#as a get well soon present since ive been sick for about a week
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i got two baby forest costume series blind bags and one had flora the baby bunny and one had the mystery baby which is i guess a korok
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heecyon · 3 years
Enhypen Little Angels Series: When they find out their s/o is pregnant
warnings: cursing, mentions of miscarriage and hospitals, collapsing, vomiting and couvade syndrome (for Sunghoon and Sunoo)
this happens before the og enha little angels
taglist: @skyaura-koo @serendipityclick @en-sun @envirae @exulansis-eun @gamezzzz
Pls tell me if I forgot anyone from the taglist and I'll fix it immediately.
I'll try to fix any grammar mistakes. Sorry for the delay
word count: 1,523 words
Lee Heeseung:
“Heeseung... What if i'm really pregnant?” Mina said bouncing on her feet.
Being nervous wasn't the words that she would use to describe how she feeling at the moment.
“If you are pregnant, then that means that our child will have the most amazing mother and the most amazing father.” He set his hands around Mina's waist, then accommodated his head on her shoulder.
“I'm not talking about that.” She sighed, looking at the ring on her finger.
“You mean... the loss?” Mina nodded, her gaze was sad and her eyes were glossy.
“It wasn't your fault jagi, and I know that you fear that the same thing will happen again, but I promise you that everything will turn out for good.” Heeseung placed a soft kiss on his wife's lips, then unified his forehead with hers.
“I think... I'll go check the test.” Mina said before placing a kiss in Heeseung's cheek and going to the bathroom to see the results.
He waited a few seconds and then...
“Heeseung, I'm actually pregnant!”
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Park Jongseong
“How many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine?” Bella said looking at IV hooked on her hand.
Jay kept walking around the hospital room, he was a little bit mad, he thought that Bella hadn't taken care of herself as he told her to.
“As many times as you want, because it's not gonna work for me, or make me feel better.” He kept pacing around back and forth, trying to keep himself calm.
“If you keep rambling nothing will be solved.” Jay huffed, as he pinched the skin of his left arm.
“And if you keep dismissing your health nothing will get solved!”
Bella groaned, sometimes Jay could be way to stubborn.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I've been taking care of myself.” She pouted.
“It doesn't seem like that to me.”
Just in time the doctor appeared on the room.
“What is it doctor? Is she healthy?” She smiled at Jay and then at Bella.
“Well, there isn't any problem... Except that you have high levels of HCG.”
They both looked at the doctor completely confused.
“This high level of HCG only appears on pregnancy. Congratulations, you are pregnant.”
If they were confused before then, I don't know how to describe how they felt by the moment.
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Shim Jaeyun
“Do you think is something bad?”
Jake shook his head, while looking around the doctor's office. He was way more anxious than what he showed, but he tried his best to stay calm for Teagan.
It had been days since Teagan started vomiting and having nausea, to the point that she spent most days locked in the bathroom and nearly fell down the stairs because of how dizzy she felt.
“I'm done! I'm taking you to the doctors!”
Teagan looked at him dumbfounded. Why did he wanted to take her to the doctors so suddenly.
“But I feel fine.”
“Being fine is not nearly falling down the stairs because of dizziness.”
Teagan hated hospitals with all her might, and always tried everything to avoid them, but guess who still drag her to the hospital? Jake!
The doctor finally entered the office, making the couple turn their gaze to him.
He gave them a small smile, before saying:
“I already have your lab results...”
Jake grabbed his wife's hand, trying to calm himself down a little and also reassuring her that everything will be okay.
In the best case he thought you had a stomach bug. In the worst case you could some kind of terminal illness.
... But gladly those weren't the cases.
“It seems like you have high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin.” Teagan looked at the doctor with a dumbfounded gaze.
“What those that mean?” Teagan looked at the doctor and then looked at Jake who was in shock, but then spoke.
“It means... that you are pregnant.”
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Park Sunghoon
... It started when Sunghoon started having symptoms. Hyeyoung noticed how tired Sunghoon was does days and how he started having cravings... A lot of cravings.
“And can you please add an extra order of fries please?” “Thank you.”
He hanged up on the call while Hyeyoung looked at him weirded out.
“You sure you are okay?” She walked up to him, seating beside him on the sofa.
“Yeah, why wouldn't I be?”
“Well... because you are acting like a pregnant woman.”
Sunghoon giggled a little, before he realised that...
“Hyeyoung? When was the last time that you had your period?” The girl looked down for moment, and then she finally realised what was going on.
Now they were both looking at the positive pregnancy on their hands.
“Oh shit!”
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Kim Sunoo
Another case of couvade syndrome...
“Ah! Noona! Sunoo-Hyung just fainted!” Aera ran to the studio and saw the boys fanning Sunoo to make him feel better.
Sunno saw Aera's worried expression and then smiled at her to ease her up.
“I'm fine jagiya. I'm just tired.” He stood up with the help of his oldest members.
He walked up to Aera, who changed her expression suddenly, she started feeling way to dizzy and all off the sudden she lost her balance and collapse on Sunoo's.
The rest of the members started shouting worriedly and asked the staff to call medical help.
“I guess we have the same condition or something.” Sunoo spoke when they where both in the doctors office waiting for both of their results.
“It's probably the flu, or a cold is kicking our butts.” Aera chucked and Sunoo giggled a little.
The doctor entered the room, with the results on his hands.
“Well it seems like Sunoo is pretty healthy and there is no reason for your collapse, except that you have couvade syndrome.” He frowned at the doctors words wanting a clear explanation.
“It's when a partner presents the same symptoms as their pregnant partner.” Aera was the one frowning at that moment. Was the doctor saying what she thought he was saying?
“I'm sorry, but my wife is not...”
“The fuck?! She's pregnant?!”
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Yang Jungwon
This boy rushed to the hospital the moment that he got a call from her mom, saying that Mirae had fallen down the stairs.
He freaked out, but when he got there Mirae explained him that she had blacked out and that made her fall down three steps of stairs.
“Are you sure you don't feel pain or anything?” Jungwon played with her hair, while he sat on her hospital bed.
“Wonie, I'm fine, it's just a small bruise”
“And a concussion.” Mirae's mother blurted that out of nowhere. Which made the girl murmured a "Mom" angrily.
“Ah! I guess I'll stay up with you all night.” He said rubbing her shoulders.
“I also have something else to tell you...” She grabbed a strand of hair and started playing with it.
“Hmm?” Jungwon payed all his attention ontu her.
“The doctor did a few tests... Everything's okay, but...” She passed and stayed quiet for while.
“What's wrong Rae, you can tell me anything, remember?” Jungwon smiled showing his cute dimples.
Mirae sighed, inhaled... Then exhaled.
“I'm pregnant.”
Jungwon seemed in shock by what she had just blurted out, but then started laughing immediately.
He was happy, obviously he was... But then he paused.
“When did I made you a baby?”
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Nishimura Riki
They where both visiting Niki's parents in Japan, they where on vacations so they used that to pay a visit to them.
Mei Lin wasn't feeling that good throughout the whole way to her in laws house, she felt like throwing up the ride in the plane, but she thought it was just motion sickness.
“You sure you are okay? If you don't feel well enough, we can stay at the hotel and go tomorrow.” Niki wasn't that sure of what to do at the moment, but he thought it would pass in a few hours.
“No, I think I still feel bad because of the flight, but it'll pass in a few minutes, I promise.” She said patting Niki's head before calling over a taxi.
They got home pretty fast and had dinner. They were both enjoying their time, but something about the food just made Mei feel nauseated. So she covered her mouth and nose with her left hand.
The family noticed pretty fast and Niki's sister was already looking for a pill to calm Mei's stomach down.
While Niki was rubbing her back, his mother commented.
“You know, this reminds me of the symptoms I had when I had a few weeks of pregnancy with Riki.” She laughed it off, but something about just made the rest of the family including Mei freeze.
“I think... I'll just go get a pregnancy test.”
Everybody's eyes widened and the thought of their daughter in law being pregnant was kinda shocking.
An hour later, a positive pregnacy test was on the couple's hands.
Niki and Mei were both in complete shock, they were happy of course... But still shocked.
“I wasn't expecting you guys to take me seriously when I said «I want grandchildren as soon as possible.»”
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tiens-letters · 4 years
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upon autumns day, where you and I met. upon autumns day where I remember all of what we were before youve passed. and upon autumns day would I have ever so slowly let go of that pain of the past
zhongli (angst)
@albeidoof its somewhere here hehehe
Time was a luxury. A treasure each and everything holds.
Yet time is a curse as well. It covets, devours and leaves. which humanity neglects to cherish until the heart ceases its steady rythmn, only then do they regret of the wasted minutes, hours and seconds.
Beneath the flow of the rushing waves of things that have come and gone. Only on this particular day would he sit beneath a certain tree. The rough bark brushing up against his back as leaves fell effortlessly to the ground, as if it were ready to let go of from the branches that gave birth to it, only to return once again to the waiting soil.
It was a sunny afternoon, clear of any clouds and only clear unblemished blue, a good time to enjoy a warm cup of tea yet there was no energy in his bones to even move from where he was.
He felt exhausted. Desultory even.
Gone were the halcyon days of the past, and now the present time of the vivid reality he had to face.
Morax, rex lapis, the geo archon. Names that weighted more than one could carry, memories that shackled his soul that lived for a thousand years on end, all but a stain that could never be washed away.
The breeze slowly danced in, playing with his hair softly, kissing his skin and welcoming him. It carried a hint of aromatic essence only he would know belongs to.
He tried to desperately recount the days after youve left the face of the earth and yet he could not remember or did his mind not allow him to as if he did, it would bring him terrible and heavy consequences for an answer, one sane mind would never want to know.
Sighing, he sat back and recalled back the memories of you instead. When you were alive, warm and breathing in his arms. He remembers the way your eyes would shine brightly whenever he would be around, or the small sound of delight you would make when you have finished another one of the many interesting blends of tea youve done over the course of a week of mixing different flowers and tea leaves. Youve made up quite the fortune with this as your little hobby bloomed into a fully run business known across teyvat.
"Zhongli." he froze, youve never called him by his name ever since youve started getting close, it made him feal uneasy as he turned to look at you who stood by the doorway, a neutral look on your face.
"y-yes?" nervousness clawed at him as he racked his brain to what he couldve done for you to call his name like that, he couldnt think of any.
"I came back from the market and I heard youve made quite the generous payment. Why is that, I wonder?" he's done it again, that spending habit of his
"The price was reasonable for such a fine ceramic tea set, I dont seem to find why it shouldnt reflect its quality?" you sighed as you pointed towards the glass cupboard behind him
"You bought the same exact set a week ago, Zhongli. Thats why." having to realize his mistake after looking over the two identical set that on the shelf, he turned to apologize but only to see you missing from the doorway. Footsteps can be heard from the floorboards above him. You were upset.
After minutes of pacing in the living room, he finally mustered the courage to climb the stairs and enter your shared bedroom. A figure already under the sheets as the warm glow of the lamp illuminated your delicate features. The mattress sunk as he sat beside you, fingers brushing away the stray hair that fell on your face.
"Im still mad at you Zhongli." his hand flinched slightly at the way you called him
"I apologize. I seem to not have learned my lesson again. I would gladly return the set tomorrow."
"Its no use, they dont accept refunds." you replied without sparing a glance at him
"What can I do for you to forgive me then?"
"Just go to sleep, Zhongli." groaning you reached for the switch to shut the lamp off but a gentle grip stopped you, forcing you to look at his gloomy expression. Perhaps you went too far this time.
"Please stop calling me in that way. I dont like it." he whispers, drawing your palm to his lips, leaving small kisses upon it. He sure does know his way around your heart, no wonder why you could not stay mad at him.
"Just be mindful next time." you cursed yourself for being weak to his charms.
"I will." yet something was missing "Then can you call me as you did before?"
"Zhongli?" you could see the slight grimace in his face as you teased him
"Stop it." he kissed you without warning "Call me as you did before."
However, his lips didnt stop as they began to travel. From your cheeks to you forehead and then to your neck. Oh dear, he wasnt having any of your teasing.
"A-li." you giggled beneath him as he finally stopped and met your gaze
"Thats better."
He still remembers the faint smile that graced your lips whenever he would wake up next to you tangled in the same sheets. The softness of your skin on his calloused touch. Your lips melting his and your voice lulling his raging mind to peace.
Then everything changed when you drew blood that spilled from those lips he's kissed for a thousand times, painting a morbid image on the sheets. Anger and despair boiled inside of him once he learned of the secret youve kept. Zhongli was a calm and collected man all of the time except when he was with you.
Having to witness him at such a point felt as if his own spear was being driven right through his very chest. He held you in an arms width away, the panic and pain in his eyes increasing over the minute as he begged for you to explain why youve decided to lie about the flowers that bloomed in your lungs, the sickness youve inherited from your deceased mother, whose fate you soon would follow. You didnt want him to find out, not in this way.
He couldve done anything if he knew from the start but alas, you wanted to be cruel, thinking it was for the best. Until your symptoms persisted, a heavy reminder of the remaining distance of the string you have to walk on to reach the end. The heavy feeling in your chest started to worsen as cherry sweet liquid poured from your mouth.
Soon the once pristine sheets were stained in haunting crimson shades as you heaved and he watched in agony. If only he had the ability of what he once had back then, if only he could plant the seeds of the flowers from yours to his then he would, if only he hadnt met you one autumn evening
" please dont look at me like that. " you told him, cold hands caressing his cheeks, catching the streams of salty warm beads that fell freely from your darling's amber eyes.
"Im sorry. Im so sorry..." the last thing you wanted to see was this man to cry. The last thing you wanted to see was to see him relive the past tragic memories you promised to bring him out of
" my disease has nothing to do with you. In the end it was mine alone to handle. oh, you are far from that so please dont you ever blame yourself."
"How can I not? If I havent fallen so deep then you would experienced so much more in life, you couldve been happier if you met someone else. Yet you chose me and I couldnt give you anything, I--. " the words knotted up as he began to shake, hands holding yours as knuckles turned to white
You slapped him.
With all the strength youve gathered in that fading body of yours. The sound cutting the grieving sounds that spilled from him, soul and flesh alike.
"A-li, look at me. Do I look like someone whose unsatisfied with what youve given me? Did my smile ever fade when Im with you? Did your affections ever lack? Answer me." his watery gaze met yours, a torrent of emotions swimming in them
"No. Never." a soft smile was carved unto your lips
"My dear, youve given me all Ive ever wanted in this life and I regret nothing of it."
To him, you were the flower that bloomed at the highest peak of the mountain he's never reached and yet its petals voluntarily detached and fell down, making him the happiest as one thing he's admired was untouchable and now, lay softly in the palm of his hands. To cherish and to protect.
But of course, all things are evanescent.
The familiar feeling of soreness that wasnt supposed to be there rose, ebbed and flowed through his throat. He knew it all too well, it was after he woke from his week long slumber did he feel it along with what his ancient beating heart felt.
"You collapsed." the worried words of the qixing echoed in his head. He frantically got up but as soon as his feet touched the floor did his legs give out underneath him, what use was he in this sorry state. He was helped up and sat back on the edge of the bed.
He wanted to ask many things yet was unable to.
Ningguang spoke as if you were still breathing and was visiting her minutes ago with another one of your tea blends. "Dont worry and rest first, go to jueyun karst after. They will be waiting."
To where the adepti resides, who as well, favored you, that one soul among thousands of others. One to which they shared a few good memories with was allowed to slumber there in peace.
Zhongli found himself waking up to the sun setting in the horizon. Just like how youve gone and resurfaced back into his memories. It was time.
He stood up from where he sat, gloved hands brushing any dirt that clung to him as he made his way to where you slept.
The red bean that was planted by himself still remained, a token of his love for you. Picking one bead and placing it inside the hollow dice he brought along, completing another one of the similar handicraft he's made every visit.
The sun finally died and the moon began its reign. The small wisps of light gathered around before him, forming a blurry image.
It was then he felt at ease, he saw you smiling at him with all there is in the world. Your light seemed to dim a little, hinting the blessing the adepti gave was slowly diminishing. Soon your visits would cease and you were sure that by the end of the power spent, he wouldve let go of the torment that plagued him.
"A-li. Have you been well?" he knew what you meant
"Im letting go slowly my dear. Perhaps in time, I would learn breathe easily once again."
Longest yet lol. Hope yall liked it ehehe
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What If...? IV // Alive!Luke Patterson
Summary: 1997 and 1998 are big years for Luke Patterson and his fiancée with their engagement and wedding planning. If you thought wedding planning and the wedding itself was the big things well, you’d be wrong. I mean this is the couple that almost ended with a car accident. Join the year long adventure.
Warnings: Swearing, pregnancy, minor angst, sweet groom!Luke, and fluff
Words: 3.3k
Requested: By @beautifulblogsblog. There is one more part after this. 🥺😭
A/N: It’s finally here! The Patterson-Y/L/N wedding makes its appearance here and a little cameo of a future character. The next part is the last part in the miniseries as well. Enjoy.
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Hollywood 1997
An entire year had flown by from the day of your engagement to Luke filled with frustration, elation and greatness. Sunset Curve toured around California, leaving the Y/L/N-Patterson women to plan the wedding. Nineteen years old now in the modestly sized apartment, Luke sat beside you in the bathroom.
Two nervous teenagers a mere month away from their wedding day they cuddled each other eyes pinned at the floor. Apprehensive of the stick that held power to change everything in their lives. For the last week, you hadn’t felt very well with being tired and nausea laying you out in bed.
“It’s been long enough.” Luke murmured reaching for the test, “No matter what. I love you.”
Kissing his cheek, the two of you slumped at the negative with surprising emotion. The negative greatly disappointed you.
“I’m sorry,” Luke mumbled to his fiancée equally torn up because while the timing wasn’t perfect, he had pictured what life would be like.
A tiny baby growing in his fiancée womb, growing into bump made flutters in his belly. Of love, he already felt for your future unborn children and snuggling his kids. Introducing them to his loved ones and bonding over music. Teaching his son or daughter how to play the guitar.
He’d love to see his parents cradle a new addition to the family freshly born with the tiny knit hat Emily couldn’t resist making. Sharing a celebratory beer with his father and wisdom for the coming years. To learn the parental reason of why they had been against his career choice.
“I really wanted it to be positive.” You admitted playing with your fingers disappointed at being wrong about your body. Luke smiled as your words as he grabbed your hand in his calloused grip.
“Do you…do you want to try for a baby?” Luke trailed off flushing at how beautiful you would look growing his child. The bathroom was quiet as you thought the idea over, “With the tour just finishing the band will be writing music and recording. I could be here for the whole pregnancy and birth.”
“If we get pregnant in the next month. But we’re also getting married in a few months.” You sighed leaning to rest about his bare arm staring at the pregnancy test.
“If it happens then it happens.” Luke spoke, “If you want, we can try.”
Raising your eyes to meet Luke’s you hesitantly nodded at his words as it settled that is there ever a perfect time to get pregnant? So many people struggle with conception like your parents did with you; your mother’s labour was so complicated that you’d never have siblings.
“Okay.” Luke breathed, standing up to scoop you into his arms, “Best get on with it.”
The laughter filled the simple bedroom as Luke crawled over your body to hover with a matching smile. There was no one else in the world that could get his heart fluttering and focus on something other than music. It was terrific, and he couldn’t be mad about.
“So, Rockstar…are you gonna help?” You whispered tugging on the chain of his necklace to drag his face closer. Closing the distance, Luke’s lips brushed yours before time stopped in a collision of senses.
The callouses of his fingers trailing a fire under the flowing shirt chosen for the lunch date earlier. The warmth of his hands nowhere close enough to match the heat your body burnt with. The taste of the cherry chapstick he shamelessly stole from you, but it was the heady scent of Luke that got you.
 Luke heavily breathed as he pulled back with a hazy gaze with the green almost overtaken by the black pupils. No hesitation as your lips sucked on his neck, bringing a gravelly moan from the man over you, a sound that caused your lower half to clench. Legs unable to fully close as his fingers drew symbols on your inner thigh.
Symbols that spelt out his full name. Now that was really hot.
A gasp pulled from your throat you arched as a hand came up to cup your breast in his hand; Luke could argue all he wanted, but he was boob man when it came to you.
Thoughts disappearing the ecstasy with the love of your life overtook your senses.
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July 1998
The white dress was a little snugger than the previous month, but you had a good reason for it. A tiny little blob had taken up residence in your womb with a sickness that lasts all day from day one until the start of trimester two. Getting pregnant had to be easy with Luke from the number of times.
Didn’t matter where you were when Luke tugged you away. The small bathroom in the studio? Three times.
Luke’s couch? Yeah, Alex refuses to sit there now.
At this point, you had been everywhere, trying for a baby was incredibly fun, but the hormones sucked. Luke’s deft fingers creating the chords of a song? Bobby banned you from rehearsals, and you had an emergency bag of clothes as well.
“You look gorgeous.” Nancy Y/L/N told her daughter with tears glittering in her eyes as she took in the sight of her daughter. The wedding dress the bridesmaids, mother’s and Alex had hunted for; the boy had tagged along as he was like a brother. Reggie, Bobby and Luke had spent the day with Mitch and Lance.
A sob broke from the lips of Lance; his baby girl no longer needed him with her soon to be husband. There was no one in the world he trusted more with his daughter than Luke Patterson. The boy never placed the band ahead of his fiancée, and it was quickly noticed how much Luke adored the Y/L/N girl.
“Dad.” You spoke, rushing to hug the man in your arms, “Stop crying. You’ll make me cry.”
Lance was able to hold his tears until the music started and the doors opened to the venue that Luke’s parents married in. Luke stood at the altar with Bobby, Alex, and Reggie. On the opposite side stood your best friend, a childhood friend and your close cousin.
“You look beautiful,” Dad told you slowly making their way to the man cupping his hands over his face. Overtaken by your beauty and the glow, Luke thanked Lance.
“Baby, you look like an Angel,” Luke whispered, squeezing your hands tightly in his as the ceremony began.
“It’s rare that one can find their soulmate, the other half of themselves on such a large plant. Luke and Y/N orbited each other as young children and fell in love in a perfect place. For those of you who don’t know, these two met as a concert. The first step to falling in love. Music is important to this couple.” The officiant spoke, “Luke’s mother told me once that music tethered their souls together, they truly met at a concert, and every important moment had a song.”
Luke’s eyes watered meeting the brown of his mother’s love-filled eyes holding hands with her husband. Luke had no clue how much his mother came to accept, and he felt the relationship fully fix itself as it settled that his Mom had personally made the ceremony better.
 “These two souls came together and became one. Luke and Y/N��s love is rare and beautiful. Today these two had decided to make their own vows.” The officiant finished, “Luke if you could start.”
“There has always music in my heart and soul since childhood. I adored listening and begging my parents for new music. My parents, one year, gave me a guitar as a gift, and it started a deep passion in my soul. I made a band with my best friends, and the band brought me to a person that would become more important. Y/N, I had had a crush on you for a long time before you first spoke to me. I had hit Reggie in the calf with my father’s car, and you made a joke about my height. It wouldn’t be until years later than I somehow convinced you to take a chance.” Luke squeezed your hands, “I love music because it brought me to you.”
“Luke. I am absolutely positive that I have loved you for more than this lifetime as my love is so vast and deep. I believe we have been destined since the dawn of time to find each other together by music. I can’t compete with your vows because you have a way with words with the songwriting you’ve done. You’ve been there through the hard times and best times holding my hand ready to catch me if I fell. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives catching each other when we need it.”
“May the rings be presented?” The officiant asked with a smile as your best friend and Alex gave the rings.
“With this ring, I thee wed,” Luke whispered as he slid the band to rest against your engagement ring. You repeated the words as you slid the band on his finger as well.
“I now pronounce you as man and wife. Mr. Patterson, you may kiss your wife.” The officiant spoke, sending the room into applause.
You and Luke ran down the aisle still holding hands with the biggest smiles of your entire life to the limo that would deliver you to the reception. Luke couldn’t help himself as he pressed kisses all over. This was a glorious day for the musician, his career was going really well, and he married the most beautiful girl.
“God, I love you.” Luke murmured to the girl in the white dress. Leaning closer for another kiss, Luke froze.
Digging into his ankle was a heavy object. Your nervous eyes glittered under the dimmed lighting in the limo. Never-ending eye contact Luke lifted a moderately heavy wooden chalkboard. Written on the sign was: ‘Unofficial flower girl or ring bearer’.
“Are you serious?” Luke asked gobsmacked at the news that heightened the greatness of his wedding day. Eyes flickering to meet yours he watched as your hand unzipped a hidden pocket on your dress.
Flat on your hand was a pregnancy test similar to the one you took months back. The only difference being this one had two lines.
“AS serious as a heart attack. There will be a baby Patterson in six months.” The laugh was joyful as your lips parted.
Luke wasted absolutely no time in setting his hand on the slight bump the dress had covered, “This is why you mentioned your dress being snugger?”
“Mhm.” You replied, stroking the softness of his cheekbone in pure love with him and the life you carried, “We’re in for a wild ride Patterson.”
“Bring it on.” Luke finished kissing your cheek as the limo came to a stop in front of a large venue. The duo you ran inside where your wedding guests threw paper airplanes that Reggie had suggested.
Each airplane had a personal note from your friends and family along that would be gathered into a binder. Reggie had found out that rice wasn’t good for birds and while the reception was inside, he couldn’t do it. So, he brought the idea of paper airplanes; in class, the boys would throw airplanes at each other. It was a nod to their adolescence.
“I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson,” Alex announced into the microphone set on the stage with Sunset Curve’s instruments. It didn’t surprise anyone that the band would play at the wedding.
On the stage, a beautiful Hispanic woman played a soft piano ballad, if you could recall that maybe the bartender from the Orpheum. Her name was on the tip of your tongue as Luke twirled you into his arms with a big grin.
“Mrs. Patterson.” You hummed tugging him to the head table with where your wedding party would join as well. The second Luke helped you sit he knelt down to reach the box covertly placed.
Your eyebrows came together as he opened it, revealing two matching pairs of personalized vans; following the wedding theme one pair was white and another black. On the right shoe, it had ‘just married’ with the wedding date while the left shoe had a picture from your engagement pictures. Of course, Luke made them have Mr. and Mrs. above the image as well.
“How?” You breathed as Luke gently removed your heels to replace them with a thin pair of no-show socks. Over the socks went the white vans that gave your feet a break from the four-inch heels.
“We’re supposed to party now.” Luke beamed squeezing your hands in his only bending to kiss the back of each. His hazel eyes had shifted to a rich green as he stared up at yours with such a tender look, you could feel the heat building in your cheeks.
As your wedding party took their seats, Luke had already changed his shoes and pushed the box back under the table. His left hand refused to leave your right one as you both took in the magical room that had once only been a concept on paper.
“This is amazing.” You breathed leaning into Luke’s arm, sending a smile to the table near the front with both your parents, “Also thank you for the shoe surprise.”
 “I am so happy they got done on time.” Luke sighed slouching in his seat, waving at the photographer you had hired.
If you can recall correctly, Luke had met him at a band photoshoot, and he was the assistant to the head photographer. You believe his name was Ray and incredibly talented and under-appreciated by his former boss.
“Did you let the photographer know we have an open bar?” You leaned over to your new husband with a flutter in your belly at his new title. The question turned the corners of Luke’s mouth for the first time that day.
“I find it unfair that we have an open bar and we can’t drink anything.” Luke snorted nudging Reggie in his side.
“Oh, I think we both know you’ll sneak some for the guys and you.” You chuckled leaning back in the chair. One hand resting on your stomach to caress the material with your thumb, unaware, “I’ll stick to the sparkling juice.”
Luke’s one eyebrow raised at the sudden change in your drink choice as in the past you wouldn’t turn down your favourite. His eyes shifted down to your hand with raised eyebrows.
“Wait…are you…?” Luke drawled out slowly in your ear taken aback when your head in a surreptitious manner. His jaw unhinged mind opened as he took in the tiny bump; in the years together, he was very acquainted with your body.
“We are. How cliché are we?” You laughed as Luke lunged to press a kiss to the supple skin lightly painted with foundation.
Your makeup was natural and straightforward to last longer for photos and make it through the dances for later. It was also Luke’s favourite look.
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Dinner, the dances and speeches had sped by ending with both the bouquet toss and the garter toss. The guests mingled with the newlyweds as some danced, Emily had managed to drag Luke back on the floor.
“I’m proud of you, Luke.” Emily smiled up at her son, “And you said those dance lessons were a waste of time.”
A light pink flush took over the nineteen-year old’s full cheeks reminiscing the lessons he had taken with his mother. He had been eleven or twelve at the time when his father pulled a muscle at the worst time. The coupons nearly expiration Emily took Luke to the lessons that initially had been for date night.
“I think it helped with singing-“Luke instinctively cut himself off as he had done years before when music was a no go subject, “Sorry you don-“
“Luke, I can never explain how sorry I am about what happened. I was wrong to push you into a box you didn’t fit. Music is a part of you, and I understand now.” Emily squeezed the bicep of the guitarist, “Besides you’ll understand where we were coming from in a couple months.”
Luke’s jaw dropped at her announcement, “What.”
“Luke, I am a mother. I know the signs such as your wife turning down the wine.” Emily admitted stepping back from the boy that had so suddenly become a man before her very eyes.
No longer was he the chubby-cheeked boy running naked from his bath after splattering spaghetti sauce on himself. He had outgrown his interest in soccer and baseball with his little friends. He had matured into a man that lived up to Emily’s teachings. Luke, in her eyes, was now a man of honour, integrity, kindness and stood up for himself.
Emily and Mitch Patterson had done a fantastic job raising their son, but now they could step back. They would get to watch Luke find his way as a husband and a father.
“Hey, man,” Reggie spoke as Luke walked off the dance floor finding you among family congratulating the couple.
“Hey, Reg.” Luke beamed tugging the bassist into his arms for a tight hug. As the two boys leaned back, they looked over at their friend.
Alex discarded the pink suit jacket at the table in favour of leaning against the wall talking with the bartender. A smile blossomed on the two men’s faces as they took in that Alex was utterly relaxed in the conversation.
“They were hardcore flirting.” Reggie piped up, referencing the male bartender, “His name is Billy, I think.”
The bartender had shoulder-length dark hair pulled back in a bun with glittering brown eyes drowning in the shy blonde. He wore a dark shirt opened a few buttons with white detailing on it. A white necklace as well, but it was the lovesick smile Luke loved; Alex deserved happiness the most in Sunset Curve.
“He’s totally a skater.” Reggie spoke, “It’s a love story. He’s a skater boy, and he’d like to do ballet.”
“That would be a sick song. He was a punk, she did ballet.” Luke hummed to a melody created on the spot, “Not really our sound.”
“Someone will figure out a way to use it.” Reggie waved off, and he was right. A singer would use the exact lyric in her song ‘Sk8er Boi’ in 2002 when Sunset Curve would bump into her.
Slowly the boys of Sunset Curve found their way to the stage to perform a few songs directed towards you. At your urging, you had demanded they give a live performance of Unsaid Emily for your now mother-in-law. As they sang, you wrapped an arm, Emily, as she cried.
“This is his best work.” You mumbled to the older woman cupping her wet cheek leaning into the touch of her husband’s touch.
As soon as the song was over, Emily yanked her son into her arms both parties of the hug emotionally moved. It seemed the performance had shifted something in their relationship for the better. Luke didn’t need to explain as he pulled you into his side once more.
 “Alex isn’t the only one that found someone.” You whispered, finding Alex and the bartender on break dancing on the edge of the dance floor. At your husband’s puzzlement, your finger pointed in the direction of the stage.
In a conversation photographer, Ray captivated the lead singer of the band you had hired when Sunset Curve didn’t play. Even Reggie seemed to have the attention of your twin showgirl cousins from Las Vegas.
“Love attracts love.” Luke simply spoke, wrapping his built arms around his wife, thinking back on the changes that had happened.
Luke hitting Reggie’s leg with the car at thirteen, finding each other at the concert a few years later, the accident that threatened the relationship. Proposing twice and finally marrying over a year later on the same day you confessed the pregnancy. So much had happened in such a fraction of time.
“I love you.” Luke murmured at the shell of your ear watching his friends have the time of their lives on a beautiful day in the summer of 1998.
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Above are the example of the shoes that Luke got.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds @kcd15​ @siriuswvrld​ @princessvader15​ @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle​ @joshy-obx​ @lovesanimals​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @lostrandomfangirl​n @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @jatp-holland​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland​ @dasexydevitt13​ @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​ @ssprayberrythings​​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @zukoshonourr​ @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch​ @kcd15​ @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl​ @all-in-fangirl​ @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown​
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inked-spirit · 3 years
Y,know how I said I had another au, and had a small oneshot for it:)
Well here's the oneshot, and bonus very out of context because I haven't talked about it yet. Hyrule meets Legend scene! Au is still being put together and is not really thought out much, but it does include the other under-appreciated links, such as Picori (whose also in this small written piece), Spirit, and Tempo. (Will add more if I find out there's others)
Pre-warning I don't know how to do the undercut thing with posts, so it's very long.
Okay, at this point Hyrule knew he was lost. Very lost.
The further he treked through the thick foilage to find his way back to the fountain. The weaker it's magic became, he was getting further away from it with each passing second.
He knew his sense of direction was terrible but this was just ridiculous.
He tried to call out to any fellow fairy or family that could hear him, to no avail.
It was almost dark, as the sun descended beneath the trees. A few stars making themselves present early. His faint glow making itself known in the growing dark. A pale green.
Pushing through a few more bushes, he comes to a small clearing. Taken up mostly by a decently large pond. It looked pretty deep too.
He felt no fairy magic emanating from the waters and with a disappointed huff sat down beside the ponds rocks.
There was a different kind of magic in the pond though, at the bottom. It felt safe, and somehow he knew it wouldn't hurt him.
Staring up at the stars once more, he sent a prayer to whatever goddess was listening that he'd find his home soon, his mother must be worried sick he hasn't come home before night fall.
He was tired, straying so far from his mother's magic had taken a toll on him. Placing a minor protection spell on the small clearing, he dropped his travel bag on the floor and pulled out a blanket. Nestling himself into a comfortable position using his bag as a pillow of sorts.
"Goodnight mom." He whispered, as he let his eye lids finally close to get some rest.
When he woke up it was to a shadow looming over him. He groaned as his eyes slowly opened to meet with a pair of violet ones.
A pale face that looked at him quizitivelly from above. This figure tilted there head at him with a curious glint in there eyes. Short pink hair swept to once side dropping slightly. His long pink bangs swaying beneath his face to the gentle wind.
His eyes widened as he woke up fully, staring at the one above him, whose eyes also widened.
The boy (as he guessed) lept into the pond with a graceful splash and pained gasp. Hyrule rushed to get up. Packing his blanket away and comfortably getting his bag on. He sensed pain was on the boy. He was hurt.
He jumped to the waters edge and peered down to look for the other, finding nothing. Until they peeked there eyes out of the water, brows forrowwed.
"I-im sorry for startling you. I didn't mean to scare you like that." He apologised sitting down in his spot.
The other looked away for a moment before peeking his Head out further so he could see his mouth.
"It's okay. I've just never seen one of your kind before." He replied. His voice was smooth and kind.
Never seen a fairy?
"I've only ever read about fairys in books back home, but fairys were written to be smaller. Your like a very small great fairy, why is that?" The boy asked with a tilt of his head.
"Oh, that's because I'm a great fairy in training." He answered slowly. His eyes trailing to the faint red in the water. The wound.
The boy seemed satisfied with his answer, a small hesitant trust being formed.
"I couldn't help but notice your hurt. Would you mind if I healed you?" He asked, wringing his wrists.
This took the boy by suprise and with small slow nod, he swam closer and reached his arm out of the water. There was a few scars here and there, and what looked like a golden fin across the back of his arm. The boy looked away at first, but once the fairy started to let his magic flow he watched in awe. As the green magic knitted the bloody cut on his arm back together.
When Hyrule pulled his arms away, cutting the magic off, the boy admiring his newly healed arm.
"Did you hurt it on the rocks when I startled you?"
A knod, before the other perked up.
"I'll be back in a second." At that the boy dove under and after about a minute or two he came back up with some cut fish in hands.
"For you." He dropped them on the ground beside Hyrule, awaiting a response.
For a moment he just looked between the other and the fish, before giving an akward smile.
"Oh thank you." He chuckled nervously.
The boy just continued to wait patiently.
"What do I do with them?"
"You eat them, its food."
Glancing down at the fish, he curiously picked one up and went to take a bite.
"Wait y-you cook it first. You were gonna eat it raw?" The boy exclaimed with concern.
With a snap of his fingers a small flame appeared in his palm. Growing by the second and so he started to roast it.
Once done (although he burned it in a few places). He finally took a bit. It was juicy but dry, no doubt his own doing. And tasted plain but salty. The burnt bits tasted bitter. But all in all it satisfied him. After his first bite, he set it down and cooked another, holding it out to the boy in the pond.
"I realized I never asked for your name, I'm Hyrule." He spoke, as the boy gingerly took the offered fish.
"I'm Legend." He took a bite and grimaced at first to the taste but settled.
He packed the rest of the fish away in his bag after asking if the boy wanted anymore.
Crossing his legs and resting his head in his palms.
"Hey, ive been meaning to ask. Why do you stay in the pond?"
The boys face frorrowed, his eyes traced the rocks instead of the fairy, and lifted what the fairy assumed was his version of legs. A large white blotched amareanth fishtail, lined with golden fins, some tattered near the end but not much.
"Oh you can't go that far." He spoke sadly.
"Yeah, no legs means no land travel. Fish tail means water travel only." He said simply.
"Do you live in this pond, have any family around here?" He asked a pit forming in his gut.
Legend shook his head,
"I was dropped here on accident by poachers after the few days travel they had me. I've been stuck in this pond for almost a whole week now if in correct. I lived in Hylia lake, with my uncle."
Lake Hylia!
That was at least a few days travel from his fountain, how far did the poachers go to abduct him?
He wanted to help he really did, but what could he do?
Then like a blessing from above, an idea popped in his head. Details would be thought of next. But he had an idea, and he was going to help this weird hylian.
Hyrule brightened immediately.
"Hey, what if I took you home? Act as your guide across the lands." Hyrule suggested.
Legend looked at him as if he grew two heads.
"How are you going to do that?"
He didn't know but maybe he could carry Legend to his fountain when he found it and ask his mother for advice. She always knew what to do.
"I could take you to my fairy fountain and find out what to do from there." He suggested, with a shrug and nervous smile.
The pink haired kid, tilted his head in thought before giving a nod.
"That could work. Better than being stuck in here till the day i die."
Thankfully a thought on what he could do came to mind. An friend could possibly help.
"Perfect! It's settled then!" At that Hyrule brought his point finger and thumb to his mouth and gave a shrill whistle.
He waited a full minute or two before a small willow bird swooped in and perched in his hair.
A small mouse like creature getting off its back and peeking over his forehead from his hair. The creature no bigger than a hylians thumb.
"Hyrule! Long time no see!" The small thing squeaked cheerfully.
They clung to a curl of hair and dropped onto Hyrules waiting palm. The fairy chuckling at the small person?
"It has, hasn't it?" He laughed. Before the small mouse caught eye with Legend.
"A hylian in the pond? And it seems they can see me?" They chittered.
"I dont think hes a hylian. Either he isn't or he is and hes a weird one." Hyrule whispered.
"I'm a mer, deffintly not hylian. And what is that thing in your palm." Legend asked from the water resting his arms on the sand dirt edge.
Oh so that's what he was, he was going to ask mother about that later.
"This is Picori, of the Minish. He's been my best friend, since I could even walk. He may be able to help us with our problem." Hyrule smilled.
"That explains the pond, hylians tend to hate getting wet in clothing." Picori huffed.
Hyrule hummed before, leaning closer to the Minish in his palm. Whispering something Legend couldn't hear or understand with the change in Hyrules language.
Hyrule backed up, and Picori seemed to hum before saying something to the other.
"Alright, Legend I'm going to need to carry you for this next part, would you be okay with that?" Hyrule looked over to the mer in question expectantly.
"Where are you taking me, exactly?" He asked, pulling himself out of the water.
And now, could Hyrule so the rest of him properly. He had what looked like a black tunic like shirt, long sleeves folded above the elbows, and a collar he now folded up, hidding the gills on his neck.
A black and silver belt wrapped around his waist and bottom half of the tunic.
The metal emited no familiar heat, safe.
"Cori has a solution to our problem." He chirped, putting Picori on his shoulder, and reaching to pick Legend up.
Abite difficult and painstakingly Hyrule managed to carry him bridal style, in the directions Picori instructed.
Being meet with a tree stump, that radiated the same magic Picori did.
"Place him on the stump and me on his shoulder." Picori instructed.
Hyrule nodded gently and put Legend on the stump. Next reaching a hand for Picori to climb on and let him onto legends shoulder.
"Tell him not to freak out with this next part, they always do the first go around." Picoris muttered, Hyrule relaying the message.
"Okay now I'm worried, what's the small guy on my shoulder planning." Legend asked nervously.
Hyrule lifting hands to gently take the bird from his head, placing her down on a nearby rock with a pet.
"You'll see in a second." The fairy smiled with a tilt of his head, hair falling with the motion. Before he shrank in the blink of an eye. To a normal fairys size, Legend could only blink dumbly as Hyrule fluttered in place, waiting he noticed.
Picori chittering something from his shoulder, before he felt a strong magic pull him. He landed with an oof on giant mushrooms inside a what looked like the inside of the stump he was sitting on.
A small thumping alerted the presence of the Minish, who was now almost the same size as himself (Almost, he was still tiny compared to the others), as he scampered over and helped the merman down from the fungi, and over to a waiting Hyrule by the exit of the stump. The minish and fairy sharing a quick tight hug, before the merman was picked up and held again.
The minish handed Legend a small pale brown thing that looked edible, smelled bitter, but nice. And was told to eat it by Hyrule.
It was an uncomfortable mess with his hearing, a soft static and deafness before it settled and he could understand the mouse guys greeting.
Getting a good look at the world as it was now that he was smaller. It looked huge, and so much more different, things he'd never notice before in full view now. All though he'd never really seen what the surface had to offer anyway. Intill the poachers of course. But still.
"I better grow again before I'm returned home." Legend smirked.
Getting a short laugh from Hyrule.
"You will when when we get to my fountain."
Picori blew a quick whistle with his pinky fingers at a higher note than Hyrules from before. The willow bird peered up, and flapped over. Awaiting it's riders to board.
"You do know where my fountain is, right Picori?" The fairy asked with a nervous chuckle.
The minish nodded getting on the birds back.
No one needed to know he was lost, and add to his reputation. So it went unsaid.
Once they were all situated and Legend was held securely. The bird shot up into the sky at Picoris gentle command.
Good day/night whoever read this, hope your doing good^^
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fuchsiagrasshopper · 4 years
Falling Together Part IV
Author’s Notes: Here it is, the finale! What fun it was writing for this mini series, and now I can’t wait to embark on something else. Thanks to you lovely readers who made this a fun journey. If you have ideas on what you want me to write next, let me know in a comment or message. Enjoy!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Word Count: 2977
Warnings: light angst
From his time as King of Kattegat, Ivar had taken many lessons from his failed ruling. He was intuitive, and would never make the same mistake twice. The people had followed him in battle, feared him, revolted against his crown until finally, he had crept away in exile. After all of that, there was one challenge he had never faced, and it was an illness.
The fever first started as a whisper,  maybe one or two elderly succumbing to a quick death. It was nothing out of the ordinary, and it had not caught the attention of the healers. But as able-bodied warriors began to grow weak and pallid, and children dropped weight, the alarm was raised. 
The first blow came when Hvitserk fell ill. He had shown signs during a discussion regarding the start of the fever, and now he was housed with the others in a large makeshift tent in the center of the city. The sick were kept away from the healthy, and only the healers came and went at their own peril. They tended to the infirm without complaint, even as it kept many of them isolated from their own families.
Ivar had heard stories of when the plague had crossed through Kattegat from Bjorn. A half-sister he would never know had been taken by the illness. He was reminded of this tale because of Hvitserk's condition. Fear was ever-present in his mind about losing his brother, and he had been passing along messages to the healers to take to him. Even though they refused to let him be by his side, he wanted Hvitserk to know he wasn't alone.
"We need to do something for the healers," You said, your voice bringing him back to the warmth of your chambers.
Ivar turned to you and watched you in silence. The occurrence of the fever had taken a toll on you as well. Memories of your mother's early death had been brought up in the still of the night as you lied together. Though he didn't have the words to comfort you, he had held you close, skin to skin, your air mingling together as you each took turns whispering soft things of care.
"Any provisions we don't need will go to them first," He said, coming to sit beside you on the bed. Dáire was sleeping against your leg, and Ivar ran his fingers through the dog's hair.
"I've written to Father, and he has agreed to send food and linens. We'll have to send men to retrieve the cart. I don't want outsiders risking coming through the gates."
You were calm and pragmatic in the face of turmoil, and Ivar was grateful to have you by his side. He leaned across Dáire, reaching for you to lay a quick kiss on your temple. You replied with a short laugh.
"What was that for?"
"For being strong. I have never dealt with illness among the people, but having you here has helped me with the difficult decisions."
You took his hand from your face and gave a kiss against his palm. "It's something we have to do, right? When the people suffer, we have to be strong."
You were strong, and with the both of you together, Ivar felt invincible. But there were the first signs of exhaustion creeping up. He felt it in his frail bones and saw it on your face. This was an invisible enemy, and no amount of brute force could be submitted. It was an isolating situation, helping the people from afar and relying on the information from the healers. The air in the city was reek from the sick, and the ground damp. Neither of you ventured out from the Great Hall unless it was of the utmost importance.
"Rest," Ivar told you, gentle but firm. "The people will need you."
'I need you' was what he wanted to say, but your eyes had grown heavy, and Ivar didn't like how warm your hand felt in his.
You agreed without complaint, and Ivar didn't mind that Dáire was nestled between you. He settled into sleep as well, for the few hours he could. He had been awoken in the night the past while by thralls or guards with updates on the illness, and he couldn't afford to squander a chance at rest. Turning to face you, Ivar pulled the furs over and let his eyes close, falling into a fitful sleep.
It was still dark when your eyes shot open. Your chambers were filled with shadows in the small light of the candles that burned low. The season was late, but you were warm and covered in sweat. A sinking feeling woke you, something you had been trying to hide from your husband. In the past few days, your appetite had vanished, and an increasing malaise had taken hold. 
You jumped out of bed, jolting both Dáire and Ivar awake. An empty chamber pot was near, and you lunged for it, landing hard on your knees as you emptied your stomach. With your head buried, and your hair falling around your face, you couldn't make out what was happening around you. The room fell into chaos. Ivar was already shouting for a healer, and Dáire was running around, whimpering frantically.
"(Y/N)," Ivar called, combing your hair away from your face. 
You didn't know when he had joined you on the ground, but you pushed at his chest with a weak hand. "No, stay away. You'll get sick."
"I'm not leaving you," He barked back. "Nothing can stop that. We share everything together. I'm already at risk."
Dáire let out a growl at the guard that came into the room. He had two thralls and a healer with him, and they worked to separate you from Ivar. You were maneuvered back onto the bed, while one of the thralls took Dáire out from the room. Your husband refused to leave at the order of the healer, occupying the chair at your side with an immovable resolve. 
A cool cloth was draped over your forehead, and the healer was grinding down herbs for you to drink. You had lost control over what was happening, your body spent while everyone else spoke around you. Your head was stuffy, and you felt bloated even after retching.
"For the time being, you should room elsewhere, my King. And your wife should be put into isolation with the other sick," The healer said.
"No, she'll remain here with me," Ivar argued. "I will help look after her."
You felt the first drop of hot brew as the healer tilted your head up to drink the medicine. The taste was aromatic and bitter, and you hoped your empty stomach would be able to keep it down.
"How long has she been showing signs of the fever?" The healer asked Ivar.
"This is the first time I've seen her sick."
A wave of guilt washed over you for keeping your symptoms hidden. "It started a few days ago," You murmured.
You could barely make out what was being said by the healer, but you could see the anger and disappointment furrow Ivar's brow. Your marriage was a strong union and without lies. Downplaying your sickness had simply been about sparing him of the worry you now knew he felt. On top of Hvitserk being struck with the fever, and managing the concerns of the people, you didn't want to be his burden. 
When the guard stepped out, and the thralls were ordered around by the healer  Ivar took your clammy hand in his.
"If you weren't sick, I would be furious at you for your silence."
You smiled while running the cool cloth down your face. "That's unlike you to hold back. I like our arguments."
"Then I'll save it for when you are well again."
That was more on par with the Ivar you had come to know. From tales of his mother to the boat builder, Floki, you knew your husband struggled with loss. So he chose to deal in absolutes. He couldn’t fathom losing you from the sickness. 'When you are well', as if saying it aloud, it would keep you from death.
Your own mortality was not something you had considered until now either. When your mother had been taken by fever, she had still been young, and you wondered if she had thoughts about her own death before succumbing to it.
"I need to get word to my father that I've taken to bedrest," You said, pushing yourself up in bed.
"I'll help with that," Ivar said while easing you back down to rest.
It would be the first time Ivar would get to test his writing skills after your teachings. The thought would have made you happy had it been under better circumstances than informing your father you had taken ill.
The throbbing feeling was back in your head, and the fever made your eyes burn. You allowed your lids to shut, hoping to rest even if you were too worried to sleep. Thoughts of the people suffering weighed heavily on your mind, and you did not want to leave Ivar to deal with everything. You were aware that he was at your side, and you soon succumbed to the will of your body, falling into much-needed rest.
"You look like shit," Hvitserk said, the first words Ivar had heard his brother say in person since he had been taken to isolating with the others.
The days had advanced, and so had Ivar's haggardness. More bodies had been piled to be burned in a massive pyre, and it was decided that once the fever was swept away, a celebration would be held for the dead. It was just one of few things Ivar had wanted to give back to the people. Their hope was clinging by a thread, and he struggled in your stead to keep it alive.
Many others had managed to fight off the illness, which included Hvitserk who was now on the mend. He was thinner from the ordeal, but his appetite had returned with a fierce need to prove he could still devour a whole chicken in one sitting. Ivar was pleased, if not disgusted, to witness his brother's return to form.
"Did you want something?" He asked around a mouthful of meat, indicating to the rest of the spread down the table.
Ivar shook his head while nursing his mead, which had begun to cool. "I'll eat with (Y/N) later."
"How is she feeling?"
Ivar frowned as his thoughts continued to swirl around that same thought for the past week. The last wave of the illness was ending with fewer people falling sick each day. You still remained on rest in your chambers, and while the fever had broken on you two days prior, you were still showing signs of illness.
"She's fighting," Ivar said shortly.
"(Y/N) is strong. I don't think the Gods would choose this to be her end."
If it was he would renounce them all...but he couldn't give in to such caitiff thoughts. You might not have shared the same Gods, but he preyed they would all grant you more time at his side. His days without you were endless, and though he had not spoken the words aloud, he knew he loved you. It was difficult to comprehend when it had happened, but it was a simple thing. With Freydis he had been besotted by her beauty but was embarrassed to find he didn't know what else he loved about her. His marriage to you was different. What started as a strange and loveless affair had grown into what he had always searched for. Perhaps it had been too easy, and now the Gods wanted to take you away. 
"I owe much to her father," Ivar said, thinking out loud his train of thought. "Without the extra supplies and medicine, our losses would be much higher."
"And how's he handling the news of his daughter's illness?"
The first letter Ivar had written to King Conall had been with your dictation, but what you didn't know was Ivar had continued to write to your father in his own words. He was the only other man who could understand his position, and Ivar craved the guidance and wise words he was able to provide.
"When he first heard of (Y/N) falling ill, he had wanted to come here, and damned the chance of catching the fever himself, but I persuaded him to remain away."
"I'm sure Ragnar felt the same way after he returned to find Gyda had passed," Hvitserk said, and it was the first time either of them had mentioned her name. "I wonder what she was like."
Ivar didn't. Dwelling on the dead was something he had done for so long after his mother's murder, and he could bring himself to do it again. He was comforted by the idea that Gyda was reunited with her mother and father in Valhalla, even if it meant peace for Lagertha.
"My King," They were interrupted by your personal thrall. She appeared rather giddy, which had Hvitserk tossing him a confused look. "The Queen requests your presence in your chambers."
"Is she well?" Ivar asked, bracing to stand on his crutch. 
"Aye, she is eating again," The thrall replied with a giggle. "Almost as much as master Hvitserk."
Hvitserk let out a belch and a chuckle. "Odin had heard you, brother."
Ivar refrained from allowing his relief to get the better of him, but he started for your chambers as quickly as he could propel his body. It was the first time in days he was approaching your shared room with excitement rather than dread. Seeing you spread out in the center of the bed with the furs pulled down to stave off the fever had weakened his heart. He took the words of your thrall with a grain of salt, deciding he would determine your state for himself.
He burst forth through the threshold the moment he reached it and was met with the strong smell of fermented fish. You were propped up with furs and cushions, a plate balanced on your lap. Dáire was perched up on his hind legs by your side as you tossed him a scrap of food.
"You're awake," Ivar said out of breath. 
"And you came all this way to see me," You teased with a tired but pleasant smile. "I missed you."
Ivar shut the door and came to sit on the bed. "I've hardly left your side."
"I know, but I wasn't aware of much that went on around me, and I must have made for dreadful company."
The only dreadful thing had been when watching the color fade out from your face as you slept through the fever. A warm glow was set upon your cheeks again, and it was the first time he'd seen you eat whole food.
"How is Hvitserk?" You asked, interrupting his reminiscing of terrible thoughts.
"He remains eating any extra provisions your father had sent to us," He explained, and you laughed at the answer. "I should grab a healer."
Your hand reached out and tugged on his sleeve, keeping him in place. "Hlíf was already here before you came. She thinks I've been free of the sickness for two days now."
"But you were sick this morning," Ivar said, not understanding the healer’s interpretation. 
"Yes, and that will likely continue for a time," You paused and breathed a small laugh. "I'm with child."
Ivar's strange first reaction was to look down at your stomach as if expecting to find a curve to your middle. It was too soon to tell by looking, but that didn't stop him from reaching out and placing a hand down on your warm belly.
"When did you find out?"
"The healer told me this morning, but I suspected it was possible as the fever faded, and I still was waking up unwell," You said, your hand joining his. "What are you thinking?"
So many things, yet his mind was quiet. There was fear that the child wouldn't survive long enough to be born, or worse it would carry his affliction. He couldn’t do to you what he did to Freydis, but he wondered if he would see his own child as a burden, much as Ragnar saw him.
"Ivar," You whispered, moving in close. "Come back to me."
He blinked, seeing the worried look appear on your face. "I'm afraid when I should be happy. What if this child brings nothing but disappointment?"
"Only if we let it. We cannot control our fate, and if we fall off one path we won't stop. We'll take a new one together, with our child. I don't believe this is a miracle or a blessing, it is just the result of us falling in love, together."
"I thought good Christians believed in those miracles," He murmured, while brought to ease by what you had said.
You wrinkled your nose in disgust. "No God should be so lazy, and they can't claim responsibility for every child born of one breath."
Ivar pulled you down beside him on the, and he was pleased by the surprised shriek you let out. "I'll make a heathen out of you yet."
"I love you, husband."
He'd held on for so long without the need for love, but now as you offered it, so safe and simple, he knew he would take it all. It was different than any other time before, not smothering or conniving. It was a tranquil pool he could wade into without the worry of squalls or tidal waves. Ivar was grateful you had both fallen together. 
"Of course you do, and I love you right back."
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fallin-4-ya · 4 years
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The Follies and Vices of You
cedric diggory x reader- part iv of series 
based off the novel and film ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen
summary: Being the beloved sister of the incredibly wealthy Mr. Potter, you felt no need to rush into marriage. But one day, when you come to meet a new acquaintance, the proud Mr. Diggory, your views of love and follies change.
warnings: a bit of angst & tension! (gif is not mine, credit to owner!)
part i, part ii, part iii, part iv, part v
‘Maybe it’s that I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offenses against me. My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.’ -Jane Austen 
The month of January passed dreadfully slow, as you waited for something interesting to happen. As the snow fell softly onto the ground, thoughts wondered through your head rapidly, most of them involving Mr. Diggory. In fact, he occupied your mind most days. How dreadfully awkward that poor man is, you pondered, and yet how confident. His character never made sense to you, as awfully as he appeared on the outside, you could tell there was much beneath his many layers. But your thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock on the door, it was the post.
‘From Miss Ginerva, Miss Y/N.’ You smiled and nodded thankfully. Excited, you ripped the letter open and the inside read,
My Dearest Miss Y/N, I hope my letter find you very well. How dreadful these past few days have been, for all of this snow has made me think of nothing besides summer time. I was invited to stay at my brother Bill’s until the end February; Miss Hermione Granger will be attending alongside me, to encourage sisterly bonding. I am sorry to hear that Mr. Malfoy has resided back to his home up north, but I do hope that he continues to write you such pretty verses. I shall be home before the flowers bloom. Be well.
Much love, Ginerva
You sighed thinking of how even more boring the next few months would be without the company of a most dear friend. 
Now that Mr. Malfoy was sent back home, the house was quieter than ever. Between Harry managing the estate, Sirius writing business proposals and Mr. Lupin locked up in the library; you felt most unentertained and gittery. Letters began being sent to you the day after he left, expressing a fondness for you, which kept your boredom to a minimum. You thought long about the letters exchanged between you and Mr. Malfoy; Ginny was certainly right in saying the verses were beautiful. She also urged you that there would soon be a proposal on the line if he kept with the letters, though you secretly hoped it wouldn't be anytime soon.
The next evening, to much of your excitement, you were joined by Mr. Fred and George Weasley for dinner, who were in the company of nobody other than Mr. Diggory. Reaching a hand out for each of the Weasley men, they took it graciously planting a kiss upon it. Extending out to Mr. Diggory as well, he ignored your gesture and simply bowed in your direction. After the questionable gesture from the latter of the men, you lead them to the dining room, where the rest of your family awaited.
The evening was going splendidly, much laughter and wide smiles reigned. That was, until a letter arrived addressed to you from Mr. Malfoy. You excused yourself from the table, to retire to the parlor to read it.
Blushing profusely and smiling at the beautiful verses addressed to you, unaware of the floorboards that creaked viciously behind; you sat on the armchair nearest the window of the parlor. You heard a throat clear at the doorway and shot your head up.
 ‘Mr. Diggory! I am so sorry, I mustn’t have heard of your following.’ Humming to yourself, you gazed out the window, ‘I do love this time of the year, Mr. Diggory. The snow is nothing short of lovely.’
‘Yes, Miss Potter, I do agree that the snow is very beautiful but I must interject and beckon you about some-‘
‘He’s thought to propose, you know. Mr. Malfoy that is. Quite strange, isn’t it; how young girls go to young women with only a proposal.’ You unknowingly interrupted in your dream state.
‘Miss Potter, I truly cannot help but to interject; however, there is a matter of urgency I’d like to discuss.’ Mr. Diggory huffed. Being pulled out of your trance, patience grew thin, you turned your head and snapped, ‘What is it, Mr. Diggory, that you feel so inclined to interrupt me for?’
‘Its addressing Mr. Malfoy. You see I am afraid I must interject on a most sensitive discussion topic.’
‘If you have anything negative to say about Mr. Malfoy, I must urge you that I'm the last person who would be inclined to hear it! And if you have some here to ruin my evening, I am afraid I won’t allow it.’ 
With that you grabbed your coat and trekked out into the falling snow. Footsteps not far behind you, you sped up; unwilling, or rather unwanting of hearing what anybody had to say. The crunching of snow only following you farther, as you followed the angelic pathway to the stone pavilion in the graden. You threw your back against the wall, sighing out deeply. Without a moment of peace Mr. Diggory entered your presence.
‘You cannot marry him’
You were taken aback by his sudden bluntness. Exasperated by his cultivated occurrence of strange actions you cocked your head at him.
‘May I ask you why, Mr. Diggory?’
‘The Malfoy family is least cordial, completely unattached and deranged from society. They are completely unsuitable for a family such as yours.’
‘A family such as mine?! Have you come here to separate an engagement or to insult my family, Mr. Diggory? Or rather, does your sudden interest in my affairs have anything to do with your dislike towards Mr. Malfoy; because believe me, Mr. Diggory, I know well of your disputes with the poor gentleman and will not stop an engagement from happening due to your pride and arrogance.’
‘No, Miss Potter! You know perfectly well that I find your family most respectable. I just find their family uncommony stiff for your reckless behavior.’
‘Reckless behavior! How dare you insult not only my upkeeping but a personality of another. Have you forgotten the follies and vices of you, Mr. Diggory? For who are you to judge another?’
‘Miss Y/N, has it ever occurred to you that you may be too harsh on me or perhaps my light on you may have been caused by the misjudgment of one’s character? I beg of you to enlighten me on why you find me the most disagreeable man.’
‘Well then, I beg you, Mr. Diggory, why you wish to separate a young couple who have grown quite fond of each other?’
‘Because I love you.’
There was a lull and Mr. Diggory halted. ‘I love you most ardently and I could not have you go another day more without you knowing of the likeness I have for you.’
You stood in silence, snow falling ever so godly on you both, speechless. Words clouded your mind, and you wanted to scream, and cry, and love, and erupt all at the same time. But rather than doing any of them, you looked back on him with a haze in your eyes.
‘I would not marry you if you were the last man in the world.’ You said walking away, allowing a tear slip silently from your face.
The next day there was a knock on your bedroom door early in the morning. Mr. Diggory walked in humbled and shy, ‘Miss Y/N, I’ve come to leave this for you. I hope you do me the honor to read it. Thank you much for your time.’
You had not even reached his gaze, for he spoke for too quickly and you were far too angry. Staring at the enveloped with a tear stained face for nearly an hour, you decided to open it.
Dear Miss Potter,
I hope my letter finds you in good health. I do not wish to impose on you again what I have said last night; for I am writing to you today not to remind you of said words, but rather converse upon the accusations you have brought upon me. I urge you that everything in this letter is the truth and have many to testify upon it.
Mr. Draco Malfoy and I had been connected since infancy, for his father, Lucius, and mine worked exceptionally close together. However, as Mr. Malfoy grew he became reckless; he gambled a large portion of his father’s money away and took no responsibilities seriously. Soon thereafter, his father wrote him out of his will, leaving nothing to his son. Mr. Malfoy became desperate for an inheritance; my father later offered him a job which he begrudgingly took. However, not more than seven months of work, he confessed a most passionate love to my sister. It did not take long for us to realize that he was only after her fortune for she was to inherit seven thousand pound a year. She was thirteen at the time and utterly heartbroken.
When my sister had gotten sick mere months later, my mother and I moved to London alongside her to get the best medical help. Unable to access our money without my father present, Mr. Lucius graciously lent us the sum of the bills. Unfortunately, my sister passed with just two months of treatment; she was truly a remarkable young woman. After the mourning, we paid what was due back to the Malfoy family; but for Mr. Draco Malfoy it was not enough. He hounded me for more money; knowing his dispositions I had given him the sum of his ask in hopes that he would become something of himself. He gambled the money away in two weeks. After that, I refused to give him anymore money, cutting him off for good.
Miss Y/N, I am terribly sorry to force the burden of the truth onto you, but I just felt that you ought to know. Please do keep the affairs containing my sister private, as I believe it be a disgrace to her memory to attach her name to one like his. Thank you for the time we have shared.
Yours, Mr. Cedric Diggory
(author’s note: oh my goodness! end of part 4!!! ending on a bit of a cliff hanger... i can't wait for you all to read the final chapter, which will be out soon! as always, let me know if you’d like to be part of this tag list! thank you as always for reading!)
tag list: @freddieweasleyswife @truly-insatiable @annasdani @mullthingsoverinthehotwater
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mylovelies-docx · 4 years
Kid Krow - Comfort Crowd
Part 6!
A/N: We finally find out what promise Y/N made and couldn’t keep.
Chapter warnings: angst (as always), and like one paragraph of very vague smut.
As always, listen to the song here!
And read the story on AO3 here!
Taglist: @maraudersandco @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi @hkmultifandom @spider-starry @ashleykaiba @mayangel19
Word count: 3.2k (a long boy!)
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When you stormed out of the cockpit, Mille, Zalos, and Arle refused to look at you. You couldn’t blame them; you looked like hell. Zorii sat sharpening a blade and ticked her head towards the cockpit, asking silently if you wanted her to deal with Poe. You sniffed hard, scrubbed at your eyes, shook your head, and practically ran to your quarters.
You pleaded with the universe to just make Poe sit still and not follow you. You could not handle another moment with him, or else you would explode. Or more specifically, your heart would explode and you would die a slow, agonized death. All because of Poe kriffing Dameron and his stupid, stupid , friendship.
You made your way through the corridors, leaning heavily against the walls in order to not fall over in your pursuit of a private downward spiral.
Eventually you made it to your door and entered your code. The door slid open and you rushed inside, closing it behind you as fast as you could so you could be alone. But going where so many memories of Poe lived had been a mistake. Being alone with your thoughts and emotions was just too much.
It was all too much.
With a shattered scream, you broke down. Every last piece of your heart was wrecked and crushed and ripped apart until it was unrecognizable. And still, this burning, unending pain would not. Go. Away!
Outside, you heard a raised voice. Poe. Saying something about needing to talk, to explain, to apologize. But then muffled, indistinct words of warning from Zorii. You knew that Zorii would not let Poe anywhere near you after what had just happened and how upset she knew you were.
Zorii walked inside, her lithe frame seemed to be held together by rage alone. She hadn’t even bothered to knock or ask if you wanted someone around. But regardless, she was now your best friend, and you just needed company now.
“I will refrain from speaking too much on it, but I do need to emphasize how much I despise that man for everything he’s done to you,” she explained, and settled on your cot.
You wheezed out a humourless laugh. You were numb, through and through, after the havoc that had occurred over your last two encounters with Poe.
Zorii was still angry, but she opened her arms to you for comfort anyway. The look on her face and in her manners spoke of softness in spite of her fury, and it broke whatever respite your breakdown had afforded you. A cry exploded from between your lips, slamming into the walls of your quarters and deafening you. It was the sound of anguish and pain and betrayal that was ripped straight from your heart.
You hadn’t felt so miserable and pitiful in all your life: those stupid kids from back home could never have made you feel as bad as Poe has.
Zorii opened her arms wider and you ran to her. You clutched at her waist, burying your face in her stomach and just sobbed . Sobbed for the best and only friend that you had had for years before Zorii came along. Sobbed for the stupid, love-sick fool that couldn’t take a fucking hint and get over her best friend that never saw anything in her anyway.
Sobbed for yourself. Your pitiful, sad excuse of a self.
“I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine,” you muttered over and over again in hopes of getting your pain under control. “I don’t really need him. I don’t. I don’t…”
She sighed, rubbing soothing circles into your back. “ You’ve said that lie already . We both know what a load of bantha crap it is.”
You repeat yourself over and over again, trying to drive it through your own skull instead of hers.
“Look,” Zorii sighed once again, “I know you loved him. As more than a best friend.” You cringed against her, ashamed that Zorii had to find out how you felt about the man she had been sleeping with. “And trust me, I understand the appeal all too well. I wouldn’t have started anything up with him if I had known how you felt. And to give credits where credits are due, you hid it really well; I had no idea until last week.”
You still couldn’t believe that Poe had said that to you in front of Zorii, remembering how terrible you had felt about it and how profusely you had apologized to Zorii once she had come to check on you that night.
“I overheard your holo-vid with Kes the other night as well,” Zorii admitted, wincing at her own invasion of your privacy. You were too overwhelmed to tell her you really didn’t mind.
“He mentioned some force tree or something? I don’t really know what you had said before that, but he mentioned that and you went quiet. I’ll admit that I was intrigued and maybe wandered closer to your door than I intended to.”
Her voice went soft after that.
“But then I heard you mention that he knew: what who knew, at that point, I wasn’t sure. But you went on to explain how you had felt so pretty dressed up in Shara Bey’s dress and how you had prepared a whole speech. At that point, I figured you were talking about Poe.”
You closed your eyes against her and tried hard to push the memory away.
It was a lovely day on Yavin IV, and the big, gnarly-rooted force tree near the Dameron’s household was a brilliant green in the midday glow. The wind was whispering through the jungle, and all the creatures that made it their home seemed to be singing along to some unspoken melody. Just for you.
And for Poe, whenever he decided to show up.
You were all nerves. Sweat under your arms, a racing heart, and clammy hands: always the best look for confessing your love to someone.
You and Poe had returned home to Yavin last month after being away for a few years. Your group had had a close call on the last run, and you begged Poe to come with you to see Kes and your gran.
Your gran couldn’t care less that you hadn’t been home, but Kes was ecstatic that you guys had come back to see him.
Poe had gone to the market to pick up some snacks for the picnic Kes told him you had planned. Poe just didn’t know that it was supposed to be a date for the two of you, and Kes wasn’t going to spoil the surprise.
You were busy getting ready when Kes presented you with the most beautiful dress you had ever seen from Shara Bey’s closet. He was adamant that you wore that particular dress, since it was the one he loved most on her. Your emotions were already bubbling over from anxiety, but the look on Kes’s face when he looked at the dress broke your heart. You could see that he was reliving a memory of him and Shara Bey, and you just couldn’t break the spell that it had over him, so you sat quietly.
He eventually resurfaced and left you alone to finish your routine, all the while insisting that you’d be his official daughter sooner or later. Your smile was so big that it hurt your cheeks.
You arrived at the tree and started to set up the blanket and pillows that you had brought from the Dameron household. The blanket was spread out in the flattest nook between roots, and the pillows were propped up against the trunk. You took your place among the pillows and waited.
And waited.
Admittedly, Poe was prone to getting carried away with conversations between himself and the vendors, but that particular outing seemed to last forever in your mind. You knew why later, but at that point in time, you were convinced that Poe felt something for you and would return for you soon.
You knew that he felt something for you; on all your spice runs, he begged you to stay inside the ship and be safe, he brought you back pretty trinkets that he said reminded him of you, and he was always flirting.
The nickname he gave you? Princess? Absolutely flirtatious. The hugs before and after he left the ship? Obviously an excuse to be close to you. The little winks he’d send over the fire at you and all the inside jokes you two had? Come on! It was all right there. And Kes agreed! So, you two devised this little set up so that you could finally confess to Poe.
Even with only the progression of Yavin Prime to get a rough estimate of time’s passage, it still took Poe entirely too long to find you. When he finally showed up, you had fallen into a light sleep.
“Where’s dad?” Poe asked, setting down a basket with absolutely nothing in it. He plopped down right beside it, startling you awake.
“Where are our picnic supplies?” You countered, rubbing your eyes and feeling nauseous and disoriented after your impromptu nap.
He lifted his hands in the air as if to say “what can you do” and grunted. “Everyone had packed up by the time I got there. Why isn’t dad out here with us? Did he go back to the house to grab something?” His nonchalance and lack of apology really ate away at your resolve to profess your love to him. You wanted to know what took him so long before you said anything about your feelings.
“No, no he never came out here,” you explained. “Why did it take you so long to get to the market? You left hours ago -- the sun’s going down.” You were wringing your hands in your lap, nervous about what his answer could be.
“I was just catching up with someone; nothing to worry your beautiful head about.” When he said that, he had smoothed over the top of your head like a cherished and beloved friend. “It’s a good thing for us, I promise,” he winked. You were eating it all up like you were starved for affection.
How tragic.
You quickly grasped his hand before you lost all nerve. You kept it between your palms, drawing patterns on the back of it that kept your eyes down and away from his questioning gaze and adorable, slightly confused smile.
The future opened up bright and wonderful before you: your mutual affections coming out in the open and that long-awaited first kiss. Stars , you had been fantasizing about Poe’s lips for more than half of your life at that point. And his hands. His hands! Maker, if they would just glide over your skin and caress you like you had pictured for years, you would die a happy woman. And you’d thread your hands through those beautiful curls at the nape of his neck and tug just a little bit, until he groaned like you had always heard in your dreams. You would move together, right on that blanket under the force tree you and Poe had always loved. You would come apart in the most delicious way, panting and crying, with his mother’s ring dangling from the chain around his neck and nestling itself into the hollow of your throat. And then he would grind into you one final time and just pour his affections into your neck and mouth for safe keeping.
How goddamn tragic it all turned out to be .
“I need to tell you something,” you whispered, looking up through your eyelashes at him. He grinned, seeming just as excited and nervous as you were.
“Me too. I’ve been dying to tell you something for days now!” He wiggled where he sat next to you, scooting as close as he could and touching your foreheads together, like you were about to share secrets that were only meant for the two of you.
“You first,” you said, breathless. You couldn’t believe it was finally happening.
“No, no. You had something to say first, so you go ahead.” Poe had still been grinning at you, the happiest you had seen him in a while.
“How about we say it together?” You countered, giving his hand a little squeeze in anticipation.
“Okay, on the count of three,” he began.
“One…” you said together.
“Two…” you continued.
“Three!” You shut your eyes.
“I love you,” -- “Zorii and I are together,”
Silence. Your eyes were still shut, but now you were holding them so tightly that shapes were floating behind your eyelids. Poe pulled his hand from yours.
“What?” He asked, sounding confused and slightly wounded. Like he couldn’t believe that you had the nerve to say that out loud and ruin everything .
“Don’t,” you began, turning your head down and willing your heart to stop its frantic pace in your chest. “I – I didn’t know… I thought…” you trailed off, unsure what to say to fix the mess that you had created.
“(Y/N), do—do you love me? As more than a friend?” He grabbed your chin and forced you to meet his baffled gaze. You couldn’t think straight at that point, so you said the first thing that had popped in your mind.
“Yes, of course I do.”
Stupid girl.
“Oh, princess.” He released your chin and sat back, resting against the pillows like he was exhausted and didn’t have the energy to deal with the situation any longer. “I’m sorry if I ever did anything to lead you on; I just thought we were friends. I mean, we both see other people, and I’ve never felt that way about you so I didn’t think you did either.”
He could not have said anything worse to you in that moment, could not have said anything that sucked all the warmth from your body any faster than that had.
Okay, (Y/N), just breathe. Think of a way out of this, you begged your frazzled mind. Anything would be better than the silence stretching between you at that point.
“I guess… I got some things confused. I’m sorry.” And now you were that little girl again, apologizing for things out of your control and no fault of your own.
You felt small again, insignificant and alone. A floating pile of junk in the vacuum of space, with no planet in sight and no answers to your distress calls.
Poe could see you spiraling, he had known you long enough to recognize the signs.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, princess, we’ll figure this out,” he murmured, coming closer to you once again. He arranged the pillows so that he could lay back with you on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and muttered soothing words, trying to calm you down and bring you back to him. Like he had done so many times before.
“No, there’s nothin’ to figure out; this is on me. Just give me some time and I’ll get over it.” You hadn’t gotten over it in all the years you had loved him-- truly loved him-- but you had vowed to figure it out, and quickly, so that you could stop feeling like that. “I promise I’ll get over it,” you said into the fist that was curled next to your face on his chest.
You closed your eyes and tried not to focus too hard on how good he felt underneath you like that. How intimate it was, how much it reminded you of the outcome of every daydream you had had.
How you knew that it was probably how he and Zorii spent their nights together now...
“Kes didn’t know how that day turned out because Poe and I fell asleep outside. I was too embarrassed to face him that next mornin’, so I sent Poe back to tell him we got an urgent message and had to leave. I don’t know exactly what they said to each other, but Poe looked sad when he came back and I didn’t wanna know.” The confession slipped through your lips, chapped from all the salty tears that you had cried into Zorii’s tunic.
“Oh, (Y/N). I’m so, so sorry. He was on a call with me that evening. I had no idea you were waiting on him; he just mentioned you all were going on a picnic and that his dad could keep you company for a while.” Her hands clenched against your back, as if trying to protect from a hurt that had already passed and done its damage.
“That boy wouldn’t know a Gungan from an Ewok if they were both standing in front of him. The only reason we ever got together was because I made the first move.” Her hands now continued their previous path of soothing circles, hoping to make up for the pain that she unintentionally caused not so long ago.
It amazed you how drastically things could change in such a short amount of time.
“It’s alright, Zorii, I’m not mad at you. I’m just angry at myself. Always at myself. For bein’ too slow, too emotional, too much and never enough at the same time.” You were defeated and exhausted, no longer able to keep even an ember of your earlier fire alive.
“I will not tolerate you speaking about my best friend that way; she is a wonderful person, and the best damn pilot we’ve ever had. She doesn’t deserve to be treated this way,” Zorii chided, having pushed you away from her and giving you a stern look.
You returned something resembling a smile.
You looked back to her lap where you had just spent an indeterminate amount of time; the white fabric covering her stomach was completely transparent.
“Oh Rii, I’m sorry about your clothes,” you mumbled, trying to dry it with the sleeves of your outfit. It did no good.
“I don’t really mind; I like my shirts soggy,” she said, deadpan.
This time, a real laugh bubbled up from your throat. You were immensely grateful you had a friend like her.
For months after Poe’s departure, you kept a smile on your shoulders until you were sweaty; begging on your knees for somebody to come and help you when it was too much to carry. Zorii did her best, but no one could replace the comfort and happiness you had once found in Poe. You eventually stopped asking for help and pretended to have moved on.
But time passes, and past hurts are less painful. Especially when you don’t think about them.
You had seen the missed messages from Poe in those early days. Every time your comm buzzed, the despair you felt over your situation returned tenfold, and the only option was to throw the device in a forgotten corner and let it die -- just like your feelings.
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Not in the same way
A few months ago:
You were sitting cross legged on Harry’s bed while he was on the phone. You were scrolling thorough pictures of the two of you and smiling thinking about how great the past year had been together. You had fallen completely head over heels in love with him in that time and he genuinely made you the happiest person on earth. You had been wanting to tell him that for quite a while you just didn't know how to make it special and memorable. So, with the help of some friends, you had painted a map onto a small wooden board with all the places Harry had toured and in each area that was filled in was a picture of the two of you. The bottom had your initials carved into a heart with the date you had started dating. You were so excited to show him the finished product. He walked back in the room with a slight frown on his face, not looking up from the phone but you smiled, patting the bed next to you “Harry..”
“Yeah love?” he mumbled still looking down.
“I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” his head finally glanced up from the phone and looked at you curiously. 
“Mhm...come sit down.” 
He sat next to you with his hand on your knee and his eyes curiously looking into yours. “What kind of surprise are we talking here?” He leaned over kissing your ear, causing you to slightly smile.
You looked down, feeling a little nervous to how he would react. You pulled the board out from the pillow it was sitting under and handed it over to him. “I just wanted to do something to commemorate making it through this past year together and let you know that I love you.” You looked at him looking at the gift but he remained silent so you nervously continued on..”I love you so so much Harry and I’m grateful for every moment we have together, whether we are FaceTiming late at night when I can't sleep or if we are just having a lazy day in bed. I know that you will be leaving in a few weeks to do your next tour so I thought you could take that with you. To give you a little piece of home while you're gone.” Your cheeks had blushed red and you had looked down. 
You looked at him a little confused and hurt. “Oh?”
He set the board gently down and looked at you running his fingers through your hair with a pained expression on his face. “It’s just that, you know with me leaving and everything and I’ll be gone so much longer this time that I thought maybe it would be a good idea to take a break.” His lips pressed together and he watched you carefully. You just stood up from the bed and looked at him before turning away to hide the tears. 
“(y/n) I mean I just think-”
“No I get it.” you grabbed your jacket from his floor and walked out the door mumbling goodbye, and that was the last you had heard from Harry Styles.
Present Day:
It had been a few months since the break up with Harry. At first you had taken it really hard but eventually you moved on with life and tried forgetting about the curly haired boy you once knew. “Hey beautiful.” Luke said wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. “Ready for the award show tonight?”You had only been dating Luke for around a month but it felt good, and he did make you really happy. Tonight 5 Seconds of Summer would be performing at the AMAs and Luke had invited you to be his date, which meant getting red carpet ready of course. You smiled and nodded.
“Of course I am!” You pressed a kiss to his lips. “Im really excited to see you guys play.”
“Im really excited for you to watch us and for me to see you in this dress.” You rolled your eyes and laughed at him. Your dress had been specially designed. It was a sleek black dress with a slit up the side to show off your leg, and Luke had been eyeing it since you originally got fitted. 
“Speaking of which” you grabbed the dress from his hand. “I need to actually get dressed so mind leaving?” He stuck his lip out and pretended to pout.
“I could help you get into the dress you know.” He wiggled his eyes and bit his lip.
“Oh I’m sure you could, but something tells me that I would end up with less clothes on then when we started..”
“I wouldn't complain..” his kissed your lips, lingering a little longer before you smiled and pushed him softly away.
“Go.” you laughed. “Before I change my mind and you miss your performance and the award show all together.” 
“Anything for you.” he said with a wink. “I should probably be getting ready as well. See you soon beautiful.” He kissed your cheek once more before leaving the room. Your stylists luckily came in as he was exiting and sat you down in the chair.
You spent the next few hours getting ready. From getting into the gown, to getting hair, makeup, and nails all done. It was quite a process but the end goal was totally worth it. You spun in the mirror admiring yourself before heading out to meet Luke and the other guys. They were huddled in the corner by the car and all stopped dead when you walked over. Their mouths dropped and Luke stepped forward taking your hand and slowly spinning you. “(y/n)...uh” he stumbled while his face turned bright red. “You look absolutely stunning.” The other guys nodded their agreements and you smiled thanking them all before climbing into the limo after them. 
You were nervous..you hadn't been on a red carpet since Harry and you didn't know what to expect from tonight. Luke held your hand tightly and squeezed, assuring you that everything would be perfect. He helped you out of the car and held onto your waist as the paparazzi flashed their cameras, pushing closer to ask questions and get the best shot. Luke looked forward and guided you to the next camera location and smiled kissing your cheek as you posed with a smile. You had taken nearly a hundred pictures with him when an interviewer came over asking for some news on their new album. You backed up, giving them space and watching with a smile as they teased new hints and what song they would be performing. You were about to join them when a guy with a camera stepped in front of you, causing you to stumble backwards and trip into the person behind you. 
“Sor-” you stopped dead as you looked up into the face of person whose hand had stopped you from falling. Your eyes were looking into the emerald green eyes of none other than Harry Styles. Your heart was pounding and you shifted your feet taking a step back from him. Harry was surprised too. His eyes traveled your body slowly from head to toe, leading your face to turn a very dark red color. His eyes made their way back to yours and he smirked seeing the blush on your cheeks. “Sorry..” you awkwardly continued, trying to step back from him. 
“(y/n)....” Harry breathed. “Uh- its, you look um” he stumbled with his words. You stumbled with your thoughts as you looked him up and down. He was wearing a white floral suit with a black button down shirt. His hair in soft curls. You could barely look away, he looked like a god. “You look-wow” he breathed out again. You shuffled away and looked down, he noticed and grabbed your hand again. “Look (y/n)..there’s something I’ve wanted to talk to you about...I just didn't know how to go about it..and Ive been meaning to call or text or just show up on your door ste-”
“No seriously. Look I was an idiot. I never shouldve let you leave that night and I’m sorry for that. I just had some things going on and-”
“Please...Harry just stop.”
“No because I’m in love with you. I always have been..” He looked at you and stepped forward. You willed your legs to move but nothing happened except for your heart rate rising as he got closer. Luckily, Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael had finally made their way over. Luke looked from you to Harry with a concerned gaze as he followed your hand that was resting in his. You awkwardly pulled it away and took Luke’s instead. Harry looked disappointed and then upset watching the exchange happen and you just looked at your feet. 
“Everything okay?” Luke asked noticing the tension. 
“Yeah, Harry had just stopped me from falling. I tripped over the guy with the camera.”
“You always are a clumsy one.” Luke laughed pulling you close. “Thanks for helping Harry, its always a pleasure.”
“Same to you guys. I look forward to seeing your performance tonight.” He said, his eyes leaving you and focusing on the group.
“Yeah it should be a good one, but we have to get going to sound check.” Luke turned to you, “Ready?” you nodded and he smiled kissing your nose and pulling you along. “See ya later Harry.” Harry didn’t answer, just watched with a murderous look in his eyes as Luke pulled you away.
You sat in a chair listening to sound check, or partly listening. Your mind had been stuck on Harry since the encounter and it was driving you to distraction. All of the emotions that you had shoveled way down after the breakup were making their way up to the surface. Hurt, confusion, disbelief, and lust. Did he love you, did he not?  “(y/n)?” Luke asked concerned. You shook your head and looked at him.
“We asked what you thought...”
“Oh...I thought you guys sounded great” you lied. You hadn’t actually listened to a thing they had just sung but your answer had satisfied them. He smiled and nodded taking the guitar and setting it down. 
“Well then boys, we should probably get out to the awards then and find our seats.” You followed slightly behind the boys trying to get your brain focused on the show ahead, but when you came to your seats you were surprised to find Harry in the row directly behind yours.
“Well isn't this exciting.” he said looking at you with a devilish grin. “Just like old times right guys?” You thought you were going to be sick. No one else seemed to notice the tension or anxiety Harry had caused within you and you were grateful for that and annoyed. Luke should've been able to pick up on the shift... The awards started and luckily that meant no distractions..or so you thought. Harry touched you at every point he possibly could. A tap with his foot on your leg. His fingers brushing against your neck as he leaned forward to comment something to one of the boys. Every touch was driving you deeper into your thoughts and deeper into your feelings. 
Luke seemed to finally notice something off so he put his arm around you, leaned in and whispered a “are you okay?” against your ear. 
“Yeah, just a little hungry” you lied. He didn’t look fully convinced so you placed a kiss on his lips, earning a smile from him, and an angry look within Harry. Unfortunately the boys all had to leave to prepare for their performance. and get on stage, which meant you would be alone with Harry for the next 20ish minutes at least. You had wished the guys all good luck, hugging them tightly before they walked away. You then nervously settled into your chair as Harry walked around and took Luke’s seat. 
“So. You and Hemmings?” Harry mumbled leaning extra close, his hand resting lightly on your thigh.
“Yeah.” you said distractedly, playing with the bracelet on your wrist and avoiding eye contact with him. 
“When did that start?”
You looked up annoyed. “When do we break up again?” you said sarcastically. Harry also looked annoyed and he sat up straighter before leaning in closely again. 
“So you just move on like that?” he said pointedly.
“Like what Harry?” he was getting a rouse out of you and he knew it.
“I just find it a little suspicious that you tell me you love me and then move on so quickly, that’s all.”
“Fuck you Harry.” He smirked and pressed on. 
“Does Hemmings know about us? Does he know about how you felt, all the nights we spent together?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Leave me alone Harry.”
“Ahh so he doesn't know which is why he didn’t seem to notice the reaction you had to me earlier.”
“How about you just go back to your seat now?” you ask but he has other plans. “And there was no reaction.”
“Now you never have been a good liar love. Are you going to tell him or should I?”
That led to the snap. You hadn’t mentioned Harry to Luke before because you didn't want questions about your feelings. You didn’t want the memories of him. You had kind of just assumed he already knew since it had been a public relationship in the past. Your eyes locked on his and you leaned in close. “Harry. I swear to god. Don’t you even dare. Its my relationship and I’ll decide when I want to tell him things about my past, so read my lips and leave me the fuck alone”
Harry grinned and whispered, “I thought you would never ask.” He pressed his lips to yours, cupping your cheeks with his hands and pulling your face closer. You reached up, your hands on his chest. You meant to push him off but he gently bit down on your lip and your body gave in. You moaned softly into the kiss and your hands knotted into his black shirt, wrinkling the once ironed fabric. Your brain was telling you no but everything else in your body was telling you yes. Harry’s kiss left goosebumps running up and down your body and when he pulled away, you were gasping for your breath while your body begged for more. Harry look satisfied with himself and sat up straighter with a smile on his face. “Tell me love, how's that kiss compare to the ones you have with Luke?” You groaned annoyed with him and scooted a seat away as the lights dimmed and the music played. The boys had chosen to perform Not in the Same Way, one of your favorite songs on their new album. You hummed along to the words, trying to ignore the very smug face Harry had sitting next to you. The words of the song really hit you differently at that moment. “I love you, you love me, but not in the same way.” Did you love Luke? Did you love Harry? Did either of them love you? There was so much you were confused on. The song ended and you hadn't really noticed. You were still distracted by the fact Harry was sitting near you, the smell of his cologne intoxicating you as if it were a drug. Your brain felt fuzzy and you were feeling off balance. Harry seemingly saying what you were thinking whispered, “He loves you, you love him but its not the same because you, my love, still love me.” Your mouth dropped open and you looked at him as he smiled before moving back to his seat, crossing his arms as he sat back down behind you. Luke and the guys made their way back over and you dramatically grabbed him, kissing him hard on the lips and giving Harry a look behind you. The other guys whistled and clapped Luke on the back before sitting down again. 
“Did you like the show?” Luke asked with a smile.
You nodded, your brain was comparing the kisses. Harry’s was knee weakening. It made you want to drown in him forever. Luke’s was gentle and comforting. Everything going on in your brain was making you feel sick. “Uh I’m going to run to the bathroom” you told Luke who nodded and turned the other guys to talk about the performance. You stood up and wobbled grabbing the chair for support, causing Luke to turn to you with a look of concern. 
“You okay?” he went to stand up and help you.
You stepped back. “I’m fine, just tripped.” You turned again, making a point to not look at Harry and walked out to find the bathroom. Once you made it to the bathroom, you gripped the edge of the sink and looked in the mirror. You had tears threatening to spill out of your eyes from frustration. You weren't even mad Harry had kissed you. You were mad that you had enjoyed it. You wanted to hate him. You wanted to never see him again. You looked up again and jumped when you saw Harry standing behind you in the mirror. You took a deep breath and slowly turned hissing “What are you doing in here?”
He sighed and looked at his feet. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay...you seemed a little off when you left.”
“And you had to come into the women's bathroom to do that? Aren't you a little worried someone will walk in and freak out?”
“I locked the door behind me. Its just me and you.” he stepped forward and ran his fingers across your cheek. You weren't sure how to feel about this situation and you tried to step away but your body willed you forward leaning into his touch. He sighed and opened his arms. Unwillingly you walked into them, your head against his chest and your arms tightening around his torso. “(y/n)...”
You shook your head and stepped away looking at him. “Please don’t Harry. I really can’t.”
“I can’t live without you anymore.”
“You seem to have done well the last few months without me.”
“You don't even know. I’ve been a disaster. The only thing keeping me from rushing to you was the fact that Louis and Liam talked me out of it. They said just to wait until tour was over. That there was no point to put stress on you while I was away. But then of course you had to go get yourself a new boyfriend.”
“Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t just continue to let the break up ruin my life. I’m sorry I found someone who actually wanted me.”
“I want you more than I want to breathe.  I don't know what else I need to do to get that into your head.”
“There’s nothing you can-” Harry cut you off. His hands tugging you hard against him, his lips crashing into yours. His hands slid down your back and gently squeezed your ass. You didn't even pretend to not enjoy it and soon you were matching his energy. Your arms tangling up around his neck. He picked you up and sat you on the counter by the sink, his body between your legs. His tongue ran down your neck and your head tilted back in response. He continued down, pressing gentle kisses along the soft skin on your chest and he laughed softly. “What?” you asked partially annoyed and partially willing him to continue.
“I just wish this dress was easier to get off..” He kissed you again, biting your bottom lip and tugging before slipping his tongue into your mouth where it tangled with yours. The taste of Harry was overwhelming and what you had been missing more than anything. After another minute Harry pulled away, gasping for air. Your head leaning against his shoulder while catching your breath. He hugged your body tightly and your arms snaked around his ribs where you squeezed hard, hoping he would never let go. The two of you sat like that for a few minutes before Harry reluctantly pulled away. You looked at him and he looked back and smiled. 
“What’s that look for?”
“You mean my smile?”
“I’m just happy I have you back. I feel like I can breathe normally again, I-”
You sighed and looked down. “Where do we go from here Harry? What happens next?”
“You break up with Hemmings.” “I can’t do that.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“Because...it-it wouldn’t be fair to him.”
“And it’s fair for me to just sit back and let you walk away again, knowing how we both feel?”
“You pushed me away the first time Harry. Lets not forget who's fault that was.”
He shook his head. “I know. I know it was my fault, which is why I won't back down now. I don't care if it hurts him. I need you. Look I’ll give you till the end of the night.”
“Or what? You’ll tell him? That will hurt me too Harry you know that right?”
“Or I’ll leave. And you will never see me again.” Harry turned and walked out without looking back at you and your heart dropped as you were faced with the hardest decision you may have ever needed to make.
Part 2 
Hope you all like it! xoxo
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Wedding Colors (Part 2)
(Hayffie ❤️🧡💛💚💙💖. An exploration of Effie’s evolving character as she faces past and present personal intensities while making preparations for Finnick and Annie’s wedding.)
9:00—mentoring. The buzz that Haymitch had been feeling was killed even before Peeta kicked him out of the hospital room.
The boy was angry. “What if I’d murdered the people who were trying to help us because I didn’t know they were trying to help us!!? Do you think anyone would be asking me to frost a cake for Finnick’s FUNERAL if I’d slit his throat!? I can’t even look at you right now. Just go.”
It didn’t help that Haymitch’s eyes looked so much like Katniss’s.
At least Peeta was becoming more lucid. Haymitch took the boy’s justifiable anger as a positive sign and respected his request to be alone.
At the other end of the hospital, he opened the girl’s door to find Johanna plugged into Katniss’s IV. They both looked up but neither moved an inch.
“Jealous?” Johanna sneered.
“Not my drug of choice, sweetheart,” though her comment was spot-on. To Katniss he asked, “Are you okay with this?”
“It’s fine.” She winced, and he glared at Johanna.
“What? She says she’s fine. Plutarch took her for a walk yesterday afternoon. He probably just held her leash too tight.”
“I can tell them I don’t need the morphling anymore...” Her threat wasn’t far from the truth, and Johanna knew it.
“It’s nothing personal. Plutarch has us all on leashes. Even your *mentor* there.” Johanna looked pointedly at the communicuff on Haymitch’s wrist.
Her mockery pissed him off.
“Plutarch talked to you yesterday?” he asked Katniss.
“Yeah. He’s planning a circus, and he gave me the job of looking happy.”
“You. Happy? I would’ve cast somebody else.”
“I can do it. Since the circus is Finnick and Annie’s wedding.”
“Right. ...I’m going to walk away now and pretend I didn’t see you two... bonding.” He motioned to the IV then said to Johanna, “If she’s screaming in pain later, I’ll be ripping that port out of your arm myself.”
Sarcasm dripped along with the morphling. “Sobriety has had such a calming effect on you.”
“Something for YOU to look forward to soon.”
Johanna’s expression was steady as stone. ...Almost. Nobody would have noticed the subtle flinch, except for an addict.
“Katniss, I’ll see YOU later.” Haymitch closed the door behind him.
So the kids knew about the wedding before he did. What’s the point of wearing this *shackle* on my arm if Plutarch doesn’t tell me anything?!
Haymitch made his way back to Peeta’s room and stood in the corridor looking in through the one-way mirror. The boy was sitting at the art table which orderlies had brought in days before. Delly Cartwright was by his side. They were painting with watercolors. Peeta’s brush stroked out an ocean scene with cresting waves and sea life. With the paintbrush in his hand, Peeta was calm. In that moment, he seemed almost like himself.
The damn communicuff buzzed, and a message from Plutarch appeared on the screen. “Change of schedule. Report for exercise at 10:00. Details await you there.”
Being outdoors sounded better than being shut out by the kids or seeing them in pain. They were still alive, but they were messed up. Like me... Or worse.
Mentor. Johanna’s ridicule settled in his bones.
10:00—exercise The staircase to the surface had been rebuilt quickly after the bombing. The tight control in 13 produced efficiency. He’d give Coin that much credit.
Climbing the stairs was more exercise than he’d get in the yard. By the time he got to the top, he was breathing hard.
“Now that’s a familiar sound.” Effie’s voice came from the shadows and lit him up.
He moved toward her. “Me out of breath? Typical.”
“Last night...”
“Not typical. ...And more fun than this.”
He was surprised to see her. She wore a heavy coat and carried a large canvas sack over her shoulder. Additional bags and a set of leaf scoops were on the floor near her feet. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going for a walk in the woods —with you. Plutarch’s orders.”
Haymitch was confused, but too amused to not play along.
“I see you’re bringing a weapon.” He tugged at the pruners which were hooked through a belt loop on her pants. “Are you gonna protect us from carnivorous trees?”
“Just me, sweetheart. You’re going to protect yourself.” She held out a second set of pruners.
As he took them, he lingered on the fabric covering her hand. “Is this the latest fashion?”
“Cloth is more practical than lace, but must EVERY stitch of fabric here be gray or white?!” She held out a pair of work gloves for him too.
“If I’m wearing these, then how am I supposed to touch you?”
“No touching, honey. We have a project to do. Coin is giving us two hours to gather enough foliage for the district to make wedding decorations.”
“I heard her announcement asking for volunteers. I just didn’t think she was talking about me.”
“You are here at MY request.”
He took a half-step toward her. “So you’re giving me orders to spend two hours in the woods with you without touching you?” He took another half-step and felt the buzz return as their clothing brushed.
“We aren’t in the woods yet,” she said, “You can touch me now...”
The hair on his chin grazed her temple. “Where?”
Warmth flooded her. “You choose.”
He stepped back. “Sorry, sweetheart. If you get to make me a gardener for two hours, then I get to make you wait at least that long.”
“Haymitch! Don’t bother turning me on if you’re just going to make me wait!”
“Well, aren’t YOU the pot calling the kettle black. ...Am I turning you on?”
“You KNOW you are—“
“I have your trackers.” They were interrupted by a security guard, armed with an automatic rifle equipped with a spotting scope.
“Lex, this is Haymitch. He’ll be the other person accompanying us.”
“Glad to meet you,” the guard said as he lifted Effie’s pant leg to fit the tracker on her ankle.
“Wait a minute. This guy’s coming with us, AND he gets to touch you?”
“No need for envy. ...He’ll be touching YOU too.” Effie smirked.
The guard proceeded to clamp the second tracker onto Haymitch’s ankle.”
“Just what I need, another shackle.” He was tired of being treated like a prisoner, and he was sick of sobriety. Even if he could take the tracker off and leave, where would he go? His house was still standing, far away in 12, but that place was just a shell. Nearly every person he cared about who was still alive was in 13. And his duty was here. He’d been waiting his whole life for this stand.
Haymitch scowled when Lex’s hands skimmed Effie’s hip as he clipped a communicator onto her belt loop.
“Look, man, this is just standard procedure. I’m not interested in touching your girlfriend.”
“I’m not his girlfriend.” “She’s not my girlfriend.” They spoke in unison, then looked at each other.
“Sorry. I just assumed... I’ll position myself in the center of the search area. Don’t wander more than 50 yards from me in any direction.”
“Or what? You’ll shoot us?” Haymitch asked.
“It’s not our policy in 13 to shoot civilians.”
“See there, even cave people can be civilized.” Effie muttered under her breath, talking mostly to herself.
“If you move too far out of range, I’ll message you through the communicator. Stay together.”
Haymitch pulled on the gloves then picked up two canvas sacks and the leaf scoops. Stay together. For a moment, it sounded better than ‘stay alive’
In the weeks since the bombing, the exit from 13 into the woods had been cleared and secured. Effie was grateful to not have to crawl through bent metal and broken blocks of cement.
As she stepped outside, a gust of wind whipped her in the face. It carried the fragrance of cedar, like a hope chest, and the smell of approaching rain. Dry ground indicated that none had fallen recently, and she wondered when it would come. Hopefully not before noon! She unzipped her coat just enough to reach inside and pull her sunglasses out from the pocket of her shirt. The lenses tinted the world rose. That view was more familiar.
The guard split off from them to stand watch at the top of the ridge.
“We have three sacks. Let’s fill each one with foliage of a warm color: red, orange, and yellow.” Wasting no time, Effie marched straight into the woods, following a narrow trail.
“The High Priestess of Nature is on a mission,” Haymitch teased from behind her.
Much of the vegetation around them was foreign to him. 13 was far north from the woods he’d forayed into as a boy, breaking laws in order to spend time at the lake. Other plants were the same.
“Uh, priestess... is there poison ivy in the Capitol?”
“Poison?” She stopped in her tracks, imagining a coiling plant about to sink its fangs into her. “I don’t know. What does it look like?”
He pointed to a vine near her feet, and she leaped back, nearly knocking him over. He steadied them both with a hand on her waist.
“THAT!?” she exclaimed, “Well, EVERYTHING here looks like that!”
“Because you’re taking us into a thicket of it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“I AM telling you.”
“What will it do to me?” she whispered, fearing that talking too loudly might wake it up or something.
“If you don’t touch it, then nothing.”
“What if I touch it?”
“See how the leaves are shiny? That oil gets on your clothes and transfers to your skin. It gives some people a rash that itches like hell.”
“Maybe YOU should walk in front.”
“Why? So you can look at my ass?”
“Let’s call that a side benefit to the primary goal of not getting poisoned!”
He reluctantly let go of her waist, turned around, and led them out of the thicket.
They found a wider trail and followed it to a tree with large leaves, red as cranberries. Haymitch recognized it as the same variety growing behind his house. He didn’t pay much attention to that tree at home, except when it looked like this. It’s strange... a person can be around something so often but not think about how remarkable it is until it’s changing.
The wind whipped up again, and leaves were falling like rain. Effie was already scooping them up and filling the sack she’d been carrying.
“Wait,” he said, “Look...”
“What? More poison?”
He pointed to the sky, and she tilted her face up to a shower of red. She slid the sunglasses up to her forehead so she could see the true color. Thin beams of sunlight streamed through the branches. She squinted her eyes but didn’t close them.
“In the Capitol, nature is manicured — controlled. In Capitol Park, all the trees are planted the same distance apart. When leaves fall, a crew of Avoxes carts them away before the next morning. It’s nothing like this. This is wild.”
“...And familiar.” With a gloved fingertip, he touched her windburned cheeks then pulled a red leaf from the top knot of her kerchief. Over her coat he traced from her heart to the small of her back, following the path of the tattoo buried under her layers.
The memory of him holding her there the night before was a freight train barreling through her. “Ohh... this is why we agreed to not touch each other.”
“Yeah, about that... I lied.”
The leaf scoops dropped to the ground, and she interlaced her hands behind his neck. “Just for a minute, alright? Just give me a minute...” She kissed his cut lip, soft like she’d wanted to at breakfast. “Does this hurt?”
StoppIng this is what’s gonna hurt. He kissed her like when he was trying to get her out of his system. Only he knew better now, and he kissed her anyway, slow and certain.
She felt it like madness. “My hands were on my body this morning,” she murmured, “I pretended they were yours. In all the places you touched me. Haymitch... I came so fast.”
“I’m trying to control this. But...” I’ve wondered about it so long. “I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
In defiance of gravity, he pulled back from her. “Here’s what’s going to happen... We’ll collect the leaves, and we’ll figure out the rest later. Because if you say another word now about making yourself come, then I swear I’m going to lay you down right here—“
“And you’ll fuck me. ...Say it. Tell me you will.”
He could feel himself bending to her desires. It was unsettling, and erotic. “Yeah. I will. To hell with whoever’s watching! But it’s not just the guard. It’s probably Coin; it may be Snow; it could be anybody. I’ve already shown too much of my hand out here, and the clock is ticking.”
The reminder of Plutarch’s words and of the arena made her refocus. She caressed his neck as she let go.
They channeled the intensity into the work, meandering through the woods along animal trails. Scurrying sounds in the bushes made Effie’s heart race, but she avoided a heart attack like she evaded poison ivy.
“Scurrying things are mostly lizards, field mice, and foraging birds. The real threats are the things you DON’T hear coming.”
“WHY would you say that?! With all of the words you have to choose from in this situation, THAT is what you say to me!?!”
“I’m trying to ease your mind. Good ol’ Lex is up there watching from the ridge. We’re gonna be fine.”
They scooped and clipped foliage from a dozen trees. “Every leaf we collect must be freshly fallen or plucked from the branches. Nothing brown or decomposing is acceptable.”
“Nothing decomposing?! Who’s making these rules anyway?”
“I believe you called her ‘The High Priestess of Nature’.”
“What do you think is happening to leaves when the colors change? Poetry?”
“Maybe poetry. Why not?”
“This is a deciduous forest, sweetheart. These leaves are all dying. There’s nothing poetic about it. Death is a knife in somebody’s back or poison in her veins. And then nothing.”
“If that’s all it is, then why did you tell me to watch the leaves fall? And why did we feel so alive?”
He had no answer.
Returning to the fortress, Effie carried a sack across her back and the scoops in her hands. He slung the other full bags over his shoulders. Neither of them had much breath left to complain about their burdens, but they talked some.
“You’re stronger than you’ve let on.”
“I used to credit cycling classes at Capitol Spin. Now it’s endless staircase climbing in *the dungeon*.”
“What about the strength inside you? Where does that come from?”
“I... I don’t know. That’s not easy for me to feel.”
I feel it. “Thanks for getting me outside today.”
“Will you come to the dining hall this afternoon?”
“I’m all thumbs when it comes to making things like garlands. My parents’ craftiness skipped my generation.”
He seldom mentioned his family. There was so much pain there. She wanted to know more. She wanted to know everything. But if she pushed, he shut down. So she took in his comments whenever they came and tried to piece together a picture of the early life his Games destroyed. The more the images came together, the more protective she felt.
And the more she knew of anger.
She’d always folded anger up tightly and locked it in a box. The act was subconscious. Compartmentalization was happening less readily now, if for no other reason than the boxes she’d stuffed unwanted aspects of herself inside were getting full.
“You don’t have to make anything... I’d just like to see you there.” I’m anxious about facing people.
“After lunch I need to check on the kids, but I’ll try to stop by later.”
“I wish Peeta was recovered enough to participate.”
“He’s decorating in his own way.”
“Is he??”
The trail widened, and Haymitch walked alongside her. “It’s Plutarch’s big secret. If I told you, then I’d have to kill you.” His smile was wide enough to show the gap between his teeth. “And that wouldn’t work because I want you alive.”
The wind rushed around them, and she thought again about how easy it would be to let it take her. “Keep those secrets for now. My world has suddenly become rather interesting. I think I’ll stay alive and find out what’s going to happen next.”
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whenever you see this, idk why im like this but i overthink a lot and ik we’re just friends but still i overthink and i overreact, and since ur going to be away for this week imma do both a lot and imma try to leave you alone but im gunna constantly think about what she’s doing, and shit. my mind is constantly thinking she’s doing shit behind ur back to hurt u on purpose (ik ur not, but thats just how my mind works) n there’s some like ill vibes between us and i want to b on good terms again, lately you been awaking up at 5pm and i haven’t had the time with u cus you wake up and you disappear for an hour, i miss when we were clingy, ig this is change cus we’re not what we used to be, n since you’re gunna b in a different state this week im going to b worrying n worrying and idk why i would b i shouldnt cus ur arent mine and im not yours, but ill try not too ill try not let my mind cloud my judgment and bother u with texts over texts ruining ur time, but ik u wont see this soon, id just like texts now n then this week lol idk why well ik why cus when ur out ur out n since ur going to be out this whole week i prolly wont get a text at all, and i understand snapping pictures is hard but idk, u always like why u wait for me, why you can let me be, im addicted to you i wish i wasnt but i am and ik i shouldn’t, its never been this hard to get over someone, i kinda struck gold when i u came back into my life, idk why idk how, ik this year has been rough for you but n ik i dont help but im here for the whole ride, i texted u, to text me when u get there n i didnt want to cus i know u we’re driving but i had to say it. there was so many other posts to like but you like that one n idk if u liked it cus u want me to do that to u or u wanna do that to me. ///i know this prolly a cheap move telling u this over tumblr but i dont wanna tell u this over text n ruin ur week with bad vibes. so im doing it over this cus ull see it whenever/// my friend keeps going why i still fuck with her, he keeps going block her but i can never block you, n ik the day will come when u find someone else n ill have no control over that ill just have to let it be, n i dont want this to make u feel bad cus you did what you had to do to be what you wanna be, i respect ur choice, n i might be sick in the head for writing all this but i had to let you know how i felt through a rant at the moment i was feeling them, it stupid of me but i feel like everyone is out to get me, n ik maybe its wrong for me to b in the know but like i feel like we’re not opened enough like i wanna tell u everything but whats stopping me is i want u to be present when i tell u it but i honestly just might be annoying n not waiting for u to b there n just start spilling everything as i possibly could. i wanna tell u how my whole week went, i wanna tell u it over facetime cus itd be easier, i wanna facetime u cus i never see u anymore, i bought all this crystal i wanna show u irl, n ik u said “itll be awkward if you make it awkward” n imma try my best to not make it awkward, i had a dream last night where we were in this schoollike place and you said do you wanna get lunch together as n id love too, but i know im saying all this and youve got you going on and im srry if i bother you with that it prolly makes me look like tje bad guy cus im not respecting, (even tho i am in a way) like i know u dont wanna go out n it have that date vibe n you dont feel well enough to go out , i hope this doesn’t come out like im blaming or anything cus im not im honestly just rambling now cus ive had all these emotions built up this morning since i woke up at 9 and i hate this new sleeping schedule im on cus i go to bed hella early n i wake up early n i wait n ur prolly like this is self sabotage or like ur not good for me, i feel like u hate ik u prolly dont, n u say ill finds someone better but better isnt want i want i want u cus noones like u n ik i shouldn’t say that cus i dont want u to feel bad for not being with me, ill get over this but dont think that from what all i said that its better for
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renlimotroll · 4 years
Everything’s alright (when you’re with me)
Warnings: Personification/ Imagination/ Out of Character
Summary: Five times Siruko-san took care of others, and one time they took care of him
AU where Bintroll are living together! Siruko SickFic since our lovely Bintroll leader tweeted yesterday that he was sick :(
A/N: Hello, Ren here! 🌻 I’ve been stressed again, and at this point I think people are purposely pissing me off so I could produce something good out of it. Sigh. Just a warning, there might be a Mintosu-Siruko moment there, but it really is platonic, I swear. Enjoy!
This story is dedicated to Rin-chan. Rin-chan, I hope you feel better!
(Story continues below)
“For goodness' sake Minben-san! Just get in the car! We have a dentist appointment in 15 minutes!” Siruko shouted. “No way! I told you I don’t need it! I”m f—-” “See! You can barely even speak! If it was hard to understand you before, now I have ZERO idea of what you’re saying! Get in the car!” “I want to play!” Mintosu whined. “Get in--” Siruko’s eyes narrowed threateningly, his tone taking a dangerous note.  “--the car.” Mintosu gulped and obeyed. Siruko-san rarely got angry, but when he did, no one won against him. It was a rule in the house never to make him really angry... The guy’s patience was very long and he was so kind, so making him angry means you’ve really pushed all his buttons. It was an impressive feat to make Siruko angry, but unless you want people hating you and shoving pointy things at your throat, no one made Siruko angry. Everyone loves Siruko-san and would die for him. You’d have to be a really horrible person to make Siruko-san angry.
After the dentist appointment, Siruko was driving them home. Mintosu was clutching his swollen cheeks, rambling meaninglessly again. He was high on anaesthesia. “I’m cooking rice porridge for you, then you’re sleeping. Does it still hurt?” “Yadaaa, it tassstesss wike cawvvoard, A dun wanna eat Hakowtarow…” Mintosu complained. Siruko rolled his eyes and sighed.
Later, as he was cooking, he found out that Minben-san was trying to turn on his PC. “What are you doing?! Are you nuts?! You are not streaming! What if you get an infection??” “But I wanna APEX..” “And I wanna play Lost Ark but here I am taking care of you!” If Minben-san was already a pain-in-the-ass when he was healthy, he was ten times more difficult when he’s in pain or sick. Siruko prayed to all gods to give him more patience, and pulled out the plug of Min-san’s PC. The berseker streamer sulked.
Much later, Minben-san comes down with a fever as expected. Siruko stayed up all night, wiping his forehead with a damp cloth, making sure he rested well. He gave him his pain medicine and water. He felt sorry for the guy, knowing how wisdom tooth extractions are painful. “Siruko-san…” “Nani?” “Thank you…” A small smile formed at the purple head’s lips. “You’re welcome.” “Are you gonna leave?”  Even though this man is stubborn as heck, he can be quite clingy when sick. Siruko-san thought it was cute. “Of course not. Sleep, Minben-san, I’ll be here.” He brushed the man’s sweaty hair and kissed it innocently, small smile staying on his face.
When Siruko-san passed by Jiraichan’s door, he heard some groaning. He dashed inside and didn’t even knock. “Jiraichan, are you okay?!” He saw the man in a fetal position, curled up on his bed, clutching his stomach in pain. Siruko-san hurried to his side, worriedly checking. “You have a stomachache?” “Un..” “What did you eat?” “I... I think I ate too much oysters yesterday.” Siruko shook his head disapprovingly. He warned the pink guy to be careful last night, when he went out with Quartetchi and Ichihachi-kun. Jiraichan likes eating out, and despite being the smallest in Bintroll, he might have the biggest appetite among them.  “Hang on, I’ll get some medicine.”  “Siruko-saaan… I feel…” Immediately Siruko grabbed the trash bin, barely making it as Jiraichan puked his guts out. He rubbed the guy’s back soothingly, holding back his hair as the guy heaved his insides out. “I’ll get some water.”
When he came back, he found Jiraichan listless on the bed, clutching weakly the big teddy bear Quartet gave him. Siruko helped him sit up, forcing him to drink water and the medicine. He also tried to make him eat the broth he warmed. "Yada Siruko-san… I’ll just vomit it…” “You have to Jiraichan, it’s better to have something to puke, plus you haven’t eaten anything all day. Please?” Siruko used his pien eyes, which was effective every time. Soon, after 6 spoonfuls, he let Jiraichan go to sleep, running his fingers through Jiraichan’s hair the way he knew Jiraichan liked. “Get well soon,” He whispered, kissing Jiraichan’s hair, not minding that Jiraichan hadn’t showered and probably smelled like puke. “Love you Siruko-san,” Jiraichan replied sleepily, surprising Siruko-san, because he thought the pink guy was asleep. That earned a soft smile on his lips, humming a lullaby so the pink fairy can rest.
Ichihachi was in-charge of dinner tonight, and he felt like making mapo tofu. He already went to the grocery to buy the ingredients and was now in the kitchen preparing everything. Siruko-chan dropped by with a grin, “Need any help?” “Sure! Thanks!” Siruko went to grate the ginger as Ichihachi got the knife to slice the leeks.
“AH!” Siruko looked up instantly, startled at the sound of pain. Blood was dripping from Ichihachi’s finger as the man stood there in shock. Siruko quickly grabbed a towel and Ichihachi’s hand, placing it under the running water in the sink. Ichihachi grimaced and whimpered in pain. The purple head tried squeezing the blood out a little, making Ichihachi wince.
After a few seconds, Siruko washed it with soap and dried it gently. He fetched the first-aid kit and took out the bandage, wrapping the finger with as much care as he can. “Thank goodness it wasn’t deep enough that you’d need stitches.” Siruko commented, making Ichihachi a little pale. After he was done, Siruko placed a soft peck on the wound, making Ichihachi’s face red. “Thanks Siruko-chan,” he mumbled, clearing his throat out of embarrassment. “No problem! Why don’t you let me handle the slicing part and you can just make the sauce.” Ichihachi nodded in agreement, his ears still red from what Siruko did for him. Siruko continued slicing the leeks, a playful smile on his lips.
A knock on his door was heard, and Quartet groaned. With heavy footsteps, he trudged his way over, opening it to find Siruko-san. “Hey, are you okay? You haven’t been out there for a while, and usually it’s me or Minben-san you guys have to drag out of the room.” “I’m fine, just busy working.” Quartet answered, massaging his temples. Siruko didn’t fail to notice that. “Hmm… well, don’t forget to eat, okay?” “Sure.”
Hours passed, and Quartet didn’t notice his stomach complaining. He had a deadline to finish, and he needed to meet it so that he can finally play with the guys and shoot for a video. Someone knocked on his door again, and Quartet sighed, hoping he didn’t look that annoyed. “Tada!” Siruko-san was there, holding a tray of what looks like pasta. It did smell delicious, and his stomach rumbled on sight. Quartet rubbed his neck sheepishly. “Thanks, Siruko-san,” he mumbled, taking the tray from him. Siruko followed him inside his room, picking up the pieces of clothes Quartetchi had always meant to put to the hamper. “Once you’re done with work, you should totally rest. You’re having a bad migraine, Quartetchi.” He did? Quartet-san didn’t notice. He gobbled up the food quickly in his hunger. Siruko scolded him to slow down. “Here, I grabbed some medicine. Drink it and rest, okay?” “But–” “The video can wait, Quartetchi.” Siruko pointedly remarked. “Rest, or you’ll make Ichihachi-kun and Jiraichan worry. Do you really want them coming over here and fussing over you?” Quartet made a face. Nope, he loves them, but the two combined would make his migraine worse. Siruko-san was good at blackmailing. “Fine. I promise.” “Yeah, like I’ll believe you. Take the medicine, I’ll stay here until you finish working.” Siruko pulled out his Switch from his pocket and settled on the yankee’s futon. Quartet sighed, he’s too tired to argue and just let him be. He took the pill and washed it down with the juice, then started typing again.
A few hours later, he felt himself being gently shook. “Quartetchi, Quartetchi,” Only one person called him that. The gray head blinked a few times to clear his vision to see Siruko-san standing over him. “You fell asleep for a couple hours, actually. Sorry, I wanted to let you sleep in more but I know you need to finish that deadline.” Eh? He fell asleep? Oh, there was a blanket on his shoulders. “Thanks, Siruko-san,” he smiled gratefully, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He did feel better, and his head didn’t feel like it was being chainsaw-ed open anymore. Siruko-san was right, he needed rest. But Quartet’s still thankful he woke him up to finish his work. The man really thinks of everything. “I’ll sleep too. Good luck with your project.” Siruko returned Quartet’s smile and dropped a small kiss on the top of his head. Quartet blushed, but he immediately felt loads better. Yosh, he was going to kill this presentation. Siruko left the room and closed the door silently, the gentle smile still on his lips.
“You don’t need to do this Niisan, I can take care of myself.” Siruko fluffed the pillow while his younger brother stood behind him. Hakotaro's arm was in a cast; he fell down the stairs and his arm received the consequence. Thankfully it wasn’t the arm he used to draw, but it was still an inconvenience. Siruko himself rushed to the hospital after learning the news, worried sick about his brother.
Thankfully, it didn’t need surgery. Hakotaro had to be in a cast for a couple of weeks though, and his Niisan was, of course, fussing over him more than usual. Hakotaro was usually the one mother-henning his older brother, so he wasn’t used to this. Being a worrywart apparently runs in the family, as Siruko was perfectly capable of displaying at the moment. “I know you can, but once in a while, let your Niisan take care of you.” Hakotaro flustered, but let him be. When Niisan sets his mind on something, he’s unstoppable. Siruko may be bad at taking care of himself, but his Niisan is really good at taking care of others.
Hakotaro let himself be tucked into bed and took the pain relievers his Niisan gave him. Siruko sat down beside him, lips turned up wistfully. “Remember when we were kids and you got sick that one time? You never get sick so we all got worried.” Hakotaro snorted playfully. “I do. You cried that time.” “I didn’t!” Siruko mock-scowled. He then started to brush Hakotaro’s hair, humming softly. Hakotaro closed his eyes, feeling like a child again, safe and comfortable with his Niisan promising to protect him. “Thanks Niisan.” “Hmmmm. Get well soon, my baby brother.” He felt a warm kiss on his forehead, and Hakotaro sighed contentedly. “Love you.” ”Love you too.” Siruko continued humming and stroking his brother’s blonde hair until he was sure he was asleep. The smile on his face was fond.
“Dakara… I’m not… ACHOOO!” Siruko sneezed like his soul left his body. His brother handed him a handkerchief to wipe his nose. “-- sick. I'm not sick." The rest of the Bintroll members around the dining table looked at each other in concern, then everyone stood up and moved. Siruko whipped his head back and forth wondering what they were doing all of a sudden, but that movement made him dizzier and he felt like throwing up. “Hai hai, get up Siruko-san.” Mintosu gently but firmly lifted him out of his chair, hands on his shoulder steering him towards his room. “Minben-san,” Siruko sniffled. “I’m not sick.” “Of course you’re not, who told you you’re sick…” Mintosu opened the door then fluffed his pillows and bed. He successfully manhandled Siruko towards the bed, Siruko’s protests and struggles too weak to be even considered as protests and struggles. "You totally don’t look like you’ve been run over by a truck, your eyes aren’t bloodshot red, you’re not sniffing every second, and you don’t feel as if you’re burning in hell right now.” Mintosu tucked him in perfectly. He took a quick peck on the purple head’s forehead, and yep, he didn’t need a thermometer to know that the purple head was burning up real bad. “You’re totally not sick.” “I need to… check the replies and comments…” “I can totally do that, you know,” Quartet came in with a thermometer discreetly tucked in his pockets. He roamed around the room, secretly pocketing Siruko-san’s Switch and cellphone. He would have to look around later for other gadgets Siruko might possess, because if Siruko-san finds those, he’s never gonna rest. “Want me to write you a report?” He snickered. A few moments later, Jiraichan and Ichihachi came in, the latter carrying a bowl of what seems like soup. “Here Siruko-chan, eat this. It’ll make you feel better.”  “But I’m not—” “Yep, you’re not sick.” Ichihachi nodded seriously. “But I made this, won’t you eat it?” No one can really say no to Ichihachi’s persuasion, and Siruko is helpless. He can’t really taste the soup, but the warmth is making his stomach settle. “Siruko-san.” “Nani?” He turned to Jiraichan. “Gomen, can you open your mouth?” “Wh-aaaaii!!” Jiraichan quickly shoved a pill in, covering Siruko’s mouth until the poor guy was forced to swallow the pill. When Jiraichan let him go, he was coughing and hacking his lungs out. “Sorrryyy,” Jiraichan smiled cutely, turning on his charm. Siruko glared at him weakly, choking from the pill. “I told you guys, I’m not…” “Hai hai, you’re not sick, we get it.” Hakotaro came in, Mintosu opening the door for him. He was carrying a small wash basin with a damp cloth on it. “You’re not sick, and we’re not taking care of you.” Hakotaro placed the damp cloth on his brother’s sweaty forehead. “You guys don’t have to do this.” Siruko whispered weakly. “Yeah, and you totally didn’t have to take care of me when I broke my arm, but you did.” Hakotaro placed a kiss on his arm shyly. “You didn’t have to stay as I worked just to make sure my migraine doesn’t get worse.” Quartet kissed his temple. “You didn’t have to bandage my sliced finger. Really, it wasn’t even that bad.” Ichihachi kissed the back of his hand. “You didn’t have to watch me throw up but you rubbed my back and I really liked that.” Jiraichan was about to kiss his stomach, but Quartet stopped him. Jiraichan sighed and kissed Siruko’s cheek. “And you didn’t have to take me to the dentist, force-feed me my pain meds, and put up with my stubborn, difficult ass, but you did.” Mintosu smirked, then suddenly he swooped in and kissed Siruko’s lips chastely in a second. “So no, we don’t have to take care of you, but we want to.” Hakotaro declared. “Because you always take care of us.” Siruko felt like crying, and maybe a few tears did escape. He never realized it, but now he feels so loved and appreciated. He chuckled softly, a warm smile on his lips. “Thanks minna. Love you all.” “We love you too,” they replied softly. Siruko closed his eyes, feeling warm and safe with his family beside him.
A/N: Hope you guys like it! This is unedited, so there might be errors, gomen. Please take care of yourselves minna, and make sure to not overwork yourselves like me and Siruko-san! Siruko-san please get well soon T^T Have a nice day! 🌻
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honeyhan-123 · 5 years
Say Thank You VII
Series Summary: Nearly five years have passed since Steve Rogers saves your life without so much as a thank you. When he sees you again by chance, he makes sure that he’ll never let you go and maybe teach you some manners in the process.
Series Warning: This will be a dark!Steve fic with stalking, kidnapping and manipulating as well as non-con and dub-con situations. Please don’t read it if you don’t like that sort of thing.
Chapter Warnings: None really. 
Word Count: 3k
AN: I know it’s been a hot minute since this has been updated so thank you for putting up with me. I also know I said this chapter was called ‘The First Attempt’ but I lied, I’m sorry. The next chapter might be titled something along those lines. I hope you enjoy reading! xx
I. New York ~ II. Madrid ~ III. The Apartment ~ IV. The Trip ~ V. The Basement ~ VI. The First Lesson
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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VII. The Waiting Game
Steve had waited until you had finished eating lunch, practically scoffing the entire sandwich in one bite before he spoke again. ‘I love you in that dress Sweetheart, it compliments you so well.’ You tried to shrink back, further in the chair as he stood up from the table, walking towards you but just as he reached you, he walked right past, heading towards the bed. 
Dread filled your veins. What was he doing? What did he want now? 
He sat on the soft white sheets, gazing distastefully at the discarded bed spread that you hadn’t cleaned up after the incident at breakfast. ‘Come here Sweetheart.’ He patted the bed beside him, waiting for you to make your way towards him but you couldn’t. Your body felt like lead, dragging you down, holding you down, stuck to the chair. 
‘Sweetheart, don’t make me repeat myself. Come here.’ Even at this distance you could see the tension fill his face, the way his crystal blue eyes darkened and you forced yourself to stand up on shaky legs, your whole body trembling as you crossed the room.  
You prayed that what you thought was going to happen wouldn’t, but you knew that even if it didn’t happen today, it would probably happen sometime soon. That was why you needed to escape as soon as possible. 
He waited patiently for you to join him, watching the way you winced as you sat down, your ass still tender from the morning. A brief shadow of a smile crossed over his face as he reached out to cup your cheek in his hand. It took everything you had not to flinch away from him, knowing that would only serve to make him even more angry at you. If everything he had been saying was true, he cared for you, in his own sick, fucked up way and maybe if you tried to play along, it wouldn’t be so bad for you. 
‘Are you still sore from this morning?’ His face was far too close to yours for your liking as he asked but you eagerly nodded your head, hoping that maybe he wouldn’t try anything. He grimaced, shaking his head slightly at you as he continued to stroke your cheek with his calloused thumb. ‘I’m so sorry about that Sweetheart, but you understand why it had to happen right? Why I had to punish you for being a bad girl? You live here now and although one day, we will be a complete partnership, you’re not ready for that yet and until you are, I need you to follow my orders. I’m just trying to teach you some manners and the quicker you can learn them, the quicker we can reach that step in our relationship. Now lie down on the bed, on your stomach. I brought you a present.’ 
Doubt swirled in your eyes, you wanted to jump up and scream and run, but you couldn’t, no matter what you did, he would be able to overpower you. Your only choice until you could escape was to play along and so you did as he said, trying to make sure the skirt of your dress kept you as covered as possible. 
You turned your head away from him, facing the wall as you felt him stand up from the bed, heard the screw of a tub being undone and him lifting your dress up over your body, your panties down. You tried to resign yourself to your fate, force a dissociation of your mind from your body.  Yet instead of feeling his rough hands against your aching behind, your could only feel a cooling gel of some kind. 
You lay silently, stiff as a log as he kneaded it into your skin, his fingers as gentle as feathers, welcoming you to an odd sense of ease. You didn’t want to feel that way, you knew you shouldn’t, but you couldn’t deny how good the cool gel felt on the tender skin, how gently he handled your body. You were certain that this was all part of his plan, part of the way he would condition you and you hated that so far it was working, if only on your body and not your mind. 
He swiftly pulled your panties back up your legs, your dress back over you ass, giving it a loving squeeze. ‘See what happens when you’re a good girl Sweetheart? How much nicer was this than that awful scene you caused at breakfast?’ 
You didn’t respond, or even turn your head towards him, merely nodding at his words. 
‘I know the first few weeks or so are going to be rough, but we’ll get through them together. I know we will.’ His hand trailed up along your backside to brush through your hair as he leant down, placing a soft kiss to your temple before standing up and heading back to the dining room table and gathering the trays. 
You watched as he left, your eyes trained on the large bulge in his trousers as the door closed behind him, a shiver running down your spine at the sight. 
Dinner had passed in a similar fashion, so had the following days. Sometimes, he stayed downstairs with you, watching you with eyes like a hawk’s, others he would disappear beyond the steel door for hours at a time, promising that he didn’t want to leave your side but that he just had a few more things upstairs to finish he could come back down. 
On those days you welcomed his departure. Loving the sound of the lock clicking into place behind him, because although you hated being stuck down here, being down here with him was worse. You hated the way he acted as if this were a perfectly normal way to behave, kidnapping a woman, holding her prisoner, talking about your relationship. It revolted you how fucked up the whole situation was; how fucked up he was. 
You spent a vast part of your days, watching the sun through the small windows, letting it torment you as it would creep closer to the horizon, coating the sky in a haze of pinks, oranges and violets, wishing you could be outside, soaking up its heat, feeling the wind brushing against your skin. It had only been a few days since you had been kidnapped yet you were already going stir crazy. Normally you could last, easily for whole weekends, spending the entire time inside but it was the mere act of being forced to stay inside that had really gotten under you skin. 
It was now the fourth day of life in the basement now and unlike every other night when he disappeared upstairs, taking the used trays with him, he returned shortly after. You watched as he read over some files, seemingly at ease on the couch as you sat in what had become your favourite armchair by the bookcase, trying to lose yourself to your new novel in vain. You were too amped up by this change in behaviour, why hadn’t he stayed upstairs after dinner? 
‘Why don’t you come over here Sweetheart? You look cramped on that small armchair.’ He glanced up at you over his papers and just like every other time he had “suggested” you do something over the past few days, you obeyed, walking over to him on stiff legs, despite the sinking feeling in your chest. You tried to keep reminding yourself that you just had to play along until you could escape. 
He patted the seat next to him and just like the dutiful little girl he was trying to turn you into, you sat down on the plush cushion, not objecting when he scooped your legs up, over his, curling you towards him. He tossed his papers down next to him and easily pried the book from your limp fingers, forcing your attention to him.
The feeling of having his hand on your bare thigh had you set on edge, your teeth clenching as his thumb leisurely traced invisible circles into your skin as if it were the most natural thing in the world. ‘How have you been feeling Sweetheart? About our situation?’ His eyes peered into yours, demanding an answer. 
You forced yourself to choke back all the nasty insults you wanted to scream at him; forced yourself to remember that if you played along now, you would weaken his defence, giving you a chance to escape. Your best faux smile made its way onto your face, teeth glinting a sparkling white in the light, your throat trying to constrict in on itself as you tried to think of a reply that would satisfy the deranged man sitting in front of you. 
‘I think that we could have gotten to this stage a lot easier than we have, but I’m feeling positive about our future.’ It didn’t matter that the future you spoke of no way coincided with what he had planned but that was okay, he didn’t have to know. 
His eyes narrowed at your response ever so slightly, but instead of the anger you were expecting, he merely smiled in chagrin, nodding to himself, leaving you with no idea whether or not he believed your lies. ‘Hmm, yes I suppose you’re right, but we’re here now and that’s all that matters.’ And just like that he completely dismissed your comment, justifying his methods to himself. He gave your thigh a gentle squeeze. ‘Why don’t you go and get ready for bed Sweetheart? It’s getting quite late.’ 
You had no idea whether what he was saying was true or not, other than the moonlight pouring in through the windows, you had no way of telling the time so you simply nodded, eager to be out of his arms as soon as possible. You practically ran to the wardrobe, grabbing the first nightgown you could find before heading over the bathroom to change and complete your nightly routine, expecting him to have disappeared upstairs by the time you were done. 
Your eyes flickered over to the couch as soon as the bathroom door was opened and you let out a quiet sigh of relief, he was gone, finally. However your relief was short lived as your gaze settled on the bed, seeing his shirtless figure, sitting up against the headboard, his eyes trailing over your body. 
It was only then that you realised you had chosen the worst nightgown possible in your haste. It was somewhat bridal, the white satin hugged your body, barely covering you at all with its spaghetti straps and deep v neck plunge that was lined with lace that matched the trail along the bottom of the short nightie, only just covering your behind. 
‘Oh darling, you look just exceptional, do a spin for me.’ 
Your body refused to move, your mouth opening and blurting out ‘what are you doing here?’ before you could think better of it. You didn’t miss the flash of anger that crossed over his face, the way his eyes darkened even further. 
‘I’m sleeping here Sweetheart, we’re taking the next step in our relationship. Now be a good girl and come join me on the bed.’ Just what “taking the next step” meant, you didn’t want to find out yet once again, despite your inner turmoil, you obeyed him, settling underneath the covers of the large bed, as far away from him as you could, lying on your side so you back was towards him. 
You heard him huff, the click of the lamp as it shut off, leaving you in darkness, the soft rustle of material as he lay down, his arms reaching out, wrapping around your body and with inexplicable ease, pulling it across the bed towards his. Your skin crawled as he pressed against your back, the bulge of his boxers inescapable as he trapped you in his arms. 
‘Goodnight Sweetheart.’ His lips pressed against your bare shoulder, his fingers gently squeezing the flesh of your stomach when you didn’t respond, prompting you. 
‘Goodnight.’ You whispered into the darkness, refusing to refer to him as any form of endearment or even by name. As far as you were concerned he was scum, unworthy even of that. 
As if he had read your mind, his murmuring broke the silence of the room. ‘Hmm, we’ll talk about that tomorrow. But sweet dreams darling.’ 
You watched as the sun rose, the sky turning golden as dawn approached. Although your normally slept  poorly down in the basement, last night you hadn’t slept at all, your eyes refusing to close. Every time you had come close, you had felt his arms tightening around you or his breathing down your neck, making it impossible to relax enough for sleep to claim you. 
You felt his arms tighten even further around you, his face nuzzling into your shoulder, the bulge which hadn’t disappeared over the course of the night press against you as he craved the friction. His lips brushed against your skin, leaving little open mouthed kisses across it as his hips increased their pace rubbing against you. 
‘You feel so good Sweetheart, I can’t wait to have you. You have no idea what you do to me; how long I’ve wanted you. But I want it to be right. You’re clearly not ready yet.’ 
Although you were very taken aback from his words, and questioned just how much he meant them, you welcomed the coldness as he kicked the duvet off, getting out of bed and taking a quick stretch. ‘Why don’t you get ready for breakfast, we have a lot to talk about today.’ You hadn’t meant to see it, but as your eyes flickered over to him instinctively as he spoke, there was no avoiding the small dark stain on his blue briefs, indicating just how excited he was as he left the room, the click of the lock singing out behind him. 
You wasted no time in showering, trying to erase the feeling of his hands on your skin, scrubbing your skin for as long as you dared, not wanting to still be in the bathroom when he came back. Heading into the wardrobe, you discarded the skimpy nightie from last night into the furthest corner of the drawer, making a note to yourself never to wear it again as you tried to find something suitable to change into. You finally settled on a pretty pale blue dress, it wasn’t your usual style, but nothing in the wardrobe was, it had white detailing along the collar and sleeves, that when mixed with the large buttons down the front gave the dress a very school-girl like appearance, the cinched waist giving you that classic 1940’s silhouette. 
As you came out of the wardrobe, Steve was just closing the door behind him, carrying the tray as usual, freshly showered and dressed. You met him at the table, taking the seat he held out for you. ‘Thank you.’ 
‘You’re welcome Sweetheart.’ He crossed the table and took his seat opposite you, picking up his knife and fork, inviting you to do the same. As you ate, you noticed the tupperware container still on the silver tray, eyeing it curiously. Steve seemed not to notice your curiosity, focussing on eating his own meal. Was he finally leaving you today? It looked like the container held some type of sandwich, possibly your lunch. Hope surged through you, maybe today would be the day. 
Steve waited until you had finished your scrambled eggs, before he started speaking, wanting your full attention. ‘Now Sweetheart, I’ve noticed over the past few days that you aren’t referring to me as I would like you to. You can call me a range of endearments, “darling”, “my love” or anything else that is deemed acceptable. How else am I supposed to know how seriously you’re taking our relationship?’ You refrained from rolling your eyes, internally thinking of possible ways to refer to him, none of which he would deem acceptable. 
You remembered the tupperware container, and just how close you might be to freedom so you decided to humour him, this one last time and you smiled as sweetly as you could. ‘Of course Darling, I understand.’ The words made you sick, but they were what it would take to get out there. 
He smiled back at you, his hand resting across the red lid of the container. ‘Now as much as I hate it, I have to go into the office today, the rest of the team are coming back today and I have to meet them for debrief. I won’t be back in time for lunch and so I’ve prepared you some food. While I’m away I still expect you to be on your best behaviour, you’ve been so good the past few days, I would hate for you to do something silly and ruin it all.’ His eyes bore into yours and you nodded, pretending to agree with him. He rounded the table again,  coming to kneel in front of you, his face directly in line with yours, his hands cupping your cheeks. ‘I’ll see you for dinner Sweetheart, have a nice day.’ 
Steve didn’t give you a chance to respond before his lips met yours. The kiss was soft and sweet and completely disgusting. You hated the way his lips pressed against yours, the way his tongue forced its way into your mouth, the way it covered every crevice, leaving his mark. 
When he finally pulled back, he smiled at you, thumbs brushing your cheekbones. ‘We’ll work on that too.’ He gave you a sly wink, making your skin crawl as you forced a smile. ‘Now have a nice day and behave.’ 
‘You too Darling.’ He smiled as he stood up, collecting the dishes before pressing a kiss to your temple and leaving you alone, finally. 
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VIII. The First Attempt
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For @wolfjackle​, who asked for the prompt “routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing” and gave me free reign for pairing. I hope you enjoy this short kirk/spock fic! <3
He’ll blame the mind-meld with Old Spock every time, but there are some things about being in a relationship with Spock that just come naturally to him. It would terrify him, if he gave himself even a minute to consider it. He’s never been somebody’s home before. Gods know, he’s never had a home himself. And yet. And yet, there are days like this:
He’s sitting in his study on the Enterprise, reading mission briefs for the next planet on the list. Spock has Delta Shift, which sucks, because they only get a few hours together once he gets off Alpha, but it’s how it has to be right now. This region of space is dangerously close to the Neutral Zone, and at least one senior crew-member must be on each shift. It makes sense to split them up, at least until they get to a safer area of space. That doesn’t mean he likes it. So he’s been sulking. Sue him.
“Jim.” Spock looks into their study. Jim pretends to ignore him, but he can’t help but notice the way the corners of his lips turn up at the sight of him. It’s perilously close to a smile.
“Do you still insist on blaming me for our current schedules?” Spock asks, moving to stand beside Jim’s desk.
Jim doesn’t look up, feigning concentration on the report in his hands.
“Jim. Captain.” When Jim continues to ignore him, Spock’s eyebrows twitch and Jim could swear he hears a faint sigh. “This is irrational. You are aware of the circumstances that require a senior officer on the bridge at all times. In fact, I believe you yourself approved the current rotation. You told Mr. Scott as much when he complained to you about being placed on Gamma Shift for the next two weeks. I believe your exact words were “It sucks for everyone, Scotty. Suck it up.””
Jim snorts. He can’t help it. There’s just something so… ridiculous about Spock parroting his speech patterns.
Spock’s eyes soften, and he allows himself a small smile, there in the privacy of their quarters. “Jim. T'hy'la. Look at me.”
He closes his eyes and exhales, running a hand through his hair. “I hate this, Spock. I barely get to see you anymore. Hell, we haven’t been in the same room for more than an hour or two for the past month.” He’s pouting. He knows he’s pouting. He doesn’t care. “It’s just… endless rounds of staring out at space, then seeing you for an hour or two for dinner, and then reports, then going to bed, maybe getting an hour with you for breakfast, then back on shift. I hate it. I haven’t seen Bones in a fucking month, Uhura I get for maybe half a shift on Mondays, I see Sulu in passing in the hallway since he’s on Beta Shift, Scotty won’t talk to me since I stuck him on Gamma - I just… At least you get to see Chekov on Delta. I’m… I’m bored. I’ve got all the junior bridge crew on Alpha, and they’re all to fucking scared of me to call me on my bullshit. Nobody dares even roll their eyes at me when I make a bad joke, they just laugh, because I’m the captain, no, I’m Captain Kirk, and therefore some sort of superhuman super-officer or something. I’m too afraid to mess with them because I think if I did I’d make them cry. And to make it all worse, I keep turning to look for you at my back, and you’re never there.” He pounds his fist on the table in frustration, getting a sick sort of satisfaction from the way it stings. “And it’s not like they’re bad officers. They wouldn’t have made it on the Enterprise if they were. But they’re not… they’re not family.” He sighs and buries his face in his hands.
“I know,” Spock says. “I, also, am not fond of our current arrangement.”
Jim looks at him then, startled. For Spock, that was the equivalent of a full blown tantrum.
Spock places a careful hand on Jim’s shoulder. “Jim. Did you honestly believe I wouldn’t rather be with you?”
“I…” and there it is, that stupid, weak, awful part of him that’s convinced he’ll never be good enough. That even though he’s Captain James T. Kirk, the guy who saved the earth, even with everything else he’s done, he’ll never be anything to anyone but some screwup kid that got lucky.
“T’hy’la,” Spock says, voice low and intense, full of conviction and an unspoken promise. “There is no place I would rather be, than here at your side.”
“I… I know.” Jim covers Spock’s hand with his, smiling at the blush that creeps over his cheeks at the gesture. He does know. It’s just, times like this, sometimes he forgets. “And I know it’ll be over soon. It’s just…”
“However brief, it is still unpleasant,” Spock finishes for him. “We must simply endure. Three more weeks, and we will be able to return to our routine.”
“Three weeks…” Jim shakes his head, squeezing Spock’s hand lightly. “I’ll do it. For you.” Then he smirks. “But only because I know Uhura and Scotty started a betting pool on how long it would take for me to go batshit crazy without you.”
“Of course,” Spock inclines his head. “It is illogical to allow your subordinates to continue to bet on your mental health.”
Jim laughs. “Sure. And I won’t say anything about your bet then. Five weeks huh?”
Spock’s not-smile makes a reappearance. “It is a logical bet. Particularly after our last mission. Or shall I remind you of your mental state upon my return from Illa IV?”
The captain hits him on the arm. “Don’t joke. We didn’t know if you were alive or dead for three of those weeks.”
“I was not the one Doctor McCoy was forced to tranquilize to keep you in sick bay.”
“Oh, like Bones ever needs an excuse to tranquilize me. He’s way too happy with those hypos, I swear.”
“Only because you are irrational and insist on putting yourself in hazardous situations.”
“Well, if you would stop getting into trouble planet-side -”
“I don’t believe my proclivity for falling into dangerous situations has anything to do with-”
The ding of Jim’s alarm interrupts whatever he had been about to say. He sighs, looking away. “Sounds like it’s about that time.”
Spock nods, stepping back. “I should report to the bridge.”
“Yeah. I guess it is.” Jim turns back to his reports, unconsciously holding out a hand. Spock blinks, then extends his fingers, brushing against his in a Vulcan kiss. Then, perhaps sensing the gesture wasn’t quite enough, he moves closer. Jim turns his face up to him expectantly, without even really realizing what he’s doing, for Spock to press a gentle human kiss to his forehead.
“Remain strong for me, t’hy’la,” Spock says. “We will be together again soon.” Then he turns, leaving a stunned and smiling Jim in his wake.
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tommyquackson · 5 years
Not Working | p. parker | part 4
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Not My Gif
summary: you and peter are together but maybe it’s just not working anymore
warnings: angst, depression, fluff cussing i think?
note: this was the final chapter and i loved this series. thank you guys for supporting it and showing it love. Make sure you request and read my other fics. ok love y’all enjoy!!!
this is Midway School of Science and Technology calling to inform you, you’ve missed 13 consecutive school days and if you miss 2 more you’ll be at risk of failing your courses and we will have to send police over to do a wellness check. We hope to see you in school tomorrow. Have a great day
So it’s been 13 days. You haven’t left your house in 13 fucking days. You’re beginning to smell yourself, you haven’t bathed or showered since the night everything went down. You just lay in bed, watching whatever black and white shows playing on MeTV at the time. You only eat about once a day, when reciting old life insurance commercials begins to hurt your brain. Your phone died a long time ago and you’re just now listening to the messages in your home phone.
You click delete on the message and let the next one play.
hey y/n, uh it’s Brad. Look i know you hate me but you haven’t been at school and nobodies heard from you so I just wanna make sure you’re okay. I do care about you and i wanted to say-
you roll your eyes and click delete again.
hey honey! Aunt May here, just wanted to let you know me and peter are safe and back home. I’d love for you to come over and have dinner on thursday, and don’t worry Peters visiting Tony so he won’t be here. Call me back or just show up okay hon. Love you bye.
Your hand dangled over the delete button before you sighed deeply. May never did anything to you, but how were you gonna pull it together enough to get to her. You were exhausted all the time, even if you never do anything. You looked at the time and date on your home phone and realized it’s Wednesday. You sigh deeply and pick up your home phone to call May. 
ring ring ring
“Y/n! Hey honey, how are you?” Mays voice sings through the phone and for a moment the world seems a little brighter. 
“Hey May,” You croak out, you havent spoken in almost 2 weeks and your throat hurts. “I’m not doing well May, everything hurts and I cant even get out of bed. I cant go to school, or eat or sleep or shower May I hate this. I hate it.” Your already raspy voice breaks into sobs and you wonder if she can even understand what youre saying. 
“I’m on my way y/n, its gonna be okay. I love you and I’ll see you in 10 minutes.” May speaks strongly before hanging up the phone. You do nothing but change pajamas and grab a bag of chips before moving back into your bed and wait for May. 
It’s not long before May is knocking and slowly opening your front door. 
She looks at you with tears in her eyes before walking over and oulling you into a hug. It feels weird to have human contact but you dont pull away, just allow her to cuddle you. 
“Lets get you a bath, I’ll help you wash your hair.” She smiles lightly before pulling you up and towards the bathroom.
 You sit on the toilet while she gets the water and bubbles ready. Once its ready she turns away while you strip down and step in, letting your body sink into the hot water and lavendar bubbles. She immediately picks up water in a cup and pours it over your head, careful to not let it spill in your eyes, shes treating you like a mother treats an infant but you dont have the capacity to stop her. You sit in silence for a while as she brushes through the mats in your hair until you decide to speak up. 
“May? Does he love me?” You croak out
She chuckles lightly before answering. 
“When I first met Ben, I knew right away I loved him. He swept me away without knowing it. It was instant love, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. The way he looked at me made the world disappear and I knew it was the kind of love they write books about. The kind of love that turns rainy days from gloomy to comfy, turns blistering heat into warmth and fun, Ben turned everything into a fairytale effortlessly. 
When you and Peter were in the 7th grade, and we threw him the birthday party, that youd planned most of, I remember looking at Ben and he was looking at me with the fairytale look. Ya know the one all the hot actors do in movies. Anyway, he was giving me that look and when I turned my head and watched you give Peter his present, I saw him give you the look, and you gave it right back it was precious. After that, everyday I saw you standing with Peter, he looked at you with the fairytale look, When he talks about you its with the same adoration he talks about Ben. 
There is no doubt in my mind Peter loves you with every bone in his super body, y/n. You’re young and he can be a bit niave sometimes but he loves you unconditionally honey. You love him more than he loves you and he loves you more than you love him.” She stops brushing my hair and without a word begins washing my body with bodywash. I didnt even realize I had started crying until I saw a tear fall into the tub.
“I love him May. I feel like I need him to breathe, to live. I just dont understand how he could choose her over me.” 
“Because hes a teenage boy and sometimes he doesnt think about what hw has, hes just like his uncle ben i’ll tell you that. You need to talk to him, maybe not now but soon, you need to tell him everything in your brain until its empty and your throat hurts from talking, and he will listen until his ears are sore from listening and his head hurts from understanding. Now, come get dressed and I’ll order us some pizza” May shakes her hands and drys them while handing you a fluffy towel. 
She spends the rest of the night, telling you about this season of the Bachelorette while she helps you clean and do laundry. 
“Thank you May.” You hug her as she grabs her purse to leave. 
“Anything for you baby,” She kisses your head and wavees goodbye. You take a deep breathe and walkback to your room, plugging in your phone to charge. 
After a few minutes it turns back on and slowly notifications start coming in, texts and calls and emails and dms from people and your old friends. You clear them all and head for you contacts, you find Peters name and decide to text instead of call. 
                                                                                                Can you come over?
hey, is everything okay? 
                                                           I need to talk to you
Of course, I’m on my way.
You sigh and begin writing down everything you need to talk about, until you hear a knock on your window. You shakily stand up move towards your window, opening it and taking a step back.
“Hi” Peter whispers with his hands in his pockets.
“Hi” You whisper back.
“What’d you uh wanna talk about” Peter asks, slowly bouncing on the ball of his feet.
“Uh okay, um please sit. So um, as you probably know i haven’t been to school in a minute and uh that’s because ive been laying in my bed depressed and confused. May come over today and she helped a lot and she convinced me to talk to you about everything and that’s what i’m doing so I just need you to listen to everything in gonna spill out and i’m gonna do my best to make everything make as much sense as possible.” You look to Peter for confirmation and continue when he nods quickly.
“Okay uh first, I wanna say I’m sorry, for everything. For Brad, for ignoring you and yelling at you and for being a shitty friend. You were right about Brad and i’m sorry I didn’t listen to you, I just wanted so bad to be wanted ya know? I was feeling so insecure about you loving me that I ran to the first person that showed interest in me. I’m also sorry i basically ditched you guys for him, i just couldn’t look at any of you without feeling nearly sick. But i miss my best friends and I miss you Peter.
I’ve known since we were children that you were special to me. I always assumed it was one sided because I’d seen you go after other girls so i felt like there was no way you could ever love me as much as i love you, but I know now that you do, or did or do i don’t know but I do know that for me, you’re everything I need. We’re soulmates Pete, I can feel it. I feel deep in my heart that the universe made us just to be together and being without you would be to deny the universe herself and who am i? I need you so much when you aren’t around me i can barely breathe and a part of me is missing. I love you unconditionally and I always have.
What you did with Mj killed me, shattered my heart because I felt like once again, you chose her over me, your bestfriend and girlfriend and I hated that feeling each time I got it. The night i broke up with you I cried until my head hurt to much to stay awake, i felt stupid for thinking you wanted me more than her and I understood it. I looked at Mj and it felt like a no brained to pick her but it still never felt right. I know you didn’t mean it and we’re still so young peter. We’re basically kids trying to form a life long relationship and we don’t know what we’re doing. I don’t know how or what i’m going to do but I wanna be with you peter. I would have to take it slow of course but that’s where i’m at with us. So um yea.” You let out a sigh of relief of getting everything off your chest. You look away from Peter and wipe the tears that had fallen during your mini speech.
“I love you. I do. So much. Ever since our breakup i’ve been planning and wondering how to get you back. I felt lost without you and I never wanted you to feel less than. You’re perfect in every way y/n. You’re my oxygen and MJ is honestly just a friend. She could never make me feel the way you make me feel. We’ve got May and Ben type of love babe I swear we do. It was a stupid mistake but of you give me another chance I promise I will spend the rest of my life proving to you you mean the world to me and i will choose you again and again. I love you y/n and i want you to always know that.” Peter speaks through tears as he pulls your body close to his. He whispers how much he loves you against your temple as you break down and sob into his chest.
“Can you stay the night?” You whisper up at him.
“Will you let me take you out? Friday?” He looks hopefully at you. You smile lightly and bite your lip.
“Then yes. I’ll stay with you” He kisses your forehead once more, before pulling you both under the covers to cuddle into you fall asleep to the beat of peters heart.
taglist: @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts @silver-winter-wolf @just4muggles @randomtrashpanda @sunshine-ybba @jin-hyuks @lovely-geek @jackiehollanderr @des0rbitadx @flowersgirl02 @eridanuswave @dear-selena @lavender-lovin @greatpizzascissorstaco
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chibinightowl · 5 years
In Sickness and In Health
Therapy writing. Stress writing. Call it what you will, this is exactly that. Angst and hurt/comfort ahead. A big thanks to @comebackolivia for many, many things, but this time, for the beta read.
Tim slammed the car door behind him, sucking in a deep breath as he placed his hands on the wheel. Hot tears stung at his eyes and through the blur, he could just make out the well-lit entrance of the hospital.
The hospital he’d spent the better part of the last twenty-four hours at and where Jason had just kicked him out with orders to go home, take a shower, and get some sleep. They both knew he was more than capable of staying awake for longer periods of time, but now really wasn’t a time to test the boundaries of Tim’s endurance.  
Not that he had much left, he begrudgingly admitted to himself as he clasped the wheel.
It was just…frustrating. Exhausting. Weeks of waiting for appointments and tests, of doing what the doctors told them, had ended with Tim entering the hall bathroom late last night to find Jason vomiting blood.
In the back of his mind, he hoped, prayed even, that this event would jumpstart things. And it had. As Jason was hooked up to an IV, a big fat bag of saline that his dehydrated body all too readily absorbed, Tim spent the time explaining to the doctor what brought them in. Weeks and weeks of watching his husband slowly starve despite all efforts to tempt his appetite. The amount of weight he’d lost over just two months. How the long-awaited appointment with the gastrologist turned into an appointment with the cardiologist because of Jason’s too low pulse and the shortness of breath when he spoke. And now, waiting even more for the heart tests while he was still starving.
It was a good day if Jason was able to eat a thousand calories of real food. The rest was made up of nutritional supplement shakes and other fluids. Solid foods might be out but liquids he took like a champ. Smoothies were hit or miss, and it never failed that when something piqued Jason’s appetite enough to be consumed one day, it utterly failed the next.  
To say it was frustrating was an understatement.
When he perked up some, Jason explained how he wanted to eat, that he loved food and exploring new places and cuisines with Tim was how they spent their date nights after a long week at work. He spoke about how he was the one who experimented in the kitchen, that his husband never failed to deliver a critique that comprised of praise, ideas for next time, and often, whoever came up with the original recipe was on crack because panko breadcrumbs just didn’t belong in meatballs.
“It’s like a crime against good meat.”
“Since when is sausage considered good meat?”
“Heathen. Remember those green chili brats we grilled up over Memorial Day? Didn’t hear you complainin’ then.”
The doctor chuckled as she made her notes, then suggested Jason be admitted into the hospital where he was promptly scheduled for a round of tests that consisted of exactly what they’d been waiting so long for.
Tim took a perverse joy in calling around later that morning to cancel those appointments, as well as leave messages with the other doctors that things had deteriorated to the point where Jason had been admitted. A silent fuck you was left unsaid at the end of every call.
Cleared of any heart issues, the upper GI endoscopy was now scheduled for the following morning. Tears of joy welled up in both their eyes as the nurse delivered that news, and Tim could still feel Jason’s hand wrapped weakly around his own.
“Fucking finally.”
“I know. And all it took was you vomiting blood.”
The news still didn’t make leaving any easier. After ten years of marriage, sleeping alone wasn’t something either of them did easily anymore. But there were things to do at home, such as spending time with their overgrown baby Darcy who probably hadn’t liked Stephanie coming over to take him out for his walks earlier. Their neighbor was a nurse who worked at Gotham General and had been the one to suggest Jason finally go to the hospital after Tim came pounding on her door the night before when the blood was still smeared around his husband’s mouth.
“Take him to Mercy. I know the drive is longer, but he’ll receive better care there.”
“Are you sure?”
“Damn right, I’m sure. General is a hellhole I can’t wait to get out of.”
Tim blinked hard and wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve. Sitting here in the parking lot wasn’t doing him any good and high above, the light from Jason’s window was dark. They’d joked earlier that the view of the parking lot below was utterly fantastic and conveyed a perfect atmosphere for the patients here.
“Get it together,” he muttered, fumbling with his keys before putting the right one in the ignition of his old Civic. The thing had lasted a lot longer than he’d ever dreamed and he fully planned to drive it until it started to fall apart around him.
He could already hear Jason’s snort. “And take you out with it, dumbass.”
Tears welled up again and Tim sniffed hard, starting the car and putting it in reverse before his mind wandered back to his husband.
He was going to be fine. They’d figure out what was wrong soon. Possibly tomorrow, which was a damn sight better than next month.
But the drive did nothing to distract Tim from his racing thoughts. If it were day, then he could at least focus on the traffic. However, it was late and even Gotham’s streets were mostly empty. The expressway crossing the Sprang even more so and without realizing it, he started to drive faster and faster, missing his exit altogether as his brain flitted between thoughts, each one growing more morbid than the next.
That was the way his mind worked though, going over every scenario whether he wanted to or not. It was hard to remain positive in the face of it all, but Tim had to because if he didn’t, then Jason would fall into another depressed funk. He was Jason’s rock.
But it hurt that his rock wasn’t available for him. Sure, he has friends he could talk to, but he didn’t want to burden them with everything. And his family? Forget it. His parents hadn’t liked his marriage to Jason from the start, even though they loved the social status that came from their son marrying a Wayne, adopted as he was. Jason’s family wasn’t much better, with Bruce off doing his own thing and barely around to mind his hell-spawn Damian. No one needed to know just how depressed he himself had become. How getting up each morning and leaving for work was the most difficult thing in the world because then he couldn’t be there for Jason if he needed him.
How it felt like nothing he did helped, even when Jason would take his hand and press a gentle kiss across the back of his knuckles with a whispered “thanks, babe”.
It would be absolute hell if those blue eyes, often so fuzzy from weakness these days, were to never open and greet him again.
Tears welled up once more as his unhelpful brain provided an image of just that, of Jason, thin and pale, with his beautiful eyes closed forever more. God, what was wrong with him? This was not happening. It wasn’t, not for years, decades, more. He was too young to be a widower.
The flashing lights behind Tim pulled him back to the present.
He glanced at the speedometer and winced. Crap.
Read the rest on Ao3.
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