#nobunaga cybird
writingwhimsey · 1 year
All's Fair In Love and War- Nobunaga Ch. 10
“Lord Nobunaga is missing!”
Hideyoshi’s frantic proclamation rang out in the audience hall where the other warlords were gathered along with Ava’s vassals. “What are you talking about, Hideyoshi?” Ieyasu grumbled.
“How do you know our lord is missing?” Mitsuhide asked.
“He wasn’t in his room when I went to greet him this morning and finish with the last of the preparations for the trip.” Hideyoshi answered. “We need to start searching right away.”
“I am sure he’s in the castle somewhere, Hideyoshi. You must calm yourself.” Mitsuhide said in his usual tone.
“I have a feeling I know where he is.” Sato said, wearing a grin.
Masamune was grinning right back at her. “I think I know what you’re getting at and I think I agree with you.”
“Wait…you don’t really think…” Jiro began to question.
“What are you all getting at?” Hideyoshi asked. “I have been searching all over the castle for him.”
“Hideyoshi, do you notice who else isn’t in this room right now?” Masamune asked.
Hideyoshi took a quick look around the room. “Lord Ava is missing as well…”
“I bet you they’re together.” Sato said. “Did you happen to check Lord Ava’s room?”
“I…uh…I did not.” Hideyoshi replied. “I know they haven’t been playing Go for the last several nights. I thought maybe…”
“I think Nobunaga got tired of the lass hiding from him.” Masamune said with a grin. “And he went to her.”
“Lord Ava doesn’t hide from anyone.” Jiro defended.
“No, but she does hide from her own feelings.” Sato spoke up.
“Sato…” Jiro said, giving her a look.
“What? You know I’m right.” She replied.
“Nobunaga’s the kind of man who goes after what he wants.” Masamune said. “I think he went to the lass last night…and I’d have to guess things must have gone well if they’re noth still not here.”
“About time.” Sato said. 
“Why do you act like this?” Jiro asked Sato, an exasperated expression on his face.
“What? It’s like a love story in a play that you just can’t help but to root for.” Sato replied.
“I don’t know if I believe that’s what happened, but I have to go find Lord Nobunaga.” Hideyoshi said.
“I’ll come with you.” Sato said, jumping up. “If they’re in any kind of compromising position, if I’m with you Ava will be less likely to kill you.”
“I’ll come, too. This could be interesting.” Masamune said with a laugh.
“I think I’ll come, too.” Mitsuhide said. “I’ll be sure to catch you when you faint, Hideyoshi.”
Hideyoshi glared at Mitsuhide. “One of these days I am going to punch that smug look right off your face.”
“Oh, such passion Hideyoshi. You’re going to give me chills.” Mitsuhide teased.
Hideyoshi grumbled incoherently under his breath as he headed out of the audience chamber the others following him. Ieyasu was the only one who did not get up immediately to follow after them. “I might as well. Somebody might end up needing medical attention.” He grumbled before following after the others.
I felt myself stirring from slumber as the early morning rays of the sun began crawling across my face. Sleep seemed to have a rather strong grip on me yet as I shut my eyes tighter. I felt a warmth next to me and I felt drawn to it. Rolling over I snuggled closer to the warmth I felt and soon it was enveloping me.
“Mmm…so warm…” I muttered in my sleep. Whatever this warmth was…it felt nice and comforting.
“Yes…you are.”
I was not expecting the warmth to talk back to me nor for it to sound like Nobunaga. I then felt myself being pulled tighter by the warmth…what I became aware of as a pair of strong arms. My eyes popped open and I was greeted by the sight of Nobunaga’s strong chest, which was mostly bare as his robe had become disheveled in the night.
“I’m dreaming…I have to still be asleep and dreaming.” I spoke.
Nobunaga’s chest rumbled as he chuckled, causing me to turn my gaze up to his face…that rather handsome face. “It is not a dream.” He said, smiling at me…a surprisingly tender smile.
“What…what even happened? I know I didn’t drink THAT much. I only got like half of the bottle of sake.”
“You fell asleep while we were sitting on the veranda. I carried you to bed.” Nobunaga explained.
“That still doesn’t tell me how YOU got into MY futon.” I told him. “Or why you’re holding me.”
Nobunaga’s face took on a curious expression. As if he were unsure of whatever power had possessed him to crawl into bed with me. “When I saw you sleeping…it filled me with such strange desires.” He said. “I was getting ready to head back to my own room…but then…”
“But then what?” I asked.
Nobunaga lifted a hand to cup the side of my face. His hand was large and warm and calloused and my skin tingled at the feel of it. His carnelian eyes were gentle and warm as he looked at me and spoke his next words. “You called my name in your sleep.”
I felt my cheeks heating up at learning this news. But…the way Nobunaga was looking at me right now. “I guess…you consume my thoughts even in my dreams.” I murmured.
An almost magnetic force felt like it was pulling Nobunaga and I closer. Our lips were mere centimeters from brushing. “As you consume my thoughts.” Nobunaga told me, his breath brushing across my lips in a ghost of a kiss.
Before anything else could happen, we were being interrupted by the sound of my door sliding open followed by a gasp. “M-my lord…”
Nobunaga turned from me, an annoyed look on his face as he looked at our intruder…well intruders, for right behind Hideyoshi was…well pretty much everyone.
“See, you can calm down now, Hideyoshi. Our lord is safe and sound.” Mitsuhide said.
“I knew this is where they’d be.” Sato said. She was then giving me a grin. “Good for you my lord.” 
“Oh no…I did not sign up for THIS. I’m out.” Ieyasu said before walking off.
I suddenly felt like I wanted to die of embarrassment at having them all here. I pulled myself from Nobunaga’s arms…albeit reluctantly and was leaping out of the futon. “You know, this isn’t what it looks like…”
“Uh-huh.” Sato said, giving me a look.
“Lord Ava…you know you are free to do as you please.” JIro said.
Nobunaga was sitting up, in no hurry to get up apparently. He looked at the others, an annoyed expression on his face. “You are all interrupting what was a rather pleasant morning.”
“That we have.” Sato said. “We should get going.” As she was leaving, she gave me a look that clearly said she expected me to tell her everything later.
“My apologies, my lord.” Hideyoshi said, bowing to Nobunaga. “I…I was just worried when you were not in your chambers.”
“Yes, Hideyoshi here got himself quite worked up.” Mitsuhide said, his tone teasing. “Now we should all get going. Give them some privacy.”
“Just…make sure you take the time to eat some breakfast.” Hideyoshi said. “We have to set out early to make sure we are back in your territory in time, Lord Ava.”
Everyone began to clear out then, leaving Nobunaga and I alone once more. Nobunaga was rising from the bed, stretching as he approached me. “That was the first night I have slept well in quite some time.” He told me. 
I hated to admit it…but it was for me, too. I didn’t see the need to say that aloud though. I was still a bit embarrassed by pretty much EVERYONE finding us in bed together and their minds immediately going to the gutter. “It was…rather pleasant. Though maybe I would have enjoyed it more had I known I was going to be sleeping with you.”
Nobunaga chuckled. “What strange logic you have.” He said, lifting his hand to my cheek once again. “You are rather warm and comfortable to hold.”
Unconsciously I felt myself leaning into his touch. Why did his hand feel so good? And why did I want to go back into his arms?
“I…I didn’t realize how…comfortable I was feeling around you.” I muttered, looking away from him, but not moving from my spot. I didn’t want his hand to leave me.
Nobunaga chuckled once more. “We do need to get ready. We can continue this later.”
The next thing I knew, I felt something soft and warm brush against my forehead. My cheeks were a blazing inferno as I realized it was his lips. I felt frozen to the spot as Nobunaga pulled away from me, smiling quite gently as he walked away, heading out the door.
I was still frozen in place, lost in my thoughts and feelings when my door slid open and Sato was coming in. “Lord Ava…” She said, pulling me from the trance Nobunaga’s forehead kiss had put me in.
“Oh…uhm…” I said, my cheeks still blazing red.
Sato grinned at me. “I will help you finish packing while you tell me EVERYTHING.” She said. “And I do mean EVERYTHING. I want details, my lord.”
“Nothing happened.” I told her, managing to pull myself together. Though my cheeks were still red, I managed to glare at my vassal.
She only grinned at me. “Then why did you wake up in bed with Lord Nobunaga?”
“Okay, well maybe SOMETHING happened…but it wasn’t THAT.” I told her.
Sato tilted her head as she looked at me. “Then what DID happen?”
I sighed as I then explained to Sato about what happened last night and this morning. “And then… he kissed me on the forehead…and I can still feel it even now…the warmth of his lips lingering…”
“Oh, this is definitely getting serious.” Sato said, smiling at me. 
I sighed. “Sato…do… do you really think that…that things are different this time?” I asked her. “I mean…it does feel different.”
Sato nodded. “I think so. Especially since it seems like this is all new to him, too. From what you’ve described anyway.”
“I just…I don’t know what to do.” I told her. “But…I do…I like the way he makes me feel. And I feel like…we understand each other, but…there’s still so much to think about…”
“Ava, don’t think. For once…just go with it.” Sato said. “I mean…you have been seeming more and more like your old self and…A happy daimyo is a good daimyo.”
“But I have to put what’s best for everyone above myself and my own desires.” I replied.
“But if you never do anything for yourself, you’ll end up resenting your role and the people in your charge.” Sato reminded me. “Just… it’s not like you’re in marriage talks or anything. Just… enjoy whatever is happening. I think…I think this is good for you. This is my advice for you as your friend AND as your vassal.”
“Maybe…” I replied. “I’ll think about it.”
Sato sighed. “Well, at least Nobunaga being in our land, maybe you’ll feel more comfortable.” She said. “Now come on, let’s get ready.”
I nodded. “Right, let’s get going. I am looking forward to going home.”
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I saw this meme going around and just HAD TO
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Ikevamp version
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Ikesen version
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chevlvrs · 2 months
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Unfortunately i will always love the poster boys
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shatcey · 3 months
Ieyasu's dramatic ending
Another wonderful scene from Ieyasu's route. This time from the dramatic ending.
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There is more...
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I would love to see that scene))))))
Poor Ieyasu… So many men have fell for Mai's charm, and he needs to shoo them away somehow…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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arthurs-puppygirl · 2 months
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Anyway I’m nobunagas-puppygirl now 🐶
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ndoandou · 1 year
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The Demon King and His Two Hands.
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chuuyastinysock · 1 year
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Ikesen Barbie Posters~
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Ikevamp Barbie posters~
Part 1
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cyikemen · 2 months
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🎉🎂🥳HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Devil King💗💗💗
What would your perfect birthday date look like?🥂😍
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 5 months
nobunaga/hideyoshi and hideyoshi/mitsuhide are two obvious ships in ikesen that are both, lol, given a fair amount of tease in the routes, but personally i think a relatively unexplored gold mine is the nobunaga/mitsuhide dynamic. it sticks out to me with mitsuhide's route; first in the scene when mitsuhide is announcing his "engagement" with the mc in front of nobunaga and hideyoshi. afterward nobunaga says he would like to have a word with the mc alone, mitsuhide basically asks if he could stay too, nobunaga reiterates that he's dismissed, and mitsuhide complies without hesitation. (mc's and my reaction was the same here, btw: "...mitsuhide backed down immediately. interesting.") bc i mean yeah, how many people would mitsuhide easily back down against? he also refers to nobunaga as "lord nobunaga" or "my lord" even in his internal thoughts, and while on one hand it's obvious since, yeah, he's nobunaga's vassal, there's clearly a lot of wholehearted respect for nobunaga on mitsuhide's end. like mitsuhide's always taking the piss out of people, but nobunaga's probably one of the few who would be completely unfazed by him, and that's a fun dynamic. it's completely unlike mitsuhide's relationship with all the other warlords and even the mc.
the other thing that interests me is a bit more subtle, but mitsuhide's route delves into how it's affected his mentality to be involved in all this shady and morally questionable stuff, even if it's for the big picture ultimately. the thing is: that big picture is nobunaga's ambition. in other words, it's nobunaga's ambition - a world without classism, a desire mitsuhide shares - for which mitsuhide subjects himself to all That, and he states that he does it without regret despite what it's cost him. i think mitsuhide, like hideyoshi, is deeply, deeply loyal to nobunaga; while it's not that he overly invests his self-worth and identity into serving nobunaga like hideyoshi, he out of all the warlords is by far one of the ones with the most personal stakes in nobunaga's ambition. he has absolute faith in nobunaga and serves him with everything he has. he believes that nobunaga can truly, with the support of the other warlords, bring about the kind of world they both want. and that sort of unbridled trust, that sort of loyalty... it's just fascinating for me to consider that mitsuhide feels that way towards someone.
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blueberri-bois · 6 months
Warlord's Concubinus
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Part 1 | Part 2
When you saved a sleeping man from a burning building; you certainly didn't expect this outcome.
Dressed up in a seemingly very luxurious deep sea green yukata with a pale peach peony pattern made of fine silks; you were laid out on the man's futon. By dressed up, I mean that after he had taken you back to Azuchi Castle, you were whisked away into another room where they bathed, beautified, and clothed you. It was strange, given that you were a man in all this. Truthfully, you've never felt this pampered in your life and while it certainly does feel nice you're a bit nervous about what your new role entails.
As you remember it, Oda Nobunaga, the man whom you saved from that burning building had expressed his gratitude for you by offering to have you be trained by the many teachers at his disposal in the art of war. He expressed that he would be happy to have you fight with him on the battlefield as a fellow soldier. You, however, were not built for something as physically taxing as combat, nor did you have any interest in it; the bloodshed seemed unnecessary as you preferred to solve issues with words instead of violence and you told him as such.
He was amused by your response but thought on it for a while and suggested that you either become his servant or enter into a concubinage under him. To you, both alternatives were pretty similar but one was just slightly better than the other and the only reason that you're even considering these options is because the warlord didn't seem like he'd be letting you go any time soon.
Thus, you chose the role of a concubinus.
Why? Well, a concubine's/nus' job isn't simply to please their lord sensually; they are also entertainers. Being adept in many different things like games, playing instruments, singing, dancing and even painting, but that's only a handful of things. The true job is to entertain. A concubine/us is also treated quite nicely compared to a soldier and a servant and they have servants of their own.
Not that you'd ever like the idea of waiting on someone hand and foot or following their whims without the ability to say no anyway; that's why being a servant was swiftly crossed off the list. You weren't exactly the subservient type either.
So here you were, relaxing on the futon of a man you quite literally just met 5 hours ago; waiting for him to get out of whatever meeting that he started when he got back to the castle. And though you were starting to become impatient, you were also becoming drowsy from the low lighting of the small candle-lit paper lamp that sat on the tea table across the room and the surprisingly soft futon underneath you.
Resting your head on one of the pillows; you let your heavy lids begin to shut. The quiet sound of the door sliding open was unable to coax you into glancing its way; nor the husky chuckle that followed shortly after.
It seems that he's returned you thought as you drifted off to sleep.
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This work has some serious divergence from canon. This is most likely going to become a series instead of just a random oneshot, but that depends tbh.
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lunillum · 6 months
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
All's Fair In Love & War- Nobunaga Ch. 14
Chapter 14
I was both surprised and not surprised when Ebisu pulled out the pistol and fired at me. I should have been more prepared for such an underhanded tactic from him. Luckily I did manage to turn, while I couldn’t avoid the bullet altogether, at least it only hit my shoulder knocking me back with the force and the shock.
Pain instantly wracked my shoulder as blood began to pour out of the wound. I had heard Nobunaga call out my name right before the shot happened, but I hadn’t been able to truly process that tidbit of information. I kind of had a bullet in my shoulder to focus on.
I heard the footsteps of my vassals rushing and disarming Ebisu and the others rushing to me. Though I pushed myself up, gripping my left shoulder with my right hand. I fixed Ebisu with a glare as he looked at me in complete shock. From the corner of my eye, I saw Nobunaga standing not far from me. I wasn’t sure why, but my next words were as much for him as they were for Ebisu.
“You think…I can be taken down…that easily?” I asked, a defiant smile on my face despite the pain I felt. I could feel the shock settling in and threatening to take me back down. But through sheet force of will, I stayed standing.
“W-what…” Ebisu stuttered as my men detained him.
“You will spend the rest of your days rotting in a cell.” I told him, my voice carrying all the authority I could muster. I would not let him or anyone see me as weak. I wanted him to know that he couldn’t take me down. “Living with your own humiliation.” It would be easy to call for capital punishment in this case, but I wouldn’t. That would be too easy for Ebisu. Living with the humiliation of his failed coup, that was his true punishment.
My men were taking him away and Nobunaga was approaching me. I could feel my body threatening to fall, but I stayed standing. I wouldn’t fall. I couldn’t. I didn’t need anyone worrying about me. I looked up at Nobunaga, putting a brave smile on my face as soon as I saw what looked like worry in his eyes. “Don’t tell me… you’re worried about this little shoulder wound?” I asked, though I could feel the sweat coating my body. I was hot and cold all over and my knees felt weak. The shock was truly setting in. I could feel my stomach roiling.
“It is still no small injury.” Nobunaga told me, his voice sounding on the verge of cracking. It seemed…. He was truly concerned for me.
“My lord, we really need to get you to the castle doctor.” Jiro informed me….or at least I thought it was Jiro. Everything was beginning to get a bit fuzzy and there was a buzzing in my head.
“I’ll be…fine.” I replied, even as I began to sway, my body threatening to send me topping over. I felt the world begin to tilt and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was going down. Black danced at the edge of my vision, threatening to envelop me.
That was when I felt two strong arms catch me. I looked up and found myself staring into Nobunaga’s handsome face. He looked his usual calm self, but his eyes…they held a frantic desperate light in them. It was as if the thought of my pain…of worse tore into his very soul.
“Stay awake, Ava.” He commanded, his voice so authoritative and yet…so desperate. It felt as if he thought he could command me live and keep the grim reaper at bay so long as he willed it. “You are not allowed to die, especially to such a coward.”
I was caught off guard by how he sounded, by the look in his eyes. Nobunaga and I were no strangers to seeing countless others die…and die by our own hands. Yet…it seemed as though for him the thought of my life being extinguished…caused him great pain. And…it may seem silly, but somehow his words brought me comfort in this moment. Brought me strength. A strength I didn’t think I would ever find from anyone else. A strength that allowed me to know my next words would be true.
“I…I won’t.” I told him and I knew it was true. As I had said before, I still have too much to do in this life…and one of those things was to see my feelings for Nobunaga through.
“Alright, come on this way.” Sato was saying and the next thing I knew Nobunaga was carrying me through the halls of my castle. 
Nobunaga was moving rather fast as if desperation moved him. It was as if I had to live. As if he needed me to live. I could practically feel his unease rolling off of him. I wanted to reassure him.
“I promise…I’m not going anywhere, Nobunaga.” I spoke and it wasn’t just me saying that I wouldn’t die. I was resolved to not only live, but to live and fight at his side. “This fire can’t be put out easily.” And I didn’t just mean myself…I meant the spark that I could feel between he and I.
Nobunaga smiled down at me, a confident smile. “You are indeed a fireball.” He told me, as if my words were sinking in. Though I could still sense his unease, it did seem it lessened a bit…or perhaps he was just better at hiding it.
We were soon arriving at the healer’s quarters and Nobunaga was lowering me onto a cot and stepping back to give the doctor and healers room to work. I didn’t have time to think, worry, or care as my top half was stripped and they began to clean and examine my wound.
“Good news, the bullet passed through.” The doctor said. “And though you’re bleeding quite a bit, I don’t see anything vital having been hit.”
They worked to stop the bleeding and got me cleaned and stitched up. It hurt like hell and I was suddenly missing modern medicine. But this was the life I had chosen and I wouldn’t back away from it. Once that was all done, they applied a poultice and bandaged me up before helping me into a loose robe.
“There. We’ll keep an eye on you through the night, but I believe you are going to make it through just fine, my lord.” the doctor told me.
I nodded. “Thank you.” I said, feeling tired.
“Get plenty of rest and drink plenty and eat well to get your strength back.” The doctor told me.
“I have plenty of strength.” I replied.
“That is not what I meant, my lord.” He said. “We’ll leave you to rest and we’ll send someone with food soon.”
“Thank you again.” I said.
The doctor and the healers were then exiting the room, though Nobunaga remained. He had never left. He came to sit at my bedside. “You are already looking much better.” He said. “How are you feeling?” He asked, his hand coming to stroke my cheek with the tenderest of touches.
I could feel his warmth suffuse me. “Like I’ve just been shot.” I answered. “And even though I am laying down, the room is still spinning.”
“You should rest.” He told me. “I will watch over you.”
I gave him what I hoped was a teasing smile as my eyes drifted closed. “I hope you know…I won’t be taken down by this. You heard the doctor, I will be fine.”
“Still, I will watch over you.” Nobunaga replied and then I felt his hand wrap around mine. “Rest well and recover quickly, fireball.”
I smiled. “I will…I do have a festival I must attend tomorrow.” I replied. “And… I would like for you to attend with me…I want you to be my…special guest…”
There seemed to be a pause from Nobunaga for a moment before he chuckled. “I will attend with you.” I then felt something warm and gentle brush against my forehead…was it his lips? “Rest well, Ava.” Was the last thing I heard before unconsciousness came for me.
Meanwhile in the hall…
As soon as the doctor and healers exited the room, they were greeted by Sato, Jiro, a few other of Ava’s men, and the remainder of the Oda warlords. All of them had various looks of concern on their faces.
“Is she going to be alright?” Jiro asked.
The doctor looked around before nodding. “Yes, with enough rest and plenty of food and water, I expect our lord to make a full recovery.” He answered.
Everyone seemed to let out a collective sigh of relief. The doctor and healers were soon taking their leave to finish up some other things while everyone else remained in the hall. “Is…Lord Nobunaga still in there?” Hideyoshi asked, looking around and noticing that his lord has still not come out.
“It would seem that way.” Jiro answered.
Sato was standing by the door to the healer’s room. She quietly slid it open just a crack so she could peek into the room. She saw Nobunaga kneeling beside the cot Ava rested on. The two were talking though what they were saying exactly she couldn’t quite hear nor were they at an angle where she could read their lips.
“Sato…are you spying on our lord?” Jiro asked.
“Just taking a peek to see how she looks.” Sato replied. “And don’t act like the rest of you aren’t curious as well.”
“I won’t hide it.” Masamune said as he made his way over to peek in as well. His blue eye went wide in surprise at what he was seeing. “I never thought I’d see the day…”
Though everyone else had been trying their best to hide their curiosity they no longer could. They were all moving and cramming themselves by the door to peek in. Nobunaga was looking at Ava and speaking to her, her eyes had closed, but she somehow managed a smile and her lips were moving in speech as well. No one could tell what they were saying…Hideyoshi was actually almost cursing the fact that Mitsuhide wasn’t there. That sneaky snake could definitely figure out what their lords were saying.
Nobunaga surprised them all as he took Ava’s hand in his and then a few moments later…he was leaning forward and kissing her on the forehead. It was clear to their vassals that Nobunaga and Ava were in love with each other.
Masamune was pulling away from the door. “Alright, I am going to go make some good food for the lass.” He declared. “We have to make sure she makes a full recovery.”
“Yes.” Hideyoshi agreed.
“I think Lord Ava would appreciate that.” Jiro said. “I know I appreciate your helping our lord.”
“Yes, thank you.” Sato agreed.
They were all in agreement that Ava and Nobunaga were good for each other, and they would do whatever they could to see to their health and happiness.
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oda-princess · 7 months
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chevlvrs · 1 month
It's so funny to me how Shingen and Kennyo both have very valid reasons to not like Nobunaga, to want him dead ect ect
And then there's Kenshin
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shatcey · 3 months
Oh-oh! Daddy is angry...
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In fact, I don't remember Nobu ever raising his hand on anyone else. I don't remember him ever being so angry. Ieyasu really holds a special place in his heart!
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No, it's more like father and son. The father is an undeniable authority, whom everyone respects and listens to, and the son, who tries to follow his example at every step… Cute)
Ieyasu's route
🔝 Start page 🔝
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arthurs-puppygirl · 1 month
Damn, they should fuck
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