#as much fluff as possible
a-pastel-edgelord · 4 months
You are the closest thing Atsumu's ever had to a best friend, Osamu knows. His brother's faults were often so visible to other kids that it drove them away. Not you though. You simply laughed and called Atsumu a jerk. The rest is history.
Osamu watches from his place on the bench as Atsumu sets up for a spike serve, six steps, the toss, the jump and--
"Don't fuck it up!" Your voice jeers.
Atsumu misses, spectacularly. The ball ricochets off the back wall with a stellar thwump that rings a brief silence into the gym. Osamu sees his brother spin around, a vein in his neck throbbing as he starts to unload on you.
"Imagine not getting the service ace because the opposite team heckles you!" You cut him off with a jovial smile. "How lame would that be?"
And off the two of you go, shrieking insults at each other. Osamu makes no move to get out of his seat. Not for the first time, he considers how this strange game of tag could be its own spectator sport. Suna sits next to him, the middle blocker's eyes flitting to the current source of entertainment.
"Not gonna record this shit?"
"No, s'not nearly as entertaining as watching the two of you beat up on each other." Atsumu manages to trap you in a headlock, driving his knuckles into your scalp for a noogie as you kick at his legs. "How long have they been together anyhow?" The question is asked so flippantly, Osamu almost misses it.
"Hah? They're not datin', Suna." That's right. The two of you aren't dating. Not once had Atsumu ever expressed that kind of interest in you, and the same seems to be true in reverse. No longing stares. No pining.
"That so? Could have sworn they were." Suna glances over, his usual apathetic expression almost perfectly in place. However, Rintaro Suna is the closest thing Osamu has to a best friend.
Osamu's mouth goes dry. "Drop it, Sunarin."
Suna holds his stare for another beat before turning away. "You deserve to have what you want, Samu."
"I mean it."
"So do I."
Osamu fights to keep his face in check, fights to restrain himself like always. To hold back just enough so that he doesn't lose his temper. It should be easier by now, to suffer the pointed remarks Suna makes with grace. However, Suna had been the one to witness the smallest of exchanges between Osamu and you. And then, the motherfucker had managed to put two and two together. So here Osamu sits, watching his brother horseplay with you.
You. The one person he could trust Atsumu with, the one person who would be so good for him to fall for... is the same person who crashed through Osamu's walls and took a seat within the inner sanctum of his affections.
Osamu Miya is in love with his brother's best friend and Atsumu would never forgive him for it if he found out.
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kitamars · 5 months
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lovey dovey (alt ver of the first one under the cut!)
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cherrys-side-bitch · 1 year
The Great 7 AU
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Note: This is only general headcanons, I'm definitely writing more for this AU later
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Since a young age, Yuu has had their parents (mostly Jafar and Grimhilde) teaching them how to act appropriately while also being taught fighting and magic. So, with that, Yuu would know how to keep a cool head in almost any situation, though it may be hard to keep a straight face with some of the seven’s comments.
Even though they have the power of the seven, they decide to play the role of the “magicless” prefect. I headcanon that, similarly to the actual game, the mirror said that Yuu didn't have magic since Yuu, by default, is just a random human and can't use magic without the seven’s aid. Though the mirror possibly hinted at The Great Seven being present, it was likely vague and quickly forgotten due to the absurdity of the situation.
Despite only arriving in this world from another, they’re incredibly knowledgeable about magic, potions, and even the history of this world. It's almost suspicious to the other students that some begin to think that their story of being from another world might be a lie even though they insist it isn't. Admittedly, though Yuu knows the history, they are still clueless about the laws and places of this word. Don't let them play geoguessr. They might die. Either that, or they’ll cry, then you have the Great 7 to deal with.
On the topic of the Great Seven, they don't have physical forms, only visible to Yuu and possibly other ghosts (Sam also probably knows due to the whole “friends on the other side” thing, but who knows). However, I believe they can still influence the world around Yuu through magic, even if only a little. An example may be that Yuu fell asleep on the couch after one of their nightly strolls with Malleus, and Maleficent draped a blanket over Yuu to keep them warm. Another is if Yuu is getting harassed by one of NRC’s bullies, one of the 7 pulls some horror movie shit and breaks the lights or starts throwing things: that or one of Maleficent's iconic storms.
Adding to what I said earlier about them acting, the idea of Great 7! Yuu snapping is terrifying. Even if they don't use magic or attack someone, it's still scary seeing that. The calm and collected persona falling, and you get to see their genuine emotions? Terrifying.
Just your average, cute, little “magicless” human acting all prim and proper, then displaying magical prowess that could surpass Malleus.
If I were those side character students, I’d leave, tbh.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
Also, since you asked me to tag you, @twisted-wonderland-but-gayer 🥲
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box-dwelling · 5 days
Me fic planning: OK so this fic is at this point just going to go into the classic astarion and karlach go to save wyll from the hells if he dies pre pact being broken concept. I can work with that. Hmm he'll probably get tranformed into some kind of devil though. Gonna be a lot of angst there but this is gonna be an angst fic anyway and I can mine a bunch from it. I should check what kinda devil he'd be.
*one Google search later*
Hm, so he's going to be something called a Lemure. I should check what the lore is around those.
*opens my monster manual*
*closes my monster manual *
OK. So. I'm not doing that.
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2deadboys · 24 days
i may have been sick for like 5days but the brain doesnt stop the payneland thoughts
so i have this fun little idea (for a fic?) where a slightly in the future, post s1 payneland are newly in a relationship, kinda honeymoon phase.
and they end up with another case that turns out to involve a demon and portals. and when theyre banishing the demon something else happens to crawl out of hell at the same time....
its a past! altnerate universe Edwin! who was finally escaping hell! but whoopsie hes ended up in the wrong universe? (or perhaps the future? .. but current! Edwin doesnt remember this..)
so of course past au! Edwin is like 'aw fuck now hells just getting weird, and i gotta deal with myself?? and a random beautiful guy clinging to other me??'
and current! Edwin is like 'oh dear i do not want this absolute messy fresh out of hell version of me interacting with Charles... weve got to put him back.'
Charles upon realising this is just another Edwin and not a trick is like 🥺 'aw Edwin we gotta help him, obviously were gonna make sure he meets up with his Charles right??'
and is of course immediately trying to reassure this Edwin that he got out of hell and hes safe and theyll help him get to where he should be (with his Charles)
(past au! Edwin is faced with this version of himself that is put together and doesnt seem as messed up-- bc this is raw straight out of hell, hasnt interacted with normal things in 70 years Edwin--- and this other/future version has somehow managed to land this incredible guy as a best friend.. and what seems to be more.
Is it weird to be jealous of yourself?? And even if he allegedly has his own version of Charles.. thats not this Charles who is so kind to him now.
Edwin seeing everything he could have ever wanted right before his eyes (and its not his). And he is afraid of leaving because surely this is some sort of heavenly dream and it already took so much to get out of hell. Now he has to find the unknown and hope? That his own future is just as wonderful. That he has a Charles just like this one.)
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Babysitter's Guide To Watching Eri (My Hero Academia)
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Heyo! This is a gift for the ever amazing @thatbigbisexual29 A while back we were talking about Bakugou and Eri and how cute they'd be as a duo, and thus; this fic has been born! This is pretty self indulgent and likely OOC but who cares- it's Bakugou and Eri! I hope y'all like it! :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @nutzgunray-lvt @sarahmaystock5578 @rachi-roo @mochigiggle @chibisstuff
Summary: In an unexpected turn of events, Bakugou is tasked with babysitting Eri for the day.
When it came to looking after Eri, a few faces immediately came to mind.
First of course was Mirio. The kind hearted hero adored the girl and would bend over backwards to entertain her whenever Aizawa and Mic had hero work to attend to. It didn’t matter what was going on- he was ready to rush over and play whenever needed.
The next was Midoriya. If Mirio was busy or they simply desired another playmate, they’d grab the freckled boy from his studies and invite him over. He’d run through the door with a proud “I am here!” that left Eri squealing in glee and Mirio chucking at how into his role he got for the little girl.
There were others; Nejiri who was always down to play dress up and princess tea party with Eri; Shinsou who helped her with her drawings and watched movies with her; and the U-A girls like Uraraka and Tsuyu who always took her to fun places like the space zone or the aquarium, pointing out cool things and treating her to snacks.
Alas- none of those options were available today for Eri. Mirio and Nejire had work, Midoriya and the girls were finishing their internships, and Shinsou was in extra classes for the hero course. Things were rather…tense as the realization hit them.
“What are we gonna do? We can’t bring her with us during our patrol!” Mic was pacing around the room back and forth in thought, just barely avoiding pulling out his hair. “And all the pro’s are busy- oh man why of all the days!”
“We’ll figure it out. We just need to find someone on short notice.” Aizawa slumped forward in his seat, trying to think. Who was available with no plans today? “Yaoyorozu maybe?”
“Yeah! No…wait- Midnight needed her.” Mic deflated. “Oh! What about Tokoyami?”
“Hawks.” They said at the same time, shaking their heads. “Nearly all the students are being taken up for missions right now- it’s not fair to expect them to bail for our sake. What do we do…” Mic doubled over the desk, holding his head.
Just then- an answer walked through the door.
“Hey- Mr. Aizawa, Best Jeanist texted. He said he wouldn’t be able to take me with him today- some emergency came up.” Bakugou knocked before poking his head through the door, looking a bit disgruntled. “Should I see if Endeavor needs more hands?”
Aizawa and Mic looked at eachother.
“Endeavor has plenty of hands.” Aizawa spoke, finalizing their decision. “However, we do need a favor…”
A babysitter job. Him- babysitting!
Good grief.
“Okay- here’s everything she’ll need. Eri’s fairly independent, so really the only thing you need to do is entertain her while we’re gone.” Mic had handed him a whole list- A LIST! Of things Eri liked. Everything from her favorite toys to her favorite drinks and snacks- all the movies she loved and games she usually played, etc. etc.
“We should be back a little after lunchtime so if you could take care of that; we have pre-made meals in the fridge, you just need to heat them up. Oh- and careful with the microwave; we don’t know what happened but it’s acting weird. Try not to hit any odd numbers, kay?”
“Odd numbers-wait; how long did you say?” Bakugou stammered as Mic bounced out the door, putting on his hero face. “Is this an all day thing?”
“Is that a problem?” Aizawa raised a brow. “Do you have anything planned today?”
“Well…no, I just…I’m not-” Bakugou waved his arms, feeling a bit helpless. “I’m not exactly great with kids.”
Aizawa softened, reaching out and patting Bakugou’s shoulder. “From what I’ve heard, you did fine with the kids during your remedial classes.”
“That’s only because they were a bunch of snot nosed brats. Plus I had help” Bakugou grumbled.
“That was a bunch of kids. This is Eri- the farthest thing from a brat.” Aizawa squeezed his arm before pulling back, adjusting his scarf. “She’s a good girl and doesn’t need much. Try not to scare her. You know how you can be.”
“I’m not-” Bakugou growled, then snapped his mouth shut when he realized he was proving Aizawa’s point. “Fine. I’ll be…gentle.”
“Thank you again, Bakugou. We truly appreciate it.” Aizawa nodded before heading out, officially leaving Eri in the teen’s care.
“...Heh. Okay, squirt- where do we even-” Bakugou turned to face her but found…nothing. She was nowhere to be seen. “Eri? Hey, where are you?”
Poking his head down the hall, he found her hiding behind a door frame, peeking at him. “You good, kid?”
Eri seemed…scared. Bakugou winced at himself; he hadn’t even talked to her today yet and he already scared her. Sighing, he squatted down to her level, offering a hand. “Look- I know I seem scary, but I promise I’m not gonna yell at you. Whatever you want to do today, we can do, alright?”
The girl seemed to relax some, her expression still nervous. Slowly, she crept towards him, little hands folded on her chest as she looked at her feet. “Sorry…”
“Huh? Why are you apologizing?” She winced at his tone. He internally punched himself. “Er-sorry. Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You have to watch me. I ruined your day.” She sounded close to tears. Bakugou felt his chest hurt. Did she hear him calling after Mic?
“No, no kid- you didn’t ruin anything. My day hasn’t even started yet.” With some hesitation, he reached out and patted her head, making her look up. “If you heard me talking to your papa, it wasn’t anything bad about you, I swear. I just don’t know how to…” he waved a hand between them, shrugging in such a manner that he got a smile. “But we can figure this out. We can play whatever you want- including…” He looked at the list, wincing. “Fairy Princess Ball.”
Eri giggled, her nerves easing away as she bounced up to him. “I love that game! But I always play it with Neji. I want to play something else.”
“Sure kid, let’s see.” Bakugou looked at the list once more, but Eri put her hands over it, pushing it down with a headshake.
“No list! I want to play something new.” She looked up at him, eyes dancing. “Something you came up with…erm…”
“Bakugou.” He gave her his name, watching her light up. “But I guess Katsuki is fine if  you want.”
“Ba…Baku..” She stammered on the words, then she looked at him. “Kacchy.”
“Close enough.”
“Ahoy my crew! We’re approaching deadly waters!” Eri cried from her pillow fort on the couch, holding a circular cushion in her small hands like a steering wheel. “They say a mean old sea monster lives here- we must be careful!”
“Oi who you calling old-er I mean…Grrrrrrr!” Eri giggled at the growling heard beneath a nearby blue blanket, slowly getting closer and closer to her “ship”. Behind her, her crew of squishmellows sat aligned, all dressed in pirate outfits and ready to assist.
“Do you hear that? It’s getting closer!” Eri looked around, pushing up her pirate hat as she searched for the monster. “Let’s turn to-”
“ROAR!” Bakugou shot from the blanket, a dragon hat on his head as he raised his arms high. Eri squealed, falling back in her pillows with a giggly shriek. “I’m a sea monster! And I’m gonna eat your boat!”
“Noo! Quick- Yuki! Save us!” Eri chucked her nearest Squishmellow at him, watching it bounce off his chest harmlessly. Bakugou flailed backwards anyway, pretending to be hit. “Go, go!”
“Gah! No! Not the dreaded squish!” He cried out as she assaulted him with squishmellow after squishmellow, finally jumping on him when she ran out. “Ah! No! It’s the Pirate Princess Eri!”
“That’s right! And I’m gonna take you out, Mr. Sea Monster! Take THIS!” She shot her hands out, scribbling them all over his belly with reckless abandon.
“AH! Ahehahahahhaa! Whahahahit- wahahhhahait I didiihihihihn’t agrehehehehehehehee to thihihihihiihs!” Bakugou spasmed with a yelp, not at all prepared for such acts! Semi buried beneath squishmellows, the blonde laughed and squirmed, fighting the urge to curse in front of Eri. “Ehahhhahahhaha, you brahhahahahhat! This ihihhihihihisn’t fahahahhahair!”
“He he he! Looks like you’re no match for the great Eri-EHH!” The little girl squealed when Bakugou suddenly lunged, gathering her up and gently tickling her back. “Ahehahahahahahahaha! Kahahhaahahahchy!”
“Who’s Kacchy? I’m the dreadful sea monster, remember? Forget eating your ship, I’m gonna eat YOU!” He roared playfully as he carried on tickling her, making Eri squeal and kick in glee. “I’m gonna roll you in flour, bake you and then eat you up bones and all!”
“Ahehahhhahahhaa! Nohohohoohohohoo!” Eri rolled out of his arms, running for her boat. “Stahhahay awhawhhahahay!” She squealed through her giggles as she grabbed her squishmellow, smacking him with it. “Tahhake that!”
“Oh, it is ON!” He grabbed the smallest squish he could find, lightly swatting back at her as she laughed herself silly. For someone so small, she sure could pack a hit!
“Oh no!” Eri cried, freezing Bakugou in his spot. The squishmellow she was using to attack had suddenly ripped open- a huge gaping hole in the side. Stuffing rolled down the couch, littering the floor. “Yuki…”
Yuki…oh shit. That was one of her favorite toys from the list.
“Oh man, kid…” Bakugou paled upon looking at the mess. Eri’s eyes filled with tears.
Bakugou looked at her, then at the toy. Then he sighed, pulling off the dragon hat.
“No tears, Doctor Eri. We have a patient to fix.” He announced, making her look up. “Hang on- I have something that can fix Yuki.
“I didn’t know you could sew!” Eri sat wide eyed as she watched Bakugou carefully stitch back up her toy, his handiwork slow but consistent. “Where’d you learn that?”
“A hero has tons of tricks.” Bakugou grinned at her, pushing the fallen stuffing back in as he went along. “My parents are in the fashion business. My dad makes clothes while my mom models them. I helped them out a few summers- mainly just taking care of rips and tears in the clothes.”
“Wow…” Eri leaned into her hands, taking it all in. “Papa…he got me Yuki as a present when I first started living here.”
Ah. That made sense why the plush was so faded. It also explained Eri’s reaction. “Did he now?”
“Mm-hm! He came home with it one day- told me it was a present for my birthday!” Eri smiled at the memory, cheeks flushing with fondness for her adoptive parents. “It wasn’t really my birthday, but it was the first real gift from Daddy and Papa- I love it very much.”
Bakugou didn’t have much to say about that, finishing off the last stitch before puffing Yuki up some. “There we go. Good as new- er; minus the big scar.”
Eri practically tackled him, hugging his arm with a teary grin. “Thank you, Kacchy. And I don’t mind the scar. All the people I love have them.”
That’s when he realized she was looking at him too, at the faded scars along his bicep.
“Heh, I guess they do.” He laughed through a thick voice.
“Alright- let’s see…which one kid?” Bakugou presented both meals to Eri, watching her look each one over. It was around the afternoon when he got a text from Aizawa; turns out they weren’t gonna be back until late that evening; meaning it was up to Bakugou to prepare her meal.
“Hmm…this one!” She pointed, pleased with her decision. Bakugou nodded, putting the other away before popping the pre-made meal into the microwave. “Daddy makes the best food!”
“He does.” Bakugou agreed, knowing just how good Aizawa was as a cook. “He once made-”
The microwave beeped and shook. Bakugou paled upon realizing his mistake.
Don’t press any of the odd buttons!
“ERI MOVE!” Bakugou ran at her, gathering her up and leaping just as the microwave exploded. Glass and semi cooked food flew across the kitchen, the smell of smoke strong as the inside of the microwave sizzled. A small flame remained within.
Bakugou blinked, then he looked over Eri. Besides looking utterly shocked, she didn’t have any wounds or burns. Nodding, he quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher, putting out the remains of the microwave. Once done, he grabbed a wooden spoon and batted out the plug. “There. Eri, are you okay?”
The girl seemed stunned, wide eyed and shaky. Bakugou kneeled before her, voice gentle. “Eri?”
“Erm…yeah. I’m okay.” She nodded, shaking out of her shock as she met his eye. “What about you?”
“Nothing broken here. Sorry I blew up dinner.” He laughed some, looking back at the mess. “Er…want pizza?”
~~~ “And that is that.” Bakugou huffed as he and Eri flopped into the couch, fairly exhausted. The kitchen was clean once more, and a box of pizza with only the crust remaining laid on the coffee table. In the background, a movie with talking fish carried on. Eri insisted it was a great movie. If he were being honest, she was right. “What a day. Sorry I kinda messed everything up, kid.”
“What do you mean? I had so much fun today!” She smiled up at him, sleepy. “We played pirates and sea monsters, you fixed Yuki, and we got to eat pizza and watch movies! I’m glad you came today, Kacchy.”
Bakugou grinned, something warm setting in his chest as she scooted closer to him, lying against his side. “I’m sure Mirio or Deku would have been better.”
“Maybe. But you’re great in your own way.” She yawned, huffing some before closing her eyes. “Thanks for being here, Kacchy…I appreciate it…”
“Eri?” He looked down to find her sleeping with a happy smile on her face. Chuckling, he petted back her hair away from her peaceful expression.
“Glad to be there for you kid.”
Thanks for reading!
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hiya! May I ask for a fluff alphabet for Price, if you haven't done that already. Since I saw in a recent post you only do 8-9 letters at a time now (which is okay!), may I specifically ask for: A, B, C, F, G, H, N, & Q? Thank you! 💗
Hey there! Sure you can! I've been in the mood to write something for Price anyway, so this came at a good time ^^
Fluff Alphabet for Price
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
On the one hand, he really loves going out to do something with you. Something along the lines of the occasional short hike, taking care of your shared garden or even just taking a stroll through the city, taking in all the sights and finding new ones you weren’t previously aware of. Those are things he likes to do when he’s been home for a while now. However, if he’s gotten home not too long ago then he’d much rather just stay in and sleep a little bit. Will want to cuddle you or just have you be his background noise. Don’t be mad at him if he dozes off while you’re watching a movie together, he’s just extremely tired and needs that rest.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires how resilient you are. Price knows that life isn’t easy, that it always makes an effort to throw one impossible thing after another at you, but you never seem to give up. No matter how rough life gets, no matter how often it knocks you down, you always get up, dust yourself off and continue to smile. Even if it really took its toll on you, you strive to make your life better. Although it may get you down when you’ve had the worst day of your life, you still won’t stay down forever. You do what you can, and that’s what Price loves about you.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
When you’re sad he’ll give you a hug, provided you’re okay with it. He’s a very good hugger, his hugs are very comforting and warm. Afterwards he’ll put on your favorite movie or series and watch it with you. If enough time has passed and you still feel down, then he’ll cook something you really like. Although he knows he can’t make the sadness go away forever, he’ll try to temporarily cheer you up. If you need to talk, if you need some advice, he’s also your man. If you have a panic attack then he’ll try to calm you down by taking you to a location with few people. Price can talk for a while if he needs to, so he’ll ask you to focus on his voice. Might also give you a rather simple task to take your mind off of things, such as counting backwards from 100.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
If it’s you, then he would forgive pretty easily, as long as it’s not something too big. If you accidentally knock down a mug he likes, then he might sigh and be annoyed, but he’ll forgive you. If you cheat on him, then he won’t. He’s usually calm and collected, even while fighting. Sure, he could be aggressive towards you and snap at you, but he loves you, so he tries not to. It’s sort of obvious when he is annoyed, his sentences become much shorter and he’ll actively try to get away from you. Won’t yell at you, won’t do any erratic movements either, but if he’s too angry then he’ll simply walk away from you until he’s calmed down.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Yes, he is aware and he is very grateful. How could he not be? You have the patience of a saint when it comes to him. He knows it’s rough to be with someone who is part of the military, he’s away more often than not, but you still decided to stay with him. You cook for him when he’s tired, you draw him a bath when he’s sore, you reassure him when he feels like you deserve better than him. You’re so much more than what he deserves, he doesn’t feel like he could ever repay you for everything you’re doing for him. He tries, though, but it’s never enough. Price could give you the universe and it wouldn’t suffice.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Aside from the obvious, such as military intel, he doesn’t really hide anything from you. Price doesn’t see the point in keeping secrets from you. You’re together, aren’t you? You deserve to know just about anything about him. He might not tell you everything from the get go, but once you’re close enough you can ask him about anything. You wanna know about his time as a private? Sure. How he came to be a captain? Yeah, he can talk about it. Just ask and he’ll likely tell you. But in the same vein he hopes that you trust him enough to tell him just about anything as well.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He doesn’t really use very many nicknames. Just the classic ones, such as “love”, “sweetheart” and “dear”. Sometimes he feels the urge to call you “sunshine”, but he usually represses that since that’s what he’s called his soldiers before. As much as it would fit you, he tries not to bring work home. He likes to call you by your name too, though. But aside from that there’s nothing he really calls you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He can keep calm in just about any situation, so he won’t lash out on you. He has an air of authority to him, so it’s not too often that someone is being a dick to him. And that extends to you as well. Price is a well respected man, so not very many people will come up to you and demand something from you. You, too, will be respected by most people, he’ll make sure of that. Regardless of whether you’re shy and timid or loud and boisterous, no one will bad mouth you. Price can fight, he will protect you. He will also fight for your honor if he needs to. He may have self restraint most of the time, but no one should ever talk badly about his partner.
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fujii-draws · 3 months
Summary: As a zephyr of light wind passed the cloaked wraith. The bustling, lively sounds and sights of Treasure town are unable to capture his attention. For the Gripper Pokémon was too busy tending to a certain pup, gently resting in his arms.
[Word Count: 3731]
‘Riolu, Emanation Pokémon’
‘It is a widely known fact that riolu’s have a tendency to curl up and nestle into Pokémon they fully trust. Though, a rare phenomenon, seeing as they can sense one’s intentions. You’d be lucky to have one of them even remotely tolerate you.’
…It’d been text from a book Dusknoir had picked up recently out of morbid curiosity, mainly as to figure out why a certain young aura pup with him had been so… needy. Suffice to say, the answer he’d gotten did not disappoint, feeling a great sense of pride, and fondness swelling deep inside his chest.
Speaking of…
…An Aura pokémon had been slumbering peacefully on the ghost-type for the past hour or so— having curled himself into a tiny ball on Dusknoir’s scarred chest. It was a foreign feeling. Yet it endeared the specter to the riolu. The cloaked ghost could feel the small aura pup’s breathing, as well as his little heart, beating rhythmically within his small body.
Rather than picking up the boy and letting him lay on the grass… Dusknoir had kept him close. Even going as far as to take extra precautionary measures ensuring the young pup had been comfortable. The Gripper Pokémon’s giant hand reached for the Relic fragment and red scarf wrapped around his yellow neck fur—gently loosening it with his index finger and thumb. Before placing it on the soft patch of grass.
It was a strange feeling, having something barely as big as Dusknoir’s hand, peacefully dozing on him without a single hint of fear …If anything, he’d assumed his imposing stature would scare the riolu away. But seeing Aimilios… it made the ghost-type feel… calm. Dare he goes far as to say a little delighted, especially when putting into consideration the circumstances around it.
Normally the riolu would be working himself a mile-a-minute, having been too anxious to rest for even a second with the dreaded ‘Time Gear thief’ on the loose. Everyone at the guild, including his own Eevee partner, had begged for the Riolu to calm down. To rest. That Grovyle would be captured in due time… yet to no avail. So to see the young, agitated Pokémon… finally having a moment of peace… It had made Dusknoir slightly protective of the Riolu, wanting to ensure that the poor, young pup got his much needed rest.
Any Treasure Town residents that had passed the two Pokémon had been met with a simple nod of acknowledgement, or finger hovering under his red and gold eye in a ‘shushing’-like motion. He’d sometimes even glare at certain Pokémon who were being obnoxiously loud. Which usually did the trick. But every single time, the ghost-type’s attention would fall back to the little pup.
“Mmn… nngh…”
Aimilios had let out a tiny yawn, before shifting to sleep on his other side. Dusknoir found himself smiling towards this small action, gently reaching his massive hand towards the riolu.
“Tired little one, aren’t you..?” Dusknoir hummed, petting his fur gently.
“..Mhm..” Aimilios unconsciously responded with his eyes closed. He yawns, before nuzzling into the ghost even further.
“I see.” Dusknoir chuckles out, responding humorfully towards the riolu’s… clearly concise response.
The sleepy aura pup used his tiny paws to hold onto Dusknoir— His equally small tail and knees curling in an admittedly endearing attempt to hide from the cold. That’d go without even mentioning the momentary twitching of his ears— all of which endeared the cloaked ghost-type even further towards the riolu.
He bellows a chuckle, continuing to pet the fighting-type with his large hand— humming to himself. Dusknoir continued to watch over the riolu fondly, securing the small fighting-type safe in his arms— offering warmth as he continued to watch him idly with a half-lidded eye. As the pup held onto Dusknoir unconsciously… he couldn't help but wonder… where did his trust in the ghost-type spawn from so quickly…?
Despite his positive reputation as “The Great Dusknoir '' perceiving him, aswell as saving him and Ribbons from Amp plains… he knew just how easily frightened Aimilios was. Especially considering the reputation and intimidating features ghost-types are known for… and that’s without touching upon the sizable differences compared to the pup. It played a small factor in why Aimilios evaded him and his affections in the beginning.
Dusknoir knew his hand alone was probably big enough to equal that of the riolu’s body size- it wouldn’t be difficult to snuff the life out of him with a single, bone-crushing grip-- to be done with his mission…
And yet…
…There Aimilios was, gingerly sleeping on the ghost-type after a long, somewhat eventful day.
…Just an hour ago, the Gripper Pokémon had been reading under a shaded tree, wanting to take in the world of the past as much as possible before his inevitable return to the dark, bleak future that had awaited him. It was… a nice and rare leisurely pass time for the ghost; Dusknoir wanted to savor every bit of it. It comes to a halt however, when he sees something in the corner of his eye.
A frozen riolu, who’d been staring at Dusknoir from afar. It was rather obvious he was trying to muster up the courage to interact with the ghost-type. With a smile, Dusknoir decided to invite the riolu over— humming with a nod.
Off in the distance, Aimilios… clearly wasn’t expecting an offer from the famous Dusknoir to come sit with him. Judging from how caught off-guard he’d been. The cloaked specter only chuckled at the riolu doing a double-take; looking both ways before pointing to himself. He’d almost yelped when he saw Dusknoir signaling him over, giving him the go to come near… It felt almost unreal to the fighting-type. Trying to hide his fear, (and excitement), Aimilios awkwardly shuffles his way towards the Great explorer.
…At first it’d been rather quiet; with Dusknoir reading and Aimilios staring up at the sky, with the occasional, unsubtle glimpse of the book the ghost-type had been reading. Dusknoir didn’t mind however, pretending to not notice the riolu’s obvious interest. Not wanting to put the riolu on the spot so suddenly.
He allowed the curious pup to peer over his shoulder, pretending to be oblivious to the riolu’s excitement. It was until Aimilios piped up with the tiniest, excited bark; pointing at one of the passages the cloaked specter had skimmed, that he finally acknowledged the riolu. Aimilios almost immediately apologized for the outburst, (almost as formally as Dusknoir, which humored the ghost-type.) but Dusknoir only raised an eyebrow, shifting the book closer to make it easier for the both of them to read.
“O-oh!-“ Aimilios stuttered. “I’m sorry Mr. Dusknoir, sir! I didn’t mean t-to—!”
“No no, by all means!” Dusknoir boisterously spoke, shaking his head. “I’d quite enjoy your company. It was beginning to get rather quiet.”
The large ghost-type smiled warmly, the wrinkles in his eye folding up. Dusknoir preferred silence— but he’d added in that last bit to ease the riolu’s nerves— curious to see more of this side of Aimilios.
The ghost patted the patch of grass, signaling Aimilios to sit near him. He awkwardly scoots over— falling strangely silent once more… but with a little reassurance and time, the aura pup had started to wag his tail, excitedly pointing from passage-to-passage with enthusiasm. Not only eagerly asking the ghost-type questions about certain things within the book, but also explaining passages to him… displaying his sharp-wit and intellect despite his younger age.
Aimilios’s brightness and eagerness to learn, mesmerized Dusknoir, to put it lightly. He’d never seen this side to the riolu before, despite hearing from Ribbons— his smaller, more louder Eevee partner, plenty of times. Which piqued Dusknoir’s interest, but he never quite got to see it.
…Not until now that is.
Dusknoir had always assumed from their first interaction… that he’d done something to upset the Riolu. What he hadn’t accounted, was for the small child to pick up on some of his mannerisms. Psychoanalyzing the large revenant with terrifying accuracy. Something Aimilios stopped doing when he felt the renowned explorer staring at him for a little too long.
The cloaked revenant felt a shift in the fighting-type’s demeanor when Aimilios read his aura for the very first time; around when they conversed at the Kelceon Market, to be more specific. Going from a soft-spoken, yet starry-eyed pup… into a more uncomfortable, timid form— hiding behind his smaller partner. He saw this same, apprehensive look in the Riolu’s eye when they were on the beach. Where Dusknoir had insisted that he ‘unfortunately’ didn’t have any information to spare regarding his Eevee partner’s memory. The wraith sensed Aimilios’s sudden want to leave when he presumably absorbed the nauseating aura radiating from him.
This… admittedly somewhat saddened the large ghost-type. He didn’t understand why he seeked the small aura pup’s acquiescence the way he did. But it hurt to see the aura pup’s blood pressure spike whenever he’d gotten near. Perhaps… because of how terrified and shy Aimilios was… he reminded the battle-scarred phantom of himself when he was a meek Duskull.
Compared to his partner, who he seemed to already have wrapped around his finger, it was clear to the cloaked specter how much more patience and maintenance the riolu required. Being extra cautious and kind around the fragile pup. Making himself out to be approachable as possible as he sought out the young fighting-type. Taking priority in the riolu’s as he took him under his wing, personally training and educating the young pup. In one-on-one sessions together.
It didn’t take long for the rest of Treasure town to see the clear special treatment he’d been giving the Riolu. Ribbons were also an exception, but it was clear how much less tense and strict the Great Dusknoir had become around the Aura Pokémon.
He’d greeted other Pokémon in the township rather professionally, but when Aimilios had approached and tugged on his cloak sheepishly. It felt as if the ghost-type became an entirely different Pokémon— floating closer to the ground and extending careful hands towards the pup as he warmly greeted him.
Though the majority of his kindness had been fabricated towards the beginning…Dusknoir’s gestures slowly grew to be more genuine. It was indescribable. To see the timid riolu slowly grow more comfortable around him. Whether it’d been a small smile, or watching as the small Pokémon reached for his large hand. Curling his black mittened paw over his finger as the pup rambled on about what he was previously telling the now endeared specter. Holding his paw back with a gentle squeeze.
Aimilios looked happy merely seeing another Pokémon take him and his interests seriously. Dusknoir couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment, being able to aid in breaking the riolu out of his shell… The pup had gone on and on… to the point of tuckering himself out.
Eventually leading to where they were now. Finding the same, reticent aura pup… sleeping comfortably on him. Dusknoir’s cloak tendrils curl around in a protective barrier at the mere sight alone. Dusknoir simply watched over Aimilios as he continued to cling onto him like a baby Komala... It was a sight the Gripper Pokémon had been taking in for the past hour.
The Gripper Pokémon observed quietly as Aimilios woke up—in the form of a little stretch whilst yawning, smacking his lips. The fighting-type rubbed his eyes open, whirling his head left and right—looking as if he’d been trying to figure out which continent he was on.
“This…” Aimilios groggily begins. “…isn’t the guild…”
Dusknoir’s stomach maw parted slightly, letting out a low, rumbling chuckle at the now awakening Riolu. Aimilios’s eyes drift upwards, squinting at the source of the noise… only to find himself on top of the gargantuan wraith’s chest.
“No, I do not believe it to be so either.” The gargantuan wraith lightly jokes.
“D-Dusknoir..?!” He exclaimed, staring up at the cloaked ghost-type that’d been holding him for the past hour, his tail frizzing out visibly as his ears and black appendages perked up.
“Good afternoon, Aimilios.“ Dusknoir chuckled out in a playful wit, continuing to lightly tease the young riolu.
“W-why am I here..?! Did I..?” Aimilios frantically sputtered. He nearly leapt off the dusknoir; his paws hoisting his upper body as he continued to whip his head left and right. Interrupting Dusknoir with his frenzied panic.
“…Aimilios?” Dusknoir had stopped smiling at this point, his worry increasing from the Riolu’s frantic movement. “Please, try to calm down— I don’t understand-“
“O-oh no— oh no no no—!“ Aimilios holds his paws on his face in disbelief; red pupils shrink as more and more intrusive thoughts fill the aura pup’s mind— “I didn’t mean to—!”
…Dusknoir admittedly felt horrible, slightly raising his voice towards the panicking riolu. But it was the only way he could stop whatever train of thought Aimilios was having right in its tracks.
“Just slow down.” He cuts the terrified aura pup off, stroking his face with his huge, scarred thumb. Calming the small riolu. His words prove effective, seeing as Aimilios froze completely per Dusknoir’s request. He continues to pet the riolu, trying to calm the little one down.
“…It’s quite alright.” He says, already have forgiven the young fighting-type— his soft smile not leaving his face. “Now… Did you rest well?”
Aimilios stares wide eyed, almost bewildered by the ghost’s question. After a couple of seconds have passed, he coyly looks away, nodding slightly with the tiniest ‘mhm.’
Another low chuckle.
“I'm glad to hear.”
Despite this, Aimilios looks away from the giant wraith, almost ashamed of his actions. Dusknoir’s expression contorts to that of slight worry.
“…What troubles you?” The large specter asks, his head slightly tilting in confusion at the riolu’s movements.
“Wh-why didn’t you wake me up…?”
“Pardon..?” Dusknoir eye widens slightly. Aimilios breaking away eye contact as he does.
“…W-With all due respect Dusknoir sir..!-“ Aimilios yelps. “Y-You could’ve just told me to leave you alone…! You didn’t have to wait that entire time just for me to w-wake up..!”
“You looked peaceful.” Dusknoir calmly stated. “I did not intend to disturb you.”
“Wh?- Why not..!?” Aimilios shouts near the end, covering his mouth with his paws towards his outburst. The riolu now having gotten the ghost-type’s full attention, who looked down towards the young Pokemon in concern.
“Was there something you were planning to do today?” Dusknoir woes. “Forgive me, Aimilios. If I had known, I would have—
“That’s not it..!”
“Then… what is?” Dusknoir had sat up more straightly at this point; giving his full, undivided attention to the terrified riolu. The ghost-type’s expression is filled with concentration; traces of worry added into the mix.
“Excuse me for my bluntness… but… I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to tell me.”
Aimilios looks bewildered at the last part of Dusknoir’s sentence.
“I-I mean-..! You’re the Dusknoir..!” Aimilios exclaims. Gesturing to the ghost with both of his paws stretched out. “You’re the world renowned explorer of the Grass-continents..! You probably had a bunch of important work you could’ve been doing…!”
Dusknoir’s expression shifts slightly.
“…You didn’t have to wait on a nobody like me…” Aimilios pouts. “I-I would’ve gotten out of your way if you’d just told me-“
Aimilios is cut off rather abruptly by the cloaked ghost. He feels himself suddenly being cradled against the phantom’s body. His cloaking wrapped all around the grass and riolu in a protective, outer ring. Dusknoir makes quiet shushing noises in an attempt to soothe the little riolu. Aimilios feels his stress slowly evaporate the longer he’s held. The young fighting-type shuts his eyes as he sinks a little into the soft, dark-gray like flesh.
“Is that all..?”
“Aimilios.” Dusknoir began softly, yet with assuredness in his words. “You need not worry about how I spend my time. Whether it be work, job requests, or even to sign autographs.” He inhales a deep breath, before sighing melancholically. “That being said…”
The Gripper Pokémon rubs the side of his face with his large thumb in circular motions in an attempt to console the self-deprecating Riolu. He cups the riolu’s face with his large, battle-scarred palms, making certain that the young boy was looking at him when he says his next words. “I wished to spend my time with you. I wanted to be here, regardless of whatever duties I could have been attending to.”
Aimilios looks up at Dusknoir with his glassy eyes. His words getting through to him once more.
“So rest… I won’t be going anywhere, lest you request me to.”
“……” The riolu stares at the ghostly giant for quite some time. Bewildered by the sheer authenticity of his words. All while the same, soft expression never leaving his eye. Aimilios was trying to find a hint of irony or perhaps even cruel sarcasm… but all he sees is Dusknoir’s real and faux, gold eyes. Smiling softly.
“Y-You mean it…?”
“I do.”
“And…” Aimilios stutters “Y-you don’t mind…?”
Dusknoir brings the riolu closer to him.
“Not one bit.”
“………okay.” Aimilios mumbled, barely audible, but just loud enough for Dusknoir to hear. He sees Aimilios no longer fighting to keep his eyes open. Dusknoir softly smiles once more. He watches Aimilios shifting around to get more comfortable— balling both of his little paws into fists. The Riolu huddles into himself once more. Something in the riolu’s chest twinges with a warm feeling when he sees Dusknoir gathering him closer into his arms… Aimilios smiles at Dusknoir one last time— before returning to his sleep. Being held gently by the large figure watching over him.
A nod, Aimilios willingly allowing himself to go limp in Dusknoir’s embrace. The ghost-type feels the young riolu smiling.
“I’m glad to hear it.” A large, gentle finger reaches to move the black appendage covering Aimilios’s face. He stared fondly at the aura pup, who was now finally allowing himself to be vulnerable around Dusknoir… the ghost’s mind wanders back to the book he’d been reading. About how difficult it was to gain the trust of a Pokémon such as Aimilios, considering their built-in lie-detector in aura sensing… and how much trust he put in Dusknoir.
“…...” a slight shadow fell over the ghost’s face as more sinister, deadpan expression twisted in the specter’s eye— looking away from Aimilios.
How it pained him knowing soon that Aimilios would come to realize how foolish he’d been, trusting a deceptive Pokémon such as himself.
But for now…He’d indulge in this moment… he’ll take in the scene laying right before him. Of when Aimilios still trusted in him. He’ll carry out this meaningless delusion… just a little longer.
“Rest well…little stalwart…” Dusknoir hummed softly. Gazing at the Aura Pokémon once more with the same fondness he’d been looking at him since he’d first slept. His cloak wisps and surrounds the small fighting-type— swaying and curling in-tune with the ghost’s emotions towards Aimilios. The time for their confrontation will come, but for now…
…He’ll keep Aimilios happy.
For as much time as he has left.
Dusknoir stayed true to his word as he held the small riolu until sundown. Orange-pink skies were now replaced with a star-filled night overhead. A black, yet beautiful tranquility fell upon the town and its residents as the revenant took in the majestic view. Nights in the present were much better in comparison to the empty future.
The ghost-type’s attention is promptly stolen by the young pup, sleeping gently in his arms. A small bit of warmth from the aura pokemon leaked into his chest from the time spent cradling him. Keeping the little one from freezing with insulation. But it was clear from the way Aimilios began shivering that his thin fur coat wasn’t enough to brace the elements.
“Let’s get you somewhere warm, shall we?” The cloaked revenant spoke to the unconscious aura pup, still smiling at the sight.
Dusknoir grabbed the Relic Fragment and red scarf laying on the patch soft grass. Now holding the riolu’s belongings in his fist, the revenant begins departing onwards, floating straight to Wigglytuff’s guild.
He was aware of the curfew set for guild members. Primed of the knowledge thanks to a certain nosy brown fox. Dusknoir really had to speak with Ribbons’ snooping activities, especially regarding her guildmates’… personal journals. The ghost-type floated stealthily by the perched bird. Sparing the aura pup from a harsh scolding that would have awaited him in the morning.
The giant specter floated silently past the other guildmates’ rooms through the narrow hallway. He noticed Aimilios grimacing in his sleep as they went by Loudred’s room. Which Dusknoir empathized with as soon as he heard the same, ear-splitting snore roaring from within. No wonder the poor boy hadn’t gotten any sleep.
Upon entering Team Hope’s dormitory, Dusknoir is greeted with the sight of a slumbering Eevee. Laying flat on her back with her maw agape— drool dripping from the side of her mouth. If her hind legs twitching was any to go by— It was clear the Eevee was dreaming about… something. What that was could be anyone’s guess, Dusknoir internally chuckled to himself. Her snores, while not as loud as her purple companion, were… unnatural to say the least. Sighing heavily, the cloaked wraith hovers over Aimilios's haybed. But stops himself halfway.
Almost hesitant to let go.
Between the Riolu and his vixen partner, physical contact with the young Eevee was much, much common. Ribbons would almost always be located somewhere around his body— mainly his ruffs. Dusknoir thoroughly enjoyed her company, despite her complete disregard for personal space.
Then there was the Riolu, who was the complete opposite.
Any attempts made at getting physically closer to the riolu were met with shy declines. Most of which, we’re always laced with a hint of fear, looking up at the ghost type before backing away slowly. Which the Gripper Pokémon understood. It was a given, afterall. Ghost-types we’re not known for their positive reputation or welcoming looks. Even if Aimilios was starstruck— he would only retreat from Dusknoir at the very last second.
So when the aura pup finally felt comfortable enough to not only climb on his stomach to better study the book he’d been skimming. But to fall asleep right on his chest…?
It felt almost sacred.
After moments of contemplation, the hesitant wraith gently placed the young Pokémon down. The Riolu didn’t make it any easier on the elder ghost-type, who kept clinging onto him as he tried to let go. Once detached from Aimilios, Dusknoir floats back the way he came. Not before taking one, final glance towards the sleeping pup.
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
I know in your Red Knight AU, Jason when on the rampage in another realm, after finding out that Batman replace him with another Robin.
Did Danny manage to be there for him during that time?
He did! Danny was always there for Jason. He actually wanted to chase after Jason immediately, but luckily, the first thing he did was panic call Jazz, absolutely out of his mind. Jazz promptly told Danny to let Jason have some space for a little bit to process.
Which was for the best, really. Jason needed to not feel like he was trapped and that he could be angry. He never really got that before. But the most important thing is Danny came after him and brought him home. Jason needed to feel like he could be angry, but also, like his anger wouldn't mean he'd be punished or abandoned. It was a very delicate time for him, but Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, and all our favorite ghosts made sure Jason knew he was very much wanted still. And that he was utterly irreplaceable.
Skulker handled this by breaking all of his weapons and suits overnight and saying he didn't know how to fix them. (Jason very much knew what he was doing, but the time spent on fixing things helped ground him)
Ember handled this by announcing that she couldn't possibly ever sing ever again unless her only other band member was there (Still very obvious, but music time with Ember usually devolved into very necessary crying time. A lot of ice cream was consumed)
Johnny and Kitty handled this by getting into a MASSIVE fight and refusing to speak to each other unless Jason mediated. (This actually was far less obvious, as the two tend to get into fights often. No one is actually certain if the fight was fake or not to this day, but they also haven't broken up once since and Jason is incredibly proud of that)
Fright Knight handled this by.... well, actually, he took the blunt approach and told Jason there was no one in any realm dead or alive he'd ever consider worthy to be his apprentice besides Jason. (This was highly effective as Frighty has always been bluntly honest with Jason. He didn't wholly believe it but it was a comfort. Frighty then beat his ass in a spar and he didn't think of much else)
Basically, everyone was there for Jason. Not just Danny. Jason was made to feel like his anger and hurt were valid, because they were. But he was also not just told, but shown how precious he was to every life he touched. He didn't get it, not at first and he struggled to really believe it.
It wasn't until later, after Danny opened up more about his own trauma and the effects it had on him that Jason actually began to somewhat understand more of what Jazz meant when she said Danny was getting better. He pieced more of the story together from the others to paint a better picture, and that's when it clicked for him. As much as he needed Danny, Danny had needed him just as much. (Clockwork may have had a hand in this as well, but whatever those two talked about, no one will ever know)
Also, as an aside, once everything calmed down, Danny was very pleased to learn the rebelling realm was now back under control and quite terrified of the Ghost King and his Knight. It saved him so much paperwork.
So yeah, this was a bit all over the place, but hopefully, it answers your question. Team Phantom and the ghosts are basically a very large family, and they might fight and bicker, but they seriously pull through and muster together if anyone is hurting. They're a bit clumsy sometimes with it, but the love they all feel is very obvious. I really, really wanted to give Jason a much more healthy origin story into becoming Red Hood than he got in canon. The poor boy went through enough. It was past time for him to get to heal.
Jason still has some hangups. His abandonment issues are still there, and his fear of rejection. But it's not as bad as it was, and because he'd been allowed to express his anger without being punished(or enabled, anger is a fine emotion to feel. But you should never let it consume you) for it, he figured out how to manage it.
He might still slip now, and then, he has trauma, and that won't go away. But Danny will never, ever let him fall. Neither will the rest of the weird little eclectic family they've built.
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I had to
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violetlunette · 1 year
Quickie TWST AU!
So, I was thinking to myself that, in a way, Silver and Lilia are each other’s true (platonic) love, right? (Or at least Lilia’s Silver’s true love.) Because of this, Silver was able to wake from his blessed sleep. So, what if after Lilia leaves or dies, Silver falls back into his eternal sleep? After thinking this, I came up with an AU where Lilia dies after Malleus’ over blot and because his “true love/ soul mate” is gone, Silver can’t wake up. And so, Malleus takes Silver to his castle and does his best to look after him. Hundreds of years later when even Malleus is old and Lilia’s reincarnation shows up, his heart having been drawn to the castle and the sleeping boy.
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chowmoon2 · 3 months
Yeah,we all heard of Kirby Danganronpa AUs but here is my proposition:
A Kirby Your Turn to Die AU
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triglycercule · 2 months
wanna draw baby mtt so bad but not home.... ever since i got that damn ipad i can't draw on my phone ever.... wanna draw mtt as adorable children in elementary school dealing with playground drama like who gets the ball.... wanna draw au where everyone is a schoolgirl because women and adorable outfits are my weaknesses...... jk au save me jk!継続組 save me PLEAZE i wanna draw mtt as cute schoolgirls wearing nanchatte seifuku... dream andbnightmare as the popular girls and ink as the artsy kid and swap as a cool sporty girl and cross and epic and fell and classic and geno and reaper and Ygggggghhhhh.... me when....... me when cute skirts and button ups and bows and mary janes and cardigans. someone wrap a chlorifoam rag around ny neck and drag me home
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rukki-lill · 1 year
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good old-fashioned lover boys!! <3
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solomonssock · 2 years
Delicate Love
Not the way I was kicking my feet while writing this…anyway, I love Asmodeus :)
Pairing: gn!reader x Asmodeus (established relationship!)
TW: Brief suggestive content (it's Asmodeus), a lot of fluff...like intense fluff and wooing by you, exploring courting behavior, brief non-canon Devildom history exploration, death mentioned but not discussed seriously,,,,uhh I think that's all! Let me know if there's anything else, ty!
Word Count: ~3,400
"Mo, you know I adore you, and I'd do anything to make you the happiest demon alive."
You heave a sigh as you finally slide into the booth beside Asmodeus, leaning back to sink into the cushioned lining.
"But I'm never going on a shopping haul with you ever again."
You groan and begin massaging out the indents littering your arms from the bag handles you'd lugged around for the past couple of hours.
Right now, you'd enjoy nothing more than sitting across from your lover on your weekly scheduled date day. It's a lovely thought: fingers tangled atop the table as you lean in for a sweet kiss or two, admiring him and his coy smile as you tell him all the ways he makes your heart whole. 
Unfortunately, that space is currently occupied. 
You glare at the copious amount of shopping bags piled on the seat across from you two. In retrospect, offering to carry all his bags in the first place was a rash decision. But you bore the agony with pride. The spring in his step as he flittered around the racks with ease, batting his eyelashes at you all the while, was payment enough. With his birthday right around the corner, it also had the added benefit of making it easier for you to sneak your own purchase, custom matching anklets for the two of you, among the pile.
 Glancing to your side, you watch as Amodeus pulls out his D.D.D. to scan the menu QR code before scrolling through the options. He turns to you with a smirk, eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Aww, you don't mean that! You love spending time with me. Aaand," he drags out the word as he leans against your side, gazing deep into your eyes with his usual intensity, "if you hadn't come, you would have missed out on your private show." 
Warmth rises to your cheeks as you recall the heated kisses Asmodeus snuck inside the dressing room, pressing you up against the stall door in between outfit changes.
"Seemed to me like you enjoyed yourself," he chuckles, "and weren't the outfits just so cute! Especially that last little number, don't you agree?"
You do. 
Asmodeus had strutted out of the stall with a lacy red lingerie top tucked into tight leather shorts. Slowly and sensually, he pulled on the knee high boots one after the other before requesting that you zip them up for him. Teasingly running his fingers through your hair as you kneeled before him, promising to wear it for you on your next night out together.  
"The clothes were cute, but I was more focused on the model." You knock your knee against Asmodeus's as you wrap an arm around his waist and pull him closer into you. 
Gently, you lift your hand to his cheek, brushing your knuckles over the skin before pressing your forehead against his own.
"It's all just additional, anyway. Your beauty isn't confined by any pretty piece you put on." 
His eyes shift away from yours, and you know you've hit a sore spot.
For some time since you two started dating officially, Asmodeus had become increasingly stricter on his skincare routines. Often cycling through new products weekly. You weren't sure what he was searching for, but he'd become meticulous with just about anything to do with his appearance. Accepting no less than perfection before meeting with you.
You weren't even allowed to come into his room in the morning anymore before he had a chance to see himself.
"I mean it," you tilt his chin to face you before pressing a kiss to his cheek, the corner of his mouth, and his lips. 
"However you come to me, I'll love you all the same." 
Asmodeus pushes his face into the space between your collar and jaw, trembling just a bit. You tighten your hold on him as you move a hand up to run through his hair, smiling as you feel the onset of a light purr thrumming against your side. 
"Hmm, love you too." The mumbled words tickle your skin as he presses a kiss against your neck.
You take a moment to look around the cafe and smile as you see plenty of other couples taking up the tables near you. Most of them are holding hands, intertwining tails, or pressing up against their partner as Asmodeus does to you now. 
Touch, you remember, is something sacred.
Earlier this week, you joined Satan on a trip to the Royal Library. There, you stumbled across a collection on courtship etiquette and decided to peek through a couple of volumes. The first one you picked up broached the subject of touch.
"Allowing another to place their hands upon you in public, especially in an intimate display, signifies to them and your company several things. First, that you entrust this demon with your body, permitting them to freely handle you. Second, that you find comfort in or openly desire them and their presence. The manner in which you permit them to touch you and its implications will be addressed in Chapter 4. Third, that you find them worthy of witnessing your vulnerabilities and trust them to tend to you when you are at your weakest. This has the additional benefit of informing your company whom to seek out in case of any emergencies. Therefore, if you have no intention of pursuing someone or inviting them into your close circle, it is advisable to abstain from intimate or prolonged contact. You don't want to be seen as an indecisive and inconsiderate heartbreaker, do you? "
For demons, you've recognized that tender or friendly touches are extended only to their loved ones. The casual touch you were accustomed to in the human world: hugging, rubbing someone's back, reaching for someone's hand, even grabbing a loose eyelash, means something deeper here. It had finally clicked for you then, as to why Lucifer had found your tendency to casually high five him and his brothers so peculiar during the start of the program.
It also explains why Asmodeus seems to be most at ease when he hides into your neck like now. It reassures him, you figured, of just how deeply you trust in him to protect you as you let his fangs graze the skin and run over the veins that lie beneath. 
The neck, after all, is one of the weakest parts of the human body.
"So," you give Asmodeus a soft squeeze, "finally gonna tell me why you've been wanting to come here?" 
All week, Asmodeus had mentioned how excited he was to take you to this cafe on your date day. It was the new hot spot for couples in the Devildom, he teased, and you two obviously being the hottest couple were duty bound to go. That in itself was fine, but for the hot spot he claimed it to be, you hadn't heard a single thing about it. It didn't help that Asmodeus wouldn't tell you the name or spill any details. You just had to be patient and hope he wasn't taking you somewhere...overstimulating.
The cafe is more tame than you expected, and quite romantic too. Flowers top the booths, loop through the hanging chandeliers, and create a pleasantly sweet aroma. At the center of each table, a heart shaped candle burns its wick as it sits atop the welcome card with the menu QR code. The walls are covered in paintings of what you suspect are well-known lovers in Devildom history. Among the demonic pairings, you surprisingly find one couple you recognize, Orpheus and Eurydice performing together in death. 
"I get why it's so popular. It's really nice in here," you murmur, gaze turning towards the heart shaped candle to watch the flame flicker to-and-fro.
Focused on the burn, your eyes follow the wax as it melts and trickles off the bottom edge of the heart, leisurely sliding down until it pools into the dish it rests upon. You snort in amusement at the imagery it inspires.
Man, you've got it bad.
Asmodeus jolts from the sound, reluctantly pulling away from you with a small pout on his lips. Yet, his hands still settle on your waist, balling up the fabric there. 
"What's so funny? I was comfortable, you know," he grumbles. You smile, tilting your head as you lift your hand to briefly squeeze his left arm. 
"It's pretty silly, but...", you nod towards the table, "when I was looking at that candle and how the heart drips downward; the first thing I thought of was you."
"It reminds me of your true form," you begin to draw hearts onto his arm, mapping out the markings as you remember them. "I was thinking about how beautiful these are."
Asmodeus's hands release your top, smoothing out the fabric, before they settle again.
"Especially, when you hug me,"  you hum. 
It's a struggle to put into words, the right words, how much you love and appreciate someone. But for Asmodeus, you'll try. 
"This is going to sound ridiculous, but don't be mean," you flush, "I...sometimes think of how your markings droop down, like they're in search of something. And I hope it's me." 
You rearrange his scarf as it begins to fall out of place, taking care to put it where he likes it best; tossed over his shoulder. 
"You're sort of like the flame too, you know?"
You let out an awkward chuckle. Asmodeus hasn't said anything. So, fidgeting more with the scarf, you press onward. 
"You're so bright that everyone can't help but admire the warmth that flows from you...even me," you confess.
"Your confidence just makes me want to be more confident in myself. Like, I appreciate that I can be myself around you and that even if you don't always get my style, you look for things you know I'll love."
"Your brothers can complain about how you're self-centered, but I know how wonderful of a listener you are. I always feel understood by you. It's kind of freaky, actually," you laugh, "sometimes I feel like you understand me better than I understand myself!"
"But," you pause and pull your hands back as your gaze returns to the candle and what rests below it, "I want to be like the dish. Your dish."
"I see how all of it exhausts you, Mo. Beloved by all, but known by none."
You know you've hit the bullseye when you hear him take a sharp breath.
"Well, that doesn't have to be true - we can change that. I want to keep getting to know you, to be with you at your best and your worst. So...you don't have to hide or push yourself too much when it comes to me. You're a resilient demon, but I'm happy to be the shoulder you continue to lean on."  
You sigh with a small smile, finally letting the words you've been stewing over for weeks burst free from your chest. Yeah, It's embarrassing to say these things so plainly. But it's freeing too. It's not something humans do much anymore, so casual in their confessions and in how quickly they pick up, drop, or cycle through their partners. But if it means he'll understand that you're ready to accept him just as he is, that he doesn’t have to change himself to earn your love, then it's worth it. 
You turn to face Asmodeus and gasp at the captivating sight before you.
Butterflies erupt and flutter in your stomach in response to the blush that spreads across his skin. His face, his chest, and the tips of his ears; nothing is unaffected. His glassy eyes shine with real tears, and you're a little worried you may have gone too far as he gnaws at his bottom lip. 
You're so glad for the dim lighting, and that the bags forced you to sit beside him, obstructing any view of him from prying eyes. You don't want anyone else to share in this unguarded expression he bares to you.
"Mo, hey" you move to grab his hands and nudge them off you gently, "I didn't mean to upset you." 
But you leave him be as he lets out a distressed whine that raises goosebumps across your skin. His hands only leave you for a second to push yours away before they return to your hips.
"Mo, what's wrong?" You whisper, leaning forward to press your forehead against his again.
"Ugh, nothing's wrong! It's too right!" He whisper-screams back. 
Wait...is he embarrassed? 
You look into his eyes, and for the first time ever, Asmodeus is the first to look away. You pull back, snickering into your hand.
"Are you laughing at me?!" He looks affronted, but you smile at him. You wrap your arms around his neck, eyes crinkling from the joy flowing through you.
"You're too cute, Mo!" You croon as you kiss his cheek. "If I had known", you press your lips there again, "how much my silly little thoughts would affect you", and again, "I'd have told you how deeply I feel about you every day."  
You let out a giddy giggle as he blinks away the wetness in his eyes, pouting at you. His skin feels hot to the touch with a tinge of rouge everywhere. You lean forward, whispering in his ear, "Yeah. Red is definitely your color." 
"Now you're the one who's being mean!" He whines, pressing his face into your shoulder. You lean your head against his and hold him to you.
"There, there, sweetheart." You tease, just as he usually does when he overwhelms you with his affection. 
"I won't go into how much laughter you've brought into my life, or talk about how much your passion inspires me, or explain why your eyes remind me of orange chrysanthemums." 
Mo lifts his face off your shoulder with a slight sniffle. 
"Why chrysanthemums?" He asks. And although you only command them, you feel devilish as you gaze into light orange eyes with a knowing smile.
"Because," you whisper, "despite their intensity, they signify a delicate love." 
It goes unsaid, but as Asmodeus's eyes widen you know he understands exactly what you mean. 
He is the orange chrysanthemum you tend to. With stunning and stimulating colors, he attracts all. But once his onlookers have had their fill of his beauty, they move on, leaving him to wilt. No matter how much his fans claim to love him, they have never, and could never, water him with the gentle attentiveness that you do. 
Despite the titillating and tempestuous ideations he conjures in the minds of many, you know that at his core, the Avatar of Lust is a fragile lover.
Asmodeus is silent as he presses himself into your neck again, but you're not concerned as his body sags into yours. For the first time in these past few weeks, he lets go. Trusting in you to hold him up. 
"Mo," after a couple of minutes, you rub his back to get his attention, "I saw you looking at the menu earlier. Is there something specific you wanted me to order for us?"
"Mhmm," he hums as he sits up to look at you, "you have to order the Bound Blood Berry Custard." You snort at how serious his request sounds.
"Have to? What if I wanted to order pie? Or cake? Or macaroons?" You smirk, raising a brow at him.
"Aww, you can get whatever you'd like too! But, we have to get that to share."  
The custard, you've determined after having a few spoonfuls, has a tangy aftertaste. You didn't expect the lighter citrusy flavor from something with "blood" in the title. But it goes down smooth and is actually pretty refreshing. You take another scoop as Asmodeus does, but this time, he holds his spoon up to your lips.
"Go ahead, darling," he coos, looking at you expectantly. An excited trill leaves him as you lean forward with a chuckle, letting him feed it to you. You do the same to him, holding your spoon up to his lips, heart fluttering at the happy hum he lets out. You two go back and forth like this, feeding spoonfuls of the treat to one another until it's all gone. 
"So, what's so special about that custard anyway?" You lean against the booths backing, pleasantly full from all the other treats you two ordered afterward. 
"Well," he leans back to join you, leaning into you once again, "the website says the Bound Blood Berry Custard can only be made every 77 years, when the berries around a shared unmarked grave come into season."
"Unmarked?" You glance over to him, but his eyes are shut as he cuddles into your side.
"Yup!" He chirps. 
"One review said it belongs to a commoner and a member of the aristocracy. It's been there longer than we've been in the Devildom, probably even before it united under one ruler." 
You think back to the history class you attended during your first year here, remembering a brief lecture your professor gave over the travesties of the Warring Generals Period. The Great Generals of the North, South, East, and West conspired to form an oligarchy and successfully killed their king. However, unable to resist the temptation for greater power, they soon turned on one another. They established their own mandates within their territories, endangering demons everywhere as their laws usually conflicted with the legislation passed by the weaker interim rulers.
"Their love was forbidden by some shriveled up duke in the South. It's sad how they passed, executed as an example of what happens to those who tested his law." Asmodeus scoffs.
"They swore as they were together in life, so would they be in death. Apparently, they weren't even supposed to be buried together, but their love inspired some commoners to remove the duke and give them a proper burial. 77 years later, the bushes popped up, guarding their grave."
Asmodeus lets out a dreamy exhale as he opens his eyes, gazing into yours. 
"It's so romantic that they've been buried together all this time. I'm almost jealous! Should we plan to share a plot too?" 
You shake your head but entertain the idea, "If it comes down to us fighting for our love to exist, then sure, I'll fight for you. But hopefully we won't have to plan anything like that for a long long time." 
"You'd fight for me?" Asmodeus smiles, moving to hold your hand in his.
"For or with you," you shrug. "Whichever comes first."
"Oh, my sweet little human is willing to give their all to protect me?" He teases.  
"I'll hold you to that, you know? Besides, there's no way I'll let anyone take you from me." With his free hand, Asmodeus grasps your jaw and leans in close to you.
"Rumor has it if you share the Bound Blood Berry Custard, your love will last for at least 77 years until the next thicket grows. So," he pecks your lips once, twice, three times, before he pulls away, "you're stuck with Mo till then ♡"
Maybe it's the sugar high, but you yank him back over for a real kiss. You two take your time, savoring the sweetness, and giggle like love drunk fools between each press of lips. 
Many misunderstand the passion Asmodeus carries, thinking it doesn't extend beyond himself. Those lucky enough to be loved by him, however, know they'll receive it in full force. You can feel it in the eager kisses he presses against any skin he can reach, in the way he clings onto you as you clutch his jacket in your hands, and in how he nuzzles his nose against yours before he pulls away.
"You know, Mo," you let out a breathy laugh, "77 years might not be long enough." 
You brush back some of the hair that's fallen into his face with a deep sigh.
"I mean, how do we know that the years don't stack up based on how many we eat together?"
You feel giddy as you watch his eyes light up, grin widening when he finally registers what you're implying.
"Oh, that's true! Should we test that theory?" 
In the privacy of the booth, you empathize with those star crossed lovers. There is no way in the natural order of things that you and Asmodeus were ever meant to be. But here he is, and here you are. Inseparable.
"Well, it doesn't hurt to try. How many should we order to go?"
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crookedghosts · 1 month
method acting [a little bit of truth (goes a pretty long way)]
Ch 3/ 5 || 16k words total || Jason Grace/Leo Valdez || Modern AU - Wedding + Fake Dating || AO3
The Bachelor Party Chapter! I'll take that with a side of Valgrace pining and Filipino!Percy karaoke, please.
“Maybe that’s your problem. You’re both too worried about it meaning something. What if you just let it?”
“Oh god, if I tried to sing, it’d probably cause an avalanche,” Jason stated, and Percy grinned over at him.
“You're really gonna let me duet your boy alone, Grace?” Percy teased, but Jason remained unmoved at the edge of the stage, Leo smirking at him.
“This goes out to you, baby,” Leo sing-songed, and the opening electric piano notes rang out over the speakers, punctuated by a drum beat and a familiar swinging of Leo's hips.
“Also, seriously, what kind of shitty fake boyfriend would I be if I only cared about your birthday when other people are watching? It’s your day.”
Summer sun, something's begun
But uh, oh those summer nights
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