#as opposed to if he says nothing or bites his tongue and says im wrong youre right and she still hits him its not his fault
david-box · 4 months
Making me sad and angry beyond belief that *redacted*
0 notes
pedropascalssimp · 4 years
Feisty dala
Boba fett x fem reader
Summary: din djarin and you have been traveling together since you had both met that day you two had discovered Grogu, now on a mission to find a jedi seeing stone, only you find a certain mandalorian who seems to like getting on your nerve.
Warnings: language. Violence. Mentions death. Blood is mentioned. Boba being grumpy. Fluff because Im obsessed with soft old Boba 🤧💕 and lastly (gasps) IT'S LONG!?
No one asked for this I just wrote it because I was bored and finally had free time.
*not my gif*
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The razor crest was submerged In silence, Grogu in the seat beside your mandalorian friend while you was in the one behind the little green boy.
The stars whizzing by in white blurs while you simply tap your fingers against the leather chair arm as you boredly look around at the ship. You was told by din to be quiet, your constant talking about various things had irked him, he claimed you couldn't be quiet for even five minutes. ever so eager to prove him wrong you decided to bet on it, telling him that you was capable of being quiet for ten minutes to up the stakes of the bet, so he threw fifty credits on the table and you agreed. But damn was it hard to keep quiet, especially whenever the urge to tease the mandalorian about how he just spoke to his son in a baby voice was so strong.
But you bite your tongue and ignore it, ignore how he puts the ship into autopilot so he can hold Grogu and continue to baby him. "are you hungry kid? You haven't eaten in nearly two hours... Surely you must be hungry little womp rat" din tickles his side making the child giggle. It was then you knew din was purposely trying to make you tease him, trying to make you lose the bet. But you stubborn and determined to win, so you cross your arms and lean back in the seat comfortably.
"lucky for you... I managed to get you some more cookies while we were on Trask, want some?" he asks the green child who nods eagerly, din proceeds to retrieve the promised cookies and soon let's Grogu dig in. Standing up from his seat, his visor falls on you.
"one more minute until the bets up, I'm actually surprised you haven't spoke yet" he said with amusement, watching how you grin at him with a cocky expression. "but I do dread when it's over... Because I'll never be able to shut you up" he jokes while patting your shoulder, walking out of the cockpit to eat you assumed. Once he was gone and the minute was up, you let out a deep sigh, smiling over at Grogu who had cookie crumbs all over his face.
"that man spoils you kid, but judging by the smile on you're face you don't seem to mind" you stand up and plop down in the pilot seat to see Grogu better, "can I have one?" you ask, eyeing a cookie. Grogu looks at you, down at the cookies then sighs deeply before handing you one, as if he was opposed to giving you one. You take it with a grateful nod, saying thanks while munching on the cookie.
The sound of the door opening makes you look back, seeing din walk in and motioning you to get out of his seat, doing so you outstretched a hand, looking at him with a smirk. "I do believe you owe me fifty credits Mando" you enjoyed the huff that escaped his modulater as he practically throws the money at you.
"I hate you, you know that right?" he said, the playful tone giving away his words was nothing but playful banter.
"the feeling is mutual buckethead" you laugh while sitting back in your usual seat, looking at the credits with a proud smirk. "can you believe that you lost to me? That is just so surprising" you sarcastically say, remembering how you always win bets, but din hasn't learnt his lesson on how not to gamble with you.... The muttered curse word's from din only make you laugh more.
"Grogu, remind me next time not to indulge her when she places a dumb bet" Grogu coos and looks out the window, "it won't take long before we land on tython" din announced after a few moments of silence.
"oh maker, everyone prepare yourselves! Mando is about to land the ship!" you giggle after you buckled in, "try and not wreck this time captain" you tease him while you watch him buckle Grogu in.
Whenever his visor falls on you, you can feel the glare fixated on you, burning holes through your head. But you offer him a innocent look. "next words that leave you're mouth will be you're last, because I'm taping you're mouth shut" he spoke while turning back to focus on flying.
"oh, kinky" you joke with a grin. That made him snap his head around.
"what!? No - no I didn't mean like -
"it's just a joke Mando, calm down" you laugh, his stuttering at a simple joke letting you know it embarrassed him. He was definitely a innocent soul, even though his line of work put blood on his hands, he was somehow still a kind person, but damned if you ever got on his bad side, because that's when the cold blooded bounty hunter comes out. Hint why you befriended him that day you and him met, you was after the same bounty, along with a Droid. You, din and the Droid made your way to the bounty and your heart dropped when you saw Grogu, innocent wide eye's looking up at the three of you. The Droid, ever so heartless, was going to kill the kid, but din killed the Droid and you and him made a promise to protect Grogu. From that bloomed your friendship.
"let's just get to this jedi rock thing" din mumbled while you chuckle behind him from your seat. Maker was he clueless about the jedi, you wasn't that educated on them either but knew more about them then him.
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Din flies around in search of the right location, green mountains and blue skies a beautiful contrast to what you've usually been seeing lately. Tython wasn't much, but it was still beautiful. You watched with adoring eye's as Grogu looks around with fascinated eye's.
"Looks like that’s the magic rock I’m supposed to take you to down there" din spoke while he slows down to fly around the rock in the middle of a clearing on the mountain. "Sorry, buddy. I can’t land on the top. Too small. We’re gonna have to travel the last stretch with the windows down" you looked out the window at the seeing stone with amazement, it was definitely something new to you. But after a few moments you take in din's words.
"wait, you're gonna use the jetpack? What about me? What am I supposed to do walk?" you questioned while looking at the mandalorian.
"either walk or stay on the ship" he shrugs while finding a place to land, surprising you by how smoothly he landed the razor crest. "me and him will be back after we figure out whatever it is this jedi thing does" he picks Grogu up and holds him tightly while looking down at you. "don't destroy my ship out of boredom, I know how you get when you're bored" he points a finger at you like a dad scolding his kid.
"I'm not gonna destroy you're ship Mando, besides... Now with you gone I can finally take a peaceful nap, you're snoring won't bother me now" you lean back in your seat and spare a glance at his void visor.
"whatever, I gotta get Grogu to the jedi rock thing" he leaves without another word, taking little Grogu with as you sigh. What the hell was you supposed to do? Actually sleep? As much as you really wanted to, you found yourself to wired to sleep, so you stand up and explore the ship, descending the ladder to the cockpit. You look around at everything boredly, finding a crate to seat on while looking over your blaster. It was what felt like hours later, but really more like fifteen minutes, when you heard the landing of another ship, this made you jump up and holster your blaster while opening the ramp of the crest, looking for the mysterious ship you heard. Out in the distance, you spot a ship, it was rusted and old looking from what you could gather, but you didn't see anything. Walking back into the crest while the door closed with a hiss, you grab the com din gave you and activated it.
"Mando is everything okay?" you ask, hoping he'd respond, hell he probably didn't even have his com on him.
Crackling was heard before the sound of din's voice comes in, "yeah...sort of..." he muttered back, making you lift a brow in confusion.
"sort of!? What's happening? Who's ship just landed!?" you rushed out while pacing the floor, worried things might be going south out there while your in this ship doing nothing to help.
Din detected the concern and stress in your voice and sighs, "I'm fine, Grogu is doing his jedi thing and I'm talking with this guy -
"guy!? What guy? What the hell is happening out there din!?" you used his real name making him turn the com off. Great now your clueless as to what is exactly happening while your stuck on this ship. Perfect.
Laying the com down, more like slamming it, you let out a angry huff. Running a hand down your face while deciding if you should stay on the crest or leave. About ready to make your mind up your almost out the door, but before you could open it, the sound of yet more ships landing was heard, that's when you take out your blaster and open the crests door. Walking outside only to spot stormtroopers.
"oh you have to be kidding me!" you angry growl out while spotting din fighting stormtroopers off alongside two other people, din tries making towards Grogu who was at the top of the hill. But of course you can't focus on that now considering a few troopers spot you, rising your blaster up fast you shoot at them, hitting one in the leg while the other in the chest, taking another shot you take the last one out easily.
Running towards the hill while taking out troopers your almost toward din, but a familiar face stops you, "Fennec!?" you ask, looking the woman over, she shoots you a small smile before shooting a trooper who was behind you.
"you sound surprised to see me y/n!" she shoot another trooper while you start aiding her in taking down the damned men.
"well considering the last time I saw you, you was dead" you quickly dodged a blaster shot before looking at her again, "yes, I'm a little surprised to see you" you offer her a smile before parting ways. Trying to help your partner out, but din was already so far up the hill. That's when you spare a glance at the crest and spot a man going inside. This intrigued you and your quick to race back down the hill to see what the hell that was about.
Running inside the ship you hold your blaster up, spotting a older man putting on din's hard earned beskar. "and what do you think you're doing with my friends beskar?" you ask him, looking over his face. Although scarred greatly from what you could only assume a life threatening experience, he was quite handsome. Dark eye's and a ever present scowl on his face.
He hums before looking away and continues putting the beskar on, placing the chest piece on. "this armor belongs to me" he grunts out with a gruff voice, a accent leaking through his voice. It was beautiful, rough but still a sound you find yourself yearning to hear again. "and don't point that thing at me unless you plan on using it princess" he spoke while putting the leg pieces on now.
Holding it more firm you walk closer to him, not liking his attitude. "and who says I won't use it? Now put my friends armor back before I decide to drop you old man" you say, deciding if he wanted to call you princess, something you really didn't mind but hating how it made your heart feel weird, you'd call him old man.
Ignoring you, something that really pissed you off, he places the helmet on and pushes past you. "I knew you wouldn't pull the trigger, now either help take some of these troopers out or stay put princess, wouldn't want you to break a nail" he walks off after that, leaving your blood boiling and jaw clenched.
Oh he was definitely going to pay for that, because you don't let anyone get away with such shit like that. Practically in a fit of rage you help Fennec, asshole, and din take out the troopers, fighting your way back up the hill as you switch between using your blaster and blade. You felt his lingering gaze on you as you fought, but ignored him, to focused on killing those jerks. And finally you succeeded and stood by din as you both watched the other mandalorians shoot the ships that held the remaining, fleeing troopers. The shot hit one ship making it fall and crash into the other.
"nice shot" din said while you roll your eye's and glare at the mandalorian in green chipped and beat armor.
He turns around, visor fixated on you two. "I was aiming for the other one" he spoke and this time you found his beautiful voice annoying.
You hated the man already, yet... Why the hell did he make your belly flip and heart flutter?
Oh maker...at the realization you was falling for the stranger you hate him even more.
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It all happened in a blur, one moment Grogu's in his protective blue force field thing, the next his not and some rather lethal looking droids are taking. And the crest? It's gone, blown into dust. You couldn't do anything but watch your friends world crumble before him. No matter what you said it wouldn't make him feel better you knew, but once you heard the anger in his voice and determination, you knew he would stop at nothing to get his son back.
And so that's where you was now, all on the slave I while boba, you found out the assholes name finally, paints his armor, you watched him with crossed arms and a glare. You was still angry from his earlier words and attitude, but also still hypnotized by his face, the scars looked like they had to have been deep painful wounds once upon a time. But his beauty in them was something that really drawn your attention, his dark brown eye's held this new special glent in them as he looks at his armor, painting it with care while the smallest of smiles tugs at his lips whenever his paint brush comes across a certain deep mark or dent in the armor. It was stunning.
But like hell your gonna let his good looks capture you, draw you in like some lovestruck puppy. Because you didn't like him, no, that would just be obserd, idiotic even. He was a smug, grumpy jerk, he was even a bit older then you.... But maker was his voice something else, something you could never tire of.
"like what you see princess?" he spoke up, gruff voice startling you out of your thoughts. Scoffing at him you look away, trying to glare at the wall without letting your blush creep up your cheeks at being caught staring.
"can't say I do" you retort while glaring at him again, his smug amused face making your skin burn with frustration at the man. "and stop calling me that fett, unless you want me to kick you're ass?" you offer him a little smirk this time and he chuckles, focusing back on his work.
"oh, a feisty dala eh?" he doesn't even look up to see your reaction, he didn't even know if you spoke mando'a or not. "I like that" he adds with smug smirk, this time catching the red painting your cheeks.
"I don't even know what the hell dala means" you shake your head and glare at him again, his eye's now glued to yours, the intensity of his eye contact enough to have your skin burning for other reasons besides anger.
"I see you're little boyfriend doesn't teach you his own people's language?" he hoped that din wasn't really your boyfriend, for whenever he said that you was a feisty dala and he liked it, he meant it.
"okay for one thing, that idiot is not my boyfriend, and another no, he hardly even speaks to me unless it's absolutely crucial" you chuckle at the thought and watch how boba let's a little smirk tug at his lips while he works.
"dala means woman, therefore I called you a feisty woman...which you are"
"and you like it?" you tease him with a prideful smirk, standing up and walking over to only sit back down beside him. He looks down at you with confusion and a little skeptical look.
"what are you planning little girl" he grumbled as he puts his paint brush aside and turns his attention on you.
Shrugging you simply gaze up at him, loving how he keeps flickering his gaze over your face, obviously taking in every detail. "well it's kind of boring just sitting around doing nothing so I thought you'd like some help?" you point at the extra brush and his eye's look down at it, then back up at you.
"sure, just don't mess it up" he grunts out while handing you the brush and instructing you what to do. After he explained how he wanted it, you began helping him silently, your mind souly focused on the even slow strokes of the brush, turning the beskar a deep green. While you was lost in painting the man beside you watched with the smallest of smiles, boba found himself lost in the soft expression on your angelic face, the way your brows slightly lift up when you come across a dent, the way your lips slowly tug up when you triumphantly finish and admire your handy work. Boba fett wasn't one for being all sappy or overly lovey dovey. But he couldn't help but note how his eye's was practically glued to you, because he thought you was absolutely beautiful, an angel among the galaxy he had the privilege of meeting. Looking away from you he wipes any trace of affection off his face and starts painting the more detailed red and oranges onto the beskar.
It was ever since that day spent on the older bounty hunters ship, you and him sat and painted in a comfortable silence. And although he seemed like a grumpy and cold person of few words, you couldn't help but enjoy his company. After you had both finished your work you started small talk that soon led to you befriending the man.
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Walking into the cantina with boba close by your side and din taking the lead, you follow the man in silver beskar to a table where two mandalorian women sit, eating while their helmets are discarded on the table. As you approached them, they stare up at you, boba and din. The red head eyeing din, the one you knew as bo-katan, having met her back on trask, while her friend simply pays you no mind, the one who's name you have yet to learn, not that you really cared honestly.
"I need you're help" din spoke, bo doesn't bother to look at din.
"Not all Mandalorians are bounty hunters. Some of us serve a higher purpose" she tells him, making you scoff quietly and look away from them, arms crossed across your chest, eye's focused on your shoes. After that you zooned her out, not really caring what she had to say, you wasn't her biggest fan after all, she didn't really make a good first impression.
But when she starts speaking to boba? That's when you really start listening. And at first, although angry, you let her insult slide.
"You are not a Mandalorian"
Not wanting to start a fight with someone din was speaking help from. And then the one you soon discovered to be koska reeves spoke up with a jab.
"I didn’t know sidekicks were allowed to talk"
Making your blood boil, but you bite your tongue and ball your fists up by your side, boba saw you growing angry and that sparked his interest, but din also knew and you could read him like a book, you knew he was pleading you to stay calm, and you honestly tried, but then....
"You are a disgrace to your armor" bo said, while standing up. You instantly scoot closer to boba and the anger was like fire in your eyes as you glared at the red head.
"it belonged to my father" boba spoke, and you remember how he told you the stories of his father jango that one night on his ship, how his eyes would light up fondly at certain memories he told you, that same light turning to a dark look of what one could only describe as grief as he then told that jango was taken from him by the hands of a jedi...you felt sad for boba, wrapping a arm around him, and if it was any other being boba would have chopped their arm off for touching him, but he couldn't deny how nice it felt whenever you held him. Boba grew quite fond of you, that scared him in a way, but he'd be damned if he ever pushed you away, so he embraced the feeling and finds himself falling harder for you each passing day, only hoping you felt the same.
"Don’t you mean your donor?" that hung thick in the air and you couldn't take it anymore. Din noticed that your calm composer had faded into nothing and was replaced by rage.
Pushing past boba you glare at bo-katan and now stand in front of the man, "watch you're tongue bo before I cut it out" you emphasis your threat by retrieving your blade, holding it in your hand casually. Boba smiles beneath the helmet at your words, but din was shaking his head knowing that your threats was never empty.
"this isn't you're place to talk sunshine so why don't you continue being quiet and hiding behind you're Clone friend?" she takes a step closer to you, tempting your patience.
"unless you want you're ass kicked I'd suggest you shut up" you almost growled the words out, your hands twitching to just punch her in the face. You hated the disrespect she was giving boba, he was a tough man, had a tough life ever since his father was taken from him at such a young age, he deserves better then bo-katan and her little friends insults.
"y/n... Not now" din warns in a sad attempt to make you back down. But once bo opens her mouth and let's her words fly out... Din knew there was no way that would happen.
"like you could do anything" she mused while eyeing you. That's what made you throw the first punch with your left hand, the blade you carried still in your right. That made din nervous, he didn't want you to kill the people he was seeking help from. He needed them.
Bo dodged your punch and lands a kick to your leg, almost making you fall but your quick to throw yourself at her and manage to grab both her arms and forcing them behind her back while kicking the backs of her knees causing her to fall, you held the blade against her throat and force her to look at you.
"I do believe you owe my friend an apology" you pant out, having lost your breath during your brawl. Bo glares at you hard, her own pants huffing out from the fight.
"dank farrik y/n! Stop!" din snaps, hand on his blaster making you gap at the man. Boba held his blaster as well but his visor wasn't on you.
"are you seriously going to shoot me?!" you exclaim making him shake his head.
"no but if you haven't noticed there is a blaster held at the back of you're head" he seethes prompting you to peek over your shoulder and spot koska behind you with a blaster. Rolling your eye's you retract your blade from bo's neck and push her forward. She stumbled but soon stands up shooting daggers into your skull. Before you could move past her she punched you in the face making you stumble backwards with a grunt, grabbing your now bleeding nose.
This made boba step forward now, grabbing your arms and ushering closer to din. "I'm sure you can handle the rest by yourself mandalorian, we'll meet at the ship" boba told din before leaving the cantina, hold firm on your upper arm as he practically drags you away.
"you're something else dala, we didn't need you starting a fight" boba tried to scold you, but his amusement was clear as day in his voice.
Scoffing at him you shake your head. "they were disrespecting you, someone needed to put them in their place" you say while your eyes squeezed shut. The pain now slowing creeping up on you, the blood still flowing from your nose.
"that wasn't you're battle to fight, you should have kept you're mouth shut and let me handle it" boba grunts while stopping to look over your nose, it was most likely broken. "does it feel as bad as it looks?" he teased while slowly using his thumb to wipe away the blood, only to have it replaced by more.
"I'd be lying if I said no" you offer him a smile, looking up into his visor void of any signs of those brown eye's.
"well once we're back on the ship I'll fix you up, it's the least I could do after you defended my honor" he muttered and the smirk in his voice was heard. You only smile and start walking, his hold on your arm loosened up, slowly sliding down, past your elbow, fingers covered in leather do to the gloves he wore danced across the skin of your wrist. For a brief moment you thought he'd hold your hand, the thought making your heart flip in a way you've never experienced. But... He drops his hand and instead walks a little bit ahead of you, disappointment setting in deeply in your chest. Perhaps he only saw you as a friend, that thought makes you sigh softly and look at the back of his helmet. Perhaps you was ignorant for thinking a man like him could think more of you then a friend.
Boba wanted to hold your hand through, the mere thought of it appealing to him. But boba fett doesn't hold hands, he doesn't display any sort of affection, especially not publicly like hand holding.
It didn't take long for you both to arrive at his ship, Slave I. Once on the ship your met with Fennec and Cara casually talking amongst each other, both pairs of eyes falling on you and boba. Fennec takes one look at your face and gives boba a lifted brow.
"what happened?" she asks as cara shakes her head, already knowing that you most likely started a fight, you and here having met during a fight against each other along with din actually. She had a smirk and you chuckle at her lowly.
"she couldn't control her temper and feisty nature and it got her a broken nose" boba takes his helmet off and starts looking for his med supplies.
Fennec looks over your nose with a grimace, "it's broken alright. Where's the mandalorian?" she proceeded to ask boba questions as you surprisingly wait patiently for boba to get the med kit.
Finding it he walks back over to you, making you sit on a crate while he kneels in front of you, elbows resting on your knees as he wipes away the blood. The closeness almost made you blush, but you managed to compose yourself.
"he's most likely trying to salvage enough trust from his two friends to help him on his rescue, although this feisty dala here probably stomped that hope out the moment she held a knife to bo-katan's throat" boba explained and now with the helmet off, you could see the proud smile on his face, more like a smirk actually.
"what made you do that?" Cara laughs while cleaning her blaster rifle. Giving you a amused look.
Rolling your eye's you wince when boba starts putting bacta spray on the gash across the bridge of your nose. "they were being rude, so I taught them some manners.... Sort of" you wince again making boba mutter a apology. Cara chuckles and stands up, heading somewhere amongst the ship, Fennec saying something to boba you didn't quite hear as she walks off and out of the hull of the ship as well.
Boba sighs and stands up, adding the bandage to protect your new wound. Then he starts putting away the kit. "you really shouldn't have done that back there princess" he spoke while turning to look at you, arms crossed while leaning against the wall of the ship.
You sigh and start picking at the forming hole in your pants on your knee. You didn't regret what you did, you'd even do it again if it was to ever happen, but you didn't want to look boba in the eye's, you didn't want to see the angry or disappointed look he'd most likely have. So you picked at your pants, "I wasn't just going to sit there and listen to them basically trash talk you boba... You deserve better" you muttered the last part and can't help the little smile that tugs at your lips, you found it quite funny actually, hilarious that you had the upper hand in the fight and almost put her in her place.
"I don't deserve anything" he spoke gruffly. That made you snap your head up to give him a confused look. Eye's taking in every detail and scar on his face, you hated the look in his eye, the sight of self loathing. You stand up quickly and waltz over to the man and ever so cautiously placed a hand on his armored chest.
"you deserve more then what the galaxy has given you boba fett, you deserve a easier life. A damn break for once, from the stories you've told me... I know for sure you deserve only the greatest things in the galaxy. Especially after this" you trail your hand up his chest and ever so gently trace his scar's adorning his face with a look of admiration, a look boba didn't expect to see.
He grasps your wrist and holds your hand against his face. "I've been dealt with some tough obstacles in my life mesh'la, but the galaxy has finally took some pitty on me and gifted me a angel" he whispers gruffly, making sure only your ears heard the sappy words that left his mouth, he'd never live it down if Fennec heard him, she'd tease him up until he finally snapped and either killed her or glued her mouth shut. And have to settle on the last option because he would never kill the woman.
You smile at him, the sight one boba would store away in his mind forever, it was a beautiful sight. "surely you're not talking about me?" you mused, trying to hide the blush but boba saw the slight tent of your cheeks.
"who else would I be talking about?"
"well din is a absolute innocent angel under all that beskar" you joke making boba huff and give you his scowl. "but since you're obviously talking about me -
Boba rolls his eyes at your talking and grabs the back of your head and smashes his lips against yours, making you gasp in surprise but eagerly respond and kiss him back, eye's fluttering close as you cup his jaw now. Chest flush against his as his other hand grasps and squeezes at your hip. You've never felt more intoxicated by anything else in the galaxy then now, the man definitely knew how to kiss, no doubt highly experienced. His lips was chapped but addicting as yours moved against them roughly, his pace he set for the rude interruption of your words, but your not complaining.
That is until he pulls away with a smirk, making you pout up at him. "I don't expect a yes to come after this, but once I help you're mandalorian friend retrieve his kid me and Fennec are going to tatooine... Would you be willing to tag along with me?" he asked lowly, hushed almost as he cradles your face.
"you kiss me like that and expect me to say no? Of course I'm going with you boba, I don't plan on leaving you're side any time soon" you say, gazing up into those brown eye's of his. A smirk tugs at his lips. "who else would defend you're honor?" you add playfully, but a truth was laced in them.
Boba rests his forehead against yours before pulling away. "well then after this little rescue I'll give you enough time to bid you're friends goodbye and we'll make our way to tatooine" he gives you one last peck, it was rare of boba to do so, let his lips gently press against another's with such delicacy, but he liked the feeling of your soft lips in such a way. Almost tempted enough to do it again but you spoke up making him shrug that off for now.
"what are you going to do there?" you ask curiously, catching the smirk on his lips as he hums in thought.
"take what's mine... Perhaps even do what you said, take a little break" he starts walking to the cockpit with you hot on his heels, waiting for din's arrival.
Plopping down in a seat beside him, you lift a curious brow at his words, wondering what it is he'd be taking. But you decide not to pry any more. You'd figure out over time. "do you think bo and her friends will help us?" you stifle a laugh at the memory of the fight.
"if she's smart she'd stay far away from you princess, you had a murderous look in those pretty eye's of yours" he spoke with amusement.
"then she'll help us" you snort at your joke as boba shakes his head. A little blush on your cheeks from his compliment.
"I'm the luckiest man in the galaxy to have found someone like you, my feisty dala" he looks over at you from where he sat in the pilot seat.
It didn't take long after that for din to arrive, announcing bo and her friends would help. Later that night you told din that your and his ways would part as your path was wherever boba leads you. Din agreed with your decision and even felt happy for you, and after saving Grogu and bidding him goodbye as din allowed Luke to take him... You, Fennec and boba made your way to tatooine, where Boba had taken the throne that once belonged to jabba and Fortuna and given you a home. Your relationship bloomed from there and that's when you knew what you felt for him was love....
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ambistep · 5 years
Rangers & Regenes, pt. 2
(this is stupid long and mega indulgent, everybody is out of character im certain, engage at your own peril. highly non-canon. Part 1)
“Barolthien unveils the dazzlingly radiant cthon-crystal, the prize you claimed from the storm-dragon’s hoard - and turns it over to the Elf Prince. The Elf Prince smiles and takes it gratefully.”
“‘Thank you, heroes, I’ve everything I need to complete the ritual.’”
Daniel cuts in, “Wait, I thought we were trying to stop the ritual.”
“I knew it,” Julia clicks her tongue.
“You did not!” You huff.
“I so did, this always happens.” 
She isn’t wrong. So what? “Anyway. The Elf Prince clasps the cthon-crystal in his hand and the illusion magic falls away - the green and flowering courtyard of the palace is replaced by a smoldering and burnt ruin. The Elf Prince’s form gives way to gleaming obsidian armour and with gold filigree, and the familiar visor of the Ebon Champion of Vak’Tsaroth.”
“Ricardo is not impressed, he’s got his axe ready,” Julia leans forward, nudging Daniel. 
Argent reclines on the couch, mostly watching the television, but occasionally calling over, as now, “Did we get betrayed by the elf guy?”
Daniel puts his hands on his head, “He was an illusion.”
“‘He crushes the cthon-crystal and completes the ritual with the power released, growing in size and obvious power until he towers over even the mighty Ricardo. ‘I owe a great debt to you so-called heroes! I could not have come this far without your unwitting aid but I’ve not the patience for you any longer.  Before the lunar eclipse and my impending apotheosis, I intend to rectify the insult you paid me in Wickhamshire. I will bathe this courtyard with your blood, a sacrifice to my godhead. When my wrath is sated, and I’ve seized my place in the Heavens, I will remake this world, and set right it’s many inequities - maybe I shall spare one of you as witness, so that when all is done, you may finally realize how wrong you were to oppose me.’” 
Ortega raises her hands in surrender, “Ay, alright - enough with the monologue! I get enough of that on the job - that’s not even the corniest one I’ve heard this week.”
You take the jab as a compliment, “Well, I have been practicing a lot lately.”
At that, Argent, sitting over on the couch, almost chokes on her donut, snickering. Ortega looks over toward her, then back at you, “What does that mean?”
“Nothing, Ortega, Jesus.” Angela waves it off, “Whatever, I’m doing a power attack.”
You sigh, “We’re not in combat yet.” Grabbing the handful of player dice, you tumble them over, check the numbers, “Rolling initiative and… okay, fine, Aurum, you’re up.”
She’s back watching her movie, “I’m doing a power attack!”
“Alright, hold on. ‘Aurum is faster than the Ebon Champion, and her ki strikes land true, but the sacred armor of his fel god holds fast, bristling with new magics and protections.’ You hit, but he’s only taking four damage.” You’re rewarded with a sarcastic, silvery middle finger. 
“And the Champion takes his turn, attacking Aurum - she’s in range and just power attacked so…” A tumble of the dice, “He hits, ‘The Champion’s greatsword is swifter than ever, and bites hard on the monk’s exposed flank, tearing open a ragged gash,’ and Aurum is down to 3 HP.”
She puts down her donut, “What? That’s bullshit! I took that Iron Skin thing.”
You get to be a little smug - it’s more fun when she gets irritated, “That’s like one damage resistance.”
“That’s stupid. Shouldn’t call it *Iron* Skin then.”
Maybe she has a point. At any rate, have to keep the combat moving, “Ricardo, you’re up.”
Julia looks up from chatting with Herald, then stands up, “Alright, I’m gonna wrestle him.”
“You mean grapple?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna grapple the Ebon Champion.”
You remind her, “He’s like twice as tall as you, and super strong right now. He’s all hopped up on crystal magic.” Daniel starts to look a little concerned.
“I don’t care, Mina, Ricardo’s no fucking coward, we’re wrestling.”
“Fine, fine,” you know there’s no stopping her, so you roll the dice, “A failure, ‘Ricardo the Barbarian is easily overpowered by the towering black knight, his armor crackling with sorcery that augments his strength.’”
Julia scratches the back of her neck and shrugs a little, seemingly satisfied. 
“Alright, Blackhawk’s next and since he’s not here-”
“Hold up, Mina,” Ortega reaches over the conference table, pushing a button on the intercom.
A voice over the speaker, “Steel here - go ahead, HQ.” 
“Ortega, this -” He pauses and you can hear his suit adjusting as he moves about, “This better be important, I told you I’m helping the Guardians with Alvarez’s security detail.” 
Julia leans back in her chair, hands folded behind her head, “It’s absolutely important, it’s your turn, we’re in combat - so what’s Blackhawk doing?” Poking at Chen like this, Ortega lives for it, You can’t help but enjoy it too.
“Ortega, this is an emergency public safety channel. I told you I was going to be busy - Clarity could show up any moment.” 
Argent locks eyes with you, flashing a wry, toothy grin. You shrink in your seat and make yourself small. You’re a little proud though - Chen maybe sounded worried. A little bit.
“I’m sure you’ve got it under control, Marshall,” Ortega circles around the conversation, “Back to the matter at hand.”
Steel is quiet for a moment - you can tell he’s relocating again. Finding somewhere more isolated to talk? “Fine. What’s the situation?”
“We’re fighting the Ebon Champion.”
“I thought he was dead.”
“No, no, he got the crystal and he’s big now.”
“You let him have the crystal?” The channel goes quiet, and when Steel keys back up, he’s whispering, “I have to go talk to Alvarez. Just, I don’t know, cast Blessing or something.”
Ortega cuts the intercom and sits back in her chair, gesturing to you. You shrug, settling back in, “Alright, Blackhawk invokes Blessing of the Grove, you all get +1 to checks, saves and threats. Barolthien’s up.”
Daniel has his folder open and is looking over his character sheet, and checking the tables he’s printed. “A-alright. I’m advancing to melee range, and I’m… I’m going to swiftcast Acid Touch.”
“Barolthien’s getting up close with him?” You look for confirmation.
He looks to Ortega for reassurance. She shoots him finger guns and feigns innocence when you start eyeing her suspiciously. Daniel nods.
“Alright, that’s a touch attack,” a quick roll, “And that’s a 14, a miss.”
There’s a cough, Ortega interjecting. “No, it’s not.” 
“What? Why not? That’s only a 14.”
Julia leans forward over the conference table, grinning like the cat who ate the canary, “Yeah, but your guy is flat-footed.”
Here it comes. You grimace, “Why would he be flat-footed?”
“He was grappling.”
“You failed to grapple him, remember?”
“Doesn’t matter, he was still grappling.”
Your eyes flit to the left, then the right, trying to remember, “That can’t be right.”
Daniel watches the two of you with anticipation, following the back and forth. Argent yawns, flopping to her side on the sofa, even as Ortega pulls up a PDF on the conference table projector, “It’s in the book. See.”
It is. Heck. You slump in your seat. “I can’t believe someone else actually read the book. You’re right, it hits - the armor is magic and gets a save and...” Daniel watches you expectantly, waiting for the resolution, “...fails. ‘Barolthien’s caustic magics -somehow- eat the Ebon Champion’s blessed armor, corroding and consuming, leaving a hissing green haze. He howls in rage.’”
Daniel breathes a sigh of relief, jostled by Ortega’s slap on the back. “Aurum’s tur-”
She doesn’t even look up this time, talking around a chocolate-covered pretzel, “I’m doing a power attack.”
“Should have guessed.” You roll the dice for her and… of course, “he’s flat-footed until his next turn, and he has no armor, so that’s a hit and… And because of the Blessing of the Grove - nice work, Chen - that’s a crit.”
Ortega, smug as ever, points out, “Don’t forget, she’s got Savage Critical too.”
You grimace, “So Aurum does triple damage on the armorless, flat-footed Ebon Champion and… he’s down.” Stupid Rangers. Stupid Ortega. “‘Aurum’s blows strike true, with improbable force and - you get the idea, he’s down.”
Argent passes by you on her way to get more snacks, mumbling, “I want his sword.”
“He’s not dead yet, he’s just down.” You clear your throat, “The Ebon Champion sputters and coughs in repose, ‘This is not the end, you think you’ve won this day - but the ritual is complete, and the eclipse still nigh. Know then tha-’”
“In repose? He’s laying down?” Argent cuts you off, standing over your shoulder with a bowl of more chocolate pretzels and M&Ms. She holds it out for you - and the sustenance is appreciated. Maybe the chocolate will stave off this migraine.
“Yeah, I… I guess.” 
“I coup de grace him.”
“What? Now?”
“Yeah, I coup de grace him, fuck him.”
You put your face in your hands, “How do you even know that’s a thing?”
Argent shrugs, “Ortega told me.” Of course she did. Julia laughs into her hand, relishing in your torment.
“‘Aurum executes the Ebon Champion with her bare hands, I guess-’”
“I take his sword.”
“You’re a monk.”
“I take his sword.”
“‘She takes his sword. A blood red moon passes in front of the sun, casting the palace grounds into darkness. You get the feeling that the Ebon Champion was probably going to say something important, and that this isn’t over, but maybe it is. Who can say for sure? Not me, I’m done.’”
You take the opportunity to stuff a few pretzels in your mouth and fold up your screen, stretching. Julia stands up at her seat, putting a hand over her heart, narrating, “Ricardo strokes his mustache thoughtfully, proud of his companions and the teamwork they displayed. He totally hopes they learned some important lesson about working together tactically, so that Blackhawk doesn’t think this was a total waste of time.”
Herald throws his hands up in celebration. Argent mumbles, “Whatever.”
There’s a migraine coming on, and sure, the Rangers got their man, but… well, maybe it was a little fun. “Next week?”
Ortega shakes her head, “Mission next week.” Good to know - thank you, Ortega. “Two weeks.” Two weeks it is then.
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dweebobeebo-blog · 6 years
If you're bored wanna have sex? -josh dun
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Words: 1271
Warnings: drinking, smut.
Requested: yes
I've been friends with Josh and Tyler for a while now, I grew up with Tyler then met Josh later on, we weren't always peachy towards each other kinda mean and picked on each other but that happens a lot right? I felt like he was stealing my best friend and he felt the same way, or maybe it's the unspoken sexual tension Tyler and jenna say that's between us, I don't see it, the sexual tension I mean. I see that Josh is very highly attractive and intelligent but wait what am I saying
I decided I was gonna call, jenna and Tyler and ask them to hang out I was bored, it rang a couple times before they answered
"Finalllyyy" I groaned
"Sorry I wasnt near my phone " jenna laughs "what's up"
"You guys wanna do something?" I ask "im bored"
"Sure we'll be there shortly" jenna have a mischievous tone to her voice and I didnt like it
so I cleaned my apartment, had the TV playing for background noise while I was in the bathroom putting a little makeup on, a knock on the door I went to get it thinking it was Tyler and jenna, I was wrong it was josh..
"What are you doing here..." I sigh
"Is Tyler and jenna not here?" He groans, I shake my head "they told me they were"
"Well they're not" I snap, he comes in "okay yes please Josh come in"
"Thanks doll" he slips his shoes off at least he did that, and throws himself on my couch
I wont be a bitch, I wont be a bitch.. dammit I have to be a bitch hes got his feet on my coffee table!
"Feet off the table dun" I groan throwing a pillow at him, the throws his hands in the air and moves his feet.
I sat on the other end of the couch, as we watched the big bang theory, I finally get tired of waiting and decide to call Tyler and it rang forever, so Josh called jenna and she answered
"Yes?" She answers
"Where the heck are you guys?!" I shout "I thought you were coming over "
"Oh! We are..." she giggles
"Hi josh!" Tyler yells in the back ground, "well be there shortly, k bye!"
The line goes dead, Josh and I just look at each other like what the fuck he throws his phone down and we focus back on the TV.
Hours pass and Tyler and jenna still arent here, plus we keep getting severe thunder storm warnings on our phone and on the news so yeah they're definitely not coming now. I groan and go to my kitchen grabbing myself a beer, figure why not be nice and get Josh one so I do, i hand it to him receiving a weird look from him in the process
"What, I figured with the storm coming you'll be here a while" i sigh
"Good point..." he takes it and opens it taking a swig before setting it on the coaster on the coffee table, for once.
"Wanna play a game?" I ask, shrugging my shoulder and point at (your choice of gaming system)
He shrugs picking up the controllers, tossing me one and putting a game in. Almost an hour later, death match rounds later we turn it off, I grab us another beer and it finally starts to storm
"I'm bored " I groan giving him his beer and laying on the floor
"If you're bored wanna have sex?" He says, oh so nonchalantly I snap my head towards him "what?"
"You're joking right?" I sit up leaning on my elbows
"Uh no" he says looking at me seriously shrugging "bad idea?"
"I'm not opposed to it.." I mutter, I mean I did say hes attractive and I will now admit I would so have sex with him
"So, are you saying yes..?" He moves off couch and hovers over me, moving my beer so I'm laying on the ground again I just shrug
"Yes or no?" He spits, almost venomously
"Yes dammit" I snap back, almost as fast as it came out his lips were on mine, and I wrapped a hand in his shirt and the other on his messy hair. I didnt expect to feel, fireworks and that shit with the kiss but shit I did, and I hope he did too. He pulls at my bottom lip as he pulls away, a smirk forming on his face
"Did you feel it too?" He licks his lips, staring at mine I nod, as he kisses me again, rougher this time as he trails down to my neck, nipping at it trying to find my soft spot to get me to squirm and moan
Our clothes are off, and thrown about everywhere in my living room, only in my panties and him In his boxers, he pulls away, hands tugging at my panties I lift myself so he can pull them off, once he does he pulls his boxers off ans strokes himself
"Condom?" He mutters bitting his lip
"On the pill" I grab his face and kiss him, delving my tongue into his mouth, he slides into me effortlessly, making us both gasp, feeling so full I tilt my head back his lips find my neck as he starts off slow, finding a rythm.
He picks up his pace, as my hands drag down his back, he nips at my neck as we moan and groan into each others ears, he pulls on of my legs up to reach a new angle making me moan louder than before I see him smirk before kissing me.
"Joshhh" I moan, throwing my head back and arching my back. Feeling close to my climax already.
A few more thrusts, and I feel like I'm going to explode, as I dig my nails into his back,
"You gonna cum for me baby?" He bites my ear lobe making my moan as his hand slides between our bodies. Soon I'm tightening around him, ready to release
"J-josh..." I mutter, hiding my face in his neck and tightening my arms around him
"Let go, I got you princess, cum for me" he whispers, his words send me over the edge and my orgasm explodes triggering his.
We lay there for a little bit, before moving and slowly getting dressed, exchanging small kisses, giggles and chuckles along the way playing with each others hair, a knock on the door we quickly stand up
"HOLD ON!!" I yell as we both finish getting dressed forgetting our underwear but not caring I run and open the door "Tyler! Jenna! Hi!"
"Hi..." Tyler says hesitantly
"What's up..." I giggle
"We thought we made you wait long enough, Josh still here?" Jenna asks, I just nod hearing something thud and then he appears behind me
"Yup yah yeap I'm still here" he says "I was playing a game and drinking so I didn't leave.."
They just nod, and we slowly walk back to the living room and I just nudge him and shake my head, before they sit down I notice my underwear and Josh's by the couch we both rush to push it underneath the couch and fall
"What the heck you two.." Tyler says, giving us weird looks we just nervously laugh and smile.
"Seriously what is going on" jenna says
"Nothing, I fell asleep he was playing video games the whole time!" I say
"You never sleep through storms" Tyler says and I shrug, they do not need to know what really went on.
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