#asdfghj i might just tag this as
windser · 27 days
absolutely glazing myself right now about capitano. but imagine being an part of the fatui. maybe you wanted to be there, maybe you didn’t. but the fact is, you were raised in the environment so there was really no where else for you.
there are other factions outside of the harbringer, and your father is the captain of one. hard but not cruel, respectful. just mindful and competent enough to gain the attention of one of the most revered harbringers, capitano.
adding on how maybe you were an only child or perhaps your father wants you to follow the footsteps of himself or an older sibling. the point is it gets you sat in his office daily until you learn to like being part of the fatui.
and try as he might, all your father’s efforts finally come to fruition the first time you meet capitano.
capitano who takes the time to visit military camps to assess the strength of the fatui.
capitano who is aware of all his soliders.
capitano who doesn’t yet know you, but the moment he sees you sitting all pretty to the left of your father, he’s already strategizing all the ways to get you on his right.
asdfghkjsjl and like at first when he asks about you i bet your father is trying to glaze you so bad. about how much promise you have even if you’ve never lifted a finger. and jokes on him, he basically handed you over at that point.
bigger joke is, rather than be capitano’s solider your now his princess. letting you do as you please.
you want to fight? he supports your efforts. but god save whoever bests you.
you want to never lift a sword? fine by him.
it doesn’t matter what, you’ll always have the captain’s favor.
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jorvikzelda · 2 years
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Also got this positively adorable snapshot of Zelda Bowsmith and Heavyheart while window-shopping in Global Store. they're mirroring each other 🥺 its like a little dance! striking a lil pose !
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fabdante · 6 months
9, 13, 19
Thank you for the ask!! And helping me procrastinate asdfghjk (These are for the WIP Ask Game! Unless they're for the pokemon one if so let me know and I will gladly talk about pokemon more asdfghj)
9. What’s the biggest reason this project is still a WIP?
This answer got very long I apologize asdfghjk
I tend to be a very go with the flow writer. I don't really have a carved out time for writing so I think a big reason a lot of my WIPs are still WIPS is definitely like...the fact that often after a day of doing other things I just manage to clunk out a sentence or two for one project at a time.
But for a lot of them the reason is editing! While it's true I don't often write a lot every day, I have written every day since I was like 16ish asdfghj so once I finally got comfortable with the idea of sharing fic, I've been locating ones I like enough to start the clean up process for and they've been just stuck in a really long editing limbo (I also really enjoy editing so I tend to take my time).
For some of my WIPs though there's far more specific reasons.
Swan Song, my super long Kat/Vergil DmC Reboot prequel fic, abruptly ran into a wall about 250k in. Now, personally, I think Swan Songs current first draft has run it's course. I started the draft due to an event in real life and I just like needed an outlet, something to focus on, and that became Swan Song. I'm a much different writer then I was when I started it like...I don't know how to approach it anymore. It's been a push and pull between 'do I scrap it for parts or do I start over?'. Part of the problem is also given the fact it was such an outlet for me it's become a very sentimental draft so it's hard for me to do anything with it (a large part of why I think my current course of action is just 'start again, this can be the outline' asdfghjk). Also I think Swan Song might have been um...A Tad Ambitious given I had never in my life written something multi chapter before and finished. Let alone a story that would span 5 years in it's plot with so many moving parts.
13. Do you already know your title, summary, and tags for your WIP, or are those things you’ll figure out at the end?
Good question!
Most of this stuff I do at the end! But the sections I use for the summary purposes I tend to start picking out during editing.
Titles are complicated. Sometimes they come very quickly. Swan Song was titled very fast, for example. It actually started as a code name so I had something to call it when talking to friends but the more the project grew it kind of grew into the name.
Others I start working on during editing. Like the Grunge Band AU (which is as of now titled Excerpts from ‘Eye of the Storm: The Story of Devil May Cry’. Subject to change however).
But usually title is last as a sort of celebration of getting the fic done!
19. What is a favorite line of dialogue so far?
'Journals full of notes dissecting each poem and pinning them down like butterflies.' < from V in the Grunge Band AU!
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sehtoast · 10 months
Any tips to make writing sound better? I'm thinking of writing again, but I feel as if it doesn't flow right. Any insight will be helpful.
before i answer, i wanna tag @blindmagdalena who is like my writing hero (hi amyyy :D) bc her word choice is astronomical and she makes sentences and stories flow beautifully. asdfghj that said, ameson, any advice?
my advice, honestly? read. read frequently, read often, and read with your brain on harvest mode. you're not just reading for pleasure; you're reading to learn.
look at how authors use literary devices to deliver sentences (BLEUGH I SOUND LIKE MY PROFESSOR) and think of how they provide 'ooomf' to those words. my favorite to use is alliteration when i'm trying to really hammer something in, but i never seem to use it in fics, weirdly enough (i do love it as a way to be a smartass with line delivery in essays though lol). i generally do repeat certain things when i'm trying to emphasize them (typically overwhelming emotions). repetition can be magical.
more below of things i think really help written works flow:
you could throw in some imagery. "He weathered the blows effortlessly, unmoving with each punch," sounds cool, but "He weathered the blows effortlessly, standing tall and firm like an oak tree," really cements how little the hits disturbed the person.
think of how that sentence you just wrote sounds in your mind. think of what's going on in the scene. how do the characters feel?
"He strained, trying hard to swim to the surface," is a nice sentence that flows, but let's imagine the situation is dire and add a lil spice. "He fought desperately, panic jolting through his veins as he battled against the roaring rapids."
try to pick words that convey the emotions of the moment. i'm not sure how to describe this, but there are words that match the vibe of your setting and finding them can make your writing go from viscous and thick to smooth and silky. check out this bitchin' thesaurus that has become my best friend
think, also, about the tone in your mind as you imagine the words. do you want them to have emphasis? italics baby. extra extra emphasis? bold italics baby!
also: try not to repeat words often (unless you're doing it intentionally wink wink). sometimes it really is unavoidable, but a word used 3 times in one paragraph can sometimes stick out and make for a disruption of flow. again, sometimes you can't help it, but check out that bitchin' lil thesaurus above if you're struggling to find alternate words.
let's consider sentence structure. the human mind is incredible at identifying patterns, and if you use the same structure back to back to back, it might stick out and disrupt the flow. <words words words>, <words words words>, <words words words.> at the start, followed by an identically structured sentence three consecutive times might get wonky.
and don't forget, paragraph breaks can add emphasis! and sometimes a single sentence is your paragraph.
generally, all of this contributes to the flow of your writing in some way or another. i'm not sure if this is quite what you're looking for, but it's what my brain jumped to <3
anyway, i am not the be-all-end-all on writing. nobody is, really. i've only been writing for a year now, but i'd like to think i've learned a thing or two since then and i'm happy to share!
ultimately, write what you're happy with. it doesn't have to adhere to any of the above to be good. if it makes you feel good, it is good.
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
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I posted 534 times in 2022
That's 534 more posts than 2021!
108 posts created (20%)
426 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 169 of my posts in 2022
#nmw - 42 posts
#mcyt g/t - 28 posts
#mcyt gt - 21 posts
#g/t - 19 posts
#g/t community - 15 posts
#beckyu answers - 14 posts
#beckyu arts - 13 posts
#gt community - 13 posts
#brick my beloved &lt;3 - 13 posts
#gt inktober - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i have literally never tired art in this style nor in g/t so i'm actually flippen proud of myself for how well this came out asdfghj
My Top Posts in 2022:
Don’t forget to mention that...
Well I never expected this to be the first finished bit of writing I posted here. I promise I’m still writing that other one I’ve hinted at, I just want it to be perfect!! I actually wrote this back in August and was re-reading it and thought: huh its not bad so edited it a bit and here we are. (this is literally the 2nd fanfic I’ve ever written as well as g/t piece and I haven’t even finished the first so please be kind qwq)  This was inspired by an artwork that @dingbatnix created! Original post here  I hope you like it ❤️
cw: mcyt g/t, soft, slight panic, mention of death man I hope that’s right
word count:  2375
“A nap in the sun would be nice right about now.” George said as he made his way to the top of a big red toadstool. Winter was fast approaching and the time for napping in the sun would soon be over while the cold months of snow and ice overtake the world. George didn’t mind the thought of snow though. I mean, when you’re 2 inches tall, snow isn’t exactly your friend when even a light powder can have you buried and frozen alive. It was going to be tougher to find food and shelter soon too. Part of him wishes he hadn’t left the colony; that he had stayed with his own kind rather than travel the vast world. But he had lost his parents long ago and had never made any real friends back home, so what real attachment did he have in staying? So George had instead chosen a life of adventure. He’d been wandering the forest and plains for a few years now. Learning about its hidden wonders and knowledge unknown. While he wasn’t exactly born for magic, he had certainly picked up the odd spell or two. He had once befriended a size-shifting fire-born demon named Sapnap, that he had spent the winters with in the past and learnt some basic spells anyone with enough practice could use. Although he had never actually seen his friend's bigger form, he missed Sapnap dearly. He had left to go meet with an old friend of his for a while and George had decided he wanted to continue to explore. But whilst George was curious and loved discovering new things, he tended to stay away from anything larger than a bush. Or if he was being more specific; Humans. When you live in a world that’s 100x bigger than you, sentient beings 100x bigger with it are terrifying. He’d seen the destruction beings of such caliber could cause. If they wanted to, they could tear through trees with massive iron blades, light fires and cause havoc in an instant. But at worst? They’d stamp out life in a heartbeat. And while you think they may only be stories told to young children to keep them within the safety of the colony walls, George had seen it first hand. His parents had hidden him in a small grotto before leading the monsters away. And because of that, he’d never actually encountered a human in person. That was definitely something he could be grateful for. He’d only seen a little of what had happened to his parents before they had passed and he had opted to drown out the sounds of destruction rather than watch it in horror. Who knew it would be the last time he would ever see them. He missed them dearly but was thankful that in all his time traveling, he’d never seen a human and hopefully never would. Hope might have been an understatement….
George placed his little toadstool hat to the side of him as he removed his satchel from over his shoulder. He brushed over it lightly, a small smile gracing his face as he reminisced in fondness. He had fought with Sapnap over how to do smaller stitches rather than big uneven ones that left room for holes, rambling on how his attention to detail was just George being picky similar to his other friend. George then smoothed out his moss cloak to lie on and laid back onto the toadstool, resting on his back using one hand to cushion his head. His other hand fiddling idly  with his light blue shirt. He adjusted his white rimmed goggles on his face with delicate care and closed his eyes as the warmth of the evening sun shone upon him. It’s ray’s practically dancing along his skin as it warmed each cell of his very being. It was nice. On rare occasions he would find himself being able to enjoy the sun like this. Too often this world was out to get him and yet somehow he would find the odd times that he could let himself drift away in bliss. Drift away…. Maybe to sleep? Yeah, that sounded nice. 
George continued to keep his eyes closed and began to focus on the sounds around him. Despite his loud and rowdy personality, Sapnap had shown him how to enjoy moments like these. He missed him dearly. Perhaps their paths would cross again during the winter? It was unlikely since he could size shift and had said his friend traveled around a lot, but George was happy for him. A small part of George wished he had stayed with him. Sapnap had even offered for George to accompany him and meet his friend, always saying how he thought they would get along so well and how much he knew they would just love George. But the fact that Sapnap was a size shifter implied that his friend was also one and that scared George. He wasn’t ready for that no matter how much Sapnap insisted that they wouldn’t harm him. George shook away those thoughts for now though, because he was going to drift away. Just for a bit… 
The sounds of rustling leaves in the breeze began to get fainter as George felt himself lulling off to sleep, the sun continuing to blanket him in its warmth. He was almost asleep when he suddenly felt the surface beneath him move. ‘Probably the wind’ he thought. Then it moved again. ‘Okay maybe there’s a deer nearby. That’s ok.’ And again. George opened his eyes slowly. “So close to a nap” he grumbled. The toadstool shook again. George’s mind quickly came back to reality. He could hear the steady sound of massive footsteps approaching as his world began to shake over and over. “Ok, maybe not a deer.” George said out loud as he slung his satchel back on and his hat. Whatever was coming was big and that was never good. The footsteps continued to come closer and the shaking worsened. The steps were timed and even, something that animals rarely did. Whatever this was wasn’t an animal. “Oh no.” George said as the realization dawned on him. “Please don’t be that. Oh please anything but that.”
George raced to slide off the top of the toadstool. He was practically exposed if he didn’t get off there fast enough! He managed to make it off the top and landed to the ground with a thud as the sound of tree branches parted. The sound of footsteps ceased right in front of where George was hidden beneath the toadstool. Not a single sound followed. Carefully, George peered his head around the side of the Toadstool and let out a small gasp. In front of him mere inches away was a giant boot. Starring up and up at the giant being before him was his worst nightmare. A human. The man wore a bright green hoodie, blonde hair just in view peeking out from behind a white smiley face mask that covered most of his face from view. But the most terrifying thing about this being was the black shiny purple axe he held in his hand. He’d seen weapons like that before. It was an enchanted netherite axe: one of the most dangerous weapons in existence, and it was held by a human. 
“Hello? Is someone there?” It said.
George slapped himself in the face as he clasped his hands over his mouth. What a fool he was. He was trapped with the only cover being the toadstool. The next closest cover was too far away to run too without being exposed and even if he ran, the human would probably reach him within seconds. He stayed perfectly still. It felt as if he moved even slightly the toadstool would disappear and he’d be discovered. The human had yet to move. George could only imagine it was scanning the area searching for something. Someone. Him. Carefully he peered out from under the toadstool, trying to get a better idea of what the human was doing. Said human had its back turned to where George was and as predicted was scanning the area looking and listening intently. He watched as the human turned its head slowly as it scanned the area once more. As it began to get closer to looking in his direction, George ducked back out of view. His breathing picked up a little as he did so but he focused on the matter at hand. There’s no way the human saw him right? Right?!? Without warning, the toadstool was suddenly yanked up out of the ground and into the air. George shrieked, eyes wide as his only cover was ripped away leaving him completely exposed and at the mercy of the human. The human and George suddenly fell deathly still, shocked by each other’s presence. Even though the human wore a mask, George could still feel the human's eyes burning a hole through his soul. It had found him. What was he going to do now?
“Wow.” The human whispered in amazement. “Look at you.” Well George didn’t care how amazed the human sounded, his words were enough to snap him out of his frozen state and make a dash for cover. “WAIT! NO! Come back!” The human yelled as he suddenly made a move for him. George ran for the closest bush he could find. He didn’t care where he hid, anything was better than being in the open at the humans mercy. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it far before a large hand gripped itself around his body. He wasn’t held overly tight but it still felt suffocating. It was too warm, too big, too strong! All it would take is one good squeeze and the human could pop George’s head off! 
George tried kicking and thrashing in the Humans hand. His arms were pinned to his body so he was limited but anything was better than nothing in hopes of getting the human to let him go. He felt gravity shift as the human lifted him up higher and higher from the ground. Sapnap had tried to take him flying on a bird once and he had not enjoyed it being up so high. Finally, the grasp loosened around George and he found himself sitting cupped in both the humans massive hands. The human still wore the mask but while he couldn’t make out the human's eyes, he now felt as if it was studying him over. Taking in every last detail of his appearance and it was terrifying. “You’re actually real.” The human said as he poked him with a finger. George hugged his legs to his chest and curled in on himself, willing himself to just disappear. “Please let me go.” He whispered out. He could feel tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. He didn’t want to meet the same gruesome fate his parents had. Maybe if he was obedient it would show him mercy? “I’ll do whatever you want, please just let me go!
“Hurt you?? Oh no, is that what you think I’m going to do?” The human said the sound of disbelief coating his voice. “I just can’t believe you’re actually real. I thought all this time he was just making you up.” George dared to open his eyes. The human still had its mask on but somehow he looked calmer, gentler. “But still, he never said just how small you were. You barely even fit in the palm of my hand.” 
Now it was George’s turn to be in a state of disbelief. This human was speaking as if it knew George but couldn’t believe he existed. That someone had told him about himself. “What do you mean ‘He’ was making me up? Who on earth are you talking about??” George asked. “Oh Sapnap did. He kept going on about how he met this tiny person called George and that you used to live together.” The human replied. “He always goes on about how much we’d get along and how much I’d like you.”
Sapnap? SAPNAP?!?! This was the friend he was always talking about?!?!?! A human friend. How had Sapnap failed to mention the one most important detail that his friend was a human? Sure he’d said that his friend wouldn’t hurt him but never once had he mentioned or implied that his friend was Human. George began to fume. “I’m going to murder him first chance I get!” George yelled. “He never said you were a human! He always said the same thing to me too about how great you were and that we could be like some dumb Dream Team!” George said steaming.
“Really? I rather like the name Dream Team.” The human said, laughing a bit at the end. “Then again, I’m biased with my name literally being Dream.”
“Wait, your name is Dream???” George said as he stared up at Dream, the apparent human. “Wait he didn’t tell you my name? Oh Sapnap’s an idiot I swear.” George laughed in response. “Oh don’t I know it.” They both laughed for a bit at the dumbness of their friend. “Well it’s nice to meet you then Dream. I’m George, but I’m guessing you already knew that huh?” George said as he began to relax. Dream shifted George into his left hand as he grabbed his mask with the right and lifted his mask. A face dotted with Freckles adorned with a mischievous grin and bright green eyes looked back into his own brown and blue eyes. “Yeah I knew and man I’m gonna mess around with Sapnap for not telling you more about me when we get back.” Dream said as he turned and started to make his way out of the Forest.
And as the two trekked back to where Dream and Sapnap had set up camp, George couldn’t help but be at ease. Even though Dream was a human, he couldn’t help but feel safe in the human's grasp thanks to Sapnap and all those stories he had shared. Even if he’s never told him once that his friend was a human, he knew he could trust Sapnap and that was enough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I actually finished a story. I never thought this day would come T-T. I really hope everyone enjoyed this it was a lot of fun to write and I’m glad I did get around to finishing it. Thank you @squishys-soft-stories for reading the draft ❤️ Stay tuned for the first fic I’ve been writing tho!!! I’m dying at not just sharing it now but its not far off being done!! I promise its going to be worth the wait! Thanks all again if you read to the end ❤️❤️❤️
60 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Crimeboys it is.
And would you know it, it be a fluffy Crimeboys prompt with an instinct driven Giant Wilbur and a human Gremlin Tommy.
The prompt starts with Wilbur not letting Tommy go as he woke up with instinct begging for him to take Tommy everywhere he goes.
Tommy tries to bite Wilbur's fingers so he can put him down but Wilbur ain't buggin anytime soon.
Anywhere Wilbur goes, Tommy is right there since Wilbur isn't letting him go.
Like you can have Wilbur be at work and he still brings Tommy with him as an example.
Just make it as fluffy as you can, you can add anything you want.
If you're up to make this prompt then pog, that is if you want to do it.
Also, if you wanna send me a random g/t prompt that u have, go for it.
This has been in my inbox since I joined Tumblr.
Orchid gorgeous!!!!!!!!! I've rewritten this twice!!!! It took me awhile as I got stuck at one point BUT! I had a new idea today so while its short, I'm very happy with it! I hope I did the prompt justice and you like it!!!
Mine to hold close
cw: mcyt g/t , soft, fluffy, tiny tiny death mention. Words: 607 [One shot]
“Can you put me down you prick?! I’m not gonna freeze I swear!!!” Tommy said with huff as Wilbur scooped him up.
“After the last time it snowed? I don’t think so.” Wilbur responded as he tucked the little human close to his chest. 
“But Wiiiiiiilllll!! I’m not even outside this time!” The giant always tended to get extra clingy around this time of year. His instincts in high gear and on Tommy the second he was awake, worried that Tommy wasn’t warm enough. Tommy didn’t blame him though. Not when he literally met Wilbur in the midst of a snow storm. He hadn’t meant to lose the trail and get stranded in Giant territory, but stuff like that always seemed to follow the Great Tommy Danger Kraken Innit! He’s just lucky that the giant had found him in the snow before he became a frozen popsicle. And even luckier that this Giant didn’t eat humans. So yes, Tommy understood that Wilbur was going to be a little extra cautious about him almost dying of Hypothermia again. But he didn’t have to be so damn cuddly and touchy all the f***** time!!
“Wilbur I’m fine! I’m not gonna get cold! The fires going and keeping everything nice and toasty warm, so stop being a d*** and put me down!!” Tommy said as he squirmed in Wilbur’s hold.
“Tommy. You are literally the most chaotic little gremlin I’ve ever seen. If I put you down, I guarantee you’ll be screaming for help in less than five minutes trying not to freeze your a** off!!” In retaliation, Tommy started biting and scratching at Wilbur’s hand. It didn’t hurt of course, but Wilbur found it cute watching the attempt at escape. He loved Tommy like a brother and ever since he found him had sworn to protect him no matter what, his instincts often being a little overbearing at keeping the chaotic child safe. And if that meant holding onto him for hours at a time, then he’d happily oblige. So what if he had to do his work with one less hand? He’d take holding Tommy any day. That and his instincts kept screaming at him to keep the human close.
After a few minutes Tommy eventually resigned himself to his fate and just chilled in Wilbur’s hand. Though he’d never admit it, he secretly loved it when Wilbur would hold him. He felt safe knowing nothing could hurt him when he was with the giant. He didn’t have to worry about anything and could just be content with his pseudo brother. Staying with the giant being the best decision of his life after their first initial meeting. 
Tommy stayed in Wilbur’s hand all day. They chatted while Wilbur did his chores, Wilbur singing songs to Tommy, Tommy sharing wacky insane ideas with Wilbur, all the while the giant's instincts to keep the human close not faltering once. As day turned to dusk and dusk turned to night, Tommy eventually curled up in Wilbur’s hand. Snuggling in as he fell asleep, hugging one of Wil’s fingers close. Wilbur had to resist the urge to coo at the small sleeping human in his hand. Tommy was so small, so fragile but you’d never guess he had such a boisterous personality and was as lively as what he is. Slowly and carefully, Wilbur made his way to bed, getting in and tucking the human close to his heart. He sighed contently knowing nothing could hurt his brother, his instincts finally satisfied. 
“Good night Tommy.” Wilbur whispered quietly as he drifted off to sleep. The brothers comfortable in each other’s warm embrace.\
I swear I'm still writing the other fic! I swear! I swear! I swear!!! It's gonna be worth the time its taking! PROMISE
64 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
I finally did it!!!!! I got one of these miniature sets!!!! I know people have done them before but this one’s mine with a few personal touches as I didn’t quite do it ‘By the Book’!! That and my silly brain also won’t allow me to glue any of it down either because it’s like: But what if you meet a tiny person? Then they can’t move anything 😭!!!!! So yeah I’m happy!!!
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72 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Day 5 and 6 of @aaytaro-gt gt Inktober!!!!!
Yes I missed the day to post 5. but anyways we have Dance and Jar!!
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Jar also features one of my fav people @a-tiny-frog-girl love ya Froggie 💚
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75 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I have found another thing to give a shot in amongst everything else I’m doing this month! I’m going to take part in g/t InkTober using @aaytaro-gt prompt list! I want to take the opportunity to practice drawing certain positions and I’ve never really tried to draw gt art before so here’s to hoping I stick to it and make some improvements 😊 might switch between traditional and digital art who know.
Day 1. Acorn
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85 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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masquenoire · 2 years
FAVORITE DRINK : Chamomile Tea / Coconut Milk
ZODIAC SIGNS : Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, Pisces Rising / Year of the (Fire) Tiger
FAVORITE SEASON : Spring and Summer! 🌸🌴
CURRENTLY WATCHING : Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal! It’s the only new thing I’ve watched in a loooong time otherwise I’ve been rewatching some old BTAS/Pokémon episodes online. Tempted to watch the Harley Quinn show but I need to find a site online that has the episodes.
NUMBER OF ENEMIES : Enemies? I just don’t have time or energy for that sort of thing. If people dislike me then I’m completely unaware of it, I don’t go out of my way to bother anybody. 🤷
LAST PERSON TEXTED : My mother who went away on holiday this weekend with dad. She showed me their hotel room (beautiful) and photos of the wedding they went to with other family.
LAST THING YOU BOUGHT : Just some groceries last Saturday with my first paycheck? Spicy pepperoni pizza, multigrain crisps, cheese spread, blueberries - that kinda thing. Oh yeah, I got myself a Jurassic World Dimetrodon figure as well because I fucking loved the Jurassic Park (Kenner) line as a kid and wanted a little prehistoric friend on my desk. Honorary successor to my first JP toy. <3
TAGGED: @caestusvulpes (Thank you for this, Clover! ♡)
TAGGING: @arkhampsychiatrist, @draggeddowntothedark, @messeduphood, @oswald-pengu1n-cobblepot, @redhoodedjaybird, @sanguine-salvation, @the-arkham-librarian, @undeadasshcle and anybody else who wants to do this?
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librarygf · 4 years
Same anon as a sec ago: can you turn your wisdom to the godawful “galager” prison reunion scene? Help me make sense of Ian’s rxn to Mickey? Bc it honestly makes me hate him, and you seem to have levels of empathy and insight that I cannot access.
okay i just spent ages scrolling through my blog to find the place where i’ve talked about it before, so here is that, and here are some other s6 thoughts. but to reiterate i have a couple of thoughts about it. 1) i do think it’s mostly an occasion of the writers being dicks but 2) if i still had to analyze it as a character moment, here are some notes:
a) i think that ian did want to visit him and that if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have gone, because he has a job and money and didn’t need that fifty bucks. telling mickey he got paid is a dick move, but i get the impression that although it mellows mickey a little, mickey also understands all that enough to know that it’s just the excuse he’s using to have done something that at least part of him wants to do anyway. at least that’s what i gather from mickey hearing the paid me and still asking if ian will wait etc. (also ian telling svetlana that he’s done with that part of his life is clearly a lie, because the moment he’s in front of mickey he acts decidedly Not Done)
b) i think the context of ian’s other scenes is important, and makes it interesting, because ian spends the first episodes of s6 at everyone’s throats, ready to murder fiona, lip and sean, but with mickey he’s not angry. instead he’s quiet, looking down, and clearly finding the whole thing very difficult. at the same time, him laughing after no it’s fucking not, is practically the only time we see real life slip through in him. but then he wipes it off quickly, and to me the whole scene actually sets up what he’s doing in s6 pretty nicely, by showing how deeply sad he still is about mickey, how he likes him and loves him, and how he’s (selfishly) trying to compartmentalize the whole thing away 
c) it’s my personal headcanon that while mickey sees going down as something he did for ian, ian really doesn’t, because although mickey’s other stints in the joint have been related to him too, he's never loved it before. instead i can easily imagine him finding it pretty dumb that mickey’s locked up (what good does it do him for mickey to torture or almost kill sammi and get locked up for it, and to involve his fourteen-year-old sister in it?), which can explain why he doesn’t feel indebted to mickey for it
d) in the end, when ian says he’ll wait, i think it’s true. obviously not in the sense that he stays celibate or doesn’t date, and maybe not even consciously, but i think that when you watch the seasons and listen to ian in the s6 scene with mandy, telling her that he misses mickey but caleb is good while it lasts, it becomes obvious that he’s not getting long-term, deeply-in-love serious with anyone else, and that a part of him is waiting for mickey to get out, at which point he’ll be ready to drop everything for him (which in s7 he does). this is supported by the speed with which he’s like marriage, kids, retirement once he has mickey with him again
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nightscaped-archive · 7 years
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This is a post that’s long, long overdue and that’s for a whole bunch of unimportant reasons but, since I’ve probably been sitting on this for a good year or so, it’s probably about time I just make the fuckin’ post. Anyway, Kael has ADHD. However, as is the case with his PTSD and depression, this isn’t diagnosed and Kael isn’t aware of it, given that most people find him a bit odd regardless (and by that I mean Kael is just a little odd in his own right). Unfortunately, a lot of things that are actually difficulties presented by his disorders are passed off by Kael as him being ‘odd’ again so he tries not to think to much of them. This also means that his ADHD isn’t medicated, leaving him to develop his own way of coping with things (and, because of this, medication wouldn’t interest him at all; he’s learned to work with himself as he is, in despite of difficulties, and he’s found a system that mostly works for him). Kael’s day to day life is pretty much just him...coping. One of the reasons his ADHD went largely undetected in childhood was because he didn’t fit the ‘stereotypes’ (Kael was VERY quiet as a child, for one), although ignorance on the part of those working at Garden played a significant role too. Also, as ADHD often runs in families, it came from his dad’s side. Jisoo’s ADHD, unlike Kael’s, was diagnosed and medicated from a young enough age.
I’m not going to sit here and list all the reasons why I think it’s right to write Kael this way but I will say that, for me, this makes the most sense. This decision was not made in an attempt to accessorise any disorders and I simply came to the conclusion that, for me personally, Kael strongly read someone with ADHD & a lot of traits lined up with what previously just been Kael Idiosyncrasies. Kael is a hugely important OC to me and being able to write him as someone who was, y’know, neurodivergent from Day One and has grown up like that is something I do care about!
Anyway, I’d like to be clear that I do not have ADHD (altho i have ppl in my family who do) but I am not neurotypical and specifically have a neurodevelopmental disorder (ADHD is one of these) that shares many traits with ADHD (I’m an Aspie) so I can promise you that I have done my research and will continue to do so. If I do fuck up somewhere, though, feel free to let me know!
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honestlyitsjustsam · 2 years
I hope you don’t mind me asking but what is your head cannon on wake-up times for the protocol? Like who’s an early bird and who has to be drug out of bed at noon? Love seeing your little headcannons and ideas in the Val tag!
oh i dont mind!! and im glad you like seeing my posts :3 sometimes i feel like i spam them too much asdfgasdfasdfg
okay so i believe Skye and Sova would def be early birds, the type of birds who also would go for a morning run together and talk about healthy life style... yuck crazy people
Chamber would be up early and would make sure he gets enough sleep and does his morning beauty routine or else he has eyebags and he will eliminate anyone who mentions them...slowly
Brimstone may be up early as well because he likes to meet the agents and its funny for him to see them all sleepy and messy asdfghj then they wake up fr and he makes them waffles and pancakes (mostly for Kj but shhhh)
Astra would be up early as well, she likes the quiet time before every agent is up so she can focus on her yoga and mindful exercises. oh and also she looves watching morning shows on TV which are all about gossip, she loves making fun of the concept and the people in it
Sage def is an early bird as well, i imagine she would wake up and after her meditation and a shower, def would make tea for herself and be tranquil with the day
Breach seems like the type to wake up whenever he pleases, like if he had a fun night and went to bed late he will wake up around afternoon but for a change, if he went to bed early he might wake up at noon, dont think he would be up early usually unless its Sova’s turn to make breakfast i feel the same for Reyna tbh, her waking up routines change whenever she wants to
i dont think Cypher and Viper would sleep..like at all. insomnia is a terrible thing and they both have inner demons which keep them up late at night. so until they cant function properly, they dont sleep which causes them to be up in the morning when everyone is just up. they might think these two are early but in reality they didnt even go to bed yet.
i think kj would sleep at late but wakes up early, she is the type of a person who is content with 4-6 hours of sleep. like it doesnt bother her, she may feel fatigue due to her late night hardworks but that tiredness isnt about the lack of sleep she gets.
raze on the otherhand would again work hard until midnight but sleep until midday as well to a point where kj would need to bring her breakfast because she missed it..My girl isn't sleep deprived; she simply enjoys sleeping.
Neon would be up early as well, but only because she doesn't sleep late; she sleeps at 10pm and wakes up at 9am. She also enjoys running and prefers to do it alone, so since Skye and Sova would be up at 6am, 9am is an ideal time for her.
even tho kayo is powerful, i believe kj would make a charging pod for him asdfghjsdfg like he wouldnt need to sleep but he needs his radianite core to be recharged so he would plug himself in and rest
i believe omen however does not need to sleep, like ever. he doesnt get tire because he doesnt have flesh or a nerve system so he really doesnt need to do anything at night but knit. omens existence is a little bit confusing to me but i see his body as a idk some sort of unstable material plus shade ig idk idk (but he never says no to bigspoon Cy and wake up next to him...)
i think Phoenix might wake up early as well because he looks like he enjoys life and wants to be alive truly, his job is to go and get his gf first because jett tends to be lazy in the mornings and if you dont wake her up she might go and sleep the whole day. so a kiss on the lips is enough for her to wake her up, then they go and visit their bf
yoru has to be the one Phoenix and Jett drug out of the bed, i always thought the dimentional drift to tire him so whenever he has fatigue he just dozes off and wakes up like 20 hours later, his lovers are worried for him :(
fade is a laaazy person, she wakes up late and whenever she wants BUT on sundays she has to be up early because hey sunday breakfast!! a sacred tradition for generations and then she will probably bother Cypher and wont leave him until he eats his breakfast
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plutoswrath · 3 years
Taeil: Cancer in 3rd decan/Pisces in 1st decan
Taeyong: cloudy birth time but confirmed Pisces so i’m betting on Pisces in 3rd decan. He reminds me of young Andrew Garfield. What a king honestly.
Johnny: This one I literally guessed, analyzed, and felt confident in before it was confirmed and it was Virgo, like I thought. I’d kiss my own ass if I could.
Yuta: Cap rising, Uranus, Neptune in 1st with Taurus&Scorpio 4th and 10th.
Kun: so... he’s a confirmed Leo... and that would make his first house ruler in 5th... like Johnny... and no. I don’t agree. Literally if he’s born an hour before, he’s cancer in 3rd decan with a 1st house ruler in 10th.. which makes much more sense to me, I am so sorry for this hottake but I stand by it. 1st house rulers are everything and if it seems off, then the whole thing is off.
Doyoung: Confirmed Scorp with Pisces and Virgo 4th and 10th.
Ten: Sag with Libra and Aries in 4th in 10th. He looks like my father who is a confirmed Sag rising so I’m basing it off that. People hate to go for looks but sometimes they just look it so it makes sense in my brain.
Jaehyun: Confirmed Pisces.
Winwin: TAURUSTAURUSTAURUS!!!!! Venus in Sag ruling his whole face. a prince.
Jungwoo: Confuses me. So Aquarius. Maybe. Could be Gemini. I’m still thinking Aqua. Could even be Pisces, idek.
Lucas: Leo. his first house ruler may change from either 6th or 7th but I’d bet my entire fortune on Leo. With Neptune opposition ASC on his face. Also his lion thing he’s always compared to.
Mark: Also Leo. All Leo placements just seem to know they got some Leo somehow. People nickname him lion cub. A lot of people see Scorpio so my ass just uses scorp 4th as a reason.
Xiaojun: Aries/Scorpio. Something Mars just can’t tell which.
Hendery: Fire. Maybe Aries. Maybe Leo. I don’t know about Sag but it’s gotta be fire.
Renjun: Cancer. Maybe Taurus.
Jeno: Sag or Pisces. He resembles two people who are either of those, one being someone I know and the other being Jaehyun so.. either.
Haechan: Either Leo or a Gemini with sun in first. He doesn’t resemble other Leo risings with Gemini ruling their chart so I’m guessing Gemini honestly.
Jaemin: CAPRICORN, NEPTUNE AND URANUS IN 1ST, SCORPIO 10TH AND TAURUS 4TH. I’m passionate. Yuta may be a typically cusp-ed Cap rising but I am passionate about Jaemin being this. I’ve based it off someone I know and it fits down to a big ass teen titan tower T.
Yangyang: pisces or Gemini. Their angular houses should all be similar so I am putting those two.
Shotaro: Virgo. I’m very confident in it.
Sungchan: Pisces, 2nd/3rd decan, Gemini and Sag 4th and 10th. He looks so much like TY so if others disagree, I won’t doubt them but it just seems likely.
Chenle: Cancer in 3rd decan with Jupiter in 1st. Maybe 2nd decan. The Jupiter has to be in first tho.
Jisung: Scorpio with Pisces and Virgo in the houses. Probably 3rd decan as well.
Short disclaimer from my side here: I haven’t formed an opinion on everyone’s potential rising sign, so with some I might have no opinion to begin with.   Also: very long post ahead, continue reading under the cut! 
Taeil: I think Cancer rising fits pretty well, I personally could see Taurus rising as well. Cancer and Taurus rising tend to ‘stretch’ the face at times or make it look a bit wider in some sort of way - and this is not meant in a negative way btw, just an observation! But yes Cancer rising could make his Venus/Mercury in the 1st as well, Moon in Leo (2nd) being the chart ruler; with a Taurus rising his Mars (potentially) in the 1st, with Venus in Cancer (1st) being the chart ruler. Taeil is not really someone with a personality that is really ‘in your face’, he’s more ‘reserved’ in that kind of way and goes with the flow, very warm though and definitely likes to joke around. I can see both!
Johnny: confirmed Virgo rising.
Taeyong: the most clichee Pisces rising I’ve witnessed so far asdfg, especially in combination with his water sun. He has not only his Saturn in the 1st as well, but also his chart ruler in Capricorn (in the 11th, funny enough), from that alone his Ascendant really makes sense.
Yuta: Personally I have a hard time seeing Capricorn Ascendant, for me Aries rising would make the most sense still, but looking at Yuta being extremely ambitious (and serious as well at times) I can see where you come from, alsoooo he is very known for his smile, which would highlight the teeth again, very fitting to Capricorn risings - the most I’ve met so far had usually very big teeth, also a very very pretty smile that has always been so strongly in contrast witrh their usual facial expression haha. I’ve written quiet a bit on my guessings on his possible rising sign, especially on Aries, with Leo, Sagittarius and Libra being my other guesses, so feel free to check that out on my blog as well if you want to! x
Kun: (oK SORRY long rant ahead, I just really think that’s a very interesting opinion!!) I can totally see why you think Cancer rising, in the years I spent studying astrology I’ve noticed that Capricorns with prominent cancer in their chart all tend to radiate the same sort of wholesome energy, and I don’t mean this in a biased way, but they have this very silent yet steady confidence and are really really warm and caring people, especially when they have a cancer moon! That being said, having 5th house in his ruler would explain his strong creativity (+ Leo rising) plus I’d give him his 6th house stellium in Capricorn, which would explain his extreme multi tasking while still being very successfull in doing so haha. I like to take Bang Chan from Stray Kids as another example here for someone with a 6th house stellium, though in another sign,  the similarities are still there. With him having a 3rd decan Cancer rising he’d have a Capricorn and 7th house stellium, plus having his chart ruler in Taurus in the 11th - very focused on others and tending towards their needs, let’s just put it like that. He’s extremly responsible and very protective of his group, this plays into both stereotypes for Leo and Cancer when they are in a leader type position - or see someone as family. Appereance wise -  if he’s not styled and in a photo shooting, so very much set in pose, etc - he looks very youthful/youngish, which plays a lot in a Cancer ascendant, also: I remember him saying that he’s actually very emotional which could be due to his possible Cancer rising or just his heavy Capricorn stellium and Scorpio in the 4th (regarding his Leo rising again) trying to remember everyone else he’s still human after all (which...makes me kinda sad to think about but, I was really positively surprised as he so casually just admitted that). When he’s performing all screams Leo Ascendant to me though. ANYWAYS, I wrote a whole paragraph and I will end it here or I end up writing yet another novel about someones potential rising sign. 
Ten: One of the members I haven’t thought about yet when it comes to their rising. I’ve met a few Sagittarius risings in my life as well, and tbh you convinced me haha!
Doyoung: Scorpio rising makes so much sense when you think about his Virgo MC asdfghj Doyoung has zero Virgo in his chart except for his MC and yet he radiates big Virgo energy, which is all thanks to his rising and MC
Jaehyun: confirmed Pisces rising. 
Winwin: Haven’t had any thoughts about him either so far! Taurus rising would make sense regarding his laid back nature though. 
Jungwoo: Ohhh I get your confusion, Jungwoo is a true engima asdfghj my gut feeling always tells me Libra rising simply from his facial structure alone, but tbh I think all about him is just so.....Pisces? He has is sun and Neptune in a degree of 0 so simply based on his sun sign he radiates strong Pisces energy, but since I’m very torn on the topic of his rising sign as well I’d consider almost every rising sign as his potential ascendant
Lucas: I could see Leo rising, but I also feel Sagittarius rising. Sagittarius rising simply by his physique, but with Pluto in the 12th and his Jupiter in Pisces in the 4th as his chart ruler. Leo rising would make more sense regarding the MC (would be in Taurus then), though I’d say his Moon would rather still be in the 9th and not in the 10th. But he has an Aquarius stellium after all, so lots of things would probably be covered up by that to begin with asdfghj, but yes I can see Leo rising as well, defenitely!! 
Mark: I’ve written quiet a few posts on Marks rising, I see Virgo, Leo and Aries the strongest. I’ve written so much about it (novels, paragraphs, you name it asdfgh), you can feel free to search for it in the tags if you want to! 
Xiaojun: I agree with you, I get Mars energy as well! I get very strong Scorpio vibes from his appereance alone, with an Aries rising it would make his Scorpio Mars his chart ruler as well, also Capricorn his MC which would make sense to me as well. He’s always trying really hard to succeed somehow - not calling him a try hard for that btw!! this rather shows he is very self conscious and ambitious.  If his rising would be Scorpio his Pluto in Sagittarius would be the chart ruler and either in the 1st or 2nd (but with the way he looks I’d bet it’s in the 1st). But then again, seeing how Xiaojun actually is all I can think about his Cancer Moon and Mercury asdfg
Hendery: Haven’t had any thoughts about him so far, fire would make sense though, I could see Sagittarius especially appereance wise.
Renjun: Haven’t had any paticular thoughts about his rising either, something rather soft like Cancer and Taurus make sense, though he always looked very ‘Aries’ to me, but maybe it’s just his Scorpio Moon doubling that Mars energy here.
Jeno: Haven’t had any paticular thoughts about him either, Pisces and Sagittarius both make sense, I think the placement that always shined through the strongest was his Sagittarius Moon for me, if he’d had a Sagittarius rising it would make even more sense why I’d get that vibe from him
Haechan: Honestly if he’d had a Gemini rising I wouldn’t be even surprised, Haechan has a very youthful and soft face, with Gemini being his rising it would make his Cancer Mercury in the 2nd the chart ruler, solely from that I could see it
Jaemin: I haven’t had any thoughts about Jaemins rising so far, if you’re so passionate about it I’ll have to see for myself and give it some thought the next days!  x
Yangyang: Also head empty no thoughts on this one, Yangyang is probably young sibling rising asdfghjk sorry sorry, but seriously we don’t even have a specific birth place for him, his chart is so vague I usually don’t really bother interpreting too much into but, buT a mutuable sign as his rising from his behaviour alone would make sense!
Shotaro: No thoughts so far on his rising sign, but I’m always happy to see a new potential member for the Virgo rising agenda hehehe
Sungchan: That just really quick in: I was so happy when Shotaro and Sungchan joined NCT because FINALLY the nct zodiac circle was complete ehehhe, I seriously have no thoughts on him either so far, though he truly lives up to his Sun and Moon combination
Chenle: I get your guess with Cancer rising, especially if he’d have Jupiter in the 1st as well, but have you seen the photo of him and young Leonardo DiCaprio next to each other? Idk maybe that just convinced me very easily but since that day I just think he’s a Libra rising, not very a profound astrological insight here, I know, but both are Scorpios as well and I was just D: D: as I saw it! 
Jisung: Haven’t had any particular guesses for him so far either, so I defenitely have to look into that as well! 
Again, thank you so much for taking your time! That was really fun, feel free to share your insights again if you feel like it xx
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Help, I’m trying.
Inspired by @loveletterstoledger​ to write this during my study break - the first in six hours oof.💙 I love you darling, and if you read this, then I hope you enjoy it! (There’s no obligation to just because I tagged you asdfghj it’s more of a credit/shout out than anything!)💜🌸
Shameless self-shipping. There’s a small announcement about our dynamic in here.🥺
Also tw; for the brief mentioning of alcohol.
WC: 1, 082.
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I yawn for the fifth time in as many minutes and as it finishes, I run a hand over my face and grab my coffee mug. From the moment I first make a cup in the morning to the second I go to bed, it’s neither cold nor empty. Eighteen cups a day is my usual intake and it doesn’t affect me in any kind of way, and though Ash worries about how much caffeine I consume each day, he knows he can’t say anything with how many beers he goes through a week.
I don’t notice that Ash is watching me from where he’s lying on the bed. Some brainless reality show is playing but he’s not paying attention to it. He’s seen it all before. He could just change the channel but there’s some sweet entertainment across the trailer and he wants to play.
“Hey, uh - you gonna come to bed any time soon, sweetheart?”
I smile at the sound of Ash’s voice, deeper with the tugging of sleep. It won’t be long until he’s asleep, thankfully. Between his nightmares and PTSD, he barely gets rest. It worries me daily and for this reason do I make sure we take daily naps together. He sleeps better when he’s with me. “Maybe - I need to finish this up, honey.” I promise myself every day that if I can study for six hours with only minimal breaks, then I can spend the evening wholly uninterrupted with my handsome Deadite slayer. Ash isn’t aware of this small promise, but small notes like “Do it for Ash ♥” which are taped to my laptop clue him in as to why I’m working so hard. It baffles him but he dares not question it. 
“Ah, c’mon!” Ash’s slightly raised voice makes me flinch and he swears under his breath, forgetting in his frustration that I don’t do so well with sudden loud noises, raised voices or anything even slightly confrontational. His next words are softer; it’s an apology, or at least, the closest he’ll get. Actual “I’m sorry’s” are saved for the big mess-ups so that sincerity is conveyed. “You’ve been working all day. Take a break with ol’ Ashy.” He doesn’t say please but I can hear it. 
I look up, then, considering my options. My hazel eyes meet Ash’s darker ones. His eyes remind me of a doe. The comparison to my nickname, Fawn, makes me smile, and the upturn of Ash’s lips tells me that I’ve played right into his hands. Nicely done, is the thought of approval, though I don’t say it out loud. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Ash. “Mm... I still need to get this typed up, and there’s also - “ My breath catches. God, I’m so tired and I just wanna crawl into bed with Ash and go to sleep. But this work won’t do itself and I signed up for this - I want this. There’s no reason to complain - just gotta keep on working.
Ash inhales deeply and barely avoids rolling his eyes. We have this conversation every night; me, working harder than I should and Ash, for once, the voice of reason. “Yeah, and? It’ll be there tomorrow. At this rate, you might not be. Come here.” Again, the please lingers in the air between us. Pointedly, Ash lays back down and turns his soft gaze to the television. Here, I have a choice: carry on working or... put reality away for a little bit and spend my evening with Ash. Ash supports me in everything but he’s not afraid to tell me when I’m going too far with my work. Sometimes I forget that I exist, that I’m an actual person with bodily wants and needs, and Ash is always there to subtly nudge me into remembering I’m not a robot.
I sigh, then, and I save my work and stretch. The cracking of knuckles - and it hurts so good - makes Ash chuckle in triumph. His enthusiasm is contagious and I’m by his side so quickly that it would make my head spin if I stopped to think about it. “Ash ~ !” His name is my joy and my strength, and he hums. He loves this specific way in which I speak his name and he knows this small battle of getting me away from my work is won this night. We’re married by common law, but sometimes he wonders if I’m not also married to my work.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out!” His terrible one liners never fail to make me smile, even the super bad ones. I stand there awkwardly, not knowing how to lay down on Ash. It’s easy, just.... lay down, but I’m too shy to actually do it. Ash sees me, though, and he cracks another joke to help me to relax. “Y’know - you’re a terrible window, honey.”
I laugh and get down on top of Ash without even thinking about it, such is the power he has with me, and Ash’s entire body seems to melt into the mattress as he wraps his arms around me and burrows his face in my neck. Ash rolls, then, and traps me under him. His eyes hold mine as tightly as his arms are around my body, his embrace the safest cage I’ve ever known, and I turn my face into that blue I know and love so well. I look, I breathe, I sigh... I relax.
I think about telling Ash that I love him... but I know I don’t need to. Ash can hear me as clearly as I can hear him and the kisses which are rained down upon the crown of my head tell me that he can hear me even now, even in our silence. His kisses bring me home and when his gentle assault ceases, I return the favour so that I can bring Ash home, too. We’ve known each other for so long, since I was eleven, but only in the last few months did anything romantic begin to develop - the planted seed quickly bloomed, in a matter of weeks did we find this deep and everlasting bond. We could go on without each other if we needed to and we both know it, but we also both know that we don’t want to, and in that daily choice lies the strength of our love.
It’s not always easy, but it’s right.
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fairytalespond · 3 years
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gif coloring challenge: color a gif in a way that’s opposite of your current coloring style or with a process that you haven’t tried before. show the before and after, and include your current coloring so we can see the difference!
i was tagged by lucie, aka @jooniejin thank you <333
also i gotta tell everyone that......... i totally failed here because???? i did, in fact, color this scene in two different ways (actually three but the third should never see the light of day asdfghj) but honestly... depending on my mood??? both of these colorings could be my “usual” style (look at me not wanting to make pale gifs, because that?? yeah that could have totally been the other coloring, but??? i just didn’t wanna make it... oops????)
i am not sure if i should be tagging people or not since???? i definitely did not follow the rules here??? i just giffed whatever i wanted sdfghjkjhg however i wanted????? but some of you might wanna do it too (properly, or not), so? (feel free to ignore this!!!)
tagging: @perhapsblues @ivashkovadrian and @lunaemoth (if there is anyone else who sees this and wants to do it???? just say i tagged you asdfghj)
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rattusrattus3 · 5 years
You're so magical! How do I add more magic to my life? Tell me your secrets goddex!
asdfghj this is such a cute ask ahhh thank u!!!! i am not an expert but ! in lieu of ur question i actually made a faecare tag on my blog that is full of very cute self care ideas that are very elf/fairy/angel like and may appeal to u! 
ok for my personal advice :) this is just stuff i like and u might like too but no need to feel pressure ! 
spend time with animals if u can! this can look different depeneding on ur situation but maybe u have a pet or a friends pet? or just go buy some bird seed and leave it outside ur window for ur bird friends! find a crow and feed them a shelled, organic, unsalted peanut! maybe go on a walk and smile to urself when u see a cute dog? either way, ime, animal interaction makes me feel magical
in the same vein, go outside! if u can! this can literally look like going outside ur door where there is one single tree and puddles and mud and gravel but u can spend time with the tree and tell it hello and hang out and try to meet the spirits that inhabit the area around u ! try to give offerings to the earth when u go outside! try to pick up litter and tell the earth you love her 
on the same note, talk to the moon and tell her about ur day and how much you love her! spend time hanging out near a window at night with the moon and stars and a cup of tea and ur thoughts and maybe some music and a candle 
yes candles are so good i highly reccomend :) i particularly like vanilla scented candles so maybe get one of those? or one of whatever scent u like! 
find music/podcasts u like and play them all the time! i find my day and life feels a lot better when i have media that i like around me 
clean ur space if u can or just tidy it 
drink water and be nice to yourself, give yourself lots of compliments and lots of love and try to treat urself with the same care and love u would give to a partner u love or a dear friend or a beloved pet 
putting lotion that smells nice on after a hot shower and doing skin care is sooooo goooood ! i particularly like shea/cocoa butter lotions and anything lavander scented, LUSH has a great one 
i love glitter like body and face glitter! try to get a enviornmentally sound one! but one i love is (again, sorry) from lush its called Fairy dust and its pink and sparkly and smells like bubblegum and is so nice (i cant find it online but maybe u can find it in store)? they have lots of nice powders, like i have another one from them that is lavander and sparkly and ill put it in my bed before i sleep and wake up smelling rally nice.. barring that just take some cornstarch and lavander essential oil and make ur own :)
make art! whatever that means to u! dont care if it “looks good” because art is about the feelings u have while u make it i think! 
try to do mental health work! whatever that means to u. I like therapy and meds and The Mental Illness Happy Hour podcast
i like to journal but im bad at it but if u just keep a note book and keep stuff in it like ticket stubs and recipets and stuff its cool to look back on so take pics or write stuff down bc u will probably like to look back on this time as memories in the future
figure out how to be comfy and wear what makes u comfy!
do fun makeup if u want to :) 
i love u! hope this was good for u but i highly reccomend looking at that faecare tag bc theres lots more magical advice in there !!
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midnightcowboy1969 · 4 years
rules: tag people you wanna get to know better
tagged by @harveykeitel 💗💗 Thank you
i tag @shinigabi-tan @nitrateglow @ketterle @jerrycasale @brucespringsteensboyfriend @sewerfight
1. your name and then what you would have named yourself: Ida. I’m happy with it. I might look like an Ingrid tho
2. astrological signs: I don’t know virgo or libra something
3. when did you join tumblr and why? 2013 :( I actually have no idea. Anime?
4. top 5 fandoms: I don’t consider myself in any fandom anymore. I prefer the term “enthusiast” asdfg but I suppose I’m in like the Midnight Cowboy fandom???
5. top 5 favorite films: 😳 you already know Midnight Cowboy, a New Leaf, the Roaring Twenties, Deadhead Miles and uhhh Three Wishes for Cinderella (A Christmas classic because there’s only one man who dubs the whole movie and the music is amazing)
6. go to song for when you want to feel something: thunder road by bruce springsteen
7. what’s your religion or faith if you have one: I’m baptized. Christian protestant?? but in reality I’m agnostic baby! Just in case.
8. a song that makes you feel seen: silence is golden by the tremeloes
9. if you could have any career: author 
10. do you have a type? does “kind” count?? And I suppose people who are my height or taller. 
11. what does your heart/soul yearn for: Peace
12. if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: ahhh gee I am hamster-ish
13. favorite subjects in school: english!! (we watched a lot of movies)
14. where does your soul feel most at home: top of a mountain just before heading down full speed on my slaloom skiis
15. top 5 fictional characters: Dana Scully, Adrian Monk, Columbo, Marge Gunderson, Joe Buck
16. top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: Curse me but when Bobby died on Supernatural and uhhh Monk when he talked about how he wasn’t invited to a birthday party in 6th grade sasdfgh and uhh I don’t think I’ve ugly cried over anything else
17. the earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: stars
18. favorite kind of weather: snow
19. top 3 characters you kin with: Vincent Ricardo asdfghj, Henrietta and uhhh Juni Cortez (when I was a kid)
20. favorite medium of art: film or books
21. introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert ??
22. favorite literary quote: “The way I need you is a loneliness I cannot bear.” from The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
23. some of your favorite books: Rosemary’s Baby, the Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Midnight Cowboy, Blaze
24. if you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? My grandparents’s home 
25. if you could live anywhere in the world when would it be? 2000s where I live now :/
26. if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: piano
27. if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: :(
28. and lastly, favorite recent in your camera roll: I don’t think so
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Just saw FFH
This contains spoilers and I don’t recommend reading if you haven't seen the movie. I’ll only talk about irondad and my opinion on the film.
I tagged this as ‘’ffh spoilers’’.
Last warning. This contains spoilers.
1. Peter is overwhelmed. Throughout this film, you can see this kid is totally overwhelmed over the fact that everyone expects him to be the ‘next iron man’ and I can see why Peter is overwhelmed. Tony’s face is everywhere. On ads, on walls, on everything. And for me, Peter is still in denial. He’s trying to distract himself with other stuff.
2. ‘’uneasy lies the head that wears the crown’’ adfjlhfksdl Tony told Fury to tell Peter this because Peter wouldn’t get that (more confirmation they spent time together between hoco and iw) because of a Star Wars (nerds asdfghj) reference. I don’t know anything about Star Wars so If anyone could explain this that would be great.
3. Tony left the glasses for Peter with an A.I. called ‘’E.D.I.T.H.’’ She is Tony Stark's multi-million augmented reality security and defensive zone specifically made for Peter because he trusted him. Peter now has access to all of Tony’s protocols and Stark global security network and multiple defense satellites and backdoors to all major telecommunication networks. The amount of trust Tony had on Peter is so heartbreaking. He was ready to coach him through life and everything. He addressed the card to Peter with ‘’To the next Tony Stark. I trust you’’. I just want to say, everyone is pressuring Peter to be the ‘’next iron man’’ and there’s Tony, saying ‘’the next Tony Stark’’.
4. Peter’s little smile when EDITH explains what her name means (Even Dead I’m The Hero). He knows Tony too well.
5. Tony trusted Peter SO DAMN MUCH. Remember in Homecoming, in the Ferry scene where Tony tells Peter; ‘’Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14-year-old kid’’? Well, one of the people who told Tony he was crazy for trusting Peter was Fury. Fury scolded Peter and said: ‘’I told him, it’s clear to me that you are not ready for EDITH.’’ I’m going to be honest, I love Fury a lot but in this part, I wanted to punch him, this kid just lost his father figure, give him a break.
6. ‘’Stark chose you, he made you an Avenger, I mean that; the world means that’’. ‘He chose you’. ‘Was he?’ Peter was crying in here. And I was crying here too.
7. Well, the first time I heard Peter say ‘’Mr. Stark’’ since Endgame and his voice cracks. And my heart too. And Mysterio telling Peter he looks stupid with the glasses, I going to throw hands with you, Beck. And Peter giving the glasses to Beck, bad move Pete.
8. Peter thinking Tony gave him the glasses for him to choose the next Tony Stark and not believing for one second that the glasses are meant for him really hurts. Tony died too soon. Peter needed his father figure and mentor with him and he lost him in the worst way possible.
9. I might be wrong but did I hear Peter call Tony, ‘’Stark’’? And he mentions he’s 16, I thought that the gap between IW and HOCO was two years? So how is it possible he’s 16 if he was 15 in Homecoming? Maybe they made a mistake, just like in Homecoming with the timeline. This happens when a movie is so secretive (Endgame and Infinity War) that almost no one knows anything about it.
10. And YES Beck, Tony was right. You’re unstable. Using a 16-year-old grieving kid for your revenge is low. And also, the scene with the ‘’I hate Tony Stark™’’ club is really funny lol, all of them look like anti stans on Twitter lmao
11. Have you guys read those ‘interns meet Peter’ fics? Well, those are a reality now because there’s a scene where the entire ‘’anti-club™’’ show their jealousy toward Peter. They’re not interns but ex-stark industries employees but you get the concept. You can tell Peter was Tony’s son lmao he treated him as such and this movie confirmed this even more for me. The way the ‘’anti-club™’’ was talking about Peter tells me Tony talked about him a lot.
12. ‘’If you were good enough, maybe Tony would still be alive’’. Fuck :'(
13. The Iron Man suit coming out of the grave to haunt Peter.  :'(
14. Ok, the train part was wild. A train just ran over Peter and I just-. Damn Marvel, I knew it. Now that Tony is not available they’re going to torture Peter forever.
15. ‘’I MISS HIM’’ My heart can’t take this.
16. ‘’You’re not Iron Man, you’re never going to be Iron Man, no one can live up to Tony, not even Tony. He is my best friend and he was a mess, he second-guessed everything, he was all over the place. The one thing he never second-guessed? Picking you. I don't think Tony would've done what he did if he didn't know you were gonna be here after he was gone’’. KILL ME. I cried.
19. You’re going to cry watching Peter work JUST like Tony on the plane. I expect thousands of parallels of this ok?
20. Someone finally wondering why Peter disappears every single time. lol
21. ‘’I’m in love with spiderman’s aunt’’... Happy omg.
I think they should’ve included something like a conclusion to Tony’s arc with Peter at the end but they didn’t, so I’m guessing they have more plans for Peter and Tony’s relationship. I’m glad, they should continue the relationship by having little reminders in Peter’s life. And like I said, I feel like Peter is still processing Tony’s death and he’s going to need time to do that. He figured he was worth it of continuing with Tony’s legacy but he needs time to process all of his grief and that’s going to take a while. I hope we see more of this in the third film.
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spookyboywhump · 5 years
2, 3, 12, 16, 18!
Ahhh, thank you for these!
2. Which OCs names do you like the least?
 Iiiii, actually don’t really like Silas’ name. Like, I like the name in general, but it was chosen kinda hastily because it was the first thing that came to mind and if I’d known people would like Silas as much as they do and I’d write so much of him I probably would’ve chosen something different asdfghj
3. Is there significant meaning behind your MCs name?
 Since I’ve written the most for Silas I guess I’d consider him my MC, so the above kind of applies here to. I was Big Dumb and it was the first thing that came to mind because of a fire emblem character with the same name and I just kinda threw it at him asdfghj
 (apparently the meaning of the name Silas is “wood, forest” so yeah, not really too significant with my boy)
12. Which writeblrs inspire you?
 Okay so I wasn’t sure if I should tag anybody or not and I am very Scared of bothering people so I’ll just leave the usernames, but slainetetowhump, faewhump, shameless-whumper, and actually, hope this isn’t weird since you sent this ask, but your writing too. Like, whenever I read anything from you or these blogs it kind of encourages me to work on my own stuff and better my own writing? I hope that isn’t weird asdfghj you’re all very good writers and I am amazed by you all
16. Do you make playlists for your wip? (If yes, provide a link if possible)
 I’ve only made one, and it’s pretty short but it’s for Wren’s story. It’s part songs I associate with characters, part songs I associate with working on the story, part songs with a tone I vaguely associate with the story, it’s a little bit of a mess that might only make sense to my dumb ass
18. List five positive things that you like about yourself as a writer.
 1. I really can just go batshit feral and write and post everything that comes to mind?
2. I am able to write at least a little bit everyday (not that there’s anything wrong with people who don’t)
3. I’m at a point where I’m ready to continue writing and posting what I write whether people seem to enjoy it or not, kind of getting used to that whole “writing for me” thing
4. I can’t do this five times I really don’t have all that much confidence in my writing I just like doing it
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