#as an example for a water stone. and i swear that's where i got the idea in my head that
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themissinghand · 10 months
Hello beautiful I hope you’re doing well! If your requests for dr.stone are still on hold then please ignore this message!
if not then can I request the five wise commanders with a s/o who tries to impress them by learning the stuff they are interested in. (Examples can be like Ryusui’s s/o tried to learn about boats or Chrome’s s/o tries to learn about rocks and tells them the stuff they learned.) Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a good one!😁
Dr. Stone: Painting with Two Hands
Summary: In which the Five Wise Commanders get blown away by your knowledge in their passion. 
Or you want to show them that you are someone they can rely on too. 
Pairing: Five Wise Commanders (Senku, Chrome, Gen, Ryusui, and Ukyo)  x GN! Reader!
Note: Thanks for the request and your patience! This turned out super fluffy and I love it! Each scenario takes place in a different time/place. 
Warning: None. 
The Art of Science
“What the hell are you wearing?”
“A lab coat.” Senku looked at you incredulously, with one brow raised and his other hand shaking a glass beaker. 
“Okay, how the heck did you even get that-“
“Yuzuriha.” Right. 
“And why are you wearing it exactly?”
“Because I look good in it and…” 
"I've been studying chemistry," You declared, revealing a notebook filled with meticulously recorded observations.
When you hand him the said notebook, you watch his skepticism turn into fascination.
“Kukuku, I’m impressed, it’s right. You wrote down the formulas for everything. Where and when did you get this?”
“See, I actually listened to all of your scientific rants. I thought they were interesting and super helpful, so I wanted to learn.”
Senku blinked, slightly surprised that you had put in the effort to take notes, listen and learn.
“I thought that we could experiment together."
For a moment, he was silent, but then his lips quirk up into a smirk, and he flicked your forehead.
“Alright, what are you waiting for? Come help me then. Show me what you learned.” 
“Wait.” Senku was twirled around and handed a lab coat too.
“I got one for you too.” Dumbfounded, Senku didn’t move until you sighed and helped him put it on. Before you went to fix his collar, he came to his senses.
“I can do it myself.” He quickly turned away from you and put it on properly.
"You look good short king."
You had a smug expression on your face.
"Shut up."
You swear he has a little tint of pink on his cheeks, but you decided to not mention it.
“Come on, we got a lot of work to do.” He extended a hand, and you accepted it as if it was the norm. 
“I know Einstein.” 
The Art of Exploration
“Chrome! Look at what I found!” 
“Be careful (Y/N)! Don’t fall down!” 
Chrome ran after you as you skipped ahead and jumped into a flowing river. 
“(Y/N)!” Chrome was always worried about your safety and well-being, despite the many times where you proved where you were just as strong as him. 
“Don’t worry Chrome, it’s not like it’s my first time out with you! Besides, look, I found this cool-looking thing in the water!” 
In your hands was an oddly shaped rock, and while the two of you inspected it, neither of you knew what it was. Until you cleaned it a bit more in the river. 
A golden exterior shone through its surface. 
Almost immediately, you screamed out in excitement. 
“Gold! It’s the thing that Senku was looking for right?” Even Chrome was shocked at your luck, before hugging you from behind.
Even though you both were slightly dirty from running away and exploring all day, neither of you minded.
“It’s gold! Amazing! How did you find that so easily?” Chrome was genuinely curious. After all, from his perspective, he simply saw you jump into a river, bend down, and pick up a random rock. 
“Um…it’s kind of embarrassing but…” Chrome cocked a head at your hesitation before you blurted out. 
“I’VE BEEN LEARNING ABOUT ROCKS!” It was so loud that the world shook around you both. 
"because...I want to go with you more when you explore..." Your voice became quieter and quieter, while you fidgetted with your hand.
Chrome watched your face lit up, before you quickly turn around and make a run for it. 
“Wait (Y/N)! That’s so cool! Come back!” 
Chrome chased you with a giant grin on his face.
He can’t wait to see what you learned, and how, when the two of you go back to his workshop. 
Chrome also can’t wait to brag to everyone (especially Senku) how great you are.
The Art of Communication
“I’ll play with you Genie, call.” The click of chips being pushed to the center. Gen(ie) winked at you.
Genie was nickname for your little boyfriend, why? Well, man can read minds (probably).
The cards are slowly being flipped over as spectators make their own guesses.
“All-in!” Gen pushed up his sunglasses dramatically (as if he was in an anime) and smirked as he turned to you.
“Sorry dear (Y/N), this is my game.” 
You stayed silent for a moment, observing Gen from head to toe.
But Gen of course, remains calm, and confident in his hand.
Gen raises his sunglasses in slight surprise at your bet.
“Dear (Y/N), are you sure?” Gen was slightly worried, after all, you tend to be more on the conservative side when it comes to gambling. He slides his hand over to you, and you put yours on top of his. 
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” You returned his look with a forced smile. Gen whistled, surprised at your sudden bold action. 
“Okay, I’m going to flip the last card.” Kohaku flips and the room goes silent. 
Then he saw a smirk rose to your lips, and felt your hand intertwin with his. 
“You owe me babe.” You hold up his hand while his jaw dropped to the ground. 
This was the first you had ever won against him in gambling. 
“Finally someone gave Gen a taste of his own medicine.” Ukyo rolled his eyes before snickering. 
“Wha-how did you-” 
"I thought I'd learn from the best.” You winked and stole his sunglasses, making your beloved stutter even more. 
“After all, the mind is the most fascinating puzzle, and yours is the most intriguing of them all." You put on his sunglasses with a smug smirk.
“Damn, that was cringe.” Senku commented, which received a nudge from Yuzuriha. 
Gen eventually recovered and chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips. 
“Oh dear (Y/N), are you playing mind tricks with me now?” 
“Of course not dear~ I still have much to learn~” 
(Senku of course, fake gagged behind the scenes, but that never stopped you and Gen from doing anything, has it?)
The Art of Navigation
Under the starlit sky, both you and Ryusui stood on the deck of the Perseus, his eyes scanning the horizon. 
It was at times like these where your boyfriend was finally quiet, appreciating the tranquility, and the ambience as you two were on a date. Delicious food and wine made by Francois, while listening to the waves rock against the ship, and the laughter from others inside. 
Of course, Ryusui is the one to break that silence when he notices the seas changing. 
“My love, a storm is coming.” He suddenly stands up, “Francois, follow me after you clean up.” 
“Yes sir.” Francois, elegant and efficient as always, quickly retreated with the food. 
“Ay ay Captain.” Your little salute made his loosen up just a little, before he held your hand, and pulled you inside as if he was guiding you in a waltz.
Ambitious, confident, and charismatic, that was your love, Ryusui.
As expected, he took the helm immediately, and an excited grin rose to his face as he looked far into the distance with thunderous clouds. 
“Love, can you tell them all to get ready!? We need all hands on deck!” 
“On it captain!” 
With a laugh, you began warning everyone through the speakers, and chaos followed as everyone scrambled to get on desk.
Surprisingly, Ryusui watched you give commands almost effortlessly and matching his pace.
“Furl the sails!” 
“We’re going to change courses!” 
“Make sure to hold to the ship!” 
“Love, you’re perfect.” Ryusui thanks you while he spins the wheel.
“Drop the anchors!” 
Then you turn around and slide beside him. 
“Love, let me help you - it’s that way - where we have to go right?” 
“A little bit more to the left, but love, I see you’ve been learnING-” The ship’s center of gravity suddenly shifts, causing you to lean on Ryusui as you grab onto the wheel for your deer life. 
“I love it! The desire to learn is always so endearing!” 
“Oh stop it~ All I did was read some maps and books!” 
“Hey Captain! Can you stop flirting and steer the ship properly!?” The others yelled while panicking on deck, and with a laugh, both of you steered the ship to safety. 
"One more time?" He proposed, and you agreed, much to the displeasure of your crewmates.
The Art of Archery
Sometimes, the kids are loud. 
As such, Ukyo and his companion often found solace in the tranquility of the forest. Sometimes they would take long walks, talk about various topics they would not share in front of children, and enjoy the silence once in a while away from the chaos of someone known as Senku. 
But one day, you asked Ukyo to learn archery. 
Naturally, Ukyo was elated to teach you, after all, it was a way for you to protect yourself. 
It began with Ukyo making a bow for you, then arm guard, and even received gloves from Yuzuriha. He wanted to make sure you had the best of equipment he could get, and that you were safe at all times.
The first few training sessions began with Ukyo standing behind you, guiding you with a calm, mellow voice, and helping you with aim. 
But soon, you both practiced archery side by side, the twang of bowstrings harmonizing with the rustling leaves.
"Your aim is getting better," Ukyo praised, a smile gracing his lips as he applauded you. 
“Thanks, it all because of your help Ukyo.” You gave him a little hug which he returned. 
“I’m proud of you.” 
“Can I come and hunt with you now?” For a moment he hesitated, but after seeing your adorable puppy eyes, he caved in within a heartbeat. 
“Okay, but safety first ok?” 
“Mhmm. I know.” 
You gave him a peck on the cheek, before he returned one too. 
LIttle did you know, not only were your arrows hitting the bulls-eye, they went through Ukyo’s heart too.
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justacasualidiot · 8 months
Zora Headcanons!!!
(there will be swearing)
• Gender is weird for the Zora to the peoples of Hyrule who aren’t Zora. One week Random Zora A is female, the next, she has dicks? So Zora aren’t born with sexes, and until children are old enough to be walking around, talking, etc. they can start ✨choosing genders✨. The can go “hey, I wanna be a girl” BAM! ya got a womb. “hey, I wanna be a boy” BAM! ya got some dicks. “I want neither” BAM MOTHERFUCKER! YOU CAN HAVE NEITHER! AND BONUS, you can go “I’m a boy but I want a womb” BAM! YOUR A BOY WITH A WOMB NOW! (it takes like a week or two to transition) But yeah Zora can just kinda pick and choose (and change!) their parts whenever and however they want. You want ‘em both? sure!
• The Zora Domain is a lot bigger than it is in the game because WHERE THE HELL DO PEOPLE SLEEP??? WHERE TO THEY LIVE??? ITS ALL JUST FANCY LUMINOUS STONE SHENANIGANS.
• bioluminescent Zora. (well, spots and little patterns, not the full Zora)
• okay I know this is more fanon but Zora tails express their emotions okay! kinda in dog language bc other animals (like cats for example) have different meanings to the same motions with their tails. wag = happy, yeah that’s all i can pull out of my brain rn i’m sleep deprived as shit and stuck with a hellish migraine. YES I DRANK WATER.
• elixirs don’t really work for them? like they can take elixirs but they just. don’t work. they can’t get the effect.
uh yeah that’s pretty much it for now, that’s all the Zora nonsense rattling around in my brain.
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bbygrgu · 4 years
clocks on the wall
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a/n: first Levi fic. blame/thank @vennilavee​. don’t come for my neck. enjoy. 
warnings: swearing, violence, softness, slight ooc Levi at the end, no spoilers for season four (everything written takes place from the ova - season three). 
word count: 7.1k
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You had never been Underground before.
It was beautiful, in its own way. The city had its own glow to it, made up from yellows, blues, and greens. It was known that without lights, the city and its people would be covered in darkness. Something about the greens and blues hinted at that being a lie. That it wouldn’t have been completely dark below the surface.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Erwin turned his head at the sound of cables slicing through the air, gas hissing, and the sound of an excited voice cheering, the echoes bouncing off the dirt and sentiment walls.
Erwin looked back at the three of you and the Military Police, the look on his face reading “that’s them.” It was after that moment, you began to understand the kind of reform Erwin was looking for and why Erwin had chosen these random Underground criminals as the example.
Well, maybe it wasn’t so random, knowing Erwin.
You carefully set aside the ODM gear retrieved from their beings, stepping to stand behind Erwin, yet in front of the three criminals. The light haired one locked his eyes on Erwin, though his face was thoughtful. The young woman’s eyes were wide with curiosity, but locked onto Erwin as well; only occasionally did she spare a glance at you.
The third one, who you assumed was the leader from his quietness, refused to move his gaze from the ground. Until Erwin stepped up to him, waiting for a response; was he trained in the military?
He gave Erwin a cold look, keeping to himself.
When his head was slammed into the dirty water, you watched the way the others reacted. They seemed… worried. But not in the sense that they were worried about the physical harm on him, but his head was pressed into a puddle of dirty water, jumping to answer Erwin’s questions.
You watched the way Erwin got close to the quiet man, so close that Erwin kneeled in the same puddle of dirty water that the man had his face in just moments ago. You paid attention to the surprise evident in the man’s face when Erwin offered for them to join the Survey Corps. The deathly cold, yet fiery look in his eyes when he finally looked up at Erwin.
“I’ll join the Survey Corps.”
It was the way he held himself up, dirty water dripping from the ends of his hair and raced off his chin, onto his white shirt; hair clinging to his skin, thin brows furrowed as he never broke eye contact with Erwin. It excited you.
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“Introduce yourselves!”
Curiosity evident in your eyes, you watched as Levi’s gaze moved from your left to your right; from Erwin to Flagon. His gaze moved to the top of your head as he subtly shrugged, finally speaking up in a cool, nonchalant voice.
“The name’s Levi.”
Gasps. Murmurs followed. They’d never seen someone so confident, so sure of himself, so… not caring about what others said or thought of him. You couldn’t help the little twinge of the corner of your mouth.
Levi’s face remained stoic as the Commander chastised him for not having discipline, before Isabel Magnolia and Farlan Church introduced themselves. Stoic while it was Flagon’s squad that they would belong to. Stoic, with the exception of his piercing eyes focused on Flagon, disinterested yet scheming eyes, when Flagon glared at Levi; he was pissed off that he had to do the work that should’ve gone to pretty boy Erwin.
You smiled, huffing in amusement the moment Erwin made eye contact with you after the formation was dismissed. You were in Erwin’s squad, tasked with overlooking the trio’s training and making sure one of them, specifically Levi, didn’t kill Flagon.
You followed closely, hands behind your back, listening to Isabel excitedly guess where they were going. Farlan took in his surroundings, barely acknowledging Isabel, just looking around with wide eyes. For some reason, you thought they’d still be adjusting to the brightness on the surface or marveling at the sky, but you reminded yourself that maybe it was their first time up on the surface. Who were you to assume anything.
Flagon moved to the barracks, pushing the doors open, announcing that this was their sleeping quarters. It almost broke your heart when Flagon explained that women slept in a different section of the barracks, almost. With Isabel demanding to stay in the same room as her friends, Levi walked up to one of the bunks and what he did surprised you.
Levi reached his hand under the top bunk, dirt immediately falling from the surface he touched. You noticed the way Isabel and Farlan quickly closed in on themselves, worry etching itself across their faces. Their eyes frantically moved from the back of Levi’s head to his fingers, rubbing them together in an attempt to remove all the grime from his skin.
It clicked.
The worry etched on their faces as Levi inspected the cleanliness of the bunks. The worry that had been etched across their faces when Levi’s face was pressed into the puddle of dirty water.
It didn’t click for Flagon. You forget that he wasn’t there, that night at the Underground.
“You lot have been living in the dumps of the underground, but do try to keep it clean.”
“Huh?” Levi sneered, turning to glare up at Flagon.
You raised your eyebrows in amusement, deciding to step in when it got a little far over the line.
Levi took a step closer to Flagon, invading his personal space. Isabel and Farlan unsure of what to do in that moment. Do they protect their leader or do they show loyalty to their new commanding officer?
Flagon stuttered as he attempted to reign his authority over Levi. You bit back a smile, looking to the ground, squeezing your fingers behind your back. Farlan quickly stepped in, speaking up for Levi, apologizing, promising to keep the barracks clean.
With a scoff, Flagon walked away from the trio. You spared a glance back at the trio. Levi glaring at Farlan, his disbelief barely masked; Isabel was in complete shock in the back.
“Isabel, I’ll be outside to show you to the women’s section. Try not to take too long. I’ll see you two at training tomorrow,” you finally said. Levi’s eyes immediately rested on you, the scowl never leaving his face. You just smiled, offering a quick nod before twirling to make your way out of the room.
You smiled at the feeling of three pairs of eyes not leaving the back of your head.
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“You say that they already know how to use the ODM gear?” Hange beamed, rubbing their hands together excitedly. You offered a simple nod, not helping the smile on your face as Hange nudged you a little too roughly on the way to the forest just outside of the castle.
You glanced over to see Isabel on a horse, riding around in ease. You tilted your head; were there horses in the Underground?
You didn’t see Farlan, but Levi was in the process of attaching the ODM gear to his being. You nodded Hange in his direction, telling them to give him his space. You noticed he wasn’t too fond of strangers, so who knew how’d he react to Hange’s… disregard to personal space.
Both of you stepped up next to Flagon, eager to watch Levi’s skills with the gear; you a little more than Hange, having already had a taste during the chase in the Underground that night.
You tucked your hands into the pockets of your jacket, left foot back and the toes of your boots pressed into the ground. You watched with fascination, sucking your bottom lip in and raking your teeth over the skin.
You nearly bit the skin when Levi pulled the blade with his right hand from its place with ease and elegance, holding the handle so that the blade protected his forearm, so that it mimicked his movement. The same way he held the knife to defend himself against Erwin’s attack. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention.
How did -
“That just might happen to you. All I have to do is slice the titan’s neck, right?” Quiet. “I’ll do it my way.”
You quickly stepped up, putting an arm across Flagon’s chest. He was fuming, but you knew that if Erwin wanted them for a reform, that they were to be trusted, that everyone needed to trust the trio’s doings.
“Give him a chance. You haven’t seen what he can do,” you warned quietly.
Levi stopped, throwing a glance over his shoulder, locking eyes with you for a brief moment just before he went off into the forest, flipping and twirling with ease.
Your eyes never left Levi’s form, even as he became smaller and smaller, completely disappearing into the training course. Not even when Hange began to babble and squeal in excitement over Levi’s movements, regardless of the lack of formal training.
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“Why do you continue to defend him?” Flagon glowered.
“Why do you continue to hold a grudge towards him? Has he done anything to you personally, Flagon? Or are you just someone who doesn’t take well to someone that is better skilled? Someone with natural talent?” You simply asked, rubbing your thumb against Akiko’s, your horse, muzzle. Your other hand carefully brushed through her mane, playfully twirling it at the end.
Eyes moving to Flagon, you arched a brow, urging him to speak his truth. Instead, Flagon scoffed, rolling his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest. You rolled your eyes, turning back your attention back to Akiko, except -
“You don’t think that it’s a problem that criminals were recruited into the Scout Regiment? Into the Survey Corps? People look up to us. Now they’re going to look up to them?” Flagon fumed, disgust evident when he spat out the last word.
With that, you quietly apologized to Akiko before moving your body towards Flagon, rushing him until he was pressed against the stone wall, eyes wide in bewilderment. Finger pressed to his chest, jabbing into his sternum.
“You wanna know what I think, Flagon? I think that people like you are a fucking problem. You think the whole world knows they’re criminals? You think it matters to the people who aren’t in the regiment? Hmm?,” you growled, “you think that the people that look up to us know what we’ve done to survive? That they’ll ever know?”
Flagon was growing red in the face and you only pushed harder, your face only centimeters from his.
“Who gives a shit if they’re criminals? Are they criminals because they did what they could to survive? Or are they criminals because you and every other fucking person who thinks they’re God almighty for living on the surface assume that anyone from the Underground is just that, a criminal?”
The sound of hooves clicking against the ground, followed by feet landing on the ground snapped you out of your rage. You backed off Flagon, your face burning hot, your eyes narrowed in anger.
Flagon held your gaze before scoffing, brushing past you and out of the stable.
With a deep exhale, you shut your eyes and leaned your head back, hands clenched at your sides. You rolled your head to side, eyes growing slightly wide at Levi giving you a stoic look. No glare, no scowl, no furrowed brows or narrowed eyes.
You cleared your throat, straightened yourself out, moving to grab your things and bid Akiko a good afternoon, promising to visit her after dinner. With a gentle kiss to her muzzle, you rubbed the side of her face and left for the exit.
“You’re an idiot if you think defending us will get you on our good side.”
You stopped in your tracks, looking over your shoulder. Levi was facing his own horse, not bothering to spare you a glance. His hands gentle on his horse’s muzzle, reassuring, despite his cold demeanor towards you.
“And you’re a dumbass if you think I give shit about being on your good side, Levi.”  
You walked out.
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Levi was quick to discover that cloudless nights were his favorite. They didn’t remind him of the Underground.
The emeralds stuck to the surface’s dirt were nothing compared to the stars shining brilliantly in the night sky. The rich shade of blue, almost black, brought a sort of peacefulness over Levi.
Making his way to the top of the castle, Levi quietly moved to stand outside. With a cup of tea in his hand, he leaned over the edge, elbows resting on the bricks. He felt relaxed, until he glanced to the side and saw a figure. Sitting with their back against the castle, but on the raised lookover, knees pulled to their chest.
Levi allowed an annoyed sound to leave his body, rolling his eyes when he realized it was you. He refused to move from his spot, head turned towards the crescent shape in the sky. He was surprised that your presence didn’t… bother him.
Levi was also surprised that you didn’t say anything to him, didn’t even bother acknowledging him.
Levi arched a brow, sparing another glance towards you, memories from today running through his mind.
A Military Police officer called you Erwin’s bitch, taunting you, sneering that you would never be anything more than Erwin’s bitch.
Levi scoffed at the memory of you grabbing the man by the neck, slamming him down to the ground and beating the shit out of him.
Erwin just stared, watching you beat the shit out of the officer until his blood staining your shirt, splattered on your face. You finally had enough, simply wiping your face with the sleeve of your jacket, excusing yourself before walking off as nothing happened.
Levi almost smiled, taking a sip of tea.
“I enjoy the cloudless nights, too,” your voice pulled Levi out of his minitrance.
He turned to look at you with disinterest, but out of respect, after seeing what you were capable of today.
Your eyes never left the sky. The moon reflected in your irises, soft white glow accenting your features, making you… surreal.
“Seems like you do, too,” you continued, “Not to be a total creep. I just noticed that when the skies are clear and the heavens are on full display, the three of you sneak away.”
Levi’s eyes widened, a small gasp leaving him. You finally looked over offering a shy, apologetic smile.
“I don’t blame you. It’s a beautiful sight.”
You finally moved from your spot, carefully stepping down and stretching. With a tight lipped smile, you made your way to the door.
“They remind me of all the shit we went through, to be grateful,” Levi bullshitted, making you stop in your tracks.
For a moment, the silence was back, only to be broken by your short laugh.
“I don’t believe that for a second,” and you left, leaving Levi on his own before Isabel and Farlan joined him.
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It had been two weeks since the return from the twenty-third expedition beyond the walls. Training resumed, research on titans continued. Erwin asked for your thoughts on the revised works of his new formation for the next expedition. This last one worked well, but Erwin strived for the best.
After confessing that he only joined the Corps to get close to Erwin for a job, that would’ve resulted in the death of Erwin and Erwin confessing that he knew all along, Levi was quieter than usual;  especially after the death of Isabel and Farlan, leaving Levi alone.
You managed to pull some strings with the help of Erwin.
Isabel and Farlan’s bodies were cremated separately from the rest of the fallen scouts. Hidden underneath your green cloak, rested the urn.
It was early morning. The sky was still dark, with the exception of the light purples and blues that cleared the path for the sun’s journey across the heavens. They were your favorite shades of blues, even pinks. The quietness, the stillness that came with it was also your favorite.
Birds beginning their daily songs, the coolness in the hair and the smell of dew covered grass. The softness of the ground beneath your feet as you made your way to the edge of the cliff.
You knew Levi would be there. He’d been waking up early in the mornings for the past four days, since your squad (as you were taking temporary command for Erwin) and Flagan’s squad provided backup for Hange’s squad for the next week, due to some research and intel.
Just as you predicted, Levi sat on the cliff, feet dangling off the edge. His cloak draped over his shoulders, but you could tell he wasn’t in uniform.
You knew that he could tell you were behind him. That didn’t stop you from getting nervous. Your steps slowed, your heartbeat picked up, cheeks burning. You paused, inhaling slowly, doing your best to push the nerves aside.
“What could possibly be so important that you had to bother me first thing in the morning?”
You carefully walked closer, stopping right next to him but never sitting. The urn still hidden under your cloak, eyes softening at the sight of the first birds taking flight this early in the morning. Somehow, the urn was colder than the early morning.
“I never get tired of waking up to see the sunrise, or to see the sun hide behind the horizons and letting the moon paint the heavens in brilliant whites,” you implored softly. A little smile found its way onto your face for just a brief moment.
You inhaled, the smell of dew waking your senses, reminding you of the urn sitting in your hands. With the most care, you carefully unveiled the urn from underneath your cloak, catching Levi’s attention.
“I pulled some strings. All the fallen scouts are cremated, but their ashes are usually buried together. Doesn’t make much sense, but then again… you can’t bury all those bodies,” you rambled mindlessly, “They spent their entire life underground and I just… why spend eternity below the surface as well?”
Nervously, your eyes shifted from daybreak, past the urn and down to Levi. Lips parted in surprise that Levi was looking up at you. Furrowed brows, eyes wide in complete shock; his gaze locked onto the urn. The veins in his fingers visible from the way he was gripping his teacup.
You cleared your throat, eyes immediately moving to the ground. His reaction… it was too intimate for you to witness.
You inhaled deeply, quietly, taking a step back to set the urn beside him. You offered a small smile, never turning to look at him directly. Another few steps back before you fully turned, moving away from Levi’s spot.
Your heart pounded against your chest, threatening to break a couple ribs. You couldn’t explain to yourself why you were feeling this way after leaving the urn with -
You made your way back to the cottage, despite the quiet “thank you” you heard, tempting you to look back, to reassure that it wasn’t some figment of your imagination.
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Wall Maria fell.
You watched in horror as the Colossal Titan disappeared, titans pouring in front the opening and spreading throughout Shiganshina. The screams and cries of the people embedding itself into your brain. Haunting you.
Move. Do something. Do anything
You stood there, frozen. Titans were inside the city. People were dead. People were going to keep dying unless they evacuated… or they didn’t get eaten by titans.
It was at the sound of one of the Garrison’s Captains calling out for the gate to be closed that brought you back to your senses.
“Do not close those fucking gates,” you snapped, pulling out the hand grips of your ODM gear from your jacket pockets, hidden underneath your cloak, “You are not going to leave these people to die. You are not going to abandon humanity!”
You couldn’t kill all those titans yourself. You were only to deliver paperwork to Pixis, but you found Rico instead.
You didn’t deliver the paperwork. You watched innocent people die; people who never imagined that they would live to see the walls breached by the titans. You watched the Garrisons shoot cannons at a new type of mutant titan. You screamed at the Garrisons to keep the gate open, zipping around to help whoever you could, to save those that you could. You cleared the gate of as many people as you could when the mutant titan ran towards the inner wall, the only escape.
The sound of Garrison Scouts taunting children pulled you out of your trance. He said something about the titans eating more citizens of Shiganshina, that it would’ve helped with the food situation. It made your blood boil.
You growled, reaching for your hand-grip, mind set on pulling out a blade and holding it to his neck. Until a small boy kicked him in the shin, screaming that they didn’t see the way the titans came into Shiganshina; they didn’t see family members, neighbors and friends get their bodies ripped in half.
You stopped when another small boy, a blond, came rushing to his friend’s aide. Passing the brunette’s outburst as a side effect of hunger, of trauma. People turned, their attention drawn to the dispute.
You could tell the scout was flustered, not wanting the rest of the people to think badly of him. To know his truth.
The officer walked back to his group. Just as he clicked his tongue, ready to rant, you quickly joined them. His eyes narrowed at the sight of you, but immediately widened when he noticed the symbol on your jacket.
With ease, you pulled him behind the corner of the building into the alley, making sure his friends witnessed everything. A groan left his lips when you slammed him against the wall, hand wrapped around the collar of his shirt.
“Such a shame to have such shitty people in the Garrison branch. Have you no humanity in you? Or are you a titan in disguise?” you sneered, “Would be a great reason as to why you’re in this branch of the military. Easy access, right?”
You watched the fear in his eyes.
“No, it’s not a disguise. It’s the fact that you truly are the shittiest of all people. You’re disgusting,” you growled, pushing him harder against the wall and letting go, watching him fall to the ground before walking away.
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There was a soft knock on the door before you peeked in, offering Levi a shy smile. You quickly gave a small wave, pushing yourself in through the opening in the door. You closed the door behind you, leaning back onto it.
“Why are you trying to be cute?” Levi rolled his eyes, pulling down the bandana wrapped around his face like a mask.
“I don’t need to try, bug. I just am,” you replied quietly, pushing off the door to make your way to his desk.
Levi gave you a look the moment you tried to sit on his desk, swatting your thigh before you touched the desk. You offered a bashful smile, holding your hands in surrender and standing to your full height.
“Well. I just wanted to see if you were in the mood to go to the market. Mike mentioned new teas and how the smells were damn near intoxicating. I’ve been meaning to restock on some chamomile,” you trailed off, mindlessly dusting off the front of his shirt with one hand.
“Mmm. Give me twenty minutes. Maybe I’ll get extra black tea since I seem to have finished it quicker than usual,” Levi simply stated, arching an eyebrow at you.
You didn’t bother fighting the smile creeping across your face, eyes glued to where your hand rested on Levi’s chest. You finally spared a glance when Levi’s hand wrapped around your wrist, thumb rubbing back and forth against the back of your hand.
“You have good taste,” you shrugged, locking eyes with him.
Levi rolled his eyes, moving his hand from your wrist to hold your fingers, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You couldn’t help the heat in your cheeks, shyly breaking away from his gaze and settling to your skin against his lips.
Twenty minutes later, you found yourself walking beside Levi. His hands tucked into the pockets of his black suit jacket. Levi’s hand-woven basket laid in the crook of your elbow, your other hand constantly checking your skirt pocket to reassure yourself that your money hadn’t fallen out.
“Would you stop being stupid and just put your money in the basket?”
“Levi, you and I both know you would have my head if I even thought about placing dirty money in the same basket as the goods.”
“Not if you had your money in that shitty excuse of a coin purse.”
“It is not a shitty excuse. I happen to really like it.”
“Which is why you forgot it.”
You shot Levi a side glance, pursing your lips. Levi huffed in amusement, holding his hand out. You sighed, slowing down and carefully placing your money in Levi’s hand.
Levi’s fingers closed around yours, but not all the way. Instead, his fingers easily maneuvered to slip between your fingers, but stopping at the tips. His fingers gently brushed against the middle joints of your fingers, giving your hand a slow squeeze before letting go, tucking your money into his pocket, walking off and leaving you stunned at such an assertive form of pda.
“Are you just going to stand there all day with your mouth open for the flies or are you going to buy some new tea leaves?” Levi called over his shoulder.
You made your way to the marketplace with a smile never leaving your face, the warmth of Levi’s hand lingered on yours.
At the stall that Mike mentioned, you and Levi immediately parted to opposite sides for specific interests. You sorted through the various types of herbal teas. You reached for the mint chamomile tea when a tin of loose black tea leaves was held up to you.
Leaning towards the tin, you sniffed, picking out the prepackaged peppermint tea for your own sniff test. Until Levi’s disapproving tongue click grabbed your attention.
“Are you too good for loose leaves, brat?” Levi grumbled, moving the tin of black tea leaves from you. Your hand shot out to grab his wrist, pulling the tin back under your nose.
“You’re the brat” you sniffed, narrowing your eyes at him. Levi rolled his eyes and moved his tin again.
“Here,” Levi gave you an empty tin.
“What’s this for?”
“For your tea, dumbass.”
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“Why does your face look like that?” Levi deadpanned quietly, shooting a glare Hange’s way after a particularly ear shattering squeal.
You held Akiko’s rein in one hand, the other rubbing and tugging at your fingers. The smallest of frowns painted on your lips, brows slightly furrowed. Your eyes observant as ever, yet there was sadness to them. A look so rare, Levi’s only seen it once or twice in all the years he’s known you.
“Bad feeling,” you muttered.
Everyone around you cheered, sending the best of wishes on behalf of all of humanity. Eyes bright and hopeful, children in complete awe at the sight of the Survey Corps. It did nothing to hide the fear burning bright in your eyes.
“About the expedition?” Petra piped up from your left.
Still tugging at your fingers, your gaze moved from the worn rein up to Levi. He stared back from the side of his eye, his brow arched in feign interest, but you knew that look in his eyes. That gleam of concern, the way he softened by focusing on you, the way only you knew he would.
“I just feel like… there’s something not right… about today.”  
The bad feeling deep in your gut turned out to be another Colossal Titan kicking the wall, titans making their way in and hundreds of rookies losing their lives, their first times coming face to face with titans after the last evaluations were taken.
You were in Trost District, skimming for Titans, sending your squad to check around Hange and Levi’s respective squads.
You spotted three titans. Two to the right, one to the left. You decided for the two on the right.
Flipping through the air, pulling blades from their slots, opposite of yours, you heard Hange’s cheerful yelps. You heard the sound of something through zipping around, cutting through air. You could hear him inhale deeply, preparing for the impact of cutting through titan skin.
Quickly, you changed direction, aiming for the titan that was still standing, going for the kill when the sound of Levi’s boots hitting the metal roof rang through the air.
Just as you got closer, one hand twisted the handgrip. The blade was no longer upright, but held downwards, down the length of your arm; as if protecting your forearm.
You furrowed your brows, shooting the grapple hook into the titan’s neck and shooting yourself through the air, forcing your own momentum to twirl your body, cutting off a perfectly clean slice off the nape.
You landed beside Levi, eyes on his bloody hands. His handkerchief already working at his fingers, the gaps between the finger slots. He grumbled about how gross it was.
You both looked up, eyes locking. Levi’s eyes quickly scanned your body, checking for any visible signs of injuries before settling on your face. With a click of his tongue, his gaze moved back down to his bloody hands.
“You have blood on your disgusting face,” Levi pointed out quietly.
“So wipe it off.”
Levi shot you a look of warning, clicking his tongue. You grinned softly, jumping off the building, making your way down to check on your squad members, who turned their heads in the direction of Erwin.
“Pull back.”
Levi glared at Erwin, demanding to know what the change was for, to know if his men died in vain.
“Titans are traveling in groups and they’re heading north. It’s like five years ago.”
Memories of Shiganshina came flooding back. You couldn’t help the way your eyes widened, full of disbelief, of bewilderment. You couldn’t help the slight part of your lips, breathy exhales causing your body to tremble. Your eyes shot up to Erwin, then to Levi.
Levi’s eyes were trained on you. Watching every move, from the smallest twitch in your face to the way your hands shook and rubbing against each other, from trying to ground yourself. He simply agreed, telling his squad to start moving, telling your squad to start their move, too.
Blinking rapidly, you shook head and shoulders. You cleared your throat, regaining your composure. With a deep inhale, you looked over at Levi, waiting for you with narrowed eyes, lips parted.
“I’m fine. It’s fine,” you reassured quietly, sliding your blades back into place.
You walked past Levi, only to be grabbed by your bicep and twirled around, facing Levi. His facial features were soft, regardless of that damn stoic look. His eyes scanned over your face before locking with yours, his hand never leaving your arm.
“Focus on your squad.”
You furrowed your brows, preparing to counter when Levi continued, giving your arm a squeeze.
“Promise you’ll focus on your squad.”
“Levi, I always -”
“No. My duty is humanity, to my fallen men, to prevent anymore from dying in vain. I can’t fulfill my duty if you aren’t focused on your squad.”
“I… promise.”
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The old Scout Regiment headquarters was as beautiful as you remembered, at least from the outside. With the exception of weeds, vines, and grime on the once pristine white bricks.
The sun shone brightly, casting a glow that reminded you of moonlight. The route to the castle was just as breathtaking with its path through the forest. You loved the way the sun peeked through openings of the trees’ canopy.
You rode alongside Levi, the hood of your cloak pulled over your head. You listened to Oluo explain the history of the old headquarters, why it stopped being of use by the Scouts. A giggle erupted from both you and Petra when Oluo bit his tongue.
Once arrived at the entrance of the castle, you called out to your own squad members to check the perimeter. Levi scoffed, eyes looking up at the sky.
You softened when you noticed Levi looking at one specific spot, at the tallest point of the castle. There was an opening there, where Levi broke the windows. Where the urn rested.
Akiko nudged against Levi’s horse, Ryu, before moving towards the outdoor stables. You shot him a small smile, turning around to join Eld and Gunther. You could feel Levi’s eyes boring into your back, your smile never fading.
You pulled out a simple white bandana, tying it loosely around your neck, but enough for it to cover your nose and mouth when you entered the castle. You grabbed another white bandana, holding it out for Levi as he walked up to stand beside you.
“Let’s get to work,” Levi called out, grabbing the bandana from your hand and easily untying the one around your neck. You glared at him, reaching to take it back from him, however he already made his way inside.
“Jackass,” you muttered, whistling loudly to get your squad’s attention.
Your squad and you handled cleaning the headquarters from the outside. Picking up debris, cutting the weeds, cleaning the horse stables and providing fresh water and hay, and scrubbing the castle’s exterior. The soft chatter and singing of birds filled the silence, never disrupting the peacefulness to it all.
With the use of the ODM gear, your squad and you were able to clean the windows and scrub the grime the best you could. You reached for one of the wooden excuses of a window, but beaten when Levi pushed it open, doors slamming against the brick.
Levi’s eyes bored into yours, leaning further outside of the window, closer towards you. You rolled your eyes, leaning in, too.
“Of course you’d be in this room,” you murmured, pulling down the bandana from your face.
Levi scoffed, reaching out to grab you by the lapel of your jacket, pulling you so that your legs came through the window, ass on the window sill. Your hand quickly shot out to grab him by the juncture of his shoulder and neck, fingers dancing over the knotted cloth.
“All work, but no play?” Levi arched an eyebrow, eyes scanning over your face. There was a hint of playfulness that only you would ever catch.
“Oh, there’s some play,” you grinned, fingers working quickly to untie the bandana around his neck. Your other hand hits the trigger of your handgrip, gas turning the turbines of your ODM’s main housing, pulling you out of the window and into the sky.
You winked at Levi, waving the white bandana before disappearing to another area of the castle.  
Later in the night, after Hange got Levi’s permission for Eren to join her the next day and Eren being dumb enough to ask about the kinds of experiments that Hange would preforming on the two captured titans, you found yourself in the stables.
It was a cloudless night, the moon outshining the stars that scattered across the heavens. You smiled to yourself, hearing footsteps approaching.
You kept your back to the entrance, a cup of chamomile tea in one hand and the other hand held an apple out to Akiko. Ryu moved, head turned towards Akiko, as if to snatch the apple from her mouth.
“Ryu, of course I brought you one, too,” you chuckled quietly, pulling another apple and holding it out to him.
Ryu eagerly took the apple into his mouth, closing his eyes. You simply smiled, rubbing his muzzle, taking a small sip from your teacup.
“I didn’t forget about you,” you cooed, looking at Levi over your shoulder. Your eyes moved to the small table beside the entrance, gesturing to the hot cup of black tea.
Levi grunted approvingly, making a grab for his tea before walking up to you. His free hand reached up to pet Ryu’s muzzle, hand slowly settling over yours. You couldn’t help the heat in your cheeks, turning your head to look at Levi.
Levi’s face remained turned towards Ryu, yet his hand intertwined with yours. Elegantly, Levi managed to twist his fingers to cup yours, slowly tucking his thumb into your palm and fingers splayed over the back of your hand. He turned his face carefully to look at you, the same usual bored look on his face, but his eyes were soft.
The space between Levi’s eyebrows was flat, his overall facial features relaxed. He looked at you with such adoration, the corners of his mouth slightly turned upwards, bringing your hand to his chest as your fingers curled about his thumb.
“Thank you, sweet girl.”
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“Come on,” you muttered to Akiko, moving the reign to get her to go faster, “come on, Akiko.”
The cottage that Levi’s squad resided in came into view, only encouraging you to push Akiko to move faster.
The sun was low, no longer the harsh heat beating down on you. The sky was blue, but littered with beautiful orange highlights against swirls of clouds. The breeze felt so good against your neck, your forehead.
You jumped off the moment you were close enough, trusting Akiko to move closer to the house as you ran to the door, not bothering to knock. You stood at the threshold of the dining room kitchen.
“Captain Levi,” you called out, stopping at the sight of everyone gathered at the table. Hange visibly shaken at the seat next to the window, Levi looking at you with furrowed brows; you never called him by his title.
There was a gleam in his eyes as you approached him, his body tensing.
“I have a message from Erwin. Nifa went to tell him about Pastor Nick,” eyes sparing a glance at Hange, “but she gave me this when she returned.”
You handed Levi a carefully folded note, your fingers brushing against his. Levi broke his gaze from yours, quickly looking over the note. He shot you a grim look, telling everyone to grab their things and move out; make it look like they were never there.
You watched everyone move around quietly, catching soft murmurs about what the note must have said. You moved your gaze back to Levi, never moving from your spot whilst he walked up to you, tucking the note back into your jacket, underneath your cloak.
You shot your hand out to cup his neck, fingers dancing along the nape of his neck, barely brushing against the shaved hair. Levi’s own hand moved from your pocket to the hem of your jacket, pulling you closer.
“I have to go back. I’ll meet you back in Trost District. Just… please be careful,” you whispered, eyes worriedly searching his face.
“Take the opposite path you came,” Levi commanded quietly, his eyes serious as they stared into yours, “outsmart those shitheads.”
“Levi,” you whispered, the worry seeping through, into your voice.
What Levi did next caught you off guard. He leaned in, placing a kiss on your forehead then on the crown of your head. His hand moved to your hips, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
“I’ll see you in Trost District,” Levi murmured, pushing you back to the door.
You couldn’t help the fucking stinging behind your eyes, not wanting to take your eyes from Levi.
“Go. I promise I’ll see you in Trost District. I need to focus on the kids,” Levi warned you softly, cupping your cheek, “We’ll see you soon.”
You nodded, running back out, jumping on Akiko and commanding Akiko back the way you came. You spared one glance back, watching the kids pile out in brown cloaks. It was the last thing you saw before directing Akiko down a different path.
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You watched in horror at the sight of the titan crawling through the fields, mouth wide open and eyes watering. It was… it had to be bigger than the Colossal Titan. There was no way that it wasn’t.
Everything it touched burned, everything it was in close proximity went up in flames. It’s trails created a new valley in the ground, fires jumping off its body and onto the surrounding trees.
Your hands went limp, your eyes never leaving the creature, and for a brief moment, doubt spread throughout your body. 
How the fuck were you going to take it down?
“Commander Erwin! It’s Squad Levi! They have Eren and Historia!”
Your head snapped in the direction that the Scout came from, watching as Squad Levi came right from behind.
Your eyes watered at the sight of Levi, your body shuddering in relief. You couldn’t help the soft sob that raked through your body, turning your head down, hand clamped over your mouth and eyes squeeze shut.
Slow inhale, deep exhale.
“Oi,” Levi muttered, nudging your foot with his.
You shook your head, damning the tears that wouldn’t stop trickling down your face.
“Oi,” Levi breathed, reaching over to pull your hand away from your mouth, “look at me.”
You sniffled, eyes narrowed, finally looking at him. Your vision was blurry, but you knew you weren’t imagining the soft look he was giving you, not giving a shit of who saw.
Levi’s eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes looking you over before locking with yours. His hand wrapped around yours, pulling you closer until you were centimeters away.
“I made a promise. I would have expected you, of all people, to know I keep my promises,” Levi mocked.
“You’re such an ass,” you sniffled, wiping your tears. You tried to pull away, to no avail.
The corner of Levi’s mouth quirked upwards, his hand pulling you closer while leaning in, capturing your lips against his for a brief moment. Your face burned hot, pulling away and looking around in bewilderment.
No one was around. A moment of privacy.
You allowed yourself a moment to be selfish, looking back at Levi and stealing another kiss.
This one was different. You poured everything you had, everything you felt; fear, relief, shock, sadness, hope, love. Levi reprociated the kiss. His own feelings poured into it; his own hopes, his own relief, his own moment to be selfish, just for a moment. Even the strong had their weaknesses, had to recharge.
Erwin called out that it was time to move.
Levi pulled away, but you pulled back in for one more quick kiss.
Levi hummed lowly, pulling away, shooting you a look of warning.
“Let’s go. They’re not going to wait on your ass forever,” Levi scoffed, moving Ryu away and ahead of you.
“Yeah, but you will,” you murmured, following him.
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magicaththedemigod · 3 years
an extensive analysis of “the song of achilles” by madeline miller
Or: things I noticed and couldn't keep to myself.
Because I just finished reading it and have many feelings about it, I've decided to compile all of them into a very lengthy Tumblr post.
This will be broken up into three parts:
1. Foreshadowing
2. Dramatic (and regular) Irony
3. Fatal Flaws
1. Foreshadowing
Miller does such a delightful job with foreshadowing. The number of quotes I could be spitting at you right now... but I digress. The main job of foreshadowing, especially in a tragedy like "The Song of Achilles," is to set the characters up for their tragedy.
What I like most about how Miller goes about it in this book is that she doesn't attempt to pull a shocking twist out of nowhere; instead, she takes an approach which allows the reader to fully marinate in their despair.
For example, this quote:
Achilles shook his head, impatiently. "But this was a greater punishment for her. It was not fair of them." "There is no law that gods must be fair, Achilles," Chiron said. "And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Do you think?"
Let's take a moment and unpack some of this. For context, this is a conversation between Patroclus, Achilles, and their mentor Chiron. They're discussing the tale of Heracles, who's driven to madness and ends up killing his own wife and kids.
From reading the book, (SPOILER ALERT) you know that Achilles' own pride and honor end up forcing Patroclus to impersonate him in order to save the Greek army, and in doing so is killed by Hector. The fact that Chiron directs this question, "And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Do you think?" to Achilles, who is left behind after Patroclus' death is such delightful foreshadowing that I almost threw the book across the room when I first read it.
Achilles slumps into such a depression after Patroclus dies (really, after he kills Patroclus with his own fatal flaw), that he even loses the ability to care about his fame or honor anymore. He feels the greater grief, so to speak.
Even after he dies, Patroclus is left behind, unable to rest properly because they never put his name on the tomb. In that sense, Patroclus is then the one left behind, experiencing loneliness and grief.
The book is full of little hints like this, and that's part of why it's almost torture to read as someone who knows how the Iliad goes. As I said before: the foreshadowing in this book is meant to have the reader in pain from the beginning because you know nothing is going to work out in the end.
2. Dramatic (and regular) Irony
Yes, that's right. I'm about to rip into your soul.
Probably one of the biggest parts of classical Greek myths is dramatic irony (the audience knowing something the characters don't). In plays, the ending is almost always announced before the play begins. In fact, the audience most likely already knows the story from previous tellings or just general knowledge. It makes sense that it would be one of the biggest players in "The Song of Achilles."
As usual, let's start with a quote:
His eyes opened. "Name one hero who was happy." I considered. Heracles went mad and killed his family; Theseus lost his bride and father; Jason's children and new wife were murdered by his old; Bellerophon killed the Chimera but was crippled by the fall from Pegasus' back. "You can't." He was sitting up now, leaning forward. "I can't." "I know. They never let you be famous and happy." He lifted an eyebrow. "I'll tell you a secret." "Tell me." I loved it when he was like this. "I'm going to be the first." He took my palm and held it to his. "Swear it." "Why me?" "Because you're the reason. Swear it." "I swear it," I said, lost in the high color of his cheeks, the flame in his eyes. "I swear it," he echoed. We sat like that a moment, hands touching. He grinned. "I feel like I could eat the world raw."
First of all: cute. Second of all: wow, so much pain.
As you know, Achilles is the opposite of happy at the end of the book (well, maybe after they die, but we'll get to that later). Though he swears it here with Patroclus, the two of them make decisions that ultimately lead to their downfall: Achilles decides to abandon the Greeks after they slighted his honor, Patroclus decides to help them even if it means risking his life, and Achilles lets him do it.
So let's talk about dramatic irony. The irony here is that you know, maybe just from this exchange alone, that Achilles isn't going to be the first happy hero. You know there is a war coming, know that Achilles and his famous heel will get himself killed. You might also know at this point that Patroclus will die first and send Achilles spiraling into grief before that happens.
It's painful, truly. Achilles spends his last days in utter agony, wanting to die but unable to kill himself, and Patroclus can only watch on as a ghost (spirit?). Even when Achilles does die and his ashes are put into their urn (seriously, how did any scholar ever think they weren't lovers?), they still have to wait to be reunited.
But there's still more. Consider these lines:
Hector's eyes are wide, but he will run no longer. He says, "Grant me this. Give my body to my family, when you have killed me." Achilles makes a sound like choking. "There are no bargains between lions and men. I will kill you and eat you raw."
Sound familiar? That's right: "I will kill you and eat you raw" sounds an awful lot like "I feel like I could eat the world raw," doesn't it? Another parallel from Miller: one from a time of happiness, the other from a time of extreme grief. However painful it is, I really live for connections like that.
And I've got one more for you:
Achilles shook his head. "Never. He is brave and strong, but that is all. He would break against Hector like water on a rock. So. It is me, or no one." "You will not do it." I tried not to let it sound like begging. "No." He was quiet a moment. "But I can see it. That's the strange thing. Like in a dream. I can see myself throwing the spear, see him fall. I walk up to the body and stand over it." Dread rose in my chest. I took a breath, forced it away. "And then what?" "That's the strangest of all. I look down at his blood and know my death is coming. But in the dream I do not mind. What I feel, most of all, is relief." "Do you think it can be prophecy?" The questions seemed to make him self-conscious. He shook his head. "No. I think it is nothing at all. A daydream." I forced my voice to match his in lightness. "I'm sure you're right. After all, Hector hasn't done anything to you."
See where I'm going with this? I don't think I need to explain this one.
3. Fatal Flaws
That's right, one of the most essential pieces for a tragedy: hamartia. For those who might not know, hamartia is the fatal flaw that ultimately leads to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine. In every single piece of classical greek writing, if the story is a tragedy, the main character will have a fatal flaw that makes it so.
Take Achilles:
I looked at the stone of his face, and despaired. “If you love me-”
“No!” His face was stiff with tension. “I cannot! If I yield, Agamemnon can dishonor me whenever he wishes. The kings will not respect me, nor the men!” He was breathless, as though he had run far. “Do you think I wish them all to die? But I cannot. I cannot! I will not let them take this from me!”
You probably already know what his fatal flaw is: pride. He needs the fame, needs the glorious memory of his deeds to live on forever, so badly that he is willing to sacrifice his life and what might’ve been a fulfilling and long life with Patroclus out of the limelight. His fatal flaw is what spurs each of his actions in the later half of the book, including the moment where he decides to leave the Greeks to their deaths for slandering him.
Even Patroclus has a fatal flaw: his love for Achilles.
That night I lay in bed beside Achilles. His face is innocent, sleep-smoothed and sweetly boyish. I love to see it. This is his truest self, earnest and guileless, full of mischief but without malice. He is lost in Agamemnon and Odysseus’ wily double meanings, their lies and games of power. They have confounded him, tied him to a stake and baited him. I stroke the soft skin of his forehead. I would untie him if I could. If he would let me.
Though riding into the center of the fighting, especially dressed as Achilles, will make Patroclus the prime target, he decides to do it anyway. And not out of fear for Achilles’s life; he knows how important his pride and reputation is to him, and out of desperation will do anything to keep Achilles from being devastated when it doesn’t work out for him.
(Honestly, this is the part where I start to hate Achilles for doing this to Patroclus... it’s like he doesn’t even consider Patroclus his equal and does everything without consulting him.)
Of course, Agamemnon has a fatal flaw as well. He is like the mirror image of Achilles, so proud and stubborn, righteous and arrogant. However, he is the darker image, the one that revels in taking things by force and, of course, raping women like Briseis. He serves as a poignant foil for Achilles, highlighting all the ways the traits they share can easily become corrupted. It’s part of why this novel works so well.
I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I did. Truthfully, I did have a few problems with it, but I wanted to trying picking it apart anyway. And if you haven’t read the song of achilles... what are you doing reading these spoilers?? 
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 1~
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I know there are not many who are a fan of Kurama, but I swear he’s an angel. Also WARNING!!! The whole route has sexual content, gore, violence, murder, torture, and also spooky horror scenes involving demons all the way through. Now that I’ve cleared everything, I don’t have to put warnings in every chapter.
——-PART 1——-
(I’m going to collect the mystical powers that are required to cancel my pact with Tamamo….and I will definitely open my own pharmacy!)
While thinking about my ordinary lovely life, I looked straight with all the courage I could muster.
Yoshino: “Please take care of me, everyone!”
Shigehira:”......You’re already being noisy.”
Yoshino: “So-Sorry.”
Morinaga: “I think it’s nice to be cheerful, right?”
Yoritomo: “After nearly getting killed, I agree. So as a newcomer to the Shogunate, you will be standing at the frontlines of tomorrow’s war.”
Yoshino: “Eh?”
Yoritomo-sama grins and places a hand on my right shoulder.
As soon as I was about to reply to the words in a hurry, Tamamo placed his hand on my left shoulder.
Tamamo: “Don’t underestimate the power of the woman who is bound to me. I’m sure she can take at least the head of an enemy general.”
Morinaga: “Pharmacists are strong these days, aren’t they?”
Yoshino: “No...you’re exaggerating...”
Kagetoki: “If you don’t meet our expectations, you will be flogged, imprisoned and torture, understood?”
Yoshino: “DON’T YOU DARE!”
I panicked and shouted, but----
(Huh? Why are everyone’s shoulders are shaking slightly...)
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Yoritomo; “Not a bad reaction.”
Kagetoki: “Yeah, passable.”
Tamamo: “Are those glasses for decoration? We got a perfect reaction, no matter how you look at it.”
Morinaga: “Yeah, she’s so cheerful, honest, and cute. I have no words to say.”
Shigehira: “.....Sorry about that.”🠀(daily victim of these teasing adults)
(What’s with this flow?)
Yoshino: “Did you all just team up just to tease me?”
Yoritomo: “What are you talking about? Well, it’s half of that is true.”
Tamamo: “We were having a bit of fun. Forgive me, Yoshino.”
Yoshino: “How can Tamamo, blend in so easily....?”
(I don’t understand, he’s a newcomer to the Shogunate like me!)
Morinaga: “Aside from Tamamo’s appearance, he doesn’t sound too much like a demon when he’s talking like this.”
Kagetoki: “I’m not sure what it means to be a ‘demon’,”
Shigehira: “If you ask like that, maybe Kurama would be an example of how demons usually act...”
(Oh yeah...)
Kurama: “That’s not the point! You’re the one who’s been taking advantage of an ordinary person. Just look at her. As I expected, she’s just a boring little puss.”
------FLASHBACK END-----
A shiver runs down my spine as I remember those red eyes with their out-of-the-world glow.
Yoshino: “I felt like I was looked down upon.”
Tamamo: “Exactly, He’s the most selfish and unreasonable of all the demons. The most annoying part is, he always challenges me because I’m equal to him, in terms of power.”
------Part 2-----
Tamamo: “He’s the most selfish and unreasonable of all the demons. The most annoying part is, he always challenges me because I’m equal to him, in terms of power.”
Yoshino: “He’s that powerful....”
I shiver a little as I feel the night wind grow colder.
(I know the fight is still a long way off and there’s no point dwelling on it now.)
Shigehira: “Why don’t you just go into the palace and get some sleep? Seeing you wander around the palace with dark circles under your eyes is going to be a hassle.”
Yoshino: “Wander...?”
Kagetoki: “As expected of the man who goes to bed early and gets up early, has a different mindset.”
Morinaga: “Yes, they say that sleeping early makes children grow faster.”
Shigehira: “You both, stop making fun of me!”
Yoshino: “Hehe....you all seem to be friendly with each other.”
Yoritomo: “Friendly...well, what can I say...”
Tamamo: “I envy you.”
Shigehira: “Bullshit!” 
-----I’m going to live in the midst of all these personalities tomorrow.
(I don’t know what kind of day it will be.)
(If we’re going to live an unfamiliar life until we’ve achieved our goal, let’s make it a meaningful one.)
A few days later-----
Tamamo: “Oh, where are you going, Yoshino?”
Yoshino: “Ah, Tamamo. Good morning.”
Early in the morning, I was walking down the corridor when I bumped into Tamamo.
Yoshino: “I’m thinking of going to the mountains outside of town to pick up some herbs.”
Tamamo: “Herbs? As long as we are under the protection of the Shogunate, I don’t think you need to work hard as pharmacist.”
(It’s true that there’s good food at every meal, the room is too comfortable, and it’s a heavenly life...but....)
Yoshino: “I’m uncomfortable living such a good life even though I haven’t done anything. I won’t use my fox powers until the battle, and I hope I can contribute as a pharmacist first.”
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Tamamo: “I see. As the home of the samurai, a pharmacist would be of great value here. Perhaps it’s not such a bad idea to ingratiate yourself with them on a regular basis?”
Yoshino: “No, I didn’t mean to do it that way.”
It is true, however, I hoped it would help him to fit in with the Shogunate.
Tamamo: “But it’s not easy picking herbs, is it? Why don’t I come with you to the mountains?”
Yoshino: “Eh?”
I was delighted by the unexpected offer but...
(Yikes, no matter how you look at it, mountain trails don’t suit Tamamo.)
Yoshino: “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. I’d like to go into town this afternoon. If you don’t mind, will you join me?”
Tamamo: “That’s an excellent suggestion. You can leave the guidance to me.”
------Part 3------
Yoshino: “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. I’d like to go into town this afternoon. If you don’t mind, will you join me?”
Tamamo: “That’s an excellent suggestion. You can leave the guidance to me.”
I parted ways with the happy Tamamo and made my way to the outskirts of town.
Yoshino: “Okay! I wonder if this is enough.”
After gathering the necessary herbs, I take my basket and start walking along the mountain path.
After a while----
(The surroundings are getting foggy...)
(I have to be careful.)
At the same point, the temperature drops, and goosebumps appear on my arms.
Yoshino: “This is the direction I came, right?”
(I don’t know what it was, I can’t be sure of it but I have a bad feeling about it.)
I can feel the hair on the nape of my neck stand.
At that time, sudden anxiety attacks me....
There was a faint sound of wet earth being trodden on.
(Who is there?)
When I looked back, there was no one.
(Maybe it’s just my imagination.)
While convincing myself, I started walking fast.
(I can’t see my feet.)
At that time---
*tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*
Yoshino: “.......!”
I was sure I could hear it and it made my whole body go all hairy.
As I quickened my pace, the sound of footsteps followed behind me.
Yoshino: “.....Who is there?”
Voice: “Hehehehe...”
The sound of laughter coming from behind the fog gives me a strange chill.
Voice: “Who is there? Who is there? Hehehe...”
A voice with the lisp of a young child and the lisp of a grown woman imitated my words.
(What the hell is that.....?)
Voice: “Is there someone? Someone? Hehehehe.....Hehehe....”
Yoshino:” Go away!”
I raise my voice and I feel my legs trembling.
Unable to resist, my feet tangled as I ran and I nearly plowed over the bumps in the ground, obscured by the fog.
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Voice: “Go away.....go away.....go away.....? I’m going catch you....”
Yoshino: “Kyaaa!”
I threw the basket at the voice and stood back on my feet and started running.
(Why is this demon....following me?)
I struggled to escape the sound of footsteps and laughter chasing me from behind.
Finally, when I can’t hear the voice anymore, I started breathing normally.
(Looks like I ended up in the deepest part of the mountains.)
Yoshino: “...I hate this. Why did this have to happen to me?”
(What should I do now?)
Rubbing the tears from my eyes, I walked on fearfully not wanting to go back.
Then a faint sound of water can be heard through the mist.
Yoshino: “Is there a river nearby?”
As I stared, I could see a faint spring through the slow-moving mist.
As we walked cautiously, a strong wind blew just ahead of me and it quickly lifted the mist.
(......! Someone’s there.)
-------Part 4------
As we walked cautiously, a strong wind blew just ahead of us and quickly lifted the mist.
(......! Someone’s there.)
This time I approached, squealing with relief at the sight of a definite figure.
Yoshino: “Excuse me! Um....”
------The first thing I saw was a jet-black spread of wings.
Droplets of morning light glisten from their glossy wet feathers.
(No way....)
The eyes of this person whose feet are immersed in the shallows and whose well-built body is generously exposed----
Those unforgettable glowing red eyes.
Kurama: “................”
Yoshino: “Karasu Tengu.....Kurama.”
It’s out of this world beautiful and for a moment my thoughts stopped.
Kurama: “----What an ‘unpleasant surprise.”
His voice rang with contempt and my breath caught in my throat at the intimidation.
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Kurama: “Who gave you the permission to be in my sight?”
(-----I have to run!)
I decided so and started running with my back towards him.
(I’m still wondering about the demon from earlier but there’s no time to get lost in other things!)
Kurama: “Stop right there!”
Yoshino: “Kyaa!”
An invisible blade gouges out the soil underfoot.
(It’s a wind blade!)
With a careless wave of his hand, Kurama let fear take over my movements.
The black feathers just flutter and splash once.
Kurama: “I said it was an unpleasant sight, but I didn’t give you the permission to run away. The only thing you are allowed to do is to answer my questions sincerely, without trembling like a fool.”
(I....must calm down, I have the power of the nine tail fox. But....)
I squeezed my fingertips which were hard as stone.
(I’m scared.)
(My legs are shaking even though I’ve been threatened only once.)
Kurama came out of the water quickly.
I tugged my sleeve in fear while thinking about how to get away from him.
Kurama: “Now.”
Every step he takes brings a cold sweat behind my neck.
My instincts told me that I was in the presence of a superhuman being.
Yoshino: “Ah!”
Kurama: “Little puss, why have you come to this mountain?”
He pulls me close and our breaths touch as he looks at me.
1. Nothing.(+4/+4)
2. I don’t know.(+4/+4)
3. Please let go.(+4/+4)
Yoshino: “For nothing....”
I shook my head, which had gone completely blank.
Kurama: “Only a lowly animal will move without a purpose.”
Yoshino: “Argh, I just came to pick some herbs, okay! What are you doing here?”
Kurama: “Don’t you see? I was having a bath.”
Yoshino: ‘Bath?......In the enemy’s territory?”
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Kurama: “No matter where I am, I do what I want and whenever I want.”
------Part 5------
Kurama: “No matter where I am, I do what I want and whenever I want.”
Yoshino: “But you didn’t come here just for a dip....right?”
I asked him fearfully.
Kurama: “Of course, I’m here to see Tamamo.”
Yoshino: “Tamamo...”
Kurama: “I thought I would see how the nine-tail-fox was faring in the Shogunate. Since he’s spending so much time in vain, I might as well give him a light fight. But before I went to see him, I saw this nice spring and stopped by.”
(Going into enemy territory doesn’t seem to be something that makes Kurama nervous at all.)
(I wonder if demons have different senses from humans?)
Kurama scratched his wet hair annoyingly.
Despite this situation, my eyes are drawn to the picture-like gesture.
(What are you thinking? I want to know even if he’s an enemy.)
Yoshino: “Um....were you the one making those strange footsteps and voices? Did you do that to lure me here?”
Kurama: “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
When Kurama was about to continue his words....
Yoshino: “.....! Wait.”
(That sound.)
The familiar sloppy sound of footsteps makes my shoulders quiver
*tap tap tap tap tap*
Kurama: “..................”
(At a time like this......)
Voice: “Found you!....Hehehehe, found you found you!”
Yoshino: “No.....way.....”
The hem of a red kimono and the feet of a pair of sandals loomed mysteriously out from under the mist.
The next moment....
(What the hell!?)
A plume of black smoke came from somewhere, tinting the mist.....
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Demon: “Found you! Found you! Found you! Found you! “
Yoshino: “Kyaaa.....”
I can’t breathe properly because of the fear that crawls up from under my feet.
The outline of the huge demon distorted and stretched its arms wide towards us.
(No more.)
Kurama: “Don’t you dare interrupt me!.”
As I opened my eyes in despair, I heard a voice above me, which was the most sullen voice I’ve ever heard.
Demon: “Gyaaaaa!”
Yoshino: “Nghh.....”
The invisible wind blades sliced the limbs of the demon brutally.
The demon collapsed struggled violently on the ground in a black mass.
Kurama: “Crushed like a bug.”
I looked back, ducking my eyes against the strong wind blowing. Kurama pulls a fan from his waist and gives it a big flash.
Kurama: “I won’t allow a fly like you to interrupt me, so be  ready for what’s coming to you.”
Chapter 2
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Ladybug: A Young Avenger
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Hey Everyone, I got prompt for a civil war ML crossover fic but I was really into Team Iron Man on Ao3 for longest of times and, after endgame, I kind of need some team fluff. So I tweaked the prompt. It’s still team Iron man; just… not the way you’d expect. (Also did anyone know else know that Penny’s last name was Rolling?)
It took Tony Stark all of five minutes to figure out Ladybug’s identity.
“Jarvis, buddy?” Tony called out.
“Yes, sir?”
“What’s up with teenagers and being bug-themed heroes wearing inappropriate costumes?”
           The A.I took a moment before answering, “…I, for one, blame Vine.”
           Tony sighed. First fifteen-year-old Peter Parker aka Spiderman. He took the kid on an as an intern the second he learned about Spiderman. Now fifteen-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng aka Ladybug.
           He groaned.
What could he do? He needed help.
           Captain America needed to be stopped. The Winter Solider needed to be taken down. Team Cap had gone too far.
           It was war.
           Getting Harley Keener, a mechanical mastermind to agree to be his intern was a bit like chewing nails but Tony always knew the kit would agree. Getting Peter Parker, a child genius with a bright future as a scientist, to agree to be his intern was a piece of cake. Honestly Tony could’ve asked for the kid’s soul in repayment and Peter would’ve asked if he wanted on a silver plate or if plastic was okay? Getting Riri Williams, an engineering prodigy to be his intern, was easy. Too easy; her mom practically threw her at him, all while making him swear into a recorder that he wouldn’t sue. No matter what. Introducing the kids to his labs made him feel like Willie Wonka hand-delivering the golden tickets.
           They were all future scientists and engineers like Tony. They grew up worshiping at the altar of Stark Industries like ever future MIT graduate did.
           Marinette Dupain-Cheng, on the other hand, was an entirely different beast who played an entirely different game. She was a fashion prodigy who had designed for stars like Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. She had interned for Style Queen Audrey Bourgeois, had her clothes walk the runway during Paris fashion week, and had a summer job that somehow lasted over a year, working for Miranda Priestly, the editor-in-Chief for Runway Magazine when the scary woman took over Paris: Runaway. Said job ended when Miranda when back to New York. Marinette only prayed to the fashion gods. So when Tony Stark, god of the nerds, showed up at her door, she only blinked once.
           Said girl sat between her parents, with cool blue eyes glaring at him suspiciously. Luckily Tony was smart enough to bring Pepper with him.
           Pepper Potts smiled at the family in front of her; two bakers and the daughter, who made the most delicious macarons that she ever tasted. “So you see, after Tony came across Marinette’s wonderful re-design sketch of his suit on her website, he was very impressed with her talent.”
“But to take Marinette on as an intern?” Sabine asked. “Excuse me, but Marinette has always leaned towards the arts than science.”
           Tony gave the woman his best charming smile, “What is science if not another form of art. We both create, strive to better our talents, work to make names for ourselves; experiment and test out hypothesizes. Granted no one in my field ever created the disaster that was crocs.”
           Marinette narrowed her eyes, “Didn’t your father help on the Manhattan Project?”
           Pepper cleared on her throat. “Tom, Sabine, before anyone agrees to anything I’d like to go over safety procedures in place. Would you mind stepping outside with me, I could use a bit of fresh air.”
           Tony and Marinette just stared at each other as the three left the room. When the front door closed behind them, Marinette leaned forward, “What do you want?” Her patience had reached its end.
“Aren’t you being a little rude?” Tony smirked.
“Aren’t you a little old?” Marinette snapped back. “What do you want?”
“I want Ladybug’s help.”
           Marinette flinched back in shock. Her heart raced in her chest. “How do you know?”
“I’m Tony Stark,” He shrugged easily, picking up a mint chocolate Macron. “I know everything.”
           Marinette fought the fear racing through her, and steeled herself like Miranda and Audrey had taught her, “So Iron Man’s wanted Ladybug as an intern? So what does Iron Man get? What does Ladybug get? What does Tony get? And what does Marinette get?”
“You made clear distinctions,” Tony said approvingly, his business-side gearing up. “But I am Iron Man.” He said. “You come to New York for this spring break and for the summer. I get Ladybug’s help in handling a personal issue that has developed within the Avengers. Ladybug gets training from the Avengers. Marinette gets to add Stark Industries and a personal letter of recommendation from Tony Stark to her resume.”
“On the condition, that identities stay secret from the media,” Marinette crossed her arms. “I don’t suppose I can hide it from the rest Avengers for very long. And I get an additional letter of recommendation from Pepper Potts. Pepper takes my friend Chloe on as an intern; she’s the hero, Queen Bee. And only one who knows my identity, besides you. Also, I actually do get to help design your next suit. My expenses?”
           Tony smirk widened. The girl knew how to cover her bases. She even wanted to have an Ally with her should things take a turn. “All paid for by me. First-class all the way. You and Chloe will stay in the Stark Tower on the same floor as the other interns.”
“Other young superheroes, you mean?” Marinette guessed, causing Tony’s eyes to twinkle in joy. “Spiderman, Iron Heart, and WarIron. Based on their sizes, I had guessed they were young; teenagers probably. Why didn’t you ask Chat Noir too? Or why aren’t you? Because you’re not, you would’ve mentioned it by now?”
“You mean the Agreste kid?” Tony said, not noticing Marinette’s eyes widen in surprise. “He’s not serious enough for me. I play games but he goes too far. Surprised you haven’t dumped him yet. Get a better partner.”
           Marinette took a bit of a macron to get a moment to think. Adrien was Chat Noir. In retrospect, it made a lot of sense. Both were socially immature, and a bit naïve. Each had an idealistic view of things and didn’t let the real world break them of it. For example Adrien and his dealing with Lila’s lies. Chat Noir and Ladybug turning down his advances.
“Very well,” The bluenette finally agreed. “I agree to be your intern. Shall we discuss my salary now or later? Well, need to before I or my parents sign any contracts.”
           It was Tony’s turn to narrow his eyes. Not one; not a single one of his interns: Harley, Peter, or Riri ever asked about how much they’d get paid. They’d all assumed it was an unpaid internship and was surprised when their contracts included a salary. “You’re a shark.”
           Marinette hummed, “You should see me when there’s blood in the water.”
           That was something Tony was looking forward to seeing.
           The official paperwork was signed three days later; Marinette was officially a Stark intern. Due to go to Orientation for spring break in New York in a few weeks.
           Those weeks flew by. She let Fu know she’d have to go back and forth for a few weeks. She didn’t bother telling anyone else. Her friendships in the class had dwindled dramatically. While most weren’t her outright enemies, her classmates tended to avoid her. If they couldn’t do that, they were beyond cold to her. It was Lila’s doing. She got her hooks into the class, who all wanted to tie themselves to the golden goose, and when it was clear that Lila and Marinette didn’t like each other, they picked sides. They chose their meal ticket over their lifelong friend.
           Honestly, it made Marinette almost wish that Lila had lied about her instead; accused her of being a bully or something. Anything. Because at least then her ex-friends would have somewhat of a reason to be ex-friends. Even if it wasn’t a very good one. Instead, they were just bad friends all on their own.
           Still, Marinette didn’t mourn their loss as she sat in the back of the class with Chloe on a Sunny Tuesday morning, and they were living for New York that Friday. She had a steadily rising career in Fashion. She had worked under Miranda Priestly and Audrey. From them, she learned it was best to drop fair-weather friends and how to spot wannabes, fame-seekers, and gold-diggers from three miles away.
           She was happy with Chloe as her bestie. The girl had turned a new leaf and proven her loyalty to the point where Fu made her a permanent hero. And the Blond had been ecstatic when Pepper Potts had shown up at their door. She had hugged Marinette a full five minutes for getting her the internship. All while screaming with joy.
           Both girls were excited to go. Though Marinette did encounter one downside. The night before, Jagged Stone and Penny Rolling; or as Marinette deemed them #RollingStone, called her. Or rather Penny did the talking. Jagged was trying to wrestle his newest jacket away from Fang’s teeth. Penny offered Marinette a chance to spend her spring break traveling around on tour with Jagged, as his personal stylist. Marinette had no choice but to turn the job down. She loved her honorary Uncle Jagged but she already signed the contract.
           That morning Lila had spun another set of lies. The first was about helping Tony Stark fix his Iron man suit when she was traveling in America. The second was about the newest song Jagged Stone wrote about her. It was exhausting to listen to but the class hung on every word.
           Bustier had just finished her first lesson of the day when she invited Alya to stand up.
           The glasses-wearing girl grinned at the class, “So as everyone’s aware; there’s a class pool party is this Saturday; first day of spring break, baby!” The class cheered. “Everyone who’s invited should’ve gotten their invitation. Don’t want any drama,” She cast a cold look to the two girls at the back of the class. “Invite only. So no party crashers. Marinette, Chloe what are you doing this Saturday?” Alya smirked at her call out that the two girls weren’t invited; that they were the only ones who weren’t.
           As if on cue, the classroom’s door burst opened and in walked Tony Stark, followed by a very apologetic looking Pepper, “Marinette; it’s time to go! Grab Pepper’s minion and let’s go.”
           There were gasps from the class. Max sat up straight. Iron Man was in front of him, in his class, this was the best day of his life.
           Marinette just sighed, “Did you kick the door open, Tony?” Disapproval clear in her voice.
“I can’t go now!” Marinette explained. “I have class. We weren’t supposed to leave until Friday, remember.”
           Tony waved her off, “Details. Spring Break starts now. Queenie, Mari; chop-chop! New York is waiting!”
           Bustier decided to step in. She may not always be the best teacher but she refused to allow a strange man, even if that man was Tony Stark, to take away any of her students. “Mr. Stark, can I ask what you want Marinette and Chloe for?”
           Thankfully, it was Pepper that answered as she closed back the classroom door, “They have been employed as interns for Stark Industries. They’ll be attending orientation during their spring break at Stark Tower.”
Max actually fell out of his seat. Because this couldn’t be happening. Stark industries rarely ever took high schoolers’ as interns. Tony Stark only chose the best of the best. How could Marinette land the job?
“Marinette’s my intern,” Tony grinned. “Blondie’s Pepper’s. Who else is gonna teach her how to rule the world.”
           A slow smile spread across Chloe’s face, “With an iron fist.”
           Tony pointed at her, “You scare me. Pepper get your intern!”
           The other students were amazed. Marinette was Tony Stark’s intern. Chloe somehow got Pepper Pott's attention. What had they missed? Why didn’t Marinette tell them? How?
“That’s what we’ll be doing this Saturday, Alya,” Chloe drawled. “In New York, hanging with the Avengers.” Causing Alya to flush with anger. “We couldn’t come to your pool party even if we wanted to. Which we don’t.”
“He found my sketch of a potential Iron man suit design,” Marinette explained, continuing the story Tony had told her parents. “He loved it and offered me the job a few weeks ago.”
“Weeks?” Nino asked. “And you didn’t tell us? Dudette, not cool.”
           Alix nodded, her arms crossed, “Yeah I thought we were friends!”
           Marinette and Chloe just looked at them like they were stupid.
           Alya put her hands on her hips, “Mr. Stark, why didn’t you ask Lila Rossi to be your intern? She helped you with your suit before. She’d be much better than Marinette!”
           The girl in question face turned bright red, “This can’t be happening.” Lila muttered.
           Tony looked honestly confused, “Lila? Who’s Lila? No one ever helped me with my suit except the kids I already got as interns.” He looked at Pepper. “Do I know a Lila Rossi?”
           Pepper shook her head, and turned fierce eyes towards Lila, “Miss Rossi, please refrain from lying about Tony Stark and or Stark Industries. Or we will sue you on the grounds of defamation.”
           Lila squeaked. Sue? She couldn’t be sued. Her mother would kill her if she got a lawsuit from Tony Stark.
           It was the rest of the class’s turn to look confused.
           However, before anyone could ask any follow-up questions, the classroom door burst opened again. Jagged Stone strutted in, followed by a very apologetic look Penny and happy Fang with, what looked to be, the arm of a leather jacket.
“Marinette!” Jagged yelled. “What’s this about you not coming on tour? I need my favorite stylist, love.
Marinette just sighed, “Did you kick the door open, Jagged?” Disapproval clear in her voice.
           The bluenette just shook her head, “I have plans this Spring break. I’m sorry.”
“Plans?” Jagged whined. “What could be better spending your Spring Break with a Rock Star? You can even bring your Blonde. Penny could use an assistant!” He paused, finally noticing it wasn’t just kids. “The bloody hell is Tony Stark doing here?”
           The two famous men eyed each other. The women they came with just looked so done with the world.
           Tony crossed his arms, “I got custody of Marinette for Spring Break; you snooze, you lose.”
“What?!” Jagged hissed. “She’s my designer.”
“She’s my intern!”
           Jagged glared, “I knew her first. By rights, I get custody.”
“I have a contract that says otherwise!” Tony taunted the Rock Star. “Her future is Stark Industries.”
“Her future is Rock and Roll!” Jagged yelled back.
           Both men glared at each other.
           Both women groaned. How was this their lives? Why what was this their lives? What bus full of nuns and orphans did they rob in a past life?
           Penny smiled, “Marinette means the world to us. I’m her honorary Aunt Penny,” She held out her hand for Pepper. “Jagged’s her honorary Uncle. We’ve known her for years. Contracts were already signed?”
           Pepper nodded, “Tony doesn’t play when it comes to his interns. He won’t budge. Trust me; we’ve done this three other times. Marinette’s his kid now, all but legally.” For now, Pepper didn’t bother to add. Every now and then she found discovered a new set of adoption papers with one of the interns’ names on it; one time she found three sets for all three. Plus if Tony kept hinting any harder, May was going to gut him.  “She’ll be in New York for Spring break and all of the summer.”
“Summer!” Jagged whined. “He gets custody for summer too! No!” he shook his head. “Not happening. Call our lawyers, Penny. We’re going to family court!”
           Tony blew him a raspberry. Tony Stark blew Jagged Stone a raspberry. The class could only blink, trying to process what was happening.
           Marinette just wanted the earth to open up and swallow her.
“Marinette already designed your clothes for the tour,” Penny tried to placate. “They’re amazing. We can call and skype if we need any additional tips. We have a concert in New York over spring break so we can go and see.” They didn’t. But Penny would be damned if she could have one booked within the hour. Anything to stop jagged from mention family court again. “Most of our summer is free too, we can visit Marinette whenever we want.”
           Jagged huffed but didn’t say anything.
“Well not whenever you want,” Tony teased.
“Family court!” Jagged hissed.
“Tony!” Pepper said warningly. She was not going to let this going to court. No matter how lovely Marinette was. “Be nice.”
           Tony pouted.
           Marinette raised her hand, “You guys know that legally my parents still have custody of me, right?” There was no answer. “Right?!” Nothing.
           The bluenette just sighed.
           Alya took that moment to break in, “Jagged, don’t you want to say hi to Lila? She’s right here,” Alya pointed to her bestie. “Oh, can we listen to the songs you wrote for her? Can you tell us how she saved your cat from getting hit by a plane?”
           The look Lila gave Alya could’ve killed a thousand men.
           Jagged looked affronted, “Lila? Who’s Lila?” He looked at his fiancé. “Penny, do I know a Lila?”
“No!” Penny glared fiercely at Lila. “Jagged Stone has never written a song about an underage girl before. He has never owned a cat. What parents and airline would careless enough to allow a child to rush onto a runway for a pet? Refrain from spreading any further slander. Or we’ll hit you with a lawsuit so fast you’ll get whiplash.”
“I’m allergic to cats by the way,” Jagged told the class. “All fur actually. That’s why I got Fang here.” He pointed the crocodile who had made its way to Marinette for cuddles. “I’ve had him for twenty years. He’s the only pet I’ve had all that time.”
           Marinette rolled her eyes and took the crocodile in her lap.
“Twenty years?” Kim’s eyebrows furrowed. “Whoa, that’s long that we’ve been alive.”
           Nino glared at Lila, “Yeah it is.” He finally realized the girl was lying. Most of the class had in fact.
“Enough of this,” Tony waved. “Marinette, Chloe, time to go. Leave the dinosaur.”
           Bustier took a deep breath, “No one is taking Marinette or Chloe anywhere. Until I get a note from their parents verifying that is. I’m going to have to ask you all to leave.”
           Penny and Pepper nodded understandingly. Jagged and Tony just looked shocked.
“But I’m Tony Stark!”
“I’m Jagged Stone, love!”
           Bustier just rolled her eyes and shooed them out of her class. It took some handling, and eventually, the women had to drag the guys out. The teacher shut the door with a sigh of relief. She brushed off the imaginary dirt on her clothes. “Marinette,” She called. “If you could tell any future visitors to wait until after school to pick you up, with a note from your parents that would be most helpful.”
“Sorry,” Marinette blushed, a deep dark red.
           Bustier walked back to her desk before pausing. “Is that Crocodile still in my class, Marinette?”
“I think he’s here for the rest of the day,” Chloe shrugged. “Unless you want to invite Jagged back?”
           Bustier paused. No. Never again. “No. No. Fang can stay for the day.”
           When the lunch bell rang, Marinette found that it was easier to avoid her classmates' questions, as they were too busy yelling at Lila. It wasn’t long after that Ladybug had to take down Lila’s seventh akuma form.
           Marinette and Chloe left that night to New York. Somehow he managed to convince their parents that missing three days of school to study in the most advanced building in the world was a good thing.
           When they got to Stark Tower, they were given a quick tour. Then Pepper took Chloe to show her where she would be working. And Tony took Marinette the workshop where three other kids were already working.
           The oldest one glanced at her and snorted, “God he kidnapped another one.” He was the tallest in the room with dark brown hair and a smirk on his face.
           The other two snickered.
           Tony looked affronted, “Oh please; your parental units practically threw you at me.
The younger looking boy smirked, “Aunt May threatened to shank you next time you took me out of school early.” He had light brown hair and big brown eyes
           The genius pointed, “You tell Aunt Hottie to leave me alone.”
“HI, I’m Marinette!” She waved happily. “He keeps mentioning he has custody. And I’ve become moderately concerned.”
“And you should be,” The other girl in the room laughed. She was a pretty brown-skinned girl with black wild curls. “Name’s Riri.”
“Harley,” Said the first boy who spoke.
“Peter,” The other boy introduced.
           Marinette nodded and eyes them, “WarIron,” The pointed at Harley. “Iron Heart,” Then at Riri. “Spiderman, right?” She pointed at Peter.
           The three looked at Tony with questions in their eyes. Tony raised in hands in surrender, “Hey, I told her nothing.”
           Harley eyed the new girl, “You’re from Paris, right?” She nodded. “Ladybug, I’m guessing.”  Marinette blushed. “Welcome to the Young Avengers, I guess. Why’d he bring you in?”
           Marinette shrugged, “He said to there was a personal problem happening with the Avengers. He wanted my help.”
           The teen froze. Peter just shook his head, “You didn’t, Tony!”
Tony looked sheepish.
“What?” Marinette asked.
           Riri rolled her eyes, “That personal problem? It’s called ManHunt.”
“I’m sorry?” Marinette asked. She was going to have to hunt a man?
“It’s a game,” Harley explained. “Team Iron Man versus team Cap. One team hunts the other in a sort of hide and seek type of thing and tries to capture as many members as they can. Last time we played it, Team Cap crushed Team Iron man. It’s why Tony brought us all in. Revenge.”
           Said Man didn’t look one bit ashamed, “Rules were since Thor and the Big guy are gone I can bring in whoever I want to replace them.”
           Marinette tossed up her hands, “You brought me here to play a game?” Unbelievable.
“No,” Tony said. “I brought you here to take out the Winter Soldier.”
“Say what now?”
“Welcome to orientation,” Was All Tony said to her question.
           The kids trained together for a week; Chloe, a girl named MJ who was Pepper’s other interns, and a boy named Ned who was a tech intern, were brought in as well. When it turned out that Kagami was in New York City for a fencing tournament. Tony was happy to bring in the scary girl as well. (And somehow get her mother to agree to let her stay for Spring Break) He made practice stealth and learn hand signals. Tony drilled them on the Team Cap’s strengths and weaknesses. They reviewed videos of previous missions until they had everyone’s fighting style memorized. Tony went over body anatomy aka where the best place to hit them was. They memorized plans and scenarios to take out each specific member of Team Cap.
           The teens spent a lot of time in the lab creating gadgets to use against the Avengers. Each one straight out of a spy movie.
           As far as Tony was concerned this was War. And there would be no prisoners.
Team Cap consisted of Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, The Falcon, Antman, along with several Shield employees which included Fury, Melinda May, and Coulson.
           Team Iron man consisted of Ironman, War Machine, Vision, Maria Hill, The Wasp, Quicksilver, Daisy Johnson, and a bunch of names Stark employees: I.E the interns. (Black Panther refused to participate. Though he and sister would watch from Wakanda.)
           Each team had a total of thirty players; no more, no less.
           The game would take place at the compound. Anything area within the compound legal territory was free to use. The living room would be home base and were all ‘out’ people had to stay. Until they were freed. Or until every member of the hiding team was captured and then it was Game Over. Everyone could communicate with their own team using special mics; normally only taken out for missions. However, those imprisoned in the home base couldn’t communicate with their team.
           On Saturday, just before sunset; the main superheroes of the avengers met up. Tony facing Steve. Rhodey glaring at Bucky. Vision versus Wanda. Hawkeye to QuickSilver. The wasp against Ant-Man and the Falcon.
           Steve smiled, “Tony.”
“You ready for war, Cap?” Tony asked.
“Training exercise,” Steve corrected his husband. “I trust your team is ready.”
           Tony smirked, “Oh you have no idea. Your little spies are already hiding in the shadows.”
“Like your team isn’t?”
           The alarm went off.
           Tony suited up, “You have 1000 seconds, Steve.” His helmet shut. “I’d get running.”
           Steve rolled his eyes. His team split up, running into the growing shadows.
           The game had started.
           Marinette waited, hiding in the shadows on the roof. Her ladybug costume was all back with little red polka dots; mostly easy to move around body armor. This wasn’t her actually Ladybug suit; Tikki, while willing to create a new suit design, decided it wasn’t a good idea to involve magic. So Marinette designed herself a new suit, and Tony help her trick it out.
Tony had pointed out the all-good hiding spots located in the Compound. She was the overly large landing pad. She forced herself to stay completely still. Even when she saw the Falcon take flight with WarIron right on his tail.
           The smallest of moments caught on the corner of her eye, the glint of metal. An arrow, she realized. She smiled. Hawkeye.
           She watched the man take stock of the room, looking in every possible place a person could hide. Unfortunately for him, Marinette had a bit of luck on her side.
“All clear on the roof, Cap,” Clint said into his mic. “I’ll keep a lookout from up here.” There was silence as he listened to Cap’s orders. “Okay. Will do. Stay invisible, got it. Over and out.”
           The second the conversation had ended, Marinette through a smoke bomb at his feet. Before Clint could even finish saying, “What the he-” Marinette was on the attack. Using the smoke to her advantage, she swung her yo-yo at Hawkeye’s feet. The String wrapped around his legs, tripping him. Five seconds later, Hawkeye was hogtied on the ground.
Marinette touched her mic, “Tweety Bird down. Bringing him to home base now!”
“Copy that, Ladybug,” Tony said. “Be careful.”
           Clint looked up at his assailant; expecting to see Tony or the Wasp, any avenger. Instead what he saw, was a teen girl with a scary blue-eyed glare on his face, “Who are you?”
           Marinette leaned down, “Your reckoning.” She hissed.
“What the fuck!” He said as he was thrown over the girl’s shoulder and carried to home base.
           When Marinette got to home base, she saw Harley putting a rather put out Falcon on the ground, Spiderman with five webbed up shield agents, Chloe had brought in two, Kagami and Riri brought in six. MJ and Ned both brought in one random shield agent. Marinette tossed Hawkeye on the couch.
           It had been twenty minutes, Clint knew by the clock on the wall. Twenty minutes since sunset and the game had started. And they had already lost just over half their team to a bunch of teenagers.
Clint couldn’t help but wonder what the hell had Tony unleashed on them.
“Foghorn Leghorn secure,” Harley said into his mic. “Tweety in his cage. The shadows are all accounted for.”
“I’m Tweety,” Clint told Sam.
           Sam paused. “…Am I Foghorn Leghorn?”
“Wasp and Vision on their way with The Blue Fairy,” Tony’s voice rang their ears. “They’ll play guard dog. QuickSilver is down; Miss Tuffit got him. Seven minions gone; Captain Hook and his jolly crew got them. Over and out.”
“Queen Bee, MJ, guard the Home base until they get here,” Harley ordered. “Guy in the chair, Mj, back on monitor duty. Fulfill mission Top hat ASAP.” They nodded and left the room.
           Top hat was important. The two were trying to hack into Team Cap’s communications, once they did; it was game over.
“The rest of you complete the assignment,” He told them.
           Then all split up again. Vision and Wasp arrived with Scarlet witch just as they were leaving. All three avengers gave the kids confused looks as they left.
           It would take Marinette another hour before she came across another member of Team Cap. And she didn’t so much as come across, as she did respond to Peter’s cry for help.
“Captain Sparkles!” Peter yelled in their earpiece. “Training yard. I’m trying to hold hi-No I won’t give you back your shield! Hurry! Over!”
“I’m around the corner,” Marinette hissed into the mic as she ran for the yard. When she arrived it was just in time to catch the shield that was flying at her face.
           She held the shield tightly in her hand, feeling like Wonder Woman, as she stared down Captain America.
           Steve looked at the young girl who had joined the fight, “My shield, miss?” He was aware that Spiderman had landed behind him.
           Marinette smiled sweet. Then she launched the shield at him with such brute force, he was lifted off his feet. “The Name’s Ladybug.”
Steve didn’t catch the shield in time and it bounced back to Spiderman.
           Captain America glared at the two teenagers.
           Then the fight was on.
           Spiderman hits Steve with his shield, distracting him. The shield falling to the ground. Ladybug barges Captain America backwards. Steve shoulders her to the floor. Marinette lands on the ground; pain flaring across her shoulder. Spiderman punches Steve who just lifts him and slams him against the ground. Spiderman raises a fist but Steve twists it. A web shoots out of his hand, the sound of a small explosion fills the training yard.
           Marinette takes the distraction to trip Captain America and jump up. As Steve falls to the ground, Marinette uses the electro-shooters that Riri made and shocks the dear life out of him. It wasn’t enough to bring him down but then Peter added in his own shocking web-shooters.
           Yet Steve still looked ready for another round of their fight. Marinette quickly picked up the shield and slammed it across his head. Steve Rogers fell forward in a slump.
           Spiderman webbed up with quick-drying cement.
           Both teens breathed heavily; struggling to catch their breath, tense from the fight. Marinette could even find it in herself to unclench the shield.
“Captain Sparkles is down, over,” Marinette said into the Mic.
“We’re bringing him in, over,” Spiderman added.
           There was a moment of silence.
“…What the fuck?” They heard War Machine say.
           When Marinette walked in with the shield in one hand and helping Spiderman carry Cap with the other, the avengers present quietly lost their shit. Kagami nodded, where she stood over Fury who looked more pissed than ever before in his entire life. Chloe stood over Coulson, who just looked put out. MJ and Ned looked overly pleased. Their mission had been a success but it only lasted long enough to get Fury and Coulson. After that, Team Cap was smart enough to ditch the communications, figuring something was up.
“Who’s left?” Spiderman asked in the Mic. “Over.”
“Stoneheart,” Kagami answered bitterly, referring to Melinda May, into the Mic so the team could hear them. “She took out Daisy and got away. Hill is after her now.”
“Jon Snow and Miss Tuffit,” Chloe said referring to the Winter Soldier and Black Widow. “Iron Man and WarIron are after Small fry. War Machine has eyes on Miss Tuffet.”
“I’m closing in on Miss Tuffit, over.” War Machine said.
           Marinette looked at her team, pressing on her mic, “Guy in Chair, Mj, I want you on Stoneheart’s tail. Spiderman go be back up for the War Machine. Iron Heart, meet me on the Location 12. Over.”
“What are you going to do, over?” Harley asked.
           Marinette clenched the shield in her hands, “I’m going to go tell Jon Snow that Winter Is Over. Queen and Dragon with me. Over.”
           The battle with the Winter Soldier was epic. The showdown happened in the gym. It turned out they weren’t hunting for the Winter Soldier, the Winter soldier was hunting for them. The second they walked into the gym, the doors closed behind them.
           Bucky jumped down from the rafters. He stared at the girls. He had seen them fight. None of them fought with any ounce mercy but plenty of skill. But they were clearly just kids. Just Dames in over their heads. He’d go easy on them. “Shall we, Ladies?”
           Ladybug, Queen Bee, Iron Heart, and Dragon shared a look before giggling.
           The Winter Soldier only just barely stood a chance.
           The girls laid Bucky gently on the floor on home base. He grunted and glared at them.
           A few minutes later, Tony and Rhodey walked in with the Black Widow. The last of Team Cap.
           Tony smirked, “Game over.”
           Rhodey shook his head, “Record time; two hours and four-two minutes. Beats the last one by about seven hours and sixteen minutes.”
           Then they debriefed. Video of the fights and footage was seemed was shown so everyone could see where they could improve. The image of tiny Ladybug clocking Captain America in their head with his own shield was rewinded and watched seven times.
           Tony fell over laughing, “I’m putting on Youtube!”
“I will divorce you!” Steve snapped but couldn’t fight the smile on his face.
           Once The random agents of shield and Stark industries left, Steve glared at Tony. His team had gotten demolished. In record time. “You brought in outside heroes, that’s not fair.”
“No,” Tony laughed. “I brought employees of Stark Industries as agreed upon. Everyone meet WarIron,” Harley lowered his helmet. “Iron Heart,” Riri lowered his, “You know Spiderman already,” Peter took of his mask and waved. “MJ, and Ned” Both teens nodded. “Ladybug,” Marinette took off her mask. “Queen Bee,” Chloe glared as she removed hers. “Dragon!” Kagami took off her black mask. “The interns. Otherwise known as the Young Avengers.”
“Oh, fuck you too Stark,” Clint complained. “Did you see what they did to poor Bucky. He’s the deadliest assassin in history, and I felt they went a little rough.”
           Bucky nodded with a wince, “Can I have my arm back.”
           Steve looked at the bluenette still holding his shield, with a charming smile.
Kagami glared. She held the metal arm like trophy. “Spoils of War.”
           Marinette giggled.
           Being a intern was going to be fun.    
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laurafett · 3 years
Boba Fett x f reader
- You are a prisoner in Boba’s palace and don’t know why. After trying to break out the guards bring you to Boba himself and he is not happy with your behavior -
No mentions of pronouns, hair or skin color, sexuality. 
Minors, do NOT interact!!
Warnings: smut, angry sex, thigh riding, degrading, guns, p in v (wrap it before you tap it), cum in v
This was not the way you wanted this to go. Your plan went miserably wrong, to say the least. But who could have known that he had guards in every fucking inch of this palace. And who would have thought that those Gamorrean could be so quiet while sneaking up to you. Well, you clearly didn’t.
Now here you were. Your arms in the grip of two guards and on your way to Boba’s personal chambers. You wished they would have just put you back into your cell but no, they had told their boss about your try to break out. 
Being a prisoner in the palace of Boba Fett wasn’t the worst way you had ever lived. But it wasn’t exactly all fun and games either. You got enough food, sometimes even some decent things, enough to drink and you were allowed to see the sunlight through your small window. 
It still wasn’t a great experience. But as said, you’ve been through worse. For example, there was the time you were on the run from the Empire after you betrayed them. It was bad. You were living in the dirt and did not have enough food or clean water for days. You were completely alone. Not being able to talk to anyone because you didn’t know who to trust. Thank the Maker you didn’t trust anyone. They would have handed you to the Empire in a matter of seconds. 
You really thought you could make it after your numerous weeks of hiding. But it turns out that the men Boba hired knew what they were doing. They tracked you for days, following every single one of your steps until they knew when and where to catch you. 
There were four of them that had attacked you all at once. You were still half asleep in the pile of mud in which you had made your bed and because of this, they were able to overwhelm you and bring you to their ship. 
At the very least, they took care of the knife wound you had sustained after the very one sided fight. It was only a cut in your upper arm, but it was deep and it hurt like hell with all the dirt on your skin directly making its way into the open cut. 
After that, they brought you to Tatooine; more specifically to the infamous Boba Fett himself. You had heard about his success at the overtaking of Jabba's old palace but you never thought you would ever meet him, not thinking you were of any importance to ever be in his presence. But it seemed like you were wrong about that.
Until now, you’d only met him once. It was the day his men dragged you out of the ship and into the palace. It was bigger than you expected. So many different rooms and floors but everything looked the same. Every wall had the same sandish colour and all doors were identical. You really wondered how the people here knew where they were going. 
Just like now. The corridor you just walked through looked like everything else. Plain, boring, not even a sign or anything to show in which direction you had to go. 
In the two weeks you’ve spent here, you would’ve probably not been able to memorize any room or stairs. You would’ve probably become lost every time you set a foot out of your cell. Thank the Maker again you were not allowed to leave the tiny room.
You laughed at yourself at how ridiculous that sounded. 
One of the Gamorreans pulled at your arm, babbling something in Huttese, which you could only assume translated to “shut up”.
Your hands were cuffed behind your back while they dragged you through the dark floor. Maybe you should’ve been nervous about your encounter with the feared bounty hunter but at this point in your life you weren’t afraid of much anymore. As long as the Empire would not get any hold of you, you knew that you would be some kind of safe. 
It seemed like your walk was about to end when the creatures took one last turn into a corridor that only led to one door. This one actually looked different than the others. It was bigger and had a different style of code pad beside it. You couldn’t see it properly but you were pretty sure it was thicker too. 
A grunt left your mouth when both pulled at your arms to make you stop. You shot a death glare at the guard to your left which only earned you a growl in response.The other one stepped forward and pressed one of the buttons beside the door before he went back to your side, reconnecting his grip at your arm. 
Some seconds later the door opened, leading into a room that looked, no surprise to anyone, exactly like all the others. Not daring to make a move, you waited for someone to tell you what to do. 
After some moments of silence, the Gamorreans by your side got impatient and started swearing. They pushed you into the direction of the door, not caring if they would hurt you or touched your still sensitive wound. When they finally managed to push you through the open door, they gave you one last shove and a grumble before they turned around. 
“Nee choo sleemo!” Was all you managed to say before the door closed right in front of your nose. 
“I didn’t know you could speak Huttese.” A dark voice caught your attention. 
You turned into its direction and saw Boba. He sat in a big seat, right in front of a big massive stone table. It had the same colour as the walls. 
“Only a little bit.” You said and your eyes started to wander. This must have been his office. But the only thing that told you this was the big table, some chairs and a great amount of shelves with different kinds of paper on them. The rest was just as simple as anything else in the palace. 
There was a door on his right side, but it was closed. Probably the door to his private chambers. An enormous window was above him, allowing to paint the room in sunlight during the daytime. 
“You should sit down.” Cutting through your thoughts, your eyes flicked back towards his direction. 
A little hesitant, you walked up to him. You weren’t afraid of what was going to happen but you were confused at how calm he was. You actually expected to be yelled at and that he might beat you up. Maybe that would still happen but for now you just wanted to follow his orders.
Your foot kicked one of the chairs in front of you so you were able to take a seat. Boba wore his helmet, so you couldn’t make out any kind of facial expression he may have had at your actions. But your eyes stayed on the part of his visor where you thought his would be. 
The silence between the two of you was not uncomfortable. It was more like a contest of who would be able to stay silent the longest. The man had his hands intertwined on the table in front of him. You weren’t even able to hear him breathe. 
“Do you know why you are here?” His words suddenly broke the tension. 
“I would guess it’s because I tried to break out?” The sarcastic tone in your voice made the bounty hunter chuckle. It was a deep sound rumbling through his chest and for a second you even thought that you just imagined it. 
“No. Not because of this.” His body relaxed a little and he leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “I knew that the day would come when you would try to run away. You are too smart for the old code systems here.” 
You furrowed your brows in confusion. 
“You did?” Feeling the tension getting less with every second you tried to get a more comfortable position in your seat. He started nodding slightly.
“Yes I did. You tricked the Empire, why wouldn’t you be able to get through the basic systems here? That’s why I told the guards to stay close to your door. So you couldn’t leave the palace.”
Shrugging your shoulders and nodding, you signal  that his points actually made sense.
“But I want to know if you know why you are here, on Tatooine. In my palace.” His helmet nudged into your direction.
“Well… “ You started, trying to think of the only reason why you could be here. “If I had to guess again, I would say I am here because you want to hand me over to the Empire to get the credits for me as a bounty.”
Tilting your head, you kept what you assumed was eye contact. It was silent for some moments again, as if he would consider if your idea was better than whatever his was. 
“That actually sounds like a good plan, but no. This is not the reason.” He went silent again and just continued to look at your figure. You on the other hand got more confused with every passing moment. If he didn’t want to get the credits for you, why were you here?
“So… Do you want to tell me why I’m here then?” You grew impatient. It was no secret that Boba didn’t talk much, but this was ridiculous. Now that you were here right in front of him, he should also tell you why he kept you in his palace in the first place.
“Don’t be so annoyed. I brought you here so I could finally tell you.” 
You weren’t able to see it but under his helmet a smile danced around Boba’s lips. He heard about you way before the incident with the Empire happened. He actually looked for someone with great hacking, fighting and undercover skills like you. And when one of his men brought up your name and the stuff you already did, which caused you to have some credits on your head that already made you interesting for bounty hunters, he knew that he found who he was looking for. 
“The person who gave you the assignment to work your way into the Empire and steal the codes from them, did you know who they were working for?”
Slowly, very slowly you got in which direction this was going.
“No, I didn’t know. But I also didn’t care. It was just a job. A very dangerous one and also one I didn’t get enough credits for but still just a job. I don’t need to know every person’s name I work for.” Another chuckle rumbled through his chest, this time you didn’t think you imagined it. It was louder and clearer than the last time. 
“That’s what I thought. Well, to make it short, it was me.” Your lips pressed together and you nodded. You didn’t know if this was supposed to tell you anything but if it was, you didn’t get it.
“And that is the reason you locked me into a cell for two weeks?” Raising your eyebrows, you looked at his covered face. 
A long sight left his mouth. People told him you were cocky but he thought you would have a little bit more respect for him. Both of his hands went up to his helmet. He lifted it up and set it down onto the table. 
This was the first time you saw his face. It's not like you had no idea what he looked like, you saw holographs of the clones before. You knew Boba was more a son to Jango Fett than a clone, you heard it in stories, but you still knew that he looked like the others. 
You looked at the scars on his face, the way the skin around them was more pale than the rest of his face. He looked older than he was, probably due to his encounter with the sarlacc pit. His facial features were rustic and strong. And his dark brown eyes looked directly into yours.
“The reason why I locked you away was because you were in trouble. Everyone is looking for you. And even though you did a good job at hiding, there would have been no way you could keep doing this much longer.”
“So you thought it would be a good idea to kidnap me and throw me into your own personal prison?” An annoyed expression washed over his face. 
“No. I thought it would be a good idea to hide you here. After all, it’s still my fault that the Empire is after you.” You rolled your eyes while a smile tugged at your lips.
“Oh, you, the great Boba Fett, Kind of the Underworld, is worried about someone who did a job for him. That definitely makes sense.” It was possible to see that the man got fed up. His expression hardened and his eyes got darker.
“I wasn’t worried! There is just no need for more unnecessary deaths. I took over this place for a reason!” Boba’s voice got louder with every word he spoke. His hands were already balled into fists.
For some reason this was very funny to you. A bounty hunter who was supposed to have enough patience to hunt people for days, got riled up by someone as unimportant as you. The smile on your lips grew wider. 
“Sure. Makes sense.” Your tone was so monoton. You were almost impressed by yourself at how cool you could stay while he was yelling at you. 
 “You have no right to complain. You had everything you needed. Food, water, even a small bathroom and a nurse who looked after your wounds. If I would have told you why you are here and if you would have been able to leave your room at any time you want, someone would have noticed you and told the Empire. You would be dead by now. Or maybe worse.”
He yelled at you right in the face and all you could do was smirk. It was so ironic that he was the angry one in this situation even though it was supposed to be you. He probably thought you would start yelling at him. And for some reason you liked it. The angry tone in his voice sent a shiver over your body. 
“Yes, it’s okay. I get it.” You nodded slightly, still looking at him. 
Boba was fed up. He didn’t expect you to fall on to your knees and thank him for your rescue but he brought himself and his business in danger to save your life. And all you did was laugh in his face. 
The bounty hunter never met someone like you, someone who had absolutely no respect for him. Especially now that he took over the palace. No one dared to look his way or to say something wrong. If you weren’t so annoying to him he may be impressed.
“You are very ungrateful.” He gritted through his teeth.
“Well, I didn’t ask you to save me.” You said and shrugged your shoulders. 
This was enough for him. The disrespect you brought up against him made him lose his temper. He stood up, walked around the table, pulled his blaster out and held it against your forehead. 
The cold metal of the weapon pressed against your skin. A wave of adrenalin washed through your body and made the tips of your fingers tingle. Familiar heat spreads into your lower stomach, almost making you laugh. Of course, you get turned on by a man holding a blaster to your head. 
“You better keep your mouth shut or I will change my mind and kill you right here and now.” His broad figure stood in front of you, dark eyes looking down at you the way a hunter looks at his prey right before they are about to pull the trigger. 
The words made their way directly down to your cunt. You could feel the wetness pooling between your legs. Even the sight in front of you didn’t make it any better. His chest raised with every breath he took and his eyes pierced into yours. The look, probably supposed to be a warning, telling you not to mess with him but the only thing it did was to make you even more desperate. 
You slightly pressed your thighs together, trying to give yourself at least a little bit of friction but it didn’t work. Biting your lip, to hide the silent moan that was about to escape, you saw that Boba knew exactly what you were trying to do. His eyes went down to your thighs for a second before shooting back up to yours. 
A smile tugged at your mouth again and this time your eyes darted down for a moment. It was clear to see that the man was just as aroused as you. The outlines of his hardening cock pressed against his dark trousers.
Bringing your eyes back up to him, you smiled.
“Make me.”
In a matter of seconds his other hand was around your throat and squeezed it. He brought his face down to yours so both of you were on the same height.
“You think this is funny, huh? Not having the slightest bit of respect. Maybe I should teach you some manners. Hm? What do you think, little one? Should I teach you how to behave?” 
The smile on your face was gone now, but you enjoyed this no less. With an enthusiastic nod you gave him your consent. 
“Use your fucking words. I know what a kriffing smart mouth you have.” He spoke the words through his teeth, too angry and turned on to hide it any longer. 
“Yes. Fuck, yes I want you to teach me some respect, Boba.” His grip around your throat let loose and he got back up, so that he looked down at you again.
“That’s right. Good girl.” He drew the gun away from your face and walked back over to the other side of the table, sitting down in his big armchair. 
The nickname made your body tingle in anticipation. Following every move he made, your look fell onto his spread legs. His thick thighs covered almost every inch of the seat while the bulge in his pants grew bigger within seconds.
“Come here.”
Carefully you tried to stand up. You didn’t really trust your legs at this moment, too weak to hold your full weight with the way they already shivered a little bit. Slowly you walked up to him, never breaking eye contact. 
When you stood beside him you could see how he mustered your body up and down.
“Strip.” His voice was demanding. Not asking you to do it, instead he was commanding you.
“I can’t. My hands are still cuffed.” Turning around you waved your hands to demonstrate to him that you really weren’t able to move them.
Facing him again, you saw a small smirk tugging at his lips.
“What a pleasant surprise. Maybe we should keep it that way.” The man’s fingers went down to his belt and fumbled with something you couldn’t see. 
While waiting for his next move, you tried to hold yourself back from rubbing your thighs together. You still didn’t know how fast he was able to make you feel this way but there was something about him, something so raw and exciting, you really couldn’t describe it. 
The way his broad figure took over this whole armchair and left no room for anything else. The thought that he could overwhelm you in no time and make you regret any of your decisions you did in the past ten minutes. 
He was dangerous, every part of his body probably stronger than yours. Boba was one of the most feared men in the galaxy and yet you stood here with wet panties and the thought about his dick in your cunt. 
“There we go.” His left hand pulled out a vibro knife from his belt. “Don’t move.” And with one swift move he slid the knife under your shirt, pulled it down and cut it in the middle.
A soft whimper left your mouth when the air hit your naked skin. Boba’s eyes devoured you. They were glued to your breasts, looking at them so intensely that you almost felt uncomfortable. 
Like he was in trance he put the knife down and his hands started working on your pants. You helped him by shaking your legs so it would be easier for him to pull them down. 
After he opened the button, he hooked his fingers into the waistband and pulled your trousers down, taking your panties right with them. Trying to get rid of your shoes, you managed to get out of the pants and kick them to the side.  
His eyes followed your loose clothing and spotted the wet spot in your underwear. 
Now you stood in front of him, nacked aside from your ripped shirt still hanging around your upper body. His look burned into your skin, not letting his eyes move from any inch of your skin until he was sure he saw everything. 
Both of his hands reached out and grabbed your ass. He pulled you towards him, sitting you down on one of his thighs. The cold beskar sent a shiver over your body and pressed almost painfully against your heat.
“So this is what holding a loaded blaster to your head does to you? You fucking whore.” Two of his fingers gripped your chin and pointed your face into his direction. “I’m gonna tell you what to do now and you are going to listen to me and do it. Do you understand me?”
You hummed, nodding to let him know that you understood but you quickly found out this wasn’t what he wanted. His fingers left your chin and slid down to your throat. He squeezed it so hard that you got dizzy for a split second.
“I told you to use your kriffing words and I’m not going to repeat myself.” The grip loosened again. 
“Y-yes, yes. I’m sorry. I- I will do anything you tell me.” 
A smile danced across his lips and you could feel his hard cock twitching against your leg.
“Good. Ride my thigh until you cum all over it.” He brought his hand back down, laying it over his bulge.
You were so turned on and needy that you wasted no more time. Trying to find a good rhythm you rubbed your wet cunt against the beskar on his leg. It was hard to find any kind of friction because your slick heat just slipped over the metal. 
“Fuck I-” Swearing you tried to find a part of the beskar shield that had some roughness. 
It was clear to see that Boba enjoyed seeing you struggling. His eyes were pinned to the place where you tried to find some release. 
“I- I can’t. It just doesn’t work.” Your voice sounded breathy and high, almost as if you were about to cry.
“Oh Princess, I know you can do it.” His voice was filled with amusement. 
Giving it one more try, you scooted up higher, closer to the upper half of his body. Finally you could feel the end of the plate. You slowly started to rub your clit on the space between his pants and the beskar. 
Low moans rumbled in your throat. Slowly moving your hips back and forth, you were able to find a good pace. The heat in your lower abdomen started to grow and you couldn't hold back the sounds coming from your mouth.��
Both of your hands twitched, desperately wanting to hold on to something. Your movements became faster as you felt the pleasure finally building itself up. Through your almost closed eyes you could see how Boba palmed himself through his pants. An even louder moan escaped you as your thoughts wandered to the feeling of his dick inside of you. 
You let your head fall back, trying to concentrate only on your release. It was close, you could feel it. 
Suddenly a hand pushed your head back up and you looked directly into Boba’s eyes.
“Look at me when you cum. Show me that you deserve my cock.” His words almost sent you over the edge. The raspy voice made its way straight down to your core and you could feel that you were almost there. 
Feeling your clit pulsing, you tried to grind down harder. Your pace got slower but the feeling was more intense. The man’s hand was still at the back of your head, giving you at least a little bit of hold. 
Your chest heaved with every breath you took and there still seemed to be no air in your lungs. His dark eyes bore into yours, giving you a warning. Telling you to better do as he had said. 
Several parts of your body began to tingle at the same time. You were so close. You just needed a bit more encouragement. 
“Please, Boba. Tell me- ah fuck. Tell me to cum.” Sounding like you were about to die of thirst, you plead at him. His voice was the last thing you needed to finish.
“Cum.” He was quiet, almost seemed bored, as if you haven’t been sitting on his leg and using it to get yourself off for the last couple minutes. “Now!” Suddenly you felt a sharp slap against your ass.
Your legs began to shake around his and you pressed them together. A loud gasp left your mouth, inhaling so much air at once that your mouth felt dry. Shoulders tensing and eyebrows furrowing, you did your best to not look away from him. 
Your toes curled against the sandy floor, your fingernails dug into your palms and whines drooled out of your mouth. Every muscle in your body was active.
Slowly you started to calm down again. Relaxing your shoulders, you tried to take control over your breathing. You heard your heartbeat in your ears and almost felt the blood rushing through your veins. 
“See.” The low sound of his voice broke through your clouded mind. “I was right. Now, come up and straddle me. You deserve a small reward for doing so well.”
A mischievous expression painted his face. With all the strength you had in your leg, you pulled it up and brought it on the outside of his other thigh. His hands went directly to your ass and grabbed your cheeks. He moved your slick heat over the outlines of his cock.
Moaning, you looked down and saw his still covered member. With slow movements you grinded down on him, making him hiss through his teeth. Another sharp slap landed on your ass, but this time it was the other side. 
“Did I tell you to move?” The high pitched scream that left you echoed through the whole room. 
“No, fuck. No, you didn’t. I’m sorry.” You whined and looked at him with dove eyes. 
“That’s right.” One of his hands moved to his pants and unbuttoned it. His eyes still on your face as he pulled his hard cock out of his trousers. 
Eyes widening, you looked down at his dick. He was thick, really thick. For a second, you even doubted that he would fit inside of you. The hand on his member slowly started to pump himself. With the pad of his thumb, he collected the precum on his tip and brought his hand up.
Without a second thought, you raised your head and opened your mouth. Boba smirked as he pushed his thumb into it. Immediately you wrapped your lips around him and started sucking. The salty sensation on your tongue made you moan. 
“I am going to fuck you now and you will take it, just like the good little slut you are. But don’t cum without my permission, you heard me?”
“Yes.” You tried to say with his thumb still sitting in your mouth. 
He grabbed the base of his cock with his other hand and brought it to your cunt. With a nod of his head he signaled you to lift yourself up, so he could bring it into the right position. 
A croaky sound rumbled through his chest when his tip came in contact with your wet folds. He tried to coat his cock with your slick as much as possible before lining himself up at your entrance. 
The hand that was holding himself up now went to your hip, pushing you down onto him. The first few inches stretched you out like you have never been before. He looked back up at your face as you whined at the feeling. Seeing your pained expression, he began to move much slower.
He was halfway inside of you when the pain slowly turned into pleasure. The closer your hips got, the faster your breathing became. Just a few more inches before he was fully seated inside of you and the thought made you clench around him. 
A silent chuckle escaped him when he felt you tightening. Not wasting anymore time he took things into his own hands and pushed himself up so he bottomed out. 
Eyes wide and mouth hanging open in pleasure you looked at the man in front of you and saw that his eyes were glued to the place where both of you met. You slightly moved your hips ripping an adenoidal sound from him before he raised his head to lock his eyes with yours.
You looked at him with a pleading expression silently asking him to move. Instead he brought both of his hands to rest on the sides of his armchair. 
“You better start moving, Princess. Or otherwise I will become impatient.” His voice was just as steady as before showing no sign of being buried balls deep in your pussy while you were sure that right now you wouldn’t be able to speak a single word.
The attempt of bouncing yourself on his dick in a steady rhythm went completely wrong. Without being able to hold onto something you had to use your legs, which was almost impossible in this position.   
You didn’t dare to look him in the eyes, already feeling his burning stare and anger on your sweaty skin. Boba didn’t move. He sat, still waiting for you to figure out how to fuck him properly but you couldn’t. 
Tears of frustration started to form in the corner of your eyes. You knew if you kept going like this he would not be happy. 
“I’m really disappointed. For someone who is so sure about themselves you are a really bad fuck.” Your eyes pressed close, causing the tears to make their way down your face. 
“Are you crying? Pathetic. Maybe I should hand you over to the Empire now that I know that there is absolutely no use for you here.” The breath you held escaped your mouth with a pitiful sound and your tear covered vision tried to focus on him.
A mischievous smile painted his lips, showing you that he was having way too much fun seeing you fail the only order he gave you. You almost felt embarrassed. After talking to him like he was some random nerf herder and showing him that you were not afraid of him, now you were sitting on his cock, crying because you weren’t able to move your body the right way.
“Now what? You want to end this and go back to your cell or will you prove to me that you can follow orders and maybe get better treatment here?” It was almost as if he spit the words at you. There was no single sign of respect or empathy in his tone. 
But you came too far to accept something like this. 
Straightening your back, you brought all your strength into your legs and forced your knees to lift you up. You brought yourself up as high as possible, almost making him slip out of you. The tears cleared from your sight and you did your best to not break eye contact. 
In one swift motion, you bounced back down onto him, letting out a high pitched moan when his member hit the spot deep inside of you. Not being able to hold back, Boba let out a grunt, almost automatically bringing his hands back to your hips. 
You tried to keep this pace, bouncing up and down his dick, moaning and whimpering the entire time at the feeling of Boba inside of you. Dark and breathy sounds left him, showing you that what you did was working. 
The man stared at your breasts until his face went forward and he captured one of your nipples into his mouth. Surprised by the sudden stimulation, you broke your rhythm, throwing your head back with your mouth open with a silent moan. 
A sharp sting on your ass made you come back from your hazy state and forced a surprised but obscene sound out of you. You felt his cock twitch inside of you at the ring of your voice. Your head came back up after you heard him say your name.
His angry painted face stared right at you.
“I didn’t tell you to slow down.” He gritted through his teeth. His words sent a wave of white pleasure through your body and you shivered slightly. 
You wanted to bring yourself up again but at this point your body was so exhausted and weak that you couldn’t bring up the strength to lift yourself up. 
“Move. Now.” The words sounded more like a threat than a command. But even though you could feel that he got impatient with the way his hands gripped you tight, surely leaving marks there, you just didn’t have it in you anymore.
Legs still shaky from your previous orgasm you did the best you could do and grind down on him; moving your hips in circles to get at least a little bit of friction. You were probably just as close as he was but without the steady movements of his dick sliding inside and out of you, hitting that one spot deep inside of you, you knew you weren’t going to be able to finish.
At this point, your only fear was that he would push you away. Leave you needy and aching for some release while he would just go back to what he was doing before. 
A moan escaped you when your clit brushed over the small amount of pubic hair that was not covered by his clothes. 
“Boba, please.” You almost whispered. A shiver running over his body at the way you said his name.
“What is it, princess? You want to apologize for talking to me like you probably do to any random boy in a cantina just because you are pretty and think you deserve better? Or do you need something else?” His tone was so low, so rough and mocking at the same time. He wanted you to feel bad about what you did. He thought it was amusing seeing you squirming like this, waiting for some release.
“Please fuck me.” The way he stared at you was intense. He made you feel so small on top of him like he could do to you whatever he wanted and to be completely honest, he could. In this moment you would do anything. 
Living the life of someone who was always on the run or searching for new jobs and a way to get money you never had time for relationships. Only some short, rough encounters with strangers in shitty motels, cantina bathrooms or dark allies. 
But even after all this time, no one made you feel so sensitive than him. Your body felt like it was electric, feeling every little shiver and hot wave of pleasure almost twice as intense as normal. 
You knew that this would leave a mark, burning its way into your memories but not in a bad way. Even though Boba was mean and rough he knew what he was doing and you wanted to make sure to experience every single part of it.
His eyes were still pointed at you. Dark, blown pupils boring into yours. You could feel his cock moving inside of you at the words that just left your mouth. 
Both of you sat in silence for some moments. You were sure he would tell you to go. To put on your clothes and order you to leave, go back to your dirty prison. 
But instead, he slung his hands around your thighs to lift you up so that your arms and back were pressed against the table and started pounding into you. 
You screamed at the fast pace he set from his first move, not able to control the sounds that  left your mouth when he hit that sensitive spot inside of you.
“You really are a little brat, you know that?” His mouth was so close to your ear you could feel his lips brushing your skin. “I brought you here to save your life, you talk down to me like I am no one and you still want me to do all the work even now.” 
Arching your back, you brought yourself closer to him. You were so close but you knew that you were not allowed to cum without his permission. 
“Fuck. Boba I’m-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence because an especially hard thrust made your eyes roll back and pushed all the air out of your lungs.
“No. Not yet. You wait till I tell you to let go.” His face was buried in the crook of your neck and his panting breath made your already hot skin heat up even more. 
Every part of your body was bouncing against his armor. The rough material stimulating your hard nipples while you tried to focus on the feeling in your lower stomach. With every thrust the heat spread through your whole body, making your fingertips and toes tingle. 
All of your surroundings went blurry. The only thing you could focus on was the man inside of you. His cock hit your spot every single time and you were sure you were about to pass out. 
One of his hands came up and started to rub fast and small circles over your clit, making you yelp. You were so close at the edge, not sure how long you would still be able to hold it back. 
“So you want to cum, huh, princess?” He breathed into your ear. You nodded eagerly, forcing yourself to speak even though your throat was as dry as the dunes on Tatooine.
“Yes. Oh Maker, yes, Boba, please.” You could hear him chuckle between the dark grunts coming from his mouth.
“Then cum.” About to let go, you could hear him talking again. “But I want to hear you scream. Scream my name and let everyone in this goddamn palace know who makes you feel so good.” 
And then you snapped. The second orgasm washed over you, even harder than the first one. Making your legs tighten around his waist while the rest of your body shook uncontrollably. You couldn’t tell how loud your voice was as a white noise clouded your mind and your senses. 
Your head was empty and your body almost numb when you started to come down from your high. Boba still pounded into you, slowly overstimulating you. Opening your eyes you could see that he stood in front of you now. 
Putting both of your legs over one of his shoulders, he smirked down at you. In that position he could reach even deeper parts of you and your eyes started to tear up. It was too much for you. 
“Where do you want my cum?” You could hear him speak through his still fast movements. His forehead glistened with sweat.
“In me. I- fuck. I’m safe.” Boba grunted at your words. His pace sped up for one last time before you could hear him moan above you and feel his seed filling you up. The sounds he made were almost animalistic while he closed his eyes and threw his head back. 
His movements got slower until he stopped completely. Both of you breathed heavily, trying to come down from your heights.
He was the first to move again by bringing your legs back down. Then he slowly pulled himself out of you, making a strangled noise. The feeling of suddenly being so empty felt almost weird to you. As if you weren’t used to it. 
The man fell down into his seat, rubbing his hand over his face. When his look fell on your now swollen pussy, leaking with his release he could almost feel his cock twitch again. Shaking his head, he brought his member back into his pants before he could get hard again. 
He still couldn’t draw his look away from your blissed out form. Laying on his table, completely naked, filled with his release and a panting mess. He was proud of himself.
Boba stood up and left you for a moment. You thought, even if you tried to move, you weren’t sure if your body would actually do so. All of your limbs felt weak and soft, as if you didn’t have a single bone in your body. 
Your mind was still clouded, trying to process what just happened. This was the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had and you were sure you would still be able to feel it for at least some days. 
The man came back from a different room with a damp washcloth in his hands. He tried to be careful while cleaning you up but you still hissed at the contact with the uneven material, still extremely sensitive. After that, he brought one of his hands to your back and slowly pushed you into a sitting position. 
Your shoulders hung low and your eyelids were heavy, too exhausted to thank him. He vanished from your vision again but you didn’t care. Only after some silent seconds, you could feel him tug at your arms as he released your hands from the cuffs. A relieved sound came from you as you started to rub your wrists. 
Boba stopped in front of you one more time, handing you a black fabric. Not sure what to do with it you looked up at him in confusion. 
“Put this on. You can leave your ripped shirt here.” With aching arms you did your best to slide out of the rest of your shirt and put on the one he gave you. It was too big but at least you weren’t naked anymore. 
Standing up, you needed a moment until your legs stopped shaking. The man side eyed you. He couldn’t help himself and grin at your fucked out form. 
Trying not to fall over, you slipped back into the rest of your clothes. 
Completely dressed again you turned around looking at Boba who sat in his chair. 
“Fennec will be here soon. She will show you your room.” Raising your eyebrows you looked down at him. He reached into one of his drawers and pulled out a small piece of paper. “This is the code for your room. Don’t lose it and don’t change it.”
You took the note from him and put it into your pocket. He didn’t look at you while he kept talking.
“You can walk around in the palace as much as you want but if someone finds you and tells the empire it’s not my problem anymore, alright?” A smirk crept onto your face. So this is how you can get some freepasses here. 
“Alright, Boss.” You said in a slightly mocking tone. Before you were able to turn around and walk to the door, he reached for your sleeve and pulled your upper body down to him. 
“Don’t disrespect any of the people in here and if you need something, you only come to me. No one else.” His eyes bored into yours, making sure you understood everything he said. 
With your confidence slowly coming back, you brought your face closer to his, almost pressing your lips onto his ear. 
“Don’t worry. I will only come to you when I desperately need something.” Your face drew back with a wide smirk dancing around your lips. You tugged your arm away from his grip, turned around and walked to the exit. 
About to press the button that opened the door, you turned your head into his direction once more, seeing his look still lingering on you. 
“And thank you for the compliment, I know I’m pretty.” With those words you pressed the door open and stepped outside. Almost immediately the door closed behind you. Leaning against it, you waited for Fennec to come and pick you up. 
Maybe staying here wouldn't be as bad after all. 
(This is going to have more chapters so if you want to be tagged, let me know.)
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cinaja · 3 years
Before the Wall part 61
Initially, moving everyone to Cretea seemed like a brilliant solution to a terrible situation. In practice, though, it soon turns out that there are about a hundred problems attached that Miryam didn’t see coming at the first glance.
The first issue is, obviously, that most of their people do not want to move to Cretea. In spite of knowing about Shey and the other Fae members of the Alliance wanting them dead, the Seraphim still thought they would be able to return home to Erithia, and they are understandably reluctant to leave their home behind. The idea of moving to an island that is considered holy in their religion does little to ease their unhappiness, either. Meanwhile, the humans are theoretically fine with moving to some island they never heard of before, but are far from pleased at the prospect of having to share that island with a group of Fae.
Convincing everyone to go along with the plan takes days, and it only works because the alternative is to risk getting murdered. There are several concessions that need to be made, though. For one, it quickly becomes apparent that the Seraphim will only agree to come along if their friends and families can come as well. That was not initially something Miryam and Drakon had planned for – no need to drag more people than absolutely necessary into it, after all – but the Seraphim refuse to leave otherwise, and so they have no choice but to spirit the hundreds of thousands of Erithians still waiting in Erithia away to their camp. The attack they stage to cover their tracks is not exactly a good trick, but they hope that in the general chaos ensuing all over the Continent right now, no one will think to double-check.
Meanwhile, the humans come up with a few demands of their own to assure their safety. Most importantly, they downright refuse to be ruled over by any Fae. (“No offence to your husband,” Niria, who relays the decision to Miryam, says, “He seems nice enough, but he’s still Fae.”) Miryam would have picked Niria for the job of leading the humans, but everyone else seems to agree that it will obviously be her who takes up the role, and she has to admit that it’s convenient for an eventual unity within their soon-to-be-formed country to have the rulers of the Fae and humans already married to each other. Eventually, they might actually manage to get a unified government for all people living on Cretea, but for the moment, it is agreed upon that humans and Fae will be governed separately, with an option of merging the two governments eventually should both sides agree.
By the time they finally move on to the next issue (how to get everyone to Cretea), the Continent has already completely dissolved into chaos. They had to pull in most of their spies, but Andromache, who drops by almost every day, keeps them well-informed.
“It is a mess,” she says one day, looking drained enough that Miryam wordlessly hands her a mug of tea and gently pushes her towards the nearest chair. “Millions of people on the move everywhere. All roads are crowded, and the soldiers are busy day and night trying to keep the violence between groups at bay. And we still haven’t got any idea where to put most of these people.”
For the most part, Miryam just tries not to think about it. She doesn’t want to imagine these millions of people who are forced to leave their homes and travel through the entire Continent into the unknown, doesn’t want to think that this was not the future she was hoping for when she dreamt of what a world after the war might look like. (We won, she reminds herself. That’s all that really counts. Any other problems, we will find a way to deal with.)
There are many things she is trying very hard not to think too much about. Her death, for example. Or the wall that will soon go up and the people who will have to die for it to happen. Or how the entire mess the world has been turned into is, in some way, because of her. During the days when she is too busy to spend much time thinking, it works for the most part. At night, it’s a different matter.
At the end of the day, she’s still one of the lucky ones, though. Unlike so many others, at least she isn’t losing her home. Of course, there are places she will miss, Erithia and Telique for one. But she never truly had a place she considered home, not really, so there is no home for her to lose now. Her home were always other people, and most of those will be coming with her.
It more difficult for Drakon. He is trying very hard to pretend that he is enthusiastic about moving to Cretea to set a good example for his people, but Miryam can tell that losing Erithia is tearing him apart. That is definitely her fault in a way, just as the fact that his right arm still hurts and none of the healers they talked to has been able to do anything about it is because of her. (Well, the blame for that last thing lies with Daín for the most part, but he had the good sense to stay away so far. Miryam is sure that will change soon enough, though, given what she knows about him.)
Drakon and her settle into a rhythm of sorts together. During the days, they pretend everything is fine. At nights, when they are alone in their tent, they allow themselves to mourn, to be scared and in pain. It probably isn’t ideal, but Miryam supposes they will have all the time in the world to deal with what they lost once everyone is safe and settled on Cretea.
Miryam is asleep in their tent, or at least pretending to be, but Drakon gave up on trying to sleep after having spent two hours tossing and turning on his mattress. His right arm still hurts, pain shooting up from the fingertips to the shoulder at any movement, which makes sleeping difficult.
Instead, he leaves the camp, nodding to the guards as he passes them, and sits down on a flat stone by the shore still within the wards Miryam set up around the camp. Tiny waves are lapping around his feet. Drakon picks up a handful of pebbles and starts tossing them into the water, sending ripples running over the surface.
He is just about to pick up a second hand of stones when a reflection appears in the water. He looks up and finds a dark-haired man with dark skin and blue robes floating above the water. So he did come, just as Miryam predicted.
“Ghost,” he says, only to remember a heartbeat later that the being in front of him is called Daín.
“Hello Drakon,” Ghost – no, Daín, remember it already – says quietly.
He doesn’t say anything after that, and Drakon only stares at him. Miryam told him about what happened after he resurrected her, but he still cannot quite believe that the man before her is the second-most important being in his religion. (Although given that his goddess apparently wants him dead, he might want to reconsider his religion as well. There are many things he needs to reconsider, it seems.)
“How… how are you doing?” Daín finally asks.
“Good,” Drakon says in a too-casual tone. “Thanks for asking. You might want to avoid Miryam for the time being, though. She’s furious with you.”
“Miryam, huh?” Daín asks. “And you?”
Drakon shrugs with his good shoulder. “My arm still hurts.” Understatement of the century. “I can barely hold a pen. How do you think I am feeling?”
Daín’s form dims slightly. “I’m sorry,” he says. “That’s what I actually came to tell you. I didn’t mean…” He breaks off, then starts again. “I regretted it the moment I did it.”
“Why did you do it, then?” Drakon asks.
That’s what has been bugging him ever since. Admittedly, he isn’t the best at judging people, but he still thought he could trust Ghost. They weren’t exactly friends, but he still thought they liked each other. That he was apparently so wrong stings.
“Because I couldn’t spend the rest of eternity stuck in that cave,” Daín says, voice rising slightly. “I just couldn’t.”
“But we had promised to get you out,” Drakon says. He doesn’t like how small his voice sounds. This would probably be easier if he was angry.
“And how would you have done that, with Miryam dead?” Daín shakes his head. “Any possible way to ever free me – be it in combination with resurrecting Miryam or just cutting me loose – involved you using the sword. I didn’t want this, I swear I didn’t, but it was my only chance.”
“Ah,” Drakon says, nodding slowly.
He hadn’t considered that. It makes sense, though, and it being the reason for why Daín did what he did is actually a relief. It means that Daín didn’t hate him, didn’t fake friendliness to manipulate him into freeing him from the beginning – Drakon didn’t misjudge him that badly, after all – he just wanted to get out of the cave. After eight thousand years of being trapped there alone, it is certainly something Drakon can sympathize with. He doesn’t exactly approve (his arm hurts too much for that), but he has a hard time blaming Daín.
“And you…” Daín continues, “you wanted to save Miryam so badly. Initially, I wasn’t going to help you, but you practically begged me and so – “
“And so you thought it was fine to lie to me?” Drakon asks, annoyed again. He understands why Daín didn’t give him the choice, but there’s really no reason for Daín to act like he was doing him a favour, or like he was justified in taking away his choice on the matter. “If you were so sure I would do it anyways, you could have just told me the truth.”
“I – “ Daín begins, but he is cut off by a voice from behind.
“Are you actually apologizing because you feel bad, or just because your little plan to free yourself didn’t go quite as planned and you need me to not hate you, Daín?”
Drakon turns around to Miryam who is leaning against a tree behind him, arms crossed so tightly she looks like she is moments away from accidentally snapping them.
“Can’t sleep?” Drakon asks by way of greeting and moves aside a bit on his stone to make space for her.
“As usual.” Miryam pushes off her tree and goes to sit next to him. Arms still crossed, she turns to glare at Daín. “Still waiting for your answer.”
Daín still seems to be processing what Miryam just said to him. He is hanging entirely still in the air, not even blinking. At Miryam’s words, he snaps out of it, though.
“I really do want to apologize,” he says. “I would have come even if I had been freed fully, instead of just being tied to you instead of the sword. And I would still want you to not hate me even if I was able to move more than a mile away from you at a time.”
Miryam snorts. “Yeah, it must be terribly inconvenient. All that work to get free, only to end up tied to one of the people you betrayed to get what you want.”
She is very good at only letting anger and coldness show right now, but Drakon knows that she was as hurt by Daín’s betrayal as he was, and that she isn’t pleased at all by having him bound to her now. Under different circumstances, Drakon thinks she might have decided to be more charitable about the entire situation and give Daín a second chance, but it seems she decided to be angry for both of them about Daín nearly getting him killed.
“Besides,” Miryam continues, “your apologies hardly undo what you did.”
Now, Drakon does feel the need to interject. He is almost beginning to feel bad for Daín.
“It was nice of him to explain, though,” Drakon says. “I can’t even blame him, honestly.”
Miryam twists around to face him, looking outraged. “What?” She asks. “You can’t be serious.”
Drakon shrugs. “He wanted a way out of that cave. I understand that. And if I had just let him out earlier instead of leaving him trapped there all alone just because I was scared to break tradition, none of this would have happened, so at least part of the blame for the entire situation lies with me.”
“Using the sword would still have killed you, though!” Miryam is clearly trying to keep her voice calm, but she doesn’t succeed entirely. “That was his plan from the beginning. How can you just be willing to overlook that?”
In spite of himself, Drakon finds himself smiling. It has been an ongoing discussion between the two of them in the last weeks which one of them is putting to little importance into their own wellbeing. Drakon feels that Miryam is brushing off the fact that she died and the related trauma too easily and also spends far too much time blaming herself and too little blaming others for everything that happened. In turn, Miryam thinks that Drakon should focus less on her and more on how he almost died and also lost his home.
In the end, they are probably both right. It seems that they are both painfully alike in that they never quite manage to place enough importance on their own lives.
“That wasn’t my plan at all,” Daín objects, making Drakon turn to face him again. “I didn’t want to hurt Drakon, that’s why I stopped suggesting he use the sword after a while!”
Miryam looks like she already has a reply ready for that, but Drakon cuts in before she gets the chance. “I think we aren’t going to solve this today,” he says. “What I’d like to know, though, is how you ended up in that cave. The true story. And how you know the Mo… Étain.”
That stops Miryam from saying whatever was just on her mind. She has been dying to know the details of Daín’s and Étaín’s past, and she evidently cares more about that than about telling Daín off yet again.
“Alright,” Daín says. He seems relieved at the chance to change the subject. “Then let’s start at the beginning. From my understanding, it is Fae belief that I am a Fae who was chosen as a consort by Étaín, who is the goddess who created this world.”
Drakon nods, internally bracing himself. He has a feeling he isn’t going to like whatever is coming next. He was never go-to-the-temple-daily religious, but he did care about it. The years of war didn’t exactly improve his relationship with his goddess, but he can’t shake the feeling that this will be worse still.
“The Fae, as usual, were wrong on both counts,” Daín says. “Étaín and I are both members of a species called Aín. We are born from the universe itself, made from the strings that make up its essence and have powers that are – although any Aín I can think of would consider the comparison an insult – similar to the powers witches exhibit. Although the more correct way to put it considering the history would be that the witches have powers that are a faint echo of ours.”
“Sounds pretty god-like to me,” Drakon mutters.
“That’s an interesting question, isn’t it?” Daín asks, perking up. “What is a god?” He seems genuinely excited at the question. “You see, there is no clear answer. If we define it as a ‘being of great power that is worshipped as a deity’, one might consider Miryam to be a goddess, provided she got herself some worshipers, and – “
“Can we get back to the subject at hand?” Miryam asks sharply. Drakon cannot tell if she is just annoyed with Daín in general, wants him to continue his story, or doesn’t like the goddess-comparison. Probably a mixture of all three.
Daín winces. “Sure. Anyways, long story short, Étaín grew tired of simply visiting worlds and watching life there as a spectator. She wanted… well, I suppose that no longer matters. She took over one of the worlds – this one – and began to shape it to her liking, using the Cauldron, a magical item she created, to anchor the spell she used. She never particularly cared about the world’s original inhabitants – the humans, as I am sure you already guessed – but there was a bunch of invaders from another world – the Fae – who were all too happy to worship her as a goddess when she had prepared this world so well for them. And Étaín quickly found that she enjoyed being worshipped as a goddess.”
Drakon groans and buries his face in his hands. He prepared himself for the worst, but this is worse than anything he considered possible. His ancestors were invaders who stole this world from the humans and then proceeded to enslave him, his goddess the one who helped them, and –
“And what was your role in all this?” Miryam asks.
“I was her best friend,” Daín says without looking at Miryam. “And then I was her lover and her husband.”
“So you helped her.” Miryam has her arms crossed again and seems to be growing increasingly angry as the conversation progresses.
“No. But I didn’t stop her either, and that’s almost as bad.” Daín sighs. “It took me far too long to realize that she was wrong, and to start acting against her. I only changed my mind when I met Rashida. But from then on, I worked with the humans against Étaín. Well, mostly against the Fae, but Étaín backed them, so it made little difference. I managed to keep it secret for centuries, but she found out eventually. When she did, we fought. And we hurt each other badly enough that we were both reduced to this.” He gestures at himself. “Powerless. Mere shades of what we once were, forced to remain stuck in this world forever without ever having the power to influence it again.”
Drakon curses softly and runs a hand through his hair. Wonderful. So everything he believes was one giant lie. Well, not everything, of course, but still quite a lot. A lot of really important things.
Miryam nods slowly. “Interesting story. We’ll think about it.”
“There’s more still,” Daín says. “So much you do not know yet.”
“Maybe some other day,” Miryam says. “I’d rather be alone with Drakon now, though.”
Daín nods. “Of course. And I truly am sorry.”
Miryam doesn’t react. Drakon might have offered some acknowledgement, but he is still chewing on what Daín just told him. After waiting another heartbeat, Daín disappears into thin air.
Drakon turns to Miryam. His first instinct is to apologize, to offer some kind of comment about what Daín just revealed about his ancestors, but Miryam likely wouldn’t care about that. She didn’t the first time around, and she doubts he will now.
Miryam is the one who breaks the silence. “I can’t believe you are actually considering to forgive him,” she says, but she is smiling as she shakes her head slightly.
Ah. So this is what they are talking about. “And you?” Drakon asks. “Are you just going to hate him forever? Might be inconvenient, given that he is tied to you. He’ll have to be around a lot.”
Miryam laughs. “Unfortunate, isn’t it? I guess I’ll have to put that on the list of things I will eventually have to deal with. Sometime after we’ve made sure our people get through the next year without starving, I imagine.”
Drakon smiles back at her. “At least it won’t be boring?” He offers.
“Oh, definitely,” Miryam says and takes his hand. “At the rate things are going, we’ll be lucky if we ever get so much as a single boring day in our lives.”
“There’s a lot to be done until we get there, though,” Drakon says and jumps to his feet. “Houses to build and fields to plant. A country to create from scratch.” He offers her a hand to help her up.
Miryam takes the offered hand and lets him pull her to her feet. “Sounds fun. We better find a way to get everyone to Cretea safely first, though.”
Moving over to Cretea turns out to be less of a challenge than Miryam initially anticipated. Lacking ships and unable to purchase new ones for secrecy reasons, they had to rely on magic to get them across the ocean and onto the island. The entire matter (disabling the wards to even allow people onto the island and then creating a spell that allows about a million people to transfer to the island) took Miryam four days and no less than six trips to Cretea.
The spell she ended up with is hardly a work of art – it’s a one-way bridge of sorts between their camp and Cretea, and only ten people can pass through at a time and the transfer over to Cretea takes about thirty seconds, meaning that they need to have the spell running for well over a month to get everyone over to the island – but it is functional. A month is long, yes, it seems like a small price to pay for a relatively safe and comfortable way of travelling. Especially compared to what the millions of people on the Continent who also lost their homes have to deal with.
On the last day before the first people will start leaving for Cretea, Andromache visits again. Drakon is busy explaining the logistics of everything to the group of soldiers that will pass through the wall first, and so it’s just the two of them sitting together in Miryam’s tent.
“So, how are you doing?” Andromache asks.
Miryam shrugs. “Getting used to everything.” She doesn’t say that the nightmares are bad again, or that she feels so terribly guilty for all these people having to leave their homes, or that she is terrified of what the future might hold.
Andromache is kind enough to leave it at that and not call attention to her lie. “You’re leaving with the first group tomorrow?” She asks instead.
“Yes.” Miryam nods to the necklace Andromache is still wearing around her neck. “That will still bring you to me whenever you want. I’m hoping to see you again even when we’ve left the Continent.”
“I’ll come visit,” Andromache says with a sad smile.
Neither of them says that Andromache will have a very limited amount of time where she is even able to visit. The evacuations will probably take a few months still, but once the Wall goes up, there will be no more visits. Because there will be no more Andromache.
It is a subject both of them have carefully avoided in the last weeks. The knowledge that the wall spell will require the lives of the six human queens to come into function is always there, standing between them, but Miryam hasn’t yet found the courage to address it and Andromache doesn’t seem interested in bringing it up either.
Miryam reaches into her jacket and pulls out a second necklace. “And it would be great if you could give this to Mor. Tell her that I’d like to see her again sometime.”
Andromache frowns at the necklace in Miryam’s hand, then reluctantly takes it. “Is this your way of making me talk to Mor again?”
“This is my way of making sure a friend of mine doesn’t spend the rest of her life blaming herself for my death, and of possibly clearing up our argument,” Miryam replies. “Although I do wish you two would talk things out.”
Andromache makes a face at Miryam. “I don’t.”
“It was just an argument, Andromache. And it was halfway my fault, anyways, for not warning Mor of what I was going to do. It’s really not worth breaking up over.”
And Miryam feels terrible that this argument led to two of her friends breaking up. She never wanted that to happen, and she doesn’t think Mor deserves it. What she has said hadn’t exactly been kind, but given what Miryam had done, it hadn’t been unwarranted, either. Miryam doesn’t regret her actions, but she also cannot blame anyone for hating her for them.
“Well, it’s not your relationship so you don’t get to decide that,” Andromache mutters. When Miryam just watches her in silence, she sighs. “Besides, I’m not breaking up with Mor over the argument the two of you had. I’m breaking up with her because of the general implications of her behaviour.”
“You don’t really think Mor is anything like Shey,” Miryam says.
“No. But I don’t think I can imagine a relationship with her either. Not anymore.” Andromache shrugs. “I mean, even if I wasn’t going to die in that spell, I think it would be better for things to end here. Especially with the wall soon going up, there is little point in investing in a relationship I am unsure about.”
“Either way, you should talk to her sometime,” Miryam says. “You won’t get many chances to clear things between you up anymore, and such things shouldn’t be put off too long.” She thinks of Jurian and all the things she never got the chance to say to him and adds, “Talking from experience.”
Andromache sighs and closes her hand around the necklace. “I’ll give it to Mor,” she says. “And I’ll see. About the conversation.”
Miryam nods. “That’s all I am asking.”
Almost two weeks after Miryam gave it to her, Andromache still carries the charmed necklace she was meant to give to Mor around with her. She intended to give it to Mor right away, but somehow, the opportunity never arose. With the entire Continent dissolved into complete chaos, refugee trails running from one side to the other, she simply didn’t have much time for private conversations. Besides, Mor wasn’t in Telique as much as before, meaning they rarely saw each other either way.
Alright. If Andromache is being entirely honest, she didn’t exactly put much effort into meeting her, either. She could easily have sent a letter and asked Mor to come visit, but the truth is that she simply doesn’t want to talk to her. Having a few weeks to think everything through helped calm her anger into a manageable extent – which was, of course, helped by the fact that Miryam and Drakon turned out to be alive and… well, not quite well, but well enough, she suppoes – but that still doesn’t mean she’s just going to forgive Mor. Not for her behaviour and not for the mindset behind it.
Talking to Mor now would mean having to deal with that, and she simply doesn’t have the energy to explain to her where her problem is. If Mor doesn’t figure it out herself, it’s hardly up to Andromache to help her.
She promised Miryam, though. And Miryam also has a point that some things ought to be settled in due time. So as the date when the wall is scheduled to go up (which will, as it happens, also mean Andromache’s death), she finally makes herself approach Mor after a meeting in Telique.
“We need to talk,” she says by way of greeting, making Mor spin around to her, the papers she was just studying forgotten. Before she can say anything else, Andromache adds, “Meet me in half an hour in our usual spot.”
With that, she turns around and stalks off.
Their usual spot is one of the palace’s private gardens, this one belonging traditionally to Angolere. Usually, it is visited by courtiers from her country, but with everyone so busy lately, it is entirely empty when Andromache arrives. She still walks around once to check, then sits down on a bench under a willow and waits.
Mor arrives five minutes later. She is clearly nervous, fiddling around with the sleeve of her dress as she walks. Andromache nods to the seat beside her and waits until Mor has put up a ward around them before pulling the necklace out of her pocket and holding it out to her.
The explanation she offers is quick and hard. She only offers the bare bones of the situation. Miryam, Drakon and the others are alive, they are hiding, Miryam wants Mor to visit. She does not mention Shey, or the fact that Miryam died. If Mor wants to know about these things, she will have to speak to Miryam about it.
Halfway through her explanations, Mor begins to cry. Andromache does not put an arm around her shoulders to comfort her. Part of her wants to, but that would send a signal to Mor she doesn’t want to send, and so she simply finishes her explanation and then waits for Mor to stop crying.
Maybe it was wrong of her to wait this long before giving the news to Mor. Letting her go on for weeks still thinking Miryam, Drakon and the others are dead was cruel, perhaps. Did she truly do it because she did not want to speak to Mor, or was it some sort of punishment? It bothers Andromache that she cannot tell and she vows to herself to do better. She once loved Mor dearly – for all that she made mistakes, she does not deserve cruelty, or punishment.
“So things between us…” Mor begins, hesitantly. “Things are fine again? We’re good.”
Andromache’s initial reaction is to snap at her, but she promised herself to be kind about this from now on, if only to make up for not delivering Miryam’s message earlier. This is, although Mor doesn’t yet know it, their final conversation. And Andromache wants a neat resolution to this, one that will leave her knowing she did everything right. She doesn’t want to be angry with Mor anymore. She just wants this settled and then she wants to move on.
“No,” she says as gently as she can manage. “I never blamed you for Miryam’s death, and so her not being dead changes nothing at all.” Mor looks completely crestfallen. She doesn’t say anything else, so it’s up to Andromache to say the final words. “Things between us are over, Mor.”
She doesn’t say that she is sorry. This conversation is already more for Mor’s sake than for hers, but there are limits to how far she will go. Maybe if Mor hadn’t thought that the sole problem was Miryam’s death, she might have been kinder.
Mor is crying again.
Andromache sighs. Still, she doesn’t reach out to comfort her. “With the wall soon going up, we wouldn’t have much of a future either way,” she says. “The Night Court and Angolere will be on different sides of the wall, with no way across.”
It isn’t the reason for why she is ending the relationship, but it might soften the blow for Mor. Let her think that the wall influenced her decision, that they might still have had a chance without it.
“I could stay in Angolere with you,” Mor sniffs.
“And leave your family behind forever? That’s not a choice I’d want you to make. Especially not over a relationship I am no longer sure about.”
She is far more than “no longer sure”, but there’s no need to say that. If not for the wall, if not for Andromache’s upcoming death, there might be some way to salvage their relationship, but Andromache doesn’t think she would be willing to make the effort. She certainly wouldn’t want Mor to make a choice as permanent as leaving her home behind for her now.
It does not make Mor cry any less, though. Andromache wishes she would stop crying long enough to think about her words and realize she is right. There’s no way Mor would want to leave her family and friends behind, not even for Andromache. But well, maybe she has a right to her tears and this is just Andromache being impatient with her. Looking at it objectively, it is probably her who is being too cold about this while Mor’s reaction is appropriate to the situation.
“Not all endings have to be bad,” Andromache offers. “I know it sometimes feels that way, but a relationship ending isn’t the end of the world. It just happens sometimes, and sometimes, it is even for the best. At times, two people are just right for each other for a time, and then they aren’t anymore, but that doesn’t mean the time before was bad or didn’t bring anything to both of them.”
That was very, very kind of her, Andromache thinks. Miryam will be satisfied. A bit cold, perhaps, but she just can’t help it. She is done with this relationship and, harsh though it may sound, done with Mor. She believes what she said – for a time, their relationship was good and she will always be grateful for that. But she sees no cause to maintain any kind of relationship with Mor after this.
“But I don’t want to go on without you,” Mor whispers.
Is it too cold if Andromache tells her that she will get over it in time? At least that’s the experience Andromache made in her two previous relationships. (Well, the first of these relationships barely lasted more than a month, but that didn’t make Andromache at eighteen feel less like she was dying when her then-boyfriend broke up with her.) On the other hand, that is probably not what Mor wants to hear right now, and given that this is her first relationship, it might be best if she makes these experiences on her own.
“You’ll manage,” she says. “I was the first person you loved – I doubt I’ll be the last.” For the sake of the good years they had, she makes herself smile. “I was happy to have met you, Morrigan. I wish you a long and happy life.” It is true, too.
Mor is crying harder again and doesn’t seem capable of saying anything, but that’s alright. Andromache would have appreciated some kind parting words from her, but she doesn’t need them. She is perfectly at peace with the way their relationship ended – this meeting’s intention was to give Mor a resolution, not her.
She gets up, inclines her head to Mor one last time, and walks out of the garden, leaving Mor alone on the bench.
On the Continent, the evacuations continue, the chaos showing no way of easing yet. By contrast, Prythian is almost eerily calm. The only court that is losing any territory is Spring, where everyone is busy moving hundreds and thousands of people, but up north in the Night Court, one might think there are no evacuations happening at all.
Mor enjoys the quiet. It offers a nice contrast to the storm raging inside her, and gives her all the time in the world to nurse her broken heart. After that terrible last conversation with Andromache, she fled to the cabin in the mountains where Rhysand is still recovering – or, lately, quietly seething at the fact that his father forbid him from going after Amarantha on his own – and together, they spend days in solitude.
They are a good fit these days, both of them equally miserable. For the most part, they do not talk at all. Rhysand wants to be left alone with his rage, and Mor doesn’t feel like talking about what happened with Andromache either. Well, she wouldn’t have felt like it even if Rhys had known about their relationship in the first place.
As far as she can tell, Rhys believes she is mourning Miryam and Drakon. About them, they talk once or twice, but Mor usually blocks off the conversation. She loves Rhys, but she isn’t prepared to talk about Miryam yet. Not when Miryam and their last argument are so closely tied to everything that is now wrong with her life.
Some days, she sits outside in the cold and twists the necklace in her hands. She hasn’t found the courage to actually use it yet. If Miryam wanted Mor to get it, that likely means she wants to talk to her, but what would they even talk about?
Nothing Mor might say would change anything about the facts. It won’t undo what Miryam did in the Black Land, or the argument they had about it. Nor will it erase the fact that Mor promised to protect Miryam, and then she left, and then Miryam almost died. It won’t make Andromache want her back, either.
Mor is sitting outside with the necklace again one day when Rhys sits down next to her. “What is the business with that necklace?” He asks. “A gift from a lover who left you?”
“No,” Mor chokes out. And then, before she can think any better of it, she is telling him the truth. Not everything – not a word about Andromache – but she tells him what the necklace is, what it does. She wants to mention her argument with Miryam, but every time she tries to repeat what happened, her voice abandons her.
After she is done, Rhys is silent for a while. Finally, he says, “I’m not sure if you should visit them. It would be a risk.”
“How so?” Mor asks, perking up.
“Well, if Miryam and Drakon wish for people to think they are dead, you visiting them would only put that in danger, wouldn’t it? What if father notices that you are gone and starts asking where you were?”
Mor flinches. She didn’t consider that option yet, but he is right. It would be irresponsible to visit Miryam. Even if Miryam asked for it, Mor shouldn’t… At least not right now. Maybe in a few months, once everything has settled down and she isn’t watched this closely by her uncle anymore. Maybe by then, things will have calmed down all on their own, too. Sometimes, time is the best medicine.
Yes, Mor thinks. This is right. Soon enough, things will have calmed down and it will have stopped hurting and then, she will be able to talk to Miryam again, too. It will all be alright. It just takes a little time.
The next two months are so busy that the time seems to move at twice the normal speed. That it takes over a month to move everyone to Cretea seemed inconvenient at first, but having people appear one after the other on Cretea actually turns out to be a blessing. That way, the first people to arrive can already start setting up a camp, scout the terrain and look for food. All of this is be painfully necessary because Cretea, densely forested and full of unknown plants and animals as it is, it definitely not an island you just want to dump a million of people onto without preparation.
By the time the last of their people arrives and Miryam closes her bridge spell, they have not one but actually five separate camps, all within less than an hour of each other, to avoid people being too densely crowded in one area and polluting the water. They also have some makeshift huts erected and catalogued most of the common fauna and flora as well as mapped the nearby parts of the island. The cartographers and scouts especially have done great work, but everyone on Cretea did their part.
Loathe as Miryam is to admit it, though, everything would have been a whole lot more difficult if not for Daín’s help. Within a day of the first people arriving on Cretea, they realized that the island is completely different from the rest of the Continent. More than half of the local plants and animals are unknown even to their experts, and it is impossible to tell which ones are dangerous. (For example, who would have thought that the tiny elephants living in the jungle can spit poison if they feel threatened?)
Daín, having apparently been the one to create Cretea as a wedding gift to Étaín, knows all the local specialities, though, and he is willing to help, which forces Miryam to put her lingering anger with him aside for the moment. To his credit, he doesn’t tie his help to any demands, doesn’t even ask Miryam and Drakon to forgive him for what he did in exchange. Drakon still seems to forgive him, even though his arm still hasn’t gotten better. Miryam doesn’t feel inclined to do the same yet.
Busy as they all are with trying to settle into Cretea and not be killed by the wildlife, she barely notices how the time passes. It’s like she blinked and suddenly, more than two months have passed since that battle on the ocean floor. On the Continent, the evacuations are drawing to a close. Not everyone is settled in yet, of course, and on the Fae side of the Continent, it is already obvious that there will be struggles over borders still to come, but everyone has reached their side of the Continent by now. Which means the wall will go up soon.
The realization hits Miryam like a punch to the chest when Andromache calmly tells her that they will cast the wall spell in less than a week. Before she even had the chance to truly comprehend what is about to happen, it’s Andromache’s last visit and they are forced to say goodbye to each other.
Andromache seems entirely calm about the situation, which just makes it more difficult for Miryam. Words rarely fail her, but now, they do. Andromache is one of her closest friends – the idea of losing her like this is unbearable. It almost feels like Miryam is killing her herself.
Andromache seems to guess her line of thought, though, because as she hugs Miryam goodbye, she whispers into her ear, “I know you like to blame yourself for things that aren’t your fault, and that you won’t listen to me when I tell you that you hold no blame for a decision I made freely. I still want you to not blame yourself for this, though. Consider it my last wish if you want.”
Miryam isn’t sure if that is a wish she will be able to honour, but she still makes herself nod. After Andromache has disappeared, she spends a long time staring at the space where she was just standing, trying not to think about anything at all. Then, she turns around and walks over to the nearest human camp.
It is perched in a valley, and Miryam finds a flat stone on a nearby hill where she sits down. From up here, she can see the entire camp, all the people moving round down there, going about their daily activities and simply living. Children are running through the camp, chasing each other in some made-up game. Fires are burning everywhere, adults preparing dinner over them.
Miryam smiles softly. Maybe in a moment, she will go down there and join the hustle, maybe find herself some dinner and join the groups of people sitting around in front of the tents. For the moment, though, she is content to simply watch.
She loves moments like this. They remind her that even if many things didn’t go the way she planned, at the end of the day, she got the most important thing she wanted, the only one that really mattered. At the end of the day, they won and they are free, and that’s all that really counts.
She just wishes Jurian was here to see this. He would have loved it as much as she does and it is so beyond cruel that he never got to see that the victory he sacrificed so much for.
“I miss you,” she whispers.
She doesn’t believe that anyone is there to listen, doesn’t even believe in an afterlife, but some things are better said out loud. For some words, it is easier to be able to pretend that there is someone listening.
“I wonder what you would make of everything if you were here.” She smiles, shaking her head slightly. “You would probably be against the wall far less than I am. You would think I’m stupid to dislike it so much, I know. We might even argue over it. I would give anything to be able to argue with you over that one more time. But mostly I just… I really wish you were here to see this. We won. And it kills me that you never got to hear about that.”
The only answer is the wind rustling in the leaves. What wouldn’t Miryam give for one chance, just once more chance to talk to Jurian. How is it that she got a second chance at life but he didn’t?
She tries to comfort herself with the knowledge that Jurian would be happy for her. If he was able to talk to her, he would probably tell her off for feeling guilty that she lives while he is gone. He would want her to live a happy life, the same thing she would have wanted for him had their positions been reversed.
“We won,” Miryam repeats once more, and then, she gets up and walks down to the camp.
The sunlight pierces the darkness without warning. Had Jurian been able to, he would have closed his eye against the sudden light, but as it is, he can only wait until his eye adjusts to the brightness and he can see again. Slowly, Amarantha’s face comes into focus in front of him.
“Have you missed me?” She asks.
Even if Jurian had been able to reply, he wouldn’t have. He didn’t miss Amarantha, of course, but after so long trapped alone in the dark, even the face he hates the most in the entire world is a welcome sight. He doesn’t know how long it has been since Amarantha shoved his eye into that casket, furious over the Loyalists’ defeat and clearly trying to sour the victory for Jurian, only that it felt like an eternity trapped alone in the dark, moments blurring together in a never-ending stream of terribleness.
“It’s been almost three months,” Amarantha says as if reading his thoughts and picks the ring with his eye on it up.
“Such a long time!” She seems in a good mood today, and Jurian is immediately suspicious. Her good news tend to end badly for him. “There is so much you missed. Do you want me to tell you?”
Yes. No. Jurian doesn’t know. If he still had a body, he is sure his heart would be racing. Any news that has Amarantha in such a good mood can only be terrible indeed, especially when it must be bad enough to counter her anger over the Alliance winning the war.
“Well, one thing you certainly didn’t miss was your allies looking for you,” Amarantha says casually. “Because they didn’t. They seem entirely content to leave you to rot. If you ask me, they are probably glad to be rid of you. Not that I can blame them.”
Once, Jurian might have objected – internally, at least – but now, he cannot. He has run out of possible explanations for why none of his friends came to save him yet, especially with the war now over for months. They should have come. But they didn’t, and the only possible reason is that they do not care.
“No, there was something else I wanted to tell you about,” Amarantha says. “I even considered interrupting your little time-out for it, but I thought you could use some time on your own to contemplate how little use your side winning this war was for you in the end.”
Desperately, Jurian tries to cling onto the knowledge that this war was still worth it. If they won, that must mean slavery was abolished. Millions of people must have been freed. It was worth it.
It is difficult to truly feel that way, though, when he cannot see the effects. All that’s there for him is pain and suffering, and none of his supposed friends seem to be willing to help him. It’s like they won and then forgot about him, like they had no use for him anymore and so they threw him away.
“Well, now you hear a few months too late,” Amarantha continues. She smiles at him. It is not a pleasant smile, showing far too many teeth. “Your little mortal lover – sorry, former lover – is dead.”
Jurian’s world goes entirely still. It’s a lie, is his first thought. It has to be a lie. A poor one at that, given that he knows the war is already over. Miryam cannot be dead.
“That lesser faery she betrayed you with is dead as well, although I doubt you are sad about that,” Amarantha continues. “As well as a whole bunch of other people, mortals and faeries, mostly. Ravenia sent soldiers after them, and they somehow managed to completely wipe each other out. Everyone dead, on both sides.” Her smile broadens further. “I find it beyond amusing, honestly. Although I would be really curious to know what you think about it.”
What he thinks about it? He thinks, of course, that it cannot be true. And if it was… No, he cannot bear to think about that.
“She betrayed you, after all,” Amarantha continues. “You did everything for her, and she couldn’t even be bothered to try and save you. Maybe she was too busy with that faerie prince she picked over you. Maybe she was glad to have you out of the way.”
Jurian wishes he could block out her words. He doesn’t want to hear what she is saying, but he can’t stop it. The words are like poison, all the deadlier because there is at least a spark of truth in them.
Amarantha shrugs. “If I were you, I would probably hate her. I’d be glad that she is dead.”
Jurian isn’t. He isn’t. He could never hate Miryam, could never want her dead.
But she must have hated him and wanted him dead if she never came for him. He tries to tell himself that she simply might not have had the time, that she might have come for him after she freed her people had she survived to do so, but it isn’t a good enough excuse. Had it been Miryam being tortured, he would have dropped anything to try and save her. Nothing, absolutely nothing could have been more important.
And she left him for Drakon, Drakon who wouldn’t even try to save her when she was in danger. Jurian told her to stay away from him, but she didn’t listen, and what did it get her? It’s her own damn fault if she died.
No, no, he doesn’t mean that. What is he thinking?
Amarantha smiles like he knows exactly what is going on in his head. “You are glad,” she says, and Jurian spends the entire rest of the day forcing himself to relive all the good memories he has of Miryam to prove to himself, to Amarantha, to everyone, how very much not glad he is.
Given that Andromache is going to die in less than half a day, she is surprisingly calm. She spent the last days settling all the needs to be settled. She visited her mother and all her remaining family, met up with any close friends and wrote a few letters that are meant to be opened only after her death. Most of the meetings went well. Her mother didn’t want to let her go at the end, hugging her again and again which just made it harder for Andromache to leave, but at the end of the day, she feels that all of the meetings were a success.
Her people are not yet entirely settled in, but her successor will see to that. Everyone will be provided for, and Andromache is sure that Ania is a good choice as a successor, someone who will govern fairly and wisely for the years to come. Everything is settled. She isn’t leaving any loose ends behind.
With only five hours to spare before she wants to meet the other queens, though, she suddenly finds herself with nothing left to do. Everything is settled, but Andromache still feels like she needs act, to somehow do one last thing even if she doesn’t know what. Her hours are so limited now, she can’t help the feeling that she ought to be using them to their fullest extent.
Yanis eventually finds her wandering through the palace aimlessly. He doesn’t say a word, just takes her by the arm and leads her to one of the gardens. They sit down amongst two rose bushes. With autumn approaching, the flowers are raining petals on the pathway. With a start, Andromache realizes that she will never see roses in full bloom again.
She swallows against the sudden tightness in her throat. In all the last months, she avoided thinking about all that dying entails. She thought about the fact that she has to die plenty, of course, but she never really allowed herself to contemplate what that means. And there were a million different things to consider, her people and the evacuations and the final council meetings keeping her so busy that she simply didn’t have time to think about it.
Now she does, though, and she doesn’t like it at all. Like most people in the world, Andromache doesn’t want to die. There are so many things she still wants to do. She would like to see Angolere rebuilt south of the wall, and see her people thrive. Should it ever become possible, she would like children of her own, and a partner to grow old with should she find someone she can imagine spending her life with. She once thought it might be Mor, but it wasn’t, and she would have liked to have the time to find someone else.
Maybe she should have asked Miryam what dying feels like. But no, that would just have made Miryam feel worse about the entire situation. Besides, she doubts bleeding out from a spear to the chest feels anything like being consumed by a spell.
She supposes at least she get to see another sunrise, as they chose dawn as the time to cast their spell. Hopefully, the morning won’t be cloudy so she will get to see the sun one last time.
Slowly, Yanis takes her hand. His rough, callused fingers squeeze hers.
“Remember our first mission, when we were rooky soldiers together?” He asks.
“When we were sent out to chase that band or faeries that had attacked the village?” Andromache asks, a smile tugging at her lips. “And you idiot thought you could get into a fistfight with one of these lion-wolf-mixture things and win?”
“It knocked my sword out of my hand!” Yanis objects. “I was panicking.”
“Lucky for you I still had both my sword and my senses, or that thing would have taken your head off.”
Yanis grins, but his smile soon fades. “Anni, I – “
A messenger bursts into the garden, nearly stumbling over his feet in his haste to bow to Andromache. “Your Majesty,” he says, holding out a letter to her. “From Queen Nakia. She said to deliver this to you.”
Frowning, Andromache takes the letter. She sees no reason why Nakia would write her a letter now, not when they are both going to die together in a few hours. She breaks the seal and unfolds the parchment.
Dear Andromache,
If all goes according to the plan, this letter will be delivered to you by midnight, which means that by then, it will be too late for you to change anything about any of it. I apologize for lying to you, but I didn’t think you would agree with my plan, and I had to do what I thought best for our people. I hope that you will be able to forgive my ploys.
For all that I believe we have all chosen worthy successors, it would be irresponsible to leave our people without any experienced leaders in a time like this. We couldn’t all die, and I trust that you and the others who remain will keep our people safe and lead them into a bright future.
It has been my honour to work with you in the last nine years.
Your friend,
Queen Nakia of Scythia considers herself a practical woman. As such, it became clear to her quickly that robbing the humans of their entire leadership in one go would be a very, very bad idea. Admittedly, it was her bad idea, and at the time where she suggested it, it might not have been so bad at all, but now, there is simply no way sacrificing all six queens in one go is the right thing to do. Not when it would bring instability to their people in a situation as precarious as this one.
Fortunately, Nakia listened closely when Miryam initially explained the spell to them all. Back then, she said that the spell would work not only for the people it was tied to, but also for any close relatives. Some reading in books stolen from abandoned Fae libraries confirmed quickly enough that any close relatives to the other queens would work just as well as sacrifices.
It was not difficult to find people willing to step in for the other queens. Andromache’s mother. Sehline’s older brother. Mije’s uncle. Kjani’s grandmother. Only for Leline, there was no one since her entire family had died two years ago during an attack, so she is in the forest where they met to cast the spell along with the others.
Some part of Nakia feels bad for going behind the other queens’ backs like this. They will not be grateful to her for sparing them at the expense of their loved ones, but she is not doing it for their sakes. No, glad as she is that Andromache and the others will get to live, she is doing this solely for her country.
As for herself… Well, she had plenty of relatives of her own she might have asked, but she didn’t. A child should not die for its mother, nor a grandchild for its grandmother, and while Elmira is still young and inexperienced, Andromache and the others will easily able to support her through the initial years queen, just as Nakia herself did for so many others.
She had a long life, and a good one. For forty years, she ruled her country, kept her people safe. She watched her children and grandchildren grow up. Now, she gets to die knowing that her people will be forever free from slavery, never forced to fear the Fae again.
It is good, she thinks as she sketches symbols she does not understand into the earth around her, following the instructions Miryam left closely. The moon is standing high above in the sky.
Nakia finishes the last symbol and turns to face the others. “Shall we?” She asks.
They all look back at her. Some are crying, others firm. They all nod, though.
Nakia turns to look up at the moon. Slowly, she begins to recite the spell, keeping her gaze fixed on the moon above. It is the last thing she sees.
Miryam isn’t sleeping. She is lying in bed fully clothed, head resting on Drakon’s shoulder and his arm wrapped around her. When she senses the magical tremor running through the air, she sits up bolt upright.
“What happened?” Drakon asks, sitting up as well.
Miryam shakes her head, gasping. She can still feel the magic thick in the air, pulsing like a second heartbeat. It is not a pleasant sensation. And there, miles and miles away, she can sense something else. A barrier running through the world, cleaving it in two.
“It’s too early,” she whispers, stretching out her senses to investigate that new barrier. It is too far away for her to get a proper read, though. “Andromache said dawn.”
“The wall?” Drakon asks, turning around to her.
“Yes,” Miryam says slowly. She swings her legs over the bed’s edge and walks towards the door to the tiny hut they are sleeping in. She looks outside over the sleeping camp, as if to assure herself that they are still there. “The wall is in place now.”
A/N: So, this is not the last chapter after all. There will still be an epilogue coming, set 10 years after the wall went up, to wrap up some loose strings and also just... generally end on a positive note. That is obviously hard to do in the direct aftermath of basically 7+ years of extremely traumatizing events, but I do want to give off a HOPEFUL expression of the future, so an epilogue it is.
Tags: @croissantcitysucks @femtopulsed @aileywrites
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voidcat · 4 years
– a case of bad luck
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2. a deal (with the devil)
m.list ; prev ; next ; wc: 2.1k
a/n: society if i could w r i t e,,, anwyays i feel im making mafia dazai ooc? i hope not, ive just began the light novels dsfdg uh yea i'll probs update once a week (depends on how often i can write)
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Insisting he leaves you off at the station, you let out a breath of relief for the first time in hours. Unsure he may still be following, you change directions few times, walk fast and use shortcuts only locals of the neighbourhoods know to get him off your track. Just in case.
The next day he doesn’t show up, neither does he the day after. Not knowing how to feel or what to think about this, because there is no way he will let you slide off this easily, you do your best to resist the relief.
And soon later, it blurs back in your head, like smoke dissolving, like a bad dream.
But the unease never leaves. Neither does the feeling of being watched.
Then one lunch break, your eyes get fixed on a spot by the sidewalk and you can swear it’s the same clothes, the bandages, the posture and the look and everything crashes down back on you again. You do your best to linger and change directions as many times as you can on the way home that evening. Nothing goes wrong that night, or the day after or the day after that. If the false of sense peace were to go for few more days, you think you’ll forget all that happened again, too focused on school or whatever your friends recently bringing up.
A bell to mark the school hours ending, walking outside, caught up in whatever you’re discussing and he just stands there, like it’s nothing, like he belongs to his peer group, missing some of the bandages you saw on his face before, clothes not sticking out like you thought they would.
He stands there and smiles your way.
You think, you’ve never wanted to punch someone in your life as you do in this very moment. Just to erase that smile off his face.
In your view, he only gets bigger with each step, the flock of students you’re stuck in only walking towards where he waits and you look around for a way to sneak out but nada! Nothing! And your friends have grown suspiciously quieter than the usual. Stealing glances from one another and from you, the snicker like they’re sharing this little surprise for you.
Shorter than calculated, you find yourself standing right in front of him.
No words on his end and the expecting looks on you make the air tense.
“Hi… Dazai!” You say at one point, fake enthusiasm clear, not that they seem to mind nor realize. “What brings you here?”
“I was just in the city as you see. And decided, what better time to surprise an old friend than now?” The smile vanishes for a moment, the forced school play act making you want to roll your eyes but he puts a hand on your shoulder suddenly, you wince and shake his hand off, and he continues. “So, have you got the time to show me around and catch up?”
“Do I have a choice?” Followed by a dry laugh, you look back to your friends who only seem satisfied, makes you wonder what kind of lie he sold before he got here. His smile grows wider in reply.
You sigh and start to walk by his side, taking a step a second later than him to keep a distance and to see where you’re headed.
“What did you tell them exactly?” your curiosity takes the best of you as you reach a traffic light.
A little ‘huh?’ coming from him, he turns back to glance at you, the sun behind his head makes his height apparent. The short lived look of asking he gives you dies as he tilts his head “I only told them a cliché story, assumed they’d fall for cheesy scenarios such as that.”
Red turns green.
You take a step by his side, no more following behind. “Which is?..”
“That we were old friends with a shared history of potential intimacy and I wanted to take you out now that we are back together again!” He says it like it’s so usual.
The two of you reach the pavement and continue to walk, never faltering.
Letting your eyes linger on him for a while, you turn your gaze back on the streets as the sense of familiarity begins to vanish. “I didn’t take you for the romcom type.” You say at last as you stop.
“I’m not.” He doesn’t spare a glance this time. “I just know someone who likes them.”
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The number of people around decrease with each step, the air gets colder –maybe it’s your nerves. The light starts to fade and not a word has been spoken for quite some time. Not that either of you were dying for some get-to-one-another.
When he speaks again, you don’t hear it at first. “Your ability-”
You halt with a stomp of your foot. “I don’t have one.”
He narrows his eyes in annoyance, “Your ability must be based on some form of speech, as Akutagawa served a good example that night.”
The name barely rings a bell in your memory.
“Question is, what kind of speech it requires? Does it rhyme, should commands work, shall it be sang, like a siren?”
“These are all excellent questions, except for one big missing piece…” you answer. The mention of something missing seems to get his attention. “…That I do not have an ability.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he huffs, the ever growing annoyance levels can tell alone you’re pushing the little bit of luck you have.
“Then how did Akutagawa pass out exactly?” hands back under his coat.
“There was blood on him? Maybe he’s sick? He definitely looked the part.” You say as more of a suggestion than an answer.
“The men inside the building. The one with his internal organs out.” Words get colder with each breathe.
Yours fade as his grow colder, “Maybe the other captured guy did it?”
“You don’t sound sure, weren’t you right next to him?” suspicion of a knowing parent hinted in his voice almost, he already must’ve figured it all out that night.
“I…” the pavement looks gray, stones crooked, countless fights must’ve gone through here before.
“I don’t know.” From the edge that connects the floor to the walls, you try inspecting each dull color behind the lifeless filter, not acknowledging him standing there doesn’t feel any safer but it’s preferable to those eyes.
His lips don’t move but the ‘You don’t know?’ is heavy in the air.
“I don’t know! I don’t remember!” someone’s yelling reaches your ears. “I just!-“
The yelling was yours, your arms fall back, go back up and you hold yourself, “I was… singing? To calm down… And the rest is just a blur.”
When you look up, he looks as disinterested. You consider yelling, asking for an explanation, what he’s thinking; it’s not that hard to piece it all, you think, but this demeanor rubs you the wrong way. The longer the silence goes, the eerier it becomes, the emptiness of the alley you’re standing in stands out. The lack of people, noise, light, it’d almost crash down on you if it wasn’t soin the open ever since he showed up.
“The words you spoke to Akutagawa. Are they from a song?”
“The ‘go to sleep’ you mean?” you finger quote the lyric, “it’s from Beach Life In-“ you stop with a shake of your head, “it’s from a song, yes.”
When you look again, it feels like an adult waiting for a child to connect the dots in front of them, like you’re the only one in the world who hasn’t figured it out already.
“But it makes no sense.” Hands on hips, eyes focused on a pebble near your foot, “I mean- it’s not like I haven’t sung before?” You turn then, start to pace, a hand on your forehead to push back the few strands brushing against your forehead.
It starts to warm up, or feels like it, each strand of hair just there, existing, leaving its weight on you, tickling, annoying, bothering; suffocating-
He cannot be right, can he?
Sure, self-awareness can change for each person but something so important as an ability shouldn’t be missed that easily… being a stranger to yourself when a stranger figured it out in mere seconds- it’s ridiculous, it simply doesn’t make sense, he must be wrong or confuse you with someone else, how can it be that bad, how can my perception be that bad, what else did I miss if all this is true and happening-
“Despite how the Port Mafia appears,” his voice pulls you out of your head, “ability users is not such a common occurrence. And surely the ability to affect your surroundings, or make people act certain ways is one we cannot let go of.”
I should drink some water, a part of you says when you gulp at his implications, ‘we cannot let go’ just gets out of his mouth and stays right in front of you, in bold jet black letters.
“What you should ask yourself is if you felt anything during all these times of singing…” silence feels enough of an answer, hyped up or not there isn’t much to feel, much to wish for. “Or if the words you snag back then were for you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” “What did you feel that night?”
“Typical fight or flight response? Adrenaline, instinct to survive?”
“Stop assuming and start being more confident.” (like that night) a part of you yells, in his voice, though his is devoid of any emotion. You don’t want to learn how he sounds when he yells.
“I wanted to get out.” You try again. “Not to survive but to avoid death or whatever was awaiting me until that.” Sounds more like you, you straighten your back. “I didn’t want to stay any longer to see what they’d do to me so I found a way out.” He almost seems pleasant to hear the change in you, maybe it’s time to surprise him a little more.
“So let’s say,” you start pacing again, less like rambling and more like an animal circling, not a prey but a threat, because that’s what he is, what he has been and will be, “that I have an ability that I can use only when my emotional capacity is at a certain level… why would a mafia executive want me to have a better understanding of it?”
The radius decreasing with each step, you end your steps right in front of his face “what makes you think I won’t use it, right now, on you?” each pause between the words to make it clear this is a threat, no more of the power balance he held over you for too long. Your back to the beginning of the alley, you’re ready, in case he is one of them –if not, he might still have a gun.
He doesn’t falter, not a hair on him moves. Until he chuckles, at you and your words.
The vibration in his voice, nor the laughter reach his eyes.
“There are quite a few reasons why this won’t do, like how you cannot use it.”
The confidence in his voice makes the truth more unbearable.
“And besides, even if you managed to use it, it wouldn’t take me long to stop you.”
“Are you that fast?”
“Are you?”
This marks the end of it, as much as it pains to admit he is right, a part of you doesn’t want it, doesn’t feel the same sense of danger and survival to run away.
And regardless of all the threat he possesses, he doesn’t seem all too willing to get rid of you.
Rolling your eyes, you turn and walk away to the blinking store lights from the street. A second set of footsteps catch up to you in few long strides.
“So what is this then? You’re going to help me use my ability and leave me in debt?” reaching the traffic lights, you step onto the road without batting an eye.
“Why would I agree to something like that?” the car drives by, almost brushing your back. The sun has begun to set already, the colors mixing together.
The wind carries away his words but you catch them just in time: “You have a family and a cat, don’t you?”
You stop and look up. “Not a cloud in sight. Was it a sign of a rainy day to follow?” ignore the implications, don’t think about the faces. “A cloudy day perhaps, I always mix up the tells of the sky.”
“I’ll be around.” And he leaves with that.
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elenamegan14 · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland: Headcanons for Dorm Haunted Houses Pt.6 - Scarabia
Part 5
You wanna see one dorm that goes all out this year? Look no further. Scarabia spared no expenses on making their haunted house looking so EXTRA fine. 
I mean, we’re talking about real gold, jewels, and high definition special effects. Oh, and yeah, Jamil and Kalim made a lot of effort to make those bodies look REAL.  
Scarabia’s haunted house is an Arabian “Cave of Wonders” that leads to a wondrous treasure fault. Legend said it housed a wishing lamp that grants wishes upon its rightful owner. Many had attempted to get the fabled lamp, but those who entered would never come out again. All those who came perished by the traps… or by its guardian itself. 
Merchandises were also made - they got the usual keychains, t-shirts, and even plushies of Kalim and Jamil in their Haunted House outfit. Most of Kalim’s dolls have nearly sold out, which irritates Jamil a bit. 
They got an auction to get the replica of the wishing lamp - it was sold for 993,000 madols. 
When the guests and students first enter the house, what greets them is the sight of a gigantic blue tiger. Jamil and Kalim made it so that the giant tiger head’s eyes could move around and made an illusion with the sand that it could move around as well. They can see blood and corpses littering across the cave entrance. A booming, intimidating voice rang through the gates...
As they entered through the dark and wet cave, the guests and students could see the horrible fates of the tomb robbers. Some are pinned by spikes, some are squashed by rocks and some even got gobbled up by bugs, mummies, and even the monstrous stone statues of snake guardians itself. 
At times, they were scared off by mummies coming out of their coffins, enraged stone statues, and snake guardians slithering out of every hole on the walls, popping as they pleased. MC’s group were wary of every crack and holes and jumpy at every noise. 
They even have an interactive game inside, where they can get small prizes if they win. The game is to put all the jewels evenly within the scales guarded by monstrous stone lizards and snakes. If they won, they got the prize. If not… well, even if it’s not real, they will fire blue flames at the people. It cost 5 madols to play the game. 
Kalim. Sweet precious sunshine Kalim is dressed as a genie. A cute turban rested on top of his head. “Isn't this cool?! I heard that the Sorcerer of the Sand used to have a genie who does his bidding, so I decided to become the genie itself!” Oh, KALIM. 
Like, Kalim is VERY popular with the kids and girls. Why wouldn’t he? Compared to the other scary actors, Kalim is very friendly, immediately drops his character when it gets too intense for the audience, and even helps a lost, crying kid to his parents back. WHAT A SWEETIE. 
Yet, he was scolded by Jamil to get back to his post and character, “There is a reason WHY we have a scream counter!”
Of course, Jamil IS the NAGA. And he was scarily GORGEOUS. Scaly red, black, and gold scales adorned his face, his arms, and his chest. Gold pieces of jewelry with rainbow-colored gems adorned every single bit of his body, making him impossibly alluring. A red veil closed half of the bottom of his face. MC swears that their heart skipped a beat when they saw him - to the point that they almost got distracted when Jamil hypnotized them. 
It’s not only MC. Almost everyone with a naga-fetish kink immediately got lured by Jamil. They don’t care - LET THE SCALEY BASTARD CRUSH THEM WITH THEIR TAIL. 
Ah, but Jamil did not also want to seduce them. The purpose of a haunted house is to SCARE the pants off them, so once he managed to get his victims into his arms… he will reveal his “true” form by extending his jaw like a snake. 
Jamil bragged that he might scare most of the kids… but he got more girls (and a few boys) approaching him than Kalim did. Even if they worked together, Jamil’s competitive streak with Kalim never ends. //sighs
He’s also responsible for scaring most of the guests and students. Jamil will jump out of nowhere, hissing in close-up and sometimes touching people straight on their shoulders then slithers off. It was creepy. 
But as they went deeper to the caves, they noticed that it became more gold and glittery. The guests then went through the treasure vault, where mountains of gold coins, jewels, and even expensive diamonds littered all across the floors and walls. 
Oh, and all those things were real too. (“Kalim, when I said to fill in with gold coins, I didn’t mean for it to be real. People are going to steal it.”)
Of course, some of the opportunistic guests and students tried to steal it.
Which is why Jamil made counter magic so that any guest who tried to touch it would receive a mild electric shock, and for all the poor schmuck students to trigger the traps if they touched the treasure to protect El-Asim's fortune. 
They even put a sign that says: “Warning! Please do not touch it! You’ll be sorry!”
The main centerpiece of Scarabia’s Haunted House is the back chamber where the lamp is hosted. On the center of a beautiful gazebo filled with calm blue colors, lies a golden lamp encrusted with colorful jewels placed inside a plush, velvet pillow. Next to it, there was a snake statue holding a bloody, giant ruby. DO NOT TOUCH IT AT ALL COST. 
Otherwise, Jamil will slither right at you.
Jamil is there, with a giant hourglass, hissing and scaring everyone yet making all the ‘monster lovers’ feel flustered. 
Sometimes he can be seen eating a screaming scare actor, his jaws are wide and splattered with blood, guts everywhere it’s just sausage and ketchup.
Once the hourglass reached the end, the cave was lit up with red lights and flames came bursting out almost near the guests and students. 
Poor MC got a part of their hair singed when they almost came too close. 
Kalim, the guide, is more than happy enough to relay the mission: inside this “Cave of Wonders” is a lamp, which is guarded by the vicious vizier-turned-naga, who greedily tried to covet the lamp for himself only to fall to its curse instead. The charm is inside the lamp, and students must survive the cave of wonders to get to the center of the haunted dorm itself.
To get to the lamp chamber, the students must solve one of the “interactive games” set up for them to get a piece of the puzzle that would open the chamber itself. It was guarded by stone snakes that would eliminate you if you failed to complete it within a limited time. They were given three tries before the statues threw them outside to enter again. 
The students were told that they can’t touch any treasures except for the charm itself. If they do… well, there’s no guarantee they can get out of the cave itself “alive”.
Also, Kalim warned them that if they ever encountered a naga, do not look into their eyes or they’ll hypnotize you to walk straight into their jail or a trap.
They have set up the atmosphere to be glamorous - all jewels and stuff, but when a student foolishly falls into the temptation of stealing a bit of real jewelry, he is immediately caught in a trap: getting pinned on the wall with knives, swords, etc. Don’t worry, he lives. 
He did beg to be let go though. 
The weeping did not help. Everyone almost felt sorry for him, but… THE CHARMS!
Actually, that guy served as an example. The students never thought that they WILL become part of the attraction for the guests if they fail. 
Soon after, more people are falling into traps - turns out, touching the treasures isn’t the only way to set it off - Kalim and Jamil make sure that there are hidden buttons and puzzles that would trigger each different trap. 
So now there are many students who are crushed by oversized styrofoam boulders, stuck inside a mummy casket with a terrifying mummy corpse prop, falls into a trap door, nearly impaled by spikes (they have no idea how Ace got into one, but HE’S FINE), being put to sleep by darts loaded with chloroform, buried underneath a glass case filled with black bugs (Jamil’s idea), and many more that you can think of. 
During the commotion, one of the charms from MC fell off. A student saw it on the ground, shining brightly. He grinned deviously, fingers twiddling to reach the charm. 
“Heh, heh! Today is my lucky day-” He got vibe-checked by the styrofoam/wood Pendulum of Doom(™) out of nowhere. 
As if it’s not enough, Jamil appears out of nowhere to scare the victims before dragging them off course, putting them inside the “Cage of Shame”.
It’s just a jailbox filled with failed students being put outside the haunted house, becoming an attraction for the passersby. They have to be content being laughed at than to go through the haunted house again. 
MC’s group found an interactive game. It took them at least two tries to get it - Ace, Deuce, and Grimm are responsible for most of the failures, the dumbasses - but Jack unexpectedly solved it. Everyone’s jaws had dropped.
“What? This is just a simple scale game. I learned it from my sibling’s video game before.” Jack retorted. It was a children’s math education game. 
After they escaped from more traps, avoid TOUCHING THE GOLD AND JEWELS (“Would it kill you to lay off from the treasure?!” Epel slapped Deuce, Ace and Grimm’s hands so hard that it throbbed) and put the puzzle to open the chamber, they finally saw the lamp. 
Here’s another thing that the guide told them: to get the lamp, they have to watch out from triggering more traps - the platforms are fragile, so there’s a chance they could fall into the water if they do not tread the platforms carefully. Also, please avoid the GIANT RUBY as it will trigger the Naga Guardian to be summoned in place. 
Epel, being athletic, volunteered to get the lamp. 
He managed to avoid the pitfalls, the stones, and even falling spikes. He managed to reach the lamp and get it… except for one problem.
See, that giant Ruby is too much to bear. People want it - in fact, it’s so shiny and red… Ace is drooling. Counting how much he can sell on his head. 
But Grimm, being Grimm, falls into one final temptation. That giant jewel on the snake statue - SO UNBEARINGLY BLOOD RED, AND HUGE, AND ASKING TO BE TOUCHED- congrats Grimm, you’ve become Abu. 
Jamil came out immediately, all scaly and terrifying. He grabbed the screaming Grimm like a ragdoll. 
“INFIDELSSSSSS!!!!” Jamil hissed, “You have touched the forbidden treasure! Come as you may rescue your little friend, but you’ll never see the light of the day... again!”
The Guardian Naga then puts Grimm in a freaking large hourglass, stating that once the last sand falls, they will all be eliminated. 
Where the hell did they get a giant hourglass? Who knows, they have a flying Racoon to save. GDI, Grimm. 
The only way to save Grimm is to steal the key on Jamil’s neck that would open a hatch for Grimm to escape. Ace, Epel, and Jack are in charge of attacking and distracting Jamil. Meanwhile, Deuce will deal with getting the key. MC is told to stay the sidelines to guard ALL the charms (“You’re important to us, kantokusei!” Deuce yelled, avoiding Jamil’s tail. It made MC blushed a bit.)
As Deuce was about to reach the key, Jamil noticed his presence and threw the poor guy right at the attacking trio like a pinball bowling. Jamil then slithered towards the frightened MC. 
Now you see here, Jamil felt he had gone EXTRA mile to make himself monstrously appealing to MC. He does have an interest in them after they defied him when he last Overblotted, so he took this chance to - ahem! - “impress them”. 
“It’s just you and me, Dorm Leader...” Jamil coaxed, using his hypnotizing Unique Magic again, grabbing MC’s chin. “Just relax and… trussssssst in me.” Jamil’s eye seemed to glow as he coaxed MC into his arms. 
MC struggled hard, but they also took this chance to grab a hold of Jamil’s key and pushed him away, much to his surprise. 
They throw the key to the recording Ace, getting Grimm out of the hourglass hatch with barely a moment to spare. Afterward, they immediately book it, leaving behind a grumbled Jamil…
...but not before he gave a final hiss and a lick to MC. They got flustered - the rest of the group weren’t happy. Ace gave Jamil a middle finger before he left. 
So they got a few close calls with the trap, Ace immediately went after Grimm to try and struggle the furball with Grimm only defending himself that the giant ruby calls out to him - don’t tell me you guys don’t feel it too! As usual, these idiots denied it. 
Kalim went after them, congratulating on completing the challenge and getting the charm. "Did you guys like it??? Did you have fun?? =D"
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the best question because it’s their turn trying to get Kalim for putting the REAL jewels and GOLD COINS as a set trap. What was he thinking? 
And then Epel gets depressed. He sighs a lot as they went onto the next haunted house. They only realized it a while later after they got curious at Epel’s sudden demeanor - Epel came from Pomefiore dorm. AND THEIR HAUNTED HOUSE IS NEXT. 
Just like Epel’s immediate annoyance, the smell of aromatic perfumes, iron, and sounds of fangirl squealing echoed as the Pomefiore’s Haunted Dorm looms ahead...
Part 7
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dearestdaffodils · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 6: PARCEL 9
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Warnings: mentions of drug use, swearing, John B being a dick, Sarah Cameron slander
There are only three kinds of relationships in the animal kingdom. The first is commensalism. One example… fish finding hiding spots in coral reefs. Fish profit, but life for the coral doesn’t change. Then, there’s mutualism… a relationship where both animals benefit from each other. The tricky thing about animals is you don’t always know what kind of relationship you’re in. Which brings me to relationship number three. The parasitic. 
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“I can’t believe you’re mooching off the Camerons.” I scoff, scribbling my name on John B’s cast. 
“I’m not mooching. I’m living there because Ward bailed me out. It’s better than foster care, which is where I could’ve gone if Ward hadn’t stepped in.” John B sighs. 
“Thanks for leaving me to deal with foster care on my own, by the way.” I huff, shoving the pen into his chest harshly. 
“Ward vouched for you too, you know.” John B rolls his eyes. 
“I’m not staying in Kook castle.” I wrinkle my nose. “I’m staying with JJ.” 
“Hey, so do you have a membership to the clubs now?” Pope pipes up from my right.
“I don’t know, Pope.” JB huffs, slouching back in his chair. 
“What about those golf carts they drive around? You get one of them?” Pope leans forward in interest. 
“Does it come with a sweater-vest, or do you have to buy one on your own?” JJ smirks. 
“John B, you promised,” Kie mutters, her voice full of hurt. “You said you weren’t with her. Just own it. She got you.”
John B sighs, giving her a tired look. 
“Look, if you wanna hang out with her, that’s fine.” Kie picks at her nails. “But I’m letting you know now that I’m not doing anything with Sarah.” 
“I second that.” I hum, glancing at Kie.
“Do you guys see her here?” John B says angrily. “No, right. Okay. A little focus would be fantastic.” 
Silence settles over our group for a split second before JJ breaks it. “We’ve got the map, right?” 
John B carefully pulls it out of his bag, setting it across his lap. 
JJ peers over his shoulder, tilting his head. “It’s out of whack cause the guy was ganja’d when he drew it.” 
“It’s cause the coast has changed.” I snort, shoving JJ gently. 
“So we just look for landmarks that haven’t changed,” Pope mutters, taking the map from John B. “What about the old forts?” 
“Battery Jasper.” Kie hums. “We’re in Battery. Right here.” She points. 
“So if this is parcel nine, then it’s somewhere northeast of here.” I look at the map. 
“Somewhere here.” Kie circles a section of the map with her pointer finger. 
“Right.” Pope squints at the map. 
“Over there?” I furrow my eyebrows.
“Guys, that’s not Tannyhill, that’s a subdivision.” JJ takes his hat off, scratching his head.
“Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island. It got sold into smaller pieces over time.” I set my hands on my hips, squinting at the horizon.
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“No way.” I shake my head, looking out the window of the van. “Not the Crain house.” 
“Are you kidding me?” Kie huffs. 
“Worst-case scenario.” John B shrugs.
“Why’d it have to be here of all places?” I shudder, staring at the stone wall. 
“I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husband’s head on the property,” JJ mutters, glancing around the van. 
“Look, you guys know whose house this is, right?” Kie hisses, pushing plants out of our way. 
“Oh, yeah. No, I do.” JJ huffs. 
“Honestly, I don’t really believe any of the stories of this place.” Kie shrugs. 
“Which stories have you heard?” I whisper.
“The one where she killed her husband with an axe and that she’s been holed up ever since. On certain nights, when the moon is full… you can see her in the window!” Kie shrieks, laughing. 
“Kie, that’s not funny.” I huff. “It’s all true.” 
“I swear this is all real.” JJ nods. “I knew Hollis. Jeez!” 
“You knew Hollis Crain?” I whisper. 
“She was my babysitter. She told me all about it.” JJ murmurs. “Told me the truth… about her mother and what happened in this house. So as a kid, she heard all the stories that her mother killed her father, and… she was a murderer and all. Hollis didn’t believe it. Until that night. When Hollis was six years old, she heard her parents arguing downstairs. So she goes downstairs to see her mom washing her hands in a sink… full of blood. Her mother just says that she cut her finger. The next morning, she says her father and her split up. But then, Hollis noticed something.” 
I shudder, pushing branches out of the way. 
“Her mother going into the parlor constantly, in and out and in and out with plastic bags.” JJ whispers. “Weeks pass, and Hollis decides to use the outhouse. And as she’s using it, she looks down, and there, in the outhouse, is her father’s head, looking straight back at her.” 
“God, you’re so full of shit.” Kie scoffs. 
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The Crain property is hands down the scariest place on the island. Under the house? I’d rather live in a horror movie than go under there again. 
“Down came Mrs. Crain. And cut off all our heads.” JJ sings under his breath as we make our way further into the crawl space. “Up came the sun and dried up all the blood…” 
“Can you stop?” I huff, shoving him. “See any water?”
“Another dead end?” Kie sighs.
“There’s not even water on the pipes,” JJ mutters. “There’s no water here. Not a dropamino.” 
“Know why we didn’t find it?” Kie huffs angrily. “Bad karma.” 
“Oh, god. Here we go.” John B rolls his eyes.
“You know, we had a good thing going.” Kie snaps. “And then you decide to rope in Barbie, and now the trail’s gone dry. Coincidence? Probably not.” 
“This is exactly why I didn’t wanna tell you about Sarah.” John B growls. 
“What the hell’s the deal with you two?” Pope frowns. 
“Nothing!” Kie huffs. 
“Nothing? Is it because I kissed you?” John B frowns. “Is that the problem?” 
Kie furrows her brows, raising her hand and slapping John B across the face. “Stop treating me like I’m some girl that’s obsessed with you instead of your best friend who’s actually trying to look out for you.” 
“Did you… hit me?” John B murmurs. 
“Skeeter.” Kie states plainly, holding up her hand. 
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By now I should have learned that nothing good comes from JJ and John B having ideas. Which is how Kie and I got stuck on a boat in the middle of the marsh with Sarah Cameron. Head bitch herself. 
It's also how Kie, Sarah, and I ended up high as kites. 
“Hey, guys…” Sarah’s voice rises out of the dark. 
I groan, lightly smacking my head against the floor of the boat. “Enough of the ‘Hey, guys!’ bullshit!” 
“Why’d you do it?” Sarah looks at Kie. 
“You know why.” Kie huffs. “You were my best friend and then the next thing I know, you’re telling everyone I called the cops on your party.” 
“You were getting too close,” Sarah mutters. “When people get close to me, I feel trapped. And I bail.” 
Kie bites her lip, staring at the water.
“Hey, Sarah,” I speak up.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sarah whispers.
“Promise you won’t bail on John B.” I murmur. 
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I’ll never know how exactly we all get ourselves into these situations. But running from a blind, crazy lady is pretty exciting. 
Running through the Crain yard, dodging gunshots, I race toward the van. “Everyone in!” I shout, throwing open the doors. Flinging myself into the driver’s seat, I start the car. 
Everyone else piles in, landing on top of each other as I drive off. “Anyone shot?” 
“No, no, we’re all good.” John B pants. 
“You smell like ass.” Kie and Sarah groan. 
“That bitch is possessed.” I huff
“That bitch can’t aim.” Sarah laughs. “Thank god for that.” 
“No way!” JJ gasps. “You didn’t!” He looks at John B.
“I did!” John B grins, holding up the gold bar. 
We all cheer, banging on the roof and sides of the van. 
“Full Kook! Full Kook!” JJ screams.
permanent taglist: 
@deathbythousandcuts @hazzy @sunnymfskies @marauderskeeper​
outer banks taglist:
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vajranam · 4 years
Power Of Virtue
Results of Doing the Ten Non-Virtues
1. Killing any living being. It includes abortion, suicide (ruining a body that could have reached nirvana in this life), and participating in the military (even being a cook, it is as if you shot the gun yourself).
Personal Result: Your life is short; and you get sick easily, have little energy.
Environmental Result: Food, drink, medicine, crops, have very little effect, are always inferior, are not nutritious, are hard to digest, and cause disease in you. Most beings around you die before reaching the end of a full life.
2. Stealing anything of value: includes shady business deals, cheating on rent, taxes, or bills, underpaying what is due to local government or society, etc.
Personal Result: You do not have enough to live on or to make ends meet; and what you do have is all just common property with others.
Environmental Result: The crops are few and far between, they have no power to remove hunger, they spoil or never come up; dry spells stay on too long; it rains too much; the crops dry up or die off.
3. Sexual Misconduct. It mainly means adultery — cheating on your partner, a person to whom you are exclusively committed. It also includes some specific secondary behaviors.
Personal Result: The people who work around you are “inconsistent” (unreliable); and you find yourself having a lot of competition for your partner.
Environmental Result: You live in a place where there is urine and feces all around, and mud, dirt, filth; everything stinks and everywhere seems unpleasant and distasteful.
4. Lying, giving someone else a wrong impression about what you have seen, believe, or know; unless it would save someone’s life or prevent real suffering. If you lie and get something, the benefit comes from past good deeds, not from the lie.
Personal Result: No one believes what you say; even when you are speaking the truth, others are always deceiving you.
Environmental Result: Your work in cooperation with others fails to prosper and people around you do not work well together; everyone generally is cheating one another and is afraid, and there are many things to be afraid of.
5. Divisive Talk, splitting people up with your talk; saying things to alienate or separate two different people, (regardless of whether or not your words are true); causing one person to like another person less; it is usually subtle, like in your tone of voice.
Personal Result: You lose friends easily; people around you are always fighting one another; and people around you have an undesirable character.
Environmental Result: The ground you live in is split up, uneven, covered with crags and gullies, highs and lows, so travel is difficult and you are always afraid and there are many things to be afraid of.
6. Harsh Talk, with bad intent and effect; it includes sarcastic “nice” words and swearing.
Personal Result: You hear many unpleasant things, you hear things as bad sounds; and when others talk to you it always seems to you as if they want to start a fight.
Environmental Result: The ground where you live is covered with obstacles like fallen tree trunks, thorns, stones, sharp broken glass; it is rough, dreary, no streams or water springs; the ground is parched and poisoned, burning hot and threatening; there are many things to fear.
7. Idle Talk, meaningless chatter, criticism, disputes, useless joking, whining, complaining, speaking out of the motive of attachment or craving; gossiping about politics, sports, etc., or about people engaged in wrong livelihood; reciting prayers while not thinking about their meaning. Gossiping about others’ values or spiritual practice. Dharma is sacred and should be discussed in holy private whispers on special nights, not casually — talk in hushed tones, very beautiful sacred speech, talk about inspiring things. As an aspiring bodhisattva, you may need to discuss mundane topics with others for their benefit, but keep the ultimate goal in mind, and do not be drawn into worldly conversations.
Personal Result: No one listens to you; no one respects what you say — no one thinks that what you say has any particular value; and you are afflicted with a lack of confidence and self-esteem.
Environmental Result:Fruits refuse to grow, or grow at the wrong times, seem ripe when they are not, have frail roots; there are no leisure places around like parks, or pools of cool water; many things around make you afraid.
8. Craving/Coveting, is similar to coveting in the Ten Commandments. Wanting others’ possessions and personal qualities like their intelligence, health, fame, youth, or spiritual achievements. It comes in five stages: you are attached to your own possessions, desire to accumulate more than you have, discover another’s possessions, like to make them your own, and the desire becomes unmanageable and you “lose shame” (then you act).
Personal Result: Your personality is dominated by desire; and you are never satisfied with what you have.
Environmental Result: Every good thing you manage to find starts to get worse, decrease as days, months, and seasons pass.
9. Ill-Will, is to wish bad things upon others; being pleased when others fail or have misfortune; competitiveness, like “Oh, how did they mess up? Tell me more…” not feeling as bad for an unfortunate person as you would feel for yourself if you were them.
Personal Result: Your personality is dominated by anger; you are always finding yourself without help, or never find the help you need; and you are always hurting others, or always being hurt by others.
Environmental Result: You live in a world of chaos, diseases spread, evil is everywhere, plague, conflict, fear of harm from the military, dangerous animals, you are surrounded by harmful spirits, thieves or muggers, etc.
10. Wrong View, “Incorrect world view” means not regarding karma as being the direct cause of every microsecond of experience we have. This leads to doing misdeeds #1–9.
Personal Result: Your personality is dominated by stupidity; you are a person who keeps harmful views; and you are a deceitful person.
Environmental Result: You live in a world where the single highest source of happiness is steadily disappearing from the earth; where people think that unclean and suffering things are actually nice and happy; where there is no place to go, no one to help you, nothing to protect you.
Any actions we do that cause both oneself and others to experience happiness as a result are known as virtuous actions. The classification of virtuous actions is:
Not taking the life of living beings
Not taking what is not freely given
Abstaining from sexual misconduct
Speaking truthfully
Not engaging in divisive speech
Speaking gentle words
Not gossiping
Not coveting the wealth of others
Giving up holding ill-will towards others
Right view
Contrary at what we think virtues wasn't here before the Buddha teaching, we can find on vedic and pte hindu text the notion of virtues very similar, now when we come to Buddha teaching Shakyamuni stress on those virtues because he realised that without that nothing happened.
Virtues is rightous act made in selfless action, without thinking “ gonna get good karma doing this “ , virtues are made in selfless mind to.
How do we do virtues by practicing the Dharma ? So we do virtues because first we renounce to samsara, second we want to practice for sake of all sentient beings and last we generate bodhichitta. Without those we won’t make any virtues, now virtues applications so yes we will mess up in today world full of extreme yes we will do non vitues to cancel them we need to confess fault and hiden fault by the body, speach and mind.
There's a zen proverb that say that the zen master made more mistakes than the students. So making mistakes well it’s normal our day will be more grey tham pure with or dark. What we mistaken to be like Garchen Rinpoche for example that years of work, Garchen Rinpoche himself said himself if we look to his karma he didn't had much virtues but he didn't give up on Dharma not even for a day.
That same attitude we need to have, yes we will face hardship someday we will make just non virtues and that ok because we will regret transform and carry on its part of learning Dharma to the deep.
It’s very easy to see if we got virtues and on what we use those virtues, in past I was worried about money because I was very poor, till I notice well I am not so poor because I met Karmapa, Shamarpa, took refuge very high vows with Garchen Rinpoche, recived empowerments that Milarepa himself had, wasn't poor was extremely ritch I just noticed that virtues was in Dharma there for I focus on those and left the rest. So we maybe poor, ritch or whatever but we can see on what way go our virtues for example in our life there's an area that very grow that where is our virtues, after that area maybe not Dharma mean we actually burning virtues and if we want to practice we need to develop bodhi mind .
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c-c-cherry · 4 years
Bucci Gang Headcanons!!!
I’m not really one to usually post this kind of stuff, but these are some lil headcanons my pal @jjadegreen and I have come up with while stuck in the same house during the quarantine!! 
These literally range from *probably would happen* to *fucking crack* so y’all have been warned...
Giorno is one of those people that has a secret sweet-tooth. Like. An insane one where if he actually decides to indulge in it he cannot fucking stop. 
When he does go overboard, it’s usually because Bruno got his favourite ice cream flavour from the store and it’s always at some ungodly hour of the night.
He usually blames it on Mista somehow. Accidentally ate the entire tub of ice cream at 3am? No biggie. Just put the spoon on Mista’s bedside table while he’s asleep! 
Everyone blames Mista for it EVERY TIME and now he’s not allowed to eat any ice cream when they buy it. Mista thinks it’s the Sex Pistols because he swears he doesn’t remember doing it. 
Giorno just sits there like *sweats* “yeah uh no it had to be Mista, right? There’s definitely no one else it could be, right? Right??”
One time Abbacchio caught him in the act at like 4am and they have yet to bring it up.
He would spill Giorno’s big secret, but he really likes to see Mista suffer.
Narancia wears skirts sometimes and it’s not a big deal. He vibes, they all just vibe. No toxic masculinity here. 
Narancia is genuinely afraid of those “IF YOU DO NOT SEND TO 10 PEOPLE THIS WILL APPEAR AT THE END OF YOUR BED AT 3AM” emails.
One time he couldn’t do it because Bruno took his phone away and he sat in bed all night fucking trembling in fear of what chain mail monster would eat his face off this time.
Abbacchio hates geese. No one knows why. Not even Bruno.
Narancia’s real stand name IS Aerosmith, but he’s dead set on calling it Lil’ Bomber because “that’s his rapper name.”
Mista is lactose intolerant but he doesn’t know because he just thinks it’s normal to feel excruciating pain when you eat ice cream. 
“Like how pineapples hurt your mouth when you eat them.” -Mista probably
Bruno literally had to take him to the hospital one night because he inhaled too much ice cream and would not stop throwing up and Mista was like “wait this doesn’t happen to you??”
Trish hates butterflies because *fun fact!* butterflies often feed on not only nectar and fruit, but DECAYING CORPSES of animals! 
When she was a kid, she was walking in some alleyway and ran into a dead animal covered in butterflies. One landed on her arm and she fucking screamed. She will never look at them the same ever again...
Giorno loves to make things into butterflies when they all spend time together, and Trish literally has to suppress a shudder every time one goes near her.
Fugo is one of those people that is basically not afraid of anything, but when a fucking bee comes near him he will LOSE IT. He’s one of those people that will have to get up and run away from a bee when it flies near him.
If you tell him that it will leave him alone if he stops moving, he will punch you.
Giorno likes to make shit into bees sometimes just to fuck with him
Bruno does not like dogs. It probably stems from some childhood experience that went sour, but he does not care. He will be stone-faced during any mission or situation, but if a dog tries to jump up and greet him he will freak. The fuck. Out.
One time Narancia and Mista brought home a dog from the streets and mama Bruno was like “NOPE” and zipped himself out of existence.
Abbacchio found him locked in the closet under the stairs when he got home and made them get rid of it.
Leone was more of a cat person anyway.
Abbacchio eats raw pasta.
Fugo plays chess with himself. When Giorno joins the team he’s like “ugh finally an intellectual” but Giorno has literally never seen a fucking chess board in his life and is too scared to tell Fugo so he just keeps making up excuses as to why he doesn’t “have time” to play chess with him today.
Mista doesn’t shower but he has a BOMB-ass face-care routine. Even Trish is jealous. His face? Baby soft? Ten out of ten. The rest of him? Axe body spray out of ten.
Narancia went through a goth phase pre-canon. Abbacchio was not happy because Bruno kept referring to him as “little Abba” but he let Narancia use his good lipstick anyway.
Mista found his special hat in a street gutter on a rainy day and it matched his sweater so he decided to just keep it. Abbacchio does Trish’s makeup. They go to Sephora together. I don’t make the rules.
Giorno never really told anyone (besides Bruno) that he got his stand naturally so they all assume he got it from Polpo’s lighter and when he mentioned something off-hand about “when I was a kid Gold and I…” everyone’s just like “bitch hold up-”
Abbacchio wears coloured contacts and his ass literally cannot see without them. 
Yes they are expensive as fuck. He blows half his pay-check on them every month. 
One time he lost them right before a mission so he had to pull out his heavy prescription glasses from like 8th grade. They literally looked like this.
I think you can imagine the outcome
Growing up, Giorno only listened to three songs. 
The only reason he had access to these songs was because he found a really old Walkman on the side of the road when he was wandering around once. The tape only had three songs on it; Dancing Queen, It's Raining Men, and some song by Mozart. These were the three songs of Giorno’s childhood. 
He still has it and likes to listen to the tape when he gets sad
Narancia doesn’t know what a period is. Neither does Mista. 
Bruno forces everyone into the living room after overhearing this and makes them all watch one of those really awkward sex-ed videos from the 90s (you know the ones)
It was one of the worst days of their lives
They still have the tape and Narancia sometimes slips it in the VHS player when they all least expect it just to fuck with everyone
Bruno once held a capo meeting at their house (biggest mistake of his life) and all you could heard blasting through the walls of the other room was “YoUr bOdy MiGht Be gOiNg tHrOuGh sOmE cHaNgEs, fOr eXaMpLe yOuR P-”
On that note, Giorno was definitely that one kid who took notes during Sex-Ed
Abbacchio listens to Avril Lavigne
Giorno shaves his arms. It kind of started by accident but now he literally cannot stop or else his arms will look completely fucked up
Bruno has sensitive teeth. He can’t drink water that’s too cold cause it hurts his mouth. Abbacchio makes him tea :)
Fugo plays piano to help him with his anger. He would say that he plays saxophone too, but it’s more like violently screeching into the mouthpiece instead of actually playing it.
Narancia thinks that lesbian is a nationality
Even though Giorno lived in Japan for just a couple years, he’s still pretty fluent in the language because his mother would only speak Japanese to him growing up
The gang has no idea that Giorno is Japanese and when a foreigner is struggling Giorno just swoops in with perfect Japanese and they’re all just really confused.
Giorno doesn’t cry during movies or TV shows, but he’s one of those people who fucking BAWLS during video game credits
Mista and Narancia beat Ocarina of Time together and Giorno was watching from the sidelines and AS SOON as the credits started rolling there were tears.
When KK Slider starts to sing in Animal Crossing New Horizons and your character is brought into a music void and the credits start rolling he tears up just a little bit
Mista is squeamish around dead bugs. Not live ones. Dead ones and solely dead ones
Mista and Trish go thrifting. Mista goes to check the pockets of clothes for spare cash (cause he’s a broke bitch) and Trish goes to buy clothes
Everyone thinks that Mista doesn’t change his clothes but he actually just buys like 7 of the same outfit
Mista sneezes like a white sports dad. You know the sneeze.
Bonus Bruabba shit because Jade and I always go fucking HARD when talking about our local mafia dads:
Bruno ties up the little strings on Abbacchio’s tiddy shirt every morning.
They got promise rings. Leone’s trying to find a nice time to actually propose but the gang keeps fucking it up every time they try to go on a nice date together
Bruno and Leone watch thunderstorms together
-The rest of the bucci gang stay inside and play monopoly or something when’s its stormy but these two bring out blankets and sit on the front porch and just be all soft and shit watching the lightning light up the sky and listening to the rain on the roof above them.
Bucciarati and Abbacchio have been mistaken as the following: 
Bruno as a woman and Abbacchio as a man. Abbacchio as a woman and Bruno as a man. Two lesbians. But never an actual gay couple.
Yeah so I have no idea what that was. These were taken from a google doc we have together that’s just all these jumbled, crack-filled headcanons just for fun. I’m sure you can sense the pure chaos in this. 
Go give my dude @jjadegreen a hello, sis made most of these!
uhhh let us know if you want any more from any other parts. Cause y’all know we probably got some. <3
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chatonyant · 4 years
im just so sad about this funky crow ninja
Itachi is just
Such a tragic character and it makes me so sad
Like he's a pacifist at heart but he was forced to be the literal opposite at such a young age and I'm just so sAD ABOUT IT
(Under cut cause it’s long and it’s about the uchiha massacre if yall would rather not read bout that But it also has some soft ideas down at the way bottom if yall wanna just speed scroll to the bottom)
How he came to the choice he made regarding the Uchiha massacre totally makes sense to me. It wasn't a good decision, it wasn't a decision best suited for the situation, but it made sense. And it gets worse once you realize that he was 13. Thirteen. No wonder he couldn't find/use a third option. He's still a child, even in this world of child soldiers. He bloodied his hands and wore a mask so that the home he loved and the brother he adored could be safe.
I wish his story could've been written... better, for a lack of proper words. Maybe that is the right word. But I want to see him do more for Konoha. He became a missing nin for Konoha to spy on Akatsuki/Madara but we don't see the results of that. What information does Konoha get from him? Because we know that he's still loyal to Konoha after all this time. Did he do anything to slow Akatsuki down? Did he do things to benefit Konoha or stop something from badly impacting it? What did he do?
And he was sick and going blind too!!!! I swear he was the universe's punching bag (though one of many cause the naruto universe just Be Like That)
Fuck ok I came on here to ramble about Itachi in my au but then got sad sO AU TIME NOW
For one I want to make him.... more sympathetic? A redemption works best when its shown from the start that there is more than meets the eye. Like Zuko, for example. He was a jerk, but there are moments where it's clear that he's not as much of a jerk as he could have been. And I wanted to do something similar with Itachi (and a couple other villains tbh but it's also a matter of "Should you survive" coughObitocough I love you but idk if you survive in this au or not but I have ideas nonetheless but that is for a later time)
Anyways, morally grey but more clearly Itachi
Honestly I've got more ideas for his ending than the beginning. Which is... very annoying. This is unfortunately the case for many... many of my ideas....
An idea I've been juggling with is Itachi not killing everyone. He definitely kills everyone who's activated their sharingan and anyone who is/was a shinobi. So everyone who's not a civilian. So,,, the survivors are very very little and are civilian mothers and civilian children too young to even attend the academy and like the occasional shop owners. The massacre was to stop the coup and prevent it from ever happening, so those who have the power to set forward this coup are any shinobi. And unfortunately, the Uchiha clan is an old shinobi clan.
Itachi is not a blank mask and does cry when he kills his parents and they leave their parting words. He's 13, forced to commit a crime that goes against his every wish, moral, and beliefs. Plus I believe the Uchiha are naturally every emotional- or at least feels it more intensely than others. Their whole defining ability has to do with emotions. They feel Very Strongly.
And thus by "cry" I mean he cries a lot. He almost has a breakdown right then and there when little baby Sasuke crashes in and see his crying older brother holding a bloody blade over his two very dead parents. 
For someone willing(ish) to murder a(lmost) a whole clan for the sake of his little brother, Itachi sure does directly hurt Sasuke a lot. Like genjutsu torture? Placing responsibility of avenging a whole clan on his tiny, angry shoulders? Oof, Itachi, bad ideas. 
So Itachi wants Sasuke to be safe. To be happy to the best of his ability. So instead, he uses a milder form of Tsukuyomi to place a suggestion in his baby mind that Itachi was in fact a cold hearted murderer. But the human mind is a strange thing that is difficult to understand, so for years Sasuke has nightmares of that night with his perception of Itachi varying wildly between a stone cold face and a tear-stained one. 
Itachi doesn’t do the whole “hate me and kill me for vengeance” because, again, he wants Sasuke to be safe and happy. Considering that he lives in a shinobi village and just had a highly traumatic experience, both are hard to come by, but the least Itachi can do is not have Sasuke’s whole life be overcome by hatred. Curse of Hatred is a very real thing, Itachi. I know you want Sasuke to have a goal to drive him forward and not waste away but bad idea Itachi. Maybe he says something else. Maybe he tells Sasuke to get stronger (but not in a “so you can get revenge” kind of way). I don’t know. But he doesn’t quite plant the idea of vengeance in his mind, so Sasuke’s motivation and drive ends up differently. Butterfly effects oho Also since Sasuke unlocked his sharingan during the massacre... is it possible to activate mangekyo as well? Cause he loves Itachi most, yes, but he also loved his parents, his mom especially. Would that be enough? Wiki says “death of someone close to the user”, so it’s possible, I think.
So many ideas about the massacre holy shit
Like Shisui. I’d totally love to make him live but frankly, I’ve got no idea how. :”D sorry Shisui, you’ll have to stay dead until I can find a solid reasoning as to how you survived and why
As for Madara/Tobi, well in anime he went after the Police headquarters while Itachi went after everyone else so there’s that, not much to change there
Then there’s a whole bunch of aftermath hijinks
Itachi is said to have aided Konoha within Akatsuki, but it’s not very clearly shown. Considering how we aren’t shown what exactly he passed on, that will be uh.... perhaps expanded on later. 
Sasuke and Itachi interactions before Shippuden would be different due to Sasuke’s own differences, but those differences haven’t be set yet so that will be explained later.
Ok, now the whole Itachi dying and being reincarnated shebang. Fourth War sure is wild as fuck. “Let’s mass reincarnate people!” what.
I don’t want Itachi to die. I want to let him rest. But not in death. 
So the general idea I have for the “end” of the story is:
He becomes legally blind. Not completely blind, but very close. His chakra coils are fucked and his sharingan are stuck in a way that he can kinda see chakra but very vaguely. 
His illness isn’t completely healed, but it’s much better than before; Sakura and Tsunade are legendary at what they do
He returns home to Konoha. Not sure how he will be accepted into the village but I was thinking the village makes a half-lie half-truth story pinning the blame on Danzo (Cause when in doubt, blame Danzo. Or Zetsu. But Zetsu isn’t blamable here)
He may not be imprisoned, but he isn’t free to roam. He’s monitored and has a (temporary?) seal placed on him limiting his use of chakra.
Itachi is surprisingly ok with all of this. He gets to retire from a shinobi life and he’s unraveled the story to Sasuke and was gifted a form of forgiveness. Life’s chill.
He works at the Yamanaka flower shop. It’s calming, peaceful, and it’s run by Yamanaka, powerful shinobi and also knowledgeable on psychology.
His crows are now seeing eye crows. They sit on either his shoulders or head and squawk whenever Itachi is too close to bumping into something. Sasuke very much enjoys when the crows are on Itachi’s head because when he tosses little treats at the birds, sometimes they land in Itachi’s hair.
It’s very hard for the shinobi to fear this honestly tiny man (because Itachi is small, fight me) who’s humming while watering plants with a bird on top of his head while the various heroes of Konoha take turns tossing treats at the bird like it’s a dog. 
“Nii-san. Nii-san stop squishing my cheeks.” “But Sasuke I want to see your face.” “Nii-san-”
oh my god so much brain power used on the massacre just so i could make itachi have a very domestic ending
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thegrapeandthefig · 4 years
The Werewolves of Arcadia
This is my contribution to @adri-le-chat 's Halloween "Haunting Pagan Lore" event. As you can see from the title, I've chosen a classic of horror and folklore tales for which many have forgotten the ancient origins. This will be long, so let's get into it.
The myth of King Lycaon While the earliest known example of man-to-wolf shifting dates back to the Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2100 BC), the Greek case is considered the second oldest, and the one scholars consider as the root of werewolf belief in Europe, as the myth got carried over to the Romans. However, one should note that lycanthropy and human-to-animal transformation beliefs also arose independently in other cultures around the world.
In Greece, the first werewolf is King Lycaon of Arcadia. The story is said to go this way, though with several variants: King Lycaon ruled over the region of Arcadia, Pan's homeland. A wild, lush and mountainous region of Greece. Lycaon had several children, mainly Kallisto, Keteus and Nyktimos. After seducing Kallisto, Zeus is invited to a feast by Lycaon. The issue is, Lycaon serves him human flesh:
"After Zeus had seduced Kallisto, Lykaon, pretending not to know of the matter, entertained Zeus, as Hesiod says, and set before him on the table the babe which he had cut up.”
- Hesiod, Astronomica Fragment 3 (from Comm. Supplem. on Aratus)
"Two lesser known Athenian playwrights, Xenokles the Elder and Astydamas the Younger, produced plays entitled Lykaon. Presumably these told the story of the sacrifice of the child."
- Xenocles the Elder & Astydamas the Younger, Lycaon (lost plays) (c. 5th to 4th BC.)
The general idea is that Zeus is deeply offended by the act and turns King Lycaon into a wolf. However, there are many versions to the myth. Pausanias, in the 2nd century AD, explains it this way:
" Lykaon brought a human baby to the altar of Zeus Lykaios, and sacrificed it, pouring out its blood upon the altar, and according to the legend immediately after the sacrifice he was changed from a man to a wolf (lykos) . . . All through the ages, many events that have occurred in the past, and even some that occur to-day, have been generally discredited because of the lies built up on a foundation of fact. It is said, for instance, that ever since the time of Lykaon a man has changed into a wolf at the sacrifice to Zeus Lykaios, but that the change is not for life; if, when he is a wolf, he abstains from human flesh, after nine years he becomes a man again, but if he tastes human flesh he remains a beast for ever."
- Pausanias, Description of Greece 8. 2. 1 - 6
Ovid, when rewritting the myth in the 1st century AD, decided to turn the narrative to Lycaon doubting the divinity of Zeus when the god visited Arcadia. In order to test Zeus’s divinity, Lycaon attempts to feed him cooked human flesh and have him assassinated in the night. When Zeus realizes what Lycaon is doing, Lycaon tries to flee in fear. But as he runs into the fields of Arcadia, Lycaon is transformed into a wolf.
The cult of Zeus Lykaios
The transformation of King Lycaon is a punishment for human sacrifice and cannibalism, sometimes permanent or, as we saw above, for a certain amount of time under the condition of not eating human flesh.
The myth is said to have inspired the cult of Zeus Lykaios in Arcadia (or perhaps the opposite), for which, human sacrifices have been rumored to occur. The sanctuary of Zeus Lykaios was on one of the three crests of Mt. Lykaion, where the festival of the Lykaia was celebrated approximately once every four years. We owe the earliest reference to human sacrifices on this mountain to Plato:
"What then is the beginning of the transformation from protector to tyrant? Is it not clearly when the protector begins to do the same as the man in the story which is told concerning the sanctuary of Zeus Lykaios in Arcadia?’ ‘What story?’ he said. ‘How the man who has tasted of the piece of human entrails—one of these having been cut up along with the entrails of the other victims—it is necessary for this man to be turned into a wolf. Or haven’t you heard the story?’ ‘I have." -Plato, Republic 8, 565D–E
Pausanias, who visited the location in the 2nd century AD, also mentions the story:
“For they say that after Lycaon someone would always be turned from a man into a wolf at the sacrifice of Zeus Lykaios, but that he would not become a wolf for all his life. Rather, if while he was a wolf he refrained from human flesh, they say that afterwards in the tenth year he turned back from a wolf into a man. But if he had tasted human flesh he remained a beast forever.” 
-Pausanias, Description of Greece, 8.2.6
Later, he goes on to mention the sacrifices are still performed on the moutain, subtly implying that he thinks those are human sacrifices:
"they sacrifice in secret; I did not wish to inquire further into the details of the sacrifice: let it be as it has been from the beginning”
-Pausanias, Description of Greece, 8.38.7
Both Plato and Pausanias are skeptics on the existence of the transformation from man to wolf. Pausanias, especially, makes it very clear when giving account of the story of Damarchus:
"But concerning the boxer named Damarchus, who was by birth an Arcadian of Parrhasia, except for his victory at Olympia I do not believe the other things said by pretentious men, namely that he was changed from a man to a wolf at the sacrifice of Zeus Lykaios and that ten years later he again became a man. Nor did it seem to me that this was said about him by the Arcadians, for in this case it would also be said in the inscription at Olympia, which runs as follows: Damarchus son of Dinyttas set up this statue, a Parrhasian by birth from Arcadia.”
-Pausanias, Description of Greece, 6.8.2
Archeaological search has not confirmed human sacrifices to be taking place, despite the legends. The numerous bones found were mostly ones from small animals, with the occasional bigger cattle or pig. Thus there are strong doubts on the reality of infant sacrifices. If they did exist, the absence of remains would indicate either that the victims were so young their remains didn't survive time, or that the remains were removed for a separate burial. 
Other instances of werewolf tales
It is very clear now that the region of Arcadia is linked for the Ancients to the trope of man to wolf transformation, and probably taking root in both tale and cult. However, this while this is the most documented story, there are other mentions of wolf-shifting in ancient literature. 
Herodotus, for instance, tells us this when describing the Neuri: 
"It may be that these people are wizards; for the Scythians, and the Greeks settled in Scythia, say that once a year every one of the Neuri becomes a wolf for a few days and changes back again to his former shape. Those who tell this tale do not convince me; but they tell it nonetheless, and swear to its truth." - Herodotus, Histories, IV.105
Much later, in the late first century AD, Petronius includes a werewolf story in his Satyricon, which goes as follows: 
"I seized my opportunity, and persuaded a guest in our house to come with me as far as the fifth milestone. He was a soldier, and as brave as Hell. So we trotted off about cockcrow; the moon shone like high noon. We got among the tombstones: my man went aside to look at the epitaphs, I sat down with my heart full of song and began to count the graves. Then when I looked round at my friend, he stripped himself and put all his clothes by the roadside. My heart was in my mouth, but I stood like a dead man. He made a ring of water round his clothes and suddenly turned into a wolf. Please do not think I am joking; I would not lie about this for any fortune in the world. But as I was saying, after he had turned into a wolf, he began to howl, and ran off into the woods. At first I hardly knew where I was, then I went up to take his clothes; but they had all turned into stone. No one could be nearer dead with terror than I was. But I drew my sword and went slaying shadows all the way till I came to my love's house. I went in like a corpse, and nearly gave up the ghost, the sweat ran down my legs, my eyes were dull, I could hardly be revived. My dear Melissa was surprised at my being out so late, and said, 'If you had come earlier you might at least have helped us; a wolf got into the house and worried all our sheep, and let their blood like a butcher. But he did not make fools of us, even though he got off; for our slave made a hole in his neck with a spear.' When I heard this, I could not keep my eyes shut any longer, but at break of day I rushed back to my master Gaius's house like a defrauded publican, and when I came to the place where the clothes were turned into stone, I found nothing but a pool of blood. But when I reached home, my soldier was lying in bed like an ox, with a doctor looking after his neck. I realized that he was a werewolf, and I never could sit down to a meal with him afterwards, not if you had killed me first. Other people may think what they like about this; but may all your guardian angels [genius] punish me if I am lying.”
-Petronius, Satyricon, 62 (tr. Michael Heseltine)
Final words
Despite being present in literature, there seems to be a common disbelief amongst the Ancients when it comes to the veracity of werewolves, but it is also possible that the explicit disbelief shown by the authors cited there is meant to differiate them with the popular folk beliefs of their time. With this, I wish you all a Spooky Halloween. 
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