#as an aside i love how italians
piovascosimo · 6 months
Jorge Ben | Dov'è Tereza?
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ineed-to-sleep · 1 year
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Well you see they're just very good friends
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evilblot · 6 months
Where's a good place to find scanlations?
[CC: what happened to hello? how are you? my name is. what happened to that?]
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anyroads · 2 years
OK you know what, if we're gonna talk about Bake Off then fuck it, let's do this.
It used to be this wholesome, lovely show! We used to watch it for the bakers! And the learning! And the light banter and occasional bit of coy innuendo! What happened?
Channel 4 happened. When they bought the show they made a number of changes, most of them Not Good™️. Not just in the sense of them resulting in a lot of 😬 and 🫠 moments, but in the sense of how they changed the show's purpose, atmosphere, and brand.
Look, I know most people are just like, "whatever, it's just a baking show," and yeah, sure. But it's one of the UK's most successful TV exports, and where it once shifted the tone of reality competition to being wholesome and supportive of contestants, it's since moved towards creating tension at the contestants' cost. So aside from the fact that most people watching it signed up to watch a nice show, it has also shifted the goalposts of what that even means. And that, lovelies and gentlefolk, is some bullshit.
I decided to break my rant analysis into four main parts: theme weeks, the hosts, the judges, and the bakers. Let's get to it!
Theme Weeks:
If you watch Bake Off, you know the show's always had a specific theme for each week. The staples that come up in most seasons are:
Less common but consistent are things like caramel and chocolate week.
Then there are the fun episodes! When GBBO was on the BBC, this started out with things tea week, tarts, pies, tray bakes, basically little tangents still focused on emphasizing specific baking skills. In Series 6 (still on the BBC) they had their first nation-focused theme week with French week -- fairly innocuous given that a lot of patisserie is French, France and England share much more culture than either cares to admit [Norman Flag dot gif], and it was a nice change from watching Paul make the bakers do recipes that involved boiling things while talking about how wonderful boiled doughs are (are they, Paul? Are they?).
The show kept mixing it up with innocuous themes like advanced dough and alternative ingredients weeks, European cakes, Victorian week, batter week, and botanical week. And while it was frustrating to watch Paul Hollywood mispronounce things like the Hungarian Dobos Torta and lecture bakers on babka when he clearly knew nothing about it (or about Jewish baking in general, go off Past Me), the show's general attitude was that the judges had their own opinions, which were separate from the immutable facts around the chemistry of baking (more on this later) and shouldn't affect how bakers are judged.
After the show moved to Channel 4, the number of themed weeks increased and more of them focused on specific countries. In 6 seasons on the BBC, there were only two country-focused theme weeks, and in 5 seasons on Channel 4 there have been five. And while they've also had themes like vegan baking, roaring 20s, the 1980s, spice week, etc. the show has really started to go hard on exoticizing other cultures in outright disrespectful and racist ways. There's been Italian and Danish week, German, Japanese (it wasn't, it was East Asian week), and now Mexican week (which doesn't touch on interspersed Jewish bakes that didn't get a theme week, like versions of bagels and babka set as technical challenges that were borderline hate crimes and mansplained by a guy who has no idea how to make either and once wrote in a cookbook that challah was traditionally eaten during Passover). Each time the hosts played up the theme with racist bits and jokes that can be used as evidence in court if your case is "why should shows with scripted content have a professional writing staff."
Which touches on other issues the show has now...
The Hosts:
When GBBO was on the BBC, the show was hosted by ✨Mel Giedroyc✨ and ✨Sue Perkins✨. They encouraged the bakers! They'd hold stuff for them sometimes! They were interested in them! If a baker had a breakdown, they would start singing copyrighted material to render the footage unusable! When the show moved to Channel 4, they left, though I'm not unconvinced that Channel 4 offered them impossible to accept contracts to force them out so they could rebrand the show. They replaced them with Sandy Toksvig and Noel Fielding. Sandy was a lovely host in the vein of Mel and Sue, and she and Noel had a relatively sweet rapport, but she left a few seasons ago and was replaced by Matt Lucas.
Noel Fielding is mostly known for his quirky brand of comedy, a sort of British Zooey Deschanel who's goth from the neck up, an upperclass British gay divorcee from the neck down, and basically an early 60s Beatle re: trousers. Matt Lucas has almost definitely never watched a single episode of GBBO and his most redeeming quality is his thinly veiled contempt for Paul Hollywood.
The two treat the baking tent as their personal playground. Far from the supportive attitude of Mel and Sue, they tend to get in the bakers' way during the most stressful moments, especially when they try to do hilarious "comedy" bits (I can't not put that in quotes) like Noel's talking wooden spoon thing, or Matt talking over Noel to do time calls. During theme weeks like Japanese and Mexican week, they do culture-specific bits that are both racist ("just Juan joke" and "is Mexico a real place?") and unsurprising, given that both Matt and Noel did blackface on their respective sketch shows and absolutely could and should have known better because it was already the current fucking century.
All this to say, there's now a separation between the bakers and the hosts, as if they're on different shows. The hosts are doing their own thing and the bakers are doing GBBO. The show has gotten meaner to the bakers, and the hosts aren't there to support them anymore, they're just there to be comic relief. Because when you refocus your show on stressing the bakers the fuck out, you need a forced laugh I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The Judges:
First of all, a sincere congratulations to Paul Hollywood who managed to squeeze I jUsT cAmE bAcK fRoM mExIcO aNd YeT sTiLL pRoNoUnCe PiCo De GaLLo As 'PiKa De KaLLa' and I aM aN eXpErT oN s'MoReS wHiCh aRe MaDe WiTh DiGeStiVe BiScUiTs AcCoRdiNg tO mE, aN eXpErT oN s'MoReS, just two in a giant pile of astoundingly wrong hot takes, into a short enough time span that they all aired within Liz Truss's term as Prime Minister. A true man of accomplishments.
In the interest of fairness, I need to preface this with a disclaimer that, due to the fact that I've been watching Bake Off for most of its run, I'm biased. Specifically, I can't stand Paul Hollywood's smarmy, classist, egomaniac ass because he's proven time and again he's more interested in looking smart than actually knowing what he's talking about. Since the show moved to Channel 4, they've changed the occasional handshake Paul would give bakers to the HoLlYwOoD hAnDsHaKe™️. It's gone from being an emphasis of someone's skill to a goal, a reward, and one that emphasizes the judges' place above the bakers.
The judges used to function as teachers, imparting their skills and insights to the bakers. When the show was on the BBC, the voiceover leading to a judging would focus on the bakers' work being finished, saying how it will now be evaluated based on their skill and how well they met the brief. The voiceovers now, on Channel 4, focus on the judging (literally saying something along the lines of, "the bakers will now be judged by Prue and Paul"). There is a clear distinction Channel 4's producers have made, to mark that the show is now about whether or not the judges approve, not whether the brief was understood and executed well. On the BBC, it was irrelevant whether the judges liked a particular flavor, as long as the bake was well-made. Now, the bakers are expected to know the judges tastes and cater to them, which is frankly bullshit. A judge doesn't have to like a flavor to know whether or not it was executed well, ie. is it carrying a bake and was it meant to etc.
The judges have been turned into a brand. Cynically, Channel 4 knows that by building them up and focusing the show more on them, they can exploit their image more for profit. In the process, they've become much more biased and their own biases have come out as well. Most recently in the flaming dumpster fire that was Mexican Week, Paul Hollywood tried to intimidate a baker by telling them he had just gotten back from Mexico (which must have been a fruitful learning trip if he couldn't even learn how to pronounce pico de gallo correctly). Where do I even start with this? Here's an amateur baker from England (the show specifically casts middle and lower middle class bakers for the most part??) who likely can't afford trips to Mexico, who lives in a country with incredibly limited access to Mexican cuisine, who is expected not only to understand the cooking and baking traditions of a completely different culture but to do so well enough to play with it and do something creative with it. On top of which, one of the judges is now using his privilege of traveling halfway around the world as some kind of leverage, as if this were a bar that any amateur British baker could clear.
Prue, meanwhile, has openly asserted her biases against cultural flavors and textures, prioritizing her own personal preferences over them, as if they were in any way relevant to the skills and knowledge necessary to execute the tasks she sets to the bakers. She has also been consistently elitist, criticizing bakers for choices they made that were clearly informed by their experiences within income brackets that are too low and foreign for Prue to comprehend. She once had a go at a baker on a Christmas special because his Christmas dinner themed bake didn't have a turkey, even though it was clear from the stories he shared of his own Christmases that his family likely couldn't afford one. "It's not really Christmas dinner without a turkey," Prue said into the camera angrily while sitting on a chair made of live orphans and telling the ghost of Christmas Future to come back when he had another museum gift shop necklace for her to round out her collection.
The show is no longer about which baker has the best skills. It's become about which mortal can appease the gods of Mount Olympus, ie. the judges.
The Bakers:
Remember when the show was about them? Channel 4 doesn't! Because this is a reality competition show, the bakers are chosen both based on their skills, as well as cast-ability. They're cast as characters, distinct from each other, from different areas, age groups, ethnicities. All of them are amateurs. All of them are middle or lower middle class. They've ranged from college students to supermarket cashiers to prison wardens to scientists.
Something I noticed when the show moved to Channel 4 is that the baker who goes home in the first week is always wildly behind the rest in skills. I have no proof of this other than my eyeballs and deductive reasoning skills, but I think that Channel 4 deliberately casts a ringer each season who they think will be an easy send-off in the first week, just to get the audience's feet wet.
Anyway, like I said, this show used to be about the bakers - about them building skills and learning, and having walked into the tent with a self-taught foundation and understanding of the processes and chemical reactions involved in baking. When the show was on the BBC, the end of each round had some (often brief) moments of tension - will they finish in time? Will they get their bakes on the plate before time is up? Did they forget to add sugar to their batter and only remember at the last minute? In the end, they usually managed to finish and we'd all breathe a sigh of relief and think, yeah! You go, Bakers Who I'm Rooting For!
Now, on Channel 4, the end of round drama has been stretched to be so much longer that they've composed extra music for it. The bakers often seem out of their depth, whether because the instructions for the technical challenge are too vague (bake a lemon meringue pie??? As if anyone in the UK under the age of 60 has had one in the last decade???), or because they were expected to bake something that required a more than a basic foundation they weren't told of. Often it seems like they just aren't given enough time, a tactic used by reality competition shows to manipulate contestants into giving the cameras more dramatic content. On top of all this, the hosts get in their way, instead of helping them plate their bakes. As has been pointed out before, when everyone fails the challenge, the real failure lies with whoever set it.
In conclusion:
The show no longer exists to teach the bakers - and the audience - skills or knowledge. It now manipulates contestants for dramatic effect and prioritizes showing conflict over wholesome content. Channel 4 sees the bakers as social media content they can churn out season after season, and don't care about them because in a few months there'll be a new batch to exploit. Meanwhile, the judges are also out of their depth, co-opting recipes from other cultures and butchering them horrendously, while the camera gives them nothing but status as they hold bakers to the expectation that they learn how to make things very much the wrong way. If you saw any of the tweets about Mexican or Japanese week, or read my post on how Paul Hollywood isn't allowed to go near babka ever again, you'll understand.
So what would fix all this? Scrap the current judges and the hosts altogether. Bring back Mel and Sue, and replace the judges with expert bakers who have a love of their craft and want to share it with others. The draw of GBBO used to be its warmth and comfort - if Channel 4 isn't going to start its own version of Master Chef For Bakers, then it needs to stop trying to find a balance of how it can insert that vibe into GBBO. It can't. That's not a thing. Stop trying.
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indulgentdaydream · 5 months
soft hc’s for Jason please!
y'all should know by now how much of a SUCKER i am for domestic jason holy
he just likes to hold you.
just anywhere
in the kitchen, his arms are around your waist, hugging you from behind
in bed, that man is holding you like you are his beloved childhood teddy bear
which you basically are but you're his beloved ADULTHOOD teddy bear you know
he is such a teddy bear though
big rough hands yet they are the gentlest in the universe when he needs them to be
which he really only needs them to be for you and any children he encounters on patrol
the way he interacts with the crime alley kids makes my heart CRY
he sits there with them for hours
he'll let the smaller ones climb all over him as much as they want
he'll play wrestle with the bigger ones (though he's still holding back 99%. those "bigger" kids are still as small as he was from the lack of nutrition
you find him in the kitchen one day cooking like three huge pots of some simple yet delicious warm meal all at once
he's like some italian grandmother
"they need meat on their bones"
everyday he comes home from patrol covered in blood
one night he comes home covered in stickers and you break out laughing at him
he has a "sticker book" but it's just a blank journal and the pages are filled with all the stickers he's been given
this man wants kids. he wants them. but he doesn't think he'd be a good dad. so he doesn't let himself KNOW that he wants them. he pushes it aside
(if any of you come out of the woodworks saying it's because willis was a bad dad. that's because you misunderstand poor people. sorry not sorry post of you don't get what it's like to be poor and grow up poor)
you see this man when y'all are on dates in public. You look over to ask him something and find him staring off somewhere, a soft yet longing smile on his face.
it's always when he sees a dad with their kid, interacting/playing with them
you lost him in walmart once and found him in the baby section looking at all the clothes with the same exact look that could be spotted from across the section where you were spying on him
give this man a child when he is ready PLEASE
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thebearchives · 2 years
leclerc's type | CL16
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PAIRING: charles leclerc x fem!reader
REQUESTED: [X] yes [] no
SYNOPSIS: who would have thought that all three leclerc brothers had the same taste in women? 
WARNINGS: i have no idea how f3 works aside from the fact that there’s sprint and feature races so if there is any inaccurate information…close your eyes, some french and Italian + translations, arthur being a little shit
as always, don't be a ghost reader!
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charles and yourself had yet to expose your relationship to either of your families, so it was a surprise, really, when charles asked you to accompany him to arthur’s race in monza. 
with his arms wrapped around you, a pout painted on his lips, he whined out a small “pretty please?”
you cupped his puffed up cheeks, “you are such a baby, charles. i didn’t say no yet.”
“yet?” his pout intensified, “please, amour, i want you to meet my family and everyone is going to be there.”
“are you sure?” you caressed his cheek with your thumb, “we’ve never really talked about meeting the family yet. what sprung this on?”
“i just think we’re ready,” charles’ eyes were so soft as they gazed into yours, “when i think of my family, you’re included. even if everyone is going to be there in italy, without you, it wouldn’t feel complete to me.”
you couldn’t help it, using your hands that were cupped around his cheeks to pull him closer. you pushed up and connected your lips together in a sweet kiss.
when you pulled back, charles’ lips were still puckered slightly, his eyes shining with unspeakable amounts of love. you gave him a watery smile and he smiled back. 
“you can’t say those things unless you want me to cry,” you pulled a hand back to wipe your eyes before the unshed tears made their way down your face, “i’d love to meet your family, mon cher.” my dear.
charles’ nose crinkled as you poked it with your forefinger, “je t’adore, mon amour.” i adore you, my love.
“je t'aime plus que tout au monde,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him close, placing a kiss against the base of his neck. i love you more than anything else in the world.
the weeks leading up to the races in italy became increasingly more hectic. you had started with going to work like regular, while charles would leave to go to his own races, calling you as soon as he landed in whatever city he was to complain about how he wished he could be back in your arms. 
then, you asked for days off from work, and when the request was approved, you felt yourself starting to panic. it was happening. you would be meeting charles’ family for the first time. the calls between you and charles turned from soft ‘i miss you’s to ‘is this appropriate for when i meet your mom? should i go shopping? i have no clothes, charles, your mother is going to hate me’. 
charles had only smiled softly, wishing he could have been there in person to quell your fears, “mon amour, what you wear will have no effect on how my mother will perceive you. you could show up in a garbage bag for all she’d care.”
you had scowled at the camera and charles laughed before continuing, “i love you, chérie, and i know my mother will love you just as much as i do…okay, maybe a little less because no one can love you as much as me.”
you had sighed, flopping back on your bed which had been covered with clothes, “i’m sorry for acting this way. i’m just nervous.”
“you’ve nothing to apologize for,” he wished he could jump through the phone to reach you, “and nothing to be nervous for either, ange.”
you sat up abruptly, “what if your brothers hate me?”
charles had thrown his head back and laughed loudly, sobering up when you whined out his name, “this is serious, charles!”
“mon amour, they would be crazy not to like you. i’d be surprised if they didn’t like you as much as i did.”
and if only either of you had realized how right he would be.
you had flown in with charles at the start of the week, a bundle of nerves sparking in your chest that charles had quickly extinguished by telling you that his mother would be arriving later in the week. 
well, it was now later and the anxiety that you had been suppressing was bursting at the seams. 
you weren’t due to meet charles’ family officially until friday after free practices, with charles having planned an outing and dinner for his whole family before the races began for him and arthur. he had told you that he wanted to surprise his family, and as such, you had to avoid them as best as you could while on the paddock.
you couldn’t help but be thankful for charles’ idea, having been panicking the entire week leading up to the race at the idea of running into charles’ family without charles himself. 
and so, that led you to where you were now, walking around the paddock bright and early on media day, staying as far away from the ferrari garage as you could, to avoid any run-ins with the leclerc family, though life never seemed to work out in your favour ever.
you had finally caved, walking back towards the ferrari hospitality, in need of coffee and a place to escape the beaming sun. what you hadn’t accounted for was the tall man standing near the entrance, conversing with who you recognized to be charles’ manager. the two said a few words before the latter was off, no doubt making his way to charles.
the taller man turned around, and your eyes lightly widened as you realized you had been standing behind charles’ older brother. 
your eyes darted to the floor as his fell on your figure, “oh, i am so sorry. i’m totally blocking your way in.”
wow, he sounded a lot like charles. 
you realized, belatedly, that he had in fact been blocking the entrance, “oh, that’s okay! i only just got here.” you gave him a small smile.
it’s okay, you thought to yourself, he has no reason to think i’m charles’ girlfriend, he probably won’t even remember this interaction by later today. 
he moved over, hands gesturing to the door behind him, “after you.”
oh, fuck, he was coming in too. 
you nodded at him in gratitude, “thank you.”
you walked inside, mentally freaking out at how lorenzo was right behind you. you ignored him as best as you could, making a beeline towards the coffee station to the side. lorenzo had followed you.
“sorry,” he gave you a sheepish smile, starting on his own coffee on the station next to yours, “i hope you don’t think i’m following you.”
you were stuck. although not ideal for the plans you and charles had made, you had to play your cards right in this moment. first impressions would have to be really good if you were expecting a positive response from charles’ family.
you turned your gaze from the coffee machine to the eldest leclerc brother, “wouldn’t hold it entirely past you. for all i know, you could have been blocking the entrance just for this moment.”
ah, humour, your go-to route for any situation ever. worried? make a joke. sad? make a joke. overthinking? just make a joke!!!
lorenzo laughed lightly, “i promise, i wasn’t. i had just been on my way to grab a coffee when my brother’s manager had stopped me for a quick conversation and you came up just as he left.”
“don’t get too worked up,” you chuckled as the speed of his explanation. you could see where charles got some of his habits from, “i believe you. i’d been there to see todt walk off.”
from the corner of your eye, you could see him nod. as you busied yourself with making your coffee to your liking, you missed lorenzo’s calculating gaze as he gave you a once-over.
just as you threw away the used coffee pod, lorenzo spoke up again, “i’m lorenzo, by the way, charles’ brother.”
“i know,” you smiled at him. as worried as you had been, lorenzo had been very easy to talk to. 
“i’m y/n, charles’ not brother.”
your response had elicited a loud laugh from the older leclerc, “you’re quite the joker, aren’t you?”
you opted to shrug your shoulders with a small smile, blowing on your coffee before taking a sip. more sugar.
lorenzo made small talk, “do you work here at ferrari?” 
you shook your head, “no, no. would be amazing though, no? especially if i could travel the world as part of my job. charles is lucky.” 
fuck, you wanted to hit your head against the wall, why would you bring charles into the conversation. oh god, please let lorenzo just brush past that. 
he hummed in acknowledgement, “he is, indeed. but he’s also very deserving of it, you know? i don’t mean to sound biased but,”
“i know what you mean,” you continued, always ready to gush about your boyfriend, “he’s worked really hard to get to where he is. youngest driver for ferrari since 1961, that’s quite the achievement.”
the two of you chatted lightly for a few more minutes before lorenzo asked another question, “so then, what’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone?”
you tensed, cheeks reddening at his words. you opened your mouth and then closed it, repeating before you finally opened it to respond, “i–”
“lorenzo!” both of your heads turned to where the sound came from. your eyes caught sight of the figure waving his hands in the air, beckoning lorenzo over. it was arthur.
“sounds like someone needs your help,” thank god for arthur, huh?
“yeah, it seems i have to go now.” lorenzo looked back at you, “it was great meeting you, y/n.”
“likewise,” you nodded to him as you watched him leave, only one thought circulating your mind.
holy shit, your boyfriend’s older brother just tried to flirt with you.
luckily, the rest of media day had been rather uneventful and you were soon back in the hotel room you shared with charles, said driver gone to hang out with his brothers for a bit. 
friday morning had gone by smoothly, and with a little over an hour until the free practices, you were sitting in the ferrari hospitality, grabbing yourself a snack.
what you hadn’t noticed was the two men who had been looking at you from a distance away. lorenzo and arthur, with the former pointing you out discretely to the latter.
“n'est-elle pas jolie?” lorenzo nudged his youngest brother. isn’t she super pretty?
arthur nodded, “elle l'est. tu penses que j'ai une chance?” she is. do you think i have a chance?
lorenzo gaped at his younger brother, who laughed cheekily, “je l'ai vue en premier, arthur, n'y pense même pas.” i saw her first, arthur, don't even think about it.
the younger one shrugged, “oui, et tu as probablement ruiné tes chances avec elle. ton flirt est horrible.” yeah, and you probably ruined your chances with her. your flirting is horrible.
he pushed off from where he had been leaning, “watch and learn, mon frère. elle ne pourra pas résister à mon charme.” she won’t be able to resist my charm.
lorenzo watched in disbelief as his younger brother made his way to you, “du charme, mon cul. tout votre charme n'est qu'une copie de charles et moi.” charm, my ass. all of your charm is just a copy of charles and i.
a throat cleared behind you and you turned in your seat. the smiling face of the youngest leclerc was the first thing you saw, body freezing for a split second.
he pointed to the chair across from you, “is this seat taken?”
you took a look at the chair he pointed at before looking back at him, “not at all. do you nee-”
you watched as the boy sat down, hands coming up to rest on the table, “you don’t mind, right?”
your brows were furrowed in slight confusion as you tried to absorb what just happened, “uh, no. no, it’s alright.”
“i’m arthur,” he stuck his hand out.
you returned the handshake, “y/n.”
you couldn’t help but blush slightly, bewildered look on your face, as arthur brought your hand up and placed a kiss on the back of your hand. wow, he was laying it on thick.
“beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” unlike when lorenzo had called you pretty, you didn’t freeze up. instead, you found yourself giggling.
you pulled your hand out from arthur’s light hold, using it to cover your mouth, “oh, i am so sorry. i promise i’m not laughing at you. it’s just that you are very cute.”
arthur’s face dropped, “cute?”
god, his pout was just like charles’.
you nodded, a smile still lingering on your lips, “adorable, even.”
you didn’t know how it was possible but his face dropped even more, “adorable??”
you let out a loud laugh, “oh, mon dieu. you’re just like your brother.”
and you fumbled again. wow, you really couldn’t go a conversation without talking about your boyfriend, huh?
“lorenzo?” arthur asked, “wait, you speak french?”
you only smiled, letting him guess the answers to either question.
arthur took your smile as a yes to both questions, “listen, i am nothing like my brother. il est complètement idiot quand il s'agit de parler aux jolies filles. moi, d'un autre côté, je suis un naturel.” he's a total idiot when it comes to talking to pretty girls. me, on the other hand? i'm a natural. 
“ah, is that what this is? you being a natural?” you smirked, watching as his cheeks flushed slightly.
“well, sometimes, the really pretty girls make me a bit nervous.” arthur scratched the back of his head. ah, he was like a mini charles.
you smiled, “well, as honoured as i am to be considered a ‘really pretty girl’, i’m afraid i’m a bit too old for you, bud.”
arthur groaned, planting his head in his arms against the table, “this is going horribly for me.”
“i told you, your charm is non-existent,” another voice called out from behind you. it was lorenzo.
he came around the table and smacked the back of arthur’s head, “tu es vraiment un idiot.” you are such an idiot.
you laughed at arthur’s sorrowful expression, “oh, i think he’s got quite the charm. just not enough years under the belt.”
lorenzo smiled apologetically at you, “i am so sorry for whatever he has said to you in the past five minutes.”
you waved him off, “no worries, arthur is quite the company.”
you looked at the time, deciding it would be good to go back to the garage to see charles once before he started his practices, “well, boys. i’ve got to head out. it was great meeting you, arthur! and seeing you again today, lorenzo, i’m sure i’ll catch you guys again somewhere on the paddock.”
the two brothers returned your goodbye, waiting for you to leave before arguing about who had a more realistic shot with you.
you couldn’t help but laugh as you heard a few seconds of their conversation. if only charles had realized how right he would be about his brothers liking you as much as him. turns out, all the leclerc brothers had the same taste in girls.
although you had told them you would, you didn’t see the two leclerc brothers for the rest of your day on the paddock. you went home with charles soon after the free practices ended, both excited to get ready and have dinner with his family.
having already met and conversed with both of charles’ brothers, you couldn’t help but feel less nervous for the dinner. pascale had been the only one you hadn’t met yet, and objectively, she was the one to impress. but now that you knew all three of her boys, you were sure that she had to be nice to have raised such kind boys.
now, the pair of you were sat in charles’ ferrari, driving to the restaurant of his choosing. one of his hands rested on your thigh, rubbing circles against the skin.
“sei bellissima, amore.” you loved it when charles spoke in italian, something about the way he sounded just drove your head crazy. you look so beautiful, love.
“grazie, tesoro,” thanks, honey. you gave him a soft smile, “but please don’t say anything else in italian, you know i can’t understand it.”
“i’ll just have to teach you, then,” charles stopped at a stop light, the hand on your thigh turning around as if asking for your hand.
you placed your hand in his and he squeezed it, “you are less nervous today.”
you squeezed his hand back, playing with the watch that was on his wrist, “oui, i actually met your brothers yesterday and today.”
“oh, no. how are you recovering?” charles joked.
“they were quite the charmers, i will say that.” you sighed, looking at your boyfriend’s side profile, “you guys have a lot in common, actually.”
“only good things, i hope.”
“well, i know that you all have excellent taste.” at his confused expression, you waved him off, “story for the dinner, maybe.”
soon, charles had parked and you two were walking into the restaurant hand-in-hand. from afar, you could make out the rough figures of lorenzo and arthur at the table in the far left corner. as you got closer, you could see a woman sitting with them. pascale.
when you two got close enough to the table, you pulled your hand from charles’ grasp, instead clasping your own hands together at the front of your body. charles gave you a small smile filled with reassurance before taking the final step, garnering the attention of his whole family.
lorenzo’s eyes moved past charles and onto you, a confused look on his face, “y/n?”
arthur’s head shot up at the sound of your name, “y/n? she’s here?”
his frantic eyes zeroed into yours, before looking over at his brother confused.
charles smiled, reaching a hand out to wrap around your waist and pull you forward, “maman, boys, je vous présente ma petite amie, y/n.” i want you to meet my girlfriend,
you smiled, “bonjour! ravi de vous rencontrer tous,” your eyes went from pascale to the two boys in front of you, “officiellement cette fois.” hello! nice to meet you all…officially this time.
at charles’ announcement, both brothers felt their jaws drop.
“merde,” lorenzo breathed out, face growing redder as he looked at your wide smile. shit.
arthur closed his eyes, hands coming up to hide his face “oh mon dieu, on a flirté avec la petite amie de charles.” oh my god, we flirted with charles' girlfriend.
“tu as fait quoi?!” you did what?!
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velocesainz · 7 months
Le reali
F1 masterlist | main masterlist | Taglist
summary: Carlos hasn't publicly dated anyone in over 3 years and people get suspicious. He tries to tell his friends that he's dating the heiress of Italy but they don't believe him until a special moment.
Warnings: None, cursing?, fluffy
Pairing: Carlos x Italian!princess!reader
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Carlos showed the entire text chain to y/n and as she scrolled through the responses bursted into laughter at lando's response to Carlos.
"Love, I wasn't pissed. I was just annoyed that he was feeding into rumours. Poor Lando must've been scared out of his wits" y/n told Carlos.
Carlos chuckled "Lando deserves to be scared out of his wits from time to time darling. How else would he function effectively and not spill our secret in front of the entire world?" he told y/n
"I guess you're right" y/n laughed.
"Amore?" Carlos called out to y/n
"Si, Corázon?" Y/n replied adjusting in the bed to meet his eye.
"Do you ever want to go public? I mean I'm not forcing you to go public, just asking. We've been together for 3 years now" Carlos asked with a thoughtful and soft expression on his face.
"Of course Corázon, I would love to. Do you want to maybe go public on the day of the Monza GP? I've already gotten an invite and will be giving out the trophies" y/n replied with a soft smile.
"That would be absolutely wonderful amore" Carlos said softly and held her close.
"Ready to go sis?" y/n's brother asked her as it was time to leave for the GP
She was only going to go for the race day otherwise it would seem suspicious to the public and they wanted to be extra careful.
"Yea yeah let's go" Y/n called out grabbing her brothers hand and getting into the car.
She was more than ready to reveal to the world her relationship with the love of her life
Meanwhile: (Carlos Pov)
"Mate is your girlfriend ever going to come or are you just pranking us all?" Charles asked me while everyone was waiting around in the paddock for y/n to come.
"Yea mate, no shame in saying you haven't been able to get girls for the past 3 years. At least don't live in the delusion that the direct heir to the Italian throne is your girlfriend."
Nobody believed me except Lando since he's met her but everyone thinks me and him are pranking them together.
I would get my sweet sweet revenge.
But deep down I was scared. I was planning to propose to her soon. If I got on the podium today, I would propose and I've never been more scared for a race in my life.
Her entire family would watch me race for their country and would also find out about our relationship because she was very private and didn't share even with her family. Would they approve of me? Would they force me and her to break up?
Just then her family walked into the paddock and everyone immediately stood up and greeted the family but she was not in sight.
"So Prince b/n how do you feel about your sister dating our friend over here?" Fernando asked her brother and dragged me into his view
"Dating? I wasn't aware that my sister was dating anyone. That too with a commoner? Not expected." Her brother replied and my heart slowly sank to my stomach.
The rest of the grid came up to me.
"See Carlos? How would you be dating Prince y/b/n's sister without him knowing? Stop living in your delusion" Max said
"Mate such delusion isn't good for you at all. You should start seeing the team therapist a little more" Charles added.
The rest of the grid exchanged glances of amusement and worry while Lando came over to me.
"Don't worry Carlos, I believe you. Don't listen to them. You and Y/n have a beautiful relationship and she told me that she didn't want to inform her brother of her relationship status since she, frankly, hates him" Lando told me and I felt slightly better.
but her brother didn't approve of me, why would the rest of her family? I was internally panicking when Y/n's father King f/n came up to me and took me aside
"So you're the lad dating my daughter huh?" He asked me
"Si señor, I love Y/n with all my heart" I responded slightly nervous about his response
"She made a good choice, how long have you both been together? She didn't give me many details" He asked
"We've been together for 3 years senor. We met when I was invited to the royal house for my medal" I replied feeling better that at least her father approved of us
"And no proposal?" He said with a smirk on his face
"I was planning on proposing to her if I get on the podium for the race today and also wanted your blessings señor" I answered
"Good good. I've seen that she's been much happier around the palace ever since she started dating you. She truly loves you and you have mine and her mother's blessing. May you both be forever happy together" with that he left as I the race was about to start.
I gave Ricciardo my ring box and gave him all the instructions before getting into the car.
After the race:
I couldn’t believe it.
I had won in Monza.
The crowd was going absolutely wild as I got out of my car and the mechanics lined up outside tapping my helmet congratulating me.
I felt like I was in a dream.
I looked over to the vip box and I saw y/n in all her glory.
The look of admiration she had and her soft smile made me fall for her all over again.
That was when I knew nothing else mattered.
It didn’t matter to me that her brother didn’t approve of our relationship. It didn’t matter to me that my friends didn’t believe my relationship.
I had her and that was all that mattered.
The podium ceremony came quickly and y/n’s brother gave out the p2 and p3 trophies.
Then came my turn and y/n walked into the podium with the most elegant red dress I’ve ever seen.
She looked absolutely ethereal and I couldn’t wait for her to be mine forever.
She handed me the trophy and I raised it over my head after which I leaned in to kiss her.
The crowd went absolutely wild when they saw the scene.
I took the ring box from Ricciardo and got on one knee and I saw tears welling up in her eyes.
“Y/n. You have made me the happiest person these past 3 years and it would mean the world to me if you were with me for the rest of my life. Y/n m/n l/n will you marry me?” I asked her pouring the emotions out.
“Yes Carlos! Of course I’ll marry you” she said and hugged me tight.
I slipped the ring on her finger and we kissed once again.
“Hey Carlos, sorry about all the comments we passed. We really couldn’t believe that you were actually in a relationship with the princess of Italy. We apologise for our actions” Charles apologised to me on behalf of the rest of the grid
“It’s ok mate, I myself can’t believe that I bagged a literal princess” I laughed
Y/n came back to me and it was time for us to leave.
In the car y/n sat leaning her head against my shoulder
“Our wedding is going to be one of the most celebrated occasions in Italy you know? They’re going to keep it as a national holiday and it will be broadcasted live on tv for everyone to see. Are you sure you’re ok with that?” She asked me in a soft voice
“Of course amore , as long as in the end I get to be with you. I’m ready to do anything.”
A/n: hope you guys enjoyed this fic. Took me a while to come up with it. Would appreciate feedback and suggestions. Also please send me any requests you have! Kissies ✨
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anakinstwinklebunny · 26 days
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Pairing: mafia!ani x female!reader
TW: at some part it contains sexual content, so if you're sensitive to that or feel uncomfortable with it, please do not read it for your own safety and comfort. Mentions of obsession and impure love. Also, I'm so rude that I've not translated the Italian phrases I used; forcing you to do it yourself 😼 but im sorry if there's any mistake. My first, full smut...don't know how to feel about it so I'm sorry if it may be.. specific ..
Author's note: For more explanation, my mafia!anakin and reader is inspired by Joker and Harley Quinn. I am not following the plot of their relationship nor history, but Anakin's behavior would be more understandable in..future. Also, my mafia!anakin is inspired as well by one and only Destiny on Wattpad that writes AMAZING fics. Destiny if you're somehow reading this, I adore you
@divineani you've waited for this for MONTHS and I deliver it to you after big changes 🙏
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In the following days after the fight with Anakin, you found yourself missing everything about him. His touch, his sweet whispers, his caring and loving nature (despite of what he's doing). But even if you longed for him, there was still the feeling of hurt in your heart. You knew he didn't mean the words he yelled at you, however your overthinking brain still kept replying the whole argument. How his thick brows knitted together, how his tone turned surprisingly cold, sharp and loud; something that never had happened before
Pushing aside the turbulent thoughts, you ran your fingers through your dripping wet hair and turned off the water with a decisive twist of the handle. Stepping out of the shower stall, the sensation of cool air brushing against your damp skin was a sharp contrast to the warmth you had just left behind, to which you shivered a little. Well, downsides of taking a hot shower and stepping out of it too fast
With deliberate motions, you reached for a plush towel hanging nearby, its soft fibers eagerly absorbing the droplets that clung to your skin. Starting with your arms and moving downward, you methodically dried yourself before taking the fluffy, white bathrobe waiting on a hook. Slipping into its welcoming embrace, you luxuriated in the softness that enveloped you. The fabric draping gracefully around your figure, securing the belt snugly around your waist. You pushed the wet hair out of your face and reached for the door handle
You thought if Anakin would appear this time; he hadn't showed up since the fight that took place two days ago. Well, yes, he was there in some way - since yesterday he had been sending you flowers and each time they were different. They held a small note on top of the large bouquets. But he had never been actually there; no apologies face-to-face, no begging for forgiveness.
And as much as the thought of him on his knees before you, begging for your forgiveness was pleasant; you knew it would be a rare sight to see. Anakin wasn't the first one to apologize, at least not with others..
You stepped inside the shared (with Anakin) bedroom, the warm smoke from the hot heat of the water followed you behind. Your eyes darted back down to the robe with a frown, feeling it being a little uncomfortable for your liking. You fixed it quickly before looking up at the objects on your king sized bed that definitely weren't there when you entered the room hours ago
Your frown deepened as you stopped in your tracks. The nervous feeling enveloped your warm body. Should you just walk to the bed and see up close what it was? And what if it's a trap? Anakin told you to not trust anyone but only him (and his, but also yours, friends that 'worked' with him).
Well, you were always a rebellious girl
You took few steps closer to the bed and reached for the small, leather box that probably held jewellery. You eyed it in different angles with questioning expression
But as your mind run through different possibilities, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist. The sudden situation made you stir, cursing at yourself for your lack of having a damn look around the room
However when you twisted your neck to the side to see the face of a person that dared to give you almost a heart attack, your expression softened but also heated up "gosh..you scared me" you moved your gaze back at the gift in your hands and on the another one, laying smoothly on bed
He nuzzled softly against your neck, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine. Gosh, you should be mad at him and not falling for the smallest things he does. Slowly, he pulled you even closer to his chest with a firm yet gentle hold. You could feel the strength in his embrace; a silent reassurance amidst the lingering tension.
“I’m sorry, principessa. Didn’t mean to,” his voice was sincere and his lips brushed lightly against your exposed skin in tender kisses.
You two didn't say anything. Did you want him to make a first move? Well, wouldn't be that a little immat--yes. You felt his sigh touch your tender skin and even if you didn't see his face, you could tell he was fighting with himself with the chose of his words
"I..wanted to apologize," he murmured softly, finally.
"For?" you raised your brow
“For snapping at you... For being an idiot...” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes closed gently as he recalled the reason behind your fight. “You didn’t deserve it... So.. I wanted to apologize properly.” his nose nuzzled into your neck, seeking the scent he's been dreaming of for days
His apologies were real; you heard and felt it in his tone. He watched intently as your fingers traced the edges of the small box, marveling at the delicate grace with which you handled it. A subtle mix of nerves and anticipation coursed through him, uncertain of how you would receive his gesture or even accept his apologies. He knew he messed up; he should never raise his voice at you, should never leave you like that. And he would do everything to earn your forgiveness, anything
“Open it, bellezza” his voice was soft; a gentle plea against your neck
With cautious fingers, you slowly lifted the lid. Your eyes widened in surprise and awe as you beheld the box with dazzling necklace, its silver surface adorned with intricate Swarovski crystals that caught the light in mesmerizing patterns. (If you want a more detailed image, search for Swarovski mesmera necklace)
"I..." your voice caught momentarily, overwhelmed by the beauty of the gift. It was nothing you've ever seen before. Yes, Anakin bought you jewelery before; you'd even consider it as one of his favorite things to do, seeing you in shiny, expensive objects. But this necklace was different. So radiant, so sparkling in light. Just perfectly charming, like the man that has bought it
His hands pulled on the white material of the robe and tugged it to expose your shoulder to his hungry lips “You like it?”
"I—it's beautiful—" you stammered with a voice filled with genuine admiration.
"It still isn’t anywhere near as beautiful as you are" he complimented
Carefully, he took the necklace from the box and with his free hand, he pushed the wet hair out of your neck. As his slender fingers fastened the clasp around your neck, his lips immediately made a contact with your skin. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine, and you closed your eyes before tilting your head to the side to give him more space
“You look even more beautiful with it on,” he murmured
His hands roamed back down to your waist as his eyes drifted back to the second gift “You know what black roses represent?” he whispered, his voice a soft caress that sent sharp goose bumps cascading down your body. And you'd be lying if your legs hadn't arbitrarily rub against each other to stop the pleasant heat in your core
“They represent obsession... and impure love,” he whispered directly into your ear, his breath warm and tantalizing. His fingers moved with deliberate slowness to gently untie your robe, allowing it to slide open. The cool air met your warm skin and sent shivers coursing through your body. Only amplifying the sensations of his touch and words.
“And right now..." one hand slid down your body, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake. It was way too gentle for your own good. Your mind already spiraling with insanity thoughts and you felt warmth spread through your chest with a soft blush creeping up your cheeks "...both of those words are the things that describe how I feel about you” he confessed, his voice husky with emotion.
As he felt under his fingerthe absence of underwear on your body, a deep breath escaped his chest. His eyes traveled slowly over your bare form, drinking in the sight of your naked skin. His fingers delicately pulled the fabric of your robe further down, letting it fall gracefully to the floor around your feet.
“principessa, Niente biancheria intima?.." he muttered, his lips brushing against your sensitive skin, causing a shiver to race down your spine again
With a gentle but firm movement, he turned you around so you could face him. You couldn't help but let out a small gasp at the suddenness of the action
His eyes could now fully roam over your body, having it right before his angelic face. He took in e try contour with a look that you understood as deep appreciation. But the way he eyed you like this, so shamelessly, made your cheeks burn in crimson red. You felt not only mentally naked, but also psychically. Feeling his eyes dig into your soul and make the whole place quivering
You haven't even had the moment to respond as you were pushed on the bed. The soft petals of the scattered flowers dancing and bouncing under your weight. It was so easy for him to make you breathless, all speechless.
You swallowed down the limp growing in your throat under his hungry yet hinted with love and admiration gaze.
With that, he quickly took of his pants to only, without care, throw them away. Then he climbed on top of you and connected your lips together. They weren't gentle and soft like they often were; they held need, desire with hint of pouring apologies. He couldn't forget so easily what happened. It wasn't like something Anakin would do. Never
His lips moved down to your neck, almost making you moan. Your fingers tangled in his hair while he pampered your skin in urgency, unbuttoning his shirt.
Your gaze momentarily shifted bunch of dark roses and concern flickered in your eyes. You opened your mouth to speak; you didn't want to lose such flowers. They were unique, special yet atypical but he interrupted you with a lazy grin
"Don't you worry about the flowers..." He whispered before going back to your delicate neck to go even lower "..i’ll just get you more if those ones get destroyed..”
When he reached your breasts your breath hitched and you had to bite your lip to hold back a growing moan
His kisses were the emphasis to his drowning apologies and you were the only source of his oxygen. He was getting wild, desperate to show you how sorry he really is
Yet somehow those small kisses, gifts weren't enough
He needed more. More of you, even if he felt like he didn't deserve it now
"Anakin" your soft cry when he pinched your nipple between his thumb and forefinger almost undid him
"You deserve the best, mia cara..do you know that? Do you want to feel like my best treasure?"
He closed his mouth around the other nipple, making sure they both got the same amount of attention and the glistering coat of his saliva
"Please" you panted, your grip only strangling his curls when he nipped his way down your stomach
Anakin could only feel the rushing, aching desire creeping down his stomach and making his cock puls
"Please what?" He received only a small whimper in response after separating your legs and taking a long glance at your sensitive area "please eat out this beautiful little cunt of yours? Show every part of your body how sorry I am?" He taunted with soft voice yet his words seemed so rough "spit my apologies on your delicate skin? Make sure my tongue do all the talking?"
"Yes" the word left your mouth as half plea and half demand. Because in some way, you deserved to have this, right? To feel special in every way. To feel his apologies envelop your being like a second skin "need that..need you to do that"
this time, the pretty song of your voice, moaning words into the air was the thing that did untangle him
With no more time to waste, he made sure to push your legs further apart and delved in like a starved man that got to eat after a long time. Anakin's lips focused on your swollen clit, licking and sucking until your moans and whimpers turned into desperate cries and trembling legs
You were all bucking and wriggling, creaming his face in the most beautiful way possible
Well, you always did. But something about having sex with you after his stupid, immature behavior felt even better. After all this fights, he finally could say that indeed he went on your knees for you, begging you for forgiveness like never before. Maybe not in real way but metaphorically
Was he addicted to your taste? Absolutely he was. To the way you sounded when he pushed his tongue into your clit to the way your body arched when you came with a shudder of thousands
He waited for your shudders to die down and pressed gentle kisses up your body. Now, was the part for second apologies. More..deeper ones. His lips still had the small glimpse of your liquids before he licked them clean, making sure to maintain an eye contact
Fuck me
Your eyes practically begged
And oh gosh how could he deny you such request? Especially when your arms lazily wrapped around his neck, your hips pushed more against him..
The heat spread out over his already hard cock, making it ache in a way it hurt in the best way possible. Only you could make him so desperate, so overwhelmed with need for you. Only you could make him fall to his knees. Only you could make him kill himself, if that was on your wishlist
With quick pull on his boxers he pushed them aside and throw them somewhere on the floor
You were so wet he slid in without any much resistance, but the sensation was so intense you clenched without thinking
Your eyes practically closed and the only thing you could mutter was his hiss. He didn't dare to move until your body would get used to his length. Only then did he, slowly at first, push out and push back in, as if he already ached for your warmth hugging him all around
"I'm sorry..so damn sorry.." he apologized breathlessly before thrusting in and out of you "I was a damn idiot..a fucking idiot..shouldn't leave you like this..never.. should--" he groaned "--yell at you.."
Your mind tried to wrap around the words slipping through his mouth but with his thick member inside of you, you were just too high off of him to even respond
"Ti adoro-- così tanto.." he mumbled and you could feel his fingers dig into your hips to fasten and deepen his movements "ti voglio tanto bene, principessa..mi scusa.." with half lidded eyes you watched his muscles flex and ripe under the movements he had been doing
Anakin went harder to which your mouth opened as more sounds left both yours mouth. Your skin slapped against his and it only made him more aroused; "ti voglio tanto bene..sei così bella..ti farò qualsiasi cosa..ti darò tutto.."
Each thrust was deeper than the last one, and more intense, yet filled with such adoration for you. The combination was overwhelming and you felt yourself slowly reaching your peak
"I'm sorry..so sorry.." he kept apologizing although his tone was more sharp this time, more like a hiss through gritted teeth from trying to keep himself from finishing, wanting you to fall over the edge first
"It's okay.." you forced yourself to speak
He heard her words, the sound of your voice not helping with holding it all together. But he continued to control himself, wanting to take his time with you, to show just how sorry he truly was for starting the fight. "Yeah? It's okay? You forgive me, angel?"
"yeah.." you let out the prettiest moan, rapidly nodding your head. You could feel his dick pulsing and throb - the sign of upcoming orgasm
He felt his breath hitch in the back of his throat the moment he heard her, the way she sounded; it was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard in his life. "Good... I'm glad..." he let out a soft, involuntary groan as he moved his hips faster again and this is where you had enough
"im--close" you brought your hands to dig your fingers to his arms, making him hiss
"Yeah? You are? C-cazzo..me too, so close.." he panted
His words, the way he said them, were enough to bring you over the edge. Your eyes rolled and your vision went blank for a moment, overwhelmed by the intensity of his shooting orgasm against your walls that followed right away after yours
Even though you two reached your limit, his hips kept going, never wanting this moment to end. His thrusts were slower this time, mixing your cum with his "you're the best, you know that? It'll never happen again, I swear..won't ever yell at you..and if I do..damnit kill me--"
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TAG LIST: @kingdomhate @divineani @erosmutt @haydensprettyprincess @mistress-amidala @catnipaddictt @heartscone @haydensbbg @inneedsoffanfics @jediavengers @literally-izzy @anisluvrgirl @fuckmyskywalker @slutforfinnickodair
(if you want to be removed or added then don't be shy and let me know 💋)
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lot-of-nothing · 5 months
Entwined (Ch. 5)
Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
A first date???
Warnings: Sexual innuendos and working through internalized homophobia
Author’s Note: No beta but this chapter took me wayyyy too long. This week was crazy with getting a new apartment states away and defending my thesis 😵‍💫
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4
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Jacob nervously slipped into the kitchen as Melissa waited expectantly for a ziti you requested to finish baking. He attempted to keep space between himself and the Italian - for his own safety of course. The space between the two roommates had grown after he confronted Melissa a few nights ago about seeing her kiss you. Tonight he was looking to mend the bond between them. 
He leaned on the kitchen island, hands clasped and eyes studying the countertop, “I wanted to, uh... apologize for what happened a few nights ago. I shouldn’t have been so abrasive.”
The redhead only offered him a momentary glance which was harsh and skeptical. It was clear she wasn’t interested in having any conversation about the events Jacob witnessed. While Melissa continued giving Jacob the cold shoulder, he wanted to make it clear he was there to support her, “If you ever want to talk about it, I’m here for you.” “There isn’t anything to talk about.” Melissa quickly responded in a monotone with her back to Jacob so she could go about her business of pulling the ziti from the oven. She placed the baking dish on the top of the stove, and took a deep breath as she pulled the oven mitts from her hands and tossed them onto the counter. Spinning to face her roommate, she cocked her head and forced herself to make peace with the young man, “Thank you, Jacob.”
“I found a new puzzle for tonight... if you would like.” The young man gestured towards the dining room where he left the puzzle, earning a smile from the redhead.
With a flick of her hand, Melissa turned off the oven and folded her arms over her chest, “I would like.”
When Melissa picked up your phone call and wedged her phone between her ear and shoulder, she had no idea you were sitting outside her house. Before she could get a word in edgewise, you spoke - trying your best to sound smooth and collected so she couldn’t tell you were fearful of her rejection, “Let’s go, Schemmenti.”
“What?” She leaned back in her chair, rolling her eyes to hide her enthusiasm from Jacob who sat across the table with his head cocked, staring at her in curiosity. They were about half way through their 3D puzzle of the statue of liberty when you interrupted. 
After opening your car door, you step out and lean against the car door frame, smirking as you catch a glimpse of her red hair through the front window. You doubled down on your mission of taking Melissa out, giving her an order rather than asking, “Come on out here. I’m taking you on a date.” 
“What makes you think I’d go on a date with the likes of you?” Melissa tittered as she tried to hide how she enjoyed flirting with you from her companion. 
You reply sarcastically, feeling a sense of excitement wash over you when you make her laugh, “My good looks and sense of humor. Or perhaps my love of long walks on the beach.”
Melissa finally lifted herself from her seat so she could make her way to the front window where she pulled aside the sheer blinds to catch a glimpse of you. Your cheeky smile melted Melissa’s icy exterior as did the way you leaned your cheek on your forearm as you gazed at her. She had one hand on her hip as she stared you down, “Where are ya’ takin’ me?” 
“I’m still trying to decide between the Olive Garden or some chain sports bar where we can watch the Cowboys play.” You joke, grinning wildly as you watch her lip curl.
She turned her back to you, looking around the room for her purse and shoes, “Are you tryin’ to get me to say no?”
“Just testing to see how much you like me.” You quip as you watch her curiously. More than anything you hope your joking wouldn’t turn her off from the date you had planned. 
“What’s the dress code?” The redhead asked, glancing down at her comfortable outfit of old jeans and an Eagles shirt. She had been ready to slip on her shoes so she could meet you, but she began to second guess herself. 
“Something easy to take off.” Your quick wit made the redhead stifle a laugh as she clumsily began gathering all of her belongings. Her pacing made her seem a little too eager to Jacob, causing him to arch his brow in amusement. You could see her grabbing her leather jacket and purse which caused you to remember the ziti you asked her to make just for this occasion, “Oh, and did you make that ziti?”
“Well, yeah.” She scoffed, almost offended you would question her willingness to cook for you. 
“Bring that too.” 
— Melissa folded her arms over her chest and watched out the window as she skeptically wondered where you could be taking her so late in the evening. When you turned into the stadium parking lot of the Lincoln Financial Field, she glanced over at you with a look of pure disbelief. She didn’t believe you could get her into the Eagles home stadium for a single moment, “And how do you think you are gettin’ in here?”
“I know a guy.” You shrug as your eyes sweep the parking lot for the entry point your cousin told you to find. 
Melissa was all heart eyes in the passenger seat, watching you with complete amazement. Her chest swelled with pride when you ended up handing over her ziti to your cousin whilst telling them she is the best cook in her family. And the cherry on top was how you gave a subtle threat to your cousin to make sure they would return Melissa’s baking dish to you. In a period of five minutes, you tapped into three of her love languages: having connections, bribery through food, and not-so-subtle threats. 
Melissa was like a kid in a candy store as you gave her free reign of exploring the sports complex. As a night security guard, your cousin had agreed to give you access to everything as long as you set him up on a date with some girl you knew from high school and Melissa’s cooking was just the icing on the cake. 
The redhead was in her happy place when she settled on the Eagles sideline bench and grinned up at you, “You didn’t have to go to such great lengths to get me to sleep with ya’.” 
“Who said I was trying to sleep with you?” You cock your head as you stare down at Melissa, your heart jumping into your throat as you consider sharing your true intentions for her. While every fiber of your being was screaming for you to stay quiet, you remembered you were conducting your relationship with Melissa on your own terms rather than giving her all of the power. 
You popped yourself down on the bench next to Melissa, stretching your legs out in front of you as you stated your intentions with confidence, “I’m gonna get you to fall head over heels for me.”
“Oh, is that so?” Mel perked up in faux excitement as she loved to challenge anyone when they were filled with a noticeably high level of confidence. Her heart stalled in her chest at the notion of you trying to get her to fall for you - in a way it felt like too much too soon and a long time coming all at once.
You nod, staring out across the field with your chin held high, “Indeed it is.”
Melissa allowed a few moments to pass between you before she spoke again. While the prospect of a new relationship was frightening for her, she was determined to give a romance with you a fighting chance. She leaned into you when she spoke, giving your arm a loving pinch, “This is a good start, but if your guy can get us into the locker rooms, things will go a lot quicker.” 
You shifted the car into park outside Melissa’s house and a silence fell between you. The date had gone well, but now there seemed to be a new energy between you that had yet to be felt by either of you before. It was almost as if there was a palpable mutual yearning that expanded far beyond sexual desire. 
This feeling terrified Melissa.
“Everything is going to change.” When she spoke, you felt the need to do a double take to see if Melissa had been replaced with a 16 year old version of herself. Her tone was the same as when she told her father she wanted to be a teacher rather than the next Effa Manley - fearful of disappointing loved ones.
You shifted in your seat to more readily face the redhead. Cocking your head, you tried to give her an encouraging response, “Why does everything have to change?” 
“Didn’t everything change for you?” She asked as she chewed her lip, one hand lifting to her miraculous medal to rub the image of the Virgin Mary with the pad of her thumb. 
While it wasn’t easy coming out when you were teenagers, you remembered the support you received from your family and Melissa. At the time it was all you felt you needed, but of course, after telling Melissa about your attraction to the fairer sex, you did gain a sexual partner - the thought of which made you grin, “Mostly life was better. It helped having good friends.”
Melissa hummed to acknowledge your response before falling deep into thought. She wouldn’t even know where to start. Jacob would be easy, but Barbra? She felt sick at the thought of even discussing the matter with her. 
You broke up her swirls of anxiety with your own question, “Why did you say yes to this date?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Melissa retorted as she was briefly filled with relief of a lightened mood before realizing you were completely serious. Her face fell once more as you left her in a heavy silence to respond to your question. Her reasoning stemmed from your spat that occurred months ago, “When you told me you remembered that night before the wedding… I forgot how you asked me to give you a chance and I never did.”
“I said a lot more than that.”
“So did I.”
When you opened your door to a red eyed Melissa, you were literally taken aback by the redhead pushing her way into your arms. It was the night before she was set to marry Joe - some loser firefighter she had met while tailgating at a Eagles game. You hated him since Mel told you he wanted to take her to a strip club on the first date. 
While you would never tell her ‘I told you so’, you knew he wasn’t the right person for her. You kept your mouth shut, hugging her to your chest and guiding her further into your little apartment so you could close the door. 
She told you through teary eyes and angry hiccups that the rehearsal dinner had gone terribly and that Joe was a complete pig. You didn’t offer an opinion, opting to let the redhead rage as you settled on the couch together. She would wave her hands over her head and curse in Italian while you nodded along, only deciding to pull her to your chest once more when hot, angry tears began rolling down her cheeks. 
Rubbing Melissa’s back was an easy way to settle her anger, but her tears continued to fall regardless of how many times she wiped them away with her sleeves. You held her face to your chest and spoke softly, hoping she wouldn’t turn her anger onto you, “Maybe you shouldn’t be marrying him if all of this is happening and you aren’t even married yet.”
“My parents have already paid for the wedding. I can’t back out now.” Melissa nuzzled her cheek against your chest. She was in absolute despair yet she wasn’t willing to actively do anything to solve her issue. 
“But if you do, then… maybe we could be together.” It was unavoidable for you to sound like you were begging. You wanted this so badly. You wanted her so badly. In the brief moment where she didn’t respond, you couldn’t stop yourself from trying a little harder, “Come on. Give us a chance, pretty girl.”
Melissa only peered up at you, and her furrowed brows and sad eyes broke your heart. “I want to… I just-”
You held a hand to her cheek, brushing her hair from her face. You were desperate for Melissa to come to her senses. Couldn’t she see that you were meant to be together? Your voice was barely above a whisper as you moved to press your lips to her forehead, “I love you, Melissa. Please.”
The redhead eyes lit up at your words - like you had ignited something within her. Without a moment’s hesitation, Melissa shifted to sneak closer so she could press her lips to yours. She kissed you over and over - each kiss was filled with so much desperation it left both of you breathless. 
She pulled away only for a moment, her forehead resting against yours, “I love you.”
From there you fed off one another’s passion and energy like frenzied sharks. You ended up making love on your living room floor, clinging to one another as if you would be separated forever if any distance formed between you. Only if you would have known that distance was fated to form regardless.
Melissa’s face was unreadable. You couldn’t tell if she was reliving that night with regret or fondness - perhaps it was a combination of both. You watched thoughts run through her mind and her green hues were pleading when she spoke, “Have your feelings changed?”
Melissa both feared and adored your response.
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes longer, spiraling at the omissions of love and not wanting your time together to end so soon. It was finally Melissa who made the move to leave, followed by your immediate reaction to open your door as well. You felt the thrum of excitement as you circled the car and walked the redhead to her door. 
She stopped when she had a hand on the door handle and glanced back at you, noticing you were at the bottom step with no intention to go any further. Her brows furrowed in confusion, “Aren’t you coming inside?”
“No. I’m just walking you to your door.” You shrug, craning your neck back to watch her with a cocky smile. 
“Chivalrous.” Melissa’s dry humor emerged as she abandoned the door handle to stand a step above you - her hands sliding up to your shoulders while she stared down at you. After years of being entwined with one another, you wouldn’t have thought her next words would make you so nervous, “Do I get a kiss at least?”
Wrapping your arm around her waist, you pull her into you, relishing in the feeling of her body weight pressing against you. The feeling of her green eyes staring intently down at you was overwhelming, especially as her focus on you was unwavering. Glancing back and forth, you whispered with a shyness that made you want to swallow your words, “Aren’t you worried about the neighbors getting the wrong idea?”
“Hadn’t crossed my mind.” She whispered in return - a white lie meant to soothe any concerns you may have about her intentions. Melissa had no interest in her neighbors knowing more than they needed to about her personal life, but she chose to wrap her arms around your neck and press her lips to yours regardless. 
You could have sworn you felt Melissa Schemmenti moan as she leaned into you more to deepen your kiss. This wasn’t any moan, however. This high pitch, quiet moan was a ‘please dear god keep kissing me’ moan. It made your heart race and your stomach twist into knots - so much so that you pulled away.
“Goodnight, pretty girl.” You lingered close as you whispered your farewell, ghosting her lips with your own before you gingerly took a step back.
Melissa swayed where she stood, her flushed cheeks hidden by the dim lighting of the streetlights. She folded her arms over her chest, shrugging as she hopelessly attempted to find a way to bid you goodbye that wouldn’t rob her of her ‘tough guy’ style. The redhead suppressed a smile and watched you through heavy lidded eyes - she was smitten and hated every bit of it. “Yeah yeah yeah. Get off my lawn before I have to turn a hose on ya’.”
Melissa settled onto the couch next to Jacob and was stewing with mixed emotions she didn’t know how to process. For years she hadn’t given you the chance of letting you in emotionally, and the very second she let her walls down, she was tripping over herself to get your attention. She found you to be a perfect balance of everything she wanted in a potential partner, successfully making her feel remorse for how much of your time she had wasted by not pursuing this sooner. Mel was fearful of how you would move forward together, but god she wanted it terribly. 
Jacob interrupted her thoughts with his own - knowing full well he was treading on grounds that could quickly earn him a place on Melissa’s ‘Perpetually Ignore’ list. He was shockingly plain and confident with his words, “I know you are going through something right now, but don’t... hurt your friend in the process.”
Melissa sat in his words, truly taking them to heart. She wanted to do better by you and she knew where she needed to start, but she was fearful of taking that leap. The redhead stared down into her lap as she began picking at her nails, “We aren’t really friends...”
Tears formed in Melissa’s eyes, but she wasn’t about to let Jacob see how scared she was to admit those words aloud. She hadn’t even truly come out to Jacob and she was feeling entirely overwhelmed at the prospect. Jacob wasn’t phased, rather he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him. He rubbed her arm gently as he spoke, “I know, Melissa... I know.”
Link to Chapter 6
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta, @unicorniusfallapatorius, @sapphicxrat, @earpivore
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could you please do a Hannibal fanfic next (or whenever you have time), where he is rrying to have a baby with the reader?They come home after a party held somewhere else, with him already being turned on after she wore a short/exposing dress the whole evening?(nsfw in the end?) If you are comfortable of course.
Hannibal X Reader: Temptation
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Warnings: smut, oral (m receiving), cream pie, badly translated Italian, pet names, dirty talk, talk of killing, talk of pregnancy, annoying men (aka professor Sogliato), no use of y/n.
Word count: 2,8K
You could feel his cum on your skin. You wondered, not for the first time, if anyone else could see it running down your thigh. You wouldn’t be surprised if they could. Your dress didn't leave much to the imagination nor did it even begin to cover the length of your legs. You’d been worried about what Hannibal would think of your attire. A small part of you worried he’d find it offensive but that thought died down when you saw the way he looked at you. He kept his composure for about ten minutes before pulling you to the nearest bathroom and filling you to the brim with his seed. 
You and Hannibal moved against the dance floor in perfect sink. His hands rested on your body in a gentle manner, one very different then the way they had just mere moments as he manhandled you onto the sink counter. You could still remember the feeling of him inside you. 
Hannibal was a very secure man. He knew where the two of you stood in your relationship, as strange as that relationship was. You were his. That had become clear when you’d asked him to bring you to Florence with him. And now here you were, surrounded by men of artistic knowledge, with your arm clinging onto Hannibals. He hadn't been worried about your outfit when he’d first seen it. He knew it would call everyone's attention but that didn’t bother him. If anything it made him feel aroused. They all wanted you but he was the only one you had eyes for. That thought alone made his chest fill with pride. 
“I wonder what they’re thinking.”
Hannibal looked over at you before turning to look at who you were referring. There was a group of men on the other side of the room staring at you. Hannibal took a sip of his wine, eyes boring into the men.
“They’re probably wondering about the color of your underwear.”
You whisper screamed at him, your hand hitting him lightly in the chest. He gave you a grin, his hand moving to cup your cheek. You furrowed your brow at him in worry. He placed a kiss to your lips before leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“Don’t worry amore mio i won’t tell them.”
You let out a light laugh, turning your head to the side so you could whisper back to him.
“I doubt you remember the color seeing how desperate you were to push it aside.”
Hannibal licked his lips at your words. Images of you flashed into his mind. He remembered the feeling of your skin against his, the way your lips parted as a moan escaped them. He could feel the desire beginning to fill him once more. 
“You’ll have to refresh my memory later then.”
“You are insatiable Hannibal.”
“Only for you my dear.”
You smiled up at Hannibal, tugging him into a tender kiss. A small cough caught your attention. You and Hannibal turned to look at where it had come from. A small scowl made its way onto your face as you realized who it was. You covered up your distaste quickly, not wanting to cause Hannibal any problems.
“Dr. Fell how wonderful of you to grace us with your presence. This must be the lovely Mrs. Fell.”
You watched the man's eyes rack over your body hungrily. Hannibal seemed to notice it as well, his eyes hardening. You placed a hand on his chest, trying to shift his attention back to you. Hannibal's eyes softened as he looked at you. You nodded your head at him, silently telling him you were here to support him. Hannibal took a breath in, his hand finding yours before he turned to look at the man talking to you. 
“Professor Sogliato. I hope you enjoyed your evening.”
“I must say my mind has been… distracted.”
He punctuated the word with another look at you. You raised your head in a menacing manner. You could always trust Hannibal to avenge you but that didn’t mean you couldn’t fight your own battles.
“You must be a very weak man if the mere sight of a woman manages to distract you. And a married one at that.”
Professor Sogliato gave a small grin.
“I assure you that's not what I meant, Mrs. Fell. In fact your husband is the cause of my distraction. Or rather his abilities to translate are.”
“I’m not sure what you mean Professor. You are well aware of my husbands talents.”
“That is true Mrs.Fell. But it seems i’ve only heard of his talents in Medieval Italian. I do wonder if he possess knowledge in other areas. Would he be able to recognize Dante Alighieri if he had his eyes upon it?”
You could tell Hannibal was beginning to become angry but it didn't compare to the rage you felt inside. You were very protective of Hannibal. Just as he was protective of you. So this interaction was proving a challenge to you both.
“I assure you my husband's knowledge is quite extensive.”
“I apologize Mrs.Fell i did not mean to offend you. I’m sure a woman such as yourself would know how to pick a suitable partner.”
The professor moved to kiss your hand goodbye but you tugged it away. He looked up at you with a shocked expression for a moment before forcing himself to smile. He gave a small nod to Hannibal before spinning on his heels and beginning to walk away. You gazed up at Hannibal catching the way he watched the professors back. 
“Hannibal not here. Later you can-”
Before you’d managed to finish your sentence Hannibal had started speaking. But to your surprise the words didn’t come out in english. You watched in awe as Hannibal began to recite Dante’s first sonnet. The room went silent as he spoke in near perfect Italian. A grin made its way onto your face as you noticed the shocked expression on Professor Sogliato's face.   Once he finished the room burst into applause. Hannibal turned to look at you and you couldn’t help but give him a smile. He returned the gesture, his hand moving to wrap around your waist.
‘Bellissimo amore mio.”
“Grazie bella.”
Hannibal gave you a kiss before turning to look at the professor. He wanted to kill him but that would have to wait. At the moment what he really wanted was to leave this place.
“We must be going, Professor. It seems my wife is tired.”
Hannibal extended his forearm. You wrapped your arm around his before the two of you made your way out of the party.
You made your way back home in silence, just enjoying each others presence. Once you made it inside you turned your back to Hannibal.
“Help me out of this will you?”
Hannibal moved towards you, his hands smoothing over your skin as he helped you unzip your dress. He watched it pool onto the floor as your bare skin was revealed to him. You stepped out of the dress making your way over to the drink counter without so much as sparing him a glance. Hannibal knew what you were doing. You often got this way when he did something that pleased you. 
“How are you planning on killing him?”
Hannibal observed you pour him a glass of his favorite drink before facing him. You gestured to the chair with your hand, silently telling him to sit. He did as you asked, removing his suit jacket before sitting down. 
“I was thinking we could invite him to dinner. Not soon obviously. That would be too suspicious.”
You hummed in acknowledgement, moving over to him at a slow pace. Hannibal drank in the sight of you. He took a mental note of the color of your underwear. You had been right when you’d said he didn’t know the shade. You gave him his drink, leaning down to kiss his lips before beginning to sink to your knees. Hannibal widened his legs, allowing you to sit between them. 
“And then what would we do? Poison him?”
“No poison is too merciful. I was thinking something more painful.”
“I could always chop his tongue off. Make sure he nevers speaks again.”
Hannibal's hand froze at your words, the glass he’d been holding pausing mare inches from his lips. You gazed up at him, your hands resting on his thighs.
“You're sexy when you’re mad.”
“Thank you.”
Your hand moved over to his pant zipper tugging it down slowly. Hannibal took a sip of his drink, his eyes never leaving your frame. 
“I got wet watching you talk in Italian.”
“È così cara?” (is that so dear?)
You smiled at Hannibal, your hand moving over his boxers. His breath hitched at the action, hips bucking forward slightly. You put your hand into his underwear feeling his skin for a moment before freeing his member.
“Feeling aroused Hannibal?”
“How could I not? After having to control myself all night.”
“Not all night.”
Hannibal laughed at your reminder.
“You looked too good in that dress. Had to remind you who you belong to.”
“Is that so?”
You stroked his dick gently, thumb moving over the head in a slow manner. Hannibal closed his eyes, his head moving to rest on the chair he was sitting in. He felt your tongue move over his dick, causing him to swallow dry. The moment your mouth engulfed his member he forgot about his drink, his hand moving to hold onto your hair. You let him guide your movements, bobbing up and down his dick in a steady pace. Your nose brushes against his meticulously groomed hairs, the friction making you want to sneeze. You pushed the feeling away, opting to focus on the way his dick felt against your tongue. 
It had taken a while for you two to realize your feelings for each other were not marly due to your own loneliness. It was something more carnal than that. At the beginning of your stay the two of you slept in different beds, opting to keep up the farce only on the outside of the house. But soon the two of you started to give into your desires. And now you couldn’t think of it any other way. Hannibal missed Will and Abigail but now that he had you the emptiness inside his chest seemed to dull a bit. You weren’t scared of him, if anything you enjoyed knowing what he was capable of. It made you feel safe. 
Hannibal grunted as you continued to move against him. He was starting to grow closer and closer to his orgasm but he didn’t want to spill into your mouth. He tugged your hair forcing you to remove your mouth from him. You groaned at the feeling of his finger on your scalp. You looked up at him, finding a look of pure hunger in his eyes. You knew what he wanted and you were more than happy to give it to him.
You got up from the floor moving towards the bedroom. Hannibal watched your ass sway as you moved away from him. Before you reached the doorframe you spun to look at him. You beckoned him to you with your finger. Hannibal did as you asked, rising from his seat and following you. 
You crawled onto the bed, positioning yourself in a way that allowed Hannibal to see your clothed cunt. He sauntered into the room dick still proudly on display for you. He moved over to the edge of the bed, eyes moving over your body. You moved to unclasp your bra, throwing it at a nearby chair. You shimmed down the bed, making yourself comfortable. Hannibal's chest rose and fell as he stared at you. He looked like a lion prepared to pounce.
And that was exactly what he did. 
He removed his clothes, allowing himself to become completely naked before climbing onto the bed. You widen your legs allowing him to slot himself between them. His hands move to your underwear finger grazing over the wet patch. You whined for him, biting your lip. 
“So they were red.”
“Where? They still-”
His hands grabbed onto the lacy fabric, ripping it with ease. You let out a shocked yelp at the action.
“Hannibal why would-”
“They were in the way.”
You continued to gape up at him. 
“Don’t worry I'll buy you a new pair.”
“You better.”
You wrapped your legs around Hannibal, slightly pulling him closer. He could tell you were becoming impatient but he really couldn’t blame you. He had left you wanting for more when the two of you had left that bathroom hours ago. He planned on making it up to you now. He dragged his dick over your pussy, teasing you for a moment before inching himself in. He didn’t bother thinking of putting a condom on. In fact he hadn't had to worry about that the last few months.
You see, a couple of months ago he’d proposed the idea of getting you pregnant and to his surprise you’d accepted. You knew his desire for a child came from his mourning for Abigail but it also came as a consequence of his love for you. 
Playing husband and wife had made Hannibal realize how much he wanted to create a family of his own and you seemed like the perfect one to do it with. You understood him in ways he didn’t think were possible. You didn’t judge him for the way he was, in fact you embraced him fully. You didn't have his taste for meat but you didn’t deny him his desires. As long as he was always truthful you had no issue with his peculiar pallet. 
You moaned out his name, causing him to focus on the present once more. He was moving in and out of you at a torturous pace. He liked to make it last as long as he could. The feeling of you against him is like a drug on its own. And the sounds you made. Oh, they were like a beautiful song only he got to hear. He watched your breasts move as he thrusted into you, an image of you nursing his child flashed into his mind causing him to speed up. You gasped at the sudden change of pace, hands gripping onto the muscles of his back. Hannibal felt you beginning to clench around him, making it harder for him to move in and out of your in the speed he wished. He dragged your leg up, one hand bracing against the bed frame. 
“Shh just a bit more amore.”
With that he began pistoling into you. Your head knocked against the pillows as your body jerked backwards due to his strength. You were a moaning mess beneath him, your nails clawing at his skin. Hannibal hissed as he felt you drew blood. 
“I’m gonna-ah fuck- i’m gonna cum!”
“Hold it.”
“I can’t Hannibal i-”
“Hold it. Just a little more. I promise.”
You nod at him, eyes rolling to the back of your head as his hand moves to circle your clit. His grunts became louder as his orgasm started to creep up on him. Seconds before his orgasm washed over him he called out your name. You forced yourself to look at him , brows furrowing with your need to cum.
“Let go bella.”
That was all you needed. Your juices gushed over him as you came. With a low groan Hannibal came too. His seed filled you up in a satisfying manner. The two of you basked in the afterglow for a moment before moving. Hannibal pulled out of you, his hands moving to close your legs.
“Keep it in dear. Don’t waste a drop.”
“I won’t.”
He placed a kiss on your neck before rising from the bed. You buried yourself into the bed. A couple of moments later Hannibal joined you. He tugged your body into his. Your frames slot into each other like a perfect puzzle. Hannibal's arm wrapped around your waist, his hand moving to caress your stomach. It would stick this time. He knew it would.
 And if it didn't? 
Well then you’d just have to keep trying.
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dyns33 · 3 months
Family language
We love a man who can use his tongue in a lot of different ways, even if he's pretty annoying.
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It had become a habit.
Of course, sometimes they did it on purpose, to share information without being understood, but most of the time the Shelbys spoke Romani among themselves without even realizing it.
There were often a few words, and sometimes entire conversations. The first few times, Alfie hadn't said anything.
Sitting amidst the screams and noise that always accompanied his in-laws, he silently recited a prayer that they would quickly leave his house, before he lost his patience and killed one of them.
This would probably not please his wife, who was laughing happily with her brothers. Or her fratii, as she said.
He was starting to understand certain things. Alfie Solomons was gifted with languages. But he couldn't guess all the unfamiliar vocabulary, and so sometimes he got lost in very annoying gibberish.
“Cred it soțul tău se îmbufnește.” Finn whispered.
“Nu. E obosit, lasă-l în pace.”
“El simte că oamenii vorbesc despre el.” Tommy said smiling, his eyes landing on Alfie. “Domnul Solomons este deștept.”
No doubt, they were talking about him, under his own roof, purposely making fun of him in an unknown language so that he couldn't understand.
When he asked Y/N, she said he was imagining things. And even if he was right, he probably pleased his brothers by reacting like this. He just had to ignore them and act like an adult for once.
He could have listened to his wife's good advice.
Aside from the threats he had made if anyone misbehaved with her, the community had come to adore Y/N because it was obvious that she knew better than anyone how to control the King of Candem.
There were still fits of rage, because the man remained mad, but she always managed to calm him down. Undoubtedly, taming wild horses as a child helped to acquire this kind of gift.
In a way, Alfie listened.
The normal reaction he would have had would have been to attack the Shelbys directly, getting revenge in some way for their insult. But he let the night pass, thinking about the adult way to deal with this problem.
“DДоброе утро, любовь моя.” he said to Y/N, continuing to read his newspaper with his tea, as she entered the living room, still groggy from sleep.
This seemed to wake her immediately. She stared at him, with a look that showed which family she came from.
"What ?"
"I said 'DДоброе утро, любовь моя'."
"I heard. What does that mean ?"
“Nothing bad, don’t worry, клад.”
Y/N grimaced, visibly irritated, but she didn't insist, announcing that she was going to take a bath. Alfie didn't continue his game right away, because he wished he could join her.
The afternoon arrived, and his wife visited him at the Bakery to check that he had eaten, that he had not died under a pile of files or stabbed by a competitor, and to massage his back very carefully.
“Tes mains sont magiques, mon coeur”
This time, it was Ollie who made a funny face, looking at his boss, then at Y/N, as if silently asking if she understood what he had just said.
“Italian ?” she asked, continuing to massage him, looking detached.
"No. Questo è italiano, mia principessa."
"Prinţesă ? I'm not a princess, and you're becoming a pain."
As painful as her and her brothers speaking Romani in his presence, but he didn't say it. Alfie wanted her to understand it on her own, and no doubt she had understood from the moment he spoke Russian.
But even if she was Mrs. Solomons, Y/N would always remain a Shelby, proud and stubborn, refusing to admit her wrongs, and she would not apologize for having secrets with her family.
That wasn't even the problem. He respected secrets even if he didn't have any for her, and he liked it when she clearly gave him affectionate names that he didn't understand.
Obviously she liked names too. Amore mio, אהובי, mon amour. Their nights were much more passionate when he didn't speak English, the bedroom being the only place where she forgave him for this change.
But in front of others, when she didn't have the slightest way to decipher what he was saying, she didn't like it at all.
"היא הולכת לכעוס, בוס… זה לא מאוד נחמד." Ollie said, very embarrassed at being forced to participate in what seemed like a lovers' quarrel, and not knowing if he respected or was more afraid of Alfie or Y/N.
"אני מקסים עם אשתי. זה המשחק הקטן שלנו."
“I know you’re talking about me.”
“Not at all, милый.”
“Your employees look frantic, staring at me, I know you’re talking about me.”
The game lasted several weeks, before stopping completely, except for the little nicknames. This seemed to surprise Y/N, who wasn't used to seeing her husband give up so easily. She had grown up with the Shelbys, she knew these kinds of men.
Alfie didn't know whether he should be flattered or annoyed that she read him so well, because if he spent less time teasing her, it was to concentrate on another project in secret.
If he was good with languages ​​and didn't like not understanding, the solution was simple. He could learn Romani.
And it would be much more fun if his in-laws and his wife didn't know.
“Pare mai puțin enervat decגt de obicei.” John observed.
“Și mai puțin deranjant.” Arthur growled.
“El plדnuiește ceva.” sighed Y/N, observing Alfie, sitting quietly in his chair, looking at them and smiling. “Nu știu de ce מl iubesc atגt de mult pe idiotul דsta.”
“Cu toții ne מntrebדm asta, surioarד.” Tommy sighed, patting his sister on the back.
Although he had never played poker, Alfie was normally good at hiding his emotions when necessary. But hearing Y/N say she loved him to her brothers, he couldn't help but smile even more, which was noted.
And oh, how he loved his smart wife.
While the rest of the Shelbys were bickering about their future jobs, she came up to him, looking less angry than he expected.
“Ințelegi foarte bine ce spun.”
"Yes, treacle. A little surprise, which I thought I would keep secret for a little while longer. I'm not completely fluid yet."
"It's not fair. I don't understand anything when you speak in other languages."
"Je pourrais t'apprendre, chérie."
Most of the lessons were done in the bedroom, despite Y/N's protests that he was absolutely not focused enough to teach her anything useful.
When she threatened to make him sleep on the couch, Alfie found some time in his busy schedule to give her real lessons, or at least to give her real words.
"… You lied to me, again."
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, love.” he said while continuing to count his coins.
"I wanted to greet Ollie, like you taught me. I said to him 'אתה מטומטם עם זין קטן'."
“He must have been happy.”
"I've never seen him so upset in my entire life. You know my brothers never really made fun of you now, and I'd love to make fun of others with you, but don't make me say horrible things without let me know."
"Okay. You should also stop greeting Italians by calling them 'Stronzo' then."
"… I knew they weren't answering me politely."
"No. I had their balls cut off for that, אף אחד לא מדבר ככה ללב היקר שלי."
"Your 'dear heart' will sleep with Cyril tonight, while you are on the sofa."
"Think about my back, cruel woman ! I'm sorry, okay ? Mоя жизнь, mia vita, החיים שלי !"
“Canapeaua !”
"Does that mean 'I forgive you darling, come kiss me' ?"
He called Tommy to ask him, without explaining why, and even though he had an idea of ​​the answer. At least, the fucking Shleby had a good laugh.
Fine, I won't like you all in the dark like that :
“Cred it soțul tău se îmbufnește.” - "I believe your husband is sulking." (romani)
“Nu. E obosit, lasă-l în pace.” - "No. He's tired, leave him alone." (romani)
“El simte că oamenii vorbesc despre el. Domnul Solomons este deștept.” - "He feels that people are talking about him. Mr. Solomons is smart.” (romani)
“DДоброе утро, любовь моя.” - “Good morning, my love.” (russian) “клад.” - treasure (russian)
“Tes mains sont magiques, mon coeur” - "your hands are magical, my heart." (french)
"No. Questo è italiano, mia principessa." - "No, this is Italian, my princess" (italian)
Prinţesă - princess (romani)
Amore mio - my love (italian)
אהובי - my love (hebrew)
mon amour - my love (french)
"היא הולכת לכעוס, בוס… זה לא מאוד נחמד." - "She's going to be angry, boss… that's not very nice." (hebrew)
"אני מקסים עם אשתי. זה המשחק הקטן שלנו." - "I'm charming with my wife. It's our little game." (hebrew)
“милый.” - "Dear." (russian)
“Pare mai puțin enervat decגt de obicei.” -"He seems less annoying than usual." (romani)
“Și mai puțin deranjant.” - "And less mad." (romani)
“El plדnuiește ceva.” "He's planning something." (romani)
“Nu știu de ce מl iubesc atגt de mult pe idiotul דsta.” - "I don't know why I love this idiot so much." - (romani)
“Cu toții ne מntrebדm asta, surioarד.” - "We're all wondering that, little sister." (romani)
“Ințelegi foarte bine ce spun.” - "You understand very well what I'm saying." (romani)
"Je pourrais t'apprendre, chérie." - "I could teach you, darling" (french)
'אתה מטומטם עם זין קטן'. - 'You're a moron with a small dick'. (hebrew)
'Stronzo' - assholes (italian)
אף אחד לא מדבר ככה ללב היקר שלי - Nobody talk like that to my dear heart (hebrew)
Mоя жизнь - my life (russian)
mia vita - my life (italian)
החיים שלי !" - my life (hebrew)
“Canapeaua !” - "The couch !" (romani)
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papercorgiworld · 8 months
The Death Eater Drabbles III
Can’t escape these feelings
Mattheo, Theo, Enzo, Draco and Blaise
As feelings become undeniable, so does the reality that forbidden love can never bloom
You don’t have to read part one and two, but it’ll make more sense if you do.
Warning: none? This just fluff and a bit of angst
A/N: I honestly don’t know if this is any good, I have a cold and not just a normal small cough cough cold, no I have one of those colds when walking feels like exercising and death is around the corner kind of cold. 🤧 But my two braincells really did their best.
Read part four here.
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You had found a magical enchantment that kept him tied up and let him free at the same time. He could roam around the house, but if he were to reach for you or try to escape a magical robe would tie his hands and feet together. The eye wouldn’t notice if it weren’t for the soft glinster you could see around his wrists when the sun fell right.
By now the both of you had been cooked up together in the small house for a little over a week and weirdly enough it went without too much trouble, aside from a few small arguments. However, there was something undeniable in the air.
Mattheo Riddle
“Matt, can you reach that little box on the top shelf?” Mattheo’s eyes scan all the way up to the little box. “No love, I’m no giant.” You chuckle. “I’ll go get my wand.” Before you can even take one step Mattheo is in front of you. “No, no, I’ll pick you up.” He says as his arms snake around you only to be immediately pulled back. Mattheo hisses in pain and you stare at the burn marks the magic left on his wrists. For the first time in a week you are both reminded that he is your prisoner. “Right, forgot about this. I’m not allowed to touch you, because I’m dangerous.” Silence fills the room as your mind and heart are at war.
“You’re not dangerous.” You say and reach for his wrists, partially lifting the spell, to slowly guide his hands towards your hips. Without any rope burning into his skin Mattheo wraps his arms around you and lifts you up. You place your hands on his shoulders for support only letting go to reach for the little box of herbs. When you return your gaze he’s still staring at you, while slowly lowering you. “It would’ve been easier to use magic.” You say with your feet back on the ground and Mattheo’s arms still around you. “This feels like magic to me.” Mattheo blurs out and makes you smile as a blush forms on your cheeks. Realizing how cringy his statement was Mattheo awkwardly chuckles and lets go of you. “I think that is my cue to go to bed.”
Mattheo throws his shirt on the bed while he is still cursing himself for saying something so cheesy. She’s getting into my head! Making me feel at home here, like I could ever have that. But he wasn’t the only one confused about his feelings. It was all your conflicting feelings that led you to Mattheo’s room. “I meant what I said. I don’t think you’re dangerous. I’m not afraid of you.” Startled by your sudden presence and your words Mattheo stares at you. He wants to hold you in his arms so bad that it frightens him. “Maybe you should be afraid of me.” We can’t do this, princess, we can’t start caring in the middle of a war.
Theodore Nott
“That’s the second time you’ve ruined that potion.” You glare at Theodore, who’s standing next to you staring at your cauldron. “I don’t know what I keep doing wrong.” Theodore grins as you scan over the instructions again. “It’s the stirring movement. It’s very specific and you screw it up every time.” You frown. “There’s nothing wrong with how I stirr.” Theo smirks and reaches for your hand. “I’ll show you.” An Italian curse escapes Theo’s lips as his wrist starts burning and he immediately pulls his hand back. It was a painful reminder of reality and you avoided Theo’s eyes as you watched his hands. “I forgot, I can’t be trusted. I might murder you in your sleep.” Now you look up and you let yourself be swallowed by his eyes as you try to make sense of your feelings.
“I do trust you.” You say and trace his wrists with your finger, lifting the spell just enough for him to touch you. Theodore watches your movements with soft eyes. “Show me.” You say and Theo nods as he shuffles closer to you to wrap his hand around yours. Immediately his warmth captivates you and your body sinks into his. Theodore struggles to focus and even screws up the first time moving your hand all wrong. “No, sorry, it’s like this.” The second time he carefully moves your hand exactly how you should stirr the potion. Theodore lets go of your hand and you’re both relieved when there’s finally some distance between you two.
“Thank you.” You almost whisper, while your face is still flushed from Theo’s warmth. “You’ll get it right this time.” Theodore says and walks past you, avoiding eye contact. “Theodore, I meant what I said. I do trust you.” Your words make Theodore turn around. “You shouldn’t.” Is all Theo says before leaving for his room. He needed to be miles away from you. You have no idea how much I feel for you that I’m not allowed to feel.
Enzo Berkshire
“Enz, can you get me a little bandaid? I’m bleeding all over the kitchen.” Enzo came rushing towards you as soon as he heard that you were bleeding. “What happened?-oh.” He relaxes when he sees you’ve cut your finger. “It’s just a small cut but I can’t get it to stop bleeding.” Enzo nods and goes through the drawers in search of a bandaid. “You should really leave the cooking to me for your own safety.” You chuckle. “You’re probably right.” Enzo walks towards you with the intention of wrapping the bandaid around your finger, but as soon as he gets too close he pulls back and a soft cry of pain leaves his lips. Enzo looks down at the floor as he’s reminded that in reality you’re miles apart. “Sorry, (y/n), I can’t help you because I’m your enemy, remember.” Your heart breaks at the idea of Enzo and you actually being enemies.
You instantly forget about the little cut and reach for his hands, altering the spell so he’s no longer considered a threat to you. “You and I are not enemies, Enzo.” He watches your hands in his and squeezes them softly, before spotting your bleeding finger. “Good, now I can help you.” Enzo lets go of your hand, but holds onto the one with the bleeding finger. Carefully he wraps your finger and leaves a soft peck on it. “All done.” You smile your brightest smile at his sweet gesture. “I meant it. You and I’ll never be enemies, Enzo. I won’t let it happen.” Enzo stares at you for what feels like an eternity. “I fear that we don’t get to decide that.” Because if it truly was up to me, I would have you in my arms.
Draco Malfoy
You were so engrossed in your book that you refused to get up and get a blanket for the cold. “You are such a bizarre creature.” Draco mutters as he now feels obliged to get up. You curiously watch him walk up to you with a soft blanket. You can’t help the cheeky smile on your face and Draco rolls his eyes, hating it when you get all cute and glowy about his acts of kindness. A sudden and loud yell from Draco pulls you out of your bubble. “Damn these!” Draco snares as he looks at his wrists. You immediately reach for his hands and gently caress the burning skin. “I keep forgetting about these things and the fact that in your eyes I’m a villain.”
You sigh as you are also reminded of the ongoing war that often seems so far away. You partially release the spell. “I know better than that. I don’t think you’re the bad guy. I get that things are complicated.” Draco softens at your words and for a moment as he wraps the blanket around you there is even a hint of a smile on his lips. For a blissful second all is fine in the world. “Yeah, but maybe it’s better if you continue to think of me as the villain in order to not make matters more complicated.” Draco makes sure the blanket is tightly around your body before getting up. You refuse to leave it at that and turn your head to where he was headed. “I think it’s too late for that, I could never simply see you as a bad guy, I know you are more.” Draco stops for a moment and wants to turn around, back to you, but decides against it and returns to his room. Trust me (y/n), if you truly knew me you wouldn’t be able to look at me, leave alone love me.
Blaise Zabini
A lot of noise and a yelp from you had Blaise running through the hallway to find you sitting at the bottom of the staircase. “I fell.” You state the obvious and Blaise can’t help but smile as he crouches down next to you. “Are you hurt?” You shake your head. “No, maybe a few bruises, but nothing is broken.” “Okay, then let's get you up, clumsy.” Blaise’s arm snakes around you, but is immediately pulled back. The burning on his wrist makes Blaise grit his teeth. “For a moment there I thought we were back at Hogwarts, you know, before I became the evil death eater that wants to hurt you.” You frown and reach arms, sliding down your hands until they’re wrapped around his wrists.
“I know you would never hurt me. I know you.” You squeeze Blaise’s hands and he looks into your eyes, finding comfort in their sincerity. He nods and this time successfully snakes his arm around you. “Let’s get you up to your feet.” You stumble a bit and he holds you close, enjoying your warmth. You rest your hand on his shoulder for support. “Are you sure you didn’t hit your head or something?” You let out a laugh and shake your head. “No need to worry, I’m fine.” A genuine smile appears on Blaise’s face and you enjoy the soft moment between you two.
When he lets go of you the hallway suddenly feels cold and empty. “I know that becoming a death eater wasn’t your choice.” You attempt to return the light you just felt in the room, but Blaise doesn’t join you in your effort. “Choice or not. I am one. And we shouldn’t forget that.” You and I can never happen.
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cartierre · 2 years
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU carlos sainz x fem!reader
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 293,382 others
tagged: carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari
yourusername you're lucky red suits me
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carlossainz55 red's your colour ⤷ yourusername we like it spicy in this household
charles_leclerc when is carlos inviting you to the paddock madame ⤷ yourusername already miss me? ⤷ user1 is she blatantly flirting with charles ⤷ user2 and people say carlos is the one exploiting her because of her young age? nah, that girl knows what she's doing
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc and 283,402 others
tagged: carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari
yourusername alexa play 'the other woman' by lana del rey
view all 3,492 comments
carlossainz55 don't be overdramatic mi amor ⤷ yourusername i know you're calling charles babygirl behind my back ⤷ landonorris she got you there mate
user3 imagine having been a ferrari fan since you were young and manifasting that shit so bad you started dating a ferrari driver ⤷ yourusername that's exactly how it went
user4 i just realised carlos and y/n ain't even born in the same generation ⤷ user5 watch carlos entering his leonardo dicaprio era
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 298,294 others
yourusername did i run through an alley for 30min straight while charles and lando lit up the place with their iphone flashes for carlos to take good pictures of me? yes, yes i did.
view all 4,328 comments
charles_leclerc it was a whole workout ⤷ carlossainz55 i think i sweat more during that photoshoot than in a race ⤷ yourusername keep it up grandpas, lando didn't complain at all ⤷ landonorris the age difference
user6 them playing into their whole age gap thing gives me the actual ick ⤷ yourusername yk you can just unfollow?
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♡ liked by yourusername, pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 532,845 others
tagged: yourusername
carlossainz55 mi luna, mi estrella, mi amor [my moon, my star, my love]
view all 5,473 comments
yourusername no hablo español [i don't speak spanish] ⤷ carlossainz55 te amo [i love you] ⤷ yourusername yo también te amo [i love you too] ⤷ yourusername yes i used google translate
user7 age differences aside, they're adorable ⤷ user8 heavy emphasis on age differences aside
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, f1 and 372,532 others
tagged: carlossainz55
yourusername dios mío, hace calor [oh my god, it's hot]
view all 2,304 comments
carlossainz55 i regret teaching you spanish ⤷ yourusername tú no [you do not]
user9 am i the only one imagining y/n asking carlos to teach her slang in spanish ⤷ user10 i bet he doesn't even speak much slang considering his age ⤷ user11 y'all make it sound like he's 55 and not 28
charles_leclerc now you only need to learn italian and french ⤷ yourusername no, grazie! non, merci! [no, thank you! in italian/french] ⤷ user12 multilingual queen
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, georgerussell63, danielricciardo and 273,973 others
tagged: carlossainz55
yourusername young and beautiful (and sexy)
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jackhues · 2 years
world tour - charles leclerc
request: could you do an ig edit where charles is dating toto's daughter, and she's a singer who's on tour, and everyone thinks she's dating one of the guest singers she's on tour with, and then she and charles just hardlaunch a relationship?
requested by: anon : )
notes: woww, i had lots of fun writing this, first f1 fic guys! thanks for requesting <3
join my f1 taglist!
pictures are not mine!
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liked by pierregasly, oliviarodrigo, conangray, & others
y/nwolff - it's my favourite colour tagged: conangray
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y/nisqueen: SHE IS THE MOMENT liked by y/nwolff
lucawolff: ew -> y/nwolff: you're ew -> randouser: y/n and luca showing us what it's like to have siblings
conangray: next stop: italy -> y/nwolff: i'm so excited!! -> conangray: i wonder why... -> userone: he knows something, calling it from now
usertwo: anyone else ship it?? -> y/nisqueen: they're just friends -> usertwo: okay but they look cute together
userthree: she's only famous bcz of her dad 🙄 -> y/nisqueen: toto's in motorsports and y/n's a singer, what's ur point?? -> userfour: honestly nepo babies need to move aside, there's ppl with real talent in this world
lewishamilton: so proud of you!! -> y/nwolff: 🥰🥰 -> userfive: SIR LEWIS HAMILTON??! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? -> usersix: he's known her ever since toto became mercedes' principal ??!
userseven: no one's gonna comment on the pierre gasly like? -> usersix: pierre likes everything we all know that
usereight: the vibes are wow
charles_leclerc has posted on his story!
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, taylorswift & others
y/nwolff: quick stop at the gp before the concert tmrw
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userone: WHERE'S CONAN? -> usertwo: he posted the second pic on his story -> userone: soft launch?? -> usertwo: i'm screaming omgg that's so cutee
userthree: how does it feel to live my dream?? 😭
userfour: i love how all the f1 fans are here for this post, and this post alone -> userfive: we're also here for the toto bday posts
usersix: can't wait for your show!!
userseven: charles leclerc liked? no comments on that? -> usereight: she's friends with the drivers, is that a problem??
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liked by userone, usertwo, userthree, & others
f1newsandmore - y/n wolff spotted behind the scenes of the italian gp in a ferrari cap?? we're as shocked as you are. rumour has it that she's dating conan gray, a guest star on her world tour, though neither of them have come outright and confirmed it. have we been misled? is y/n wolff dating a ferrari driver instead? tagged: y/nwolff
usertwo: she can't wear a ferrari cap?? -> userthree: i think it's a bet. remember when she lost that bet against pierre. she died her hair blue -> userfour: OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THAT
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liked by charles_leclerc, lucawolff, conangray & others
y/nwolff - italy, you've been good to me tagged: charles_leclerc
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conangray: nice to know i don't make the final cut when ur bf is involved -> y/nwolff: i'll get you ice cream
userone: I CALLED IT!
charles_leclerc: mon amour 💖💖 liked by y/nwolff -> y/nwolff: 🤍🤍 -> conangray: stop speaking french, she's currently grinning like an idiot and is turning red -> userone: CONAN OMG 💀💀
usertwo: the way he looks at her in the first pic 😭😭 -> userthree: don't mind me, just gonna sleep on the highway tonight
userfour: omgg, i was not expecting this
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liked by pierregasly, y/nwolff, lewishamilton & others
charles_leclerc - the colour might be growing on me tagged: y/nwolff
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part two
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talesof-old · 4 months
poly!jily celebrating with you. maybe over you getting into your dream college/job. they would be the most supportive partners ever and spoil you rotten for your achievement i just know it
- 🦌
sorry this took me a minute, my new work schedule has me all kinds of fucked up - i wrote more of a finding out you got your dream job but i might also write a graduation celebration as well
celebration | l.e. & j.p.
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pairing(s): poly!jily x reader
warning(s): alcohol consumption, mentions of anxiety bc of job interviews
word count: 658
a/n: jily would totally spoil the fuck outta their partner, they’d be so obnoxious about it
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It was Lily’s voice that you heard in the other room. She’d answered the phone before you could even put your book down, so you’d decided to stay sitting.
“Hold on.”
Lily’s head poked around the corner. Her long copper hair fell over her shoulder, a curtain of red as she grinned. “They’re asking for you.”
You frowned, brushing off James’ inquisitive stare and setting your things aside. You crossed the room in no time, taking the phone from her to answer it.
“Hello,” you were quick to assure the person on the other line that it was in fact you. Lily and James stared with rapt attention, eyes wide. You’d been anticipating a call about a job for days now, frazzled and frustrated after three rounds of interviews. Surely, you’d said to James, if they were going to hire me they’d have done it by now.
James drew in a sharp breath as you smiled. The light in your eyes that he loved so dearly had returned. Excitement rattled his chest. “Of course. I’ll be there.”
Your face twisted into an expression of pure relief as you turned and nearly squealed. Lily was already beaming back at you. “I got it!”
Lily cheered, opening her arms and squeezing you tight when you fell into her embrace. You could practically feel the stress melting away as you rested your head on her shoulder. James wrapped his arms around the two of you, smothering you with kisses to your head. “I’m so proud of you, sweets.”
Your face heated and you turned to look at him. He pressed a wet kiss to your cheek, the loud ‘smack’ seeming to echo through your head. Lily giggled at your flustered expression.
“It seems we need to celebrate. James, get the wine. We’ll go to dinner tonight, year? That Italian place you like?”
James waltzed away from the two of you, ready to pour three glasses as Lily pulled herself from your arms. “I knew you’d get it.” A wave of emotion rushed through you. To have the support of the most brilliant people in the world, your people, was truly a blessing you’d never take for granted. Tears turned your eyes glassy, though you were quick to blink them away. “I’m so glad the interviews are over.”
Lily laughed and laced your fingers together, pulling you into the kitchen where James stood filling three glasses. “To you, sweets. You never fail to impress us.” Lily kissed your cheek and took the glass of moscato from your boyfriend.
“My clever darling.”
You buried your face in your hands as James cooed at you. They were insufferable like this, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You alright, sweets? Surely handling a little praise is child’s play to you, hm? Would hate to have you hiding your face from me.” You reached out and gently shoved him, pretending to cringe away when he went to grab you. He gasped in mock offense. Lily hummed behind you, leaning against the counter while James all but chased after you.
“I can’t believe you’d push me away.” You removed your hands from your face to look at him. His lip was jutted out in a mock pout, but humor lined the planes of his face. You sighed, stepping into his outstretched arms, careful of the glass still in his hand.
He wrapped his arms tight around you, kissing your temple. “You’re lucky we love you.” The teasing lilt in his voice was enough to have you poking him hard in the stomach. He chuckled as you rested your cheek on his chest and grinned. How lucky you were, indeed.
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queenshelby · 5 months
Sweet Possession (Part 3)
Pairing: Very Dark! Thomas Shelby (32) x Innocent! Reader (19)
Warning: Age Gap, Smut
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Later that day, just as you were waiting for your husband to return home, you couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety  in your stomach as you thought back to your strange encounter at the Italian grocer earlier that day.
The way the man's eyes had flickered down to the gun hidden beneath Isiah's jacket, before quickly averting his gaze. The memory sent a shiver down your spine and you couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right.
Despite that, you quickly put those thoughts aside as you heard Tommy’s footsteps carrying through the door of Arrow House.
You glanced at the clock hanging in the hallway, realizing that it was already shortly after eight o’clock in the evening.
Thomas walked into the reading room where you were sitting, nursing a glass of wine, the dinner you prepared waiting in the oven to stay warm. He was, still wearing his coat and looked somewhat tired. 
"I am sorry I am late , Love," he greeted you, dropping a quick kiss on your forehead.
"Is everything alright?" you asked your husband, concern etched in your voice as you gazed into his tired eyes. You noticed that there were faint lines around his eyes that you hadn't seen before.
"Yes , everything's fine," Thomas assured you, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, trying not to let your suspicions get the better of you.
"Good. I'll go and serve dinner then," you said, standing up from the sofa and making your way into the kitchen but, just as you stood up, you noticed some red blood stains on the collar of his shirt which he was clearly trying to hide by leaving on his coat.
Nonetheless, you decided not to address it, giving Thomas a reassuring smile before you walked off.
"I should have a shower first, Love. It has been a long day," Thomas told you truthfully in passing, his voice still low but there was a lilt to it, like he was keeping something from you.
"That's fine. Just come down when you are ready," you called after him from the hallway and he gave you a quick nod and a smile before disappearing upstairs.
Minutes later...
The dinner that you had prepared was delicious. The meat had cooked to tender perfection and the rich, earthy flavor of the mushrooms you had picked from the forest earlier that week complemented the dish beautifully. The aroma alone was enough to make your mouth water.
Carefully, you removed the dish from the oven and set it on the table in the nearby dining room, lighting the candles that you had arranged in its center. You had always loved setting a nice table, believing that food always tasted better when it was presented beautifully.
You had spent many hours as a young girl watching your mother, a talented cook, prepare meals for your family. Now, you were proud to use the skills she had taught you.
You had just finished setting the table when Thomas walked into the dining room, his dark hair still damp from his shower. He was wearing a clean white shirt and dark trousers, looking both comfortable and sophisticated. His face was free of stubble and his eyes sparkled with warmth as he looked at you.
"Something smells good," he commented, walking over to where you stood by the table and giving you a kiss.
You blushed, always feeling a little shy when Thomas praised you. 
"Thank you," you responded, making a small curtsy before taking your seat at the table. Thomas chuckled, sitting down across from you and reaching for the glass of whiskey you had already placed in front of him, knowing how much he enjoyed a drink as he dug into the food. 
"I enjoy cooking. In fact, I was thinking about doing some work at the local orphanage. The children there could really do with some decent meals , and it would give me a chance to feel useful," you told Tommy as you served yourself up some food as well, never enjoying the maids doing it for you. 
Thomas raised an eyebrow at this, studying you closely. "You want to work at the orphanage?"
You nodded, taking a sip of your wine. "Yes. I know how much you support local charities and causes. You're always helping people in need, and I want to do my part too."
Thomas smiled at this, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "That's very thoughtful of you, Love. I'm sure the children will appreciate it," Thomas replied, gazing at you with a softness that made your heart flutter. "But remember, Love, the world can be a dangerous place for a young woman and you, of all people, should know that, eh." 
"It's an orphanage, Tommy. It's not the Garrison," you chuckled, recalling the night he had saved you from a less than favorable situation.  Thomas cocked an eyebrow, his face growing serious.
"I know that, Love. But even so," he began to say, before trailing off, collecting his thoughts. "I will send Isiah with you," he then said, shaking his head and you stared at Thomas for a moment, surprised at the intensity of his words. It was clear that he was deeply concerned for your safety, and you couldn't help but feel touched by his protective nature.
"You are always so worried about me ," you told him with a soft smile, reaching across the table to take his hand in yours. He met your gaze with a steady one of his own and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"It's my job to worry about you, Love," Thomas replied, his voice low and earnest. "You're my wife, and I want to keep you safe."
The two of you finished the rest of the meal in relative silence, the only sounds being the soft clinking of silverware against china and the occasional sip of whiskey or wine.
Thomas watched you closely, his gaze warm and affectionate. He had always been a protective man, although sometimes his methods could be a little unconventional. But you knew that in his heart, he always had your best interests at heart.
As you finished your meal and pushed your plate away, Thomas leaned back in his chair and gave you a small smile. "I have something I want to show you," he said, his voice low and mysterious.
You raised an eyebrow at him, intrigued. "What is it?" you asked and Thomas smiled, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
"It's a surprise, Love," he said, standing up from his chair and offering you his hand. "Come on, I'll show you."
You took his hand and let him lead you out of the dining room and down the hallway to his study. The room was dimly lit, with only a single lamp casting a soft glow over the large wooden desk that dominated the space. Thomas closed the door behind you and crossed over to the desk, reaching for something behind it.
It was then that you noticed a large painting leaning against the wall, wrapped in thick brown paper.
"Are you going to tell me what it is?" You asked, unable to hide the excitement in your voice. Thomas chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Patience, Love," he murmured, carefully unwrapping the painting to reveal an exquisite work of art. It was a portrait of you , a stunningly accurate depiction of your likeness, down to the last detail. Your eyes were wide with surprise as you took in the image of yourself, feeling a little self-conscious under Thomas' intense gaze.
"It's beautiful," you breathed, reaching out to touch the canvas. The brushstrokes were delicate and precise, capturing the softness of your skin and the warmth of your smile. You had never seen anything quite like it before.
"I had it commissioned as a wedding present," Thomas explained, his eyes never leaving your face.
"I wanted something to celebrate the woman you are, and the woman you're becoming."
His words sent a rush of warmth through you, filling your heart with a sense of love and pride. You had never felt so cherished, so adored. It was an incredible feeling, one that left you breathless and overwhelmed.
You stood there, hand still resting on the painting, heart pounding in your chest as you looked into Thomas' eyes. You could see the raw desire burning in his gaze, the hunger that told you he wanted you as badly as you wanted him.
"This is the most beautiful gift anyone has ever given me," you whispered, your breath hitching as Thomas stepped closer to you.
His hand reached out, gently grasping a tendril of your hair, and he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
"And you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," Thomas growled, his breath hot against your skin.
Your heart raced as he pulled you towards him, his lips crashing down onto yours in a passionate kiss that left you breathless.
"Tommy ," you gasped, your voice barely audible as his hands roamed over your body, his fingers tracing the curve of your waist before cupping your breasts over your dress.
"Yes, Love?" Thomas murmured against your lips, his thumb teasing your nipples through the fabric until they hardened beneath his touch.
You moaned softly, arching your back into his touch as he deepened the kiss, his tongue tangling with yours in a dance that was both familiar and thrilling.
Your hands fisted in his shirt, pulling him closer as the hunger inside of you grew stronger.
"I want you, Tommy," you whispered hoarsely, your breath hot against his ear.
Thomas responded with a growl, his hands tugging at your dress until it slid down to your feet, leaving you standing there in nothing but your lacy underwear.
"Fuck, you are so beautiful," Thomas groaned, taking a step back to drink in the sight of you. "And you are mine," he added possessively, reaching out to trace the curve of your hip with his fingertips.
You shivered at his touch, feeling a pulse of desire low in your belly. You had never felt so desired, so wanted before. It was intoxicating.
"Yes, I'm yours," you whispered, reaching out to touch him in turn. Your hands found their way to his belt, the metal buckle cool against your skin as you undid it and slid it free from its loops.
Thomas groaned as you began to undo the buttons of his trousers, revealing the hard length of his cock beneath.
"Fuck, Love," Thomas gasped, his voice barely above a whisper as you wrapped your hand around him, feeling the velvety softness of his skin beneath your fingertips.
You pulled him forward, pressing your lips to his collarbone and trailing kisses down his chest as you unbuttoned his shirt and sank to your knees before him all at the same time.
The scent of him was musky and intoxicating, and you couldn't resist the urge to take him into your mouth.
"I have never done this before," you confessed, looking up at him with shy, yet eager eyes.
Thomas' expression softened at the admission, his hand reaching out to gently caress your cheek. "I know , Love," he murmured. "I'll guide you." And with those words, you opened your mouth eagerly, waiting for him to make the first move.
Your tongue darted out, teasing his tip and tasting his pre-cum as it leaked out. Thomas moaned deeply, his fingers tangling in your hair as he guided you to take him deeper, urging you to taste more of him.
You complied eagerly, exploring every inch of him with your mouth as Thomas thrust gently into your throat. Your hands wandered up to his toned ass, pulling him closer as you sucked and licked with abandon.
Thomas' breath hitched as you drew back, gasping for air before sliding back down on him once more.
"Good girl ," Thomas grunted, guiding your head back down onto him.
You could feel the trembling in his legs as you worked him with your mouth, the intensity of his pleasure building to a peak.
"I'm going to cum, Love," Thomas warned, his voice low and strained. "Do you think you can swallow it?" Thomas asked, his voice tight with anticipation. You looked up at him, eyes wide, and nodded eagerly.
"Good girl," he praised you before grabbing a fistful of your hair and pumping his hips faster.
You worked your mouth up and down his shaft, feeling the throbbing of his cock intensify until finally, Thomas thrust deep into your throat and held it there as he came hard. You tried to swallow as much of him as you could, feeling the hot streams of cum coat your tongue before spilling out of the corners of your mouth.
You felt a sense of pride wash over you as you took it all in, Thomas's hips still thrusting as he emptied himself into your willing mouth.
Finally, with one last gasp, Thomas pulled out, his cock sliding free from your mouth with a wet, sucking sound. You looked up at him with a sense of accomplishment and longing, unable to tear your eyes away from the sight of him.
Thomas reached down and gently brushed a stray lock of hair out of your face, his fingers lingering on your cheek for a moment.
His eyes were soft, filled with love and admiration. You blushed under his gaze, feeling both proud and self-conscious at the same time.
"God, you're beautiful," Thomas murmured, his voice raw with emotion. "And so fucking sexy."
Your blush deepened at the compliment, but you didn't look away. Instead, you reached up and took his hand in yours, bringing it to your lips for a gentle kiss. Thomas smiled at the gesture, his thumb tracing idle patterns on your skin as he looked down at you with a hunger that made your heart race.
"Come here," he growled, his voice low and commanding. "I want to feel you."
You stood up, stepping closer to Thomas as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against him. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the evidence of your earlier efforts still slick against your thighs. The combined scent of him and of yourself left you heady, intoxicated by the smell of raw, unbridled sexuality.
His mouth found yours again, his lips claiming yours in a bruising kiss that left you breathless and trembling in his arms.
"I always wanted you to do things to me, on this big desk of yours," you giggled nervously  , your eyes sparkling with mischief.
Thomas's grin deepened, his hands roaming your body with a possessiveness that made you shiver.
"Then what are you waiting for, Love?" He murmured, his voice low and seductive.
You didn't need any more encouragement than that. Within seconds, you had pulled your underwear down your legs and climbed up onto the desk, positioning yourself so that your ass was right at the edge.
"So fucking perfect ," Thomas growled, his eyes burning with desire as he took in the sight of you spread out before him, ready and willing.
You felt a rush of heat flood your body, the thought of being so exposed heightening your arousal to new heights.
Thomas reached out, his hands tracing the curve of your waist before moving up to cup your breasts. His thumbs brushed over your nipples, sending pulses of pleasure straight to your core.
You moaned softly, arching your back and pressing yourself into his touch.
Thomas' mouth found yours again, his lips silencing your cries as his fingers continued to tease your nipples.
"You like that, Love?" Thomas asked, his voice low and sultry.
"Yes," you gasped, your breath hitching as he rolled your nipples between his fingers. "Please, Thomas."
Thomas grinned at the plea, his fingers leaving your breasts to trace a path down your stomach and towards the apex of your thighs.
"God, you're so fucking wet for me," Thomas groaned against your mouth, his fingers brushing through your folds before delving deep within you.
You gasped, your back arching off the desk as Thomas began to thrust his fingers in and out of you. Each stroke hit a spot deep within you, driving you wild with pleasure.
"Please Love, let me cum inside you ," Thomas groaned, his breath hot against your ear.
"No , I- I can't," you gasped, feeling the familiar fluttering deep within your belly.
"Please ," Thomas begged as, finally, he aligned himself with your wetness and thrust into you with one swift push, but you knew that if you let Thomas cum inside of you, there was a chance you could end up pregnant. And with your life the way it was, the last thing you needed right now was a child.
You shook your head, your breath coming in short, sharp gasps as your husband bottomed out inside of you.
God, he felt amazing. But you knew that this was as far as you could go.\
"I am sorry," you whispered, your breath hitching as Thomas began to thrust his hips against yours, driving himself in deep and hard. "I-I can't. I'm sorry."
But Thomas seemed to understand.
"It's alright, Love," he murmured, brushing a stray curl from your face with a tender hand. "I'll just make a mess instead," he chuckled in between groans as he continued to thrust in and out of you.
Your nails dug into the desk, your breath coming in ragged gasps as Thomas's hips snapped against yours, his cock hitting that delicious spot inside of you.
"Fuck, yes," you gasped, your pelvis bucking to meet his thrusts. "Harder."
Thomas growled at the demand and obliged, his cock pounding into you with bruising force. You cried out, throwing your head back and bracing yourself against the onslaught of pleasure.
Thomas's thrusts became erratic, his breaths coming in short panting gasps.
"Fuck, I'm close Love," he groaned, his fingers digging into the skin of your hips.
You nodded frantically, feeling your own pleasure coiling deep within you. "Yes, yes," you gasped, your body trembling with anticipation as your own orgasm built within you.
Your nails dug into the surface of the desk even harder now as Thomas continued to drive into you with an almost brutal force. Each thrust sent a shockwave of pleasure coursing through your body, your breasts bouncing in time with each stroke.
"Yes, Tommy! Oh god , I'm gonna cum!" You screamed as your orgasm tore through your body like a tidal wave, leaving you breathless and trembling beneath him.
Thomas's thrusts became erratic as he too, found his release, his hot seed filling the air around you as he pulled out and used his hand to finish the job.
You collapsed back onto the desk, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Thomas leaned over you, his arms braced on either side of your head as he caught his own breath.
"Fuck, Love," he groaned before, suddenly, you were being interrupted by one of the maids.
The sound of a knock on the door broke through your haze of pleasure, and Thomas quickly pulled away from you with an annoyed expression on his face. You each gathered your clothes and Thomas barked, not bothering to conceal his irritation at being interrupted in the middle of such an intimate moment.
The maid, a young girl with mousy brown hair and a pinched expression on her face, looked at the ground as she spoke, knowing exactly what you had been doing, 
"I'm sorry to disturb you, sir, but there's a matter that needs your immediate attention."
Thomas sighed heavily and rubbed his temples with his fingers. he asked, his voice clipped and impatient.
"It's the new shipment of whiskey, sir," the maid replied nervously. "The delivery driver says it was damaged during transport, and he refuses to hand it over until you inspect it yourself."
The maid's statement caught Tommy by surprise. "Y/N, go upstairs!" he ordered you in a way he had not spoken to you before.
"Excuse me?" you asked, annoyed with the way Thomas had spoken to you. You were still feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm and, frankly, the last thing you wanted was him to snap at you like this. It was unlike him. 
Thomas let out a long-suffering sigh. "I am sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have spoken to you like this, but I need you to go upstairs and stay there. Please," he added as an afterthought, his voice softening.
"Fine ," you muttered, annoyance tingeing your voice as you slid off the desk and started to pull your panties back on, pulling them up beneath your dress. 
You couldn't help but feel irritated at the interruption, even more so at the tone Thomas had used with you. 
But you shook it off, reminding yourself that Thomas wasn't like that. He cared for you deeply, and you cared for him just as much. Maybe he was just having a stressful day.
When you arrived in the bedroom you shared with Tommy now however, you couldn't help but wonder what was really going on. A whiskey delivery at 10 o'clock seemed absurd and, with that in mind, you pulled aside the curtains and peaked out of the window .
Tommy was already standing outside, talking to a somewhat scary looking truck driver. But something was off. Tommy looked tense, his shoulders rigid and his expression stern.
The driver seemed to be making wild gestures, his hands waving around erratically as he spoke. And then, you saw it when the stranger opened one of the boxes on the back of his truck.
Inside there was no whiskey however, but instead, you saw something black, something that looked like rifles. A lot of rifles.  Your mind raced as you tried to make sense of what you were seeing. Was this some kind of arms deal? And if so, why would Thomas be involved in something like that?
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