#assistant coach lewis
iffeelscouldkill · 9 months
Fic: a dream or two (away from you)
Dear @breeze-tells-tales - happy Fence Secret Santa! I was inspired by your prompt to write a Harvard/Aiden fantasy AU :3 It's a (loosely) mediaeval fantasy with some dream magic. I hope you enjoy it! 💜
a dream or two (away from you)
Rating: 12+/Teen
Ship: Harvard/Aiden (and a tiny mention of Nicholas/Seiji)
Summary: Everyone knows that magic isn't real. Never mind that Aiden, crown prince of Feldhaven, has been having strange dreams from a young age in which he meets and plays with a young boy from a far-away kingdom.
He can't explain it, but he isn't concerned - until years later, when an eighteen-year-old Aiden is suddenly introduced to the new Captain of the Guard: Harvard Lee. The boy from his dreams.
Aiden was standing in the middle of a wood.
This was a bit strange, because he’d gone to sleep in his bed in the castle, and he didn’t remember coming out here. Also, he was still wearing his nightclothes. But everything around him felt clear and vivid – the grass under his (bare) feet, the wind through his hair… The only other odd thing was that he didn’t feel cold at all, even though it had been a chill night.
Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement among the trees and turned quickly. “Who’s there?” he called.
A boy emerged from the trees, about his age, slightly taller and with dark skin. He was also dressed in nightclothes, and holding a stuffed teddy bear. “Hello,” he said, with a reassuring smile. “Who are you? I’m Harvard.”
Aiden wondered if Harvard’s family must be from far away, if they didn’t know how to recognise him, Crown Prince Aiden. Then again, where was this? Were they near the castle grounds? (He wasn’t allowed to go beyond the castle grounds on his own. Definitely not without at least two bodyguards). The wood didn’t seem familiar.
“I’m Joshua,” he said, which was his middle name, but he didn’t know what this strange boy might know about him and he decided he’d like to keep it that way. “Where are we, do you know?”
Harvard shook his head. “I thought I was asleep in bed, then I was here,” he said thoughtfully. “I don’t think this is near my house.”
So this other boy didn’t know where they were either. Aiden thought. This could be an elaborate plot to kidnap him, but he didn’t see any kidnappers, or anyone else here besides Harvard. And he’d never been able to make a friend just on his own, before. His mind suddenly flooded with excited possibilities.
“Do you want to play tag?” he asked.
Harvard frowned at him. “Shouldn’t we try to find out what’s happening? Or find our parents?”
What Harvard was saying made sense for a boy like him, but for once Aiden’s parents (or the castle guards, or his nurse, or anyone) weren’t around, and he was desperate to make the most of it. “Maybe we’ll find out as we go.” He mimicked the way he’d seen commoner children playing out of the windows of his carriage, and reached out to brush Harvard’s arm. He felt solid. “Tag. You’re it!”
A grin grew on Harvard’s face as the thrill of a new friend and the game took over, and he chased after Aiden. Aiden shrieked and ran, and at one point tumbled to the ground and got leaves in his hair, and generally did a lot of things not befitting of an heir to the throne. It was glorious. He never wanted it to end.
He couldn’t say what it was that gave him the sense their time was up. But the sun cresting over the horizon might have played a part. “Harvard, I think I’m… going. I think I’m about to be home again,” he told his friend urgently.
Harvard nodded. He’d sensed it too. “It’s okay. We’ll see each other again,” he said.
Aiden was suddenly pierced by a stab of panic. “But how will I find you? I don’t even know where you live. What if we never come back here?”
Harvard gave the questions some careful thought, and then solemnly handed Aiden his teddy bear. “Here. Now you’ll have something of mine to keep.”
It didn’t answer his questions, but Aiden clutched the bear close to his chest. “I’ll take good care of him.”
Harvard smiled at him. “Bye! I had fun!”
“I did too,” Aiden said, but he found himself saying the words aloud to the dark of his bedroom. He was back in his own bed in the castle, like he’d never left. The only thing that had changed was the worn, stuffed teddy bear clutched in his arms.
(Read the rest on AO3!)
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acrazybayernfan · 8 months
December the 2nd 2014: Training
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stardewremixed · 8 months
Stardew Valley Employment Headcanons
I've been thinking a lot about how many folks in the Valley don't work. In some ways, it feels realistic. A small town that is clearly dying until the Farmer comes along struggles with unemployment rates. It could be related to high taxes (*side-eyes* I'm looking at you, Lewis) and competitive megacorporations (like Joja) undermining the local economy. However, I'd like to do a little headcanon for the residents and their job situation.
Under spoilers, because TL;DR.
Abigail - after graduating with a degree in art history, Abigail starts working out in her mother's fitness group. She starts swimming at the spa. And she starts a workout regiment with Alex. Of course, this leads her to finally join the Adventure Guild full-time, protecting the Valley and exploring the depths of the mines. She still jams from time to time with Sam and Seb. I also like to think she leads a local Scouts troop.
Alex - this man deserves to have an amazing job as a pro gridball player. However, while he waits, he could coach a local kids team at the Community Center. I can also see him work part-time stocking shelves at Pierre's General Store. Maybe he lifeguards at the Ginger Island Beach during the busy season or drives deliveries out to Sandy in the desert for Pierre. Or he could work with Robin. Mmm... this man, chopping wood... fantasies. He still sells ice cream in the summertime maybe on the weekends or at festival days (because come on, Pierre needs a little competition and I love the idea of pineapple ice cream at the luau and stardrop sorbet at the moonlit jelly fest). I also see him doing odd jobs around the valley until he gets more stable work at Pierre's or Robin's. Need someone to fix your leaky roof? Alex is your man! (Because Evelyn mentions George can't do it anymore).
Elliott - I still like the idea of Elliott's secret wealth and he escaped his family to become a writer. However, maybe he regularly submits poems and sonnets via various contests online under a pseudonym, and does a few freelance articles (maybe on small towns, fishing, romance, etc.). This man deserves to publish a masterpiece and make it on a bestseller list, then gets an agent, and of course, publishes a series. He still does readings in the Valley at the library and the Saloon because he always wants to remember his humble roots and the people who cheered him on when he was a nobody in the business.
Emily - She absolutely needs to start a side-business as the town tailor. It's kind-of already in the lore, but I could see her starting up an online business (maybe with the help of Seb) on an Etsy-esque site. Also, I can see her helping out on the farm for a little something extra when she's not working at the Saloon. Maybe tending to the flowers, watering plants when the Farmer is in the Mines or off on the island or in the desert for the day. She mentions she would like to do this, but Gus apparently frowns on a side job. Hmm... well, I can see this girl eventually leaving her job at the Saloon to pursue her sewing passion full-time. She totally hosts a yoga class in the winter at the Community Center.
Harvey - He is already a well-respected town doctor, but the man is so stressed that he is hardly ever in the Clinic (at least not without mods). I propose Harvey hires some extra help, an associate, maybe another nurse, and a receptionist to assist, especially if patients from surrounding towns (like he mentions) start visiting (i.e. expansions). And he teaches first aid classes at the Community Center.
Haley - Like Leah, she needs an art exhibit to showcase her photography. Unlike the other villagers, I don't see her staying in the Valley, eventually pursuing the work of a freelance photographer and traveling the world (like her absentee parents). She does make an annual trip back for the Flower Dance, her favorite festival. I have pursued Haley the least in game so I'm struggling to come up with more ideas here.
Leah - Speaking of Leah, she transforms the Valley into a premier art destination. She can teach art classes at the renovated Community Center. She teams up with Seb and Sam (and drags Elliott along for the ride, and the writing) to produce an avant-garde film about the art all around us in small towns. I also think she grows her own herbs and sells them at Pierre's, festivals, and the Farmer's Markets (as she gives me green witch vibes). Maybe she partners with Caroline (or the Wizard) to create some herbal potions and creams. And of course, she's still at it with woodworking, though these days she works on commission for those types of projects.
Sam - This man deserves to be a rock star. And I think he'd make a great solo artist. However, if his guitarist dreams don't pan out, he has options. In the vanilla game, he starts working with Gunther at the museum after JojaMart closes. It's a strange choice, but... I figure, maybe he minored in anthropology in college. He would absolutely give amazing tours of the museum, full of exuberant commentary, perfect for kids field trip days too. And I think he plays gigs in Zuzu City and at the Saloon regularly, and maybe even out at Sophia's winery (Stardew Valley Expanded).
Maru - Nursing just doesn't really seem to fit this woman of multiple interests. She finally pursues her passion of robotics and goes to work in a proper lab in a nearby City (doesn't have to be Zuzu - my headcanon is Pine-Mesa City or Grampleton from Stardew Valley Expanded). I think she makes regular trips to the Planetarium too. I could see her visiting the Valley on long weekends, and maybe taking the local kids club on a night-time stargazing event in the summer.
Sebastian - Please give this man a proper window in his basement, Robin! Okay, if he doesn't marry the Farmer, Seb moves out anyway and goes to live in the City for a while, to find investors for his indie game studio. In the meantime, he continues to do freelance programming work. And then, one day, he makes a breakthrough game that revolutionizes the industry. After making A LOT of money, he invests in a SAVE-THE-FROGS campaign, hires multiple developers and other staff, and starts working on his next big game. But he still makes time to jam with Sam and Abi from time to time, and of course, take long rides on his motorcycle.
Penny - This poor woman needs some love. Penny pursues her higher education and officially receives her teaching license. She is hired by the local school district so she can do more than just tutor. She can finally afford her own little apartment. She starts a kids club in the Community Center, and creates a summer reading program at the Stardew Library. And I like to think she takes a monthly trip to Zuzu City to shop in a big bookstore for fresh reading material when she has some down time.
Shane - Oh this guy is definitely a mess. If you don't "romance" him in game, he doesn't really turn his life around, and even if he does, it doesn't really point to recovery as it should, imo (without the help of mods). This man hates his job, and yet he feels stuck. I propose the following. After he recovers in therapy, completes rehab, and genuinely quits drinking (forever), and of course, loses his job at Joja (suck it, Morris!), Shane starts working at Marnie's shop and contracts out as a farmhand all around the Valley. Then he can be a proper godfather to Jas, and provide some actual service at the Ranch (when Marnie's off doing who knows what with you know who...)
I have thoughts for the other Villagers in the Valley too, but I'll save those for a different post.
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linamromero · 1 year
𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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It was late in the evening and you and the Manchester United squad were on the coach home, from London after a win of 2-3 with you, Tooney and Millie scoring each of the goals.
Your coach ride was energetic as you won against Arsenal. You, your girlfriend Ona, Hannah, Lucía and Millie were sat at the back of the coach singing some english songs.
Ona had lifted you onto her lap midway through a song, clapping her hands on your thighs in rhythm with the song, “Ona please stop, my thighs hurt now.”
“Vale, lo siento amor." She whispered a little loudly as Lucía was belting out Lewis Capaldi.
“But you are a comfy seat.” You smirked down at your girlfriend.
The team bus came to a halt in a service station for everyone to get some food, to stretch their legs or go to the toilet. You groaned as you got off Ona’s lap, getting off the bus for a minute.
Most of the girls including you and Ona went to McDonald’s, “What would you like 𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘦?"
“Nuggets!” Ona pouted at you.
“Vale, i’ll get us 20 to share.”
Once you got your food, you were waiting on the other girls and Millie decided to film a TikTok. She was rating everyone’s ‘jerk’, Tooney went first everyone was in fits of laughter for her arms.
Alessia reluctantly agreed to doing it, tired from the game. Ivi was full of beans and did it really well, whereas Vilde had no clue how to do it and did a random dance with her legs. Kirky was too busy munching on pringles to do it properly and Maria was just flicking her legs around.
Ona was up next to be rated and she was pretty good considering she had a large bag of McDonald’s in her hand.“Y/N, your turn!” Millie said getting her phone ready.
“Okay! okay!” You held your hands up doing your best ‘jerk’ as Millie filmed you.
“That was sick!”
“Thanks Mills.” You smiled as she went over to Aoife.
By then everyone was ready, so the team got back on the coach. Ona intertwined your hands together as you sat together, she sat in the window so you laid in her arms. “Awh the cutest couple.” Tooney clasped hands sitting in front of you two.
You and Ona had talked a little before you fell asleep with your head in her lap, she promised you that she’d wake you when you got back to Manchester.
“Wakey wakey.” Ona muttered in your ear.
“No.” You mumbled nuzzling into her stomach.
“Sí bonita, we can go to bed and have lots of cuddles when we get home.” Your girlfriend spoke not too loudly.
The girls piled off the bus, taking their belongings with them. Ona and you were the last of the team off the bus, you said your goodbyes to the team and the coaches.
Ona drove home as quickly as possible, so that she could have cuddles with you in bed. You both showered together taking a little longer than usual as you got distracted with each others bodies.
You eventually got to bed, not bothering to put any clothes on after your shower. Ona laid her head on your bare chest as you played with her soft brunette hair, “Te amo mucho hermosa."
“Te amo, bebé." You responded kissing her temple.
Ona had control of the television, she put on the women’s football show, which was the highlights of all the games in the WSL today. It included your outstanding goal which was assisted by your girlfriend.
The television show slowly ended, Ona’s eyelids were closed her slow breath tickling your stomach. You decided to leave her not moving, you were in a comfortable position to sleep in.
The remote sat loosely in her palm so you took the opportunity to turn the television off so you two could sleep, “Buenas noches, Miss Batlle.”
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arokel · 3 months
In the West
Rating: G Characters: Bobby Moch Summary: That’s why Bobby’s staying, really; that’s why he’s putting it off.
Bobby has seen a few east coast sunsets in his life - always this time of year, usually accompanied by a similar grouping of guys - but he’s never quite gotten used to the ways they differ from sunsets back home. There are no mountains in the way, for one; the sun just sinks and sinks until it vanishes over the horizon. There’s no lingering pale-blue glow just above and beyond the snow-caps even as the rest of the sky goes dark. It makes the night feel swifter, more abrupt.
It sets over land, too, which is even stranger. All Bobby’s life he’s known that the sun sets in the west, towards the sea. Out far enough on the coast, from the bay in Montesano, you can watch it submerge, reflecting gold off the silver-grey waters as it disappears. This way around just feels wrong.
He’s never given those differences too much thought before, on any of the other nights he’s spent like this in his four years of train trips east to race. But right now everything feels unnatural - the artificial stillness of a man-made lake, no breeze off the water to stir the muggy air; the nervous, expectant energy of another race to come mingling with the victorious flush on the race just won; the odd sense of poetic fitness that today, of all days, their Olympic dreams are now within their reach.
“What’s that thing, from Bolles’ thesis?” Chuck asks, head tipped towards the pale lilac sky. The wisps of smoke off his cigarette curl upwards to twine amongst the rising smoke of their bonfire, a wavering, hazy filter over the newly-appearing stars. “Some guy at Camp Lewis today in eighteen-whenever?”
“Eighteen-forty-one,” Shorty says.
“How the hell’d you just know that?”
Shorty uses the stick with which he’s been drawing patterns in the dirt to nudge one of the supporting logs into a better position. “I’ve got a good head for facts.”
“Maybe we should start calling you the professor. Now that there’s going to be an opening,” Johnny says.
“Nah,” Shorty says easily, “if anyone’s inheriting that it’ll be dear old Bobby here.”
And that’s the other thing that isn’t quite right about this whole scene.
Shorty’s re-positioned log crackles and flares with a new lick of flames, sending sparks up into the column of smoke. They hang suspended there, dancing like fireflies for a brief moment before they flicker out. Roger yelps and hurries to extinguish the few that have managed to find their way onto his shirt before dying.
Bobby has only ever seen fireflies out east, too. And next year he won’t be here to see them again.
“I won’t be anything nearly so professorial,” he says. “Just an assistant coach.”
He could come back here. That was always his plan: graduate, win Poughkeepsie, then on to law school at the most prestigious east coast college that would take him. It feels wrong to pause in the middle of that, to linger in a space that was always meant to be in-between - this final summer, his last hurrah as a college athlete, a farewell to the only sport he’s ever loved for its own sake. Bobby isn’t one to draw out goodbyes.
But after this year, after rowing with these guys… for the first time in his life, Bobby isn’t ready to move on to the next big thing.
It’s Joe, speaking quietly into the new silence around the fire. Bobby blinks.
“Sorry, lost in thought. It’s going to be weird, not having him around.”
The sky, with its ever-surprising east coast alacrity, has grown noticeably darker in the time Bobby spent wallowing in his own second-guessing. The finality of it makes him anxious.
No one else seems to share his melancholy, though there is a wistful edge to Gordy’s laugh when he speaks, eyes gleaming through the hazy dark. “I’ll say. Who’s going to put together a freshman crew good enough to swap a few of ‘em into our boat next year?”
Now the laughter around the circle turns uneasy - no one wants to think about the others leaving any more than they want to think about Bobby.
That’s why Bobby’s staying, really; that’s why he’s putting it off. No matter what happens two days from now, no matter what happens in Berlin, he wants to hold on to this as long as he can. A drawn-out goodbye. The sun setting behind the mountains and into the sea.
“Me, that’s who. You’re not rid of me yet,” he says. He closes his eyes, breathes in smoke and warm air and camaraderie, and when he opens them, the day is gone.
He’ll get used to east coast sunsets someday. But not yet.
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ham1lton · 2 months
bestie i haven’t come out to my family that im bisexual bc im scared 🥲🥲🥲 but i just know if i was lewis’ assistant fr he’d be so supportive. i’d talk to a girl and he’d be like you like her?????? let’s send her flowers!!!!!!!! a dior bag!!!!!!!! let’s fly her out to a grand prix!!!!! like bro chill you’re scaring the hoes
(i know you write x reader but assistant yn is her own person at this point LMFAO. we’re all assistant yn)
oh he would!! depending on how awkward you are, he’d attempt to coach you and ask you for updates on how the date went. he’s definitely passing you the card with a wink like ‘buy ur girl something too’. he always says whenever you go on a business trip, for you to take her with you. also if you ever got married, he’d 100% be your officiant.
assistant!yn is her own girl fr. so is engineer!yn, nepo!baby yn and stylist!yn. honestly.
but im sorry to hear about ur family babe :(((( i’m always here if u need to talk about it. <33
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emotionaldashtoons · 7 months
Here's my poster of my official version of my version for my DisneyElseWorld's Pixar's...
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I saw the new Inside Out 2 trailer, and they made Anxiety, Ennui, Embarrassment, and Envy bad by betraying the old emotions. Lots of crazy stuff is about to happen! We don't know what's going on, lots of details are there too. But what would the ElseWorld version be like?
For my idea. I have 6 new emotions, the OC emotions like, Courage, Surprise, Pride, Trust, Shame, and Frustration.
I am using on of my oc villains, Spite, to be the main villain of the AU second movie.
Characters like Nia, the assistant of Ego, she runs the business with him but she tries to avoid him to help others. Bud, Courage's blood cell buddy, he doesn't speak but he's sweet, nervous, cute and got some attitude. And Brain, the big boss of Riley's mind, and the emotions need his help to stop Ego.
What New Places Would the Emotions Go To?
In this AU, far from HQ and Long Term Memory, instead of the back of the mind being empty, there is a huge mind-filled city called Mindtopia, aka, The City of Riley, where everything in the mind has everybody for Riley's Inner Workings in her mind. That also includes Headquarters. And guess what, they're not the only company, there's also banks, council buildings, restaurants, malls, houses, apartments, and everything for Mind Workers after they work at Long Term Memory. And The Mind Councilman, Chairman, is the Mind Prime Minister.
Returning Cast like...
Amy Poehler as Joy, Bill Hader as Fear (YES! I'm bringing Bill Hader back! He's so much funnier then I expected), Lewis Black as Anger, Phyllis Smith as Sadness, Kensington Tallman as Riley, Diane Lane as Mrs. Andersen, and Kyle MacLachlan as Mr. Andersen.
Recast Alert!
I actually like Liza Lapira playing Disgust. After what Mindy Kaling did in Velma, it wasn't enough for me. Because the show and her are piles of shit to me.
With All-Star Cast like...
Jake Johnson (the Spider-Verse films) as the new outside leader emotion known as Courage, Sam Richardson (Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken) as Surprise, Kate McKinnon (Ferdinand & Saturday Night Live) as Frustration,
Andrew Rannells (Trolls 3) as Trust, Randall Park (Paw Patrol: The Movie) as Pride, Eric Stonestreet (Modern Family and The Secret Life of Pets films) as Melancholy, Paula Pell (Saturday Night Live and The Cat In The Hat) as Aunt Feely & Mrs. Andersen's Anger, Henry Winkler (Barry, Monsters At Work) as the mind algorithm/brainiac boss of the mind known as Brain, Nathan Fillion (Monsters University & Cars 3) as the villainous and hilarious, but very evily whiny, yet hateful, Spite,
Zooey Deschanel (Surf's Up and Trolls) as Ego's sarcastic female assistant, Nia, Lucas Neff (Raising Home and Monsters At Work) as Yes Man, Will Forte (the Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs films) as Mind Gate Guard Jimmy, Peter Sohn (Ratatouille, Lightyear, and Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse) as the emotions new best blood cell companion buddy named Bud, Stephen Root (Barry, and King of the Hill) as Mind
Natasha Rothwell (the Sonic films) as Riley's middle school P.E. coach, Mrs. Hutch, Thomas Barbusca (Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life) as Jordan, Haley Tju (Amphibia) as Kelli, Beanie Feldstein (Neighbors 2) as Riley's bully, Frances, and Josh Peck (Drake & Josh and Drillbit Taylor) as Frances' friend, Nate.
Written & Directed by Josh Cooley
Co-Directed by Bob Peterson and Ronnie Del Carmen
Produced by Mark Neilsen, p.g.a.
Executive Produced by Pete Docter, Andrew Stanton, and Jonas Rivera
Story by Josh Cooley and Pete Docter
Edited by Kevin Nolting
Cinematography by Patrick Lin and Kim White
Production Designer Craig Foster
Story Supervisor Peter Sohn
Additional Dialouge by Dan Scanlon, Bill Hader, and Amy Poehler
Visual Effects Supervisor Bob Pauley
Supervising Animators Jerome Ranft
Music by Michael Giacchino
Score Cordinator Andrea Datzman
Casting by Kevin Reher & Natalie Lyon
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Clyde Austin Drexler (born June 22, 1962) is a former basketball player who is the commissioner of the Big3 3-on-3 basketball league. Nicknamed “Clyde the Glide”, he played 15 seasons in the NBA spending the majority of his career with the Portland Trail Blazers before finishing with the Houston Rockets. He was a ten-time NBA All-Star and was named one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History. He won an NBA championship with Houston, and earned a gold medal on the 1992 US Olympic team known as “The Dream Team”. He was inducted twice into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, for his career and as a member of the “Dream Team”. He serves as a color commentator for Houston Rockets home games.
He was recruited by New Mexico State University, Texas Tech University, and the University of Houston, the latter after childhood friend Michael Young told an assistant to head coach Guy V. Lewis that he was the best player he had faced in high school; Houston was able to recruit them both due to his friendship with Young and his desire to stay home. He majored in finance and worked at a bank during the summer. Lewis recalled that he received hate mail from Houston supporters and alumni for recruiting him, as they felt that he was not good enough to play for the school. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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macaroni-rascal · 10 months
is lilah fear not ruining ice dance? why defend her
It's a giant oversimplification of the situation. The ISU has systematically destroyed ice dance and turned it into an element show where things like a character step, choreo slides, and choreo assisted jumps can garner massive points, while things like skating in hold, skating close together, and one foot skating has gone entirely the wayside. Lilah and Lewis, and their coaching team, are operating under parameter's they have no control over.
It's also a travesty that Chock and Bates are world champions, and with a fall as well.
Not to mention, judges have propped up bad teams forever. Meryl and Charlie were literal Olympic Champions, and their skating skills were abysmal.
This isn't new, it's just the most glaring example of ISU mismanagement and corruption in a while.
Lilah Fear is nothing but a piece of a puzzle someone else made and put together. Putting the onus on her is not only ridiculous, it's just plain wrong.
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birthingtv2021 · 1 year
From Espionage to Maternity: Chronicles of the Not-So-Secret Spies
Once upon a stormy night, a unique scenario appeared in the international spy realm. Mandy, the obsessively competitive high school nemesis to Sam, Alex, and Clover, found herself in an unprecedented circumstance. Their adolescent rivalry, which continued into their secret lives as members of the agency, had taken on an unthinkable dimension: they were all about to enter motherhood concurrently. Their pregnancies had not halted their clandestine operations. They'd saved more governments, exposed more villains, and indirectly birthed several new legislations during their gestation months. But now, their labor was complicating their final assignment. The hospital ward mimicked the undercover chaos of their regular life. For these remarkable women, birthing rooms had been purposefully placed side by side. Mandy was first to start the labor process, a pregnant pause interrupting her regular antagonistic banter, her face turning crimson-red with the effort. "Get...out of my...vaginal..." she weakly stammered. The stubborn refusal of Mandy's baby to simply ‘get out’ was throwing everyone off schedule. Sam, Alex, and Clover found themselves in the same boat. Their camaraderie, molded over the years of their incessant competition, solidified as they breathed together, pushing out more than just their babies: fears, weakness, vulnerability. The situation needed urgent intervention. But who could possibly be qualified to aid the most successful spies in their time of agonizing labor-borne vulnerability? It was the well-loved father figure, Jerry Lewis, the founder of WORLD Organization of Human Protection, or ‘WOOHP’. He'd hover-mothered them through grueling missions and now, he received the ultimate crisis call. Jerry thundered into the ward, briefing the medical staff about the unnerving dynamic of the situation: the spies couldn't merely give birth, they had to out-birth each other. Knowing their competitive nature, he anticipated a stormy and chaotic birthing process. "Remember, it's not just about winning! This is about bringing life into the world. It's not some schoolyard challenge or international espionage rescue!" Jerry had his work cut out for him, providing advice, support, and unexpected yet needful coaching for the four hardened spies. As the final stage of labor began, all the interrogative bouts and endless chase scenes couldn't parallel the pain they were experiencing. "Hard...push...hurt...pussy..." was the chorus from the birthing wing, a harmonious symphony of primal maternal battle cries. Mandy, despite her trademark acerbic tendency, couldn't help but crack the faintest of smiles. This was one stage where she couldn't beat the ‘three pesky spies’. She exhaled, tears streaming down her face, and for the first time, allowed gentle assistance. She held Jerry’s hand, heaved, and pushed her limits. And then, the sweetest sound filled the room: a baby's wail. Mandy had done it, becoming the mother to a beautiful girl. Her icy expression melting into a tender, loving sight that none had seen before. Spurred on by Mandy's triumph, the relentless trio, Sam, Alex, and Clover, renewed their breaths, each giving one last monumental push. Their symphony reached the crescendo as baby cries reverberated through the hallways. Their personal victory had transformed into a shared victory, and in that moment, they went from competitive spies to competitive moms. As they embraced their newborns, the feeling of competition fell away. Instead, they found themselves in a newfound bond of motherhood. The story of their shared childbirth session was nothing short of thrilling, an amalgamation of surprise, suspense, rivalry, humor, pain, and triumph. The tale of their simultaneous labor traveled far and wide, becoming a legend whispered in the secret corners of the international spy community. Though they will always be known as utterly fantastic spies, for one day at least, they were something much more powerful and breathtakingly beautiful: mothers.
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gokartkid · 2 years
Daniel and Max injury recovery au
making them footballers sorry i have like. brainrot rn 💥🫡
it's terrifying when Daniel gets injured. he doesn't expect it to happen-- it's a normal day of training, not even during a game. they're running drills together, pierre's just passed to him. he goes to kick it and it's like something just- pops, and then all he can feel is pain-hurt-loud. he falls over, can't even control his body as he yells. his leg feels like a foreign thing attached to him, just a throbbing mass. he can hear somebody shouting, feet running across to him before he closes his eyes.
it's any athletes worst nightmare-- cruciate ligament injury, or in laymans terms, his ACL. everyone knows it takes you out for at least a year, and daniel... he isn't going to say it will ruin him. he's got some good years left and it won't be a career ending thing, but it takes away his dreams of the year ahead of him, finally feeling like he was in better shape than ever. his coach, his team comes in to talk to him. lewis takes his hand, firm and steady, his big eyes as he says youll come back daniel, we'll all wait for you.
they do have to replace him though. for a while he doesn't want to meet the guy, it makes a hot jealous awful feeling rush through him, the idea of someone else in his place, nightmares of the manager deciding they dont need him after all. christian likes him but-- it's a fear that he thinks anyone would have, even though his contract doesn't run out for another 4 years. he does suck it up though. he needs to do whats best for the team, and the best thing is to help them be at the top, together, even if he won't stand with them. max verstappen is a young dutch player from the academy, boosted up. everyone's been talking about him for a while as a major talent, an equally talented player in the midfield assisting or in striking goals. rumours are that he trains all the time, relentlessly.
daniel stands at the side of the pitch, watching them. he's got his cast on, crutches holding him up as he hobbles around. he sees pierre tap max, point daniel out on the side. he waves awkwardly and max says something sideways to pierre before jogging up to him. they greet, daniel says somethign stupid that makes max flush and he goes aw man. i do have to be nice to the kid. he's all awkward gangly lines and doesn't know how to talk about anything but football. daniel is very charmed
AHH long story short daniel helps max train and fit in with the team, brings him into the fold (max was like not talking to anyone out of social awkwardness and #everyone is the competition even though its a team sport) he wheedles christian into letting him train in the right winger position (daniels) just the once, man, he's really good you won't regret it. max is beaming, throws his sweaty arms around daniel afterwards. they do A LOT of that hand cupping face athlete thing under the guise of heterosexuality but like. theyre gay (they dont know it) and then max does amazing in his rookie year, even if he fouls RELENTLESSLY, red card max, he says one time the refs hate him and everyones like.... yup. yes. <3 but then daniel is back, he walks onto the pitch and max pucnhes him in the shoulder and says i am of course excited to actually compete with you now and daniel is like ur a psycho! talk to me normal (affectionate) and then yeah they like fall in love xx
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jareauwalker · 1 year
jemily miss congeniality au where jj has to go undercover at a beauty pageant, and emily is her workplace annoyance who’s also her handler for this case
see also: pageant coach aaron hotchner, lesbian miss new york elle greenaway, three time miss california tara lewis, woman in stem miss rhode island penelope garcia, pageant director erin strauss and her weird little assistant spencer
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haydcns · 1 year
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 samantha   logan.     she/her.     cis  woman.      ›     spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   HAYDEN   SULLIVAN   ,   most   likely   listening   to   swan   song   by   niki   +   saweetie   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-four   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -taciturn   yet   +dextrous   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   the   feeling  of  reassurance   when   a   bow   and   arrow  are   in   hand   ,   collecting   and   restoring   first   edition   books   ,   ambient   noise   in   a   coffee   shop   ,   followed   by   their   aqua   di   gioia   by   armani   beauty   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   retirement   announcement   soon   ?   hayden   sullivan   spotted   walking   out   of   a   lecture   hall   instead   of   training   at   columbia   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .
penned  by  HECATE  (  she/her  ,  pst  ,  21+  )
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FULL NAME: hayden vera sullivan
NICKNAME(S) / ALIASES: hay , hadie , den , denny
DOB: 03/18/1999
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5′6″
ZODIAC: pisces
GENDER: cis woman
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
LANGUAGES: english , spanish , french , latin , italian
AESTHETICS:  the  feeling  of  reassurance  when  a  bow  and  arrow  are  in  hand  ,  collecting  and  restoring  first  edition  books  ,  ambient  noise  in  a  coffee  shop  ,  spontaneous  visits  to  museums  ,  oversized  cardigans  ,  color-coded  book  annotations  ,  yelling  at  espn  as  if  they  can  hear  you
CHARACTER  PARALLELS:  allison  argent  (  teen  wolf  )  ,  jesper  fahey  (  six  of  crows  )  ,  darcy  lewis  (  mcu  )  ,  gabrielle  kinney  (  marvel  comics  )  ,  oliver  queen  (  dc  comics  )
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born  the  youngest  in  washington  d.c.  to  a  legacy  spanning  back  generations  with  the  sullivans  tied  to  royalty  and  the  munroes  heavily  tied  to  politics  .  her  father  is  an  archaeology  professor  and  her  mother  ?  a  financial  reporter  .  unfortunately  ,  being  the  youngest  meant  that  she  wasn’t  doted  on  a  lot  by  her  parents  .  with  two  older  siblings  ,  she  suddenly  became  their  responsibility  .  they  were  the  ones  babysitting  while  their  parents  were  at  work  .  and  when  they  couldn’t  ,  hayden  was  often  in  the  care  of  her  grandparents  .
just  after  her  mother  lands  a  new  gig  as  a  financial  reporter  for  cnn  and  an  assistant  professor  position  at  columbia  ,  the  family  relocates  to  new  york  when  hayden  is  four  .  she’s  only  eight  when  her  family  discovers  her  penchant  for  archery  .  she’s  gifted  .  a  prodigy  ,  one  of  her  coaches  said  .  it  was  only  a  matter  of  time  since  her  older  siblings  each  had  something  they  were  gifted  in  .  since  that  discovery  ,  her  focus  starts  to  heavily  shift  to  archery  .  she  continues  training  and  by  nine  ,  she  starts  competing  in  archery  tournaments  .  she’s  ten  when  she  makes  it  to  the  junior  olympics  and  continues  making  it  until  she’s  scouted  .
her  life  hasn’t  always  been  calm  .  she’s  hit  with  news  of  her  parents  divorce  in  her  final  year  of  high  school  .  right  before  she  finds  out  she  qualifies  for  the  olympics  .  hayden  is  now  on  the  road  to  the  olympics  .  no  time  to  process  the  divorce  .  she  medals  at  the  2016  olympics  and  she  couldn’t  be  more  proud  of  herself  .  
 hayden  is  thrust  back  into  reality  when  she  gets  back  from  rio  .  coming  down  from  the  high  of  medaling  silver  at  the  olympics  ,  hayden  starts  to  focus  more  on  school  whilst  still  juggling  her  training  .  reality  really  comes  crashing  down  when  her  father  breaks  the  news  that  he’s  seeing  someone  .
she  makes  her  reappearance  at  the  2020  olympics  ,  placing  gold  . after  the  2020  olympics  ,  hayden  is  back  in  new  york  to  finish  up  her  final  year  of  college  .  unfortuantely  during  training  ,  she  suffers  from  an  injury  .  nothing  major  but  also  not  minor  .  most  definitely  hidden  from  the  press  .  nothing  better  than  news  of  an  impending  wedding  to  top  it  off  too  !  the  sets  her  training  back  and  makes  her  realize  that  she  needs  to  have  a  backup  plan  .  so  what  does  she  do  ?  she  doesn't  decide  to  retire  from  the  sport  she  loves  but  she  decide  to  obtain  her  masters  in  art  history  and  further  her  experience  in  art  conservation  .  
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 despite  spending  her  formative  years  training  ,  she’s  not  socially  stunted  .  hayden’s  social  ,  enthusiastic  ,  charming  and  independent  .  however  ,  she  can  come  off  as  a  little  scattered  .  her  attention  tends  to  shift  when  she  gets  bored  with  her  surroundings  .  it’s  not  done  intentionally  though  !  hayden  can  be  seen  as  a  bit  of  a  jock  given  how  she  initially  presents  herself  to  others  .  she  tends  to  thrive  in  settings  with  spontaneity  ,  knowing  that  she  can  get  bored  by  details  and  repetition  .  ironic  given  the  fact  that  she’s  training  in  a  sport  that  requires  precision  and  detail  .  regardless  ,  others  see  her  as  talkative  .  easily  connecting  with  people  with  warmth  and  enthusiasm  .
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this  section  is  a  wip  and  will  be  updated  when  i  think  of  more  things  !  <3
the  sullivan  family  comes  from  a  lineage  of  dukes/duchesses  
the  munroe  family  is  a  family  heavily  rooted  in  american  politics  (  senators  ,  governors  ,  think  vanderbilts  in  og  gossip  girl  )
her  father  and  step-mother  recently  got  married  making  her  and  henri  step-siblings
graduated  from  nyu  with  a  degree  in  chemistry  with  a  minor  in  art  history
currently  roped  in  as  an  archery  advisor  for  season  two  of  hawkeye  (  and  yes  henri  absolutely  does  NOT  like  it  )
collects  and  restores  first  edition  /  rare  collectable  books  as  a  hobby
has  a  white  labrador  retriever  named  thor  that’s  basically  her  bff
recently  just  finished  her  graduate  internship  at  the  met  and  is  looking  to  eventually  apply  for  the  graduate  internship  in  objects  conservation
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keepershortfilm · 10 months
Keeper Test Shoot
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General Notes on Shoot
I felt the shoot was a success, getting the performances I was looking for, and being happy with all the visuals and sounds captured on the day. The working relationship I have with everyone I think is great, nobody overstepped any roles and we built a great relationship with Merchiston North Football Club. We finished an hour ahead of schedule thanks to Rosie’s Assistant directing skills, and the actors and crew were all fed and happy throughout the day. A very successful test shoot in my opinion. Definitely areas to improve which I will touch on in a moment but we are on the right track for the main shoot.
Directing Notes on Shoot
On the test shoot, I worked closely with Lewis (Will) and Stuart (Coach,) as well as, worked alongside Claire (2nd AD) to “herd” 8 supporting actors through a blocking. My objective for this shoot is through the research I have been doing on Meisner and Adler. Going to classes that Catriona Macinnes is running with the 3rd year acting students (How I Met Lewis) and through my research of Ken Loach techniques and directing methods on actors. I learned about improvisation and keeping truthfulness in a performance. Now, what does that even mean? What I think I learned on the shoot is the more you can surprise your actor and keep that reaction as authentic as possible, there is nothing better. So on the shoot, I purposefully kept Stuart away from Lewis to keep that hierarchy and asked the actors Lewis was trying to get the attention of to “be difficult to command” This really caused Lewis to struggle with controlling the football team as well as keep that feeling you get when you are around an adult who is a professional. I also wanted to keep everyone warm and really get across this feeling that Stuart was in control so I asked him to do a training session when everyone was in costume.
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However, due to focusing so much on performance, I do feel I was not properly focusing on the tone and feeling of the piece. By not clearly communicating my vision to HoD I feel that the project suffered because of it. I am the only one to blame for this and this caused Alex (Cinematographer) and I to rethink the way we approach projects, as this shoot taught me I currently have a very collaborative documentary approach to making short fiction films. Whilst, this is beneficial in getting everyone included in the discussions on the film, it doesn’t give the production a vision to shoot for, relying more heavily on the edit to produce the final film. I don’t mind this, but the way we shot the film was very streamlined and specific which does not work the best with a more documentary approach in mind. 
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Going forward, I am going to try and have a clearer vision when communicating to my team, I think I am there with my actors but my vision with the crew is lacking. Thank goodness I have such a caring team working alongside me.
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
The final season of Showtime‘s hit series Billions is nearly here and ahead of the August 11 premiere, stars such as Paul Giamatti, Damian Lewis, Maggie Siff, and more are offering viewers an update on who’s who and where the ensemble of characters are at as the seventh season picks up.
Scroll down for a peek into what’s ahead and don’t miss the return of Billions when it makes its final season return on Paramount+ this summer.
Bobby Axelrod (Damian Lewis) Returning Billionaire With smarts and ruthlessness, the working-class kid from Yonkers, New York, ascended to the apex of Wall Street, despite enemies like prosecutor Chuck Rhoades. The self-described opportunist’s “one saving grace: loyalty,” says Lewis. That useful skill could help his return home.
Chuck Rhoades (Paul Giamatti) Former NYS AG The silver spoon–raised Junior opted for power at all costs in civil service, eventually winning election as New York State attorney general…before being ejected. This season, Chuck “attempts to reclaim some moral compass,” says Giamatti. His mandate is to stop “the self-interested monster” Prince.
Wendy Rhoades (Maggie Siff) Staff Shrink The brilliant, intuitive performance coach—“she’s superhuman in this realm,” says Siff, like former boss Axe and her ex-husband Chuck—“perceives a threat in Prince and takes a moral stand.” Her journey this season: “plotting and full of machinations she’s often side-stepped before.”
Mike Prince (Corey Stoll) Billionaire Tycoon The hedge fund titan who took over Axe’s business is running for POTUS. Way less ethical than he professes, “Prince sincerely feels his actions are justified and that they help most people,” Stoll says. “Axe is out for revenge, but only a huge conspiracy can take Prince down!”
Mike Wagner (David Costabile) Axe’s Enforcer Wags is always “right in the center of the mix,” says Costabile. “If he hasn’t proven himself an excellent chess player by now, he has really blown it.” Libertine and loyal, Axe’s onetime No. 2 may still work at MPC, “but the bond between Axe and Wags endures.”
Taylor Mason (Asia Kate Dillon) Chief financial analyst Taylor feels constrained by Prince, even though the “driven, ambitious” nonbinary character co-runs his company. “They must decide what kind of person they want to be and what they will risk it all for,” says Dillon, describing Taylor’s relationship with Axe as “kinetic.”
Kate Sacker (Dola Rashad) Prince Cap Lawyer Once Chuck’s trusted assistant U.S. attorney, Kate has smarts and a “cutthroat ambition,” the actress says, that brought her over to Prince Cap as legal counsel. “She navigates holding a more powerful position.”
Chuck Rhoades Sr. (Jeffrey DeMunn) Father figure Chuck’s dad, an entitled, money-loving businessman with a young wife and child, is a thorn in his son’s side when he pushes the boundaries of his marital fidelity and continues to interfere in Chuck’s business.
“Scooter” Dunbar (Daniel Breaker) Prince’s Enforcer Prince’s enigmatic right-hand man is uncle to Philip, who now temporarily oversees Michael Prince Capital with Taylor. Will Scooter, seemingly joined at the hip with Wags, be Mike’s spy at the company to ensure no one undermines the boss’ plans?
Daevisha Mahar (Sakina Jaffrey) Acting AG The crafty defense attorney—who is now acting attorney general—is swimming in treacherous waters, working publicly against but privately with her disgraced boss Chuck to take down Prince. Knowing Chuck’s deviousness, the future of that alliance could turn on a chess move.
Philip Charyn (Toney Goins) Tycoon in training Despite Uncle Scooter’s opposition, the math whiz was embraced by Prince, who recognized his strategic acumen and fearless trading. Quickly promoted, Philip partnered with Taylor at their division before being tapped as the execs in charge.
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mxalexgeorge · 1 year
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Little Sally in Urinetown: The Musical at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, November 2022
Urinetown, The Musical Mark Hollman, Music and Lyrics Greg Kotis, Book and Lyrics
November 3rd- 12th 2022 Colwell Playhouse
Photo credits: Darrell Hoemann
Production Team Director: J.W. Morrissette and Lisa Gaye Dixon Music Director: Justin M. Brauer Choreographers: Joe Bowie and Lisa Gaye Dixon Scenic Designer: Emilia Consalvi ,Katie Owen Costume Designer: Wesley Price Lighting Designer: Yingman Tang Sound Designer: Madison Ferris Dramaturg: Melissa Goldman Technical Director: Capri Agresta Properties Head: Sammy Boyarsky Production Manager: Terri Ciofalo Stage Manager: Kaitlyn N. Meegan Fight Director; Zev Steinrock Vocal Coach: Diane Robinson
Cast OFFICER LOCKSTOCK: Grania McKirdie PENELOPE PENNYWISE: Charlotte Howard-Check BOBBY STRONG: David Stasevsky LITTLE SALLY: Alex George DR. BILLEAUX: Noah Smith MR. MCQUEEN: Josh Graff SENATOR FIPP: Josiah Zielke OFFICER BARREL/BOBBY UNDERSTUDY: Anthony Maggio HOPE CLADWELL: Julia Clavadetscher OLD MAN STRONG/HOT BLADES HARRY: Patrick Jackson TINY TOM: Paddy Berger SOUPY SUE: Courtney Mazeika LITTLE BECKY TWO SHOES: Gabrielle DeMarco ROBBY THE STOCKFISH: Jonathan Kaplan CALDWELL B. CLADWELL: Jaylon Muchison BOY COP/UGC EXECUTIVE/OFFICER BARREL UNDERSTUDY: Jimmy Cone GIRL COP/UGC EXECUTIVE/HOPE CLADWELL UNDERSTUDY: Sophia Pucillo JOSEPHINE STRONG: Mary Jane Oken MRS. MILLENNIUM: Guinevere Brown BILLY BOY BILL: Jamal Turner Production Team continued Scenic Charge: Emma Brutman Hair & Makeup Coordinator: Chantel Renee Hair & Makeup Supervisor: Becky Scott Assistant Technical Director: Tara Kisacanin Assistant Costume Designer: Chantel Renee Assistant Lighting Designer: Sarah Goldstein Assistant Sound Designer: Jack Pondelicek Head Electrician : Nicolas Sole Audio Engineer: William Mixter Assistant Stage Manager: Mary Lewis, Shuyu (Tom) Zhang Assistant Dramaturg: Anishi Patel Assistant to the Director: Melissa Goldman, Maci Mitchell, Jacqueline Moren Head Carpenter: Hanna Bowen Production Assistant: Hadas Goldberg, Isabel Wang Costumes Craft Supervisor: Emily N. Brink Costume Crafts Technicians: Katie Greve, Mark Muir Wardrobe Supervisor: Chantel Renee Crew DECK CREW: Felix Crim,Morgan Lin, Avery Luciano, Heraldo Magana ,Jordyn Montgomery PROPS CREW: Mikail Herrera, Ashanti Norals WARDROBE CREW: Kashara Bennett, Gabriel McNabb,Luke Russell, Julia Trenary, Isabel Wang HAIR AND MAKEUP CREW: Fatma Ali ,Kara Howie SWING: Hadas Goldberg A2: Noah McLeod QLAB OPERATOR: Leoni Reilly SPOTLIGHT OPERATOR: Dajion Anderson LIGHT BOARD OPERATOR; Brian Runge AUTOMATION OPERATOR: Bronwyn Garrett STUDENT DRAPER: Carlee Ihde 
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