#ask the krewe
old-krewe · 6 days
what’s everyone’s least favorite kind of salmonid to deal with (including normal boss and king)
Uh.. I'm new here so.. I don't quite know all the names. [He laughs]
But I don't like those huge metal snakes with the little fish guy at the end. I feel like I'm always backed into a corner and then they splat me!
Oh, the Steel Eel? Yeah, that's a nasty one.
(Did you not read the manual?)
(There was a manual?!)
I hate those pesky Motherships! There are so many Salmonids flying around it makes my head spin.. And that's on top of our precious eggs getting stolen, too!
I think the Snatchers are..annoying to say the least. [She chuckles sheepishly]
[He holds up a Drizzler locker decoration with a grim expression]
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cecelianonymous22 · 13 days
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ghelgheli · 6 months
So..can amab people be part of womanhood? From what you say, that doesn't seem to be your view. You think that if an amab ceases to be a man, they can only become a third gender (faggot, failed man) but a third gender defined by being a male at birth. Womanhood isn't accessible to them because it's socially constructed in an amab-exclusionary way. So "trans women are women" isn't socially true, right ?
But if that's not the case then how, why can amabs be women, but afabs can't be trans women?
gonna use hegelian "identity of identity and non-identity" because I read about it in a book recently. as a matter of fact I think trans women are women! I also think we're not. this is true of many, perhaps most, women. because we can speak of "woman" as an umbrella gender characterized by a particular adversarial and oppositional relationship to patriarchy, i.e. misogyny makes womanhood, and trans women are certainly this—or we can speak of "woman" as the essentialist ideal, the standards of which many women (e.g. the infertile post-menopausal woman) fail to meet. every woman is a woman and no woman is a woman, though the designated failure of the trans woman is particularly intense because we are precluded from performing the bulk of the peripheralized labour already reserved for women (there will also be intersections with racialization here).
I'm not a third-genderist about trans women, or whatever you might call it. I don't think that's a productive analysis. this is why I keep saying that trans womanhood constitutes an underclass of woman: woman by dint of being less than woman. woman is many genders as much as it is one gender. but if you think what happens materially to the "afab transfem" is at all in the neighbourhood of the material facts of transfemininity, your imagination is at an impressive remove from what the fuck is going on.
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ask-liam-p · 25 days
Hey Parker (if I can ask anything from him in this series)
Do you ever have imaginary conversations in your mind where you can't control the outcome? Do you sometimes feel like this?
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Yes. Occasionally.
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biconickyoshi · 2 months
You don’t seem to get enough TLOK asks so let me say one: What would each krew member’s tiktok for you page be full of? (Including Wu, I consider Wu the late edition team avatar member like Zuko was for the gaang)
Ooo thanks anon, you’re right that I don’t get too many LoK asks lol. Also I totally agree that Wu is a late member addition of the Krew, as is Opal, with them both being significant others of original Krew members.
Hmmm okay let me think… so I’m honestly not a huge TikTok user - I check it maybe every 3-5 days just because I know I’m gonna be scrolling for a long time when I do check it lol. I’m also not super familiar with all the different types of algorithms and names for different corners of TikTok, so I apologize in advance 😅
- Korra: bodybuilding, sports, gaytok, politics/news (tho she probably wouldn’t like to see it bc she uses TikTok to distract from real life lol), cute dog videos
- Asami: mechanic stuff, science, makeup/hair tutorials, fashion, race car driving/motorcycle stuff, gaytok
- Mako: sports, true crime, gaytok, drag queen content (Wu got him into it)
- Bolin: cute animals, baking (idk why I just think he’d like it), sports, acting/musical theater
- Wu: cute animals, gaytok, drag queen content, musical theater, fashion
- Opal: leftist TikTok (she’s very passionate about social justice), fashion, makeup/hair tutorials, cute animals
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
I saw a post of yours from a while ago about the Legend of korra crew meeting the atla gaang (I love stuff like this so much) and I was thinking, how do you think they reacted to katara being a bloodbender? Like in Lok they all knew what it was and most were horrified when it came up. I think they would find it deeply upsetting the someone they know can do it and that they were only a child when she learned.
Hello, @1anxiousbeancrying !! Thanks for the ask!
I love the idea of Korra meeting the ATLA Gaang! That just has so much potential!
So, in canon Korra knows what bloodbending is. When Tarrlok bloodbends her, she knows it right away without him having to tell her. I imagine it was Katara who told her about bloodbending as she's the only one in the compound that had that kind of exposure to the sub technique. And we know that Katara outlawed it, meaning that she probably had to prove its existence/its existence become known to the outer world. Not to mention Yakone and the fact that all of the Gaang's kids would have been around by the time it was happening, a time when Katara probably would have thought about telling them.
Getting back to the question though, I think it would be different depending on who you're talking about? I can see Korra finding it interesting at first but then being scolded by Katara because it's also incredibly dangerous. From how she reacted to Tarrlok, I think it's safe to say Katara put a good fear of bloodbending in her. So, I imagine that, as a kid, Korra would find bloodbending kind of cool and want to know more but if she found out about what Katara went through in present time, she's a more sympathetic and concerned for her mentor. Asami, Bolin and Mako would probably have all found out about Katara bloodbending after season 1, so they get the full, traumatic version of it and they'd mostly be horrified (having experienced being bloodbended themselves) and also pretty comforting (for lack of a better word) towards Katara.
The Gaang's kids might be a little different. I imagine they would have heard the story of Hama as more of a ghost story Sokka uses to scare them when they were younger which stopped when Yakone came into being. I can also see Katara telling them during or after the trial (at least some of them). Following the very shaky timeline of Korra, Suyin is 2, Lin is 8, Tenzin is 9, Kya is 13, Bumi is 19, and Izumi is ???? when Yakone's trial is going on.
Minus Suyin, I think the Gaang would take this opportunity to tell them what bloodbending really is and why they know it's so dangerous. How the kids would react though would probably depend on the kid? Suyin probably doesn't understand what's going on, Lin is most likely scared (mostly for her mom though, she knows aunt Katara isn't dangerous), Tenzin is also probably scared but I think he'd be scared of his mom's power now (in his head, he knows his mom would never hurt him but hearing that she now has this kind of power does freak his out), Kya is more so concerned with her power abilities and if she could one day have such a horrifying power, Bumi is the most adult out of everyone so he probably has a similar reaction to the Krew in that he's more understanding about what his mom went through. I literally have no idea how Izumi would react.
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re1kohas-arrived · 6 months
this might be weird to say but uh
what would you do if rainbow was in your walls and was eating your blanket
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
(You can actually find one if you look through one of my taggsss.. but the others you'll have to search really hard for)
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thanks to u im watching succ tonite like this <3 much love forthe enlightenment
I'm so glad ^_^ peace and love on planet krank 💕💗
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btheleaf · 3 months
What are your thoughts on the main Krew? You seem to be heavily side character focused so I was curious.
Tenzin is part of the main Krew! I think about him all the time!
Haha no but seriously, I don't really think about the main Krew. They're so.... teenagers.... I know they're like 20somethings but that's still basically children to me
Korra is dope as fuck, obviously. I'm not blind or stupid.
I didn't really like Asami until the comic books. She's so annoyingly written in the show.
I don't ever really think about Mako. If I do think about Mako, it's not even the Mako from the show. It's the Mako that exists in my head.
I hate canon Bolin with a passion. They could have replaced him with an inanimate object, and the show wouldn't have suffered. Actually, the show would have gotten better. Same as Mako, if I think about Bolin, it's the version of him that exists in my head.
I'd much rather be obsessed with the older people who have let their mental illnesses fester for decades. They're so feral. I love them.
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old-krewe · 13 days
Asks Open!
If you'd be so kind, leave a question in the inbox <3
I would love to hear any kind of questions or comments about my cephalopod blorbos. I don't care how stupid or how complex they might be.
At the moment, I'm unable to do digital art, so asks will be answered either with traditional art or just plain text. I also won't have a proper banner or icon for the same reason. If I get the money, I might commission someone to make the art instead.
For right now, it will mostly be text, but images may be added later!
Tagging System:
c:💛 is Fitz
c:💚 is River
c:💜 is Rio
c:💙 is Sean
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Putting Sylffa in the spotlight: 1, 8, 13 and 30!
Just an asura ask game
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Ty so much for the ask!! Time to stuff another decent wall of lore under a cut! Because yep, this one's definitely gonna be long, too.
1. Do they fit well into asuran society or are they more at home with other races? How do they feel about fellow asura? Is it because of their personality or something else? Is there any deal maker or breaker?
Sylffa tends to be pretty adaptable, shifting gears depending on who she's working with and what they expect. But when it comes to what group she LIKES more... She finds asura society way too stuffy for the most part, too much bureaucracy. Sylffa's more the type to want to just go out and get her hands dirty, paperwork be damned. On top of that, she's more than a bit fed up with their tendency to hoard knowledge all to themselves; Sylffa doesn't see the point in making things that will never actually see a practical usage. It's actually a big reason why she got along with Ruju! They might have opposite temperaments, but their interests are pretty similar. Likewise, she tends to prefer other asura that break the mold a fair bit, too.
Other races tend to find her madcap inventing style of 'throw things at the wall until something sticks' a bit unnerving though, so everywhere has its drawbacks. At least the charr usually like it when she straps laser cannons to everything, so that's a win? The jetpack that also launches shrapnel bombs was a hit, too.
All that said, she found herself most at home working with the Priory and eventually the Pact. There she can really put her wild imagination to work, coming up with all sorts of bizarre ideas that no dragon could possibly see coming. And mingling with all these other races gave her all sorts of new ideas, inspiring even crazier concepts than she'd ever had before. Variety is the spice of life as far as she's concerned; Sylffa's at her happiest getting to meet all sorts of people from different cultures and walks of life. It gives her the opportunity to explore much different perspectives and really stretch her creative wings! A lot of the time their ideas inspire her next project.
8. Do/did they have a krewe? If yes, describe them, their roles and tasks. If not, why?
She did, though she eventually left it behind to join the Priory. They'd been a small band of Dynamics alumni that all graduated together with her, just a few years above Ruju. While Sylffa doesn't work with them directly anymore she DOES keep in contact; they've always got a new story to share about whatever nonsense they've gotten into.
Sometimes they send her some of their newest tech, too.
Their specialty tends to vary a lot, though they have a soft spot for handheld machinery, particularly automated tools and equipment. Most agree that the best plasma-based welding tools in Rata Sum use their designs, and they double as a mid-range blast cannon in a pinch. A fully functional multitool! What's not to like about that?
13. What's their field of research of choice? Are they pursuing it or is something else taking priority? If they don't have one or more, why not?
Sylffa graduated from Dynamics with a specialty in engineering, though what that covers is pretty broad for her! She's worked on everything from the plasma multitool mentioned above, to specialized defensive golemites that bind together to form temporary barriers, to improved scanning hardware designed to increase sensitivity and reduce interference, to figuring out ways to build weapons into things that don't normally have weapons on them. Whatever she's working on, though, you can bet it's designed with field usability in mind. If it can't take a hit from a minotaur charging it down at full velocity what's the point??
Sylffa also assisted with some of the early engineering for the Pact airships, though that massive undertaking was very much a team effort. It's probably what she's the most proud of, though!
She doesn't have much interest in maintaining patents or writing research papers though; Sylffa likes using her knowledge base for practical applications, finding that much more interesting and more fulfilling, too. Seeing her work actually help people-- even if just by making construction a bit easier-- is like a proof of concept. She doesn't need recognition from the Council or a bunch of professors. Being appreciated by the people actually using her designs is worth far more to her than some award she could stick on a shelf.
30. Free space for 3 pieces of trivia about your asura!
- During Sylffa's first year at Dynamics she was BRIEFLY assigned as Ceara's roommate. This arrangement lasted less than a week, largely because Ceara didn't want a roommate and made the experience as infuriatingly insufferable as possible. This little asura tried VERY hard to break through that icy exterior, but Ceara just wasn't having it. Sylffa finally gave up and requested a transfer after she returned to the dorms to find her bed had been "accidentally" subjected to an anti-gravity experiment, and it was now irreversibly stuck to the ceiling. Under less antagonistic circumstances she might've found that funny, though.
- Sylffa's actually a Warrior, Berserker specifically! She has no magic to speak of, but while she doesn't fight much she can hold her own in a scrap when push comes to shove. Sylffa tends to rely a lot on augmenting her weaponry with technology, building bizarre contraptions that enhance the power of whatever she happens to be wielding-- and she really will use ANYTHING. If it's in range, she'll eagerly smack something with it. Sylffa is a firm believer that anything can be a weapon if you're creative enough.
- This girl is actually one of the big deciding factors that shifts Ruju's path across different timelines, and the reason that him going to Dynamics leads to becoming the Commander. They knew each other as little kids, so when she recognized him in college she quickly reconnected and pulled him into her friend group-- which in turn led to him giving up his bully shtick and meeting his own future krewe. The two still stay in contact long after, with her occasionally sending him weird experimental tech once they're both in the Pact. Sometimes he uses it, but he keeps a lot of it for mementos.
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storybookhawke · 1 month
I would like to know about grim reaper Hawke!!
Love, thedastrash
It's not too planned out, but I've always been in love with grim reaper ideas. I wrote one for Supernatural back in the day, and they make for good angst.
Essentially, when the second sibling dies, Hawke asks the gods (the Maker, or any gods or demons who are willing to listen) to save them and bring them back. Someone answers his plea, but offers him a deal: in order to save this life, he must now reap the lives of others. Desperate to save the last of his family, Hawke accepts.
Hawke is an immortal grim reaper (not The Grim Reaper, but one of many). To his shock, he's given the task to reap the souls of everyone--Merrill, Isabela, Fenris, Anders, Varric, Aveline. So he follows them all along, brings them on adventures, and when the time comes, he reaps their souls. Hawke causes the downfall of each of his friends, knowing that when they're bleeding out on the ground (or however they meet their ultimate end), he can't help them and has to watch them die. He reaps their souls, knowing that it's all selfishly his fault for wanting to save the last of his family.
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stitch1830 · 1 year
I saw your last post about Lin harming herself at a young age and I’m curious, how would everyone react to canon age Lin harming herself?
Hi Anon thank you for the ask, and your patience! Very interesting thought, and I’m going to try my best to answer below!
Content warning: Mentions of self-harm.
I’m not sure I have the answers as to why she’d start harming herself (perhaps again) once she’s older, but she did go through a lot for the past few years during LOK. I don’t think it would be unreasonable to think that she had some things to work through, but instead of seeking help from friends or professionals, she turned to what she did in the past.
I can see the Krew noticing a change in her behavior, they probably ask questions but she’s not forthcoming with responding and whatnot.
It probably takes them a while to realize what she’s doing, but immediately after they find out, they try to help her in whatever way they can.
The Krew are sad when they think back on the signs of self-harm and they wish they had done something to help her sooner.
I feel like the Suyin would be very upset to hear this. She just got her sister back and talking with her, and she finds out that she’s been keeping things from her in the process. There’s still a lot of trust that they’re trying to build between one another (if we’re following the canon story), and so perhaps once Lin stops harming herself, Lin and Su take the time to talk.
Tenzin would be distraught as well. He cares deeply for Lin, but he knows that he’s not someone that she goes to for help anymore. I can see it being especially hard on him if he helped her through self-harming issues when she was younger. To not be there for her now pains him greatly.
I don’t think Toph or Katara would catch wind of this information. But I’m sure they’d both be upset to hear about this. As to what they’d do, I think Katara would put on her motherly voice and talk with Lin as much as she could about this. I’m not sure what Toph would do. I think she’d probably be heartbroken, but she wouldn’t know what to say exactly that would make Lin understand how sad she is about this. She’s also probably filled with guilt, because their strained relationship is probably partly to blame for Lin doing this, but also the reason why she probably went to Toph last about everything.
Perhaps Toph doesn’t say much, but during a visit, she gets teary-eyed and her voice wavers and she grabs Lin’s hand and says, “I’m sorry, baby girl. You—I let you down. I’m sorry.”
Ouchies. Many ouchies—
But okay I think that’s all I’ve got right now! Thanks again for the ask, Anon, and if you have other questions you’d like to ask, feel free to do so! Thanks and I hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything! :D
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biconickyoshi · 6 months
I got one hell of a question: How do you think Team Avatar would react to our world? We use the elements for alchemy, not bending. Plus most people here aren’t connected to what they would call the spirit world, most people thinking more like Sokka (aka scientifically rather than spiritual). And I mean both Team Avatars
Interesting question anon! I definitely think Sokka would be over the moon (ha) about how advanced the technology is, and he and Suki would think it’s fascinating that our entire society consists of nonbenders. As for the rest of the Gaang, I’m sure for the benders it would take some getting used to, especially since modern technology allows for us to do things that only benders could do in AtLA. This is already something that’s explored in the comics, and a bit in LoK.
As for the Krew, I think they’d be less likely to have an extreme reaction due to their time being the equivalent of the 1920s in the AtLA world. They also literally had to fight giant robots, which we do not have lol. I think Asami would be the most interested in the advancement of technology, and she’d also be the most likely of the Krew to have a large social media following once she figures out how to do that lol.
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theforgotfullartist · 5 months
Had anyone else watch these shows?
First one Is Fright Krewe it on Hulu came out in 2023 and it still going, has two seasons and it about Soleil Le Claire and her friends. accidentally breaks a spell on the Tree of Life and unleashes an ancient evil. The spirit of Marie Laveau, the voodoo queen of New Orleans, puts her and four other kids in charge of saving the city from Belial, an ancient demon who feeds on fear.
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Second Is daybreak it shows from Netflix 2019 and it about a high school outcast Josh is searching for his missing girlfriend in post-apocalyptic Glendale with no adults because they got turned into zombies, but teens did not. He's joined by a group of misfits Angelica and his former bully Wesley and on the way, they'll face many weird things. It had only one season before it canceled which sucks because it had an amazing but goofy plot , and I wish it got a second season.
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