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harvardfineartslib · 2 years ago
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Alfonso Ossorio (b.1916, Manila, Philippines – d. 1990, New York, NY) was born in the Philippines to wealthy parents of Chinese, Filipino, and Hispanic ancestry. He moved to the United States in 1930. He studied at both Harvard University and the Rhode Island School of Design and then served in the military as a medical illustrator during the World War II.
His oil painting entitled “Beachcomber” (1953) is densely patterned with non-Western visual icons and images similar to the tribal art of Oceania which Ossorio admired at the Peabody Museum while an undergraduate at Harvard. The entire canvas is filled with endless sea of abstract forms, creating horror vacui, leaving a very little emptiness for viewers.
Image 1: Front cover of “Asian|American|Modern Art
Image 2: Alfonso Ossorio, “Beachcomber,” 1953, Oil on canvas, 84”x 144”
Asian American modern art : shifting currents, 1900-1970 Daniell Cornell and Mark Dean Johnson, editors ; Gordon H. Chang ... [et al.]. San Francisco, CA : Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco ; Berkeley : University of California Press, c2008. English HOLLIS number: 990117463940203941
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cartoonconnie · 3 years ago
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Yellow Jacket 2022-02-08
If you see someone wearing a very vintage yellow jacket walking around, it might be me! ⁣The story of how my Dad got this for me when I moved to NYC 15 years ago. ⁣ My brain wants to tell longer stories these days, but I don't have a great way to share them yet. Many ideas are too long for short comics and take more time to develop. I'm still working on a book. This is an awkward comic strip that is more a window into my creative process than a finished product.⁣ ⁣ Thanks for patiently reading along and not giving up on me.⁣ Connie on Ko-fi ⁣ [3-page comic. Page 1, 2 panels: flashback to Los Angeles, 2007. A father proudly holds up a large yellow jacket on a hanger to a younger version of the girl. The girl tries it on and looks ridiculous. Text reads, "15 years ago, my dad got me a large, second-hand, butter-yellow, puffy jacket to wear when I moved to New York City. He says, matter-of-factly, "It's so you can survive winters and not get hit by cars." Page 2: illustration of an yellow armchair, walking passed a fire hydrant on the sidewalk. Text reads, "For years, I was too embarrassed to wear it because it made me look like a piece of yellow upholstered furniture." Page 3: girl with a bun, wearing an overwhelming, butter-yellow jacket because it was given to her by her father and is a reminder of where she comes from. Text reads, "I recently took it out of storage and started wearing it again because, if my dad taught me anything, it's "WHO CARES what anybody else thinks?!"]⁣
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jchanart · 3 years ago
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I've been thinking about my Uncle Tommy a lot this week. He was the coolest and the kindest/friendliest person you could ever meet. He was the first supportive family member to ask me to paint a portrait of his little dog, Sushi, and then quickly followed up with asking how much I charge. He was also the first to tell me that I should charge people for my time because my time has value. A handful of people told me I was undercharging my work when I was tabling over the weekend... and they're right and I know this myself. I kept prices the same or low even though there have been paper shortage/hikes and I put so much time and effort into making/cutting them. So from now on you may see my shop prices change a tiny bit. Also if you bothered to read this far thanks! 💙❤️💛💙♥️💛💙♥️💛 This quick sketch painting made me more emotional than I thought it would. I miss my Uncle Tommy. I've been wanting to tell his story a bit so that too has been on my list of autobio Nanners comics to do. Maybe you'll hear about it sometime soon. . . . . . . . . #illustrator #nonbinaryartist #aapi #asianamericanartist #portrait https://www.instagram.com/p/ChVmyxQL3s4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sexyporcelaingirl · 4 years ago
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Staring at is not always looking at, or even observing... BUT LET’S observe what Morganna Deveraux has got... Studio Lites. #morgannadevoraux #studioliteslasvegas #studiolites #studiolite #asianamericanmodel #asianamericanartist #asianamericanphotograper #vegasasiangirl #morgannadeveraux Check her place out. @sexyporcelaingirl (at Studio Lites) https://www.instagram.com/p/COc66cgn_l5/?igshid=nxhbit0zlz9r
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brotherhoodnovel · 4 years ago
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Like it’s predecessor The Brotherhood, The Dance Towards Death has won a Pencraft Award, this time in the 2020 Asian-American Thriller category! https://www.pencraftaward.com/ #authorsofinstagram #author #bookawards #awards #awardwinning #award #bookstagram #book #booklover #books #thriller #thrillers #mystery #mysterybooks #asian #asianamerican #asianamericans #asianamericanartist #asianamericanwriters #asianamericanwritersworkshop #indianamerican #indianamericans #noir #hardboiled #hardboileddetective #detective #hardboileddetectives #pencraft #pencraftawards #pencraftaward https://www.instagram.com/p/CGkhyjyhSZT/?igshid=1l1s2rkdgpp1t
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roastedricetea · 4 years ago
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I definitely learned how to play that Naruto song on my flute as a child. 🔪 #kunai #kunaitattoo #patattooers #phillyartist #asianamericanartist #willowgrove #willowgrovepa (at Venue Tattoo and Piercing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGFtFOqjchI/?igshid=1da08mm7kl78c
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archivesofamericanart · 6 years ago
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Louise Jones (artist name Ouizi) created a mural for the Archives of American Art exhibition Bloom which opened March 1st at the Lawrence A. Fleischman Gallery.  The show will continue until up until October 6th.  Here is Ouizi working on the mural a week before the show opened.  Come to the exhibition to see the completed mural!
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jinnyly · 6 years ago
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Evolution of a name. Felt like it was time to evolve a bit so this new signature was created, inspired by the recent street artists I met. The "J" has remained but instead of the "L" there's the Chinese character for my last name "Ly" or "Lee" (they're both the same character in Chinese). I feel like this new creation properly sets the tone for who I am as an artist, while at the same time honoring my family for what they've gone through to give me a better life. I want to inspire others to follow their dreams and heart. Happiness and life is what you make of it. (Permanent marker on a photo taken by me.) . . #artist #evolution #jinnyly #paris #drawing #photography #eiffeltower #toureiffel #teochewartist #asianamericanartist #pourquoipas https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqjmWYIbBi/?igshid=dcv61xr3spyy
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harvardfineartslib · 10 months ago
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“I have no place to take myself except painting.” – Miyoko Ito, 1978.
Miyoko Ito (1918–1983) was a Japanese American painter, born in Berkeley, California, and was active in Chicago where she studied at the Art Institute of Chicago.
When the World War II began in 1941 in the United States with the attack on Pearl Harbor, Ito was studying art at University of California, Berkeley. She was a senior scheduled to graduate in May 1942. In April 1942, Ito married Harry Ichiyasu to avoid being separated during the wartime incarceration of Japanese Americans. Her husband was president of the senior class of the Japanese constituency at UC Berkeley. They were married on April 11th, but by the end of April they were sent to Tanforan internment camp near San Francisco, and later sent to Topaz under an Executive Order signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Ito received her diploma while she was in the internment camp, then received a grant to attend a graduate program at Smith College. She stayed there for one year before going on to study at the Art Institute of Chicago. Ito said she cried when she opened her diploma. She graduated with highest honors.
Miyoko Ito was hardly unknown during her lifetime, though she gained some attention and was granted residency fellowships at MacDowell in New Hampshire. It was there that she experienced “the meaning of full expression in the conductive environment,” she wrote in her “Plan of Work” in 1983. She continued, “I would like to escape the heretofore stifling condition of low ceiling, dim daylight, and inadequate floor space” of her bedroom studio in her house.
This publication, “Miyoko Ito: Heart of Hearts” is the first book dedicated to the life and work of Miyoko Ito, long overdue for this artist.
Image 1: Front cover featuring “Island in the Sun”, 1978, Oil on canvas, 38”x 33”
Image 2: Portrait of Miyoko Ito by Mary Baber, 1975
Image 3: “Aura”, 1966, Oil on canvas, 50”x 45”
Miyoko Ito : heart of hearts Pre-Echo, 2023. 452 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), portraits ; 30 cm English HOLLIS number: 99157645381703941
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kookookchoo · 2 years ago
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Giant Robot: Asian Pop Culture and Beyond #artbound ep is now available to watch online from @kcet (link in bio)! @giantrobot was the first art magazine that I ever read when I left HI for art school, the first magazine I ever got a subscription for on my own, and the first original art piece I ever bought was from their gallery online (by @dethpsun)! It was so reassuring & inspiring as a student to see artists who looked like me making work I loved with similar influences as my own (especially when I was surrounded by what felt like a very “traditional” & “Western”-minded environment). I didn’t know at the time that my own art career would turn out to have such a focus in self-publishing and printed media, as well. A few HI artists got asked to make a print of Big Boss Robot to promote the documentary for HI folx, so this is my version: Beach Bum Big Boss Musubi! 🤙🌈☀️🌊 I feel so incredibly lucky to share work alongside such amazing artists! Thank you for inviting me to join, @umitoyshawaii! * * * #giantrobot #asianamericanartist #asianpopcultureandbeyond #hawaiiartist #musubi #kelschoo #kookookchoo https://www.instagram.com/p/CkP6dwyu8Po/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cartoonconnie · 3 years ago
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My Cynical Valentine 2022-02-14
In the spirit of disclosure, happy Valentine’s :)⁣
Connie on Ko-fi ⁣ [3-panel comic of a girl with a braid, being cynical to hide her idealism. In panel 1, Elephant says, "Happy Valentine's Day." Girl, not stopping her stride, scoffs, "BAH! Love means nothing to me!" Panel 2 is a beat, girl walks away. In panel 3, still poker faced, the girl's unspoken thought bubble reads, "Love means everything to me." Original webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]⁣ ⁣
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jchanart · 3 years ago
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I finally surprised my friends with this portrait I made back in the spring over the weekend. When you know your best friend for 10+ years, you get an idea of the things they love. This wedding portrait is for @teenytinynoni a.k.a @pumpkinhead902 and it's a representation of that and our friendship. This was by far my favorite portrait to paint/draw because I know her and her partner Skid, well enough that they aren't the traditional sort, adore a little weirdness, and are unashamed to decorate their home with things that they love. They've always been together and I wish them many years of even more love, happiness, and luck/health! (Also I have to do this because of our friendship and we don't do sap here. Gross! Ew!🙈) ♥️🖤🤍🧡♥️🖤🤍🧡♥️🖤 . . . . . #illustration #kidlitartist #nonbinaryartist #asianamericanartist #portrait #nonbinarypride #comicartist https://www.instagram.com/p/Cey1ulVuUbr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angeles3289 · 2 years ago
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I have volunteer to do #eventphotography for #apature2022 @kearnystreetworkshop #autonomy #arts #asianamericanartist #filam #kearnystreetworkshop #comics #zines #literature #kapwagardens #missionsf #sf (at Kapwa Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkCq8F8LYYS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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badxxxtran · 3 years ago
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It takes a second to gain everything and lose it all. Why does that matter at the end of the day I’m one for all. They can slander, slow, push, and drag me down. I will continue regardless of trials of tribulations. The only way to stop me now is to kill me. Happy Memorial Day. New music video on the way. PC: @special_edgar . . . #badasstran #southsidesanjose #thebayareamusic #sanhoe #asianamericanartist #vietnameseamericanartist #independentmusician #musician #songwriter #musical #art #musiclife #inspiration #rolemodel https://www.instagram.com/p/CeNWDYqL3oj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boxblur--ccg · 3 years ago
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From one day to the next… art installer #drewgrasso is hard at work with his crew and ours @cclarkgallery to take down the exhibit of @wxzhang25 and prepare the shows of Al Farrow, Masami Teraoka, and Zeina Barakeh. Many thanks to #alfarrow and his sons #davidfarrow and #ericfarrow for added assistance and to #aileenmangan for working on a Monday. The exhibits of work by @masamiteraoka #alfarrow and @zeina.barakeh open Saturday, April 23, from 2-5 @cclarkgallery Please wear a mask and come to hear the artists’ remarks at 3:30. #willworkforartists #masamiteraoka #alfarrow #zeinabarakeh #sculpture #artfromweapons #artforpeace #socialjusticeart #painting #printmaking #video #politicalart #japaneseamericanartist #asianamericanartist #artaboutrussianaggressioninukraine #artaboutwar #swordstoplowshares #byzantine #triptychs #swanlake #lastswanlake #peaceforukraine #artfrommunitions #hawaiiartist #bayareaartist #contemporaryart (at Catharine Clark Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cci95kcp34M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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foreverthesoniag · 3 years ago
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“Little Cousin” #Art by @just.tle . . . . . #digitalcollage #collageartwork #floral #pocartists #asianamericanartist #collagework https://www.instagram.com/p/CceB6JYvwlf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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