#ask to tag.
positivelyqueer · 9 months
I'm so fucking mad about how pervasive diet culture is. Like this shit is literally killing people in so many different ways but I can't open up a recipe book or grocery store magazine without reading words like 'bad' and 'sinful' and 'guilty/guilt free'. Like what the honest fuck is that?
And trying to recover from an eating disorder in that environment is like, I don't know, trying to recover from ingesting poison when the whole world wants to sell you repacked poison pills as pseudo scientific health supplements. And the poison pill industry is worth billions. And everyone around you is talking about how they wished they had the willpower to ingest poison, and sharing tips on how to make the poison go down smoother.
If you're currently recovering despite it all you are brave and powerful and strong as fuck. Don't let anyone diminish that.
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gauwaine · 1 month
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club-prideguin · 8 days
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"Miss Arctic? I'd hate to bother you, but a second jetpack hit the lighthouse."
ref: x
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
"Pictures drawn in blood link decades of legacies of people who have been imprisoned and tortured by Israeli guards. A hidden archive of poems, letters, drawings, and handmade objects—containing stories of resistance, messages of despair, and hope—amass behind prison walls. Throughout each resounds a pulsing call for freedom.
I asked my uncle about the first piece of art he produced. "It's not easy to handle where to start, but what I can tell is that Palestinian detainees inscribe their emotions and resist through crafts," he said.
Sometimes prisoners draw on handkerchiefs, or embroider different symbols of life and hope: broken chains, olive branches, white pigeons, Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Dome of the Rock.
Khader showed me what he painted in 1995 in the Asqalan prison as a gift to my mother because he couldn't celebrate her graduation with her. In the piece, a white pigeon holds a letter as it flies to Rafah—my uncle's city. The letter frame is colored blue and red.
"I always used blue in my art," Khader explained. "It reminds me of the blue, wide sky—the sky I couldn't feel for years in prison..."
With all this potential to create, if those detained were free, what creative inventions would they contribute to humanity? How many stories would be released?
"I think I produced more than 100 pieces [while detained]" Uncle Khader said with pride. 
Amazed and excited, I asked Khader to show me more handmade art. Suddenly, the conversation changed. His voice faded, his smile disappeared, and his eyes shrunk a little. The wrinkles of age and sorrow were clearly painted on his face.
"Israeli bulldozers entirely demolished our old home in 2004. You were only three years and don't remember. There, under the rubble, I lost all my photos, memories, and handicrafts —the ones I made and the ones my detained friends gifted me after release."
Israel chases Palestinian crafts inside and outside prison. They fear our art. They fear our memories."
-DIARIES OF BLOOD: The secret artists within Israeli detention facilities
by Eman Al-Astal
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belovedqueer · 20 days
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(Flag is half-assed but Mi thought of the term and knew it needed a flag; flag redesigns/alts are welcome. Mi might make a better flag later when not like, overstimmed)
TransLightModeUser: Feeling that you should be, desiring to be, or internally identifying as being a light mode user
Would be considered a subset of TransWebsiteTheme
No color meanings outside of the lightershades being websites background/main colors in lightmode and black being the color text usually is on light mode
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bimbo-bah · 3 months
Welcome to Bimbo-BAH!
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Mod Tiffany (You may also call me Delilah)~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. 1stpp: Ai/Ame/Amory/Amorousine/Amorouself~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. 2ndpp: Xou/Xou/Xour/Xours/Xourself~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. 3rdpp: Xe/Xem/Xyr/Xyr/Xyrself~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Do not worry about accidentally using the wrong pronouns, I use multiple and simply switch them out every morning instead of listing them all at once~! Consider it a "pronouns of the day" type thing~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Bimboqueer & Yanqueer~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Pro-Para, Pro-TransID, Love is Love~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Don't bother sending anon hate or anything, I'll never respond to it~! ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*) .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Please keep in mind that I am Pro-Radqueer/Radqueer adjacent~! Anti-Rq's are allowed to interact as long as you are respectful and don't try to start discourse~! FYI I block anyone who try to waste my time~!
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Mod Glamour (Call Me Glam Or Mango)~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. She/Glam/Glitz/Glitter/Poof/Fem/Pop/Doki/Bim/Bimbo~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. BAHgenic Fictive Of Glamrock Mangle~! Sorry If My Typing Quirk Is Hard To Read~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Bimboqueer & Dummyqueer .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. I Don't Care About Stupid Discourse, I Just Wanna Make People Happy~!
{Request Template!}
(Note: Everything is optional, and you may request not to have certain sections in your alter pack~!)
𓆩♡𓆪 Alter Type:
𓆩♡𓆪 Source:
𓆩♡𓆪 System Role(s):
𓆩♡𓆪 Name(s):
𓆩♡𓆪 Species:
𓆩♡𓆪 Gender:
𓆩♡𓆪 Pronouns:
𓆩♡𓆪 Sexuality:
𓆩♡𓆪 Age:
𓆩♡𓆪 CisIDs:
𓆩♡𓆪 TransIDs:
𓆩♡𓆪 Paras:
𓆩♡𓆪 Personality:
𓆩♡𓆪 Likes:
𓆩♡𓆪 Dislikes:
𓆩♡𓆪 Aesthetic(s):
𓆩♡𓆪 Typing Quirk(s):
𓆩♡𓆪 Face Claim:
{Claimed Anons~!}
🔪🩸 Anon
⚠ Anon
🍒🥀 Anon
🥁 Anon
🌌✨ Anon
🎀🐶 Anon
🔃 Anon
🎀🔪 Anon
💥 Anon
💕😵 Anon
2222 Anon
💿💕 Anon
💿🔪 Anon
🎨 Anon
{Current Requests~!} [Listed from Oldest to Newest~!]
(Note: I work on the older requests first, hense why those are at the top of this list~!)
An Emo/Goth Shota + a Permissive doctor alter duo
Random Transbimbo TransDoll Hyperfem alter
A Transmasc Zane Ro'Meave (MyStreet) Fictive with no Paras
PermaKid BEN Drowned (Creepypasta) Fictive
A Catperson Co-host/Persecutor
A Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Fictive
A Cassandra (Pico's School) Fictive
A Humanoid Stinking Corpse Lily Alter/Plantive
Physical Pain Manager Veronica Sawyer (Heathers (Movie Vers.)) Fictive
A Transjewish Subsys Host Alter
A Transboy 2000's emo Alter
A Permabruised Problematic Schoolboy Alter
A Dark Academia Fallen Angel Alter
A Problematic 2000's Scenecore Loli Alter
A TransMasc, Emo Songtive based off the song "Blood" by My Chemical Romance
A Yamikawaii Zombie Alter
A Random One Night at Flumpty's Fictive
A 2017 "Weird kid" Autism symptom holder
A Masc-aligned, Child, Anime-Attracted Gangle (the Amazing Digital Circus) Fictive
A Ball-Jointed Doll Jane Doe (Ride the Cyclone) Fictive
A Super Problematic Bimbo Transwoman Alter
A Little/Child Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Fictive
A Super Problematic Bimboy Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') Fictive
A Tradgoth Gatekeeper Alter
A 2020 Alt Kid Nostolgia Holder
An Alex (Kepther E) Fictive
A Random Don't Starve Fictive
A Hannah Marie (Scary Godmother) Fictive
A Paper Jam (Undertale Aus) Fictive
Link to the list of courses I'm Familiar with (However, I *will* do sources I am not familiar with)
Mod Glamour is also able to do any fandom as well, and most of her interests are on the list too (She doesn't have many and she may be more biased to doing fem-aligned alters)
I have No Blacklist as of now, and maybe in the future I'll do weekly specials, but for now, feel free to request anything~! I do have the right to deny any requests I feel uncomfortable doing, so please don't be upset if I deny your request for whatever reason~! (And yes, I'll always at least try to provide a reason for denying requests~!)
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syrups-fanfic-cafe · 1 year
Good Morning,
I would like to order to order some headcannons of the main Hazbin casts (Charlie, Angel, Vaggie, Husk) with an S/O whose known through hell as a no nonsense tough-as-nails powerhouse (think Nico Bellic from gta IV) but one day they find an abandoned little imp girl and adopt them as their own. The girl has obviously been through a lot, and in time they slowly develop a good relationship, with the others find out about their caring, kind, fatherly side.
Good morning And of course! I hope you like the headcanons! - Mod Syrup
Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and Husk finding out their stoic s/o has a fatherly side
Charlie Morningstar
She never knew you had a soft spot, you were one of the toughest people she knew, and you didn't like wasting your time with anything. So when you had come home with a little Imp girl in your arms, she had a lot of questions.
First of which being where you even found the child. She looked very young, and she assumed that maybe the little one just, wandered off, she knew that some parents in hell just weren't that attentive to their children. She even fears that her parents might've been killed, she was an Imp, after all, Imp's weren't exactly treated the best down here...
You reassured her thought you had found the young child wandering the streets alone. You had asked where her parents were, but she refused to talk about it. You would've pushed her for more information, but... you could tell it really bothered her, so you had just caved and decided to adopt her.
Charlie was a bit wary about you, keeping a close eye on you two. She was so afraid that you might act harshly against the Imp girl if she did something wrong. But so far, you seemed to be a decent parent, a little rough, but she could tell you genuinely liked spending time with the child.
Then, that faithful day came, your new daughter had been playing to recklessly and accidentally broke a vase in the house, some that both she and Charlie assumed you'd get mad over... except, you didn't.
You didn't even yell at her when you saw her standing over the broken vase, crying as she tried to carefully clean up the pieces without hurting herself. Carefully, you kneeled down and shooed her hands away from the sharp glass, carefully looking at them for a moment to make sure she wasn't hurt...
Charlie watched the whole ordeal from the end up the hall, watching as you comforted your new daughter, before helping her pick up the glass and clean up any cuts she might've gotten. It was the sweetest thing she had ever seen out of you. She had only ever known you as the cold, no-nonsense demon who took no shit, someone who would've killed over something as simple as a mistake.
It was oddly nice, seeing this side of you for once.
Needless to say, Vaggie has just as many questions as Charlie, if not more. Where did you find this kid? Where were her parents? What happened to her parents? How did you manage to just, stumble across a completely unsupervised imp child within the city?
You seemed to just role your eyes at her panic and questions. What the hell were you supposed to do? Just leave the child there, that'd just be irresponsible. Just cause you were tough as nails doesn't mean you didn't know what responsibility was.
Eventually, Vaggie gave up on asking questions, and just started doing research, wanting to at least help with raising the child. But you were insistent that you knew what you were doing. And to her surprise, you actually did.
Most would actually consider you a near-perfect parent. Which is a surprise, most people would've seen an abandoned imp child and not even give the thing a chance. You on the other hand are trying your hardest to make sure this kid grows up well. Vaggie was awfully proud of you.
That is until you came home looking like you had just gotten into a fight. Which you actually had gotten into a fight! Why? Well, it's simple, someone made one single derogatory comment about your daughter, and you fucking lost it.
When she asked why you acted so drastically you simply stated that you had to make sure your kid knew how wrong those people were about her. Besides, it's not like anybody really gives a shit anyways.
Vaggie wasn't sure if she was a bit scared, or more proud of you than before. Either way, you and your daughter seemed happy, so she decided to be your impulse control at most.
Angel Dust
Angel didn't even question where you had got the kid. Don't get me wrong, he definitely wanted to know where you found a random, abandoned imp girl, but at the same time, this was hell, it probably wasn't that hard to find children just wandering the streets.
He did ask if you were gonna help find the girls parents or if you had actually adopted her. Upon telling him that you were adopting the child, he was a mix between excited and confused. You were the toughest person in hell, Angel had to literally work his ass off to rope you into a relationship, so the fact that you saw an abandoned child on the street and decided to adopt her without question... it made Angel a little jealous.
Angel was more than happy helping you take care of the kid. Yeah he wasn't the best at it, but he was fun, and in his eyes, that was all that counted. In fact, he might've grown even more attached to the little girl than you did.
He knew how much you cared about the little girl and wanted to make her happy. But he never expected a day in his life that he'd walk in on the girl having a little tea party with you and Fat Nuggets. You had even let her put make up on you. You still had your stoic, tough-as-nails expression, which almost made the whole thing even cuter and maybe a little bit funny.
"Hello Angel, care to join us?" You didn't even have any emotion in your voice. It was like you were only doing this out of obligation. Though of course, Angel just had to join, he couldn't help it, he just thought it was so sweet that you were playing along with your new daughter's antics. Plus, Fat Nuggets looks so cute in a tiara.
Afterward, Angel helps you clean the makeup off your face and put your daughter to bed. You tell him that if he tells anyone it'll be over for you two. Of course, Angel tells literally everyone he can, how could he not? It was adorable, and he knows you won't just up and leave him.
Husk doesn't really care about most of the things you do he knows that if you're doing it, then you can probably handle it yourself. That's why he didn't exactly question or care about the fact that you now had an imp child with you.
He wasn't exactly fond of the child either, yeah he was technically the pseudo-father to the child, seeing as he was dating you and you had adopted the child, but he really didn't see himself as 'parent material'. Still, he did his best to at least put up with the child, especially when you had something important to do that would be too dangerous for her to be around.
He honestly didn't think you'd have that much of a connection with the child either, but you seemed to really care about her. He would've thought it was adorable if he wasn't such a downer.
One day you approached him with the little girl in your arms, and asked him to do a magic trick for her. He was a bit confused, but then you explained that you had told her about how he liked magic, and ever since then she's been begging you to let Husk show her a magic trick or two.
Husk acted as if this was a chore for him, but deep down he was a little bit excited. He loved cheesy magic tricks, and didn't get to do them often, so he was happy that the kid and him shared an interest.
He did a simple magic trick, just the coin behind the ear trick. Immediately after, the girl burst into laughter and clapped her hands. That's the moment when Husk actually started warming up to the kid. So he grabbed a deck of cards, and decided to do another simple magic trick, which she enjoyed just as much.
Husk glanced up at you for a moment, a for the first time since he's met you, he saw you smiling. The tough as nails, emotionless powerhouse, was smiling over the fact that their daughter and boyfriend were enjoying their time together. Of course, you immediately wiped the smile off your face when he noticed.
"What the hell you smiling about?" "I, wasn't smiling..." "Yeah, whatever you say big guy."
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Hey I just wanna say that if you have an f/o that you aren't comfy sharing even though most people selfship with the character, you're 100% valid and your f/o loves you.
It's also 100% valid to block people for sharing f/o's with you, even if they don't talk about the f/o or their selfship with said f/o much. Even if they do have a tagging system so you can filter out that selfship instead
That's all, have a good day. Your f/o's love you. :)
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positivelyqueer · 8 months
hi, I’m saying this very gently, if you think now (or soon) is the only one right time and chance you’ll have to kill yourself, you’re wrong.
some people need to hear that suicide is never an option.
but sometimes you need to hear that you’ll always have a chance to kill yourself, so why not wait a little?
your brain is (understandably, you’ve been through a lot and it’s hard and it’s not fair and-) letting you know there’s a way out. but you’re a long time dead, and you’ll get there one day. death is patient. there’s no need to hurry it along.
so put on your favourite album, watch some trashy tv show, call your sibling, bake a cake, learn how to crochet, sit with your pet, go for a walk. you’ll have time to kill yourself later, but for now you have everything else you’ve ever wanted or will want to do.
I love you. Stay safe.
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richardhlm · 2 months
Eventually comes the day where you no longer want to die, and it will be the most beautiful and gut-wrenching realization.
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spookyscaryships · 1 year
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ClayOrel (Morel Orel) Moodboard with religious themes
Requested by: @clayxorel
- Mod Stare
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belovedqueer · 9 months
Sub title: 100% Toxic yandere kidnaps you! (BE CAREFUL)
Sub Affs: Yandere ill never ever hurt you or anyone you care about, never isolates you or holds you hostage, respects your privacy and boundaries and treats you like a person, and like, 50 other safety affs
Me: My brother in christ do you know what toxic means
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bimbo-bah · 2 months
Hiyaa may I get a headmate pack? He is a perma-shota dino therian and somehow has an emo + kidcore aesthetic going on, trans-id hoarder, and is trans-emo trans-vampire?
Of course~! I sorta made him the stereotypical edgy tween if that's ok~! Also I may have had a little bit too much fun making this one~! ^^'
{Emo Shota Alter~!}
𓆩♡𓆪 Alter Type: Brainmade
𓆩♡𓆪 Source: N/A
𓆩♡𓆪 System Role(s): Age Dysphoria Holder, Bunnykid
𓆩♡𓆪 Name(s): Devon, Damian, Vinny, Andy
𓆩♡𓆪 Species: Human (TransVampire, Dinosaur Therian)
𓆩♡𓆪 Gender: Vampboy Emocoric Suicidefluid Zombiegender Deadthing Dinogender Bxy
𓆩♡𓆪 Pronouns: He/Hx/Xe/Ey/Ae/Vamp/Blood/Dae/Bite/Rawr/XD
𓆩♡𓆪 Sexuality: Biflux Demihomoromantic
𓆩♡𓆪 Age: 12 (Internally 3000+)
𓆩♡𓆪 CisIDs: CisEdgy, CisShota, CisMinor, CisPessimist, CisRude, CisBrat, CisBully, CisTherian, CisADHD, CisNPD, CisNeglected, CisConsang, CisSiscon
𓆩♡𓆪 TransIDs: PermaKid, PermaShota, XenoAge (ShotaAge, VampAge, Shotageless, Adolecageless), TransEmo, TransVampire, TransSharpTeeth, TransNocternal, TransCarnivour, TransXenosatanist, TransCultist, TransMurderer, TransTrueCrimeFan, TransBatWings, TransDinosaurTail, TransNazi, TransASPD, TransAutistic, TransSensoryIssues, TransAbusive, TransSuicidal, TransSH, TransCSA, TransGroomed, TransBlackmailer, TransYandere, TransConAbuser, TransClaws
𓆩♡𓆪 Paras: Nyctophile, Chronophile (AAM, MAM, TAM (Teen Attracted Minor)), Necrophile, Autonecrophile, Erotophonophile, Traumaphile, Taphophile, Incestophile, Biastophile, Autobiastophile, Autoaptophile, Haemophile, Pyrophile, Vigiliaphile, Hybristophile, Dacryphile, Teratophile, Reptile Zoo, Odaxelagnia, Spectrophile, Odontophile, Autagonistophile, Menophile, Phobophile, Sinefaciemphile, Demonophile, Autohebephile, Anthropophagolagnia, Sadomasochism, Unaisiphile, Kinemortophile, Prosvolíphile
𓆩♡𓆪 Personality: Introvert. Vinny never got much attention from his family, not to say they didn't love him of course, they were just so busy with work that they never had time for him, resulting in him feeling neglected and detached from his parents. Due to this, he uses attention seeking (both good an bad) to cope with it, and wants to be in an abusive relationship where he uses his age to blackmail his partner into doing whatever he wants.
𓆩♡𓆪 Likes: Edgy stuff, Blood, Gore, Vampires, Dinosaurs, Anime, Drawing, Horror stories, Creepypasta's
𓆩♡𓆪 Dislikes: His parents, being told what to do, His Actions having consequences
𓆩♡𓆪 Aesthetic(s): Kidcore, EMocore
𓆩♡𓆪 Typing Quirk(s): E = X, O = Ooo, No capitalization (ex. thx quick brooown fooox jumps ooovxr thx lazy dooog)
𓆩♡𓆪 Face Claim:
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syrups-fanfic-cafe · 2 years
hello!! hope you are having a good day or night. can i request headcanons for hazbin hotel? maybe the reader has wings and they find out about it? you can pick the characters! thank you! - 💫 anon
Of course! I decided to go with just Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, and Angel Dust, but if there's other characters you want me to do, you can always come back and request for headcanons with them too! Also, i interpreted the "Finding out the reader has wings" as the reader was deliberately trying to keep them a secret, and they just so happened to find out ^^', so let me know if you had something else for that in mind! Also, sorry if they're a bit out of character, I'm kinda rusty when it comes to HH characters - Mod Syrup
Various Hazbin Hotel Characters finding out that the reader has wings!
Charlie Morningstar
Charlie was definitely surprised when she found out you had wings. Like, yeah, a lot of demons had wings, but that still wasn't common aside from bird demons, as wings don't exactly even have a practical use in hell, other than to just make you look cool
She's definitely confused as to why you hid them, but wouldn't ever make you tell her why. She did ask a few times here and there, but never pushed for an answer. She want you to tell her whenever you felt the time was right.
Despite her confusion, She'd promise not to tell anybody about your wings if you didn't want anybody to know about them. In fact, she'd probably take extra care to make sure nobody finds out about them without you wanting to.
Of course, Charlie isn't entirely flawless, she may accidentally slip up here or there, but immediately catch herself or correct herself mid-sentence. So far no one has actually thought much of it, but you still worry that she's gonna end up spilling at some point.
She is, also overly worried about the care and health of your wings with you hiding them so often. Do they get enough exercise? Are you preening them regularly? Do you need anything specific to take care of them? You literally have to tell her on a daily basis that your taking care of them just fine.
"Are you sure you don't need any help? I promise I'm fine with helping you preen them in the spots you can't-" "Charlie, I swear, I can handle it perfectly fine myself"
Vaggie wasn't all too surprised to find out you had wings. At least that's how she acted, in fact, you seemed to make a bigger deal out of it than her.
"Calm down, what's the big deal anyways? It's not like you're the only demon in hell with wings!"
You tell her that you don't want to talk about it, but that she also can't tell anybody else about it. You make her swear on her afterlife that she won't tell anybody. Let me tell you, If she didn't have any questions before, she definitely has a few now. 
She doesn't exactly ask those questions though, at least not right now. You didn't even explain to her why you hid the wings, she knew she probably wouldn't get anything else out of you, so she just didn't bother asking in the first place.
She's actually pretty good at keeping it a secret, you would've thought she had forgotten about it if it wasn't for the fact that Vaggie isn't all that forgetful.
One of the things that confirms her memory about this is that she'll occasionally bring them up, not anything private, just if you ever need help with them you can ask her, or if you need any specific bedding to sleep with them, etc etc.
"So, are the wings treating you well darling?" "W h a t"
You don't even know when he found out about them, or how he found out about them, he just, suddenly started bringing them up to you at random points, completely unprovoked. Needless to say, it nearly gave you a panic attack the first time. The worst part is he genuinely wasn't surprised or anything, and you don't know if its because he had known about them from the start, or if its just because he's spent a long time in hell, and your probably not the first demon he's seen to hide their wings
He reassured you that he of course hasn't told anybody about your wings, and won't be asking about anything about you hiding them.
He does however ask about their well-being frequently. He never offers to actually help out with taking care up them, he doesn't know a thing about wing care. It seems like he more or less tries to trick you into rambling about them for no reason, maybe he's hoping you'll end up telling him why you hid them in the first place if you just start rambling
He does however seem genuinely concerned about how healthy they are. You couldn't possibly be getting the proper exercise for them when hiding them all the time, and won't they start hurting and cramping if you keep them in one position for so long?
Angel Dust
He was immediately intrigued by them, much to your dismay. he seemed to ask about the wings frequently, he's even tried to bribe you to get you to say something about them. He almost seemed annoyed at the fact you WOULDN'T talk about them.
He eventually opted to use it as a way to make you do things for him, nothing major, just running to the store for him or buying him drugs when he didn't feel like doing it himself.
"Awe, you sure you don't wanna go get it for me? It'd be such a shame if your little secret got out~" "Don't you fucking dare-"
To be fair, you weren't surprised he started using it as blackmail, he's in hell for a reason. The main problem is that you can never tell if he's bluffing or not, he doesn't seem like the type to spread secrets, but you don't really want to take the risk of him not bluffing, so you just cave and do whatever he needs you to do.
He does kinda feel bad about blackmailing you, so he occasionally does get you things to make up for it, nothing expensive, but maybe just some small treats here or there, just to make up for making you think he would actually tell people about your wings.
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catboy-syrup · 2 years
I just found out two of my friends are antis. I legit told them my friend and I was getting harrassed on our shared other blog over fiction and they went "Well sometimes it's ok, it depending on what they're being told to die over" and like,,,,, girl I just said i was getting harrassed and your basically telling me that I deserved it and your still trying to be my friend???????
and the worst part is that one of them literally ships hitachiincest????? Like, literally ships a problematic ship, and still thinks its ok to suibait people over fiction?????? what level of fucking hypocrisy-
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positivelyqueer · 11 months
Any Australian First Nations people who see this look after yourselves please. Know that you Are loved.
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander crisis support line 13YARN on 13 92 76
eSafety Commission's First Nations resources
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