#as we know what happens .... and i fear its the same for dazai
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ninkaku · 3 months ago
someone said jinx + vi can't be happy together in any universe ..... remind you of anyone :/
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years ago
With that art you reblogged + your requests being open, I have to ask for some PM Boss!Chuuya. Could you write about his reaction to finding out a rival criminal organization ordered a hit on his wife? And like, him being protective of her while his men investigate the situation?
!Know your place!
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Scenario:- pm boss!chuuya when his wife has been targeted.
Pairing:- pm.boss!chuuya x fem!reader
Genre:-idk what the first half would be but the last bit is fluff
Type:- oneshot
Art credits:- @taxolotl
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Chuuya nakahara was a ,man of great power and status.all of which had only increased since he had ascended to the position of the head of the port mafia.The mafia in itself was an organization that commanded great fear and respect from both civilians and the government,but since his ascension to the throne,things had only gotten better.the organization ran like clockwork,not that it hadn’t before,but he seemed to bring his own  twist to things.he was also more brutal and ruthless than the previous boss.dazai osamu was a man of great intellect and he too had elevated the mafia from where I once was.but chuuya had something that dazai didn’t.he had a lover, or wife, as those who were closest to him knew.you two had tied the knot shortly before dazai’s passing and although you knew it would be risky,you were determined to make it work.in fact,In your vows,he’d promised to protect you no matter the cost.and you’d promised to love him till the end of time.
You were also a member of the mafia,having joined at the same time he did.you were one of the sheep and had defected when they betrayed him. For even then,you loved chuuya but as you grew,so did your love for the blue eyed ginger,and when you started dating,you were the happiest you’d ever been!needless to say he’d felt the same way you had for almost as long,but the fear of rejection and losing a loved one is a pesky instinct.
four years was how long you’d dated before he proposed at age 21.the ring wasn’t exactly fancy,but it was the one you’d wanted,and although you could’ve rushed the ceremony,you decided to wait.the next year flew by like a blur and soon it was your wedding day,and as you walked down the aisle,you both teared up.
Fast forward to today,he was staring at a memo from one of his subordinates,the one tasked with protecting you and keeping you safe,for while chuuya knew you could take care of yourself,he also knew that in your world, there was no such thing as being too careful.
There had been an attempt on your life. and as he read the memo chuuya felt a sudden chill run down his spine.his worst nightmare….his biggest fear had finally been realised and he hadn’t even known it had.
At first he beat himself up about it,how could he let this slip by?how did he not know???he suddenly felt a sudden wave of disgust as his mind replayed a certain phrase, “dazai wouldn’t have let this happen.” he pushed the thought away and continued to think of how to keep you safe.he’d be damned if he let his insecurities were what out you endanger!
Step 1,get you to a safe location,and while chuuya knew that being by his side would be dangerous,half of him wanted to believe that he was the safest option.but finally he went with the objective solution and sent you off to an overseas safe house,with a unit of the organisation’s best hitmen.assassins and body guards.he knew this was a tad bit extreme yet he wasn’t going to risk it! So later that day,once you were feeling a little less shook up about the attack,you grabbed your to-go bag, and took a private flight to your,hopefully safe, hideout.and even though it pained him to have you so far away.he knew it wouldn’t be for long.
Step 2,figure out who the fuck was responsible.the mafia had many resources,and being the boss allowed chuuya to take full advantage of said resources.so with almost no effort,his informant was able to find out ,who ordered the hit on you,when they did and and who had been assigned to carry out the hit.chuuya thanked the informant,took this information and left to form a plan of action.he first decided to take out the man who had been tasked with the hit.
Did chuuya know this man was probably just following orders and had no actual beef with him or the port mafia?yes.but was he gonna let this bastard get off scot free?? Not a  chance.
He paid the hitman a visit himself,knocking on the door almost harmlessly,before punching the door in when he heard someone else on the other side.
Needless to say the assassin was shook! he watched as chuuya’s subordinates stormed his apartment and had all their guns aimed straight at his head.chuuya then took a few steps forward,his expression one full of rage and hate as he wrapped his hand around he man’s throat,instantly crushing his windpipe with what looked like no effort at all.his face became stoic after that.as he silently left the scene,he stared at his hand and it shook.he hadn’t shouted or screamed like he’d planned to,and it felt,weird.nevertheless,he got into his car and was driven back to the PM HQ.
Next for the the man who had ordered the hit himself.chuuya had found out that the man ordering the hit was a leader of a rival criminal organization,one dazai had managed to eradicate,that had come back from the dead.and apparently they thought attacking the new boss’ significant other would be a good idea…foolish.
(like bro we aren’t even in this universe and even we know that that’s a big no no! tf?! Literally you deserve to get rekt!)
As chuuya read the man’s file he realized just how insignificant he was.no abilities.no special accomplishments.no worth. Nothing that could even compare to the might of the port mafia but still they had chosen a fight? Chuuya didn’t know if he should have been impressed by their ambition or annoyed with their stupidity.perhaps they thought he wouldn’t retaliate.
Well,they were dead wrong.
So the next day,chuuya did a simple thing.
He broke into the man’s home,sat on his couch and waited.once he arrived at his home only to see the literal boss of the port mafia,scarf,fedora and all.the man attempted to run out the door.
Chuuya responded to this by simply throwing his blade at him,effectively pinning him against the door.he took his time sauntering over to the pathetic whimpering excuse of a man and finally said. “so you’re the sack of shit that tried to take out my y/n?” he gave the man a once over.he had a scraggly beard,tacky jewellery and looked absolutely disgusting.it made chuuya sick to his stomach to be in the presence of such a piece of trash,but he wasn’t done yet.
“please! Im sorry! I-I made a mistake I beg of you spare me! I promise not to ever interfere with the port mafia again!!” the man was fully begging now,and honestly it was quite entertaining to see him squirm under both the influence of fear and the pain caused by the knife in his shoulder.  chuuya pretended to contemplate letting the man go before his lips curled into a devious smile. “yeah how about no?” he said before pulling the knife out of his victim’s shoulder,causing him to crumple to the ground.
Next he climbed over the man and began to beat him to a pulp.
First one punch,then another,and another.each one getting heavier and heavier as he added the weight of his ability behind them.he screamed out curses and threats between punches,even straight up insults and just yells.
 The man was dead after about the tenth punch.
well…at least that’s when chuuya realized he was dead.but then again,who wouldn’t be death with a bashed-in skull?
Chuuya then calmly got up off the floor and soon realized he was covered in blood. “crap…..now ill have to send this one back to the cleaners you piece of shit!”he muttered to the corpse as he stepped over it and exited the apartment through the door.
His car was waiting for him when he reached the street and his subordinates made sure no one saw him in his blood-stained state.
Once in the car,he sighed and let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in. he pulled off his bloodied gloves and threw them to the side,picking up his phone to call the leader of the unit protecting you.
“its done.bring her back in four hours”
A “yes sir” was heard on the other side of the line,before it cut off and chuuya was left listeing to the beeps that replaced the team leader’s voice. He lowered the phone and called a different number this time. This one being the mafia’s elite kill squad’s leader’s. he let the phone ring once,twice, then hung up.this was the signal to carry on with the eradication of the rival organization. It would be a massacre,but still,the other organization stood no chance. Chuuya almost felt bad for the members of that organization;for they had to pay for sins they hadn’t even commited,but he supposed simply being a follower of the man who’d wanted you killed was enough of a sin to warrant the punishment they would be dealing with now.
Chuuya got home to your shared apartment and took off his shoes at the door,he looked at the pictures of the two of you that decorated the walls,and each time he saw your radiant smile his heart skipped a beat.
He went to the bathroom and stripped down,getting into the shower to wash off all the blood. He tossed his bloodied clothes in the hamper labeled ‘work-stained’ and chuckled to himself when he saw the label you’d hand written and stuck on there.
After he was done,he got out of the shower and began to towel off his hair,as he was doing this,a little flash of light caught his eye. It was your wedding ring twinkling at him from its place on the counter. Of course he’d left it behind! He wasn’t going to stain something so sacred with the blood of a worthless cretin! No way in hell!
But now that he was all cleaned up,he slipped it back on his ring finger and smiled.once he was ready, he heard a click and knew you were home.
He stepped out of your shared bedroom wearing and oversized tee shirt and some sweatpants only to be tackled by the likes of you!
You wrapped him up in a bear hug and didn’t seem to be showing any signs of letting go.and he was perfectly okay with that. He hugged you back just as tightly from your spot on the floor,simply saying, “I missed you too princess~and im not going anywhere.” you nuzzled into his neck and he held you close. “don’t ever send me away again chuu you know I can take care of myself” you said,pulling back to look him in the eyes from your position on top of him. “I know love but,” he said as he sat up, “you know I couldn’t risk it” “yeah… yeah I know” you said, looking down at the floorboards. “but it really sucked you know?” “oh yeah…it sucked ass.were you okay?did anything happen while you were there?” he said,concern seeping into both his expression and his voice as he gave you a once over,his eyes looking for any sort of scar wound or injury.
You placed your hand on his his cheek and directed his attention back to your face before bringing yourself closer and gently cupping his face. “chuuya,im fine…really.you can relax…” he nodded at that and leaned into your touch. “I know but i-” “ah ah! No buts.”  You interrupted him,“im okay and that’s what matters right? So lets just relax hmm?”
He nodded once again before pulling you in for a kiss. It was soft.yet passionate.clearly making up for lost time and when you both came up for air,your foreheads leaned against eachother, he said it. “I love you y/n and I’ll do anything in my power to keep you safe.” You smiled and nodded at him. “I know chuuya….i know” you said before giving him a quick peck and hoisting yourself up off the floor.
You pulled him up along with you and the two of you made your way to the kitchen to cook up some dinner.
“oh and chuuya? I love you too”                 “I know y/n…I know” he said with a wink. you almost threw a pot at him~
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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shadyteacup · 2 years ago
Just read an amazing fic, and it inspired me to write again!
O.Dazai x gn!reader
I’m sorry in advance
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A tug of your finger is all it took. Just one muscle, just one command. One thought of action, and it would be over. It would be truly over.
You stared down at him, his wide hazel eyes as he mentally kicked himself. How could he have not seen this coming?
But then again, how could he ever have imagined this pair of eyes seeking to end his time on this planet. The pair of orbs that he had grown to admire and cherish, the same pair that gazed at him in the wee hours of the morning with so much love, how could they seem so sharp and closed off? How could they look down at him, and only see a mission? Did you manipulate him all throughout? Was your relationship just a mere excuse for this very moment?
He didn’t mind it, actually. If this is how he was to go, he was fine with it. A glamorous end to a man who wished for a glamorous death.
He wondered if he should have actually lived his life when he had the chance, instead of wishing for something that would end his chance of actually being alive.
Wasn’t it ironic? Now that he, a man who longed for death, was at its door, he wanted more time.
But for what?
What would he do if he somehow escaped from this situation? Wouldn’t he go back to his old ways? Back to being the cheery clown who hides behind his mask of nonchalance, someone who only ever opens up to his wavering reflection on his umpteenth glass of whiskey.
Or would he hold you tight and ask you why? Just why you are doing this to him. Why? After so much? After all those memories you had together, after he had finally, finally managed to feel. Just why did you, of all the people on this godforsaken planet, have to betray him?
Maybe he was being delusional, but for a fraction of a second, he saw your resolve waver.
He wouldn’t mind if you put the gun down and played it off as a wild joke. He was ready to believe anything, if it meant for him to have you back. He would happily brainwash himself to think that this never happened, that you never held a gun to his temple.
To his dismay, you cocked the gun.
A shudder escaped your lips as you focused on the man before you.
“Why?”, the handsome brunette that you had spent multiple fortnights with, asked.
“Why, y/n?”, he said, eyeing you with those hypnotising chocolate eyes.
You wondered if you had been living this lie long enough to have started believing in it.
Why did you feel this way? Regret, pain, longing… it was almost as if you didn’t want to complete your mission.
Was it because this charming man had swooned your heart?
“I need to know.”, he said, almost making you drop the gun with his deep voice. A voice that you had grown to seek comfort in.
“You were my mission, Osamu. You always were.”
Dazai scoffed.
“We were more than a bi-product of some mission, y/n”
He pressed his temple into the barrel, almost mocking you for even holding it against him.
“Tell me you felt something too. That it wasn’t just me.”
You opened your mouth to answer him, a hint of fear coursing through your veins at the thought of feeling affection for someone who you were tasked to kill.
“All those nights, when you screamed my name? All those days when you would laugh in my embrace… was that all for nothing, Bella?”
You closed your eyes, clenching your teeth. It was true. You did feel something. You had never felt this way before, but you did with him. You almost craved him. You played it off as something you had to do for the mission, but you secretly enjoyed being with him.
You loved him.
“I… I’m going to be honest.”, you said.
“I love you, Dazai Osamu.”
He smiled gently, glad to have heard the words that he had been longing to hear.
“But my mission is more dear to me than my own life.”
The silence haunted you. You gasped at him, lying there, lifeless eyes still smirking up at you.
“Osamu?”, you whispered.
You knew what you were doing. You know what you just did.
Then just why were you so mortified? Why did you sink to your knees and scream? Why did you hold his now cold face in your hands and cry?
No matter what you did, the fact will remain; he is gone.
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k-l-a-w-s · 2 years ago
TW: SU!C!DAL IDEATION [its dazai, cmon]
i think, to some degree, dazais biggest fear is death. we all know how he craves death, but i believe he’s kinda afraid of it at the same time. what dazai wants is control. that’s why HE wants to be the one to kill himself. because if he kills himself, he was the one in control and he chose what happened and no one else got to be in charge of him. in a way, dazai fears vulnerability. so dying by someone else’s hand would mean he had to be vulnerable, and he would absolutely hate that. dazai doesn’t like having people control him. dazai dying because someone else killed him, would be similar to putting him in a position where he didn’t get to make the choices. and dazai loves control. dazai also hates pain, so dying because of someone else would most likely be painful. so dazais biggest fear is technically death, although more specifically it would be dying by someone else’s hand
thank you for coming to my tedtalk-
this is just my opinion tho so if you don’t agree that’s fine-
(would you believe me if i said i’ve read only the most recent chapters and watched the first two episodes all the way through-)
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etrevil · 1 year ago
hey! Do you think that what will happen in meursault will go different than the anime?? Like what happens with soukoku? Whether chuuya is a vamp or not? Or Dazai is alive? Because as far as I remember Fyodor's hand was not injured in the manga like in the anime.....so does this mean something different will take place? So far it has been same...sorry to disturb you, I'm actually very anxious since I love soukoku, Dazai and chuuya very much..
Don't apologize for asking! Now this got my brain cogs turning ahhhhh
Do I think something different will happen? Yeah definitely, firstly because of that good point you brought up about Fyodor's hand, but also because I think Asagiri would do more with the story they currently have than rush it like in the anime. I feel like chapter 110.5 was meant to set suspense, letting the readers think it'll follow the anime but suddenly take a huuuuuge U-turn in something else.
Would absolutely love that actually, no matter how anxious and fearful it makes me.
Now onto the matter of Dazai being alive-
De-Nile is a river in Egypt 🥲
Okay jokes aside I'm seriously grasping onto the fact Dazai was able to speak a few more words after being shot point blank by Chuuya as a HINT he's not yet dead. Very, very, very badly wounded; yes. But not dead, also because I don't think (or wanna think) that Asagiri would end his character off like that.
This can be the same said with Fyodor. Him dying before we even know some of his past? The specifics of his ability? Seems very unlikely, so I'm somewhat convinced he'll be fine and won't have a helicopter accident like his anime counterpart.
Sigma, I wanna talk about him for a moment. I SINCERELY wish Asagiri is going to bring him back soon. I'm semi-believing that he just got knocked out by the overwhelming amount of info he got from Fyodor, cause if he actually did die by C&P, I reckon it'd be a more bloody scene than just his white-eyed stare in that one panel.
Chuuya? In the manga at least, I don't think he's faking the fact he's a vampire. I could believe it in the anime, but with the manga and extra details we have, I'm more inclined to think Chuuya's under the vampirism but he's like, not under its actual control. The scenes where he looked out of breath and where his dark-vampire eyes paled (and his reaction after shooting Dazai, doesn't seem very "hey I'm under mind control I have no free will" of him) have me considering that he's able to override the mind-control effects cause. Seriously tho. Chuuya has a god 24/7 inside of him. Yeah, Arahabaki is probably just a mass of energy and isn't likely to be a voice in Chuuya's head that sasses him, but years handling that sort of mental weight has got to give him an advantage.
-or so I'd like to think. I'm all hypothetical and guessing in my answers btw. Asagiri is writing such a story that so many events can happen that the story itself has its own parallel universe. I can't fathom what they have planned.
Excited for next month tho yeahhhhhh ✨
(also I firmly believe skk has got this in the bag for the simple reason of, the light novels. Shit went down but they got each other 😭)
tl;dr - I do think Asagiri is taking the manga down a different route. Also Sigma lives. And Chuuya's probably an actual vampire but he's not under the mind control thing. Take it with a grain of salt.
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sskk-ao3feed · 8 months ago
the bull and the beast
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/hiOxLmd by octorose “What game are you playing?” All of Atsushi’s movements are made with the languid grace of a massive predator knowing it’s top dog in the jungle, and has very little to fear. Akutagawa tracks the motions in a corner of his mind, already burning with the desire to run. The predator hasn’t attacked, yet. It’s weak. He has the advantage. Calm, that, Akutagawa tells that part of himself, we’ll get our chance. To Atsushi, he says, “can friends not meet at a restaurant to talk?” “This is a McDonalds.” Atsushi’s voice is flat. “And we aren’t friends.” “Indeed.” Akutagawa eats another chicken nugget. It gives him something to do. He is not sure what to do, now that he is here. He thought—what? What did he think would happen? (After Dazai's funeral, Akutagawa finds himself at a McDonalds, contemplating his life without the man in black in it. Little does he know that Atsushi would do the same, igniting a fight between them. The outcome of said fight may surprise them both, and give them the purpose they hope for). Words: 4275, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of bungo stray dogs acaciapines edition Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin & Akutagawa Ryuunosuke Additional Tags: Mentioned Akutagawa Gin, Mentioned Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Alternate Universe - BEAST Light Novel (Bungou Stray Dogs), Post-BEAST Light Novel (Bungou Stray Dogs), Awkward Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tiger Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs), pretty much just. dazai what have you done the post beast fic, me when im trying to move on after this guy that i hate dies and i didnt even get to kill him, this fic may be a parallel to mcdonalds playplace fic but Man. its Serious, by the end you can interpret this as romantic or not its up to you!! read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/hiOxLmd
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pokemonruby · 1 year ago
thoughts about the finale of the bsd anime since it's my favorite manga and the adaptation has consistently let me down and this was definitely no exception. obviously spoilers so don't read ahead if you aren't caught up.
so, to summarize, it was sorely underwhelming. at least from my perspective. there's a strong possibility that this is not canonical since they actually ran out of material to adapt and this could just be an exclusive ending to tie the anime up (even then, it was a laughably poor finale) so its shortcomings may not be reflected at all in the original product, though we'll still have a few months i imagine to see if that is indeed the case. but the writing was so unspeakably clumsy. fyodor is a criminal mastermind, a threat feared by even ranpo, the smartest character in the series. and yet you mean to tell me that he didn't even realize that chuuya was, what - wearing fake teeth and colored contacts? i call bullshit. i still think dazai, in the manga at least, will pull some trick to squeeze himself out of a death sentence and he isn't actually dead since that would be woefully anticlimatic for his character arc, but i want him to be backed into a corner as well. i want them to back each other into a corner instead of giving dazai the advantage the entire way through since that hardly makes for a compelling battle of wits. but that doesn't even mention all the build-up they've done in regards to fyodor's backstory. sigma knows the truth now due to the information exchange. his ability, his motives. but they don't even address that or even address sigma's fate at that. dazai seemed genuine when he swore he would help sigma escape. he specifically told him "i'll leave the rest up to you," which is redundant if he was in control of the situation the entire time. it feels unfinished and counterproductive. and i know that can be blamed on the allotted time they're allowed per episode but man, it's unfortunate. again i'm really praying that the manga pulls through, since it has the freedom to spin this around and give us the answers to the mystery they've been teasing since fyodor's introduction basically and if he does die, which its quite obvious fyodor will eventually since at the end of the day he is the main antagonist, maybe it'll have some more substance to it as opposed to whatever power of friendship bs we were humbly treated to in today's episode.
surprisingly, the best part of the episode for me was everything with fukuzawa and fukuchi. i thought the way they handled that was actually really well done and it paints fukuchi in a more sympathetic light at least, and fukuzawa's reaction to his death was soul-crushing. something something old man yaoi always prevails. also i'm not addressing whatever happened in the epilogue i think that's just for bad apple part 2 or whatever they're cooking up behind the scenes but it certainly came out of left field.
tldr it was not great, and i'm holding out for asagiri in the coming months with the manga, but if it indeed turns out the same way as it did in the anime... hmm.
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linkspooky · 2 years ago
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The second entry in my long running series to analyze every single book referenced in Bungou Stray Dogs, to try piece together the author’s intended meaning in referencing the work. 
Osamu Dazai’s ability name comes from the author’s final novel “No Longer Human”, you may have heard of it. The novel contains several events from the author’s real life, but is considered semi-autobiographical because it depicts the life of a fictional character “Yozo” who much like the real life author attempted suicide a total of five times in his life before utlimately succeeding. Many believe the book to be his will as Dazai killed himself shortly after the last part of the book was published. As for the connection to the fictional character, more under the cut. 
1. Disqualified from Being Human
Dazai as a character borrows several traits from Yozo the protagonist of the novel. He has the same habit of clowning and engaging others in a false persona, while it happens mostly offscreen the audience and Dazai’s coworkers are aware of the fact he regularly indulges himself in vices like drinking, having illicit relationships with women (its often referenced he has a long line of exes and women he’s left upset over him) and that he’s also constantly in debt. 
Deeper than those surface level traits though, Dazai shares the same motivation as Yozo for his antics. They are both people who feel utterly alienated from the people around them, unable to connect with their thoughts and feelings and because of that they resort to always engaging them in a false, and comedic facade. They are fundamentally uncomfortable with ever presenting their true selves around others. 
As a child I had absolutely no notion of what others, even members of my own family, might be suffering from or what they were thinking. I was aware of my own unspeakable fears and embarrassments. Before anyone realized it, I had become an accomplished clown, a child who never spoke a single word. No Longer Human. 
Dazai is described as a child in the same way by Oda, who is arguably the character who knows him best. Even with Oda though, and the rest of the Buraiha trio as a whole though they were friends it carries the tragedy that they never were truly honest with one another, Oda never overstepped the clear boundaries between him and Dazai, Ango never let either of them into the secret that he was a government spy all along. Even that friendship which Dazai found comfortable, and was so significant to him he changed his entire life’s past around Oda’s dying words, he still placed an uncilimbable wall between the two of them. 
“I thought you were similiar to Dazai at first, rushing into battle and wishing for death without even considering the value of your own life. But he’s different. He’s sharp witted, with a mind like a steel trap. And he’s just a child - a sobbing child abandoned in the darkness of a world far emptier than the one we’re seeing.”
He was too smart for his own good. That was why he was always alone. The reason why Ango and I were unable to be by his side was that we understood the solitude that surrounded him, and we never stepped inside no matter how close we stood. 
But in that moment I kind of regretted not stepping in and invading that solitude. Bungo Stray Dogs, Volume 2. 
There’s a supposed difference in Yozo, who is a drunken layabout constantly in debt who fails out of college and Dazai the super genius who is apparently one of the smartest members of the cast, but honestly if you peel back the layers of Dazai’s “Superhuman / Godlike Genius” status his and Yozo’s behaviors and treatment of other people is actually pretty similar. 
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Here is the secret of No Longer Human that a lot of readers miss in their interpretation. While Yozo can be a sympathetic character, because he’s genuinely miserable in his life, and the way he tells his story is highly relatable to the unhappiness of many readers, Yozo sucks. 
If you look at his actions outside of his self-pitying narration, Yozo is a serial manipulator of people, especially those with a status weaker than him in society (women, and even chidlren) he strings them along often taking money from them until he abandons them. Yozo is considered to be so pretty and likable, people often relate to his misery and give him what he wants without him giving anything in return.
There’s four major women he interacts with in the novel. A married women he gets to pay for his drinks a couple of times, doesn’t see for months, and then commits suicide with her. His reaction to her death is very minimal and he doesn’t even seem to mourn her. Then, he becomes a kept man for a woman with a child for awhile gets her to pay for his drinking habit, has multiple affairs on her while living at their house (or at least it’s implied).He also comes to view the child as an enemy of his. 
“I would like my real Daddy back.”  I felt dizzy with shock. An enemy. Was I Shigeko’s enemy, or was she mine?
No Longer Human.
He abandons them. (Surprise, surprise). Then moves on to marry a seventeen year old girl, specifically because she is a virgin. I probably don’t have to mention the predatory subtext there. 
Yoshiko’s pale face was smiling as she sat there inside the dimly lit shop. What a holy thing uncorrupted virginity is, I thought. I had never slept with a virgin, a girl younger than myself. I’d marry her. [...] I made up my mind on the spot: it was a then-and-there decision, and I did not hesitate to steal the flower. No Longer Human. 
That wife then gets raped and not only does Yozo feel little to no sympathy for her whatsoever, he then proceeds to just leave and abandon her because his image of her as a perfect image is ruined. He even refers to her as a possession he lost far earlier on in the novel. 
Once in a while, it is true I have experienced a vague sense of regret at losing something, but never strongly enough to affirm positively, or to contest with others my rights of possession. This was so true of me that some years later, I even watched in silence when my own wife was violated. No Longer Human.
The last woman he gets involved with only because he has a morphine addiction and he wants to string her along so she can keep supplying him with morphine. If you strip away the thin veneer of Dazai as a master manipulator and superhuman genius, you are just left with his actions which include his constant manipulation of other people (children younger and more vulnerable than him) and even his own allies. He is a user, much in the same way Yozo is. This is just named characters, it’s implied offscreen that Dazai has Yozo’s same habit of burning through relationships and women like jet fuel. 
Of course, there is a tragic reason for Yozo’s behavior it is implied he was violated by a female servant as a child, but that further adds onto the underlying point of the novel that Yozo’s genuinely miserable but he’s also the architect of his own misery. He is a victim who basically continues the cycle of abuse. His two primary methods of interacting with people is either manipulating them / stringing them along, or abandoning them. Even the Dazai who works at the agency keeps Akutagawa his biggest victim wearing the coat that Mori Gave him that represents the cycle of abuse just... wrapped around his little finger because it’s more convenient to use and dispose of him that way. 
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Akutagawa’s so insanely devoted to Dazai that he believes being abandoned was just a secret little test and if he performs well than he’ll finally get the carrot that Dazai has been dangling in front of his head for a long time. Dazai’s treatment of Akutagawa as someone to just conveniently use and then dispose of is something that leads to Akutagawa getting himself killed trying to earn that praise. 
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Dazai and Yozo have a similiar problem where they are pitiable in the fact they are victims themselves, they have been used in the past and it’s left them feeling alienated and unable to connect with others, but then they jump right into treating others as less than human too. Dazai has this strange paradox where he scolds Dostoevsky for believing in god and seeing himself as an agent of god or some kind of omniscient manipulator and that the real people who make a difference in the world are the people living in the world and struggling in it but Dazai... still doesn’t see himself as one of those people. Dazai’s like “You shouldn’t manipulate people like pieces on a gameboard...” but Dazai still views himself as one of the players sitting and watching things from on high rather than one of the pieces. 
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Dazai and Yozo are incapable of seeing themselves as human beings and eternally feel like outsiders when they try to be around others. However, at the same time they give no respect to the humanity or the feelings of other people. They don’t treat others like humans. Which is why they are essentially the architects of their own misery, they are alone because they choose continually over and over to either only engage in other people with lives, or treat relationships as transactional. These flaws of Dazai’s have been toned down since the dark age, but even Detective Agency Dazai still has this habit of looking down on other people. He has good intentions he tries to live by, but also in crisis situations tends to fall back on old habits. 
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2. Lover’s Suicide
Finally, there’s two relationships in the book that parallels Dazai’s two most significant relationships in the story. The tragedy of Oda in the dark era, actually mirrors what was Yozo’s most significant suicide attempt in the book. Yozo runs out of money and on a whim attempts to commit suicide with a married woman who had been more or less a longtime but distant acquiantance. 
We threw ourselves into the sea at Kamakura that night. She untied her sash saying she had borrowed it from a friend at the cafe, and left it folded neatly on a rock. I removed my coat and put it in the same spot. We entered the water together. 
She died. I was saved. No Longer Human. 
This event mirrors the defining tragedy of Dazai’s backstory as depicted in the second light novel, and his reason for leaving the mafia. Essentially, Dazai finally becomes close to someone his longtime acquaintance Oda, who unlike him has a reason to live in raising children and dreaming of one day becoming an author. However, by the end of the novel it’s Oda who commits suicide and Dazai who lives. 
“You’re such an idiot, Odasaku. The biggest idiot I know.”  “Yeah.” “You didn’t have to do this. You didn’t have to die.” “I know.” 
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 2
If you want to sprinkle in an additional homosexual subtext what Oda basically does is commit a lover’s suicide with someone else, by choosing to die with Gide. Which means that not only does Dazai survive while Oda dies, but Oda chose to commit a lover’s suicide with someone other than him. 
Then there is Yozo’s acquiantance to longtime friend Horiki. HOriki is his only real significant friend in the novel, but Yozo absolutely despises him. Nothing healthy ever comes from their relationship, he gets Yozo addicted on cigarettes and alcohol, he drags him to secret communist meetings, however Yozo who frequently just abandons people never really gets rid of him. 
Horiki and myself. Despising each other as we did, we were constantly together, thereby degrading ourselves. If that is what the world calls friendship, the relationships between Horiki and myself were undoutably those of friendship. No Longer Human. 
The reason being that Yozo despite loathing Horiki senses that the two of them are alike in nature. There’s also something to be said about Yozo getting along more naturally with someone he hates, rather than the people in his life who constantly attempt to love him. 
Horiki and myself. Though outwardly he appeared to be a human being like the rest, I sometimes felt he was exactly like myself. No Longer Human. 
His relationship with Horiki reflects both the partnership of the double black duo, two individuals who loathe each other but had near perfect cooperation in their teamwork but also the foiling between Chuuya and Dazai. They are both people who do not view themselves as human, Chuuya because of the mystery of his origins as the host of Arahabaki and Dazai because his intelligence leaves him feelings isolated from the world. 
He looked up in the direction of the sudden voice. It was a familiar voice, one that belonged to the person he hated most in this world. 
Your birth itself was a mistake. We’re the same. Is there a really a point to suffering through all that pain for a life that isn’t real?” 
The voice was taunting him. 
“Screw you Dazi.”
Chuuya wanted nothing more than to slice off the ear the voice was whispering right into. He could see Dazai’s wavering shadow by his side, and he wanted to gauge out his eyes. 
“That’s just proof that you at least somewhat believe what I’m saying. Because deep down inside you’re the same as me.”
Like, they hate each other, but they hate each other for the real person they are deep down on the inside. Which results in him and Chuuya having an entirely antagonistic relationship and yet at the same time Chuuya is the one person that Dazai can’t really bullshit or lie to, because sharing so much in common gives Chuuya some insight into Dazai’s darker tendencies. 
Which results in a relationship where neither of them like each other, and yet both of them are just a little bit obsessed with each other. Despising each other and constantly together. 
So in summary, No Longer Human is a work about a character’s difficulty to form relationships with others because not only do they not see themselves as human they also treat the others around them as lesser than humans. Yozo is a character clearly stuck in that cycle of abuse, whereas Dazai Osamu himself is someone struggling in the story to break that cycle and curb his own manipulative tendencies inside of himself, ironically because of the close relatonship he had formed with the one person he was ever even a little bit honest with Odasaku. 
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originalartblog · 2 years ago
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Answering some asks about the dad Murase lives AU under the cut because you are forcing me to think about what I've created (❤)
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Murase had to know about N's less-than-savoury work. He was hired as a security guard (thanks to his brother) for a military facility for which he was told to kill any trespassers on sight. And his brother had been legally dead for a decade! But the main difference between the two brothers is that while N will still do horrors in the name of his job, Murase has spent his life after the war trying to help people to atone for what he had to do to survive. I think having to face concrete proof of what his brother did/does, especially without the immediate pressure of war and survival to "justify" his actions, to a kid he's grown somewhat attached to? That would be really hard on him.
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Frankly I had never heard of that theory before, and after considering it, I can't agree with it. The government has expressed barely any interest in Chuuya, N seems to have acted on his own. The PM has so many ability users, and abilities are so unknown to the general public, with or without Chuuya, it was an important move to make, and there was no normal legal way of getting it.
As for Oda... I fear he's going to suffer the same fate. In another post I did wonder if Mori would try to be more careful with Dazai, since we know he was very careful to nurture Chuuya's loyalty and bond to the mafia. But after thinking about it, while Mori felt bitter after Dark Era (please read the light novel), he says he would still do it because the permit was so important to get. Chuuya going away here wasn't his fault, so I see no reason he wouldn't do things especially differently. Maybe he'd feel even more bitter though.
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If Oda dies the same way... it's a fun question. Dazai would leave, Dazai would still refuse to work for the government, so his options are limited. I can't imagine Chuuya leaving at 16, join the ADA, and the mafia not knowing a thing about it? So what would Dazai do? Chuuya left and joined a group and now that group is his only option in Yokohama. If he wants to join them, he'll still have to wait two years for his records to be erased and hidden. And he knows Chuuya is gonna be there, and he knows him!! How frustrating and stressful is that wait going to be?
I'd like Chuuya to be gone when Dazai first joins, so Entrance Exam can still take place in a similar way. Maybe he accompanied Ranpo on his contract out of town? I do wonder if he'd confront Dazai publicly or in private... I'm still not sure how much he told the ADA about his own origins.
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I've decided that Chuuya leaves after the Dragon Head Conflict (after loosing a second set of friends in the same year), because this time, he has someone waiting for him to offer him an out. And this is interesting from a skk point of view. At that point, Dazai has already met both Oda and Ango, and technically, Double Black has made a name of themselves. Chuuya would be leaving at the creation/peak of Double Black, barely giving it enough time to get their name. But all that we know (so far) of what they were up to as teenagers has happened already! And Dazai has met Oda and Ango, he has a support system now! They'll be fine. Well, as fine as their canon counterparts anyway.
This is also funny because their "history" is less than two years of absolute hell, then a 5/6-year gap, and suddenly they're coworkers again.
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Honestly I don't know if Murase would have an opportunity to see it or its repercussions? I doubt he saw Chuuya directly after Verlaine (you know, mafia and all that), and I think Chuuya would be the one to seek him out after the DHC. I truly think you could count the amount of times Corruption was maybe used by Double Black in canon back then on one hand, and in this AU, it's literally only twice. Unless Asagiri planned for another big event and hasn't told us yet, I don't think Chuuya has had to use Corruption again in this AU until Lovecraft.
MAYBE someone would notify Chuuya's dad guardian that his son charge was badly injured, but with Yosano in the room, I doubt it would make it back to him. Same thing with Dead Apple. Murase lives in a blessed world where he knows Chuuya's powerful, but doesn't know the extent of it.
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Have a lil' doodle for making it all the way down here! (it's Chuuya's first week or something)
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victoria1676 · 2 years ago
Sagau Brainrot: Reader having the same abilities as Nakajima Atsushi from Bungou Stray Dogs
(Reader is Female here unfortunately so i apologize for those who want it non-binary or gender neutral TwT)
Heyo its been a while
Its 2am in the night time but i was lucky to finish this yet i am very tired especially i just finished midterms and still have to make 7 assignments due next week ugh DX
Anyways please enjoy this brainrot that I tried my best to expand it 😭 I'll work on my other brainrots soon and my story as well when i have the time but currently im very packed this month ugh TwT
So like I haven't watched Bungou stray dogs in long time and im avoiding Season 4 due to the fact i have already read the manga and knows that Season 4 is the darkest arc including i guess there is a chance season 5 will also be dark if i remember the manga correctly 🤔
Have I read the Beast AU or read it?
My personal reason is that i was able to get a summary out of it and since that summary made me cry and learn what happened to Beast Dazai I cried the fact i loved him so much and that au was painful 😭😭
But anyways this is my personal opinion however if you want to read Beast AU Bungou Stray dogs I recommend that you guys prepare tissues cause the angst of that au is very sad but if you able to handle then props to you UwU but i can say is that the au is very interesting and I don't mind you guys reading it UwU However you must read the Original Bungou Stray Dogs since Beast Au is the parallel universe of it. The manga is currently still on going but the Anime is out by 3 seasons and season 4 currently coming out soon.
So yeah lets go to my Brainrot UwU
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse
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So this won't have the creator au thing this time unfortunately but it is more like I want to go back to the original concept of what sagau a.k.a self-aware as I am referring to the self-aware au were no god reader but just a regular reader who plays the game and is not aware the charas are self-aware and they are all fond with her whether it is platonic, romantic, possessive or obsessed with her.
As I mentioned reader has the abilities of Atsushi from Bungou stray dogs and has the same past as him however it's a bit different for the reader as her past is something I came up a bit sad about but not something excruciating to add since we all know how Atsushi's past is like especially you can see the worst of it in the manga 😭
Beast Beneath the Moonlight will not be an ability since the reader is not from the BSD world but this ability is something like a curse that the reader has to go through in tough times and has resented having it because if she wasn't born with it then she would have never been given up by her parents to the orphanage or thrown to such pain of being thrown back to the orphanages after all her previous foster parents deemed her a "Freak" or "Monster" and so on but they very physically hurt her since the reader was a very like a normal kid a first glance only these parents got the taste of fear seeing her curse.
Luckily around the age of 12, she finally got herself adopted by a person who is a writer and was one of the people who was like her, having a strange curse or rather an ability. It took time for the reader to get used to her new father and slowly trust him as he did not even react badly to seeing her transformation except he decided to help with her powers. Now grown up and able to live a normal life and keep a secret of her powers, the reader found herself loving a certain fantasy game called Genshin Impact that was recommended by her friends.
The game was very amazing and Reader loved it so much and also ignored the huge negative side of the game and tried to enjoy the lore and exploration.
Only she found herself Isekai out of nowhere.
There are endless possibilities about how Reader will appear in Genshin and I had to revise this many times LMAO
So like I decided she has been in the wilderness for like a week and there have been rumors spreading to all Teyvat of a strange dangerous Beast that usually prowls or appears at night time either running around or scaring away Treasure hoarders and sometimes the Fatui. And I guess it is up to you guys who would find her first OwO!
I feel like everyone would be fascinated with Reader’s transformation and I am sure there have been times reader suddenly gets cats attracted to them causing poor Venti to sneeze so much due to how many cats are near reader XD
Reader be getting along with Diona or any cat-like hybrid. As someone commented, the reader is like them, in which the reader fires back at them saying "I'M A TIGER NOT A CAT!"
But honestly people would find the reader 's abilities very fascinating.
And then they realize the reader could heal her wounds after some panic, getting stabbed or injured and trying to take her to a healer but instead her wounds healed rapidly.
I also imagine readers have similarities with Atsushi but personality wise it's up to you guys how you imagine a reader's personality is like with having the same Abilities like Atsushi.
But yeah what do you guys think? XD
This will have part 2 soon but a different version.
Part 2 will mainly be a cult au where the reader does not control the charas in the modern world but the reader is born in Genshin and is still a god but I guess it's still a sagau but a bit different since cult au and sagau are similar yet different I guess 🤔
The reason why I sound a bit excited in Part 2 of this brain rot? Because reader will be in the Fatui 
But she will be someone who is usually in the shadows doing most dirty work and is always near Tsaritsa like a Shadow UwU
I won't spoil much but you can ask me more of this brain rot if you like XD
So goodnight! ^^
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videogamelover99 · 3 years ago
random but I want to know how skk’s dynamics developed and grew in that AU where they both fled the PM and hid together. So bad. Its consuming my mind.
Asagiri really did a what if and left us here.
Bruh, I have a whole PLOT in my head because what needs to happen for this to be in-character???
Somehow, Dazai asked Chuuya to come with him. Somehow, Chuuya agreed?? What kind of pitch would Dazai need to make for that to happen???
If they left the PM at the same time, what did they do those two years Dazai was under the radar? They had to be with each other 24/7. How did they not kill each other. Then did they just both show up to talk to Taneda? Did Taneda look at them and go "ah yes the most feared criminal duo in all of Japan wanting to be the Good Guys lemme write a reccomendation for them this is hilarious".
Did they have sepparate exams? Did the Azure Messenger arc still happen? Did Chuuya see Kunikida's "must save everyone no matter what" attitude and was like "yikes been there dude don't do that". Does Kunikida still end up as Dazai's new partner? Are they a trio? Does Atsushi in the future look at the two of them and go "hey how come you guys aren't partners" only for skk to give him the loudest silence ever before ranting about to horrible that would be and "I can't stand that guy what makes you think we can work together?!"
If they stuck around each other for so long and did not kill each other in the end it means they're best friends now, right? There is no other option, you don't walk away from your new criminal "family" with a guy and still pretend like you don't like him. You don't invite a guy to leave a criminal organization for you and not have to confront that he means the world to you. The CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT that needed to happen.
...Do they meet Dostoyevsky together while in exile?
Does Chuuya still get to see his parents?
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 2 years ago
AUGHHH I don't know what happened but an ask got deleted! I am so sorry @doves-fandomstuff, I think you were asking about what might happen next in the Meursault arc and I really enjoyed the ramble you had before but... *sob* it's gone...
Anyways, I'm really hoping we get at least one more chapter before a pov change, since I think it makes little sense to switch back now. See, now that we know Dazai wants the info from Dostoevsky to help the Agency, it'd be a little weird to switch without... actually moving the plot forward at all... idk. I guess we'll see but I really do hope it's not another nine months.
The fun thing about this arc is that
a) it is all these characters at their absolute pettiest (so it's funny as heck)
and b) there are so many characters with their own agendas right now and so many different things they could decide to do
Who's going to move the plot forward? It's hard to say and a lot of things could go right now.
Fyodor: He could manage to escape. He could be killed. He had some reason for picking Chuuya of all people. We still don't know what he intends for the world. I am inclined to think he is only pretending to work for Fukuchi. I honestly think it is far too soon to kill him off.
Dazai: Again, same as above. I don't really think Dazai will die, as his arc is all about finding some reason to live - him dying would seriously detract from that. However, I could see a version of events play out where everyone thinks he's dead. (I know we're tired of the fake out deaths at this point but I think this one could legitimately be interesting...)
Sigma: We have to be building up to something with him. I think Sigma might be the one to get the information somehow, or have an epic moment of some kind. Be great if he was able to transmit info to Atsushi so that Atsushi could finish the arc with that initiative he just found the will for.
Chuuya: Come on. He's got to do something to change things up. Though I've said before how nervous I am about the potential use of Corruption given that Fyodor knows about it... fear...
Gogol: Oh boy. The wildcard of the group. I'm inclined to think he won't stay uninvolved in all this. Will he help Dazai? Fyodor? Mess up both of them? Help both? Who knows?
They've all got different motives here. Fyodor was in the prison for some unknown reason, but it seems he just needs to get out. Perhaps he already accomplished what he came there for. Dazai needs the information from Fyodor to help the Agency, so his job is already a lot harder. Sigma just wants to survive, poor guy, but he's also tired of being used and has just figured out that the Agency and Dazai have a mutually helpful relationship - neither is using the other. I suspect he'll be joining the Agency after. At least I hope so. Chuuya also doesn't want to be controlled. We don't know what he was doing when he got turned, but his priority is to the Mafia and its safety, so he will continue to fight for that. And Gogol wants his freedom above all. I am unsure whether he will continue to seek it through destroying Fyodor and therefore his attachment to him, or whether he will decide he'd be unhappy without him (as with Poe about Ranpo) - but either way is very compelling.
I, personally, hope for a chapter where Chuuya turns on Fyodor in an epic way, which in turn inspires Sigma to take action.
I also really hope for more Gogol focus. I don't talk about him a lot but I really should. He's an excellent character who could really go in many directions at this point in the story, and all would be very, very compelling!
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 3 years ago
“Feelings don’t make you weak, they make you human.”
Ahhh, it’s been so long since I’ve done anything here! Forgive me if I’m a little rusty in the x reader department|
Dazai & Chuuya X Reader who struggles with emotion.
“Feelings don’t make you weak, they make you human.”
Words: (956: Dazai-521 Chuuya-435)
Moonlit skies, fireworks, and parties, sweet things most people enjoy. So why, when you look into the mirror, do you see indifference? Should these things make you feel happy? What was it like to feel happy? Were you happy and didn’t know? With each passing day, sitting side by side with coworkers and friends, the weight of your mask continued to grow. A smile here, a tear there, all too easy to seem normal and alright. Who said you needed to feel to be complete? Feelings made people act out, and that involved pain.
The first real overwhelming emotion you could recognize came to you in a breakdown. It was a sense of overwhelming stress and confusion. Unable to hold it together anymore, you simply resorted to sharp breathing and tears. How did somebody deal with this onslaught of pain normally? Was this a normal reaction?
Caught up within your mind, you missed the entrance of a brunette. You did not realize his presence until you were hugged from behind. “Your crying…” If anybody understood it would be him. He whose mind was in shambles and struggling to keep together on its own. He who had lived in the darkness and sunk into the stench of death, letting go of almost all his emotions until he truly was no longer human. He had recognized your mask the first day his eyes met yours. How could he not? He wore one, feigning happiness, a diversion from the question, “are you alright?”.
Your hand lifted mindlessly to touch your cheek, surprised at the feeling that slipped over your fingers. Damp and cool, an unfamiliar sensation. “I guess I am?”
Dazai took a few steps away from you. His mind is working on ways to comfort you. A person so similar to himself that at times, he was scared to face you in fear of having to face himself and his darker corners. “Did something happen?” he’d tried this body of water carefully, as if at any word he might find something bite him.
“No? I just hurt…” the sound of your twisted voice, the confusion glimmering within your eyes truly worried him. If you did not know what was wrong, how could he, who struggled in the same way, help? “Dazai… is it okay… to feel like this when I’ve never… been able to feel normally before?”
The brunette took a step forward, hesitant at first, but his eyes softened. Whenever he was with you... he felt things he’d long since lost within the past. “Y/n, It’s okay.” His words were tender and soft as he held your cheek in his palm. Letting you lean into the touch. As if you’d never truly felt wanted like this, your body leaned against his hand. Your own hand coming up to cup his. Slowly, the aching pain died down. When you’d expected to feel that numb, disinterested feeling, your heart surprised you again.
Your chest was warm, lighter, enough that you felt you could smile. “We can learn to be human, together,” Dazai whispered, his words soothing over any residual feeling of hurt.
Today had been rough, the betrayal of a man who had been trusted left your empty chest aching. Curled up against yourself, hands holding your legs as you rocked yourself. What was this pain? The normally cool and collected numbness had left, leaving you with this ache. Feelings were a weakness, they made things difficult. Yet, you were feeling something, whether you could recognize what it was, did not matter.
With your eyes shut tightly and your mind making up thousands of excuses to compensate for the feeling, you didn’t register the company sliding into your room. You did not fight back when you were easily lifted onto the bed. “Oi, since when do you cry?” Ah, perhaps that was insensitive?
The loud voice of a familiar friend grabbed your attention. Your head tilting up and eyes focusing on him. It took a moment to register what he said before you touched your cheek. When was the last time you’d cried?
The sight was foreign to Chuuya, so used to your dead expression he needed a moment to collect himself. You had never cracked an expression similar to emotion before. The only expression he’d ever seen you wear were the masks. The only expressions he’d seen without a mask were the empty, lifeless expressions you had naturally. “Sorry Chuuya, I’m not usually this week.”
Weak? When had feeling something been considered a weakness? Sure it could get in the way of actions, but it kept people from becoming machines. His own feelings could cause problems, but it helped him keep himself sane. Feeling was no weakness. If you could learn to recognize and deal with your emotions, you could easily make them an advantage for yourself. “Y/n, who told you emotions made you weak?” On a night like tonight, he knew the reason why you felt the way you did. Though you may not see it, he could tell how much a certain suicidal maniac's betrayal hurt you.
You tilted your head as if confused by his words, unsure what he was trying to get at. “Emotions are a nuisance, those that feel end up hurt.” Chuuya gripped onto your shoulders, looking you in the eyes sternly as he clicked his tongue.
“Emotions do not make you weak, they make you human. Are you stupid? I thought you had some brains in that head of yours Y/n!” His brows pulled together, but he wasn’t angry. You could see that, and your eyes reflected an emotion similar to joy. His insults kindled your heart, inflicted the start of emotions you could hopefully learn to recognize.
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ranpoismyblorbo · 3 years ago
HI I HAVE A BSD THEORY DO YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT IT IS @akuutaguava @glittercrashhh @panic-at-the-gender @boombboi @11nolongerhuman @elvearryn @chuuy-a @akutacowa @flower-of-darkness @adultkiddo @prued-crime @ginnyweasley16 @existential-dread-in-the-am @lillybet-the-overlord @saintsprotecttheghoul @thebgcharacter @rirk-ke @yukiko-otaku @its-a-journal-of-ideals @jas-sea @tainted--sorrow @dusted-star @snow-bloss0m @qu-ilinn @mrsdazais-blog @bungoustraypups @noticemeakusenpai @the-walls-have-many-ears @galacticfairytheweeb @jessbeinme15 @alexanderthepatrochillestrash @confusedinsominiac yes i tagged the entire discord server that I were showing up in that suggestions bar thingy and what about it well too bad if you don't you're getting it
Special credits to @fruitpunchsamurai16 for making it devolve into angst WHICH IT INITIALLY WAS NOT-majorly-
Ok so one ADA member is to be switched over to the PM on exchange for their help as per the deal Mori and Fukuzawa made and everyone except Yosano is up for the taking yes??
Now the OBVIOUS pick is Dazai. Because duh Mori has literally been obsessed with getting him back for ages. But i feel like a. It's too obvious and b. Mori wouldn't want to get Dazai to his side like this because he knows there's a full chance Dazai will find some way to betray WHILE upholding the deal. So he's out for now and in regards to this theory.
Next some might think Atsushi because MC right?? But that's a clear and resounding no cuz while Atsushi HAS been important in the general ongoings in Yokohama and been central to the conflicts, he HIMSELF possesses no real value for Mori and no power or ability that he can exploit because Atsushi isn't the strongest one out there in the first place (not consistently anyways) and he doesn't have any fears Mori can exploit and manipulate him with as he doesn't particularly FEAR his own death like yea he would PREFER to live but he's willing to die to save others and then there's the ADA but he [Atsushi] knows they can hold their own so yeah Atsushi's out as well.
Some might think Kyouka is an option and again no because she already betrayed them once on her own and Mori again cannot exploit her enough and doesn't particularly have a use for her since he already has the same-ish ability in his possession through Kouyou.
Now we're in likely to happen scenarios.
The next most viable is Kunikida for obvious reasons if you think about it. He's an important member of the Agency, the second in command, the one who keeps them all organised and functional on a day to day basis and an important pillar that supports Fukuzawa and the entire ADA. If taken away it would be a huge blow to all of them and just yeah it would be bad.
Now the next one (which this entire theory centered around originally) is one that would seem random but just hear me out ok.
NAOMI. Think about it, Tanizaki has a very powerful ability specially as a stealth operative and its an amazing weapon in fights as well. If Naomi was taken Tanizaki would protest it, he'd stand up against the President and he would most likely even try to infiltrate the Port Mafia HQ to get her and run away but obviously he would get caught if he tried that (as Yuki @fruitpunchsamurai16 pointed out yes he took out the Black Lizard on his own but in all fairness the Agency takes them out routinely it's part of both parties' daily schedules at this point and also Chuuya would mop the floor with him regardless of whether his ability is at an all time best but whatever.) And as we all know Tanizaki would rain hellfire on earth to protect Naomi so after all the rebelling eventually the end result would be him willing to do anything to protect Naomi and there you go ONE SHINY PORT MAFIA SPY IN THE ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY!!!!!
Anyways this was SUPPOSED to be it but Yuki tried to get back at me and suggested what if Fukuzawa gets picked (which is also possible) so everything now is copied from whatsapp:
Yuki: Fine I'll do it myself. Fukuzawa's skill is invaluable to make him the leader of a squad, maybe of strong but unpredictable ability users, because he can make it so they can control their abilities. He's also a great leader and a capable swordsman, a good tactician, and inspires loyalty. Plus he's the kind of guy who'd stick to his word, so if Mori made him join he wouldn't do anything to escape the agreement, even if he's reluctant. And imagine the horror of the ada having to fight against their collective dad. And obviously m*ri would have a blast making one of his greatest enemies work for him.
Me *sad and kinda mad for the angst*: (you wanna play this game-) Hey and imagine Natsume (Natsuma??) sensei seeing Fukuzawa in this state and lamenting ever taking those two under his wing and bringing them together. And Fukuzawa having to regress to his White Wolf days and assassinate people again. And Mori having a blast. And then eventually imagine Fukuzawa having to go up against the ADA and while it would be heartbreaking for everyone, imagine the Ranpo and Fukuzawa encounter and despite Ranpo and everyone wanting to believe he's still good Mori has made him do so much he's started to like dissociate or something to cope. So the person they see isn't the same President they knew. And then there's a lot of angst.
So yeah there y'all go i also have a short but sad Dazai backstory theory but yeah
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anti-dazai-blog · 3 years ago
1.3- There’s no need to act like a detective when there’s no case (and other complaints)
There’s so much to unpack in Chapter 1 Scene 3– Just. So much. Whatever I write really won’t do this scene justice, and whatever words I use won’t properly convey my sheer frustration when watching/reading this scene.
HOWEVER, the same can be said for many, many scenes in the future. This is only the first of MANY “wow there’s a lot to unpack here” scenes. So I’d better get used to analyzing these. I plan on analyzing stuff like The Dark Era and 15, both of which have. Just. So much. Dazai. In Them. Just Dazai Doing Dazai Things.
Moving on.
Let’s start with how he completely ignores Atsushi’s self-deprecation. Atsushi waits in the warehouse with him, waiting for the tiger to show up. Atsushi questions if the tiger will really show up and Dazai reassures him that yes, it will, and not only will it show up, but Dazai himself will be able to easily defeat it. Atsushi responds to this by essentially saying four main points [paraphrased to shorten them—>] 1- “You’re so cool and confident” 2- “Not like me LMAO I suck” 3-“I suck so much that I’m homeless and will probably starve in the street” and 4– “I’d be better off dead”.
Dazai’s response to all of this? He just looks at him. Doesn’t say a word. Doesn’t say “You’ll be ok, I’m sure we can work something out”. At this point, he undeniably plans on recruiting him. Yet he allows him to believe that he’ll probably starve. If Dazai was anyone else, I’d also criticize him allowing Atsushi to be like “I’d be better off dead”, but let’s be real, he was probably thinking “LOL YEAH Wouldn’t we all”. I don’t believe he has the capability at the moment to realize wishing death upon yourself is not a good sign and should be more discouraged than encouraged, so I’ll let him off the hook for this one.
Atsushi hears a noise in the distance and gets scared that it’s the legendary tiger. Dazai completely dismissed Atsushi’s fear by claiming the noise was “just the wind”. Combined with his facial expression, that’s more dismissive than reassuring. But I’ll let that one go too. Maybe he didn’t realize what face he was making. That sometimes happens, right? You say something and don’t really realize you’re making a certain face while you’re saying it. [I hate to forgive him twice in a row like this, but I’m not even up to my first main bullet point for Things Dazai Was An Asshole About in this scene. I really gotta speed through everything I thought was “unimportant”].
AND here we are, Dazai’s first major offense in 1.3– the way he explains his deduction! The way he goes about explaining his thought process always bothered me, but I was never really sure how to put it into words. If I had to though, I’d say the part that bothers me the most is how it comes off an an accusation. It’s as if he’s saying “Aha! Your story doesn’t add up- I found all the holes in it!”. It’s like he’s accusing Atsushi of lying, even though he’s well aware that not only did Atsushi not intentionally lie, but he knows less about “the tiger” than Dazai himself. As the title of this post says, there’s really no need for him to act like a detective when there’s no case.
Dazai goes through Atsushi’s story piece by piece, pointing out and tearing down its flaws, disproving the entire thing (or at least proving that it would be incredibly unlikely for it to have played out the way Atsushi described). He builds the tension in a nearly theatrical way— maybe he was trying to increase Atsushi’s stress on purpose? At first I thought it was the full moon that summoned Atsushi’s tiger form- after all he’s called “Beast Beneath The Moonlight”. But given that that never is the rule for when the tiger form appears again, and given that it wasn’t implied that either the moon’s presence or a full moon summoned the tiger in the past (since the tiger appeared in Yokohama “two weeks ago”, and therefore not during a full moon, and the tiger doesn’t appear every single night— therefore not always during a regular moon.) — since we know it’s not the moon that’s involuntarily bringing out the tiger, we can assume it’s something else, and stress is a reasonable guess.
Given all of that, Dazai’s unnecessarily dramatic reveal of Atsushi’s story being inaccurate can be assumed to be an attempt to cause enough stress to release Atsushi’s top secret tiger fursona. [that’s right I’m making jokes again. I accidentally forgot to be funny for a few paragraphs. Sorry ‘bout that.]. But was any of this truly necessary? There are two things I wonder about the BSD universe. The first one is wouldn’t they logically have some sort of way to determine of someone is or isn’t an ability user? Or at least to find remnants of ability usage? If not then the legal system would suck. It would be completely broken. Imagine trying to hold a trial when everyone’s claiming that they actually were mind-controlled into committing a crime, or that it wasn’t them but simply an illusion of them that committed the crime. There must be some sort of way to determine these things. Assuming there is, there’s no reason for Dazai to force Atsushi to transform- or even to wait for him to transform on his own! He could simply say “hey I think you’re actually the tiger we’re after”, and get him ability-tested with whatever technology (or ability-sensing abilities) exists.
The only reason not to is if you’re worried about Atsushi’s tiger criminal record of all his tiger crimes being used against him when he gets tested for super secret tiger DNA or whatnot. Which leads us to the second thing I wonder about the BSD universe. Surely they have some laws in place to protect first-time ability users, wouldn’t they? People like Hirotsu or Kenji, who have potentially destructive abilities, probably caused significant damage on their very first usage. Surely every single person who was unlucky enough to be born with unfathomable destruction right at their fingertips isn’t stuck sitting in jail for the rest of their lives. So why would Atsushi? There’s got to be some legal clause protecting him, considering he was unaware that he even had an ability in the first place up until now. So because of all that I don’t buy that -
1) It was necessary for Dazai to goad Atsushi into transforming into his tiger form
2) Dazai’s later claims about Atsushi being arrested for tiger crimes are, in any way, legit.
But I’ll get back to that second one later, in the next chapter.
All in all,. There was no reason for Dazai to even bring Atsushi to the warehouse in the first place.
But let’s say there was. Let’s say there’s something major I’m overlooking. It was necessary, and Atsushi was going to transform into a tiger anyway, regardless of what Dazai does or says. That’s fine, that’s great, that’s not even remotely close to Dazai’s biggest offense here.
Dazai lets Atsushi rampage around as a tiger for a while. It doesn’t really feel fair to compare this to him allowing Chuuya to use Corruption longer than necessary, since we know (and can easily see) how painful Corruption is. And I doubt Atsushi’s tiger form is anywhere near as painful. I won’t even claim that it’s painful at all. But we can assume it’s at least unpleasant. If not the form itself, the stress of losing yourself to something deep inside you that you can’t control sounds absolutely terrifying. And Dazai should know this. Dazai should know this, if not from it being basic common sense, then at least from working with Chuuya and knowing Q. Both of them have abilities that cause a lot of harm. Both of them are/were treated as a monster that must be dealt with because of their abilities. Both of them have a rocky relationship with their abilities— willing and ready to use them, yet seemingly terrified of them and feel like it makes them less “human”. Atsushi is exactly the same— he checks off all the aforementioned boxes. And Dazai should see that. He has enough firsthand experience to recognize what he’s working with, does he not?
He should recognize Atsushi’s current situation, and, well, he’s trying to be good now, isn’t he? He should know, at least on a logical level, that the “good” thing to do would be to nullify the ability as soon as it activates. But he doesn’t. I guess you can call it a morbid fascination on his part— a sense of curiosity that arises when he’s testing people’s limits. When he wants to see how far he could push them, or how far they’d go on their own if they’re not stopped. But psychological damage isn't the only type of damage occurring here. The warehouse is getting destroyed. It’s getting torn to pieces around him. Atsushi, this child who very clearly probably has some form of anxiety at the mere thought of a tiger being near his location, will not only be forced to face the reality of this feared tiger being none other than himself, but he’ll also have to see with his own two eyes the sheer extent of damage that it he can do in a matter of minutes. If Dazai really needed to watch Atsushi’s rampage then fine, but once all of his surrounding started getting torn to shreds, he really should have realized enough is enough and nullified it instantly.
He does, of course, nullify him once he has no choice, and only increases any pain Atsushi may have suffered in tiger form by promptly tossing him to the ground; a completely unnecessary move, made for the sake of being comedic [ Typical Dazai! *laugh track plays in the background like this is some old sitcom*]. But seriously though. Throwing him to the floor like that was pretty unnecessary. And must have hurt. The floor is literally concrete.
And Dazai strikes once again in his endless “failing to mention important details to his coworkers” crime spree! I’ve already spoke about this in detail in 1.1, but I’ll reiterate here: Dazai wastes everyone’s time (but Kunikida’s most often) by intentionally messing with their work schedules and causing them to do more work than necessary— either because he already completed the job he sent them to do, or because he’s intentionally hiding crucial information regarding the job they’ve been sent on.
So now Kunikida, Kenji, Yosano, and Ranpo all have to work overtime, in the middle of the night, because Dazai decided he was in one of his Silly Goofy Moods.
Initially this would be around where I’d end this section, but @travalerray’s tags from part 1.1 are relevant to this part and it would be a shame to ignore them
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Listen. I was initially going to focus more on this in regards to Chuuya, because of all people, Dazai really seems to shove it in Chuuya’s face the most. Most of the time, Dazai doesn’t bring up or explain his ability unless 1- He’s meeting someone who doesn’t know his ability yet, or 2– it’s relevant to the conversation ( Something like ”how will you defeat him?” “Oh I’ll nullify his ability”). 
It seems a bit.. disproportionate- the amount of times he finds ways to “casually” mention to Chuuya “Oh yeah you know how my ability is nullification?” “Remember how I nullify abilities” “I’m the only person who could deal with Q. Y’know. Because I can nullify his ability” “Guess you can’t fight me with your ability, because. Guess what. I can nullify it.” But that’s all something I’ll unpack later. Probably when I get up to talking about that Double Black chapter. 
But you’re right, @travalerray​, and he does do a lot of theatrics when dealing with pretty much everyone around him (specifically Atsushi, Akutagawa, Kunikida, Chuuya, and any enemy).
And as you said, it’s a manipulation tactic. He does it to show that he’s always in control- that nothing that happens is a surprise to him- or furthermore— that half the stuff that happens is stuff that he intentionally caused, and it’s all part of some top secret grand plan he has. 
He portrays himself to the people around him (or more specifically, to people he considers naive or gullible enough to fall for it [ie Akutagawa and Atsushi]) as practically “all-knowing” and “all-powerful”. I mean, people often use puppet-master symbolism for him. And they’re not wrong. 
But that’s all I’m gonna analyze this time.
Come back next week (or whenever, idk) for another exiting chapter of “Dazai Was An Asshole All Along?? What A Shock! If Only There Were Plenty Of Red Flags To Warn Us!!”
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anythingforakutagawa · 4 years ago
Till forever
Chuuya (♡) x Fem reader ☁Fluff☁
Many knew Chuuya Nakahara
No, many feared Chuuya Nakahara, gravity manipulator. The man capable of wiping out a whole organization over night by himself. Rumor where his blood was Port Mafia black, never once has showed mercy to an enemy.
It really humored you it was the same man sitting next to you, watching the sun set while you rested your head on his chest. You peeked up to steal a glace. But how was it you were supposed to just glace when you where absolutely mesmerized.
Chuuya was always beautiful in your eyes. Silky soft ginger lock that slips so ever easily through you fingers. Eyes and deep and blue like the ocean that never failed to make your heart skip a few beat when they look at you with so much love.
But the sunset toped it off, strawberry golden lighting really took the crown. You snuggled closer to him, engulfed in his warm brace while smiling to yourself. How did you get so lucky?
You felt familiar hands make its way up to you face. You subconsciously lean into the touch you learned to adore
“Chuuya..” you said through light giggles
He hummed in response while tilting you chin up, laying his lips on your softer. The faint taste of alcohol and strawberries with a hint of cigarettes . It brings you back to early memories, when you and Chuuya first met. He was just a random guy who went to the same bar as you sometimes and happen to ask you to light his cigarette . With the simple spark of a lighter lead to a conversation, From talk to met ups at the same bar until Chuuya got the courage to officially ask you to be his. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t charmed at first sight and slightly upset it took him a while for him to ask you.
But non of that mattered now, you where in the only man you’ve come to loved arms. Nothing else mattered but the two of you and that exact moment.
You felt him smile through the kiss. This kiss wasn’t passionate or lustful in any way. It was pure and gentle, like a reminder for each other. A reminder how much you adored each other and would go to any lengths for each other happiness. It was these simple, but blissful moments that made your heart flutter.
“Hey y/n.” Chuuya spoke softly into your ear while he laid flat on his back, still holding on to you, not letting your escape is ever lasting affection.
“What’s up?” You asking while propping yourself up on you elbows and forearms against his chest.
“Just now you remembered, didn’t you.”
You smiled and took his hate and placed it on yourself. “You know i did beloved.”
It wasn’t rare for your thoughts to be in sync. Made you truly believe you were twin flames, made for each other. You snapped out your thoughts Chuuya stealing his hat back.
“Come on, it’s about time we head back. Sunsets over you know.”
You rolled off him and lay on the ground until her offers a hand to help you up. You smiled to yourself while pulling his arm harshly and making him stumble to the ground along with you.
“What the hell Y/n!?”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh at his reaction. He started at you before bursting into laughter as well. And there you two where, laughing childishly while living a teenage love dream not giving a care in the world. For that moment, there was no Port Mafia, or damn Dazai, or what tomorrow can hold.
Just you and Chuuya.
Once you caught your breathe you got settled on the back of Chuuya’s bike, one of the many perks of loving him.
“You know the rules” Chuuya says in his casual overprotective tone. You weren’t aware but, you were the single source of happiness for him.
All his life he’s been seen and used as a pawn, a weapon, a object. So when you came alone and shined a light cleanses all the sorrow he’s held in his heart for so long. Your touch, your word, your actions, were all so soft and warm and caring, the closet thing he can describe it was the color pale yellow.
It was a odd way to describe it but, you were bright, but soft, cheerful, but calm all at once. When he loves you it has the same affect. You had no idea how much healing you done for him, yes he ment you unexpectedly, but now he plans his everyday next to you.
You were his top priority, even above the Mafia it’s self. You’d always be the light in his life.
That’s why he wasn’t going to let you get on with out a helmet.
hesitantly and almost upset even you took it. He grinned to him self
“There’s my girl”
You laugh while wrapping your arms around his waist, for safety purposes of course.
“Shut up and drive.”
That little push was all it took to feed is ego and drive at full speed. You scream while hiding your face in his back
“Chuuya! Slow down are you trying to kill us!?” but you felt alive, so you cant complain. God how long has it been since I was this happy?
He laughed
“Not so bold are we now? Anyway don’t be so scared, I’d never put you into danger, take a look around”
You life your head up and peek. It was magical. Yokohama was a city of wonder at night. Always lit with the prettiest colors. Bu nothing can compare to what your seeing, they were all a blur, as if the northern lights have fallen to earth and caged you and Chuuya in your own little world.
“Chuuya!” You screamed in pure bliss
“Yeah?” he shouted back
“Lets do this forever”
“Forever!?” Chuuya asked confused
You laughing while tears of joy streamed “Lets be like this forever”
“Damn right, till forever”
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