#ask Valentino
Val is not allowed to have parental rights to Vanilla he’s a bastard f@&$, and I highly doubt he knows how to raise a baby with his attitude and reputation as a bad person. If anything both Angel and Vanilla should put a restraining order on this asshole.
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The next week: Valentino vs. Angel Dust – Custody Hearing
Overlord Carmilla Carmine: This session is now in order. We are gathered to discuss the custody arrangements for one “Vanilla”, the offspring of Anthony Ragne, aka “Angel Dust” and Overlord Valentino. Given the unique nature of Vanilla’s birth, this case is of particular interest. Valentino, you may proceed.
Valentino (Plaintiff): *Adjusting his suit with a suave confidence, his tone smooth and persuasive* Thank you, Carmilla. I’m here because I want to be involved in my daughter’s life. Vanilla deserves the best, and I’m the one who can provide that for her. I was present throughout Angel's pregnancy, and I have a right to be a part of her life. I’m not asking for full custody. All I want is visitation rights. I’m even willing to provide financial support to ensure Vanilla is well taken care of. I can give her stability, safety, and a bright future. I’m a successful businessman, and I can make sure she has everything she needs.
Carmilla: *Nods slightly, her gaze sharp and penetrating* Your financial stability is noted, Valentino, but the child’s welfare is paramount. We will weigh all factors before reaching a decision. Angel Dust, you may present your defense.
Angel (Defendant): *Fidgeting nervously, his voice quivering with a mix of fear and defiance* Overlord Carmilla, Vanilla is my baby. I’ve taken care of her since the moment she was born. I know I haven’t been perfect, but I love her more than anything. I just want to keep her safe…from people who might hurt her…people like him. *Gestures toward Valentino* He’s dangerous, and I can’t let him near Vanilla. She’s better off with me, at the hotel, where I know she’ll be safe. I don’t have much money, but Lucifer’s been helping me. I can protect her. I just need a little more time to get my life together.
Carmilla: *Her eyes narrow slightly as she looks at Angel Dust* Angel, the court acknowledges your struggles, but this isn’t about punishment. It’s about Vanilla’s future. How do you plan to support her long-term, beyond relying on charity?
Angel: *Pauses, staring at the floor, voice barely above a whisper* I…I don’t know. But I’ll figure it out. She’s all I have, and I’ll do whatever it takes to take care of her.
Valentino: *Interrupting with a smug grin* Overlord Carmilla, let’s be honest. Angel isn’t in any shape to take care of a child. He’s back on the drugs, and I have the evidence to prove it—statements, photos. That’s no place for a child to grow up. I’m offering a compromise. I’m not asking to take her away completely—I’m suggesting joint custody. I just want to be part of her life, for her sake.
Carmilla: *Her gaze shifts back to Angel Dust, her tone icy and precise* Angel Dust, is it true that you’ve resumed drug use?
Angel: *Nods slowly, unable to meet Carmilla’s gaze* Yes…but I am going clean! I promise!
Carmilla: *Sighs softly, then turns back to Valentino* Valentino, your financial offer is substantial, but your past cannot be ignored. However, the current circumstances of both parents are of grave concern. This court must determine what is truly in the best interest of Vanilla. You mentioned financial support—outline exactly what you’re proposing.
Valentino: *Leans forward, speaking with measured confidence* Overlord Carmilla, I’m prepared to cover all of Vanilla’s expenses— anything and everything she needs. I can set up a trust fund for her future, ensuring she’s taken care of no matter what happens. All I ask in return is visitation rights—regular time with her, to be part of her life as her father.
Carmilla: *Leans back in her chair, hands steepled thoughtfully* This is not a decision to be made lightly. Valentino, your past actions weigh heavily against you, but your willingness to contribute to Vanilla’s upbringing is noted. Angel Dust, your love for Vanilla is undeniable, but your current circumstances pose significant risks. Given the situation, I will order a full investigation into both your living conditions. A guardian ad litem will be appointed to represent Vanilla’s interests. In the interim, Valentino, you will be granted supervised visitation rights. We will reconvene in 30 days to assess the findings and make a final decision. This session is adjourned.
Angel: *Visibly shaken, he glares at Valentino with a mixture of fear and fury* You’re not gonna take her from me, Val. I won’t let you.
Valentino: *Smirking, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction]* We’ll see, Ange. We’ll see.
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pimpdaddyval · 3 months
Vox or Angel
"My Voxxy of course~"
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hey guys follow @pimpdaddyval
it's a valentino ask blog
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valentinos-club-xoxo · 4 months
Valentino : Open rp
Valentino is sitting at one of the booths in the VIP section of the club. A sinner on each side of him; practically hanging off his arms. His infamous red smoke hanging in the air, making it hazy and thick.
Oc/n watches him take a long drink, as he eyes up the patrons in the club around him.
Do you approach him?
/// Art is NOT mine. It is @kheetos idk what platform.
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minimanuke · 8 months
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This image was MADE for them
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onesidedradiostatic · 7 months
The most unrealistic thing about fanon Vox owning an Alastor body pillow isn't the fact he has it at all... it's that he managed to get a clear enough picture in full color to put on the pillow
LMAOOOOOOOO LITERALLY BUT. BUT. consider. he commissioned a really good artist to make really realistic art of alastor so it's technically not an actual picture of alastor.
slightly related but I have this joke written in my head where vox and val get into an argument and in an attempt to placate him, val says he'll commission someone to make a very sexy painting of alastor for him. meanwhile, back in the hotel, lucifer gets a ping on his phone and says "someone just asked me to make a sexy painting of alastor for $50k" and alastor is standing there just.
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a what.
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smthaboutuss · 5 months
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Some V doodls, they make me feel fuzzy like an electrically charged balloon..
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First pic was for u anon, I imagine Vel is kinda protective of him lol!
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helluvapoison · 7 months
I just know Velvet would cling onto Bodyguard!Readers arm while they're escorting her somewhere, but what about the other Vees? Would Vox even consider touching Reader in public? Obviously Val would be touchy, but to what extent?
-Cannibal Anon :)
˚✧₊⁎ Velvette ⁎⁺˳✧༚
You help her out of cars after opening the door, she hugs your arm and uses her other hand to text, vlog or swipe on her phone. It’s become second nature for Velvette to do so. When you’re not walking beside her, her lips pull to a pout and her eyes scour the area like she’s forgotten something. It feels like something’s missing, like her phone— except she has that?
˚✧₊⁎ Vox ⁎⁺˳✧༚
He walks and talks fast, solidifying his authority by taking two steps in front of whoever he’s speaking with. With you it’s… harder to do that. You’re supposed to walk behind him, you’re supposed to be guarding him! But he wants you by his side. Vox settles for a compromise you remain unaware of. He’ll face the front with his hands behind his back and keep you the same distance he would anyone else, but one eye (specifically the left) is peaking through any camera available to keep you in sight
˚✧₊⁎ Valentino ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Personal space? What is that, he has no idea and that’s been evident from day one! Val is touchy with everyone and anyone, even those he just met. He’ll keep you close one way or another. More than happy to drape an arm around your shoulder and your waist at the same time.. or keep a collar and leash on you to strike a certain image of himself. ‘Look at Valentino, he has a pet cannibal. Don’t get too close, it bites’
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triona-tribblescore · 4 months
Tumblr is being mean and not letting me post the actual video here but this is what I've been doing the last week or so :D Very excited about it lmao
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ghostr0tz · 3 months
Cold blooded Valentino using Vox as his main heatsource when he rests would be super dramatic over it every winter. "Vox! Do you want me to freeze? Cuddle me or I die!"
He has a big heatlamp in his room, but getting warmed up by Vox is always his prefered option. Unless he's mad at Vox in which case he'll suddenly remember the heatlamp exists and start using it.
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okay this really made me laugh JKHDKJHASHSD
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*Vox steps away from the lab where Lucifer is restrained and makes his way to a more secure room where Valentino is waiting. The two exchange a nod, their expressions both serious and sinister. Vox taps a few buttons on his sleek, high-tech device, connecting to Angel Dust’s line.*
Valentino: *leaning back in his chair, smirking as he lights a cigarette* This is gonna be fun. You think they’ll go for it?
Vox: *coldly* They don’t have much of a choice. They’ve got one day to decide. By then, everyone in Hell will know the King isn’t as untouchable as he likes to think.
*The call connects, and Angel Dust’s voice comes through, unaware of what’s about to unfold.*
Angel: *slightly irritated* What the hell do you want, Val? You know I’m done with your bullshit.
Valentino: *smirking, blowing out a puff of smoke* Oh, Angel baby, you’re not done with me. Not by a long shot. We’ve got a little… proposition for you.
Angel: *suspicious* Proposition? What kinda sick game are you playing now?
Vox: *interjects smoothly* It’s quite simple, Angel. We’ve got something—*pauses*—someone, that you and your friends might be very interested in getting back.
Angel: *sensing the danger, his tone hardens* Who?
Valentino: *grinning* Lucifer. You know, the King of Hell? Yeah, we’ve got him right here. Safe and sound… for now.
*There’s a tense silence on the line as Angel processes what he’s just heard. Panic rises within him, but he keeps his voice steady, trying to buy time.*
Angel: *forced calm* What do you want, Val? Let him go.
Valentino: *mockingly* Oh, it’s not that simple, babe. We want you… and our darling little Vanilla.
Vox: *coolly adding* And Alastor. He’s become a thorn in my side, and it’s time he learned his place. Three for the price of one, Angel. You, your daughter, and Alastor… in exchange for Lucifer. And you’ve got one day to decide.
*Angel’s blood runs cold at the ultimatum. His mind races, trying to think of a way out, but the reality is grim. He knows how much Lucifer means to everyone, especially now that he’s carrying three lives inside him. But the thought of giving up himself, Vanilla, and Alastor into this nightmare is unbearable.*
Angel: *desperation leaking into his voice* You’re sick, Val. You can’t do this!
Valentino: *chuckles darkly* Oh, but we already have. Tick-tock, Angel. You’ve got until tomorrow to make up your mind. If we don’t hear from you… well, let’s just say the people of Hell are in for a very entertaining show.
Vox: *in a tone that is almost dismissive* Think it over, Angel. And don’t try anything stupid. You wouldn’t want to make things worse… for anyone.
*The line goes dead, leaving Angel standing there in stunned silence. He looks down at Vanilla, who’s been peacefully sleeping in his arms, completely unaware of the storm that’s about to hit.*
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pimpdaddyval · 3 months
Fuck you
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"Oh, sweetheart, is that the best you can do? Anonymous insults are so... pedestrian. If you're gonna curse me out, at least have the balls to do it to my face. But hey, if you're looking to get fucked, I'm sure we can arrange something more... entertaining than your little outburst. Just remember, in Hell, everything comes with a price - and I always collect."
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robo-beasty · 5 months
Bald-ize Valentino in human version🥺🥺 just for me🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏
You hurt me. You hurt me, but I'll do it. Just for you, my little shnookums.
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the-grand-av3 · 5 months
Question to Alastor (but the rest can hear it too), are Hust and Angel Dust dating?
Indeed! Quite the duo, I'd've never imagined it!
Matching necklaces~
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onesidedradiostatic · 5 months
Counterpoint: he thinks the colors are pretty but doesn’t know what the flag means. His eyes are shit too, he might think it’s a sunset over water kind of image.
(prev ask)
you're right actually he couldn't see shit during velvette's presentation so he didn't entirely get it
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it was a very pretty sunset though so he accepted it
(sorry another dumb random doodle)
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smthaboutuss · 1 month
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someone requested ages ago if I could draw Vox catching a virus bc of Val, I suddenly remembered that ask and was like yeahhh 😭
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