#aside from cook hehehe
dollservant · 2 years
can't wait til i have a nice, well paying job and he can just live like the lazy cat he is while i make us money to get sushi and video games and sex toys 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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landofgay · 2 years
only problem with me and my bf moving in together: we can't cook 😩😩😩
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borathae · 11 months
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"If there is one thing you love to do, it is to pamper your boyfriend. So when Yoongi has been feeling especially stressed lately, you decide that it is time to treat him like the precious prince he is."
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, polyamory!AU, domestic Fluff, Smut
Warnings: a stressed!Yoongi, she pampers him, casual nudity, this story consists of two parts: one fluffy and one smutty, the next warnings are for the smutty part, morning cuddles which lead to sex, sleepy & subby!Yoongi, service Dom!Reader, handjob in spooning position, little spoon!Yoongi heheh, neck kisses, gentle choking, praise, loving dirty talk, nipple play, blowjob, cum licking, overstimulation, a lil bit of gentle CBT, he is a painslut so he loves it, multiple orgasms for him, hand holding, he is sensitive & loves being touched <3
Wordcount: 10.4K
a/n: istfg i love men jfasjdfja okay that is a lie, i love men like mv!boongie <3 my precious prince <3 also lmao if someone tries to look up the definition of oral fixation, my name would show up ajdjfa like. can i write something other than oral sex? i don't fucking think so ahahah i'm telling you this stems from my childhood addiction of sucking my own thumb every chance i got until i was thirteen ahaha that shit shaped my frontal cortex or whatever part of the brain is in charge of kink development jsjdf
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You like trying out new things. Especially when those new things involve surprising your amazing, wonderful, lovely boyfriend Yoongi.
Today, you left a little something in his wing to find. A letter, telling him of how much you wanted to be with him tonight including a very detailed description of your plans and your location shall he want the same.
Yoongi should be out for most of the day, training with Jungkook and later meeting up with some of his creations in town to go over future plans of strengthening the vampire community. With Namjoon’s followers mostly gone and their Creator hidden from the world, the community has been brittle. Attacks on peaceful vampire communities by hostile werewolves or witches became way too common in cities where peace was already brittle to begin with. Yoongi and his followers are currently creating strategies which will ensure the peace without cities breaking into a full supernatural civil war. Which means that he is a very busy man lately, coming home later than usual and with little energy left to cook. He feels really bad about it, even if you keep ensuring him that it was never his responsibility to feed you and that you can cook for yourself while he relaxed.
It worked for a little while until he began stressing out over not being able to cook on top of all the other stress he is currently experiencing. Truly, if he didn’t posses supernatural healing you are sure that he would have already greyed by now from all the stressing he has been doing these past few weeks.
But you want to change that tonight. You want him to feel so relaxed that stress ceases to be part of his vocabulary. 
By now, it’s already way past eight. Yoongi should have been home for at least thirty minutes. You want to check on him, but are scared to ruin the letter surprise this way. So you take out your phone and text Jungkook instead.
He answers you ten minutes later.
-          Baby ♡: I don’t know if he’s home yet. I’ve been home since six ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: I’m sorry baby ♡♡♡
-          You: It’s fine. Don’t worry about it ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: Are you scared that something happened? ♡♡♡
-          You: No, but I have a surprise for him ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: ooooooh *o* a surprise *O*
-          You: yeah… :D I wrote him a letter telling him to come to my wing if he wanted to have a spa day ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: wowie *^* spa days are so nice ♡♡♡ I’m sure he’ll be home soon heh ♡♡♡
-          You: yeah probably ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: hehe ♡♡♡♡
You send him one more round of hearts and then place the phone aside, turning your attention back to the task at hand. The surprise has been prepared, which means that you have free time and what better way to use said free time than to do some gardening in the greenhouse.
Only easy tasks like pruning the roses and picking off dead leaves from your wisteria. You don’t want to get too dirty in case Yoongi comes home.
The man of the hour comes home only a few moments after you texted Jungkook. You are currently in the back of the greenhouse, looking at the perfectly pruned roses when he calls out for you.
Your heart flutters. He is here. Hopefully he read the letter first before coming here. It would make the surprise all the more exciting.
“My love, are you here?”
“I’m coming!”
You meet him in the middle. Right where you shared so many breakfasts together. 
Like always lately, the heaviness of a long and stressful day drags down his shoulders. It is so obvious to you these days, now that you know him so well. 
“Hello there, my prince”, you greet him, opening your arms. 
“Hey”, he says, falling into the hug gladly. He even buries his face in the crook of your neck and releases a loud sigh. It was the kind of sigh which sheds the heart of sorrow.
“Did you have a good day?”
“Gosh, I’m sorry. Lots of stress?”
“Yeah”, he murmurs into you, tickling your skin with the timbre of his voice, “did you eat already?”
“I did. Don’t worry.”
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t cook. I promise I’ll make time on the weekend. I just have so much to do and I just”, he stops talking to sigh instead, pressing himself closer to you, “I’m tired”, he confesses in a whisper.
“Don’t worry about it, my love. I don’t want you to think that feeding me is your job. I can cook for myself, okay?”
“I guess.”
“Well, I can”, you assure him and squeeze him gently, “did you get my letter?" 
“Yes, I left it on your bed.”
“No, I wasn’t in my wing yet. I came straight to you.”
“Oh okay. Mhm sad, I wanted to surprise you.”
“I can go right now. I’m sorry, I have so much to do. I didn’t have time yet and I-”
“Hush, it’s okay”, you stop him, massaging his scalp gently.
Yoongi lets out a sound of defeat and murmurs into your neck, “I’m gonna cry. I don’t know for how long I can still do this.”
“Oh Yoongi, I’m sorry you feel this way”, you say and give him a squeeze, “do you have to work again tomorrow?”
“No, they’ll be gone till next week. But I have to do so much work at home. There’s so much shit to go through and, and people to call and I don’t wanna.”
“Okay, I see. At least you can plan your time how you want to tomorrow. Yeah?” 
“I guess.”
He doesn’t sound convinced, which you can’t blame him for.
“I prepared a few things for you if you want to. I promise it will relax you.”
“What do you mean?” he lifts his head, staring at you with bloodshot eyes, “why did you prepare something?”
“Because you’re stressed and I wanna spoil you.”
“What do you mean why? Because I want to and you deserve it.”
“Mh-hm, now come along. I’ll give you the best spa night ever.” 
“Really?” he gets out, stumbling after you. 
“Yes, really.”
“But why me?”
“Because you’re my love.”
You lead him to your bathroom. You talk as you walk. 
“It would make a lot more sense if you read my letter. I was being really cheesy in it and talked all about how I’ll make you feel like a king.”
“Oh. Okay”, he is shy. You know that he is.
“Yeah and then I told you to come find me in my wing. Which is why I asked you if you read my letter.”
“Sorry. I wanted to see you first."
“That’s okay. I should have figured. I’m just glad that you’re home safe”, you tell him and turn. You have reached your closed bathroom door, “close your eyes.”
“Okay?” Yoongi says and follows. 
“Don’t peek.”
“I won’t.”
You open the door and take both his hands afterwards. You guide him into the room. Yoongi sniffles instantly.
“It smells good.”
“Don’t look yet. Okay?”
“I’m not. I’m just saying.” 
You place him just a little away from the door so you could close it. Then you snap your fingers, lighting the dozens and dozens of candles in the room. Being a witch fucking rocks. You don’t even have to work for romantic lighting, you just have to snap your fingers. With a another snap of your fingers the record player starts playing Yoongi’s favourite album for relaxation. His lips curls into a smile. 
“I know that song”, he says with happiness in his voice.
“Yeah, definitely. Don’t peek.”
“For how long? What are you doing?”
“You’re making it so suspenseful.”
One last snap of your fingers to turn off the main lights. 
“Okay. Open your eyes.”
Yoongi follows, looking around the warmly lit room. You filled the bathtub with water and rose petals, mixing in your most relaxing bathing oils. On the side table, a glass of his favourite whiskey cocktail is waiting and you prepared his most comfortable pyjamas to wear. You also created a big bouquet of flowers, which he knows for a fact you will want him to keep in his wing. You love getting him flowers and he loves receiving them even he gets incredibly shy because of it.
“Princess”, he gets out, looking at you with sparkly eyes. They look so close to tearing up.
“Surprise”, you say, stretching your arms above your head, “it was pretty obvious what I’ll do in the bathroom, but surprise.”
Yoongi looks away and at the room again, touching his own tummy as he does. His eyes sparkle in the candlelight.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes. Thank you so much”, he says and nods his head.
You close the distance and hug him. Yoongi hugs you back instantly, hiding his face in your neck like always. 
“I’m happy that you love it. I have a lot more prepared. So I hope that you’re ready.”
“I am”, he mumbles, “thank you so much.”
“Hm”, you hum and pat his butt, “you have to get naked for the bath.”
“I know. Can I do it alone?”
“Of course. I’ll be by the sink preparing the facial.”
“What did you prepare?”
“Just something nice. I looked up a tutorial. Trust me, I’m a professional skincarer now.” 
“Skincarer isn’t even an actual word”, Yoongi says in a laugh as he is slowly getting naked. 
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll give you the best facial ever.”
“You’re aware of how that sounds, right?”
“Oh, I know. If you had read my letter, you would know that I have prepared a spicy section too if you are still awake after my super duper king spa treatment special.”
Yoongi chuckles, “okay, I’ll try to stay awake.”
“No pressure though. Tonight’s about you. I can do it tomorrow too or whenever you’re in the mood.”
“Okay. Ah shit.”
You turn, “what happened?”
He is by the bath, buttnaked and with his toe wet.
“The water’s cold”, he says.
“I know. I didn’t know when you’d be back, so I filled it with cold water. Don’t worry, I’ll warm it up”, you say and hurry to him. You stick your right hand into the water and mumble the magical words. Your eyes glow golden for just a moment before your hand gets a fiery shine to it. The water warms up slowly and you only stop once it is giving of a gentle steam.
“Test it now”, you tell him.
Yoongi lifts his foot and lowers it into the water, “good”, he says and steps inside the bathtub. He lowers himself, pushing the water aside. It reaches him just a little over his nipples once he is submerged entirely.
“There we go. Are you comfy?” you ask him.
He is looking up at you with his knees pulled to his chest and his arms hugging them, “can I have it a little warmer, please?” he asks shyly.
“Of course”, you say, sticking your hand back into the water, “I’ll go slow, so tell me once it’s good for you.”
Your eyes glow, your hand shines and soon the water begins warming up more and more. The relaxing oils activate with the magical heat, tainting the water milky and filling Yoongi’s nose with a wonderful smell. He feels droopy and oh so relaxed because of it. Yoongi lets you warm the water for a few moments, staring at your face with a fluttering tummy. He is so, so happy about the surprise and he loves it so much. Even if he is too tired to show his true excitement, he is bursting in it. Truly, he feels so lucky to be with you.
“Okay, stop”, he says.
“Got it.”
You stand up and dry your hand on the towel you laid out for Yoongi. Then you hurry to the back of him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Lean back.”
He does so without resistance, letting out a surprised gasp when his head sinks into a soft cushion. The water reaches him a little under his neck now.
“Huh?” he sneaks a glance at the pillow..
“Is it comfy?”
“Yeah, really. Where did you get that?”
“Internet. I purchased it a few weeks ago, but never got to using it. Do you like it?”
“Yeah”, he says and relaxes his entire body. He even stretches out his legs and closes his eyes, “thank you for this”, he whispers.
“Don’t thank me too soon. Are you ready for your super duper king special treatment facial?”
“Nice, just tell me if you need anything else. Your favourite cocktail’s on the table.”
“Yeah, thank you”, he says and reaches for it. He spills some water on the ground, but that doesn’t matter right now. He drinks his cocktail while you gather the skincare products. “it tastes good”, he tells you.
“Yeah? That’s good to hear.”
Yoongi places it aside and submerges his arm back in the warm water. Then he lets his head fall into the cushion, looking up at you that way. You place your hand on his forehead so you could brush his hair out of his face. You secure a headband around his head, making sure to reveal his entire forehead to you. His eyes fall closed instantly, his lips part as a relaxed sigh leaves him.
“I’ll get started now, yeah?”
“Just do whatever, as long as I don’t gotta talk.”
“Don’t worry, no more talking”, you assure him and smooch his forehead, “relax my love, I’m getting started.”
You start off the treatment by cleaning off the day with a gentle oil cleanser.
“Are you putting oil on my face?” he asks, trying to move away at the unfamiliar feeling, but you stop him with a firm hand on his forehead.
“Yes, it’s called double cleansing. Trust me.”
“Trust me.”
“I am, just feels weird”, he mumbles as he relaxes again.
“It’ll help.”
Once you washed off the oil, you use a soft smelling foam cleanser. Yoongi sniffles vividly as you spread it on his face, voicing his liking for it with a low hum. You wipe the foam away with a warm towel, making sure to be extra careful around the eyes. 
Once he is clean and patted dry, you begin with the true treatment. You spread a soothing toner with a cotton pad on his face and follow it up with a serum. You know that physically it is impossible for his skin to show signs of exhaustion, age or stress. Hell, he can’t even get impurities because his healing powers prevent him from getting them. But you still believe that a good calming serum will do his skin good. Even if it’s just to help relax his mind. 
After the serum, a sheet mask follows. 
“Ah, hey”, he gasps and opens his eyes, “that’s wet”, he complains, trying to move away again.
“It’s a sheet mask. Close your eyes and stop moving.”
“Does all of that even do anything?”
“Yes, it’ll relax you and make your face glow. Close your eyes.”
Yoongi follows, even if hesitant at first, but begins to relax again when you run your fingers over his face in order to smooth out the mask. It tingles so nicely.
“Okay, that’ll have to stay on your face for twenty minutes. Do you want a head massage in the mean-”
“Yes”, Yoongi interrupts you.
You chuckle, “I take this as a clear yes”, you say and wash your fingers in the bath water. You dry them on the towel and then return to your spot behind him. 
You start off by opening the headband and keeping his hair off his forehead with a warm hand on his head. 
“I watched a lot of tutorials on head massages, so get ready for the best massage ever.” 
And so they begin. The most amazing and wonderful and perfect twenty minutes of Yoongi’s life. You weren’t lying when you told him that he will experience the best head massage ever, because he does. He really, really does. You not only pay attention to his entire scalp, you also make sure to massage his tense jaw muscles behind his ear and to loosen the knots in his tight neck muscles. By the time those twenty minutes are over, Yoongi hasn’t closed his mouth in ten minutes and he doesn’t even know that his mouth is open. He is entirely and completely relaxed.
You take off his mask without talking, placing it on the table for now. You waste no time, using the excess serum to massage his face as well. Starting off at his forehead and brows, you guide your skilled finger along his temples, massage his jaw muscles and tense tongue muscle along his throat and you make sure to target every single inch of his face. You even incorporate a gentle massage on the more tender spots, meant to soothe and not to relax tensions, and Yoongi is in heaven. He really is. This is more than heaven. This is his personal paradise, the reason why he exists. It feels so good. His body can’t stop tingling and he swears that he actually feels as if he is floating. He was so stressed, but he isn’t anymore. It soothes him so much to be so pampered. 
Once the serum has been massaged into his skin thoroughly, you begin putting on moisturiser, giving him a softer massage in order not to stress out his skin barrier. You go especially gently on his eyelids, kissing each of them after you finished spreading the cream. 
Once his face glows from being pampered, you spread a thin layer of scalp serum on your palms for one last round of a deep and relaxing scalp massage. 
By now, Yoongi is sleeping. There is no sugar coating the truth. Your once stressed boyfriend is slumbering peacefully with his lips apart and his face entirely slack in relaxation. He looks so adorable like this. 
You give his shoulders a thorough massage as well, ending it off by caressing his chest and then your massage is officially finished. Face glowing, scalp nourished and muscles relaxed he is sleeping in the bathtub while you gaze at him with fond eyes.
That’s what you wanted to happen. He finally looks relaxed.
You play with the thought of waking him for a moment. You really have to, don’t you?
You decide to clean up first. He should sleep as much as he can before you have to cruelly wake him again. You turn off the record player and even take a quick shower so you can change into your pyjamas. Afterwards you do your own skincare and brush your teeth. Yoongi is sleeping through all of it. 
Only then – and once you extinguished the candles – you return to him, cupping his cheeks to shake him awake.
“My love”, you whisper with a heavy heart, “my love, wake up.”
Yoongi begins responding after a few moments. First he huffs out air, then he whines and shakes his head until he finally opens his eyes.
He looks just slightly mad to be woken like this, but most of all, way too sleepy for his own good.
“I know. I’m sorry for waking you, but I need to get you outta the water and into your pjs”, you whisper. 
Yoongi makes a small sound and moves. It looks and feels robotic. You know that he is barely conscious and only really does what his muscles remember to do. 
He gets out of the bath with your help and plops down on the edge of the tub. You open the drain and just about manage to wrap the towel around him because then he is already falling against you, barely awake and so terribly sleepy. 
“-eepy”, he mumbles quietly, rubbing his cheek against your shoulder.
“Almost done, my love. We just gotta get you dry and into your pjs, yeah? Can you work with me? Please?”
Yoongi nods his head and somehow manages to get up and follow you to the pyjamas. He manages to put them on, even if his eyes were closed through the entirety of it. And then he stumbles into the bedroom with your hand tightly in his’ and his trust fully put into you. He doesn’t open his eyes even once, only when you tell him to get into bed.  
He sinks into the pillow, letting out a sleepy sound of relaxation.
You tug him in and get under your blanket. 
“Is nice”, he mumbles, reaching for you.
“Mhm, that’s good to hear”, you say before giving him a kiss on his temple. Afterwards, you roll over to turn off the bedside lamp. Now hued into darkness, you return to him and place your hand on his cheek to caress it softly, “sleep tight, my love”, you whisper and the last thing Yoongi does before he truly falls back to sleep is seek you out for nightly cuddles.
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And if one thought that this warm, little snippet of your wonderful life together was over, one was mistaken. As the next part of this warm, little snippet is entirely dedicated to how you woke up with Yoongi as your little spoon the next day and how you made good of the promise you gave him last night. Shall one wish to live in negligence, one can stop reading now. However, shall one find themselves with a certain desire for Yoongi’s blissful morning hours, one shall continue to indulge in this warm, little snippet a little longer. Whatever path one might choose, one shall always know that Yoongi is truly and soul-consumingly happy ever since he is yours and he will continue to be truly and soul-consumingly happy for as long as he is by your side. 
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Although you fell asleep later than Yoongi, you wake first. You don’t feel tired, as a matter of fact, you feel so well rested that you could definitely start off your day by running around. You know that it is because Yoongi radiated so much tranquillity throughout the night, which in return helped you rest as well. 
Smiling because you are so happy that last night’s plan worked, you pull him tighter against your chest and drape your leg over his hips. Now he can’t escape and you can get lost in the amazing feeling of holding him. He fits so perfectly into your arms and he is so warm and smells heavenly too. You nuzzle your nose deep into his hair and kiss the nape of his neck this way.
Yoongi cut his hair again. Not as short as he had it when you first met him, but it had grown to a length where he disliked it. So he cut it again and thinned it out at the back. Not that thinning out did a lot for him. He has the thickest hair even. Even all the thinning left behind enough to grab and hold and play with him. And also enough to get lost in. He seriously smells so, so good. 
You hug him tighter and inhale deeply, waking him with it. He makes himself known by letting out a deep and quiet hum. 
“Mhm, morning”, you answer him, rubbing his tummy. 
“Mhm”, Yoongi purrs. 
Nothing more is exchanged between the two of you. You continue to smell his soft hair and kiss whatever part of his head you can reach, while Yoongi travels between the world of the awake and the dreaming. He ends up staying in his dream world. You prop yourself up on your elbow and glance at his face. You have to remove your leg from his hip, but you don’t mind because you can feel his butt against your crotch this way. His head rests on your lower arm and his hand is mere inches away from holding your wrist. His fingers twitch as he very obviously dreams and it makes you wonder if he is currently dreaming about holding your hand. It would be so cute if he did. 
You move the arm you have draped around him so you could touch his hand. His fingers, knuckles and veins. He has the most beautiful hands. You caress his wrist for a little and then move to trace his face, using the back of your hand for it. His cheeks are so soft, his skin feels so healthy. You also think that it is glowing especially prettily this morning and you know for a fact that it is because of last night’s spa treatment.  
You were so happy last night because he took the surprise with so much enthusiasm. Truly, you have the best boyfriend ever. 
You lean down and kiss his cheek. 
“Mhm”, Yoongi wakes because of it, sounding a lot more energized than last time. Forty minutes had passed since then. Yoongi chases your kiss by moving his head so he could look at you, “morn’in.”
“Good morning”, you tell him and kiss his lips. 
He kisses you back, which means that he was actually awake this time around. He smiles sleepily as you break the kiss and rolls his head back into a more comfortable position. You rest back into the pillow, snuggling into him happily.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, really well”, he says, “you?”
“I did, yeah. You felt so calm in my arms tonight, so I feel really refreshed.”
“I slept so well”, he says. His voice is deep and raspy from sleep. “I haven’t slept that well in ages. I kept dreaming about all the stuff I gotta do, but tonight I didn’t dream of anything.” 
“Yes? That’s so good to hear. You deserved it, my love.”
“Mhm”, he hums and wiggles his butt so he was closer to you, “thank you for last night.” 
You smile and kiss the nape of his neck. His hair feels so soft there. You love the feeling of it against your lips. Yes, you are obsessed enough with him to love having hair on your lips. Oh truly, this man consumes your every fiber. 
“I didn’t know I needed it, but I really did. Thank you.”
“I’m just happy that I could help you relax, my love.”
“You did. I was so relaxed and it felt so good. I never experienced something like this before and I loved it so much.”
“Last night was your first time?”
“Oh Yoongi, you shouldn’t have told me that. Now I gotta start planning monthly super duper special king treatment spa days to make up for all the lost times.”
He chuckles sleepily, “I won’t stop you.”
“Okay, good”, you say and snicker, “just you wait, I’ll be the best skincarer ever.”
“This is so stupid”, he says in a laugh. The kind of laugh which shakes his shoulders and sounds like little squeaks for air. You love this kind of laugh. 
It always makes you laugh and smile with him. You end up smooching his neck as well, doing so happily. 
“You gotta admit, it has a ring to it.”
“Yeah, I guess”, he says and ends his giggles with a content sigh. He reaches for your hand and grabs it tightly to guide it to his lips. They feel soft as he kisses your knuckles. Once. Twice. Three and four times. Then a stub with his button nose, “thank you so much for this”, he says. 
“I know I didn’t show it last night, but I was really moved by it and I was happy. Yeah. I was really happy. I’m sorry for sucking so much at showing it.” 
“Don’t apologise, my love. I knew that you loved it.”
“Good, that’s good. My love”, he says and pulls your arm tighter around him. 
You nuzzle into him, tightening your arm around him. 
“You’re so warm”, he sighs dreamily.
“And you’re soft”, you tell him, slipping your hand to his tummy to rub it softly. He loves tummy rubs. Only a few seconds of them and he vibrates in soft purrs. 
Today is no different. Rhythmic and terribly sleepy, he fills the silence with his happy purrs. You love that this is just part of him. It’s so relaxing to hear him purr. 
Only a few minutes later and he takes your hand to stick it under his shirt. You glance at him, he meets your eyes shyly.
“I like that”, he whispers, “don’t judge me.”
“I’m not”, you assure him, nuzzling your cheek against him, “I like it too”, you tell him and begin to caress his tummy.
It’s so incredibly soft. Not only because his skin is silken and perfect, but also because he has just enough tummy that he is soft. He is just grab-able enough that you can squish him. You like that because of how perfect he is to pet that way. And Yoongi likes it because he has the most sensitive tummy and when you rub it, he feels at peace. 
This morning however, he also can’t deny the other effects your loving touch has on him. He was way too exhausted to think about sex last night, but he feels rested today. Which means that your touches leave behind just a small tingle of desire in his tummy. Paired with your neck kisses and the incredible softness of your body behind him and Yoongi can’t deny it anymore. This is making him needy. 
The concept of being needy was entirely foreign and rather undesirable for Yoongi before he met you, but with you he really enjoys that feeling. Except for the aching boners he gets as a side effect. He doesn’t like them. Not at all. 
He tries to ignore it at first. You aren’t making any moves and the current situation is so comfy that he doesn’t want to ruin it by asking for more. But then you begin slipping your fingers under the waistband of his pants every so often and Yoongi is spiralling. 
He is aware that you are only doing it because his lower tummy is the softest and you enjoy the feeling of his happy trail under your fingertips. But it’s getting so unbearable to stay calm. You are so close to where he aches and yet you feel too far away. 
You are in the midst of running your hand up his tummy when he snaps. He grabs it, making you gasp in surprise because of how passionately he made contact. 
You lift your head from his neck, studying his face. 
Yoongi acts fast. In one swift movement he has your hand tugged to his cock. He presses you close, making you feel every single inch of his hard length. 
“Please”, he gets out in a whisper, grinding his hips into your hand. 
“Oh my god, Yoongi. Did this make you hard?” you gasp.
He glances at you, meeting your amused yet very excited expression. 
He nods his head and squeezes his cock with your hand in between.
“What do you need?” you ask, knowing very well what he needs.
“Your hand.”
“You’re holding my hand.”
“No”, he is pouting. It makes you smile, because it’s adorable, “I want it there”, he says and rubs his cock against your palm, “like this”, he says breathily, “touching me”, he sighs even breathier and with his fingers squeezing your hand. 
Your stomach clenches in arousal. He is so sexy when he is like this. Especially when he explicitly asks to be touched.
“Mhm Yoongi, you’re so hot like this”, you purr and give his cock a gentle squeeze.
He lets out a quiet sigh, rolling his hips into your hand.
“Do you want it like this?”
“Wanna take off my pants.” 
“Okay, do it”, you say, giving him space.
He manages to take them off until they sit around one of his ankles and then he gives up. That’s good enough. He needs to be with you again, feel your warmth and experience your touch. You fucking made him obsessed with it and now he can’t get enough of it. 
He returns to the previous position, wiggling his butt against you and giving you a boyish look over his shoulder. It makes you giggle and hug him tight.
“Comfy?” you ask after smooching his cheek.
“Yeah, comfy”, he says and looks at your lips, “kiss me.” 
He barely manages to finish his request and then he is already gasping as you use a bundle of his hair to tilt his head into a kiss. It is rough and passionate. Yoongi didn’t expect it, which results in his head to get dizzy with the first contact. His tummy also did a really, really intense clench. It was the most amazing feeling ever, even if it resulted in his cock to grow even harder. 
You moan into the hot kiss, feeling entirely consumed by him. His exposed butt is pressing into your crotch, his naked legs rub against yours and his hard cock begs for attention. He is so close to you. So utterly and entirely engrossed in your presence and now you can feel him up with all the time in the world. Oh, you are so desperate for him.
It gets too much. You can’t control yourself anymore. Without warning, you take his cock between your fingers and pick up an almost punishing speed. 
Yoongi reacts accordingly. He breaks the kiss to squeak in surprise. His body flinches and his legs press together. 
“Wait”, he gets out, looking up at you with widened eyes and his lips parting in a gasp. 
“You’re so hard, holy fuck”, you whisper seductively as your hand pumps his heavy cock. Fast. Rough. With the intent to make him shake. 
“It’s t-too much”, he gets out and gasps, arching his back which results in your contact to break. 
Not with you. You pull him back against your chest, sliding your hand to his throat afterwards. Like this, his head is on your upper arm while his throat gains a new necklace in the shape of your hand. 
You press your lips to his ear, keeping your voice in this one specific register which will always make him weak. 
“Is this too much, mhm? Should I slow down?” you ask as your hand around his cock punishes him quickly. He needs no punishment and yet you can’t stop. He is so fucking perfect when he writhes in forced stimulation. 
“Slow, yeah, slow please”, Yoongi begs.
“Okay. I’ll slow down. Like this?” you ask and stop your movements so you could massage him instead. You keep your hand around his tip, massaging him in smooth pulses and gentle squeezes.
Yoongi presses back against you, tilting his head to reveal more of his neck. You squeeze down on his veins, watching hungrily as he rolls his eyes back in bliss. They flutter closed a second later.
“Yes”, he sighs, following it up with a quiet, “holy shit ___, that feels so good.” 
“Yeah, you just keep sighing my name. Your voice sounds so pretty when you do.”
“___”, Yoongi sighs, placing his hands on your lower arm to squeeze. His fingers are just a little clammy, his touch is filled with no strength. He wants to simply feel you, make sure that you are real and that he is actually experiencing the pleasure you make him feel.
“That’s it. Keep moaning my name”, you encourage him, moving his head with your hand on his throat. Like this, you can kiss his cheek. It makes you so happy because you can feel how Yoongi actively chases your kisses by tilting his head closer. 
“___, ah.”
“My handsome love”, you whisper, “my pretty prince.”
Yoongi likes the praise so much that he moans your name again. Quietly. Like a breathy whisper. He is so far gone in this warm bubble of pleasure, comfort and safety that he can’t do much more than whisper. This is the best morning ever. He is so safe, so warm and so well-touched. Yoongi presses himself closer against you and sighs your name.
You abandon his tip for just a moment because you want to feel him up entirely. You go slow, pressing his cock against his tummy to run your hand up and down the underside of it. His skin is so soft, while his cock is so hard. The contrast of it feeds your obsession for him inch by fucking inch. With every second you touch him, the feelings you have for him get easier to bear. Not much, but at least you don’t feel like suffocating anymore.
Yoongi runs his hands up and down your lower arm, following it with his head turning as he tries to kiss you. His lips are parted, giving you a little sigh.
“Feels good?” you whisper.
“Yeah, feels…good…ah kiss me, p-please.”
“My beautiful Yoongi”, you whisper and kiss him, swallowing the happy sound he makes. He doesn’t really know how to kiss you at first. As if he forgot everything he ever learned because you are touching him so good that his brain turned into mush. You know that this is what is happening right now. 
It’s not often that Yoongi asks to be touched. So whenever he does, it means that he wants to be turned into a dumb, pleasure-drunk mess. No wonder he kisses messily at first, you’ve got him ruined. You slide your hand from his throat to rub his chest instead. It rumbles in deep purrs of enjoyment and his lips soon after find your rhythm. Slow, loving tongue kisses. The kind which leaves both of you so, so lightheaded.
Somewhere in the maze of loving kisses, you allow your hand to change course. You wrap your fingers around his length again and pick up a steady pace, jerking him off with the help of all the excitement he leaks. Of course he’s wet. Yoongi’s so easy to pleasure once he trusts you. He gets wet so easily.
The kiss breaks because Yoongi needed to gasp. Your eyes flutter open, meeting his gaze. It is hazy, blurry and filled with devoted submission. He can’t stop staring, even when so close to your face. His eyes keep switching between your left eye down to your lips and up to your right eye before repeating the route again and again and again. He is so obviously in love, which makes you want to never look away.
You haven’t noticed it yet, but you are mimicking his feelings. Your eyes can’t stop racing between his eyes and his lips and if it was physically possible, Yoongi is sure that your pupils would have turned into little hearts by now.
“Closer please”, he whispers and you hug him against you, placing your hand on his waist to keep him close. Yoongi has to moan at the contact, fluttering his eyelids for just a second before he begins drawing little triangles on your face again.
You are enjoying this moment with intense pleasure bubbling in your tummy. Truly, you don’t even need to be touched to feel satisfied. This is making you feel so fulfilled. And it is filling you with this warm desire to make him feel in paradise. You pick up your pace, watching in delight how Yoongi reacts.
He closes his eyes and scrunches his nose up, letting a quiet, “fuck” slip from his lips.
“Yoongi”, you press out, hugging him tighter. You lower your lips to his face, spreading soft kisses on every inch you can reach.
“I can’t hold it for much longer”, he confesses, pressing back into you to get as close as possible. Truly one may think that it wouldn’t be possible to be closer, but somehow Yoongi manages to merge even deeper with you. Warm back against warm chest, his hands holding your arm while you hold him and with your legs tangled into a mess which makes sense to you and him. You are so close in fact that you can actually feel how his body prepares for his high. He is tensing his muscles more and more and gains so much more warmth to his body.
“Did, did you hear me?” he tries with his voice just slightly higher than usual. Not much, but it is clear that he is struggling. He is breathing so heavily and his butt keeps rubbing against you as he squirms.
“I heard you”, you assure him, kissing his cheek, “does it feel good for you or should I change something?”
“More on the tip, please.”
“Okay. Like this?” you say, massaging his velvety cockhead.
“Yeah….” he gets out and rolls his head away to bury it in the pillow, “ah”, his voice is muffled by it, “ah god, ah.”
It goes on for about five strokes and then Yoongi gasps and turns his head again, looking up at you with so obviously faded eyes. He is so far gone.
“I know, you’re doing so well”, you praise him, caressing the side of his ribs slowly.
“Tell me that you….ahmhm”, he gulps and tries to continue talking, doing so with his eyes glued to your lips, “that you love, ah, love me.”
Your heart flutters.
“I love you, Min Yoongi.”
“I love you too”, he chokes out and scrunches his face up as his high hits him. This is all it took. To watch your lips form his favourite words paired with your closeness and skilled touch, is all it took. He reaches up and pulls you close with his trembling hands gripping whatever part of your head they could reach. Your nose collides with his cheek and soon you feel his lips attempting to kiss, but failing miserably. You’ve got him climaxing so hard that it is impossible for him to do much more than keen quietly and fight for air.
“Good boy, you’re doing so well”, you talk him through it with loving whispers and little pecks on his pouty lips. And Yoongi swears his entire world lights up because of it.
He comes down way too soon for your taste, now merely shivering in your arms while his cock softens in your hand rapidly fast.
“Princess”, he gets out, hooking his arms behind your head to pull you into a kiss. It is sloppy and filled with gratitude. You love it so much, but you want so much more. You break the kiss, making him beg for more. You have to ignore him, even if you want to keep kissing him. He isn’t done yet. One wasn’t enough.
You roll him to his back and claim the emptiness between his legs. They are still wobbly from the intense orgasm you gave him, making it easy for you to pick them up and slide off his pants completely. You throw them to the side and lean down, picking up his softened cock to put him into your mouth.
Yoongi’s hips shoot up, his legs close around you and a surprised mewl rolls off his lips.
“What are you doing?” he keens, placing his hands on your head to tug you away.
You hum around him, licking and sucking off the sweet tasting cum coating his cock. The vibrations feel intense around his length, forcing his hips to lift again.
Oh how heavily he is breathing, how much he squirms.
“Please”, he gets out and mewls, “please, sensitive, please”, he pleads, trying to tug you off of him, which only ends in you taking his hands and pinning them into the sheets besides his hips. You put your weight on them, making it impossible for him to flee (one has to remember that he could easily lift a truck if he wanted to, he could very well flee but he doesn’t want to).
“Please, sensitive. Hurts, please”, he begs, coughing out a squeaky moan as his soft, little dick gets sucked clean by your hungry mouth. He is still so delirious from his first high and being brought over the edge in such an intimate, safe way and now he has you forcing his cock to remember what pleasure feels like. Yoongi was so ready to fall into the afterglow, but you are keeping him burning. It feels hot, fiery and torturous.
“Sensitive”, he gets out, wiggling his hands even if you pin them down with your fingers squeezing around his wrists, “holy shit, why do you wanna torture me?” he keens, kicking the sheets with weak legs.
You are high. You seriously are. This is the best feeling ever and he tastes so good that you wish to taste nothing but him from now on. His soft cock feels so good in your mouth. So fragile and sensitive and made to be ruined by you. He fits so perfectly in your mouth like this. So well in fact that he can fill you out comfortably while your tongue explores the softness of his balls.
“Oh god, please”, he is begging, squirming away and fighting your grip as best as his shaky arms allow him to. And despite all of that, he is starting to grow hard again. Rapidly if one may add. So quickly in fact, that after a few hungry flicks of your tongue against his balls, he is filling out your mouth so well that you can’t reach them anymore. You cup them in your right hand instead, using your left hand to caress his tensing tummy. It is so sticky and wet from his first orgasm. His hands reach for your head instantly, making you chuckle because it was so predictable.
“Nuh-uh”, you hum around his cock, pinning his hands into the sheets. He grabs your hands, squeezes them as tightly as possible and then lets out a high-pitched mewl.
“Please, this is too much”, he gets out, arching his back, “fuck, please.”
You moan around him, grinding your tongue against his cock as you bob your head up and down. He is almost completely hard again. Of course he is, because he loves it. You know your boyfriend. He might whine, but he loves being overstimulated.
You must admit that you never did it with your mouth before, at least not like this, but there is always a first for everything. After all, you love trying out new things with him.
Now swollen and hard in your mouth, it is difficult to fit him down your throat entirely. Especially in this position. You concentrate your attention on his first two inches. They are the most sensitive after all and you love having them in your mouth.
“A-ah”, Yoongi lets out, dropping your hands to instead twist the sheets. His hips are lifting off the mattress again, but this time around it wasn’t from overstimulation but pleasure. You got him hooked again. Even if his legs close around you and you have to push them apart.
“Mhm”, you hum and giggle, looking up at him with sparkly eyes and his cockhead on your tongue.
He is looking at you with his lids heavy and his cheeks flushed. His hair is a total mess, sticking to parts of his face.
“You’re hard again”, you say and lick him hungrily.
“It’s, it’s ‘cause you f-forced me to, to get hard”, he is stuttering, barely getting the words out.  
“I’m sorry, kitten. You’re so yummy that I can’t help myself”, you rasp and take him back inside, granting him one more second of eye contact before the position naturally breaks it. You close your eyes, sucking his tip and swirling your tongue as you move your head up and down slowly. He should really bask in those sensations.
“Fuck”, he gets out and moans shakily, dropping his head back in the pillow, “what did I do to deserve this?” he whispers and makes yet another sound of pleasure, sounding so good doing it that you have to look at him for a moment. You jerk off his cock as you do, pressing the thumb of your right hand down between his balls to give him just a small hint of pleasurable pain.
“Ngng”, Yoongi lets out, arching his back, “ah, a-ah, hah. Ah.”
“You deserve this because you’re my beloved, pretty kitten”, you tell him, increasing the pressure.
“Ah. Ah, ah hah, ah, a-ah”, Yoongi can’t stop making noises. What a total difference from the once reserved and quiet reactions he gave you during the handjob. You are soaking up those reactions like a woman starved.
“And because you’re my pretty kitten, you deserve to cum over and over again. Are we clear?”
“Thank you”, he mewls, because he doesn’t know what else to say. He feels so good. All he wants to do is thank you for making him feel that way.
Your heart flutters. He is adorable. And he looks so wet. His pink, velvety cockhead is covered in it. You have to taste him again.
You lower yourself back to his cock with the intention of not lifting yourself again until you have him creaming your mouth.
“Thank you…ah”, Yoongi moans, dropping his back in the sheets as his hands naturally reach for you again. Both of them. It’s so cute that he gets so touchy when he is being sucked off. He holds your head gently, but never once uses the grip to guide you. No, he merely wants to hold you because sometimes he doesn’t believe that the pleasure you make him feel is real and he has to make sure that it is.
Your mouth is so warm and soft, your tongue is even softer and so, so wet and your fingers know exactly where to squeeze and touch. You have also grown so confident in your skills.
Bear in mind, Yoongi always thought that your head game was amazing, but he can really tell that you are confident in it these days. Back when you started out, you only really dared to go further than his first two inches when you were drunk, but these days it seems to happen naturally. One minute, he has your tender lips kissing and sucking his cockhead and the next he is hitting the back of your throat while a deep moan vibrates in your chest. You don’t need to be drunk anymore to deepthroat him, it happens naturally.
And Yoongi hasn’t decided yet if he hates it because of how utterly ruined it leaves him or if he loves it because of how entirely blissed out it makes him feel. Maybe a little bit of both.
“Oh god, princess”, he moans, closing his legs again as hot pleasure shoots through them.
You chuckle around him before slipping off. You push his legs apart again, looking up at him with sparkling eyes.
“Stop closing your legs”, you tell him, following it up with your lips nibbling at his tip slowly. Every now and then you dart out your tongue, giving him a glimpse of warm, wet heaven.
“Sensitive, I can’t help it”, he says, eliciting a happy giggle from you.
“You always are”, you are teasing, “what’s with you?”
“It’s ‘cause you feel good”, he says and thrusts his hips, “more please.”
“Mhm ‘kay, but only if you don’t close your legs again”, you say, taking him back inside.
Yoongi rests his head back in the pillow, throwing his arm over his eyes as a breathy laugh slips past his lips.
“You feel so good”, he gets out and moans with a smile on his face, “fuck.”
He drops his legs on the mattress and wiggles his toes, meeting your warmth with a soft roll of his hips.
“Yeah, that definitely tops everything”, he whispers, placing his right hand on the back of your head to caress it.
You love how warm his touch feels and how gentle his thumb runs over your head. It makes you want to perform even better for him, go deeper and make him feel a thousand times more ruined. You slide your hand to his balls and begin massaging them as your mouth slowly but surely sinks down on his length.
“Yes, god”, he gets out, rubbing his legs against your body, “fuck baby, I’m sensitive.”
“Mhm”, you purr around him, which doesn’t help him at all. He just ends up twitching in your mouth while his legs rub against you in a desperate squirm.
“You don’t give a shit, do you?”
You shake your head, wiggling his cock down your throat that way. You hum when he is oh so deep inside you, sending a jolt through his legs. His fingers twitch on your head, trying their hardest not to push you down further.
“Fuck, you’re torturing me”, he gets out and laughs, arching his back.
You love when he is like this. When he feels so good and safe with you that he laughs during sex. To think about how he started off and how it’s going these days. You love this development, having to moan around him as your left hand slides under his shirt. You walk your fingers up his tummy and ribs, stretching them out on his pecs so you can rub his nipple.
His laughter stops, a loud gasp for air replaces them. He chases your touch, sliding his arm from his eyes to instead hold your hand through his shirt. He squeezes it gently, rubbing his legs against you needily.
There was no ounce of amusement or laughter in this word. Just desperate pleasure and the disbelief that something so amazing is actually happening to him.
“Yeah, god…that’s….fuck, princess.”
Maybe you like this kind of voice just a little more. Don’t misunderstand, you love when he laughs during sex. But when your touch hits just right that he feels so good that he can’t even find it in himself to laugh anymore to instead moan, definitely feels extra special. He spills his pleasure on your tongue with a throb of his cock. His taste is amazing.
You glide off of him until you can suck on his tip. Your lips fit so nicely around it. Like his cock was made to be sucked by you. He rewards your eagerness with new droplets of his sweetness. Truly, he tastes so good. You hum around him, sucking harder.
“___”, he moans, following it up with a roll of his hips, “___ baby…love, this is…fuck.”
You love that he just can’t stay still. He is an expert in lounging. Sometimes when you and he cuddle, you have to check on him because of how still he can get. And now he just can’t stop squirming and touching and rubbing himself against you. It’s so incredibly adorable to witness. 
You slurp up the saliva which has began running down his length and swallow it hungrily. There is just a little bit of his taste in it. Not enough for your liking and so you take his cock between your fingers and apply pressure on his swollen vein. You know just how to squeeze and rub that he leaks onto your tongue. 
Sweet like honey. There must be something magical in his taste because you get so needy for it that it gets hard to breathe. 
You slip your lips off of him, staring at his tip. It is deep red in colour, courtesy of you sucking his soul out of his cock. Your fingers glide to it and begin squeezing just right to milk him of his translucent goodness. 
“Fuck, jesus, you gotta- hrng”, he gets out and lets out a deep growl, throwing his head back as best as the position allows him to, “honey, fuck.” 
“You’re so wet for me”, you taunt and squeeze more out of him. You love how his cock looks when he leaks for you. So pretty and wet. How wonderful. 
And while he growls and gasps, you let out a chuckle. It is heavy in crazed pleasure. 
“You’re such a wet kitten”, you rasp and finally connect your tongue with his cock. You grind the flat of it over his slickened tip, ending it with a throaty moan and a flick of your tongue. You flutter your eyes at him, even if he isn’t looking, “you’re my fucking addiction”, you lull and sink him into your mouth as far as you can take him. 
Only once he is deep as you can go, you begin moving. Fast and harsh. You drool all over him, spill tears instantly and find it just a little harder to breathe but it’s so fucking worth it. 
Yoongi moans and he moans loudly. So fucking loudly. His hips roll off the mattress, his hands reach for his own thighs and squeeze hard to prevent them from falling closed. 
“Holy shit, holy fuck. Princess love. Fuck. Ah! Aha baby ah.”
Your left hand is working hard on keeping his nipples as sensitive as possible while your right hand holds his throbbing cock in place. If you wouldn’t, it would just be way too hard to keep the rhythm going.
“You have to stop or, or else I’ll- ah”, Yoongi throws his head back, arching off the mattress, “I’ll cum down your throat, please stop.” 
He is so polite. Even now when you are so clearly derailed in pleasure, he is trying to warn you. He is such a gentleman. Oh how you need this man to literally pump your stomach full of cum. Yeah, you are really derailed. 
You pinch his right nipple, keeping it between your fingers to massage it harshly. The pleasure swirls down his body and goes straight to his cock. 
“Please I have to cum, I don’t- ah”, Yoongi shudders and arches his back, “can I cum in your mouth?”
The switch up is so fucking hot. To have him go from begging you for a break to begging you for the chance to climax down your throat, it’s so hot.
You hum around him, nodding your head. 
“Really? Please. Ah- fuck, ___ please.”
You moan and go deeper, nodding your head with more vigour. 
“Thank you”, Yoongi croaks and drops into the sheets. A second later, you feel his seed shoot down your throat and his cock throb in your mouth, “holy fuck yes.”
You wanted to swallow everything, but didn’t take into account just how hard your boyfriend cums. It ends up spilling out of your mouth and you working quickly to try and slurp all of it up. You love every second of it, feasting on his taste with a pounding head. 
Yoongi pulls you off of his cock once overstimulation sets on.
“No more. Serious”, he chokes out, following it up with a breathless, “you’re fucking insane. What the fuck.”
You are so dizzy, nuzzling your nose into his soft inner thigh. 
“Fuck Yoongi, you taste amazing”, you lull in a raspy voice. Your throat hurts just a little from getting it creamed so good.
“I’m dizzy”, he confesses, rolling his head to the side, “princess…”
You kiss your way up his body, staying at his neck to cover it in gentle love bites. His taste still lingers on your tongue, making you dizzy. Yoongi purrs and rolls his head to the side, nudging your temple with his nose. A kiss follows.
“This was amazing”, he lulls, smiling against your skin, “you’re the best, my love.”
“Yeah?” you giggle, lying down beside him with your leg draped over his waist and his arm under you. He closes it around you, running his hand up and down your back. You can look at each other so well like this.
“Mhm, yeah”, he says, staring at your lips. He reaches up and swipes his thumb over your lower lip, “you got a little something there”, he says.
“Oh? Oops. Thank you”, you say.
“Mhm”, he hums and guides his thumb to his mouth to lick it clean.
“Hot”, you mumble.
Yoongi lifts his brows at you playfully and slips his thumb free with a bop of his lips.
“It’s the least I can do”, he says, giving you a lopsided smirk. He is so good at doing them.
You nudge his chest, letting out a very ungraceful snort. Yoongi thinks it’s the most beautiful sound you ever made, soaking it up happily.
“You’re dumb.”
“Why?” he asks in a chuckle.
“Because you’re being flirty, you know exactly what this does to me.”
“What? You gonna suck my cock again?” he jokes, making you snort again.
“God”, you fluster, dropping your head in the crook of his neck. You rub yourself against him like a cuddly cat, “Yoongi”, you giggle.
He chuckles deeply, sliding his hand to your lower back so he can press you closer to him. You feel so warm between your legs. He loves the feeling of it against his naked thigh.
“You know what we should do today?” he asks.
“Wait. I wanna guess.”
“Do it.”
“You’re gonna say cook together, eventhough I literally told your stubborn butt last night that you don’t gotta cook for me all the time.”
He laughs. Wholeheartedly and loudly. You join him, lifting your head so you can look at his happy expression. He laughs with his mouth open and his eyes squeezed shut. You love this kind of laugh on him.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” you stress, nudging his moving chest. It rumbles in his laughter.
“Yeah”, he says, nodding his head, “fuck”, he ends his laughter with a deep chuckle and a shake of his head, “why do you know me so well?”
“Because being loved means being known and I love you, which means I know you”, you say, grinning when he rolls his eyes at you.
“You’re so cheesy”, he says.
“And you love it, so stop rolling those eyes at me.”
He smiles, “sorry, you’re right”, he says and runs the back of his hand down your cheek, “my love”, he whispers and smiles, cupping your cheek.
You smile, leaning into his palm, “you’re my love too.”
He studies your face with lovedrunk eyes. A soft smile curls his lips. 
“Do you want me to return the favour?” he asks. 
“Mhm later, as a little break between work, yeah? I’m so hungry you have no idea.”
“I just fed you.”
You laugh. He laughs too. 
“I hate you for making me laugh.” 
“You loved it.”
“Yeah sadly”, you say and study his face. Especially his pretty lips, “okay actually. Can you give me one orgasm?”
He smirks. Fuck, he is so hot doing that. His eyes lower playfully.
“Of course I can, princess. Let me take care of you”, he says, picking you up to fix your positions.
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cheezeybread · 3 months
got a fun little request. picture Yuu doing a taste test for Trey for the next unbirthday party. Only... Floyd hears about it and decides to make it a cooking contest with Yuu as a judge. He wants to impress Yuu and show them he can totally do baked goods just as good as Trey. Azul meanwhile probably sees this as a chance to promote the lounge so dollar signs and promotion for him. up to you who wins the contest.
Hey, hey, let him cook!
-Yuu when Floyd shows up to try and make it a competition
This is all written as platonic, although it'd probably be easy to imagine it as romantic heheh
┍━━━━━»•» 🌺 «•«━┑
"Heeeeey, you don't happen to be craving some extra sweets this week, do ya? :)"
The text from Trey caught you completely off guard, especially since he hadn't texted you in well over two weeks...
Almost as if he could sense your confusion, Trey sent multiple texts in a row after that first one, giving you more information about the upcoming unbirthday party and how he was preparing some new desserts and needed someone to test them out before he served them to Riddle and the other Heartslabyul members. Of course, you accepted.
Who knows how (probably Ace, on second thought) Floyd caught wind of this happening, but as soon as he did? Hoooo boy, it was ON!
Floyd gets into strange moods sometimes, and sometimes those moods go into a sort of overzealous competition (unfortunately for the basketball team, that competitive mood never comes around during plays-). This was one of those times.
He approached you after class, presenting you with a terribly-drawn...poster, of sorts? It was pretty much just a page he had colored to look like an appealing advertisement for a "bake-off" between him and Trey for later that afternoon. It even included little stick figures of Floyd and Jade roasting Trey over a spit like a pig, and you with hearts in your eyes as you held out a blue ribbon to Floyd....Oh, yeah, this was definitely made by the eel.
Despite receiving Floyd's "official invitation", you had to go by Octavinelle to see what all the hubbub was about. Mostro Lounge was decorated to the nines, with crepe paper dangling from the ceiling, various posters of Floyd and Trey posing with their own creations, and more hand-drawn posters of Floyd beating Trey (either literally or otherwise-). Azul was absolutely mad with power (when is he ever not?) and was running around the place barking out orders, obviously too busy to talk to you, so you had to hunt down Jade, who graciously explained the situation.
Floyd was challenging Trey to a competition to see who could make the best desserts, summed up. The winner would receive a glamorous prize that was mysteriously being kept a secret for now. The judge? You!
Since you didn't entirely have a choice in whether to participate or not, you groaned inwardly and allowed Jade to pull you aside as he spoke about needing you to "look the part" for a cooking judge. Bam! He pulled out a very glamorous outfit from nowhere, along with a decorative apron that had your name embroidered on it...which led you to wonder how long Floyd had been planning this all out?
But that's not a question for you to worry your pretty little head about! Onto the contest!
Trey begrudgingly accepted the baking challenge, only really agreeing after hearing whatever this "prize" was. Or, at least, that's what you overheard from the massive crowd of students who gathered into the Mostro Lounge to watch the challenge proceed (of course, they still had to pay tickets to come as well as for their meals and drinks!)
You still weren't even sure of what was going on, only that you were seated in a fancy chair on a pedestal with a small table in front of you.
Heck, all you could do was watch as Trey and Floyd stood at their separate areas, baking with such fervor that you'd think they were fighting for their lives. batter was flying everywhere, the crowd was getting splattered with ingredients, and Azul stood to the side with Jade, practically having Thaumark-signs in his eyes.
In the end, Floyd brought up to you a very beautifully-made parfait, and Trey brought a regal, multi-layered cake. You took a bite of each, still not taking this whole contest very seriously.
"I think....Trey wins," You said with a confident smile "Your cake was very good, and uh...stuff."
"What???" Floyd yelled out, putting his hands on his head in dismay while Trey wiped off his apron with a satisfied grim "Why didn't I win???"
All you could do was shrug and hold back a laugh "I don't like parfaits...plus, that gummy shark you tossed in there with all the strawberry jam around it really threw me off."
As Floyd stormed off and began to break almost everything in the lounge, ranging from students to chairs to appliances, Trey looked up to you with his usual charming look.
"So, my prize?" He asked hopefully.
"Oh, yeah, about that," You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly "I literally only just learned about this whole contest an hour ago when Floyd gave me the paper, and I'm still in shock that all this was put together and played out in that time....but yeah, no one ever told me what this prize was."
"Aha!" He chuckled "It's a day with you, Prefect!"
┕━»•» 🌺 «•«━━━━━┙
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vermilionsun · 2 months
*Crashes in* Hi there! This is probably the first time I’ve requested something in literal years! But I’m wondering if you can do relationship headcanons with the reader/mc (gn too please 🙏🏼) dating both Kuras and Vere🤭. It can be both sfw and/or nsfw, whatever you like! I just really wanna see what possible messiness that comes of this.
Also thanks for the follow, and glad you enjoyed my lil fics!!🙏🏼☺️🩵🩵🩵
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Ahoy! Thank you sm for the req!! Of course, gn! reader + it's extra messy, hehehe
Note 1: There's NSFW under the very obvious line and the the big red letters that read "NSFW" Note 2: The edit of the middle pic is by @todayis-snowy <3
ⁿᵒᵗᵉ ²﹕ ⁱ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʷʰᵒ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉᵈⁱᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐⁱᵈᵈˡᵉ ᵖⁱᶜ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵛᵉʳᵉ ﹠ ᵏᵘʳᵃˢ, ⁱᶠ ᵃⁿʸᵒⁿᵉ ᵏⁿᵒʷˢ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ᵐᵉ ˢᵒ ⁱ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵖʳᵒᵖᵉʳˡʸ ᵃˢᵏ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒʷⁿᵉʳ ᶠᵒʳ ᵖᵉʳᵐⁱˢˢⁱᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵘˢᵉ ⁱᵗ/ʳᵉᵐᵒᵛᵉ ⁱᵗ. ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏˢ ✌
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➢ You’d most likely be caught in the middle (in… more than one ways), trying to maintain balance.
➢ It's like willingly stepping into a minefield and expecting not to get blown up. A recipe for disaster, cooked and baked at why-did-you-think-it-was-a-good-idea degrees. A thunderstorm of past emotions brewing beneath the surface for centuries, ready to unleash its wrath at any moment. You don't mix fire and ice, especially when they come in the form of two ex-lovers who still hold a spark for each other as well as a history of clashing violently.
➢ Both are unapologetic about everything they do
➢ They constantly push each other's buttons. It's like a deadly game of tug-of-war, with neither willing to give an inch. Trying to navigate a relationship with both of them feels like walking on eggshells, never knowing when one wrong move will set off a chain reaction.
➢ Their… love is a force to be reckoned with, a force that could either consume them whole or set them free. But one thing is for certain: it's something that cannot be ignored, no matter how destructive it may be.
➢ That said, spare yourself the trouble and stay out of their way if you can. Unless you want to get caught in the crossfire. And hell, maybe even get burned. But at the end of the day, why the fuck would you not want to involve yourself in their toxic relationship drama?
➢ e̶s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ i̶f̶ y̶o̶u̶ w̶e̶r̶e̶ b̶o̶r̶n̶ c̶u̶r̶s̶e̶d̶, w̶i̶t̶h̶ h̶a̶n̶d̶s̶ y̶o̶u̶ k̶e̶e̶p̶ b̶a̶n̶d̶a̶g̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ h̶i̶d̶e̶ a̶ d̶e̶a̶d̶l̶y̶ s̶e̶c̶r̶e̶t̶:̶ a̶ b̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ o̶f̶ y̶o̶u̶r̶ f̶i̶n̶g̶e̶r̶s̶ t̶w̶i̶s̶t̶s̶ t̶h̶e̶ m̶i̶n̶d̶s̶ o̶f̶ a̶n̶y̶ h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶ y̶o̶u̶ t̶o̶u̶c̶h̶. J̶u̶s̶t̶ h̶o̶w̶ f̶a̶r̶—
➢ Those aside, they’d actually be pretty loving towards you.
➢ Kuras is the type to shower you with attention in a rather subtle, detached way. Vere, on the other hand, is the type to show his love through grand gestures and extravagant gifts.
➢ Kuras would be a rather protective partner, and would be wary of Vere due to how antagonistic he is towards both him and you.
➢ Both Kuras and Vere are pretty stubborn, so the arguments are nothing less than legendary.
➢ They could go on for hours, with Kuras using his sharp tongue and quick wit to cut down Vere's fiery temper.
➢ They'd argue over the weirdest things—food choices ( and who's the worst cook), who said what in the heat of the moment—the list goes on, really.
➢ Kuras probably has a few secret places where he goes for some alone-time to cool off,come back after an hour or two and pretend like nothing happened, while Vere would probably still want to continue the argument.
➢ Jealous jealous JEALOUS. 
➢ Knowing Kuras' slightly-more-than-necessary possessive nature, Vere'd definitely go out of his way to make him more jealous.
➢ Anything to make him see red.
➢ Openly flirting, teasing or touching you in front of Kuras, showering you with affection just when Kuras has stepped out of the room or go out of his way to spend time with you, deliberately excluding Kuras from the hangouts. He'd be constantly hovering around you and if Kuras does get a chance to be alone with you, Vere just barges into the room and starts acting particularly familiar and affectionate with you.
➢ Kuras'd be careful to keep his cool—despite seething inside—looking at you two with a smile that's too tight to be completely genuine, eyes narrow and jaw clenched. He’d make sure to shower you with extra attention once Vere’s gone.
➢ He knows Vere's doing everything just to rile him up and he's probably making mental lists of ways to k̶i̶l̶l̶ get back at Vere in the future.
➢ He'd probably get very cold and dismissive with Vere—at least, for as long as he could hold out. Kuras is not very good with self-restraint when he's mad.
➢ Kuras is secretly very clingy in a subtle sort of way. He'd probably try and find ways to physically get closer to you more often—sitting next to you, finding excuses to fix your clothes, and standing closer to you than is strictly necessary. He wouldn't be above sulking if you’re not paying him enough attention, either.
➢ Vere would be a lot more affectionate than Kuras, and definitely shameless when it comes to flaunting his interest in you. He'd find every opportunity to touch you—casually draping an arm over your shoulder or hip, holding your hand, pulling you close to his side—anything to make it clear that he's staking his claim on you. He'd also have a habit of stealing kisses whenever you least expect it.
➢ Kuras'd grumble about it being “impolite” and make a show of how upset it makes him, but in truth, he'd get really, really jealous and he doesn’t know of who.
➢ Truth be told, Kuras might come off as cold and distant sometimes, especially in front of others, but you would quickly learn he's just not used to the whole "relationship" thing. Vere, on the other hand, would be much more open. He'd be more willing to flirt and openly call you any pet name under the sun, no matter how cheesy or embarrassing it may sound.
➢ Watch the shock and horror on the two bitter ex’s faces when Vere calls Kuras with a pet name out of habit, only for Kuras to respond with an equally affectionate nickname in return before they both pause, realizing what they have just done.
➢ Kuras is taken aback at first and coughs away the surprise, but a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he looks at Vere with a newfound warmth in his eyes. Vere, on the other hand, tries to cover up his own shock with a nonchalant shrug and a playful smirk, but his face betrays the tumult of emotions swirling within him.
➢ It will take a while for things start to get better; there would probably be a fair amount of petty back-and-forths before either one ends up actually admitting that they're being an ass, and then they'd be stuck in an awkward limbo where they are technically not fighting, but tneither one knows how to approach the other without starting another disagreement.
➢ They’d still fight and squabble like a married couple on the regular, but they'd also have quiet moments where they tolerate the other's presence, or dare I even say, get along.
➢ *g̶a̶s̶p̶s̶ e̶c̶h̶o̶ f̶r̶o̶m̶ t̶h̶e̶ a̶u̶d̶i̶e̶n̶c̶e̶*
➢ In that case, their banter becomes more lighthearted and their interactions more genuine as they slowly let down their guard around each other. The tension that once hung heavy in the air begins to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of comfortability and re-building trust.
➢ As time goes on, they end up having fewer and fewer fights a̶n̶d̶ t̶h̶e̶ p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ t̶o̶ k̶i̶l̶l̶ e̶a̶c̶h̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ g̶o̶e̶s̶ d̶o̶w̶n̶ b̶y̶ a̶ s̶i̶g̶n̶i̶f̶i̶c̶a̶n̶t̶ a̶m̶o̶u̶n̶t̶ though the two of them being as argumentative as they are, there is no way they'd never have a disagreement again—
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➢ Positions depend on who’s calling the shots… and, my friend, that is a great question.
➢ Vere tends to prefer being on top—and he's not above teasing and provoking you just to see how far he can push you, who is sandwiched in the middle—while Kuras usually ends up on bottom simply because he gets stubborn and doesn't want to give in to Vere's provocativeness.
➢ Kuras would be the more gentle one—he wouldn't rush or be too rough with you, preferring to take things slow and savor the moment, show his affection with every caress, every touch, every kiss…
➢ He’d probably prefer to have you facing him, he'd want to see your expressions; the way your eyes flutter closed when he touches you, the way your lips part when he kisses you etc etc and he’ll most definitely find a way to hold your hands, ‘cause he’s such a romantic at heart and a giant simp.
➢ Vere would be as shameless as possible. His touch would be more demanding and rough, his kisses more urgent and intense.
➢ It'll be no surprise if he ends up having you pinned underneath him with hands on your wrists more than once.
➢ Vere would want to take you from behind; pull you close to him, his arm snaking around your waist to keep you flush against his body, effectively controlling the pace. He'd like to have you straddling his hips so he can hold you in all the right spots and make you shudder and squirm.
➢ A lot more vocal than Kuras—probably a dirty talker, whispering sweet words and praises in your ears, his gaze locking with Kuras' as he explores every inch of your body with his hands and lips, relishing in watching the effect his words have on both of you.
➢ When it comes to the aftercare, both Vere and Kuras are clingy in their own ways.
➢ Vere would pull you into an embrace, tucking your head under his chin as he makes sure to nuzzle you as obnoxiously as possible just to get a rise out of Kuras.
➢ Kuras, on the other hand, would be a bit more subdued, gently wrapping you in his arms, his expression thoughtful and possessive as he pulls you closer to his chest; as if he's worried someone's going to take you away from him.
➢ Vere’s definitely ready for another round shortly after, but thankfully for you, Kuras stops him.
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imfelinefinee · 28 days
Cracking under the pressure
(Get it, cause the game is called Pressure? Hehehe-)
Pairing: Seb.as.tian Sol.ace x reader (Platonic/Romantic)
Words: 8.8K+
Warning: This chapter contain a bit more heavier tones in the story compared to my last work. Including mild violence (Heavy injury and injuring monsters via self-defence).
But aside from that, I wrote this with as much emotion as I could so there might also include heavy influences to trauma. But remains vague. Including Soft vore/safe vore too!
Please be careful when reading this, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
(Edit: I changed the warning to include more information in case someone wanted more information for possible triggering subject matter.)
Notes: Had an idea cooking in my brain, kinda overcooked it but I promise it's juicy! Also sorry I wrote this kinda long, I had too much fun writing PAInter for the first time! And don’t worry it's filled with hurt/comfort BABY
I am also working on requests, yippee
Help this doc is 22 pages longgggggg
Cranking down the door handle, mustering the strength within their body to pull their weight to an imbalance, the heavy door sent flying shut with a loud slam. A back tendril caught between the door frame, slicing off in a flimsy mess; the appendage landing with a plop, secreting a dark liquid in a mimicry of blood.
The disembodied limb moved with rigour mortis, squirming across the floor. Gazing upon the sight with a grimace, whether it be an expression of disgust or fear. They weren’t certain of themself as all they could do was sigh and mentally congratulate themself on the victory. 
Adrenaline slowly took its toll in wearing down their body’s heightened senses, calming down from the sudden fright of the attack. Only to look away, feeling regret for the creature they wounded. That it was just like them, trapped and scared down in the depths of Blacksite.
It was their stupidity that led to the event, forgetting the dangers for a mere moment and entering a room with an eye-soring light. It acted out in fear.
Harsh static quickly permeated their ear, reacting with a hiss as a hand pressed down on the earpiece in an attempt to soothe the pain. Only to let out a soft beep, signalling that something had connected to their comlink. The buzzing of the attack quickly faded upon hearing the familiar voice. 
“You don’t have to do this-... You know that, right?”. It cut through in sternness yet held a heavy level of solemnness in its speech, their tone conflicted. A mix of concern and hesitance. Yet it wasn’t seemingly directed towards them but rather the circumstances the two of them found themselves in.
To delay their response to the robotic speech, they turned their attention to the room. Revealing a circular designed hall, littered with miscellaneous storage items consisting of crates and lockers. Items scattered onto the floors of differing value, some of data. In any other instance, it would’ve been the first thing they approached. But that wasn’t their main priority given their self-assigned goal.
Treading forward with a face of determination, no one was going to convince them otherwise. No one. 
Their stubbornness was a virtue in the face of survival. however, when it came to trying to convince them of other options, they usually took the first in favour of others. It took time and patience, something they didn’t possess at the moment given they had practically arrived at their destination.
Turning towards the door with the lit number, Blacksite decided that placing their room with labelled numbers was more professional and easier than labelling the rooms with actual names in their layout plans. It really went to question their finances, which now included their design choices... 
“Wait- Wait!- WAIT!!!”, the voice over the com quickly cried out in alarm, desperately trying to call out the danger in front of them. Yet, they ignored the AI’s concerns as they pressed onwards. “Wrong door!- WRONG DOOR!!-”, it continued in its panic until they finally realised the cries all too late. 
Their hand grasped the lever, sending a wave of electrical current into their hand. Flinching from the sudden shock, pulling the hand towards their chest from the suddenness. Only for sparks to be sent flying from the malfunctioning door. The small discharge was enough of a warning to quickly retreat their hand from a full-on electric shock.
Perhaps they should’ve listened to PAInter…
Looking up towards the door’s HUD, they spot the signature expression of the animated pixels on PAInter’s face. Its chosen software was MS Paint as its canvas, perhaps not the best option but the only one seeing as it came inbuilt with Windows. They were pretty diligent in their skills too, allowing for an animated look in their speech. Thanks to their quick lines.
It glared down at them with scribbled pointed brows and circular white eyes, the mouth a large frown with sharp teeth in its display, a seething grimace. Typically used to express extreme anger as its current emotion they were feeling, directed towards them in that moment. They were in for a lecture…
“Be more careful! You Moron!...”, he berated with fury. Yet, it came from a place of care. It was their fault as they allowed their impulsiveness to take over their rational line of thinking. Finding themselves feeling scolded like a child, feeling remorse over their selfishness at that moment. Still rather new to the concept of trusting another.
“I know… I’m sorry… But- I’m not a carrot!”. They found themselves biting back sarcastically, their self-loathing turned to mock defence. Pouting playfully as they crossed their arms dramatically. Their lips in a forceful frown as they held back a smile. Teased over its use of the word ‘moron’ as it meant ‘carrot’ in another language they recognised.
“Don’t get snarky with me, Young laird! Seriously though- do you need to do this?- REALLY?”, it dramatised its last word as if to express the severity and weight of their decision. As if they were silently trying to plead with them to turn back, anxious about the possible consequences.
They weren’t going to avoid it. 
“Well, it’ll benefit the three of us. It's crucial!- We need it!- It’s not something we can pass the opportunity on…”, they spoke with a decently reasonable claim. They weren’t incorrect in that fact but the response seemed to annoy PAInter as it knew they were right but refused to put their safety first. Prioritising something rather than their life. An unnecessary risk.
“There’s a reason Sebastian’s been avoiding it!- It’s dangerous!”, they quickly warned of the dangers ahead. Which they had contemplated many times at that point, had thought it over every second of the day. And the more time they wasted not wanting to dwell on it and linger, it would be leaving Sebastian to do all of the work as more weight was put onto his shoulders.
“You think I don’t know the risks?- I do PAInter- But… I can’t just- stand around any longer! Not while you both are suffering in this stupid place! I- I owe both of you already, Sebastian is working hard to get the evidence we need and keep the two of us fed. And you are doing your best to keep Urbanshade off our backs.”. 
Sharing their inner thoughts, all the turmoil laid out on a silver platter in front of it. Their self-preservation was the last thing on their mind, prioritising those they held dear to them.
They stood their ground.
It let out an audible synthesised sigh at their words, their expression turned to more of a saddened one. PAInter speaking their name in a soft voice that they rarely heard from either of them, often keeping their tenderness hidden in favour of guardedness.  It immediately caught their attention upon the seemingly impossible in front of them.
“I- I’ve nearly killed you- Multiple times!… We’ve hurt you, not only that but you were with Urbanshade in the program...”, believing they were undeserving of the care they displayed towards the lines of code. It recounted its mistakes like a list of regrets, the past interchangeable but doing what was necessary to survive at that time.
 It pissed them off to hear it blame itself for such things.
“Hey! You listen here!- Nobody here is perfectly innocent- I can say that because I’m literally a convicted criminal… I’ve done things, not good things… But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t justified. In most cases…”, they whispered the last sentence to themselves as the past crept on them for a moment. Only to push it away,
“The moral is- people make mistakes-  things happen that we regret… But it’s in the past! The best we can do is press forward, for our sake…”. They finished their words, standing tall to show they stood behind their words.
They made sure to purposefully hint at PAInter’s sentience, humanising them and treating them like any other friend as that was what they were, a trusted loyal and good friend. One who deserved the best, and they would remind them of that as many times as they needed. 
The advice seemed to send a wave of comfort to the person in front of them, they weren’t just lines of code perfectly executing orders to achieve currency in block exchanges. It was PAInter. Small slashes in red text on its expression in a mimicry of blush, seemingly flustering the AI.
Alongside a small smile displayed on the monitor, it seemed to finally accept their ambitions as they were. Understanding their relentlessness and allowing them to go forward, ceasing their struggles to stop them. Leaving it all up to them in the decision department if they wanted to go through with it.
They had already decided the moment they stepped into the hall.
They backed away from the threatening door, now with a level of confidence in their step as they now held a sentient AI backing them up and aiding them in their mission. Approaching the correct door, watching as the adjacent door opened automatically without human authorization. PAInter silently led the way to the docking bay for them to follow.
Which was literally the next room.
The room was large and spacious, abandoned diving suits littered the hangers, the smaller lockers consisted of random work supplies. Some fell to the floor, making it look like a mess as no one left to maintain the room. But what stood out was a powerful computer in the corner with multiple monitors. 
Upon inspection, it seemed to be a survey of information on the surrounding environment outside the facility. The hud of a program displaying scanner results from the terrain mined outside, deposits of various ores only to stop on the date of the lockdown. Another was a reminder of such, a blazing red warning with a danger symbol on the front reminded them of the lockdown that held them within the facilities walls.
PAInter appeared upon another monitor in a mini window, seemingly taking over the computer's systems as it used the RAM to check every file on the PC. Perhaps searching for important information in the files, only to draw a bored expression on its face as it completed its task. Closing everything aside from the open program.
“Nothing useful in terms of information, but it does allow me to monitor the water below with the echo-locating scanners. I’ll be able to watch you a bit outside for a distance… Luckily….”. PAInter seemed to let out a sigh of relief upon learning that fact.
“Oh- Shush it! Fucking worrywart…”, having enough of his constant worrying over their wellbeing. It did so constantly whenever they weren’t around Sebastian to watch over them, taking over his role. It annoyed them as they had survived thus far, on their own! They could most certainly handle themselves in the depths of Blacksite.  
“Hey! I apologise if my concerns over your health, mental well-being, safety and entertainment over your small, fragile, accident-prone, vulnerable-”, PAInter began to list off every essential thing to a human’s health to describe the weaknesses of the human body. Reminding them how breakable they were in comparison to the horrors in the whole facility.
“Don’t you dare call me inferior!”, they quickly bit back. Stomping their foot against the floor to grab its attention with a pouty lip. Bickering with it akin to a sibling, arguing without the malice in their tones. Joking with one another, turning the seriousness into a comedy bit.
“That’s Sebastian!- Not me! If we’re having this fight again- Then I’ll-”, they drew out the l in their tone as a window suddenly appeared on the screen, opening a file within a video player. Slowly dragging the cursor towards the option. The file was simply named, “Blackmail”. Seemingly playing into their comedy.
Opening it revealed a video of themselves on a webcam as the main focus, the sounds of a clicking mouse as they browsed the miscellaneous files on the computer to combat their boredom. It played like that for over a minute.
Only for the speakers to pierce the sound barrier from the loudness of their screams, the mic cutting off in the process. The framerate struggled to keep up as they jumped up with a look of fear and panic on their face, pushing away from the screen as if something were to climb out at any moment. 
What followed was a yelp as the sound of their foot colliding with something was picked up, watching as their expression looked upon the screen in horror as their head slowly disappeared off the screen, their body falling to the floor in a stupor.
They slipped.
It took a moment for them to recall the events in front of them, turning from amused confusion to one of chaotic anger. Turning to PAInter revealed a giant smiley face on the screen that it had drawn, the sheer audacity to save such a moment of weakness. PAInter was turning to the dark side, now using blackmail…
“You kept that thing?!- I thought you didn’t save shit like that on your hard drive!”, they attempted to reason against the usage of their image. PAInter often commented that it kept collections of multiple drawings and important files in their storage. Nothing like a video of them.
“I keep important things!- This is important”. It defended itself as it emphasised the seriousness and crucial thing that was their blackmail. But, to put the bit aside for a moment. It was surprisingly heartwarming that it kept memories it's like to keep close to them, including one of their silliness. That they were close enough to be deemed important to the AI.
Biting down their lip, they held back a giggle. Holding back the laughter that threatened to escape them only to let out a series of chuckles and snickers. PAInter joined in with its robotic laughter as it struggled to properly sound it out. After laughing for some time, they both decided to put their shenanigans aside for a moment. They needed to press on.
Stretching their limbs, glaring down at the main structure piece of the room. The access point that allowed the entrance of submarines, the thing that led to the outer world. A gigantic pool in the centre, a moonpool to be more specific. A room built with pressurised air that prevented the water from flooding the place.
Dripping a toe into the pool of liquid to test the waters, pulling back from the sudden change in temperature from decent numbers to the near negatives. However, they were more than accustomed to the change after diving into the flooded areas of Blacksite so many times. 
The crouch quickly changed into a sitting position with their lower calves submerged in the water, adjusting to the change like a swimming pool.
“Remember! Before you go diving in… If you’re in an emergency- Spam your comlink, I’ll.. contact Sebastian”. Making a makeshift backup plan in case a crisis or accident were to occur, making sure that they weren’t alone in their idea. No matter how naive or stupid it was. His tone held a level of worry, his uncertainty about the plan returning. 
They nodded their head in simple understanding, taking a moment to take a deep breath as they thought to themselves. They didn’t believe in looking into the details, they often sought solutions when it came to time in their plans, procrastinating until the last minute. But, the steps were simple when summarised. Plain and simple.
Putting it in retrospect, Blacksite held a small department within Blacksite that held highly classified information, valuable information. Such as possibly including details of Sebastian’s operation, the creator of PAInter’s code, and the secrets behind the inhumane experiments of Blacksite.
But it had long since fallen into a state of ruin following the lockdown, an avalanche of rock burying down the secrets never to be seen again. Or at least, it was speculated to be so. PAInter had received an SOS signal from the collapsed building, telling Sebastian about it. 
The two of them decided it was far too risky, putting off the idea in favour of their survival. Using expendables as a means of gathering the data they needed, until the two of them had met them. And so, when the two brought it up again when the two were alone. They overheard, wanting to help.
Despite the dangers of the sea life outside the facility, they decided that they were going to dive into the open waters and get into that facility, retrieve the data and hopefully get all three of them to freedom.
With Sebastian occupied, tending to his shop with expendables once again trying to make their way through, it was the perfect opportunity to strike. It would help Sebastian, who worked hard to scavenge food for them to eat, providing them with protection and a comfortable place to sleep.
Securing the mask that provided oxygen to their face, making sure that the straps were tight around their scalp. Checking the hollow flexible pipe that connected their mask to their air tanks was stable. Certain they wouldn’t have their gear malfunction whilst underwater. Which would've been a nightmare.
Tightening the strap that holstered their belt pouch, equipped with a flash beacon and medkit. Perhaps mostly to annoy Sebastian or scare off the sealife, all essentials. The suit that clung to their figure like a skin suit showed no signs of constraining them in its tightness. 
Testing their gear with a deep breath, inhaling the oxygen provided by their air tanks. Giving assurance that they would have enough time to swim in and back from the ruined rubble and that the plan would be successful. 
Glancing back towards the readied turrets that surveyed the room, acting as the makeshift eyes for PAInter to use with access to the security feed and systems. Raising their arm into view in a waving motion, giving a signal that they were about to dive.
A tight grip clung to the surface of the concrete, hesitating for a moment as the weight of it caught up with them. Yet, refused to yield as the safety provided by the concrete slipped away, pushing themselves off the edge into the water. Closing their eyes as the flow of water embraced them into its crushing depths. 
Their body shivered as they fully adjusted, the sheer cold sending shivers down their back. Adapting to the sudden change; Water flooded into their ear canal, muffling their hearing as all they would hear was the distinct sound of flowing water.
Gripping the concrete edge of the surface, they pushed themselves off of the solid ground as they dove into the large body of water. Closing their eyes as the cold sea openly embraced them in a shivering hug, water flooding into their open ear as all sounds became muffled from the blockage. 
Upon breaching the surface of the water, sinking slowly as they lay dormant. Opening their eyes to the fishes that feared their presence, swimming at high speeds away from the possible danger of a predator. The weight of the water atop them as it slowly sunk them, bubbles emerging from their mask, disappearing as quickly as they came.
It was peaceful.
A lack of light within the depths, indicating that it was likely nighttime or they were too deep into the ocean to see the clear waters, went to show how far away they truly were from the safety of home. How far they’d gone into the abyss of Urbanshade Blacksite. 
Their visibility was limited, only able to see temporarily thanks to the illuminating light above them. Once they swam away, they’d be left in the titanic cavernous space of the open sea. That they were a mere insignificant speckle of life in the vastness of the world.
To their right was a wall of stone, likely indicating they were in a cave of sorts or at least within rocky terrain but that hardly mattered as they finally adjusted to the water. Using the view above them, they turned in the direction of neon green glowing lights, an indication of the way that they were headed.
Taking their first breath underwater, their hands ahead of them as they pushed back against the clear waters. Kicking their feet with swift and rapid movements, further pushing against the current as they began to swim forward. Treading the waters, continuing as they followed the path ahead.
Until the ruins finally came into view.
Coming face to face with the sector, unveiling it before their eyes. They found themselves in awe as by some miracle it remained intact under the collapsed rubble, holding its integrity of strong metals that refused to bend under the weight of it all. 
Cracked windows lay bare in their shattered states, cracked apart as if the window was slowly revealing the secrets of Blacksite through the forcefully opened window, the secrets flowing out via drenched documents into the outer sea.
The lights that clung to their false life, barely maintaining, holding on as the source of energy was slowly stripped away from the struggling power source. Cut off from the main power supply of the crystal, using the reserved generators to function. It likely wouldn’t last much longer, feeling the need to go quickly.
One of the corners had been ripped apart in shreds, metallic structure frames torn off like a massive bite. An exposed wound, yet it acted as the perfect entrance for them.  The water flowed inwards, flooding the building but knowing Blacksite. There would be air pockets.
They hadn’t even realised that they stopped breathing, their lungs begging for the air as they took in the sight in front of them. They had been savouring the air to save it for the long haul, careful on its usage. They attempted to push back on breathing but it was required, taking another breath of air.
They couldn’t waste time.
It felt surreal being in such a large body of water, they were used to being in the cramped vents, navigating the flooded halls, and hiding away from the monsters that lurked behind them. They thought they’d seen it all, yet they couldn’t help the lingering feeling of anxiousness in their chest, fearing what was ahead of them.
Swimming through the gap, they were met with a room of server stacks. A network of data housed within, all lost due to the exposure to water. Damaging the equipment as it rotted away the inner components, all that valuable data was lost to time. Never to be seen again. 
The furniture floated within the room akin to zero gravity, desks and tables with their supplies lying above them. Paper with written pages of a person’s research, distorted as the written ink stained the papers from the exposure to the water, also lost. 
At a loss for thought and words, the idea of everything else collapsing in ruin hadn’t occurred to them until that moment. A sense of hopelessness came over them as they came to the realisation that the risk could all be in vain. 
Their thoughts went back to their two companions. Sebastian and PAInter, two of the people who helped them, cared for them down in Blacksite. Sebastian, was a man of mystery that they couldn’t decipher no matter how hard they tried to understand, only understanding the mutual relationship between the two. 
Yet he showed compassion in rare moments, showing them a means of stability. They had long since gotten attached to him, whether their intentions were romantic or platonic. There was no doubt a level of care between them. 
PAInter was one of the two who was much more open about its expressions and thoughts, developing a much more close personal relationship with them than Sebastian. The two opened up to one another, sharing laughs and moments of vulnerability between the two. Much to the dismay of Sebastian. 
They weren’t sure about Sebastian’s stance on them, regarding whether he shared the same feelings or simply viewed them as a tool for use. The thought made them feel a sense of sorrow as they wanted to learn more and get to know the person behind the mask.
The two had become family to them.
Their determination returned, not ready to give up after just looking through the first room. After all, they had a whole sector to explore. There was still hope, a chance that they were able to get something from this all. 
Spotting a standard sealed door in the corner of the room, curiosity peaked at them as they swam towards it. It was the usual door they’d see in the halls of Blacksite, non-distinguishable from the others within a high-class sector of the facility.
It usually required power to open but with the limiting power, pulling the handle didn’t automatically unlatch from the locks. Meaning they’d have to rely upon their own strength under the water where the human body struggled but with a face of resolution, they persevered. 
They struggled as it refused, the weight too heavy for them to lift. A loud creaking noise as the door wrestled against them. Until it finally gave a small opening after using a massive amount of strength, seizing the opportunity. They slipped through the gap with precise precision as it slammed shut behind them into its returning position.
Taking in another inhale of air, they inspected the room they’d entered. It was another standard hall of the facility, except it came with much more decor and class than the others. Plagues of employee names floated about, embroidered in golden alloy.
The desks were bigger, with an entire computer set up of multiple monitors akin to the one. Many of the documents laid closed and sheltered within sorting cabinets in perfect order, despite being exposed to the waters. Many differing plants had drowned under the water, which had blossomed with life despite the dreary conditions of Blacksite.
Heck, they even had a fish tank!
They debated whether or not to waste time looting the place. It may not be precious data but some of it could be useful at least for their entertainment or personal use. 
Shaking off the idea that dwelled within their head, physically doing so as if the water were clogging their head. Something caught their eye in the process, it was another door. Truly shocking! Except it wasn’t any other door, it was a different door!
It was decorated differently with diagonal yellow and black stripes around the door frame and skirting; hazardous warnings. It stood out against the greys and blacks colour palette of Blacksite, not only that but it was bigger than normal. A with a yellow valve in the centre. 
Whatever was inside was highly dangerous or greatly important, especially with the label on the front. ‘Highly classified’. Which was surprisingly blunt of Blacksite, which normally kept everything as secretive as possible. Hidden.
They treaded closer, depending on whether or not to open it. It seemed much more durable than the rest of the building, stronger. It even looked sealed enough to keep out the threatening floods. And so, hand on the rusted metal. 
It took a strong tug for the valve for it to begin turning, taking a good amount of strength with it. Trying to pull it open against the weight of the ocean, but it wouldn’t budge an inch despite the backbone and muscle.
It would be a lot easier with something to pry it open, like a crowbar. Something that Sebastian would likely own in his arsenal- Wait- No he wouldn’t. That guy would be able to open it with one hand, seeing how he could punch metal and bend it.
They weren’t Sebastian though.
Spying a thin rusted pipe barely clinging to the wall, they decide that would make the perfect makeshift crowbar. Pulling it off, surprisingly easily; They once again try to open the heavy door and after much struggle, jam the pipe between the gap of the door, using the gap to their advantage. 
Slipping through the small gap, water flooded into the room at a rapid pace from the jammed pipe. The room was surprisingly filled with air, reacting to the realisation they had. They take out the bent pipe, the door slamming shut as a result.
With a resupply of air and a large puddle behind them, they observed their surroundings. It was in pristine condition compared to the rest of the facility, everything tidy, complimented with a carpet and another fish tank, algae clinging to the glass. The life inside had long since perished from their poor conditions.
Despite the better conditions, it remained the same boring standard in terms of furniture and equipment. It was just another office sector with just fancy stuff for the richer employees. They had always wanted to explore more of Blacksite, even the sectors containing the holding cells and… ‘Medical’ stuff. Yet, they were never allowed to do so.
Sebastian never allowed them to.
Walking their soaked body towards the comfortable-looking desk chair, and sitting down on it. The soft material pressing against them. It was much nicer than sleeping on the chairs, tables or the dreaded floor of Blacksite. The only other space that reminded them of such comfort was… They pushed the thought away.
After nearly falling asleep, bringing the keyboard closer to them on the desk. Making sure no excess water dripped onto the electronics, they booted up the pc. Only for it to be locked with a password. 
Grumbling with annoyance, they turned to the pouch on their hip. Fortunately, it was waterproof as they pulled out a USB. Plugging it into a socket, the screen suddenly turned to a sort of BIOS menu as it automatically navigated it. Implementing code in the process.
As PAInter had experience in bypassing the security system, they asked it to prepare a crack. Otherwise known as a system bypass or hack, it would allow them to log in without needing a password. Watching as the screen glitched with errors, only to cut to the desktop.
Ignoring the questionable wallpaper of whoever owned the device, they opened the file explorer. They didn’t have the time to explore every single document on the storage drive, with no idea what to look for either. So, they simply copied it over onto the USB.
The computer struggled as its air vents loudly complained about its usage of RAM, it would take some time for it to be completed. To quell their boredom of waiting, they debated opening the built-in solitaire.
Yet their curiosity got the better of them.
In the files search bar, they typed in the four letters. ‘Z-13’. The top result was a document about the creation and overview of the ‘experiment’. Reading through the document revealed photos of Sebastian, as a human…
“He... was a…”, they clicked off the document in a second. Letting out a solemn sigh as a wave of guilt hit them. They knew better than to pry into people's past, despite their curiosities. It was best decided not to look into the private matters of a friend without consent. Sebastian would tell them in his own time.
The revelation was enough to turn a few gears inside their head, some key pieces of the puzzle clicking for them. Sebastian wasn’t just some sentient creature, he was once human. Explaining his usage of the word legs on occasion and referring to himself as a human once or twice. They understood the idea behind it.
His hatred of Blacksite made much more sense.
Solitaire didn’t improve their mood, the guilt was too much for them to bear. Knowing their clumsy tongue, they’d end up coming clean to Sebastian or PAInter later on. They’d get lectured for being noisy and Sebastian wouldn’t trust them ever again…
“Fuck…”, they held back the tears in their eyes. They made a mistake, a stupid one. And they were going to repent, one way or another. It was just as it has always been, they ruined everything… Just like…
A sudden pop-up caught their attention, stating that the transfer was complete. A small smirk appeared on their face for a second, only to go back to the same look of guilt in their eyes. They’d deal with it later, putting off the breakdown.
Standing up, making sure to properly eject the USB to avoid corruption of the data. Pocketing it back into their pouch, making sure it was secure before turning back to the door. The dilemma of opening it returned.
Making sure to resecure their oxygen mask into a more comfortable position, they looked over at the looming door. The busted pipe was held in their palm, ready to ram it between the door yet again.
Pulling on the value yet again, heaving the door towards them with the strength of Hercules. Only to be rammed up against the wall by the value. Pressing against their stomach as it puts a large amount of pressure on them. A sharp pain burrowed in their chest, the weight feeling as if it would break their ribs at any second.
Shoving the valve away, they quickly realised what they had done. Water began barrelling in a roaring flood into the room, quickly taking away the safety of the air. Everything was sent flying as the water pushed its way through like a bull, narrowly dodging the incoming furniture. 
It was swiftly embraced.
A strange sight to see the room they once saw in its neat state turn to disorder and chaos, watching everything break and flip into mayhem. A roaring tsunami turning normalcy into the acquainted ruined Blacksite. Even the best security can be taken away in an instant. They were lucky that they even got the data, a miracle.
The pain remained in their chest, consistent in hindering their movements. Briskly they retreated into the previous room in a makeshift dive, paddling their way out of the building into the open sea despite the persisting agony. 
Taking the time to collect themselves and catch their breath. Staring out into their surroundings, spotting the distant smokey neon green glow in the distance. The markers showed off the path back to the way they came, letting out a sigh of relief that they wouldn’t get lost at least.
Manoeuvring their arms in a waving motion, allowing them to swim forward. They hesitated upon seeing a shadow shift, unable to distinctly make out the shape of it from the darkness of the deep sea. Deciding to turn a bit in another direction to hopefully avoid what they saw, believing it only to be a fish but moving just in case.
The view of the main building slowly came into view, the lights spotted in the distance. Letting out a sigh of relief upon seeing their refuge of safety, feeling joy upon the thought of seeing Sebastian and PAInter after their separated time. To be welcomed and congratulated for their efforts.
They didn’t see it coming.
A loud piercing roar broke the sound barriers within the water, even hurting their ears as they heard it shriek into their ears, clear as day. The beast began its hunt as it called out to its prey, swimming towards them with speeds they could only hope of achieving. 
They couldn’t make out its face as it came barreling towards them. They froze up in fear of the incoming attack, like a deer caught in headlights. A relenting chase, one it was easily capable of winning against its weaker counterpart. 
It bit down into the flesh of their arm like a hearty meal, threatening to rip it off as it shook its head as it pulled them about. Increasing its pressure until it reached the bone of their arm, ripping the foamy fabric that protected them from the water like it was nothing. 
An agonising torturous scream escaped them, howling as it rose in volume until their throat turned sore, hoarse. Struggling against the creature by yanking back the arm that lay in the mouth of the creature, shredding the flesh.
Watching with tears flooding from their eyes as it merged with the seawater. Their blood flowed out in a crimson smoke in ribbon-like patterns from their arm. The liquid life that kept them alive slipped away in the jaws of a monster.
Their body reacted in an acute stress response, turning to a fighting retaliation as their fist met the creature's face, impacting with its hardened skin-like armour. It was tough like nails, persistent as it refused to stop despite their resurgence. 
They struggled against it, fighting back as they repeated the action. Persistent themselves as they fought back, yet it resulted in nothing but more pain. Their mind barely grappled with the situation, attempting to think of a plan that would allow their escape. 
Their hand reached for their flash beacon, targeting it straight into the animal's multiple eyes. Only to press down on the trigger without a moment of hesitation, a blinding light attacking both of their eyes.
The creature screeched, retreating away back into the depths of the water. Their knowledge of deep sea creatures was limited but they knew their eyes reacted negatively to light due to a lack of photoreceptors. Often causing harm or even blinding the creature completely. It wasn’t nice but it was self-defence.
They blinked away the black spots in their eyes, watching as the shadow escaped their view. But, they saw it was quite huge, roughly their size in length. It left them behind with their leaking arm, yet it wasn’t done. If nature documentaries proved to be true, predators were relentless in their pursuit, patient.
Action. No reaction.
They took the action that first came to mind, abandoning the dead flash beacon as they pressed down on their ear without mercy, smashing it against their ear repeatedly as static scrambled in their ear. Trying over and over to establish a weak connection towards the base, to warn PAInter. 
A voice responded, calling out the syllables of their name in pauses as the comlink struggled to make out the words into their ear. They continued, the voice that responded becoming even more panicked, it desperately cried out to them.
Unable to answer due to the mask on their face, muffled their speech as they tried to cry out for help. 
The glitches were too much, unable to decipher the words spoken to them. Unsure of whether or not help was coming to them, they spammed the button again as they begged for help. 
Scared beyond belief, taking in greedy gulps of air amidst their panic. Their body shivering not only from the cold but from the fear that embodied them. Crying out in fear, shaking from the anxiety and overdrive of adrenaline. They wanted nothing more than to hide away in safety, like a whimpering puppy.
Biting down their tongue, drawing blood in pain, they held back their screams. A grimace of determination, fighting out of self-preservation as they fought back the pain. Taking their injured arm, cradled it to their chest as they kicked their legs, swimming towards the base. 
At a slow pace, the image of the base became clearer. Letting out a sigh of relief, coping with the pain would be worthwhile after reuniting with their companions. 
Hearing a beep from their diving suit, the signal that their oxygen supply was low. Leaving them with 30 seconds of oxygen remaining, they quickly took in another breath. Their legs kicked at a faster speed in a panic, the adrenaline working harder.
Only to be dragged down.
Something dug into their leg and clung to it as it tore into the skin of their calf. Strong in its strength as it swam downwards into the depths, pulling them alongside it. They kicked and struggled against it. Trying to get away.
Yet it was all futile, the entitlement to air stripped away as their oxygen supply depleted to its last breath. And again, it was stripped away by their screams. Leaving them behind to suffocate on the lack of oxygen in their system, slowly and gradually drowning.
They instinctively tried to inhale, their lungs begging for air as they choked on their own blood and spit. A burning pain in their chest, throbbing in a twisted pain. The lung labouring, carrying the weight of their malfunctioning body upon its shoulders, hardly working under the weight of it all. Heavy in exertion.
It was worse than a panic attack.
Clinging to their consciousness, to hope. They continued to struggle with weak kicks and a waving arm reaching out towards the sky, feeling themselves fade away slowly. Their arm left a trail of smokey red behind them.
They felt remorse, regret, and guilt as they sobbed with their eyes. Feeling their tear-ducts struggle with the submergence of water, discomfort in their pain. They yearned for touch, for comfort within their last moments.
‘Is this how I’m really going to die?... I’m so stupid- I should’ve listened to PAInter… I should’ve-...’.
A loud splash was heard as something breached the surface of the water, something heavy as they heard it from a distance. Something dove in the water, snapping its head in all directions as it searched for something.
Or someone
It inhaled the surrounding waters, breathing in the opposite of air as it adjusted its body to an aquatic mode rather than its humane functions. Gills finally being able to breathe after much abandon. 
It sniffed the waters, only for its eyes to widen and the fins on the side of its head to flare in anger. The strong scent of a shark's nose picked up the smell of delicious, savoury crimson blood. Human blood to be more specific.
His head snapped in the direction of them, diving down with the flicks of his massive tail, traversing the waters with quick speeds as the slithering of a snake combined with a fin made for a powerful combination.
His human quickly made its way into his view.
‘Sebastian?...’ they saw a soft light in the distance of their foggy gaze, basking in the soft warmness of familiarity. They wanted to call out, scream, and cry as their arm struggled to reach out in the direction of the serpentine. 
A strong grip caught their arm, tugging on it as it caught their attention. Met face to face with their saviour in front of them, watching on as one of his arms grasped their cheek in worry. Checking if they were alive and conscious. 
They returned the grasp with a weak grip, reassuring him that they were still alive despite everything. They were a fighter, the fighter. One he knew all too well at that point. His expression turned from panic to shock for a moment, only to press their forehead up against theirs.
Staring into his eyes, observing as he embraced them in a welcoming hug. His black curls flowed in the waters, whipping around in a dance as it complimented his face. A mimicry of the wind.
They pressed their forehead in return, struggling to keep their consciousness as they hardly had the strength to keep their eyes open. Whether it be from the blood loss or suffocation, they weren’t sure.
Their closed eyes seemed to send Sebastian into a panic, his relief subsided as he quickly realised the endangered life in front of him. They needed air and safety, quickly. And just like he had done so many times, something that had become routine to him.   
Opening up his mouth, as wide as he could. Shoving them inside without a second thought, careful as he manoeuvred them due to their injuries. Yet, something clung to their leg. Refusing to let go as he struggled to gulp them down. Something trying to take away the human.
Fury overtook him, all he saw was red as he grabbed the creature into his main pair of arms. Mustering the strength in his claws he gripped the main torso of the creature. Which refused to let go under the pressure, his talons penetrating its hardened skin like it was nothing, watching it squirm and shriek in pain as it finally let go of them.
He held his grip, refusing to let it get off the hook so easily. Greedily swallowing down the human until he felt the weight of them in one of his stomachs. A protective nature took over him as he opened his mouth once again towards the creature in his grip.
Only to sink in his fangs in a sickening crunch, injecting his venom into its body. Lethal in its dose it would slowly die as it finally escaped his grasp, scattering away like a fearful coward. His attention turned to the weight burrowed inside of him.
‘Please… Be okay…’, he thought to himself as he began to swim back towards Blacksite. Cradling his stomach as he rubbed it in a circular motion, trying to soothe and comfort the human occupying the space.
They awoke to a sudden gasp, choking on their spit as a result. hacking and coughing from the soreness in their throat, the taste of salt lacing their tongue. They leaned against whatever they were propped up against, the hand reaching up to cover their mouth as they continued to heave with spit. Eventually, coming to a close.
Their delirious state quickly switched to one of alertness, adrenaline pumping through their veins as they sat up. In their panic, taking in their surroundings. Their eyes met with piles of crates containing data, genetic material and stacks of paper littered on top of them. 
On the floor led out various amounts of medical supplies. Antiseptic and bandages were tossed across the floor, and splatters of dried blood decorated the floor alongside them. In the distance, they spotted a table, a surgical needle with medical thread on top, also decorated in the same deep red crimson.
Was that their blood?
The last thing they remembered was being attacked by something in the darkness as they were retreating and… Recalling Sebastian and PAInter, they put weight on their feet as they went to stand. A wave of pain hit them as they held back a scream, quickly collapsing back to the ground, letting out a pained hiss in reaction. 
They quickly realised that their lower leg and right arm were held in a cast, a heavy and tight one. Remembering the fact that they had gotten practically mauled under the water, they were surprised that they remained intact, alive even.
There was a soreness in their injured leg and arm, they could still rotate their elbow and knee if needed too, meaning they still held a level of mobility as they recovered. Someone had treated their wounds, urgently. 
Gripping their palm proved to be painful as the torn muscles in their arm were used. Meaning that they wouldn’t be using the appendages for a while. They felt a weight on their shoulders after adjusting to the pain for a while.
It was a small yet soft and comfortable blanket that protected and sheltered them, keeping them warm despite the cold. A cushion pressed up against the back, out of place due to their struggles but it was there nonetheless. Not only that but a change of attire, a plain white T-shirt alongside a pair of trousers.
They didn’t remember any of this.
Their gaze turned to the one that had coiled his tail around them in a protective cocoon, his hair matted with tangled hair as he hadn’t fixed it up, unlike the usual maintenance of his hair. Which he usually kept brushed and silky smooth.
There was a darker tone of flesh under his eyes, almost like sleeping bags under them. Eye bags to be more precise, he had likely lost sleep some time ago and judging by the mess, he had overworked himself to exhaustion.
He had saved them and even went through the trouble of making them comfortable and treating their wounds, he went through hell just to keep them alive. He…
Their hand dug into the skin and fabric of their leg, tears threatening to spill out from their eyes despite the soreness that came with it. Their lips quivered as they held back a whimpering cry, guilt-stricken.
They crawled with one leg towards him, using their weak arms as a means of balance until they reached their destination. Propping their back against the scales of his tail, they embraced his head into their lap as they began to sob, hugging him with all sorts of emotion.
Sebastian let out a sleepy murmur in response to the movement, fluttering his eyes open with a heaviness of exhaustion. Glancing up his eyes met with their tears, his expression turning to a tired yet concerned look.
His arm reached up, cradling their cheek with a gentle stroke. Rubbing it soothingly in an attempt to comfort them in their cries.
“You… alright?”, unable to bring themselves to a response, the words unspoken as they found themselves lost for words. The tears went from small droplets into a downpour of rain as they used a hand to wipe away the misty eyes.
He didn’t seem pleased as he let out a low growl, not in warning but out of concern as he pushed himself away into a straightened posture, his equivalent of sitting up as he looked down at them with a softness in his eyes, yet also mixed emotions.
Only to notice a scratch on his upper lip, likely a result of his altercation with the creature and him. He had gotten hurt by their recklessness and stupidity, their stubbornness caused this. Their hand instinctively went to the missing pouch on their hip, pausing in confusion as they realised it wasn't there.
Upon seeing their panicked expression, Sebastian seemed to sigh as their head snapped around as they scanned the room for whatever they were looking for, pressing a hand on their chest in a pat-me-down.
“Looking for this?...”, reaching into his pocket, between two fingers laid the USB they had gotten from their chaotic trip. It quickly dawned on them that they were in trouble if he had found it, it meant that PAInter had told him… The emotions were now obvious and distinguished with the furrow in his browline, a seething heavy frown of anger and sternness.
“DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS ABOUT YOU?! I came back to the shop- Only to see you weren’t there! With PAInter making excuse after excuse to where you were! And after so long of searching, they tell me that you’re being ATTACKED in the outer quarter?!”. He concluded his rant with a sigh, pinching two fingers between his eyes in irritation.
His fangs were out on full display in a pissed grimace, clutching the USB between his fingers in anger as he looked ready to crush it then and there.
“I- I’m sorry…”, they murmured akin to whisper under their breath. The words slipped off their tongue as they struggled to find the words for their heartfelt apology, so much to say yet so little they could.
“What was that?...”, he asked in a growl, words laced in seething venom. His face came closer towards theirs in an attempt of intimidation. They flinched under his gaze, their body shaken with fear as they braced for some sort of physical confrontation.
He looked taken aback for a moment.
“I SAID,” I’M SORRY!”. And I’m sorry! Really- I just- I got so tired of being that pathetic mouth you needed to feed- To provide for me as you worked your ass off as I stood by and did nothing!- I know I’m stubborn- I KNOW I’m impulsive- I know I’m just that stupid human you keep for some fucking reason! I-”.
He yanked their head into his hands, forcing them to look into his. He no longer looked pissed, only worried and sad as he brought them close to his chest, sitting them on his lap gently as he held them as tight as he could without hurting them. Worried that he’d lose them if they let go in that second.
“I thought I lost you…”, he admitted. In a whisper, he uttered their name instead of referring to them as human or flesh bag. Spoken with sincerity and fear.
They returned the hug with all the strength they could muster, clinging on and holding close to him as they cried their lungs out in heaving breaths. They heard him sniffle as he held back his own tears. Accepting the other's apology, they embraced one another until they fell asleep in one another's arms.
PAInter repeatedly called their name the next morning, his face appearing on the laptop they’d taken for themselves. Their background was a drawing made by the AI of the three of them. They seemed eager to get their attention.
A window opened, revealing a cat dancing to music.
There was a fucking meme folder in there.
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princessbiteme0o0 · 10 months
Hi okay so I know you were kinda on a schlatt writing kick BUT I have a swagger thought...okay imagine you're dating swagger but you don't do the weed (I'm not self inserting what are you talking about) or you do but very little and you accidentally take a pretty strong edible (I watched ted earlier leave me alone) and swags has to like protect you and help you feel better because you're freaking out
(HAHAHAHAHHA LITTLE DID YOU KNOW- I stopped smoking weed bc of panic attacks and now deal with a severe panic disorder, so this is perrrrrfeeeect for me. I’m not the best with fluff, so fair warning. Also, Swagger and Schlatt both are on my mind in a little loop hehehe)
I Promise You’re Not Gonna Die (SwaggerSouls x Reader)
Summary: Ya done fucked up cuh.
WARNINGS: Swearing, Drug use, Panic attacks
“Do you feel ready to smoke again yet, Honey?” Eric asked from where he sat comfortably on his couch.
“Not just yet.” She hummed softly from her place on the kitchen as she cooked dinner. Swagger nodded, more so to himself, and then sparked up. Rifling through the kitchen cabinets as the pasta cooked on the stove, she looked around for a snack. Finding some gummy bears in the cabinet, she ate six of them before going back to cooking and deciding to wait for real food when they didn’t fill her up. Eric slipped into the kitchen after smoking, the whites of his gorgeous brown eyes a shade of red. When his eyes caught a glimpse of the baggie of gummy bears on the counter, his heart dropped.
“Baby, how many of those did you eat?” Eric asks softly, moving to stand behind her, letting his fingers ghost up and down her arms. She simply shrugs at him and turns her head back to look at him.
“I think six?” There’s a question in her tone, but he doesn’t answer, kissing her forehead.
“You mind if I stay in here with you?” Giving him a soft smile, she nods and leans back into his arms as she stirs the pasta sauce. Not even ten minutes later, the drugs start to take their effect, making her shiver slightly.
“I feel funny.” She mumbles out from between his arms.
“Baby… Those gummy bears were 100 milligram edibles.” He speaks softly and her heart jumps into her throat.
“I- What?” Her entire body goes cold and then warm and then cold again as her heart races and her head becomes dizzy. Eric carefully reaches past her and turns off the stove, gently lifting her arms away from the hot pans as he can feel the panic coming off of her in waves.
“It’ll be okay, Hon. I’m not gonna let anything happen.” He murmurs into her hair, kissing her temple.
“Eric- I’m- I’m scared.” She stutters out, tears welling up in her eyes as she goes into a full blown panic attack.
“Shh, I’m right here.” He gently shushes her, carefully picking her up and carrying her out of the kitchen.
“I feel like I’m gonna die.” She whispers into his neck as the tears roll freely down her cheek, her lower lip quaking.
“You’re gonna be okay, you’re not gonna die, baby. It’s just the weed.” He hums, laying her in their shared bed and peppering kisses all over her face. “We just need to get something to eat for your little tummy and you’ll feel all better.” His hand is gently massaging her belly as he placed gentle kisses all over her face and neck. Letting out a soft huff, she nods and he leaves the room for a few moments, before returning with some food for her. Sitting down on the bed beside her, he helps her sit up and slowly scoops the food onto a fork, holding it out for her to eat.
“Thank you…” She mumbles shakily.
“It’s alright, Cutie. We will get some food on your stomach and put on one of your favorite movies and I’ll lay here with you until you feel all better.” He smiles warmly as she eats the food off of the fork. Once she’s finished her food, he sits the plate aside and slides into bed behind her, turning on the TV and playing her favorite TV show. Wrapping his arms around her, he nuzzled her neck and placed warm kisses against her skin.
“I love you.” She mumbles softly as her eyes start to feel heavy.
“I love you too, Sweetheart.”
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merakiui · 8 months
Mera Mera can you drop a list of works you're working on/will be working on in near future? This starving pitiful one is begging for a crumbs of what you're cooking *muster the cutest puppy eye I could ever make 🥺* pwetty please?
Jokes aside I love all of your writing so much so I'm rereading tmdg for the umpteenth time ;) if only tumblr search did a better job I would be able to reread all of your other stories and chitchats as well 😔
Hi hiii!! I can absolutely list the works I'm planning to work on! Here's what's on my to-write list as of now (in no particular order, but the first Riddle fic will definitely be finished before the others):
✧ fairy-tale felicity - in which Riddle is a researcher who is looking after you, but he spends too much time doing so and now he's attached and can't bear to let you go.
✧ sex by the sea - short nsfw drabbles for the cast featured in "lost in the book with stitch."
✧ heartache hospital - in which Scaramouche learns to love (rather obsessively) while in the hospital.
✧ the crocodile's dilemma - in which Riddle hits you with his car on his way home and, thinking you to be dead, begins to try to cover up his accidental crime.
✧ havfruens forelskelse sequel - in which you struggle to keep your pregnancy hidden from Leona while Azul works effortlessly to reunite with you.
Here is the schedule for February (which is solely dedicated to finishing and posting Lunar Love Hotel requests from last year):
✧ alhaitham fic
✧ riddle omegaverse
✧ serial killer rook
✧ lawyer azul
✧ fwb jade
✧ azul one-sided rivalry
There are many requests, but these are a few I hope to write!!! >w< thank you for enjoying my writing (and for rereading tmdg hehehe >;D). I hope you can look forward to what's scheduled to come!! Additionally, if you'd ever like to look for my twst works, you can find them here on my masterlist! It's not all of them but a few particularly notable thoughts + fics.
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Hiya! I'm happy to hear you have a burst of energy! Its nice to feel energized! Well about an ask. How about the slashers (like any slashers you want but also i would like to see freddy) reacting to an S/O who obsesses over halloween, like is really festive, so they decorate and tries to get them to join in on the readers traditions?
S/o addicted to Halloween
Yeah I was surprised at the sudden burst haha! It feels wonderful, I’ve gotten so much done today! This ask was rly fun tyyy
I got u boo 😘 I put Freddy first
•Oh fuck ya. He is very happy with this. Though he’s not known for liking Halloween, he’s all about the spooky season.
•He’s a bit lazy but will help you decorate a little bit. His favorite thing to set up is the window stickers, like, the blood hand kinda stuff?
•He’s down to watch scary movies with you. He loves when you get scared hehehe
•carving pumpkins is fun with him, also incredibly messy. Dude is great at carving, will either make you or something dumb as shit- like a cock or something
•he’ll bake with you, well kinda, he doesn’t really like baking so he’ll sit in the kitchen and watch you. He’ll be making jokes or just talking with you. If you ask him to help you put it in the oven, you’ll get a dirty look. I wonder why… oop- 👀
Michael Rz
•Do I really have to say how he feels about this? Well if I must, he’s happy. He likes that time of year too.
•Carving pumpkinnns! Carves how he perceives his voices aka a scary ass monster face, a pumpkin…?, candy corn, stab wound- he’ll just stab it and be done.
•he’ll be happy to decorate with you. He likes to lift you up so you can hang this up or grab something you need. It makes him feel fuzzy inside to hold you in his arms, he likes it.
•will watch scary movies with you, he really doesn’t get scared, doesn’t even react to a jump scare. But he likes when you cling to him. Also movie snacks! Candy, popcorn, baked goods, you name it!
•Can’t cook nor bake. You are on your own. But like Freddy he will keep you company. Just watch out, he will snatch treats quicker then you can stop him.
•I believe Michaels favorite candy is candy corn just to spite everyone.
•Oh? Your version of spooky is so cute! Little bats and pumpkins? Aaaahhhhhhh
•It's gonna take a lot of convincing to watch scary movies. He gets scared easily. But he’d like to do other things with you!
•Jason is all about baking. He’s got a huge cookbook filled with his mom's recipes. You two are practically synchronized. He passes you one thing, you take it seamlessly.
•You want to decorate the cabin? Oki doki! He’ll do the high up stuff and you can do the- the more y/n leveled stuff.
•He used to carve pumpkins as a kid with his mom! He’ll make animals or flowers! A heart! The possibilities are endless.
•The Hewitts are no stranger to Halloween. But they call it something a little different… All-Hallows Eve is a fun time in the household, if they’re having a good year that is.
•They decorate a little bit. They have set aside decorations, they never make more, it’s wasteful in their eyes. But if you want to make some decorations, Thomas and Luda Mae will bend the rules a little. You’ll get shit from Hoyt tho
•If it’s a good year, bakings a hell yes. Luda has a bunch of yummy passed down recipes.
•It’s kinda heart to carve pumpkins when there’s no pumpkins…. But if they find some you definitely can carve ‘em! Thomas will carve pigs or cows, a flower maybe, or the Hewitt name. Just give the guts to Luda Mae, she’ll make something yummy out of it.
•They- they don’t have a tv. Soooo….. unless you bring one you ain’t gonna be able to watch anything. Thomas is fine watching scary movies with you. It’s not his favorite thing to do, but if you want to he’s down. It kinda puts him in that killing headstate, he’s obviously not going to do anything, he just gets stressed.
•Nubbins is a big fan, Drayton hates it, and Bubba gets terrified.
•Like the Hewitts they are very poor, they’re not able to go crazy on decorations, but they have some cool stuff. Their house already looks decorated, with all the bones and stuff.
•They can probably bake! You wouldn’t believe this, but grandpa was quite the baker in his prime, and of course as well as a legend at the meat plant.
•They sometimes get pumpkins so it’s a maybe! Bubba will carve his pet chicken 💗
•What are you talking about? A holiday…. Dedicated…. To being scary? Ha! Humans are not scary- WTF IS THAT!- oh it’s a costume…. My bad….
•he’ll question every tradition annoyingly.
•Movies do not scare him, he genuinely laughs most of the time. He’s not trying to be a dick, yautja humor I guess
•Sure he’ll make some sweet food with you! He’ll probably never admit it, but he loves human food. Yautja cuisine is purely to give the body what it needs, nothing more, nothing less. They don’t have any sweet things for the most part. So he loves when you make him unhealthy treats!
•Stab the pumpkin? Why? That’s wasteful. This is why your planet is going to shit- so not the biggest fan of ‘stabbing’ pumpkins. But he’ll humor you like a good mate.
•Why are there small slices of wood on my ship's walls- What purpose do the little paper bats serve? For decoration…. *sigh* okay. The only time he will help you is if your persistent and threaten to do something stupid/dangerous.
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
PLSS 😭😭 after reading your kiss the cook fic, i imagine the team coming over one day with aaron cooking, and they all walk in giving him a kiss when they see him LMAO 💀 and he’s all confused cause he’s like busy, so it just slips his mind what his apron even says 💀💀💀
PLEASE can you imagine 😭
aaron’s mind gets lost in it’s own lil world as he cooks, just running through the motions and focusing on the task at hand. this particular night, the team is coming over, it’s a slightly messier recipe, so on goes the kiss the chef apron!!!
you’re the first one to kiss him, and naturally he thinks nothing of it since it’s you, and he’ll gladly accept any kisses you’re willing to give him and more🥰
with dave, he doesn’t think too much off it- the man is Italian, but it’s still strange?? like- he saw him only a few hours ago at the office, what gives??? but again, he just brushes it aside because what more can he do.
but he knows something is up when derek is next LOL. dave mentioned the apron to him the second he entered the household, so naturally he marched right into that kitchen with the biggest grin on his face, ready to embarrass the heck outta aaron.
afterwards, aaron is all- wtf are you doing??? most days you can’t even stand being near me?? it takes a moment, and THEN the connection strikes him and he’s throwing the apron off him all hastily. heheh he’s all flustered and has a pout on his face, but he will refuse acknowledge it completely. he won’t say it was a gag gift from you, that the recipe is tedious so a mess was a given, no excuses. he would rather say silent, ignore it, and sulk hehe <33 and you already know he won’t admit it’s funny either, give it a few weeks and maybe he will.
aaron is just a blushing mess for the rest of the night😭 especially since he knows he will hear about this until the end of time from everyone. but he does feel somewhat better whenever you kiss the lil pout plastered on his face <3
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love-toxin · 2 years
Drooling my friend. This was brilliant. I fucking LOVE it and love seeing them go all guard dog for reader, was just the right amount of sweet 😌 tysm for indulging my request for more of them.
Eddie with a knife being protective made my brain buzz.
Steve being a sugar daddy, yep, yeahhuh. Fucking tracks, with that little bit of praise.
and then this part right here. killing me in the best way.
"Oh, you don’t even realize. The unexpected sweetness of you remembering such an insignificant detail about him actually makes Steve’s heart jump, feels like it’s the first time in ages since it’s done that. It’s baffling to each of them that you’re more concerned about them, though–and there’s that crack of mercy that forms then, that’s slowly gonna get wider and wider as the two of them realize they don’t just wanna tease you, they want you."
This made me wonder, aside from being protective, how older bully!Eddie would show he's growing fond of us. If Steve's way is through money and praise.
Wonder if Eddie would have you start wearing something of his all the time - his ring on a chain, bracelet, (or collar, what? who said that.). Feel like he'd want everyone to know who you belong to whether he's around you or not.
(maybe unnecessary but I might throw in a coffin emoji from now on ⚰️ so you know it's me, if that's okay. ._.)
HEHEHE!!! TY!!!! and i think you're absolutely right, older!bully!Eddie would definitely give you something personal to wear around so that everyone can see he's left his mark on you.
a tattoo would be preferable, but you may not be too amiable to that, so the next best thing is something like a necklace or a bracelet or even earrings. i think he'd likely go the collar route just for the sake of humiliating you because he will make it very clear that you are not to take it off, but he makes sure to treat you to a little smidge of praise when he comes into the diner and you serve the two of them while wearing it, because it genuinely makes him so happy to see his baby wearing something he made for you.
however, he's also an acts of service kind of person. your car's having problems? the next day he'll walk into the diner and demand your keys, and then drive it right out of the parking lot to take it to his garage, spending hours doing all the work he can before he comes back to pick you up at the end of your shift. he fixes your broken tail light, changes your oil, replaces your brake pads, and even fills up your gas tank and he doesn't say a damn word about all the free work he just did for you. just tells you to speak up if it starts clunking up again before dropping you and your car off and walking the rest of the way home. he's also one to take on the responsibility of any work needing done around your home, mowing your lawn, even cooking once in a while--but you better not make a big deal out of it, cause you're gonna be sucking him off til your jaw breaks for all this free labour you're getting out of him. that's what he says, anyways, but who knows if he'll even have the energy once he finishes up and drags himself back home.
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kentocidal · 1 year
Picture this: You and Shenhe know each other, you’re no adeptus, and maybe you’re not particularly extraordinary the way Shenhe is, but you’re knowledgeable, you’re accepting, and you’re adventurous. You’re in the liyue pools with Shenhe, and it’s HOT. Shenhe and you are cooking down, and while she’s normally a touch colder due to her vision, the sight of you undressing to get in the water has her suddenly several degrees hotter. Noticing the burning gaze on your back you turn around, smirk, and give her yet ANOTHER reason for her temperature to go up ;P she’s never whined over being hot before, but THIS is a good reason to start
and what if i kiss you on the mouth huh. what then.
Tumblr media
it was truly a miracle that you had managed to get shenhe to join you in the pools. she normally wasn’t one to try and actively go swimming, what with her vision and all, but she was willing to try it for you. “relax,” you had mumbled to her during the sunset, “you’ll like it. it’ll be a nice warmth, not too bad, okay? tolerable.” and she had agreed, because you really wanted to go take a dip at night.
there were torches and fireflies all around, keeping the liyue pools alight. the steam was rising off of them even though it wasn’t even chilly outside. you had turned around while shenhe pulled her clothing off and set it aside, slipping into the warm water with a breath and sinking until she was only visible from the nose up. she was warming up, but the water around her became cool. her eyes almost seemed to glow an ice blue in the dark and reflected off the water.
you smiled at her, happy to see her so pleased, because she deserved some rest and relaxation after everything, and you wanted her to be happy. you cared for her, deeply, and somewhere in there you believed she felt the same, but only time would tell. neither of you were willing to come out and say it, but something was there.
you turned back around after mumbling something about it being your turn, and felt eyes on your back as you started to unbutton your shirt and let it drop onto the grass. you weren’t trying to be seductive, not by any means, but you did bend all the way over at the waist to try and get your shoes and pants off. your actions were quick, but you felt like you were being stared at.
not that you minded. it would be a bonus, really.
you turned, wrapping a tentative arm around your chest as you quickly sunk into the warm water with a low sigh, naked body immediately warming.
shenhe was silent, lifting her head from the water and licking her lips to speak. “it’s hot.”
“the water,” she shifted, her face red, looking at you and then looking up towards the sky, “it feels very hot. all of the sudden. is that strange?”
you thought for a moment before feeling your face warm yourself, shaking your head and taking small steps towards her in the rocky pool. “no, it’s not strange. is it- because of me?”
she stammered a little, refusing to look at your face. as you shifted closer to her in the water, it became colder; she was flustered, and it was causing the temperature of the pool to drop.
“shenhe, is it because of me?”
“i-…” she bit her lip as wet hair fell in her face slightly, “perhaps it is. i apologize, i-“
you shook your head again and put your hand on her icy, nude thigh under the water, feeling for her hand. “shh. it’s fine. i don’t mind. but… it might get hotter.”
you found her wrist and brought it between your legs. she finally looked at you before it clicked.
“right. this… maybe i should not complain.”
“don’t freeze me.”
“i won’t, i’ll be gentle. sit back.”
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queen-tashie · 1 day
Hi Tashie!
Please ramble to me about Runicka's favourite meal to eat, and the best recipe she knows.
I'm hungry and need inspiration for what to make for dinner tonight! Your own personal suggestions very welcome! From, @mrbexwrites (in disguise!)
Hi! First of all thanks for trusting me with your secret identity lol
Throughout The Quiet Forest, you'll see Runnicka does like a variety of foods, but her go-to meal is a hearty soup/stew, something with poultry (quail and turkey are the usual for her), thick cut root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc., maybe a creamy or thick tomato broth.
She also gets to try dwarven foods later on in the book for the first time (hehehe I was just formatting and doing some work on that part last night ;) ) and learns she REALLY likes them. In the world, dwarves invented, perfected, and brought over a huge variety of foods to Avrin (the continent Runnicka's story takes place on) from their own various cultures as well as the other races they live with across the ocean, so Runnicka gets to try everything from deep fried pickles to curry.
My personal suggestion because I've got it on the brain and am making it tonight is chicken pot pie. I'm making a huge batch today to freeze and pull out for easy dinners later this month. :)
Now here's how I would make the soup/stew Runnicka likes, if you'd like a genuine recipe for tonight or another night (some portions may need to be adjusted as I'm bad at making smaller batches, and my heart always says "MOAR!!!!" when I'm cooking):
Hearty "Quail" soup:
2 chicken breasts (or equivalent amount of other poultry meat)
1 TSP oil (butter, vegetable, or olive)
Half a white or yellow onion
4-6 cloves of garlic
1 TSP oil (butter, vegetable, or olive) (not a typo, you'll just need it twice)
6 cups of chicken broth (veggie broth works too)
2-3 potatoes
2-3 carrots
4-5 radishes OR 2-3 stalks of celery (or other veggie of your choice)
1 TSP Rosemary
1 TSP Thyme
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper to your desired levels
Optional: 1 cup of heavy cream (can substitute with 1 cup of milk mixed with 1 TBSP corn starch)
Optional: sourdough bread to serve and dip
In a large pot, melt 1 TSP of oil and cook poultry meat on medium heat. Turn halfway through cooking time so both sides brown evenly. When internal temperature reaches 165 F (74 C) in the thickest part of the meat, remove from heat, cut into desired bite-sized pieces and set aside.
Dice onion and garlic, add another 1 TSP of oil to the pot and set to medium heat. Add onions first, stir occasionally and cook until slightly translucent, then add garlic, stir and cook for another few minutes.
Leave on medium heat and add the chicken broth.
Peel and cut potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables into desired size (bite sized cubes of about 1/2 inch (1.5cm) thick work well)
When the broth is at a boil, add vegetables, rosemary, thyme, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Partially cover pot and boil until vegetables are soft enough for a fork to poke through all the way.
Optional step: reduce heat to low and add cream or cream substitute and mix until fully incorporated
Optional step: Serve alongside a slice or two of sourdough bread (I recommend spreading some butter on it before you dip)
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neonmetro · 22 days
*Looks at you*
Words cannot DESCRIBE how they have been on my mind after seeing them KAJCJGJFJSJSJJVGH honestly all of project martyr designs are peak.
Fangirling aside (ikik it's not Uly anon without fangirling) I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know more about Azazel, Moloch, and their relationship with eachother as well as their stories *giggles*
Again, love Moloch, they have a special place rent free in my head now KSNFNCJCJFJDH Azazel too btw. NEVER going to shut up about Project Martyr tbh...
-Ulysses loving anon
HEHEHE... THE ABSOLUTE SILLIES !!!!! THANK YOUUUU!!! tbh i had a lot of fun designing them and coming up with their themes/personalities... its fun slotting things into puzzle pieces
azazel is literally the embodiment of gender for me they were designed to be a culmination of every kind of clothing/accessory that screams gender to me
and moloch is some hot topic wannabe bitch i guess /lhj
azazel and moloch are good friends! almost siblings kind of relationship, with azazel looking out for moloch by helping them survive and moloch trying to be there emotionally for azazel (but this doesn't really pan out well. um moloch is cooked let's just say that for now (i don't want to immediately make azazel look terrible in the first in depth post about them because their relationship with past and the people within it is Complicated))
azazel is really interesting... they're the type to be silly and be a party girl and then turn out to be a nihilist with an overwhelming grudge against their past. they really like fashion and gambling, even though they have INSANELY TERRIBLE LUCK. like slipping on a banana, getting paint poured on top of them, getting hit by a truck, that kind of thing. they also are a cry baby nerd they're pretty pathetic actually. but they're still violent lol don't you worry
moloch is a bit more. mild. mainly because their personality is a little too similar to eve's to my liking (still working on differentiating them) but because they're an amnesiac, they're a bit ditzy but blunt. they're a bit more prone to indulging in chaos but they aren't actively facilitating it (yet)
its mainly bc in machina mortem, other characters make choices for them (azazel chooses to pick up moloch and save them from vagabonds, samyaza picks out what kind of food they eat when moloch and azazel visit them as some examples) they're both trying to regain their control and also have become passive.
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
23. “What do you mean? I’m just making these cards for the kids.” “What kids?!”
have fun 😁🎉
😁😁😁😁😁 oh this was SO FUN hehehe thank you for the prompt! :D
word count: ~1.1k
warnings: mentions of infertility
"Good gods."
Aelin glanced up at the sound of her husband's voice. "What?"
Rowan made a vague gesture at the chaos sprawled all over the dining room table. "Um..."
She laughed. "Oh, you mean the Christmas card factory."
"Yeah..." His brows furrowed. "You want to explain?"
"What's wrong with making Christmas cards, buzzard?" She left the one she was working on atop the table and came over to him, looping her arms around his waist and beaming.
"Nothing," he chuckled, kissing her softly. "It's just, well, that's a heck of a lot of cards, Fireheart. You sending them out general delivery?"
She flicked his nose. "What do you mean? I've got it all planned out--there's some for our family and friends, some for our coworkers, and some for the kids."
Rowan's brain stalled.
"What kids?" he breathed, a flicker of hope crossing his face.
Aelin pressed her lips together and shook her head once, leaning closer into her husband. "Not...not like that."
"I'm sorry, Fireheart," he murmured, pressing his wife close to his heart.
They'd been trying to get pregnant for several years now and so far had had no success. Aelin met regularly with her fertility doctor, took all the preparatory vitamins, did everything she could to try and help her body understand that she wanted a baby, but so far, nothing. She knew infertility ran in her family, knew that her mother had only been able to have her, but still--both she and Rowan wanted a family.
"They're for the kids at Orynth Children's," she finally whispered, looking up at him. "Elide told me about the program, and I have some time, so why not?"
Elide was a pediatric surgeon at Orynth Children's Hospital, and she'd worked with several of her colleagues to expand the program through which the children in the hospital received Christmas gifts. She knew how much Aelin loved art and design and spending time with the children in recovery, so this was perfect for her.
"That's wonderful," Rowan murmured, kissing the top of her head. "You want me to help?"
Her lips quirked up. "If you want to, of course."
As she stacked up all the cards she was bringing to the children's hospital, Aelin set one aside, hiding the green envelope in the stack that was for friends and family. That one was Rowan's card.
She parked in the visitor lot like Elide had instructed her and walked inside, carrying the stack of cards and the box of stuffed animals that she'd collected at her workplace. The receptionist smiled at her as she came in.
"Mrs. Whitethorn?"
"That's me," Aelin grinned.
"Perfect." The lady handed her a nametag on a lanyard. "This will give you the access you'll need. Dr. Lochan should be down soon."
"Thanks." Aelin set down her box and slipped on the nametag, only waiting a few minutes before Elide walked through the double doors from the hospital, grinning at her friend.
"Ells!" Aelin gave her dear friend a quick hug.
"Those are so cute," Elide beamed, looking into the box of stuffed animals. "The kids are going to love them."
"I hope so."
Aelin followed Elide into the hospital, keeping a couple steps behind the petite woman in her pastel green scrubs. Elide led her up to the main recovery floor and introduced her to the current staff team, all of whom would be helping to pass out this batch of gifts. So Aelin took her load of cards and followed Elide through the rooms, smiling and laughing and saying a few kind words to the children.
And ignoring how her heart squeezed a little more with each visit she made.
She came home to the warm, comforting scent of Rowan's cooking, kicking off her shoes behind the front door and heading into the kitchen to say hello. He knew she'd come from delivering presents at the children's hospital, and because he knew her so well, he didn't say anything, just let her lean into his side, inhaling the soothing smells of food and home and him.
"It breaks my heart," she whispered, her eyes closed.
He turned off the stove and pulled her into his arms, stroking her back. "I know, Fireheart."
She sniffled. "I'm scared, Ro."
"I wish I knew what to tell you," he breathed, his heart breaking for her. She didn't say anything, just rested her head against his shoulder and let him hold her, his solid, warm silence her rock.
Rowan woke up the next morning to find a plain green envelope lying atop Aelin's pillow, her half of the bed still rumpled from when she got up. Hearing the shower running in the background, he could tell she was there, so he reached over and picked up the envelope, which bore his name in his wife's loopy cursive.
Sliding one finger under the envelope's flap, he opened it up and withdrew a Christmas card, Aelin's design work evident in the watercolor painting of a smiling cherub, a holly sprig in its hand. A soft grin slipping across his face, he opened up the card.
And his brain stalled again.
When she emerged from the shower, Aelin found him staring at the card in wordless shock, his jaw hanging open, gaping at the pair of little black-and-white photos she'd tucked into the card.
He lifted his eyes to her, tears spilling down his cheeks. "Aelin--are you--" He took a deep, shuddering breath. "Are you serious?"
A smile brighter than the sun split her face as she nodded, dropping down onto the bed beside him, letting her bathrobe fall open and settling his hand atop her stomach. "Ten weeks, and I had no idea."
"Aelin," he breathed, his other hand cupping her face, hardly daring to believe the precious secret she'd revealed. "I--how?"
"Doctor said the tests I took must have been false negatives, though she wasn't sure how that happened." Aelin threaded her fingers through his, resting their hands on the faint, barely noticeable swell of her belly. "It's true, my love. We're having a baby."
"I love you so much," Rowan whispered, kissing her soft and slow and deep, powerful joy radiating across his expression. Slowly, he moved down, settled himself in her lap, and pressed his lips to her belly. "I love you, little one."
Tears spilled down Aelin's cheeks, her heart near to bursting. "We love you too, Ro." She beamed through her emotions, carding her fingers through his hair. "Dad."
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madschiavelique · 1 year
Help as soon as I read Greek AU, I had to mentally compose myself before reading the posts and rotting anyway :’>
Premise aside, the aesthetics are so……!! I love the mental image of Reader wearing lots of pretty Greek dresses and jewelry as Miguel’s wife. To Miguel, it is a tempting sight + a nice change from her temple robes which signified her former kingdom </3
P.S. Congratulations on the start of Oxytocin Love!! I loved your writing style and Hobie’s scenes :>
bestie you have no idea how for the last few days i have been doing more research on greek mythology and how things have been cooking in my mind
i will DEFINITELY do more researches on the fashion at the time but i can definitely see miguel coming back from battles in other cities with a bag full of dresses and jewelleries and soaps and anything to make reader even more gorgeous
HIHIHI THANK UUUU for real writing hobie is so much fun !! (there’ll be more hobie content in the next chap 👀)
(also i read ur lil post with yandere!miguel and how lyla played her part in this and I LOVE IT HEHEHE GOOD JOB!!)
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