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anastpaul · 6 years ago
Thought for the Day - 15 September - "A Soul on Fire"
Thought for the Day – 15 September – “A Soul on Fire”
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Thought for the Day – 15 September – The Memorial of Blessed Paolo Manna PIME (1872-1952) “A Soul on Fire” – Priest, Missionary in Burma (Myanmar), Superior General of the P.I.M.E., Founder of the Pontifical Missionary Union
In Father Paolo Manna we perceive a special reflection of the glory of God.   He spent his entire life promoting the missions.   In every page of his writings there stands…
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hunnybadgerv · 7 years ago
First Line Meme
Thanks to @asoulonfire for the tag. I’m kind of behind on this, but anyway. Here’s the first line from Through the Smoke which might pop up here in the next week or so.
“Smoke billowed in the distance.”
Wow, sorry that was shorter than intended. And yeah, it gives nothing away. But maybe that’s a good thing.
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thevikingwoman · 8 years ago
For TMI Tuesday: Have you ever had a romantic/sexual partner read smut you've written? ('cause I've had drinks too, so I'm going straight for the dirty questions).
HA! No. I have not.  
This is a fun question though..,. have you?
TMI Tuesday
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ladynorbert · 8 years ago
asoulonfire replied to your post: HE DELETED THE VIDEO.
Hooray! I just finished catching up on your other post about this and was very happy when I went to report it for bullying that it had been taken down. I’m still so sorry that you had to deal with this. *extra big hugs*
Thank you so much! *hugs* My husband just came home from working an overnight shift and I gave him a (slightly punch-drunk) rundown of the situation. I’m going to sleep very hard tonight, I think... but first, birthday cake.
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dinoswrites · 7 years ago
asoulonfire replied to your post “bare”
This sounds interesting! Can't wait to read more of it. I finally finished your fic 'Little Arrow' and it was so beautiful!!!
Awww thank you! I’m really glad you liked it!
This one is uh... yeah, it’s longer than I thought it would be, considering I only started writing it as a warm up. Whoops.
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roguelioness · 8 years ago
asoulonfire replied to your photo: So, @asoulonfire was incredibly sweet and sketched...
This is awesome! Oh my god, Isera and Samarra would totally have a great time laughing about Solas and all his shit.
All the while Solas would be standing on the side, glowering at the both of them XD
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roksanalyasin · 8 years ago
For DWC - 76. “Where did all these puppies come from?” For pretty much anyone. Seriously, just let there be puppies!
Thank you for the prompt! I did this one this morning for Alistair/Rokara, and I promise there are many puppies!
‘Those Darn Puppy-dog Eyes’
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agentkatie · 8 years ago
asoulonfire replied to your post: WIP: bright
HOLY COW!!! I just realized that eventually your Shepard will meet COLE and I’m insanely excited about that.
Not eventually... soon ;) (if I ever edit it)
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phoenixwytch75 · 8 years ago
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Each day is just a stepping stone from a past into the future which carves you into the person you are in the present. Either allow it to forge you into something incredible and unyielding, a figure of strength indelibly rooted into creating a beautiful storm or it will forever draw you back like the string of a bow.... pulled yet never released. Make your own destiny and choose hope ~ Cas~ / / #writer #free #be #art #love #life #poetry #writersofinstagram #ink #words #wordstoliveby #poet #writing #neverlookback #future #positivity #asoulonfire
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interplanet--janet · 6 years ago
~soft asks~
Arules: answer the soft qs and tag 5 of your most recent followers and 3 of your biggest fans, and fave blog/users
1. What’s the smell of your shampoo?
Sort of fruity and coconut-y? I use shampoo for color treated hair so it doesn’t have a specific scent
2. What’s your aesthetic?
Oversized sweaters, a large mug of tea, purple, an herb garden
3. What’s your favourite time of day?
Sunset/dusk, especially during the summer when it’s just a little humid and you can’t hear anything except cicadas.
4. What do you like most about the beach?
Just looking at the waves! 
5. What do you worry about constantly?
How I am perceived by others/what others think of me.
6. What is a song you’ve cried to before?
Wind by Akeboshi.....
7. What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
Make a cup of tea and curl up with a cozy blanket and perhaps a movie or tv show you’ve seen a million times before
8. What are some things that make you tear up?
Any sort of emotional commercial, tv show, or movie lol. Also if I think about my cat too much
9. What is your favourite thing from each of the five senses?
Touch: freshly shaved hair, velvet, corduroy 
Taste: desserts
Sound: i have something to admit. i love asmr videos. especially the ones where theyre cutting sand or soap, it’s choice
Smell: candles!!!!
Sight: my gf uhhhhh i mean. i like looking at the stars i guess, and the pictures people have taken of space are really cool sdjflks
10. What is one alternative reality you’d want to be in?
I think it would be cool to sort of revive older ways of doing things - gardening, clothes making, certain arts. it would be a lot of work but i think its a fun aesthetic
11. What are some troubles you face on a day to day basis?
Managing my daily aches and pains, generally how I’m feeling physically. Also having a full time job has been an adjustment but I’m making it work!
12. What is one scene of a book that made you really sad?
I haven’t read it in awhile, but the last couple chapters of The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I’ve cried real tears
13. Say something to your followers
Even though I don’t interact with a lot of you and a solid portion may be porn bots, that’s okay! I still hope that y’all are doing alright, or at least having a good day! :)
I tag: @igbaddieloki @michaellyric @requiem-for-the-forgotten @asoulonfire @sunnysoftbutch @bethanie-esda @galacticrascal @pussmonger 
and anyone else who wants to do this ofc, im just too lazy to tag anyone else flkdsjflsdk i really like reading people’s answers to these tho!!!
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hunnybadgerv · 8 years ago
inuy21 replied to your post “I’m still very mad that I lost the 5,000 words I’d added to this...”
Oh no :( I feel your pain and I hope it comes out better than intended!
Me too. But so far, I’m not feeling it. I might just have to start the prompt over from scratch to get it to work right in my head. 
asoulonfire replied to your post “I’m still very mad that I lost the 5,000 words I’d added to this...”
Oh no! That sucks sooooo much!!! :(
Yeah. I know. *kicks rock* I remember really liking it. Like loving the way it turned out. But it disappeared into digital hell. So now I’m left trying to take the skeleton of the fic in the “right” direction, but everything I try feels wrong because I know it’s not what I lost. 
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ladynorbert · 7 years ago
Last Sentence Meme
There’d be no ease for Sunshine’s mind until she heard something about her twin.
(from Beyond Heroes: Of Sunshine and Red Lyrium)
I was tagged by @lyriumyue (for some reason it’s not letting me tag you here) and I must now tag 13 people...
@auroraborealia, @aurianavaloria, @hawkeyedflame, @shannaraisles, @mandalorianreynolds, @asoulonfire, @star--nymph, @ladyinquisidork, @mustangsgloves, @todisturbtheuniverse, @metricmage, @fantastic-nonsense, and @kiranwearsscienceblues
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roguelioness · 8 years ago
asoulonfire replied to your photo: No Blackwall, she isn’t a necrophiliac, and Solas...
Holy Cow! I’ve never played as a necromancer, does he actually say that! Scandalous!
He does! I don't remember the exact line he said, but it had me going WTF, lol. Also, you should try playing as a Necromancer! It's loads of fun.
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irlaimsaaralath · 7 years ago
Writer Meme Thing
Tagged by @fadedforyou.  Thank you!
1. How many works in progress do you have?
Gwah.  A lot.  A Solavellan pairing, an AU Solavellan stripper pairing, a Cullen/Inquisitor, a Solavellan + Abelas master/slave/pet AU, a couple of unintroduced Inquisitors that I’ve started working on.  And, that’s just the fanfic.  I’m sort of all over the place.  I’m an Aries.  FIGHT ME.
2. Do you/would you write fan fiction?
I do and would, apparently.  I wrote ONE DA fanfic yeeeeears ago, and I think I posted it up on DeviantArt, but I can’t remember the damned account name or find the file on my computer, so it’s lost.  But, besides that, I didn’t really start writing fanfic until this July.
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Physical books, please.  I like the smell of the paper and the weight and the page turning and having an actual thing to hold on to.
4. When did you start writing?
I’m not really sure.  In earnest, probably late elementary/early middle school.  I started out writing poetry, though, not prose.
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
Like, before I plaster it all over Tumblr?  No, not really. 
6. Where is your favorite place to write?
Anywhere quiet.
7. Favorite book as a child?
Mm.  A Wrinkle in TIme.
8. Writing for fun or publication?
Hrm.  Largely for fun.  Years and years ago, I had some poems published in some obscure literary journal/magazine things, and that was cool.
9. Have you taken any writing classes?
Negative, Ghostrider.
10. What inspired you to write?
Depression.  It wasn’t so much inspiration as just really intense feelings and thoughts that I had to get out for my own peace of mind.  Sometimes I did it in verse.  Sometimes it was easier to create a character and work it out that way.
Tagging @savvylittleminx, @solverne, @asoulonfire, @cullywullycurlywurly, @princessdreadwolf, @vir-ghilani, @tel-abelas-mofo, and whoever else might want to participate.  If you’ve already done it or don’t want to, please ignore!
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dadrunkwriting · 6 years ago
Team North America/Australia DWC Update!
Hello everyone! 
Team NA/Aus has around 100 writers on the roster. This is lovely and amazing and we love you all!
However, it makes it a bit time consuming to put forth head count (due to tumblr limitations on copy/pasting mentions), and to post kick off and update prompt lists. 
Because of this, we have decided to move forward with two updates. 
1. Removal of inactive writers. 
it looks like a number of writers have been inactive for a while (several months). It is fine, we understand life happens and that you want to be part of dwc but might not have time. However, we are going to move inactive writers to an inactive list, which are not included on the head count.   
If you want to be on the head count post going forward, please affirm it on this post. Anyone not replying will be set as inactive. 
Inactive writers can be moved to active at any moment (just let us know), and you are still welcome in the writer’s discord chat. A way to think of this is that if you plan to write (even once) in the next couple months, feel free to stay active. We are not trying to exclude anyone or set limits on participation.
2. Requiring static prompt lists. 
This is another thing we have to do to make it more manageable for us to do the kick off post. Each writer need to have one static link for prompts, which does not change from week to week. You can either use any tumblr post and edit it with links or similar to your prompt list (ex here ) or you can use tumblr redirects to link to any post (see instructions here). 
Please send a direct message to admin Viking ( @thevikingwoman ) with your static link to prompts. This includes writers who already have a static list. 
 We are sorry to ask you to do this, but with the current amount of writers, the admin work has become a huge task, and we are trying to find ways to reduce this. Thank you for your help! 
Everyone on team NA/Aus under the cut - this will reblogged a couple times with new tags to make sure everyone sees it. 
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @ladylike-foxes @vinegartits @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @bbgr8 @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @findsarahh @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @theneras-la-lath @seigephoenix @irlaimsaaralath @theweepingstar @zolanhras @suzumicchi @ithun @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher @sasshole-for-rent @soetzufit @fen-harel-alasnirelan121 @buttsonthebeach @lyrium-lovesong @kierarutherford @houseofaustrich @x-elfled-x @arilalavellan @dismalzelenka @paravox3 @saras-almanac @joufancyhuh @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul @sylveonne @havesomedragonage @writingnodule @brassdragon0 @solverne-02 @calwyne @pookamaluka @thatdreadbitch @ellstersmash @contreparry @kvpowers @kimpossibility @fourletterepithet @alxxiis @sulevinblade @morgalahan @eradikater @apostatetabris @pikapeppa @summoningpits @ally-the-writer
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hunnybadgerv · 8 years ago
painterofhorizons replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
bosselimitchell replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
((You are amazing! Congratulations!
bossangelique replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
scribblesofel replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Yaaaay! Congrats! :D
thetwobosses replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Whoo! Congrats! *hugs*
nightmareon3rdst replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Congrats! So proud of you!
asoulonfire replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Congratulations!!! That's fantastic!
underangelswing replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
ladyamesindy replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Go you!!! That's awesome!!!!!!!!! *bounces and hugs*
inuy21 replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
*hugs* CONGRATS!!!!!
Thank you all. Like tons and tons. I’ve been chilling for the last few days just trying to really relax for the first time in months.
It was a great feeling to see that message on the screen. I can’t even explain it. 
Now to start the job search with a renewed outlook again.
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