#ask nana anon
princessleechan · 2 months
Omggg Nana I'm so happy that you're back!! so I wanted ask for either a small imagine of any member or a text reaction of them accidentally receiving readers sexual toys package, but before dating 🙊
Seventeen member reacts to receiving your sex toys/tools in the mail
Warning: obvious reference to nsfw items and activities
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 months
It's toshis birthday yay!! What do you think nana (and gran maybe?? 👀) would gift him??
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they took him camping for a summer break!
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cgnab · 7 months
OMG!!! i just read needy! chan and i have an idea for a continuation if you don’t mind? Channie gets upset about having to wait for his orgasm so he gets whiny and bratty. Maybe meandom!reader can teach him a lesson ??
this is a really good idea ! Sorry if it seems rushed or if you didn’t like it ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა the first part is NEEDY !
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NEEDY ! #2
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PAIRINGS: Bangchan x fem reader
WARNINGS: nsfw , swearing , dom!reader , sub!chan , desperate chan , begging , edging , cock slapping , mean!reader , nipple pinching , bratty chan , blowjob .
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“Please–please b-baby ! Feels good–“
he whines , his legs shaking from how much you’ve ruined his orgasms . he reaches for your hair to tug on his softly making you groan , the vibration makes him jolt as if he has been struck . you take him a few more times in your mouth then let go off his aching cock with a pop making him groan . You’re sat completely naked between his legs , pussy leaking from how good he looks right now .
“Baby boy can take more can’t he ?” you coo , he looks so sweet like that , all needy and desperate to cum for you . “b-baby–been good,fuck ! please–“ he whimper when you slap his cock , leaking precum , you could his release coming from how much his chubby cock is twitching . “Need–need to c-cum !” you start jerking him off again but slowly , he doesn’t care about that all he cares about is cumming right now or he’ll loose his mind . “f-fuck , g-gn’a cum , cum–cumming !” He whines , making you slap his cock again , but this time he cums from the slap making him moan a high pitched moan .
“Such a whore , cumming without permission ?” His eyes widen when he realizes he came already , he didn’t mean to it was just hard to not cum .
You climb up on his lap , you could feel him shaking underneath you . you start playing with his nipples making him moan a soft moan . “do you think you deserve to cum inside my pussy , channie?” You say teasingly , he nods excitedly , “please–need to feel you mommy–ah! Ah , mama please–“ you pinch his nipple making him cry softly , you start roaming your hands all over his body , playing with him . You then let go off him and grab his cock settling it on your entrance , he whines from how wet you’re , he just wanna fuck you full and fill you with his load . You tease his tip a little before sliding it slowly inside of you . He whimpers when he feels how tight you’re around him , “mommy–mommy! Pussy so tight , f-feels too good!”
You start bouncing on his cock , his cock hitting all your spots making you whine softly . “Channie , feels good–“ you whine , he’s babbling nonsense underneath you holding you by your hips . You could feel your release coming up , “baby–shit! Mommy’s cummin’–“ you fuck yourself faster on him making him moan loudly , “pussy clenching on me tight–ah , ah! Mommy! “ after a few thrusts you feel yourself coming undone on his cock , you let out a few pants before feeling his cock twitching inside of you , he starts buckling his hips against yours . You hold his hips down “dirty slut , looks like you won’t be cumming anytime soon.”
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© CGNAB , 2024 ★ don’t translate , claim as yours , or repost on any other platform .
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Hey mochi! I was talking with some friends and in came the topic of periods. That got me thinking: would the boys have sex ed at the two leg camp (I FORGOTTHE NAME SORRY)?? My friend called it "egg yeeting" and I just imagine mc casually mentioning it to them. I feel like we would see literal bubbles coming out of their ears trying to figure it out!
-Nana Anon (can I claim that? I have no creativity for aliases LOL)
(lol Nana is another word for grandma so im just reading this as grandma anon)
I think it would depend on how conservative we want to view the camp. On one hand, the best thing would be to teach them about both sets of reproductive organs so they are familiar with the terminology at the very least and not surprised when they meet someone having a period.
On the other hand, there is a likely case that the camp would only strictly teach them their own reproductive organs and bodies, much like modern day sex ed. I think this is probably the most likely case, even though the former would be the smarter thing.
It's also stated that Azul and Jade researched a lot about land before turning human (and Floyd absorbed that info lol). But I think it's implied that they mostly learned about cultural stuff, so they still might not be familiar with human biology until land camp.
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wonwoosthetic · 9 months
Hii, no rush or anything but I was just curious to know when we can sort of expect the next minnie fic?
Give me a few more hours and you’ll get to read it later when I post it today! I‘m just finishing up writing EP1-4. ˙ᵕ˙ it takes just a little longer to write stuff like this because I always have to watch a scene, pause it, write it, watch the next, pause it, write it, and repeat😅😊
In the meantime, look at these pictures from the past few days that made my moots and I on Twitter go absolutely feral:
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And my absolute favourite:
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very interesting to see which shows have low to none "never heard of it"
even better are the shows you're sure everyone has heard of but turn out to have 40% or more in the "never heard of it" answer
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albentelisa · 8 months
Hi there! Are there any headcannons about Nana Domzalski and Jim you have?
Oh, there are some!
Nana is Jim's grandma figure, full stop;
Nana is the second human adult who knows Jim the best (the first one is obviously Barbara);
Jim took his first cooking and baking lessons from Nana;
when Jim was small, he often stayed at the Domzalski's house during Barbara's night shifts;
Jim is closer to Nana than to any of his blood-related grandparents because she was always close;
before Strickler came into the picture, Nana was the adult Jim asked about things he couldn't discuss with Barbara (mostly her well-being). He stopped when he realized that Nana talked to Barbara about it afterward;
Nana is greatly worried about both Jim and Barbara as they are no different from the family by this point
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kdramaxoxo · 8 months
Best power walk scene! Could be couple or male or just female edition
Listen. NANA is the best walker 100% of the time.
The evidence:
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snaxle · 3 months
someone compared not being able to put down harry potter to drug and alcohol abuse.. guys bffr.
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nanabanonana · 2 months
sorry if the question is rude, but....... sometimes from your posts it sounds like you're still posting fic somewhere? 👀 how does one. get to read them. (i main mdzs but like, all your writing is cool)
you're not being rude at all, no worries. sorry to say that the fic i'm currently posting is anonymous. as such, i won't be doing much more than vague'ing about it. BUT i did post something recently that's not anonymous. if you sub'd to my ao3, you might have already seen it, but here it is:
the real cherry magic is the dicks we took along the way by Pancho | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - rated Mature - 1.020 words - Shen Yuan & Shang Qinghua, Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan, Moshang implied - text messaging format, drunk shenanigans (morning after)
it's just a silly cumplane friendship-centered bingqiu (bingyuan?) thing for SVSSS that i wrote in about ten minutes. locked ofc (you need an account to view it). it's got nothing to do w cherry magic btw, i just never changed the placeholder title lol.
i don't know that i'm willing to post publicly again, but i might drop a couple more silly things in the future. also considering releasing my fics again, but might change the setting to turn off comments.
thank you for the compliment btw, i'm happy to know that my writing is good, fandom aside. 💛 have a good one!
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nanatsuyu · 1 year
what makes you like kandrew so much?? what drawns you to them??
(not trying to sound rude or condescending or anything im just curious lol)
I really adore characters that bite and snarl at each other for the purpose of enrichment in their respective enclosures.
On a more serious note lol—other than the fact that I have A Type when it comes to pairings (davekat, edxizzy, amberprice, etc), I enjoy characters that have somewhat of an unhealthy codependency on one another. Which is the extremely general way of putting it. I like characters that are kind of doomed to the narrative to never really be sated by what the world has to offer, but their person makes up for that (not that they always recognize it as such or that it's entirely positive or sometimes even completely mutual). And I don't mean doomed in a "never amount to anything" way, but in that bittersweet tone where both of these characters, wherever they fall into each other on the timeline, are at a place where their lows sync up, and that harmonizing rattles something to the perceived tune of "we're the best we're ever going to get". Again, that's all really general for the vibes of why I was drawn to them. There's a bit more nuance for them (and the other pairings ofc).
I like that they have a deal that encompasses both of them trying to push the other into being a better version of themselves but they're both too stubborn/scared to move first because realised potential means you have to recognise it too. Kevin can't expect Andrew to try his best when he himself is not, and Andrew can't expect Kevin to show him his worth* if he doesn't bother to try in the first place. (Though I know their deal was labelled more as moriyama protection for Kevin, I think that kind of encompassed the idea that Andrew would be a crutch till Kevin could stand on his own if that makes sense)
Not to quote the ec but it's one of like 3 parts I would willingly print and eat:
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Andrew is the kind of character I adore because he says this and he really genuinely means it. Keeping what little he has left of himself is a last ditch self preservation tactic because he can't get hurt if he has no hopes/expectations/aspirations. No one can let him down if he doesn't let them. But he's so wonderfully flawed in his own ruleset because he keeps doing just that in the hopes that maybe someone will be different this time . Like maybe this time someone will be right when they say he's worth it** like maybe Kevin is right and he can make Andrew see what he's been refusing himself.
I also love that their deal extends far past the deal itself. In the most basic of terms, it was: 'you go, I'll go.' Andrew didn't have to trust Kevin beyond that. But he gave Kevin his meds and trusted him not to abuse that. Kevin had even already promised to help him figure out a way to wean off them before if they could earlier (and I genuinely think his fear of Andrew getting off his meds early was both a kneejerk 'the game/my safety' reaction because Kevin has a lot riding on this semester too, but also because he knows he made his own promise to Andrew and he thought Andrew coming off his meds early might have been an obstacle even Kevin's stubbornness couldn't hurdle when it came to helping Andrew on his feet after). Likewise I have to imagine that very few people put their trust in Kevin with much of anything outside of Exy given his temperament and wallflower disinterest in team building extra curriculars. So for Andrew to willingly give Kevin his meds to hold onto that he's gotten violent over before probably created a very morbid sense of.. pride, I guess? Like I trust you to hold onto the thing that ruins me is so... clenches fist
There's also this rough handed care that comes with all of that. They're unforgivably honest with each other at the best of times and unnecessarily biting at wounds just to get a genuine reaction at the worst. But then they also have these quiet side/off screen moments that are unyielding in tenderness? Andrew inspecting Kevin's hand for injuries. Kevin covering for Andrew when he's sick on court. Andrew telling Kevin to trust him during a panic attack and that he'll take care of it. Kevin turning his entire attention away from the Raven's to pull Andrew up to his feet. Them smiling at each other first genuinely?? Being idiots on the court with playful mocking shoves that don't get heated?? Like you give me these two characters who make it seem as if their hearts will genuinely stop beating if they stop nipping at each other, and then show me that they're actually wrapped up in one another so tightly that they're rarely seen apart? And are burdened (affectionate) with the task of keeping the other from doing the very thing that drowns themselves?? Okay
Also a looooot of this is from my perspective on Andrew's perspective on Kevin since we're given a lot more to work with, but I genuinely think Andrew was the first to push back at Kevin and make him prove things to Andrew and himself. Kevin had maybe a couple people at most before he fled to the foxes. Like he had nothing other than his name and reputation, good and bad, when he showed up at wymack's door. I can't help but imagine some part of Andrew saw this as amusing but also rather tiresome when it came to seeing Kevin constantly shut away in hiding. He was so loud before, where is all that roar now? When Kevin left Jean, he really left his only friend behind (sorry Thea fans I know she's there I know). So here you have Andrew, offering a deal that becomes this codependency because being out of the nest alone most certainly took its toll for a while, and it sounds too good to be true but most things are. So Kevin snatches it up and then there's the trust in the meds and the constant presence (in the sense of comforting consistency in spite of any disagreements (but abandonment issues kandrew is a whole other post now innit)) and the care and it all looks a lot like what someone might call a friend. And I mean they could both say they're not friends till their dying day but they're the only ones they're still trying to fool.
I just like that they gnaw on the scraps that they snag off one another, these leftover cuts from failed attempts at love and kindness, and act as if they didn't hand the pieces to each other themselves in the bed they share.
*Andrew is worth more than his ability to play Exy obviously, but I'm working from the angle that these boys have a very limited vocabulary in how to express that given their upbringings lol ie: my absolute Favourite part of the ec:
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Like again I have my hangups with some of the ec but this provides soooo much more context to their beef pre-canon and the history behind Andrew's failed recruitment. Not to mention Aaron internally calls out Andrew for blatantly lying to Kevin when he tells him he doesn't care. (I think Andrew probably holds a certain disdain for Kevin struggling to verbalize how he measures worth and how that might differentiate off the court, because that line between wanting to be told you're worth putting in the effort for versus being told it's because of your latent potential is most likely rather precarious. Shipping goggles on: I imagine wanting to get someone's attention whose love language was built up around Exy is a tad difficult even if Andrew does in fact hear what Kevin's trying to say. I also don't think Kevin's malicious in his inability to truly express that Andrew really could have everything and it's infuriating to watch Andrew self destruct.)
**And for me, this, coupled with the above conversation with Renee, really puts into perspective how agitated Andrew is with Kevin for squandering his potential. He thinks Kevin has zero self preservation skills when it comes to maybe not putting all his balls in the exy basket, but that's also why he's so drawn to him because he has this insatiable drive to live for this one thing? And yet he's not even giving it his all like he's asking of Andrew despite that? It'd be easy to dismiss Kevin's overzealous love of the game as gross infatuation that's bled into Andrew's life, but if he smothers Kevin's drive and doesn't encourage him to be exactly as he sees Kevin, this person who really can achieve these things, what is there for him? He wants Kevin to thrive, but Andrew also wants Kevin to be right and that he can thrive too.
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princessleechan · 2 months
seventeen members reaction when you accidentally send a really romantic message to another member by mistake (idk if that makes sense, for example cheol text reactions to their s/o accidentally texting 'i love you so much handsome, you looked great on stage today 💕' to mingyu instead of him)
Seventeen members reacting to you sending messages meant for them to other members
A/n: this was fun and maybe i got a little out of control, expect cringe. being romantic is harder than i thought
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 months
Kurogiri would be VERY funny to swipe from AFO, quirks like that are impossible to come by naturally and insanely useful
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canon in noumu!torino au actually
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cgnab · 8 months
What inspired you to make a skz blog? Thinking abt starting
I thought of starting one from a long time but I just waited until I reached 18 :3 you could also say that there were some people who really motivated me to write like @wegc , @hyunsvngs & @moonjxsung — I really like their writing and that’s what made me start it lol (๑˘・з・˘)
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
do you have any recent chan recs? you said it yourself but there is a drought rn and i need some new stuff ahhh
This is my favorite question. Ily anon. So this list will be compiled of Chan Recs I’ve read and plan on read
Promise Ring by @lovelyhan (brand spanking new and long, rn unread but the premise 🥺)
ménage à trois by @onlymingyus (has Vernon and it’s short, sweet, and oh so hot)
Spit and swallow by @cheolism (very targeted, considering the fact that we were just talking about spitting and swallowing sometime before together 😭)
April 20th: pot luck by @onlyhuis (I don’t even smoke or consume weed but my goalie this fic had me by the throat)
Cocky. By @jejuboo-s (short and spicy, Chan being mean will always be a favorite)
Love Talk by @celestiababie (on my tbr list bc oh my 👁️👁️)
Untitled by @dirtysvthoughts (video sex, need I say more? Something messy and hot about desperate ppl on call wanting to fuck)
[1:45] by @hwanghyunjinenthusiast (also on my tbr and I only read a snippet but oh fuck)
Untitled by @duhnova (tbr; but knowing nova and the fact it’s sugar babies reader and Chan with sugar daddy cheol IM FUCKINH STOKED)
Still counting too, maybe I’ll find more after 🥴
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sotwk · 4 months
Confession time because why not? So, today I rode in my dad’s old truck for the first time in years (well, it was actually my grandfather’s that he’d rented to my dad when I was in high school so my dad could drive in from out of state and see me. My grandfather took it back after six years because my dad didn’t make his payments nor an effort to drive down and see me.) Anyway, the truck smells like him and all I can think about when I sit in it is my dad’s nasty temper and his scary driving from the last time he took me for a ride in it when I visited him. I wouldn’t say “panic” more like an uneasy feeling. My stomach feels tight, much like the sensation I’d get right before he yelled at me. The truck has dents and other broken parts as a result of his rage and I feel uncomfortable somehow. Any advice?
A hug first, and then advice!
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I'm sorry you had to experience that! It's awful when old memories rise up to trigger the anxieties associated with it. Memories are so powerful, aren't they? And they can bring as much pain as they can joy. I'm sorry you have to carry so many negative memories of your dad.
I wish I could say, "let it go", but even singing it in Elsa/Frozen style doesn't make that advice any harder to follow. It's tricky to give sound advice without knowing the full history between you and your dad, but here is what I can say:
Don't let toxic people have any more influence or effect on your life than absolutely necessary. I hope whatever contact you have with your dad is very little if he triggers you this easily. I hope that truck ride was a one-time thing, and you don't have to do it again (or only very rarely).
If you DO have to continue riding that truck (for whatever reason; maybe it's become your mode of transportation now), then you can try making new and better memories to associate with it.
Even though bad memories can really do a number on our emotional state, we need to remember that that's all they are--memories. They're ghosts, and can't hurt really or affect us in the present. Brush the ghost away and move along. :)
Even a little self-care can go a long way in easing anxiety attacks. I hope you treat yourself with whatever works for you. For me, it's a good comfort movie, my favorite snack, extra shower time, or a walk in the sunshine. Then of course... there's a good comfort fic.
I hope that was helpful or reassuring in some way, and I hope your anxiety crawls back to the shadows quickly, where it belongs! Thank you for sharing your experience with me, and for your trust.
This Ask also reminds me of the power of good hurt/comfort fics, and I truly hope I'd be able write at least one of my many ideas soon! We could always use more of them!
I wish you well, Anon friend! Remember you are so loved. <3
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