#as always if their romance didnt happen in game
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ibahibut · 5 months ago
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Let's make an oath to live together
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musubiki · 1 year ago
once again thinking about limes very quick descent into madness surrounding the time when he realizes he might like mochi after the first night he spends cuddling with her. always love the slow start of "Okay she's kinda cute I guess. She has cute tendencies sometimes. There, you happy? I admitted it. Now leave me alone." which in the span of about 3 days RAPIDLY spills into being unable to think about anything else to the point he can barely hold a conversation with anyone because his mind keeps daydreaming back to holding her in his arms. All day feeling like "I can still feel her warmth on me..." and has to keep being snapped back to reality by everyone around him
he can barely even talk to mochi because he keeps thinking about it. has no idea what to say to her the next day. is very quiet. and mochi thinks hes mad/uncomfortable with her now, since hes always so standoffish to girls at school she thinks she might be in that category now. so the next night while lime is about to go to bed, STILL THINKING ABOUT IT, and he gets a text from her that reads something like: [Hey lime!! about last night- sorry i fell asleep on you!! i know your not super comfortable with that stuff!! it wont happen again!! 🙇‍♀️ see you tomorrow!] and he feels his heart drop to his fucking stomach. lays there reading it back over and over with his thoughts a mix of "Yeah I guess that makes sense, it happened by accident. It was never gonna be a repetitive thing." vs "Won't happen again...? Like....ever? Are you fucking kidding me? I never get that ever again?"
eventually after an hour of tossing and turning, thinks up some bullshit excuse to sneak over to her house and climb up over her little bedroom balcony, knocks on her window and says something like "Hey uhhh you forgot one of your socks over at my place so I brought it back." or something that is absolutely stupid and could've definitely waited for the next day. manages to weasel his way into crawling into her bed with her because every bone in his body is telling him to.
huheuheu love to see lime aching for her eheheh
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wavebiders · 2 years ago
I wasn't originally on the Baldur's Gate 3 romance options hype train, but I gotta say they really went off with making the "sweet soft dork" romance and the "complicated guarded woman slowly lets someone into her heart" romance one and the same
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twistedappletree · 1 month ago
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rexscanonwife · 1 year ago
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I'm crying and throwing up and asking where my phone is
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undercooked-spaghetti · 2 years ago
He SUFFERED for years! He got a family handed to him with no idea what to do, no real help on how to handle it, and even his men knew he was in a sensitive state because his sister was dying and took advantage of it.
But because he's not super perfect and strong and cool like Kiryu, he's just seen as a fuck up(??? Haven't played Y1 in a while, so I might be forgetting things, but it felt weird that everyone was so cold to Nishiki)
Tbh, Y1: Kiwami barely caught my attention because it felt like such a chore to get through because I cared so little about what was happening (sub stories were fun tho!), and if I had played the original game without at least the lore that Y0 gave (I know it came out years later, but STILL), I would've really hated it because it just seems like things are happening but with no real reason for me, the player, to be all that attached or care. It just seemed ROUGH. Hell, I still had no real attachment to Yumi, and she's apparently really important to it all.
ever think about the fact that nishiki largely spiraled the way he did because of being considered incompetent and unfavorable in comparison to kiryu by everyone important in his life, and thus was constantly neglected and forgotten about. and then think about how the bomb would never have had to go off if kiryu and/or yumi just paid literally any attention to him after the showdown. talked to him. helped him to his feet. kept an eye on him. anything. instead of more or less forgetting he was there and allowing him the opportunity to do what he did. do you ever think about that. i sure do
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zan0tix · 7 months ago
Any general thoughts on/relating to the Brobot?
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Have my half awake scrawlings...
I really love the brobot!!!! People really misconstrue it and also leave it out in a lot of dirkjake talk? Its a big player in not only how dirk expresses his affection/desire towards jake but also in their multi year spanning unspoken game of gay chicken 😭😭(all of dirks splinters are but Not about them rn)
It was sent yknow under the pretense that jake loves wrestling and wished so bad to have somebody he could wrestle with. But at the same time it protects jake from the horrors of hellmurder island (seen before they strife), pushing jake into the Damsel in distress role he wasnt expecting to play even before all the shit in the game, with Dirk being his hero.
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Jake says he keeps it on a high difficulty because apparently in the Novice mode he says their interactions become "too tender" and doesnt want to elaborate, Friendly reminder! His convo with jane on the SAME DAY dirk pulled off that big romantic overture and the kiss happens and him and dirk begin "dating".. is the same day he asked jane if it didnt make him weird for wanting to date dirk. And he also says hed joke around with dirk about how theyd soo make a great couple if dirk were a girl haha.
I imagine the brobot and well. Getting physical like that with a robot that supposedly looks like dirk probably gave jake his internal gay awakening at 13 but he just never wanted to actually confront it and instead just wanted to brush past everything 😭😭 (See: every single time sexuality or romance comes up in relation to jake he is literally always thinking about dirk somehow and he never directly talks about his attraction to men or how that reflects/contradicts on his self image of the Movie Star Hero guy)
and jake doesnt actually hate the thing either, he tells jane he thinks it genuinely did improve his fighting capabilities (Which we see it did in collide! he beat basically the whole felt with guns and fisticuffs alone, no hope powers.) Which serves as a pretty evident parallel to dave who also is good at fighting, even if he doesnt want to be. (see dirk + dave convo)
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This one comes from hussies authors notes in the aradiabot and equius scene (which equius imagery being invoked with dirk. something i could totally rant about another time haha) but yeah. Jake was being selfish asshat in that log forcing jane into a corner and wringing what he wanted to hear out of her, and also not giving a shit about the brobot (Which served as his protector and only other semblance of human connection since he was 13 and was a BIRTHDAY GIFT FROM DIRK) KILLING ITSELF? But hes so preoccupied talking about dirk. THE REAL DIRK. And immediately after jake loses the dirk splinter that protected him, HE (AND DIRK) CREATE A NEW ONE FOR HIMSELF USING THEIR COMBINED POWERS/?
Hussie is lying.. somebody Does care about dirks feelings. a whole lot to the point they activate their powers unwittingly Because of it. and its jake. but jake just cant admit that himself. (He cannot admit his real feelings until given permission to, dirk would have to concede the game of gay chicken first using his words and not just actions)
ANYWAY. hussie is so right its so easy to get sidetracked times one million talking about this comic. BUT AHH!! BROBOT. his existence.. tragic.. Jakes really smart in knowing that all of dirks splinters enlighten aspects of himself he doesnt oft share, and the brobot served as another dirk action on the pile of dirk actions he engineers to signify his deep immense care for jake, where he lets these grand gestures and implications sit out in the open without ever actually saying what they mean and where his feelings lay.
EVEN IF ITS SUPER OBVIOUS. The d man cant use his big boy words to actually describe his feelings despite how much a yaps! so jake doesnt know if hes even allowed to say anything about his own. Fellas: Is it gay if you labour for supposedly an extended period of time to create a custom robot in your own image to ship in pieces to your best bro guy crush who is HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN THE PAST because you cant be there yourself?
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I think this hal message says enough about how bad dirk wished he could visit jake 💀💀
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meteor752 · 5 months ago
Epic the musical side story where Hades and Persephone get really invested in the story during The underworld saga, sorta small talk about the strange man for the next couple of years, and then freak the fuck out in the audience during god games when they find out not only is the guy still alive, he’s managed to piss off like half the pantheon
“Hey babe?”
“Yeah Perse?”
“There’s like, a bunch of mortals here”
“Mortals? What, how?”
“Idk, they’re like, on some ship”
“Huh. Should I call Thanatos, have him take care of it, or should we just wait it out”
“Call Thanatos, best to rid the garden of any pests before they manage to kill your flowers”
“Pfft, alright. I’ll be right back”
“Okay- wait. A bunch of the dead are singing to him”
“Yeah like a bunch. Who are they?”
“Uhh, most of them drowned, a few killed by a cyclops. One broke his neck?”
“They’re singing about a cyclops, about how he let one live or something”
“Probably one of Poseidons. Should I still call Thanatos?”
“No wait, I wanna see where this goes.”
“An infant, what infant?”
“Maybe the cyclops?”
“OH NEW GUY! He seems important!”
“Also a cyclops victim. They seem close, what do you think friend or lover?”
“They’re Greek, it’s probably both”
“I don’t know how he managed it, but this guy brought down like, the entire vibe of the entire underworld. That shouldn’t be possible”
“Yeah. Oh who’s this lady now?”
“Suicide by drowning. Not sure. Maybe a relative”
“Yeah may-THATS HIS MOM”
“Hooooooly fuck, what a way to find out”
““Here in the underworld the past is always close behind”. Think we should make that a slogan?”
“Then we’d have to credit him and stuff tho”
“Yeahhhh. Well, seems like this guy is sticking around for a few hours. Should I grab some popcorn?”
“Yeah I’ll grab the fainting couches”
“Okay what’s happening now?”
“He just stated speaking to Tiresias”
“Tiresias? He went all the way to the underworld to speak with a prophet?”
“Well he is quite good”
“Wait did Tiresias just reject him?”
“I think so? Oh wait predictions”
“Past romance, sacrifice, betrayal, and some final battle? Who the fuck is this guy?”
“Dunno, but he’s not going home that’s for sure”
“Palace? He must be a king of some kind then”
“Do we know the names of any mortal kings”
“Nope, so that didn’t help at-wait his wife is doing what”
“Ohhh, that must be rough, hearing it from a prophet”
“Okay this chanting is getting intense. I think I heard the word Scylla”
“I heard lightning bolt”
“That doesn’t bode well”
“He’s just, sitting there”
“Is he done? Should we-oh. No okay new song, let’s see what’s going on”
“Man this guy has it rough. Should we like, do something?”
“I mean, I’m not really the “bless the mortals” type of god. I mean I let a guy borrow my helm once, and I haven’t seen it since. I should probably check up on that actually”
“Yeahhh. They killed a friend of the cyclops?”
“That explains all the cyclops victims”
““Witch turn men to pigs”, you think that’s Circe?”
“Sounds like he-WHAT WAS THAT THIRD ONE”
“You don’t think-?”
““God comes down and makes a fleet drown”, I am most definitely sure!”
“Damn. Wait wooden horse? Oh, I know who this guy is!”
“Yeah he’s one of Athenas warriors! Ody something. Odyssen? Odyssa? Whatever, I remember the horse thing was a big deal when it happened, Ares was pissed, Hermes spread the word to all of mount Olympus”
“One of Athenas eh? Interesting. Oh yeah, the god was definitely Poseidon”
“How are you sure?”
“That line he just sung, “Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves”, Posy is always fucking saying that crap”
“500 men? Damn”
“Penelope, presumably the wife. Don’t know about the other guy tho”
“Either a son, brother, or lover. Or maybe just a friend I dunno”
“Another infant? What the fuck is wrong with this guy, pulling a fucking Hera”
“Gotta appreciate the determination of him”
“Yeah, but I think we’ll see him here again soon. If he’s pissed of Poseidon, and soon to be Zeus if Tiresias is to be believed, I don’t think he’ll get much further when he gets out of here”
“So we are letting him go”
“Yeah. Partly because I want to see what happens next. When he gets here we’ll ask him to tell the full story, from beginning to end”
“Alrighty then”
“I swear if I get dragged out of the underworld for one of Zeus’ little games one more time this year I might actually start a war”
“Mum keeps staring at me…fuck she’s probably gonna try and talk after this, fuck meeeeee”
“We can escape in the middle of it, no one will know”
“Oh she’ll know. Do you know what this is about like, at all?”
“No, but I think Hermes might launch into the fourth dimension if he keeps vibrating like that in his seat”
“Hmm, odd. I don’t see Posy anywhere”
“Maybe he’s competing?”
“Nah, he always declines when Zeus asks, he hates it”
“Why were you not invited?”
“Dunno, probably has nothing to do with me”
“Oh it’s starting, it’s starting”
“Athena’s challenging eh? Interesting”
“Would love to know what any of this is about”
“Mortal lover? Demi-god child? Those are the usual subject”
“Yeah but that’s not Athenas thing. Probably something to do with one of her “warriors” or whatever”
“Apollo, of course. Always has to be apart of these things”
“The drama queen”
“Hephasteus and Aphrodite? That’s a little awkward”
“Weird lineup so far- fucking Ares? Yeah shes not winning this one, sibling spite is stronger than any argument she can give”
“Why would all three of them be included. I can feel the tension from here. I’m uncomfortable”
“And Hera? Yeah no she’s loosing for sure, Hera like not care less about any mortal, unless they’ve offended her”
“She might be convinced, just to spite Zeus?”
“That just sounds unhealthy on so many levels”
“Alright let’s see what this is about”
“Hold up, Ody?”
“Oh my gods. You thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Well he was one of her warriors. Was he not?”
“I can’t believe he’s still trying to get home. It’s been like ten years, how the fuck”
“Well, if he pissed off Poseidon then he probably has something to do with it, the pissy bastard”
“Killed sirens. Why would you do that, so unnecessary”
“Sacrifice??? What the fuck is this man up to????”
“Didn’t we have a few Scylla sacrifices a few years back. Think that was him?”
“Holy shit we did. Yeah, Posy stays away from Scylla to the best of his ability, travelling in her domain to avoid him is not a bad idea”
“‘Phro is mad that his mum died? Girl you are grasping at straws, even more than the previous two”
“Hold up, why the fuck was I not invited?! He traveled through my domain, disturbed my souls, he even woke up Cerberus with his monster wailing, I should be apart of this!”
“I mean it’s a bit weak”
“I have more grounds to be down there than fucking Apollo. Like sirens? Come on man”
“Oh ‘Phro refused huh? Only got two, that’s kinda weak coming from Athena, she usually gets at least four”
“Is that cheating? Her quick thought thing. That cheating?”
“Are there any actual rules?”
“Just, try to win, I guess”
“Oh Ares turn. Wait she lost Aphrodite, this should be over”
“I think this is more of a personal thing. Like I said, sibling spite”
“Oh yeah, Scylla! Fuck this guy is getting around”
“Oh damn, that pissed her off”
“Guessing that the guy other that Penelope, Telemewhatever was his child then”
“Oh wait they yielded?? Huh, never thought that would happen”
“And, Heras turn”
“Yeah like I said she does not give a fuck. But it was a good run”
“Yeah, keeping her four out of five streak”
“Wait what the fuck was that”
“She- she actually yielded?”
“And for not cheating! Man I love this guy, I can’t wait for him to die”
“Only you babe. Wait holy fuck she won?”
“Oh Zeus won’t like- oh, just like I said. He’s pissed”
“Is he gonna kill her?”
“If he does I’ll just resurrect her probably. She deserves a better end, even if she is annoying”
“Well, should we go then?”
“Yeah I have some paperwork to- do I hear boss music?”
“She took a lightning bolt to the face and lived, holy fuck. Gotta respect it”
“I think, she’s actually convincing him? Never thought I’d see the day”
“Well, she’s his favourite child. I think if Ares tried something similar he’d just get struck by another lightning bolt”
“Well, that was fun. When I come back up for spring I’ll have to check with Hermes more about the details of what’s live, actually going on with this Ody dude”
“Yeah. Wanna stop for applebees before we head on down?”
“Yeah, but let’s go now cause mum is heading like right for me and I don’t wanna deal with that until another few months”
This was dumb lol
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princessmaeee · 1 month ago
I think I need myself some secret romance T.O.P and GD's little sister
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Discretion ? I don't think So
Hello ! So, first of all, I'm sorry for the wait, it often take me some time to do the request cause I need time to think and get inspired. The challenge with that was to make it in one part so it's more of a relation than romance. Otherwise for a fanfiction it probably could have been a cute Slow Burn. I hope you will still Like it. TW : Not full Smut but mention of it.
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You stepped out of the train and directly rushed into Jiyong's arms when you noticed him. Since you didn't live  at Seoul and didnt have a car Yet, when you want to visit your brother, you always take the train and of course, he’s always there to bring you at the train station. With all the fame Big bang has, having you around is always a little bit dangerous. Even If you are G-Dragon's little sister and all the fanbase knows about you, sneaking you into the house is not that easy. After all, your brother lives with other guys and if the fans came to know about you staying with them even for vacation, that could be a problem. Who knows what can happen in those walls. And actually, The fanbase wouldn't be wrong this time. After all, you are secretly in a relationship with Seung Hyun for almost a year now and even your own brother doesn't know about it. When You visit him at Seoul, it's of course to see and spend time with him but also with your boyfriend. When you can’t do a trip to Seoul, it happen that Seung Hyun come to see you or his days off and pass two or three day at your place and as much as you like to have him around, it’s kinda hard since you can’t do activities like a normal couple outside of the horse so you prefer to see him at Seoul. It’s easier to plan things and have more privacy. On your way to the boys house, you talk with Ji Yong about recent things that happened at work and some drama around it. You said how some coworkers are annoying, asking you out again and again, making him laugh.
_Why are you Laughing ? _They seem to like you a lot to ask you again and again. Why do you not accept to just go out with one of them ? _Well, because… I don’t want a Boyfriend. I need to focus on my work and I don’t want any distraction. And if things didn’t end well, I don’t want things to be weird or the other coworker to involve themselves into everything. _Yeah, now that you mention it, it’s totally fair.
It’s kinda hard to not be able to say to Him that you already have a Boyfriend. Normally I would have been the first to know, but since this person is a member of his group, you prefer to keep it secret to avoid potential problems. As much as you wish to marry Seung Hyun and end your life with him, you are still careful cause you both don’t want to create issues if your relationship has to come to an end.
Once you entered the boys house, you could smell something nice in the air and smiled. Daesung and Taeyang, who were playing video Games came to greet you and hugged you. Seung Hyun was the last one to come see you and when you saw him, you couldn’t help it and smiled more. He wore a dirty apron, making you guess he was one who cooked tonight. He does that often when he comes to see you at your place. Actually He never let you cook when he’s around. You hope it’s not cause once Ji Yong told everyone you messed up some easy recipes like rice or eggs. You even burned some cookies you had made for school when you were sixteen. Now you are way better at cooking things since you live alone.
_What are you making for us Tonight, Seung Hyun ? Asked your brother _Oh, you're gonna see. Something you will probably enjoy, he answered as he gave you a look. _And How do you know she will ? _You talk about her so much, I start to guess what she will like, he answered before his eyes went back to you. You will have to excuse me for not giving you a hug like the others did, I'm sort of… dirty. _It’s fine, let’s save this for later, you answered with a smile. Do you need help in the kitchen? _Hell No, answered Ji Yong, I would like to still have a Kitchen by the end of the evening. Let Seung Hyun handle it while we go put your stuff in your room.
The boys laugh at your brother’s comment and you blush,embarrassed. Your brother let you use Taeyang old room. Since he lives with his wife now, this room is empty most of the time and almost became yours. You planned to stay a week so you packed a lot of outfits and even some more… revealing, hoping to have at least one moment alone with your boyfriend. As you put everything in the drawers, someone knocked at your door before it open. You turn around to see who it was and smile when you notice Seung Hyun. He had removed his dirty apron. You didn’t lose time and threw yourself in his arms, hugging him tightly as he hug you back.
_I missed you, you said. _I missed you too.
You stayed a little more in his arms before he let you go. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to your clothes duties.
_For how long did you plan to stay, he asked. _A week, at least. I took vacation from work because I wanted to spend more time with you. I hope it’s okay.. _Of course, We will figure out when we can have a little date.
You both heard Ji Yong's voice from the kitchen, saying the meal will burn if Seung Hyun does not come back to watch after it. You rolled your eyes as your boyfriend opened the door.
_See you later, love, He said before leaving.
The first evening you had with the guys was fun. Seung Hyun's food was delicious as alway, he even cooked cookies. He was right about how much you will enjoy it, cause you did. After dinner, you helped the boys to clean the kitchen and discussed having a game night. Taeyang refused, saying he had to go home, but all the others agreed. Ji Yong and Daesung left to go grab some snacks at the grocery store, leaving you alone with Seung Hyun. You quickly decided to go take a shower. As you undressed in the bathroom, the door behind you slowly opened before you could feel your boyfriend’s arms around you and his lips on your naked shoulder. You shiver and smile.
_Want to take a Shower with me ? You asked softly. _I would love to, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. The guys will come back soon.
You turned around and passed your arms around his neck, still smiling.
_So we're gonna have to make it quick.
You pressed your Lips against SeungHyun's, as your fingers slided in his air.  His hands on your hips pulled you closer to him as he answered your kiss. You slowly take a step back, still holding him, carefulling making your way to the shower, your lips still glued to his. When you were close enough, your hands went down to the base of his top and removed it, pulling away from his lips before you crashed it back to it.
_Okey, You win, Go first, I will join you in a minute, said Seun Hyun against your lips.
You pulled away, smiling before you started the shower and entered it.  When your boyfriend was ready, he joined you in it and pushed you against the cold wall of the shower. His lips came back to yours  and you quickly started to forget that you had to make it really quick. The room was filled by the steam of the shower but also from the heat of your bodies collapsing against each other.  Once you finished ‘’ taking a shower ‘’ you got out and rolled yourself in a big towel as Seung hyun put his around his hips. He gently kissed you on the forehead and left the room first. That’s when you heard your brother’s voice coming from the living room.
_What about time guys. You could have told us at least that you wanted to be alone.
Seung hyun had frozen in the living room when he noticed JiYong and Daesung on the couch. You felt your cheeks burning and you quickly put on your pyjama before getting out of the bathroom to join them in the living room. This time, you had nothing to say. No excuses could be used.
_From how long have you been back ? You asked _Long enough to hear things I would like to never hear again. But at least we had our headphones.
You looked at Seung Hyun, he looked as embarrassed as you.
_I know you guys are a thing but next time, warn us. Since when ? Asked your boyfriend _I had my doubts when Once a month your snapchat map says you are at my sister’s house. And We also caught you when we came back from the studio and you were asleep on the couch last time Y/N visited. And after today I can be certain that discretion is not your thing at all.
As much embarrassed you felt, you were sort of happy that your brother knew. You will not have to hide anymore in front of him or any other group member, at least.
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kostektyw · 1 year ago
Villainess anime reviews
went on a bit of a binge, so here's a compilation:
I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss
rating: lots of fun
one of the funnier entries on this list in my opinion, i actually laughed out loud multiple times
the protagonist is a capable and determined lady, as well as slightly unhinged which i always enjoy, i love weird women
breakneck pace, speedrunning like 3 games in the 12 episode, so it is the opposite of boring
this anime has everything: ducks, crows in bowties, crossdressing, ducks, video game brain rot, and ducks
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord
rating: at east somewhat interesting (still ongoing, episodes watched: 5)
aside from the gimmick a pretty standard isekai with pretty eh animation
a lot of this show is kinda boring, but there are still interesting and enjoyable moments
the protagonist is charming and probably the strongest part
i will probably be continuing to see what happens next so depending on that my opinion may change
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior
rating: charming
one of the series from this list that i enjoyed most, even if the story and the world are a bit simple, the characters and their struggles still work and aren't too difficult to get invested in
a bit more drama in this one, with tragic flashbacks (or whatever they're called if its abt an alternate plotline) that i found maybe a little too frequent
here the protagonist is also capable, driven, and quite traumatized, i wanna hold her in my hands like a baby bird
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!
rating: cute!
the bisexual harem is a breath of fresh air
bakarina's dumbassery is a great source of comedy, she's also pretty lovable so the harem around her is believable. and i love a gal with a hobby
I'm in Love with the Villainess
rating: eh
kinda disappointed with this one, i was hoping for some fun gl story, but it could barely watch the first episode and had to force myself to try a few more in hopes it got better (it didnt)
the romance part felt more like harassment in those first episodes, and sure, ive read that it progresses further, but the protagonist didnt really endear herself to me with that
given the comedy tag on mal there were probably some jokes in it, i just couldn't identify many good ones
7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!
rating: hell yeah! (still ongoing, episodes watched: 6)
the best one of all shows listed and the only one that's not an isekai
much more grounded, with good worldbuilding and another capable lady as the protagonist, but this one even more so, as well as much more mature
very pretty, even if i find some character designs questionable :v
definitely got me hooked and i will be watching more
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alternishicons · 5 months ago
percy jackson headcanons + picrews (long post, hcs under the cut. only grover, annabeth, and percy. i use the homestuck troll quadrants to describe their relationships)
in order: annabeth, percy, grover
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some notes on their designs: they all have a lot more scars, grover’s mainly being on his legs from running through forests, annabeth’s mainly being on her sides (as she gets too cocky during fights and leaves them open on accident), and percy’s mainly being on her chest. annabeth and percy look really similar, but they’re not intended to be, just how picrew works ykyk. grover wears sunglasses and really baggy clothes to hide his goat features. percy is fem as hell and would prob love skirts, but i didnt really like any of them in the picrew.
🐟 if you think hes cis, straight, or white ur crazy
🐟 on that note. Trans girl who uses she/he/bite, biromantic asexual but romance repulsed attraction to men due to trauma, and she’s latino, black, and libyan
🐟 i see people headcanon her name as persephone a lot and while i do love that to me shes parand and still goes by percy!
🐟 middle kid regressor, prob 7-13. i dont think bite would change much in terms of personality, besides maybe being louder due to lack of volume control
🐟 solarpunk, afropunk, hopepunk, and underseapunk for sure. she is an ACTIVIST!!! he, his siblings, his mom, and grover go to protests together im correct
🐟 fav bands: my chemical romance, pleasure venom, fea, meet me @ the altar, the tuts, and la armada. i dont listen to pierce the veil but maybe them too?
🐟 sharkhearted, aquatickin, and oceankin!
🐟 radicalized the rest of the 7, and while bite grew up with punk beliefs (ty sally), i think thalia was the one who gave her the final push ykyk?
🐟 he is NOT skinny and he does NOT have a 6 pack!! listen. most of bites exercise comes from combat and strength training. and typically, strength training (ESPECIALLY combat) doesnt focus heavily on bodybuilding. My girl is big and has muscles and is proud
🐟 collects comic books, legos, and video games! favorite comic run is napalm lullaby, doesnt have a favorite lego set but has a small ocean animals one she bought second hand that she pulls apart and puts together again for comfort, and she doesnt have a favorite video game but the one she replays the most is is sonic adventures 2! video games are his special interest (did i mention i hc him as autistic. Well that too. bite’s audhd dyslexic)
🐟 isnt dating annabeth anymore (in my perfect world). the two broke up and both are way happier and healthier as adults. i think that annabeth needed to be away from percy to get better, and percy COULDNT be better with annabeth.
🐟 (i do think theyd have the best femme&butch solidarity as friends once they are both ready to do so! just need time for healing and all, ykyk?)
🐟 jason is her ex-moirail and her auspitice for her and annabeth! jason stops them from entering an abusive pitch relationship. used to be clarrise’s kismesis, but broke it off to take a break from relationships (reason he broke off from being jason’s moirail)
📘 i dont have many hcs for her because to me, shes a better character concept then character
📘 my girl is butch trust meeee. “oh shes so fem and percys strong fem gf” HER? HERR?? THAT ANNABETH? OUR ANNABETH?
📘 she/they demi-caedromantic butch lesbian demigirl. i think a lot of pjo characters like multiple genders in theory, but due to trauma, have lost most (or all) attraction to them. to me, she used to be interested in romance, but fell off from that after everything happened
📘 does NOT get good grades. I love her and i think shes actually smart because she likes to study, but like… my girl has dyslexia and adhd. and their mom is the goddess of WISDOM, not INTELLIGENCE. theres no way theyre getting all As and Bs
📘 afropunk and anarchopunk. shes not as active in local scenes due to them bouncing around (though their heart will always be in the punk scene in LA), but if theres a protest in her general area THEYRE GOING. i also think theyre riot grrrl but only after ending her relationship with percy and getting better as a person
📘 fav bands (during relationship, im not sure what she’d listen to post-percabeth): mel bryant & the mercy makers, the muslims, pat the bunny, mischief brew, big joanie, violent femmes, boygenius. i think she was largely influenced by grover and thalia, but starts really developing her own music taste when they settle down in their own life
📘 her hair is FUCKED UP. she tries to take good care of it!! they really do!! but after years of living in a camp with not a whole lot of access to supplies for their hair type, and then living on a BOAT with even LESS access, their hair is really damaged. all the seven have fucked up hair, but theirs especially, since they were under so much stress that she didn’t care much for upkeep.
📘 was radicalized to be anarchopunk and afropunk by thalia, but became riot grrrl thanks to piper’s influence
📘 not autistic (in the books, maybe the show). i personally dont see her as having many autistic traits (though they DEF have adhd traits and its insane people dont acknowledge that a lot). but yeah i just? cant see it? idk
📘 when they were dating percy they didnt realize they didnt actually have feelings and was just comphet. this led to a really unhealthy relationship. then by the time she realized the feelings had developed to just hate and they felt bad leaving. they eventually separated and she got a lot better
📘 away from dating for a while, but has a small, unrequited pale crush on piper
🫐 GROVERRRRR guys hes one of my favs unironically
🫐 mixed african american-indian guy whos a t4t bisexual trans guy and uses he/him. “oh but all satyrs are male” yeah but also this is a book series that has been inaccurate about greek mythology since the beginning so shh
🫐 carries iron supplements with him because while he’s used to relying on hay and feed for iron, he can’t exactly do that disguised as a human
🫐 his handwriting is SHIT. i think most of his handwriting comes from signing himself up for things so that means he constantly looks like he’s signing his signature. only juniper can somewhat make it out and thats because hers is just as bad
🫐 solarpunk, afropunk, and hopepunk!!!! he is literally the og solarpunk trust me.
🫐 fav bands: punk on toast, earth 2 tiffany, tell everyone we’re dead, the tuts, be steadwell, zaphyria
🫐 age regresses to rlly young with no cg! he doesnt particularly want one either? hes just doing his own thing. percy is his playmate :)
🫐 not my headcanon but my friend says hed be really tenderheaded, like as in “can barely do his own hair without it hurting”. idk how accurate this is but i agree because my friend says so
🫐 used to get roped into the stoll’s pranks. he’d help them sneak onto the strawberry trucks, steal things, etc. eventually stopped as he got more anxious, but he and the stolls are still fairly close and he’ll still help them play pranks on occasion
🫐 fruits are his ultimate safe foods! strawberries, apples, whatever! he keeps a packet of fruit on him everywhere he goes for snacks
🫐 sees thalia, annabeth, and percy as his younger siblings. i think he deserves to be their proud older brother, as a treat <3. used to see luke as the same way, but not anymore for obvious reasons
🫐 juniper is her one and only matesprit!
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saltlickmp3 · 2 months ago
i still ! think that the msr(? was it romance ? i guess thats what they intended but i am notoriously bad at picking up When They Are SUpposed tO Be In Love) kiss in millenium kind of fell flat but they did done an excellent job of keeping up the general 'what are they' vibes in s7 like. they still just ! interact as normal ! which is brilliant because yeah they would kiss & then pretend it never happened & continue as usual buttttt theyve also leant in well to the. well theyre not just coworkers are they. im not one to go 'theres no platonic explanation for this' but theyve done a good job of keeping the tension there without going wayyyy overboard & turning it into a Romance Arc (so far at least) but also making sure you know that Friend doesnt really cover it ? like the 'do you have a significant other?' / 'well not in the conventional sense' / oh well, that will all change when the right woman comes along!' & mulder looking kind of awkward after that (probably also cos he realised how pathetic he sounded when ellen oneoffcharacter had made breakfast lol).
like i dont think it occurred to him before that that the idea of 'some woman is going to come along' is completely off the tables for him because he is, at that point, so in love (undefined) with scully that he couldnt ? see himself with anyone else ? which is a leap maybe but the idea of a new woman, of anyone else meaning as much to him as scully does is just. like it does work idk. & scully has consistently been portrayed as jealous over mulder even in early seasons when he starts flirting with other women & maybe the writers didnt mean this but it would be interesting to view that from a lens of scully knowing that he couldnt ever form a bond like that with someone who wasnt also so embroiled in the work ? i knowwww i know this is sounding so 'omg theyre made for eachother theyre the only ones they could ever be with !!!!1!!1!' which isnt. what im trying to get across. but also contrast this with the (ridiculous but i did really enjoy it) video game ep with the sexy video game lady that mulder was being particularly unsubtle about being attracted to even when scully tells him to his face that he's being ridiculous about the whole thing.
And whenever scully shows interest in a different guy i always have a moment of Holy Shit bc even though the premise of the show doesnt allow it, i think scully could step away from the x files & get married to some lovely guy & have a normal life & be the average amount of happy that way ? does this make sense. is this a controversial opinon like im by no means saying that it Should but i do think scullys character allows for that. like she could be married to some guy & try to balance that & the x files & for at least a while i think she could do that. though she would get divorced & go back to the x files eventually im sure. whereas mulder for all his bravado around women he finds hot wouldnt even get close. sorry what was the point of this. the writers do a good job of keepng the willthey wontthey going without it getting ridiculous
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multimuselove · 1 year ago
Lindsey Henderson
Younger brother: dustin henderson
Lindsey Henderson was born and raised in the quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana, a place where not much ever happened until it did. She was the older sister of Dustin Henderson, a fact she took great pride in. Growing up, Lindsey had always been protective of her younger brother, despite the typical sibling bickering that came with the territory. Lindsey and Dustin had a close-knit family. Their mom claudia henderson worked hard to provide a stable and loving home for her children. The Henderson household was always filled with warmth and laughter, and Lindsey and Dustin shared many fond memories of playing board games, riding bikes, and exploring the woods behind their house. As she entered high school, she began to get more attention from boys not to say she was lacking in attention before but now it seemed as if there was a new guy asking her out each week, she mostly refused these requests as she had no interest in any of the guys from hawkins high. Some people may think its cheesy but she wanted to be bulldozed, struck, hit in the face with love have you may say it, Love at first sight? she wanted passion attraction she didnt want a typical highschool romance.
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jazzmckay · 3 months ago
davg day 2:
im queer and suffering. i just barely held myself off from flirting with lace because im saving myself for neve okay but then bellara upgraded from "cool and cute" to "yeah i need to romance her" and then i recruited lucanis. need i even say more. hes the kind of Complicated i always go nuts for. i think i can restrain myself with him though because it would be fun to romance him with a mage perhaps. another time. its fine. i can do this. (let me be poly bioware)
backing up a bit now that i have that out of my system :p
dragon!ghilly lets gooooo. that section was fucked up (affectionate). i was also a bit fucked up. left the mayor to his fate and basically instantly felt bad for it lmfao but i do think that's what my rook would do and that guy just got under my skin i guess! as bellara said, it was hard to feel sympathy after everything we saw in the village. wonder if this decision will come back to haunt me later, we'll see
morrigan is heading deeper into true MILF territory and i'm here for it. she looks really good. it feels like she's growing well into herself in general, and mellowing out. (possibly she was already like this in dai but i never saw because i was only ever able to play the default world state where she didnt have kieran. speaking of which, i really thought id have to pick more choices at the beginning. does davg morrigan have kieran? did she take the well of sorrows? my lavellan took it but that wasnt something i could input so!! im curious if thatll come up). i loved the comment she made about pissing solas off with trying to explain elven history to him hehe
so i DID expect lace to get magic but i did NOT expect it to happen in such a spectacular valta-esque fashion, damn. that was a "holy shiiittt" moment for me. varrics cryptic statement about it being bad is concerning but im gonna keep living in blissful ignorance right now and enjoy how excited lace is to feel connected and explore her new abilities
before that bit, there was that super sweet moment between rook, lace, and neve that really stood out to me ;w; i chose the dialogue option "we shouldnt be at each others throats" which lead to lace reassuring neve she wasn't blaming her for how things happened, and neve responded with pointing out lace shouldnt be blaming herself either, then i picked "we have to support each other" which was so lovely.... what a heartfelt conversation, a feel-good moment that bolsters the team dynamic. i looove it. i'll always take more companion/companion connection like that <3
i feel like i'm slower to pick up new game mechanics than i used to be as i get older because i'm definitely still getting used to both the combat and all the gear and such, but i think i like how it's set up in this game. i haven't levelled up a merchant yet but the whole reputation thing is neat and adds more weight to a trading system that is often forgettable / not really integrated into the story in most games. working towards upgrading both the shops and the items is interesting. it also takes the stress of inv management off my shoulders lol amazing, getting to loot without the hassle of sorting through it all and constantly running out of space? im here for it
solarric solarricing again
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im unwell
then i headed off to antiva and took a screenshot of every cat i saw and/or pet. it's cool to learn more about the crows. naturally, i was excited to be in a city again and it did not disappoint. theyre sooo well crafted, absolutely beautiful and designed to make them feel genuinely alive.
the prison was also gorgeous. the environments in this game kick ass. ive stopped so many times just to take in the view. stunning. that giant skeleton on the sea floor caught my eye too.
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the fact that "oof" is a dialogue option is SO FUNNY....
the scene of bellara trying to fix the archive spirit crystal and reading her packing note is what sealed the deal for me. i picked the purple option after watching her hit the thing in frustration, the "can i try too?" one and it was so cute. failed to resist flirting and that was also cute af
that said, im already thinking about bellara/merrill bc how can i not... idk if merrill will come up later in some other fashion so this might not make sense, but i can imagine merrill relating to the veil jumpers and being in contact, able to help them with artifacts. if bellara knows about merrill and what she accomplished before the breach and magic getting wonky, she probably looks up to her a bit. and i think bellara would remind merrill of herself as she was before everything terrible happened for her 😭it would be nice for her to have someone who can both meet her on the same level re: technical/magical knowledge and in such a chipper, enthusiastic way
i think i'm still gonna romance neve though, i just feel like she and my current rook Work. i loved the detail that they never met before despite both being associated with the shadow dragons and neve saying because she's more of an informant, rook mightve acted on her info before. i also chose her to help me during solas' ritual so she got hurt, which added more emotional connection ;w;
back to minrathous soon which im excited about. but im gonna do lace's side mission about her magic first :>
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whoseafraidofliloleme · 1 year ago
💫𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 2023💫
2023 has been a year to say the least so lets get into this 😂. As usual this is in no particular order cause I cant handle putting these into a proper order.
𝐓𝐨𝐩 5 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐬:
1. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞 (2022).
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I watched this on a whim and boy am I glad I did. The female lead is so unhinged but in the best way and our main guy is so in love with her I cant. Literally this drama was such a fun time and everything connected together so well. Just watch this drama pls.
2. 𝐁𝐨 𝐑𝐚! 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐡 {𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞} (2023).
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Yoo In Na shines and I love the character growth that both the leads go through, everything that happens makes sense and it really does show that working on yourself isnt a linear process. There will be set backs but you can over come them. I tend to not care for side couples but I loved all of them in this, they were just hilarious or adorable.
3. 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧 (2023).
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I wasnt going to watch this drama but thankfully instagram reels made me interested enough to give this a chance. I love all 4 of the leads, they are my babies and they deserve all the happiness in the world.
4. 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐅𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (2023).
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This was such a cute, fun drama. I didnt expect to love it as much as I did, the family dynamics, friendships, everything was so well done and the 2 couples were the cutest.
5. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 (2023).
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Literally Instagram reels made me watch this and I do not regret it. The melodrama, romance, revenge, plot twists... Everything was such a wild ride, I recommend that everyone watches it.
𝐓𝐨𝐩 5 𝐍𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬:
1. 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 ~ 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.
The irony, I always said that I wouldnt stan a group with more than 7 members 😂. Honestly I was just seeing too many funny reels about SVT and then I watched the Game Caterers videos without even knowing all of their names and Super was everywhere that I just fell into the rabbit hole that is Seventeen.
2. 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ~ 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐨.
My bias came and she ate. I love this song and it showed in my top 2023 songs its at number 6... The top 5 are all Taylor obviously.
3. 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ~ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤.
He came and took over the world. Nothing more to say about that.
4. 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦 ~ 𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧.
Yall need to stop sleeping on Enhas japanese discography. This song is just so sweet and wonderful. I cant with it.
5. 𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 ~ 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐦.
I just loved this whole song and the album too. Next LSF comeback when?!.
𝐓𝐨𝐩 5 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬:
So last time I only had the vault tracks but Speak Now was the album that made me a swiftie so not limiting myself to just the vault tracks this time.
1. 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝.
This is my absolute favourite song. It is just such a masterpiece and can be related to in any situation.
2. 𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝.
I love this song so much, I have a one shot of the same name 😂.
3. 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐅𝐥𝐲.
Im a hopeless romantic okay.
4. 𝐈𝐬 𝐈𝐭 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐰.
Do I even need to explain myself with this.
5. 𝐒𝐥𝐮𝐭!.
Most definitely not what I was expecting but I love it so much.
5 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝:
1. Bestie got married, shes happy and Im happy for her. It was a proper desi wedding and it was good fun.
2. I FINALLY graduated from University😂. Only took me like 5 years, one failed attempt and repeating my third year.
3. Made some great friends from the school I worked at, we bonded over how messed up the school we worked at is.
4. Managed to travel and have such great experiences.
5. Im happy with the fanfics I wrote this year. Still shocked that people actually read and enjoy the stuff I write but Im immensely grateful for all the love and support I get.
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hirokiyuu · 3 months ago
oh i forgot to post abt it but i recently finished ffxv + dlc with gf, thoughts and impressions under the cut (CONTAINS ALL SPOILERS)
overall i enjoyed it. some part of it were so terrible but i enjoyed it. why did they kill luna abt five minutes after she finally became interesting and hten try to retroactively make her interesting but in Bad Ways
She Likes Pretty Flowers But Also Cool Stickers............... Wow........... She's A Person With Depth...........
ukn o how to make that actually a compelling fact AND make me believe noct+luna actually care abt each other? u have noct have a sticker collection he keeps and then he puts a sticker in each letter they write each other and hes careful to always do it. then id be compelled. instead shes most interesting healing ardyn (LMAO GOD I AM ROTATING THAT MOMENT ETERNALLY IN MY MIND) and fighting leviathan adn fighting for her life and i dont care abt her and noct except as Comrades Who Trust Each Other With Their Lives you did not sell me on this romance at all
promptis good. promnis endgame but wow imagine being prompto in lvoe w/the crown prince and hes your star and guiding light nad then he dies. lmao. god
fsr the original bulletpoint got deleted so im rewriting. naywaysy fave ship dynamic among boys is ignis being in Love with noctis forever by default and prom thinking ig is kind of hot that over time shifts to prom being madly in love w/his bestie and ignis finally wanting something Outside of noctis except prompto is noctis' so it doesnt matter. noctis/prom eventually that probably shifts promnis endgame. also gladio is there off to the side watching all this like Wow, Damn, I Am Not Touching Any Of this With A Ten Foot Pole,
i cant believe the dlc wasnt included in the base game. ignis goes blind and you have no context. insane to me. gf played the dlc in the order as they happened in the story thank god but oh my god if she hadnt. i wouldve been like ????????????
i like that ep ig had an alternate ending where he lives and i like that it wasnt the canon one. i wouldnt care abt noct as much if his death wasnt canon but i do like that ignis loves him So Much it changes the narrative. what if some guy in glasses was enough to un-doom you
we played w/jp voices on adn wow like..................... there were. Many Changes. man. its funny bc i tend to prefer en goro to jp goro but i definitely prefer jp prom to en. robbie daymond you keep changing these guys around
ardyn did nothing wrong. when he killed all those people in his prologue episode that was fine and valid. he wore funny hats about it even it was ok
side note how were he and aera moer compelling as a ship when they were on screen together for five minutes when lunoct could not sell me at All. i do kno why tho its bc they do a bit together and they clearly like each other and are comfy. They're Friends. meanwhile lunoct.................... man........................ sorry for being a hater but i cant see the romance of it at all
i do think a lunoct i could be sold on is them reuniting and married and very very ery slowly falling in love but thats not what we got. canon lunoct is nothingburger to me. sorry. he should kiss prompto on the lips
trying to think if i had any other major thoughts. the ending part was so horrifyingly rushed and bad but everyone's talked abt that already and the final few scenes from going to the throne room were good and that's what matters (NOCTISSSSSSSSSS NOCTISSSSSSSSSSSSSS NOCCCCCCCCCTTTTTTTTTT)
i cannot think abt the v final shot of him + luna w/o thinking abt the one final asw (the sun is shining / and hte birds are singing / and because today is the very last day / they will sing forever) and then i start weeping NOCTISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU
truly i think noct is my fave character of this game. my selfish spoiled sacrificial lamb. being told that regis did know abt it made me ill. binding of isaac except god does not stop. tie your son to the altar and bring the knife down, and do what must be done. augh augh augh augh NOCTTTTTTT
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