#as a girl when in that form if you choose to be a girl. and i think that adds a little bit to the uncanniness in the story
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I Could Be a Good Mother
or: What the process to Lily was
an: thank you to all beta readers for the first paragraph. not proof read. comments always appreciated. love you all.
warnings for mentions of pregnancy loss
When she was young, the plan was to name her daughter something exciting. Something reminiscent of herself. She contemplated Natasha, of course, the name her parents had originally planned on placing on her. Identifying herself as Natasha, after living so long under her actual name, felt wrong now, but she wouldn’t mind giving a piece of what could’ve been to her future daughter. She always wondered what made Tashi come about, a heat of the moment decision on her mother’s part. When she asked, tugging at the hem of her mother’s shirt as she read a novel too dense for a girl of Tashi’s age, the response was plain. Because she just knew. She gazed down at a small body, smaller than even now, a head of soft, curling hair, and eyes as warm as melted chocolate, and knew her daughter’s name. She placed it upon her with a kiss to her forehead, and there she was. Tashi Duncan. Her mother smiled down at the girl, so big and so small all at once, and said she’d know, too, when the time came. She’d know, just like she had. Like mother , like daughter. And when daughter became mother all her own, the chain would continue to grow.
When she was just a bit older, smiling with missing front teeth, not whole but feeling complete, she wanted to name her daughter Billie. Billie who she read yellowed biographies on her knees in the library, leaning against the shelves. Billie who ran the court like it was hers to own, and as far as Tashi was concerned, she did. Billie, who her parents reluctantly let her admire, but told her that even if she was a great player, one of the greatest, she wasn’t necessarily someone to be admired. Tashi didn’t quite understand it at the time, being young enough to understand when subtext was present, but not old enough to decipher the code behind a restless hand toying with a cross necklace. Nevertheless, as long as Tashi was passionate about tennis, she’d be passionate about Billie Jean King. She always thought it funny, the queen of tennis with ‘king’ for a last name. Maybe it was intentional irony on the universe’s part, something to rub men’s noses in. Or maybe she was both a king and a queen in her own right. Tashi wanted that. She wanted a court named in her honor, because for all the world knew, tennis had been reinvented under her capable hands. She wanted the world to watch as the courts molded beneath her feet like clay, precise, aggressive, and see the potential for what the sport could be. Her daughter, with this name, might gain that power through it. Be a king and a queen all the same.
At her confirmation, a knee-length skirt bursting around her like a blooming flower, beaming with pride, she decided her daughter’s name would be Joan. Joan after her chosen saint, Joan of Arc. It felt appropriate for her. Fitting to choose a name of someone so dauntless, so unmistakably determined to stick by her beliefs. Even at twelve, everyone knew that Tashi was not a girl, but a force of nature. She functioned more like the wind did than a person, graceful and elegant in its lightest forms, biting and unforgiving at its harshest. She wanted to be a dichotomy. The less people understood, the more she could work against another person without their realizing, on the court and off it, if need be. She found herself imagining, just for a moment, that the beaming faces of proud aunts, uncles, cousins, even strangers, were watching her burn at the stake, just as her namesake of sorts had, and she liked to think that it was a rite of passage to undergo something so painful. It was what made Joan of Arc the saint she now is, was it not? Perhaps to become something, the present you, the good in you, had to die. Maybe that’s what makes a person matter. So, she hoped to change. She hoped to leave old her behind. And when she stepped down to greet family, kiss cheeks and shake hands, and people asked her who her role model is, she felt her hands fidget with the golden cross settled on her sternum when she said Billie Jean King. Her grandmother, warm and soft with old age, took her by the hand that day and thanked her. Thanked her for becoming a woman of God, as she was intended to do. For being a great future wife and mother. She didn’t like the lack of ‘tennis player’ in that list, but it would have to do. After all, it’s what she was made for.
After Patrick, after her knee, she thinks she knows what Joan of Arc felt like when she looked down from heaven. She had to die to become something. What she had become, she wasn’t sure of. A coach, yes, and Art’s coach no less, but what else? She hoped that by falling from grace, she would land on some other variation of it. A fall from one pillowy, cushioned world to another. She tried, really, not to hate him for it. His successes that should have been hers, and they were in a way. She’d liked that after all, his malleability. He was becoming her. He was pressed and folded into serving with the power of her muscles and winning with the ease of a body which knew nothing but victory. They were her victories if he was her. But, when all is said and done, and she sits in bed while he sleeps, she knows he loves him more than she resents him. She loves that he stayed, despite no longer being the Tashi he’d met at that Adidas party. She loves that he holds her up, even when she lies and says she needs no support. She loves that in all his softness, he could love something so cold as her. She felt no fear when he proposed, because she wanted it to happen, and that meant he’d want it, too. And she wanted that daughter she’d dreamed of as a girl. She wanted her Joan to have an intellect like her own and a tenderness like her father. She wanted flowing brown hair and eyes that crinkle at their corners when they lift with a smile. She wanted a daughter, so Art would want one, too.
When they discussed it the first time, her ring felt heavier. She knew he wanted a family, that much was clear. He was more obvious than she’d been, all lingering eyes on small children and brushes of hands against tiny clothing. He never addressed it outwardly, not directly the way she does, but he showed his desire in his own way. He nearly cried when she asked him, and if she hadn't been smart enough to specify that she meant after the wedding, he would’ve begged her to start right away. He needed to be a father the same way she needed to be a mother. He needed to see himself create something worthwhile, he needed to know that he’d leave something beautiful behind when there was nothing left for his body to give. Tashi needed something, someone, to stare at her with the wonder that she felt from the stands as a teen. She wanted to know her life hadn’t amounted to a ‘should’ve been’, an unhappy accident, an act of God. She needed something tangible to place her love on, and just her love on. No living vicariously. No resentment. He wiped his eyes and kissed her like he had never been more in love with her than in that moment, and things felt simple. No arguments, no questioning, not a lick of concern for the future. She was going to get her daughter, her Joan, and she was going to be the most wonderful thing the world would ever know.
Her ring, the larger, newer one of the two, weighed heavy on her hand as she rolled her fingers in little waves against the marble sink. Two minutes. Two minutes that she hardly breathed for. They’d been trying and trying for months. Months of intimacy as a means to an end, rather than based on desire. Months and months and nothing seemed to stick. She felt sick each time she felt the telltale nauseating warmth of blood between her legs, the sharp ache of a cramp, like a mace swung at her insides. She felt sick when she knew she wasn’t doing the one thing she was put here for. Each time she spoke about it to her mother, she’d just sigh through the speaker of the phone, say that everything happens for a reason. That God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers, and it’d only make her victory that much more deserved. She felt no desire to be strong anymore. She hoped to be weak so that things became easier. But two minutes was up, and when she flipped the small plastic figure over in its place, two red lines down its center, she practically kissed the ground she collapsed to. Art found her there, attentive even from the other room, with her shoulders heaving and her back arched in on itself, as if shielding herself from the world. When he sees the positive test, he folds himself into the same position. He might just cry harder.
Imagine her shock when the screen was flipped her way and she saw three little shapes. Not one, but three. Three little girls. They had to be. The nurse had crinkled her nose when she said so, said it was still far too early to tell, but she knew. Tashi knew that there was never any other option for her. Three. The perfect number. Her own holy trinity to praise. Truly, they would be what she devoted herself to. She had won her battle, even though she’d never asked to fight it. She searched for Art’s hand to take in her own, and when her eyes met his they were fearful, yes, but delighted all the same. It was perfect. The ideal number. Her Joan, her Billie, her Natasha. He looked at that blurry image, all black and white fuzz and imagination-filled gaps, with the reverence of dog to owner, student to teacher. If they thought about it hard enough, they could feel their place in the world shifting. They could see each object come into itself, particle by particle. Each edge seemed a bit softer now. She felt a prayer on the tip of her tongue and silenced it with a sob. There was no time for piety. She felt the battle was won, and the war wasn’t even over.
Tashi was an analytical woman. Everything through a scrutinizing lens. Each detail perceived, judged, shuffled away to be dealt with. And as she analyzed the look on the doctor’s face when he came in, she knew. She knew and wanted to hear none of it. There was nothing to be done. No medication, no procedure. Her relief would come when they’d finally stop suffering. She didn’t tell Art, couldn’t tell Art. She didn’t tell him on the car ride home, tears stagnant in her waterline, lips pursed and trembling, but never breaking. She didn’t tell him when he saw the expression on her face. She didn’t have to. She needed space. Air. Sleep. A hug. A better body. A kinder God. She needed to be stronger. She needed to be weaker. When out of his line of vision, surrounded by the bed that could only have been where the lives still within her were born, she squeezed her eyes shut and hit. She hit, hit, hit and hoped it developed sentience just so it could feel the pain of each impact. But she wouldn’t lay there. She crumpled like an old flower, browning and dry, and for the first time in her life, there were no prayers to be said. She unclasped the thin gold chain from around her neck, holding its limp form in her palms. She cupped it beneath her lips, whispered ‘please, please, please’ until all that came out was air. But she felt no different. She felt no change. She threw it across the room, landing with a small, metallic tink. She hoped she’d been wrong all her life. There was no God. No God would let her suffer so much and be rewarded with so little. No kind, loving God would treat her this way after spending so much time praising him. No God would not let her serve the purpose she was put her for. Be fruitful and multiply. Why not her? They slept quietly that night, backs against each other. She slipped out from beneath the covers to scoop the chain up in her palms and tuck it into the drawer of her nightstand. Just in case, she didn’t want to anger him either.
When those two lines did appear again, her thumbnail dragging up and down the length of them, she didn’t quite feel joy. Because it was never supposed to be her. Of course, she was happy, somewhere, beneath that clouded, murky water of grief. For her babies. For herself. For what ifs and should haves. But, she would take it. She would hold her girl proudly in her arms upon arrival, she would watch herself change, grow, widen, and not be horrified by such a thing, and she would hate this little girl as much as she loved her. She wouldn’t recycle a name. She couldn’t make this child identify as another. And she knew, as her mother had, that when she arrived, she’d just know who she was. For now, though, she made her way to her nightstand, slipped open the drawer, and connected the clasp of the chain behind her neck again.
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How about Y/N that is like scylla from greek mythology or epic the musical (you choose), like she's terrifying and huge but on those who she is close, she's like a gentle giant and soft spoken, kind of like the song 'your beauty never scares me' (just some fluff, cause I think its cute!)
Your beauty never ever scares him😍🥰

(Lmk Wukong) Ok so you are admittedly scary however he feels something very sad about you. With what happened to you in the past of course your sad and insecure, but Wukong didn't love you any less. He loved to smother you with affection and reassurance, and make sure you know that you are loved and appreciated by him. He also loves to leave kisses in your more sensitive and private areas, especially your tentacles. He'll never be afraid of you, not shut up and come play with you king💛😘
(MKR Wukong)......................He had actively licks his lips when he had first saw your monster form. You may be huge and scary, but you're still his perfect, powerful wifey, talking to him in that soft voice, making his spine shiver in desire. Your beauty will never scare him. If anything, it makes him desire you more than anything in the world, your Appearance never scares him. If anything, it turns him on. He also loves your long soft tentacles, especially when they squeeze him tightly and sneak into his pants. It's so sexy and risky, especially in public, and he wouldn't have you any other way🥰❤️🔥
(HIB Wukong) Oh his poor huge insecure wifey as somebody with appearance issues he knows how it feels to be judged for your looks. Which is why he would never do that to you Wukong is aware of how gentle and kind you actually are, not to mention how motherly you are to Luier and Silly girl as you go out of your way to take care of them. Wukong always thought you are beautiful not to mention....a giant. Wukong would blush hotly at your sharp teeth and tentacles, and in your private time things would get heated especially when you touched everywhere at once. Ohhhh don't change for anyone especially for him🤤
(NR Wukong) The old man monkey scurries around wearing a mask.....he shouldn't be talking about faces either. However, he understands your fears and insecurities, so he makes sure to show you, bringing you out to dates and complimenting you and your looks and qualities like your kindness and willingness to help the people around you. He definitely drools over your big, strong tentacles squeezing him so hard and firmly....the point is he'll never be scared off by your scary face, with your kind, soft-spoken, and gentle demeanor and personality Wukong can confirm that he hit the jackpot when it came to you🥰😘🩷.
(Netflix Wukong) He understands your fears more than you'll ever know, but he doesn't fear you. He can never fear you. He loves your soft voice, and you're the very definition of gentle gaint. With how you treat him like glass, it's so adorable. Your endless kindness warms his heart and your soft-spoken voice, often falling asleep with ease. Sometimes, he kisses your many faces when he seeings there's tears in your many pretty eyes. He loves to praise you and your strength and power and wouldn't take you granted on purpose. Wukong loves you and your Appearance doesn't change a thing❤️.
(BMW Wukong) He finds your insecurities and fears to be ridiculous, even though he would go into kill mode if anyone insults you. Wukong goes into damage control by giving you very steaming and sexy compliments and calling you his beautiful peach. Not to mention how powerful you truly are in and off the battlefield, and it was sooooo hot and Wukong couldn't get enough of you. Overall your looks is just a bonus to him and he'll have no problem showing you just how much he loves you💙
(Destined one) You have his sympathy 100% especially when he got to know and fell in love with you. You were definitely intimidating at first glance but you were such a gentle giant, he can never be scare of you. The Destined one would make sure to plan dates that will be comfortable to you, his favorite thing to do with you is cuddling as you had many tentacles would hold him close to you. The Destined one would also blush at times because of how warm and firm you feel making him have not so innocent thoughts and have the urge to kiss you in your sensitive parts. He can't wait to take you home again..🩵🤤
(Lotmk Wukong) He understands why you think you're so insecure and depressed because people treated you like a big, ugly monster. However, Wukong thinks otherwise he thinks you're kind, sensitive, gentle, selfless, and most of all beautiful. It was love at first sight for him, and you quickly became special to him, spending all his free time with you and showering you with fun gifts and giving you compliments. Wukong would endlessly give affection to make sure you never be a monster to him, although every time he feels your tentacles on his bare body....he simply blushes🤎😊.
#monkey king reborn#monkey king x reader#monkey king netflix#nezha reborn#lmk monkey king#monkey king hero is back#x female y/n#black myth wukong#the destined one x reader#greek mythology#Greek scylla#lotmk 1999#jttw 1999
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Im constantly putting out LU headcanons when I'm stupid tired at like 2am, so have a couple for funsies:
Four has seizures sometimes. The dissociative kind but also the kind that is epileptic because his brain needs to reset. Yes this is borne from people saying portals throw bricks at him in fics. I imagine that a lot of powerful magic overwhelming the brain can be a seizure trigger in the world of LoZ, as per the logic of seizures.
I also think Four's 4'4 (132cm) and does have proportionate dwarfism. Like it's specifically a random genetic mutation thing though, not a 'Minish Cap adventure kept him shrunk' thing.
Hyrule's fully fae to me. Idk I just think it's more interesting, especially if you go off of what fae are like in European folklore. The idea of a fae choosing to live like a hylian after thousands of years of witnessing how humanoid creatures live. Like they're natural shapeshifters idk, as long as their magic is powerful enough, they can become anything.
Hyrule's appearance comes from finding Legend's disguise ring after Legend died and Hyrule deciding to take on the appearance when he shape-shifts. Probably the start of getting his sisters to use masculine descriptors and pronouns for him.
People have suspicions that Hyrule is fae-inclined, touched by the fae, or straight up is a fae based on his behaviour but no one's got anything concrete and it's mostly based on their personal knowledge of fae and their era's perceptions of the fae. And Hyrule definitely has gotten them all to introduce themselves to him as Link so going by fae rules, Hyrule could basically claim ownership and power over them. He just doesn't coz he doesn't want to (yet.)
We all know Legend is a soggy bastard but he's the 'I miss my wife tails' gay edition sort of soggy. That prob made no sense icl but those who get it, get it.
Sky's got an undiagnosed form of narcolepsy. It severely got in the way of his studies in Skyloft but he barely managed to pass it off enough that it didn't raise alarm bells (coz he was trying not to raise alarm bells in his own brain). It gets worse during the course of this new adventure because he's going through so many extreme emotions and doing so much physical activity that he's exhausting himself into sleep attacks constantly. Yes the chain are worried, yes Sky is deep in denial that anything is wrong with him. Good ol' hiding your issues Link over here.
Legend is Fable's twin. He just got passed between caretakers a lot (whole lot of being given to his uncle and then being forced by the king (his grandfather) to pass Lege back to them and so on), but he remained quite attached to his sister. A telepathic link helps. The two calm each other down and lot and they take care of each other. The two are quite similar - stern, far too wise for their years with too much experience under their belts, and very very traumatised so they hide it behind a face of pure disdain.
My Zeldas are all topsy-turvy so Aurora is AoL Zelda and Dawn is LoZ 1 Zelda. Hyrule's got an amiable friendship with Dawn but his affections lie with Aurora. She's kinda insane and let herself break a shit ton of fae rules because girl is mad in love with that boy.
Athena (yes Athena fits her so much better than Artemis guys pls I've been saying this for years) is like a big sister to Time and Wind, and she has a dependable colleague-like-but-also-kinda-dependant relationship with Warriors. It's weird, she helped raise Mask and Tune in the war where she could so it stemmed from that. She also knows Twi but only in Wolfie form. Yes chat, HW really fucks up everything but you gotta roll with it, he was in the game and yes I do believe Athena met him in the game.
I've posted in the past about my hc that Legend's transformation into a rabbit leaves his skeletal and muscular structures very weak and it causes him to go limp for a short amount of time coz his body is running on fumes. Yeah so combined with his time in Holodrum as a traveling performer/acrobat, he's just insanely hypermobile and flexible, and he can basically dislocate every bones in his body that connects to a joint. Including his spine/neck he found out one day to terrifying news when he just couldn't move at all when he hit his back wrong. He can obviously relocate them too (his back he maybe needs more assistance with), but it really freaks people out.
One more coz you've gotten more than I thought I'd type. I'm spreading the Four is buff as shit propaganda. At least his upper body anyway. He's a trained blacksmith, he's gotta have a lot of strength in his arms to hammer away at melting metal all day. (Plus gotta give him some kind of advantage, that boy got the short (ha) end of the stick in life and got nerfed to all hell and back)
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu four#idk if these make sense i am so exhausted#it's legit 2.30am rn wtf
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First i'll talk about Episode 5, and how she acts there as a worker drone. Yes, she’s brash, and yes she’s rude - but there’s plenty of signs to show she has some level of compassion! For example, in the scene where Tessa picks up N and spins him around, many people would see this and assume J is jealous about him getting Tessa’s affection. But, if you actually look at her while she does this, J doesn’t seem the slightest bit disturbed or surprised. Hell, the most she does is just track Tessa’s movements with her head like she’s making sure she doesn’t trip and fall or accidentally chuck N through the window behind them.
I choose to believe J is not jealous of N being picked up, and that is because it’s simply not something she’d want from Tessa. The dynamic between Tessa and J is very different to the dynamic between Tessa and N - and of course it would be! N and J are two wildly different people, so it makes sense Tessa would show her affection in different ways for both! N(and also Cyn before she got all crazy I imagine)is like a younger sibling type figure to her, someone she can have fun with and who she’d try to be a role model to. J, on the other hand, is more along the lines of a close friend or romantic partner (can you tell I’m a a Jessa fan?), someone she can confide in when she feels overwhelmed or anxious. Note how in their first scene together, and Tessa’s first dialogue PERIOD might I add, is Tessa talking to J about how anxious she is over the Gala - stating her lack of social skills in regards to humans, and J is able to get her to relax without saying a word - just responding to her request to pretend to be a ‘ripping royal stud’ by just gesturing to herself and smiling at her. She’s already a stud, she don’t need to pretend! This gets Tessa to calm down and relax almost instantly, with her tone and body language relaxing as the two share a mock cheers together.
Now, moving on to J’s compassion for others, when Louisa states she plans to dump the broken drones in the library, J’s face shows clear signs of panic and worry for them - or, atleast V! And in the next scene, when Tessa asks her to ‘chuck us a hand’, she responds sadly and guiltily, citing ‘corporate’s orders’ as the only reason she isn’t helping her (note that her foot is chained here, too, implying that they had to restrain her so she wouldn’t go save N herself!), and call me crazy, but the way she says ‘corporate’s orders’ sound almost *resentful*, as if she’s upset over the fact her programming is getting in the way of helping her found family. When we cut back to J, we see her gnawing at Tessa’s chain with furious, rarely otherwise seen aggression to the thing. You could say that’s because Tessa was egging her on, but I like to think it’s more because of her vitriol towards the physical embodiment of Tessa’s imprisonment. Manor J would *not* be supportive or fond of Mr and Mrs. Elliot in any way, if not for how they treat her fellow drones, for how they abuse their own daughter.
Also, when Solver!V tries to attack Tessa and then N, she actively goes out of her way to save them both. Tessa is someone she’d obviously save, of course, but why N? Obviously, she’d have to care about him in SOME form - otherwise she’d just let him die! While it’s true she is kind of a dick to him in the major, I think that stems from her generally being stressed out over the fact that *all* of them could get killed if they mess up, and it leads to her lashing out when she doesn’t mean it. I also think she just…straight up doesn’t know how to talk to him. Girl is intimidated by the big ball of sunshine that is N, lmao.
As for her actions during her phase as a DD, I believe they stem from her suffering from several dozen mental breakdowns all at once. Let’s go down the list; Her best friend/crush is Dead, her younger sibling-figure (cyn) is possessed by the robot devil/IS the robot devil and is now wearing said best friend/crush's skin, she had a personal hand in the culling of humanity while having no choice in the matter, she’s in a body that is no longer her own, heavily weaponized and with an insatiable blood/oil-lust, now with no other choice but to kill her own kind. This all spirals and coalesces into the J we see today, arrogant, abusive, and deranged. In this regard, she is almost an exact parallel to V - as she was very much the same kind of asshole before she met Uzi and got her character development. Perhaps if J was the one to survive that fated day in the bunker, she would’ve been the one telling V to bite *her.* Just something I like to think about.
#murder drones#serial designation j#tessa james elliot#serial designation n#murder drones cyn#cyn#md cyn#md n#md j#md tessa#murder drones tessa#murder drones n#murder drones j
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Hey Besties 💐 We have so much fun coming up with fashion look books and guides for you, please check out our Spring look book (here) and our Fall/Winter look book (here) if you haven't already.
We thought we would spice your spring wardrobes up again by telling you which spring trends will keep you looking polished, elevated and classy this spring-summer! ✨
🌷Capri Me Please: how to properly style capris.

When done right, capris elevate your outfit to be very stylish and elegant. Especially for our tall besties! Matched with a kitten heel or a sandal, we urge you to try out capris. Not just the legging material but also a looser fabric. This is a good piece to wear for an everyday errands look, brunch meetups and even a day date.
🌷Babydoll / Sweetheart Dresses: the options are endless.

Nothing screams spring like a beautiful form fitting to loose dress, try to grab a sweetheart neckline dress. Pair it with some strappy sandals and a light cardigan for those cooler evenings. Accessorize with a delicate necklace and a wide-brimmed hat to complete the look. Choose soft pastel colors or floral prints that reflect the season's vibrancy. Don't forget a cute crossbody or satchel bag to hold your essentials while you stroll through blooming gardens or enjoy a picnic in the park.
🌷The Bermuda Short: think baggy jeans or trousers with a spring twist.

Another style that if done correctly, it will EAT. For my thrifting besties, you are going to love this trend, go find the cutest baggy jeans, cut them and get the waistband tailored. For my trouser loving besties, you can get a nice cotton/linen pair of shorts. The options are endless, can be worn with sandal heels or even sneakers. Tip: if you get stuck, loose bottom = tight top/vest.
🌷 Cinched Button-up Vests: the top of the season!

V neck to high necks! We are loving the cinched vest look, which can be styles with various of the other trends you see now! This versatile top it the new it girl spring elevated piece that you must have in your wardrobes!
🌷Satin Skirts: the essential piece to transition from day to night.

Silk is a piece that will always elevate your outfit. We told you in the fall this was a staple but the girls are transitioning it into their spring wardrobes as well! Silk is so light weight it can be dressed up or down for any spring outings you have coming up for a touch of elegance.
Follow us on social media 💋
#spring fashion trends#spring fashion#fashion trends#classy looks#feminine outfits#outfit inspo#black women in femininity#black women in luxury#feminine energy#femininity#fashion#luxury fashion#elegant looks#style#fashion lookbook#lookbook
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Colorful Strokes on a Canvas
Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader
Word count: 2,835
Content warnings: Fluff
Summary: Hyunjin is the handsome teacher’s assistant for your art class, you’ve had some small conversations with him here and there but when he finds out that you’re attending an exhibit at the local museum just like him he asks if you’d like to go together. The two of you get lost in the world of art and each other throughout the day together.
A/N: Divider was created by @bernardsbendystraws, thank you for sharing your dividers with tumblr!
The art studio is lively with chatter and background music as you drag your piece of charcoal across your canvas in wide arcs and sharp lines. There’s students all over the place and you’re secluded in your corner just focusing on the creative thought that has popped into your head that needs to be brought to life in your sketchbook. You can hear the group of girls giggling and chatting with each other at the handful of easels next to you.
”Oh my god, do you see what he’s wearing today?” Asked one of them and your eyes darted over to her as you watched her lean towards her friends with excited sparkling eyes.
”Oh I know! He’s so hot! I mean he should be a model instead of a teaching assistant. Do you think he’d model for us?” Asked her friend and they all devolved into giggles which made you roll your eyes at them quietly. You knew they were talking about the new art teacher’s assistant Hyunjin, he had started as a teacher’s assistant this past semester and had been the talk of all the art students because of how handsome he was. He was tall and slender with lean muscle in his arms and legs, and the man knew how to dress himself well even if it was a little “nerdy” as you’ve heard some people mention about him. You hadn’t had much interaction with him since starting this class, only little talks here and there about whatever you were working on at the moment. Turning back to your sketchbook you chose to ignore the girls and focus on your artwork, you tilted your head to the side trying to get a better idea of how you want the picture to turn out.
”What if you made broader strokes on this side to make the profile stand out more.” Came a soft voice from over your hunched form as a hand reached out to tap the side of your sketchbook. Your response is immediate as you push back away from the desk you’re leaning over to get away from the unfamiliar hand as you yelp loudly. In your haste to get away from the hand you push back into the body behind you and nearly topple the two of you if it weren’t for his steadying stance as he slides one foot backwards to brace himself against your movement.
His laughter rings out loudly in the room and you blush brightly as everyone in the class turns to look at you as you look up at the man leaning over you from behind. Hyunjin leans over you still laughing with happy delight at your response to him. He grins at you as his laughter dies down and you feel the heat in your cheeks as you turn back to your sketchbook and try to get back to your drawing. His chuckle softly fills your ears before he’s pulling a chair close to yours and straddling it backwards while crossing his arms over the back of the chair effortlessly. You keep your eyes on your sketchbook as you silently try to ease the blush that’s still running rampant in your cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you or embarrass you.” He said softly to you as he scooted his chair closer to yours. You turned your head towards him and pressed your lips together in a flat smile in acknowledgement of his apology. “So what made you choose charcoal today? Normally you use colored pencils in your sketchbook.” He asked curiously as he tilted his head to the side looking over at your sketchbook. You’re surprised that he’s noticed what art medium you prefer in class and what you normally use when you’re drawing in your sketchbook.
”Today was too much color for me so I felt the need to do grayscale.” You explained with a shrug of your shoulders.
”You mean like life was too colorful today?” He asked curiously and you nodded your head at his question. “Huh, interesting way to choose a preference.” He said softly and you nodded your head at him. You saw movement out of the corner of your eyes and noticed the group of girls at the easels all staring at you and Hyunjin. You dart your eyes back over to him and watch silently as his own eyes dart to the girls who all giggle before turning back to their easels. You can feel them stealing glances at the two of you knowing that their earlier conversation was about the man at your side.
”What do you hope to get out of your art degree?” Hyunjin suddenly asks you and you turn your head towards him quickly with a furrowed eyebrow.
”What do you mean?” You ask him curiously and he smiles softly when you turn fully towards him.
”Well you’re taking art classes here for this semester. Do you plan to pursue a career in art? Or is this just a hobby for you?” He asks curiously and you smile fondly as you turn back to your sketchbook gently tracing the edge of it before speaking up.
”I want to become an art curator while also creating artworks to sell in a gallery setting.” You explain to him and he nods his head quickly at your explanation. He suddenly then gasps softly as his eyes widen and he leans forward in the chair towards you.
”There’s a new art collection on display for the next few weeks at the local art museum. Have you heard about it? Maybe you should go, it could help you with your chosen career.” He said excitedly and you grinned at him while nodding your head.
”Already bought my ticket for this Saturday and I asked to have a meeting with one of the art curators at the museum that day too.” You told him just as excited as he was.
”Wait! Really? I’ve got a ticket for Saturday too! Do you want to go together? I won’t stay for the art curator meeting if you don’t want me to but I’d love to go see the collection with you and maybe get your take on it when we go see it.” He said eagerly and you smiled warmly at him before nodding your head.
”That’d be cool, it beats being lonely and going by myself.” You tell him kindly and he grins at you while nodding his head.
”Oh absolutely, I usually go to new collections by myself too but it’d be a lot of fun to go with you and discuss. You have my number from when I gave it to the class when I started?” he asked softly and you nodded your head at his question before furrowing your brow. “Good text me when you get to the museum on Saturday. I was planning on going at around nine. Maybe we can grab lunch afterwards if you’re up for it.” He says eagerly and you smile at his excitement, it seems to change his whole persona and you find it adorable. He’s just so excited to share an art experience with someone else and it shows in his sparkling eyes as he nods his head eagerly at you.
“I’d love that Hyunjin.” you tell him sweetly and his grin widens fully on his face as a soft pink blush dusts his cheeks at your words. He then nods his head quickly before he stumbles getting on the chair and sliding it back to its original place before he’s nodding his head again and then walking towards the front of the classroom still with a soft blush on his face. You bite your lip trying to curb the urge to laugh at his silly antics before you turn back to your drawing using broader strokes to show off the profile more.
You’re looking down at your phone as you reach the front steps of the museum wondering if Hyunjin had texted you his location when you hear a voice calling out your name. Looking up you spot Hyunjin pushing off from the railing of the steps and hopping down the stairs towards you with a happy grin on his face. He’s wearing a long sleeved black sweater, a pair of well worn skinny blue jeans, his black hair is half tied up with his bangs framing his face and his ever present large round framed glasses; you’re speechless as you watch him hop down the steps towards you and feel your stomach heat with desire over how attractive and cozy he looks today.
“Hey!” he greets you happily and you beam up at him just as happy to see him.
“Good morning Hyunjin! Have you been waiting long?” you ask him worriedly and he quickly shakes his head at you as the two of you begin to climb the stairs together.
“No, I just got here about ten minutes ago. Got to people watch for a little bit before you got here.” he explained with a soft smile and you grin at him while nodding your head.
“Isn’t that the best? I love people watching and then using that as inspiration.” you tell him and he nods in agreement with you.
When you both enter the museum you’re surprised by how busy it is today and Hyunjin moves closer to your side as his eyes widen with how crowded it is. You notice the slight downturn of his lips and the furrow in his brow, your hand is already reaching out and soon your hand has slipped into his and your fingers curl around his own slender ones. He jolts at the contact and looks down at your hands with wide eyes before slowly raising his head to stare at you as his lips part slightly.
“Sorry, is that too much? You just looked anxious about the crowd and I didn’t want to lose you.” you begin to explain shyly and start to pull your hand out of his but Hyunjin tightens his grip on your hand before he shakes his head quickly.
“No, no. This is perfect.” he says softly to you and you beam up at him before turning back to the crowd to find out where you both need to go to present your tickets for the exhibit. You spot a woman standing at the side of the front desk of the museum dressed in a navy blue pencil skirt, soft gray blouse and a navy blue blazer with a pin of the emblem of the museum displayed on her lapel.
“I think that’s one of the guides for the exhibit. Do you mind if I ask her about the art curator meeting real quick before we go through the exhibit?” you ask him softly and he shakes his head at you before gesturing his head towards her. You walk over to her still holding his hand and she smiles brightly at you as her eyes trail over first him with appreciation before turning to you, you notice her eyes catch on your connected hands and her smile falters a little bit. “Good morning, I have a scheduled meeting with an art curator in an hour. Would you happen to know where I’m supposed to meet with them by any chance?” you ask her kindly and she smiles at you while nodding her head.
“I’m the art curator you’re supposed to be meeting with, I wanted to see if I could catch you before you went into the exhibit since you had mentioned wanting to go through it. Do you mind if we do a small tour of the art department here before I leave you to go through the exhibit? I had a meeting with another museum founder pop up and needed to reschedule some things.” she explained and you frowned softly at her before Hyunjin tightened his hand in yours.
“I can walk the exhibit and wait for you to be done.” he said softly and the curator looked at him sharply for a moment before smiling softly.
“Your boyfriend can join us if that’s alright with the two of you.” she said easily as her eyes took him in again with interest. You opened your mouth to correct her but Hyunjin tugged you closer into his side and smiled warmly at her.
“That would be wonderful, thank you. I’d love to learn more about the career that she’s interested in.” Hyunjin said easily and you looked up at him confused before he smiled warmly at you and ducked down towards your ear. “I don’t like the way she’s looking at me. Save me.” he whispered into your ear and you frowned softly before nodding your head and gripping his hand a little tighter in yours causing him to smile and step closer to your side.
The hour long tour that you had with the art curator was amazing for you and Hyunjin, you were both able to see the art department for the museum and how they received the art pieces, upkept certain art pieces, and stored them. It was all so interesting to you and it made you more and more excited for the field that you chose to start a career in. When the hour was over the curator guided both of you back towards the main entrance of the museum and told you if either one of you wanted to come back for another tour to just give her a call as she handed you her business card.
“So, what did you think?” Hyunjin asks as the two of you move towards the new exhibit and present your tickets.
“Oh I loved it!” you said excitedly as you were ushered into the new exhibit. “It just made me more excited for the career. Showed me that I’m making a good choice in my future.” you said easily before frowning softly. “I’m sorry that she made you uncomfortable though.” you said with a look of concern and Hyunjin smiled at you while shaking his head, he reached out his hand and wiggled his fingers at you causing you to grin and quickly slip your hand into his intertwining your fingers.
“I had you at my side protecting me. She knew she didn’t have a chance with you there.” he whispered in your ear and you blushed brightly at his flirtatious words.
The two of you then spend hours walking through the exhibit examining each piece of work on display. You even make it into a little game pretending to be snobbish art enthusiasts as you critique each piece before dissolving into giggles together and then gushing about the artwork. You both lose track of time as you’re walking around enjoying your time together and the artwork on display. It’s only when you hear the announcement that the museum will be closing in twenty minutes over the loudspeaker that you turn to Hyunjin with wide eyes as he looks at you with the same look on his face.
“Did we spend the whole day in the museum?” you ask him in a faux outraged whisper that has him giggling delightedly as he bumps into your side playfully.
“I think we did. Damn, I didn’t even realize that it was getting so late.” he said bewildered as the two of you walked towards the exit together. “I’m starving, you hungry?” he asked as he turned to look at you as you both exited the museum. You stare at him silently wondering if he felt as at peace with your time together as you did, Hyunjin tilts his head to the side before smiling beautifully at you. He moves up the stairs back to you, he stands two steps below you and grins widely as he’s at eye level with you now. “I don’t want today to end to be honest. I want to spend more time with you, short fry.” he teases you and you roll your eyes at him playfully as he giggles. “I really enjoyed today. Really enjoyed being with you and spending time with you.” he said softly as his hands connected with yours and your fingers interlocked automatically. “I’d like to spend more time with you but you’re still a student in one of my classes until next month.” he said worriedly and you smiled softly at him.
“We can be friends for a month until I’m done with the class.” you say shyly and Hyunjin beams at you in relief and happiness. “I’d love to spend more time with you too Hyunjin. But I don’t want to put you in an uncomfortable position with your teaching. I can wait, I can be patient.” you tell him softly and he nods his head happily before he turns and begins dragging you down the stairs.
“Great! I know a quiet place that we can go for dinner.” he said excitedly over his shoulder causing you to laugh at him while you followed him down the stairs.
SKZ Taglist: @kayleefriedchicken, @babigriin, @inlovewithstraykids, @channiesrightasscheek, @kaiyaba
#my writing#stray kids#skz#skz x reader#hyunjin#hyunjin x reader#hwang hyunjin x reader#hwang hyunjin
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Dp Oc Parade Event - Draw Someone Else's Oc Part 2
Okay, so I know this event has ended, and that's fine and all... but I got a thing I worked on and that is others ocs.
I noticed that in the event, for the 7th day, a lot of people ended up not getting their ocs drawn by someone else. So I combed through the blog to figure out who didn't get their ocs drawn and, well I drew them.
I do know about half of the participants haven't made posts for the 7th day yet, and I would have waited until that got through so I'd know for sure, but I'm on Spring Break rn (well today's the last day) and I had the time to do this, so I went ahead and did it.
Hey, it could give inspirations to others on who to draw, or not. There were tons of awesome ocs in this event, I know it's hard to choose.
But, without futher ado (this is gonna be a long post, sorry) here are the ocs in no particular order 🙃
(And I have a little what I like about the oc bit underneath, I am tired when making this post so I am terribly sorry if these segments read odd).

Dionysia Nova - @corrupted-inkwell
I love the aspect of Dionysia's core being a water core, that is so freaking cool. I also love her ghost forms design, she's just a pretty awesome character in general.

Nyreena Dark - @misshvariety1307
Nyreena's sword is the coolest thing I have ever seen, the phoenix hilt is epic. Her backstory is very intriguing as well, being the daughter of the Ghost King and all.

Carnie - @zombfearer
Jesters are awesome, can never go wrong with them and I think Carnie makes a perfect Danny Phantom jester oc. I love their design, with the split colors and shapes. They seem like pretty fun ghost.

Vivian Masters - @hithisiszooz
Vlad having a sister is the best thing ever, it's clicks so well. I love Vivians design, and the backstory that came with her (Vlad and hers parents being ex hippies is the funniest thing to me).

Aviatrix Iris Minoso Flint - @videodromeda
Iris was fun to draw considering no actual pictures of her exist, just the description. I loved the life and personality put in her through her master post you made of her, and I really hope I caught her character well. (And if there is anything you'd like me to tweek, let me know I will be glad to do so).

Aubrey Webber - @saschagemruler
Aubrey is such a fun character, I love her personality and design so much. And the backstory she has with Vlad? Chefs kiss. And that is exactly why I drew her bursting into Vlads mansions doors.

Archie, the Master of Records and Memory - @forestfairyunicorn
Archie is a awesome character. Being the Master of Recorfs and Memory is a very interesting concept, and you know? It really does answer the question of what happens to ghosts memories and records when they die. And his bats Flipnote and Page are absolutely adorable.

Cassiopeia (Cassy) - @timelessdp
Cassy is so fun. I love the idea of her being the daughter of Danny and Valerie if they had gotten together. I love the detail of her having vitiligo and her powers being light based is amazing.

Ares Masters/Plasmius - @agitatedghost
The amount that Ares reminds me of my irl best friend is insane. Ares has a wonderful personality and awesome design. She seems like she'd be a awesome person to hang around.

Supervisor Fich - @theillustraitor
Here's the Gen-Z in me coming out but Supervisor Fich gives girl boss. Her being a GIW agent is so fricking cool and I absolutely love her design.

Cap'N Rattague - @invaderjjdraws
Rats, who can go wrong with rats? Rats are awesome, and I love how Cap'N Rattague is based around them, and pirates. So a added bonus. To me he seems chaotic, but in the best way.

Maverick Selphine - @tridentrans
Maverick is such a cool looking character. The firery hair is awesome and I love the aspect that he was a very dedicated paper boy. I am actually very curious about his backstory, he's a very interesting character.

Andy - @voided-peach
Andy is a really cool looking character, I love how his skin is translucent allowing one to see his bones. And the fact that he’s a young kid is tragic, he is developed very well.

Hannah Black/Haunter - @katharos-arts
Hannah seems pretty chill, and that is awesome. I always love the chill and calm characters. Her getting her powers at the Axiom labs due to ghostly insects is a very cool idea, something I would have never thought of but it makes perfect sense. Makes you wonder how those bugs worked in a sense.

Callie (Calcifer) - @ellascreams
Callie's powers are so cool. Being able to control candles is such a beautiful aspect, and I love the idea that she's just a ghost who owns a candle shop. That is so fitting, and I can imagine the shop is a pretty neat place to hang.

Lesli Adelura - @theleslistuff
Lesli is a pretty cool character. Her being 1/4 Wendigo and a sociopath is a awesome combination. She seems like such a badass and I'm here for it.

Blood Blossom Ghost - @papiliomame
Even tho she isn't technically a oc, just a character made from a doodle challenge, she is amazing. I thought the design of the Blood Blossom character was beautiful and just wanted to draw it. (And yes, I realize the mirror isn't mirroring properly, we just gonna ignore that 💀).
And so, that ends that. I hope I did all these ocs well, and I hope y'all enjoy them.
Now, I should probably go get some sleep because ya know, sleep is important.
(Oh, and if anyone had entered the event, didn't get their oc drawn, and I missed that and they want me to take that stab, definitely let me know and I will happily get onto drawing said oc).
#Danny Phantom#Ocs#Original Characters#Danny Phantom Original Characters#Dp Oc Parade Event#Art#Digital Art#Hope Y'all Enjoy#🙃
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yes, lola is very unkind, but he isn't aggressive, and he's not cruel immediately towards every single person he meets. if he perceives someone to be dirty, doing something he dislikes or looks down upon, etc, he will most likely voice it, but if there's nothing for him to disapprove of, he doesn't. the thing is, he's judgmental about a lot of things.
he gets along best with people who have similar tastes/standards (often also at least a little snobby), but most importantly can tolerate what a bitch he can be. with people he likes, he doesn't even mind when they're rude back to him a lot of the time (and when he does, he usually lets it go, unless he's very offended).
he almost always makes snap judgments about people, to some degree. the first thing he judges someone by is the way that they're dressed and how clean they appear to be. i'm not going to get into exactly how he judges fashion specifically because it would take up too much space, but multiple things about the way people are dressed factor into all of the conclusions he draws. he doesn't hold firmly onto this initial judgement except for in some key areas and under specific circumstances, which are also a bit too much to explain here. after that, he just judges people on their behavior.
he has a lot of complicated ways of judging people but it's all just automatic thought. not the judgments themselves, but more the process.
the longer he holds a judgment and it continues to seem accurate, the harder it becomes to overturn. positive judgments made earlier on are easier to turn negative than negative judgments can turn positive, but later on in the relationship, the reverse becomes true. it would still be incredibly difficult for someone to get him to like them at that point, but it would just be that much harder to make him dislike someone that he's come to care for, even when there are elements that arise that would have caused him to feel the other way more strongly earlier on in the relationship.
there's also the fact that from the start, he will be more lenient with men that he finds attractive. this doesn't mean they can behave in every way he abhors and he'll still like them, but he doesn't judge them quite as harshly as everyone else when it comes to certain things. many things persist as swaying him one way or another, though, and it's worth mentioning that he is not attracted to most men, meaning this applies to very few people. it's also important to note that many of the things he finds attractive in a man's personality, he'll find likeable in others.
#lore.🥀#i have no idea if this makes sense LOL hopefully#so he's a mean judgy boujee ass old man#i'm stoned writing this so i feel like it really fails to choose a topic and stick to it#girl i got lore you wouldn't even CARE about#i meant to write about how he gets along with people. when he gets along with them. and how he interacts w them#but then i had to go into how he forms relationships#god i have so much more to say about all of this#but it really branches off into so many topics
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Personally I think an under-utilized subversion of the perfect victim is the pristine monster. Innocence preserved by ignorance to the pain and horror wrought by action or inaction. Suffering through the guilt and anguish of learning you are someone else’s monster but unable to atone or be understood as the vile thing that you are because your hands were washed of blood before you knew they were bloodied. Never seeing your smiles as a threatening baring of teeth because you have no reason to believe you could bite. Apologies being meaningless because you don’t know what you’re actually apologizing for.
Empathizing with this sort of character requires the discomfort of understanding morality and “wholesomeness” not as a one dimensional trope but an eventual cognitive dissonance, something they’ll only maintain in spite or because of guilt. Their suffering may be interpreted as beautiful or uncompromised and easy to feel pity for because they can’t be considered at direct fault and therefore cleared of wrongdoing. And they very well may be depending on the writing. But there’s something very appealing to me about taking that and saying no, actually, there’s something sinister in being preserved as a pristine, desirable, unsullied innocent by having a major portion of your autonomy and knowledge of yourself either stripped from you or obscured in some manner.
Or whatever. #girl
#also I don’t just mean like. character who has their values/moral compromised and chooses goodness despite it#I mean characters who have to contend that they are happy and safe and good because they’re monsters in some form or fashion#oc tag#having Eden thoughts#a dude to do when he doesn’t know he’s a growth intentionally shaped to be human by his weird parasitic cancerous heart#not oc related this is also about sqx#girl you are so gothic heroine destined for less#back to ocs this is what maeve wants to be but also gags at the idea of playing into
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As the lead taction of the Ylissian army, and personal friend of the acting exalt, Vinnie had been taken along to ask for assistance from the new king of Plegia.
Aversa, the royal adviser, guides them through the castle, speaking about the new king, Validar, talking about how the both of the are Grimleal, worshippers of the dragon Grima. As they all approach the meeting room, she explains that they meant to pay a visit to Ylisstol, though is cut off by the arrival of the king.
Vinnie immediately recognizes him, the assassin that tried to kill Emmeryn two years ago, now the king of Plegia. He can hear Chrom talking, though he pays no attention, his mind racing to come up with some explanation of how a man he himself killed is now standing before him as the king of a country.
"And you must be Lady Vincian." Vinnie blinks, and looks up at Validar as the king addresses him.
"Sir Vincian." he corrects. "You know of me, Sire?"
Validar chuckles darkly, his mouth contorting into a grin that set off all the alarm bells in Vinnie's head "Sir Vincian, my apologies. The whole world knows of Ylisse's master taction! And indeed, I see the sparkle of wisdom in your eyes."
Vinnie averts his gaze, and the meeting continues. Though he really should be paying attention, he can't seem to bring himself to. After a few minutes, a new figure stepped into the room, dressed in the same coat that Vinnie wore, and though he wore a different garb underneath the coat now, she was wearing the same clothes he had when he first awoke two years before. A small amount of raspberry hair seeps out from beneath the hood that covered her face
"The heart still sleeps, but the blood flows through it. And the blood is strong." The figure speaks, sounding uncannily like Vinnie when he doesn't remember to shift his voice to a more masculine pitch.
Vinnie looks up at the figure, taking in her appearance. Silence covered the room for a brief second, before Vinnie spoke "Are... Are you speaking to me?"
She did not answer. Fredrick stepped forward, and spoke with the same confidence he always did "Good hierophant, I would ask you to lower your cowl. In Ylisse, it is a courtesy expected of one in the presence of royalty."
She was silent for a beat, before responding "You are a long way from Ylisse, sir...But very well..." She pulled down her hood, and Vinnie's blood. Her raspberry hair covered half her face, and there was a strand far longer than the rest on the other side. Her eyes were a deep greenish blue, with little flecks of gold throughout, and she looked Identical to Vinnie. "Is that better?"
Vinnie stayed silent, thought the others let out cries of surprise in reaction. The woman smirked, seeming pleased with the reaction she had caused. "My name is Vincian. Oh, and that was your name as well, wasn't it? what a strange coincidence..."
Vinnie could barely hear what else was said, though they were rushed out soon after that. As soon as they exited the castle, and were out of earshot of Aversa, Validar, and the other Vincian, Vinnie turned to Chrom. "That's not possible." he was sure that his face, as well as his voice betrayed his panic, as he was too rattled to maintain his usual facade of calm.
Chrom nodded "She looked exactly like you, er, well not because you look like a woman-"
Vinnie cut him off "Yes, that, but her name..."
Chrom blinked "A strange coincidence all things considered, but-"
Vinnie cut him off once more "No, Chrom, I made up the name Vincian. not when you first found me in that field, before then. Sure, it's possible someone else thought of it at some point, but it's not a plegian name, and it sure as hell isn't common." he paused to take a breath, "The nickname Vinnie is common with another real name, but it has more of a masculine connotation... It's all too much to be a coincidence. it's like her whole.. well, everything, is modeled after me..."
Chrom and Fredrick both gave Vinnie a grave look. neither of them had answers either. Still, they had bigger things to focus on at the moment than this.
#i just played through this scene in the game#and like. robin is supposed to be a plegian name and its a pretty common one irl.#but even though vinnie is a unisex name i mostly see it used as a nickname for vincent#to my knowledge vincian comes from leonardo da vinci but im the only person i know of who uses it as an actual name#and because its a chosen name that isnt technically a name i thought it would be even more interesting to explore that a little#because its already super fucking creepy to have someone who looks exactly like you do and is dressed exactly the same as you#to have the same name as you.#but imagine if it was a name you chose for yourself. a name that isnt even a name#though whats creepier someone identical to you with your deadname or with a really obscure chosen name?#also i chose to make the doppelganger a woman because while im pretty sure grima is a guy in game he still uses she/her and is referred to#as a girl when in that form if you choose to be a girl. and i think that adds a little bit to the uncanniness in the story#fire emblem#fire emblem awakening#this is technically fanfic i guess#fire emblem fanfiction
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forever obsessed with the concept of MK having platonic hanahaki for Wukong
specifically with the disease being born from *perceived* unrequited love
like I generally dislike hanahaki but something about this gives me brain worms
Ngl hanahaki that could one: be involved with platonic love and two: be caused by the victims mere perception are both things that appeal greatly to me.
#It's the fact that MK literally needed to be reassured that Wukong cared about him in 3x11 okay#Which it's like. Of course he does. He ran off for *you*#But MK's like ''oh god he doesn't need me'' and he's getting ROTSQ flashbacks when he ''didn't even try to help'' right#Anyways I really value all forms of relationships so the ''romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough'' thang doesn't appeal to me#Cause I'm like girl where is that line. Idk bro#But a perceived unrequited platonic love? Oh. I'm listening now#Emo that MK would choose to live with this for as long as he could rather than give up his love for Monkey King#Cause that's SO true#''You would still meet your fate trying to protect him?'' Like BRO. ALKJGOWEIHGSOIDGH#aw beans I forgot to put my rambles outside of the tags again. rip.#asks#lmk#lego monkie kid#the light is no mystery#hanahaki
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Arcane Women Strap Hcs
characters: sevika, vi, caitlyn, mel, ambessa
A/N barely proofread sorry, also my first time writing for arcane please be kind 🙈 i hope y’all enjoy lmk your thoughts :)

first things first she has a dark purple strap i’m talking almost the same color that shimmer is and boy does she know how to use it
whenever she pulls the strap out be prepared to not be able to walk the next day
she prefers to fuck you in missionary but if she had to choose a different position it would be fucking you from the bottom, she just loves to be able to see your face while she pleasures you
her strap game is DIABOLICAL, she always makes sure to hit that spot inside you that makes you let out a squeal and causes your toes to curl
honestly she could just cum from fucking you alone but if you feel up to it once she’s done with you she loves when you eat her out after
“that’s it baby, you’re taking me so well just a little more”
vi screams black strap to me like it just makes sense
she prefers to fuck you slow and DEEP, i’m talking girly lifts your hips off the bed and grips them so hard that you can feel bruises form
shes so cocky about it too like she knows she’s good
vi’s another one that could cum from pleasuring you alone and 9/10 times she does, however the one time she doesn’t she will literally sit on your face once you’re well enough to take care of her
“that feel good pretty girl ? yeah i know it does, you’re always so good for me”
dark blue strap sorry yall i don’t make the rules
caitlyn loves when you’re on top and she’s fucking you from below
she revels in the sight of you falling apart above her while she’s gripping your hips guiding you
she’s 100% a brat tamer and you can’t tell me any different
“oh darling is it too much ? you shouldn’t have behaved like that if you didn’t want me to fuck you like this”
HEAR YE HEAR YE she has a gold strap idc idc
mel also likes it when you’re on top however she prefers to gently guide your movements while she praises you
don’t let that mislead you tho shes a HUGE tease
she can and will make you edge yourself until you’re literally crying begging her to let you cum
“ my love you look so beautiful when you ask nicely like that, go ahead and take what you need”
ruby red strap that’s all imma say
the cruelest of the bunch, she’s not afraid to leave you dry while she takes what she needs
another brat tamer yall you love to see it
she doesn’t make love she FUCKS, be prepared to constantly be buying new headboards
she makes you suck on her strap NEXTTTTT
“sweet girl did you think i’m finished with you ? no no we aren’t done until you can’t remember anything but my name”
#dividers from cafekitsune#sevika x reader#sevika smut#vi x reader#vi smut#caitlyn kiramman x reader#caitlyn kiramman smut#mel medarda x reader#mel medarda smut#ambess medarda x reader#ambessa medarda smut#arcane x reader#arcane smut#arcane#arcane netflix#arcane league of legends
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I need you guys to remind me when it's morning that I want to make a post for pinned post that actually. Does stuff. Like explain my sideblogs and ongoing projects.
Also entirely relevant in the meantime any house md fans plz send me ideas for things to write for the werewolf wilson au (currently named the www.au in my brain for ease of access) because I got a great name for a fic and I want to make it a oneshot collection because I don't have those as a skill yet and what better way to polish a skill than with a fandom I'm dubiously and cautiously entering at 45 minutes after my bedtime on a weekend
#Fyi I do have ideas already#Like. Wilson stuck in dog form bc of an early day moon attempts to help with a diagnosis#Or goes to be a happy dog playing with cancer patient kids who deserve a gentle giant dog who sits down and lets them knot his fur to hell#I have “cameron learns shes a changeling by contracting pixie cold” concept#And similarly a “chase has an identity crisis and begins to eat fossils in distress” one#where chase is too busy panicking about being magic now to kill that one patient in that one episode#Also. At least three case fic ideas#Including one where a lycanthrope contracts lupus because for some reason I find that irony vaguely funny#(however the fic itself is rather sad and ends w the patient being given enough meds to last one last full moon with her pack before dying#And then of course we get the “this is actually a story for the sake of our characters more than for the patient” bit#Where house corners wilson to ask if he's sure he's ok with only having house as pack when that girl had so many people for her#And wilson goes “if I could choose any one person to yell at me when I chew my own slippers it'd be you”#Its all soft and shit idfk)#However the point of all this is that I have a great name for the fic wherein I will collect all these oneshots#(the idea is calling it “who let the dogs out” btw)#((main concern rn is whether or not I'd tag theodog as a separate character from wilson or not bc they're the same person technically))#(((ehh. Problem for tomorrow ig)))
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I'm A BIG Stepper!
Synopsis. Too big? There’s no such thing as “too big”.
Pairings. [SEPARATE] Gojo x Reader, Sukuna x Reader, Choso x Reader, Geto x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, established relationship, saying it’s “too big”, FÉRAL boys, spítting, chokíng, them being big like REALLY big, cúmplay, oraI (male + fem), Choso’s rings, breéding, víbrators, creampíe, again - REALLY big, kinda mean Choso hehe, true form! Sukuna, dp, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 5.7k
A/N. When you accidentally choose “thought daughter” and half your synopses are questions WHOOPS.

♡ TOJI FUSHIGURO - “That? M’bigger.”
“Yer killin’ me, doll.” Toji huffs out in ragged jealousy at those slow, sultry noises. “Look at you- just look at how she’s just begging f’me.”
Such cute lil’ whines leave your pretty lips as he works your puffy cunt open with that hot pink vibrator of yours. Soaked, thick - customized to the exact measurements of the achingly hard cock sat between his legs right now.
“B-but-” you gasp, eyeing down at the way your puffy folds were bulging around the toy. “S’barely even ngh- all the way in, Toji.”
“So?” he rolls his eyes. And Toji knows he’s being ridiculous, he knows it’s for his own good to stretch out your gummy walls so that you can take his massive size. But all it takes is another hard caress of that buzzing length against your poor g-spot for him to snap.
Eyes becoming crazed when your jaw falls slack, back arching up like such a slut up against his hard abs as you squeal, “Toji! Oh my god m’close—”
Suddenly, Toji can’t take it anymore - he needs to feel you wrapped around himself.
“M’gonna- wait what- ngh!” You’re batting your dewy eyes up at him when he drags the vibrator out with a loud squelch! All at once. Still reeling from disappointment, “Baby, why’d you-”
“Because.” he interrupts, and you keen when you feel the urgent throb! of Toji’s fat tip kissing at your swollen folds. Red and angry, leaking thick precum over your pussy lips in a pretty gloss. So mesmerizing that you almost miss the familiar flex of his thighs, the way his dark brows furrow in concentration. “-this pussy of yours says s’time for the real deal.”
It’s all that’s said before he’s suddenly dipping his girthy head just barely past your first ring of resistance. Difficult.
“Relax.” he hisses. Pushing in lingering, determined little grinds past each clench, still easy - still patient. For now. “Breathe f’me. Breathe f’me come on, She can do hah- do it, right, my girl?”
Shit, a part of him thinks he should’ve almost waited longer with the vibrator. Because Toji knows he’s big. He knows your cunt is so tight so heavenly he might just pass out right now. Until-
“Hngh! Toji!” you scramble onto your elbows when you feel his fat head finally bullies past to brush up against your hidden sweet spots. That little divot squeezing past to mark your walls inside. “You promised you’d hah- last longer with the oh vibrator tonight.”
Honestly, a part of Toji was impressed you were still able to form coherent sentences with the way you were being split apart on his monster cock.
He leans down to nuzzle your neck, “Awww, did I?” Hiking your limp legs further and further up his broad shoulders where he had you folded in half. “I don’t remember, maybe your pussy was jus’ c-calling t’me.”
“You- you liar!” you cry out, and he can’t help but grow impossibly harder. Fighting off that dangerous, feral part of himself that just wants to ram into you like some animal already. Because oh how he loved when you act like you weren’t bucking up mindlessly into the smooth staccato of his hips as he eases his way in. “Hngh- fuck you jus’ got- oh!”
The stretch - fuck the stretch. You never got used to it, no matter how many times he used that damn vibrator on you. Pushing you to your limits. It’s like he was nudging at your lungs already.
“F-fuuuck-” you can’t hold back your desperate moans, nails dragging reg marks down his biceps almost the size of your head. “Are you- ngh are you at least halfway in, Toji?”
“Nope.” he hums smugly, popping the p. “Though…”
And in a split second, he’s sitting up, with you splayed out so prettily on his fat length. Lips quirking into a mean little grin when two big arms of his help gravity pull you down, down, down onto his thick cock. Inch by fucking inch.
Turning his head to lick a long, languid stripe up his wrist. Groaning at the sweet sweet taste of your juices forming a sheen on his skin from the little “preparation” before. And fuck you think you feel him grow thicker - angry veins pulsing against every nook and cranny of your cunt.
Full. So full - and he wasn’t even all the way in yet.
“Oh- oh my god- fuck you’re so deep.” you mewl, body jolting with the inability to decide between wanting to run away or slam your hips down for more.
Toji notices - of course, he does - it was always like this, a few tears, a few whines, a few strokes with that pathetic “replica” of his swollen cock to stretch you out. He splays a hand out over your lower stomach, pressing down. Hard. Twitching wildly at that familiar bulge inside you, “M’so much deeper than that stupid toy.”
It’s all you can do to whimper, strained and utterly fucked out already. “Wh-what?”
“Heh, ya wanna know a secret, doll?” He’s leaning down to chuckle darkly in your ear - sending shivers down your neck, your arched spine, all the way to where he gives harsh thrust. Calculated. Once. Twice.
This time, not stopping until he was bottoming out.
Your puffy folds meeting his pelvis in a lewd kiss, his heavy balls smacking against your ass, thick cock settled deep - right where Toji’s been dying to be all night. Toji coos at the way your poor cunt was stuttering and bulging with the greedy effort to take him.
He plants a sloppy kiss right on your lips, “That vibrator’s made smaller than me.”
♡ NANAMI KENTO - Gentleman.
Now, Nanami Kento has always been told he looked like a gentleman - everything from his neatly styled hair, to his perfect suits, to the stern reading glasses always at his nose. Nanami Kento was a gentleman - both inside and out.
Well, except for that massive cock he hid away behind dapper dress pants, of course.
The one that always got so girthy and angry at the mere thought of not being stuffed inside your pretty pussy. The one that was currently beading hot precum at your pussy lips, forming a lewd little pool from where he was spooning you from behind.
The perfect remedy after a long, hard day at work - you, his cute lil’ wife.
“Bad day?” you whisper over your shoulder, Nanami’s nods coming out in feverish little puffs against your heated skin. “Then, I want you to put it in, Ken. All of it, don’ wanna waste time on preparation.”
And Nanami was never one to deny his wife - never one to doubt anything you wanted. But at this very moment, he’s loosening that speckled yellow tie he didn’t have the patience - nor the sanity to remove. Sliding the divot on his fat tip across your clit with a hushed, “Can’t, my love. I promised to not overwork you.”
You huff, “S’not overworking- just ngh- Ken-”
“Don’t.” he warns, hips rutting up lewdly at the mere sound of your voice. Sliding the mess of his glisteningly swollen cock right between your puffy folds. “Fuck- don’t. Jus’ had a bad day n’ this naughty pussy’s gonna make me lose control, darling. Have you calling out of work tomorrow.” He kisses down your neck left hand snaking down to give your cunt a gentle smack! The cool band of his wedding ring burning against your clit, “S’that really what you want?”
And it was meant to be a question to himself more than anything, really. A reminder that you weren’t even prepared yet - not stretched and teased to his heart’s content like usual. A reminder to fucking reel his sanity back before he breaks you.
But, alas, maybe you’re a genius - maybe you’re just stupid. Because you whine stubbornly, “Well, I hear it’s the best solution for a bad day, so why don’t you?”
In an instant, that’s all it takes for your leg to be stretched up in the air. The cozy bedroom chill hitting your bare cunt - only for a split-second, before Nanami’s achy tip is filling you up. Everywhere. Anywhere.
“Hold onto this.” his free hand presses his tie onto your shaky one, hip still pushing. Still rutting up in a steady pressure on your snug cunt. “Pull on it if m’going too rough- fuck- fuckin’ choke me I don’t care. Jus’ let me know because from now on…” he trails off dangerously.
But you’re not left to wonder what the end of his sentence will gift you. No, because you feel it.
He’s pushing in - nothing like the slow, languid strokes you were used to. No, barely even giving you the time to adjust while your husband just keeps pressing and pressing and-
“Ah! Ken!” you involuntarily tug on his tie when his sensitive slit massages at those syrupy sweet spots insides. “You’re so deep- fuck just fuck me how you want to.”
Nanami’s head feels light, vision getting spottier with each heaving breath he’s taking - maybe from your tightening grip around his tie, maybe from the way you’re squeezing him so fucking tight. But it takes him a few seconds to pull himself together enough to grit out, “Fuck- I want to. Oh, how I want to.” As if to confirm his statement, he’s thumbing apart your sopping slit, groaning at the sight of you drooling eagerly down his cock. “But you’re so fuckin’ tight I can’t ngh- s’this how you feel- fuck! I think m’gonna hafta take y’like this all the time, my love.”
Each word has him speeding up in jagged little pistons. Feeling so mean with the way he was bullying those cute moans out of you.
“I don’t care- ngh-” you babble, when his fingers roll over your clit. Squirming your hips down to meet his, trying to press up against those neat tufts of blond at his hilt. “-just want you all inside me.”
Shaping your cunt to this shape of him, losing his breath with each and every dense push inside your sloppy entrance. Still stuck not even halfway in yet - but you feel like you’re losing your goddamn mind.
“You’re so fuckin’ hah- hold on.” And then, your beloved Nanami pushes your leg up even further, craning his neck over to spit. A steady, sinful stream of saliva right onto the bulging mound of where he was sheeting himself in your pussy. Circling your clit, he hums in satisfaction at the mess he’s made, “Now I can ruin you exactly how I want.”
You open up so pliant for him, massaging every bump and ridge along his long, long length while you let him skim past. Being split open so well. So maddeningly.
Like you wanted to be ruined.
And just the thought of it is enough to push Nanami over the edge of his sanity - and to push the entirety of his raw, needy cock inside your tight pussy. Finally. Finally bottoming out.
“Ngh- shit-” he lets out a long breath, sharp canines puncturing at the sensitive skin on your neck. Hips stuttering and getting sloppy with each jittery push deeper inside. Even when Nanami feels your hips fucking back into his to meet the brick wall of his toned abs. His twitching balls sensitive against your ass. “Now, lemme tell ya how how it’s been a-” Just slamming his hips into yours, a ruthless depraved cadence. Fingers ruthless on your clit. “-long fuckin’ day without you.”
♡ GETO SUGURU - Till m’stupid!
“P-please!” you try - and fail - to pull off his need mouth from your poor, overstimulated cunt. Fingers clasping desperately onto his long, inky hair. “I jus’ wan’ you in me- hah-”
It’s around your fourth orgasm that night when you’re finally crying out in surrender, big fat tears rolling down your cheeks with each high, legs spasming and trying to run away from Geto Suguru’s mean mouth. Your breath catching in your chest when he only hums around your ravaged clit in answer.
“I dunno, gorgeous.” Geto teases, sloppy tongue darting around your pulsing hole. Stretching. Lapping up each and every drop of your syrupy cunt. “Don’ think she’s ready to take me, yet.”
Fuck, you knew what that meant.
You knew that meant another few sweet rolls of Geto’s tongue against your clit, another few bullying praises spat into your sensitive cunt while he dragged you through another high - another orgasm that wasn’t on his swollen cock.
And despite how much you loved the way your boyfriend teased and toyed your needy cunt with his mouth - you needed more.
So you tug once again on his dark locks, tongue getting loose with delirium, “You’re so mean, Sugu. So what if I j-jus’ wan’ your cock.”
Oh how he loved to have you begging.
At this, his glassy eyes meet yours right from where Geto was still making out with your pretty pussy in a slow, languid kiss. The squelches and suckles ringing in your ears over your own words. His brow quirks, already with the nickname, huh? Interesting.
“Can’t cum a-as good if it’s not on your cock.” you plow on. Oh, now it’s flattery? How cute. You manage to sputter out while your words don’t even slow him down, “And! And if you don’t-” Ah, Geto muses, this one’s probably the threat. What will it be? Last time it was making him do all the dishes. The time before that it was buying you that handbag you really loved- “-m’gonna go on a sex ban!”
Oh fuck.
Now, if there’s one thing you know to never threaten Geto Suguru with, it’s a sex ban. But, alas, desperate times call for desperate measures.
So here he was - face wrenching away from the honeypot of your sweet cunt like it hurt to leave. Eyes wide as he scrambles to meet you, your slick glistening down his gaping lips, his burning cheeks - fuck, he’s never looked prettier.
“My baby…” Geto purrs into your ear, coming up to graze his lips against your in a messy crash of teeth and tongue. “Gorgeous, you never thought I’d be serious- right? Hah- sex ban my ass. You’re funny, real fucking funny.” But for all how confident he was, Geto was soothing out his words with the slightest tremor. Hastily sliding his furiously leaking tip between your sopping slit. Up and down up and down up and- “-cuz who said I could live another second without being in this cute pussy?”
As if to prove his point, Geto’s sliding his fat head past your puffy folds, stretching out your entrance so taut around his thick cock.
A big hand of his finds its way onto the small of your waist, and in a split-second Geto has your position flipped so that he’s splayed out on the mattress instead. Your limp body now toppling precariously where you were sat on his swollen cock.
“Oh.” his pretty mouth falls slack when his hazy eyes lock down at where the two of you were connected. Your pussy lips spread and sucking him up so well. He marvels, “Oh shit look at you. You always take it so well when you’re cockdrunk like this.”
And it’s true - Geto could barely feel that familiar little resistance of muscle. Instead, you’re letting his vein poke at your cunt welcomingly. Bullying himself inside.
You’re keening when an experimental thrust has Geto plunging in even deeper, throbbing veins massaging every nook and cranny of your gummy walls. You could feel him everywhere. And it’s like he could see the strain to take him. To milk him even greedier.
“Shhh, this is what y’wanted, right?” he’s breathing, strained - like he’s at the end of his sanity with each inch you’re bouncing down his length. “To be fucked on my cock? No matter how big?”
You don’t even have the ability to respond at this point - just the way he liked it. That smart mouth of yours too drunk to think of anything other than him. To only whine when he pools your salty tears on his tongue, murmuring into your skin, “Now now, ‘nough with the cryin’ hah- you wanted to be fucked stupid- n’that’s exactly what m’gonna do.”
Ah, he loved this part.
Loved how all those previous orgasms were crashing together to render you barely lucid when he’s shoving his entire cock up into your slutty hole. Glossy lips trembling when he hits the back of your cunt- already? Shit, that last orgasm must’ve hit you harder than he thought.
That slightly upwards curve of his dick was driving you wild now buried to his hilt. And only shoving himself deeper with each grind that Geto was bucking up to. Until his heavy balls rested behind your ass, neat black happy trail rubbing up against your skin. Until it was impossible to go any deeper.
Your drunken eyes are snapping up in surprise when feeling him grow even thicker inside you, the rough girth shaping out your sloppy hole. He rasps out a chuckle, “Wonder how loose you’ll be after a fifth one, hm?”
♡ CHOSO KAMO - Make him break!
Now, Choso knew your dirty lil’ tricks, he knew not to trust that sultry curl of your lips when you called out to him. That dangerous little glint in your eyes when you begged him to go deeper, one he almost misses with the way your heavenly cunt was trying to suck him up greedily. Almost.
Always playing with his sanity.
Always asking for more.
“But, baby.” he whines, pressing a concerned little peck to that adorable pout on your lips. Breath catching in his chest when you tug stubbornly on his bottom lip. “I don’t wanna- hah- don’ wanna hurt you, y’know?”
In response, you’re only wrapping your legs around his toned waist tighter, sure to leave sinful little marks at those dimples at the bottom of his spine. “I know what I want- n’ what I want is-” your elastic walls squeeze around his girth. Hard. “-more.”
Choso can’t help but let out a slow, hoarse drag of your name. Dark strands of his hair sticking to his forehead when he throws his head back, hips grinding down, down, down-
“Hah! You- oh-” his hazy eyes are flying open when he realizes he’s playing right into your evil hands. Biting his sharp canines down on your pulse - a little warning. “You know what happens when I go all the way, baby. M’not gonna fit- m’gonna lose control. M’gonna-”
“Please?” you hum sweetly.
He was about halfway in now - mouth watering at the way your pussy was spread open so shamefully for him. Already bulging and leaking onto the drenched silky sheets below with the struggle to take him - and you wanted more?
“Tha’s right.” you hum, and it takes his saturated mind a second to realize he said that out loud. And even longer to blink up and meet your hungry gaze, “I want more, Cho.”
Fuck, and it was so unfair. Maybe it’s the nickname, maybe it’s the way you buck your hips up sloppily, lewd squelches ringing in his ear when you bully his swollen cock just an inch more.
Maybe it’s just you. .
But that’s all it takes for him to gasp, eyes snapping wider - crazed even - hips stuttering so messily forwards before-
“Fuck, you’re such a little slut, baby.” And before you know it, Choso’s ramming his hips forwards. Letting the loud smack of skin-on-skin sound across the heady air, bruising. Painful, even. “Such a greedy little bitch-” Watching his throbbing length disappear, he’s sure it’ll leave marks - his heavy balls on your ass, toned pelvis against your thighs, fat cockhead hitting at your cervix. “-N’ s’what you’re gonna be treated like.”
It only takes one kiss of Choso’s leaky tip right against the bottom of your snug pussy before he’s cumming and cumming so hard you can almost feel him twitch at your lungs.
Not waiting for you to adjust, not even waiting for his high to bate. no, don’t make him laugh. Just spearing you on his long length, barely even easing your poor, quivering cunt into it before he’s fucking you into the mattress.
Fully bottomed out now - exactly as you knew would happen.
“No- no no no hold on.” Choso holds both your thrashing legs still with one of his, pushing past that feeble resistance while he finds his rhythm at your gaping hole. “This is- hah-” he groans, voice shot over your wrecked ah! ah! ah! Plunging inside you like he was molding your pliant walls to his shape. “Told you m’gonna break ngh-”
He was massive already - barely even managing to squeeze past and massage your dripping cunt. But oh the sweet overfill of his seed had you keening, scrambling to grab onto the sheets, the headboard, his shoulders to keep even an ounce of your sanity.
“Ngh- fuck!” you whine at the feeling of rope after rope of his thick cum sloshing around inside your plush walls. His veins throb! throb! throbbing! against your sensitive spots to make such a mess of you below. “Fuck- jus’ like that, Cho- keep- hah- keep goin’”
And you didn’t even have to ask. As expected, your boyfriend’s brows after knitting together, pushing your legs so far apart it burned. Abs flexing as his hips moved in jagged, desperate pistons to massage your gummy walls.
This was what you wanted so badly - the way he always breaks like this.
“Y’asked for more n’ you’re gonna get it.” his voice stutters, cracking ever so slightly with each smash into that spongy bundle of nerves. “More- hah!” Letting out a humorless, almost-shrill laugh, “You knew this would happen, huh?”
You’re just batting your lashes deceivingly innocently, pressing a honeyed peck to Choso’s snarl, “I highly hah- doubt-”
“Look at you.” he spits at your bumbling retort, “Can’t even speak.” Two thick fingers coming up to circle the thick globs of seed pooled at your ravaged clit, purposefully grazing against the sensitive nub. “Fuckin’ wanted more and you’re gonna- get it.”
Slamming into you fast. Out of control.
You open your mouth - no doubt to spit out some other taunt - but before the words leave your lips, he’s shoving his now-sloppy mess of his index and middle finger inside. Forcing the salty taste of his cum spilling out with each thrust, and the cool metal of his thick metal rings. You wanted to break him - and that’s what you’re gonna get.
“So you hah- better shut up that pretty mouth of yours unless I break the bed again and you along with it”
♡ RYOMEN SUKUNA - Twin bitches, twin bitches
“Enough admirin’ me.” Sukuna chuckles darkly from above you, reaching down to cradle your dazed head with a large, clawed hand of his. “The faster ya get back to doing yer lil’ job, the sooner that pretty cunt can take me.”
And it’s all you can do to heave for air, looking up defiantly at the two massive cocks kissing at your mouth. Barely getting a few breaths in before Sukuna’s hips thrust forwards once again to spear your heavenly mouth one of his swollen lengths. Smirking at the way your glossy lips bulge around him, “Yeah yeah, what? Got somethin’ to say, brat?”
You’re squeezing your soft palm up and down the drenched hilt of his other cock. Managing to gasp out, “I- want you-” Before your mouth is being fucked again like some little fucktoy - by both of them. Over and over. Taunting, “I want- you- now.”
“Now?” And Sukuna sounds genuinely surprised, baring his sharp canines in a shocked grin. “Y’think you can hah- already take me now?” Hissing as he drags your sloppy mouth up and off his sensitive lengths, only to question. “You sure about that?”
This angle gives you the perfect view of his intimidating cocks - massive, painfully hard. Fat tips flushed the same shade of pretty pink, angry and weeping all over your swollen lips. Twin veins throbbing urgently at your hot breath, both swollen lengths twitch so animalistically when you spit. Once. Twice.
“Heh- you always do surprise me, lil’ human.”
And shit you were goading him into it - toying with him.
But you didn’t expect that in all of two seconds, Sukuna would be lifting you easily off the ground with two big arms, wrapping your boneless legs around his waist to fit you snugly like a puzzle piece against his muscled body.
“Y’asked, my girl.” he whispers, ragged at what a needy lil’ slut you were being for him right now. His other two free arms aligning both leaky tips at your quivering cunt. “N’ since you’re so fuckin’ spoiled, guess I gotta always hah- give ya what you want, huh?”
“You mean- oh-” It’s right around this time that you can’t think - you can’t even breathe. Can’t do anything but surrender to the two massive lengths bullying past your stretchy ring of muscle. Molding the entrance of your cunt to the shape of his cocks.
“Mmm fuck m’never gonna get tired of this stretch.” he’s groaning throatily, humming with each little half-thrust inside you. Just barely a push and pull. “So wet n- how the fuck hah- are you this tight?”
You scoff, mouth sharp even when it feels like he’s splitting you in half, “I can think of ngh- t-two reasons.”
And then Sukuna has the audacity to throw his head back and laugh - laugh - loud and baritone, the force of his chest rumbling having you slipping deeper and deeper down his massive cock. Losing your barely-there footing with each inch he’s feeding into your needy cunt.
You sputter, “Ngh- f-fuck you’re in so deep.”
“F-f-fuck you’re in so deep.” Sukuna mimics your moans in a pitch much higher than his own. Giving the fat of your ass a sharp smack! as he massages your way down. “M’not even hah- halfway in yet so ya better buckle up, brat.”
And it was true - he was still pushing in desperate, purposeful ruts upwards of his hips. Short strokes that you’d never have the king of curses do - unless he was feeling particularly nice.
Your legs dangle in midair, nails digging into his tan skin with each smack of his heavy set balls with each movement, leaving a smear of precum and spit. Sliding you down so much easier than he thought it would. Down, down, down…
“Ya feel me in here?” you’re gasping at the pressure of one of his sharp nails. Dangerous. Trailing down, down, down to draw an imaginary line on your stomach. One. And another one not too long aways, “And here?” At your cockdrunk little nod, he smiles - dark and wild. “Use your words if you ah- want what’s comin’.”
He feels you milk his cocks even harder at that, like you’re trying to drag out something delicious when you squeal, “Can feel you- can’t feel anything but you-”
The tip of his thick finger dances higher and higher. And he gruffs out, “Well, soon enough m’gonna be- hah here!”
That deep promise is all that runs through your oversaturated mind before Sukuna’s ramming into you - no mercy. Just shoving you down his throbbing cock until he could see them bulge outwards from your supple skin, leaving a lewd little mark right where he predicted it would be.
“Oh fuuuuck, so nice n’ tight f’me.” Sukuna whimpers - he whimpers. Fuck, the feeling of your walls trying desperately to take shape to his cocks so addictive. So dizzying the way he can feel himself rubbing against one another, bulbous veins throbbing in time to an erratic staccato. “So nice and- and-” he’s losing his words now, slurring with each languid half-thrust up into your cervix. “-mine.”
The word seemed to have made something so feral and dark poke its head out of Sukuna’s exterior. Because then he’s dragging you sloppy cunt like he owned her, all the way from his weeping tips down until your clit was scratching against those tufts of pink at his hilt.
Slamming into you promisingly until you see stars, until you’re cumming. Electricity running through your veins just at the feeling of being so full.
Fucking you through your high, Sukuna only taunts, “Now this is where the real fun starts.”
“Why the- why the fuck-” your gasp is drowned out by the sharp rip! of fabric echoing across your boyfriend’s luxurious childhood bedroom. Pieces of your poor panties currently laying in tatters on its hardwood floor, “-do they make these things so easy access?”
As if they could be anything but easy access.
Not with the way Gojo had you bent over the nearest desk he could find, your wrists pinned, skirt bunched up, cunt slobbering and already struggling around where he was just dipping his fat head inside.
Yet, you still manage to hiss over your shoulder, “If- if it’s so ‘easy access’ then why the fuck did you hah- rip it, you fool?”
But ah you should’ve known better than to give Gojo Satoru one of your glares. Because that along with your honeyed insults have him twitching ferally inside you, the curve of his cock jolting perfectly against your hidden sweet spot. Of course.
“Because.” he gives you a sly chuckle, the very tip of his aching cock dragging along your gummy walls. “You should know this by now.” Nipping at the shell of your ear, “M’so big that even those panties are a problem, sweetheart.”
And oh the smug bastard, he’s pushing into your heavenly cunt in languid grinds. Savoring. Hypnotic.
You’re gasping when one of his calculated thrusts mashes against your sensitive areas, the slow push and pull having your nails almost digging into the wooden desk. Scrambling onto your very tip-toes to glide your gummy walls against his thick length.
“Toru…” you moan, hissing in warning. “Y-you better be quiet or else your hah- your parents are gonna hear us.”
“Hah! Me? Me?” he cackles, drinking in your bleary gaze, the way your mouth was falling slack with each tempo of his hips. “Think you should be more ngh- worried about yourself, sweetheart.” He’s pressing a hot mess of a kiss one your swollen lips, your shoulders. Down, down, down wherever he could reach down your arched spine, “Besides. We’ll be s-sneaky, m’jus’ puttin’ in the-”
And perhaps for the first time in his life, the great Gojo Satoru is utterly speechless. Words catching in his chest at the sinful sight right below him.
Your legs spread, shaking. Inner thighs smeared with the glossy sheen of the mess he’s making of your poor cunt. And you pussy- oh fuck, your pussy. With your puffy folds spread, bulging even with the effort to take it just past his fat head. Quivering and struggling with each experimental grind.
Fuck, it was hard to look at it, too. It made him throb so painfully - it made him grow bigger.
“Ngh! What the fuck-” you spit at the feeling of that familiar burn, your syrupy walls being stretched to their absolute limits.
“Shhh shhh- change of plans, sweetheart.” Is all Gojo grunts in response, bending his long, long legs at the knees to bully himself inside easier. Two big arms wrapping around your middle, reaching over to give your clit a determined swivel of his fingers. “M’gonna go about- halfway? Yeah, halfway.”
And yet, he sounds unsure himself. Voice just a pitch higher, breathy, like he was losing more and more of his sanity with each little half-thrust he’s gifting your poor cunt with.
Just quick, methodical little kisses of his hips to yours, heavy balls smacking against your thighs with each inch your greedy cunt is swallowing up. Milking the absolute fucking soul out of him.
“F-fuck!” you keen when that thick vein of his down the middle massages your good spot. The adorable sound making Gojo’s eyes light up, smirking as he hikes his knee up higher to piston deep into your dripping pussy. Heady with the squelches from below. “Th-this is hah more than- half Toru-”
Fuck, was it?
Gojo hadn’t even noticed - too drunk on the way you were squeezing his poor, overworked cock so tight. Until it was almost difficult to plunge into your dripping cunt - to split you apart on it exactly the way he wanted.
But, well, now that he was taking a long, hard look - he was just a bit more than halfway through. Brows raising in delight at the way your hips are pushing back in mindless little swivels for more.
“Then, I guess-” he trails off, two large hands of his coming to rest at your waist. A disappointed whine rips from the back of your throat when his ruthless hips slow down to a still, pulsing with anticipation. “-might as well finish the job.”
“Oh- what- you fuckin’-” The rest of your sentence is swallowed up in the way he rolls his hips forwards - fully. Inch by fucking inch. Catching in your ring of resistance less than all the way through, but still pushing. Still rutting forwards so animalistically. “Toru—” You whine at the stretch, the pure dizzying feeling of him shaping your cunt to the thick girth of his swollen cock. “S’too big- I can’t ngh-”
Pretty pink lips shut up your babbling mouth, murmuring deeply, “No no no no- no you can take it- you can oh.” Long, slender fingers coming up to roll against your poor clit, loosening your feeble reisstance, “Look at the- fuck jus’ look at the way you want me.” And you’re barely registering the hand smushing your cheeks together in an embarrassing pout, forcing you to look down at the steady, lazy torture of him splitting you apart on his massive cock. “This isn’t even fuck- me. Look at how you’re fucking back. How you want me so badly.”
And, usually, you’d snap at Gojo - tell him he’s too cocky for his own good.
But it was true.
You were meeting his sloppy, untimed bounced halfway through. Helping yourself be fucked into that expensive desk. And he’s pushing - so persistent.
So utterly wrecked when his leaky tip nudges against your spongy cervix, stars behind his eyes when his heavy balls smack your thighs. Unstopping - not until your ass was settled snugly against those tufts of white at his base. Finally, all the way in.
Through it all, he manages to rasp out, “Hey, did ya know the walls in his house are soundproofed?”
“So why don’t we go a proper round, sweetheart? Or five?”
A/N. I did NOT expect these to get so long but yk what I’m not upset.
Plagiarism not authorized.
#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk x you#gojo x reader#geto x reader#sukuna x reader#nanami x reader#gojo smut#geto smut#sukuna smut#nanami smut#tonywrites#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#choso x reader#choso smut#toji x reader#toji smut#jjk x reader smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader smut#gojo x reader smut#toji x reader smut#satoru gojo x reader#toji fushiguro smut#nanami x reader smut#choso x reader smut#geto x reader smut
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Anaxiphilia: love for or attraction to unsuitable mates; an act of falling in love with the wrong person
Hwang In-Ho x Fem! Reader
wc! 7k

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After you move away from your childhood best friend (and first love), the last place you expected to see him was stuck with you as a “player”.
TW: Violence (duh its squid game), cursing, smut 18+ pnv, unsafe sex, probably pregnant lol
⋆⁺₊⋆ ━━━━⊱༒︎ • ༒︎⊰━━━━ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Classical music filled your ears as your eyes adjusted to the bright lights. It played throughout the room as you woke slowly and attempted to make sense of your surroundings. But, as you looked at the number placed on your tracksuit you remembered where you were.
Or at least why you were there.
You were never uncomfortable growing up. You were actually quite wealthy. Your father owned a very successful company, your mother invested money intuitively, and life seemed to improve daily. That was until you were 17 and news broke that your father’s company was a front. A money laundering business that cleaned his filthy money from years and years of fraud. When they died, they left you a monumental amount of debt. And when a suspiciously attractive guy handed you a little brown card, you couldn’t help but call the number on the back.
You knew the games were too good to be true. And you realized you were right after the first one. It took you 30 minutes to wash the blood off your face and out of your hair.
Now you were standing next to a girl with the number “222” written on her tracksuit, watching as an older lady and her son begged the guards to let them go. You fiddled with your hands, flinching at the rawness after scrubbing them relentlessly. Your attention was grabbed when another person stepped through the crowd.
“Clause three of the consent form!” Your eyes trained on him as he spoke angrily, “The games may be terminated upon a majority vote.”
Your heart stopped. You could go home and be safe. But you would still be drowning in debt. You bit your lip, remembering about the share of money you would receive. Would you have enough to cover it?
As if the guards could read your mind, a large piggy bank lowered from the ceiling, “The number of players eliminated in the first game is 91. Therefore, a total of 9.1 billion won has been accumulated.” Every eye watched as the piggy bank began to fill, “If you quit the games now, the 365 of you can equally divide the 9.1 billion won and leave with your share.”
Another man shoves past the crowd, “And how much is that?”
“Each person’s share would be 24,931,500 won.”
Exasperated sighs and annoyed words broke out amongst the crowd. But your eyes stayed trained on the man who first spoke, “456” written on his chest.
The pink guard spoke loudly, “The rule is that a hundred million won will be accumulated for each eliminated player. If you choose to play the next game, the prize amount will increase accordingly.”
The crowd stayed silent, “The total amount of prize money for all 456 players is 45.6 billion won.”
The crowd erupted again, full of enthusiastic words and motivated cheers. The girl next to you placed her hands over her stomach, almost cradling it closer to her body.
If you went home now, you wouldn’t even have enough to cover a third of your debt. But if you stay and continue the games, you could die.
The doors opened and two guards wheeled out a metal podium with two buttons, a red X and a blue O. “Now, let’s begin the vote. If you wish to continue the games, press the O button. If you wish to end them, press the X button. The vote will be held in reverse order of your player numbers.”
“Player 456.”
The same man from before stepped forward without hesitation. As he walked to the podium his stride was filled with wrath and as he slammed his palm against the X, his eye contact didn’t break with the guard.
The voting continued, each person stepping forward to decide whether to live or die. Each time either button was pressed you silently celebrated, still not sure if you should stay or go.
“Player number two.”
Your face fell as your eyes centered on the podium. And with each slow step you took, you became more sure of your decision. And as you reached the podium, you had made up your mind entirely.
A high beep rang through the room as your face reflected the blue button. You decided to continue. Flinching at the sound of defeated sighs from behind, you took the patch embroidered with an O and joined the other voters.
“Player number one.”
You hadn’t cared to look at the man when he was standing next to you earlier. But now that he was about to break a tie, your eyes were locked on him. You didn’t catch his face but you studied his figure. He had a tall frame and dark brown hair that seemed to be styled perfectly. He walked with a thick sense of confidence and you hadn’t failed to notice how his tracksuit clung to his biceps.
You watched intensely as he lifted his hand and hovered between the two buttons. The room held suspension and your eyes were locked on his hand. He hesitated for a few more moments before pressing his hand down. Blue light illuminated his face and the surrounding crowd cheered as he walked from the podium.
He had selected to stay. To play another game where you, or him, could die. You voted for that too. So why aren’t you happy about winning?
Because he’s turned around now and you’ve seen his face. And you would recognize that face anywhere.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
“I don't understand, you’re moving?” He grasped the sides of your face, afraid to let go.
You looked at the boy in front of you who’ve you known your whole life. You went to private schools together, fancy parties together, and you shared your first time together. And now you’re leaving.
You placed your hands over his, “I don’t understand either In-ho. I want to stay, I don’t want to leave you.” Tears fell down your rosy cheeks as In-ho placed his forehead gently against yours.
You ignored your mother’s frantic yells for you to come and pack your things. You didn’t want to leave him. You loved him, and you knew if you left now you wouldn’t just be leaving your house. You’d be leaving your life behind. Your father would be arrested and your mother would have to work while taking care of you herself. You would move from Gangnam to Daegu. And you would have to start a new life. You just didn’t understand why In-ho couldn’t be a part of it.
That was the last time you saw him.
Well, until now.
You kept your distance, watching him talk to player 456. You recognize him from before as the man who’s already played.
You observed intensely, not bothering with your food. You watched how he exchanged words with 456. How his hair moved slightly as he used his hands to talk. You didn’t understand why he was here. The last you heard about him, he was married and his wife was expecting.
What could’ve gone so wrong for him to be here?
The girl next to you shuffled in her seat, setting her empty dosirak-tong on the ground. You knew she was pregnant just from how she walked uncomfortably with her hands supporting her back.
“Here, take mine. I don’t like dosirak.” It was a lie, dosirak is one of your favorite meals. But she was eating for two, and you didn’t have an appetite.
She looked up at you before gently taking the metal box from your hands, “Thank you.” Her voice was barely above a whisper and you smiled in return.
Your eyes searched for In-ho again to find him walking towards a fight you hadn't noticed had broken out. His frame was large and towered over the boys as he approached them, “Boys, what are you doing in the middle of mealtime There are elders present, mind your manners. Aren’t you embarrassed?”
“You’re lecturing me when you ended up in this shithole too?” In-ho’s jaw clenched as he tilted his head at the boy, “Dude, stop running your mouth and take care of your own damn kids.”
You knew where this was heading, In-ho always knew how to fight. You smirked as he grabbed the boy, turning him around and twisting his arm behind him.
Forcing him to the ground with a thud as he whined, “Wait! I’m sorry! Please, let me go!”
He let go of his arm and stood up straight, adjusting his tracksuit. As he looked around the room while walking back toward player 456, his eyes suddenly met with yours. And he froze as he scanned your face. He was so caught up in Gi-huns plan that he had failed to realize you had entered the game. The girl he fell in love with. Who he shared his first kiss with, who he has thought about every day for 20 years since you were 17.
Your heart ached as old feelings rushed over you, watching as his eyes softened slightly before player 390 dragged him over.
You couldn’t sleep that night. You were too busy trying to figure out why he was here. Plus, you caught word of the next game being Dalgona. Which worried you because you had always sucked at cutting out the tiny shape, always giving in and eating the cookie whole.
You spent the night staring tiredly at the piggy bank, the soft yellow light casting across your face. What you didn't know is that 50 feet away, In-ho watched you. His mind also trying to understand why you were here. He stared at you, his eyes tracing the curve of your jaw, remembering when he would trail kisses on your pretty little face.
When he met your eyes earlier, he froze. Not because he didn't expect to see you, which he didn't, he froze because his heart did. He marveled at your beauty, and you took his breath away. Just like the first time he saw you all those years ago.
And now as he lays in his bed, his pillow propped up on the opposite end so he can see you, he can't help but address the elephant in the room. You know his name. You know his identity. You could ruin everything, his plan that he had focused solely on for the past three years.
As the lights turned on and classical music rang out from the speakers, his eyes stayed on you and only you.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
"Welcome to your second game. This game will be played in teams. Please divide into teams of six in the next ten minutes. Let me repeat."
Sand kicked behind you as you walked into the room. The speakers repeated the instructions as you whispered to the girl next to you, "Is Dalgona played in teams?" She shook her head and her hand caressed her belly. You've grown somewhat protective over the girl, whose name you learned is Kim Jun-hee.
You take her hand as you look to find a team and your eyes try to pick out In-ho from the crowd. You think you spot the back of his head and start to pull Jun-hee towards him when she makes a be-line to a group. Your protests go ignored as she reaches them. Your eyes still search for In-ho as she inquires about joining their group.
"Of course, you can join." The voice snaps you from your search as you meet familiar piercing brown eyes with your own. Your breath hitches in your throat as he doesn't break eye contact.
"Time for team selection is up." The PA system breaks your stare, but In-ho holds his. You look around the room, scanning over the tall blue walls and the rainbows painted on the floor, "The game you will be playing is Six-Legged Pentathlon. You will start with your legs tied together. Each member will take turns playing a minigame at every ten-meter mark, and if you win, the team can move on to the next one. Here are the minigames: Number one, the Ddakji. Number two, Flying Stone. Number three, Gonggi. Number four, Kendama. Number five, Spinning Top. Number six, Jegi. Your goal is to win all the minigames and cross the finish line in five minutes. Please decide on players for each minigame."
Your team divides the games between you. You get stuck with Kendama, a game that is played by tossing a ball into the air and attempting to catch it on a wooden stick point. You're fairly confident in yourself. You and In-ho grew up playing games like these.
You sit with your group as each team competes. You sat at the end next to Jun-Hee, checking on her every once and a while. You flinched every time a gunshot rang out, anxiety bubbling with every elimination.
In-ho could not stop looking at you. It was as if you had a magnetic pull, and he couldn't look away. You were a piece of art, crafted with the hands of God himself. And he was jealous of God's hands, wishing it had been his very own that created such beauty. Every time you looked his way, he looked elsewhere.
"Final two teams, please get ready." You help Jun-hee stand up, 390 stepping in place next to her. Standing on the other side of 388 as you all line up at the start. You lower your gaze as In-ho steps in line next to you. He's always been intimidating, especially with his large frame towering over yours.
390 chuckles, "It's weird to be the only ones who don't get an audience, isn't it?" His attempt to lighten the mood works a little, a small smile forming on your lips.
"I think it will help us focus more!" You rub 388's shoulder in comfort while he repeats the motions of throwing and catching the Gonggi.
The guard finishes locking In-ho's and 456's shackles before you feel an arm snake around yours. In-ho's bicep compresses your own as your face heats up. You glance up daringly meeting In-hos sharp gaze. You should say something. Anything. Ask him why he's here, or where his wife is. But before you can speak, 456 starts the chant and steps forward.
"Hana dul! Hana dul! Hana dul!" You chant as you approach the first game. Jun-hee slams the red ddakji down, successfully flipping the blue one on the first try.
As you chant and walk to the next game, 388 breaks the pace and steps forward quickly. Without hesitation In-ho's hand moves from your arm to your waist, effortlessly steadying you "Hey! Keep the pace!"
388 steps back into pace as we reach the next game, "Back when I used to pitch, I never threw very fast, but the ball always went where I wanted." 390 steps one foot back before aiming and throwing the stone precisely, hitting the target on the first try!
You all cheer before continuing forward, quickly approaching three minutes. As you sit on the ground you feel In-ho steadying you again, allowing you to lean slightly against him to give 388 more room to play his game.
"Okay, just take your time. You got this." I reassure 388 as he grabs the gonggi. With a quick hand, he tosses one in the air before collecting them one at a time. Then two at a time, Then three and one. Then all. He flips them on the back of his hand before catching them effortlessly.
Your cheers were quick as you stood up and rushed towards the fourth game. The guard hands you the Kendama and you can feel In-ho's gaze on you intensely. You held the Kendama out in front of you, tossing the ball up, quickly moving your hand to catch it. You close your eyes as you feel the ball land on the spike.
"Yes! You did it Y/N!" In-ho grabs your shoulders and shakes you, you shake his back as he beams a smile at you. And for a second, you forget about the timer and you're both 17 again, in love.
He wraps his arm around your waist again as you move to his game. He takes the spinning top in his hand and begins to wrap the rope around it, confidence radiating from him. We have this in the bag! -oh.
The rope fell off.
You feel his body tighten as stress began to build. He wraps the rope around once more before tossing it, praying that the top spins. It falls to its side and In-ho curses under his breath. You remember him using his left hand when growing up to play this game. You wondered why he was using his right, but you didn't ask him. You could tell he was getting annoyed at himself.
"It's okay! Just try again!" You let go of In-ho's arm to give him more room. He flings the spinning top with too much power and it flings backwards.
In-ho freezes, too embarrassed to move. The man next to him, 456, grabs his shoulder firmly, "It's okay, we'll get it. All right, backwards. Ready, set."
In-ho holds my waist tightly as we walk backwards in step, "It'd be boring to win everything fast." The group nods in agreement at 390's words, " 'Cause if you're ever gonna grow, you need to fail first, right?"
In-ho picks up the spinning top and we trek back to the line. He wraps the rope around successfully, "Okay now take it slow, wait- no don't rush it!"
In-ho interrupted 388's instructions by quickly, and messily, throwing the top. It falls to the side and you feel In-ho throw his head back and laugh. You quickly remove your hand from his waist, knowing what's about to happen.
"You piece of fucking shit! You ruin everything! You're worthless!" In-ho drops the piece of rope in his hand as he hits his head against his hands. "You're so pathetic!"
The group stands shocked as he hits himself angrily, stomping in the dried blood below him. You bend down and pick up the rope, glancing at the clock.
50 seconds.
"Hey!" You slam the rope against his chest and pull his face to look at you, "No one's blaming any of this on you! Now, take a deep breath, okay?"
In-ho nodded slowly, the feeling of your touch burning on his face as he placed his right hand over his chest, something he would do when you were younger. As the group shuffles to pick up the top, you place one of your hands over his and slow his breathing, "You can do this In-ho. Use your left hand like you did when we were kids. And if I die because of this I will kill you myself."
In-ho gave a small smile at your sarcasm as he wraps the rope around the axel, then the top. He places it in his left hand and looks at you quickly before throwing the top.
It spins.
You erupt in cheers as In-ho succeeds! He gives a quick hug to you, that you wished had lasted longer, and your group moves to 456's turn. In-ho's gaze darkened as he focused on 456, and you failed to notice it, still flustered from the quick hug.
"One! Two! Three! Four!" You all counted as 456 bounced the jegi on his foot, watching him and the clock as it counts down. For a split moment it seemed that he wouldn't be able to get the last hit in, but suddenly In-ho swoops in and reaches with his foot. "Five!"
You all cheer as you practically run to the end, crossing right as the timer hit zero. The heavy shackles get removed and you are immediately engulfed in a bear hug from In-ho. His arms wrap around the small of your back as he pulls you closer to his frame, if possible. He buries his head in the crook of your neck and you stay frozen. Not from the near- death- experience you just had, but because you realized you had forgotten what his hugs had felt like. You threw your arms around him in return, deepening the hug you have longed for every day for 20 years.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
You sat closely next to In-ho as the group chatted and complemented each others moves from the game. You were looking forward to catching up with In-ho, but you were too engrossed in 388's retelling of 390's stone toss, "And, sir, you were incredible at Flying Stone!" He proudly stood up and pretended to throw a stone, "You just lined it up and... Boom! First try!"
You giggled as 390 proudly shaked his head, and In-ho turned to look at you. God, that laugh. He had forgotten what it sounded like, and he frowned when you stopped, "I was thinking, what if we go around and say what our real names are? I'll go first, my name is Kang Dae-ho. Dae as in 'huge' and ho as in 'tiger'!"
390 laughed as Dae-ho gave himself tiger fangs with his fingers, "Now that's a cool name. My name is Park Jung-bae. It means 'righteous' and 'double.' So, I should be living twice as righteously."
"My name is Kim Jun-hee. I don't think I know what it stands for." Jun-hee smiles as she pushes a stray hair from her face.
"Jun means 'talented' and hee means 'star'. You are a talented star Jun-hee!" You ruffle her hair as she beams at you, "My name is Y/N. L/N, Y/N."
You can feel In-ho's stare as he watches your lips move, "My name is Young-il. You know, like 'yeong il.' 'Zero one' in Korean." You whipped your head towards him. Was there a reason he was hiding his name? Did he not trust anyone? He gave you a reassuring look, you'd just ask him later.
"My full name is Seong Gi-Hun." You looked away from In-ho's gaze as you watched 456 introduce himself.
"Seong Gi-hun. Like our un-'Seong' hero?" Everyone laughed but you. You were still pondering about In-ho. There were so many unanswered questions running through your mind. In-ho must have noticed your distant look, because he gave your hand a squeeze. A promise that he'll explain everything.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
After another failed vote to go home (you had voted to leave this time), Gi-hun warned about the possibility of an ambush. It plagued your mind with worry as you laid on your mattress. Another night of no sleep adding to the eyebags growing under your pretty E/C eyes.
Gi-hun stood from his watch as In-ho took over, and headed to bed. Now was your chance to fully reconnect with In-ho, "Can I sit here?"
In-ho turned to you, "Cant sleep?" He asked as he scooted over a tad, making room for you. He didn't make a whole lot of room though, which you didn't mind.
Your thighs touched as you sat next to him, "No, never could when my mind is running like this." You dusted off your pants as you placed your legs out in front of you, fingers avoiding the blood that plagued your bottoms.
"You shouldn't be anxious about the game tomorrow." He watched your face intently, trying to read you. You were always so easy to read.
You stifle a small laugh, "Oh i'm not anxious, 'Young-il'. " You tilted your head towards him as you dragged out his "name", smirking as he nodded defeatedly.
"Ohhh, okay." He leaned in close, making your heart flutter, "I just don't want anyone to know my name yet. In a game like this there's a lot of... betrayal."
Your spine shivered as his words tickled your ear, "Oh, I guess I didn't think about that..." You turned to look at him but failed to realize how close he was.
Your lips were now inches apart, barely. You could feel his breath fan across your lips and his eyes remained focused on yours, "It can be our little secret? Hmm?" You found yourself nodding before you could even process what he said.
You didn't move, instead, you tested the waters. You leaned in closer, tilting your head slightly, "Last I heard you were married?"
He shook his head no, not caring to explain as he quickly licked his lips, his eyes now focusing on your own. Your breath caught as your heart beat at an unearthly rate, he was so close. If either of you moved your head even a centimeter, his lips would be on yours.
But you weren't able to find out. The small metal door slammed as Jun-hee, Hyun-ju, and Ae-sim walked in, and you pulled back quickly. "I should try and sleep."
In-ho nodded as you walked away, his eyes trailed the curve of your ass and he adjusted his pants slightly before going back to his watch.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
"Players, welcome to the third game. We will begin momentarily. The game you will be playing today is Mingle." The beady-eyed horses caught your attention first. The black, soulless, painted eyes boring into your own as you followed behind In-ho. "I will now explain the rules of the game. All players will step onto the platform in the center of the arena. Once the game begins, the platform will spin. Shortly after, a number will be called out. You must then form a group that matches this number, enter one of the surrounding rooms, and close the door within 30 seconds, or be eliminated."
You stopped in front of the red platform, In-ho stopped next to you, "The real crucial thing for us to do is to stay calm and don't panic. Trust each other. And we'll all get out of here in once piece." He looked down at you, a need to protect you suddenly clear, "Deal?"
You looked up at him, "Deal." And he took your hand as you both stepped on the platform.
"With that, let the game begin!" The woman over the PA system was replaced with a nursery song, "Round And Round". The platform jolted before starting its spin, and you grasp onto In-ho for support as he steadies you.
The lights were replaced with flashing red as In-ho pulled you close. Gi-hun grabbed a group of 3 people as you searched for an open door, "Room 44!" You pointed to the light green door before dragging In-ho and Dae-ho with you. Hyun- ju grabbed a stray woman while running through the green door, barely making it.
In-ho placed his hands on the sides of your arms firmly, "Are you okay?"
"Yes." You breathed out, trying to catch your breath.
He took one hand and cupped your face, "Just stick with me. You'll be okay." You nod as the door unlocks and he grabs your hand, leading you back to the platform.
You spin for another few agonizing seconds with your hand still firmly grasped in In-ho's. "Five."
Your face fell, there were six of you. Who was going to leave? In-ho quickly pushes you into Jung-bae's grasp, "Watch her, i'll go! Hurry!" In-ho takes one more glance towards you as he runs through the crowd.
Jung-bae drags you with the others as you call for In-ho, "Young- il! Young-il!" The door locks behind you and you break from Jung-bae's hold.
"Im sure hes okay. He's smart Y/N." You press your face to the door, peering out of the small window, searching for his tall frame. You know he's smart, but you were so scared of losing him again you couldn't even register the other players getting shot in front of your door.
It unlocks and you push it open, rushing out and onto the platform. You whip your head around as you scanned for In-ho. When you lock eyes with his brown ones you make a beeline towards him, pushing past other players as you jump into his arms, "What ever happened to, "Stick with me"?"
His hand wrapped protectively behind your neck, cradling you in his arms, "I know, im sorry. But i'm okay." He pulled your head away to look at him, a small smile resting on his face.
The platform began to spin as you and In-ho stood next to Jun-hee, "Attention, players. The final round will now begin." The God forsaken nursery rhyme plays again, and this time, your eyes were glued to In-ho.
"What do you think the number will be?" Jun-hee asked curiously while clinging onto Dae-ho.
"It will be two." In-ho looked towards her.
"Wait, why?"
He squeezes your hand, "We're at 126 people, and there are 50 rooms. Even if there's two in every room, then there's still only enough for 100 of us. If you don't find one fast, you're done for."
The platform comes to a halt. "Two." The lights flash again and In-ho pulls you on instinct, running to a yellow door.
In-ho was going to keep you safe, at any cost.
You look back towards the group for a split second when your body meets the ground, you look up in slow motion as the man who pushed you runs to the door. You took a staggered breath before grabbing onto his ankle, slamming him to the ground and buying you enough time to run in behind In-ho and close the door.
Relief washed over you only momentarily as your eyes met with a third person in the room. In-ho steps in front of you, "Out."
"But, we were here first. Why don't you put her out and I stay?" In-ho tilts his head at his last remark before wrapping his biceps around the man's head.
The door behind you shook as the other man tries to push it open, you are quick to press your body weight against it to hold it close, "In-ho, what do we do?" Your voice was frantic as the countdown continued.
In-ho's arms tighten around the mans neck as he pulls and pushes at his grasp, but In-hos eyes never faltered. Not once. They stayed piercing yours, full of determination.
"Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two..." The cracking sound of the mans neck made you flinch, his lifeless body hitting the floor with a thud.
I did say in-ho would keep you safe. At any cost.
The door locked behind you as you pressed your back against it, In-ho's stare stuck on you as he stepped over the man's body and towards you. He pushed your body against the door, his hand finding the flesh of your waist as his other hand pulled your neck into a desperate kiss. You became putty under his touch as he dug his fingers into your skin, he craved your touch as much as you did. And it was taking every muscle in his body not to take you and fuck you right now.
Your hands traveled from his chest and up to his neck, pulling him closer. A small whine escaped your pretty lips as he slid his hand up and under your shirt, the same hands he just used to kill for you.
For you.
You felt the door unlock with a click behind you. And In-ho pulled away reluctantly as your head fell back against the door, "I need you Y/N." He brushed his thumb over your red and swollen lips before taking your hand, and leading you out of the door.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
"Attention, all players. Lights-out will be in approximately 30 minutes. With the remaining half hour, please disperse, and prepare to return to your beds for the night."
You sat next to Jung-bae who was excitedly talking about the next vote with Dae-ho as you watched In-ho move your mattress next to his. You hadn't dared to tell a soul about what happened in the yellow room, the kiss or the dead guy.
And you weren't going to tell anyone.
You should be concerned, right? Concerned over how easy it was for him to snap a guys neck without breaking eye contact? He was emotionless, cold, really attractive. You had witnessed many fights between him and other men while growing up, especially when it came to fighting over you.
But he never once killed for you. Until now, at least. Were you wrong to think it was really hot?
"Once the lights go out, the ones who wanna stay are gonna come for us." Gi-huns voice broke you from your thoughts, "Killing us would mean they win the next vote. It would also increase the prize money."
In-ho sat down next to you, his hand immediately finding your back, "We have to attack first then, it's our only chance. Those guys assume we're just waiting it out till the next vote. When the lights go down, we should hit them first since they won't expect it." He looked at you out of the corner of his eye, watching is you nod in agreement.
Gi-hun shook his head and leaned in closer to the group, "No, we can't. We'd be playing right into their hands if we did."
"Who is 'they'?" You tilted your head as you asked, failing to notice In-ho's gaze darken.
"The ones who built this whole place. The ones who created the games and who watch us play." The group listens closely, "If we're gonna try and fight anyone, we should be going after them instead."
"Sure, but where are they?"
Gi-hun looks up, "They're up there. At the top of the staircases. They keep everything here running from up in their central control room." He looks back at the group, "There's a man in a black mask who's the head of the operation. If we can get to him, we finally can end this."
In-ho sighs in disagreement, "It's too risky. Even if we manage to get a few guns they'll outnumber us when we try to get out." You feel his hand slide from your back and wrap around your waist.
"What are you suggesting? That we fight the other group through the whole entire night, and hope that we all make it? Is that it, Young-il? Do you really think that's a good plan?" Gi-huns voice is a little raised and you feel In-ho's grip on you tighten.
"Do we... stand a chance?"
"If we can manage an ambush, yes. Those bastards up there, they'll never expect our side to attack. They'll be focused on other things. This is it." You nodded with Dae-ho, ready to fight, "This is our last chance to put an end to these games and make sure they never happen again."
"Lights out in ten seconds."
"Once the lights are off, we have to get under our beds as quietly as we can. We can't afford to get caught by the other side. And we know they'll be out for blood." Gi-hun whispers as he slides under his bed.
You and In-ho follow suit, laying on your stomachs as you peer out from under your bed. You feel the contrast between your shaky breaths and his own steady breathing, and you can't comprehend how he could be so calm.
"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one."
"I have a plan." In-ho's voice was barely above a whisper, and a shiver runs down your spine at the sound of a woman yelling.
You look at him, "But, what about Gi-hun's plan?"
You didn't miss the small smirk that played on his lips, "Just stay by my side." Without a word In-ho swiftly moves from out of his bed, pulling you with him.
"Wait! What are you-" His hand came to your mouth as you both hugged the wall while discreetly moving towards the small metal door.
In-ho removed his hand to place a short knock. The small window opened, a guard peering through the flap. Without a single question, the door opened, and In-ho was quick to push you through.
You watched as the guard swiftly opened the bathroom door allowing you and In-ho to enter. You turned to the door as it shut behind you before looking at In-ho, "How did that guard just let you through? I don't understand, we have to go back In-ho."
"Or we can stay. We're safe here- you're safe here." He stood on the opposite wall in front of you, watching as you rested your hand on the doorknob.
He knew you were thinking about going back. But he also knew you weren't going to. He had you wrapped around his finger, just like all those years ago. And you knew it too.
You dropped your hand from the doorknob, biting your lip as you feel him slowly stalk towards you. Need courses through your veins as his hand comes from behind and wraps around your neck, his other hand pulls your waist against him. His lips find your neck and you've melted instantly.
His bulge presses harshly against your ass as he sucks and bites your neck with unhuman desire. This wasn't like when you were younger, when you were flustered and shy. No. You were hungry with want and your eyes were filled with lust.
He whips you around, lips on your own now as he moves you backwards to the counter. Your knees go weak and he lifts you with ease, as if you weighed nothing, and places you on the counter. Your fingers dug into his back, desperate for more. Hungry for him.
In-ho bites your lip roughly, and you give him what he wants, opening your lips wider and letting his tongue fuck your mouth. You were intoxicated, In-ho was the man you thought of each night as you fucked yourself, screaming his name into oblivion. And now here he was, hiking your shirt over your head.
"Y/N." Your name slipped from In-ho's mouth swiftly as he lifts your shirt over your head before his lips find your exposed skin. A small whine escapes your lips as his hot mouth gives your cold skin goosebumps.
It was like that small little noise ignited something animalistic within him, a grunt fell off his tongue as he bit your skin. He loved the way you squirmed as he dipped his tongue into your collarbone, his eyes looking up at you.
Sweat slicked your forehead as your head throws back, your bra falling from your tits, landing on the floor. How did he take it off? His hand didnt even-
You looked at the bra, the back was still clasped.But the straps, the straps were ripped. He had ripped your bra off of you with hunger. But, you couldn't focus on the bra anymore as a moan escaped your mouth, your hands gripping the edge of the counter as In-ho rolls your nipple under his tongue.
He trailed sloppy kisses up to your mouth before stepping back, observing you. He pulls his shirt of with ease, "Take off your pants." It was demanding, and you obeyed. Your fingers trembled as you slipped off your bottoms and panties.
In-ho presses his tongue against his cheek, cocking his head as he takes you in piece by piece. You were sprawled out on the counter, your back resting against the mirror and your chest heaved, "What. What are you looking at In-ho."
"I'm thinking about all the bruises your pretty body is going to have after I fuck you."
He sinks to his knees in front of you, throwing your legs over his shoulders as he delves his tongue into your folds. You gasp, your legs involuntarily locking around his head. His tongue laps as he looks up at you. His nose perfectly brushes your clit, and he knows it as you rock your hips, "Oh, f-fuck. In-ho please."
He smirks against you as you sputter his name. He feels himself growing harder each time you whimper under his mouth. He drinks you up, your taste slicking on his face as you his tongue finds your clit.
One of your hands remove from the edge of the counter and find its way to his hair, "In-ho please," You pull his hair up to make him look at you, "If you stop now, I-I will kill you."
A small chuckle vibrates through your core as his lips latch your clit, rolling it under his tongue. Your legs pull him closer, if possible, and you feel your climax building. You arch your hips, rolling against his mouth as the need to cum grows louder. In-ho roughly laps on your swollen clit, desperate for your release.
And suddenly the earth stops spinning as you dissolve into pleasure, letting yourself unravel under him. Your body jerks as shockwaves move throughout your body, and you let his name roll of your tongue.
"Scoot down." You do as you're told and wiggle your ass until its slightly off the counter. In-ho watches as you still attempt to steady your breathing, smirking as he dips the waist of his pants down.
Your eyes widen as he places one of his hands on the side of your body, letting him tower over you. Your eyes trailed to his other hand that was busy lining his dick up with your core, but his eyes are on you. Waiting to watch your reaction as you take his cock.
He sinks into you, your breath catching and your eyes closing as he doesn't ease you into it, stretching you out. A grunt escapes his mouth at your reaction, you were so beautiful like this.
In-ho leans back and takes a hold of both of your ankles, holding them above you as he sets the pace. Your knuckles turn white as you grip the counter with one hand and cover your mouth with the other.
In-ho quickens the pace with each thrust, pounding into you like a toy. Animalistic grunts escape his mouth, "Y/N, you're so good for me. I've missed this so -fuck- so much."
You whine at his words, desperate attempts to buck your hips failed. He had you pinned down under you, controlling everything. He can feel the way you grip him, lustful tension building in the air, "Atta girl."
Oh fuck, he feels so good. He fits perfectly in you, just like all those years ago. The passion was still there, and god, he made you know it. You're drunk with desire, clenching around him as the pace picks up. His thrusts are sharp, deep, and you can tell he's close.
Your hands find his face, forcing him to look at you. His eyes met yours as his cock hit every. right. spot. His eyes softened, a contrast to his pornoraphic thrusts. In the middle of everything, all the death around you, you rekindled a love you never thought you would experience again.
Your eyes stay locked as the grip on your ankles tightened, In-ho's head dropping slightly as he came, time slowing as waves of electricity engulfed him. Warmth flooded over your body as he pulsed inside of you, gently laying your legs back down before leaning forward.
He pulled you close to him, his hands cupping your face and his thumb gently lifting your chin, "I love you Y/N." A smile displayed on his lips as he kissed you softly.
You bit back a sob, "In-ho... I never stopped loving you. You've been my person, even when you weren't mine."
He kissed you again, this time with promise. A promise of making it out of the games, a promise of love, a promise of hope.
In-ho never thought much of a future. He always saw himself living for the games. He expected to die as the front man, he didn't have anything to lose. But now he does. He has a future now, and it's you. He is not living for the games anymore. He is living for you.
Would you still love him when you find out the truth?
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
A/N: Hey pookies!! Tysm for all the love recently it's definitely motivated for me to come out of retirement. Pls lmk who I should write for next! I'm in a squid game mood so maybe Gi-hun?
@tsarinaaaz @flowersbloom8787 @vixtyhu @dottoremybbg @fnl9zer @cdej6 @galadoesart @watasinekoru @icantcryicantstopcrying @seasaltrasp @pepsicolacoochie @lily-ann-b @gurjxxpp11
#hwang inho x reader#in ho x reader#young il x reader#hwang in ho#in ho#front man x reader#front man#001#001 x reader#squid game x reader#squid games x reader#squid game#smut#i love old men#im pregnant
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03/06/25; 01:07pm
{ 18+ drabbles / headcanons }
[ eating you out for the first time ]
featuring: sylus, zayne, xavier, rafayel, caleb
[ minors don’t interact; by choosing to interact with this content, you have consented to viewing something n-fw despite the warnings. ]

there was a predatory gleam seen within sylus's gaze, further darkening his garnet eyes into deep onyx. your breathing hitches in response, feeling as though you were trapped-
unable to escape him when he slowly crawls closer to you, his added weight making the mattress dip. he simply admires your body, raking his eyes down your form with a sense of appreciation before slowly gripping at your ankle. your breathing hitches once more, feeling sylus gently spread your legs even wider for him before settling himself between your thighs.
lifting up the skirt of your nightgown, you tremble upon hearing the way sylus lets out an appreciative whistle. “i can smell your sweetness from here, kitten.” the onychinus leader tells you with a lazy drawl, further causing the heat to settle against your cheeks.
letting out a hum, sylus surges forward, burying his face between your legs while his tongue presses against the damp fabric of your panties. the sensation of his hot mouth against your clothed center makes you arch your back in response, hands already clutching at the silken sheets below you. he continues to tease you, kissing your slick heat through the soft material of your panties.
“ngh… sylus please… need your mouth on me… need your tongue so bad.”
his chuckles causes sweet vibrations to course through you, giving your center another chaste kiss before telling you, “as you wish, sweetie.”
his next actions succeeded in driving you absolutely insane for him, feeling the sensation of his perfect teeth pulling down your panties while allowing it to hang precariously on your right ankle. spreading your legs even further for him, sylus shamelessly breathes in your scent before putting the entirety of his mouth on you.
letting out a desperate cry of his name, you found yourself grinding against his hot mouth, basking in the way his tongue travels inside of your walls made slick with your arousal. he devours you like a man starved, not stopping until he was certain he could drink every last drop of you.
and when you felt him sucking against your swollen clit, you willingly lost yourself to the sensation of your release rushing out of you and into his awaiting mouth.

zayne was interested in performing a few… physical examinations on you, and being none the wiser, you agreed to help him-
however, what you weren’t expecting was to be stripped from the entirety of your clothes, leaving you achingly bare and feeling oh so embarrassed. while you were completely naked for him, zayne was still fully dressed in his usual suit, settling your naked back against the front of his chest when he picks up your form and carries you back to your shared bedroom.
with the full length mirror in sight, zayne sits down while keeping you on his lap. “be a good girl for me and just keep still… i promise i’ll take care of you.”
feeling your walls clench in response to his gentle command, you press the side of your cheek against his chest, feeling zayne slowly spread your legs wide open for him before inserting a finger within your slick. he pumps it in and out of you for a few seconds, relishing in the squelching sounds of your walls surrounding his single digit-
(almost greedily.)
“tch, it’s like you’re sucking me in.” zayne’s voice becomes hoarser, simply admiring the way your juices coat his finger before adding another one into the mix. he was now making scissoring motions from within you, causing you to cry out as you arched your back against his powerful frame.
“look at the mirror, honey. witness yourself falling apart for me.”
letting out heavy gasps, you force your head to turn forward, heart racing while your breathing hitches in response to your reflection. your features were caught in a pleasure daze while watching the way zayne’s fingers eagerly thrust in and out of you, unconsciously spreading your legs even wider for him when he gives your hardened clit a gentle pinch. that simple touch was enough to send you over the edge, with you crying out to zayne before spilling yourself onto his hands.
your breathings were both labored, as your eyes turned hazy, watching as zayne places his hand against his lips before licking away the evidence of your release. a soft groan escapes from him, and you felt a new jolt of pleasure coursing through your veins when he clutches at your naked breast.
“you taste so good…” letting out a gasp of his name the moment zayne pulls at your ankle, forcing you to lay back against the bedroom floor, you swore you could feel the heat settle against your cheeks. just as you sat up to see what he was doing, the moment he places his mouth against your sensitive heat was the moment you knew that it was over for you.
you had a feeling that your beloved doctor wouldn’t be finished with you anytime soon.

it was late in the evening when you decided to read some chapters of your novel, listening to the sounds of your boyfriend showering as you smiled, basking in the simple domesticity of it all.
returning your attention back to your book, you become engrossed in the pages, feeling as though you were living through the story as you read about the heroine’s trials and tribulations. being so focused on your novel, you weren’t aware that xavier had finished his shower and had walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.
the young hunter quietly calls out your name, yet received no answer in response. he frowns a bit, trying to call out to you once more, yet the only sounds heard were of you turning the pages of your novel.
and it was at that moment a brilliant idea struck xavier. tightening the towel around his waist, he slowly crawls toward you, making sure to keep his movements slow and graceful so as to not disrupt your attention from the book. a grin spreads across his lips when he slowly manages to pull down your shorts, revealing your plain, sky blue panties to him.
and you remained blissfully unaware-
that is, until you felt something calloused and slender making its way inside of your center. “w-what? xavier, is that you?”
the philos prince merely chuckles in response, for who else could it be but him? “don’t mind me, starlight. just go back to your book.”
had you not been so distracted by your novel, you would have detected the way xavier’s voice became hoarse, thick with desire for you while eagerly breathing in your scent. he basks in the sweetness that wafts off of you, knowing that it was enough to make his mouth water in response.
feeling impatient now, xavier pulls down your panties in one swift motion, earning a gasp from you. “xavier?!”
but xavier doesn’t hear you, not in the slightest when he suddenly surges forward to press his hot mouth against your slick heat. your gasps immediately turn to moans just then, feeling the way xavier’s hot tongue invades at your slick walls, drinking up your honeyed arousal.
had xavier not been so drunk off of the sheer taste of you, he would have smirked victoriously at the sound of your book falling to the ground, already forgotten as your attention was finally focused on him alone.

you were barely focused on the movie that was playing on the screen the moment rafayel pulls you down on his face, remaining beneath you on the couch as he gave your aching cunt a series of heated kisses.
you brace yourself against the sofa’s armrest, practically riding rafayel’s face as the movie simply served as background noise. your soft moans of desperate mewls of his name echo throughout the living room, yet you were too far gone to even realize it.
his tongue kept tracing at the outer lips of your cunt, kissing at your center with an eagerness that takes your very breath away. each new thrust that came from his mouth brings a new wave of pleasure from you, making you feel the way your walls clenched around the tip of his tongue.
your juices kept coating rafayel’s tongue, making him groan in response as he quickly became addicted to the sheer taste of you. you kept riding his face, chasing that high you were so close to achieving-
and when you felt the lemurian gently biting down against your swollen bundle of nerves, you lost all of your self control, spilling yourself into his awaiting mouth while letting out a cry of his name. he drinks up all that you had to offer, letting out an appreciative grunt before giving your pussy one final kiss.
you were still trembling in the aftermath, allowing rafayel to remove your heat from his face. as he sits back on the couch, a lazy grin was seen spreading across his handsome face. you give him a questioning glance, only to feel your walls clench even further in response to his next words,
“that was great having you ride my face, cutie. now, how about you ride my cock instead?”

the sounds of your moans echo throughout caleb’s apartment, with you locked away within his bedroom as he spoiled you with complete and utter pleasure for your homecoming.
it had been a few months since you had last seen him, with the two of you being busy with your own responsibilities to do anything outside of video calls. however, since you were able to take some time off, you decided to surprise caleb with an unexpected visit. you had only seen a glimpse of caleb wearing a regular shirt with some grey sweatpants before you were immediately pulled into his home.
he says nothing to you, simply leading you back to his room while slamming it shut. all you could do was follow his commands, wishing to please him when he tells you to get on your hands and knees for him. you had expected him to rip off your sundress and panties before pressing the tip of his cock into you-
so imagine your surprise when he simply pulls down your panties while laying beneath you, hands gripping at your waist before bringing you down on him. you felt the sinful sensation of his tongue traveling deep inside of you, as if wishing to drink up the entirety of your honeyed arousal. feeling his hot kisses against your aching cunt makes you feel a dizzying amount of pleasure, never wanting him to stop.
caleb continues to play with your body, eliciting soft moans from you like he was playing an instrument. and when your colonel adds a thick finger within your heat, you lost all sense of coherency, releasing yourself into his hot and awaiting mouth.
your climax causes you to tremble in response, and you were ready to lay back down and rest when caleb suddenly continues his relentless ministrations on you. “c-caleb, what are you d-doing, i already… hah… c-came!”
a rich chuckle was heard coming from caleb, and you shiver when slowly removes his lips away from your sensitive cunt, “and what’s your point, babe? i have no intention of stopping until i make you cum at least 10 more times before giving you my cock.”
with those words (along with a particularly hard smack! felt against your ass) caleb dives right back into your sensitive heat, making you nearly release on the spot as you drunkenly thought to yourself-
eight more to go…
end notes: don’t mind me, i’m just a thirsty girlie 🙂↕️ not edited yet but i’m just so lazy, so just deal with my unhinged musings for now ♡
all stories are written by rei; please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works!!
#sylus smut#zayne smut#xavier smut#rafayel smut#caleb smut#sylus x reader#zayne x reader#xavier x reader#rafayel x reader#caleb x reader#sylus x you#zayne x you#xavier x you#rafayel x you#caleb x you#lnds smut#lads smut#l&ds smut#love and deepspace#writings 📖
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