#as long as Obi-Wan has that...
lightasthesun · 7 months
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This man needed his husband so bad...
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imagine though if Cody had been in the show, had been in this scene and Obi-Wan wakes up from this nightmare and has this absolutely broken and devastated look on his face and then the screen cuts to Cody entering the scene and Obi-Wans face breaks with relief 😭😭😭😭
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drawnbythestream · 5 months
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Obi-wan and his friend Bant Eerin having a sad moment after certain events
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milkcioccolato · 7 months
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The first time they actually meet, finally!
I had wanted to draw this for so long, but other things always seemed more important at that moment, so I just kept postponing it🙈
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mock-arts · 8 months
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Here’s a collection of my fav Cody and Obi faces from the last couple years.
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intermundia · 11 months
here's a set of very important excerpts from about four pages of the fight on utapau between obi-wan and grievous, wherein obi-wan is in fine form, with just so much peak obi-wan behavior:
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"dismantle your exoskeleton" really, obi-wan?? threatening him with both death and the desecration of his corpse?
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"mildly" 😳
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his presence alone became a weapon
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acting so fuckin casually like this with the most feared murderous villain is just so..............
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he sighed
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"i trained the man who killed him" 🥵
i just.... the amount of dick energy radiating from obi-wan in this scene is unreal, like stover wrote him to be so fucking cool, he didn't have to make him this fucking sexy, he could've been much less charming, and yet.. he's like this!!!! he's so dangerous and yet deceptively pleasant and polite the whole time. the honestly vaguely homoerotic appreciation and admiration in this book for ✨obi-wan✨ is a large part of what makes it so incredible lol
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gentlespace · 1 year
maybe this is too cringe & self indulgent of me but i have chronic pain so i want obi-wan to have chronic pain and to suffer can you please draw him using a cane that would just... i think cure every single one of my mental illnesses, personally
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very on board with the Obi-Wan with a cane concept and got a bit carried away doing this! they just want him to take a break and sit down
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jun-hyungs · 1 year
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that point in time where it was decided that cody just permanently holds onto obi wan’s lightsaber until he needs it
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ninjigma · 6 months
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It has been… so long since I did anything traditionally literal years but starting with a random post order 66 Quinlan felt like the right way to begin doing it again
Really need to practice traditionally more because force, the issues I see XD we will persist though
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omaano · 2 months
SW Hades AU July Update
Other updates: May - June - July - August
I've made a lot more progress with my Star Wars meets Hades AU project than I'd imagined - and absolutely none in other aspects, so let's see how the past month has been!
I have finished the character illustrations both for Maul
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and Omega, (look how cute she is in her pocket sized version! ^^)
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and I have also finally rounded out my Din collection, so that I now have 6 variations on his character art (helmet on and off, with Grogu and the darksaber, and with and without Grogu and the beskar spear in hand).
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Aphra has lines and flat colours too, as well as the very basic lighting layers on her!
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I'm real hyped to start working on her! I'm very proud of the dynamic pose I picked for her, too. I'll likely up the red in her jacket and gloves for a bit of a pop in colour, because all this brown everywhere is growing a little boring tbh. Like with certain other characters...
There has been some progress with Obi-Wan, but it's going suuuper slow, and I continue to preemptively worry about how I should completely redraw him for after his reunion with Cody, too. (Iirc Patroclus is standing with his spear in hand after he's reuinted with Achilles in Hades, and I also very badly want to draw him with his lightsaber ignited, but I feel that wouldn't be very good for him just, you know, hanging out in front of his little house on Tatooine...)
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And now I'm going to add my first ever poll for the next month in case anyone wants to weigh in on the order in which I add characters to this project:
I'm making no promises, but I thought this could be fun :)
This post is growing a little long, so I'm putting the rest about Obi-wan's background re-draw, and some musings on picking colours for Omega under the read more ->
There was no room for it in the previous update, but I'd fully redrawn one background finally for Obi-Wan's chilling spot!
It is the same setup as where you can find Patroclus in game, with the walls and the chasm and the doors out, but I added Obi-Wan's hut and a desert envisonment. (I've watched so many videos on how to draw in an isometric grid, because there was always something that just wouldn't work... I'd thought there was a trick to drawing squares and circles in this grid that I just couldn't figure out for the life of me - and it turns out that I was just careless and my grid wasn't tight enough so I had to eyaball distances and the width and length of things too much lol.) And now I'm faced with the difficult task of picking colours and figuring out if the character shading tricks also apply here or not.
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For now these colours are more for just to block in certain elements in the background, but I have some more desert/desolate looking backgrounds saved from other Supergiant games (they've got some really vibrant and dark colours, like wow!) as well to hopefully help me out moving forward.
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I'd redrawn those bulbs you can find over the door leading out of various chambers in-game, because I might as well go in full re-design mode bit by bit, and after some deliberation and googling I picked the Mandalorian Crusaders symbol as inspiration for it.
And now back to Omega for a bit:
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While I was working on the character illustration for Omega and Batcher I became very aware of how weird it is to pick colours for me. (I very heavily rely on preexisting colour palettes; I have multiple saved just for the Hades project like for Rex, Ahsoka, Cobb...) I'd been working on Rex and Cody last (Maul doesn't count because he doesn't have very human colours, so picking reds and purples and browns for him wasn't so shocking tbh), and aside from the armor paint and hair colour they very much share the very same colour palette. That was easy, I'd picked the skintones off Boba and the little portrait icons already, upped the saturation a bit because seeing the base skintone laid down scared me, and off I went.
(Laying down the first layer of flat colours is always super scary because they too often seem too dark and too grey/green, which I know will change after the complete shading is done but it still looks very off putting...)
So. The way the colouring in Hades made sense for me is that it works with pretty desaturated colours, there is a lighter shadow colour that's a bit more desaturated and the hue is shifted cooler but is still pretty cool to the original base colour (so much that I'd often have to turn it darker so that I'd see it laid down if I'm not sitting right), and another darker shadow layer that is a tad more saturated and warmer in tone. And there is also (a possibly slightly cooler shifted) and lighter highlight, and another more saturated colourful highligt (in the skin that is the bright, peachy orange for example). (and the little super bright pops of colour at the very very end. I hate adding them so much, but they are very important!)
But while I could pick the skin tones off of Rex, the problem I'd tumbled into was when it came to shading her hair (it's very important to me that Rex and Omega shared all these colours). Omega has a lot more hair (shocking, I know), and so shading that required a lot more than Rex's simple two-tones, and the "shadow" colour from Rex just didn't work, it was too saturated and warm in a larger quantity. So I tried to find another blond character in Hades, picked some colours off of Theseus... and those didn't work too well either, because those colours looked too pale and washed out compared to how lively her skintone was. There had been a lot of adjusting - I'd colour picked all of Theseus' colours and watched like a hawk where my colour marker moved both in hue and saturation a couple times in every which way and tried to mimic that in comparison to my base colour... and then you already saw how she ended up.
Here is the visual representation of the process:
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I do a lot of these swatches.
You can see them there next to Omega with the blues and the gold/metallic detail colours (the latter of which I'd ended up using in her crossbow), and up above with the Obi-Wan wip as well (I needed to pick a lot of colours from Chaos and Aphrodite to figure out how to go about his pale skin), but I also worked like this with Din and Achilles in the beginning, as well as trying to pick the greens for Boba's armor. Usually the first and biggest hurdle I run into is choosing my base colours... that's something I really need to work on; but after that this method really helped me feel a lot more comfortable with cell shading.
I hope it made sense to you, and it was at least a tad bit entertaining (or if I'd ruined the word "colour" for you for a while, I'm sorry XD, I know I'd used it a lot). This was really the first time I'd truly seen how I changed around the colours I worked with in a piece, and also tried to go a bit more consciously about shifting them around here (that's why I have all the screenshots XD) and thought I might as well share them here in this monthly update.
I've also switched over to using CSP and a display tablet, in the hopes that I can familiarize myself with them without the pressure of needing some fancy or very specific brushwork and work process. No texture, little need for pressure sensitivity - I hope to slowly pspsps my brain into accepting working with these, and build up some success and good experiences before I try sketching and drawing on it and maybe trying out some new unfamiliar brushes as well ^^;
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Cody: *physicallf carrying Obi-Wan out of the war room* Come on, General, it’s go-the-fuck-to-sleep time.
Obi-Wan: Ahh. Go-the-fuck-to-sleep time. I know it well. It’s the most sacred three times of the week.
Cody: *stops dead in a corridor* …please tell me that was a joke?
Obi-Wan: I would never joke about go-the-fuck-to-sleep time. It was Master’s favorite time the first few years we were together.
Cody: *closes eyes and counts to five* We’re going to talk about all that later. *keeps heading off to Obi-Wan’s quarters, with more purpose this time*
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
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Jedi Masters as parents
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of The Clones | Shatterpoint | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 13 - Jedi Crash | The High Republic: A Test of Courage
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connecting-the-stars · 2 months
Character dynamics I apparently love:
Peeta and Obi-wan: loving the one person who actually see them and expects nothing in return, willing to build bridges as slowly as their loved one needs.
Falls first. It’s okay, the distance does not diminished my love.
Katniss and Cody: violently distrustful of the person who seems too kind that they rationalize it as a scheming act to lower their guard. Incredibly defensive to the person they haven’t fallen in love with quite yet.
Falls later, like a rock from a cliff. 10 to 1000. Terrifying level of devotion.
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drawnbythestream · 1 month
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ok 😅 some of my fave human Jedi just for fun. Without clicking on them or looking at the tags, hopefully you can tell who’s who.
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cerucerus · 3 months
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Fem!Kenobi design.
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madecookiestoday · 2 months
once in a while obi wan gets into a nostalgic mood about how much anakin has grown. he digs up anakins old drawings and holopictures and a tunic he was supposed to fix but never did so it lies folded in the bottom of his drawer.
then there is a hollow tugging inside his chest because anakin used to be even smaller. anakin said his first words and walked his first steps and fixed his first droid and obi wan was not there to see it. no one can tell him what it felt like to hold a warm bundled anakin, small enough to fit in one arm. was anakin born with hair? did he like to be held like he does now?
obi wan thinks about anakins mother. is anakin anything like her? does he carry her eyes, her laugh, her heart? he never met her, he wonders what difference it wouldve made if he did.
in a sealed corner of his heart, perhaps he wishes that anakin carried a little of him too. theyll never be connected by blood. theyll never have the intrinsic connection tying them together. but like anakin has burrowed himself inside his bones, where all his blood originates, maybe there are pieces of himself in anakin hed forgotten to take out. they slipped without meaning and anakin kept them. even if its only in the way he ties his robes and curses when he stubs his toe.
then there is embarrassment. white blinding shame at his thoughts. he stops his mind from spinning further. these are strange things to desire, obi wan recognizes it. un jedi like, un obi wan like even. no one knows. no one will know. he feels stupid in front of himself.
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tennessoui · 2 years
silly soulmate au where everyone has the first words their soulmate said to them on their body somewhere and anakin’s are “excuse me sir, your shoelaces are untied” so he walks around with his shoes untied as a way of trying to bait life into giving him his soulmate
But one day he’s like super done with it and cranky after a bad day and someone taps his shoulder while he’s waiting at a crosswalk and says “excuse me sir your shoelaces are untied” and anakin snaps “your shoelaces are untied”
and obi-wan “afraid to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known enough to be loved” kenobi says “I’m not wearing shoelaces” kinda flabbergasted because he’s spent like 30 years wearing untieable shoes so no one can ever tell him “your shoelaces are untied” only to be thwarted by a beautiful, aggressive soulmate of a stranger
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