onceandfutureclotpoll · 4 months
Title: For Worse or For Better
Author: anna_zee
Rating: Teen and up Audiences
Summary: Merthur The Proposal au.
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years
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“ballistic markings are like the fingerprints of a gun”
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itzy-bitsy-spidey · 3 months
Merlin's assistant
Pt.2. Introductions
Merlin BBC X fem!reader
"This, my dear assistant, is king Arthur Pendragon of Camelot" Merlin introduced, and the sheer joy that showed in his smile managed to drown any posible witty remark Arthur had thought of making.
"HOLD ON A SECOND" on the other hand the loudness from the girl kind of made him wish she was once again arranging bottles in silence.
"He is Arthur Pendragon, as in the Arthur Pendragon I've heard so much about these last few years?" The smile in her face could barely contain all of her exciment, if the way she was flapping her hands up and down was any type of sign. A little bit more emotion and she would surely be jumping up and down in front of him.
Merlin eyes softened at the sight of the girl and his smile went from excited to fond rather quilckly for Arthur's liking. He had just then remembered the way she had called his friend a few moments ago.
Now, Arthur might not had been the brightest one in the room, even if he would never admit it, but if something was not up between those two then he had never been dead.
So lost he had been in his own thoughts he had missed what Merlin had to say about him. But whatever it was it certaninly reassured who he was, because she looked ready to explode.
"Oh, you have to tell me about Camelot, I've asked Merlin before but with his memory we honestly never get anywhere and all he can tell me is about how you would always get in trouble, or be cursed, or how your father would be cursed, or the kingdom, or..." somehow, the girl had managed to get all of that out of her sistem in just one breath before Merlin cut her off.
"Alright, that's enough kiddo, why don't you better go look for some clothes for our guest?"
"I'm literally your age, you old man!" She complained to the warlock but nevertheless got up anf started walking away.
"No you're not, and if you were, that would make you an old man!" Merlin quiped right back at her, raising his voice so he could be heard.
"Age doesn't change gender you dumbass!" at that point the girl's voice was just that, a voice, because she had completely dissapeared from sight. Two seconds passed in silence before she finished her statement "But apparently it does make you lose braincells!"
Merlin shot a nasty look at the door she had left through, but decided against continuing fighting, and instead chose to put his attention on the very confused king.
"Sooo, who was that exactly?" Finally asked Arthur after a while of sitting in silence.
In response Merlin grabbed a chair and sat in front of his friend, his eyes flashed golden for a second and tea started preparing itself while the warlock answered the question.
"She's my assistant, helps me with things around here and in exchange she lives here where it's peaceful" he explained at the same time a cup filled with chamomile tea landed gracefully in front of Arthur.
"Your assistant? You? Have an assistant?" The tone of the king's voice sounded almost mocking, but Merlin raised both his eyebrows at him and continued.
"I don't see what you find so funny you clotpole, I was tecnically your assistant back in the day".
Something about hearing Merlin speak about them as if they had happened a long time ago hurted deep inside Arthur's chest. His heart twisted into a knot when he realized that for Merlin, for his best friend, it had truly been long ago.
Truth to be told, the blonde king had woken up that day in the lake and had just felt as if no time had gone by, as if he had just slept for a few minutes, a few hours at most.
But it hadn't been like that for Merlin, if he had understood it right it had been hundred of years of loneliness for the magic boy, hundred of years of waiting, never really knowing if he would come back.
Suddenly the idea of the girl being around Merlin didn't sit so bad with him anymore, at least he wasn't completely alone, he hoped there had been other friends for Merlin before her too, people that could have helped him carry the load that waiting for his friend might have been.
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
I fell down the "lemme just look up this one (1) thing real quick" rabbit hole and I feel God in this Chili's tonight bc GWEN.
Gwen is more or less her dad's assistant, right? And he's a blacksmith (tech. a bladesmith if he be making high-quality Excalibur-level blades, but whatever) right?
And do you know what job a blacksmith's assistant has? A striker. Wherein the boss, which would be my man Tom, holds the piece steady, espec. with jobs that would require two pieces of metal to be evenly joined, and the striker's job is exactly what it sounds like. They're supposed to strike the metal. With a goddamn sledgehammer.
I refuse to believe Gwen was anything other than fucking Jacked, and I would have paid Real Dollars to see her being 'meh' with a sword (she makes them, she doesn't use them) but when a fight goes down she's like, "....anyone got a hammer I can borrow?"
Like, godDAMN BBC, if you're gonna make a character a blacksmith, then fuckin COMMIT.
me every time someone mentions blacksmith gwen:
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planet-poptropica · 9 months
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⋆ Happy Holidays and Happy New Years to all! I finally finished this art piece that took me a couple of months to finish- But it's done! ⋆
⋆ I thought it was ABOUT TIME I drew my favorite old goobers on their special day. Space themed and all. ⋆
⋆ Totally normal wedding, definitely not disguised as their return to villainy- nope. ⋆
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maraleestuff · 2 years
Merlin headcanon: Post S2 Ep1, Arthur always makes sure Merlin gets adequate time off, or gets lenient on chores/ duties whenever Merlin has to help Gaius with an influx of patients.
Even if he never figured out that it was what’s-his-face that knocked Merlin out in the stables, I’d like to believe Arthur started to make the extra effort to ensure his friend isn’t overworked.
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punkxcalibur · 2 years
au where the knights of the round table are a boygroup and morgana is their hot manager
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samo64 · 6 months
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He's great at any type of magic and well if you were expecting computer magic......yeah kinda, he's usaully great when working with Genie and some people ask if they were in a relationship but Merline denied those claims......unless?
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thegoodviolinist · 2 years
Im looking for this fic! It was on Ao3 and its was a Merlin and Gwen friendship fic. Some scenes are where Gwen and Merlin hide under a table because she broke her heel. Another where Gwen keeps buying Merlin shit. And where Arthur finds out about Merlins magic and Gwen rushes in and says that she had Merlin use the magic. It was a part of this series where Arthur keeps having to deal with Merlin and a bunch if character who are friends/together with Merlin. One fic was about Gwen. One about Freya. Others include Balinor, Will, and Aithusa. Please! They were so good!!
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pastaparade · 1 year
Guillermo is just Nandor’s Merlin
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epic-sorcerer · 9 months
This one time I was talking to soemone about how abled fandom can really bend over backwards headcanoning characters as neurotypical. And I brought up how a character in a show I watched can’t dress themselves without assistance and is still seen as “normal” by a lot of people.
And they laughed.
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Finally, No GenAI Hocus Pocus (A new DUET?)
What is the difference between DUET 2007 and DUET 2024?
While most solution providers are using smoke and mirror claims of sentient capability to cash in on the latest dot-com-type buzz that is today’s GenAI craze, the “Real” GenAI providers know that their success today is built on processes and technology that existed in the late 1990s. That’s right; they recognized the power of true connectivity, which leverages technology to empower human…
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tyrseward · 4 months
smth smth i kept falling asleep every time i started working on this au i'll never finish
"Gaius is dead," he says, staring up at the great dragon with red-rimmed eyes. "Morgana killed him."
The dragon sighs. "I warned you about the witch, young warlock, if you had listened to my warnings...."
Merlin turns abruptly and walks away, reaching the edge of the clearing before he pauses. "I didn't come for a lecture."
"Then what did you come for, young warlock?"
Another pause before Merlin turns back, only slightly. His face tilted toward the dragon but his gaze far beyond, clouded over with a grief too large and too new to be managed.
"Gaius is dead," he says, voice breaking and breathless. He swallows back the sob that threatens to emerge. "And I am alone."
"Ah." The great dragon cranes his neck down, leans forward until he's close enough for his breath to knock the tiny human off balance. "It is a difficult thing, to be alone."
Merlin nods, rubs at his eyes. He tries to pass his sniffles off as anything but.
Several minutes pass like this, with the dragon watching as Merlin tries desperately not to fall apart. He's not sure what he's waiting for, what he's hoping to get out of the great dragon. Comfort has never been something the dragon has shown to be proficient with.
And yet, Merlin does not know where else to go in search of it.
A great, shuddering sigh billows past him, threatening to take his feet out from under him and uproot the trees beyond him.
"Young warlock, listen to me."
The dragon heaves another sigh, a sound more akin to a dying, struggling thing than the beast before him.
This time, Merlin lets it force him to the ground. His legs splay awkwardly, uncomfortable bordering on painful.
In return, the dragon lowers himself down, until his chest is pressed into the grass, and his claws curl into the soil.
"I know very well the pain of being alone," he says, slowly, haltingly. Like each word is a blade piercing his chest. "It eats away at your soul until you are but a husk of what you were. You cannot fight it, and you cannot avoid it. The grief of what is missing is too immense to be explained."
The tears Merlin fought so hard to hide begin falling freely down his face. He wipes at them haphazardly, nearly punching himself in the nose in the process.
"But, young warlock. Merlin. You are not alone."
The press of warm scales to his forehead, ever so gentle, is unexpected. He'd not even noticed the dragon reaching out. Half a second is spared for startled confusion before Merlin melts into the touch. His arms reach back in some attempt at an embrace, clutching at whatever he can reach.
When the dragon speaks again, it is as quiet as he imagines a dragon can manage. It still rumbles through Merlin, through the earth beneath them. The trees still shake with the weight of it.
"We are kin," the dragon says, "and so long as I breathe, you will have me, at the least."
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itzy-bitsy-spidey · 2 months
Merlin's assistant
Pt.3 Comfy clothes
Merlin BBC x reader
Arthur had been given a 'hoodie'. It was a red one and apparently it belonged to Merlin.
He didn't mean to judge but the name certainly confused him. Sure, it did have a hood on it, but it gave him the impression of a shirt with a hood. Yeah, that's what it should be called, shirt with a hood, gosh, he was such a genius.
Except he was in fact wearing it on top of a shirt. So it couldn't be considered a shirt. Arthur felt confused.
"Do you think we should say something?" The girl questioned the warlock once the king hadn't said anything in more than five minutes.
"No, let him be, I'm afraid we might break the universe if we stop his line of thought now that he is finally thinking"
The girl chuckled and returned to the task at hand, which happened to be preparing dinner for all three of them, while Merlin just read a book and glanced at Arthur every once and then to make sure he was okay.
He was happy to say the very least, it felt as if a bunch of stars had exploded in his chest and he had been filled with their warmth. If he could he would have hugged his friend for the entire day, but that would have been weird and most likely uncomfortable.
He also wouldn't hear the end of it from his assistant.
Dinner had been awkward for the most part, and very silent as well. Except for the small compliment regarding the food no other words had been exchanged.
And now Arthur was fast asleep in a bed in the guest room while Merlin washed the dishes in the kitchen with his magic.
Kiddo (that was his official nickname for her now) had left at some point, off to an unknown place and not to be back till morning, it was what she usually did, he never really understood when exactly she slept but she seemed rested enough.
It was a calm night, the wind played with the bells on the front door and everybody slept.
Well, everybody but the young assistant and the figure emerging from the lake.
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Nathan: One would think that as squires of the Round Table, we would have some degree of professionalism, but this morning it took an hour for everyone to get their assignments because there was a spider in the room.
Dagonet: You cried.
Andred: *traumatized* and it jumped
Lucan: thanks, you now and I was doing so well forgetting everything about it
Beddy to Andred: didn't you live in the woods?
Dagonet, always protective of his bestie: didn't you use Roland as a tree?
Feirefiz, just wanting to stir the pot further: didn't you wave your sword around like a fool to kill it?
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frost-queen · 4 months
Effecting herbs (Reader!Bridgerton & Bridgerton siblings)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic  , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers   , @merlieve   , @queen-of-books  , @glimmering-darling-dolly   ,@denkisclown  , @wildieflower   ,@meyocoko    , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl  , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07   , @melsunshine   @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat ,@rosecentury   ,  @imagines-by-her   ,  @evilcr0ne   , @vviolynn    , @niktwazny303   ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187  , @markive-m  , @lovesanimals0000
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Loud stomps on the stairs alarmed your coming. Gregory and Hyacinth standing still on the upper floor. They were making their way downstairs, but paused near the stairs, having heard your loud footsteps. With each foot you stomped louder to make it clear. Dress pulled up slightly to not trip over the hem. With bloated cheeks, you were mumbling under your breath. Hyacinth and Gregory made way for you to let you brush past them.
Once out of reach, Hyacinth turned curious to her brother. – “You think she’s in a mood?” – she asked receiving a glance of her brother that stated the obvious. The two younglings rushed down the stairs to the drawing room, eager to know any gossip that would sure be attached to the appearance of your mood. You knew exactly what door to pick, knowing it would allow you to ramble.
You swung the door open, startling two of your brothers. Benedict and Colin. Stationed across each other, a small round table in between. Porcelain cups for each. Colin looked over his shoulder with a curious frown. You had pressed your back against the door, exhaling loud, slouching a bit through your knees.
“Calling hours already over?” – Colin questioned. – “Has it been productive?” – Benedict asked. Removing yourself from against the door, you paced around them. – “I’m sensing some negativities.” – Benedict spoke with a waving gesture at your aura. It made you groan loud with a hard stare at him. Colin was about to gesture to spill your heart when you already begun spewing your frustrations. – “What is with men?” – you called out. Benedict responding with his body language at your question.
Cup in his hand as he pulled his shoulders up. – “Have… have none been of your liking?” – Colin asked. – “Liking?” – you repeated loud, followed by a puff. – “Is it something about me that makes me attract the most uninteresting of men? Am I that dull-looking?” – you wondered about yourself starting your irritations. – “Were there no interesting topics to discuss?” – Colin wondered, having no clue which men had called upon the house for you.
He had no interest in joining, leaving it all to Anthony and mama to do so. Perhaps they had required his assistance, surely now with two daughters debuting. – “If you call being compared to a bird a topic.” – you answered sarcastically, taking a hold of one of the chairs, to both their side.
Benedict snorted loud, unable to stop himself. Colin sighed disappointed in his brother’s silly response. – “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” – Benedict said waving his hand around. – “Y/n has Anthony not assisted you in the matter?” – Colin wanted to know as your eyes fell upon the tea on the table. – “What are you two tea-gathering about?” – curious what made them decide to share a tea together around four. Colin chuckled nervously, moving his hand over the table to let a little sack disappear.
“Nothing.” – Colin said moving his hand under the table. Benedict leaned a bit more back in his seat, looking with one squinted eye at you. – “Perhaps you need to loosen up? Get that rage out of you.” – he suggested with half a smirk. – “No!” – Colin made clear with a point at Benedict to not suggest what he was thinking. Benedict sighed soft with a roll of his eyes.
“I was merely teasing. I would never let her…” – he began hinting subtly at the tea he was still holding untouched up in his hand. – “A long-wattled umbrellabird he compared me with. What even in heaven’s name is that?” – you outed with frustration plucking the cup of tea from Benedict’s hand. – “Y/n no!” – Colin called out as Benedict lunged forwards, wanting to grab the tea from you.
You took a sip from the tea, tasting it funnily in your mouth. – “I’m not sure whether it was an insult or not!” – you said lowering the cup a bit. Colin cupped his hands underneath it wanting to take it from you as you moved the cup to your lips once more. Benedict wincing in discomfort as he watched you drink the entire content in one breath. Colin took the cup of tea out of your hands, staring inside.
With a soft gulp, he turned the empty cup to his brother to look upon. – “Dear God.” – Benedict breathed out, wiping his hand down his face. – “What?” – you called out confused to your brother’s absurd reactions. Benedict shoved his chair back, coming to stand by you. – “How… how are you feeling sister?” – he asked touching your arm. Colin gave him a slap against his arm.
“It does not take effect so quickly.” – he said between clenched teeth, outraged by the outcome. – “How am I supposed to know?” – Benedict countered throwing his hands up. – “Why did you drop the entire content in the tea?” – Colin shout-whispered trying to keep his composure. – “Why didn’t you stop me?” – Benedict responded in sheer panic. – “I tried!” – Colin made clear with a loud voice.
Your sudden giggling made your brothers look upon you. – “God she is giggling.” – Benedict said, letting his head fall back, scrunching his nose. You started giggling more, shuddering with your shoulders. Colin noticed the blush appearing on your cheeks. He pointed it out with a gesture, looking annoyed at his brother. – “Mend her!” – Benedict let out pushing you a bit in his direction. Colin caught you, looking with wide eyes at Ben.
“What? I can’t mend this?” – he answered as you interrupted him with more giggles. – “It was your tea, you mend her!” – Colin pushed you back to Benedict as you spun into the arms of your brother. – “Benny…” – you said rubbing your cheek against his, arms tight around his neck. – “I wuv you Benny…” – you said dozily as Benedict tried to get you off him. He managed to push you off as you spun dizzily against Colin, making him catch you by your arms.
“It were your herbs!” – Benedict breathed out, pulling his shirt more down. Colin gasped loud at his accusations. – “For you! Not for her!” – he shouted pushing you a bit to the side, so he could see his brother clearer. The hem of your dress caught underneath your shoe as it send you flat down. Falling with a loud thump to the ground.
Your brothers turning their heads worriedly at you. You got back up, flapping your hands against your side, bits of your skirt fluffing up. – “I am quite alright.” – you told them, standing a bit wobbly on your heels. It made them both almost jump at you to restrain your balance. Giggling again. Colin pinched his nose-bridge. – “Anthony cannot see her like this.” – Benedict spoke as a wave of fear washed over him.
If Anthony knew, he’d punish them so gravely they would not see daylight for numerous years. – “Mama!” – Colin gasped out fearing her reaction too. – “Perhaps… perhaps it wouldn’t be as terrible as we think?” – Benedict responded calmly yet at the brink of fearing his poor nerves. A soft ‘whee’ sound came from you. Patting your hands in the air as you twirled around. Dartling around like a butterfly. Benedict’s first response was to slap his palm against his forehead. Colin gaping at the effects of the herbs visible.
They turned back to each other, to continue their bickering. – “How are you going to keep this quiet from mama?” – Colin stated keeping his voice down. – “Me? You mean us!” – Benedict made clear, as Colin had as much blame for it as him. – “You poured it in the tea!” – Colin argued keeping his voice low. – “You brought the lavender herbs!” – Benedict finished.
Colin sighed loud, turning his posture to you. – “Y/n come.” – he said… apparently at a blank wall. Blinking confused and rapidly. Benedict’s eyes widened. – “Where is she?” – he called out in a panic, ducking down a bit to look lower to the ground. – “She has not shrunken!” – Colin shouted annoyed. Benedict straightened his posture. – “Oh really!” – he let out sarcastically ready to throw hands at Colin for being so humouring in such a dire time. Both froze hearing something in the hallway. – “You don’t think?” – Colin started as Benedict feared the same idea.
Pushing each other out of the way, they ran out of the room into the hallway. Benedict gasped loud seeing you on the floor. Clearly having tripped. Colin hastened himself over, pulling you up by your arm. – “For goodness sake Y/n, sober up.” – he whispered in your ear. You let out a hiccup in response. Chuckling amusingly afterwards. The opening of a door made the three of you stare and freeze like deer. Francesca left her room, holding music sheets in her hand.
Eyes glued on the notes scribbled on the papers. – “Francesca!” – you called out, throwing your arms up. It made Colin loose his grip on you. Before he could hold you back, you ran up to your sister. Startling her as you cupped her cheeks, pressing a thick and deep kiss on her forehead.
Benedict made haste, pulling you off Francesca. – “She… she is very excited to see you.” – he said nervously, keeping you behind him. Francesca blinked slowly trying to process the sudden kiss attack. – “Y/n no!” – Colin called out as you had freed yourself from Benedict, running down the stairs. He hastily went after you, groaning at the annoyance of this cat and mouse game. – “Sister! Come back!” – Colin shouted in pursuit. Benedict had smiled sheepishly at Francesca before hurrying after Colin.
“Keep her away from the drawing room!” – Benedict spoke in a panic. – “Keep who away?” – To their dismay turned Anthony up. Appearing as if he sensed something was off. Colin took a hold of your elbow, pulling you closer to him. – “No one… who?” – Benedict answered nervously to his brother. – “You. You said keep her away from the drawing room. Who?” – Anthony wanted to know, already moving his hands to his hip. – “Who?” – Benedict repeated to confuse Anthony.
“You!” – you called out loud with a point at your brother. Colin gave your arm a pull, scowling you for drawing attention. Anthony’s stare was tentative. Observant to say the least. – “What is with her?” – he questioned seeing you get distracted by your own skirt, watching it twirl at your ankles.
Benedict came standing in front of his view, hands up. – “Nothing, why?” – He asked moving his hands under his armpit. Anthony sensed something off, pushing him out of the way. – “She is testing the swiftness of her skirt.” – Colin interfered to say something. Benedict looked questionable over to him.
Colin pulling his shoulders up as it was the best he could think off. Benedict hurried over to the two of you, grabbing you by your arms to push you away. – “Come sister, your dress is most perfect for a sketch of mine.” – Benedict grinned sheepishly over his shoulder to Anthony, hoping he would not find it suspicious. It took Anthony a few thoughtful seconds before shouting Benedict’s name.
“Hurry!” – Colin called out, pushing you harder as they started running to get away from Anthony. There was clearly no fooling Anthony. – “She needs to sober up and very soon!” – Benedict warned Colin. – “I know something.” – Colin huffed out, running through the house with you.
Colin opened the door to the cleaning room. He hastened himself to pick up a bucket and hurry back outside to fetch water. You hugged the doorframe hazily as Benedict moved you away from it. – “I don’t feel so good.” – you mumbled out, feeling lightheaded. Benedict held you by your arm, moving a small stool closer. Pushing you down to sit on it. You sat more to the side, as the stool tipped over, making you fall down.
Benedict pressed his hands worriedly against his cheeks. You did nothing but laugh hysterically. – “Y/n.” – Benedict groaned out, helping you back up. He sat you down as you booped his nose. Smiling high as the sky at him. You then smacked your hands against his cheeks, moving it around, squashing and stretching the skin on his cheeks out of pure amusement. – “Y/n stop that!” – Benedict let out, pulling your hands down. The first reaction from you while feeling this strangely was to cry. – “Oh… no, no, no.” – Benedict called out, not intending for you to cry.
He looked anxiously over his shoulder, begging Colin to hurry up. He began shushing you, wiping your tears away.  – “I’m sorry, sorry sister. Here.” – he took your hands bringing it back to his cheeks. – “You are allowed.” – he rubbed your hands against his cheeks in an attempt that you would continue, yet you just kept crying, not engaging.
“Please Y/n stop crying. I am begging you.” – he responded not wanting to alarm anyone else to this room. You cried even louder, ugly crying as if you were doing it on purpose. Benedict was at the brink of shutting your mouth by covering it up with his hand just to deafen your cries when Colin stumbled inside. A bit of water splashing over the edge of the heavy bucket he was carrying.
“Out of the way!” – he called out, moving the bucket up. Benedict’s eyes widened jumping aside as Colin splashed the water on you. A shower of cold water over you. The sudden shock making you jump up, drenched, sputtering out some water. Colin lowered the bucket out of breath. – “Are you insane?” – Benedict called out to Colin. Clatter teething, you rubbed your arms.
“Co-o-old.” – you stuttered out. Benedict shot Colin a warning glare before fetching you a towel. – “How are you feeling sister?” – Colin asked curious, trying to come closer as you slapped his hand annoyingly away. Benedict wrapped the towel around you. Still feeling a bit out of yourself, it was improving. – “Please don’t tell mama.” – Colin said as you shot him a dead glare.
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