydevakarian @supervrgnsokay-blog @ravenswritingroom @kalypsoox @foxiecelery @wisteriaofthegraves
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nymphien · 3 months ago
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Pred/Prey Shark Pack
pt: pred/prey shark pack
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
divider credit
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Name: Fin , Finley , Ripley , Mako , Azure , Serena , Asteria
Age: Adult
Pronouns: It/Its , They/Them , Ze/Zir , Xe/Xir , Fang/Fangs , Sharp/Sharps , Shark/Sharks , Grr/Grrs , 🦈/🦈s
Gender: Bigender , Genderfluid , Sharkgender / Sharkgender , Sharkcaean , Sharkic , Selachic
Orientation: Bisexual Velaurian
Other IDs: Non Monogamous , Misceselachimorpha , Sharkxper
Kinks: Pred/Prey , Fear Play , Blood Kink
Species: Shark Merfolk
Role(s): Kink Holder
Aesthetic(s): Ocean Grunge , Dark Nautical , Gorecore
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kresnikcest · 2 years ago
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Fang in Tales of Asteria (credit+dl)
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h34vybottom · 10 months ago
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frostythefrostedfox · 9 months ago
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Guess what, if I can use my mouse to model and pick up a pen to modify textures, how hard can it be to draw?
Actually is pretty hard, but there is nothing you can't learn by staring at a million tutorials, so I did this, and I'll be putting it on the fridge with the orange magnet.
And since I'm already here, why not infodump some more about this goofy goober.
The neon-coloured parts of his fur glow in the dark, including the teeth and claws.
His long fangs make him drag any letter that is pronounced with the lips so he doesn't cuts his lower lip, like the F, V, P, W and a few more
Despite being younger than his sister, he appears older, this is because normally Foxes live less than Eagles.
For his species, he is on the taller and nimbler side
Although he has more than enough money to repaint his equipment, he prefers to leave the dents and scratches.
A side effect of his tracheal implant is his 'autotune', best way to describe it is if someone was constantly speaking the way Laura Les sings
Left Handed
His favourite colour is Red
His favourite food is Ice Cream Cereal, just let any icecream melt on any cereal and eat it.
He prefers to ingest his Reactive Fluid in the shape of lollipops, preferably mint flavoured.
His hardware and augments only become active above 90bpm, and the overdive only triggers above 150bpm (basically just play K/DA or asteria)
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inkys-neos-n-names · 9 months ago
Hey! I've been looking for some draconic/dragon themed and space/night sky neos and names for a bit, I wondered if you could help?
Thanks so much in advance!
Of course, happy to help!
Dragon/draconic neos:
Dragon/draconic names:
Gem, Crystal, or any other gemstone names (Topaz, Ruby, Amber, Pearl, Onyx, Opal, Jade, etc)
Space/night sky neos:
Space/night sky names:
Astra or Aster
Astraea or Astraia
Estella or Estelle
Selena or Selene
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trai-and-party · 1 year ago
bus you should introduce your kids :) but only your favorite ones. I’m limiting you to three
My... favorite? But I don't wanna pick favorites...
Are you gonna introduce all 20 then
It's TEN get it RIGHT fine I'll pick three for now.
Number 1: Biley
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My eldest daughter, how could I not love her? She's my firstborn child! She's Sassy by nature, and she has already evolved into a Gardevoir! I just don't have an image of her current appearance at the moment.
Number 2: Asteria
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Asteria is a menace. She'll bite anyone with those lovely fangs she inherited from her father. She is Rash by nature.
Number 3: Flan
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Flan is one of my adoptive kids! Her broken front horn makes her upset, so she covers it up with cardboard. Poor thing... she's Docile by nature.
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gemwing1988 · 1 year ago
Aster TV Tropes
Warning, this tropes will contain spoilers for the future fanfic adaptation of The Cuphead Show done by @akluthor1998, @nataliepthatsme and myself. Please read with care and enjoy.
A young Aurora Sprigon and Kaichi’s potential girlfriend. Shockingly, the Devil originally created her to spy on the Dreamstones and to contain any information he could use against them or to lure them into a trap. Unfortunately for the Devil, Aster has a heart unlike the rest of his creations and she eventually turns against him and defects to the heroes as their closest friend.
Action Girl: While nowhere near the extant of any of the Dreamstones, Asteria does developed some Take a Level in Hardcore by using her magic against the baddies when push comes to shove.
Actually Pretty: She visibly smiled and muffled a giggle when Henchman promptly mentioned “Head!” when the Devil referred Cuphead as “that cup”, while responding in mild annoyance, “Thank you, Henchman!”
Adorable Evil Minion: Averted on the evil part since she’s more reluctant and has more morals than the Devil had let on, but Aster is still really cute.
Adorable Fluffy Tail:
All-Loving Hero:
Beauty Equals Goodness: By a Sprigon’s standards, she’s as purely good as she’s lovely.
Beauty is Never Tarnished: While the Devil’s twisted demonstration of Ms. Chalice turning into a pile of dust was unnecessarily graphic as Henchman would put it mildly, how Aster was erased was more tamed but more heartbreaking as she is turned into glass and slowly shatters into oblivion… in a devastated Kaichi’s no less, while still retaining her cuteness.
Because You Were Nice to Me:
Becoming the Mask: She truly came to enjoy the company of Kaichi, the five humans and the Cups, though she was still the Devil’s minion at the time before her Heel-Face Turn.
Beware the Nice One:
Blue is Heroic: She has Innocent Blue Eyes. The tips of her wing as well as her hair scrunchie ribbon are dark blue. Even her scarf is icy blue and she is among the good guys.
The Cutie:
Cute Little Fangs:
Damsel in Distress:
Defecting for Love:
Disney Death:
Does Not Like Spam:
Concerning mushrooms, she certainly takes more after Katie.
She really doesn’t like anything overly spicy.
She can agree that pineapple pizza’s too weird.
Does This Remind You of Anything?: With his constant threats of unmaking Aster should she fail or defy him to the point of frightening her into submission, the Devil’s relationship with her screams Abusive Parents or legal guardian bullying and threatening the abused child to stay silent so they can easily elude suspicion of the authorities and social services.
Easily Forgiven: No one bare any grudges when she told them that the Devil made her and she was more reluctant than willing to go along with his schemes of using her as a spy. They also sympathised the fact that the Devil was cruel enough to threaten to unmake her should she either fail, question or even dare so defy him with the snap of his fingers.
Embarrassing Nickname: Implied. Her “sister”, Cyra calls her “cotton candy” based on the colour of her hair on certain occasions and visibly unamused by it,
Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: As sweet as she is, even Aster can’t stand King Dice and Anubis coming onto Lexie and Natty. And the disdain also extends to the Devil, not just because of personal grudges but for all the times he tries to come in between Katie and Validor.
Everyone Has Standards:
Expressive Ears:
Aster was inspired by Smurfette from The Smurfs, thus the Devil being Aster’s Gargamel.
She was also inspired by the character, NiGHTS from the game, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. They are both characters associated with the night as well as stars, have pink and purple colours, have blue eyes and were created by the main antagonists, only to betray them and defect to the side of good for personal and very good reasons.
She might also have a bit of inspiration from Cynder from The Legend of Spyro Trilogy as they are both used by both the Big Bad against their will.
Extreme Doormat: She started out as this under the Devil’s command, reluctantly going along with his schemes to manipulate and lure the Dreamstones and Cup Brothers into his trap and easily submits by the threats of him erasing her out of existence as he easily had created her.
Fairy Dragon:
Fell Asleep Crying:
Flower Motifs: Is often associated with her namesakes.
In some ways, Aster and Ms. Chalice are somewhat alike but still different from one another. They are both forced to betray their friends while the Devil blackmails and threatens them. Chalice. an orphan using her talents to charm the people into giving her free stuff to survive and she rashly made a deal with the Devil to give her the ability to switch between her ghost and living forms at will in return of a favour at a later date. While Aster was created by the Devil to be his spy.
Aster and Henchman are both the Token Good Teammate, are very nice in general, purple and display some Everyone Has Some Standards, however, while Henchman is completely loyal to the Devil, Aster pulls a Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal when the Devil pushed her to betray the Dreamstones and the Cup Brothers too far by constantly threatening to unmake her should she either fail or question him.
To King Dice, the only things close to what Aster can relate to is that they’re both associated with the colour purple and they both work for the Devil. But while Dice is loyal to the Devil and is a sleazy Smug Snake about it, Aster is a Nice Girl and is more reluctant and regretful of her role, terrified of the Devil’s constant threats to her existence.
Friendship Trinket:
Hardcore Adorable:
Heel-Face Turn:
Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak:
Graceful Ladies Like Purple: She’s a very feminine and graceful young Sprigon and her fur is purely purple.
Grew a Spine:
Guilt-Ridden Accomplice: To the Devil.
Happily Adopted: By the Dreamstones and their friends after they had successfully restored her back into existence when the Devil erased her in retaliation of her defection.
Heroic Sacrifice:
Hidden Depths:
Innocent Blue Eyes: To represent her youthful and docile nature.
Karmic Jackpot: She was restored back into existence by the combination of Katie’s imagination and Lexie’s paintbrush, given a Friendship Trinket as well as a new hairstyle and is happily accepted into the girls’ friendship circle and extended family as a true Sprigon.
Let’s Get Dangerous:
Like a Duck Takes to Water:
Light is Good: She has some white in her colouring and she is on the side of good.
Long Hair is Feminine: One if instinctive features that differs her from Kaichi is her long rosy pink mane and she is very girly.
The Love Interest: If any Ship Tease between her and Kaichi is of any indication.
Meaningful Name:
Aster means “star” in Greek and her magic specialises in stars and auroras.
Aster is also the name of a flower and her she has some colours of some of her namesakes.
Mistreated-Induced Betrayal: Part of the motivation for her Heel-Face and Defection for Love. She had put up enough the Devil’s constant threats of erasing her and seeing her only as a tool of discord and deception for the heroes, thus putting her foot down and assisted the girls in rescuing Kaichi.
The Mole:
My God, What Have I Done?:
Nice Girl:
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished:
Not Afraid of You Anymore:
Nice, Mean and In-Between: Aster is the Nice while Cyra is mildly the Mean and Kaichi is the In-Bewteen.
Official Couple: With Kaichi later on in the series.
Pink Girl, Blue Boy: The Pink Girl to Kaichi’s Blue Boy.
Pink Means Feminine: Her mane, spines and wings are bright, rosy pink to show off her feminine side.
The Power of Friendship:
Puppy-Dog Eyes: She has her share of mastery of that technique.
Ridiculously Cute Critter: Just look at her!
Rose-Haired Sweetie: She has a head full of long, rosy pink hair and she is as sweet as can be.
Ship Tease: With Kaichi. The girls imply that he obviously has a crush on Aster upon seeing him blush, which he hastily denies. Which is to be expected since they technically still kids.
Silk Hiding Steel: While she is cute and feminine, she can be mildly a Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak as well as Hidden Depths such as she definitely bites the Devil’s hand to escape his grip. She also took a Level in Hardcore while under the Dreamstones’ wings.
Single Woman Seek Good Man: Her obvious attraction to Kaichi since their friendship had bloomed even before her defection.
The Six Ranger: Basically the second Sprigon and fifth Animal Companion.
Sweet Tooth: A shared trait in the Sprigon lore. She could certainly give Kaichi a run for his money.
Tears of Remorse: She had shed these when she remorsefully confessed to the Dreamstones about her backstory and how the Devil captured Kaichi. She also explains the Devil had made her and threatened to unmake her if she doesn’t do what he says. Luckily, the girls were more sympathetic and understanding.
Tender Tears: She can be just as emotional when upset.
Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to Cyra’s Tomboy.
Tomboyish Ponytail: Subverted. She wears her mane in a low ponytail and she’s a Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak.
Took a Level in Hardcore:
Trademark Favourite Food:
Red velvet cookies.
She also enjoys strawberries.
Macarons, especially the pink ones.
True Blue Femininity: Her eyes, wing tips and accessories are blue and she is a Girly Girl.
Undying Loyalty: Despite her time as the Devil’s spy, Aster has grown to care deeply the Dreamstones and their friends, most especially Kaichi, which motivated her to have the courage to stand up to the Devil and join the heroes.
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tales-of-asteria · 2 years ago
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“Thank You For Everything”  ~ 10 Free Multi Pulls, vol.2 Duration: 3/31 (Fri) 16:00 ~ 5/18 (Thu) 11:59
Chance to get some of the Bond Awakening enabled characters from past gachas with free multi pulls!
Every day (for a total of 10 days) is available only a free multi pull. No Asteria Stones, Summon Tears or paid options can be used.
✶ At least one 5☆ character is guaranteed with the 5th pull, while with the 10th pull you will get a Red Summon Circle in your inbox where you can choose to get a featured. character.
Here’s the list of the other featured Bond Awakening characters:
Fire: Reala [Snow Festa], Yuri [White Day], Kyle [4th Anni], Lazaris, Leia [Maid], Asbel [Wedding Suit], Reid [Swimsuit], Repede [ToV Anni], Anise [Yukata], Milla [Moon Viewing], Mikleo [Halloween], Lailah [Casino],Presea, Lloyd, Ruca, Farah, Stahn, Rita
Water: Cheria [Kimono], Arche [Snow Festa], Lilith [School Uniform], Mikleo [4th Anni], Guy [Café Assistant], Veigue [Wedding Suit], Mint [Swimsuit], Cheria [Orchestra], Raven  [Gambler], Alisha [Christmas], Rondoline, Ludger, Veigue, Iria, Jade, Rokurou
Wind: Dezel [Kagura-style], Sophie [Valentine], Raven [4th Anni], Claw, Kohaku [Wedding Dress], Rondoline [Swimsuit], Karol [ToV Anni], Eizen [Boss], Tear [Halloween], Pascal [School Uniform], Zaveid, Dezel, Asbel
Earth: Edna [Valentine], Eizen [White Day], Jade [Formal], Sorey [School Uniform], Jude [4th Anni], Roar, Luke [Magician], Stahn [Wedding Suit], Kanono E. [Swimsuit], Rose [Yukata], Asch [Orchestra], Luke [Shool Uniform], Laphicet [Christmas], Cress, Caius, Edna
Light: Ludger [Kagura-style], Shirley [Valentine], Farah [School Uniform], Colette [4th Anni], Fang, Rita [Magician], Alisha [Wedding Dress], Velvet [Swimsuit], Estelle [ToV Anni], Kohaku [Halloween], Sorey [Gambler], Mint [Christmas], Rowen, Kyle, Kor, Reid, Zelos, Jude, Estelle
Dark: Velvet [Kimono], Jade [Snow Festa], Guy [White Day], Velvet [4th Anni], Kongwai [Magician], Cheria [Maid], Reala [Wedding Dress], Magilou [Swimsuit], Yuri [ToV Anni], Leon [Yukata], Kratos [Moon Viewing], Colette [Orchestra], Zelos [School Uniform], Van, Senel, Judas
Also, some Evolution enabled 5☆ characters from the permanent gacha will appear:
Fire: Kyle
Water: Mikleo
Wind: Raven
Earth: Jude, Sorey
Light: Colette
Dark: Velvet, Elize
Players will also get special rewards with each free pull (the last reward is the Red Summon Circle).
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