asmoshoebox · 2 months
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it's 2004. gay marriage has just been legalized in one (1) u.s. state: massachusetts. misroch, increasingly at odds with the law due to being a terrible liar, an even worse driver, and an inveterate "we could just kill him like we did that other guy!" murder enthusiast, is coming perilously close to an arrest warrant, and they know this.......which is why it's time to apply for a marriage license with the biggest risk to misroch's infosec since sliced bread.
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captainjimothy · 2 months
i log onto tumblr. i write 400+ enthusiastically horny and rambling words. i receive one (1) reblog. my work here is done
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asmoshoebox · 4 months
yes hi hello i have a ted talk about misroch's fucked up narrative position relative to Carp Ass Sinus
yeah yeah they're similar personalities but that wouldnt mean anything except asmoraius literally pointed it out and then you look at how misroch sees themselves, how misroch sees carp-man, how other people see misroch, and how misroch's whole persona drastically changes when interacting with carpassinus?
list of talking points to cover, in no particular order:
okay so iirc my original point (i first drafted this like 8 months ago in someone's DMs) was that misroch hates themselves and carpassinus with equal vitriol-- and equal fear. whether the insecurities are a result of carp's presence or existed prior, the point remains that, in the show, they are deeply intertwined. the things that people are constantly telling misroch to stop doing (being rude and patronizing) are also the things that misroch lists as reasons why they hate carpassinus; and asmo makes the parallel explicitly with i'm a sucker for a demon with an agenda.
the fear part is wrt misroch's acute awareness of and adherence to social hierarchy, and this manifests in constant vigilance and punishment which is (a) something the other band members do not show most of the time, and (b) something that carpassinus DOES show, and causes the other band members to show, when they're being interrogated, which (c) heavily implies that it's an aspect of life in hell that the other band members have actively worked to forget or disavow! (given the size of hell, of course, i'd believe some subcultural variations, with different regions upholding the social hierarchy to different degrees. e.g. it makes sense that kitchens get the worst of it (this is true on earth too), and it makes sense that the sex dungeons would have a more playful, subversive, intentional relationship with the hierarchy (this is also true on earth) which makes asmo's perspective on power dynamics and platonic friendships make a lot of in-universe sense!)
(as a complete side note, i think you can isolate the normal line cook shoutiness from the insecure condescension-- and i also think both of those things are at high water mark during the show's timeline because it's an incredibly stressful week lol. (the first episode is before things get too stressful so that's my benchmark for like. Normal Misroch behavior. yeah they're shouty and mean but they also have a nice time in the parking lot afterwards.))
anyway. back to the point, the dissonance misroch is struggling with here comes, at least in part, from the fact that they know they're similar to carpassinus, and they know (or think they know) that everyone fucking hates him, so logical conclusion = everyone must fucking hate them too. self-hatred would channel into further bitterness towards carp (hence their bitterness being higher than the others) which feeds further self-hatred etc vicious cycle. i could probably explain this better but it's late
another side note, i am. ugh. always. so fuckign curious about misroch's underlying personality. like. when you get past the insecurity, i feel like you get a very intelligent, very kind person, with a very subtle and cunning sense of humor. not, perhaps, the nicest person in the world, but like. compassionate. also: methodical. so fucking precise and detailed. they know what health codes are and how to do income taxes for small businesses. i've done small business taxes, that shit sucks.
anyway anyway in conclusion uh. i love them <3
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asmoshoebox · 2 months
lowkey gonna b thinking about trentblas all day at work tmrw. the fucken. listen. theyre like assroch's funhouse mirror type of foil. they are so opposites in personality and motives and how they view themselves, but they will orbit each other like two cows in a tornado are you listening. are you listening to me
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