#ashton iwrin
ashtonspolkadots · 4 years
mhm sure luke
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wildflower-alex · 4 years
The Job (CH) part 3
As a request, there’s the third part and I kinda feel like I should’ve started a mini series, still evaluating the option, though (thanks  @dirty--heart xo)
Note: as many of us do the same, meaning writing about us with other person, you will slowly get to know my personality and behavior. It feels more personal and real if I expose true feelings and traits, knowing I’m not the only one who feels this way, plus it makes more sense to explore a mind-body relation and to actually write about it, rather than keeping a flumsy, incoherent attitude of the characters. 
Still, I’m not the greatest writer because English isn’t my first language and after a pause of maybe 5 years of not writing it’s kinda hard now.
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Part 1 and 2 here and here
She stood up and put the clothes back as a sudden feeling of guilt reached her brain. Her eyes sneaked a peak at his body while he was slowly pulling up his boxers. He truly was a heartthrob, his buff body making him look like a Norse God, way too hot. She felt confused as she realized they had to talk, but about what? Who should say what? What would she answer? And after all, what are they as of now? She unthinkingly sighed at the thought, making him look up at her.
“What?” he asked and she could sense his confusion.
As she realized the gesture, she jokingly said “Nothing” and actually meaning that, because nobody could clear up her min, only her by thinking everything through and analyzing every aspect, gesture, sound and look he threw her. 
He too felt this pressure, of not knowing what to say next. Yet he used his hunger to make a conversation with her.
“Listen, I thought maybe I should... buy you some food?”
“You mean... paying for the services?” she said and instantly regretted it, punishing herself inside her mind for ever saying that.
“God, no! Please, stop being sarcastic... I really meant it... but if you don’t want to...” he replied with a slow sorrow in his tone.
“I’m sorry, I... that’s how I deal with... nevermind, sure, let’s grab something to eat” she said, trying to break the barrier between them. She had enormous anxiety problems and her defense system was sarcasm and expecting the worse, only for her brain to cope with the presumed failure. Continuous traumas reflected on her daily tasks and she was trying to let go of that killing feeling she constantly had and she hardly had a day without feeling so heavy. These thoughts would never leave her mind for the whole day.
“Ok, well... I know a restaurant that has great carbonara I know you’ll love” he replied.
“Oh, wow, I’d love to eat some, they’re my favorite” she smiled at him.
“I know, you’re always talking about it” he chuckled, showing off his puffy cheeks and that bright, warm smile of his.
The ride was short, taking only a few minutes to get to the restaurant. Even so, he tried to talk to her, but they both seemed awkward to actually say something relevant. Instead, he took her hand while driving and placed a kiss on it, making her blush at the new feeling. She took a look at his face, his face turning to look at her too and they both shyly smiled, just like two kids.
“I meant everything I said” his voice broke the silence. She never stopped looking at him, only to lean forward and kiss his hand, too.
Arriving at the restaurant, the scene was pretty poetic. The floors were imitating the Italian pavements, with tall black lamps at every table, green leaf plants covering the walls and giving the place an allure of forest. Only a few tables were taken, people being more engaged in conversations, rather than looking at them. She felt a relief knowing that they actually did not know who he was. Fame was pretty rough and she saw that reflecting on their lives.
After both ordered the food he rested his chin in the fists, making his cheeks to look even fuller than before. 
“So... for how long?” he asked.
She looked confused, but understood his question after one second.
“Let’s say enough time” she replied. The shame she felt that moment could make people deaf if it had a voice. Realizing she could distract the attention from her, he continued.
“I thought you were talking to someone”
“Well” he started and remembered the girl she was talking about. “You know, they’re all the same. I felt she needed validation, maybe even a little fame and I let it dissipate” 
“They all want that now. Hell, everyone wants that from time to time, let’s be real” she said, really meaning it.
“So you’d like to be famous?” he asked.
“Sometimes” she replied and took a sip from the soda the waiter just brought. “And sometimes I want to be invisible and know nothing about anything” she added, making him to raise his eyebrows. “Don’t look at me like that, my minds is complicated”
“I can tell that. So... now what?”
“Now... I don’t know, you name it” she tried to dissimulate, not knowing what to say or to make a fool of herself.
“I mean... we’re working together”
So that was the problem. She instantly took her defensive coat, repelling everything he said.
“I know, that could be a problem. I mean, we can play it cool and pretend”
“Pretend... Yeah, but for how long?”
“I don’t know, until either one of us gets tired of it and I resign” she said.
Her seriousness scared him, what was this all about? He felt attacked and frankly, misunderstood.
“Wait, are we talking about the same thing?” he asked, now his torso stuck to the chair.
“Yeah, it happened once and I’ll try not to make a fuss out of it”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” he almost screamed.
“For fuck’s sake, Calum, I know you’re regretting it, don’t continue to shove it in my face, for real”
“The fuck...”
“It’s shameful enough, for real, play it cool” she continued, not paying attention to his expression.
“Are you you serious? Like, dead serious?” he furiously asked, now his arms crossed on his chest.
The music started playing louder and she could hear Beyonce’s “Drunk in Love” play the chorus of it.
“This fucking song” she mumbled under her breath, only to herself, remembering the times she played the song while masturbating with his image in her mind.
“What?” he asked.
“Nothing” she replied and slowly made up her response in  her mind. “I know you don’t want anything to do with me, other that doing my job and bursting your ego. I just wish that...” she paused, nodding her head from side to side, a regret showing in her eyes.
“Don’t you fucking dare to finish that” he fumbled. “Babe, what the fuck?” he said, now his voice softer than even and he leaned to take her hands in his.
“Don’t use such words, we’re not babes” she quietly continued.
“Let me get this clear, you don’t want to start... anything? With me, I mean...” 
“I just...”
“Be real. Forget about your mind tricking you. Say it”
She paused, now tears streaming on her face, tears of frustration she couldn’t speak her truth, frustration she couldn’t put words into how she felt, frustration on her anxiety and punishing herself in her mind. She quickly wiped them away, realizing how pathetic she looked.
“Babygirl...” he said. He knew she couldn’t speak and as he looked at her he almost felt angry that such a beautiful soul, inside and out, could have such a defensive system. “Hey” he continued and took her chin between his fingers. “I would like to start something new with you”.
Unfortunately for him, her mind transformed that into a total rejection.
“Love...” he continued and saw she did not change her position, clenched in her chair. He got up and knelt by her side, turning around the chair, so that she could see him. “I promise I’ll be here everytime you’ll need me to speak for you. Please, look at me for a bit”
She finally looked at his eyes, now his tearing up, too.
“I’m sorry I don’t know how to behave around you, I promise I’ll do my best” he continued.
She shyly smiled, stroking his big palms and feeling the weight from her chest being lifted off. “I’m sorry” she finally said.
“Don’t you worry, it’s my fault, too. I know I’m not the greatest talker” he replied.
“I would like it, too” she added, making his form a big smile on his face. They both started giggling, his hands never leaving hers, slowly stroking her knuckles and looking into her eyes.
She was staring at him, seeing a new part of him, one she never encountered before.
“I know it’s already the third, but I also promise there will be less and less days like this. I mean... only the bad part, and more of the previous, you know” he chuckled as she started to laugh loud enough for the people around them to look at them.
“Can you believe we did it in the living room?” he finally chuckled and a burst of laugh left his chest.
She never stopped laughing, but this one made her laugh harder than before.
“I bet...” he started, but his laugh stopped him. “I bet Luke’s gonna be like <<oyy does it smell like dick in here?>> I swear!” he laughed so hard he had to wipe a tear from his eye.
He realized how good of a woman she was, even though she had a lot of work to do regarding her mental health, he understood her and liked her even more. Brains always were his favorite.
Part 1 and 2 here and here
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samuelsamuel-sam · 4 years
Can I just say sometimes the fandoms I get in are scary like babes these are real people!!!!
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harryibo · 5 years
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Love ❤️
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neigcthood · 5 years
I love you
note: this fic is inspired by Billie Eilish’s new song I love you.
Warnings : slight heartbreak if you blink, fluff, angst, and smut.
bff!calum x OC
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“Tell me I’ve been lied to”
It was always Mona and Calum, always a couple and never one. So when Mona fell in love with the Maori boy she nonetheless met her demise. She sat on her bed as she scrolled through her best friend’s social media, images of him smiling with a undeniable beautiful girl broke her heart into pieces. She kicked herself for falling in love with him before but it hit her now more than ever.
“Mona, did you eat all of the cookies?” A sixteen year old calum hood shouted from the cabinet in the kitchen. “Um, maybe.” She hesitated with a smile on her face as she heard her best friend’s footsteps coming towards her.
“Cal! It’s just cookies I can get more.” She squealed as the boys hands came down to tickle her sides. “Stop! Please” The girl had tears running down her face from laughing so hard and the matching smile on calum’s face had her heart beating faster than it should’ve been. “M’sorry!” She yelled at the boy. “Stop tickling me!” She squirmed in his arms. “What’s the magic word?” Calum rose an eyebrow and continued his tickle attack on the girl. “Calum, is the sexiest best friend ever!” She laughed as she breathed out the moto Calum gave himself a couple years back. “Thank you.” He gave her a goofy smile and landed on top of her causing her to let out a small ‘oof’.
The ringing of her phone brought her out of her thoughts, a picture of a crinkly eye Calum with a huge smile on his face popped up on her screen. She felt her heart hammer in her chest. She let the phone ring as she stared at it, not once reaching out to press the green button. Finally the call stopped and she was once again met with a picture of Calum, it was one with his arm playfully around her neck as his head rested on her shoulder. She remembered that night like it happend only minutes ago. They were both so happy. A text notification popped up ‘please answer, m’worried about you.’ The screen read. She felt the tears run down her cheek again.
”i can't escape the way I love you”
It was 9:36 pm and Ashton was at Mona's apartment. He invited himself over but the girl decided not to protest. “He misses you.” Ashton let out a sigh as he rubbed the girls back. “I know.” She replied. “I’m just not ready to talk to him.” She took a sip of her beer. “Look Mona, i get it. You love him, but you can’t just runaway from him after he doesn’t say it back.” Ashton looked at the girl. “No ash, he said it back. Then the day after he told me he didn’t mean it. So I’m gonna runaway from him for as long as I like. Not only did he say it and not mean it, he got together with someone else right after. Do you know how much like shit that makes me feel?” Mona’s throat felt dry as her blue eyes burned with tears.
“It’s like he wanted me to think I’m not good enough for him.” The tears finally left her eyes as she shut them for a few seconds. “Mona, he’s scared” Ashton was interrupted by the sobbing girl. “Scared of what Ashton? That he would get his heart broken? That he would be left alone without a best friend to talk to about all his problems? Because he seems fucking fine right now.” She snapped at the taller boy. “I’m sorry for yelling.” She sighed and ran a hand through her mess of a hair.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry”
‘I broke up with her’ the text showed up on Mona’s screen. She stared at it for a good minute as she argued with herself on wether or not to text back. Only a minute later another text popped up. ‘I’m on the way, I need to talk to you’ she panicked almost immediately. She looked like shit and so did her apartment. She looked tired and stressed due to all of the anxiety going on through her head continually that month. She ran around the apartment trying to tidy up the best she could. Cursing at herself as she heard a knock at the door. She walked to the door and took deep breaths as she prepared herself for who was on the other side. She opened the door and had the breath knocked out of her when she saw him. Of course he looked good and she looked like shit.
She was wearing a black hoodie and some gray sweatpants she stole from Calum when they were younger. “Hey.” He whispered as she had to stop herself from crying right there. “Uh, come in.” He hadn’t been there in a month or two, and he found himself a little uneasy, as he looked around he noticed the obvious signs of depression and when he looked at Mona’s bloodshot eyes and dark eye bags he felt a twinge if guilt pang in his gut.
“What did you want to talk about?” She looked down to his black converse. He was wearing a faded gray oversized t- shirt and baggy sweatpants. His newly died blonde hair in a tuff in his head. “Us.” He breathed out. “Calum, i dont think there is an us anymore.” She finally looked up and the sight of the tears in her eyes broke calum’s heart into two. “I meant it. What I said.” Her breath hitched as he brought his hand up to her chin and wiped her tears away with his thumb. “I was scared. So instead of running to you, I found someone else who I thought could distract me from you. And I realize that that’s a dick move, but this is so scary. You were always here and I didn’t realize it and now I do. And god let me tell you that you look so beautiful right now and all I want to do is kiss you but I’m so terrified.” Calum rested his head on top of Mona’s as he felt tears of his own drip down his cheek.
“Calum, i love you. More than anything.” She grabbed the back of his head. “I love you more. And I mean it.” He connected his lips with hers as they passionately kissed each other like either one could turn to dust at any moment. She felt all of the parts of him, but most importantly his soul. He licked into her mouth and she let out a moan that caused Calum to loose his mind. “Do you want me to slow down baby?” He moved his kisses down her neck and throat. “No, want you.” She tugged his head back to her face and kissed him till she couldnt breathe. He moved his hand to the back of her thigh and tapped on it so she would let him lift her up. He carried her to her room, trying not to trip over anything on his way. He sat her on the edge and tugged on her shirt to get it off. “Baby, you’re so pretty.” He groaned. “He removed his own shirt from his body and went back to kissing his girl. He laid her back on the bed and pulled her sweats down. He looked up at her as he gave love to her thick thighs causing her to let out a moan he never wanted to forget.
“You okay with this?” He kissed her clothed center. She nodded. “Words babygirl.” She gasped as he licked at her clit over her underwear. “Yes, please Calum.” She threw her head back as he pulled the black material down her legs. “Look at me baby, while I make you feel good.” He spread her folds with two fingers while his eyes stayed on hers. She moaned at the slight contact and lifted her hips to meet his face. Once he finally brought his lips down to meet her she lost her mind. He held her hips down as he worked her clit with his tongue than moved his attack down to her entrance. When she closed her eyes he slapped her thigh, and stopped moving his mouth causing her to groan. “Calum, please.” “Eye contact, baby.” He continued once she looked down at him, her skinny fingers threading through his buzzed hair as he brought her closer to the edge.
“M’gonna cum, cal.” She whined as he didn’t let up, rubbing her clit with his thumb. “Come on pretty, girl. Cum on my face baby, I’ve got you.” His words had her reaching the edge as she arched her back into him. He came up and kissed her searingly. “Condom?” He kissed behind her ear as he pulled on her lobe with his teeth. “I’m on the pill.” She shook her head no. “You sure?” She just nodded. “Fuck baby, you’re gonna kill me.” He took his sweats and boxers off at the same time and his length slapped his stomach. He lined himself up with her entrance. “You ready?” He pressed a hand to her stomach as she nodded. He slid in and groaned as he felt him in her stomach. “God you feel so good.” He rocked his hips back and forth and leaned down to Mona’s ear. “You gonna come for me again, doll?” He groaned as he wasn’t too far from his high.
“Yes, Calum. I love you.” She said as she felt her high coming a second time. “Love you baby.” His hips pounded into her as he came with a deep groan right in Mona’s ear. He pulled out and colapsed in the side of the girl her loved. “Let me go get a rag, baby.” He got up from his spot throwing the girl his shirt and walked the bathroom. Mona watched him from her bed. He truly was a sight. Her legs were still shaking when he sat on her edge of the bed and wiped up her thighs. He threw the rag in the laundry basket as he pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “Let’s go to sleep, yeah?” Mona shook her head as the pair rolled over and Calum reached to turn off the lamp. Mona never slept so well knowing the love of her life loved her back.
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honeyedlashton · 5 years
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“Hey, let me copy your homework.”
“Yeah sure just change it up so it doesn’t look suspicious.”
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Calum, exasperated: FUCK ME
Ashton, already taking off his pants: well, if you say so
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honeybunash · 5 years
i want ashton irwin to ruin my life is that too much to ask for
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allthelxveee · 6 years
i love calum hood
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downwiththe6ness · 6 years
Luke is wearing red nail polish in the “lie to me” video and that’s the TEA
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ashtonspolkadots · 4 years
i’ll be patiently waiting for them to release the full conference
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wildflower-alex · 4 years
The shores (C.H.) Chapter 1
Note: I’m reposting this, as the first time it had some troubles. Hit love if you like it!
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The night went by with Matthew by her side, his slow snores keeping her awake at the feeling he might die in his sleep. She wished he could die, so she’d be freed and she wouldn’t have to make a choice about their relationship. That was the hardest part, making a choice inside her mind and actually sticking to it. She remembered the tantrums she threw back at his parents house, the times she thought she was crazy or the times he would stroke her skin and make her spine curl. He had a touch she could remember even if she was walking down the street. It was hard not to give him credit on that. Yet, he was destroying her, slowly, but steady, piece by piece, playing with her mind and her memories, gaslighting her, blaming her for everything he’d done wrong. The cheating, the tremendous seek for attention, the excessive amount of time spent to look good for others, these were red flags, but she ignored them as she swam into the deep ocean of his sweet lies.
She finally fell asleep facing his body, tracing imaginary lines along his torso and cursing herself for being indulgent. She felt she loved him, but was it really love? Was it that normal to fight all the time about every aspect of their lives? And on top of all, was it normal trying to get attention from all the females around? Maybe that was normal, but she knew deep down that it felt wrong. She just wanted peace, both around, but inside her soul, too.
The rays of sunshine started to hurt her eyes, annoying her that they’ll finally wake her up. After a minute or so, she opened her eyes and saw the curtain moving in the blow of the wind. It was finally peaceful and she could enjoy a morning without grunting and a sore throat. She turned on the other side, but found nothing. She smiled knowing that she was alone, at least for a few minutes. Her hands slowly started to rub her eyes as she stood up in the middle of the small bed.
“Are you ready for the beach?” Matthew’s voice pierced the silence, making her heart to tremble.
“You scared me!” she whispered. “What are you doing there?” she asked as she bent over the edge of the bed to see him laying on his stomach and checking his phone.
“It was hot last night and I slept on the floor. How could you?” he replied.
“How could I what?” she said as her eyebrows furrowed under the words.
“How could you let me sleep on the floor?” he said, a smirk forming on his lips.
“It’s way too early for your shit” she mumbled as she made her way to the bathroom.
The coldness of the water woke her body up and relaxed her muscles. The citrus smell of the shower gel opened her nostrils as she usually enjoyed every perfume caressing her skin. She started to rub away the memories of last night as the foam fell on the ground and sunk down the hole.
“You know what?” he screamed from across the hall. “Forget the beach, I’m literally fried and can’t stay in the sun”.
“I told you to put on some sunscreen and you never, never” she paused and continued “… ever listen to me” she whispered to herself, knowing that even if he heard her, he’d never approve her.
After she stepped out of the bathroom she laid on the bed, thinking about everything. Her phone rang.
“Hey, are you ready yet?” Christine asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be out in 5 minutes” Sonia replied. At least she got a beach buddy to hang with. She thanked God for Christine’s presence as she put on the bathing suit, then looked in the mirror at Matthew’s reflection. He looked so dumb, she thought, with his hands crossed on the chest, a cushion wrapped around him and his eyes closed, mimicking a deep sleep. So dumb. She quickly grabbed the bag and left the room, not wanting to give an extra explanation. Thankfully for her, he didn’t care enough to ask anything.
She was so in love with the sea. Everything about it ignited a warm fire inside her soul, a sweet sensation of pure pleasure and relaxation as she was enjoying the view and the well-known smells of the beaches. The smooth sand burned her bare feet, making her to walk faster to the proximity of the water, where it was colder.
Once finding the spot, they carefully arranged their things and stopped to take a breath. It was idyllic, the invisible line of the sea merging into the sky, forming a deep, enormous blue, perfect to sink in. A blow stroke her face only to mess up her hair, already curled up from the previous days. As she carefully removed the oversized shirt she breathed that she wanted to swim for a bit, leaving Christine behind to arrange their clothes.
When the coldness of the water hit her chest, she felt her heart pounding harder, making her breath to lose the rhythm. The sea was agitated that day, but she managed to stick her feet in the sand, closing her eyes to only feel the water. Waves started to increase, but she enjoyed that feeling of the water slowly rising to her chest and swallowing her entirely. The second after she tried to stand up in her feet and regain her breath a wave hit her with the force of a bull. Her now sunglasses were lost at the bottom of her feet and she furiously started to look around her, on the sand beneath her feet and at the waves around her, but she could only see a figure standing a few feet away from her. She build up the courage and sunk into the water, as her eyes wandered to find the sunglasses. Nothing. She was now angry. Then she felt a pulling motion and her scalp hurting as she took a deep breath out of the water.
“What are you doing? You could’ve drown!” a raspy voice screamed at her from behind her back. It took a second or two to regain her thoughts and understand what happened. She was pulled out of the water by someone. She felt a bulge increasing in her throat and suddenly needed to cough the water out.
“Are you ok?” the man asked as he pulled her body close to his and dragged her onto the shore.
She wanted to answer, to say that she can’t breath so well, but she’s fine, yet her coughing never stopped. A few seconds later, he pulled her body entirely from the water and placed her on the dry sand.
“Oh my god! What happened?!” Christine yelled as she ran to her friend.
“She was under water when the waves hit me and” he paused, trying to catch a breath “…and I thought she might’ve drowned” he ended.
“Sonia? Soni?” she asked, but got no answer.
“Sonia, is that your name? Hey” the man said again. She felt like their discussion took hours, but it was actually a matter of seconds, as she was lucky enough to witness the discussion. The man grabbed her chin and turned her face to his. She was somehow able to think, but her mind was so far away, still thinking about her sunglasses and the water in her nose. She looked at him, but saw nothing.
“Sonia, hey” he harshly added.
Only now her vision was less blurry and more active on the man standing in front of her.
“Yes” she whispered.
“How are you feeling? Can you breathe?” he asked.
“I can” she coughed and shook her head, trying to regain her conscience. “Yes, sorry…”
“You scared the shit outta me!” Christine said, while her eyes laid on the man, only for Sonia to catch a glimpse of her enthusiasm.
“Let’s go sit on a towel, do you have one?” he asked, his eyes never leaving her white face.
“Yes, we do have” Christine pointed out, trying to sweeten her voice. Sonia felt she couldn’t care less about her, but only for the boys. She then stood up and ran to their towels, searching for something in their bags.
As Sonia laid there she finally relaxed her body to exhale and wipe her face. It was that moment she realized what happened, her desire to no longer see the light of the day, her desperate scream for help, as someone grabbed her body and gave her another chance. It was already hard for her to express her feelings, but now it was harder than any other day.
“Thank you” she whispered and decided to look at the person in front of her. Her heart skipped a beat as this man was a gorgeous creature, a very pleasant human being, something you could watch all day long. His most remarkable feature, the eyes, had an almond shape, something with an Asian influence, but wide enough to let his long eyelashes to flutter. He had big lips, as most men do, but his were bigger, revealing the gorgeous teeth he had. A few small moles drawn across those chubby cheeks and strong eyebrows perfectly marked his face, making his caramel skin to glow stronger in the sunlight of the morning.
He smiled, revealing the perfect smile she always searched for. She always looked at people’s smiles, trying to figure out their personalities based on that, and she always concluded that bright, uncensored smiles meant pretty personalities. She loved smiles so much that she was often caught off guard as she would stare at people around. His smile was perfect, that was for sure.
“You scared your friend” he replied as his chest let out a breath, revealing his nervousness. Was Christine that scared? Probably, but not that much as to fear for her friend’s life. “Here, let me take you to your towel” he added and placed a hand on her waist and walked her in that direction. “Now you’re safe, ok?” she nodded. “Ok, girls, Imma leave, please excuse me” he said and she took one more look into his brown eyes and both of them smiled, while his hands slowly stroked the inside of her palm, then walked away.
“He’s so hot, my fucking God”
“What?” Sonia replied, as if she wasn’t there, her mind wandering around the man’s pretty smile and eyes.
“He’s so hot I’d fuck him”
“My God, you’re so desperate” and laughed at the thought of this silly girl trying to get attention from anyone, anywhere, anytime. Her slippery personality was, anyway, showing little by little over the years and Sonia was used to her being needy. Still, she laughed inside knowing the truth, that Christine was a wannabe, always a tryhard, whilst playing the martyr. Whorish, as she’d say.
She laid on her back and pulled a shirt on her face, covering it from the heating rays. While straightening her neck, she took a look in the direction which the men left and saw him, not too far, standing on his feet with a beer in his hand and at the same time he took a look at her direction.” Is he looking at me? Can he see me? No, I’m overreacting” she talked to herself”.
Chapter 2 here
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Ashton Irwin of 5 Seconds of Summer Meet You There Tour Wolf Trap in Vienna, VA - 9/05/2018
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Pre-Show Before Pre-Show
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A/N: Man it's been a long time since I wrote one of these, so please bear with me. Anyway I sent this twitter post to @iknowyoufeelme and Lina said something about this particular picture which gave me all sorts of ideas, so without further ado. . .
AshtonXFemale Reader
Warning: smut smut smut, male oral receiving, fingering, nipple play, riding, dirty talk, foul language, lil' (legit) illegal activity (public exposure), soft words*
*If I missed anything please let me know
Your laughter echoed around the arena as the sounds of drums kept playing. It sounded terrible because Ashton was trying to teach you how to play. You sat in his lap, back pressed flush against his chest as you tried to repeat the rhythm he had just showed you. You could hear Ashton suck in a breath and wince when you had missed a note. "Ugh, I can't do this at all," you sighed, a chuckle leaving your lips at how atrocious you sounded.
"Practice makes perfect," Ashton told you. He grabbed your hands and began to guide them, tapping out a tiny beat. "Aaand there," he said, hitting a hi-hat. The sound rang out loud in the venue and Ashton's hands released from yours.
"You think you can do that on your own?" he asked. You had zoned out. Eyes glued to his large hands that were just holding yours. "Y/N?" Ashton sang, wiggling his fingers in front of your face. You blinked twice then came to.
"I didn't come out here to learn the drums," you grumbled, slumping into him. The thought had left you earlier when Ashton suggested you play with him. He had been trying to practice before the boys had to go to pre-show later in the day. No one was around which allowed him to concentrate on the task. He was a perfectionist at best and even though pre-show was more of an intimate thing where they answered fan questions and jammed out for a bit, Ashton wanted it to go perfectly. You on the other hand had been fantasizing about Ashton since last night. You had gone to bed horny and woke up as such. Touring with him was fun but you didn't get a lot of alone time.
No, your intensions of coming out to the stage was something you had been craving for a long while. "What did you want?" he questioned, sending a small kiss to your shoulder blade. The gesture set your skin on fire and Ashton quirked in eyebrow at you in amusement when a tiny moan left your lips.
A swear flew from Ashton's lips the minute your tongue connected with his cock. An almost loud throaty moan following after. "Fuck, you wanted me bad huh?" he whimpered, eyes glazing over in lust and fighting to stay open to watch you take him down your mouth. The two of you could get caught at any moment. Ashton's head fell back and a louder moan left his lips. Your tongue laid flat on the shaft of his cock, licking as you sucked up, a popping sound echoing about when you came up. Your hand wrapped around him and began to twist up and down with your movements.
"Such a dirty girl for me," Ashton gasped, hands flying to grip at your hair. "You couldn't wait for me at all?" you moaned at his words the hum of it sending a vibration around his cock and making his grip on your hair tighten. Your head lifted and you looked at Ashton through batted eyelashes as your swirled your tongue around the tip. Luckily for him, your frame was hidden by his drum set, so the minute someone walked into the venue Ashton swallowed the moan he was about to let out and held your head down. "Hey! Just getting some practice in," he managed to say, discreetly fucking into your mouth. You didn't move in fear of the person spotting you.
"Just grabbing the trash," the person stated, beginning to go around the room and check all the trash bins. Ashton's eyes never left the person and he let out a hiss. You had gotten impatient and started to bob your head to continue sucking him off. One of his hands gripped at your hair while the other began to hit the drums trying to distract the cleaner from what was going on behind it. You deep throated him and in reaction his foot hit down hard on the peddle making the loudest noise ever. Your head lifted in shock, and Ashton's eyes squeezed shut. He peeked them open just as he heard the cleaner say goodbye.
Ashton looked down at you with a shit eating grin. His hand reached out to caress your cheek. "You wanna keep sucking or you wanna ride me?" he breathlessly asked, thumbing swiping over your bottom lip. You were panting and your core throbbed at his words. Ashton pouted when you didn't answer him, his hand traveling down to grab one of your breasts. "Use your words, Sweetheart," he said, hand dipping into your shirt and pinching at your nipple.
"Ride," you choked out, already feeling your panties get damp as he continued to play with your nipples.
"Come here," he whispered. Ashton wanted to feel more than just your mouth and he was happy you wanted to ride him just as much as he wanted you. You stood up and immediately his hands gripped at your waist. You leaned down and gave him a passionate kiss. Ashton slowly lifted your dress, your ass becoming exposed to the empty audience seats. Your tongues collided with one another, fighting each other for dominance. Ashton pulled away breathless and he held you at arms length to look at you.
"Stop playing around," you whined, guiding one of his hands towards where you needed him most. His eyes darkened at your words, gaze going towards the thong you were wearing. You really were on a mission this morning if you had put that on for the day. Ashton pushed aside your thong and his strong hand gripped your thigh for just a second before his fingertips brushed against your folds. Your knees nearly buckled under his touch.
"How are you already so wet?" he asked, thumb rubbing at your clit as he slipped a finger inside. "Hhm? All this just from giving me head," he commented, adding in another finger. Your hand reached out to grip at his shoulder, eyes closing shut as he continued fingering you, going deep to the knuckles.
"Ashton, please," you moaned out, as he applied more pressure to your clit.
"I know, baby. I want you too," he grunted, "Just getting you ready." Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip, head falling back in lust.
"I want you now," you demanded. Your voice had dropped in octave and your eyes opened looking down at Ashton with a fire in them.
"Yes ma'am," Ashton said, pulling his fingers from out of you. You were quick to take off your thong, straddling him, grabbing onto his cock and stroking it a few times. You rubbed the tip between your folds, teasing the both of you. Ashton sighed and grabbed your hips, slowly guiding you down. A whimpered moan came from you and you sat still for a second allowing yourself to adjust to him filling you up. "Baby, we don't have much time," Ashton whispered, kissing at your shoulder blade again. He gave you an innocent look, not wanting to move until you were ready.
"I love you," you replied, hands cupping his face. You rested your forehead against his for a second and then kissed him briefly before slowly lifting your hips up and sinking back down. Ashton shuddered beneath you.
"I love you too," he said after a moment, eyes opening to connect with yours. His body was buzzing with excitement and he knew he wasn't going to last long not after that blowjob. You sank down onto hm once again, picking up the pace. Ashton's arm had wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly to him. He tried his best to buck his hips up into you, but without a back to his seat it proved hard. "Fuck, just like that," he moaned, lips connecting with your neck to give you a love bite. You could feel his other arm brush against your stomach and soon his thumb connected with your clit. Ashton wasn't going to last long, but he didn't want to come to his release without you getting there first. Your pace picked up and you tried your best to hold in your moans so that no one outside the arena could hear.
"Ash," you cried out, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You began to figure eight your hips, nails digging into his bicep as you felt pleasure course through you. The pressure building up in your core was growing and it wasn't until Ashton quickly yanked the front of your dress down and take one of your nipples into his mouth that you began to unfold above him. Nipple play was always a surefire way to get you to orgasm. A low whine leaving your lips as your cunt pulsed in pleasure. You kept riding Ashton, squeezing around his cock. It all happened fast. Ashton nearly slipping off the stool as he reached his own high, your back hitting against the drum set making one of the hi-hats ring loud. After a moment your movements stopped. The only sound being heard were the panted breaths between the two of you. Your head rested on his shoulder and his hands wiped sweat from your forehead. He looked down at you with a goofy grin, fighting the urge to fall asleep.
"That was wonderful," he said, hugging you tightly. You nodded in response. Spontaneous sex was always your favorite and you knew that if you wanted to get your release on tour the two of you would have to do a lot of that.
"Ashton!" the crowd yelled out, drawing the wavy haired man out of his daydream memory.
"Huh?" Ashton blurted into the mic. His eyes looked away from your thong that had found its way near his drum kit and out towards everyone. A blush formed on his cheeks and Ashton swiped the article of clothing from off the ground before heading closer towards the edge of the stage. "Sorry, I was just remembering something from-earlier," he told them, tucking your underwear into his back pocket.
"What was it?" someone had shouted. Ashton smirked at the question and his teeth sunk into his bottom lips.
"Just some before pre-show ritual Y/N and I are thinking about starting," he told them. He glanced at the side of the stage to see you standing there wearing a different dress from earlier. You winked at him in understanding then nodded your head back at the crowd in a signal to tell him to pay attention.
"Alright, Ashton's deep in his thoughts today. Any questions for me!?" Calum teased, bumping his shoulder into Ashton's. Laughter erupted from the group and Ashton smiled at them in happiness. He wasn't joking about his comment. He hoped that the two of you could make it a tradition to have a pre-show before the pre-show from here on out. Hopefully in a more private area next time.
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eefeefeefeef12345 · 4 years
Happy Valentines day <3 
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roseyblushess · 7 years
i am now 5sos’ bitch. i mean i have been ever since luke was oing covers. but now i have sol me and my dogs soul to them and like, i dont plan on stopping whatever the fuck is happening rn because if im being honest, i fucking love being their bitch
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