#ask the sugarsweets
sugarsweet-ask-blog · 5 hours
*the portal turned on, and 2 non-candy characters fell out of it. One of them was a Ruin model, only he looked like he had just fought a large ahh mutated thing. He killed a mutant spider that was bigger than him. A Neptor was hiding in his hat. Neptor looked like a small robot, only he wore a beanie.*
Ruin: "How are we always getting stuck in other dimensions 💀" *just killed a large ahh mutated spider*
Neptor: "I have no idea..." *shaken beyond belief*
*the first animatronic to notice them is a pastel palette Sun with blue accents on their face and rays, their blue eyes wide*
SS:"uh- hey Moon! Portal opened again, new animatronics!"
SM: "Coming, whoever just came through the portal, don't move!"
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bumble-the-sun-bee · 2 months
the sugarsweet ask box is open!
You can now ask some of the Sugarsweets questions (or just interact with them in general)
Each character has a different personality and job in the Sugarstar daycare, so if they don't respond immediately, they're probably either doing their job or resting from a busy day
We hope to see you soon!
-the sugarsweet crew
(find ask blog at @sugarsweet-ask-blog )
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
i absolutely loved how you wrote my previous request! (them headcanons had me giggling and swinging my feet) soooooooo im back with another request! (if thats alright w chu of course) how about some jealous chris headcanons? maybe with a reader that points out attractive people a lot, like "oh damn he's kind of hot" "she's really pretty" (i realized i do this a lot so thought it might be a fun request)
Awwww I replied to your comment on that post, thank you so much for your kind words❤️!! I’m so happy I was able to provide headcanons that you loved and thoroughly enjoyed! I hope you feel the same with this one!  :]
And not a problem! I can definitely assure you this was a fun request to write for!
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Chris Chris Chris.
What he wouldn’t give to be the sun of your life.
It depends on who you interact with and what you’re talking about, but most of the time he’ll tighten the grip he has on your hand or shift so close, his stubble would rub on you.
“(Y/N)... You still love me, right?” He’d ask, voice muffled from his face down on his bed.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
He lifts his head up, looking straight at the wall,“I...just have this aching feeling.” clutching a pillow to his chest, his doubt oozing from his lips,“Every time I see you talking to other people, I always feel like eventually you might think they’re much cooler...than me...and leave me...and I’ll be alone...”
“Aww Chris.” You came over to kiss him,“I would never do that to you. You know there’s no one else like you, and you’re cool the way you are.”
He wants to believe you, but his doubt worsens when you both get invited to the Oscars as guests where you’re in a room of nothing, but other superstars.
“Hey Chris... Who’s that over that?”
He sees you’re interested. So, for obvious reasons, he’s remains completely vague,“That’s the lead star for that upcoming movie.”
“No way! Savannah Michael in Nightly Guitar?” So much for that,“I never realised how attractive she was!”
“Yeaah... Not more attractive than me though, right?” He’d plaster a smile at first. You’ll kiss him and tell him of course and he’d have nothing to worry about!
But you don’t. Instead, you ignored him and dug deeper,“Wow...she has that sparkle in her eyes.”
“Sparkle...? I have that in mine too...” he gently pulls his eyes down, somehow thinking you’d see whatever there was to see better that way. What was the point when you weren’t looking at him?
Instead, you were listening to her answering an interviewer with a sugarsweet answer of gratitude,“The way she cares for her fans is so sweet! I wanna be like her someday.”
That was the final straw. This time he doesn’t try to top it off- he grumbles and pulls you away,“Alright, that’s enough of her.”
“Woah, Chris! I still wanted to see her!”
“No! You’re supposed to be with me! I’m supposed to be your boyfriend.”
You sighed,“Chris, can’t I admire someone without liking them? Not everything is about you.”
You appeared to read his jealousy as simple annoyance that you weren’t glorifying him twenty four seven...which might have been the case too.
So Chris decided to show you he can be as sweet, in case some mutant hunk tries seducing you with flattery and care, you would already be used to it from him. No receiving the prickly end of his treatment for you!
But then, you’re gone. He looks around: you were at the other side of the room.
What were you doing over there? He makes his way to you,“Heyy (Y/N)!”
“Oh, Chris, hi! Whatcha doing?” You chirp.
From where he found you from, he didn’t get the full picture that you were in the middle of talking to someone. That someone? Daniel McNally.
He shuddered...similar last name? No biggie...
“I was just about to ask! How come you didn’t tell me you were going to speak to the uh, awesome Daniel?” He queried through sucking teeth,“He’s not bothering you, is he?”
“Oh, no! I knew he was going to be here tonight so I wanted to ask about some of his movies! I did tell you, but I must’ve said it as I was going over to him. Was there something you needed?”
Dang it,“I see... Well, now that I’m here, I’d love to hear more about it, and maybe try contribute to this civilised conversation.” He glares at Daniel in the eyes, but kept his tone the same,“That alright with you, (Y/N)?”
You kiss him on the cheek,“You’re always welcome!”
He saw the annoyance flash in Daniel’s eyes, and winked in response.
Well. He grew increasingly bored with the conversation- saying that though would lose his reason to be close to you, so he stuck to nodding.
“Woaah, getting a bit too close there, buddy. Be careful, it’s not guy code to go after someone else’s partner.”
“Chris?” That caught you off guard. He wasn’t even standing close! You grab his hand and pull him away into a space empty enough for a private talk,“Alright, what’s the matter with you? Why did you assume he’s trying to move to me?”
“Assume? No no no. I know he is. I see the way he’s looking at you, how he’s trying to impress you. And I don’t appreciate it.”
You don’t believe him,“Chris, you talk and boost to your admirers every chance you get and you don’t hear me complaining.”
“That’s different!”
“I’m making it clear that we’re exclusive.”
“Yeah and clearly he knew that, before you came...” you fold your arms, slightly unhappy,“This is sounding more like you don’t trust me enough to have a civilised conversation.” 
By reusing his words, you cause his focus to shift away,“Chris.”
“You can’t blame me, okay? A cold hearted guy like me doesn’t deserve the warmth of a reincarnated sunflower... I guess I wanted some reassurance that you still love me the way I do you is all.”
“Is that seriously what this has been about?” You shake your head in dubiety. You don’t know what to say. Out of all the days to be jealous.
“Do you think...we could leave early? Pleaaaase?” He tightened his arm around you.
Shameless man. You sigh. That seems to be the only thing that’d make him feel better so you comply. You mainly came for the food anyway.
Looking back at it, for someone like Chris to be so worked up about securing his place in someone’s heart, was...adorable. Everything he did that night was just him displaying how proud he was to have you as his significant other, and subsequently how paranoid he was in losing you.
But he did steal one of the only chances you’d get to talk with your idols.
So you decide to do a little payback by pulling that joke on him where people would make a PowerPoint about who they would replace their loved ones with.
He was frowning when you set your laptop in front of him,“(Y/N)...” he must have read the title Guys I would leave my boyfriend for 
The corner of your lip curves upwards, pressing forward to the next slide saying “No one.” 
“See Chris. I wouldn’t replace you with anyone.”
He breathes out in relief, and starts smiling,“Whoo! That feels good to-“
“Yeah!” You interrupt him to get the punchline in i.e the next slide. Daniel McNally,“Uh...” you dramatise your expression as though you didn’t know how he got there.
The smile Chris had withered away into a quivering mouth,“I knew it...” Oh dear.
Turns out he didn’t know that this was a trend.
Either way, this wasn’t what was meant to happen!,“Chris, no! I-I don’t actually like him nor would ever leave you for him! It’s a prank people are doing! I’m not being serious, you know I would never do that to you!” You started shouting whatever came to your panicked mind, praying that one of those things would have him cured from his tears.
“So...you won’t leave me for him... What about...”
“Nooo, no one!” You pull him into your arms, his sobs wetting your shirt,“I’m sorrrry, it was a joke, I swear! I would never ditch you for another celebrity!”
Ah it feels great to have you hold him this way. :).
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disasterousduo · 17 days
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Did some school doodles of @/sugarsweet-ask-blog (@bumble-the-sun-bee)’s Sugarsweet attendants.
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peachpety · 1 year
For the ask a reader meme: B10 and C2?
hi sugarsweet! gah, coming at me with most excellent, hard-hitting questions! i love it!!
B10. What is the best plot twist you’ve ever seen?
i'm not one for case-fics, but this fic was first that came to mind...as one that exploded my brain. in the best possible way...
Telling the Bees, by @cibeewastaken
if you've read this fic, you'll know. if not, grab tissues and get to it.
The other fic that came to mind is Wormwood and Realgar, by @opalesqueopioid (written for Quidditchfest, this fic has been hidden, which, i'm sad bc this fic was amazing and is one i think of often...dragonheartstrings!!! but regardless, i'm including it bc i was completely immersed like 👀 and jaw drops and whoopings!)
C2. What word or expression always makes you cringe when you read it?
'kay, i'm just going to say it. any use of "the blond" or "the brunette" or "the younger man"...i.e. epithets. i can forgive these, and let them slide...for the most part, but i confess, i do cringe a bit when i read it. it's not enough that i'll nope out of a fic...that's usually for Big Ticket Things (squicks, if you will)...but yeah. this and also "Dray" as a nickname for Draco. again, not enough to nope out ever, and NO JUDGEMENT, YOU DO YOU, but me personally, i 'cringe' and move on.
thanks for these asks, my love. xoxo peach 🍑
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sugarpixie · 1 year
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Ask my muse “Have you ever ___” questions!   
 @troublewithvampires​ said: "Hey, Sugarsweet, ya' ever stolen anything before?" Salvatore winked at Pippin. "Promise I ain't gonna judge either way."
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{✿} – Pippin seemed aghast at the very thought of thievery, if not a little concerned as for the reason he was being asked. Did Salvatore think he had stolen something from him? ❝Oh, good gumdrops, Sally, no!! Stealing is wrong and I would never, ever! Why? Did ya lose something?❞ Pippin viewed him, wide-eyed and suddenly feeling something vaguely parallel to self-conscious. Pixie propaganda was circulating again this Summer and he really wouldn’t blame Salvatore at all for falling for it. Those bullies could be pretty convincing! The sugar pixie cast his gaze downwards to stare idly at his own feet, wringing his hands together behind his back and gulping nervously as he mustered up the courage to ask Salvatore directly. ❝H-hey, Sally…you don’t think…you don’t think that I stole it...do ya...?❞
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holygarm · 1 month
just wanted to let you know I'm drawing a response to your reblog from the Sugarsweet ask blog so, it'll be a while until Sugar Moon responds -v-
Ebebebebebe I’m excited :3
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ginandbubonic · 2 years
Nectar Of Bastards
Sugarsweet that little lie, made with corn or poor mans rye
Desperate is his swaying gait A deadbeat man, father ain’t 
I’m so tired of rolling this barrel, break the damn cask I’m going feral 
When will you be something worth me? When will you be something worth you? \\
Pathetic-aged wretch, twenty-four years of this ambient dretch
All those years of patronizing All that time talking over me: \\
Didn’t catch on when I learned to be quiet, 
But the heart of this house has always been silent \\
Didn’t catch on when my door became a wall, 
All that ever mattered was the household thrall \\
Didn’t catch on when I became a whisper, Because your anger isn’t worth the whining-twister \\ So drink your sugar and rest where you lie
When you look for your son
Don’t ask when he died. 
Gríma, 2/18/2023
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incorrectpnatquotes · 4 years
Max with Bi and/or trans
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sugarsweet-ask-blog · 2 months
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As a result from our poll, we decided to let you give the winner as many kisses as it seemed fit
A second poll will be held to gauge the second most kissable <3
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bumble-the-sun-bee · 3 months
Waittt- If someone were to actually take a bite of any of the sugarsweet au attendants.. Would the part that’s bitten off just remain gone or would it regenerate? Or are they inedible? Just a random thought I came up with- (Someones probably already asked this tho lmao)
They are not edible- they are still (mainly) metal and silicone thought Faz co somehow managed to give them flavored casing and such
So it'd hurt and you'd probably get in trouble but they do taste (and smell) like their respective theming
(Edit! This is the reason why candy corn Solar's rays have chunks taken out of them. Some kid thought he was actual candy and ripped a decent amount out of two of his rays)
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I used to make Fnaf x reader fanfics and I am proud to say I have NEVER made a toe sucking fic
you’re doing great sweetie and i support you so much
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ptgwannabe · 2 years
do u have any smuts you recommend
oh my god my first ask 🫢
but AHHH I DO, i mostly read sub!idol content so i’d say my current favorites are
@fairyofshampgyu current “fuck you” beomgyu smut/fic series
honestly anything @fallinforgyu writes is top tier especially the cherry hs fic,
same for @heexseung she is mother and the reason i still like tumblr as much
@irockgyu beomgyu smut “In your psyche” is definitely a good one but you’re someone like me who loves smut but also longer stories the kai “say what you mean” is chefs kiss 😘👌
@sunpopz donghyuck “free falling” story left me in a haechan mood for like two days
@s-sugarsweet jungkook smut “all of us m”
@otptings Huang Renjun & Na Jaemin smut
@wildernessuntothemselves almost everything they’ve wrote for beomgyu though I will say some of their works have darker tones and aren’t for everybody (even me but I love being their loyal 🎬 anon none the less)
and “bible study” by @everygildedstar a good one for if you bias someone who doesn’t have much smut for them cause it’s optional bias
definitely some more i forgot but that’s my current tops for kpop rn, also most of these are afab or fem reader based stories!
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'// U //' for the no-pain prompts: The Gammas watching Fred and Veta interact from a distance, all heckling and appreciating them in equal amounts. 💙
Okay so first I have to say I reread Sugarsweet because it's awesome and I'm still trying to nail the characterization the way you have. So this is a follow up to that in a way. Freta....and their 3 beautiful mutant children :)
Something was different between Mom and the Lt.
They had been preparing since Kelly had sent the message after their unofficial mission to the bar. Mom had been tight-lipped after they got back but said she did deliver their message to Fred. The Lt had ignored their looks and then had the nerve to make them run extra drills when they pressed him the next day. Ash had opened his mouth to ask why his ears were so red but Olivia elbowed him in time and Mark dragged the two of them away.
Linda gave nothing away and Kelly only smiled wider when they swarmed them at meal times. It was only after another slog of classes and trainings that Kelly showed mercy and gave them some advice.
"Fred's never been good at schooling his face. You need to be patient, treat this as reconnaissance practice. Learn his tells, watch their body language, and if they catch you say it's part of your homework."
So the Ferrets began their information gathering.
Their targets had busy schedules but always seemed to catch each other in the morning, right after meetings. They'd walk to Mom's office before the next round of briefings, and the Ferrets could tell something was up. The body language between them was light and open, playful even as the Lt brushed his knuckles against her elbow. He stood in her door and chatted for what seemed like forever, at least for a Spartan.
The Ferrets watched and learned before slinking away. Meeting Mom later meant noticing the large jacket on the back of her chair as she fidgeted in her new office and spun in circles while they sprawled out over every available surface.
She couldn't understand how they seemed comfortable sitting anywhere, but something was off. Her kids' body language was too relaxed. They looked like they did when trying to blend in as civilians. A little too much effort in appearing apathetic.
Lopis stops spinning her chair and squints her eyes at them, folding her hands on her desk in her best Osman impression.
"What are you up to?"
"Huh? What do you mean?" Mark almost fools her with the act but the way he bites his cheek gives him away. Olivia does a decent job distracting her with "Well we wanted to check on you. How have you been adjusting to the recent changes?"
"Uh huh..." Lopis replies sardonically and turns her gaze to Ash who is smiling a bit too wide. "Ash?"
"I just wanted to ask about your new jacket, doesn't really seem like your size, Mom."
There’s a knock at her door, and she lets out a quiet breath and calls them in.
It’s Fred. Of course it’s Fred.
He’s mirroring her expression, a deer frozen in the headlights before he weakly asks,
“Am I interrupting something?”
“We’re done here.”
The Ferrets pop up in unison and file out the door with smiles on their faces. Both adults are watching them go without stopping them, and Mark closes the door with a “Bye Mom, Bye Dad, have fun on your date!”
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nanaminsonyfans · 4 years
Tied Up
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Requested by @sugarsweet-moon​; nsfw zuko x reader where they are trying some bdsm/kinky stuff and it’s the readers first time doing anything like that (or just readers first time at all if you aren’t comfy wif da kinky stuff) so zuko is being super sweet and reassuring and always checking up on them
A/N; I hope i did you justice! I had a lot of fun writing this haha
A soft shiver was sent down your spine as his warm hands laced the silk ribbon around you. You gulped softly as his fingers traced down your spine, dipping his fingertips in the dimples of your back. “What’s the safe word?” His voice was deep and husky, his bottom lip brushing against your ear. “R-Red.” Your voice was muffled by the small gag, but still understandable to him. “Tell me if you get uncomfortable. Remember I love you.”
Those three simple words leaving his lips made you melt. Zuko was always so caring and gentle with you, no matter what. Today he wanted to try something new, neither of you has tried this before, so he surprised when you agreed. You smiled softly when you felt him tie the ribbon in a bow. Guess he was still a softie even now?
Zuko’s warm hands roamed your nude body that was tied up just for him. His soft lips were pressed against your neck, leaving small love bites and marks. You moved your head to the side, giving him more room as your eyes fluttered shut. “Even like this...you’re still so innocent.” Zuko whispered and laid you down softly. You felt something soft get pulled over your eyes. A blindfold-
He noticed your shock and got close to your ear, “Sense deprivation. Don’t worry, it’s only to surprise you, my darling.” He purred lowly in your ear, his hot breath giving you goosebumps. Zuko took notice and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “It’ll be worth it...trust me.” He pulled away and started to undress, the only way you knew he was undressing was the movement of the fabric. 
You flinched slightly when you felt his hot breath against your inner thigh, soon feeling his hips against your skin. “Z-Zunko…” You whine but it was muffled again by the gag. Zuko smirked and licked your inner thigh, all the way up to your clit. Feeling his hot tongue against your sensitive areas sent you into a moaning mess. Being restrained and blindfolded seemed to make every movement he did much more erotic to you. 
After a few soft kisses down there, he cupped your cheek, kissing you deeply. “Tell me if it hurts okay? I’ll stop if it does. The last thing I want is to hurt you.” He whispered in your ear as he started to toy with your nipples. You gasped in shock, arching your back as well. Zuko smiled and kissed you softly before teasing you by pressing on the tip of his cock in you. You whined, neediness overtaking you. Slowly, he thrust all the way in, earning a loud moan from you. You seemed to get tighter around him, Zuko wanted you to loosen up, so he rubbed your clit slowly. You whined and seemed to do what he wanted, resulting in him starting to move in small thrusts.
He leaned over and whispered sweet nothings into your ear. “You’re doing so good Y/N...you’re so beautiful like this...I love you so much.” Each of his words made you smelt like putty in his hands. Zuko took full notice and did his best to overstimulate you. Whether it was continuing to rub your clit, or suck on your nipples. When he did both of these things you were a whimpering and moaning mess. “Z-Zuko~” You mewled as you bit down on the gag, drool slowly rolling down the corner of your lips.
You got tighter around his cock and his thrusts got more sloppy, signaling that both of you were close. You whined as you started to reach your climax and him reaching his. “Y/N...ah fu-fuck...Y/N!” He moaned as he started to cum, quickly pulling out. You were whining and moaning Zuko’s name the entire time as you climaxed as will.
Your chest rose and fell quickly as you tried to catch your breath. You felt Zuko’s warm hands untie the bow he made and took off your blindfold. Your eyes fluttered open, your e/c ones meeting his golden ones. “Are you okay sweetie?” He asked softly, cupping your cheek lovingly. You nodded and leaned up to kiss him. “I’m fine Zuko.” You whisper and pulled him down to lay with you. He took the hint and wrapped his arms around your waist. “I love you Zuko...you’re so sweet…” You mumbled as you closed your eyes.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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