#ass burgers
cringelordofchaos · 3 months
south park is wild cuz sometimes there are really simple messages like "being gay is ok" "parents should pay more attention to their kid's lives than what they watch on TV and shouldn't rely on it as a sole educator for their kids" "people need help sorting out their emotions sometimes instead of being given quick logical solutions" other times it's a deeper or a more personal message like "when you victimize yourself too much you can justify yourself being horrible instead of taking accountability and changing" other times its a more cynical or depressing message like "sometimes everything just becomes shit and you can't control how you perceive the world but others may leave you for it because they'd rather not get sucked into it as well" or "young girls get pressured by society to sexualize themselves and remove their imperfections because of toxic beauty standards imposed on them" and sometimes the episode is about peruvian flute bands being outlawed causing a giant guinea pig apocalypse which can only be stopped by a deadpan fourth grader.
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fennecfiree · 8 months
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finntwons · 2 years
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S15 E8 - context in link
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crunchybees · 2 months
love all my autizzies
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bootleg-nessie · 1 year
I hate when you go to a restaurant and the food tastes bad, like bro if I wanted ass burgers I’d look in a mirror
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mo-mode · 8 months
Okay, but has anyone mentioned yet that Grover is also a vegetarian so when he says “Thanks for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers,” he’s like doubling down on Ares’ shittiness?? Ares even mentions how practically all satyrs are vegetarian or vegan when he said all they do is eat tofu. I bet when Grover said that at the end, he was cursing him out so thoroughly on his head, Ares could hear it. “Thanks for the emotional abuse and cheeseburgers you @&!$ing $!@? and you didn’t even get a %£#!ing salad. Oooo you got a big &$%! plate of fries? Whoop-dee &!#@ing doo!! What kind of #&*!ing god are you? A piss poor @#!$ing !%@$ one. Athena’s owl my €@%#.” That’s probably why Ares didn’t bother with the paper towels.
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cringelordofchaos · 4 months
absolutely despise (pos) it when a south park episode ends on a melancholy note. like youre just supposed to accept the world is sometimes horrible and not everything gets resolved.
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dailyloopdeloop · 3 months
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DAY 102(106): 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
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funky-dealer · 8 months
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dude forget rollout body slam is what makes people shit their pants
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rambeu · 3 months
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hello robert burgers nation please enjoy homemade tina belcher animation <3
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daftpatience · 1 year
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old man divorced yuri
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kittrs · 1 year
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Cesare doodles i got back into bigtop burger🙏😢
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darthcontusion · 1 year
this doesn't matter but Steve can't have been the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs because he was launched and crashed 365 mil years ago, right? The timeline roughly lines up with when the Tiktaalik existed, and the meteor that killed the dinosaurs landed only 66 mil years ago. Instead, Steve would have caused the late devonian mass extinction event that lines up with the time he was launched from the clown planet.
So what I'm saying
is that a second clown has hit the planet
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gatoburr0 · 5 months
I had a bad trip playing this game but I guess it’s the lifetime noodle product supply coupon I won at a burger shop
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sracha · 2 months
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cowboy raven cringe compilation 🧨
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cringelordofchaos · 4 months
How? When all the things that made you laugh just make you sick..
How do you go on when nothing makes you happy?
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