#ashley shepherd
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watermelonsandal · 2 years ago
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Dark Room Victims (Life is Strange)
This download is for The Sims 2.
Download: [SFS]
While I try to figure out converting hairs to The Sims 4, here are a couple of Sims 2 projects that I’ve been working on/finalising.
I tried to imagine what the rest of Jefferson’s victims looked like, which led to this.
Alexis’s bracelet, Ashley’s bangles, Crystal’s lip piercing, and Lula’s watch require Bon Voyage.
Tyra’s pendant requires Open for Business.
I tried to include as much of the required CC as possible, but unfortunately wasn’t able to include it all. There are some things that you’ll need to download yourself…
Custom Content Required but not Included:
Alexis: Pendant Mesh ⚫ Pendant Ashley: Necklace Mesh ⚫ Necklace Cassidi: Pendant Mesh Deanna: Pendant Mesh ⚫ Earrings Mesh Lucy: Earrings Lula: Earrings Mesh Marissa: Bracelets Suzie: Pendant Mesh
Images Used:
Dorothe ⚫ Elena
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bonniehooper · 3 months ago
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Endless List of My Favorite TV Shows
The Last of Us (2023 - Present)
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camyfilms · 1 year ago
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Billions of puppets with poisoned minds permanently fixed on one unifying goal: to spread the infection to every last human alive by any means necessary. And there are no treatments for this. No preventatives, no cures. They don't exist. It's not even possible to make them.
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izmagicallulu · 2 years ago
Introducing my new baby Astraea Shepherd!
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liketaylorswift · 2 years ago
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double tap to boop the snoot 🐶🤎
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gamerkitten · 2 years ago
Replaying Cassia's save and taking my time this time around so I've been talking to everyone pretty consistently. I just talked to Ash about her grandfather and everything makes sense now. Also, she's very much a close friend at this point so Virmire is going to be even more painful then it was the first time!
Cuz Cass is still going to choose Kaiden, but man if that guilt isn't going to eat at her. Especially after what goes down on Horizon.
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themosleyreview · 2 years ago
The Mosley Review: The Last of Us (Season 1)
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For as long as I can remember, the film adaptation of a video game has always been the bane of my existence. Every time Hollywood tries to bring to life an interactive and sometimes 40 - 80 hour experience that gaming gives to us the players, they have either lightly adapted what they thought was cool or completely ignored the source material. We end up with films like Double Dragon, 1993’s Super Mario Bros., all the Resident Evil films including the Netflix monstracity and then the most recent Mortal Kombat film. I have been waiting for someone to get it right and do the games we all love justice. I have started many reviews like this when it comes to video game adaptations, but this time its actually different. The gaming studio Naughty Dog has made 2 of the most compelling and cinematic franchises in gaming history that are both celebrated by critics and loved by fans. Uncharted started it all with its amazing storytelling that harkened back to the old school adventure serial films and Indiana Jones franchise. Its live action adaptation ignored the order the 4 games canonically came in and just adapted the 3rd and possibly the 4th game instead of the starting from the beginning! Don't get me started on the casting. The same was slated to happen with the next universally acclaimed, beloved and in my opinion, perfect survival story ever to created in gaming. The Last of Us was a massive milestone for the gaming industry in its groundbreaking mechanics, voice acting, performance capture and thematic morality tale that made you question the main character’s actions while living in such a harsh apocalyptic world. Once it was announced that it was to become a series, I breathed a sigh of relief because there was no way it could've been crushed into a 2 and half hour epic without missing the entire character growth and the relationship dynamic of the main characters. My hope was that if they can nail the first heartbreaking 15 minutes of the game, then you have my attention. I was over joyed that they nailed it, but also recoiled in fear of what they were going to change in the long run.
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With any adaptation there’s going to be some changes from the source material that may work in the book or the video game that won't translate on to the big or small screen. Such is the case with this adaptation and for the most part this show recreated shot for shot and used dialogue straight from the game and I loved that. There were alot of scenes that were removed, added and reworked to fit the live action version and they all range from great to abysmally incorrect. I won't spend the rest of the review comparing all the scenes that don't match the game, but I WILL point out what was changed that irked me to the highest degree. So I will end up soiling an episode or 2 and many scenes from the show that miss represented the game. So this is your warning for light to mid spoilers for a game that is over 10 years old, but I will be fair to those that are just now discovering the story for the first time. From the minute the show starts the rules of the infection were rewritten and it fit and made for a more realistic approach if you will. I will say that the casting in this show was spot on in so many ways and the care that the cast took to bring these beloved characters to life was admirable, but don't be deceived. They have nailed aspects of the characters, but they are different from their digital counterparts. As an African American man, I'm all about diverse casting in entertainment, but what I hate is race swapping in stories just to check that box. We have enough representation in this story already with Marlene, Riley, Henry and Sam. The choice to change the race of Joel, Tommy, Maria and Sarah was unnecessary in my opinion and I wished they stayed true to the character designs. They may have the accents, the clothes and sometimes the same hair color, but they don't look like the characters I know and I love. That being said, this was a very talented cast and they all were brilliant in their performances as they carried us through this intense story.
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Pedro Pascal has always been an amazing actor that can get into the soul of a character and carry such weight in his eyes. As the iconic character Joel, he nails the heart of the character in so many subtle ways. He captures his darker nature while delivering the emotional undertones in his words and eyes. The growth the character goes through I felt was a little too quick and their wasn't enough emotional resistance. Gabriel Luna was fun as his brother Tommy and I liked the moments they were together. What I didn't like is that the rift between them was almost completely removed from the source material and what we're given is a different reason for him to not help Joel that was relevant for this version, but irrelevant as whole. Nico Parker was excellent as Joel's daughter Sarah and she nailed the innocence of the character and represented that last sliver of humanity Joel had. I really enjoyed Anna Torv as Tess. She nailed the character's tough exterior and steadfast loyalty to Joel. Her and Joel clearly had a history together that made them not great people and loved seeing that fully realized, but I do wish they had kept her red hair. There is a particular part of her arc that ends dramatically differently from the game that was partly an improvement, but as a whole, they did her dirty in the end. It was awesome that they brought back the original actress that voiced Marlene in the game to the screen. Merle Dandridge delivered the same amount of excellence and complexity that she introduced in voice and now in live action. My only gripe is that toward the end, she was colder emotionally and than she was in the game. She has a hard decision to make, but it felt so factual instead of having remorse. Bella Ramsey did an excellent job bringing to life Ellie. She nailed the character's curiosities, childlike charm, toughness and above all, she showed the emotional toll that the world has on a youth. Through her interactions with real violence, she understood the depths of how savage and horrific humanity can be. Her chemistry with Joel was the saving grace of the show and I loved it as they grew closer together. Sometimes it felt forced, but it leveled out along the way. The iconic "Is this what people really cared about before?" scene from the game is word for word recreated and wonderfully acted by the both of them and it hit just as hard as it did back in 2013. Storm Reid was perfect as Ellie's bestfriend Riley and their episode together was one of the best and the most accurate adaptation of the “Left Behind“ DLC story from the game. Lamar Johnson and Keivonn Woodard were fantastic as Henry and his younger brother Sam. Their scenes really were heartwarming, but their story for the show was a bit convoluted in execution. Simplicity would've been key here.
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Now comes the part where it could be split you the reader from me the reviewer and I respect your opinion if you disagree with me. I have no problem with the LGBTQ community and I don't care if a character is gay and you want to tell their story. What I do have a problem with is completely disregarding their incredible arc from the source material to shove a different story in your face. All adaptations have to make changes to fit the screen version, but this was radically different. Nick Offerman is a great comedic actor, but he is an outstanding dramatic actor. As Bill, he did exactly that and I loved him in the role, but I wish they had stuck with the original version of his story. He is gay and a survivalist in the game, but they made him kind of dumb in this adaptation. If people are at your fence shooting at you, you don’t stand still in the street and shoot back. You behind cover and pick them off! Murray Bartlett was excellent as his partner Frank and their chemistry was fantastic as their love story grew beautifully. My problem with this entire arc is that it doesn't serve the characters or the original story justice. Yes, you want to show that there is still hope for love and kindness in this depressing world, but that wasn't the point for Bill and Frank in the game. I’ve always believed that Bill and Joel are different sides of the same coin. Bill cutting himself off from caring for anyone by being a mean loner that caused Frank to hate and leave him and then get himself killed. Joel could've become that with Tess or even Ellie, but Ellie slowly brings back the caring nature of Joel. That incredible storytelling element was completely erased for an arc that didn't belong to those 2  characters. Another character that didn't belong or was horribly miss cast was Melanie Lynskey as Kathleen Coghlan. Melanie is an amazingly charismatic actress, but as a leader of a rebellious group of people that over took a government quarantine zone? Nah. I didn't by it one bit. Scott Shepherd was good as David, but I wish they didn't fluff out his story so much. There is a glaring error in logic when it comes to his arc and it made for a mixed bag of an episode for him. He nailed the charm and soothing nature of the character, but the blatant intentions of this version of the character rubbed me the wrong way. I���m pretty much tired of the “preacher” archetype in every apocalyptic series. Its always there, but sometimes you can just not have it. For us the fans of the games, we get to have the original cast of the video game return as easter eggs and they’re spread out within the show. Merle Dandridge I already revealed, but for you to find the original Joel (Troy Baker), Tommy (Jeffrey Pierce) and Ellie (Ashley Johnson) and 1 more hidden TLOU 2 actor, I won't spoil the fun in finding them. Just know that they all have an integral part, but 1 of them has the most heartbreaking.
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The score of the show could not be done without the maestro of the game. It would've been a true disservice to the show without the haunting theme and music. Gustavo Santaolalla returns and delivers the beautiful score we love from the game and is accompanied by fellow composer David Fleming. The two of them made an excellent pair and delivered a variety of different and refreshing takes on the emotional core of scenes and the different compositions of the themes. The season finale featured a track titled "Vengeance" and it was truly the darkest and saddest track in the show. The creature and makeup effects were disgustingly spot on! From the infected to the full on clickers, they were even more terrifying in live action and harder to look at. The sound design of them was amplified in the best way. Visually the show nailed the look and feel of the game. It was a shot for shot recreation of the game and that was the chef's kiss. Aside from all the comparisons to the game, the drastic alterations to characters and switching of locations, I felt this series needed a 10th episode. There was a serious amount of rushing toward the latter half of the show and especially in the finale. Early on there is a plot point that is introduced with Ellie and water that is a massive detail in the game and its in the show, but doesn't get paid off. They completely ignore this massive moment that was the catalyst that led to the intense final 20 minutes of the finale. If there was a 10th episode, I feel this show would've almost been a 1:1 creation through and through. In the end, was this a great adaptation of one of the greatest stories in gaming? No. I would say it was good. Even with the creator Neil Druckmann being completely hands on from the beginning, I feel that the show captured 80 percent of the game which is more than any other adaptation I've ever seen do. Its not the greatest adaptation of all time like most exclaimed from watching the premiere, but it is a perfect example of what needs to happen to video game adaptations from now on. Make them a series, but respect and stick to the source material like white on rice and don't deviate so much. Let me know what you thought of the series or my review/essay in the comments below. Thanks for reading!  
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lyrasky · 10 months ago
【THE LAST OF US ラスト・オブ・アス】完全キャラクター解説まとめ【保存版】Cast and Characters
【THE LAST OF US ラスト・オブ・アス】キャラクター解説まとめ【保存版】Cast and Characters Lyraのブログへ #THELASTOFUS #ラストオブアス #キャラクター #出演者 #cast #PedroPascal #BellaRamsey #NicoParker #JohnHannah #ChristopherHeyerdahl #ラスア#MerleDandridge #TLoU #BrendanFletcher #AnnaTorv #GabrielLuna #ChristineHakim #NickOfferman #MurrayBartlett #LamarJohnson #MelanieLynskey #KeivonnMontrealWoodard #JeffreyPierce #JohnGetz #RutinaWesley #GrahamGreene #ElaineMiles #StormReid #ScottShepherd #TroyBaker #AshleyJohnson
いよいよ待ちに待った 【THE LAST OF US】ラスト・オブ・アスのTVシリーズ公開が2023年1月15日に決定。早速あらすじ解説を書こうか迷い中のLyraです。何故なら【ウォーキング・デッド 】のスピンオフやら海外ドラマや映画ネタを書く予定の物が目白押しだから(笑)! でも大期待して来たアポカリプスの世界を本気で真面目に描いてるこの【THE LAST OF US】について書かないのは「ホラー好きで、黙示録的世界が好きで、ロードムービー好きで、ゾンビものが好きな…
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utilitycaster · 1 year ago
Still thinking about this and I stand by it; to be honest I don't know what Orym would have done, but I'm thinking about episode 31, and how Orym's insistence the party work together was understandable and in-character but also really cut the party off at the knees in terms of venting some frustrations at what ended up being one of the last natural points where they could do so. It's inconvenient that the party fell apart now, but there's been such an ongoing theme of everyone setting aside all their anger and frustration because so much was going on or because they mistakenly believed that was the key to party harmony, and Orym, understandably, is one of the party members most guilty not only of that for himself but of suggesting it, with good but misguided intentions, for others.
I also think gentleness would have neither helped Ashton in this situation, and arguably would have made them feel worse. It's a little awkward right now from a metagaming perspective, and I'm interested in seeing how Liam plays it next episode, but to continue the metaphor above I think the best thing Orym could have done for the party is step back and let the pot boil over for a while.
Wait also before I go to bed: I do actually think Orym not really being there kind of helped bring things to a boil; perhaps WAY too rapidly but I think some things that needed to be said got said specifically because there was no real mediator! I want to see what he says when he gets back, but you know, sometimes everyone needs to scream for a while!
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glitterinlowgravity · 2 years ago
I'm rewatching the iron shepherds arc and. I wonder what would have happened if they had been TPKed in ep 26
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pupsmailbox · 11 months ago
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NAMES︰ agnes.  agnus.  aiden.  angus.  april.  aries.  ash.  ashley.  baa.  baanie.  baanny.  barry.  bella.  buttercup.  cailyn.  cliff.  clove.  clover.  colt.  corey.  dolly.  farley.  forest.  haley.  herd.  herdier.  herdiette.  howard.  howie.  jack.  jackie.  jacob.  june.  kerry.  kori.  kreios.  lady.  lamb.  lambchop.  lambette.  lambia.  lamby.  leanna.  lloyd.  mary.  max.  may.  mea.  meadow.  oen.  oenwen.  ovid.  owain.  owen.  phrixus.  pixie.  puff.  rachel.  reed.  roi.  rowan.  roy.  shear.  shearie.  sheepette.  shelley.  shelly.  shep.  shepherd.  summer.  tulip.  una.  willow.  wool.  woolette.  wooley.  woolie.  wooly.  úna.
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PRONOUNS︰ b/baa.  ba/baa.  baa/baa.  bla/black.  bro/brown.  co/coat.  coat/coat.  cur/curl.  fl/fluff.  fle/fleece.  fleece/fleece.  flo/flock.  flock/flock.  fluff/fluff.  gra/grass.  grass/grasse.  he/herd.  her/herd.  herd/herd.  ho/hoove.  hoove/hoove.  ju/jump.  la/lamb.  lam/lamb.  lamb/lamb.  she/ar.  she/ep.  she/shear.  she/sheep.  shear/shear.  sheep/sheep.  sheer/sheer.  whi/white.  wo/wool.  wool/wool.  🌱/🌱.  🌷/🌷.🌸/🌸.☘/☘.  🌾/🌾.  🌿/🌿.  🐏/🐏.  🐑/🐑.  💤/💤.
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bonniehooper · 1 year ago
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Top Picks of 2023
My Top 12 Favorite TV Shows - #1: The Last of Us
Show Premiered: January 15th, 2023
Started Watching: ^
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starrsbeck · 3 months ago
Resident Evil if they were dogs
Chris Redfield - Sable with White Markings Romanian Carpathian Shepherd
Claire Redfield - Wolfgray & Black with White Markings Romanian Carpathian Shepherd
Jill Valentine - Brown Nose Light Wheaten with White Markings Rhodesian Ridgeback
Albert Wesker - Black Standard Poodle with docked tail
Piers Nivans - Black, White & Silver Norwegian Elkhound
Ada Wong - Black & Tan American Leopard Hound
Leon Kennedy - Silver Brindle Black Dutch Shepherd
Sheva Alomar - Black & Cream Lapponian Herder
Ashley Graham - Tan & White Longhaired Chihuahua
Carlos Oliveira - Black, Rust & White Bernese Mountain Dog
Luis Serra - Black & Tan Giant Schnauzer
Rebecca Chambers - Black & Tan Welsh Terrier
Ethan Winters - Blenheim Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Mia Winters - Fawn (Isabella) & Tan Longhaired Dachshund
We went crazy on the AKC website and you all need to hear it. We based this on looks, temperament, and vibes!
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lisacameron99 · 9 months ago
OC Names
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid's love interest - Alyssa Jackson (oc, no relation to anybody on the show)
Aaron Hotchner's love interest - Olivia Rossi (Dave's daughter)
Luke Alvez's love interest - Sarah Reid (Spencer's twin sister)
Colin Bridgerton's love interest - Audrey Lilyington (cousins to Kate's family)
Anthony Bridgerton's love interest - Polly Fetherington (Penelope's older sister)
Benedict Bridgerton's love interest - Caroline Abernathy (Lucy's older sister)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Andrew DeLuca's love interest - Lindsey Webber (Richard's daughter)
Mark Sloan's love interest - Grace Shepherd (Derek and Amelia's sister)
Alex Karev's love interest - Haley O'Malley (George's sister)
Jack Gibson's love interest - Ashley Sloan (Mark's Sister)
Peter Parker - Taylor Rogers (Steve's sister)
Bucky Barnes' love interest - Lauren Stark (Tony's sister)
Steve Rogers' love interest - Rebecca Barnes (Bucky's sister)
Thor - Alex Maximoff (Pietro and Wanda's sister)
One Tree Hill
Lucas Scott's love interest - Madison James (Hailey's sister)
Nathan Scott's love interest - Anna Sawyer (Payton's sister)
Q's love interest - Natalie Scott (Nathan's full sister, Lucas' half sister)
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank's love interest - Lily Routledge (John B's sister)
John B. Routledge's love interest - Melissa Jane Maybank (MJ) (JJ's sister)
Rafe Cameron's love interest - Cassie Roberts (progue!reader)
Dean Winchester's love interest - Samantha Singer (Bobby's daughter)
Sam Winchester's love interest - Stephanie Bradbury (Charlie's sistere)
John Winchester's love interest - Meghan Harvell (Wililam Harvell's sister, Jo's aunt)
Lip Gallagher's love interest - Alison Milkovich (Mickey and Mandy's sister)
Pretty Little Liars
Jason DiLaurentis' love interest - Andy Rivers (Caleb's sister)
Mike Montgomery's love interest - Emma Hastings (Spencer's sister)
Noel Kahn's love interest - Kate DiLaurentis (Alison and Jason's sister)
Caleb Rivers' love interest - Brooke Montgomery (Aria and Mike's sister)
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liketaylorswift · 2 years ago
somebody give this crackhead something to do 😭
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sleppyhazel12 · 2 months ago
Resident Evil as Dogs! (imo)
Leon: (more to the gray side with ears like this v-v) Goberian
Annette: (white) Silken Windhound
Wesker: (fawn) Doberman
Mia: (dapple long haired) Dachshund
Rose: Dachshund Lab mix
Krauser: (brown) Pitbull
Claire: (red) German shepherd Husky mix
Ethan: (yellow) Labrador
Chris: German Shepherd Husky mix
Rebecca: Lemon Beagle
Jill: (blue merle) Border Collie
Sherry: (white creamy, puppy :3) Silken Windhound Lab mix
Jake: (Pitbull??) Doberman mix
Ashley: Pomeranian
Ada: (black) Schipperkes
Barry: (brindle and white) American Bulldog
Luis: American water spaniel
Carlos: (black) Terra Nova
Sheva: (brindle) Africanis
William: (cream) German Shepherd
I based it more on the characters' looks, but their personalities also match in my opinion.
if you want you can make requests for other RE characters as dogs!
I took 2 weeks to finish this list :,)
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