#asakura twins moments
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theshamankinghao · 5 months ago
Hao is so funny, I swear, what main villian has an introduction like this. He's so scary and evil and over powered and this is right after they first meet him. He's so funny 🤣 One of my fav moments for sure. Yoh just waving back sends me 😆
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Shaman King Vol 9
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hao-and-yoh · 8 days ago
Shaman King - “Fractured Duality” - “Alt” Universe
Continued from here.
Episode Eleven (5)
“So that was a little different. It was actually kinda nice, hah.” chuckled Yoh as he adjusted his backpack straps.
“What was?” came the disgruntled reply of the Chinese shaman.
“You know, actually landing safely and collecting our stuff — like “normal” people.” laughed the younger Asakura brother.
“Who wants to be normal? Sounds boring.” replied the elder twin with a slight amused grin.
The twins let out a mirrored laugh before beaming an identical smile at each other. 
Ren rolled his eyes and huffed in response to the sickening familiarity the pair had with one another. But after considering their words for a moment, something occurred to him,
“Wait a minute, I thought you said that you didn’t make it this far in “your world” - and the Shaman Fight was called off?”
Yoh felt a pang in his chest as he realised his loose lips had accidentally backed them both into a corner.
“Well uh –” awkwardly began Yoh.
“It’s like we told you,” interjected Hao, “Yoh and I have experienced a shift in time and reality, just like you. In our old world - we travelled to the US on the Patch aircraft, they threw us out - and the next thing we know, we were back where we started.”
Hao forced a candid smile at Tao Ren, but when he was met with a cold and distrusting look in response, he quickly realised his attempt to create a sense of mutual understanding with him without bending the truth too much was impossible.
“Threw you out? Like - from the sky?!” loudly questioned the small human in their group. Manta’s eyes widened as Ren began to tell him the bizarre circumstances of his last experience travelling to US soil.
“Phew, nice save Nii-chan.” silently thought Yoh, letting out a soft audible sigh as he met his twin’s reassuring gaze.
Hao smiled softly in response to hearing his brother’s relieved voice. Though the small odd detail that Yoh’s lips had not moved along to his words did not seem to occur to him.
The colourful group of five continued their on-foot journey into the streets of Denver – observing the neighbouring shops and amenities as they began to open their doors for business. Yoh and Hao’s thoughts simultaneously turned to the missing member of their party, who had ran ahead with an excitable declaration he was going to “scout the area” for more Shaman Fight contestants. The twins were certain his search would be fruitless, but they were both becoming acutely aware that their new world was full of unexpected surprises.
“So uh…” mumbled Manta, “How did you find the Village last time, Ren?”
“A series of careless nonsensical poor decision making and a lot of luck.” replied Ren, bluntly.
Manta laughed awkwardly before letting out an anxious exhale in response to Ren’s cold and blunt words.
“Well - we don’t need luck this time!” gleefully chirped in Yoh. “Ren knows where we need to go next, right Ren?”
“We’re beginning from a completely different starting point. I’ll need time to gather my bearings.” replied Tao Ren with a notable hint of agitation.
Yoh laughed awkwardly in response,
“Well in that case, we might as well look around - you never know who we might bump in-”
“Hey guys! Look who I found!” came the loud and ecstatic voice of the ice shaman.
The group unanimously turned towards the direction the happy voice of their friend came from. Hao’s blood ran cold when he immediately recognised the young boy dressed in bright green attire to match his illuminous green hair style coming towards them. “Oh shit.”
“This should be interesting.”
For their own individual reasons, the group all shared a mutual feeling of uncertainty as HoroHoro beamed a goofy smile at them as he dragged the boy towards them by the wrist.
“This is that British kid I was telling you about - Lionel!” delightfully yelled HoroHoro as he and the other boy reached the group.
Hao and Yoh exchanged a worried glance with one another and they held their breaths, bracing themselves for another intense encounter.
Hao even momentarily considered summoning his Spirit Ally for protection.
The young boy chuckled sheepishly at the others as he tried to politely shake his hand free from HoroHoro’s grasp.
“My name is actually Lyserg Diethel.” said the softly spoken young man. He then beamed a friendly smile at the group. “It’s so great to finally find other Shaman Fight competitors. I should never have doubted my attuned dousing instincts - I knew more shaman were going to pass through here eventually!”
A short awkward silence grew. Ren and Jeanne shared a knowing unspoken exchange before Ren turned towards the familiar face in front of him. He then quickly caught on to the bizarre unfolding differing circumstances when he observed that not only was Lyserg familiar with his old team mate, he was also grossly unfamiliar with someone else in their group.
“You two… know each other?” muttered Ren, gesturing with just his eyes towards Lyserg and HoroHoro.
“That’s right - we met back in Japan!” happily replied HoroHoro. The look of unwavering confidence and smugness on HoroHoro’s face did not go unnoticed by the warrior shaman.
“I see.” murmured Ren as he began to intensely examine Lyserg from head to toe. He fixated his glare on the most obvious difference in his appearance -  the forest-green deer stalker cap he was wearing on his head.
Lyserg shifted on his feet uncomfortably as Ren continued to intensely stare him down. Feeling somewhat anxious by the strange reception, his eyes drifted to the friendlier and warmer expressions of the two standing beside Ren.  
“Are these those friends you told me about, HoroHoro?”
“Yeah! Asakura bros - meet Lionel.”
“Lyserg.” quietly muttered Lyserg as he politely outstretched his hand towards Yoh.
“Hi Lyserg, I’m Yoh.” breathed Yoh, relieved, as he grasped Lyserg’s hand firmly. “It’s… really really good to see you.”
Recognising Yoh’s overpowering welcoming energy as he shook his hand, Lyserg blinked back in surprise at the shaman he had just met.
“Oh, wow. I’ve never met a new friend so glad to see me before!” happily cried Lyserg, giving him a sweet smile.
Letting go of Lyserg’s firm hand shake, Yoh then turned to his twin standing silently beside him and gave him yet another reassuring smile before he took in a deep breath and breathed out the words,
“And this is my brother… Hao.”
Hao froze momentarily as he watched in amazement as the innocent face in front of him shined the exact same sweet and welcoming smile at him before also presenting him with his hand too.
“What a disgustingly sweet little amateur he turned out to be.”
“Uh… it’s nice to meet you, Lyserg.” quietly muttered Hao as he accepted Lyserg’s hand.
The twins could almost feel Ren’s eyes burning into their skulls as the odd exchange unfolded in front of them.
“And this is Manta, Ren and Jeanne.” went on HoroHoro, gesturing to each one of them as he did so.
“Hi!” greeted Manta, reaching up and shaking hands with the English shaman before Lyserg offered the same polite gesture to the only woman in their party.
Jeanne smiled sweetly at Lyserg and shook his hand happily.
“Lyserg. The smile on your face and the joy emanating from your soul really warms my heart.” softly cried Jeanne, her eyes glazing over slightly as she spoke.
“Oh… uh, thank you?” awkwardly replied Lyserg. “It’s… great to meet you too!”
Jeanne found herself holding on to Lyserg’s hand for a few moments longer than the average hand shake - making their exchange somewhat more awkward than the others. Lyserg blushed a little as Jeanne continued to smile fondly at him.
“This is getting ridiculous.” muttered Ren under his breath, clearly irked by the situation.
Lyserg did not bother to offer a hand to the disgruntled pointy haired one. Instead, his mind fell back on the circumstances that led to this strange yet overly friendly meeting.
“It transpires my numbers prediction was accurate too.” nodded Lyserg as he looked around at the group one by one.
“Numbers?” repeated Ren, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes.” replied Lyserg, “There’s six of you. Six shaman.”
“Oh no, I’m not a shaman.” corrected Manta.
Lyserg blinked at the small human’s words. A puzzled look flickered across his delicate soft features.
“Huh. That’s weird. My advanced dousing technique is always correct about these things.” quietly muttered Lyserg, he lifted his arm to observe his dousing crystal device as he spoke.
“Maybe it just means there’s someone else around here we’re destined to meet too! This is awesome - it’s like a family reunion!” happily cried Yoh.
The rest of the group all exchanged a look with one another at Yoh’s words.
“Yoh.” hissed Hao. “Don’t you think you’re getting a little… carried away?”
Yoh brought himself down a few octaves at his brother’s sharp words.
“S-sorry, Hao. I’m just excited…” he muttered, sadly.
“Reunion? What do you mean?” innocently asked Lyserg.
“Oh. Hah.” jumped in HoroHoro. “Well… actually, it’s a little complicated Lionel but - things are a bit… upside down in our world at the moment?”
“Heh. That’s putting it lightly.”
“What HoroHoro means Lyserg is that… Yoh has actually met you before.” explained Hao, sympathetically.
“You have?!” gasped Lyserg, blinking in surprise at the twins.
Following Hao’s lead to speak the truth, Jeanne spoke up,
“I was not sure if it was my place to say, but Lyserg, dear - myself and Ren know you very well too. But in a different sort of way.”
Lyserg watched as Jeanne once again gave him an over-familiar smile. He looked on at confusion at the group he had just met for the very first time.
Yoh sighed deeply. He then looked around at the buildings surrounding them.
“You know what?” he sighed, smiling a bit. “Talking about all this confusing stuff really makes me hungry. I think I saw a diner over there – ”
“I like your thinking dude!” excitedly interrupted HoroHoro, “I could really go for a classic American cheeseburger right now!”
“It’s 9 o’clock in the morning!” snapped Ren.
“Hey!” retorted the Ainu shaman. “My body clock is still in China’s time zone! Mind your own business!”
The group turned their attention to a nearby bright red and cyan coloured diner sign. When Hao observed the shiny metallic reflective outdoor décor, he felt a strange sense of dread in his chest.
“Actually - I’m not all that hungry.” hastily muttered Hao, instinctively taking a step in the opposite direction, “And I think I’ve had enough awkward conversations lately to last me a whole other life time.”
The group all exchanged concerned glances with one another once more. Jeanne in particular gave Ren an intense glare in response to Hao’s sorrowful tone. Ren shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes at her in response.
“Are you sure man? You didn’t eat at all during the flight.” worriedly asked HoroHoro, placing a hand on the fire shaman’s shoulder.
“Yeah, Nii-chan. HoroHoro’s right - you need to eat something, we have a long journey ahead of us.” protested Yoh.
Without hesitation, Hao stepped back from his friend’s reassuring touch and continued on his way down the avenue alone.
“Just… get me something to take out. I - I’ll catch you all later. Enjoy your meal.”
In a shared stunned silence, all watched as the long-haired shaman hurriedly walked away from them.
After a moment, Ren scoffed and a devilish smirk appeared on his face as he looked towards the new addition to their group.
“Hm, one might assume he was running away from something.” sarcastically chuckled the warrior shaman.
“Or someone!” angrily snapped Jeanne.
As the others slowly one by one began to head towards the diner, Yoh kept his gaze on his big brother’s image for as long as possible before he disappeared at the end of the street.
Continue here.
Enter “Alt Universe” here.
Read “Fractured Duality” in full here.
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addictofanimation · 4 years ago
Okay, Brain...
Why did I suddenly get the funny mental image of Hao and Yoh being born together as normal twins and then Hao keeps getting into fights with Anna over not being able to know what she's thinking because her actions and words keep contradicting themselves?
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saving-empress-ac · 3 years ago
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I know in my heart that this moment holds a special place in the heart of our great lord Hao Asakura.
The fact that he recognized and declared this as "the only time he and Yoh will ever work together as brothers" speaks volumes. He could have said that this is the only time they could work together with the same goal in mind or the only time they work together as a team. BUT HE SAID THAT THEY WOULD WORK TOGETHER AS BROTHERS!
Hao must have longed for a time to have fought together with his younger twin, his other half. He must have contemplated on how both of them could have, SHOULD HAVE, grown up together, gathering the strongest shamans around the world and defeating enemies as a team. He must have thought about how it would have been different to have Yoh by his side and not just watching his brother act tough and mighty because that was what everyone was expecting from the younger Asakura twin.
I know Hao harbors so much hate on those who oppose him but I believe that he never hated Yoh. he had seen through Yoh's actions and he must have known and loathed the pressure and responsibilities the entire Asakura clan had placed on his precious little brother.
And with how the world now unfurls in their universe, I just hope that these two could have their own moments together. The entire universe owes them so much time for them to bond as brothers.
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zarahxan · 3 years ago
Hmmm the Asakura twins are too easy, sooo how about Lyserg?
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Disclaimer, I guess: Basing this answer off the fact that I haven’t watched the entirety of the new SK anime yet and it’s been a while since I’ve read the manga (or the spin-offs he’s involved in). This is just my two cents from memory.
From what I remember of Lyserg, he seemed like an interesting character. He was very much just this traumatized kid who was hellbent on trying to get back at the one who took away everything he had. He had this nice detective/Sherlock Holmes theme going on about him and Morphine’s cute, so I think he was nice in terms of concept. And despite all of his angst, it didn’t stop him from making friends or being nice (at least in terms of what I remember in the manga).
I really liked the dynamic Lyserg seemed to have with Yoh. He was pretty much the pessimist to his idealist. His inability to let go of his grudge because of what was done to him contrasts nicely with Yoh’s more pacifist, no-killing philosophy, and I can understand why he decided to go with the X-Laws for a time. It also gives this counter argument to Yoh’s ideals; not everyone is going to be all about forgiveness and letting go, especially if so much was done to them. Speaking of which…
My one gripe about Lyserg and fanon is rather small, actually. I have a pet peeve with people who say that he needed to forgive Hao (I remember reading a fic about him that basically goes ‘well Hao was forgiven by many other people, so you should too!’). Or that him not doing that is a step back for his development as a character. Holding grudges can be unhealthy, yes. But Lyserg had legitimate reasons for why he didn’t like him. I think him letting go of his anger and learning to cope with his issues in a healthy way would’ve been nice, but that doesn’t mean he has to forgive and forget what his parents’ killer did. I know there were fans who didn’t like him or hated him because of the decisions he’s made because of that rage (possibly due to how harsh he was portrayed in the 2001, but I digress), but to me he doesn’t seem as any better than fan favorite Hao (who also happens to be my fav, mind you). I also like how he ended up getting SOF in the end and that parallel he has with Hao in that regard. Kind of shows how dear ol’ Fireboy perpetuated the cycle of hatred with Lyserg.
Of course, it’s nice that SK gave him fun moments with his friends (I think he makes bread for them at some point? Can’t remember the chapter but it felt so wholesome to me. Like I said, I gotta reread SK again). We needed more moments where he’s happy and not thinking about his past. Granted, we needed more moments where the SK characters in general get to catch a break. XD
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chukazanmai · 3 years ago
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Continued from here
He wasn’t supposed to have learned about this. Not yet anyway. But push came to shove and when Hao really came for Yoh this time, Ren had been there and, of course with his short temper, he couldn’t leave the fight just to the latter. Especially after he got himself injured like that.
At the end they were both rescued by a man with a mask covering his face, that Ren eventually learned was none other than Mikihisa Asakura, Yoh’s father. Ren didn’t even know if he could call that a rescue, Hao had merely retreated, all that Mikihisa did was stand in between them.  Perhaps what had bothered Ren the most was how the man hadn’t even checked on his son despite seeing he was injured. Just a simple question about if he was alright.
Ren had carried Yoh back to one of the Patch houses so that he could receive treatment. The Tao heir had merely suffered minor injuries, nothing that a couple of bandages for a few days wouldn’t do. It was then the rest of the Asakura family, as well as Anna and Tamao, appeared in the room and Ren was pretty much shunned out of it. Yet stubborn as he was, he remained in the halls, listening to the conversation and occasionally glaring at Mikihisa who hadn’t bothered going inside and just in case he even so attempted to stop him from listening.
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Yoh was Hao’s brother. Twin brother. It shouldn’t have been such a surprise to him...the similarities between the two didn’t go amiss. His family had just dropped that bomb on him, not only that but aside from the relationship between the two, Yoh had always been destined to fight and kill Hao one day. There had been no emotion, no moral support, nothing and that alone made Ren’s blood boil. 
Why were both their families so messed up?
While it had no possible comparison with the way things were, Ren didn’t want to imagine how he would feel if he was suddenly told he had to kill Jun... That’s why as soon as Yoh stepped out of that room, Ren decided to lead him out of there, away from that place, away from the Asakuras...and if he could do it he would take him away from reality.
The forest of the Patch village seemed, at the moment, the best place.
“Cut the crap with me, Yoh.” he frowned at the (clearly) fake smile he was pulling, he knew him better than this...or so he hoped he did “It’s just you and me here, I am not going to judge you.”
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moontheoretist · 4 years ago
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Now, considering they are remaking the series, which I grew up with and to which I wrote my first fanfictions ever, I will finally be able to talk about every fucked up shit in this series, which I wanted to talk about for so long. Like for example: How did they not know those will be twins until the very last minute? Did they not have a medical equipment required to check this in 1985? Or were they afraid to check on the kids in case Hao attacked them during the check-up. Like, how did hospitals in 1985 Izumo even operate? Or maybe they were as backwards as I think Asakura family probably was and they as a "traditional family" decided that their daughter doesn't need hospital care, because she can give birth at home (for those who didn't know it already, Mikihisa married into Asakura family). And I cannot stress how very much in character that would be for the Asakura family. Let's throw the technology outside the window and stay detached from the modern world forever, even if it means endangering the wellbeing of our own daughter and make the childbirth worse for her. Good job, Asakura family. You were very clever to the point I kinda wanna smack you.
[EDIT: I was just informed that in the manga Mikihisa and Keiko visit the hospital, and I am like: ok, now that is funny, because both anime adaptations skip this fact, and I am forever curious why. Not shaman like enough or smth? Like literally this whole scene is nearly the same as in the 2001 version, maybe there is more dialogue than in the original one, but the hospital visit is still not dramatic enough to mention it, because it would destroy the shaman aesthetic or smth.]
The other disturbing thing is that their duty to stop Asakura Hao didn't even make them pause before they attacked their own kid (though in the storyline it was stated Yohmei hesitated, I don’t take it as a sign of familial love when he has done that in the middle of trying to kill his own grandson, like WTF Yohmei, not to mention it is always referred to as the “moment of weakness which allowed evil to escape”, so yeah, familiar love who? I don’t see any here). What if Yoh was the firstborn? They would literally kill "their only hope" if that was the case and still failed to stop Hao afterwards anyway. I personally CANNOT imagine being Keiko and ALLOWING such a thing, even for the sake of the world. Like I can imagine she agreed at first and came to accept her child's fate, but at the last moment she would still try to protect him. And she didn't, because mangaka is a guy, and he doesn't understand motherly feelings. Hiroyuki Takei was just like "oh yeah, Keiko will be this typical obedient woman, who allows anything to happen to her kids if it's for the sake of saving the world, because she is that flat and unimportant as a character to me, so I who needs her to even have any Asakura powers which are cool and combat related?". I cannot stress how much I hate that Keiko's role starts and ends on being a bad mum. Literally her whole personality contradicts itself. She is said to have a strong ego, but never stands up to her own family in order to save her son. Never tries to show her family that maybe if they treated Hao as their kid from the start, he would be different and would find a better solution to make the world better. No, Takei was like "she has no role at all". Not to mention that she is a typical anime trope of "gives birth and then disappears" mother. Because shounen manga audience apparently doesn't care and doesn't need a mom to be an actual human person who supports her child and is in their life as long as she possibly can.
Yes I know it's like kicking the hurt dog, because this series is old (1998-2004) and it was made in a different political climate, when women weren't really talking about their hardships as much and as loudly as they do now (?), but misogyny and sexism is inexcusable always, no matter the era in which the medium was made. Feminism existed at the time too. It was there and kicking and fighting and working to make the lives of women in Japan better, so if you ask me there is no excuse for this in every old series ever made, because the only reason they can give is that "they didn't care" about the women rights and representation, even though they knew about feminism and what it tried to achieve. They just dismissed it and didn’t take women seriously.
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silversatin2105 · 3 years ago
Shaman King fic: Can you help me ?(Akina Asakura (my Hao’s daughter FC) Asking for directions to the Asakura house) CH 5
As Akina slept from her ordeal she traversed the realm of her mind looking for answers, She wanted to know who the girl who attacked her was and more importantly their intentions, At this moment it felt like a battle of knowledge as anything would help her reach the truth.
After searching the realm of her mind for what felt ages, Akina comes upon the image of a lit torch, An odd lit torch as It burned whist the rain fell around her mind, more to the point the torch was an odd shade of red, Akina approached the flame as it began to speak to her.
“Its been a while, Lady Asakura” The flame spoke to the young shaman as it turned into a spirit phoenix, Blazing wings spreading from its visage covering the floor with scorch marks.
“How do I know you?” Akina questioned the flaming phoenix as it preened its feathers making fresh scorch marks upon the land, the phoenix let out a sarcastic laugh before gazing at Akina again with a knowing look.
“We have been a part of each other since you were very young; I and my twin were gifted to you and your sister by Hao on your third birthday, each of us integrating with your very soul and since then we in someway became a part of you” The phoenix explained looking at the wide eyed shaman in front of her as the phoenix took human form, She looked like Akina in all ways but she had fiery red hair, crimson silted eyes and a red aura.
“You look like me, how is that possible” Akina went on to speak before being bonked on the head for her stupid question as the phoenix crossed her arms and fixed her kimono, Akina winced from the bonk and then looked up at the phoenix.
“Have you not been listening, In essence I am you a flame sealed in your soul, to do so one must perform a forbidden ritual to combine two souls, Most of the time it fails and nothing comes of it but you and your twin intergraded with us, I entered into this willingly but my counterpart didn’t she over took Rei and plans on using her to overthrow The shaman king Hao, What will you do? Join her or defy her” The phoenix asked looking at Akina with a deep growl hoping for the right answer.
“Alright, Alright I get it but your making it sound like I have to kill her to stop her, I will not do that, I refuse to take the life of another “ Akina sternly remarked looking at the phoenix as the humanoid phoenix took flight charging for Akina taking her by the neck, unlocking the seal on her memories.
Akina screamed in pain as moments from her past flowed into her head, Moments of her and Rei training as girls and in each Rei not only beating her but taking it too far, Of the nights Rei would demand Akina join her on her plan, Of Rei treating the local spirits as nothing but tools and of Reis plan to burn the world to ashes and begin anew, Rei only letting Akina on the plan if she swore full allegiance to her, It all came to a head in one memory as Hao ordered Rei to leave the training room as Rei had burned Akinas back.
Memory after memory showed Akina the truth of her sister, until that fateful training session that ended in Rei packing to leave, She would demand that her twin leave with her to pursue her path of destruction, A plan that was halted as Hao ambushed Rei and sealed her away underground, The last thing Akina hears in the recollection of her memories is Hao speaking a chant whist holding a hand on her head, And after that all future memories were as if she was an only child.
“No way, Father did all that….” Akina spoke in dismay backing away from the phoenix as the phoenix looked down on the young shaman in her presence, Ready to attack at any moment, She showed her the truth of her past now she wanted to know if Akina had the resolve.
With that began the hellish battle of wills within Akina, Sparks flew towards her as Akina dodged them, One by one the flames spread within the realm of Akinas mind leaving only a ring of un burned ground between her and the phoenix, With one more charge the battle had been decided.
“Enough I will not kill my sister, I will not as it isn’t her, Instead ill banish your twin from her soul” Akina resolved as her and the phoenix clashed one last time before the phoenix took human form again, with a smile the Phoenix covered both her and Akina in red flames.
“I see your resolve and will endeavor to help you and besides I had the same idea, I will help you on the grounds that you free me the moment our task is done we phoenixes must return to the natural order, now what do you say Lady Asakura do we have a deal?” The phoenix asked the shaman as they both were covered in flames.
“I accept these terms now come to me and burn away the lies so that only truth remains, Set fire to the rebellion your sister has wrought and secure the future for none shamans and shamans alike” Akina vowed as in reality her hospital room became engulfed in flames, The flames burning all but her and cauterizing her wounds, Eyes open Akina stood as the emblem of the phoenix adorned her body.
“We have work to do” Akina spoke out wrapping herself with a blanket from her hospital room, Yuko who kept an eye on her looked at her with wide eyes and questioned what had just transpired.
“I am okay Yuko I know the truth now come with me” Akina ordered in a determined tone leaving with her, disappearing into the night as she would search for her father and the way to undo what had been done to her and her sister.
And with that a frozen fate had began to thaw as blood was to fight blood, Who would be the victor though, Who would win between the twin flames.
(This part will conclude part one of the Akina and Rei trilogy, The next chapter begins phase two and this will be written in due time, Till then please enjoy this chapter)
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fruitysmellz · 6 years ago
((This is more of a before the Mu Continent arc though because I’m a cheating cheater who cheats.))
It wasn't like her to be so conscious of her physical features. She realized this when she caught herself checking her body in front of a mirror, her gaze particularly set on her abdomen.
As a child, she was used to hearing the inner hearts of people against her will -- so used to people calling her and associating her to scary demons with large fangs, grotesque claws, and ugly faces. And in a way, it caused her to shape what she thought of herself to look like too.
A demon, they called her, and a demon she may very well be. Maybe without the claws and the fangs and the contorted faces, but a monster nonetheless.
It took one fated meeting with a boy and his walking-and-talking pet cat to change all of her perspectives of herself. That said, she never really had enough reason to doubt everything about herself, especially her looks. Yoh's thoughts of her being pretty and cute were enough to make her cheeks blush and her heart beat a little faster.
But this was new territory to her and it left her thinking, hoping, and eventually doubting every belief and foundation she had ever built for herself.
And yet… It was inevitable she supposed.
The recent developments of the Shaman Fight had pushed both Yoh and her to further their relationship at an incredibly fast pace, ensuring that there would be hope for the Asakura bloodline to continue should the odds be unfavorable. It didn't matter to Anna though, because she loved him with all her heart and was confident to say that Yoh returned her feelings as well. And she loved this little one too even when she was still barely showing, although Faust did reassure her that she was going to keep growing as the months pass.
As well, Faust also gave her a solemn advice.
Tell Yoh. It would do great for his morale to keep fighting, the doctor had said with a smile. That and it was a perfect reason for him to come home in one piece.
And tell him she tried. She really did. Anna wanted to reach out to him so badly as soon as she found out about their growing baby. However, luck was never on her side and the circumstances that came their way always took priority before her. The days passed too quickly for her and before she knew it, the Shaman Fight was finally reaching its peak.
Hao's sudden arrival at the onsen -- she heard the scuffles and the screaming from her room and knew right then that Hao had intruded in on their hot springs bath uninvited -- was proof of that. Asakura Hao was a calculating man, his insights as powerful as his furyoku. Perhaps it had to do with his age – he looked like a child, acted like one too when he felt like it, but beneath it all lay an old soul with a thousand years of experience. He was hardly wrong with his predictions, and once he warned Yoh and the others that certain “pests” were coming, Anna knew what he meant. Hao had set the stage with his plan and for that, she played her part as well and informed Yoh of what she knew (or suspected) all along.
They were being tracked by humans and Hao was ready to massacre these bumbling idiots who thought they could keep the shamans at bay. It didn’t help that they all were helmed by one Oyamada Mansumi, the father of a good friend of theirs. If Yoh made a wrong move, this could very well be the bloodiest battle they would ever face before even reaching the Mu Continent.
She left the twins after she was done with her revelation, hoping they could somehow reach an agreement against this impasse and knowing that this was the end of the line for her as well. She wasn’t able to tell him after all. Yoh will have to find out once he's returned. If he returns.
The thought was disheartening.
To cope, she had gone to the porch and sat there, underneath a starry sky. She had learned this from Yoh and although it did calm her irrational feelings somewhat, the possibility of waking up one day and tending to a fatherless child burdened her heart so much it almost left her breathless.
She sighed to herself, unconsciously patting her still-flat belly.
Lost in her own thoughts, she barely noticed the soft footsteps coming her way. She didn't even bat an eye when his too-familiar presence approached her, his aura always so warm and welcoming despite everything that was happening in his life. She did, however, tilt her head at him when he called her name softly.
Yoh's smile was serene when she gave him a nod.
"You're not in bed yet."
"So are you."
He laughed and sat next to her without preamble. His gaze was set on the stars.
"Hao couldn't sleep with me around." His explanation was followed with a hearty chuckle. "So I thought I might as well stroll around while he dozes off."
Slowly, he turned to her, his perpetual smile plastered in his face.
"I guess that was a good thing too, because you look like you have something to tell me." She opened her mouth but he was already shaking his head. "And no, it's not about Manta and his dad. I'm sure of it."
Eyes wide and mouth slightly agape, she immediately looked away with a vexed huff. It was almost unnerving how Yoh could be just as insightful as his older twin. And she thought she was the one who had Reishi too!
She grumped in silence, ignoring his jovial sniggers.
Silence fell between them after, both lost in the stars. Somehow, along the way, Yoh had reached out for her hand and she didn't pull away. They stayed like that, comfortable in each other's presence, before she felt Yoh's grip on her hand tighten.
She exhaled quietly and bit her lower lip.
"I'm pregnant."
"I know."
Perplexed, she flinched and almost unlinked her hand away from his. He responded by sliding close to her, the distance between them nonexistent as he threaded her slim fingers between his calloused ones.
"I've always been observant when it comes to you, Anna." He planted a soft kiss on her knuckle. "I knew the moment you woke me up at three in the morning that one time because you were hungry for oranges."
Shocked and speechless, she was rendered to watching him with wide eyes as he slowly wound an arm around her waist, pulling her so close she was almost sitting on his lap, and rested his forehead against hers.
"I'll come back." He whispered, his eyes shut as he breathed in her comforting scent. "I promise you, I will."
She felt like the silliest girl in the world when it became fully obvious to her that she believed him. Here he was, balanced in a precarious state and the fate of the world resting on an impossible bet that he had planned for his showdown against his too-powerful brother, and she was undoubtedly 100% with him all throughout.
It was stupid. It was a fool's journey. And yet she was nodding as he kissed her forehead, her belief in him so strong that she would have trembled had it not been for his arm supporting her waist.
He was going to come home, he promised and she believed. They were all coming home, back to Funbari where the dreams of finally tying the knot and running a booming onsen lay at arm’s reach. And by then, the flowers would be blooming.
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unknown-de-mordor-blog · 7 years ago
The Dark-Lord Family, A.K.A. My Top 5 Favourite Villains
Melkor/Morgoth + Mairon/Sauron -- The Lord of the Rings+The Silmarillion
I know that’s two, but don’t make me separate them. I will not separate them.
They’re actually going to be the odd one out in this list because the rest are from anime/manga, but that’s because back when I was in middle school, I found villains from fantasy stories boring af and the notion that something external is the source of evil is just lazy. (Also because my obnoxious middle-school brain just went ‘Argh, blaming other people for your problems is soooo immature’ and shut down.) Arguably, I wasn’t well-versed in those kinds of literature, and stuff I did choose to read from that side of the globe don’t have villains in them.
And that’s kind of why these two makes the list -- they are more properly constructed than other dark lords that I know of. Yes, they serve as the personification of evil, but Tolkien also treated them as characters. They have reasons for becoming what they’ve become. And even though they are depicted as the epicentre of evil and destruction, evil isn’t actually their domain. Tolkien was pretty clear about that in his writing because he also examined and, to some degree, deconstructed evil in his universe. The Feanorians are chief examples of that. Turin is not really off the hook with some of his bad life choices (and I don’t mean marrying his sister; when intent in factored in, that’s actually not the worst Turin had done). And don’t get me started on how much I loathe Denethor.
In a way, I found Tolkien depiction of dark lords rather subversive. Having a dark lord really plays into a primal psychology that wants to blame the ill of the world to someone: capitalism, communism, Hitler, Stalin, Baby boomers, Millenials, the Jews, the Muslims, the conservative Christians, the patriarchy, cis white (American) males. But in the deconstruction of the dark lords, he was also saying, really, that evil without comes from the evil within and it’s complicated because evil is a part of nature. It doesn’t come from a box, an apple, a fallen angel, or a rebellious servant of God. And to win against the evil without, you have to fight the evil within. And that’s why Frodo is still one of my greatest heroes. He really did take the hardest job in the book, and I’m not talking about walking into Mordor.
Hao Asakura-- Shaman King (manga, not the anime)
Also known to me and my best friend as “Melkor and Sauron’s lovechild” because his character has things that reminded us of Melkor and Sauron. Hao is a personification of evil and destruction. His main power is Fire, and I’m capitalizing here because the spirit that is his main source of power is called the Spirit of Fire and it’s huge, like balrog huge.
But unlike with Melkor and Sauron, we got to hear directly from Hao why he thinks the destruction of humanity is a good idea. As it turns out, Hao actually has a shit-list on humanity collected over the last thousand years, and we look horrendous on it. It’s hard to argue that we are not cancerous, narrow-minded, selfish bunch of crap who frequently gives into the tendency to destroy each other and is going to destroy this one planet we have and take every other species who had not done any shit to deserve this with it. So, yes, Hao was saying, ‘I’m the necessary evil because you all are shitheads’. And he’s right. In some ways, he’s even more right now than he was back in the 90s.
But you might say that’s one particular lens of interpreting our complex and problematic (as in difficult) legacy. We’re not all bad! Well, true, but us doing good does not in anyway erase the fact that we’ve done some really shitty things as well. That’s why as extreme as Hao’s position might be, he’s about as logically wrong as saying we should keep humanity because we have done some nice things.
And the greatest thing in Shaman King to me is that Hiroyuki never went down that route of that oversimplified counter-argument. He actually had Yoh -- our hero, the personification of good, and Hao’s twin brother -- admitted to not liking human either. In fact, Yoh was the one most sympathetic to Hao’s position even though he disagreed that destroying humanity would solve any of Hao’s problems.
And Hao’s biggest problem was that he was isolated, dehumanized, and betrayed over such a long time that he lost the ability to trust and to love. And as time progressed and Hao becomes more powerful, you can even argue that he lost the ability to love himself. When Hao became God, he isolated himself from other souls, pushing even his most loyal followers away by displays worthy of an evil dark lord when they in fact contradicts how he had always treated them-- with kindness and understanding that they never received from others.
But that tactic wasn’t going to work on Yoh’s watch. The guy basically threw the biggest spirit party ever, invited everyone who ever crossed path with Hao, and gave the man the biggest metaphorical group hug. There were some stern talks about his past behaviour and ambitions, but all in all, everyone acknowledged that he was a person -- complicated and damaged but still a person worthy of friendship and love and loyalty. And after all the embarrassing reunion, including being enthusiastically called ‘nii-chan’ (that’s a cute way of calling someone ‘big-bro’) by his supposed mortal enemy and twin brother, Hao just kind of went ‘Fine! I warned you Earth sucks with humans on it, but if you want to make it better so much then go do it. I’ll watch you try!’
So, yep, that’s how you literally prevent apocalypse with the power of love. I wish more heroes adopt this strategy.
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^Hao as God Almighty from the sequel to Shaman King. Art by Takei Hiroyuki. This is to say that Hao is also a crazy cat-person.
Gabriel -- Daemon Hunters
Speaking of gods, here’s another god you should not mess with. I have to admit that this guy scares the living daylight out of me. And it’s not because he’s evil or cruel or twisted. Gabriel is... nothing. Really nothing. He was born out of an experiment to create a living god. And when knowledge and power are chosen over compassion, this is the destructive result.
Gabriel was born more powerful than anything under the sky. And he knew everything -- past, present, and future. He looked into a person’s eyes and he knew the life that was and the life that still to come. Except for one thing, one moment at the end of the world when he would meet a creature more powerful than himself, a creature that knew the answer to one last question Gabriel did  not: why was he alive?
And for that answer, Gabriel would do anything -- kill people, play with their minds, break their souls, wipe out an entire city or country. Literally, nothing was off-limits. And he was like a force of nature. You couldn’t negotiate or bargain with this guy because he didn’t care about puny little humans with puny little minds. He’s looking for an answer, and nothing was going to stop him.
So yeah, evil is not scary at all in my book. The insatiable thirst that knows no love? Yeah, totally.
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^The entire internet seriously just have this one picture of Gabriel. The sorrow of being in a non-existing fandom, I supposed.
Sebastian Michaelis -- Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Technically speaking, Sebastian is not a villain. He’s one of the two protagonists of Kuroshitsuji -- the other being my beloved anti-hero Ciel Phantomhive -- but considering that Sebastian (i) is a demon (ii) is after Ciel’s soul (iii) loves leading my dear boy astray, I count him as one.
Being treated in the narrative as one of the main characters is probably why he’s the most relatable on the list. Even though he’s a demon, he’s not treated as a personification of evil, just a corrupted creature serving as a vehicle for his master’s ambitions who likes to have fun along the way. That is not to say he’s not bad. He totally is. He would tear people to pieces as he kills them. He likes mind games and has no qualm manipulating people to get what he wants.
But the thing is, humans do that, too. Sebastian’s corruptness is not exceptional in anyway. We like to think we know what is right and wrong, but do we? We think we have made the best choices out of the goodness of our hearts, but were they, really? The matter of fact is a lot of our decisions are lazy, selfish, or just meanness dressed up as something else. There are moments when Sebastian demon’s ‘aesthetics’ seems more morally sound than the morality of a human being. And that’s kind of the theme of the series -- that the evil within clad in self-righteousness, desperation, and elitism can be more reprehensible than the evil without.
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^Art by Yana Toboso. I feel compelled to mention that Sebastian is also a crazy cat-person.
Johan Liebert -- Monster
To me, there is rarely a personification of evil more terrifying and a deconstruction more nuanced and heartbreaking than that in Naoki Urasawa’s Monster.
And it’s not even his best work! It was his first work in psychological thriller, so you can kind of see him working out how to do thriller and play with with characters’ psychology on the go. And the psyche that governs the entire story is that of Johan Liebert -- arch-villain, evil-incarnate, the new Napoleon of Crime. He rarely made any appearance in the story, but every time he did, I literally wanted to hyperventilate.
But really, setting Johan up that way was kind of a red-herring on Urasawa’s part, a good red-herring, too, because he was giving what Tolkien gave us in Middle-earth -- a personification of evil, someone we can point the finger to and blame for all the wrong in the world. And Johan played the dark lord to the tee.
Except then Urasawa slowly pulled the rug from under us. Little by little, as Dr. Kenzou Tenma, our personification of good, uncovered Johan’s past, we come to realize that there were other evil that made Johan. But then when Dr. Tenma approached those people, the big-bads dwindled into an old deluded man, a woman hunted, a mad scientist trying to repent his sin -- people after people who had made a decision based on their beliefs and made the wrong one.
I think what made Monster so powerful is how it uses Johan as the focal point to deconstruct evil down to its origin, to the fact that there is no other evil in the world than us. The evil without really is just a manifest of the evil within, and that little moments where we might have let it win could snowball into something monumentally terrifying.
But Urasawa’s view of human nature is not all doom and gloom. Yes, we’re at times wretched and wicked, but we can be better when we choose to be. And that idea is actually what Dr. Tenma represents. Tenma didn’t start out being good. He lied about his history. He was motivated by reputation and ego rather than the well-being of his patients. He had to be confronted by the consequence of his decisions and have his entire world crashing down to the ground to find the path to being good. And after that, it still wasn’t easy, as trying to be good in a world full of shitty people often is.
But things had changed for him, and I think that’s why he thought Johan could, too. That’s why he could never shoot even though Johan let him.
So, is Johan evil? My answer is yes. After all, he had done grave wrongs to people knowingly. But could he turn from the path of evil? Well, I think the more appropriate question is, have you?
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^Original design by Naoki Urasawa. I was once terrified of blue eyes because of this man.
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runehuin · 3 years ago
Family & Friends
The following include Characters across both RP AU’s  
{Hingashi Lord} & [The Lost Tribe]
Back under the Boughs
Rena Huin: Rune’s twin sister. Born first, and whilst sharing his lack of pigmentation, she was spared any other health conditions. Rena loves her brother very much, and her heart broke when he was inevitably taken by the Wards, knowing once they parted, it wouldn’t be long till his life ended- knowing the harshness of a Ward’s Training would be the end of him.
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Their relationship was very close and despite her brothers’ worries of being a burden on her, Rena never once resented any moments spent with her sibling, even when looking after him. Currently Rena still resides in the Golmore Jungle, lamenting the loss of her twin, but relieved when word was sent of his miraculous survival beyond the confines of their home.  Applicable Canons:{Hingashi Lord} & [ The Lost Tribe]
The Yukikaze Clan <Under construction>
Lady Miku  Applicable Canons:{Hingashi Lord} 
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Adoptive Mother figure of Rune, She goes by many names including; Lady Miku of the Yukikaze Clan, Lady of Asakura, Lord of Doma. One of the first people to come across Rune in the streets of Uldah delirious and incoherent. An expert in Aetherology, and Medicine, Miku dedicated herself to helping the fading Viera and figured out the true reason behind his sickly body. After extensive examinations, Miku perfected a strict and effective medical treatment aimed at aiding Rune’s congested aetherical flow, weakened heart and unregulated body temperature. Under her guidance, Rune’s potential is slowly coming to the surface, and is in the best physical and mental state he’s ever been. A firm leader and protective mother, Miku won’t coddle Rune- but she was the one to first return to him the loving warmth of family from which he was harshly ripped from- and sorely missed. 
Lady Izumi
Nhia Yukikaze  Applicable Canons:{Hingashi Lord} 
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Lucy/ Luci/ Lucifer Yukikaze  Applicable Canons:{Hingashi Lord}
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“Auntie” or “Uncle” regardless of form, Rune has always been able to recognize this person by the sheen of their aether and feel of it. Luci is, just Luci, and they are family to Rune.  Luce being a <redacted> is especially protective of Rune’s pension for attracting voidkin to him due to his congested aether. They have been the one of the biggest windows in which Rune’s world view has expanded through, and he’s learned much on how to survive this world via their advice and firm but honest criticism and guidance. Luci is 1 part tough love, and 3 parts tender hugs which the  jack is happy to indulge in~    
Kaede  Applicable Canons:{Hingashi Lord}
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Miku’s other adopted child, the True heir to the Yukikaze clan, and Rune’s new little sister to whom he’s developed a strong protective and friendly bond with. Rune sees a lot of the sister he lost in Kaede and this time round he refuses to let go. Often visiting her- and playing games, Rune teaches her words in his own language and even singing songs to her. They grew close quickly, and Rune’s finding he rather loves being an ‘older’ brother. She’s no fool, and no doubt has caught onto his condition quickly- as perceptive as her new parents~
Hinami Shimizu  Applicable Canons:{Hingashi Lord}
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As the illustrious Divine Priestess of the Twin Dragons Watatsumi and Kuraokami, Shimizu no Hinami; it is always jarring this highly acclaimed being calls Rune “ Rune-sama!~” sometimes when formalities are involved. Rune knew she was more than she appeared from the moment they first met- how could he not? She ‘felt’ bigger than she appeared. It is impossible though not to feel refreshed when in her presence, and after some time he two are on the first name basis whenever they can be. Rune respect Hinami greatly, only only because she is a great being, but he appreciate all she does for the Blossom and for his mother Miku.
Syrus Fyth
Kristjan Yukikaze
Eorzean Encounters~ <Under Construction>
Toshiro  Applicable Canons:{Hingashi Lord} 
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A fellow lost Vieran lad who too was taken from under the boughs- only in his case, this Veena was from the Mountains and raised as the adoptive son of a Doman merchant. “Toshi” became fast friends with Rune, to the point of making a pledge of guardianship between his clan and that of the Yukikaze. One he has upheld since then. The two get up to mischief and Toshi has taught Rune many things about surviving in the outside world whilst Rune offers his insight into some of Toshi’s crafting of traditional weaponry.
Kiett Ubmuawesfv  Applicable Canons:{Hingashi Lord}
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Kiett and Rune met at the Blossom one day, and quickly the adopted heir of the Yukikaze Clan recognized a similar soul in the other jack. By this point Rune had become more friendly, quick to speak his mind and share what he’s learned being in the outside world as much as he had. Seeing another recently exiled Ward like himself made Rune reach out to him and soon they became fast friends. Together, Kiett and Rune speak often about home and come to terms to the permanent shift their lives have taken. There is some comfort in not only sharing experiences, but also a language, which both will default to instinctively when in each others company. Kiett’s effortless kindness makes Rune come out his shell easier and speak one some level about things he’s yet to share with others for fear he’d make them worry.
The Lost Tribe <Under Construction>
Afridh Jokullbaer
Moyel Kapok Applicable Canons:{Hingashi Lord} & [ The Lost Tribe]
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A fellow Wood Ward trainee, Moyel met Rune when the kit was taken from his home at last by their first mentor. For the few years spent under the boughs together, these two built a brotherly bond which was more deep than either realized, as both turned out to be fathered by the same man. Rune doesn’t know this however, yet, not to mention he is the ELDER of the two, despite being treated as the younger ever since they met. Moyel is extremely protective of his ‘brother’ and when word reached him of his initial ‘demise’ Moyel didn’t believe it and set out not long after Rune disappeared to find him. 
 In the Traditional Tribal Canon, after a long search they were finally reunited in Eorzea.     
Halldora Wolt
0 notes
hao-and-yoh · 2 months ago
Shaman King “Fractured Duality” - Alternative Universe
Continued from here.
Episode Ten (10)
For a brief moment, Yoh noticed the subtle change in his big brother’s eyes - but before he could ask him what was wrong, his twin forcefully shrugged his shoulder - causing Yoh to instantly respond by removing his hand. Zeke immediately looked away from the illusion’s gentle expression to hide the repulsion now on his face.
“God dammit.”
Yoh hesitated. But then he remembered where they were and who was listening. He decided to wait until he got a chance to speak to Hao alone to find out what was bothering him. Yoh turned himself back around, and to send his twin a silent message that he wasn’t going anywhere, he shuffled backwards slightly and gently leaned back against him.
For God’s sake.
This version of his twin was even more sickeningly sweet than the one he remembered.
Had the King put something in Yoh’s code to make him physically drawn to him at every possible opportunity? Sounds just like the sort of sick joke he would come up with.
These physical symptoms he was feeling was proof the consumption was still on-going. That thing was still near the surface, pining for his fake baby brother. That imposter may be completely mindless and clueless for now, but if anyone was going to figure out what was going on - it was going to be the one who knew that thing the best in the whole world.
To keep both of these mindless ghosts oblivious to his presence, he was going to have to work a little harder to act the part.
Zeke relaxed his shoulders and leaned back against Yoh. Unseen to the elder twin, a reassured smile appeared on the younger twin’s face.
Lots of them.
And a busy, crowded, bustling indoor public space - with unlimited possible shiny surfaces.
Allowing his hair to fall in front of his eyes, he attempted to create as much of a blind spot in his peripheral vision as possible without appearing too much like a suspicious individual in an airport.
With a bit of persuasion from the ex-X-Law, the Chinese shaman had begrudgingly offered to foot the travelling bill. The Ainu shaman was delighted, which had earned the short pointy one some bonus points in his regard. He didn’t have to worry too much about the blue haired imbecile, he was more empty headed and gullible than the rest of them.
The familiar pretty face of the notorious Elite faction group was an interesting addition to their party, however.
Perhaps the effects of the spell went further than he imagined, removing her attuned instincts from her fabricated make-up. She seemed far too preoccupied with her other-worldly romantic pursuits to have even took a moment to consider what greater power was at play. Her curiosity only extended as far as seeking answers from the Patch. It had not even occurred to her that there was one standing in the room.
Lastly, there was the shortest one of them all. Perhaps the most delightful thing about Oyamada was his conviction he had two identical best friends.
It was, admittedly, a little adorable.
And made him just an accessory to the scenario. A perfect role for him.
With his twin glued to his side, there was one other thing he had to consider.
That thing was going to feel more at ease the closer it was to his other half. Making this uncomfortable unbearable process take even longer.
Without drawing too much attention to his increasing presence, if it manages to get back in the driving seat, he knew what he had to do:
He had to get that bastard away from Yoh.
Shuffling forward in the line as the happy couple finally finished their check in, Asakura Zeke turned on the charm for the human smiling in his direction.
“Good morning, sir. Passports please.” she began holding out her manicured hand to him.
Zeke gracefully handed over the documents whilst Yoh loaded their bags onto the scales.
“The gentleman in your travelling party has already completed your booking, two Air Dragon First Class seats to United States Denver International Airport, Colorado.”
“First Class?!” delightfully shrieked Yoh, looking over his shoulder and beaming a smile at Ren and the others.
“That is correct.” replied Zeke with an amused chuckle.
“If you wouldn’t mind just looking into the camera lens for me whilst I check your passports please.” instructed the Beijing airport check-in lady as she began to examine the twin’s travel documents.
Yoh happily followed the woman’s instructions before moving out of the way to allow his twin to have a turn.
Cameras? Monitors?
Does that count as a reflection?
“Anything to declare?”
Hao’s eyes drifted from his own image on the grey pixelated security monitor and met the friendly face of the smartly dressed lady looking directly at him waiting for a response.
“Pardon?” muttered Hao, blinking back at the woman.
“In your party’s luggage, sir. Anything to declare?” repeated the Beijing airport check-in desk staff member.
“Actually yeah.” came the friendly voice of his twin. Yoh suddenly appeared by his side. “I’m transporting two antique collectible relics, one is a katana blade. They are properly packaged, Ma’am.”
The twins watched as the check-in lady began typing the information into her computer and then she printed out a label and attached it to the bags on the conveyor belt. She then handed two Japanese passports and two boarding passes to Yoh.
“All done. Have a great flight. Next please!”
“God dammit. Shit!”
Continue here.
Enter “Alt Universe” here.
Read “Fractured Duality” in full here.
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satoshi-mochida · 7 years ago
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Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night will launch for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on May 24, 2018 in Japan, Atlus announced.
Standalone, each title will cost 7,480 yen on PlayStation 4 and 6,980 yen on PS Vita.
Two combination packs will also be available:
Persona Dancin’ All-Star Triple Pack (PS4) – 16,880 yen
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-A physical copy of Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night for PlayStation 4 -A physical copy of Persona 5: Dancing Star Night for PlayStation 4 -A digital copy of Persona 4: Dancing All Night for PlayStation 4 with high-resolution graphics
There are no plans for a general release of Persona 4: Dancing All Night for PlayStation 4
If you purchased downloadable content from the PS Vita version of Persona 4: Dancing All Night, it will be usable in the PlayStation 4 version
The PlayStation 4 version of Persona 4: Dancing All Night will not support cross-save with the PS Vita version
-Package art illustated by Shigenori Soejima
-Full Soundtrack (four discs, over 60 tracks)
Persona Dancin’ Deluxe Twin Plus (PS Vita) – 15,780 yen
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“Shin Megami Tensei (Protagonist)”
“Shin Megami Tensei II (Protagonist)”
“Shin Megami Tensei II (Hiroko)”
“Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (Protagonist)”
“Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (Jyoji Hijiri)”
“Shin Megami Tensei IV (Protagonist)”
“Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final (Protagonist)”
“Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (Demonica Suit)”
“Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (Kyouji Kuzunoha)”
“Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner – Soul Hackers (Nemissa)”
“Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner – Soul Hackers (Yuuichi Haga)”
“Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army (Tae Asakura)”
“Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (Protagonist)”
“Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (Yuzu Tanikawa)”
“Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (Sera)”
-Package art illustated by Shigenori Soejima-
-Full Soundtrack (four discs, over 60 tracks)
Here are the song lists for each game:
Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night Songs
“Brand New Days” Yuyoyuppe Remix
“Mass Destruction”
“When The Moon’s Reaching Out Stars” Hideki Naganuma Remix
“Want to be Close” ATOLS Reemix
“Shinsou Shinri” Lotus Juice Remix
“Deep Break Deep Breath” Yuu Miyake Remix
“Soul Phrase”
“Light the Fire Up in the Night ‘Kagejikan’ + ‘Mayonaka'”
“Burn My Dread” Novoiski Remix
“When the Moon’s Reaching Out Stars”
“Time” Atlus Kitajoh Remix
“Wiping All Out” Atlus Kozuka Remix
“A Way of Life” Atlus Kitajoh Remix
“Heartful Cry” Atlus Konishi Remix
“Light the Fire Up in the Night ‘Kagejikan’ + ‘Mayonaka'” Sasakure.UK Remix
“Mass Destruction” Tetsuya Kobayashi Remix
“Subete no Hito no Tamashii no Tatakai” T.Komine Remix
“Burn my Dread”
“Subete no Hito no Tamashii no Tatakai” Daisuke Asakura Remix
“Kimi no Kioku” Atlus Meguro Remix
“Our Moment”
“Moonlight Serendipity”
“Mass Destruction” Persona Music Fes 2013
“Burn my Dead -Last Battle-“
“Brand New Days”
Persona 5: Dancing Star Night Songs
“Rivers in the Desert”
“Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There” Jazztronik Remix
“Keeper of Lust”
“Blooming Villain” Atlus Konishi Remix
“Hoshi to Bokura to” Tofubeats Remix
“Tokyo Daylight” Atlus Kozuka Remix
“Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There”
“Rivers in the Desert” Mito Remix
“Booming of Villain”
“Life Goes On”
“Whims of Fate” Yukuhiro Fukutomi Remix
“Beneath the Mask” KAIEN Remix
“Will Power” Shacho Remix
“Last Surprise” Taku Takahashi Remix”
“Haha no Ita Hibi” Atlus Kitajoh Remix
“Life Will Change” Atlus Meguro Remix
“Jaldabaoth ~Our Beginning”
“Last Surprise”
“Life Will Change”“Groovy”
“One Nightbreak”
“Rivers in the Desert” Persona Super Live P-Sound Bomb 2017
“Hoshi to Bokura to”
“Last Surprise” Jazztronik Remix
The December 27-due issue of Weekly Famitsu will feature an interview with Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night producer Kazuhisa Wada, as well as the latest screenshots, song list, participating remixers, and more. Here are some screenshots posted by Famitsu:
Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night
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Persona 5: Dancing Star Night
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Watch the latest trailers below. View a set of Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night artworks here and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night artworks here. Visit the official website here.
Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night
Persona 5: Dancing Star Night
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goddanced · 2 years ago
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Perhaps Yoh did have a point. They were both twins, brothers born of the same mother. However he was more a thousand year soul reincarnated but the Asakura family was still his relatives. "I suppose arguing with you on that would be pointless. You are a part of me a-" Hao paused for a moment before speaking to finish the rest of his sentence. "Important part so I guess I can open up to you about anything."
Hao was one to keep things to himself and not let anyone in or to get too close to him. Except Opacho and his dear twin brother. Anyone else were merely pawns which he placed upon a chess board and moved as he saw fit. "So while we have this time to ourselves you are allowed to ask anything."
It could be about his past, or his present. He would be willing to tell his twin as much or as little as he saw fit. "I also want you to open up about yourself Yoh. It's only fair."
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"I don't always drag trouble with me," Yoh responded, his smile fading into a pout. "Sometimes it's Horohoro, or Ryu, or Lyserg. I'm only the cause of it half the time, really." Not that it was all that important, but Anna always said the same thing, and Yoh didn't like that Hao was validating her complaints.
He fell quiet as he listened to Hao, a look of hurt briefly crossing his face. He knew Hao was right, it wasn't that easy. What he'd been through couldn't be compared to what Yoh's friends had been through. But did that really mean they couldn't connect?
"...I know you've been around longer than I have, experienced way more than I have, but... We're twins. If there's anyone you can open your heart to, it should be me, right?"
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years ago
Alongside the new trailers for Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night, new information for the spin-off rhythm games slated for PS4 and PS Vita release has been announced.
Limited Editions
Atlus has announced two limited edition bundle packs for Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night.: The “Persona Dancin’ All-Star Triple Pack” for PlayStation 4, and “Persona Dancin’ Deluxe Twin Plus” for PlayStation Vita.
The PlayStation 4 bundle pack will include a digital copy of Persona 4: Dancing All Night, and the PlayStation Vita bundle pack will include a selection of costumes from various Atlus titles. Both will include a complete original soundtrack for the games.
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Persona Dancin’ All-Star Triple Pack (PS4)
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For PlayStation 4 only, the Triple pack will retail for 16,880 yen (excluding tax) and include:
Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night for PlayStation 4
Persona 5: Dancing Star Night for PlayStation 4
Persona 4: Dancing All Night for PlayStation 4 (Download Only)
Shigenori Soejima illustrated luxury box
P3D & P5D full soundtrack (4 discs with over 60 tracks)
Persona 4: Dancing All Night  is not planned for a separate release on the PlayStation 4. That version of the game will be compatible with purchased DLC for the Vita version, and there will be no cross-save support.
Persona Dancin’ Twin Deluxe Twin Plus (PS Vita)
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For PlayStation Vita only, the Twin pack will retail for 15,780 yen (excluding tax) and include:
Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night for PlayStation Vita
Persona 5: Dancing Star Night for PlayStation Vita
P3D & P5D Atlus Selection Costume DLC Assortment (Equivalent to 2,400 yen):
Shin Megami Tensei: Hero
Shin Megami Tensei II: Hero
Shin Megami Tensei II: Hiroko
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: Hero
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: Hijiri
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse: Asahi
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Demonica Suit
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Kyouji Kuzunoha
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers: Nemissa
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers:  Yu-ichi
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army: Tae Asakura
Devil Survivor: Main Character
Devil Survivor: Yuzu Tanikawa
Digital Devil Saga: Sera
Shigenori Soejima illustrated luxury boxP3D & P5D full soundtrack (4 discs with over 60 tracks
Shigenori Soejima illustrated luxury box
P3D & P5D full soundtrack (4 discs with over 60 tracks)
The P3D & P5D Atlus Selection DLC Assortment Set will be released as paid DLC at a later date.
Track List
Track lists for both games have been released on the official Persona 5: Dancing Star Night and Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night websites, which have launched alongside this announcement.
The track lists include the Japanese artists who are working on remixes for songs in the games. List (via Gematsu):
Persona 5: Dancing Star Night
“Rivers in the Desert”
“Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There” (Jazztronik Remix)
“Keeper of Lust”
“Blooming Villain” (Atlus Konishi Remix)
“Hoshi to Bokura to” (Tofubeats Remix)
“Tokyo Daylight” (Atlus Kozuka Remix)
“Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There”
“Rivers in the Desert” (Mito Remix)
“Booming of Villain”
“Life Goes On”
“Whims of Fate” (Yukuhiro Fukutomi Remix)
“Beneath the Mask” (KAIEN Remix)
“Will Power” (Shacho Remix)
“Last Surprise” (Taku Takahashi Remix)
“Haha no Ita Hibi” (Atlus Kitajoh Remix)
“Life Will Change” (Atlus Meguro Remix)
“Jaldabaoth ~Our Beginning”
“Last Surprise”
“Life Will Change”
“One Nightbreak”
“Rivers in the Desert” (Persona Super Live P-Sound Bomb 2017)
“Hoshi to Bokura to”
“Last Surprise” (Jazztronik Remix)
Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night
“Brand New Days” (Yuyoyuppe Remix)
“Mass Destruction”
“When The Moon’s Reaching Out Stars” (Hideki Naganuma Remix)
“Want to be Close” (ATOLS Remix)
“Shinsou Shinri” (Lotus Juice Remix)
“Deep Break Deep Breath” (Yuu Miyake Remix)
“Soul Phrase”
“Light the Fire Up in the Night ‘Kagejikan’ + ‘Mayonaka’”
“Burn My Dread” (Novoiski Remix)
“When the Moon’s Reaching Out Stars”
“Time” (Atlus Kitajoh Remix)
“Wiping All Out” (Atlus Kozuka Remix)
“A Way of Life” (Atlus Kitajoh Remix)
“Heartful Cry” (Atlus Konishi Remix)
“Light the Fire Up in the Night ‘Kagejikan’ + ‘Mayonaka’” (Sasakure.UK Remix)
“Mass Destruction” (Tetsuya Kobayashi Remix)
“Subete no Hito no Tamashii no Tatakai” (T.Komine Remix)
“Burn my Dread”
“Subete no Hito no Tamashii no Tatakai” (Daisuke Asakura Remix)
“Kimi no Kioku” (Atlus Meguro Remix)
“Our Moment”
“Moonlight Serendipity”
“Mass Destruction” (Persona Music Fes 2013)
“Burn my Dead -Last Battle-“
“Brand New Days”
Weekly Famitsu Magazine
Weekly Famitsu issue #1518, released December 27th, 2017 will feature a follow-up article on the two games with over 10 pages, including an interview with producer Kazuhisa Wada.
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Read here, as well as to view screenshots
(I knew it, I knew I heard time in the P3D trailer. And Soul Phase is in there too. They must be hiding the FeMC in there somewhere ;w;)
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glorioblog · 4 years ago
First Look: Shaman King (2021)
First Look: Shaman King (2021)
Manga Adaptation by BridgeCurrently residing in Netflix jail – fansubs are available Premise You Asakura is a shaman, which enables him to see and communicate with the spirits of the dead. He was also born with an evil twin, who immediately channelled a spirit and noped out of the room moments after birth because his grandpa tried to kill him.  Euri’s verdict: Fuck Netflix Shaman King is a…
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