#as a short king I just tend toward making characters that are also short kings
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writers-potion · 5 months ago
Any advice for actuly getting the motivation up to write?
Firing Up Writing Motivation
Hey there, thanks for the question ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) Here are some things that I have tried:
Reading books, esp in the genre you're writing.
Playing around with character/setting aesthetics to warm up before you start punching out the words
Getting a writing partner to keep each other accountable.
Writing at a specific place & time. I know this is more difficult than said, but making a habit of writing is important. As Stephen King said, you need to tell your Muse when and where for them to come find you.
Declaring to friends/family your writing goals.
Taking a writing course in university/college. When my GPA is on the stake, I tend to get more motivated, haha...
Switching between multiple stories. This can backfire, but I tend to do better when I'm able to "run away" to another story when I get utterly stuck on one.
Some other suggestions:
Check whether you have made enough notes to actually sit down and write. I lean more towards a planner than a panster - if I don't have a satisfying ending in mind, I find it difficult to push through the middle.
Watching writing/reading vlogs. Again, beware of sitting hours on YouTube, but watching others reaching their writing goals motivates me to do better.
Taking part in short, simple writing contests. I'm a Wattpad girlie, and sometimes I find small writing competition hosted by the Ambassador profiles just to take a little breather.
and lastly... just brute-forcing yourself in front of your monitor, haha.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! Also, join my Tumblr writing community for some more fun.
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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duckiemimi · 1 year ago
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this was commented a while ago on my tiktok (it was about this post), but it’s so good, it’s stayed on my mind ever since. i’ve been meaning to talk about this for a while!
on geto & empathy.
let’s address the likely reason why people tend to see geto in this empathic light and through this lens that almost absolves him from blame.
the hidden inventory arc, especially towards the end, was written in a way that humanized geto; we read his mind, we saw his thoughts and how he processed them, we shadowed him as he went through traumatic event after traumatic event. we were placed in his shoes as he ran through a never-ending marathon—essentially, we were him in his moments. we’re supposed to empathize with him.
it’s why at first hand, his defection might’ve seemed like a logical conclusion to us. it made sense. (unlike how it was for every other character in the story, and especially how it was for gojo—geto’s decision came to them all as a shock.) this is what makes him a well-written character and an overall excellent villain.
it’s also probably why geto is such a personal character to many people, but this intimate association doesn’t make him faultless. yes, he was a victim of circumstance, but so was everyone else in the story. geto was also a perpetrator who inflicted harm on other people: a genocidal cult leader who had his eyes set on the greater good, someone who disregarded the means for the end. “well-written,“ in my opinion, also means multifaceted, complex.
now let’s talk about geto pre defection.
geto is gojo’s foil. at first read, he’s supposed to contrast gojo in a way that highlights specific aspects of gojo’s character. (and vice versa, but this arc is also called “gojo’s past arc” for a reason; gojo is our main character in this part of the story, he is our point of reference.) geto serves as a comparison to gojo, but he also stands as his own character. where gojo failed to empathize with the “weak,” geto succeeded. but what was empathy to geto anyway?
empathy, in its colloquial connotation, is seen as a virtue. it’s a community-building tool and it’s inherently human. it’s how we contextualize our place in the world and our connection to other people. in broad construct, it’s a “good” quality to have, to be empathic—but not all forms of empathy are the same.
geto’s empathy towards the “weak” was, in a word, paternalistic—like how a father would interact with his children, or how a deity or a king would interact with their subjects. it stemmed from his arrogance and his “well-meaning” saviorism tendencies: in short, “i am better than you, therefore i know better than you. i know what’s best for you.” this is especially true in regards to his patronizing attitude towards non-sorcerers pre defection (and it extends post defection, too).
geto’s sense of duty as a sorcerer manifested in how he assumed responsibility, and to a lesser extent, authority over non-sorcerers. it’s a type of benevolent prejudice; these people are powerless and weak, therefore inferior to him, and so it’s his job to protect them, it’s his job to care. while he had good intentions, he saw them as “lack,” not as humans who were ultimately just different from him. he saw them as helpless victims of themselves; which, given his occupation at the time, was an apt contextualization, but within the bigger picture, it ironically dehumanized non-sorcerers. it was underhandedly condescending, whether he was conscious of it or not.
the very root of his defection is this: he did not view non-sorcerers as equals to him in the first place. sure, plenty of other sorcerers also have this mindset, especially the very powerful ones, but geto made this the basis of his purpose, taking on the moral high ground by giving it meaning. after toji and after mimiko and nanako, he recontextualized and changed the meaning of what it meant to be powerful—but while his circumstances and his proximity to non-sorcerers changed (him revoking his empathy towards them), the patronizing way he viewed them (“monkeys” now) was constant; it was his pivot foot from charitable pity to resentment and hatred.
some things to consider: i assume geto was fairly new to the jujutsu scene in the hidden inventory arc, given his non-sorcerer family. i also assume he must’ve felt very alone prior to his enrollment, being the only one in his family to see cursed spirits, and possibly the only one in his childhood environment. this grand introduction to a some sort of a secret society must’ve felt special to him; it must’ve made him feel special, especially considering he was put on par with the kid who everyone thought was immensely powerful.
i can see why he thought himself better compared to the non-sorcerer background he grew up in. plus, it would be hard to not let your ego inflate when someone like gojo keeps referring to you as half of “the strongest duo.”
i also think that despite how black and white and consequential his outlook on life was before and after his defection, he probably still had his doubts and moments of wavering throughout his decade-long career as a curse user. i mean, he said it himself—his goal is only possible for one person only, and it’s not him. that could definitely be a factor, and it could also be some lingering sentimentality, too. he burned the bridge between him and his past and he just couldn’t risk the distance, but he probably thought of it sometimes.
i’ll end this post with a quote from him from the anime that made me really think. geto does care, but at such a young age, it was a juvenile and idealistic concept of “care.” had he stayed and grown up a little, worked through the trauma and organized with his fellow sorcerers (instead of assuming responsibility alone like he did, leaving to create a better future for sorcerers without including them in his plans), perhaps he could’ve made this a reality:
“survival of the weakest. that’s how a society should be. the weak help each other and discourage any who are too strong.”
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tavyliasin · 1 year ago
Raphael - Archduke of Asexuals
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Welcome to another essay from Tavylia! We need some words about the handsome devil himself now, darlings, do we not? Because there's something very Ace about him - and I don't just mean "what a nifty guy", strap in (but not on) because we're going on a deep dive on...
Why Is Raphael the King of Asexuals and What Is It About Him That Draws So Many Of Us To Him Like He Is Made Of Garlic Bread: Another "Short" Essay by TavyliaSin (Who Frankly Rebels Against The Idea Of A Concise Title) ((Because This Is More Fun)) (((I Might Have Some Volo In My Family Tree)))
((Side Note - Ended up discussing more of Asexuality in fandom in general, but that's cool, right?...Right, well, the sections are marked, read as you so wish~)) Alright, this time we're not going to go too heavy into any darker topics, but there will be a deep examination of character, lore, asexuality, and a large heap of headcanons. There will also be a lot of microlabels, so I'll pop a short glossary at the end and some resources.
Also, please remember that no headcanon of mine is ever intended to override canon, or anyone else's HC - each HC is true and valid to the head it lives within~ that's the beauty of them, they are ours, and even when shared they remain our own to enjoy too.
What in the Hells is Asexuality Anyway? Aka, is Lia really trying to say the man she writes so much smut for is not sexual at all? (A brief overview of Asexuality)
Asexuality, in the most basic definition, means quite simply: "Experiencing limited or no sexual attraction." Now, look very closely. Some Asexuals, or Aces as we are sometimes called (and will be in this essay) experience absolute 0 sexual attraction. Some experience a very limited amount, or only under specific circumstances. It's also about Sexual Attraction and does not necessarily include feelings towards Action. I find this is best explained by the Split Attraction Model: Sexual Attraction - Attraction with a sexual component. Romantic Attraction - Attraction with a romantic component. Libido - Arousal, physical desire to act on arousal whether alone or partnered. Sex Drive - The desire to engage in partnered sexual activity, with or without arousal. A lot of people might look at those criteria and think "but those are the same thing", and for many that would be a fair assumption if they tend to be experienced simultaneously. But many among us only experience some parts, or they're not connected. The key is that whilst some Asexuals may experience little or none of any of those four, the only one relevant is the first, and an asexual with high libido or sex drive is no less asexual than any other, there's just no person attached to that libido or drive. So there are asexuals who enjoy sex, who have sexual relationships, and there are also asexuals who have no interest in any of that - the best part is, we're all valid!
Alright, But What Does This Have To Do With Raphael? The Devil Who Seduces In Every Other Sentence?
Right, see, here's the thing. He does flirt, but it never goes further. Seduction is just another tool that he uses, the same way he uses intimidation, promises, and bargains. It would be foolish of him to ignore the potential to bend someone to his schemes when he notices the colour rise to their cheeks when he talks, his goals need a lot of pieces to fall into place. None of it feels genuine. Raphael simply needs people to agree to his terms, and if the promise of sex secures a signature then so be it - besides, he has a hungry incubus at home who can fulfil that side of the deal without him ever having to lift a finger~ It isn't uncommon either for asexual people to make innuendo, lewd jokes, or to flirt without intention - some may even find that it's very easy to do this when there's no attraction or expectation. So for that... He reads as very Ace to me, it's all a part of the manipulation and the grand scheme. There's no actual attraction there. Interest? Certainly, the player character can be a very useful tool in his needs.
What About Haarlep? How Do They Fit In If Raphael Is Asexual?
Haarlep is an extremely sexual being, by their very nature they feed on sex and sexual energy, and we know by what they say that Raphael does indeed sleep with them. The canon would lead one to a logical microlabel when looking at Raphael and Haarlep together: Autosexual - This means experiencing more sexual attraction to yourself than to anyone else. This is a rarer microlabel, but still under the Ace umbrella as "limited sexual attraction" which can mean "attraction is very infrequent" and/or "attraction is only experienced under specific circumstances". And, of course, the HC territory can veer into Haarlep feeling like a safe enough option to deal with Libido and Sex Drive without having to find another partner or worry about attraction. You can also, if you really want to, bring in the canon that so many Anti-Raphael people love to scream about, "Haarlep says Raphael is bad in bed". Perhaps he is, perhaps he's just not into it beyond the simple release of tension and need. I'm not judging him for that, even if my HC is wildly different.
Why Is It Asexuals Like Him So Much? Is It Just Because He's Ace Too?
Well here come the deeper theories, based more on my own personal angle than anyone else's, so please do not assume this is the "only correct interpretation" nor the only way an ace may adore him. Plenty of aces don't feel any sexual or romantic attraction to Raphael, they're simply very fond of him as a character. He's interesting, oddly non-threatening because that flirtation is never pushed too far, never acted on, it's just there, a part of his clear interest in the player character (and he is obsessed, in his way, those diaries read like self-insert fan-fiction Raphael, my love, I see you). There's depth, intrigue, and the same things I've talked about before with villain fandom. So we can look deeper. Flirtation can be nice for anyone to feel, and oddly enough as an Ace I have often preferred characters who are open and overt in their attempts to seduce. This isn't necessarily true in life, real people and fiction are very different (hello, fellow FictoSexuals, good to have you here darlings~) but there is something appealing in the casual manner and clear tone. We also might have more of a draw to villains in general, but I've covered some of that in my last little ramble~ Reciprosexuals may also feel more for Raphael as he's initiating the flirtation, expressing potential attraction. Demisexuals are also likely to find that getting to know him is what draws them in. There's an element of "Forbidden Fruit" at play here too, in the way there isn't a romance for him (Haarlep does not count, they are their own being, a different personality). Then, of course we have kink.
Aces In Kinky Spaces
Here's the controversial one, loves, but I do ask that you approach this with understanding and compassion~ Not all aces are kinky. But there are a good portion who are. Kink is not always sexual, although it very much can be there are some people who enjoy, for example, "subspace" in BDSM - this is where a submissive reaches a kind of blissful inner peace as a result of being made to submit, their senses brought to focus on bondage, pain, or following orders. It varies from person to person, but it often described as a floaty feeling, freeing, relaxing, deeply satisfying without necessarily including anything sexual at all. Of course, kink can be sexual too, which you will find in a whole lot of my writing, don't think about it too hard darling let me have this one~ This can be helpful for someone not experiencing sexual attraction, but instead finding sex drive and libido from kink instead, allowing them to engage in sexual relationships and activity in a manner they are comfortable with and enjoy. There is also the safety of trust and rules with kink play. So the obvious reminder goes here: Consent is key Safe words and signals are binding and must be instantly respected when used Nobody should be shamed for safe word/signal use Aftercare is important and not optional Negotiation needs to happen before a scenario, not during/after When I write with Raphael, there's almost always the kink angle because he so naturally falls into D/s and Power Play tropes. On the surface you have a very Dominant personality, so it's easy to see him continuing that role in the bedroom. But then there's the other side, Raphael as a sub, not only because of what Haarlep says (and do remember "sub" and "bottom" are not the same thing), but because people who are often in control and making decisions in their daily life find freedom and enjoyment in giving over that control to someone else, not having to worry about anything but enjoying the situation while another takes on all those decisions. So he fits very well with plenty of kinky ace themes, and I quite like that feeling of "he's not just going to get into bed with someone who is pretty, there's going to be a genuine interest and desire there that's beyond the surface, a deeper need and longing for who they are". That's rather nice, honestly.
Aces and Spicy FanWorks
Alright going to draw this in to a close now loves we are running long with this one! FictoSexuals will be more aware of this than most, but fictional characters and works often have more draw because there's a layer of disconnection to it. There's no actual partner with expectations or needs, you can step away from fiction at any moment. You can close the app/browser, scroll past the art, stop reading, save and exit the game - there is complete control in how and when you engage with the content, whether consuming it or making it. So there are a fair few of us, playing around with those fantasies in art and writing, things that are fun and comfortable in our own ways, and I'm grateful that we have this space to do so~ I've met more than one fellow ace in the creative side of fandom and I'm simply never surprised by it. We aren't defined by our attractions, and we are collectively rather talented at this little hobby of ours~ The fun theory there is that when we don't experience much (or any) sexual attraction, we are looking that much closer when writing about it. We don't tend to skip it, we analyse what is attractive, where it comes from, how it might feel, why it feels that way, and that can present itself as deeper and more detailed fictional works. Whether that's in the posing and expressions of visual arts, or in the narration and dialogue of writing, we are paying attention to trying to get it right, whether it's an experience we can ever relate to personally or not.
Alright, Is This Thing Ever Ending?
It really should, you're so right~ Raphael Fandom, and other more niche characters, do have a fair amount of Asexuals for all the reasons above and likely a whole lot more too. I love that for us, and I love talking about it because there is so little Asexual visibility sometimes that people take many many years to even know they're ace because it's simply not an option they're aware of. So hello to all of you who slid down the OverCompensating Bisexual/Pansexual -> Asexual pipeline because you thought "feeling the same way towards any gender" was all that meant and didn't realise "feeling nothing towards any gender" is actually different and its own thing, oops. We're here now, and that's just fine~ Take care, beloved Aces, regardless where you are under the Asexual Umbrella, or what microlabels you wear.
You are valid, seen, heard, and loved.
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^ Raphael realising he's not Bi/Pan, he's Ace and owning it, like the king he is. Or perhaps not king... Archduke of Asexuality~
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ASEXUAL RESOURCES AND MICROLABEL DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Asexual - Experiences little to no sexual attraction Greysexual/Grey Asexual - Experiences limited sexual attraction Demisexual - Only experiences attraction after an emotional bond has formed or knowing the individual well on a personal level Fraysexual - Sexual attraction is brief and does not last once an emotional bond is formed Fictosexual - Experiences sexual attraction towards fictional characters (art, writing, film, games, other media, but not real people) Autosexual - Attraction is towards the self more than to other people Reciprosexual - Only experiences attraction after attraction towards them has been clearly expressed --- This is not a full or comprehensive list of microlabels! Nor should people feel a need to use them. They are there to help us understand ourselves and to relate to others in the community. None have to be strict, and it is perfectly valid for your sexuality to shift during your lifetime for any reason. --- For more information and resources on Asexuality, I strongly recommend seeking out Ace communities, even on places like Reddit, and this website:
Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) Website
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takol0ve · 2 months ago
Saw some more Lily Orchard takes, one of which is about Dungeon Meshi. [spoilers.]
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So I’m gonna go through these points. Specifically the negatives because idgaf about the three above it.
“The main setup is weirdly grim for such a silly show.”
DM is built on Seinen. A genre of media thats directed to an older demographic than the purposed shonen demographic. It’s not weirdly grim for the series if the plot is based around an underground city that was discovered recently by the surface. It shouldn’t be too grim if the story was also revolved around saving Laios’ sister by bringing her back to life. I feel like a series like this also should be silly when it has DND elements in it, a game where you could possibly do anything you want and get away with it for fun. DM is also relatively cozy when it wants to be, and thats why Laios is so important, his open mindedness keeps his group together despite being a dense goofball. He’s Luffy coded really, he’s a little dumb but he’s intelligent emotionally in his own way.
“Poor comedy”
Lily’s form of comedy is sausage party considering her review of Hazbin Hotel I guess.
“The entire series is premised on the joke of anime drawing good food.”
Lily discovers Sakuga, congrats. But yes, the series is based on the notion of cooking and the importance of hunger and food that also correlates to desire and fear, found family and open mindedness. Marcille CRAVES an equal life between all races because she FEARS that her loved ones will die before her for example. Laios’ open mindedness doesn’t stop him from seeing other races, including monsters being the same as him, because he understands that humans themselves are selfish and are used as a food source by monsters inside the dungeon. Found family revolves around Chilchuk because he’s relatively reclusive about himself and opens up more around the group, he discovers family, thats his development.
“Every character that isn’t Marcille is a stock archetype”
I don’t really understand this, is she saying everyone else is just the same? Marcille is not a perfect character, she has her flaws. Even if her desire to make all races equal by age, just because it can be passed as empathy doesn’t mean that her desire can’t also be perceived as pity because other races tend to dislike the elves, so it’s understandable why some other characters wouldn’t like her. It’s a racial bias based on age. Did we learn nothing from Zootopia? 😭
“Fan service bath scene”
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A sauna and a bath scene are two different things btw. The only similar thing there was a sponge bath and even then it wasn’t fan service, LOOK AT HOW MUCH SENSHI GOOCH THERE IS COMPARED TO A SINGLE SAUNA SCENE. (MY GLORIOUS KING.)
“Severe tonal issues”
Idk the music is fine, lmao. Just use tone, I was really confused when she used tonal because it’s regularly used in music. Even then the tones of DM are relatively good, colors are vibrant, everything is easily recognizable, the world around them is surprisingly vast for how short the story is.
“Anime being weird about female characters again”
…what. Lmao. Like I don’t know how to respond to this because Lily is actually tone deaf about other women. Like DM was written by a woman, idk why she would double down on fetishizing women in her own story? There is a lot of capable women in DM, Marcille and Falin being a couple, there being the canaries and a good portion of Shuros group, including izutsumi.
Lily probably didn’t finish or watch dungeon meshi at all. Even if she did, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was misandrist towards Laios. I shouldn’t explain why Laios is a good character and I won’t. Cuz I wanna go draw. 😀
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the-ninjago-historian · 11 months ago
Quick Into The Deep Q and A!
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I got a few questions here to answer about Into The Deep! Thanks to @dexter-the-dog for sending these in! And if anyone reading this has any other questions about this fanseason, feel free to send them! I love to hear them! Now, let's get started!
(Question 1: What is the Insectoid Army?)
Great question! I actually made a post on them not to long ago. But some of that information is outdated now. So I'll make this the new reference for them!
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The Insectoids are a swarm of bug like warriors that hail from the deepest reaches of Primeval's Eye! Their society is formed similar to ants and bees. There are different classes such as soldiers and workers. Soldiers tend to be more heavily armored, and also have different sub classes, depending on what type of armor or defense adaptions the soldier has. Insectoids are based of many insects. Like praying mantises, rhino beetles, and dragonflies! The Insectoids are ruled by a single queen and they all live together in a hive.
Thousands of years ago, the Insectoids were attacking villages and stealing their crops. Wu and Garmadon were called in to help stop them. Somehow, the brothers managed to trap them in The Amber Tree! (This tree is talked about a bit in the official Ninjago short story Amber Spiral.) The Insectoids became frozen in the tree's sap for thousands of years. They are later awakened by Vangelis. They help aid him in his plot to overthrow Shintaro and become King again. Some notable Insectoid characters you can look forward to are listed here;
Queen Ocellex: The leader of the Insectoids and a blood thirsty conqueror. She is the largest Insectoid and most powerful. Her head sports a large pair of horns, and she has praying mantis like front limbs. While she is bloodthirsty, she cares deeply for her hive. Vangelis promises her territory for her people to take control of, in return for her helping him take over Shintaro.
General Torrlax: Ocellex's highest commanding officer. He is distinguishable from the other Soldier Insectoids by a large scar over the right side of his face, along with a blind eye. He takes his job very seriously, and won't let anything stop him from completing his goals. He will use any means necessary to achieve them. He's very close with his younger brother Mandorax, one of the few people he's actually soft and caring towards.
Mandorax: Torrlax's younger brother and his right hand man. He's much shorter and stockier than Torrlax, and he has huge mandibles. Hence his name. (A mixed up version of the word mandible.) Mandorax is heavily armored and can roll into a ball to crush enemies like a pill bug. He's also not very bright, but Torrlax is convinced he's a military genius! Most of his shows of this intelligence are however, just very perfectly timed coincidences. But it's enough to convince Torrlax! Another interesting trait Mandorax has is that he's uncharacteristically gentle for an Insectoid.
(Question 2: What is Cole's Grandpa's role in this story?)
Cole's Grandpa takes on a few roles! He's a teacher, warrior, and guide through Deep Lands for the team! He also serves as a connection to Lilly for Cole. The two bond over missing her, and learn things about each other and the Earth Tribe through it! Although, Cole's Grandpa hasn't quite delt with his grief of losing Lilly in as healthy a way as Cole. This eventually leads to some brief conflict. (Family angst, my beloved.🤣) He's also the very last chief of the Earth Tribe! So he has that role as well!
(Question 3: Where is the Jaya wedding going to be held?)
This question made me think actually! Initially, I was going to have the whole thing held at the Monastery. I felt like the place was special to everyone and it was the place he proposed. So it seems to fit!
But I think the reception party is going to be held at a new location never seen in the show! A really beautiful beach side event hall and ballroom in Ninjago City! I already know how it will look, but I have yet to name the place. Ideas are welcome!
And that's it! Hope you all had fun reading! Bye for now!
(Tag List: @shatteredhope123 @nocturnal-nexu @dexter-the-dog @aroninshonour @piereoglyphics @looonytooons 😁👋)
Want to be added to the tag list? Just ask! That way you can stay updated on Ninjago: Into The Deep all the time!
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mandg-readings · 20 days ago
What is your favourite character to voice, in Lionheart?
What character is the hardest to do ?
In general, do you have a favourite Lionheart character, and does it differ from the og HP series ?
Oooh thank you for the thought provoking questions! It'll come to no surprise that Draco is probably my favourite to voice, being close to my natural pitch, just have to control my breathing and exhale his lines. Though I also enjoy voicing random characters as it allows me to play around with range. Snape, Hagrid, Daphne and Pansy are some others I always look forward to.
The hardest character to voice, I'd say would be Hermione because she can strain ye old vocal chords, there's also a LOT of pressure to be consistent and not too shrill as listeners tend to be the most picky with Hermiones. So forever second guessing myself or listening back to older chapters. Oh and McGonagall, can't suss that accent out for the life of me. Other characters that are hard would be Harry as it's harder to convey emotion in the gravelly tone I picked out for him. (which, fun fact, derived from my old Ash Ketchum from Pokémon impression when I was younger) and any raspy characters, like Dumbledore or Remus. As much as I love Snape scenes because he's such a stiff bitch, it can be a struggle keeping my voice that low and it saps my stamina or wobbles towards the end. So if I've got a chapter with Snape, it's guzzling honey lemon tea all day before recording so the windpipes are extra smooth. Honestly, sassy characters are always my favourite, so any characters that apply to that. Bit of a cop out answer but it hurts my head trying to choose. 😂 In canon I was always a Harry fan, so it does differ slightly but LH Harry is short sarcy king and always makes me laugh.
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waveridden · 1 year ago
okay I'll bite. what's the deal with the life series. what's the lore. what's your favorite thing about it. I wanna understand the Posts
huge win for the me community let's go. okay. idk your minecraft knowledge level so i am going to explain as though it's zero bc mine was basically zero when i started watching.
so. the life series (also known as 3rd life, bc that's the first season) is a minecraft survival multiplayer series, which essentially means it's a server where you can die. in fact, it is a death game! everyone on the server has three lives; if you die three times, you're out of the series. your goal is to be the last one standing. additionally, when you're down to your last life, you are expected and honor-bound to engage in pvp and ruin your alliances. your goal is Murder.
there are five seasons out right now with different gimmicks, each one has the same core cast with some changes - essentially it's a bunch of friends who will take any excuse to kill each other, but with increasingly weird and complex political factions and interpersonal dynamics. people are out here swearing fealty. there are betrayals. there are team banners. there's a season where they build a complex net of paths in the sky and drop tnt on one another.
it's one of those things where there is some lore/plot and you can take it as seriously or not-seriously as you want! yay! i for one love to go the "let's take this to its logical horrifying conclusion" route but some people are here for the sillies and that's good too. the fanart game is insane, people are making renaissance paintings and stuff.
anyways, this explanation is a mess, so i will go on to reccing povs, because there are ~15 people in each season and they're all posting videos and that can get overwhelming! there's not really a "right" order but when i started, @charaznablescanontoyota gave me the excellent advice of "start with the winner of each season and then whenever you're curious about something watch that next" - if you like that route and don't mind knowing who wins,
er4df444444444444 sorry that's my cat. he's been watching along with me. he has a lot of opinions.
anyways here's the list of winners, the wiki is a pretty good reference to have on hand. HOWEVER. i will also add that everyone has a different style! some people edit things very short, some people do long videos, some people are builders and some are very into the roleplay - i bounced pretty hard off the first pov i watched but switching to someone else worked for me, so in a way having so many options is great bc it means you can shop around, so to speak.
and i will close this out with a few of my personal favorite seasons! just for funsies.
inthelittlewood 3rd life (s1) - probably my personal fave. in which an early game alliance becomes an intensely charged king/knight relationship that they both take WAY too seriously (honorific)
smallishbeans last life (s2) - have you ever wanted to watch someone do a very, very bad job at murdering a lot of people?
pearlescentmoon double life (s3) - in a season where everyone has canonical soulmates, pearl ends up the odd woman out because her soulmate doesn't want to be with her. it is an insane and compelling character arc
ldshadowlady secret life (s5) - diversity win! this woman is so so bad at "what if minecraft were taskmaster"
and as a side note i tend to prefer the tightly edited stuff, so if you know that you Do Not prefer that, i would point you towards ethoslab secret life or grian 3rd life! or tbh still towards pearl double life.
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asongoficeandthrones · 3 months ago
A Clash of Kings First Read - Chapter 2
(POV: Sansa I.) => Be careful about triggering themes in certain parts.
Setting: The Red Keep (Joffrey Baratheon et al).
Favorite character: Sansa. Because she's grown so much, and in such a short amount of time, but deep down she's still the kind soul that she was at the beginning, if not so naive anymore.
MVP: Um. Can't really talk about an MVP here. But if I had to, I'd say Tyrion, because he hasn't been back for five minutes and he's already dared challenge the king, if only verbally (although a more courteous greeting might be in order, for an uncle and an elder), so he might be able to curb Joffrey's reign towards a more... lenient path? But that's not happening yet.
Things I loved/liked:
TYRION IS BACK (and his snark too, YAY)!! And through Sansa's eyes. So I like that she sees him as "the ugliest man she had ever chanced to look upon," because it kinda feels like old, vain Sansa, always thinking about men and how handsome (or ordinary, or ugly) they are, is back... which is not entirely a good thing, since it's definitely not my favorite trait of hers, but still, I hate the fact that she had to change so quickly, so...
Sansa being smart enough to "help" Ser Dontos.
Tyrion and Sansa's conversation. And the fact that she tends to not trust him right away, because it shows she's smart and knows what she needs to do to stay alive at court.
Understanding that the Lannisters are not all cruel and manipulative (I know, no generalizations, but still! And I had kind of forgotten about Tommen and Myrcella, oops). The bond between the two of them was the cutest thing ever. And Sansa supporting Tommen when he rode. Probably the only relatively "happy" moments in the chapter.
And the comet is here too! This time with a Joffrey symbolism, which kind of confirms my thoughts last chapter.
Things I disliked/hated:
*cough* Joffrey F*CKING Lannister *cough* (Also, whoops, I just realized that maybe I should have called him Baratheon? Don't know, because we know he's a Lannister but not a lot of people know in-narrative that he's one...) Need I say more? He's still an entitled little pr*ck. And cruel. And... Well, I think you got the gist of it.
Every reference to Sansa being beaten and mistreated at court. Because she certainly doesn't deserve it.
Quotes: The ones showing Sansa's growth, such as "Once she had loved Prince Joffrey with all her heart, and admired and trusted his mother, the queen. They had repaid that love and trust with her father's head. Sansa would never make that mistake again." But on the other hand, poor Sansa...
Thoughts overall: Joffrey needs to die. But I liked the chapter anyway, because of Sansa and Tyrion.
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s0nia246 · 10 months ago
My Y2k Magical Girl oc. I created her in 2021 using a generator. I love her so much. She doesn't have a team yet but I wanna create on for her.
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Cilvian name:Nia Blair
Magical Girl name: Nightshadz
Nicknames: My Jester (called by Monochromatic), My Jester Knight(called by Monochromatic)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: College Student, Magical Girl
Cilvian Apperence: Nia is an African American female. She normally wears alternately/modern fashion that her sister makes. Her skin is brown with freckles scattered all over her body, her hair is a reddish-brown short pixie cut, and her eyes are light brown. She also wears makeup and her transformation item the 'Jester's ring' with a red ring with the head of a jester.
Magical Girl Appearance: As Nightshadz, her hair turns into long dark red pigtails with bells at the ends of her tips, her eyes are bright salamon pink. She wears a nightshadz red jester outfit. The outfit is sleeveless underneath striped pink and white with a poncho with bells at the ends on top of it. On her right hand is a short glove tha goes up to her wrist while the left hand a a long glove that reaches her upper arm, shorts un-paned breeches with white and pink striped thigh-high socks, also she has coat tails similar to her poncho on top.She waera a pair of nightshadz red knee-high pointy boots with bells at the ends. She also wears white facepaint, red lips, and red tear drops, similar to how a clown or mime might do their makeup.
Personality: Nia is described as a genius in logic and problems but has difficulty understanding emotions or behavior. She is shown to have a dry and somewhat twisted sense of humor. She is also shown to be very sarcastic when it comes to her sister. Nia is extremely close to her sister. Nia can be seen as a generally rude person. However, she can be social towards other people as well. She loyal and protective to people she cares about.
Backstory: Nia was just a regular college student before one day while walking home for class night at night, Nia and her sister saw a poor rooster getting attacked by something. Her sister quickly went to protect the poor animal. See the monster Nia when to protect her sister. Surprisingly, Nia defeated the monster that attacked the rooster. Shocked by this strong human, the rooster, introducing himself as Monochromatic, the King of the Infernal Regions, he gave Nia his ring, Jester's ring to help her fight and return the citizens of his dimension.
• Solving logical problems and puzzles.
• Modern fashion, especially the clothes her sister makes.
• Loyalty and protectiveness towards her sister.
• Ugly-but-cute things like Monochromatic
• Statues
• Monsters or creatures that threaten innocent beings.
• Lack of logic or irrational behavior.
• Dealing with her difficulty in understanding emotions.
• Anything that poses a threat to her sister.
• Being underestimated or misunderstood due to her sarcasm.
Character Quirks:
• Always analyzing surroundings: Nia has developed a habit of constantly assessing her environment, looking for potential threats or escape routes, even in mundane situations.
• Whistling in stressful situations: Nia has developed a habit of whistling a tune when faced with tension or stress, providing a peculiar contrast to the seriousness of the moment.
• Bookmark obsession: Whether it's a physical book or a digital document, Nia can't resist using unique or themed bookmarks. She collects them and always has a variety on hand.
• Counting steps unconsciously: Nia tends to count her steps subconsciously, whether walking down the street or climbing stairs. It's a quirky habit that helps her maintain a sense of order in her surroundings.
• Unusual fascination with constellations: Despite her logical and problem-solving nature, Nia has a soft spot for stargazing and often finds comfort in identifying constellations, associating them with various events in her life.
• Reciting poetry under her breath: When deep in thought or during moments of reflection, Nia quietly recites snippets of poetry to herself. It's a private practice that helps her connect with her emotions in a more artistic way.
Positive Character Quirks:
• Precision in everything: Nia is meticulous and precise in her actions, whether it's solving a problem, executing a magical attack, or even arranging her belongings.
• Keen problem-solving skills: She enjoys tackling challenges and can't resist the urge to solve problems, always seeking logical solutions to various situations.
• Night owl tendencies: Nia is most active and alert during the night, which aligns well with her magical girl duties but can make her seem mysterious to others.
• Bell obsession: Nia has a fascination with bells, stemming from the ones on her magical girl outfit. She tends to collect unique and interesting bells as a quirky hobby.
• Quick reflexes: Thanks to her self-defense training and magical abilities, Nia possesses exceptionally quick reflexes, making her adept at dodging attacks or reacting swiftly in unexpected situations.
Negative Character Quirks:
• Sarcasm overload: Nia's sarcasm can be excessive, sometimes unintentionally hurting others' feelings. It's a defense mechanism she uses to mask her difficulty in understanding emotions.
• Impatience with inefficiency: She gets easily frustrated when things are not done efficiently or logically, often expressing her annoyance through sarcastic remarks.
• Minimal trust in others: Due to her protective nature and past encounters with monsters, Nia finds it challenging to trust people easily, leading to a somewhat guarded demeanor.
• Obsessive overthinking: Nia tends to overthink situations, analyzing every detail, which can sometimes lead to unnecessary stress or anxiety.
• Secretive about vulnerabilities: Despite being protective and loyal, Nia struggles to open up about her own vulnerabilities, fearing it might be perceived as a weakness.
The Jester's ring can also turn into a knife and staff with four morning stars.
• Jester's Ring Transformation:Knife Proficiency: Nia is skilled in wielding the Jester's ring when transformed into a sharp and versatile knife, making her a formidable opponent in close combat.
Staff with Morning Stars: The Jester's ring can also transform into a staff adorned with four morning stars, allowing Nia to engage enemies from a distance with both striking and bludgeoning attacks.
• Hell-Fire Manipulation & Hell-Fire Attacks: Nia has the ability to manipulate hell-fire, allowing her to unleash devastating attacks with this mystical and potent element. These attacks can vary in intensity and range, providing her with a versatile range of offensive capabilities.
• Illusionary Mastery: Nightshadz can create intricate illusions, deceiving opponents with vivid and convincing images. This skill enhances her tactical abilities, allowing for strategic diversions and misdirection during battles.
• Shadow Teleportation:Nightshadz can meld into shadows and teleport to another shadowy location, granting her unparalleled mobility on the battlefield. This skill enables her to reposition swiftly and surprise enemies.
• Enhanced Agility:Nightshadz possesses heightened agility, allowing her to perform acrobatic maneuvers with grace and precision. This agility enhances her overall combat skills, making her a difficult target to hit.
• Night Vision:Nia gains the ability to see clearly in low-light conditions as Nightshadz, giving her a significant advantage during nighttime battles or in environments with reduced visibility.
• Emotional Resonance:Nightshadz's magical abilities are subtly connected to emotions. The stronger the emotions she experiences or witnesses, the more potent her attacks become. This adds a unique dynamic to her fighting style, where emotional intensity amplifies her magical prowess.
• Jester's Insight:Nightshadz possesses an intuitive understanding of deception and trickery, allowing her to anticipate and counter enemy strategies effectively. This skill enhances her defensive capabilities, making her a strategic and cunning fighter.
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darkrpfinders · 17 days ago
Hello!! I’m 24nb (they/her) looking for a partner who is 21+ for some variety of OCxOC lesbian rp (FxNB or NBxNB or something along those lines) for my handsomest butch oc Cora Jean/Cj ♡
» some fun facts!
* she/her and he/him pronouns
* generally goes by Cora Jean (or just Cora)
* born and raised in Camila, GA
* 23 y/o (sagittarius/taurus/virgo)
* short king but makes up for it in charm and doglike loyalty (5’2)
* rodeo star!! rides broncos as “Cj Finch”
* everyone who knows him in the the rodeo circuit only know him as Cj (a “cis” “man”)
* ready and willing to kill for the person she loves
* her love language is committing acts of violence in her lover’s name (:
I tend to write semi-lit 2-5 paragraphs but mostly will mirror and write for the best flow rather than try to hit a particular word/par count. I really love horror and dead dove so I’m definitely interested in m darker themes and would ideally have about 60:40—50:50 plot to smut ratio. I also prefer to rp on discord but if there’s another platform you like using more I’m definitely down to try!
For the story itself, I’m thinking something along the lines of southern - possibly western - gothic, americana, really any time between 1950-2010 and have a couple of plot ideas rattling around but I’m also 1000% down with altering them or us coming up with a different plot altogether!!
a. Our characters know each other somehow (childhood friends? or maybe they work together/attend the same church? or are they having an affair?) and Cora finds out that your character is being abused in their marriage. She kills their spouse a la Fried Green Tomatoes and they skip town camp out and get cheap motels and maybe at some point turn to sex work and petty theft and live off canned food and cheap beer.
b. CJ is blowing through town on his way to compete in Montana when he meets your character at a bar, etc. they hookup and he ends up staying about a week but then really has to be going a la Love Lies Bleeding. Except maybe your character comes along for the ride? Maybe they fall in love along the way?
Lmao okay so maybe I have a thing for a roadtrip romance…….. I tend to gravitate towards more gothic stories that revolve around just the two characters but am absolutely cool to double up whenever (+ would appreciate it if you could too, if the story calls for it)
I’m looking for something long term — I wanna make friends with a writing partner and really dig into this story and build a world!! I’m big into shared playlists and pinterest boards :3 At the moment I work full time and am in school so I mostly can only send 1-2 responses per day but will have some days where I can be more available! I will definitely always communicate if I’m gonna be away for more than a day or two.
umm yeah idk how to end this so i guess interact w this post and I’ll send you a dm (:
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gawrkin · 6 months ago
as someone who doesn't go here, I'm really interested in all this arthuriana stuff, lol. So far what I know is that good pal Lancelot there is really head over heels for the very misunderstood red haired queen, Arthur is a questionable human and that Sir Gawain (and all his 150 other names) is a knight icon.
Oh, I'm not the right kind of Blogger to explain all these sorts of things. I tend to ramble and it becomes a kind of essay and I have to insert screenshots of specific texts. Not to mention the hassle of producing links to a source.
But yes, there's a lot of nuance that a casual read wouldn't really get if, say, you only read Le Morte D'Arthur and nothing else. Or worse, read up on only Modern works, like Idylls of the King or Once and Future King. The last two are Modern Stories to the core, often neglect important medieval contexts when it comes to the treatment of the legend. It would take an entire posts detailing the nitpicks I have towards them.
So to keep things short, here's a bullet point summary, that lacks a bit nuance itself but gets to the point and keeps it brief:
These characters have been written about for centuries. They've had different contradictory portrayals - sometimes even in the same story - depending on the cultural trends and motives of the storytellers. Arthuriana is a massive tradition with huge influence and to euclidate it all would be virtually impossible.
For instance, Sir Lancelot, as a character, is fundamentally the "Fantasy Boyfriend" archetype - he exists to be an idealized love interest wish-fulfillment for a female audience to fawn over (through Guinevere). Everything he does as warrior is done in the name of Love and is glorified for it. The sad thing about Lancelot is that he became outdated, with the cultural trend that created him - Courtly Love = having puttered out a long time ago. And as a result, he tends to get misconstrued by later interpretations.
Likewise, Queen Guinevere as has had many characterizations over centuries, from villain to heroine and everything in-between. She's misunderstood in the sense that most people don't know or acknowledge that the narratives surrounding Guinevere has changed, evolved and, more importantly, has accrued different and confusing plot points and themes - stuff that for their time made sense but aged poorly in retrospect. And that a lot of writers work from a limited pool of references (sticking to only 1 or 2 classics with all the strengths and flaws of those few stories) and insert contemporary biases in their retellings.
Also, Guinevere is not necessarily a Redhead. She is Blonde in Knight of the Cart.
King Arthur is... a Dark Ages Warlord. He would not exactly the nice man that gets hyped as an ideal leader, like Alfred Tennyson and T.H. White would have you believe. He has, throughout the evolution of the legend, character traits that don't exactly jive to the modern image of the character and has ambitions that would be tyrannical in our minds (Like his Campaign to conquer Europe or his Sexual Escapades)
Sir Gawain is the go-to action hero of the Romances. He can be said to be both an everyman and a stock character archetype - Gawain can be shoved in any story and in any role (heroic or villainous) and it would still make sense. The guy is versatile.
Even this Bulleted List doesn't cover everything I wanted to say. There's just simply so much to parse through and I'm not very good at organizing my thoughts in the spur of the moment.
I'll finish this post by saying keep digging and look up articles on medieval culture and history to give a little bit of context. From time-to-time, I also post about IRL Medieval Culture facts (like Law Codes).
There's so much more to learn about this (and possibly get disappointed in so many modern stories about the Arthurian Legend)
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years ago
hay I really love your king of the gerudo au if you want to why don’t you just go ham and just give us some random facts / tidbits about this amazing story your making or just talk about it I will take literally anything about this au I love it so much
I’m so glad you’re interested in it! The story is very messy but I’m mostly thinking about character arcs and stuff!
I still don’t know if totk stuff will be in it as much as before. The dungeons will be there, but that’s it. That’s all I’ll really want to put in there? And Ganondorf obviously lol. Totk pisses me off so yeah… not a lotta it.
Some ideas I have mostly regard Revali, Ammon and Orman, and Mipha.
So I hc that the bigger the Rito is, the stronger they are. Revali is very freaking short, even for a Rito, so he grew up being seen as weak and lesser than the rest of the Rito. He was also bullied a lot, mostly from a certain Rito that I may or may not get into later lol. I feel like Revali’s arrogance mostly stems from extreme insecurity, and the bullying and being perceived as weak really caused that. He didn’t want to be weak nor did he want to be seen as less than other Rito. So he really worked hard to be a good archer and flyer. Even tho he’s not as fast as other Rito, he is very agile and can dodge things in the air easily. Thanks to his size he can also slip past obstacles while other Rito will get stuck. And of course. He’s the best archer in all of Rito village. So he really did become the best by hard work. And his arrogance kinda got worse when the other Rito with wind powers was not picked to be the champion (again, I’ll get into that Rito maybe later). Anything that threatens his confidence he tends to be very hostile towards. Really he’s just a rude person in general cuz he has the mindset that he might as well be cruel since it’s a cruel world. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak so he thinks that being cruel will show people that he’s not. He needs therapy is what he needs Dhskdbskdbk. I wanna actually give him development and help him warm up to Link, they’re gonna have some time alone in the desert as you saw with that one wip hehe so he needs to learn to actually like him.
Something else I wanna explore are the divine beasts. I love seeing them as more sentient beings, and the only way to pilot them is to connect with them and control them with your mind and body. You can still control them with a Sheikah slate but it’s much better when you have an connection with the beast. The champions weren’t just picked for their magic, but it was also their connection with the divine beasts. So the divine beasts have a certain Sage occasionally speaking to the champions. Urbosa heard it as soon as she was on Naboris, and she and voice talk here and there (it’s actually why she knows that Naboris was named after Nabooru teehee). Mipha hears the voice occasionally but not very often. She usually tends to hear it during a battle tho. Revali talks to the voice all the time, he has a very deep connection with the voice and Medoh in general. Daruk on the other hand hasn’t heard any voice. He didn’t even know that was a thing, so he’s gonna be dealing with trying to hear the voice ;) but he’s the only Goron with a connection tho, but he still struggled with it in the beginning.
That’s all I’ll really say but I’m excited to explore the different champions! Especially revali I love that bird brat more than anything (I actually drew him for this au too!)
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magicalgirlmascot · 2 years ago
May or may not have been inspired to create the KNPS Toa in Hero Forge. Probably also gonna do the Turaga. I’m def curious as to your thoughts on everyone’s appearances, wanna see how what I have so far compares.
I am in TEARS please please please show me when you're done!!!
I've been kind of deliberately vague about their appearances in the fic itself because last time I wrote a big long human!Bionicle fic where I was more specific about their appearances I. wound up hating it later lol. I will say though that my Bionicle Sports Anime designs aren't necessarily what I have in mind when writing! (Those are mostly just for drawing Bionicle fanart without having to draw robots and possible eventual comic reasons.)
I do have some stuff in mind, though! I'm putting it under a readmore because it wound up getting fairly long lol
Tahu: redhead, toned and fairly beefy on account of the MMA but not like dehydrated about it, jeans, t-shirts, and button-downs with the sleeves rolled up kinda guy
Kopaka: my brother thinks he should be albino but I'm on the fence there, either way he does have blue eyes and light hair cut pretty short, glasses, tall and thin
Gali: petite, curly hair usually pulled back from her face, wears a lot of long, flowy clothes (cardigans, skirts, etc.)
Onua: short af, fat, muscular, hairy, I've made Gimli jokes before but I honestly do picture him looking like Senshi DungeonMeshi with less beard, almost exclusively wears black jeans, glasses are not prescription but to help with his light sensitivity
Pohatu: tall, runner's build (muscular legs, kind of average weight distribution tbh), thick brown hair that he's been growing out, tends towards muted colours and earth tones
Lewa: fucking beanpole, tall, thin, and gangly, hair is a bird's nest 99% of the time and he has given up trying, wears green almost to the complete exclusion of other colours, loves himself some good cargo pants
Vakama: glasses and tidy beard, greying hair, middling height, wears a lot of old man sweaters/cardigans
Nokama: taller than Matau but shorter than Vakama, hair is going grey but she dyes it, carries herself with grace and poise, it's. I do picture Lucretia Adventurezone a little bit while writing her ngl
Matau: short!!! absolute manlet and either mad about it or chill with it depending on which is funnier in context, wears loud shirts
Onewa: was not a cane user at the start of the story but is one now on account of his bad back, growing his beard out, worst case of resting bitch face you've ever seen, decently tall
Whenua: tallest Turaga, thick glasses, has worn a dress shirt and tie to work every day for the last 20+ years and isn't going to stop now even if his husband makes fun of him for it >:(
Nuju: average height, long fingers, went white by age 35 (claims it's from stress but it just runs in the family, Kualus was also fully white by 35 and Matoro probably will be too), dresses nicely but not a full shirt and tie like some people
Also you didn't mention them but bonus characters bc I've been thinking about them:
Takua: built like Lewa (tall and gangling), dyes his hair blue, fashion choices are "the colours gave me a headache so I bought it immediately"
Jaller: short king, blonde, probably the most athletic kid in the class
Hahli: shorter than Takua but still pretty tall, wears jeans and sturdy clothes, solidly built
Krahka: I mean sometimes she's a fox and sometimes she's got six arms and tits the size of her head, she can look however she wants
Again please please show me when you're done!!!! I would like to see it
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unholytrinityrpf · 15 days ago
Hello!! I’m 24nb (they/her) looking for a partner who is 21+ for some variety of lesbian rp (FxNB or NBxNB or something along those lines) for my handsomest butch Cora Jean/Cj ♡
» some fun facts!
* she/her and he/him pronouns
* generally goes by Cora Jean (or just Cora)
* born and raised in Camila, GA
* 23 y/o (sagittarius/taurus/virgo)
* short king but makes up for it in charm and doglike loyalty (5’2)
* rodeo star!! rides broncos as “Cj Finch”
* everyone who knows him in the the rodeo circuit only know him as Cj (a “cis” “man”)
* ready and willing to kill for the person she loves
* her love language is committing acts of violence in her lover’s name (:
I tend to write semi-lit 2-5 paragraphs but mostly will mirror and write for the best flow rather than try to hit a particular word/par count. I really love horror and dead dove (definitely 🩸, possibly 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒) and would ideally have about 60:40—50:50 plot to smut ratio. I also prefer to rp on discord but if there’s another platform you like using more I’m definitely down to try!
For the story itself, I’m thinking something along the lines of southern - possibly western - gothic, americana, really any time between 1950-2010 and have a couple of plot ideas rattling around but I’m also 1000% down with altering them or us coming up with a different plot altogether!!
a. Our characters know each other somehow (childhood friends? or maybe they work together/attend the same church? or are they having an affair?) and Cora finds out that your character is being abused in their marriage. She kills their spouse a la Fried Green Tomatoes and they skip town camp out and get cheap motels and maybe at some point turn to sex work and petty theft and live off canned food and cheap beer.
b. CJ is blowing through town on his way to compete in Montana when he meets your character at a bar, etc. they hookup and he ends up staying about a week but then really has to be going a la Love Lies Bleeding. Except maybe your character comes along for the ride? Maybe they fall in love along the way?
Lmao okay so maybe I have a thing for a roadtrip romance…….. I tend to gravitate towards more gothic stories that revolve around just the two characters but am absolutely cool to double up whenever (+ would appreciate it if you could too, if the story calls for it)
I’m looking for something long term — I wanna make friends with a writing partner and really dig into this story and build a world!! I’m big into shared playlists and pinterest boards :3 At the moment I work full time and am in school so I mostly can only send 1-2 responses per day but will have some days where I can be more available! I will definitely always communicate if I’m gonna be away for more than a day or two.
umm yeah idk how to end this so i guess interact w this post and I’ll send you a dm (:
If interested, please like this post. 🙏
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dxphnee · 1 year ago
I hope I'm on time for this- but I really enjoy your fics and this is my first time doing anything like this so hopefully it's okay!-
This was edited By ai so it would make more sense because the original one was just a mess and english isn't my first language but the ai just made it make more sense-
Name and Pronunciation: Jane Doe, also known as Avariel or Ava (She/They)
Short Bio: Avariel was once the favored angel of God, until she attempted to defend Lucifer. This act led to Gabriel striking her with his scythe, sending her plummeting into hell where she "died" and was reincarnated as Jane Doe. Despite retaining memories from her "past" life, she chooses to ignore them and strives to erase any trace of her former identity as Avariel. She harbors a deep resentment towards Gabriel and wishes she had been the one to end him. Now, she exists as an immortal entity within a mortal's body, ironically a descendant of Solomon.
Character: Avariel teeters on the edge of sanity and insanity, resulting in bipolar disorder. She tends to be reserved when interacting with the kings of hell and keeps her identity a secret. Generally calm and intelligent, she can be impulsive. Initially secretive, she becomes more open once you get to know her, and might even share a bit about her past.
Important Facts: They share one body but are distinct individuals. Avariel is more impulsive and destructive, but also more intelligent and powerful. She excels in survival and combat-related skills. Jane, on the other hand, is gentler and kinder. She is the reason they excel at cooking and other mundane tasks.
Voice: Avariel has a deep yet beautiful voice, while Jane speaks in a soft and feminine tone.
Demons to Include in the Story: Leviathan, Satan, and possibly Lucifer. You may also include any nobles.
Brief Description of Chosen Characters:
Leviathan: Avariel's most cherished king. She spoils him and loves him dearly. Jane has a love-hate relationship with him.
Satan: They enjoy playing with his hair, especially when it's wet because it sparkles like diamonds, and they have a fondness for shiny things.
Lucifer: Avariel has a complicated relationship with him. She was forced to marry him, binding them together for eternity. He is the reason for her current state, and despite everything, she has genuinely fallen in love with him. Jane adores him and showers him with affection and gifts.
Nobles: They enjoy the company of the nobles more than they'd like to admit. Whenever they go out or anywhere in general, at least one or two nobles accompany them.
Desired Tone: Fluff and angst (with a little bit of smut)
Narrative Type: 3rd person if you want to do something like their changing personalities/voices you can do something like: "Hello, I enjoy sweets and shiny things" pink for Avariel, purple for Jane and normal(bold) for both!
Requested Script: since Avariel is is the same age/older than Lucifer and the other kings and I have this headcanon that they both kind of raised the kings so that would be a nice script to read or they see Jane getting hit by Gabriel's scythe straight through hear heart but surprisingly she was still alive and despite having her heart removed from her body quite literally (thanks to Avariel being immortal). And she acts like nothing happened because she could not feel the pain. But anything you do will be okay!
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The drawing is scuffed because I'm not goof at drawing- (She has lavender hair with white tips and her eyes are black on top and yellow/gold below, her iris is shaped in a star normally with the color white. When receiving devils energy it turns into hearts and the color changes into a bright pink)
Draw list
Time for first update! It's the first day and we already have some applications oh god ahhhhh i'm so excited!! you have no idea
I'm reading all your ideas, and I'm impressed... but this confirms only one thing. Good thing we're doing a drawing because I wouldn't be able to choose at all lmao you're so inspiring!
I saw that I didn't express myself clearly and that may have caused some confusion. One post is enough, don't worry, just tag it well. Is this a reblog or is it your own post. Give me some time too, because I usually only have time for Tumblr after work. If I still don't tag you here after about 24 hours, you can tag me again or catch me in comments or in DM. Also, so far all the applications are very clear. But if I have any questions, I will definitely write to you.
Also, to make sure that I noticed all MC and OC's - I am publishing the list of participants in this post. It will be updated on an ongoing basis. Positions completely random.
@angelzone - Abbadon
@ankiebitez - Judith
@vilaenor - Erathyel
@axel-silverly - Aglas
@littlestardescendants - Mirjami
@rharsh1213 - Relshie
@tobypass - Tino
@123-456-789-1011-12 - Roman
@tokiyumejo - Chaerin
@hakugin0 - Jin
@ryu21800 - Shiro
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authoralexharvey · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
Who You Are:
Vermont || they/them/she/her
Writer with an avid love of museums, staring at paintings and reading murder mysteries. Mysterious and yet readable, oddly obsessed with drawing demons. I have a collection of half written in notebooks and too many sketchbooks to count.
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Adventure, fantasy, historical fiction, paranormal, sci-fi. New Adult and Adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Fantasy. Magic and new worlds really invoke a sense of belonging for me. I want to explore medieval towns with dragons and potion stores. I adore magic and elves and the lure of those stories.
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
Non-fiction. Facts are cool, but I'm not the one to write those things. I find it tedious and too time consuming to make sure every tiny thing is correct.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
Adults. Perhaps teens would enjoy my works as it may allow them to feel a sense of belonging, but my characters are adults and so I assume teens would find it harder to relate to them.
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
Enemies to lovers, found family and the good old only one bed. I live shoving two characters that may be icy toward one another into a situation that makes them a little closer. In love or in family bond.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
Whumper. Is that a trope? Either way, I dislike it.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
Golden Veins. Its been a series I've been planning and worldbuilding for for about 2 years.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
I write because I enjoy it. It lets me escape the real world. I keep writing because it keeps me from the boredom.
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
I used to write silly stories when I was 10, but then got serious when I was about 13. I liked the ability to be creative and put all of my ideas onto the page and find pride in my work.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
Everywhere. TV shows, movies, other books. The inspiration for my current work is The Lion King as well as some other writers on AO3.
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
I'm proud of most of my works. I don't see any reason to pick one when everything I write brings me joy and pride.
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
No. And no. Maybe just on AO3.
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you? Why?
I've never been interested in publishing my works. Maybe a short story, but the whole thing is tricky and just doesn't appeal much at all.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
Planning and character design. I love writing an outline and also writing about my characters. Character design is most enjoyable. I hate editing though, drives me to boredom.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
I just open the document, put on some music and go for it. It's chaos, yes, but only in my mind.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
1 year. I joined at the recommendation of a friend.
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
@abalonetea - I don't recall how I found her work but the aesthetics alone made me follow. @woodhousejay - Again, my brain is mush, I don't remember how I found their account but I did. Their art is amazing.
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
Interacting with the community.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
Just as I said above. We should all interact more with one another. I should likely try more.
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
I contribute my art, I suppose but I think I should reblog more when I can.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
Character introductions.
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
Art and character snippets.
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
I have Instagram I hardly look at, but links to media I use is on my Tumblr.
Questions For Fun:
What is your favorite kind of museum to go to? Have you used anything you've learned from your visits in your writing?
My favourite museums are the ones with anything historical. Natural History Museums are quite enjoyable. I've learned a lot from museums, I use the things I've learnt more so in my art than my writing.
Do you have an OC you default to when drawing? What about them makes them so drawable?
I default to drawing Zazu or Silviano. I like their body types and the lines of their clothing and bodies.
What is your favorite murder mystery you've read? Why?
My favourite murder mystery I've read thus far is The Museum Mysteries, a series by Jim Eldridge.
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