#assessment 2
elliepmi · 3 months
Participant Recruitment Statement
I used Instagram stories to spread my recruitment statement. It’s the social media I’m most active on and where I have the most followers that know me personally (and are therefore likely more willing to volunteer time doing something to help me out). It's also fairly common amongst my peers for people to post stories with links to petitions, tickets, articles etc. so people are used to going off-app after seeing stories.
Participation Request Communication
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Techniques for better engagement:
eye contact and human faces are known to be effective and memorable in advertising
gen z values quirkiness and authenticity so casual language and a weird angle is more effective than being attractive and/or professional
time estimation for some certainty without explaining the contents of the survey
using thanks/gratitude to provide further personal connection
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whysosiriusb · 5 months
Assessment 2 - One Page and One Sheet
For Assessment 2 of IGB120, I was tasked with creating a One Page and One Sheet for one of the games I had created throughout the semester, those being 'Arrowbreak', 'Malwaroids' or 'My Lord!'
Being the most polished of the three, I decided to use 'My Lord!' for my game to complete Assessment 2. I first chose to work on designing the One Sheet, opting to create my own game art from scratch. However, I encountered a bit of an issue. I've never actually made pixel art before, nor did I have the equipment required to... or so I thought. With a bit of assistance from the internet, I found a way to create pixel art on my iPad using the app 'Procreate', which I had experience using. Thankfully, I was able to come up with a quick landscape illustration of the world in which 'My Lord!' is set:
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My next task was to come up with a slogan and razor, something that would help to explain my game in more detail. For the razor, I decided on:
"Temple Run meets Chivalry in the pixel art style, top-down racer."
A statement that aims to encapsulate the gameplay and visual style of the game in a single compact sentence. For the slogan, I came up with the statement:
"Run the distance, reach the castle, deliver the message!"
Something that should give potential players a rough idea regarding the objective of the game from merely a quick read. In the end, this is what my One Page looked like:
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The design of the One Page was more basic in the visual aspect, though featured in-depth descriptions of my obstacles and powerups and discussion of the details regarding how my game is played, serving as a pitch to prospective developers who might be interested in developing my game concept. It's a much larger document, A3 in size this time, so I've chosen not to append it to this post. Besides, the font would be so small it'd need to be viewed through a microscope!
Overall, this assessment taught me a lot about the games industry, and left me with a newfound understanding of the nuance behind creating pixel art. Hopefully, I'll be able to refine and utilize this newly acquired skill when creating games in the future.
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lilymakesgames · 1 year
Assessment 2
This is a short update! I've chosen my asteroids prototype to further flesh out and then essentially "pitch" to my team for assessment 3. In that respect, I've tried my best to create a one-sheet and one-page that highlights Rubber Duckie Hero's most compelling features.
There's definitely an art to this, and not just from an aesthetic standpoint. I initially struggled to understand how I was supposed to explain everything about my game but with minimal words...then I realized that was not the goal. I'm supposed to be investing people by intriguing them. I don't need to use paragraphs to explain every detail about how RDH works, I just need to a couple of lines that will catch people's attention so they'll want to know more.
Now from an aesthetic standpoint (because I am an artist and cannot resist), this was a great creative opportunity for me to explore commercial game art. My first time creating a poster to sell my game and to convey design!
Here are some images of the process as well as the final works. Trust the process...
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Thanks for reading (and looking)!
End of post.
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account-91217 · 2 years
KNB136- Assessment 2: Production Design- Reflection
Even though this is the second assignment of this unit it is really just the continuation of the first assignment, just flushing out the character, story and scenes along the way. In this way it helped me realize just how many different components go into pre-production work and that even though it is just the first steps for any project it is by far the most important part.  
Pre-production is like an ever changing landscape with just how many modifications you will need to do and just how flexible you will need to be. Not only that but how everything needs at least a rough form in your head before you start making the process very methodical. In this assessment even though I had some small changes, I luckily didn’t run into any major issues nevertheless there were some small things.
The first problems I encountered were the different angles and pose I drew for the character. This is because I struggle with keeping my faces looking the same and having the bodies looking anatomically correct. To overcome this I used the digital aspects of drawing to my advantage. This helped a lot when I was drawing the faces and bodies as I would have a reference close by and if I made a mistake I wouldn’t be wasting resources. 
Another problem I encountered was more technological. When I was trying to transfer over the image from my other devices it wouldn’t work. This scared me at first because I can’t put my image on the blog then how was I going to Complete the assessment. In the end I was able to send the images to a friend and then login on my computer and retrieve it from there.
This assignment was a great learning process on production design and learning about its different aspects. From scripting, sketching, concept design, character design and much more I have gained a wealth of knowledge. all in all and I was glad with the end results of it as well.
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indywasdeepfried · 23 days
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…and his strange shadow counterpart.. 📼
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lawyest · 3 months
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ref pic under cut
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not-equippedforthis · 3 months
shout out to the very distinct feeling of 'oh god i'm going to become at least mildly annoying about this aren't i'. binging ds9 season 1 and i outright giggled at a very small mannerism julian did. got hyped when o'brien showed up. grinned widely at kira just Being There. felt the urge to yell and cheer and scream at the slightest hint of whump. the character dynamics and friendships are beginning to interweave like strings in a tapestry and i almost detonated upon realising this. uh oh.
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 5 months
when toshiro got on laios ass for being inconsiderate and never thinking about how his actions affect others like he was mean abt it but hes not wrong. Thats a pretty major character flaw and a pattern of behavior for laios — w not choosing jobs that made money for namari who is in a pretty dire financial situation where she cant even get off the island and has to go adventuring in the dungeon to get out of debt, who even explicitly brought this up, eating marcilles familiar immediately even tho she was attached to it, kidnapping shuro into his party and putting him in life threatening situations without like really checking he wanted to be there…?, wanting to see if izutsumi has more than one set of nipples when dehumanization is a HUGE huge issue for her the list goes on and on and on. Like when a friend does this to you its just kinda annoying but when ur the leader u really should be checking if everyones needs r met without them telling u. Like the autism plays a factor for sure, his cultural upbringing plays a factor for sure, but as ppl regardless I think u gotta step up to meet the needs of ppl in the moment or realize u shouldnt be calling the shots. just bc its influenced by factors out of ur control does not make it not a serious character flaw. And its written as such in the story.
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skywriter97 · 16 days
SCU Sonic does NOT know how to fight.
Not hating, but think about it. Other than maybe two times and a couple failed punches, all I can recall seeing the babe do is Spin Dashes. Maybe because he's spent so much time RUNNING, not fighting like Mainstream (Game and/or Comic) Sonic, he doesn't yet know how to properly use his speed in a fight? He doesn't know what a force he can be yet.
In Movie 1, Sonic is learning just what power he holds inside. The baseball field explosion, taking down Eggman's tank, and then the iconic Green Hills fight. Sonic learns just how powerful he is.
Movie 2, in comes Knuckles. Strength vs. Speed. Sonic figures out that his blunt power isn't going to cut it like it did in the first movie. He's forced to think outside the box to best Knuckles. And even then, Sonic doesn't even WIN against him. Knuckles is the superior warrior in this; if Sonic hadn't called attention to Eggman stealing the Master Emerald, I don't doubt that Knuckles would have defeated him.
Perhaps in 3, with this powerful adversary, someone that's not only Strong but Fast, it calls attention to Sonic's lack of proper skill? Perhaps he finally gets the training he needs to hone his power into skills? Maybe Knuckles teaches him. Maybe that's what the race is about in the trailer. Ngl I'd love to see a training scene or two.
Or maybe I'm tripping. What do you think?
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elliepmi · 3 months
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childdevourer1 · 6 months
Me when I have assessments sandwiching the dragon rising release date
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iconsumedmygoldfish · 8 hours
i. am. ANGRY.
disclaimer im a loser
no way did i just meed a will wood and magnus archives fan on roblox free draw 2 (and subsequently lose them like 2 seconds later lmao)
anyway they said 'ok so for people in the uk alexander newall is-' and that's when i disconnected
edit: im sorry if you just wanted fanart of your favourite fandom or whatever ik we gotta survive on scraps and all but like. i still can't find out. I GOT LEFT HANGING BY MY OWN WIFI.
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gumjester · 9 months
Faybelle or duchess?
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an ancient hc i had for rir is that faeries have big ol yaoi hands to conduct their magic better.... big hand faybelle, thats what they call her ("they" being absolutely no one because she would incinerate any1 who tried)
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account-91217 · 2 years
KNB136- Assessment 2: Production Design- colour script
this is just to show what main colour I want for my scene and what the lighting will look like
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lannisterdaddyissues · 2 months
god why am i so fucking stupid. having adhd is truly a curse and i hate bearing it
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sovonight · 10 months
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world's saddest chosen
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