calpicoboys · 1 year
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𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 (Then I Intend)
Sesshoumaru x reader Part ||
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Masterlist.../ Previous part.../ Next part....
Summary: The Lord Daiyokai often shuts you up in an inn, every few days of the month, for the demons that are attracted to your bloodscent. It is one of the few graces he allows. You would think its for your safety, and truly it is. Because not only do you seem to forget that he is a demon, but also a man.
Rumors of a bloodhungry demon arise, one that prowls the edges of this ghost town, devouring its residents under the shroud of moonless nights; Of which steadily approaches. Under the dark viel of a new moon, all desires will be brought to light.
Content warnings: Misogny, A LOT of it, era apropiate sexism, (physical) assault, dismemberment (a little and not reader) non graphic.
A/N: A lot of the misogyny here is just characters reiterating what women of this era were expected to do, i.e be homemakers listen to men and whatever. However, the physical assault part will be put under a bar if you need to skip.
Length: 15.8K (This one got away from me bois gn)
Part 2 of 4
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What I'm trying to say is that, in this universe which sculpted itself from a baptism of fire, I am the moon swept up by your tendernes. You got me dreaming foreign words: gravity, ellipsis, perigee, until all i can think about is becoming ancored into orbit around the saltwater green landscape of your laughter.
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You had another strange dream that night, when you fell asleep.
Rin fretted, so you swung between a light and deep slumber, and the images that flashed behind your eyes were strange, to say the least. The remnants you remember play like a movie.
It's dark, the cloud of your body floating away from you like a mist in the darkness. White scales glow. Another man’s voice, frantic, angry almost. A familiar blade. Tenseiga flashes like the cold white edge of the moon, and then, silence.
And then warmth.
Were you just stressed? Was your mind just filling itself with nonsense after what happened– What almost happened last night?
You’re up before the sun, dawn just a lavender-pink bruise on the horizon.
Numachi-san must still be asleep, because no one stirs as you make a pot of tea, ginseng and ginger, like the old apothecary had intended. You’re not sure if they’re meant to go together but oh well. The earthy, warm drink is also spicy, and does wonders to help finish waking you up so early.
The slightest shuffle in the dim dark, and you whirl. Your Lord steps into the foyer, and you try to ease the sudden pounding of your heart.
He lifts a hand when you bow to greet him, barely sparing a glance and striding past. The breeze of his pace cools the sweat on your brow, and you reach out.
Figuratively of course. “My Lord, would you not stop for a cup of tea? It's…ginger and ginseng. It will help reduce stress for you.”
“I am not stressed.”
“Still, it wouldn't be, uh, very good to start the day on an empty stomach, my Lord.” He turns on his heel. And in the pastel colored dawn cringing its way across the sky, his eyes almost glow. They could be glowing, for all you know. The moment feels too trepidatious to really ask.
Your voice is soft. “...What are you doing today, My Lord?”
“...It is none of your concern.”
“I’m not concerned, I'm just curious. Will you tell me?” And you step forward. Just one tiny step but he tracks it.
“The demon, stalking this village.”
“So they’re real? Not a rumour?”
“Yes. It must have some measure of strength, I intend to test it.” A hand on his blade, not Tenseiga. That is for emergencies.
“So that's why you’re gone throughout the day. Are we... Will we see you at dinner?” He sighs harshly, suddenly, and turns where the foyer leads to the front doors.
“What is the point? Does it bring you some added comfort, my presence?”
“Yes, it does.” He meant that rhetorically, or sarcastically, you only realize. And you answered far too honestly. You backtrack.
“And Rin, too, as well. It would do her some good to know that you are still around. The last time she saw you was early morning yesterday; You leave signs of yourself even when we are on our travels, so I suspect she’s worried. And, that that's why she had a nightmare.” You wring your hands, you’re babbling too much.
Why are you nervous…? This isn’t new territory, not really.
There's always been some odd kind of tension between you and the Lord, even if you were hesitant to call it so. He’s been more lenient though hasn’t he? Besides the night before. He doesn’t really force you to walk on foot anymore when you forgo honorifics, and he’ll just ignore you when you get too obnoxious. Nothing crazy, but he’s already used to you!
You always just figured he wasn't used to company before, especially one such as yours, and there has always been some feelings of safety and attraction on your end. He is rather beautiful, though you wouldn't call yourself vain. Yesterday just breathed to life the embers that have been left smoldering for too long. 
Above all, you just want things to flow naturally.
He sighs. “You so readily coddle the child.”
“Should children not be coddled?”
“No.” He pivots, eyes eerie and pointed. “How will she survive, if you spoil her so?” 
“That is different, she is a child, and the adults have the responsibility to care for and protect her. That is different from coddling.”
“That sounds exactly like it.”
“But it's not. She is still being taught what she needs to learn. And if you're so against this ‘coddling’, why did you let me leave to take care of her last night?”
And just like that, the breath in the room is sucked away at the slightest mention. Sesshoumaru goes still, still in that way that reminds you that yeah, this isn't a human. He isn’t a bomb, steadily ticking towards explosion. No, he’s a mountain, a breath away from a landslide.
But he doesn't say anything. The way he looks at you seems to be daring you to make mention of that again, and you’re not sure that that is such a good idea anymore.
“...It's just…she's a child, and I believe all children deserve a happy childhood and… I'm just eager to please her, My Lord.”
“And not I?” You both catch that at the same time, because when your eyes meet, you see the slightest, just the slightest  shock in them. A reprimand, for himself.
He clicks his tongue, sharp and flat. “Nevermind. You are–”
“My Lord,” You’re bold enough to cut him off, gods be damned. “I can’t even begin to imagine what I could do that would begin to please you, with our…differences. Should I start? You have to be clear with me.” You take another step closer, and when did you become so bold? His eyes flit to yours.
The silence doesn't just fall, it crashes, like a boulder landing, like a current pulling you under.
That came out… much more bold than you were intending. But you don't backtrack, you wait.
There are no distractions now.
“I ‘must be clear’, with you?” He steps forward, in that all too familiar way. It's like he’s gliding more than walking, and the proximity makes your heart pound. You hold your tea closer.
It's still a touch too warm, stinging your hands, but it doesn't seem to affect him when he takes it from you, sets it down; With his one hand he grabs your wrist, his hand large enough to dwarf yours, a thumb pressing into the lowest thrum of your veins.
“Your pulse is quick.” He murmurs, head dipped. He’s so close to you. You drink in those regal features, the way he’s so fixed on your hands.
He rubs over your wrist, slow, deep circles that slow your heart under their prudent care. You don’t say anything, you just breathe as he works, oddly…focused.
His nails, his claws, are hued red at the points, fingers long and defined and pretty. Not soft, calloused and rough, he is a samurai…but pretty.
He moves to rub his wrist against yours, and a slight shock of static makes you jump, but he’s too close for you to get that far. Not that you want to go far. You’re reminded of when your mother would rub lotion on your hands, or scented oil into your wrists. He does it once, twice, on both wrists, sliding his skin across your wrist, the inside of your forearms, before he moves to the delicate skin behind your ear.
You laugh and jolt away. “That tickles.”
“Just stay still.”
“I’m trying.” Not hard enough, you jitter away from his touch with breathy laughter, and with a breath of a mutter he cups the back of your head, and replaces the slow drag of his wrist with his teeth.
That stills you. It's…barely a bite, what he’s doing. But his teeth are there and you’ve never felt anything so sharp so close to your neck before. You quiet, under the conscious threat of being near something so sharp. But he wouldn’t do anything.
You're 80% sure.
He murmurs against your skin. “Are you going to keep still, now?”
“Uh, yeah?” you breathe. “Your fangs are at my throat, duh.” He doesn't rise to the bait, he just drags his teeth over the soft column of your throat, his claws tangled in your hair.
“What... are you even doing?” 
He clicks his tongue, and you can almost feel the wet heat of it. “Dense as always.”
“I am not ahh-” a staggered breath, just pushing a moan of your lips when he bites down, just above your collarbone. It's gentle, not even breaking skin, and that's what surprises you.
You’re clinging onto him, you realize, strands caught between your fingers. You lean back, but there's nowhere to go between where you were and him.
He just sighs against your skin, and leans into you more, so your back is arched and you’re melded against him, like a pressed flower.  There's a rumble in his throat you can feel when you squeak. 
Well, two can play at that game.
You reach, press into him with your body and return the favor; your mouth tracts the pointed shell of his ear. When you reach the pointed end you bite down, and he jolts. He actually jolts. 
Not away, mind you. But his teeth clamp down before he moves, leaving an imprint around that plum colored bruise.
You look at each other, caught in this twilight moment. And he draws away. You want to cling, but you have your pride, and reluctantly you let him out of your hold, white strands of silk slipping through your fingers.  His face is smooth but you sense a contentment? There, the slightest sense of smug satisfaction. 
You press your fingers to the spot his teeth were in, just seconds ago, when he leaves. There, just above your collarbone. If you had a mirror you could see it, but you’re certain.  A lavender pick bruise, delightfully sore. 
You press down, hard.
Breakfast is a normal affair, or abnormal, as you were the first person up which happened almost never. Breakfast was served anyways, and it didn't take much cajoling to get Numachi-san to sit down with you again, even if she only accepted a cup of tea, which she poured herself, after she served all of you. Must be a tendency of hers.
“Hey, Numachi-san, have you lived here in this town your whole life?”
“Hm? Oh, no, I moved here when I was quite young, no older than you, actually,” she tells you as she sits. You pout a bit.
“Oh, I was going to ask you some things about the Demon haunting this place. Like whether it's been here longer than you have or something.” She looks at you oddly, with her dark bangs. Her eyes and her hair.
“They've been here a few years before I came here, and the attacks weren’t as bad. They got worse over the years. This used to be a popular spot for a resting Daimyo on their travels, as it was a good spot to rest travel wise. One was eaten though, and his entourage, that's what made people stop coming here. If even a Daimyo isn't safe, no one is. People are too poor and sentimental to move. And some others were eaten, trying. Most don't bother anymore.”
“And…yet you chose to stay? Your sons were able to leave, why didn’t you go with them after you're husband passed, since I'm sure you don't get many customers nowadays…”
“Oh, because when I do get customers, they’re amazing ones, like you honored guests! There's the occasional weary traveler–but I get monks, samurai, swordsmen, hunters looking to take down a fabled demon…those folk hardly return though.
“I…you could say, inherited this place when I came to this town, after I left my village. It was when the Daimyo had been eaten, along with the samurai who protected him and the old inn keepers. I worried it would be too hard a job for me to fix, but my sons helped me. It’s only as furbished as it is now because they helped me with the more tedious things.” She delicately raises her cup to drink.
“How helpful of them. What are your sons like, Numachi-san? They’re visiting pretty soon, right? You must miss them a lot. ” She looks up from the tea in her hands, tilts her head.
“Oh, well, yes of course…I had twin sons, one would have been ideal, but having two...You might not know but twins are an ill omen. When I gave birth…It was either leave one or be banished. So I was driven from my home, and found my way here. No one cares about ill omens in a town that's already cursed,” she shrugs. “Now I’m here.”
“You said your husband stayed with you?” Her smile turns sour.
“Well, no, he…visited. He too believed in the ill omen of twins…and he was a very reclusive person, even at his most affectionate. So the visits dwindled until…he eventually passed away.”
“I'm…so sorry for your loss?” Even though he sounds like an asshole?
“Don’t be, it's a relief in some ways...” The bitterness surprises the both of you, she pauses, and then covers her mouth in horror.
“I-I mean…It's just–”
“You...don't have to explain anything to me, Numachi-san.”
“I don't want you to think I’m ungrateful,” she presses, daring to inch closer to you. Her hands tremble.
“You’re so kind, honored guest, and I’d hate to spoil your image of me. I am grateful for both my sons and my husband when he was with me. I'm grateful for this Inn, and the people in this town who are kind enough to not have chased me out like my birth family. Truly, I am.”
“You don't have to be grateful for the bare minimum.” 
“Hm?” She looks so confused, and the expression she wears nettles at you. You’re not irritated with her, just her attitude. She’s so….timid. Mellow.
“Of course you can be grateful for the blessings, all the good in your life. But it's okay to…not be okay with just the barebones. You don’t have to be thankful for the scraps.” You can be angry too, you know, you want to tell her.
You think of a girl, with twin boys, being driven from a village by her own family. Traveling alone for goodness knows how long, until she reached a cursed village and a dilapidated inn she would painstakingly restore. A husband who only visited ‘sometimes’. 
You would be livid. 
Maybe that’s why you’re always so hesitant when it comes down to the new, the change. A chance of failure is never completely zero. 
Maybe that’s why you’re always so hesitant to take a step forward.
But Numachi-san, unfreezes, and laughs, waving away your words like more than a too cool breeze on an autumn day.
“You’re such a strong-spirited person, honored guest. I admire your strength; and I am a bit envious too.” She rises, and takes the teapot with her.
“I think I’ll go brew a new pot, this one is no good cold. Excuse me.”  Even though her hands on the pot flush pink from the heat, you watch her leave.
Jaken shakes his head at the woman, bug eyes closed.
“That woman is far too meek and soft-spined for a town like this–no husband, no sons…Though, her attitude is the proper one a woman should have, nothing like your brashness and lack of manners and respect.”
“Jaken, can you kindly shut the fuck up?” 
“See! That's exactly what I mean!” 
“Rin.” Rin looks up  from the table she’s been staring intently at. People think just because she’s mute, she is also deaf. She hears much of the world around her, more than people realize. Her eyes are young and wide as you speak to her.
“...You don't have to rely on a man to define yourself. You can do what you want to do, anything at all, alright?” She nods but her eyes drift back to the table. You tap it with your knuckle to get back her attention.
“I'm serious. You have me. You have Sesshoumaru. A-un and Jaken too, I guess. If you need something….”
Jaken cuts in. “Go to the Lord, he’s much more capable.”
“For like...intimidation and murder and money. I got everything else.”
“Like?!” You shrug.
“Well, she’s going to grow into an adult one day..."
‘Like you’re a proper example.”
“I am!”
“Of course you are-’ And Rin breaks out into laughter, snickering behind her hands, eyes crinkled in delight.
You feel your heart warm, swelling three sizes and all, before you reach over the table to tickle the girl.
“Hey! What are you laughing at?!”
You might not be a parent, but Rin is the closest thing you have to a child, and you’re going to do right by her. Coddling and all.
In your musings it takes more than a full hour to traipse your way to the rice paddies from the inn. You've gotten faster at walking, during your travels with your little group, but it was still away, at the other end of town, at the bottom of a small mountain which a stream ran down from, and fed into the rice paddies. Behind that mountain, miles and miles past, you could just see the peaks of a mountain range. That was where Sesshoumaru wanted to go after all this. It was pretty far, on foot it would take at least…a week, or two? With A-Un, and the Lord, only two or three days.
When you went up to the little house on the hill overlooking the paddies no one answered, and you looked about for any signs of the oldman. 
Rice paddies spread out below you, and you look down the hill to check for any signs of life. Luckily, you did, a group of people working close by in the fields below. You went to meet them.
And promptly fell down the hill.
And oh no, you couldn't just trip and roll down like a normal person, or even bonk your head on a rock and pass out, which would be merciful. Instead, you do this stupid half trip, half wobble and catch-yourself-but-still-very-much-falling dance down the hill like a demented horse, before gravity finally lets you go; You collapse like a maiden struck by a curse.
‘Gods, are you there? Why have you forsaken your most devoted child?’
With an audience to boot. Well, at least you didn't fall into the water of the paddies, you landed barely a foot away from where the grassy hill turned into mud, and sloped down. A guy, thigh deep in the waters gapes at you. Three identical versions of him you see in your swimming vision as he steps forward and nudges you with a wet hand. You give him a thumbs up to show you’re alive. You think he calls back to the others you saw with him.
Some of the words swim in and out your hearing, your head too dizzy to focus on them, so you can only squeal as your world tilts, and you're suddenly held in the arms of the first man (or three) you saw, the world flashing in colors of blue and green and brown.
You try to protest as he starts carrying you up the hill but he doesn't listen to you.
“Excuse me?! I said put me dow–” 
“I can hear you.” His tanned hands are wet and warm from the sun and work, black hair pulled into a ponytail. He looks around your age, if only a few years older.
“So then put me down.”
 “No, that was a long, erm, fall.”
“It was nothing, please put me down.”
“Nope! What if you rattled your head and your brain comes spilling out your ears if you move too fast?” A beat of awkward silence, and he tries to laugh off that crazy ass sentence like it was a joke. 
You have to get out, you're in the hands of a madman.
“Uh… that, wasn't a good thing to say... sorry? Really though, if you’re hurt we should get you checked out–the Doctor is actually here for our father today, so she can just look you over real quick and then you can be on your way.” Finally at the top of the hill, he sets you down on your feet gingerly.
“Actually, what are you here for? Aren't you those fancy guests at Numachi-san’s honjin?”
“Uh, I guess. We’ll only be there for a few days, since we’re there to...recover.” Yeah, you’re not telling him the real reason. But he nods, looking over you, assessing.
“Traveling on the road, even with such a powerful Lord, must be exhausting for you two. Of course you should rest while you can!”
“Us two?”
“You and the child, of course.”
“Oh yeah, of course…”
The tense silence doesn't seem to bother him, in fact, he just waits…and waits. When no one tries to break it, he perks. “Yes!” He shouts and you jump. “How about I help you with what you need? Did your Lord send you to buy an order…?”
Couldn’t have asked that quicker? “No. I’m just running some errands for Numachi-san. Though that's not a bad idea, some rice would be good for our travels…”
“Our rice is grown from the melted caps of the mountain streams, you won't find anything better. Fit for your mighty Lord's tastes, I should say.” And he leans in, eyes gleaming. “Hey, please indulge me, for curiosity's sake… he wears a kimono with two sleeves but he’s missing an arm…did he lose it fighting some horrible demon?!”
He is a horrible demon. Technically. “I…suppose so? He left me in a village so I didn’t see the battle.”
“What about those markings on his face?”
“He was born with them, I believe?”
“And his chinese robe, very strange fashion, but he’s a demon right? Where did he get it, his sword, his armor?”
“The sword came from his father…? And I don’t know about the robe and armor, I’m pretty sure that's a result of his Yoki energy.” Did he make it with yoki or does he acquire it and then have to put it in his inventory, of sorts?
“I don't really know what I can divulge to you…?”
“Oh...” And, damn, the sad way he deflates endears you, like a kicked puppy, so you offer something else.
“I’ve seen other battles though, though they can hardly be called that with the strength of my Lord, if that would suffice.” 
“Yes! I am Takashi, by the way, forget the honorifics.” He bows, and when he rises he winks, ushering you inside.
“...So he swiped out with his poison claws, and the demon fell to ribbons. It was so quick, so precise, that no blood stained his hand. It careened in an arc in the air, the slice so clean it took a minute for the demon to start bleeding out. We just continued on our way then.”
“Amazing…” He breathes, awestruck. The tale is practically playing behind his eyes and you laugh.
“It must be amazing to be able to serve a Lord like that…”
“Honestly? It is.” Despite your troubles and woes, there are sights that have taken your breath away and moments that are seared into your memory. Even in your world, you doubt you would have ever seen as much, ever.
Takashi-kun, as he cheekily insisted you call him, tilts his head to the side in question.
“You serve him?”
“Yes, it's tedious, but I’m glad for the work, it keeps me busy.” Never let him hear you say that, he would hold it above your head forever.
“...No, I meant being his disciple, not his servant.”
“Yeah, that's what I meant.”
“You are his disciple?” 
“Yes…? The Lord is much too…dignified and proud, to name any disciples of his own. Still the imp wields the two headed staff, and Rin carries a tanto.”
“And you?”
“I can take care of myself, I have to,” you shrug. “I'm a woman, traveling. I’ve asked the Lord to teach us how to wield the naginata, but every weapon’s master we’ve seen never meets his specifications, so he won't teach us until we get the right weapon. ” you pout.
“Seriously, shouldn’t he put more priority on teaching us, if we’re to be traveling on the road with him?”
But Takashi fiddles with his hands, running fingers over some age-old scar there, looking down at it with a pensive expression. “Well why should he? Why would he? You’re a woman.”
“...Excuse me?” He gestures.
“I mean, even in this kinda’ place, we’ve heard of the Lord of the Western Lands. Such a strong and disciplined leader, it would insult him if you continued to pester him about teaching you how to wield an actual weapon, as if he weren’t capable of protecting you and the child.
“It's already awfully gracious of him that he allows the child the tanto, or that he allows two women to accompany him; I assume he provides you shelter and food and the like. Shouldn’t you be more grateful?”
“Huh?” There's this odd look on Takashi-kun's face, just beneath the surface, and the mischievousness that was present there is gone.
“No. No, I'm appropriately grateful. And there's only one woman; the girl is still a child.”
“Yeah, I guess you're more his type.”
You slam your fist down on the table. “Repeat that.”
You forget though, the men in this era haven't ever been taught to heed a woman. So he just looks at you oddly and says,  “I assumed that you served him as steward or maid, though I guess I was wrong.” He points towards the table, the pot of tea that has been sitting there.
“The pot has been sitting for a few moments now, and you have not served. I figured you were enraptured by the grand stories of your Lord, which is understandable. You are a guest here, yes, but as eldest son here it would still be rude for me to serve. Your Lord must be an odd one.” He sighs.
“Were you a sacrifice, from your village? Is the child yours? Oh, is she both of yours? Forgive me for my earlier comment then…Maybe that's what the Tanto is for–I heard Samurai give the Tanto and Naginata to their wives and daughters to defend themselves and the home from enemies. That must be the reason, right?”
“But again, he is a demon. Who is he to follow human conventions? Perhaps you aren’t a ‘wife’, exactly–” You stand so quickly the table is jostled, and he reaches out a hand to steady it, looking up at you unperturbed and confused at your outburst.
“...Do you not think before you speak?”
“Excuse you?” He frowns. “I’m making basic observations. You are really pretty, and not too old, so you must have been with him for some time, if the child yours. Are you his concubine? Your teeth aren’t black, obviously you’re not a wife,” he sighs.
You want to smash the chipped cup into his face. You want to pour the hot tea into his lap and burn him. He looks so satisfied with himself for this genius conclusion, not even considering the truth of the matter. You are a companion–not concubine.
But you breathe, you reign in your temper. Calm down, he doesn't know any better.
“I…am not a concubine. Nor a wife. No, I do not serve him in those…ways.  I am simply a traveling companion. Nothing more.”
“But you are a woman. What else do you offer?”
Just before you throw the tea pot into his face, an old frail frame strides into the room with purpose–and when you look up you stare right into the hard eyes of the apothecary, and the wrinkled face of the man who walks in with her.
“Oh, Father! Doctor!” Takashi-san rises to feet like he’s going to embrace one of them, but she just looks at him and he backs down. Her gaze turns to you.
“Ah yes, you, young lass. Put down that pot before you spill it. What are you doing this far from your hotsprings and futons and mochi?” You’re ready to snap at her but the old man speaks before you do.
“Oh, you’re that girl who came in with that Demon Lord, right? How about you sit back down and tell us what you came all the way here for.” His wrinkled face is spotted in moles and cherry, and you can’t help listening to the old man.
“Shh!” The old man hushes him, and Takashi-san rolls his eyes, playfully, but you see the exasperation in them. You all sit, and the apothecary is the one who pours. Takashi looks at you.
“I’m just running an errand for Numachi-san, I don’t feel right just sitting still and relaxing when she has so much to do.”
The old man gives a precious wrinkled smile. “Oh, what a kind girl you are. And what a generous Lord to allow his servant to help others.”
“I don’t think he did allow it, Father,” Takashi cuts in. “You weren’t there but I saw him; A Lord of that caliber wouldn't allow his… servants, to run off to do manual labor.”
“And what were you doing so early in the morning, before even dawn, that you saw them go inside the honjin, hm?”
“I…I wasn't! I was here, sleeping! I saw him after, when I was in town delivering!”
“Sure you were.” Old man Taiga, as you know he is, looks up at you, and so fast you almost miss it, winks. “Must have been taking mighty long if you had time to ogle at some demon Lord.”
“He's the Lord of the Western Lands Father!”
“Yeah, yeah, how about you go now and gather up that rice now for the good lady, and pack her an order too, for that Lord you so admire.” You like this old man. Takashi-san doesnt even look at you, he just grumbles under his breath as he shuffles from the table to go to fulfill his father’s orders.
The apothecary grins. Her teeth are white and straight as a US military cemetery. “One good thing about being a haunted town–at least we don't have to pay any taxes! We can eat all the rice and mochi we want and not have to worry about any Daimyo coming to raid the town.”
“A bad thing is that we don't have that many workers for the fields, so we often work more than we eat.” Taiga sighs, patting his back. He looks at you.
“The last Daimyo came to collect taxes since we had not paid for some time, and stayed at Numachi-chan’s inn– Well, it wasn't hers at the time. But he came with some few samurai, which were more than enough for a town like this. But not enough for the demon.��
The apothecary huffs over her tea cup. “I bet he ate well that day. And hasn't eaten that well since.”
She shrugs. “Female demons aren't so voracious. Or maybe they are–maybe she’s got a brood she needs fed.”
“What kind of demoness still feeds her kids for thirty, forty years? They’re grown and out now, if they exist.”
“If they exist. I'm betting it's a male demon though.”
“And how would you know?”
She slaps the table. “I’ll find out when I get eaten of course!”
“With how bitter you’ve become over the years? Ha!”
“And with how sickly and tough you are? You got a few good years before your time Taiga. And it won't be by demons!” They laugh, while you look at them over the rim of your cup. They seem to be pretty old friends, if the way they talk is any indication.
“Ah, I still wanna see my son and daughters get married though,” Taiga huffs. “Four daughters and one son…I wouldn’t mind if Takashi was sneaking about to meet a Lady,  but instead he’s training, like the next Samurai that comes in will notice his potential and take him on,” Taiga shakes his head.
“He thinks he’s gonna be the one to slay the demon of this place. He has more luck minding his business and keeping his head low. I’m still here after all, my children and all.” You notice no mention of a wife though, and tamp down your curiosity.
“Does…anyone know anything certain about the demon? Like, what type, or how old?” The apothecary and Taiga look at you, look at each other.
“Only the dead,” she supplies unhappily. “Though, we have seen the marks they left behind… the ones who fight back. And the wreckage the demon leaves behind, like the wrecked buildings in town”
“The demon seems cocky, to openly go into town and just into random buildings to eat people.” Like knock knock, delivery. Oh! You're the meal.
“Arrogance, yes, but no ones seen nor caught em’ yet. Been here for years and will probably move on when we’re all gone or eaten. A mighty demon to be sure, most definitely.” 
“But stronger than her Lord?” Taiga points his cup towards you.
“Lord of the Western Lands…I grew up hearing the myths of this Lord, never thought I’d ever be so close to him… You must be honored to be able to serve such a Lord.”
“Uh…I guess?” What was he, some God? “He’s actually pretty frustrating and pretentious but to each their own.”
That didn't give you the reaction you thought it would. Instead of chuckling, they gape at you, moon eyed.
“...I don’t think it would be wise to talk about such a Lord in that way… Imagine if he heard you, girl!”
“I’d say it to his face.” Again, that doesn't give you such a good reaction. They both just stare at you, though the apothecary’s eyes narrow.
“Hm, well…he must be lenient with his servants…very lenient! Maybe he just is unaffected by a human’s words!”
“No, he’d just tie me to the back of A-un, our demon steed, if you will, and make me walk a few miles. Or cut my food rations. But honestly, he needs to be taken down a few pegs. Everyone is walking on eggshells around him, singing his praises, he needs a dose of reality.” You grin sneakily. “Just a small dose though, so he doesn't realize I’m just blowing hot air and he really is all that.” The old man looks like he could choke, poor him, and the Apothecary shoots to her old wrinkled feet.
“Come on now,” the apothecary grabs your wrist, and with more force than you expected, drags you up and out. You’re only able to pull your wrist back when you’re leaving the front doors of the house, leaving old man Taiga behind.
“Hey! What are you doing?!”
“No, what are you doing?” She throws your hand back. “You’re dumber than I thought if you think you can get away with talking like that in front of that kinda folk.”
“What do you mean-”
“The only reason they’re not ganging up on ya is because they think if they butter up the Demon Lord’s concubine, then maybe he’ll slay the demon for them. Do you even know how rare it is for travelers to actually arrive here, intact, this close to a full moon? It's either intentional or luck, and I'm betting on the former, in your Lord’s case.”
You scoff, but you can't really argue with her words. You’ve seen this sort of thing play out before, so it's not implausible. 
You’ve seen plenty of desolate towns, both with and without your Lord, you’ve been driven out of a few of them. But with your lord, they always beg aid, offering up their most valuable goods, resources, wares…people. Your Lord has always rejected them all. It's very rare if he decides to take them up on their pleas.
Now that you think about it…wasnt it always whenever you were running low on something?
There was one time a rather prosperous village asked for aid in a demon that kept eating its women. Sessoumaru refused, and you nearly left, if not for one merchant, who offered some sweets amongst the things he could trade. You and Rin had perked, Jaken had scoffed, and your Lord...accepted. You and Rin were feasting on mochi for days.
The Lord had killed the demon quickly—but still called it a waste of time.
“I’m not his concubine…” She clicks her tongue at you.
“Yeah, it figures. I assume he wouldn’t let ya wander around on your own if you were.”
“He hardly lets me do that now,” you gripe. “He just always avoids me during these times so I got some leeway now.”
“You mean you can't let yourself get caught out here like this.”
“...It’s not that serious, I just don’t want to deal with him, that's all.” She coughs out a laugh, and slides a hand down her face.
“Oh girl…you might not be a concubine, but you must be something to have the courage to talk about him like that. Out or to his face.”
“Yeah, I’m a traveling companion.”
“Dense as a rock too.” Why do people keep saying that about you?! It's not true.
She waves a hand. “I know haughty types like that, and they’re not the type to take your kinda attitude girly.”
“How would you know? You know nothing about me.”
“Of course I know you, I used to be you.” She sighs and leans back against the walls of the house. You’re staggered into silence, and she takes the opportunity to talk again.
“Same attitude, same talk, same naivety. That's why you ought to take advantage of the things you have, and not leave them to chance. You got something going with that Lord of yours. Do something before he changes his mind–if not for yourself than that girl you got.”
“Rin? But he…” You know he cares. He brought her back to life for goodness’ sake. “He wouldn't do anything.”
“But he could. And if he could then there's always a chance he will.”
But you remember. The look in his eyes as you and Rin feasted on mochi. The almost teasing way he nettles at Jaken, who is none the wiser. The golden shade of his eyes in the lantern’s shine, in moonlight, the dim gleam of dawn. They way he murmured and breathed against your skin, like he wanted to–
You stop that thought right in its tracks.
Your fingers rush up to press against the bruise. The sore throb is a reassurance.
“But he wouldn't.” 
She pauses, and she coughs a little in her incredulity. “Oh, girl,” and her face twists in sympathy. “You’re in love with him.”
“...It's not that serious.” Was it?
“Well, so much for your bluffing, you’re already too far gone,” she scoffs, like you didn't say anything. 
She clicks her tongue, something lighter, and almost…fond? She walks closer, and starts fixing your clothing, like a grandmother would, adjusting things this way and that.
“Did you try the tea?”
“Huh? Yeah, I had some this morning.”
“Take some when you go back, It’ll be good for you.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
“Hm. Then take this word of advice too girly,” and she wipes her hands down her front. “Besides talking about your Lord of course. Don't get too chummy with that innkeeper. You don't like being called a concubine, fine, whatever, you can afford that. But some people aren’t given that choice. She’s one of them.”
“What? She’s a widow. Her husband died.”
“By her own design. Why do you think her sons left her? Normally I wouldn't fault her–do you know how many potions I sold to all sorts of women? But her? I can’t forgive her. I won’t. ” With those ominous words and her hawk gaze, she walks away.
Takashi-san, whose Father insisted on ‘assisting’ you, who had insisted on carrying the rice bag because’ it’s much too heavy for you, you’d probably make it to the inn by sunset!’, nevermind that it was barely noon now, is annoying you. Damn chauvinist.
You didn't let slip the change in attitude he had, since you mentioned the Lord and the tanto thing. Before was the politeness and cordial attitude of a person talking to the servant of a nobleman or something. And yeah, you were used to that. That attitude, and even the cloying, patronizing way that this boy spoke to you was better than the outright venom that people spat at you with, when you dared to call yourself his travel partner…
It was still no less frustrating.
“Shouldn't we head to the inn as soon as we can?” he called to you, as you left him near the bottom of the stream.
“I wouldn’t want to upset your Lord because you’re not where you’re supposed to be.” A vein could pop from how tightly wound you are.
“I have chores to do, and then you can ‘escort’ me back. You followed me, so we’re going by my schedule.”
“Did your Lord grant you permission for you to be on your own?”
You pause, and turn to him slowly to show your displeasure. “...He doesn’t care. What does it matter?”
“But still…I should at least accompany you on your way.”
“You really shouldn’t. I'll be fine on my own. I've lived nearly the same amount of days on earth as you have, and I’ve definitely traveled farther. I'm good.”
“You’re very audacious for a woman.” And he wants a rock to his head, doesn’t he. “I'm offering my help. Even if you were being bashful, trying to deny me, you could be more pleasing.”
“...You have a shallow ego don’t you?”
“....Takashi-kun, I appreciate how kind you are, but I would be remiss if you were to aid me any further. I want to please my Lord by bringing something pleasing for dinner, but if you help me it would just ruin all my efforts. Please wait here for me, please?” You make your voice sickly sweet, and bat your eyes. Though his brow twists, he doesn't offer a rebuttal, struck dumb by whiplash.
…Is it really that easy? “That…does make sense. He’s already letting you stay at a honjin, you should do something to thank your Lord.”
“Yes of course. Now, I have to hurry so I’ll be quick, alright? I’ll be quicker on my own anyways, and then the Lord will praise you for your efficiency. I’ll call you if I need you Takashi-san!” And you scamper away with your basket and a wave, letting the wide smile you put on drain away as you roll your eyes. You were sooo fake, did he really not notice?
Twenty, thirty, forty or so paces upstream, just underneath a few big rocks, nestled in the low current, the traps lay. Just where Numachi-san told you. The current was lazy, about waist high as you hopped along the rocks dotting the banks. You set your basket on a tall rock. There, you strip to your innermost layers, and stride in to catch your fish.
You have to be quick, and careful, odd high waves often rolled over, Numachi-san warned you. There were also other animals that came here to hunt, so you had to scurry.
There are only three or four bright red snapper fish as you checked, and pretty young by the looks of it, barely over a foot long, and weakly trying to swim free; despite your sympathy you know it was your job to bring them back.  Alas, why must so many of the tasty foods come from things alive?
And then you realize something. Beyond the bumbling stream, you can't hear anything.
And no, the water isn't loud enough that it blocks everything else out, no. It's just silent. No birds, no shuffling, no wildlife. Silent.
Somethings here.
Your hair stands on end as you reach for your tanto. There's nothing on the banks, and no movement in the undergrowth but there– 
For a second, a blur races out of your peripheral vision. Cold dread followed by a flush of heat under your skin. You bring up your knife and whip your head to chase the sight, but it runs quickly and you only see a dark smear slither into the trees.  
A few moments pass in tense silence, before you hear the birds again. You untense, and lower your knife. The blur was pretty large, probably…a bear cub, wandering from its mother.
But that silence… Still, you need to hurry, lest you want to wrestle with some bears over fish. There's a specific way to untie the part of the net that would free the fish-of course, you grab onto the tail of one so it can’t slip away, already flipping around in your hold. But you can't pick at it.. You’ll have to go under to do this.
 So you hold your breath, and plunge.
The water is just hitting the edge of too cold as you go under; It's rocky and craggly under, and quickly you untie the net and grab your fish, one by one; The first two you grab by the tails and stride over, hurriedly tossing them into your basket and closing the lid after. The other two are harder. With extra room to move they fight, and you barely get the third in before you notice the water receding.
You’ve read enough to know when an incoming current is gathering. Quickly, you duck back down to untie your last fish, fumbling your fingers over the knot. You get it loose, but the fish, smarter than its brethren and slippery, darts around your hand and tries swimming off.
‘Oh no you dont–’ you turn under water to chase it, just grabbing the ends of its tail and holding on, but your foot gets caught in a crevice between rocks.
You get your face to break water right as the current comes in, knocking you back, hard. You don't land on the rocky bedfloor, but you’re thrown off balance, your foot stuck. You’re left floundering, you don't know how you don’t let go of the damn fish, but you don’t.
You try to reach up again, lungs burning, only to snort water as another wave smacks you dead in the face, pulling you back under. You’re losing air, and fast. You reach a hand, trying to break the surface, and kudos to your incredible luck, someone grabs it.
You are yanked out of the water, ankle scraping painfully against the rocks, choking on air on your way up.
“What are you doing?”
“Takashi-san?!” He pulls you up, your arm socket protesting the movement; He gathers you into his arms and drags you onto the banks.
“You followed me?!” 
“What was I supposed to do, leave you on your own?”
“Yes, that's exactly what you were supposed to do.” You wrestle in his arms, they way he just lugs you over to the banks like…like a bag of rice. Of which he had, now you cannot see. You look around and reach for your basket that teeters dangerously on the rocks.
“You thought you could sweet talk me into acting like some…some–!!”
“Some what, Takashi-kun.” You wipe the droplets from your brow. Takashi-san sees this, the inner robes you wear. You’re still in his arms. He goes red. 
“I knew you were just faking that demureness. How shameless.”
“Oh? And what gave it away?”
He drops you like hot coal.” You called me Takashi-san. Normally I wouldn't question this, it's only proper, but you’ve been calling me Takashi-kun. You slipped up.”
“Oh darn,” you roll your eyes. “And here I was thinking I could ditch you.”
 “I couldn’t just leave you be, you know there's a demon lurking around here–”
“Like you can fight off a demon?” You rub the hip you landed on, and grab your basket. Seems he tossed rice to the side, presumably when he went to rescue you.
“I’m more capable than you are?” 
“I'm not in danger of drowning now, am I?”
“Listen woman,” he hisses, his mirth replaced with irritation. He reaches out to grab your arm but you dodge out his way. “You’re a stranger here, you don’t know these parts. No one comes up here to fish, it's too far away and if you screamed, I wouldn't have heard you over the water.”
If you scream now, no one will hear you.
“Then fine, let me just grab my things and we can head back, alright?” 
But his eyes narrow, and he shakes his head.
“No. We’re going back to my father’s house, it's closer. Then you’re going to wait for your Lord, or that Imp to escort you back.”
“I am not a child, nor do I need a chaperone–”
“You were taking too long!” He keeps advancing and you keep retreating. “I was waiting, and the woods went silent. That’s never a good thing. I had thought a demon had gotten to you, and then what would I say to your Lord!”
You roll your eyes. “Glad to see you’re so worried for my well being.”
“Good! You’re welcome!”
A harsh sigh drags its way past your teeth. “I did hear that odd silence, that’s why I was rushing. But maybe if I didn't feel so rushed, I would have waited until the high wave rolled over.”
“But you didn't, instead you almost drowned. Should you even be out? I mean, hunting surely isn't your strong point.”
“And keeping your mouth shut sure isn’t yours.”
“Excuse me?” You know that drop of voice. You could recognize it in this century or the next. So before he could get on with his next tirade, you snatch your outer layers, hurrying them on and making your way back down with your basket.
“Where are you going?!” you hear him fumble with the rice, but he decided to carry it, so that’s his fault.
“Back to the inn, where else? Are you following me or not.”
“You need to do as you’re told! You're not going to–”
“Listen Takashi, you're a rather pretentious prick, so if you have nothing of value to say, then be quiet.”
“You are supposed to–” you whirl around and he stops in his tracks, brow furrowed and one hair away from a full blown scowl.
“I didn't ask you to be my escort, protector, or chaperone. You were the one who decided to take the roles on yourself, so don’t get upset that I'm not playing into your little fantasy of being some noble village boy helping the poor maiden. Who are you to tell me what I'm supposed to do? You, some village boy?” You would poke his chest to emphasize the words, but you’re not getting as close as needed for that.
“And for the record. The Lord isn't going to acknowledge you just because you ‘escorted’ me. I’m not his pet.”
“But you are a woman,” he grits. “And you are his. There are basic rules you must follow for order–”
“Rules are meant to be broken.”
“You shouldn't even be wandering out on your own. Look what happened when you did, you nearly drowned!”
“I didn't nearly drown because I'm a woman idiot, my foot was stuck in a crevice.” Your ankle which, now that you’re on land, smarts. You can feel the blood dripping, not yet clotted over.
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“Thank you for your aid in getting me out of that, honestly–Your attitude could use some work though.”
“My attitude?” And you turn away from him. That is your mistake.
A hand yanks you back by the back of your collar and you choke, dropping your basket. Your instincts kick in when he tries to wrap his arms around you. You drop, and while he fumbles with your dead weight you grab his ankle and topple him over. 
He must fight with his sisters a lot or something though, because it's hard keeping him down, even as you claw red lines into his face and skin, making sure he doesn't pin you instead. He seems to know where you’ll kick, the vital points you try and dig your fingers into. But you persevere, you get the upper hand when you get him face down in the grass and pin his arm behind his back, a knee in the soft dip of his spine.
He huffs against the dewy grass, a soft angry-laugh. “I'm going to make you regret this.”
“Oh yeah?” Your tanto knife looks deadly against the skin of his throat, and he stills. “Repeat that for me.”
“Your Lord–”
“Can you not imagine any woman’s choice or actions being independent of anyone? What about my Lord? If you've  forgotten, he’s a demon. He’d care less about me killing some human than whether it’s going to rain in the coming days.”
“Guess you don't know how crucial rains are for rice growing.”
“Save me the metaphors.” You huff. You tap the knife against his neck as you speak, if only to make him flinch.
“You know? I used the little blade on more men than I have demons. Isn't that something?”
“...I bet you don't even know how to use that.”
“That's for you to figure out. Try me. And do I really have to know how to use a blade to be able to stab you?” 
“Your Lord-”
“I call him that out of gratitude and habit, but he is not my Lord.”
“You still must obey him.”
“Because he offers me protection, shelter, food, whatever else I could need. Mostly, because he is a demon.
“ou and I are on two very different boats, in two very different waters. So. you’re going to get up, and pick up the things you dropped. You will walk in front of me. You will not speak and if you even try to pull a stunt like that again, I will make you bleed. How much depends on what you do, but you will bleed. Understand?”
And it takes him a moment to quell the hate in his eyes and swallow, but he jumps as your blade digs in, red dripping down, and stutters out a “Y-Yes.”
“Good. Thank you. You can do just that.” You stay close, in case he tries to get some distance on you for a hit or grab, but he just does as you told him, hateful eyes cast to the floor, and starts walking.
You follow him back down to the inn. You don't sheath your tanto.
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You don't parade Takashi through the streets, but enough people stop in their tracks to stare at the way Takashi walks in front of you, face stormy and pace brisk. He probably did that to spite you to run after him, but again, you’re used to traveling so it is no issue for you.
In no time at all you reach the inn, and Numachi-san is already pacing the entrance, wringing her hands in worry, she rushes up as she sees you two approach.
“I’ve had a few people come up to the inn already to tell me something odd has happened. J-Jaken went with the Lord into town and should be back soon. Rin is here…So is everything alright?” She rubs at the side of her neck, like theres a kink there. You shake your head.
Word does travel fast in small places. “Everything is fine.” You had long put away your tanto when you entered the village, but kept it in your sleeve, flashing it whenever Takashi looked back.
“We got the rice and the fish–”
“I would like to sit inside and rest, if I may, Numachi-san,’ Takashi cuts you off. His face is cool and he doesn't look at you.
“I’m tired from walking all the way from my home to here with such a heavy load. Will you let me inside?” Her dark eyes flash between you two, her hands worrying that spot on her neck. She meets your eyes, and you shake your head, warning her with your eyes. 
But she looks back to Takashi-san, the tense way he waits like a coil about to spring, and sighs. “Perhaps… just for a cup of tea, before you go?” You throw your hands in the air, and stomp after him as he walks in.
He settles down, and Numachi-san is ready with the tea quick enough. But he goes on talking, or stalling rather, and you’re not stupid enough to wonder what he is stalling for. You glare at Numachi-san, who only has the courage to meet your eyes for a few seconds at a time, keeping her head bowed to the young man.
For someone who might’ve killed her husband she sure is meek.
“I’ve never seen the inside of this place, but it's wonderful, Numachi-san!”
“Thank you, Takashi-san.”
“I mean, I was just a child when the last owners, erm, moved on, but the building seemed damaged beyond repair. The fact that you restored it, and ran such a thriving business before the demon attacks increased–just proves what a dedicated woman you are.”
“You’re much too kind Takashi-san.” She refills his cup and he sends you a pointed look, like you’re supposed to feel something other than annoyance. Out of the corner of your eye you see Rin poke her head into the room. She’s not sly though, and Takashi catches note of her.
“Is that the child that accompanies you? What's your name girl? You don't have to be–”
“You have no right to speak nor look at her, and I suggest you leave before you dig yourself in any deeper,” you shut that down real quick, and Numachi-san’s shoulders hunch up to her ears. 
But he just tilts his head at you, like he’s looking at a bug.
“Speaking without being spoken to, such base manners. I’ll be sure to bring this other point up to your master. I hope you’re teaching the girl to be better than that.”
“Am I supposed to be scared?” You take the pot closer to your side so Numachi-san can't refill his cup, knowing he wont do it himself.
“And it's still better than a prick who derives his worth from how well he can be served by a woman. Or one who attacks another from the back because their pathetic ego was injured.” 
Takashi-san slams his cup down. “Better than one who doesn't know their place or lot in life.”
“What place? What lot?” You laugh. “If anything, take your own words to heart. You just can't handle seeing someone else living your dream while you waste away in a place like this. You can't handle your fragile ego being challenged by a woman, no less. That's why you attacked me.” 
You grin as he leans forward. Your voice drops to a hush, a loud whisper. “I'll be sure to savor it more in your place when we leave.” You see Rin dart away from the corner of your eye, gone like a leaf in the wind. Good. Better she doesn’t see this anyway.
“You are so insolent. Your Lord allows this?”
“And you're a simp. Always mentioning ‘my lord’ this, or ‘my lord’, that. It’s like you’re the one that’s in love with him.”
“I’m going to–”
“What? Try me, make my day!”
“Please!”  Numachi-san cuts in, waving her hands between you two. “Let's just settle down now. There's no need to get so agitated. Look, the tea is getting cold.” She tries to take the teapot back from you but you don’t let her.
“I would love to Numachi-san, but someone has to tell this one that their manners are uncouth,” He grits, “Befitting of a low class sow.”
“Aha, you’re mad,” It's childish but you poke your tongue out. “And jealous too. It's not a very pretty look, you know?”
“Be quiet!”
“Make me!” 
“What is going on here?! ” Both of you turn, and Jaken stands there in his bug eyed glory, that eerie two headed staff in his hands, eyes narrowed. Takashi immediately gapes– for a resident of a town stalked for decades by a demon, he acts like he never heard nor saw one of one until this very point.
“Human.” He points the staff at you, and both Numachi-san and Takashi flinch. “Explain.”
“The boy overstays his welcome,” you drawl, “though he was never welcome to begin with. He took it upon himself to be my chaperone and insists on staying to meet the Lord.”
“Ha!” He squawks, and Takashi’s eyes dilate at the sound.
“You? Meet the Lord?”
“I just…I-I just wanted to, to explain! Yes, explain what happened today. His servant nearly drowned in the streams–”
“I did not–”
“And t-the silence… I just wanted to advise the Lord that maybe it's best that she remains…here. Women aren’t suited for manual labor, you know…?”
“I know?” Takashi pauses, gulps. “So I just…wanted to offer my services, is all!”
Jaken doesn’t look impressed, but he rarely does. “You’re trembling in front of an imp, and you think you can be of service to the Lord?” Takashi shoots you a baleful glare as you snort, and draws his shoulders up.
“Yes. Yes I do.”
You see Takashi-san tremble when Jaken smiles, perfectly too wide and uncanny, and on purpose. “Well good. You can plead your case to the Lord then, he is here.”
“And that's my cue to go.” You rush to your feet, and don't bother with bowing or muttering your goodbyes.
“Wait, excuse you?! Where are you–”
“Don't forget to tell the Lord how you tried to pin me down on the banks. And everything that we’ve said to the other. Everything.”
“Running, are you?” He grins. It shakes at the edges.
You just smile, really smile; Wide, and with your teeth, gleeful and mischievous, pulling at your cheeks and crinkling your eyes.
“You know, you’re much more tolerable, and cuter, when you keep your mouth shut. Remember that.”  And as the confusion settles on his face you go. 
You hear the sliding door rushes open, and you disappear around the corner quick enough not to be seen. You can hear the muted, frightened, greetings of the two you left, but that's none of your concern anymore. Numachi-san should have never let them in and he shouldn't have been such a sexist prick.
You bathe first, the day's dirt and sweat sloughing off your skin in the water, and you wash quickly, eager to soak in the hot springs. You clean off the dried blood on your ankle. You dip your toes in when you’re ready, it's a touch too hot, but nothing unbearable, and you dip into the water with a wince, then a sigh. The heat smooths away your aches and pains, and you sit in the spring, content.
You don't know how long it is, but moments later, you hear banging, and rushing, yells. A man’s voice, Takashi-san. It doesn’t sound like he’s being murdered. The Lord is efficient enough you wouldn't hear him scream. Maiming it is then. Takashi-san sounds high pitched and afraid, and you listen to the sounds of crashing and screaming throughout, and then, silence. Nothing. 
Nothing else. Rin appears, comes over to the edge of the pool you're in, toiletries in her hand.
“...You okay?” she nods. “Where did you go earlier?” She points back inside. “Went to get L-Lord Sesshoumaru.”
“That was you?” A nod. “He was actually c-close b-by.”
“...Okay. Okay, thank you Rin.” She hums when you pet her hair. “That guy was being a j-erk.”
“Yeah, he wouldn’t stop going on and on about what I should or shouldn’t do, because my Lord,” You groan and roll your eyes. “What happened after I left?”
“That guy told on you,” her breath is hardly above a murmur, but steady.  “You were in trouble at the stream. Wood went silent so he followed. Fought with you. He said you, y-you shouldn’t be on your own. No common sense. He said he could h-help.”
“Ha! Stupid.” You roll your shoulders as she lays out the towels.
“And what did our noble and regal Lord say to all that?” She gives you a look like you don't know exactly what he did. 
“Are you alright?” She nods again, then thinks, shrugs. “The Lord l-looks upset. He took his ear.”
“...I asked about you. Did you eat, bathe already?”
“Yeah. A-And Numachi-san gave me snacks. So it's your turn n-now.” You smile at your girl as she reveals what she hid in the bundle of towels, a cup of tea and some mochi.
“Wow, wonder where Numachi-san got Mochi from in a place like this.”
“She made it.” Oh. Maybe that's what the rice was for. Rin supplies. She sets down her wares and pats your arm. 
“Don't take too long, or you’ll faint. Dinner w-will be ready soon.” And her feet pitter patter away.
You don’t know how long you speak there, but the light dims from what peaks under the rag, oranges and red slowly bleeding into evening. You hear nothing save the water and crickets and the wind, Jaken on the inside scurrying to do who knows what. Rin said that dinner should be done soon, so Numachi-san is fine, and the Lord was either in his room, or long gone, back to find whatever demon was plaguing this town. You sink deeper into the water.
When you open your eyes, Sesshoumaru is there at the brim of the spring, staring at you.
You gasp, and choke, consequently.
He watches you flounder, as you hack up the water you inhaled.
“Almost drowning twice in one day. A record for you.”
“Not on purpose!” you flick water at him and speckle his cheek with water drops. But he’s unperturbed.
“I heard,” he drawls. “That something happened at the stream.” and his eyes, so they dilate?
“Tell me.” He leaves no room for rebuttal or refusal. So you tell him what happened at the Old man Tianga’s place, at the stream. You don't mention the odd silence, mainly because he didn't ask yet.
“....The boy is not wrong in what he said. But he put hands on my belongings; That warrants punishment.”
“You are my servant, and he deigned to put his hands on you.” He takes your wrist and pulls your arm, gingerly, out the water. He turns it, this way and that, and only now do you see the faint marks from your scuffle in the banks.
“They’re not that bad.”
“The problem is that they are there at all.” His eyes are bright, and angry. You only know that lookin passing–whenever you would annoy him too greatly. This is ten times that.
“Not only that, he insulted you, b y extension me. And to have the audacity to ask to be my disciple? I should have taken his hands and his tongue, not two simple fingers.”
“And an ear. Which I wonder about…you were lenient with him, my Lord.” 
“I was,” he lets your arm slip back into the warm waters.  “The child was watching.”
“Ah.” Rin was no stranger to gruesome sights- they were unavoidable with a demon samurai Lord for a master, but at least he had some discernment, if not compassion for the young girl.
“So why the ear?”
His jaw is tight, as is his voice. “The boy didn’t heed his senses. He continued to spout nonsense.”
“Haha! That's what you tell me all the time.”
“Yes, those inane tales you drivel on about… at least they serve a purpose.”
You cross your arms on the lip and rest your arms in their cradle, looking back at him. “What, entertaining Rin and staving off her nightmares?”
“No. Beyond that. You speak of the future–that I will live to see.”
“Like, wait what? That's… hundreds of years in the future, Seshoumaru.” You almost slap a hand over your mouth over the lack of honorifics, but he doesn't correct you.
“I will still live to see it. These things you speak of, skyscrapers, electricity, automobiles, public parks and libraries and sprawling cities. I will be witness to it all.”
You didn't think he paid any attention to the things you rambled about. You didn't think he listened. Or cared. “So what am I, like, your seer?”
“...I never thought of it like that.”
“Stop calling me that! I am not dense.” You huff and pout, but he ignores you, as he often does, choosing instead to lean over, looking into the waters for…something.
“You’re injured.”
“Huh?” What? He just saw your arm. It takes you a moment to realize he probably means your ankle.
“Oh yeah.” How did he know? You almost forgot. By now the wound wasn't so fresh, not yet scabbed over and just starting to heal. Soft and pink and shiny.
Sesshoumaru looms over you.. “Show me.”
“...?” How? Are you supposed to do a handstand underwater? He sighs, annoyed, and reaches down–
And suddenly he has you by the collar, pulling you up and out of the water to sit at the brim. You splutter, but he pays it no heed, just crouching down so he could inspect your ankle closer. Despite the furrow to his brow he sets you down so gently.
“It's fine, it's already started to heal.”
“That's for me to decide.”
“Oh really, of course, of course. Tell me when to breathe too, I’ll keep your words in mind.” And, quicker than you could blink he reaches for your ankle, pulling you forwards a bit. You almost topple back into the waters, your third drowning of the day, but right yourself in time, casting a glare at Sesshoumaru. Your ankle is bird thin and fragile looking against his pale hand. This touch too, is careful.
You're still technically in your underclothes. If he lifts your leg up any higher he's going to see something.
He just…stares at the wound, soft from the water, something pointed and uncanny in that gaze. He looks at it, this way and that under the mellow torchlight, evening deepening into a darker hue of blue, sunlight gone.
“I should have taken both his hands…”
“I think that would have been a tad too much.” Yeah, he's a prick but you didn't want his life ruined.
Sesshoumaru hums under his breath, a light note. “You defend him?”
“Like any good samaritan will do,” you respond cheekily. “Plus, he’s the only son of old man Taiga, so he stands to inherit the rice paddies.”
“So?” The tone he uses is still light, but dangerous for its levity. 
“If there's no more rice how will they make any mochi? This is the best we found in recent months.” You reach behind and snatch a piece from the plate Rin left you, humming at the treat.
“I can forgive any slight so long as I’m awarded treats in return.”
“Glutton,” he pushes out a breath. “I knew you were never loyal.”
Oh, was that a joke? You laugh. “What can I say? I have needs that must be satisfied.”
As he looks over your ankle you take the moment to look over the contours of his hand, the elegant wrist disappearing underneath the robe, the crips collar of his Kimono. Even here, like this, he looks so unruffled. 
“Needs?” And he lifts your ankle higher. “Do I not account for them all?”
“...My most pressing and immediate ones.”
“Hm. And seeing as those are met, which others might I satisfy?”
And your heart pounds into overdrive.
He brings your ankle closer to his face… and licks.
You flinch back in reflex, but that only amounts to an inch within his grip. His eyes flash over to you, but when he meets no more resistance his tongue darts out again, lapping over the wound. 
It doesn't hurt– his tongue is wide and flat, and thin, like a dog, you think, and just swipes over, cleaning the skin almost. But it feels weird, and you’re puzzled, and his grip tightens as you flinch back. 
You’re trying not to tremble, but when his mouth moves to the thin part on the back of your ankle you gasp. There's a pause he takes, before he bites down. It's just a nip really, but you gasp again, and then his teeth are trailing, up, up your calf– then he stops.
Well, only for a second. His hand moves, smoothing along the soft skin of your leg, underneath the wet cloth. It slides to your thigh, and he pulls up and back. He slots forward in the open space between your thighs, leans forward, and suddenly you're folded up tiny against the grass and his chest, one leg on his shoulder and the other pretty close.
You squeak, hands flying to his shoulders, while his nails trail softly over the back of your thigh, raising goose flesh, creeping on dangerous territory.
Something soft rumbles in his throat.
“You still smell like that boy…”
“O-oh?” you squeak, breathy.
“I don’t care for it.”
“Well, it wasn’t like it was on purpose.”
"I should hope not." And he moves even closer. The spikes of his armor press into you and he's all around you--His hair a curtain that blocks off the outer world, a few strands dipping into the springs. Like earlier, he goes straigh to your neck. He trails the tip of his nose along the conturs of your neck, the under curve f your jaw, dipping down to your collarbone and starting the journey over again. Almost like he's nuzzling you.
He takes slow, deep breaths through his mouth. He breathes in, holds it...and releases it steadily, like he's trying to make your scent stick to the back of his throat. You smell nothing on him but cold, and metal, and silk. But beneath that frigidness is something...softer. Not gentle, more refined, almost. fresh, not unlike linene, or fresh cut greenery. You like it.
But you can't really move, and it's getting hot, and not in a good way. You feel his weight, yes, but it feels more imposing thatn comforting. The gurgle of the water is all you can hear; that and the blood in your ears.
If you scream now, no one will hear you.
"Wait, wait," you gasp, your voice a pitiful breath. "I can't...wait a moment." For a second you think he's not going to move, he presses closer into you, further pushing the breath from your lungs. But with a growl deepening in his throat, he moves away.
You can't help feeling like his gaze is accustaory when he looks at you
"You breath is scarce. Calm yourself."
"I am calm."
"Hm." And he takes your wrist, presses his thumb to your veins. For a minute you think he's going to slide his wrist across yours in that soothing motion, he moves to, but he doesn't. Its disappointing.
"No. Your pulse is too quick." He lets you go. "I can smell your lust. But above that, your fear. I told you, I wont have a tearful servant girl in my bed. You must be willing or not at all."
He rises to leave, but you panic, leave, dont leave---you're confused between the two. But you grab onto his sleeve, and he stops.
"Im not...Im not scared of you, not exactly...not really."
"I can--"
“Just--!! I don't understand. Why do you want me? What do you get from me?” You scoot back.
“Everyone keeps calling me your concubine or wife but I want to hear you. You said I was your seer, but what is that? Is that all you want from me? I don’t think it is.” Beads of water stumble down the cradle of his jaw, and you watch them instead of his eyes.
“You said 'willing or not at all'… Why do you care so much if I'm willing? You can just take.”
“There's no pleasure to be had when it’s forced,” he says. “And there is no need for force. You wouldn’t have come to my room if you weren’t enticed.
“And are you enticed?”
“I am. But that's not the issue here.”
And you think he’s going to sigh harshly, glare, or worse yet, leave. You don't want him to leave now. You see his furrowed brow and his waning patience, and you want to huddle into yourself against the brisk cold he’s sure to blow your way.
And he does sigh, but he doesn't leave. He lends back, and lands you back your space. “Then what is?” 
"You're going to listen to me?"
"Because I want to."
The emotion that swells in your breast makes you duck your eyes, if only to hide the tears that have suddenly, embarrassingly, sprung. "Does a mountain need to heed the clouds?"
"The clouds dictate the skies. Even mountains are weathered by storms, and thrive in sunlight." He extends an open hand to you. "No more of this timidness. Speak plainly."
And so, you try.
“....I know this world is different from mine. In just the way I’m perceived. I am not your servant, your steward, or a disciple. I am not a companion, but a concubine. A wife if I’m lucky.” You snort.
“....But I’ve always been more than just my body, my Lord, and I do have my pride, meager though it may be. I've never belonged to anyone but myself. Whether this pride is at odds with you depends on your answer,” you sigh.
“I’ve named so many titles already. But what exactly am I to you?”
Torment. Lovely. Inferior. Endearing. Mine. Mine.
Damn instincts. Instead he asks, “...What need is there for specifications?”
“Forgive me my Lord, but…it is needed. What I am dictates what I can give.” You fumble with your hands, before clasping them together and holding them between your thighs, where he was moments prior. He should be back there, lapping at the slick dripping from your core, tasting it, tasting you but--- Ah, you're speaking. You said something. He has to listen.
“What do I give that is of value to this group? To you? Actual value, not those silly stories. I can neither set up camp quickly enough nor forage, fish or hunt better than the others can. My etiquette, or lack thereof is obvious. I'm much too insolent, in Jaken’s words. I take care of Rin and I love the girl to death but she’s mostly independent... She prefers Jaken anyways.”
Rin, who you took under your care and nurture, The same girl who could barely look him in the eyes or utter a sentence running in the middle of a dilapidated, haunted town to find him, for you.
“...So what do I offer you, that makes it so that I’m pulling my weight here? I don’t want to be useless.” And I don't want to be coddled either, he hears the unspoken words. So he answers you.
“Spring wears
A cloak of mist.
A thin fabric,
For the mountain breeze
Would, doubtless, disarray it.”
Your brow furrows.  “I don’t–”
“An exercise in subtlety,” he remarks. “And an answer to your question.” He gestures. “Go on.” Ariwara again? So you reply,
“In my yearning
I am fading completely as
The morning dew;
This morning to arise
Was beyond me.”
He ‘tsk’s’. “Again, with the dew?”
“I mentioned it, what, once last night? You can't fault me.” You say it a bit too defensively; You wish he would just answer you, or leave you be, but he does not. You just have to stay there and listen as he recites, your breath stuttering when his hand moves to your face, a finger over a cheekbone, nothing more.
“More even than the dew
From an illustrious house come
This chrysanthemum, so
The flower’s Mistress
Will live longer still, I believe.”
Chrysanthemums… Sunlight?
“The colour of this flower
Has already faded away,
While in idle thoughts
My life goes by,
As I watch the long rains fall.”
He responds back, just as quickly, 
"At Yoshino River
Waves crash high above the rocks
The rushing water
Swift as your
Lodging within my thoughts."
“...I nearly drowned today my Lord, is that not inappropriate?” 
“Something more tasteful then,” he comments.
“If it be so, Then so be it
I thought once, but
As white snow falling,
With the passing day
My yearning grows ever stronger.”
There's no mistaking the context of his words. But also not the roiling emotions in your heart. You reply,
“...An ancestral home
It is not, so
Towards me why
Is his heart
So cold and distant?”
His body language goes stiff, the ease in which he held himself something you hadn't noticed until it was gone. You are sorry to see it.
“...Don’t respond so hastily if you don't want to be answered in the next breath,” you exhale. You could wonder at your own audacity, and you might have imagined it, but he pauses before he recites another.
“A secret it is, but
When I feel love rise,
From leg wearying
Mountains, the moon
Sets out, and so do I.”
“...My Lord, please, don’t.” You don’t even know what he’s asking,  but he’s running his fingers over your neck, the dip at the base and pressing onto the mark he left. It makes you shiver. You notice it for a soothing habit, and it makes you wonder. But he continues.
“This world of men
Is such a place:
The gusting wind,
Invisible, as she I’ve never seen
And yet do love.”
“My Lord, w-wait--”
“Do you wish to reply?” He’s just petting you with that stray finger, and stuck between your passion and hesitance, you can't speak.
“...I, I just…” he hums a note, too low to be anything more than a vibration in the air.
“Night deepens
With the sound of calling deer,
And I hear
My own one-sided love.”
“It's not!” You rush, your hand coming to the one at your throat. You lean forward. “It's not!”
“Then why this hesitance? Why do you care so greatly for the words of others?”
How do you explain that kind of fear, that kind of insecurity, just like that? “...I’m scared that their words will prove right. That I'll just be another woman of circumstance.”
“You’re unlike any woman nor demon I’ve encountered in this era. If I haven’t killed you yet, what makes you think I would now?”
“...I’m scared of more than just death, at your hands any less. I’m wary of your ire, and the slow rot of my self under domestic subservience,” you admit. It feels like being flayed alive.
“You were never subservient,” He shuts that down. “Why would you start now?”
Why would you start now?
…Yeah. Wait, why would you?
"What...?" Wait...
“I can barely keep you tethered and quiet in one place for an hour, or keep enough sense in your thick skull to keep you out of danger. If anything, this is more work on my end,” he drawls. “So again, why would you start trying to be competent now?”
You start laughing, big, belly shaking laughs that have you holding yourself together. Yeah...yeah! Why would you?
And that, that realization, that relief, is like a breath of fresh air. What were you even worried about?
“What is this–”
You rush forward, laughing still, lacing your fingers in his hair and pulling him down into a kiss.
You rest easily, in his futon, under his sheets. He has no pressing need for slumber, now or otherwise, so he’s never used the bedding here. He regrets it almost–There so much you’re missing, that you don’t know. You deserve a nest–full of pillows and quilts and whatever strikes your fancy. Clothing articles, his, naturally. You don't have the same sense of smell but he’s sure it would be just as effective. Because even now, you burrow into his side and sigh contentedly in your slumber. 
A new bruise sits above the one he first gave, darker, and larger. They’re joined by others, varying colors of bruises. It's not a mating mark–not yet. He plans to give you it when you mate, so that the pleasure could override the worst of the pain. 
It doesn't matter if you're human or not. He has decided that he wants you. He finds the emotion is reciprocated, and thus, you are his. Honeysuckle scent and annoying behavior and all.
He smooths over the faint marks with a finger, under the curve of your jaw and your parted, kiss swollen lips. Your lashes flutter under his touch, ghosting over your skin and the scent glands right beneath your ears. He bit here too. Not as deep as he'd like.
You just sigh deeper, but dont wake, a steady wash of honey over him as he presses against the glands. He can still taste your skin on his tongue, the way you shuddered.
“Sleep here,” he demanded. But it was not forceful, because he knew you would agree.
“And what about Rin?”
“Tell her, and come hither after she falls asleep then.” He clicked his tongue. “You and your fretful worries…”
But he doesn't mind it. A faint scent of milk lays over your skin, and it’s endearing, for how familiar it is. It doesn't vex him as greatly as it should.
Alpha children are born with more mild versions of their scents, which mature quickly with age. The mild sweet milk scent fades a few weeks after birth. For betas, it stays a year or so, before settling into something bland and weak. For omegas, the scent lasts up to teenhood. Rin has barely finished her first decade.
Two omegas under his ward. What are the chances? He dreads the day of her maturing, twice as many demons following their trail. Perhaps you were right in wanting you both to learn swordplay. If anything, a person should be their own last line of defense.
And you two are especially weak.
He has to tamp down on that dark satisfaction that builds, in your case particularly. Rin is a child, he will ensure her safety and comfort. But you…He has to remind himself despite his instincts. You are not some soft, pampered omega mate he keeps in his abode. Your weakness is not what draws him to you. And neither will it ever, he detests the weak and aimless. It's your fearlessness he favors. Your mind, thick as it is.
A man threatened you and you didn't simper, you pinned him down and drew your blade against his throat. He’s disappointed in you that you didn't decide to draw blood, but he’ll take care of that on your behalf. The thought of the boy and his murky, spicy scent over yours makes his eyes bleed red. He insulted you. Put his hands on you. He cannot let this insult be.
He needs a proper lesson. So he slips away from your lovely warmth, your aroma, and slips outside.
It's easy to find the salt and musk trail of the boy, even easier to walk his way to the rice paddies. But the boy isn't there– He hears the struggling breath of an old man, and four sets of gentle, even breathing. Not there. There's a hidden path leading from the house, down to the streams and into a secluded area. It looks like only one set of feet made this nothing trail, and it's exactly who he’s looking for. Though, It's still close enough that should he scream, people will hear.
He plans to be quick.
He’s training, with a bamboo sword that must have been hand made, decent, despite its crudeness. Sweat and blood and the stressed scent of pain lacerates the air, his skin flush with exertion. He practises a basic set of moves, efficient, but lacking proper stance.
He stumbles, and when he pauses, Sesshoumaru notices he leans towards the side missing an ear, bloody bandages around his hands, gripping onto the makeshift weapon. He lacks talent, and manners, and dicipline, but holds no small amount of tenacity. Which unfrtunately will remain unrewarded.
Sesshoumaru stalks. He doesn’t crouch nor hide–he moves too fast for the discernible, human eye as he circles his victim, looking for the best angle to slice him. His nails and teeth lengthen. 
The wind stills and the animals silence themselves. Insects no longer cricket or tribble, and the birds still, ready to burst into flight at the slightest movement.
The night is at standstill. But he is not the reason why.
He steps away. His blade slips out its sheath like water poured out a glass. It rests above the pale throat of its target, the faintest red line rising underneath its honed edge.
The demon raises its hands, a Naga; White scales that would stand out in the pitch darkness, he must use demonic energy to hide himself. The scent of it is thin and acrid, rot-sweet. An alpha, but a weak one.
It spreads it's raised hands, not in surrender, but supplication. It tilts it's head down the slightest bit, even if it digs its throat deeper into the blade.
“You are the demon hunting this town.”
“That is I,” He expected a thin, hissing voice, but the naga sounds like any normal human male. Again, weak.
“And you are the Lord of the Western Lands, the Great Daiyoukai Sesshoumaru. I am honored to be in your presence.”
“And foolish.” Skin parts like butter under the blade, dripping a thin red.
“I let you live so long as you stayed out of my sight. Now you lose your head.”
“Ah ah!” It tries to placate. “I truly apologize, my lord, but If anything, I was hunting here first. You came to me.” It hisses low as Sesshoumaru presses. “And you came to meet your end.”
“Didn't you come here for the boy?” The naga points back. “I’ll, I’ll back off! I was planning to eat him and one of his sisters, or two, but I’ll go! You need not see my face again!”
He seems a pretty weak demon.
But the luminosity of those teeth and scales belied the cowardice It had shown. The wreckage left in the town discredited it further.
Strangely, there is soot over the wrecked buildings, like something had been burned. This would not be difficult to believe, if a demon trespassed into a home and knocked over lighted oil, but there is no sign of fire damage around the buildings; The grass is still fresh and green around it. The buildings are a few years old, yes, but if there had been a fire there would be more pressing signs, Jaken stressed.
“The female head of the staff spews water, and the old male head spews fire, so I know the destruction both could wreck,” the imp pondered. “All the buildings have soot, but very slight burn marks. With how close and tight the community is, there would have been more obvious tells. No one in this town seems to have any breathing problems, or limps, and with these many ‘fires’, this town should have been burnt down, no matter that they live so close to a mountain stream,” He squawked.
“Something is suspicious with this town…”
And he was looking at that something.
“Tell me, why should I not kill you now and ensure that future myself?” A hiss slithers in the Naga’s throat, but It doesn't bear It's fangs. It's tail slashes the air anxiously.
“Because…Because I have done you no wrong nor do I intend to.” The blade presses in and It fights, Sesshoumaru sees, not to lash out. It knows attacking means earning his ire, which is certain death.
In most cases, not yours.
“B-Because I have information!”
“Lower your voice,” he says in low tones. “What information?”
"You, you must swear not to kill me afterwards. I want your word as a samurai!"
"You have my word I wont kill you if its not useless." He gripes. "Now speak or lose your life."
“That, that innkeeper…she's an omega as well.”
“The hag?” He can't even recall the color of her eyes, her head always bowed, let alone if her scent had the telltale sweetness of an omega.
“She’s human, and a widow.”
“Yes, and old, so the scent withers off to nothing. If some desperate alpha re-mated her, it might make a reappearance.”
“Re-mated,” he said. “She was mated by a demon?”
“Well, humans couldn’t mate with each other even if they knew how. Yes. That's why she was driven out her village, and came here.”
“And you made her a widow when you killed her husband.”
“I ate him for power, yes, he was very strong. And delicious."
Hm. She does show all the typical signs of an omega, if he recalls. He just can't imagine her paired with a demon. She should have more a backbone, if so. She seemed a pretty meek thing when he confronted her after the boy had ran from the inn.
The boy drips blood and tears, sobbing pitifully as he staggers from the inn, holding his parts. When Sesshoumaru turns the innkeeper is kneeling in seiza, trembling, head to her hands on the floor.
“M-My Lord–” He tosses her the cut off ear, still warm and dripping.
‘You stand to lose much more if you allow anyone else inside.”
“M-My sons are coming to visit me, tomorrow or the day after, my Lord.” More nuisances.
“I don’t want to see them. I don't want to catch a scent nor sound. Understood?”
“Y-Yes, yes, my Lord. Of course, My Lord.” And so he goes to you.
"And what of her children?"
“Her sons?" The naga's nose wrinkles. "They are hanyo’s, half bloods…disgusting, I know. One of them is a beta, and the other is an alpha.” It casts a knowing look. “So I suggest you keep your little omegas from wandering about too far.”
His blood spikes. Yes, he has the demon of this town at blade point, but it was a weak and a coward, and now there were two others, no matter that they were the innkeepers' sons, heading straight for the lot of you.
So he sheathes his blade. He turns and shows his full back to the demon, a blatant insult.
“The next time I see you will be the last. You have my word.”
“Well, I sincerely hope it wont be,” he can hear the relief in it's voice. “And, were you not stalking the boy…?”
“Take him, his lack of situational awareness is his own undoing.” He thinks. “But leave the rest of the family be. Just the boy. That and your life is the reward for your information."
“The only thing better than a daughter is an oldest son,” the naga laughs. He bows where his waist tapers into scales.
“And it's always good to live one more day. Thank you, my Lord.”
“I intend to know the name of the next demon I kill.”
“Oh, my name?” the naga grins, each tooth pointed sharp and gleaming.
“It’s Shingetsu Numachi.”
Taglist: @tanspostsblog . @xmenteria,
Poetry links
Ariwara no Yukihira / Ariwara no Yukihira / Fujiwara no Masatada / Ono no Komachi / Ki no Turayuki / Ariwara no Narihira / Ise / Tsurayuki / Tsurayuki / Ono no Komachi
A/N: I used a lot more poetry in this one, but can you believe I cut it down? I wanted to add more but stuck with the ones that lent more to the plot. So I stood with the really romantic 'era accurate' poems (smh Sesshoumaru has to confess via poetry bc our mc really is that dense) lol.
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nc-vb · 1 year
𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚, 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐚, & 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐮𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐬
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a long time coming that I've meant to compile a list, but it just kept growing and growing and growing...
the webtoon list includes my very personal & important in-my-heart recommendations. aaaaand the rest are mostly smutty, kinky, and even a little dark.......... do not perceive, just enjoy. and support the official author's work and translations if you can!!
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if there are any in this list you'd like a heads up about before reading, feel free to drop me an ask and I'll give you my honest opinion/review.
if you're having trouble locating anything, shoot me an ask (because i have most, if not all, of the links saved).
and feel free to gush to me if you liked any of them!! i'm always happy to talk about mmm's.
[updated july 3rd, 2023] - newly added titles are in green.
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𝐵𝐿 = boy's love genre 𝐆𝐋 = girl's love genre 𝟏+ = includes harems & poly relationships ❤ = absolute masterpieces, highly recommended! ! = proceed with extreme caution/heed all warnings
please heed all warnings and tags found within each of these recommendations, as well as my own warnings from the symbol legend above and found throughout this post.
some of these are sfw and some aren't. some of these aren't for the faint of heart and will be marked to be read at your own risk. additionally, not all are translated into English. 𝐵𝐿/𝐆𝐋 are separate from the general list.
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A Messy Fairy Tale 𝟏+
A Summer Night's Dream
Age Matters ❤
Back to You
Bailin and Li Yun BL❤
Bitten Contract
Boyfriend of the Dead
Castle Swimmer BL
City of Blank
Dating With a Tail
Daytime Star
Devil Number 4 ❤
Devilish Romance
Down to Earth
Dreaming Freedom
Ghost Wife
Ghostly Buddie
Harem of LuuAnh
Hello Baby ❤
I'm the Grim Reaper
I Love Yoo ❤
It's Mine
Jeff's Disorders
Kind of Confidential
Little Rain
Lore Olympus ❤
Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell ❤
Mage & Demon Queen GL
Marry Me!
Maybe Meant to Be
Meow Man
Midnight Poppy Land
Midnight Rain
Mom, I'm Sorry
Morgana and Oz
Muse on Fame
My Beloved Emperor
My Dear Cold-Blooded King
My Four Husbands 𝟏+
My In-Laws are Obsessed with Me ❤
My Lovely Bodyguard
Nice to Meet You
Not Even Bones
Operation: True Love ❤
Pastel-colored Pages
Scorching Romance
See You in My 19th Life ❤
Selina ~ Moon Bride ~
Siren's Lament ❤
Space Boy
Strange and Wild
Swimming Lessons for a Mermaid ❤
Take Off BL
The Devil is a Handsome Man
The First Night With the Duke ❤
The Guy Upstairs
The Newlywed Diary of a Witch and a Dragon ❤
There Must Be Happy Endings
To the Stars and Back BL
Trapped ❤
Unlovable Replacement
When Jasy Whistles ❤❤
Winter Woods
Your Smile is a Trap ❤
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Abe-kun's Got Me Now! (Abe-kun ni Nerawaretemasu)
A Master, Who Woke Up As a Concubine ❤
And Yet, You Are So Sweet (Na no ni, Chigira-kun amasugiru)
Beloved in-Laws (poor transl.)
Bon Appétit ❤
Don't Blush, Sekime
Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money (Aug 2023)
Golden Forest !
I, My, Me, Mine ❤ (アイマイミーマイン)
I Became the Male Lead's Adopted Daughter
I Can't Keep Up With My Stallion Duke ❤❤
I Will Change the Genre
I Will Rewrite the Dead End Novel
In the Clear Moonlit Dusk ❤ (Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki)
It's My Destiny to Be the Hero's Saviour !
Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible
Love's in Sight!
Loving Yamada at Lv 999 ❤❤❤
Male Lead, I'll Respect Your Taste !
Ookami no Musume ❤❤
Pink and Habanero ❤ (Pink to Habanero)
Protected by My Dragon Knight (Seijo wa Ryuukishi-sama ni Mamorarete)
Scary Faced High Schooler and Miss Plain Jane
Second Life of a Trash Princess
Sinking too deep in your rabbit hole, now I'm drowning in your love
Stella Next to Me ❤ (Tonari no Stella)
The Cunning Princess and the Shark ❤
The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity ❤ (Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku)
The Muscle Girl Next Door
The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild
The Reasons We Fall in Love ❤ (Watashi-tachi ga koisuru riyuu)
The Tyrant's Comfort Doll !
To the Dear F-Phantom of the Opera (Shinai naru F e: Opera-za no Kaijin)
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun ❤ (Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun)
Vampire Lord's Greatest Wife ❤
Welcome to the Yandere Cafe (rating subject to change)
Yojouhan no Ibara Hime
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あざと可愛い✕くんの執着サド交尾は本物です x!!!
無能力巫女は狛犬の淫紋快楽漬け x❤!
2LDK IKEMEN Tsuki Bukken Arimasu !!
A Dream Between the Sheets ❤❤
A Gentle Sea Monster and a Lonely Girl !
A Predator in a Skirt !
A Sip of Poison !
Boy's Abyss (subject to change, new read) !!
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage !
Consort to the Fox Spirit Lord
Dark Fall !
Depths of Malice !
Devoured by a Bookworm Girl !
Fire in His Fingertips ❤
Former Delinquent Farmer's Sex Appeal is Dangerous!
From Him to Who? ~Sex With My Body-Snatched Husband ❤
Gokudou to Omega - Mukidashi no Katsuai
Hana's Demons of Lust !
Hare-kon 𝟏+
Heat 200 Meters Away (200 M Saki no Netsu)
Honey, I'm Going On a Strike!
How to Make a Frigid Girl Cum
I'm in Love With Mr. Hanabusa
Lady K and the Sick Man ❤❤
Last Order wa Ojou-san de Dekiai Jouren Kyaku ni Kyuuai saretemasu
Junai - Pure Wet Love
Kuma to Tora ~Taikakusa Osananajimi no Hajimete kara, Kemono ni Naru 2-kakan made~ x
Madoka Exorcist ❤!
Mede Little Roy !
Mr. Tada is a Top Performer
Muttsuri Akazukin-kun kara wa nige rarenai
My Cold Co-worker Obsessively Loves Me
Pet Baby Doll
Pygmalion's Savior is a Big But Immature Love Monster !❤
Red Hot Proposal: Surrounded by His Tanned Body
Sadistic Beauty !!!!
Sakaki the Lazybones Shows His Talents at Night ❤❤
Sapphire Dew ~ Infatuated Gentlemanly Boyfriend Seizes the Initiative !
Seishun no Hekireki
Seriously can't pass this up. - Kohai's passionate sex won't stop until morning
Sinful Nun Pays Penitence to the Serpent ❤❤
Spring Amidst My Wintertide ❤
Superstitious Nine ❤
Sweet Lies Layered Like a Mille Feuille ❤
Tadano Renai Nanka de Kikkonai ❤❤
The Golden Forest !
The Goldfish’s Corpse Lies at the Bottom of the Swamp !!!!!!!!
The Greengrocer is a Carnivore in Bed!?
The Man Who Saved Me in My Isekai Trip Was a Killer!!!!!!!
The Neighbor in Room 203 Disappeared Leaving a Key Behind !!!!!!!
The Reincarnated Saint Falls for the Demon Lord
The Tainted Half !
The Virgin Witch
The Weird Senior in the Seat Next to Me ❤❤❤! (Tonari Senpai)
Toshishita Osananajimi ga Watashi o Shibatte Hanasa nai! x
Totem's Realm
Touching is Better Than Looking
Under the Oak Tree
Until the Obedient Bodyguard Exposes the Body and the Lie of the Fake Lady ❤
"Wanna Cum?" The Pure Taiga Advances Slow and Sweet ❤❤
Welcome to the Muscle Salon ❤❤❤
When Beauty Meets Beasts
When You Are Reincarnated As The villain NPC's Girl And Be Loved By The Strongest Prince Who Is Not A Capture Target !!
Wild Eyes
Will You Pledge Your Love to an Incubus?
Wish Upon a Husband
Yaba Ai Instructor !
You're Too Cute for Me to Be Gentle
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4 Week Lovers BL
A Handless Day BL!
A Hot Wet Job for Three -Adult Toy Tester- BL, 𝟏+
A Kiss for You, My Shinobi BL
A Tree Without Roots BL❤!
Angel Buddy BL❤❤
Bidou Wakadanna Koi Shitau Wa Koushoku Otoko BL❤
Bitten by Moonlight BL
Black Mirror BL!!!
Blind Play BL!!
Can't Think Straight BL
Cherry Blossoms After Winter BL
Confession Night BL
Dangerous Convenience Store BL
Dawn of the Dragon BL
Dear Door BL
Delinquent Omega Belongs to the Beast King BL
Demon of Lustful Hell BL
Desharow Merman BL❤
Die If You Aren't a Virgin BL
Eat Me Up, My Husband BL!
Eunsoo's Good Day BL
Eye Contact BL
Fake Fact Lips BL
Frenemies: Thicker Than Blood BL❤
Friends, Engaged
Fucking in the Dorms BL!
Ghost Gate BL!!!!!
Healing Paradox BL❤
He's a Better Top Than Me?! BL
Home Far Away BL❤!!!
Horeta Otoko wa Shin'yuu de BL!
Housekeeper's Love Affair BL
How to convince your best friend to sleep with you BL
Hyperventilation BL❤❤❤
I Didn't Ask You to Eat Me!
I Love You, Nothing Else Matters BL❤
In an Empty Classroom BL
Indigo BL
I Ship My Rival x Me BL
It's Just a Dream... Right? BL❤❤❤
Jinx BL!
Kabukicho Bad Trip BL
Kiss de Egaku Ittousei BL❤
Kiss Me, Liar BL!
Lala no Kekkon BL!
Liveta BL
Love in Kitsch BL
Love is an Illusion BL!
Love Jinx BL❤
Low Tide in Twilight BL!!
Mad Dog BL❤❤
Miscreants and Mayhem BL
Missing Love BL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (<I cannot express this enough.)
My Delicious Dream Boy BL❤
My Demon Crybaby, Maria BL
My Partner Suddenly Got Younger - An Omega Caretaker Plays Alpha BL!
Natsu no Teppen ni Saku BL
Old-Fashioned Cupcake BL❤❤ (has a j-drama)
Pain, Sweet Pain BL
Passion BL
Payback BL❤❤❤
Pearl Boy BL❤!!!!!!
Pink Heart Jam BL❤❤
Please, Candy! BL!
Roses and Champagne BL!
Sadistic Beauty: Side Story BL!!!!!!
Secret Inside My Head BL❤❤❤
Semantic Error BL (has a j-drama)
Sensei wa Nekketsu ga Areba Juubunda! BL!
Sick BL
Sign BL❤❤❤
Sketch BL❤
Speak of the Devil BL
Steel Under Silk BL❤
Surge Looking for You BL❤
Sweet Trap BL
Tabetemo Oishiku Arimasen BL
Tentacle Recipe BL(?)❤
The Blessed Life of a Retired Nian Monster BL
The Crybaby's at the Mean Devil's Mercy BL❤
The Foxy Mouse's Romance BL
The Origin of Species BL!
The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace BL
The Pure-Hearted Puppy and the Erotic Tattoo BL❤
The Silent Concubine BL!
The Unquenchable Mr. Kim BL❤
The Words in Your Snare BL❤❤❤
To Take An Enemy's Heart BL!
Tomodachi Engagement BL
Trick Turned Into a Threesome With the Tachibana Brother BL
Under the Greenlight BL
Unexpectedly Naughty Fukami BL❤
Unromantic Romance BL❤
Young Lover BL!!
Your Wish is My Command BL❤
Yours to Claim BL
Zenryaku, Onii-chan wa Seijo ni Narimashita BL!
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more recommendations will likely be added as time goes on! feel free to copy these recs for your own checklist of 'to reads'.
hope you enjoy them like i did! :)
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iconsynth · 3 months
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Anonymous asked: "HIHI can I get uhmm rin kagamine style 4 Omni Demigirl icons with a pastel pink theme,,"
Style 4 pastel pink omni/demigirl Rin icons for anon! LMK if you'd like any changes!
Free to use; reblogs appreciated!
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vendetta-if · 1 year
*Sighs* I know, I know... This shit again. But like, have you ever given thought to, uh... to sequel ROs? 👀👉👈
Just asking for a friend-
I have thought about the sequel ROs, but I’m still constantly changing and shaping them in my head slowly, so I can’t really tell you too much yet.
However… One thing that I’m more confident in is that one of the sequel ROs would be a Yandere RO 😉
I’ve always wanted to write a Yandere RO. Ash is not fully Yandere, but they kinda have characteristics of that archetype. If they were, they would be a goddamn menace for the other poor ROs tbh 😂 (except Rin).
But yeah, Yandere RO is very likely to come in the sequel 😁 I actually already have a bunch of songs fitting their vibe, but I haven’t made a playlist yet tho.
Nonetheless, let me share one of those songs whose lyrics match their vibes.
Habits - Mr. Kitty (feat. PASTEL GHOST)
At night I travel My nerves unravel It hurts to hide myself from you With care I held it Inside I felt it My favorite pain comes pack to me
Don't break me Don't let go Don't try to leave Let your habits control you
These blades I'm hiding Keep safe the tidings Of bridges crossed that soon collapsed No fear of falling Endlessly calling You make me feel like I'm alone
Don't break me Don't let go Don't try to leave Let your habits control you
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celluceta · 9 months
꧁•⊹٭𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐!٭⊹•꧂
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Hi there!
In this blog I'll post fanart and random scenarios whenever I can, since I'm mostly busy with college :') Also I may start posting fanfics and original art some day!
This is my first time ever trying to use Tumblr in a more serious way, so I'm still learning how this platform works.
I'm keeping requests closed until I feel confident enough!
🌕 This blog is multifandom, but I'm currently enjoying One Piece ! 🌕
About me
My name's Kada, but I also go by Iruni 🌷My pronouns are she/her.
I'm 20 yo and I'm from Spain, so I speak both english and spanish.
My favorite colours are green and pink, both neon and pastel! Although many people associate me with purple because of how much I love drawing galaxies and space-related content⭐
I love puppets, clowns and aliens. Most of my OCs are non-human!
My favorite music artists are Don Diablo, Dua Lipa, Kupla, Rosalía, La Casa Azul and Snail's House.
I have many projects that I'd love to start as soon as I finish my studies, such as an otome game, a webcomic and experimenting with music since I can play the piano and guitar!⭐
I'm INTP 4w5 and my birthday is December 9th. I was born in 2003.
I take some time to answer asks or comments, usually a day or two, because I always need to check if I'm writing things correctly,,, so excuse me🫠
You can find me in other social media like Instagram or Twitter!
❥ Pokemon, specially BW!
❥ Magi
❥ One Piece
❥ Professor Layton
❥ Houkago no Pleiades
❥ A Hat In Time
❥ Vocaloid
❥ Omori
❥ Genshin Impact
❥ Inside Job
❥ Danganronpa
❥ The Dryad's Garden
❥ Monsters Inc./University/At Work
❥ Spiderverse
❥ No Straight Roads
❥ Nanbaka
Comfort Characters
❥ Banette, Sableye, Maractus, Burgh, Cilan, Cress, Chili, Ingo, Emmet, Elesa, Iris, Hau, Lillie, Ilima, Leon, Milo, Allister, Juliana, Florian and Katy
❥ All of them, but specially Aladdin, Alibaba, Kougyoku Ren, Ja'far, Sinbad, Sharrkan, Yamuraiha, Hinahoho, Rurumu, Pipirika and Kassim
One Piece
❥ Usopp, Shanks, Uta, Reiju, Vivi, Perona, Luffy, Sabo, Sanji, Hiyori, Shirahoshi, Rebecca, Franky, Corazon, Penguin and Shachi
❥ Disney Cinderella, Disney Jasmine, Keroro, Kururu, Kel, from Omori, Hershel Layton, Kaeya, Glamrock Chica, Sundrop & Moondrop, Hikari, from Houkago no Pleiades, Marvin the Martian, Hatsune Miku, Rin Kagamine, Togata Mirio, Uraraka Ochaco, Hawks, Sero Hanta and Zim
You support any kind of incest, p*dophilia and weird fetishes.
You don't support LGBT+, feminism, black rights...
You like shotacon/lolicon.
You enjoy relationships with a big age-gap. That kind of relationships make me really uncomfortable. If you like it, good for you, but I don't want to be exposed to that type of content.
And that's all for now, I may edit this post in the future! Have a good day🌼✨
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editloids · 10 months
could i maybe ask for an inbox check? tysm in advance!
Why of course! This is a long post though.. -Mod Len
Soap - CODMW Rentry Template
Dahlia - Fortnite graphics
Malleus Draconia - TWST rentry graphics ( that use the same masks as the Idia Shroud resources. )
1977 Raggedy Andy rentry graphics ( this will be part of a two parter post, with Rin doing the other half of the graphics )
Queer Flag Heart
Circus Baby Graphics
Rin Matsuoka - Free! rentry graphics
Dave Strider - Homestuck graphics
Hu Tao graphics in pastel pink
Optimus Prime profile layout ( older animation preferred ) RIN'S CLAIMS ~
Sonic the Hedgehog graphics
Zircon - HNK graphic
Amite - Puyo Puyo graphics
Dottore graphics in light / pale blue
Emily Dyer - IDV graphic
Ortho Shroud layout
Hirofumi Yoshida - CSM graphics
Kaveh - Genshin Impact graphics
Qifrey - WHA graphics in blue
Princess Bubblegum graphics
Shadow the Hedgehog graphics ( art from his sonic channel preferred )
Mafuyu Asahina rentry graphics LEN'S CLAIMS ~ ( disclaimer, I already did most of them .. So there's not much left ! )
Tighnari rentry graphics
Peko Pekoyama graphics with frills and ribbons ( DR3 art preferred )
Kuroko Tetsuya - KNB layouts for tumblr UNCLAIMED ( haven't talked about who gets it yet )
Kyo Kaneko graphics in soft pink
Yui & Hideki Hinata - Angel Beats graphics
Fuyuko Mayuzumi graphics
Kiriko Yukoku Graphics A QUESTION
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we have this! but I don't really know how to do that so I haven't answered because only Rin and Kaito could answer .. And that's all we have! :'3 - Mod Len
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hetaari · 10 months
one of my favorite hetalia writers (you lol) is into vocaloid too?????? Bruh???? Do you have any bedroom or fashion headcanons for the cryptons???
ough this is long overdue I'm so sorry,,,,, I don't want this to get too long so I'll post fashion headcanons here and make bedroom headcanons a separate poast
huge fan of floral print
she has lots of those cute brightly colored sundresses
so obviously spring/summer is where she peaks clothing wise
she wears skirts and tights even when it’s cold out but she does have her limits. If it’s seriously painfully cold and she has no choice but to be outside she will absolutely abandon being fashionable for the sake of not freezing to death
that being said. she does frequently make the mistake of underestimating how cold it gets. "it cant be that cold," she says, clueless. and every time, she suffers the consequences
Occasionally borrows stuff from Luka
like Miku, she also peaks during spring/summer fashion wise
shes more of a shorts person, though. shorts and graphic tees
her skirts generally tend to be on the shorter side
lots of tank tops and camisoles
Also she’s got quite a bit of pastel colors in her wardrobe
but tbh she 'borrows' (50/50 chance of her having asked) stuff from Miku
she doesn't suffer as much in the cold as Miku does, even though she wears short skirts and tights in cold weather as well (better tolerance for the cold, really)
slightly better at dressing for cold/mild weather tbh
thats not to say that his warm weather wardrobe is bad or anything, its just a bit plain bc he doesn’t care that much, specifically in summer when he’s focused more on not boiling to death
He’s pretty much at his best in fall and mid-late spring
He does more light colors when it’s warm and more dark colors when it’s cold
He has a lot of hoodies, jackets, and cardigans
he unironically wears cargo shorts/pants; a tactical advantage over bags, he says
once late fall/winter hits. ooh boy you best believe he's gonna be 'stealing' Kaito's sweaters constantly (bigger = more warmth is the logic he’s going by)
Her sense of style is a bit more on the modest side tbh
She doesn’t go for anything overly flashy
Her wardrobe's got a lot of muted colors in general, though she does also have brightly colored things like sundresses and stuff
yes she wears skirts when its cold but she generally wears long skirts anyway so it's not too weird
she generally avoids things with hoods unless she's desperate
she has a lot of. long flowy clothing. skirts, dresses, cardigans, you name it
also a lot of linen stuff and sunhats
and she only wears trench coats or peacoats, she doesn't like zippers very much
World's biggest crop top stan
Also a fan of denim (but like, nothing outrageous)
plenty of tube tops
i think she'd have a collection of sunglasses
she doesn't tolerate cold too well, so when its winter, she'd be wearing one of them big ass coats with the fur on the hood
and maybe some timbs or something. she's a real boots gal
a lot of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns
like len, she also steals kaito's sweaters
unlike len, though, she usually asks for them and returns them without a fuss
Ngl he kinda dresses like someone's father when the weather is warm
button ups, khakis, polo shirts, the works
hell, he's even worn cargo shorts. and hes got watches. that's just how Dad he gets
he doesn't do socks and sandals, at least
once it gets cold, that's when he really starts dressing
lots of blues, black, white and gray
Constant victim of his sweaters getting stolen, namely by Len and occasionally Meiko (at least Meiko just gives them back, Len pesters him to say 'fuck' before returning them)
also once warmer weather hits he takes a bit of time to get used to having his neck exposed; he just feels really weird without his scarf or something at least partially obscuring his neck, especially when he's in public
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calpicoboys · 1 year
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red-panda-agere · 2 years
Some Free! headcanons because I'm slow and just watched season 1 for the first time a few days ago...
But it's super comfy and I...I am very sorry alshslsjal
(!!!Diaper/Pullup mention!!!)
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(Icons free to use with credit)
Free! Headcanons
☆Little Haru
Very clingy little baby. He will start crying if Makoto so much has to get up to go to the bathroom or get something to drink. If he's not clinging to his Mama like a koala, his bubba is the next victim of his cuddles. Rin will fuss a bit, telling his Mama about how Haru won't let him go, even if he just has a hold of his arm. But after a few minutes, he doesn't really mind.
He gets panicked and overwhelmed very easy. Haru experiences sensory overload very easily, thus why he needs to always have something to keep him grounded. When in public or somewhere that Haru can't just run off and hide, Makoto has his headphones and phone on hand.
Usually pretty small, less than a year-2, and almost always nonverbal. Makoto kinda has to play a guessing game if Haru needs something, but really doesn't mind. He's very patient with his little ones.
-Haru whimpers a bit, hiding in Mako's shoulder. Makoto's brow furrows. "What's wrong little guppy? Can Mama help?" He asks gently. Haru nods a little, his Mama standing up now. They do a small searching game, Haru getting fussy after the first few misses, but melts back into Makoto's arm when he finally catches his gaze set on a dolphin plushie they bought together at an aquarium. (Rin has a matching shark, and they insisted Mama had an orca)
It's not that he can't go to the bathroom himself, he just hates the big kid potty. The sound and doing gross big kid stuff makes him insist to Mako he should wear diapers. And because Makoto is very over-prepared, he even has ones specifically for swimming and the water.
If all else fails, it's bath time. Bunches of toys and bubbles. He especially likes the little finger paints for the bath. He paints lots of pictures for his mama. He's very calm in the bath, at home in the water.
He carries his dolphin and a pastel blue baby blankie around like his life depends on them. Even while in the bath, Mako isn't allowed to move them off the counter. If they aren't in his line of sight, he starts to panic.
Haru isn't a very social little one. When Nagisa and Rei come over, he doesn't enjoy playing as much as the other little ones do. But that's okay. Makoto doesn't mind holding his little one.
-HARUUU!!! CAN WE PLEEEEASE PLAY BLOCKS!!!" Nagisa jumped a bit, looking up at Haru as he stared down from his safe spot in Mama's arms. Rei stands up a bit, worried his little one may be upsetting Haru who'd just woken up from his nap. But Makoto is quick to handle the situation, not that either of the little ones had done anything wrong. "Hey little guppy, why don't you ask Rin to play when he wakes up from his nap okay? I'm sure he'd love to play. Blocks may be too loud for little Haru. He's a little too tiny to play. I'm sorry bubs." Makoto does the talking for Haru, knowing he would've been too shy himself. Rei sighs in relief, the little penguin returning to his coloring after. "Tha's okay! Un'erstan! Sorry Haru"
☆Little Rin
Somewhere between energetic and clingy. He is perfectly okay playing by himself if he has to, entertaining himself with toys, movies, and coloring easily. He likes to play pretend with his stuffies the most though. He's especially happy when Haru joins in.
-"The dolphin an' sharky are brothers okay! An' they gonna go have a picnic with the mama orca!!!" He looks up hopefully at his Mama. Haru also looked up, holding his bubba's sleeve. His other hand was occupied by his dolphin. Rin sets his shark down for a moment, hugging the little dolphin, putting his chin on his bubba's noggin. They both gave him the puppy eyes. "Of course little guppies!!!"
Rin has to nap everyday or he'll get extra fussy. He doesn't mean it, and on days they can't get Rin to nap or when he can't make it to somewhere to nap one day, he apologizes and kinda has a small meltdown at the end of the day. Makoto will gently hush the sleepy, fussy baby until he stops crying. "All is forgiven little sharky. You just had a rough day didn't you? You poor baby."
He's usually just a little older than Haru unless he's sicky or having an extra bad day. On extra sleepy little days he cuddles with his Mama and bubba. He's alot less energetic, but he's still the bigger brother.
-"Mama uppy!" Rin sniffles, about to cry. He's holding his arms up, Mako looking down a bit nervous as he already has one little one in hand, and he was making dinner. Haru clings to him, whimpering a bit. He looked up at Mako with a very grumpy face, silently telling him he'd better not put him down. "Mama, uppy! Uppy uppy uppy!!!" Rin started to whine now, Makoto now holding his hand and leading him to the living room. Rin started to cry, confused as to why his Mama wasn't picking up. "Nonono baby, shhh...come here little sharky..." Makoto now sat on the couch, patting the other side of his lap for little Rin. The little redhead leaped into his lap, clinging to his Mama and bubba as they waited for the dinner to be done. Makoto may have had to order take out...due to dinner mysteriously burning...
Very rarely uses any of the icky stuff unless he's really just too tiny, or extra sicky. Even then he uses 'the big boy ones' (pullups)
Never fussy in the bath, but definitely a bit more rambunctious than Haru. Lots of splashing and Mama getting sprayed with rubber duckies and other various bath toys. His favorite toys are a little windup shark, a windup boat (he likes to make them battle), and his sharky that shot water out its mouth after you pull and then push its tail. Haru is NOT a fan of the watergun shark.
His favorite comfort items are a sharky themed paci and his plushie shark. He also has a stuffed lion his dad gave him before he died that he's a little embarrassed to carry around.
He can get along with just about everyone, but if it comes to playing with Rei he's super duper shy.
-Rei looked up nervously to Mako and Nagisa for help. Nagisa moved to sit next to the two while Makoto helped Haru with his pre-nap bottle. "You two are so shy it's adorable!!!" Nagisa teased for a moment. The two both blushed, turning their heads away. "Alright little guys!!! How about we plaaay..." he looked around for the two little ones' for something to play with. His eyes landed on some toy cars "CARS!!!" he offered as he set the box infront of the two. Rin's eyes lit up at the offer, but he also avoided eye contact again. After some cooing and assurance, Nagisa got the two playing together. Baby steps.
☆Little Nagisa
Probably just as energetic as Rin when little.
Very stimmy little baby.
He teethes on absolutely everything. Rei has to carry teething rings, chewlery, and he carries lots of spare pacis. Nagisa has accidentally chewed through quite a few of them before, and Rei is a very prepared Dada.
Probably the widest age range. He can be nonverbal all the way to around 6
Very sensitive little one. The smallest things get Rei a meltdown to soothe.
-"No- Baby- Please don't cry- Dada's so sorry little penguin, but you can't help Dada pour his coffee little one. It's much too difficult for such a little one like you, I meant no harm sweetheart. You're alright baby boy..."
Any extra protection depends in how old he's feeling in the moment. He likes having pullups even if he's pretty high in his age range atm. (It is super valid to want pullups or diapers for your regression even if you're 'not small enough' or not mentally that little ^^) He usually has diapers if he's extra small.
Doesn't wanna do anything if his dada isn't involved. Or visa versa...if his dada is doing it he wants to help.
Very comfy with Build-A-Bear and Squishmallows. His favorite baby blankie is a blanket that Rei made just for him. He secretly likes knitting bc hush... he spent weeks on it, starting over a few times so it was absolutely perfect
Very good with other little ones and hardly ever fussy.
☆Little Rei☆ (Just hear me out-)
Very very quiet and very very shy when little.
Likes keeping his regression private. It took him forever just to open up to Nagisa about it. Nagisa was more than happy to help him de-stress. Only is little with other little ones when they're at the pool or when Nagisa just absolutely insists they go see the other three. Sometimes they kind of have to if they're both little. They're not very good at caring for themselves, but somehow Makoto can watch all four of them. He's like a super mama.
A little bit on the older side, but very reclusive and quiet. Not because he doesn't wanna be younger, but he's too full of pride to slip down that small. When he does though, it take a while for him to get out of the regression. Sometimes even a few days.
He prefers calmer, quieter activities like coloring and building with Legos.
It takes alot for him to cry... (not bc he's not upset, but instead of crying he just desperately tries to choke it down)
Sometimes he feels out of place when the other four are having comfy time. He knows he's the newest member to their friend group, and feels like he shouldn't be allowed in during such a vulnerable activity. But Nagisa and Makoto always make him feel safe and at home. Haru and Rin are a little less helpful, but they do their part.
The rarest little one to see with any sort of protection ever, only ever using pullups if he absolutely feels too sicky or too small
He gets very embarrassed and nervous about being little, especially since he's so tall and usually so tough and uptight.
-"B-But...Nini- NAGISA" Rei looks flushed, avoiding eye contact. "Too big too be a little one..." Nagisa quickly shakes his head, hugging the baby boy and handing him a manta ray stuffie. "Itty bitty ray! Just because you're in a big boy body doesn't make you any less little! Silly boy!" He says happily, snuggling the baby boy close. Rei melted, quietly sniffling as he snuggled his Nini.
A VERY dramatic baby
-"My little ray of sunshine, it's just a small spill okay? Nini can wipe it up!" Nagisa assured. "Noooooo! New shirt! Is all icky!"
Requires lots of reassurance and coaxing into using any of his little gear. Even more to get him to play or watch little shows, even when it's obvious he wants to.
(Also...just wanna throw this out there. Haru and Rin sometimes act as a caregiver for the other if Makoto is busy and they're able to be big. If not, Rin is a very good big brother for Haru. Aaand Nagisa and Rei do infact take turns being the big kid and the little one depending on how they feel that day. Very very rarely, Makoto finds himself babysitting all four of them, Nagisa and Rin usually act as his little helpers)
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straydogkins · 7 months
Shufflemancy reading for Natsume Sakasaki
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General disclaimer: I hope these make sense to you, but you always know yourself best what is and isn't true to you and your canon. As per usual we rolled three times and asked for a general reading of your timeline.
As always: Please heed the TW's in this,
The Shufflemancy says...
Te���ki・na Music by Yoshiko Tsushima | Lyrics
This song is about making music, it starts with the singer wanting to make music that will make them popular (ie 'Sha la la... the usual music // Please, pay attention to me quickly!') however the singer realises that they don't need to make music that will please everyone and to make what they want (ie 'So I have to become more honest // I don't have to worry about trends anymore // I sing about the feelings that overwhelm me').
It also talks about preforming alone in your room and having an 'angel and demon' that tell the singer to stop what they're doing but the singer pursues and make their own music.
In the end its unclear to me if the singer has found the music that's theirs but they continue to push on in hopes of finding it.
My analysis: On a literal level it could easily indicate that you wanted to make music, struggling to create something that was 'you' and not something others want to hear.
On a metaphorical level it could mean that you felt like you had to fit in, and as a result maybe didn't know who you were so you went to find that out through exploration.
(We have pulled this song before, but felt it was important to keep in although we did copy and paste because yk why not- If you want another one lmk though)
Hot, Hot! Sunny Love☆Summer! by Pastel*Palettes | Lyrics
This is an usual song in the sense that it's talking about an event rather than feelings if that makes sense? The song is about a group of girls going to the beach in summer and the fun they have together.
My analysis: This could be interpreted that you have positive memory or memories about going to a beach with friends or summer in general and doing summer activities.
This song is explicitly about Pastel*Palettes, so tbh I am not too sure what to make of it, maybe you were in Pastel*Palettes.... Idk anything is possible... /light hearted
I'll Wait For You Here by Rin Hoshizora | Lyrics
This song is a character image song, but I don't know the character or franchise at all so I will be leaving a link to her here (you're looking for Minamo Kagurazaka, she's close to the bottom of the page).
The song is about someone who keeps seeing someone they care about leave, worrying that they'll never come back and (if they do) they won't remember them or be different.
My analysis: This could be about your relationship with a close friend, family member, lover, or anyone else you could be close to who repeatedly leaves (and although they return) you were afraid of them not being the same when they came back. Maybe they'd forget you, maybe they'd 'move on', maybe they wouldn't love you anymore. Either way you waited for them to come back every time.
The lyrics don't indicate that you followed them.
Overall analysis: You loved music, you probably saw it as a saving grace and used it as an escape for what was happening (possibly people repeatedly leaving you).
I'm still trying to work out how summer makes sense as a general reading, but I hope it make sense to you!
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solreix · 1 year
muntik nang mapamura si miwa nang biglang bumuhos ang ulang kanina ay ambon lang. napahinto na lang siya sa gitna ng daan, walang payong dahil wallet lang ang laman ng bulsa niya.
balak niya lang naman kasing bumili ng meryenda, at ngayon na nga lang siuang sinipag hindi magpa-deliver, minalas pa.
babalik pa ba 'ko?
kung tutuusin, mas malapit na sa kaniya ng tindahan kaysa sa bahay nila. wala siyang masisilungan dahil puro punong maninipis ang nilalakaran niyang sidewalk. walang masyadong tao, at puro mga sasakyang dumaraan ang nakikita niya.
napahilamos siya ng mukha. bahala na nga!
akma siyang tatakbo na papunta sa tindahan nang may humila ng kamay niya. "ano—" bago pa siya makaalma ay inikot siya ng taong humila sa kaniya, as if she was a princess.
"ali," she reacted when she recognized the chuckles.
"hello, pretty!" alisa greeted. katulad niya, basang-basa na rin ng ito ng ulan. her pastel green sleeveless dress was hugging her body, panigurado ay nilalamig ito. hindi katulad niya na kahit basa ay naka-jacket na makapal at jogging pants.
"what are you doing here? tara na, lalamigin ka niyan."
muli, tumawa lamang si alisa. "shhh!" ang isang kamay nito ay kinuha muli ang kamay ni miwa, at ang isa ay inilagay sa beywang niya. she was looking intently at miwa's eyes, making her heart flutter.
"you're so—" hindi na natuloy ang sasabihin ni miwa at napailing na lang. she went along with alisa's dance without any music as they both got drenched.
"since when was the last time we danced?" alisa mumbled, still smiling.
"last month. in your room kasi inistorbo ko pagreview mo," sagot niya na nakapagpasimangot kay alisa. "sagutin mo ako, how did you even know i'm here?"
alisa shrugged, and once again, twirled miwa like a princess. "i took grab lang kasi kanina, punta sana ako sa inyo, eh i saw my crush so nagpababa ako agad."
miwa rolled her eyes. "may crush ka?"
her girlfriend nodded, giddy.
"marunong bang magshabu nang patago 'yan?"
"oh definitely! blacklisted siya sa barangay." she giggled.
napapikit si miwa. "you're so cute, alam mo ba 'yon?" she couldn't help it so she pinched her cheeks. "come on, baby," she urged, and this time, siya na ang nag-ikot dito.
and for more minutes, umiikot, sumasayaw, at nagtatawanan lang sila sa daan. they knew they were already getting looks from passerbys pero wala silang paki.
miwa put her hands on alisa's waist, as alisa put hers on her neck. nakatitig sa mata ng isa't isa habang sumasayaw sa musika ng hangin, and they both couldn't ask for more.
no one's in their world, sila lang.
"lagnatin sana kayo." and there's her brother to ruin it of course.
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Oh, I guess I should introduce myself now
I completely forgot to make an introductory pin thingy, so here’s a verrrry long mess of an intro that you should probably skip if you value your time lol. Will edit as needed.
About me, the human(?)
Current hyperfixation: Madoka Magica
Name: I go by Elsewhere, here.
Gender: Cis Female (she/her exclusively)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: Teenager, minor
Disagnoses: ASD, UDD, UAD.
Hobbies: art, fandom, writing, reading, being a chaos, blasting music, asking very dumb questions in tumblr
The kind of stuff you’ll find on this blog: Random thoughts, random memes, random fandom stuff, whatever the heck I feel like, moths, random art, tons and tons of polls I love polls
My a e s t h e t I c : Some unholy combination of Cottagecore, Crow/Goblincore, changelingcore, Yami Kawaii, Kawaii, pastel goth, casual goth, gothic Lolita, fairycore, “dreamy kei”, and mental illness
Country: USA. Or the void. Who knows?
DNI: MAPs, MAP supporters, zoophiles
FAQ about this mess:
“Will you talk about politics/drama?”
I prefer not to get into political fights, as all people are entitled to an opinion and bickering on the internet helps no one. However, I will occasionally pipe up on “clear cut” or trivial issues. (Ex: MAPS are bad. Stuff like that.)
“Trivial issues?”
I will argue about stupid random stuff like cheese flavor lol. Because it’s funny and nobody gets hurt.
Christian, though I am very against forcing any kind of belief system on anyone. Humans have the right of free will. Treat people like the humans they are.
“If you’re Christian, do you support people like JW and LDS?”
“Christian” cults are terrible. JW and LDS are not Biblical and never have been. Their practices and the way they treat their members is horrible.
“Are you a f u r r y ?”
No. But I do occasionally dabble in Anthro characters and such, and do like a smattering of furry artists/animators
“Are you a therian?”
“Are you an uwu gamer egirl”
*confused terror noises*
I’m fine with those! Just nothing mean 😅
“DMs? Asks?”
I’m alright with DMs! If you’re tagged as mature/are an adult above 18-19, I’m going to be pretty apprehensive tho. It’s not your fault, just…the internet is dangerous, yunno? As for asks, PLEASE ASK ME THINGS, I LOVE BEING ASKED THINGS
“Do you write fanfic?”
No…..at least, not yet :3
“Wanna join my discord?”
My apologies, I cannot…
Random facts:
My favorite animals are moths, cats, foxes, and…many, many more.
My favorite moth is the Luna Moth, but I also like Rosy Maples and Death’s head moths.
I have glasses
My character color is Lilac
My other favorite colors are pink, black, turquoise, blue…almost anything pastel….so freaking many oh my gosh-
my favorite musical artist is PinnoccioP!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica/Magia Record
-Favorite character: Walpurgisnacht
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Kuroe, Mami Tomoe, Iroha Tamaki, Alina Grey, the Amanes, Kuro (game), Mitama
-Favorite ship: None, I’m not really into Pmmm shipping. Kyosuke kinda sucks tho Sayaka deserves better.
-Have any OCs?: Only a few…
Murder Drones
-Favorite characters: N, Doll, Uzi
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Tessa, V, Lizzy
-Favorite Ship: NUzi
-Have any OCs?: Nope.
-Favorite character: Miku
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Luka, Len, Rin, Gumi, Kaito, Mayu, Una, VFlower, Maika
-Favorite ship: None, although the internet is slowly convincing me to like LenxMiku for some reason lol
-Any OCs?: No.
-Favorite producers?: PinnoccioP, DECO*27, Mitchie M, Kikuo, I occasionally like MARETU.
Splatoon Series
-Favorite character: Dedf1sh/Acht
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Eight, Captain 3, the Squid sisters, Marina
-Favorite ship: None.
-Have any OCs?: Yes! Many! A few include Periwinkle the shy angst girl, Scarlet the autistic mess, and Varuka the tired sanitized scientist.
Hollow Knight
-Favorite character: Lost Kin and Isma
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Ghost, Hornet, THK, The Radiance sometimes, The White Lady, the Unnamed vessels, Menderbug, the sad miner bug I’m completely blanking on the name of aaaaaa, and Perdita the Braava
-Favorite ship: None.
-Have any OCs?: Nope. I do have AU versions of some of the characters tho
Percy Jackson-verse
-Favorite characters: Percy Jackson, Leo
-Other favorites in no particular order: Annabeth, Calypso, Grover, Hestia, I do like me some chaos gremlin Poseidon sometimes, Will is ok
Favorite ship: Percabeth, Calypso and Leo
-Have any OCs?: No, not planning on it
STUFF THAT MIGHT SHOW UP SOMETIMES BUT NOT VERY MUCH. I still like all of these a good bit tho.
Doki Doki Literature Club!
-Favorite characters: Sayori and Yuri, but I love all of them
-Favorite ship: None
-OCs?: Nah.
Just Monika <3
Warrior Cats
-Favorite characters: So, so many… Um, I like Squilf. And Jayfeather. Oh, and I really like Spottedleaf and think she was done so dirty and she could’ve been written much much better
-Favorite ship: None in particular. I like Squilf x “Shrewpaw but alive” because Squilf deserves a better love interest and Shrewpaw deserves to freaking exist
-OCs?: Yes! A good few.
Wings of Fire
-Favorite characters: Moonwatcher, Glory, Turtle, Qibli, Blue, Cricket
-Favorite ships: Moonbli (but I won’t bicker on the internet about it, I understand the merits of the rest of this triangle), Blicket
-Opinion on Glorybringer and the rest of the problems: Glorybringer could be good but that age gap is a serious concern if not a downright dealbreaker. W.O.F. is very flawed.
-Favorite tribes?: Silkwings, Rainwings, SeaWings, Leafwings, HYBRIDS XD -OCs?: No, but I would like to have some. I do plan on making some adopts :3
Miraculous Ladybug (Ironically. I’m just here for the insane party that is this fandom. This show is terrible but I can’t stop watching it someone pls h a l p -)
-Favorite characters: ADRIEN AND NATHTALIE AND THAT’S BASICALLY IT…I also like Ladybug sometimes but I go back and forth on her a lot.
-Favorite ship: The love square. Aaaaaaaa-
-OCs?: No.
A Hat in Time
-Favorite character: Moonjumper
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Hat Kid, Snatcher, Vanessa, Mustache Girl
-Favorite ship: None
-Vanessa should get a redemption arc I’m not sorry
Yandere Simulator
-Favorite character: Miku girl lol
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Osana, Senpai/Taro (he deserves better than this mess), all the nice/decent rivals, Ai Doruyashi (she should have lived), Kokona
-Absolutely hate: Mida Rana, the freaking developer, Info-chan
-Do you support Yanderedev?: No. He’s done really bad crap, and I don’t even really like most of the game. I just like some of the characters and the really creative parts of the fandom
-favorite ship: None
Red Queen
-other favorites: Cal, also deserves better
-Notes: This book series is a mess and I don’t even really like it I just think Maven and Cal are cool and that’s it. All you’re going to get from me on this series is angry rants about how Maven could’ve had such a cool redemption arc and they ruined him and how cool Cal is.
Slime Rancher
-Favorite character: Beatrix!
-Other favorites: Mochi, Casey (10/10), Ogden, bOb
-Favorite ship: Bea and Casey Ofc they are precious
-Favorite slime: Tangles, tabbies, Puddles, Flutters, The cute bat ones, the cute bunny ones, phosphors, yolks, I love them alllll qvq
-OCs?: Yes, actually!
-Favorite character: So many- I like Iono a lot!
-Other favorites: Nemona, FREAKING VOLTAGE MIKU, Lilith, Misty, Selena, and more!
-Partner Pokemon: Rosa the Roserade from Sword
-Who do I ship Ash with: Selena, easy.
Pretty Cure
-Favorite character: Cure Happy, Cure Beauty, Cure Spade
-Favorite cure teams: Pretty cure Smile, Doki Doki, and Futari Wa
-Notes: Pretty cure was my hecking childhood man I love Smile
Dang, that all was a lot- o.o
Alts: @myownquieterworld for when I’m sad/poetic lol
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kyojurismo · 1 year
I saw the ask of "you remind me of a flower field" and omg I wish I had that rizz but it got me thinking.
You remind me of a lilac. Probably because of your theme color, but lilacs are very beautiful, plentiful, and a commonly well-known flower. They are undeniably pretty. They have such pretty pastels and the appropriate amount of pizazz and fame.
I imagine that you're quite famous for your thirsts(👀), and I have no doubt that you're attractive irl as much as you are personality-wise! I hope you have a good day/night, Rin!
(also, I'll cheer for you, even if I might be a little confused lol)
no bc fr, whoever sent that ask had me in a chokehold. i’d fall in love immediately 😤
i agree on lilacs’ beauty >_< i love flowers & i want to learn their meanings — getting rizz for the future maybe uuh.
i don’t exactly consider myself famous and attractive lskdjd but thank you so so much haha ^_^ you put a smile on my face tonight anon <3 tysm again
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vendetta-if · 1 year
HI WKJA';L;P.L';EWFLKFDS.;; its the same idiot who asked whether it was okay to post my sequel mc so ummm- here am i in all of my glory (and by glory i mean repulsiveness 💔) i unfortunately lost the drawing i had of my sequel mc so for now use your imagination while i try to find it 💀 but anyways- my sequel mc's name is Rei :D (he/him) he is mixed in terms of ethnicity but he does have some Scottish blood inside of him 😎 REI'S APPEARANCE: ➭ clothing style: cutesy and pastel coloured clothing (he also has an obsession with overalls <3) ➭ height: gremlin (short, 5'4) ➭ eye colour: hazel ➭ skin colour: rosy ➭ hair texture + colour: strawberry blonde and wavy ➭ hair length: shoulder length
»»————- ★ ————-««
FACTS ABOUT REI: ➭ loves to put colourful stickers on literally everything he owns (motorcycle, phone, motorcycle helmet, etc C:) ➭ pranks his family at every time the opportunity presents itself (luka, jackal, and his older brother 😋) " DAD 1 AND DAD 2 HOLY SHIT SEND HELP I ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED MY TACO BELL CRUNCH WRAP SUPREME AND NOW THERE'S BIRDS IN MY ROOM " *proceeds to sneak up behind them and dump a bucket of feathers covered in maple syrup when they enter his room* ➭ frenemies with ash and rin (context; rei is ridiculously overprotective of my other mc, remedy / remi) ➭ an actual menace to society ➭ loves to wear loose fitting / baggy clothes (because it makes him look cool with his clothes flapping everywhere when he zooms on his motorcycle and get chased by the police for going over 200 mph) ➭ i would say he would be crushing HARDLY on santana and skylar and cries because he cant choose but i dont even know if they are both ROs in the sequel 😭 (totally because i dont want the two of them to feel left out because i love the four ROs in the main story 💦) ➭ has an unhealthy obsession with exploding things (he wants a grenade launcher for his birthday) ➭ loves to fight on vehicles (by that he means shooting at his enemies while riding his motorcycle because he feels like john wick in a michael bay action movie) ➭ stubbornly believes that he makes the best waffles and refuses to use the waffle maker because he, and i quote: " I CAN MAKE BETTER WAFFLES THAN A GODDAMN STENSIL " (though everytime he forces someone to try it they end up vomiting because it's overcooked to oblivion - which he covers it up by putting unholy amounts of whipped cream and sprinkles) ➭ loves to bother his dads and brother for attention and affection every time after he completes an assasination (he likes getting showered by compliments and receiving strawberry milkshakes from his family) ➭ may or may not have a depressing past before getting adopted ✨ »»————- ★ ————-«« anyways i think thats all i have for rei so far- SORRY ABOUT THIS CESSPOOL OF CRINGE BY THE WAY 🤡
Ayy, hi, hi! ☺️👋 Thanks for sharing your Sequel MC!
Always love little gremlins 🤭 The big brother will have even more of a blast teasing short MC.
RIP to both Ash and Jackal for the pranks, though💀 But they would still love and be proud of Rei ☺️ And aww, Rei being protective of your Vendetta MC is so sweet 🥹
Fight on vehicles though 🤭 I might or might not have plans for that in the sequel 😏 As for MC’s past, Luka and Jackal adopted MC when they were still very little, so there might not be too many memories that your MC could even remember before being adopted 🤔
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littlelinescomp · 2 years
Updated 2023-01-23
OVERVIEW: I'm still getting everything set up, but welcome to the blog! I'm Chesca and my main is @fvriva. I also post art on @cinalilli. If you have anything you'd like to see in this archive, feel free to shoot me a DM or an ask and I can take a look at it! I came to realize that I could really use a nicer way to organize the collection of online artists I reblog, but the level of care it would take to organize that is more of a side-blog venture than a main-blog venture.
TAGGING SYSTEM: Tags will primarily be by artist/relevant fandom and characters, then by medium, and then by whatever aesthetic features I think stand out about the piece + my commentary. I will also try to provide an image ID if there is not already one provided. I'll have a list of the tags under the cut, partially for my own organizational use. the only place where i'll use capitalization is for artist handles and media that requires it as a stylization choice. character names are always given name preceding surname. characters will be tagged by the most culturally relevant name. symbols come before letters. i do not know how to put the the non-latin-alphabet artist handles in alphabetical order.
contemporary art
figurative art
has id
mixed media
not art
oil painting
John Boskivich
Nadia Kim
Robin Yao
Rowan Kingsbury
Will J Hadley
William-Adolphe Bouguereau
aids crisis
body horror
eye horror
magical girl
alice in wonderland
mystic messenger
sailor moon
len kagamine
miku hatsune
rin kagamine
sailor jupiter
sailor mars
sailor mercury
sailor moon
sailor venus
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