myreygn · 1 year
Asahi: If the person I have a crush on disagrees with me, I will change my mind immediately.
Kuroo: That doesn't sound good man, you should really have some principles.
Asahi: You're right, I should.
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cattatonically · 2 years
TRICK OR TREAT TIME!!!!! First up let's go with AsaKuro
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
The recipe had been handed down in his family for generations. And now, it was Asahi’s turn. He just hoped he didn’t fuck up. He had people depending on him, after all. God, he really hoped he wouldn’t fuck this up. 
“You won’t, babe,” Kuroo said, almost reading Asahi’s mind as Asahi stared at the ingredients before him. Kuroo gently wound his arms around Asahi’s waist, and propped his chin over his shoulder. “You got this. You’ve done this a thousand times. A thousand and one will be the best.” 
“Are you sure?” Asahi gently held onto Kuroo’s wrist, thumb rubbing over the joint of his wrist over and over in a comforting gesture - though neither was really sure who was comforting whom. 
“I’m positive. Do you want me to help you?” Gently, Asahi shook his head, then turned to plant an awkward kiss on Kuroo’s nose. 
“No. Not this time. I have to do this myself. At least for the first time. Next year?” Kuroo gently turned Asahi all the way around in his arms, and kissed him properly. 
“Next year, I can help you. But this time, I will be right here, cheering you on. Okay?”
“Okay.” Asahi nodded to himself, and started pulling out of Kuroo’s arms, before he paused. “I love you, Tetsurou.” 
“Love you too, Asahi. Now make the best damn cider this festival has ever seen.” 
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
the way i DROPPED my chores when i saw the notification for the post 💀 alas i wish i could send in something for vinland saga but i don't feel very secure in doing that atm so haikyuu it is (i feel like i abandoned it i can't live like this)
so i distinctively remember you writing a very sweet asakuro dabble for an event so can i request some fluff with them where kuroo always makes asahi flustered and catches him off guard so asahi goes on a mission to find a way and make kuroo speechless somehow? with tickles or not, your choice!
i saw haikyuu is in italics, so if you don't want to write this i understand ofc ♡
AHHH! *happy screaming* I'm planning on rewatching Haikyuu!! for the movie coming out, and this prompt is perfect! I've gotcha covered, Rey! :D (Bringing you some AsaKuroo on this fine hour cause yesh :3)
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart @riisada @sp1racle
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Cause I like what I see.”
Oh, this was so unfair! “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” Asahi tried to hide in his manga, but Kuroo gently pushed it away with ease. “How come you can make me red as a tomato but I can barely ever get you to stammer?”
“You’ve got my heart stammering just by looking at you.” Kuroo wagged his eyebrows, making Asahi laugh at such a cheesy gesture.
“Really though- what makes you fluster? Surely even someone as cool and confident as yourself has a weak spot?” Looking up at Kuroo’s Cheshire grin, he considered everything he knew about the man before him. Since day one, he’s been a cheeky thing- shooting him half smirks and air kisses across the court when they had practice matches and openly checking him out. Asahi figured it was just him trying to intimidate him.
Then Kuroo casually slipped him his number during their end game handshakes and that’s when he realized Kuroo didn’t mess around.
“Cool and confident, eh? You’re gonna make me blush.” Kuroo snickered, both irritating the hell out of Asahi and also making him melt at the sound. “Keep going- I wanna hear you praise me more.”
“Why you-” Feeling a bit bold, Asahi reached out and grabbed his sides, squeezing them a few times until Kuroo collapsed against his chest with a wheezy laugh. Then he kept going because gosh dang it- if he couldn’t get him flustered with words, the least he could do is get him with action. “Take that!”
“Ahehehaeahhaha! Oohohoho, yoohohou’re brahahhahave! Aheahhahahaha!” Kuroo giggled against his chest, his hands haphazardly slapping for purchase against the mattress. It all proved in vain- no matter how much leverage he got, Asahi was quick to poke and prod at his tickle spots, sneaking a finger beneath his arms or dancing them up and down his ribs quickly. “Cohoohohme ohohohon, gihihihive mehehehe a chahahhance!”
“No way- you’ll take it and run!” Asahi chided gently, giggling at Kuroo’s flushed cheeks and wide smile. It was so radiant it made him blush more- god he was so lovesick.
“Whahahhat are yoohohohohou smihiihihihling abhohohohohut?” Kuroo yelped through his mirth, one eye cracked open in a half hearted attempt to glare. Asashi saw an opportunity.
“I just really love you.” He replied with what he hoped to be a charming smile. To his absolute surprise and delight, Kuroo all but collapsed against him, ears and the back of his neck red. “Wait, did that work?” Forgoing the tickles, he quickly twisted them over so he was on top, scooting down so he could meet Kuroo’s eye. “Hey…I love you.”
Again, Kuroo spasmed, eyes widening as he blushed scarlet. “N-Nohoho fahihiair…yohoohu can’t go around tehehlling me thahaat..” He grunted through residential giggles, averting his eyes. “Especially after tickling him so.”
“You do it to me all the time. I’m starting to suspect you’re the type to do to others what you want done to you.” Asahi reached out, brushing back matted bangs before pressing his forehead against Kuroo’s. “Is that why you’ve been so flirty the past couple of weeks?”
Kuroo didn’t have words- and if he did they were likely stuck in his throat, for all he could do is hold his breath while looking back at Asahi. Their chests were so close- Asahi could feel Kuroo’s heart racing a mile a minute. It sounded like his own.
“God..why do you have to be so smart..” Kuroo let out a resigned sigh before smiling, pushing back loose hair that fell from Asahi’s messy bun.
“It’s the glasses.”
Kuroo sputtered before bursting into laughter, head thrown back as he cackled. Asahi scooted some more before laying across his boyfriend, pulling him into his chest as the other carried on laughing. “God I lohohve you so much, Asahi.”
Again, he felt his face warm, but Asahi didn’t mind the sudden heat making his skin tingle. He leaned down to kiss him, smiling against his lips. “I love you too.”
Thanks for reading!
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ezzydean · 4 years
your boyfriend’s best friend
Cal told me to write one of two things.  I wrote both.
“Your boyfriend’s best friend is unfairly attractive.”  Asahi settles on the floor next to Tobio.  They’re both sweaty and gross from their run but Tobio hands over a glass of cool lemonade and Asahi happily accepts it.  Tobio inches away just a little and a few years ago that would have worried Asahi but nowadays he knows it’s just because they’re both just this side of uncomfortably hot and Tobio is trying to give them a little more room to cool down.  It’s nothing more than that.
“My boyfriend’s best friend is an annoying jerk with no concept of personal space,” Tobio grumbles back as said boyfriend and boyfriend’s best friend hover over the game system on the other side of the living room.  There’s no jealousy in Tobio’s voice.  Not that Asahi can notice anyway.  Just an irritated sort of fondness.  A little bit like how Tobio sounds when he’s talking to Hinata about Tsukishima.
“Okay.  Fair I suppose.  But he is unfairly attractive.”
Tobio glances at him.  “Is there such a thing as just ‘fairly’ attractive?  As in like the opposite of unfairly?”
“Is this going to turn into a debate like whether or not you can just be ‘whelmed’?”  They both look up at Kenma’s voice.  Asahi scratches his neck sheepishly and Tobio huffs.  “Because if it is then I am going to have to ask you to move it somewhere else.  Like the kitchen.  Or bedroom.  Because A) I am not cleaning up the living room again like last time and B) Kuro and I are going to play my new game.”  He looks between them.  “Understood?”
Asahi’s cheeks flush and Tobio huffs again.  Kenma turns away from them to go back to the television and Asahi can’t help but stare.  Not at Kenma, not really.  Only just in comparison to his best friend, Kuroo.  Where Kenma is slight and lean Kuroo is wider and muscled.  It’s not nearly as noticeable until moments like now.  When Kuroo is standing with his hands on his hips, showing off his wide shoulders and arm muscles in his loose tank top, and Kenma is standing beside him looking almost tiny in his matching tank top.
Tobio elbows Asahi.  “You’re staring.”
“Unfairly attractive,” Asahi mutters back at him.
Kenma lets out a happy noise and hurries over to the couch they’re sitting in front of, easily slipping between them and onto the couch.  Tobio lets out a grunt and Asahi glances over.  Kenma is wrapped around Tobio like a koala, legs around his chest and elbows propped up on his shoulders, looking pleased as can be.  Tobio holds his arm out, glass of lemonade splashing dangerously in his hand, until Kenma settles.
“Sit down Kuro,” Kenma demands, gesturing towards the spot behind Asahi.  “Let’s play.”
Kuroo still has a smile on his face from Kenma when he meets Asahi’s gaze, eyes sparkling and playful, and Asahi just… melts at the sight.  Seriously his insides do something gooey and mushy and he would swear that his heart is beating a hundred times faster than usual.  And it’s not just because of the sight of Kuroo and all his sleek muscles strolling across the living room towards Asahi.  Though that certainly doesn’t help his heart rate any.
Kuroo smiles at Asahi as he reaches the couch.  “Is this seat taken?”  Asahi shakes his head and starts to move but Kuroo waves at him.  “Just stay.  I can sit behind you if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind,” Asahi mumbles.  He can feel his face heat up as Kuroo practically crawls over him onto the couch and wriggles around to get comfortable behind him.
The game starts up and Asahi stares blankly at the colors and lights on the screen for a good twenty minutes, just thinking about Kuroo crawling over him and the smile on his face and the playful glint in his eyes, until Tobio nudges him and he looks over with wide eyes.
Kenma suddenly leans down, inches from Asahi’s face, and says, “He’s single please put me out of my misery and ask him out.”  Then he leans back and just like that he’s engrossed in his game once again.
Asahi glances shyly over his shoulder and Kuroo meets his gaze, cheeks flushed but eyes sparkling brightly.
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haikyuu-is-madness · 5 years
The rarepair Asakuro makes me happy
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notsuchasecret · 6 years
asakuro 20 please?
Send me a ship and a number and I’ll write a kiss..... on a scar
Therewas a long, thin line of bright pink stretching across Kuroo’sback, that he never told Asahi about. Kenma had told him one, whiledrunk, and Asahi wasn’t sure how he felt about having informationKuroo didn’t know he had or possibly even want him to have in thefirst place.
Ithad been a mugger, one that Kuroo had seen attacking a woman while hewas off duty and didn’thave any backup or even any of his equipment. But things like thatnever stopped Kuroo, and he had jumped into the middle of the fight,and earned himself a slash with a knife from the mugger’s friendfor his troubles. That slash haunted Asahi, filled him with theknowledge that even when Kuroo wasn’t out saving lives as one ofthe finest police officers in Tokyo he was still in danger. He wasthe type of person whom danger followed no matter where he went, nomatter how much Asahi worried.
“God,that feels good, babe,” Kuroo said, drawing Asahi out of histhoughts. He shook his head as he leaned over to get more massageoil, pouring the warm fluid into the small of Kuroo’s back andspreading it with his palms across the expanse of skin below him.Kuroo’s muscles were wound tight, as they always were after ashift, and this was just a normal part of their nightly routine.Asahi massaged and adored the planes of Kuroo’s back with every bitof love he could muster, and when he was done, he leaned down topress a kiss to the nape of Kuroo’s neck. Kuroo sighed.
“What’swrong?” Asahi asked. Kuroo didn’t roll over like he usually did,didn’t even turn his head.
“I’mthinking of quitting,” he murmured.
“Tetsurou,you can’t do that,” Asahi said.
“Whynot? It’s not like this job isn’t killing us both,” Kuroo said.Asahi shook his head.
“Butit’s what you love,” he told him. “You adore being a cop,chasing bad guys, saving people. It’s who you are, who you weremeant to be.”
“Butyou worry,” Kuroo said, turning his head at last. Asahi smiled athim and bent down to press his lips to the very center of the long,thin line.
“Iwill always worry about you,” he said. “Whether you’re a cop ora pencil pusher in a cubicle, I will worry. Because that’s mynature, and I can’t deny it. So don’t you go denying yours.”
“Howdid I get so lucky?” Kuroo asked. “Having a beautiful man likeyou by my side?”
“Somepeople have the stars on their sides,” Asahi replied. “You and Iwere fated to be the luckiest men on the planet.”
“C’mere.”Asahi snuggled down beside Kuroo, heedless of the still-damp massageoil coating his skin, and sighed happily. Right here was where hebelonged, and he would move heaven and earth to let Kuroo know that.Kuroo, he got the feeling, felt the same.
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ryekamasaki · 7 years
AsaKuro and “You got a cute butt.”
Okay this one may’ve gotten a teeeeeeny bit out of hand. Whoops? :D
Tetsurou doesn’t exactly want to be blowing his only day off in three of the busiest weeks of his entire life stuck in a humid mechanical shop, but that’s exactly where he finds himself bright and early on a quiet Tuesday morning. His car is fixable, supposedly, but he’s not just a little afraid of how much it’s going to cost. He’s going to have to work even more overtime hours, and he hardly has enough time for eating and sleeping as it is, not to mention any other necessities.
When the mechanic finally comes out, Tetsurou nearly swallows his own tongue. He’s tall and gorgeous, with long hair pulled back in a bun that’s already showing signs of falling out. His arms look like something someone famous would have carved out of marble, strong and muscled and covered in swirling tendrils of black ink and the occasional stripe of grease. He looks like he could be dangerous, and Tetsurou can’t help thinking that he wouldn’t mind finding out how.
His smile shifts after a second, like he knows exactly where Tetsurou’s thoughts have headed, into a smirk that almost has him on his knees right there on the dirty floor. There’s a tag pinned to the tightest no longer white tshirt that Tetsurou has ever seen on a real person, a simple script that just says ‘Asahi’. He follows as Asahi leads him into a room that’s only slightly cleaner than the rest of the shop, and stands awkwardly as Asahi leans against the desk.
Asahi nods at the door, a clear instruction to close it, and Tetsurou turns and does so, shutting it with a soft click. “You got a cute butt.”
Tetsurou freezes, one hand still on the doorknob. As if he weren’t already the best thing Tetsurou’s ever seen, he sounds like sex on legs to top it off, voice a low, rumbling purr that sets Tetsurou’s blood on fire. His arms are crossed against his chest when Tetsurou turns around, putting all that muscle perfectly on display, and Asahi’s grin widens as Tetsurou’s steps stutter.
“Ah, um. About the car?”
Asahi’s grin slips into something a little more daring, something not meant for the brightness of daylight, but for the darkness of a locked bedroom. “It’s fixable.” He looks Tetsurou up and down, like he’s the main course at a feast and Asahi hasn’t eaten in days. “I figured you might want to arrange some sort of payment.”
His voice gets impossibly deeper, and Tetsurou spares one single thought to wondering if he’s about to sell his soul to the devil. He’s not sure he cares. If this is a demon, then his soul is a price well worth whatever he’s going to get.
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wakan-nai · 7 years
*whispers* sooo are any of you guys interested in some asahixkuroo
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tarotwithtitania · 6 years
Can I have a reading on how AL feels about me? Tysm.. -S😖💘
Card I drew: The Emperor (establishment/structure)
AL is very traditional and a bit reserved. He doesn’t have any resentment or negative feelings for you, he just isn’t a very emotional person, and doesn’t express himself will. He think’s your a cool person, but he’s not very invested.
Want a more in-depth reading? Fill out this form
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avolounge · 2 years
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Check out this product 😍 Roundeye Studio - Asakuro Hao 😍 by Avolounge starting at S$730.00. Shop now 👉👉 https://t.co/tjdykj9m2m https://t.co/7Xp9MT1t0E
— Avolounge Singapore (@avolounge) Apr 19, 2022
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myreygn · 5 months
Ooo, for the song game! How about…*pauses for dramatic effect* AsaKuroo? :3 (I wrote your request for them and they’ve been on my mind :3) If not them, maybe SaneTen?
Thanks! 💖
you know me i'm greedy like that so how about BOTH :D
asakuro: Finally // beautiful stranger (Halsey)
i've never recognized a purer face // you stopped me in my tracks and put me right in my place // used to think that lovin' meant a painful chase // but you're right here now and i think you'll stay // we're dancing in my living room and up come my fists // and i say i'm only playing but the truth is this // that i've never seen a mouth that i would kill to kiss // and i'm terrified, but i can't resist // and i said // beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms and i know // that beautiful strangers only come along to do me wrong and i hope // beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms // and i think it's finally, finally, finally, finally, finally safe for me to fall
yes putting the entire pre-chorus and chorus in there was absolutely necessary thank you very much. just. hngn. they're both such kind souls and they're so soft and prone to being hurt and around each other they can just open up and be kind and soft and vulnerable because they know what it feels like to be this way and they would never ever hurt each other and being so similar and loving each other shows them that this emotional side is nothing to be ashamed of even if it's sometimes made fun of and carrying your heart on your sleeve can be dangerous but it's a good thing when you meet the right people who will cherish your heart and hold it close and- *passes out*
uzusane: Goodness Gracious (Kelsy Karter & The Heroines)
i'll admit that i like to make a scene // i can tell that you like that part of me // so if you dare me to jump, then i just might // what's this trippy feeling coming over me? // every time i see you i get high // goodness gracious, you're the one that makes me come back down to earth // when my mind goes on the run and all i wanna do is misbehave // i'm floating far away from sanity when you're gone // goodness gracious, are you what i need? // maybe
do i. do i need to explain this one.
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cattatonically · 4 years
Trick Or Treat Time My Dearest!!!! Let's start with AsaKuro!
Come into my ask box, ask trick or treat, and I’ll either treat you to some fluff, or trick you with some darkness!
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Yup. Absolutely yes.”
“Tetsurou, I am not dressing up with you for Halloween.”
“Oh yes you are, Asahi dear.”
It was an argument they’d had every single year for six years, and Asahi had yet to win. This year, he was determined. He absolutely refused to dress up as sexy Minions with Tetsurou. No matter how good Tetsurou looked in the thigh-high high-heeled boots.  
However, Asahi did know a losing battle when he saw one, and prepared himself for a night in a short skirt, and tight crop top.
Waking up the morning of Suga’s annual Halloween bash with a splitting headache hadn’t been part of the plan, though. As the day had gone on, and Asahi’s headache had steadily grown into a migraine, he couldn’t help but feel horrible and guilty. Tetsurou had been so excited. And now he was letting him down.
“I’m sorry, honey,” he said, lying in bed with a cool, damp towel over his eyes.
“Aw, don’t worry babe. We’ll save the costumes for next year.” He could hear Tetsurou moving slowly around the dark room. But he also heard the sad tone in his voice.
“You can still go,” he said, voice quiet. He felt the bed dip, and Tetsurou’s gentle hand run over his hair. Next, he felt Tetsurou gently take the elastic out of his bun, and let his hair fall onto the pillow.
“Nah, it wouldn’t be fun without you.”
“I’m sorry.” Asahi’s voice was barely above a whisper now, Tetsurou’s fingers felt so nice in his hair.
“Shh. It’s alright. I’d rather stay here with you than go without you. Let me take care of you, and you just focus on feeling better, okay? I already asked Suga to save us some cupcakes.” Tetsurou’s tone was gentle. Asahi just nodded, smiling softly. Leave it to his husband to think of everything.
Asahi felt Tetsurou crawl under the duvet, and prop himself up against the headboard. Asahi snuggled in closer, resting his head - the part that didn’t have a damp towel over it - on Tetsurou’s hip. Within moments, he felt himself drifting.
The next day, Asahi woke slowly. His head was now pillowed on a chest, rather than a hip. His hair was still down, but the towel had been removed from his face. There was still a dull ache behind his eyes, but he wasn’t in as much pain as he’d been in the day before.
Breathing in Tetsurou’s scent, he wrapped his arms around his strong waist, and decided that sleeping in would probably get rid of the last remnants of his migraine. Then they could indulge in Suga’s cupcakes for brunch.
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ezzydean · 5 years
7 + 5 + 32 with KuroAsa
bookstore au + unrequited love + “shut up for a second, will you?”
Asahi has been searching this bookstore for over half an hour.  All he wants is to find the book Daichi sent him for so he can go home and curl up in his bed and pretend that he doesn’t exist.  Just for a few hours.  Nothing too serious.  His phone vibrates and he groans.
From: Daichi - Any luck with the book?From: Daichi - I know I’m a shitty friend asking for you to do this right now.
To: Daichi - Haven’t found it yet.  About to find someone to ask.To: Daichi - And it’s not like I was doing anything except wallowing in my own misery over the fact that the guy I like doesn’t like me back and I made a fool out of myself confessing to him.
From: Daichi - I still feel like a piece of shit.
Asahi shakes his head.  He can feel the smile fighting its way onto his face.  Daichi is awesome like that.  Asahi turns down another aisle - he swears this store doesn’t look this big from the outside - and glances through the shelf in front of him.  Why couldn’t he have fallen in love with Daichi?  Daichi is attractive.  He’s funny.  He’s nice.  He likes guys.  He’s single.  But no.  He had to fall for a guy who straight.  And had a girlfriend.  Granted Asahi didn’t know either of those things when he confessed.
He groans softly.  He is such an embarrassment to himself.  
Movement at the end of the aisle draws his attention and he happily latches on to that distraction from his thoughts.
He follows the man with the messy hair, makes sure he’s wearing a name tag for this store - he only made that mistake once and he will never make it again thank you very much - and clears his throat.
“Um I hate to bother you,” he says softly.  “Excuse me?”
“Shut up for a second will you,” the man hisses in response.  Asahi’s brows shoot up and he takes half a step back in surprise.
“Excuse me,” Asahi repeats, incredulous.  The man spins around and gives Asahi a wide eyed look of panic.
“Sorry no not you.”  The man gestures to his ear and reaches up to press the button of the mic clipped to his polo shirt.  “Shut up Yaku,” he hisses again.  “I have actual customers and actual work to do.”  He looks into Asahi’s eyes and apologizes again.  “I am so, so sorry.  Yaku is doing bookwork in back and he insists on wearing a radio and mic even though all he does is sing annoying show tunes in my ear and complain to me about how he’s pretty sure our store is a front for money launderers or something and you don’t care I am so sorry I will shut up.  Can I help you with anything today sir?”
“Oh you don’t have to call me sir,” Asahi responds automatically.
“Ma’am?”  The man asks.  Asahi stares at him.  The man’s face flushes even as he grins at Asahi.  “So what can I help devastatingly attractive, strapping young man in front of me with today?”
Now Asahi’s face is flushing and he scratches at his cheek nervously.
“Well my friend was asking me to pick up this book for him and I was hoping you would have it here so I don’t have to travel all the way across the city for it.”
From: Daichi - Not to be a giant nag but how’s it going?  I haven’t heard from you in like an hour.
To: Daichi - Well I got your book.To: Daichi - And a date with the guy who helped me find it for you.To: Daichi - His name is Kuroo and I think he may be even more of an awkward flirt than I am?
From: Daichi - Is he cute?
To: Daichi - Yeah.
From: Daichi - I KNEW I should have gone and found the book myself.  I want a cute bookstore boyfriend.
To: Daichi - He’s not my boyfriend.  Not yet.  We haven’t even had the date yet.To: Daichi - But he does have a bookstore coworker named Yaku I can ask about for you.
From: Daichi - I am not that desperate yet.
From: Daichi - Okay it’s been ten minutes.  Now I’m that desperate.  Give me details.  Or give Yaku my number.
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ryekamasaki · 7 years
“Playing by the rules is not exactly my style.” AsaKuro
Murder husbands, as requested! :D
Asahi lets the body in his arms hit the floor with a thump before stepping carefully backward, over another unmoving person, until his back connects with something solid. He doesn’t have to look to see the grin he knows is stretched across Kuroo’s face even as Kuroo lets off another pinpoint accurate shot with his silenced gun. Quiet echoes in the dark room, the two of them the only apparent source of movement, at least until someone lunges at them from around a corner.
Kuroo won’t be fast or accurate enough, not this close, and so Asahi twists them around until Kuroo is behind him. It’s easy enough for him to capture their attacker then, to drag his blade across the man’s throat, to drop the limp body to the ground with the rest. Kuroo turns against him, loops his arms around Asahi’s neck, dangled his gun in front of his chest as he presses kisses against the side of Asahi’s face.
“Tetsurou, you know the rules. Complete the job now, make out later.”
Kuroo just hums and continues with his kisses. “Playing by the rules is not exactly my style.”
“Yes, I know.” Asahi turns in Kuroo’s hold and counts the bodies around them as he does. “Well, that is everyone.”
“Good job, ace.”
Asahi laughs lightly at the affectionate nickname, at the soft feeling of Kuroo nuzzling at his cheek, before he sighs and brushes their lips together like Kuroo wants. They should be cleaning up, checking the bodies for information and at least making disposal a little easier, but Kuroo gets in moods when they have to work, and Asahi can’t say he’s unaffected either. Plus, it’s not like they’re in much danger when everyone around them is dead. They can spare a little time for kisses, sweet and loving, a stark contrast to the death and destruction scattered about their feet.
There’s a vibrating after a few minutes, one that starts on Asahi and then picks up on Kuroo, and Asahi knows it’s Suga calling to find out their mission status, to tell them to wrap up the job and celebrate later, like he has to do every time they work together. “Come on, kitten. Let’s finish up so we can celebrate properly.”
Kuroo’s grin is sharp and wicked in the beam of moonlight coming in through a high window, and after that it doesn’t take them long at all to get done. There’s an exasperated message left from Suga that Asahi listens to as he and Kuroo leave the building hand in hand, as silent as shadows, one that he knows he’ll hear time and again. It’s worth it, for the smile on Kuroo’s face, for the reassurance that they’re both there, together, as whole and happy as ever, if a little dirtier than usual.
There’s a smudge on Kuroo’s cheek from where Asahi had stroked his face with his blood covered hand, and Asahi thinks that half the fun is getting clean together afterward. The whispers that Kuroo mouths against Asahi’s ear on the way to their apartment tells him that they feel the same way, and by the time their night is truly over, Asahi is satisfied with more than one job well done.
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rainsoups · 8 years
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btw this isnt gonna be alphabetized or ranked !!
@v-nikiforqv @extraterestrials @aph-purple @theconvictcolony @vessxlboy @misterdemonkun @missdemonchan @06gf @stormy-kiddo @armeniangf @heartfloats @shcrks @vaureo @demonwikia @scifibutch @oujiz @animeboys @chemistrys @feartoxins @wwhimsicott @zeroams @betahinata @championiris @wirtish @hyprsxual @q3r @blue-carino @ponzu @boyfriend32 @purplehazed @wolyos @svvordlily @vxm @starfucker @golurks @bebehobi @leafshead @ynnri @cruelknives @micolas @tylonelcore @ghoulpda @swingnmiss @oriphiel @maniley @dreamystar @cutiepatootiecanada @frukmerunning @kyupoon @laststrobe @snwies @honey84 @lord-of-the-nerd-lords @cryptaints @chaildish @vxm @starfinder @headtrauma @loukios @hecatus @thiscrush @credencie @aoba05 @romanceables @criisp @mvto @slumberkillua @shoujos @shadowdancing @80sdisco @80sgay @ota-kat-cool @sd-6 @ovw9 @laprais @marymacbeth @catpda @myvio @midoriya @silverjpg @tppelin @fundeadz @pokemonwhite2 @nejihyuga @yourmainweeb @juuzqu @maniley @flowerylelouch @gemz @rezero @vamaura @alttp @angekutired @haji--kun @eer1e @jake3nglish @nemuurenaiaru @coxal @peacheys @sftkid @rocma @sakuratae @sunlitforest @orbitqueer @ichigomlk @hijirihqra @fxmmes @asqno @fusetrip @lightsgf @re5 @radlcai @lumine @edqekin @iptrackers @nyalways @milkluver @aishachi @0u0s @narcolepys @yfirborth @alolagoomy @blushingchar @wingsbybtsisgay @lovequest @nhl2 @braixen @laststrobe @transphobic @assttown420 @jhonny @chlorinecanine @nkf @dmmdre @fakeautistic @tpz @kozumek @traqedy @sti9ma @ukuti @boyshift @unflove @acidicstomach @wi-ing @starrdustbunny @lastsummerwhisper @spacehero @misogynistic @vceroys @rockinpsi @sunlite @klilua @softv @1197k @asakuros @cutemute @madokaa @gothidol @robbierotten @nostr8s @garpefruit @jarritos @boysflesh @lv4 @katsukjs @catsuop @play5tation @aggressve @yeshival @kittycreamer @normaltype @rottingelf @punpun1 @erejs @kaidksoo @2691  @calpicomilk @jailbots @vampirewars @softweab @gemsoft @1998goodbye 
ahhhh if i forgot you im so so so sorry !!! i have over 500 mutuals & im tired so im stopping here;; thank you all for following me!! lets have a great year!!
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Beautiful Asian girl, Yuuna Asakuro is sucking dick in a bus, on her way home
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