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askredmedic · 3 months ago
STATIC . . . NO SIGNAL . . . ? ? ?
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I can’t… Seem to make… Connect -ion .
Comms d own, establish— —ing cont
act with
“Someone, anyone! Zis sing won’t—”
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“—Ve keep losing—”
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A light switches on.
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rengineer · 3 months ago
[ @askredmedic ]
If you are worried about ze veird asks in your inbox (as you should be), I suggest you refrain from using ze tag of shame at all! If it is uncomfortable for you in any capacity, simply delete it and move on. Zese people are not entitled to an answer, and if zey vill not respect you, then zey don’t deserve one!
Oh, and “anons” are not as anonymous as sey think. Pruning new followers vis se block button if sings are out of place is a sure fire way of paring down zhe creepy questions!
Trust me… Whoof! Ze first few weeks to months of my blog vere an adventure to say the least. The method is not foolproof, but giving attention to zose people is a losing battle. Not only does ignoring zem deprive them of validation, but it frees up more time for your experiments! I heavily recommend it!
- Signed, Medic.
"Heya, Doc! Appreciate the advice, really. But I reckon I’ve found an even better way to deal with those pesky sunglasses, y'know?" There was a dark glint on his goggles as he spoke, his tone taking on an unsettling edge.
"Don't you worry 'bout me none. I know how to take care of myself."
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denimsoverlook · 2 years ago
Continued Thread [ @askredmedic ] That doesn't ease his curiosities. Shown clearly by the down tilt of his chin and downward crease on the corner of his lip. But, it's overshadowed as he watches the bookshelves separate to reveal yet another passageway. Through coming the BLU Scout that led him here that he thought was still at his right...
To say the rigidness he exhibited faded was, maybe a little bit of an over statement. But, upon the smell that'd wafted from the mug in her hands his head lifted in interest and warily he takes it once offered. Guess this was her keeping her word from before...
"Too much caffeine makes ya jittery... Not good for the aim." He answers tentatively, hands cupping beneath the mug for the warmth of the ceramic. Fingers still flexing with the ghosts of numbness from the outdoor cold. Exhaling lightly at the "0" written after the 1, he eyed the personification the coffee cup expressed. It wasn't his mug, he idly wondered who's it was before- after giving a cautious sniff, taking a sip.
'Wrong.' It was his first thought. Different brand, not the same as the coffee he kept stored in his camper. But he had no complaints, appreciating the liquid gold trickling down his throat. The liquid was still hot, surely, but that didn't seem to perturb the bushman.
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askredmedic · 4 months ago
I am surprised mine has not made an appearance eiser! I suppose she is too busy... Or actively avoiding us, as usual.
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hey, Ms Pauling, uhhh… there seem to be multiple red teams? Or, at least, you talk to multiple red medics. Like “number one fan of heavy” and “medic on red” are both red, aren’t they? …what’s going on? And are they aware of it?
oh, and also, tell me how work has been going. :)
It's been previously mentioned that we seem to be dealing with the crossing of alternate realities on here. It is quite strange, and we are not sure why it is happening. But at least they seem to get along (for the most part).
I haven't come across another me yet... so as far as I know, this seems to only be affecting the team.
As for work... I'm always working. I'm exhausted.
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thecozycamper · 4 months ago
"mundy-verse" the default universe you will interact with. this closely follows the story/backstories of comic events and game logic, including world building head canons. multiple story lines can occur here at varying times.
"mountain lab" run by @askredmedic , interconnected with the other connected blogs. Sniper has been hired to be the replacement for the team stationed in Mountain Lab. after a lost trek into the snowy mountains, he's finding that this new contract might be more than what the words say on the paper. (tagged under #❝mountain lab❞)
"mann vs machine" capturing control points, pushing a cart through a canyon, and stealing a briefcase of private intelligence are past objectives... new objective? surviving the robotic-apocalypse. one problem that jars of jarate don't work on.
"undead fortress" it started with a lead based water supply, the citizens of Teufort were only the beginning, the epicenter. what happens when a group of battle hardened mercenaries, used to the safety net of respawn, are faced with a fate worse than death?
more to be added
rules/regulation | about the muse | mun blog | you are here | ask box
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redbritishsniper · 2 years ago
Mann Manor rarely rains here but when it does it gives off the illusion that it was truly a haunted house. The only thing she doesn’t like when it comes to rainy days was the thunderstorm. No matter how old she is, she was still afraid of the flash of lightening and the loud clap of thunder. Her heart will jump, screams will be made, and fear kicks in.
She needed a distraction from the ongoing storm. The telephone line is down, tv was out, and she’s not interested in joining her team for the time being. Currently she’s tasked with radio duties for some reasons but she accepted it anyway, wanting to get away from windows and hoping the walls reduce the noises.
Since Natasha have nothing to do, she decided to tune in to any other stations that are on to listen or if there’s someone on the other line on duty too.
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askredmedic · 4 months ago
Hm. Respawn is still unstable.
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askredmedic · 3 months ago
I hear drama going on in zhe other room. On the bright side, zis eggnog is superb!
Ooh, very nice! Bit of a kick to it, isn’t there?
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denimsoverlook · 2 years ago
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redssniper . artwork redssniper . headcanon redssniper . ask answered reddsniper . ooc redssniper . roleplay redssniper . in character redssniper . event redssniper . repost redssniper . shitpost redssniper . prompt(s) redssniper . important
VERSE O1 : ❝Mountain Lab❞ ― Mundy has been hired as the new RED Sniper for RED team. Located high in the mountains, after an eventful trek through the snow he's led true to his new home for however long this contract lasts. What's going to happen next? related blogs : @askredmedic @askredspy @askspybot @askredengineer @thenewscout @rengineer VERSE(s) O2 : ❝Mundy Verse ― The Default Verse. related blogs : n/a VERSE O3 : ❝Blood Hound❞ ― One of the greatest predators in the world is man. The greatest trophy a head hunter could acquire. But even the top of the food chain has their own predators. It all started back on the sheep ranch, when one by one the wooly flock went missing. Young Lawrence with his fathers rifle and took matters into his own hands to find the perpetrator, expecting to find a coyote or a fox, he found fangs. Hunter of the non-human. Meet Lawrence Mundy the Vampire Hunter (additional fees for other supernatural.) related blogs : n/a VERSE O4 : ❝Fang-Bloody-Tastic❞ ― Mundy has always been different to Australian stereotypical standards, now, ever since he turned 32, he's been different to human standards. Can you keep a secret? There's a bit more to his naturally long canines than others think. Vampire AU. related blogs : n/a VERSE O5 : ❝Full Moon Mundy❞ ― Mundy, hates, magic. For good reason. He dreads every October that comes around the corner. Where Merasmus appears and kicks off nights of whimsical spells and soul harrowing mini games. Like clockwork when the bushman got irritated or overstimulated, he takes a camping trip. This time when he returned, he wasn't the same. Could someone get that damn itch behind my ear? Werewolf AU. related blogs : n/a VERSE O6 : ❝Man VS Machine❞ ― Gray Manns take over and the fall of Mann Co. wasn't all that faced the mercenaries. A new threat beyond mercenaries in BLU is on their horizon. Without the safety net of the respawn machine, it's going to take the begrudging realization that RED vs BLU is no longer, it's now Man vs Machine. (Inspired by the Bad Day series) related blogs : n/a
VERSE O7 : ❝Bloodstained and Loving It❞
― What if things were slightly different. The Freak everyone knows and loves, for his blood thirsty drive that’s bordering predatory and liking for up close combat with a variety of different knives and swords and axes. Meet Henry Murphy, the CBS that controls verse number 07, bloodstained and loving it.
related blogs: n/a
― Additional Alternate Universe(s) ‒ Wing Fortress ‒ more to be added pinned post | rules/regulations | about the muse thread tracker | ask box
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askredmedic · 4 months ago
Gah. Pauling will not pick up the phone. Is it ze service out here?!
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thenewscout · 3 months ago
Bristling slightly under the touch, it’s quickly recognized as one of safety rather than escalation. Instinctually shuffling closer to the taller mercenary, Scout tries to ignore the prickling feeling of eyes watching him from behind. Tucked away in his coworker’s shadow.
Pack safety—Don’t split into groups, is the contradictory mindset. Fragmenting a team makes coordination difficult.
Whatever that meant.
Focusing on the weight pressed into his shoulder, Scout squeezes his eyes shut. Willing away the frustration clawing up his throat and wanting release. A deluge of insults would do nothing but cement him as the immature newbie. So he swallows the pent up rage and bites his tongue.
A small comfort was taken in the form of Mundy’s scowl, even as it’s reigned back into a more professional look. Letting a long exhale past his lips, he mirrors the expression of detachment as best he can, taking the more experienced Mercenary’s cue as the Spy’s unhurried footsteps exited the room.
The two are left in blissful silence for a moment, ‘he ain’t worth it’ ringing in the younger mercenary’s ears. Sustained for a while, the quiet is cut short just as he begins to overthink it.
A mixture of voices surges into the halls, heated debate echoing before being abruptly shushed.
“I’m just saying that we—”
The bassy undertone of Rusty’s voice carries through the uneven walls; even after they’d quieted. Otherwise inaudible but clearly fraught with unease.
“Herr Engineer, with all due respect—zis cannot get to ze others.” Is the staccato of the Medic’s high-strung voice, dipping below the threshold as they move someplace more private.
Scout casts an alarmed look over his shoulder, blinking at Sniper. Toeing between running after the voices or being good—not eavesdropping when his mind insists he should.
Impulsive. Repulsive. Repelled despite the strong word never being spoken aloud. Against his better judgement, Scout mouths the words for permission.
“Should we..?”
So wait. This… All of dis is way worse than I thought, right? Crap. Even spy’s worried… And he’s the best guy I know at dis job!
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rengineer · 3 months ago
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" Well, I'll be! I sure wasn't expectin' this many folks to show up — thank ya kindly, y'all! Now, as fer gettin' here — don't y'all fret none. I've got teleporters set up back-to-back from your stationed base to here, so you won't be missin' out on a thing. "
Come on and join the fun, y'all! We've got eggnog, fruit punch, plenty of snacks, and cookies all laid out on the dinin' table. Over by the corkboard in the main area, I've pinned up some daily questions — go on and stick a little post-it note up there with your answers if ya feel like it! So far, we've got two of 'em up already. "
We'll have television shows, poker, darts, and lots more. If you're lookin' to stretch your legs, there's skatin' and even some mountain trekkin' for the adventurous souls. Plenty to keep everybody busy and havin' a good time. "
If you need anythin', just give me a holler — I'll be happy to help.
Oh! And I'm excited to let y'all know we've got a special guest droppin' by later this week.
Happy Holidays, y’all! "
@wastelandtherapist @meet-the-net @thecozycamper @averagebioweaponslover @scoundrel-loves-baklava @heavy-is-tired @ferretanon @lord-of-pyroland @meet-the-civilians @tales-from-the-blu-team @engineer-on-ylw @red-engineer-blog @brew-dwellin-blu-felon @blusiberian @thenumberonerascal @meet-the-cyborg @red-only-electrician @ask-the-red-fem-mercs @soldier-tf2-america @the-trapper-talks @blus-fire-starter @medic-on-red 🎀anon @ask-that-radiohost-engie @askredspy @thenewscout @askredmedic @askredengineer
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askredmedic · 3 months ago
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Warmth and lights shine onto the pale snow from inside, laughter trickling through an open back door. A little ways into the third day, an ambulance shows up. Rolling slowly into a sheltered alcove without its lights on. It looks to be on its last legs, in no way fit to be an actual emergency vehicle. And it’s clear why when the back swings open and a man clad in a longcoat steps out of the drivers-side door.
Shoving the jangling set of keys into his pocket, Medic slowly approaches the front, cautiously waving a hand in front of the sentries to check that they’re friendly. Giving a curious glance at what looks to be someone on BLU sitting atop one of them—spinning merrily in a circle and kicking her legs. Shrugging, he assumes that it’s one of the many people invited and moves on, rapping on the door with a couple swift, sure knocks.
When it creaks open, Medic flashes a toothy grin. Rusty is already making his way over, following in the doctor’s footsteps. Dell can spot the Spy helping Scout hop out of the back of the truck, posture stiff and expression distant.
“I do hope we aren’t too late for zhe festivities?” He asks, hoping to look as relaxed as he ought to be. A chat with Rusty had confirmed the validity of an event like this, but it didn’t prevent the suspicious itch in the back of his mind after so long spent in such a tricky base location.
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rengineer · 3 months ago
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" Howdy, y'all! Remember when I said we had a special guest droppin' by later this week? Well, here he is! "
" Folks, meet BLU Soldier. N' lemme tell ya somethin' — this man's the reason we've got ourselves a truce. No war, no ambushes, just peace and good company. (ignores the rocket launcher in his hand he is on "duty") "
LIMITED TIME: BLU Soldier will only be available to answer asks and interact during the event.
@wastelandtherapist @meet-the-net @thecozycamper @averagebioweaponslover @scoundrel-loves-baklava @heavy-is-tired @ferretanon @lord-of-pyroland @meet-the-civilians @tales-from-the-blu-team @engineer-on-ylw @red-engineer-blog @brew-dwellin-blu-felon @blusiberian @thenumberonerascal @elliotbizarre @reds-only-electrician @ask-the-red-fem-mercs @soldier-tf2-america @the-trapper-talks @blus-fire-starter @medic-on-red 🎀anon @ask-that-radiohost-engie @askredspy @thenewscout @askredmedic @askredengineer @meet-the-trapper-tf2 @reds-wildcard-jester @mafiaspy @redmedicfemale
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askredmedic · 3 years ago
I assure you the doves are perfectly fine! They might still try to nest in the mercenaries hair, though… Without any, you should be completely fine!
Oh no…thunderstorm outside. Hope the doves will not be scared :(
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askredmedic · 4 months ago
“Come in, take a seat! I hear you had some questions for me?”
Welcome to the blog! This has been edited to be more of an intro post, but to also cover some boundaries on these ask blogs.
All blogs run by this account adhere to both pieces of canon lore and extended content made by the creator.
That being said, not all blogs in the group will! When in doubt, check their introductions.
If your blog hosts explicit NSFW content, especially untagged, we’d prefer you don’t follow us.
While we deal with some heavy topics, being a TF2 based blog; our blog is not comfortable with nsfw/18+ themes and we’d like to make that distinction rather clear.
We especially need to say this with the knowledge that there are a lot of people thirsty over the mercs. Keep in mind that there are human beings behind these blogs, and therefore we ask that you treat us like you would irl.
Otherwise, as long as you’re respectful to the mods, go ape with asks! We don’t tend to do long form magic anons, but if you have an idea, go for it!
Our blog follows and runs under slightly altered but canon-based lore.
If you’d like to know more about the Mountain Base lore and be kept up to date on mercenary and asker findings, the official document(s) will be listed in a reblog.
If you see someone chatting in different colors on this blog, it often means they’re a different character! #Not your Scout is the BLU Rover Scout, and #Not your Medic is the RED Rover Medic!
Posts and interactions to blogs that aren’t within the canon or that are unrelated will be tagged with #Not your canon.
We don’t tend to interact as much with random roleplay prompts, due to experiences in the past. If you’d like to do a more serious interaction, just dm us! We’d be happy to do one with you!
@thecozycamper - A new Sniper on base! What happened to the old one, and how will he fare on this experimental base setup? He’s adjusting, but he’ll have to adjust a lot quicker for what’s to come. (Interacts with canon and non-lore canon blogs, tagged accordingly!)
@rengineer - An extra RED Engineer brought in to help maintain base functions and battles, as Rusty the in-house Engineer is less familiar with the respawn systems. (Interacts with canon and non-lore canon blogs, tagged accordingly!)
@askredmedic - You are here!
@thenewscout - Previously the newest mercenary on the team, and still the newest in terms of experience. He’s doing his best, okay?
@askredspy - He didn’t want to make a blog, but now he has a blog. Ask him questions, but don’t always expect a straight answer.
@askredengineer - Rusty wasn’t brought up into the life of a Mercenary, but he was called to action by Miss Pauling eventually. He occasionally helps Medic with experiments and is a lot smarter than he lets on, he’s just a bit shy at times.
Thanks to innovations by his hand, he’s developed mobile mini-sentries. They were banned from the battlefield until he made them smaller.
@askspybot - Medic’s experiment that led to the creation of the mobile respawn mechanism seen in MVM. (Within this universe, TF2 and MVM kind of take place parallel to each other.)
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