Ava - 5 year old husky/heeler mix | Lichen - Mudi babypuppy | main blog @foxferatu | formerly @vulpinesunshine
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some ava pictures for the soul
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Many teenage dogs experience training regression and bad behavior during their adolescent months.

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Dog cross-stitching patterns from the "GONE TO THE DOGS: Mini Series #12" by Mary Ellen
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more snow and this'll probably be the type of pics i'll be posting until late spring... winter is long and white here, so i'm told
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now to more recents! we just had our first snowstorm of the season a few days ago. Lichen is SUCH a snow dog it's crazy. her joy is so contagious even when you're freezing your ass off
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our proudest accomplishment! we summitted the highest point of New Mexico, Wheeler Peak. the summit is over 13k elevation and boy was it a challenge for me (novice hiker) but it was a blast and Lichen loved it except for all the breaks i had to take lol.
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a snippet from our last kayak outing before the temps dropped for real
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two different shorter hikes and some bones we found. probably elk
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from a camping trip in some wilderness i'd never been to before. fun and Lichen did well for her first time camping.
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from a nice walk around a nearby lake. fun to kayak on, but storms build so quick and it's hard to get to shore when it's windy lol
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i've been gone! posting some of our recent(ish) adventures. this is from some random set of trails we found when the trail we wanted to go to was closed.
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hello! i figured it was time for a new pinned post.
the human:
i'm Shiloh, he/him, mid-20s. i live in northern New Mexico and i'm usually running around with Lichen and my camera, drawing, playing guitar, or gaming.
the "dogs":

Ava is a husky/heeler mix born 8/16/17. she's very sweet and silly and a bit sassy. we did agility for a bit when she was younger and overall i got my training legs with her and learned so so much as we grew together. she is my very special girl! when i moved to NM, she stayed with her other dad in Texas. i miss her but she is doing great. her tag is #ava

Lichen is a mudi born 6/27/2022. she is extremely goofy, energetic, fun-loving, and sooo sweet. she is my companion in every way - co-pilot as i explore the wilderness of a new state, hiking buddy, kayaking pro, cuddle bug, and the audience for my guitar playing no matter how bad it gets when i learn a new song. she's a very do-everything dog. we also did agility and showing when we lived near civilization. her tag is #lichen.
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we were exploring
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dog at the lake: part 2
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COOL DOG!! at the lake!
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