#as usual she's off in ava land
sugcrxspice · 11 months
You can pick five people go to with you to an exclusive party, who would you take?
"Easy. Mindy, Bronx, Fallon, Benny, and Lou. Those five are a good time, so an exclusive party wouldn't be wasted on them." ( @nvghtcrrors, @thvnderr, @conkniving, @b4rredteeth )
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moonstruckme · 1 month
Hiii!! Im really obsessed with your camp counsellor!james ,,, do you think you could do like a follow up of the previous one where they go to the bonfire tgt?? Love your writing and have a good day 🫶
Hi lovely, thank you for requesting!! You have a good day too <3
cw: alcohol
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 897 words
James doesn’t know how much of your closeness to blame on booze. 
It feels a bit silly to be so loose and laughy at nine pm, but he and the other counselors only have until ten thirty before the kids get out of their movie night. James suspects some of them are going to have to take a quick dunk in the lake before they rejoin their campers. 
You’re not the least squiffy there, having had exactly as many beers as James but without the large frame to support them. You’re sitting close enough that your thigh is pressed to his on the wooden log, and when you gesture your arm brushes his bicep with every movement. 
“No, no,” you’re saying, laughter ringing in your tone, “James is the kids’ favorite. No contest.” 
“Ava’s cabin is huge, though,” another counselor argues. “She’s got kids that come back just to see her every year.” 
“Yeah, but it’s only James’ first year.” You don’t catch the bit of pique in the more seasoned counselor’s voice, defending your stance lightly. James, roasting marshmallows for the both of you, keeps his mouth shut. “If he comes back next year, he’d have kids fighting over his cabin for sure.” 
“I could never handle as many kids as Ava does, though,” James says, pulling the flaming marshmallows away from the fire and blowing them out. “Here, lovely, do you have your stuff ready?” 
The distraction works. You hold up your graham crackers and chocolate eagerly, capturing a marshmallow between them and pulling it off the stick. 
“Can’t believe you’re one of those people who just burns the whole thing,” you say. “I expected better from you, James.” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we were being beggars and choosers tonight.” He glances over as he readies his own s’more supplies, and you’re grinning, your eyes crackling with amusement and something else. “How do you like them done?” 
“I take my time with it, so the outsides are brown but the insides are all melted.” You take a bite, not seeming too displeased despite the subpar quality of his marshmallow roast. “It’s like a brûlée.” 
A laugh trips off James’ tongue. “Oh, it’s like a brûlée, is it? Fancy.” 
You hum in prideful affirmation, polishing off your s’more quickly. James tries not to look too obviously pleased when your head drops to his shoulder. 
He holds his s’more away from your hair, turning towards you to say lowly, “I appreciate the compliments, but you’re gonna get me in trouble. Some of the other counselors have been coming here for years.” 
You make a breathy sound of amusement. “I’m just telling the truth. Look at this.” 
You reach down and take his forearm in your hand. Warmth seems to emanate from your touch. James lets you bring his wrist up to eye level. 
“Basically every kid at camp wanted to make you a friendship bracelet,” you say before letting his arm drop. It lands in the crease between your thigh and James’. “They all love you.” 
Your head moves, face tipping back to look at him. You look really pretty. It’s hardly the first time James has noticed tonight, and certainly not unusual for you, but the firelight plays soft over your features and you’re smiling more than usual so he’s having an especially difficult time keeping his eyes off of you. Especially when you look at him like this, all sweet and happy with the light from the bonfire glancing across your eyes and your cheek squished into his shoulder. The sight of you makes James’ stomach ache. 
“You’re everybody’s favorite,” you murmur.
The conversation around you fades into an indistinct thrum. You’re so close James can count your eyelashes, can feel your warm breath hitting his chin. If he were to kiss you, he knows you’d taste like graham crackers and chocolate and marshmallows roasted not quite the way you like them. Maybe his lips would still be a little sticky with the same, unwilling to let you go. 
James really wants to kiss you. 
You take in a soft, quick inhale, and then your face turns back the way it was, looking towards the bonfire instead of up at him. 
“That’s how I know no one will get mad at you,” you say. “You’re too easy to love.” 
“I think you’re giving me too much credit,” he replies. He reaches across you to finger the set of bracelets on your own wrist. “And maybe yourself not enough.” 
You make a dismissive sound, nudging James with your elbow. “You’re going to have to bring yours with you if you come back next year. If the kids see you without them, it’ll break their little hearts.” 
“Oh, I’m never taking these things off. Five hundred years from now, someone could dig up my grave and they’d just find a pile of bones and a bunch of string bracelets.” 
Your body shakes against his as you laugh. The sound of it is as bright and clear as the stars above your heads, and in James’ opinion thrice as lovely. 
“I’d be surprised if they last that long,” you say. “Hopefully they’re not the only thing you have to remember this place by.” 
James still wants to kiss you terribly. He appeases the urge by dropping his lips to your head. “No, I’m not worried about that.”
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panjakes · 1 year
Can I get dad!Yoongi comes back from tour and his daughter and black wife come pick him up from the airport? Also I love your writing❤️
Thank you!!!❤️🫶🏼
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Yoongi couldn’t wait for this damn plane to land and everyone could tell. Jimin who was sitting next to him smirked before nudging him a bit.
“Can’t wait too see the family?” He asks
“It’s been a while since I’ve physically seen them…and I just wanna be in my bed” he mumbles making jimin laugh
“Yeah I feel you” jimin says making yoongi side eye him
“Well, on the bed part” jimin says making yoongi nod and chuckle
Before he could respond the flight attendant announced they would be landing soon. Yoongi didn’t wait to pull out his phone sending you a quick text.
Not wasting time to get his overhead bag and getting into the isle to get off the plane. The rest of the members laughing at his excitement
After being the first person off the plane, yoongi did wait for his members who met him inside the airport.
Staring down at the watch on his wrist looking at the time
“Are you going to eat? I want food” jungkook says as the rest of the members walk over to yoongi
“Took you long enough” yoongi mumbles taking the sunglasses off his face
“We get it! You miss the family! Gosh” Jin says rolling his eyes as they start to walk
“Don’t be upset because you don’t have your own family to go home to.” Yoongi mumbles
Yoongi looked around the empty airport. It was slightly dark outside and there was surprisingly no cameras and no army inside which he was glad for
He looked down at his phone to see where you parked.
Stepping outside in front of the airport yoongi and the guys looked around for you and the tiny angel.
Yoongi couldn’t help but smile when he looked over across the street and seen you holding your three year old daughter who was holding a sign with different colors and sparkles.
“Mommy!! It’s daddy!” He heard her scream
“I know babygirl! Let’s go get him” you say smiling at her
Yoongi waited for the two of you to cross the street. Your daughter kicked her legs ready to get out your arms and into yoongi's.
"daddy!! Hi!" She shouts waving her tiny hand
"Hi princess" Yoongi says pulling you and the small child into a hug. Leaning over to kiss your forehead then your daughters. Yoongi sighs in relief at finally being home
"Look!" Your daughter says holding up the sign she made almost hitting you with it
"she insisited that we make you a sign" You say playfully rolling your eyes
"It pretty?" she ask looking at yoongi with her big wide eyes. He chuckles before running his hand through her curls
"Very pretty princess. Whats going on with your hair?" Yoongi asks noticing her hair wasnt in its usual twist or braids with beads
"She gave me a hard time when I tried to do it. So shes rocking the baby fro" You say
"Hey yn you cooking?" Jungkook asks walking over to the three of you
"Excuse you? Cant say hello to my wife?" Yoongi asks
"Dont do that, me and yn are cool like that. I'm just hungry" Jungkook says waving yoongi off
"Uncle Kookie!"
"Hi pea! Where you good for mommy?" He asks taking your daughter from yoongi,
"Yeah!" She screams excitedly
"Yeah Im cooking but it'll be later. Me and ava had pancakes" You say pushing her air out of her face
"Yeah later, now go away so I can have my family to myself" Yoongi says grabbing ava from jungkook
Jungkook glares at him before smacking his lips and looking over at you.
"He cried the third day on tour because he said he missed you guys" Jungkook says pointing at yoongi who smacks his lips
"I did not" Yoongi says
"He did, the stylist had to redo his makeup he was crying so much" Jungkook says making yoongi push him a little bit
"Get out of here" He says making jungkook laugh and leave
"I did not cry" Yoongi mumbles
"well Ava did" you say making her gasp
“Mommy! Stop!” She says feeling embarrassed
“Yeah mommy stop! She’s a big girl” yoongi says making your daughter agree
“Yeah whatever, get in the car I know your tired” you say patting his back
“Daddy can we play?” Ava asks
“Ava daddy’s tired you can play tomorrow” you say walking over to the car
“No tomorrow” she says pouting as yoongi puts her into her car seat
“It’s okay princess we can play all night” yoongi says kissing her forehead making her giggle
You shrug going over to the drivers side to open it but yoongi quickly shuts it and shakes his head
“What’re you doing?” You ask
“I’m driving” he says
“No baby your tired. I can drive” you say
Yoongi ignores you taking the keys from your hand and pushes you over to the passenger. You sigh and obey anyway.
The car ride home was filled with you filling yoongi in on what happened while he was gone. Everything was about Ava but yoongi was glad to hear.
Once you three were settled inside the house, Ava immediately pulled yoongi too her big pink purple and yellow room filled with every toy a three year old could have
While you were in the kitchen you couldn’t help but smile as you heard Ava’s loud giggles. Sooner or later the giggles were no longer heard.
Just as you turned off the stove, you walk upstairs to Ava’s room to find yoongi in her tiny bed and her in his lap. You take out your phone taking a pictures smiling. You knew he was tired.
Before you could wake him up you heard someone knock on the door. You go down the stairs to open it to find jungkook
“Oh so you was serious about getting this plate” you say letting him in
“Of course! Where’s yonngi and Pea?” He asks
“Asleep. They played for about two hours” you say going to make his plate
“Really? Alright I won’t bother y’all. I’ll get my plate and go” jungkook says following you too the kitchen
“Take some to jimin and taehyung” you say handing him the extra plates
“Nah I think I’ll keep them to myself” he says laughing
“Bye jungkook” you say laughing
“Bye Yn! Thanks for the food” he says opening the door and leaving.
You make yoongi and Ava’s plate putting them in the microwave knowing they’d probably wake up at the same time and want to eat.
After cleaning the kitchen you go back to Ava’s room to check on the two. They were still sleeping just in a new position that made you laugh.
Yoongi was on his back with his feet hanging off the end off the tiny bed with Ava laying on his back.
You don’t say anything. You just take another picture and go to your bedroom. Quickly showering and getting dressed.
Getting into the bed yoongi wasn’t far behind
“Wassup baby” you say making him glare at you
“Ain’t no wassup, why didn’t you wake me up to get in the REAL bed” he says making you chuckle
“You looked comfortable so I left you alone” you say shrugging
“Bullshit. You know that plastic bullcrap isn’t comfortable. Plus Ava kicked me in the mouth” he says rubbing at his jaw
“How?” You ask chuckling
“I don’t know but I do know I’m going to bed” he says climbing into the bed throwing his arm around your waist
“Okay goodnight” you say turning off your lamp and turning you attention back to Netflix
Soon enough yoongi was back lightly snoring and you were watching some reality show on Netflix. Not even 25 minutes later Ava came into the room with a pout
“Mommy!! Daddy left again!” She says sadly
“No he didn’t he’s right here baby” you say pointing to the sleeping man
She peeks over and immediately runs over to the big king size bed. She tries her hardest to get into the bed but she just couldn’t so she pats yoongis leg
“Daddy! Help” she says making you giggle at her cute little voice
Yoongi groans grabbing her from under her arms and putting her in between the two off you. He kisses her forehead and pats her stomach
“Go to sleep pea” he mumbles
“Okay” she mumbles snuggling closer to yoongi
You smile at the two before turning the tv off and snuggle into your daughter and yoongi.
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piratekane · 1 year
7 or 8
eight: i heard you talking in your sleep
Ava waits impatiently, drumming her fingertips against her knee as Bea moves around the kitchen. A jar of peach preserves lands on the table in front of her, followed by a knife. She follows strong fingers up to strong arms and shoulders, finally meeting Bea's eyes.
"Yes?" she asks innocently.
"If you're just going to sit there, be useful."
Ava beams. "As you wish." She doesn't linger on the pretty blush that rushes across Bea's face, granting her an ounce of mercy. She knows Bea appreciates it. But it doesn't stop Ava from saying it every chance she can, since they watched The Princess Bride a few nights ago. She knows Bea found it romantic.
And maybe Ava is pushing this line they're drawn between each other, but she can't resist nudging it forward, seeing how far she can get before Bea just admits that there's something going on. She's never good at knowing when to leaving something alone.
She pops out of her seat at the same time the toast pops in the ancient toaster that came with their apartment. She dances across the kitchen, her hands ghosting Bea's hips as she stands at the stove, watching their eggs cook. She feels Bea shiver a little but tries her best to focus her attention on spreading preserves against the toast.
She doesn't last long.
"Good dreams last night?" she asks innocently.
Bea's breath hitches. A normal person - someone not obsessed with every minute detail of Beatrice - wouldn't notice. But Ava has never felt less normal than she does when she's around Bea. And for carrying a Holy Weapon under her skin, that's a pretty big feat.
"Fine," Beatrice says after a second. "Why?"
Ava abandons the toast, all pretenses gone. She turns around, pressing the small of her back into the counter behind her.
"Oh, just wondering," she sings. She purses her lips, counting the seconds in her head. One, two, three, fo-
Bea turns, a spatula in her hand. "Why are you wondering?"
Ava shrugs casually. "Just wondering," she repeats.
Ava - an expert at Bea's facial tics and the way she breathes and the way her fingers curl around something - doesn't miss the slight sigh as Bea reins in the trickle of frustration she's feeling.
Bea's eyes narrow. "If you have something to say, you should-"
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
Bea inhales sharply. Ava catalogs it, adding it the ever-growing list of things she loves about Beatrice.
"I wasn't aware," Bea says in a measured voice. But Ava sees the way her hand tightens around the spatula. The eggs sizzle behind her. "I hope it didn't keep you up."
It did. But Ava hadn't cared. She had propped her head up on her elbow and watched Bea in the moonlight, mouth moving as she breathed out things Ava was sure she'd never say out loud. It took everything in her not to wake Bea up.
"It wasn't a big deal." She turns back to the quickly-cooling toast, smiling to herself. She can feel the tension radiating off Bea from five feet away. She smiles to herself, resists the urge to bounce on the tips of her toes. She counts. One, two, thr-
"Do you- Uh, do you remember what I said?"
Ava looks back over her shoulder, schooling her face into something casual. "Oh, the usual stuff. Ava, you need to try harder. Ava, take this seriously." She watches Bea's shoulders - coiled and high up near her ears - start to relax. "Ava, I want to kiss you."
Bea's whole body goes rigid. Ava is sure that if she was any stronger, the spatula would crack in her hand. She fights a smile and gently crosses the room, curling her hand around Bea's and loosening her grasp on the spatula. It's their only one.
"I'm sure that I-" Bea swallows. "I'm sure that's not what I said."
"Oh, it definitely is." Ava doesn't pull her hand away from Bea's. Instead, her replaces the spatula with her own hand. "But in a very dignified way. Like Mr. Darcy. That's the guy, right?" She takes a small step in, watching in delight as Bea takes a step back. She's dangerously close to the stove so Ava reaches around her, turning the burner off. "It was flattering."
Bea's face is bright red, freckles like stars across her cheeks. "I'm so sorry," she breathes, voice laced with something Ava might call shame. She frowns. That's not what she wanted. But Bea sees her frown and rushes to add, "It's not my intention to make you uncomfortable. And we- It's just been the two of us. I-" Her eyes start to shimmer. "I cannot apologize enough. I understand if you- I'll sleep on the couch."
"Woah, slow down." Ava ducks her head to catch Bea's eyes. She brushes her thumb across Bea's knuckles. Her other hand hovers over Bea's hip but she doesn't dare let it fall yet. "I'm not mad."
Bea blinks a few times. "I understand if you-"
"I'm not mad or uncomfortable," she interrupts. Bea's mouth snaps closed audibly. She looks down at her hand hovering and back up at Bea. She searches Bea's eyes and finds something that lets her know it'd be okay to touch Bea. Her hand lands lightly against her hip. She watches Bea fight off a shiver. "Actually, I'm..."
"Don't say flattered," Bea says in a halting voice, like she's pulling the words out from clenched teeth.
Ava smiles softly. "I won't say that, then." She strokes her thumb across Bea's hipbone. She can't hide the shiver this time. "How about I say... I've been waiting for you to say that."
Bea's eyes widen slightly, her mouth falling open. "You..."
"Me." Ava lowers her hand to Bea's other hip. This time when she steps in, Bea doesn't step back. "And if it's a relief, really. Because I was worried I was the only one feeling this. But I'm not. Right?" A tendril of doubt ripples through her. Maybe she read it wrong.
But Bea just stares at her for a moment before she shakes her nearly imperceptibly. Relief blossoms in her chest.
"Cool. Cool, cool." Ava's smile starts slow but spreads wide. She takes another step in. She can see the panic in Bea's eyes and she wants it to disappear. Her hand tighten a little more purposefully. "So I think we have two options, right? The first is that we totally forget this conversation happened and the next time you start talking in your sleep, I'll ignore it."
Bea's throat bobs as she swallows. "And the second option?"
"I kiss you right now."
"Oh," Bea breathes.
"Oh," Ava echoes with a smile. Bea doesn't move, seemingly frozen. Ava knows she needs to be gentle, to approach this like she's trying to convince a fawn to come closer. So she lifts a hand, rests it against Bea's cheek, and smiles. "Beatrice, I'm going to kiss you."
She doesn't wait. She follows the words right to Bea's lips, pressing her own softly against them. Bea is frozen underneath her and Ava thinks about pulling back before Bea moves, coming alive. Her hand curls around Ava's neck, pulling her back in those few precious inches Ava had put between them. It feels like a long stretch in a patch of sunlight, like coming home and taking off her shoes, like sliding into fresh sheets.
The kiss ebbs into a smile and they stay pressed together like that for a moment before Ava tips her head back, pressing an even softer kiss to Bea's forehead.
"Oh," Bea says again.
Ava smiles. "Same."
"I've been waiting for you to do that," Bea admits. "I couldn't- It couldn't be me."
Ava strokes her thumb across Bea's cheek. "Well, now we've done it. And we're going to keep doing that." It isn't a question, but Bea nods anyway. "In fact, we're going to start right now."
"But breakfast is-"
Ava leans in, stopping the rest of the words. She's never wanted a meal less in her life. Bea doesn't seem to hesitate either, kissing her back instantly. Ava smiles and feels Bea's fingers flex on her neck and feels like they could face anything together and win every time.
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bitchinbarzal · 8 months
luny. when u have time i NEED a blurb of mom mct leaving to new york when she finds out she’s pregnant i just know it’ll be good
- cole anon
Once you’d finally come to settle on the fact you were pregnant you did the first thing you thought to do, leave.
You’d been gone for three days when the ducks landed back in California after their Canadian roadie.
Mason hadn’t heard from you for days, he was worried to no end. When he got back to your apartment which appeared to not be lived in days he felt worse.
“Where is your sister?” Is the first thing he asked when he barged through Trevor’s door.
Trevor frowned “At your apartment?”
“She’s not there! She should be there and she’s not picking up the phone-“
Trevor’s wife put her hand on Mason’s back to stop him ranting “Mason, I’m sure she’s ok”
“I just haven’t spoken to her and-“
He was cut off by one of the twins running into the room waving around Trevor’s phone on speaker
“Daddy! Daddy! Uncle griff is on the phone” Sasha shouts, holding it up to Trevor
“Griff what’s up? Have you heard from-“
“Dude! Y/N has been at mom and dads for like two days and Ava says she’s been moping around right? I came home today and guess what? She’s pregnant! That buddy of yours-“
Everyone’s eyes were wide and Mason shouts “She’s what?!”
Trevor hissed lowly “Mason’s here, Griff… and you’re on speaker”
Mason is half smiling and half worried, turning to leave the house. When he’s in the car he calls you multiple times always receiving your voicemail.
When he gets your voicemail again he sighs, waiting for the beep with his head rested against the steering wheel
"hey baby, it's me. please just come home, okay? I'm not mad, I'm not angry l'm just worried about you and the baby! just come talk to me.
I wanna listen angel, i wanna hold you... come home please I love you"
He hangs up and looks at his lockscreen, the picture of you smiling back at him “I’m gonna be a dad” he mumbles to himself “with the most perfect girl, fuck me i’m lucky”
He went the rest of the night constantly checking his phone for any sign of life from you. To no avail, at around two in the morning he managed to fall asleep only to be woken by the doorbell at four.
Groggily, he trudged down to the stairs ready to shout at whoever dared to wake him up at this time of night.
When he opened the door ready to shout he saw you cuddling into yourself with a sad and regretful.
He didn’t let you say anything before pulling you into his arms, squeezing you a little tighter than usual.
“Don’t you ever leave me again” he mumbled, tears landing on your hair “You scared the life of our me, I can’t lose you”
You clutch his hoodie desperately “Mase, I’m so scared”
“Hey, hey when have I not had your back babe? We get through this… all three of us”
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jeridandridge · 1 year
As The World Falls Down
You and Melissa get into an argument over legendary charter wanting to take over Abbott. This is my first Melissa Schemmenti x reader fic, so please bear with me 🙃
It starts on a Monday night as you sit on the living room floor with lesson plans scattered around you. Your mind goes a mile a minute as you take your hair down and put it back up into a messy bun again, a nervous habit.
“Hon, take a break.” Your girlfriend calls out from the kitchen, “Come try this.”
You happily get up jogging over to the kitchen and sliding in on your fluffy socks right to Melissa’s side.
“I need that in my mouth right now.” You practically drool looking at the baked good she was cutting.
Melissa grins lifting a brow. “Me or the biscotti?”
“Both.” You smile leaning in to kiss her cheek, arm wrapped around her waist. “I’ll pour the hot chocolate.”
This had become a regular every night thing since you moved in with Melissa over the summer a few months before. You two would cuddle up and have a nice treat and drink after a long day at Abbott.
Ever since Legendary wanted to turn Abbott into a charter, everyone was on edge and exhausted especially the red head. Teaching two classes at once wasn’t easy even with her years of experience. You were lucky, you had the older kids and only had to deal with their sass and pre teen hormones.
Sitting at the kitchen counter you reach over and hold your hand palm up for her when you see her cut into the desert a little too hard. “Mel, breathe.”
She sighs and sets the knife down happily taking your hand.
“It’s Monday, ya know?” She shrugs. You know she’s tired by how soft her voice is, you knew she was tired before she started baking after dinner.
“I know, baby.” You gently squeeze her hand. Your eyes meet pretty jade as you play with one of her rings.
“Everyone’s doin their best and we still can’t get anywhere.” She sighs.
You know what she means right away. Everyone in the staff had been stressed and anxious not knowing what was to come next. You had lost 4 kids to Legendary and it didn’t help seeing your friends and girlfriend so stressed on top of it.
“Maybe it’s a lost cause.” You shrug looking down at the cutting board. Doing so you miss the look of hurt in Melissa’s eyes, only looking up when she pulls her hand away like she’s been burnt.
“The hell does that mean, y/n?”
“I don’t know, Melissa, I’m-“
“No, hon, you know.” She snaps back resting her hands on the counter. “You giving up on Abbott? On those kids? Me?”
“Baby, I didn’t mean it like that.” You sigh following her out to the living room, Melissa grabbing her grade book before she turns pointing a finger in your direction.
“Don’t bother coming up here tonight.” She huffs before stomping upstairs leaving you alone at the bottom of the landing.
“What the fuck?” You let out under your breath.
The next day at Abbott is a tense one. When you woke up on the couch after a night of tossing and turning Melissa had already left for work. After an uncomfortable drive in your own car to the school you get to the front desk seeing Ava and Barbara.
“Oh snap, there’s the pup. How was the doghouse last night?” Ava chimes in with her usual nonsense.
“Ha ha funny.” You roll your eyes. “Barb, have you seen Melissa?”
The older woman gives you a nod, resting her hand on your arm. “I would give her some space for the morning. You messed up in her eyes, babygirl.”
You sigh tipping your head back for a moment. “I didn’t even mean it like that, I’m-“ you sigh. “I’m angry and tired like everyone else.”
“We all are, sweetheart. Give her time and let her come to you.”
You can’t help but scoff. “We’re talking about Melissa. She doesn’t back down.” You refuse to be the one to give in, not when she blew up for no reason.
Barb gives you a soft smile as she picks her purse up.
“Girl, she’s whipped for you.” Ava waves you off, not even looking up from her phone. You sigh heading for your classroom upstairs.
The day goes on. It’s near the end of the school day when you stand in front of the chalk board writing out the kids’ homework for the end of the week during your prep period. You always play music during this period and today was no different.
You stop for a moment when you hear a familiar note, a song that brings a smile to your lips every time you hear it. You and Melissa had watched Labyrinth one weekend early on in your relationship, when this song started you got up and pulled her into a slow dance, your way of telling her you loved her before really saying it.
Today, you hum along to the song that plays from your computer as you work, jumping when your classroom door opens. You look over meeting her eyes.
“A Bowie kinda day, huh?” She asks coming in to lean against your desk.
“Yeah well my girlfriend is pissed at me so I’m kind of down.” you shrug.
Melissa steps forward reaching to take the chalk from your hand.
“Why did that make you so angry?” You ask, still unaware. “I didn’t mean it like-“
“I know you didn’t, baby.” She admits quietly. “I’ve been at this a long time okay? Seeing you give up so fast, it scared me. If you gave up on this school so fast, what could that mean for us later on?”
You looked at her with a soft expression, having an idea of why.
“I’m sorry, Mel.” You all but melt, reaching out to pull her into a hug. It’d been less than a day and you’d missed her so much. You felt so stupid for not realizing why she was angry.
Without another word you wrap your arms around her waist slowly swaying with her to the music.
“I could never give up on you.” You whisper.
Melissa lifts her head from your shoulder giving you a small smile.
“Even as the world falls down?”
You nod leaning into to gently kiss her lips.
“Even as the world falls down.”
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simplykorra · 1 year
the beauty of your repair - chapter five
Not that Ava is keeping track (she totally is) but it’s been about forty-five minutes since she came up for air after making the girl underneath her come.
While this girl’s bed is actually super comfortable, Ava’s buzz is starting to fade and that weird post orgasm guilt is starting to kick in and she’d really like to go home.
She never knows how long to hang around after these kinds of things. Especially with girls, where it always feels a little more intimate and intense - as opposed to guys who usually act fairly distant.
Jenny is cute, nice enough - a little clingy and really needs to trim her nails better, but Ava had fun.
Still, it’s time to go, she needs a shower. “So I think I’m gonna head out,” she says, already swinging her legs off the bed as she does. The hand that was hanging over her waist falls off and lands on the bed with a soft thump.
“Already? You don’t want to stay? I make really good french toast.”
“I have a thing in the morning,” she hates how lame and fake it sounds, but she does. The problem is that saying she has court mandated community service just doesn’t feel like the kind of thing to drop after a hookup.
“Oh,” naturally, it doesn’t sound like she bought it.
As she pulls her bra on and tries to remember what fucking room she kicked her pants off in, Ava offers a smile. “I’m sorry, Jenny. I would love to but-”
“Jamie,” she says and Ava’s stomach drops. “My name is Jamie.” 
Well, fuck
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
hey em what happened to princess after mary was also gone and does the answer involve lilith
how did I know it was gonna be you who landed on this (probably mainly bc I've already yelled at casper abt it). it'll be touched on briefly in the epilogue, but yes, you're v right, it's always been about Lilith (smth smth Lilith being mentioned in concert with Princess in every appearance 😌)
In the wake of the Vatican, in the wake of Beatrice and Ava leaving, Lilith teleports. It's uncontrolled, haphazard, some force drawing her, hooking into the meat of her and pulling her through fire and brimstone to emerge, reeling, in Mary's living room.
She collapses on the couch, exhausted, too tall to stretch out on it but unable to bring herself to take the bed. One hand curled beneath her cheek, the other dangling off the edge of the couch cushion.
She's awoken in the middle of the night by a strange sensation, something prickly and rasping across her skin, and her claws unsheathe of their own accord before she fully reaches consciousness. When she's finally blinked the sleep from her eyes, she finds herself face to face with Princess, who's sprung back away from her, fur puffed up, back arched, tail on high alert.
Lilith stares at her for a long long moment, at this mirror of her hurt and anger and fear, and tries to get her racing heart to settle. Finally she exhales all in a huff, retracts her claws, hugs her arms tightly about herself and tries to fall back asleep.
Her eyes snap back open at the sound of movement, though, and the last thing she sees is princess's eyes glittering back at her in the dark from the top of the cat tree in the corner of the room.
At first it's all automatic, the pull in her chest, the hole torn through the fabric of space time, spitting Lilith out in Mary's living room. She dutifully refreshes Princess' automated food and water dispensers, unhappily deals with the litter box, and sits in a silent uneasy truce with Princess, the two who've been left behind.
The first time it's a conscious decision to return to Mary's apartment, to use it as her homebase, Lilith's been badly injured by a wraith-possessed group. Well, it would have been a bad injury, had she not been who she is. Instead, the wounds seal up, scale over. But she's left sitting in her own blood-damp clothes realising that if she had died there'd be no one to look after Princess.
She teleports into the bathroom this time, feels faintly proud of herself for the improvement in precision she's worked so hard to train into herself that lands her directly in the tub. Shucks off her gear, washes the filth off her skin, raids Mary's closet for sweats. A burst of energy has her tackling the fridge, clearing out the moldering remnants of Mary's last meals. Has her cracking open a can of wet food and plating it beside Princess' usual bowl.
It wanes quickly though, the energy sapped from her limbs as she slumps on the couch and realises, distantly, that she may not have gotten the Halo, but she's still assuming some aspects of Shannon's life in her absence.
She pulls the hood of her sweater up over her head and curls up on her side on the couch. A moment later, there's pressure on the cushion beside her, and she opens her eyes to find Princess settling inside the curve of the lonely parenthesis of her body.
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nellasbookplanet · 8 months
Book recs: many worlds, alternate timelines edition
I've previously written a rec post on the portal fantasy genre, so let's now take a look at a very similar trope: that of parallel universes and alternate timelines!
Unlike portal fantasies, these books are usually scifi, relying on the theory of the multiverse, however there are exceptions (a common one being that of a 'sliding scale', where worlds move from scifi to fantasy the further you go).
Also, surprisingly many of these books have queer themes and characters!
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Previous book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding, really cool sci-fi worldbuilding, dark sapphic romances, mermaid books, vampire books, portal fantasies, robots and artificial intelligences, post- and transhumanism
For more details on the books, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with an * are my personal favorites. And as always, feel free to share your own recs in the notes!
Sci-fi in the multiverse
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Fractured Infinity by Nathan Tavares
Hayes Figueiredo is a struggling film-maker who wants to finish his documentary, who's life gets turned upside down when he meets the handsome physicist Yusuf Hassan enters his life, claiming an alternate version of him is a great inventor who's sent a mysterious device to their universe. As Hayes gets drawn deeper into the conspiracy - and his feelings for Yusuf intensify - he has to decide just how far he's prepared to go to win the life and the love he wants. Featuring a very gay and very morally dubious lead, this is a creative and strange read.
The Space Between Worlds (The Space Between Worlds series) by Micaiah Johnson
Multiverse travel is finally possible, but there’s just one catch: No one can visit a world where their counterpart is still alive. Enter Cara, whose parallel selves happen to be exceptionally good at dying. As such she has a very special job in traveling to these worlds, hoping to keep her position long enough to gain citizenship in the walled off Wiley City, away from the wastes where she grew up. But her job is dangerous, especially when she gets on the tracks of a secret that threatens the entire multiverse. Really cool worldbuilding and characters, also featuring a sapphic lead!
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi
More of a space opera than a typical multiverse story, Ascension follows Alana Quick, an expert Sky Surgeon who stows away on a spaceship in hopes of landing herself a job. But the ship and its crew are in deeper waters than she expected, facing threats emerging from a whole other universe, all of them searching for the same person: Alana's spiritually enlightened sister. Undeniably a bit of an odd read, Ascension is also very creative and features polyamorous lesbian relationship.
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Finna (LitenVerse series) by Nino Cipri
Novella. Working as a minimum wage employee at a big box furniture store already sucks, but it gets exponentially worse for Ava when a customer gets sucked into a wormhole and she gets sent to retrieve her from the mazes of the multiverse. To make matters worse? She has to work with her ex. A fun, quick and creative read as well as a scathing critique of capitalism, also featuring a major nonbinary character in Ava's ex and colleague.
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
In an example of extremely differing timelines, The Kajiu Preservation Society features an alternate Earth that's home to giant kajius who feed on radiation. During the height of the pandemic, Jamie is suddenly in the need of a new job. Rescue comes in the form of an old acquaintance who works for a secretive animal rights organisation and invites Jamie along. This one is lighthearted and a bit gimmicky, but also a fun and quick read.
The Doors of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky*
In yet another example of very different timelines, The Doors of Eden is something of an experiment in speculative biology, featuring versions of Earth in which various different species were the one to rise to sentience, from dinosaurs to neanderthals. Now, something is threatening the existence of all timelines, dragging multiple different people into the struggle, among those a pair of cryptid hunting girlfriends and a transgender scientist.
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The Long Earth (The Long Earth series) by Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter
When a device consisting simply of some wiring, a three-way switch and a potato makes it possible for anyone who wants to travel the multiverse, humanity is changed forever. But despite their great similarities, these worlds also have great differences from our Earth - such as a strange lack of humans. Joshua, one of few people able to cross the multiverse without the help of the potato-device, sets out to explore these seemingly endless worlds.
Hominids (Neanderthal Parallax trilogy) by Robert J. Sawyer
On a parallel Earth, neanderthals have developed a radically different society from ours. Ponter, one of these neanderthals and a physicist, gets accidentally transported to a research facility in our world, where he's faced with the great cultural differences between human and neanderthal society. Meanwhile, back in his home world, his housemate Adikor is charged with his murder.
Meet Me in Another Life by Catriona Silvey*
Thora and Santi are strangers, brought together by a coincidence and torn apart just as abruptly when tragedy strikes. But this is neither the first nor the last time they meet - again and again they encounter each other, as friends, lovers, enemies, family, every time recognizing in each other a familiarity no one else carries. But with every new life, a mysterious danger grows ever closer, forcing them to find out the truth of their connection. Calling this a multiverse story isn't entirely correct, but it also isn't entirely incorrect, and saying more would be an immediate spoiler. It's a puzzle-box of a story that goes some entirely unexpected places in a very wild ride, featuring a bisexual co-lead.
Magic in the multiverse
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The Invisible Library (The Invisible Library series) by Genevieve Cogman
Irene works as a spy for the mysterious Library, which collects fiction from different realities. She's sent to an alternate London rife with magic and chaos to retrieve a dangerous book, but by the time she arrives it has already been stolen. Alongside her assistant Kai, she races to find the book before it's too late.
Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore*
Young Adult. Jane is invited by an old acquaintance to an extravagant gala in an island mansion, stranding her among the rich and glamorous. But being surrounded by rich people is the least of Jane's problems: the mansion is housing secrets, some of them tied to Jane's own family. The mansion offers her five choices, all of them leading her down different paths and different answers. Jane, Unlimited is a choose-your-own adventure story of sorts, featuring five different endings in five different genres, each more off the wall bonkers than the next. It also features a bisexual main character!
A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic trilogy) by V.E. Schwab
Kell is an antari - one of the only people able to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black. Kell's London is a place of magic, where he works as an ambassador traveling between the worlds. He's also a smuggler, secretly and illegally bringing objects between the worlds. His hobby brings him into hot water when an exchange goes wrong, and lands him face to face with the cut-purse Delilah, who's prepared to do just about anything to step from her Grey London to one of magic and adventure.
Fucked up parent-child relationships in the multiverse
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The Possibilities by Yael Goldstein-Love
Ever since her son Jack nearly died at birth eight months ago, Hannah has had the niggling feeling that something is wrong. When Jack is mysteriously snatched away, Hannah's fears are proven true; now she must employ a strange and newly awakened ability to cross between parallel worlds to save him. On the lighter end of the scifi spectrum, The Possibilities explores the fears and anxieties of motherhood through the spectrum of the multiverse.
Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson*
Utterly unique in worldbuilding, story, and prose, Midnight Robber follows young Tan-Tan and her father, inhabitants of the Carribean-colonized planet of Toussaint. When her father commits a terrible crime, he's exiled to a parallel version of the same planet, home to strange aliens and other human exiles. Tan-Tan, not wanting to lose her father, follows with him. Trapped on this new planet, he becomes her worst nightmare. Enter this book with caution, as it contains graphic child sexual abuse.
Bridge by Lauren Beukes
When she was little, Bridge and her mother Jo used to play a game - one where they traveled to other worlds, inhabiting the bodies of their other selves. Now Jo is dead, and as Bridge is cleaning out her apartment she finds a strange device: a dreamworm, the very thing that supposedly makes inter-dimensional travel possible. Suddenly faced with the possibility that multiverse travel is real, Bridge is struck by a different question: could her mother still be alive? Scifi spiced with a healthy dose of body horror and some absolutely wild twists, Bridge also features a bisexual lead (however this is a blink and you'll miss it moment) and a nonbinary co-narrator.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Infinity Gate by M.R. Carey
An AI threatens millions of alternate versions of Earth, and a political and trading alliance binding them all together is prepared to stop it no matter the cost to human life.
Ida by Alison Evans
Young Adult. Ida struggles more than most young girls with finding her path, as she has the ability to shift between parallel worlds, allowing her to see many different possibilities
The Art of Saving the World by Corinne Duyvis
Young Adult. A dimensional rift has opened in Hazel's backyard, and is strangely tied to her presence, growing volatile if she travels too far away and forcing her to stay in her home town. That is, until not one but three other Hazels falls through the rift into her world.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch, A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray, Interworld by Neil Gaiman & Michael Reaves, The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
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sugcrxspice · 6 months
( snowball fight, december 19, early evening ) @anchoragestarters
Bleached hair gathered in a sleek high ponytail, a pair of white, fuzzy earmuffs snug against her ears, Ava bent to tighten the laces of her combat boots. Although the overly competitive roller derby captain was normally the first person to sign up for any activity that involved physical exertion and the promise of a prize (no matter how grand or small), she was attending the snowball fight this year as a mere spectator. To the young Adler, it was just as fun to watch people locked in competition, her fiery nature lending itself to getting heavily invested in these kinds of events. That is, until a snowball landed squarely against the side of her head. Letting out a high-pitched squeak when the ball of ice made contact with her skin, Ava straightened and looked around wildly for her mystery assailant, flicking drops of water off of her face, pale skin already turning a festive shade of red. "Uhhh, hello?! Do I look like I'm playing?" she shouted, gesturing down to the leather mini-skirt and black wool tights of her chosen ensemble. If she'd arrived with the goal of winning in mind, her attire for the evening would've been much more focused on mobility (without sacrificing her usual flare for all things fashionable, of course).
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ateezbiia · 1 year
# bia’s album release party
edits are made by me.
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bia’s outfit
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DJ’s Playlist
- Nxde by Bia (G-Idle)
- OHMAMI by Chase Atlantic
- Stargirl Interlude by The Weeknd
- Tití Me Pregunto by Bad Bunny
- Good Ones by Bia (Charli XCX)
- Turn Me On by Bia & Dua Lipa (Nicki Minaj)
- Party Monster by The Weeknd
- Low by SZA
- Woman by Doja Cat
- Don’t Break My Heart by The Weeknd
- One Right Now by The Weeknd
- My Head & My Heart by Ava Max
- I Like You (A Happier Song) by Post Malone & Doja Cat
- 2 On by Tinashe
- Lip & Hip by HyunA
- +HWA+ by BIA (CL)
- The Ring by ATEEZ
- Take What You Want by Post Malone
- Dilemma by Nelly & Kelly Rowland
- I Am The Best by 2NE1
note: apart from the guest list i made, there are way more people here than said. including other ocs ( @mystic-luv (Kyra), @chiskz (Chichi) , and @ino3zi (Noe) ). Thank you all for wanting to come! and including characters i may make up and obviously the people from the guest list <3 also the playlist is so long i should’ve waited til the end 😭 i’ve lost my touch to writing so bare with me ..
warning(s): mentions of alcohol (bia drinks a bit, only cause it’s a fun night!!), just partying, use of lower case
italics are english.
as bia walked into the venue, everyone cheered and shouted. she was guided in by security and her members by her side.
she smiled and waved as there were many cameras and other artists coming to support her. security closed the big black doors after they all set foot in the venue, just so no one could get in.
her title track ‘nxde’ blared through the speakers, everyone crowded in certain places, some dancing. the strobe lights were bright but not bright enough to light the whole place since it was still dark like a club.
san and wooyoung were already running off to whatever spot in the venue, probably planning to get drunk and crash on a couch. mingi, hongjoong, and yunho went to the dj section, where hyungwon was doing his thing up on the stage. jongho was headed for the bar, though he didn’t drink much, he would still go for something light. yeosang went to go sit on a couch. and that left seonghwa.
he remained by bia’s side, a hand on her back as they looked around. all of this had happened because of hongjoong. he’d managed to book this huge venue for a night. he would never tell bia how much it cost cause he knew she would never stop worrying and complaining about how expensive it was. joong even did the guest list.
“i’ll never be able to thank him enough.” bia spoke, looking around at all the decorations. she walked over to a booth, where she assumed food would be served. seonghwa sat across from her, glancing over at the place and over at her.
“im sure he knows. how thankful you are, i mean.” hwa said, placing a hand on hers. he sent her a small smile, and then looking back out at the dance floor. she felt her face redden at his sudden act of affection. bia followed seonghwa’s stare which landed on the dance floor.
“you wanna dance?” she shouted over the music. hwa looked surprised, but played it off. he smiled once again as he grabbed bia’s hand, excitedly shuffling to the dance floor. she chuckled at his actions. she didn’t know he would be this happy over wanting to dance with her.
the song had already changed, changed to one of bia’s favorite songs. at first, the two were awkward but eventually let loose with everyone else in the crowd. they sang to each other , screaming the lyrics to the chase atlantic song. seonghwa knew a lot of the songs bia listened to because they’d usually share an airpod on a long trip or even just walking together.
interrupting their groove, a black haired girl jumped in front of them both. her face lit up with a smile, “bia!”
bia’s face beamed with excitement as she hugged the girl tightly, rocking her back and forth.
“diana! how have you been?” she unraveled from the hug, taking a look at her childhood friend. diana and bia met in the uk when they were only in primary school. diana had just moved from australia.
“i’m great now that i can see you! how are you?! and who is this handsome piece of..” diana’s last part of her sentence caught bia off guard, making her push diane’s arm playfully. seonghwa realized who she was talking about and turned tomato-faced.
diana looked at bia smiling, “whaaat? i can’t be honest now?” bia signaled for her to be quiet, as she’d already embarrassed her enough.
bia eventually introduced seonghwa to diane, they talked for a bit more and they went back to their table. diana decided to sit with the star of the show and her members, to show her support.. and because she missed her too much.
bia talked to a few of the artists there, waiting to be served since it was dinner time. she especially bonded with Kyra, which was Keeho’s girlfriend. she liked him too.
hwa had to gather all the members to the table and play as mother (per usual). they all sat down and the waitress eventually came. yup, apparently, hongjoong even got a waitress for her. speaking of him, he seemed to take interest in diane. the two shared looks between each other quite often and eventually began small talk.
the night went by quickly enough and by the time it was almost time to go, bia, diana, san, and wooyoung were all wasted. mingi was there too, but he gets quiet when he’s drunk, so he wasn’t chaotic like the others.
bia and diana were the worst ones, though. they both were escorted to the vehicles by seonghwa and hongjoong.
“didi, look! yes, im nudeee~” bia slurred her words, drunkly dancing to her song. diana fell to the ground, laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world. hongjoong helped her up, telling her that it was time to go home. hwa did the same with bia.
“hey, shh, we gotta get home ok? we’re almost to the car, c’mon, no more games.” he put her arm on his shoulder to support her balance. bia angrily grumbled, listening to him. she was out of her mind right now, she didn’t know what was going on.
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bia’s selfies
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fractured-legacies · 1 year
Imprudent, Chapter 4: Collisions
Prologue | Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Collisions
Based on our observations, it appears that the human population on Nephaas is dominated by a locally adapted Hibernaramus variant, although isolated populations of extreme-cold and extreme-heat adapted ramuses have been identified in the equatorial and polar regions respectively. All three ramus types were attested to in our records, but other ramus types that should also exist on the planet seem to have been reduced or eliminated due to the extreme local environmental pressures.
At present, due to our limited resources, we have decided against attempting to make contact or gain small tissue samples for analysis. Most of our efforts continue to be directed towards determining the cause of our failed transit.
Raavi ava Laargan
Waking up, I clamped my mouth shut and rolled out of bed. Over by my desk was the small project I had worked on for the last week—a clockwork tower that fit over my sand tray. Grabbing the quartz die from where it sat, I Breathed out into it. Then, as it glowed with the usual green-yellow, I smoothed out the sand and drew a line down the middle.
Taking a deep breath, I set the clockwork contraption on top of the tray and started it spinning. Then, bracing myself, I asked my question, and dropped the glowing die into the chute at the top.
Down it went, bouncing off of gears and paddles; the designs I had found at the library had insisted that this mechanism would help improve the prediction accuracy significantly. I could only hope that they were right.
Finally, the die bounced down the final chute and landed in the sand bowl, sending up a small wave of sand grains.
Looking down at the die sitting in the sand-filled tray, I tried to keep my frown from growing too much. It was so much better to find out this way, so I rose from where I was kneeling and put it away. Of course, I was disappointed, but, well…
It was better this way.
I kept repeating that to myself as I bathed, taking a brisk shower—the water was cooler than normal, and I made a note to check the water heater—and then went downstairs. There I found a few of my housemates awake and off-shift. It was the usual collection that I’d grown used to over the last few weeks of winter. Stylio was sitting in my father’s armchair, reading a book from my mother’s library of medical books, apparently absorbed. Zoy wasn’t present, thankfully. There was no way I could have kept my expression steady if she’d been there.
Over by the kitchen table, a bunch of other overwinterers were clustered around a board game I didn't recognize. They all had hands of cards that they were examining, and in the middle of the table there was an intricate board laden with small wooden and metal pieces, and more cards spread out between them. Judging by the mugs of beer and bowls of snacks, most of them half-empty, they’d been at it for a while.
Janiina grinned from behind her hand, slapped down a card, and said, “I charge five quartz and three pyrite with Breath!”
I had no idea what that meant, but by the way the others groaned and cursed, I guessed it was good for her. I just went into the kitchen and quietly put some breakfast together. The leftovers from the Sundown Feast were long since gone, and we were now working through the stocks of preserved foods and staples from the pantry, as well as a ration of milk from the small dairy.
Making myself some toast and tea—I was definitely going to have to get my mother some more—I settled in a chair and ate, my mind on other things. I still had my project, plus my shifts at the ironworks. And besides, hadn’t Stylio said that she was a wandering penitent? Given how the mayor treated them, there was no way that they’d want to stay for longer than the winter, so it was better this way.
I kept telling myself that as I took the empty plate and cup over to the sink and gave them a rinse before putting them in the drying rack; nearby, the game was still progressing, and judging by the pile of tokens in front of Janiina and the enormous grin on her face, she was probably going to win.
As much as they looked like they were having fun, I wanted to be alone at the moment, so I gave some polite comments and made my way down to the basement, where my workshop was.
Lighting the oilsap lamp with my new lighter, I looked at my project, walking around it and testing the parts and connections. It looked like it was just about ready. I had a few parts left to make at the ironworks, and I’d probably be able to finish it up before I went back to sleep. And then I could take it out for a try; it was definitely cold and windy enough to use at this point in the season.
Which meant that it was time for me to get over to the ironworks and put in some time.
Heading back upstairs, I went into the antechamber and started suiting up for the bone-chilling cold outside. Thick wool socks. Boots with steel cleats. Two layers of pants. Three layers of shirts, the innermost made of fabric that would wick away my sweat. Scarf. A fur-lined coat that I had inherited from my father, with a thick hood. A fur-lined hat with flaps that would cover my ears. Gloves. A pair of goggles that would keep my eyes covered from the wind; I’d heard that it was possible to have your eyelids freeze shut from your own tears freezing on the eyelashes, and was in no hurry to experience that. It was already cold and windy enough that frostbite was a serious risk, and while I could heal it with some Breath, as my mother would say, a whistle of prevention was worth a cantata of cure.
As I finished suiting up, I looked in the mirror. I was still new enough at this that I wasn’t certain that I’d gotten it right without checking. While it could get cold in the autumn and spring, it was nothing like the blasting cold winds coming from the south now, and during the summer, the usual clothing was more designed around linens that would cool the skin and protect against the unending sun. Lots of billowing shirts, skirts, and pants, sandals, and wide hats. The winter outfit was still novel, if not new, and I wasn’t taking any chances.
After checking myself over in the mirror, I nodded, closed the inner door, and opened the outer.
It was cold.
I knew to expect that, but still.
The sky overhead was speckled with stars and clouds, even as the Night-Light glowed in the dark; snow piled in drifts alongside the buildings, even though they were built to channel the winds as they went north to south. I shifted my shoulders uncomfortably; my braid was lying between my shirts and the coat, and it felt caught and tangled between the fabrics, which were already binding in ways I wasn’t yet used to.
Sighing, I started off down the street, making little shifts of my head and shoulders as I tried to dislodge my hair and let it lie naturally. I probably looked pretty silly, what with my shoulders hunched up and jerking my head and shoulders in weird ways, but there was no one around that I could see.
I got to the ironworks just as the braid cleared whatever obstruction was keeping it from hanging right, of course.
Sighing again, I pulled off my coat and other cold weather gear, hung them, and started on my shift. It was time to focus on my job and my own projects, and put distractions out of mind.
Lady Fiaswith of House Rechneesse
With a deep, invigorating sigh, the kind of sigh that came from relief at an unexpected rescue, Fia stretched herself out, feeling and hearing her joints crackle and pop in sequence. It was the first time she’d been able to stretch in far, far too long, but even with her newfound freedom, she couldn’t resist giving a shuddering look back at the trunk she’d been in for all that time. Refusing to let that nightmare color her thoughts too much—she knew that it would make an appearance in her nightmares later, and she’d attend to it then—she looked up at the cloaked figure who was busy stripping the dead man in the lee of the wagon.
“Thank you,” she said, infusing her voice with every bit of heartfelt gratitude that she could.
The figure nodded and rose, holding up the man’s cloak for Fia. “Here. You’ll need this.” The voice coming out from behind the scarf was feminine, with a Dormelion accent. From Kasmenarta itself, if she didn’t miss her guess. Interesting.
Taking the offered garment, Fia examined it. It had just a few bloodstains discoloring it, the blood rapidly freezing in the chill. “Thanks.” She threw the cloak over her bare shoulders. “I’ve survived worse, but still not fun. How did you know that I’d be in there?”
“You wouldn’t believe me. But I had to help.”
Nodding, Fia took in the figure; she had a bow and quiver slung over a heavy winter cloak, with a rucksack dangling underneath the cloak, and was working at unlacing the body’s boots. “Well, I appreciate it, more than I can say.”
The figure nodded as the laces came undone. “Here. You’ll need these too. Be stupid if I rescued you from that trunk and you got frostbite.”
Fia shook her head, feeling her joints ache despite her earlier stretches. In the back of her mind, she could hear the murmuring growing softer and softer, but she ignored it. It was hardly new, and it had been her constant companion while she’d been in the trunk. “Indeed. I appreciate that too. So, was the rescue entirely out of the goodness of your heart?”
“No. But you knew that, didn’t you?” One boot, and then the other, was tossed to Fia by the other woman. “Here. I’ll work on those coats next, but they got a bit messed up.”
“I also doubt that they’d fit me properly,” Fia said, roughly shoving her feet into the boots before holding her arms out as if for presentation; she was taller than both of the dead men, and with broader biceps and a much bigger chest. Aside from the cloak and boots, the only things she had on were the bloodstained sleeveless shirt and lounging pants she’d been ambushed in. “Better not waste time on them. It won’t be fun, but I’ll deal until I… we?, get to a town and I can buy or steal something that fits. I don’t want to be slowed down by something that’ll bind me up.”
The figure nodded. “All right then.” Whoever she was, she didn’t question the fact that Fia had no serious problems with the extreme cold and wind… but given what she’d already done, Fia knew that this woman knew some of her secrets.
Well, if this woman was her enemy, she damn well would have left her in that trunk. So for now, she was going to treat the other woman as an ally, even if her motivations were unknown. Which meant that pragmatic questions came next.
“Any weapons?” she asked after she got the laces tied.
“Yes, a sword and this one had a crossbow. About thirty bolts.”
“I’ll take both, if that’s all right with you.”
“It is. I have enough with me.”
Fia nodded and took the weapons, belting them on, and examining the carriage as she did so. It had two shaggy horses hitched to it, both of them standing in their harnesses, snow building up around their manes. The carriage itself was a practical affair for traveling in winter. It had ski runners, its wheels stowed in brackets on the side, and was loaded with fodder for the horses and supplies for the men.
And the trunk.
She looked away.
“Pragmatically,” she said, forcing her voice to be even, “we should take the carriage to the nearest town and see what we can get there.”
“I hear a ‘but’ in there.”
“But. I think you’ll understand if I really don’t want to.”
“Oh, believe me, I understand. Fortunately, the town of Rhaanbach is right nearby, maybe a mile or two down that way,” the other woman said, pointing down the snow-covered road.
“Not familiar with the place,” Fia said, checking the crossbow’s action; it was well-oiled, but the cold had made it gum up a bit. She worked it a few times just to make sure that would release the bolt when she pulled the trigger, and then hung it across her back from the strap.
“Medium industrial town, specializes in glass and ironworks. We’re in the duchy of Hoochlicht, if that helps.”
Fia frowned and nodded. She was a bit far from…
From home.
That thought gave her pause. Home really was where the heart was, wasn’t it?
She pushed the thought away, and turned to the figure. “Got a name? Thinking ‘you’ all the time isn’t terribly helpful.”
With a crinkle of a smile behind her scarf, the other woman said, “Yufemya.”
“Ah, so I can go by ‘You’ for short?”
“Ha! If you want.”
Fia went around to the horses, and started unbuckling their harnesses. “Well, it’ll make calling out in a fight easier. ‘Hey, Yu!’”
Yufemya scoffed. “I’m going to remember that one.”
“I hope so! Mind you, I’m choosing to try to laugh right now.”
Yufemya glanced at the trunk and then back to Fia. “Understandable.”
With the harnesses unbuckled, Fia considered the supplies in the cart. Travel in winter was harsh and hard; while there were waystations where a traveler with deep pockets or the correct writ of passage could resupply and get a warm place to rest, they were primarily for the routes between the major cities. This area was definitely off the beaten path in winter, both literally and metaphorically. In summer, the area would undoubtedly be a hub of activity, with canal boats laden with cargo coming in and out of the town, and travelers on the move.
But with the sun having set and the Night-Light high in the sky, the only things moving were the trees as the wind whipped through their needles or bare branches.
She shivered from the cold; she could feel her body trying to warm itself, and numbness at her extremities went in and out like waves at the beach. The whispering swelled and receded in time, almost like the surf.
“What should we do with the cart?” she asked. Those supplies would come in handy…
“I’m not sure,” Yufemya said. “Unless you’ve changed your mind on driving it into town?”
Fia sighed. “We’d look like bandits.”
“Well, not a first time for me.” She eyed the two horses and sighed. “Can you buckle them back in while I deal with these two?” she asked as she indicated the two bodies with her thumb.
“But first…” Fia went over to the cart, and with a shudder, pulled the trunk off of the back. Holding the heavy wood and leather with just her fingertips, she heaved, throwing it into the ditch next to the road.
Grabbing some tinder from the cart’s supplies, she then made her way down to the trunk, trying not to grimace at the snow brushing against her legs. Throwing the tinder into it, she eyed the trunk for a long moment, fighting down nausea and bile from her empty stomach.
Then, gathering her Will, she hummed a pitch, preparing to cast a spell from her limited repertoire, one she knew exquisitely well from her time at sea.
But… bigger this time.
Shifting into a sharp whistle, she grimaced as she pursed her lips. This was going to hurt—but it would be worth it.
The bolt of lightning formed from her Breath burst from her mouth, massively larger than the usual small spark someone would use to light a lamp or a black-powder charge. It seared her lips, which healed almost instantly, and ignited the tinder and the trunk with brutal efficiency.
As her place of imprisonment burned in the ditch, Fia turned back to Yufemya. “Now let me deal with those two. I’ll be nicer to them than what they planned on doing with me.”
Yufemya nodded and continued checking over the horses and their tack.
Raavi ava Laargan
Having finished my shift hours, I went through the main supply warehouse, looking for some odd bits that I could use. I’d have them deducted from my pay, of course, but the cost wasn’t too onerous. And once I had them, I’d be able to finish my project!
Passing the oilsap barrels, stacked high up to the ceiling, I hummed a little tune that my mother liked to sing as she made her way around the house; nothing magical or anything, but just a pleasant tune. It was about a young man and a girl he fancied, and the two of them trading riddles and answers back and forth as they flirted.
“Girl, I want to ask your mind,
The more you take and make,
the more you leave behind.
What am I?”
I went a bit falsetto for the next verse, as the girl answered.
“Ah, foolish boy, you think me naive?
Walk along we make,
With a path we take,
Footsteps behind we leave.”
I continued to sing as I filled my satchel with bits and pieces that I needed; some more rope, a large block of wax, some large nails…
I was finished by the third chorus, and continued to hum the tune as I made my way back down to the main floor of the ironworks. As a little boy, I’d always loved the cleverness of the riddles, and now the whole thing was etched in my head. And I was glad I had the space to sing it alone. I’d been thinking about singing it… earlier, but now I didn’t dare.
Reaching the ironworks, I made a note in the log about what I had taken and their costs, and then got that approved by the shift forewoman, all of which took only a few minutes. She knew what I was up to, and by now she was just giving my bag a quick glance over.
Then it was time to suit back up for the walk back to my house. By the next time I slept, I’d be ready.
Lady Fiaswith of House Rechneesse
Fia took a deep breath as the town came into view. About a tenth of the buildings glittered with light in the winter darkness, and even with the snow obscuring some of the lines and curves, the Kalltii fondness for natural-looking curves in their architecture was apparent. From here, the town looked like waves breaking against the shore, and she knew that inside it would be decorated to within an inch of its collective life.
But for now, the town represented a place where she could get supplies and recover. She had a lot of work ahead of her, she knew it. But she wasn’t dead, nor destined any longer for an anonymous grave, and for now, that was enough.
Then her eyes narrowed as she saw motion against the snow.
Lots of motion.
“Do you see that?” she asked Yufemya, pointing.
Yufemya peered into the distance and nodded curtly. “I do.”
Wishing she had a spyglass, Fia squinted… and then drew in a short, sharp breath before swearing. She hopped out of the cart, carrying her ‘new’ sword with her, and started to run through the snow. “Come on!”
“Coming! Hya!”
As Yufemya urged the horses on behind her, Fia focused on running as quickly as she could towards the sleeping town.
The cart behind her, the two horses reluctantly picking up speed, Fia focused on what she’d seen, as details became more and more apparent.
A mass of figures moving through the darkness, carrying weapons.
Raavi ava Laargan
Making my way back through the empty streets, I tried to focus on my project, and how amazing and awesome it would be once I completed it. I’d first seen the design in a travelogue over a year before, talking about the Slaekkaruune tribes to the south. I’d taken the idea and run with it, and I hoped that it would work. It should! All of my experiments had shown that it should, and while I hadn’t been able to resist adding my own refinements to the idea, the basic concept was sound.
And soon I would be able to test it.
Of course, I also wanted to show it off, but to who? Zoy?
That thought brought back what the dice had told me when I’d woken, and I grimaced behind my scarf.
Maybe? She seemed like the kind of person who would enjoy it… but did I want to?
Well, first I had to finish it, and then I’d be able to consider that question.
A gust of wind blew a wave of snow into my face, and I grimaced, brushing the snow grains out of the way as best I could. My bag clattered as I did so, a few of my supplies bumping against each other, and the sound echoed weirdly. But sound had been weird all winter, with snow and ice absorbing or reflecting sound in strange ways.
Something about it nagged me, though, and I looked around. I could have sworn that I was hearing footsteps crunching through the snow—but it was audible enough that it had to be snow falling from one of the roofs. There just weren’t that many people awake to be making that much sound—
I turned enough to look down one of the side-streets, and screamed.
Prologue | Chapter 3
Dun dun duuuun! Hope you're all enjoying the story so far! As always, please share the links around, and if you're liking it, consider contributing to my Patreon. I'm hoping to be able to do this full time in the future.
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writingwhimsey · 11 months
All's Fair In Love & War- Nobunaga Ch. 25
Chapter 25
The trip back took us a bit longer than the trip out…we may or may not have gotten a bit distracted and taken a detour or two along the way. When we finally returned it was just beginning to get dark. EVERYONE was at the gate…and Hideyoshi and Jiro were both pacing.
“You can both calm down now. Our lords have returned.” Sato said, her voice teasing.
“You two sure took your time getting back.” Jiro commented, as Nobunaga and I dismounted and then attendants were taking the horse.
“I am just relieved to know you two are safe.” Hideyoshi said with a relieved sigh.
“Yes these two had both gotten themselves rather worked up.” Mitsuhide said. “I am afraid they were almost in a tizzy.”
“They were starting to organize a search party.” Sato said. “Afraid you had been set upon by ronin or something.”
“As if we could be harmed by a group of ill equipped ronin.” Nobunaga said, a smug smile on his face.
“Or that there are that many just freely roaming my lands. We took care of all the ones Ebisu had hired already.” I reminded them.
“Well, you two do look like you encountered some kind of trouble.” JIro pointed out. “Your hair hair is mussed and…do I see some twigs? Your clothes look a bit rumpled as well, my lord.”
I gave Nobunaga a look. “I thought you said we got got all the twigs out and had everything straightened.”
Nobunaga grinned at me. “The lighting in the forest was rather dim at the time.”
Sato, Masamune, and Mitsuhide were all bursting out laughing. Hideyoshi and Jiro were both getting flushing cheeks. Ieyasu looked annoyed and Mitsunari just looked sweetly confused. “So… you were attacked?”
“Pretty sure my lord was utterly ravaged…” Sato said, giggling.
Hideyoshi was clearing his throat. “I think…we should be getting inside. The important thing is you two are back and I believe Masamune prepared a nice feast for all of us before we have to begin preparations for the next campaign.” 
“That sounds like a good plan.” I said. “Though I think I might go and get straightened up a bit more.”
Nobunaga was chuckling, pulling me close and kissing me on the top of the head. “Allow me to come assist you…”
Sato was coming over and taking my hand. “No need for you to do that. I will take care of my lord.” She said. “Besides, you’ve had her all to yourself these last few days.”
I looked at her. “Sato…”
She just grinned. “Come on.”
I sighed and decided to play along. “You just want me to tell you everything.”
“That is a given, my lord.” She replied with a grin.
I turned and gave Nobunaga a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you at dinner.”
He smiled at me, chuckling as I walked off with Sato.
Jiro let out a sigh. “I swear, those two are terrible.”
“You mean Ava and Sato or Nobunaga and Ava?” Masamune asked with a grin.
“All of them.” Jiro answered, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.
“Come on, let’s just head inside.” Masamune said, throwing his arm around Jiro. “Getting some good food ought to help you feel better.”
Nobunaga watched them with his usual amused smile. It was rather amazing how well Ava’s men fit in with the Oda forces.
Meanwhile inside the castle…
Once we reached my room, Sato was helping me remove the leaves and twigs from my hair. “I don’t understand. I could have sworn I’d gotten them all.” I said with a sigh.
Sato giggled. “So, I take it things went VERY well on your trip my lord?” 
I felt my cheeks heating up. “You could say that.”
“Alright, come on. How was it? Tell me EVERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING. I want all the dirty details.” She said with a laugh. “Did Lord Nobunaga live up to his promise to have you crying out in pleasure countless times?”
I laughed. “Yes, yes he did. I’m honestly surprised I still have a voice.” I answered. “Akane even harassed us about being too loud and disturbing her sleep.”
“Goodness. I am jealous.” Sato said laughing. “How did Lord Nobunaga take to Akane?”
“He seemed to like her.” I replied. “He was surprised at first by how she greeted us and asked me about her…and I explained to him everything…and he said that he could see the value in her words.”
“I bet. He seems to like it when people talk back to him just a bit.” Sato said. “Seems to be one of the things he definitely likes about you.”
“Yes.” I replied.
“So, did you two even leave the futon your entire holiday?” Sato asked.
“Not much.” I replied, grinning.
“That good?” She prompted as she plucked the last twig from my hair.
“Yes.” I answered. “He…he really knows what to do with his hands…lips…teeth, tongue…and the rest of him.”
“Oooh, I am REALLY jealous, my lord.” 
I laughed. “Though…Nobunaga knowing what he’s doing wasn’t the entire reason it was so amazing…we…we’re even closer now…and in love.”
“Oh, I could have told you that it was love weeks ago.” Sato said with a wave of her hand as she was taking the comb to my hair. “All of us could.”
“You’ve all been plotting haven’t you?” I asked, giving her an accusatory look.
“Of course.” Sato replied. “All of us can see how happy you two are and how good you are for each other.”
“Well…thank you for your support.”
Sato smiled. “Always, my lord.” 
Once Sato had finished my hair, I was putting on some fresh clothes and then we were heading to the banquet hall. The others were already there and I sat down beside Nobunaga, who put his arm around my waist as we enjoyed the feast. It was a rather fun night. Miytsuhide was apparently switching water and sake out on Masamune, Hideyoshi, and JIro. This ended up with a passed out Masamune. Hideyoshi was being a bit too honest with his feelings. And Jiro was just sitting quietly staring off into space.
After the banquet, with the help of Ichiro, Sato was shouldering Jiro to his room. Mitsuhide was helping Hideyoshi to his guest room and Ieyasu just threw a blanket over Masamune. “Idiot gets what he deserves for not being more careful.” He muttered before heading off to his room.
Nobunaga and I headed to my room together, where we instantly fell into the futon together. Our hands and lips on each other as we removed our clothes. “Ah…Nobu…naga…” I moaned as his lips feverishly descended upon my bare flesh.
He grinned up at me as he began to kiss down the front of my body. “This…will be our last night… together for a while…as we prepare for the coming…campaign… I have to make it good enough to last…until the next time…”
That was right, tomorrow he and the rest of his vassals were going to be heading back to Azuchi and their domains to rally their troops before marching for the next phase of the campaign. Nobunaga and I would be seeing each other soon as once preparations were made, we were attacking our next target from two sides in a pincer attack.
“It will…have to…last us…mmnh…ah…but I think…I’m a-already…addicted…” I replied, my words coming out around gasps and moans as his lips were on my thighs now.
Nobunaga grinned up at me from between my legs before giving a playful nip to my inner thigh. “Then my plan has already worked…”
“Ah…mmm…and y-you’re…n-n-not?”
“I very much am.” Nobunaga replied, his lips, teeth, and tongue slowly working their way up my inner thigh. “I want you…and only you, Ava…again…and again…and again…and again…”
I could feel his breath washing over that most sensitive part of me, causing me to tremble. “As…ah…I w-want…you…N-No…NOBUNAGA!” My sentence ended with a cry of his name as his lips were finally reaching the center of my heat, his tongue coming out to stimulate me. He continued to devour me, all conversation and coherent thought now gone as passion and pleasure took over for the night.
It was hours later, we were laying in the futon together, Nobunaga holding me close, his hands running over my body in loving caresses. “Hmm, I think I have a new favorite treat.” He whispered in my ear. “You taste even better than konpeito.”
I smiled up at him even as a shiver went down my spine. “Well, I think that’s the highest compliment you’ve ever given me.”
Nobunaga chuckled as he pulled me closer, kissing me gently on the lips. “I love you, Ava.”
“I love you, Nobunaga.”
The next day…
Nobunaga and the others were getting ready to depart. Jiro, Sato, and I were seeing them off. “I will see you again soon, Ava.” Nobunaga told me as he pulled me into his arms.
I smiled up at him. “You should look forward to it.”
Nobunaga chuckled. “As should you.” He replied.
“Oh and I have something for you.” I said, reaching into the folds of my clothes and pulling out a small pouch and putting it in his hand. I then stretched to whisper into his ear. “Something to hold you over until you can have your new favorite treat.”
Nobunaga seemed to have to fight against a shiver and a brief look of surprise crossed his face before he was pulling me closer. Then his lips were on mine in a rather heated kiss…neither of us caring about the others watching.
Masamune was letting out a whistle. “Good for you two.”
“My, my…” Mitsuhide said, that teasing lilt to his voice.
“Damn…” Sato said, laughter in her voice.
Jiro just let out a sigh while Hideyoshi was letting out an awkward cough.
When we broke our kiss Nobunaga was grinning at me. “To last you until we are reunited.” He said, bringing his hand up under my chin, his thumb gently tracing over my lower lip.
I smiled at him. “You just can’t let me get one up on you, can you?”
“Just giving you a reminder.” He replied, gently kissing my lips. “I will see you soon.”
“See you soon.” I replied.
“Can I get a goodbye kiss?” Masamune asked, grinning.
“Jiro, give the man a goodbye kiss.” I swiftly said.
Masamune laughed while Jiro groaned. “I hope you’re kidding.”
“What? He asked and I am not about to order Sato to. She’d probably like it too much.” I replied.
“Could I do it anyways?” Sato asked, her grin playful.
There was more laughing and teasing before Nobunaga and the others were mounting up and heading off. My heart went with him, but I knew we would be reunited soon.
Later that night, when I went to bed, I was already finding it harder to sleep without Nobunaga. But my mind was racing…still trying to remember what I couldn’t about Nobunaga and the year 1582. After hours, I was drifting off when my mind suddenly remembered.“In fifteen-hundred-and-eighty-two, Nobunaga’s ambitions burned in a coup!”
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H, J, O, P for the ask game
H - Hair: (how well groomed are they?): I think they both keep it trim, probably just a landing strip and that's it. Maybe not, though, I haven’t thought much about it 🤔.
J - Jack off: Of the two, Ava masturbates more frequently, to tide herself over whenever Lil is stuck at work. When she feels the need, she grabs her trusty vibrator and goes to work without fanfare. Lilith does it less frequently, both due to lack of time and trouble getting into the right headspace to jerk it. It's easy with a partner, much harder by herself. She only does it when she's really worked up and unable to get to Ava, and it usually results in a round of phone sex that benefits both of them.
O - Oral: Lilith loves eating Ava out. She can't get enough, it's a full addiction. Ava loves eating Lil out too, but there's something extra special about sucking her dick. They both love that. Like I said for C, they probably have one of those straps that can "ejaculate" with fake cum. There's supposed to be different flavors you can get, which is fantastic in Ava's book.
P - Pace: It depends on their mood, and how much time they have. There will be nights where it's late and they both need something sweet and lazy before they fall asleep. If one or both of them have had a hard day, they might do something rougher to relieve some pent-up stress. Most of the time, Ava is willing to go with whatever Lilith wants.
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theworldofotps · 2 years
I’m Here (Monthly Flow)
Pairing: Mustafa Ali x Reader Word Count: 849 Description: Your flow this month was hit harder by your depression, Mustafa reminds you he’s got you.
Requested by @alination I hope you enjoy this lovely! __________ Tag list:  @omg-im-such-a-masochist @damnnhausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @xbreezymeadowsx @rebellious-desires @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @letsgivethisonemoreshot @alination @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @cuzimacomedian @auburnwrites @aews-four-pillars  @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @melblacc @alliwant456 @elevennbloom If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. _________ ‘Good morning beautiful I’ll be home soon I can’t wait to see you.’  ‘Only four hours to go wake up sleepy head’  ‘On the plane now see you in a bit baby xx’  ‘Just landed I’m on my way’
Something wasn’t right. Was all that Mustafa could think of as he buckled into the Uber that was taking him from the airport back home. He’d been texting y/n all morning and never got an answer back which wasn’t like her. Sure she maybe busy but she’d always at least let him know his message had been seen. Be it with an emoji or hell even just hearting the message. He didn’t want to jump to any conclusions about anything. Which is why he was hoping this ride would be quick and then he could see her for himself.
Lightly tapping his fingers on his knee Mustafa watches the city pass by as they soon approach his house. Grabbing his bag he thanks the driver and gets out grabbing his key out and quickly making his way to the front door. 
“Baby. Are you home?”
Slipping off his shoes and relocking the door Mustafa listens for any sound that you may be around. Your shoes were by the door and house keys still hanging on the hook. Making his way through the downstairs he stops turning around when he hears footsteps on the stairs. 
Quickly making your way down the steps you walk into the kitchen practically knocking him over as you suddenly stop. Hugging you close the relief he felt at holding you was quickly replaced by concern when he felt your shoulders shaking. 
“Hey hey beautiful what’s wrong? Are you hurt, did something happen? I’ve been trying to reach you all day I was worried when I didn’t get a response. You’re okay I got you, I’m here know you’re okay.”
He coos softly kissing the top of your head as he rubs your back, picking you up Mustafa makes his way up to your bedroom. Your grip on him never loosening as you hid your face in his chest. Carefully laying down he adjusts you both so you’d be comfortable and he simply waits. What exactly he was waiting for he wasn’t sure. A sign you would be okay, a reason why you hadn’t answered. Whatever it was he knew you’d tell him when you were ready.
Glancing around the bedroom he was a bit surprised to see your normal organized room a bit disordered. That usually didn’t happen unless and that’s when it hit him. Sometimes when your monthly flow came your depression hit harder then normal. And he could almost bet with him being gone that this one was more difficult for you to manage. 
Making a mental note he continued to rub your back having finally got you unwrapped from the blanket enough that he could touch skin. He knew you’d enjoy that, having the contact would help ground you. Remind you that even when everything in your head was piling up that he was still there. 
And that’s how the two of you laid for the next hour, him holding you to his chest. Talking softly about his trip and all that he go to do. Going on about missing you and how he wanted to spend this time at home just the two of you.
“Baby? Do you wanna try a little something to eat or drink? I’m assuming your period came and you need to take some medicine for cramps. Want me to get that for you?”
Pressing a kiss to your head he waits for a nod then after placing you in his spot he gets up and begins moving around. First picking up some bits and pieces as he made his way to the bathroom. He’d get what you needed and maybe even a hot bath just something the two of you could do together and something to help make you feel refreshed.
Grabbing everything you’d need he starts a nice hot bath to help relax the muscles and hopefully bring you some relief. Adding your favorite oils and salts he walks back out and smiles.
“Come on beautiful, let's get you in that bath.”
Together the two of you make your way into the bathroom and Mustafa kisses your forehead. Making quick work to undress you both he offers his hand allowing you to step in the bath first. Then following behind you he sits arms wrapping around you. A soft groan falls from your lips as you lean against his chest.
“Thank you for this babe, I appreciate it and thank you for being understanding. I’m sorry that I didn’t answer your texts. Things have just been really hard lately. Feels like I’m losing it.”
“It’s alright, I’m just happy you’re okay even just physically. I was really worried about you. If you’ll let me we’ll work on that together. Right now just let me pamper my beloved.”
Mustafa whispers, kissing your temple as his hold around you tightens.
“I’m always going to be here for you.”
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firelightfoxes · 1 year
Hey, I love your blog and Lichen is freaking adorable😭❤️
So, I’ll probably never have a Mudi bc 1. I live in the US, and they’re pretty much nonexistent here, and 2. I’m trying to do rescues only. But! I really love these little guys, and I’m super curious: how much do they actually shed? Also, I’ve read in a lot of places that they’re one of those breeds that always needs a job; has that been true in your experience with Lichen?
hi!!! first off thank you :)) she's very cute i agree!
so, i also live in the US. there are a few good breeders here in the states - off the top of my head, depending on where you're located, there is a breeder in Texas, 2 in North Carolina i think, one in the California area (not sure exactly where), there might be some more that i forgot but honestly they're not that hard to acquire, especially compared to other rare breeds.
but i totally understand going with a rescue, Ava is my first dog and she's a rescue too. she's been such an awesome learning experience to fine tune what i really wanted in a dog, and i ended up landing on mudi for my next breed (and i absolutely LOVE them.)
as far as shedding goes, she definitely sheds less than Ava (husky mix, so she sheds a LOT). but the areas around her crate and bed usually have quite a bit of hair around them and i vacuum weekly. so she does shed but it's not like an obnoxious amount for me personally
i don't really think she NEEDS a job... she just loves me and wants to do everything with me. mudis in general are super attached to their people and are great companions for whatever activities they enjoy together. Lichen has an excellent off-switch so for example, i was sick all last week and Lichen was bored but she just napped/hung out with me and was happy to entertain herself with her toys. she's actually never gotten destructive or chewed anything outside of toys, aside from when she was like 8wks and chewed the flooring in her xpen lol. i will say it depends a lot on the lines as some mudi are very high energy and high drive and will not be satisfied in a low energy household. they can also tend to get very vocal when they're bored or understimulated which doesn't sound like a fun time to me. thankfully Lichen is very quiet, i was very careful about her parents not being obnoxious barkers and i've worked with her since she was 8 wks to have a "quiet" cue.
sorry for rambling but i hope this helps answer your question!! if you'd like specific breeder recs feel free to dm me :)
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