Author, photographer, certified Hufflepuff. Adoptive mother of the internet. Way, way over 21 years old. Constantly struggling with impostor syndrome. Notoriously difficult to kill.
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“the writers didn’t listen to what the fans wanted!”
yeah that’s typically how it goes, writers tend to write what they want and not specifically what you want
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FereldEn is the country. A FereldAn is a person who lives there. You can remember it more easily if you remember that the name was invented from the phrase “feral den.”

I still get confused if it's "Ferelden" or "Fereldan". I'm sure I've seen it spelled both ways in games.
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I’m sure OP’s grandpa has no idea what kind of trash person “that Guardians of the Galaxy fella” really is.

I was replaying Dragon Age Origins during the quarantine/lockdown and my grandpa was hanging out and watching me play when all of the sudden he remarked "how that Guardians of the Galaxy fella" could play Alistair in a Dragon Age film. Of course I knew who he was talking about but considering my grandpa is in his 80s I hid my disgust and politely gave him an "uh-huh" while continuing with my game while internally screaming.
Mod Note: I could not muster the will to look for an image of the "Guardians of the Galaxy fella" so I used a disgusted Alistair screenshot instead.
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"may this great plague pass by me and my friends, and restore us once more to joy and gladness"
Feeling a powerful kinship with this scribe from 1350 today.
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Eeeee, my second favorite husband!
Just posting this in case anyone has missed it.
This is adorable.
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Angst fics can help people come to terms with their own grief, begin healing, or give people that good cry that they need.
Smut fics can help people affirm and accept their sexuality. It can help them explore their sexuality in a safe way. They can also just be fun, and having fun is a drastically undervalued way to improve your mental health.
Dark fics can help people face their fears or process their trauma. It can make them feel safer and more secure. It can help them find their courage.
Fluff fics can give people rest and respite and comfort. It can give them hope that soft places exist and that maybe there is one out there for them. It can bring up their mood, which, if they have depression, can be a life saver.
And every fic people write makes someone feel less alone.
Point being, just because a particular thing doesn’t serve you, doesn’t mean it lacks value.
This is not to say that we have to consume all fic uncritically. Of course not. It is just to say that entire “genres” aren’t trash or lacking value just because they don’t serve you.
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As of today, Skyrim is ten years old. And so is my Tumblr account.
I’m not sure which of these I find more vaguely alarming.
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To any fic writers who worry they are wasting their time... I read a fic for a relatively small and inactive fandom about three years ago. And there was one specific scene where a character watched another dancing like an idiot to a beyonce song and it was so sweet and loving that even now years later I have that song on one of my spotify playlist so every once in a while it will play and remind me of that fic, and every time it does I smile and feel a little happier.
The stats on a fic will never really tell you if your writing touched someone. There's no numerical way to show you what impact you made. Maybe you are wasting time, or maybe you are writing something that someone will remember for a long time, something that will never fail to make them smile.
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“At an early age I learned that people make mistakes, and you have to decide if their mistakes are bigger than your love for them.”
— Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give
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Hold up! The Dragonlady has a book!? Awesome!! Congrats! What's it called and what is it about? Hope your having a wonderful day!
Thank you, love! It’s a local history book which launched a year ago but has recently gained a bit of traction thanks to a signing at my area’s Barnes & Noble. I was in the store yesterday and they have copies on the shelf, which I knew would be there but it was still a thrill to see. 😁
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Things that are never, ever, ever going to get old for me:
Today I walked into my local bookstore and saw my book on the shelves. My book. That I wrote. With a “Signed Edition” sticker on the front.
It feels just as good as I always imagined it would.
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The chronicle of the monk Herbert of Reichenau for the year 1021 ends “My brother Werner was born on November 1.“
1021 was not an uneventful year. The emperor began a campaign into Italy. Illustrious abbots died. There was an earthquake. But Herbert took the time to note, at the end of the year, that his brother was born.
Of such acts of tenderness is history made.
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Have we all forgotten the lessons of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure? People coming from the past to help in the present is amazingly funny.

Saw this screenshot on twitter
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COVID is slowly becoming a “third world” disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can’t get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
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For anyone who might be writing fic in order to raise money/donations for a cause, please remember not to mention that anywhere on AO3. It is against the Terms of Service to charge money for fic, even if that money is not going to you, personally. Please don’t mention commissions or donations or fundraising or patreon or kofi etc etc in a fic or on your profile. ❤
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