#assistance of medication
powpowhammer · 11 months
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faded blue house portrait hanging on the wall at the local urgentcare
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tootinpatoonite · 9 months
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I wonder how their interaction would go
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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HIII SORRY FOR NO NEW ART have some concept sketches for the fic i'm working on instead
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bathask · 2 years
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大人の発達障害アスペルガー/自閉スペクトラム症で通う就労継続支援B型事業所通所前にiOS16.3.1へソフトウェアアップデート完了。Shazamキャンペーンで12度目Apple Music無料の2か月後の課金回避も。マイナンバーカードのマイナポイントで楽天の一部支払い。iPhoneヘルスケアアプリで自閉症スペクトラムASD服薬管理のついでに栄養管理アプリもインストール。
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billskaarsgard · 2 months
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Bill Skarsgård & FKA Twigs
THE CROW (2024) dir. Rupert Sanders
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fexjam · 3 months
for the requests: can you draw pyro and medic bonding? i was thinking smth like pyro giving medic a heart and medic appreciating it for surgery but idk!!
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Thanks for the request!
I love Medic and Pyro interactions, they're my favorite characters♡
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"I always thought legalizing euthanasia was a no-brainer. 
It always seemed to me like an individual choice people ought to have, akin to legalizing abortion or same-sex marriage. 
If someone is in such pain that they decide to end their life, I thought, who are we as a society to tell them they can’t? 
There’s also a harm reduction component. If someone is dead set on ending their lives, shouldn’t we give them a relatively safe, effective option under medical supervision? It would be cruel not to. 
This was the rationale behind the 2015 Supreme Court of Canada decision in Carter v. Canada, which determined prohibition of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) was unconstitutional. 
But the legalization of MAiD has brought to the fore some disturbing moral calculations, particularly with its expansion in 2019 to include individuals whose deaths aren’t “reasonably foreseeable,” which opened the floodgates for people with disabilities to apply to die rather than survive on meagre benefits. 
I’ve come to realize euthanasia in Canada has become the ultimate neoliberal policy — we’ll starve you of the funding you need to live a dignified life, demand you pay back pandemic aid you applied for in good faith, and if you don’t like it, well, why don’t you just kill yourself? 
The problem with my previous perspective was it held individual choices as sacrosanct. But people don’t make individual decisions in a vacuum. They’re the product of social circumstances, ones often out of their control.
Tim Stainton, director of the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship at the University of British Columbia, told the Associated Press that Canada’s MAiD policy is “probably the biggest existential threat to disabled people since the Nazis’ program in Germany in the 1930s.”
This sounds hyperbolic, but there are endless examples of people with disabilities who were offered euthanasia rather than live a life of pain and exclusion. And with the impending expansion of MAiD to include people with mental illnesses, the problem is only going to get worse."
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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samerpal · 3 months
Qusai Aburas, a diligent and beloved child, always shows a spirit of perseverance and determination. He loves life and playing, and he is keen on making new friends, spreading warmth and joy to everyone around him.
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From the beginning of his life, Qusai faced significant health challenges. He suffers from heart problems, which required an open-heart surgery in his early years. The medical journey did not stop there, as he underwent two cardiac catheterization procedures and needs to have regular medical check-ups every six months to monitor his condition.
However, the circumstances of war turned Qusai’s life upside down. These difficult conditions added more challenges to the life of this perseverant child. As his father, I feel helpless in the face of these enormous challenges, and I hope with all my heart that my son’s condition does not worsen under these current circumstances.
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Despite all the difficulties, Qusai remains a symbol of hope and courage. Seeing him continue to smile, play, and connect with his friends fills my heart with pride and hope. I wish that Qusai could live in a more stable Qusai Aburas, a diligent and beloved child, always shows a spirit of perseverance and determination. He loves life and playing, and he is keen on making new friends, spreading warmth and joy to everyone around him.
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@fairuzfan @sar-soor @acepumpkinpatrick
@aces-and-angels @beesofink @taviamoth
@longlivepalestina @90-ghost
@palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe
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alissssssaka · 9 months
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incognitopolls · 3 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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liminalweirdo · 11 months
In today's update of Canada Loves Eugenics, 10,064 people died in 2021 through medically assisted death in Canada, and while MAID supposedly exists to allow people with severe, incurable illnesses to die with dignity on their own terms, MAID is generally used because disabled and mentally ill people cannot access governmental assistance and are living in poverty.
The Canadian government is actively pushing poor, disabled people to death.
oh and by the way, Canada performs more organ transplants from MAID donors than any other country in the world.
"Six disability rights and religious advocates told Reuters that the pace of the planned changes to the assisted death framework in Canada brings additional risks of people opting for MAID because they are unable to access social services - the lack of which could exacerbate their suffering." - source
Anyway, it's basically like this: the USA has the Americans with Disabilities Act and Canada has MAID
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
(office style interview)
reader, bargaining into the room: oh my god the shit I’m about to tell you
interviewer, was on their lunch break:
reader: you know that girly game on like-what’s it called- Roblox? Dress to impress or somethin?
reader: I just found Kyle and Johnny playing it together.
(cut scene to Kyle and Johnny laying in in the common space, laptops on laps as they sit facing each other)
Kyle, with popcorn: I’m disappointed in this generation- OH HEY I WON
(cut back)
Interviewer: do you play it? Would you? reader: I mean, if I could convince ghosty I would.
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bathask · 2 years
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gatorpond · 1 year
hey y'all, my physical therapist has made it really clear that i need accessibility equipment, and that stuff is expensive. my pain and other disabilities are at a point where i don't really have a choice but to ask for help. rts extremely appreciated.
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2-dsimp · 5 months
Would any of the characters be okay if we broke up with them? Or at the very least, politely and cutely rejected them?
Nope, absolutely none of them will be okay.
In fact it’s bold of you to think that’d they’d ever let you break up with them to begin with.
They are Yandere’s after all so here’s but a few categories of how they’d react.
1. They’d rather die (fall into depression and off themselves),
2. If they can’t have you no one will (they’d kill you),
3. They’d hold you captive (Stockholm syndrome),
4. They’d break your mind just to build you back up again (mind break),
5. They’d make you dependent on them (cripple you), 👀
Some reactions will vary from tame, moderate, or extreme in any case their darling ever brings up such blasphemy. Ultimately, It all depends on said yandere boi.
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tepkunset · 2 years
I wanna talk about Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) for a second.
I work in Palliative-Hospice Care. And let me tell you that there are people out there with cancer and other conditions approaching the end of their life naturally who are severely suffering, because their pain and symptoms are beyond what medicine can control. Or maybe they’re at a huge risk for a catastrophic haemorrhage and it’s known by everyone that this is the most likely, hugely traumatic way they are going to die. Whatever the case is, if someone’s prognosis is already less than six months, I am fully in favour of them being able to choose MAiD as how they want to die.
MAiD does have a place in Canada. It should be considered a medical procedure like any other.
However, when MAiD expanded to cover those not imminently dying already, that was nothing but a thinly veiled “solution” to the government not wanting to care for disabled people. So people are forced to chose MAiD as an alternative to homelessness. It’s a terrible no good very bad situation. Now it will be expanded further to cover those dealing with mental illness as their sole reasoning for request. And this will do nothing but exacerbate the issue.
When talking about the health care crisis in Canada, do not forget about MAiD and how killing off vulnerable patients is not the answer.
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