#ask lati
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phlurrii · 5 months ago
so Unrelated but is Circe's future partner a shiny Latias?? :0 if so, can i have a tid bit of lore if that doesnt involve any spoilers? :D
Been working on this like a mad man to condense it, the first draft was way too long XD
Okay for for context, Citrine is a shiny Latias that will eventually become Circe’s partner down the road. This was based off the fact when I was shiny hunting Mewtwo, I couldn’t find it in the wormholes in USUM, but I did find Latias! So I took a break to shiny hunt her instead. I found her 7000 encounters in and then found Circe 2-3k encounters later after finally tracking her down X3
The two girlies are a sapphic couple, they won’t adopt or have any kidlets, but will be the type of aunts that show up to family events, spoil the niece’s and nephew’s, then dip after hyping them up on sugar.
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Some old art I made of them a while back for visual enjoyment, but onto to explaining for how Lati’s work in this world and where Citrine and Circe come into play amongst it!
Lati’s are a companion based species, requiring a partner to survive whether platonic or romantic. Otherwise they are known to decline both physically and mentally, eventually perishing from loneliness. They also require a partner to reproduce, however both genders can lay egg making the sex of the Lati companions irrelevant. Due to being hunted by humans and predators alike, as well as Latias’s bright red colouring making it easier to spot has greatly reduced the number of their population. Causing even more to die from being unable to locate a partner, resulting in their very culturally strict mating/breeding habits.
Lati’s often pair up into larger pods in order to ensure survival of their chicks, of which are always guaranteed to be twins! However, if a Lati couple fails to produce two living, healthy kits they will be ejected from the pod. This is because:
1) They fear the miscarry was a genetic flaw and will be carried down by the chicks.
2) It causes an uneven of Lati’s, guaranteeing it or another will struggle to find a companion.
Ejecting the family removes the threat of tainting the gene pool and prevents a guaranteed uneven spread of Lati’s! As while more chicks can still die from illness, hunting, or accidents, it’s not a guarantee. The pods do everything in their power to prevent it, given to reproduce its required to have 2 Lati’s of which can only produce 2 chicks in their entire lifetime. Making uneven numbers very dangerous! Since every pair can only reproduce once.
Ejecting a family is treated as a death sentence, as often without the assistance of the pod it becomes difficult to raise and care for the chicks. The parents splitting up as one cares for the babies and the other provides. However if one parent is ever picked off by predators, it forces the remaining parent to risk leaving the chicks alone. All accumulating to a higher chance of the family perishing all together.
So how does this all affect the gals? Well, Citrine is shiny, that’s a problem for Lati’s.
Shiny’s in my story, by admittedly accident, usually spell a bad omen or follow up a tradegy, a death, or a life altering event. Citrine continues this trend.
She was born alongside her twin brother we’ll just call Latios for now. Latios was a normal, non shiny Lati, while Citrine was bright gold/yellow. Upon their pod seeing this, her family was ejected from the pod and forced to live on their own. Her parents did not abandon her and happily, albeit struggling, raised her and her twin brother despite the HEAVY judgement from other pods. Given Shinys were ejected not because of any inherent defects, but rather because they were infertile.
Shiny Lati’s cannot produce offspring, and given it takes two Lati’s to make a kiddo, if one can’t contribute their side of the equation, their partner can’t have the chicks either. They are not asexual reducers and require the both partners to be fertile!
So upon seeing Citrine was a shiny Latias, her family was ejected due to the guaranteed inability for her to pair up. And whilst her family did successfully raise both her and her brother to adulthood. Even in lone Lati’s search for companions, no one will take a shiny. Which is a shame, give shinies are often larger, bulkier, more powerful, and their colors help them blend in BETTER then normal Latias’s especially. Latios’s stay generally the same with colour camp shiny or otherwise. So despite this, Citrine has a very good chance at surviving on her own!
If dying slowly from loneliness and depression was a thing.
Cue Circe.
Circe finds Citrine very much on her last legs, the will to move or find food is all, but gone. So she’s wasting away on a cliff face near an ocean. Circe, a shiny herself and having 0 concept of Lati’s or most Pokémon for that matter, helps her and slowly nurses her back to health. Her disregard for shinies, their status in the general population, and genuinely caring for Citrine as she is and not what she is ends up being the first time she ever has someone really look beyond her colours. Breaking out of a toxic mindset her species imprinted on her due to fear and desperation to keep their species alive in the first place.
From there it’s a very classic lesbian love story. No one confesses for 8 years and eventually they realize their “friendship” is very, very, very, very much not a friendship anymore and hasn’t been for a while ;]
Anyways YAY INFODUMP!!! I’ve sat on this info for months and developing An entire Lati side story for ages. I love those goofy jet plane birds.
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may-maple-blog · 2 months ago
Can we see Comet sketches? Please and thank you?
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here he is! plus some anatomy notes
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salon-maiden-anabel · 1 year ago
If I may, follow up to Roark as a Lati: Byron as a Lati?
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO RESPOND TO but hands you an old man
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hime-bee · 9 months ago
hey bee! sorry i'm getting to you so late, but i really hope you're doing good!! if you're not feeling okay, that's fine! it's okay to have bad days sometimes, and while i obviously don't know what you're going through, just know i'm wishing for your well-being and happiness. don't feel bad about not finishing your fics/comms bc i'm legit the same and your life comes first! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) also i wanted to send you another arknights thirst but only if you're feeling okie dokie
hab some pics of my aunties double stuffed oreo, a.k.a mittens to make you feel better <33 he's chonky boi, he's pure evil, he bites my ankles if i stop scratching and giving him attention. he's a little shit and i would die for him <33
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You have nothing to apologize for, Lati!! Thank you for checking in on me and always sending me such scrumptious meals 🥺 You have no idea how much I appreciate you, seriously!! I always get a goofy little smile on my face whenever I see you in my inbox or on my feed 😌💞 I'm just so grateful to have supportive people around me like you that are willing to reach out when they hear I'm not doing so hot. I'm doing much better now, for what its worth!!! I had some good food, got some amazing well wishes and just tried to relax myself- it helped a lot 💜
You can send me whatever you want and whenever you feel like it, Lati!! As I said, I'm always down to read peak, and you never fail to deliver the best thirst 😩💦💦
ALSO??? I LOVE MITTENS!!!!??? Even if he is a little evil man 😭💗 Give him lots and lots of kisses for me!! The chonky bois always have the best cuddles!
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year ago
no cause yoon i cried like… 6 times yesterday because of taekook and the whole post in general and then taekook AGAIN on suchwita?????? what the fuckdjjsjsjsjs 😭😭 imagine i was in the middle of writing my taekook fic and then boom; this happened.
The gods have blessed your Taekook fic. I don't make the rules. It is so.
So it is said, so it shall be done.
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spell-cleaver · 7 months ago
"No one is only one thing. No one.” Hondo looked at Luke. “Something to remember.” When Luke gave him a flat stare, he cleared his throat. “Anyway. We can do it. We are an excellent team—Dakellan hired us for a reason!”
For every 🌹I receive in my inbox I’ll post one sentence from a current WIP of mine!
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morningdraws · 1 year ago
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Can't help but share this thing I drew a few weeks ago (when I could still draw) for a Latin thing.
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ggukiepie · 1 year ago
now i’m curious what you wanna say to the video of jungkook getting tickled while blindfolded—
speak into the mic babe 🎤
jungkook blindfolded and all tied up and then you— 😋😋😋
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theharrowing · 2 years ago
top five agust d songs les goooo
OKAY i can to this. i can do this. i can narrow his songs down to a top 5 list and not instantly regret everything and change my mind. i got this. how hard could it be.
5. D-Day
D-Day’s coming, it’s a fucking good day 이날을 위해서 여지껏 미로를 거닌듯해 I feel as though it’s for this day that I’ve wandered in the maze all this time 어쩌면 어리숙했던 지난날은 이제 over The past days where I perhaps was naive and clumsy are over now  다시 태어날 우릴 위해 축배를 다시금 들어 Once again, raise a glass to us who will be born again
4. Amygdala
I don’t know your name 기억들로 여행 A journey through memories I don’t know your name 자 지워보자 하나씩, 그래 하나씩 Let’s erase them all, one by one, yeah, one by one
3. 28
하루라도 막 걱정 없이 For just one day, without any concerns, 하루라도 막 고민 없이 for just one day, without any worries, 사는 게 사는 게 사는 게 to live, to live, to live
2. Polar Night
Between malicious questions and indiscriminate criticisms, 우리는 무엇을 위해서 싸우는가 what is it that we’re fighting for It is all dirty (나 또한 깨끗한가) (Can I too say I am clean) It is all dirty (당신은 깨끗한가) (Can you say you are clean)
1. People i could go on all day about how this song healed some part of me and made me feel like it was ok to keep going and yadda yadda, but it seems like a lot of people have that relationship with this song, so...it need not be said. 🥰
너의 평범함은 되려 나의 특별함 Your being ordinary is rather my being special 너의 특별함은 되려 나의 평범함 Your being special is rather my being ordinary 나의 평범함은 되려 너의 특별함 My being ordinary is rather your being special 나의 특별함은 되려 너의 평범함 My being special is rather your being ordinary
and obviously i love Daechwita, Haeguem, Agust D, give it to me, and all the tracks that go hard. seeing those live were incredible. but one of the main reasons Yoongi is my ult is because of his emotional intelligence and ability to really capture the essence of struggling with mental health, and growing from a place of anger, so those songs that feel a little more personal are my favorites. if this was a top 6 list, The Last would be up there, too. Honsool, Burn It, Snooze...they're all perfect songs.
ask me my top 5 of anything! 💌
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latis-ali · 2 years ago
If you get this, answer w three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! Anon or not, doesn’t matter !
1. I like blue
2. I don't like pickles
3. I have two dogs and two cats
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LMAOOOO I got my religious mother into liking the Sankta characters bc I told her "Yeah they're basically just angels with shotguns and will shoot demons at point-blank range. It's like if the Pope killed demons or whatever with a .22-magnum pistol and the Vatican is just full of humanoid angels who love guns more than they love their moms."
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may-maple-blog · 3 months ago
Are lati feathers used in arts and crafts? Do they have any weird properties?
so, they're not used in human crafts for a number of reasons, but as far as i can tell latis themselves use them in crafts? at least i've seen feathers attached to bags and such before when i'm with a lati flock.
latis molt, like birds, so they do shed feathers regularly--i'm sure there's plenty for them to work with.
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quins-makeshift-menagerie · 3 months ago
I'm dumb. I meant "why does Amari not like Bellatrix" (in regards to the ask I literally just sent)
It’s been stated before that out of the two adult Latis Amari is the more “feral” of the two. Regardless of how long Bella’s been around she’s still a very unfamiliar pokemon in what Amari would consider her territory near her still young chicks
It’s not out of any deeper reason than animalistic instincts to protect her territory and her chicks
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onepiecereactions · 5 days ago
Steal my husband, Chapter 5, Shanks x Reader
Note: Chapter 5. This chapter is SFW.
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Steal my husband
Chapter 5
The pirate was watching from afar, in the shadow of an alley, the scene taking place near the Red Force, croissant crumbs falling on her magnificent pink NEVADA suit.
“Perfect…” She mumbled as the young woman seemed to have started the conversation with the pirates, proudly showing her arms full of warm croissants.
A joyful exclamation echoed in the port as the pirates aboard the ship motioned for the young woman to board, but she did not move an inch.
Then, the captain finally appeared. A shiver ran through the brunette’s body when she saw her husband’s face. He was magnificent, as usual, a warm smile on his lips, his red locks dancing slowly in the breeze, his eternal half-open shirt discreetly revealing his body sculpted by combat.
Lyta let go of her husband's gaze and observed the scene that was still unfolding before her eyes.
The young woman, whose blue satin dress was also flying gently with the breeze, handed the package of croissants to Benn Beckman under the childish gaze of the emperor who was already salivating from his tasting.
Lyta heard in the distance the powerful voice of her husband addressing the blonde but only understood a few words of the conversation. The young woman nodded to him, bowed respectfully and turned around, approaching the pirate's hiding place a little too quickly for her liking.
"Shit, what an idiot!" she cursed as she got up quickly and fled as discreetly as possible from her hiding place to reach the north of the port. She slipped between two particularly smelly fish stocks and quickly reached the small town at the end of the valley, checking from time to time that the young woman was also going there.
A few minutes later, the blonde stopped in the city's public garden and sat down on one of the benches in front of the small fountain. Laty joined her a few seconds later, took her wrist and guided her to a place she considered more discreet, out of sight. The brunette brushed away a few dead leaves from the bench facing the ocean and motioned for the blonde to sit down.
"So, how did it go?" the pirate quickly asked the blonde who had a goofy smile on her face.
"Very well, I think… Shanks was charming!"
“Yes, as always with the lovely and slightly silly young woman…” She whispered too quietly for the blonde to hear.
“And I’m invited to join them tonight at the Red Force for the party they’re planning to throw to thank the citizens for the yesterday's party.” The young woman explained, placing a hand on her heart that seemed to be beating wildly since she left the Red Force.
“But what a alcoholic.” The pirate commented, looking up at the sun behind her NEVADA glasses.
“But it's Benn that invited me. Not Shanks.”
“Shit!” The brunette fumed, a defeated pout on her face.
“That’s not his style, it’s weird. Normally, he just observes and acts in the shadows, it’s strange that he did that in front of the entire crew.” The brunette commented, her gaze lost in the sky, trying to understand the intentions of the second of the crew.
“He was charming!” The blonde admitted in a thin voice.
Laty rolled her eyes again, protected by her sparkling glasses.
“Okay. You’re going to go. But you have to keep your distance from Benn at all costs. Your target is Shanks. And they usually keep their own private territory. Neither of them will step on the other’s toes. Understood?” Laty ordered in a firm voice.
“Yes, no problem. But then, what do I do?”
“Leave it, I’ll take care of it. Shanks is the type of man who likes to take his time with women. As long as I’m in his mind, he’ll move slowly. I’ll have to give him a boost.” The brunette thought as she took off her sunglasses to slip them into her haute couture bag.
“Do you have a plan?” The blonde asked, eyeing the royal blue bag.
“Let’s move on to the second part of the plan…”
Laty gave her her most sparkling smile.
“Step 2: the unbearable wife.” The pirate concluded, getting up.
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sammydem0n64 · 1 year ago
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HELLO. Yeah I’ll go over the order hold on
-Pheromosa (toxic yuri with Tapu Fini lolz)
-Xurkitree (Lunala is involved with this one! You were close with the Lunala mention! :D)
And for the Lati duo… like I said I just kinda got bored when thinking abt their origins for this au and randomly my brain was like “OH WHAT IF THEY WERE ULTRA BEASTS LOL” and I was like “THAT IS SO RANDOM. Let’s do it this should be interesting”. SOMEBODY has to take Poipole and the evolution (I’m not looking up the spelling rn lol)’s place since they also have different origins in the AU ig lol
My ultra beasts are all deranged bc we got
-Eldest sibling willingly caring for their severely ill parent who has manic episodes that often involve physical abuse and yet they refuse to leave their parent's side bc of all the love and devotion in their heart as well as the hope that one day their parent will get better
-The one who found three orphaned siblings abandoned by their elder brother so she decided to play father to these kids and be the best parent everrrr despite the fact she is in fact an illegal alien in the sense that she is in fact a literal alien. and also illegal
-The one who is embarking on a quest to reunite with their siblings with the help of one of Aloha's tapus that winds up being toxic yuri bc oh goodness we are meant to be mortal enemies only helping each other due to circumstance oh we hate each other but we are still GL
-The one who is still trapped within Ultra Space trying so damn hard to create technology out of the few resources they have to open a portal so they can reunite with their family and is slowly going mad because of the isolation and continued failure
-The one who just took up being a simple bamboo farmer within Paldea losing hope of seeing their family with each passing day
-The one who became a samurai for one of Johto's royal families who is lowkey being flirted with by the family and doesn't process it bc Kartana (dude only uses Kartana's name as a pronoun) just wants to stab things
-The one who started a traveling circus to find their family and perhaps apologize for being an asshole to their siblings for the past few centuries
-The one who is also in the traveling circus bc they reunited by accident and is. Well. An amalgamation of various smaller lifeforms into one homunculus but dw abt it
-The second youngest who also takes care of their parent who is only here bc they know without them their eldest sibling would surely be beaten to a pulp since they have the only ability that can successfully soothe their parent during their episodes even though they yearn for a life of adventure and pizzazz
-Latios and Latias. Bc I thought it'd b interesting
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team-magma-official · 2 months ago
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If you'd like to know more about latis, Ms Maple of @may-maple-blog has posted quite a bit about them. She can answer questions on this topic, as well.
[Video ID:]
The video begins centered on Zinnia, with Maxie speaking from off-camera.
MAXIE: So, since the Mirage Sea is unique to Hoenn, would you mind sharing a little more about it?
ZINNIA: Sure! The Mirage Sea surrounds Hoenn on all sides, with some gaps, and it's a pretty spooky place! There are established trade routes that pass by it, but never through it. GPS doesn't work in the Mirages, and compasses have a tendency to spin wildly. Some people who have survived being lost recall that not just darkness, but nighttime descends very suddenly once you've crossed the border into the Mirage Sea. [She holds one finger up and the other hand behind her back.] However! There are certain species of pokémon that can navigate them.
She moves toward a mural, and the camera follows to focus on the spot she points at. The painting depicts what appears to be some sort of flying animal or pokémon.
ZINNIA: The latis are the most well-known species that inhabit the Mirage Sea. [She smiles mischievously, directing her next words to Maxie.] But I bet you know all about those, don't you?
MAXIE: [Flatly.] Our audience may not.
ZINNIA: Alright, alright. So, latis--or latios and latias, depending on their coloration--are dragons. They're sapient, and have their own culture completely divorced from that of humans. They're also psychic, which is pretty cool! Anyway, aside from a certain group of humans who I'll get to in a second, latis are the only known sapient inhabitants of the Mirage Sea. Rayquaza can also navigate them, naturally, but we're not really sure where it is when it's not very kindly doing something for the Hoennic people.
She claps her hands together, grinning.
ZINNIA: Now! You may be wondering, if the latis are pokémon, don't they have human partners sometimes? And the answer to that is yes! Ancient Draconids and other Hoennic people were frequently partnered with latis, and as such had access to the Mirage Sea. When exploring the Mirages today, you can see the ruins of their outposts on certain islands.
MAXIE: As a Draconid yourself, and a Lorekeeper at that, have you ever been to the Mirages?
ZINNIA: [Her smile grows.] Astute question, Mr Archivist. I have. Though we've somewhat fallen out of contact with the various lati flocks that travel across Hoenn, we do have records--stories--of where they frequent. Right after I became a Lorekeeper, I decided we needed to reconnect. So Thistle and I set off across the ocean, and encountered a flock pretty quickly. Their flight paths haven't really changed over the years, apparently. They weren't very familiar with humans, but they let me stick with them for a few days to see what I could see.
Her smile grows wistful.
ZINNIA: Man, it's nice to be able to just take off into nature, isn't it? Anyway, the Mirage Sea is beautiful. It's untouched wilderness. The ocean stretches on forever. You can see so many stars, and they're so different from the ones you get used to here. I had copies of some old starcharts from when the Draconids still sailed the Mirages. They mapped constellations you just don't see here.
She hesitates for a long moment, and then perks up again.
ZINNIA: Anyway! Pretty wild, huh? [She frowns playfully.] Hey, am I gonna get to ask you any questions, or is this a one sided kinda thing?
[End video ID.]
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