#ask noonescity
ask-the-shiny-pokemons · 11 months
@ask-noonescity Lumen@Noelle: "Hi, we met just before..." the ho-oh awkwardly informed the houndoom as he put on a gentle smile "I wanted to ask as I noticed - the suit looks lovely, did you get it somewhere commissioned?"
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“You're welcome. Also thank you, ya have a nice look yourself too.”
“The jacket is from Rimi’s dad. Anythin’ else I bought it myself.”
She also shows a photo of herself wearing an outfit before leaving.
“Welp, I kinda want to be in a dress, cause being in a suit is quite awkward for me at least for the mass crowd and Rimi’s already wearin’ one.” Before leaving, she decides to ask Ho-Oh another question.
“Oh, I haven’t asked your name. I’m Noelle, it's a pleasure to meet ya, mister…”
[ @ask-noonescity ]
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askiceboundlopunny · 9 months
[Response to this] @ask-noonescity
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The mienshao seemed unfazed by the sharp ribbon that was pointed at her as continued waving it away with her tail.
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"I'm no stranger to facing tough mons, the stones on this necklace is proof of that." She stated pointing her thumb inwards at said necklace. "I'll admit I don't know much about these shadow pokemon or how strong they might be. But it's a shame that you'd become one yourself if you use that curse of yours too much regardless. Someone knocking you out as a last resort wouldn't do much for you then huh?"
The dragoness both looked a bit disappointed and had a hint of it in her voice with the last sentence. Perhaps for Monarch. As if she was hoping her idea would be able to help him utilize the potential of his curse more freely due to having a failsafe.
However she didn't dwell on that as there was something else that also piqued her interest.
"These shadow pokemon though... You're building them up as if they're something to be afraid of. And on top of that, you say you hunt them for a living?"
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"If not, then I might try and find one of these shadow mons before I head back to Yuki. But it's definitely be an open invitation to come find me if you need to blow off some steam."
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askpokemoncrossover · 11 months
@ask-noonescity Stella@Sai : "Excuse me!" she called out lightly catching up to the lucario slightly out of breath "I might be very blunt right now - but I also haven't seen other universes for a while so..." she took a breath catching herself as she had to a bit run to find him before gesturing at her chest "Your aura, or- your heart..." she now straightened herself out "Is that normal form where you are...? Are you so called man-made pokemon? Like...whats the story behind it..." she asked slightly curious but also quietly anxious if she was a bit too forward or not,
The words 'Man-made' did send a slight pang in his heart, although artificial it maybe at this point Stella's words did sing some truth and it was something he already accepted. Still, he's alive and so is she. And when she gestured to her chest, her own heart. He shook his head, a gentle somber expression was held. She asked purely out of curiosity so at least she deserved some kind of answer
"It's not normal where I came from. Though, it might as well be due to how that operation worked. I wasn't exactly like this at first. I was just a simple pokemon that had to undergo open heart surgery just to survive at a young age. As for what it was, apparently its..." He swallowed nervously, she already saw what it was, didn't she so she could only hear his hushed words that came next: "The Ultranecrozium Z crystal." while he isn't exactly ready to make this a public thing, his sister, Amber didn't know and he would keep it that way for the time being "...It's tied to Necrozma and having some.... alterations to my body. I know it sounds weird but, if it works, it works. You're a Lunala, right? Somehow i was able to tell when i felt your aura, think it's due to the light you and I both have. I... I haven't gotten an idea of what i could do with this power yet, but that's what the training sessions are for. One day i hope i can figure it out and make it my own."
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vall-kyu-artbook · 9 months
Some of you may know about Mingi, an adorable character from @ask-noonescity (A delightful read from the talented @the-sleepysiren).
They are just a cute Mimikyu/Skitty fusion and a fun little eldritch abomination.
Well, inspiration hit me and I present to you a real life Mingi 😊
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They are made using a 'Sitting Pose Eevee' kit, with heavy conversions to hide the joints, remake the ears and give them an overall flat look. Of course the whole thing was painted as well.
The actual ears/tail is made from cotton, a material that I did not realise would be a huge pain to work with. As I could not find any black coloured cotton, I had to spray these ones. Which sent cotton everywhere. At least they are floofy to touch now. (For those interested, I made a framework from tin foil and layered cotton on top to create them. Gives it some strength).
It was quite the project compared to the Mimikyu conversion I have done previously and an interesting challenge. It took a long time but I feel was certainly worth it.
Afterall I have my own Mingi to pet now 😆
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ask-team-misfit · 6 months
[ in response to this ; @ask-noonescity ]
He was just about to ask what Erebus was doing when he felt the pouch form in his paws.
He looked at it with wide eyes for some moments once the other removed his hands. Then he looked back at the Darkrai's face.
His ears were erect as he listened to Erebus explain the properties of the pouch; he soon realized that this was a gift to him.
A gift. Of all things, a gift.
It was another show of kindness, from someone else he barely knew.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief at the Dragonspiral Tower summit, shown from the waist up and directly facing the viewer. He's looking somewhat upwards with a look of pleasant surprise, with the faint blush on his cheeks drawn as semi-transparent pinkish red lines. In both paws, he's holding a small pouch with two feathers attached. End ID ]
It would be some moments more before he could speak again.
Lief: "Y-you're saying these are edible? To me they kinda look like that weird medicine... thingy."
Yet he plucked one up to try it as he said this. True to what Erebus told him, it was pleasantly chewy, and lightly spicy; his preferred flavor.
Once again, he fell silent. Even after swallowing, he struggled with what to say. He soon averted his gaze.
It would be the gentle wagging of his tail that gave away he really liked the gift.
Even as he went on to say:
Lief: "Th-they're actually... not bad."
[ background by @/lightofunova ]
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pokege-ne-project · 1 year
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>> Happy Fanart Friday Friday Sunday!!
Pardon the delay. but really happy with how these came out! love the community's designs so much
In order:
Mingi of @ask-noonescity, suggested by @aro-crossing!
Oscar of @asktheisle, suggested by @noblejanobii!
Thank y'all for the suggestions, and hope y'all are having a good weekend!
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askobliviatwo · 11 months
@ask-noonescity Omen@Zlato: The shadow lugia approached the mewtwo as she chuckled "Its interesting to see a mewtwo in this gala, always makes me wonder if ours is somewhere alive..." she thought to herself slightly "You dont really count as a legendary or god huh..." she tapped her chin for moment pausing then chuckling with a smile "Do you have any connection to arceus himself? Have you met them?"
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askleaderscrest · 1 year
@ask-noonescity Omen@???: "You want to crash this party? You are so fucking cute - I wouldn't be surprised if you got away with it," she chuckled as the shadow pokemon peered up at the butterfly as she tilted her head eyeing the wings "A polar wing pattern, is your name snowflake too to go with the act?" She chuckled to herself
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???: I mean, would it really be hard to crash a party with so many rules? I know I heard something about rings to disguise yourself, but mine's so much cooler. Would hate to clash with it. And clothes? Please. If you want to restrict my flying like that, I'd rather you just cut my wings off.
???: Heh, Snowflake. How original, I'll keep that in mind for later. But for now, you can call me Morris.
Limited Character: Morris' ref has been unlocked @ask-noonescity
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@ask-noonescity: Lue approached the Rayquaza staring at him in amazement before smiling brightly in glee "You are such a beautiful rayquaza! In our universe ours is similar dark color too!" she said happily before blinked "O-Oh! Apologies was that too startling??" she realized herself awkwardly adding "I-Im not too familiar with socializing with others" she quickly said waving her hands before glancing to Vourison tilting her head "I wonder what snacks have you brought are they as unique as you??" she said sweet tooth almost speaking before her own mind her eyes couldn't help but to glance to the lamp "A-Also if it alright! can you share what's the lamp for? Is it just light?" she asked in curiosity
"It's fine." Vourison grumbled, shuffling awkwardly. What was with all these compliments today? "I'm not one to attend events like these either, so I suppose we're in the same boat there."
At her musings on snacks, he held up a small box, made of deep red wood, "Usually I wouldn't bother bringing anything, but the others insisted. Inside this box are candies made using shade berries, a plant that only grows within my realm. They're quite sweet with a bit of tart." He explained, opening the box, "You're free to take on if you like. I completely forgot to put this with the other food." He mumbled that last part. He'd been so focused on watching the kids that the small box had completely slipped his mind.
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In response to her final question, Vourison lifted the tip of his tail and brought it closer to the both of them before speaking, "The lamp on the tip of my tail is a part of me. I can summon it away at will, and I mostly do so when sleeping." He demonstrated, the object disappearing in a quick flash before reappearing again, hanging from the tip of his tail. "This lamp is important. It's light is special in that it can be used to cut through any darkness or nothingness, while also possessing properties of rejuvenation. I need this lamp to preform my duties."
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ask-guardian-gallade · 5 months
@ask-noonescity: Luelle almost appeared next to them happily "Apologies! For sudden appearance!" She said in a chirp before looking to Vinny "I absolutely love your Rockruff onesie! Its so cute!" she said in a smile "Who helped you pick it? Or did you already own it? I gotta know if I can find one my size too!!" she said happily to the little kid
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Vinny: He got it in a place called "Wal-Mart". I saw many onesies in a section where they keep the pajamas. Maybe they do keep onesies in your size. I also like your PJ's too miss. They're so bright and colorful. It almost look like a rain coat but comfy. I bet your having fun as much as I am.
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ask-sarah-and-co · 1 year
@ask-noonescity Omen@Jasper: "Well, well. well look what the meowth dragged in~ " she hummed out "Theres seems to be so much yveltals here its almost like a little play of fate ~ " she tapped her chin thinking lightly "Do you represent death in your universe too? Do you like taking the souls?" she asked in thought now small smile across her lips
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Heh, I do suppose fate has run wild, so to speak. He grins at the Lugia, I do indeed represent death, and, be quite honest with you? While I hate the ferrying of souls, I do not mind the title… I do hope that makes sense…? He sighs. It is not a hard job, I do not do much honestly, he chuckles to himself. It is more of a subconscious thing, I suppose. He pauses for a second or two. But it is quite the dark one. I do wish I had a flashier role, say, the god of battles? But Athena does have that so nicely covered.
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I was so convinced i sent it, so sorry xD Anyway how about Noelle and Monarch from @ask-noonescity
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Liam (he/any)
Simply a Houndveeraf.
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harmonia-university · 6 months
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The Fanart Weekend requests! :3
Tagging blogs under the cut:
@ask-pokecats @lightofunova @pokepalsarchive @office-pokemons @kevinns-quest @sinnohsiblings @ask-noonescity @ask-casteliabounce @poniquest @ask-amaryllis-academy @tailsluigi @askteamsunshine @ask-the-royal-absol @redolentgrove @ask-boreal @ask-serafinas-harem @ask-sarah-and-co @askbohemiancompany @mountainleafuniversity @ask-a-learning-ai @askparadoxtrainers @asktoastythearcanine @askpsychicarcanine @requiemofazorua
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lightofunova · 6 months
@ask-noonescity: "Greetings! Hi! You must be the host of this event!" the young goddess approached Reshi with a bright smile "I have never attended mortal type of event! Its all so exciting for me! I must thank you full heartedly about it!" she chirped non stop excited to interact with other goddess as she clapped her hands together "Why would you recommend to do first! Or maybe we should do something fun together? I would love company - I hope you don't mind..." She quietly said her last words
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"Or if you are a bit famished we have plenty of food and drinks to go around! One of the delicacies I loved in my past was that of Ice Cream when we could make it! Apparently it's far easier to find nowadays so we have plenty to spare!!"
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ask-team-misfit · 6 months
@ask-noonescity: Luelle spotted the hybrid making her way quickly to them "Greetings hi!" she said with a smile to him as he ears almost flapped in excitement "I know that feral pokemon don't tend to wear sleepwear AND I see that you didn't arrive in any sleepwear!" she said lightly before giving bright smile offering quickly "Would you like me to offer you some? I can create stuff with my magic and I thought I might as well offer" she clapped her hands innocently "It can be pretty! Simple! Maybe covered in pretty Lace! Its all on you!" she said innocently to Lief "All you gotta do as a payback is share the snacks you brought! Easy right?" she said with a little giggle
[ @ask-noonescity ]
Lief: "Uhh. Thanks. But I'm fine."
It wasn't often that other Pokemon offered to gift him anything, though he tried hard not to show it. He'd cross his arms and turn his head away with a hesitant, almost sheepish expression on his face.
Lief: "Like you already said, this is a choice. Clothing and me kinda don't mix. Full clothes, I mean. Like the townies do."
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief, a hybrid of Sylveon and Ribombee, with a mono-color background. He is shown from the neck up, with his face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. He appears rather dismissive, glancing away towards the right with even narrower eyes. His face is flushed in red, literally so as the blush is shown in color. End ID ]
Lief: "And anyway, you can just ask if you wanted some, and I'll give it to you. No need to gift me anything for it..."
A part of him was certainly curious in finding out how he'd look in it as he said this.
But admitting that? Accepting a gift? Completely different story.
Event Ask Hints have been updated.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 5 months
(Response to: https://www.tumblr.com/sleepyinteractions/747318097393893376/if-it-doesnt-help-you-sleep-at-night-then-you?source=share )
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???: We used to be huge! Bigger than this tower we are in. You see, we had great power for so long. However, our control of it was never good. We would cause others around us to fall into deep nightmares which we could not stop. The more nightmares we induced, the greater our power and the larger we became. The nightmares we once created caused mortals to feel as though they were dying. A constant barrage of the inescapable feeling of death. We did not wish for that to happen.
*The shadowy mist’s head drooped as it was saying this.*
???: Being an aspect of Death itself means we have no control in how our nightmares would affect others. We fell into great despair. However, the moon goddess itself created a being to help control our power. This being was known as Cresselia. Cresselia has helped us and now we roam the realm of dreams, helping those infested with nightmares. It meant that our body had to be destroyed for us to control our abilities but this does not trouble us.
*It realised how much it had spoken and its face, or what could be perceived as one, turned a slight shade of red.*
???: Ah! We are sorry for talking for so long! We did not mean to spout all of this! We apologise greatly! As for the question on pillows. Well, we’ve had to keep close to that one.
*The mist gestured towards Destino*
???: And the best way to do so is to use their pillow as a means of transportation. We also find the feathers inside to be comfortable. Most comfortable! It is for a secret mission for the good of the universe.
*Its tail began to wag excitedly.*
???: And questions for you! Yes yes! We have so many! Is this your natural form or do you have one more similar to that of other Pokémon? What control do you have over your abilities? Have you ever lost control of them? How have you been able to conjure up those spirits? Are they illusions like the ones we are able to create? What is your dream realm like? Is your Cresselia just as kind and wonderful as the one we know? Oh, forgive us for being so excited!
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